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Quo Vadis Calgary 2012: Integration International Youth Leadership Conference

Canmore & Calgary, , Canada August 17 - 19, 2012


1 2 Leer from the Chair

Dear Delegates, Speakers, and Disnguished Guests,

More than four years ago two movated individuals had an idea and sparked a movement. The Quo Vadis Conference series have become a staple in Polonia communies not only in Canada but internaonally and I am proud to say that I am a part of this inspiraonal showcase of pride, character and movaon. Almost a year ago we began organizing the Quo Vadis Calgary 2012: Integraon, Internaonal Youth Leadership Conference and it has been one of the most amazing experiences I have ever encountered. For the first me ever the Quo Vadis Conference has occurred outside of Ontario and we are happy to share our home with you.

Alberta is known for its cultural diversity, strong economy, breath taking landscapes and versale environment. and Calgary are amongst Canada’s most prominent metropolitan areas and home to the second largest Polish community in Canada. Polish-Canadians have invested themselves strongly in Albertan society for over a century, contribung at the highest levels in culture, business, development, and polics. Alberta’s large Polish populaon has allowed for numerous clubs and organizaons to flourish, all dedicated to emphasizing Polish heritage and history. Now here we are, a young Polonia, contribung to the efforts of those who came before us. It is now our duty to integrate the knowledge that has been passed down, tweak it, and apply it to the contemporary sociees we live in.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who aended our conference; thank you to the delegates who are the future of a prosperous Polonia community, thank you to all our speakers who are an inspiraon and the role models that we look up to, thank you to our honorary advisors who make sure we are always on track and movate us to connue working as hard as we can, and thank you to our disnguished guests who took the me out of their busy schedules to be with us and share in the pride we have for our work. Finally, I would like to thank all the members of our execuve team who put in countless hours into compleng all tasks with finesse and without hesitaon or complaint. Without you this conference could never be the success it is.

We sincerely hope you enjoyed the conference weekend, learned and absorbed as much as possible, socialized and networked. Remember that we are the future. Don’t ever forget where you came from but never stop quesoning where you are going, Quo Vadis?


Natalia Dmuchowska Chair

3 Rafter Six Ranch Quo Vadis Calgary 2012: Integration Sunday, August 19, 2012International Youth Leadership Conference

4 Quo Vadis: From the beginning...

As the co-founders of the iniave, Kamil Mróz and Magda Sulzycka were asked a few quesons to give our delegates an idea on how Quo Vadis came into existence. This is what they had to say:

Why create QV, and how did its creaon come about?

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." Marn Luther King Jr.

Kamil: Energized by a backpacking trip across South America, I returned to Canada wanng to make my last year count with the Polish Students’ Society at the University Of Oawa (PSSUO). I proposed the idea at a meeng, but I didn't get much of a response, except from Magda, one of the people that I counted on the most since we had already worked together before with great success. We agreed that we would do this on one condion, that we would not let each other fail. We were pung a lot on the line. Imagine booking a hotel for a couple of thousand dollars upfront on your personal credit card (which Magda did) without having any revenue or sponsorship at the me. That's how much we trusted each other. We promised not to let each other down, but above all not let Polonia down. Knowing that we were about to embark on a journey into the unknown was exhilarang, but at the same me unseling. It was an uphill climb and every step of the way it was a learning process because no one had ever done this before. Nevertheless, we were convinced that if we didn't start thinking about the future with a vision of unity, inclusion and parcipaon of youth in the decision-making process of Polonia, the efforts of previous generaons, like our veterans (SPK), would not be sustained for the benefit of future generaons. Like a great American President once said "It's only when you hitch your wagon to something larger than yourself that you realize your true potenal". That's exactly what happened; we realized our true potenal as leaders, but also the true potenal of the young generaon in Polonia as leaders.

Magda: Truth be told, my desire to create QV was one that spawned from my addicon of taking on large projects. Thankfully, my Polish Students' Society at the University of Oawa (PSSUO) co-president, Kamil, was just as eager to take this on and, since we knew this would be our culminang contribuon for Polish students aer four years at the University of Oawa. Things evolved rather organically from there. We were able to build off of one another's enthusiasm, and eventually, as the team got larger, build off the great ideas and excitement that the other organizers (Andrzej Antoszkiewicz, Ania Barycka, Marta Janczerska, and Artur Zdziechowski) brought to the project.

You could have organized a conference relang to any topic, so why Polonia?

Magda: My senments towards community can be summed up in the words of John Paul II: "Anything done for another is done for oneself." To a certain extent, everything I do in Polonia, I do for me, and whatever I have "done" for Polonia has been returned to me three mes over. The incredible support I received and connue to receive from members of the community, the experiences I have had, and the friendships I have made are worth much more than the hours spent working on QV or other Polonia projects. When I first jumped on the QV train four years ago, I saw it as an excing new project; now I see it as one of the smartest life investments I have ever made. And at the end of the day, I just love being a part of this community.

5 Kamil: Since the beginning the idea of Quo Vadis went deeper than just being a conference. Quo Vadis proposed an empowering experience 'for young people by young people' to rise above the challenges we were facing as young people. It was through the sharing of best pracces, discussing pressing issues and above all honing our leadership skills that we could overcome those challenges. Not only does QV represent a new way of thinking in Polonia, but also aims to tackle some fundamental problems that were not being addressed by the mainstream organizaons. For instance the lack of foresight to include young people in the decision making process, the bierness (pey polics) between Polonia organizaons, and the atude of certain individuals to belile other just to make a name for themselves. Not to menon, that there were certain people in the community whose myopic vision and divisive mentality were drowning out the legimate voices in Polonia, which wasn't moving us forward as a community and also discouraging young people from geng involved. This type of mentality was slowly chipping away at the strength and resilience of the Polish community. We were convinced that this needed to change. In order to rise above this type of mentality and propose real soluons based on a vision of unity, collaboraon and inclusion, we proposed Quo vadis, a vision that recognized and celebrated our history, but focused on where we were going as a community – literally Quo Vadis?

What was your role in the project?

Magda: Our whole PSSUO team was involved in the event planning process, pitching and expanding on other people's ideas. Throughout the project, many of our roles intertwined. Nevertheless, there was definitely a natural division of roles that occurred as we began to recognize our own strengths and weaknesses. My chief focus was the logiscal aspect of the conference, that being booking venues, securing locaons, handling catering, ordering materials, and so on. My team comprised three individuals: me, Marta Janczerska, and Artur Zdziechowski, two junior execuve members of the Polish Students' Society of the University of Oawa. They were my two le hands at that me... but not in the Polish "dwie lewe ręce" sense; I'm le-handed, so what I very inarculately mean to say is that they were invaluable to both me and the project. Further to that, I was very heavily supported by Prof. Richard Sokoloski of the University of Oawa's Department of Modern Languages and Literature who, in his humble nature, to this day refuses to acknowledge how significant a QV contributor he really is. I also worked with a number of officials of the Embassy of the Republic of Poland, most notably Artur Michalski (currently the Director of the Eastern Department of Poland's Ministry of Foreign Affairs) whose unwavering support throughout the project was absolutely astounding. Again, both these individuals played an integral role in the logiscal shaping of the event.

Kamil: Working in a small team everybody had to pitch in and provide support. The work was divided according to everybody's strengths and at many mes we had to work closely together on many issues. Among other, I was parcularly responsible for overseeing the project, engaging key stakeholders, providing strategic direcon, coordinang team meengs, movang team members, markeng and PR, and securing sponsorship opportunies. I have to acknowledge the many efforts of the rest of the PSSUO team without whom Quo Vadis would have not been possible including Magda, Artur, Marta, Carmela, Ania and also the efforts of non-PSSUO members such as Dr. Andrzej Wielgosz (who had organized a similar conference to Quo Vadis in 1971), Andrzej Antoszkiewicz (who got us the Parliament of Canada for our opening ceremonies!), Tony and Janina Muszyński (Sponsorship and inspiraon), Irene Tomaszewski (inspiraon), Jerzy Barycki (unyielding support for young people and movaon) and Embassy staff who played an integral role in realizing the project. Not to menon, the members of Polonia who entrusted us with this great responsibility and donated to the cause. Aer 4 successful edions of the conference, I can honestly say that we did not let them down.

6 Did you face any challenging situaons while organizing the conference? If so, how did you handle them?

Magda: Despite the size of the event and the stresses along the way, there were few hiccups during the event planning itself. As with any team event planning of this scale, we had differences of opinions along the way but generally resolved them immediately so as to maintain a cohesive working environment. What I enjoyed most about our group dynamic, both within my team and at the boardroom table in general, is that there was lile "treading on one another's toes" going on. We all complemented one another well, so overall things went along smoothly. In my opinion, the most challenging situaons occurred during the event itself. Plan as much as you want, there will always be unforeseen problems popping up. My and my team's objecve was to deal with these "surprises" immediately and sequenally so as to keep stress levels low amongst volunteers and organizers and to keep the event running smoothly.

Kamil: "Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is oponal" said Roger Crawford. Every organizaon and iniave has its obstacles to overcome, what made this situaon exceponally difficult is that from get-go we were facing an uphill climb. To organize a conference from scratch involves a lot of me, energy, dedicaon and above enduring a lot of people telling you that it can’t be done. This was probably one of the biggest hurdles to overcome, the barrage of negave opinions that isn’t based on construcve cricism, which we too oen find in the Polish community. Nevertheless, through our convicon and great team work we were able to stay focused on our goal and overcome this challenge.

Kamil Mróz, together with Carmela Ruta, presenng the idea of Excited winners of the first Leadership Challenge embracing the Quo Vadis Conference publically for the first me Magda Sulzycka (centre) and Kamil Mròz (le)

What inspired you then and connues to inspire you today?

Magda: I try to surround myself with over-achievers. I find that being in environments where I'm with people who are doing really interesng things with their lives inspires me to do to the same. We don't have to be working in similar fields; their own enthusiasm for their work is something that I idenfy with, and it pushes me towards achieving my own goals. Thankfully, there's no shortage of ambious and interesng people in Polonia.

7 Kamil: Key historical leaders that have always been a source for inspiraon for me are Mahatma Ghandi, Marn Luther King Jr. and John Paul II. In terms of the conference, a lot of my inspiraon came from aending lectures by the Polish-Canadian Combatants (SPK), where I would witness the stories and sacrifices of previous generaons (our parents and grandparents) to come to Canada. While looking for jobs and a way to make ends meet, they somehow found me to keep our Polish heritage alive from which I have benefited from greatly. Because of this I am proud to speak Polish, have aended Polish scouts, prayed at Polish church and many more. We are all products of their hard work and sacrifice, which is a fundamental inspiraon of Quo Vadis to pass it on.

Magda: While I've focused on work as a civil servant quite a bit over the last several years, traveling around Canada and taking and giving training in my field, I've always made me for more educaon. Aer my undergrad, I took on post-graduate studies in finance at McMaster University (a field I'm bizarrely passionate about) and will soon be compleng the program. In a few weeks me, I will also be commencing graduate studies at York University in Disaster and Emergency Management. However, I always find me for Polonia. I do a lot of blogging for PISK (Polska Inicjatywa Studentów w Kanadzie) and am currently involved in the Iskra Project, which is a Polish-Canadian youth mentorship program. What I'm most excited for right now is a transion into private sector work via a fledgling consulng firm I'm a new partner of. Like I said: I have an addicon to big projects.

Why should people be a part of the QV movement, or Polonia in general?

Magda: Every human being needs to be part of some sort of community. We're social beings and ulmately, whether it's this community or another, I encourage everyone to get socially acve. Nonetheless, to properly answer the "why Polonia" bit, I would say that it goes beyond being part of a transient movement. Polonia gives you the chance to live through and share something integral to the life that your grandparents and/or ancestors lived, and to pave the way for a future where your children and children's children will be able to relate to you; in the meanme, whenever you come out for these events, you feel like you’re with family. I'll spare you from further rambling by saying that anything I could describe on paper would pale in comparison to experiencing it for yourself. I encourage any Curious George to aend one big Polonia event. I can almost guarantee that you'll understand the value of Polonia aer you do that. QV's an incredible place to start!

Kamil: For students and young professionals, Polonia is a great way to hone your leadership skills and meet like-minded people that are brought together by a common pride in Polish language, culture and history. The QV movement represents a fun, excing and collaborave way to get involved in Polonia, but also to shape Polonia to meet your needs and expectaons as young people. Quo Vadis can be the place where you meet your next business partner, collaborator on a project or even girlfriend or wife. For those who really want to hone their leadership skills and step up to the challenge and prepare a bid to host the next Quo Vadis! Oawa, Windsor, Toronto, Calgary, Chicago...where next?

8 Conference Schedule Friday, August 17, 2012

2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Registration and Check-in Location: Café Polonaise, Polish Canadian Cultural Centre, Calgary, Alberta

4:30 pm - 6:00 pm Dinner Reception Dress Code: Business Casual Location: Main Hall, Polish Canadian Cultural Centre, Calgary, Alberta

6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Opening Ceremonies, hosted by Natalia Dmuchowska and Adam Broniewski • White Hat Ceremony • Janusz Cisek, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Poland • Hon. Thomas Łukaszuk, Deputy • Keynote Address: Hon. Allan H. Wachowich, Q.C., LL.D. Dress Code: Business Casual Location: Main Hall, Polish Canadian Cultural Centre, Calgary, Alberta

7:30 pm - 8:00 pm Group Picture

8:00 pm - 9:30 pm Transportation to Canmore, Alberta

9:30 pm - 10:00 pm Hotel Check-in Location: Reception, Radisson Hotel, Canmore, Alberta

10:00 pm - 11:00 pm Hors D’oeuvres/Late Night Snack Dress Code: Casual Location: Vic’s Concourse, Radisson Hotel, Canmore, Alberta

9 Conference Schedule Saturday, August 18, 2012

7:30 am - 9:00 am Breakfast Dress Code: Casual Location: Vic’s Concourse/Crocus/Arnica, Radisson Hotel, Canmore, Alberta

9:00 am - 10:30 am Bold! By Greg Kołodziejżyk, introduced by Ania Wardzała Dress Code: Business Casual Location: Orchid/Lady Slipper, Radisson Hotel, Canmore, Alberta

10:30 am - 10:45 am Coffee Break Location: Vic’s Concourse, Radisson Hotel, Canmore, Alberta

10:45 am - 12:15 pm Panel 1: Embracing Your Polish Roots and Becoming a Canadian Leader, introduced and moderated by Antoni Kowalczewski Panel Sponsored by SPK Panelists: Wiktor Mazur, Tony Muszynski, Sofia Kawczyńska-Butrym Dress Code: Business Casual Location: Orchid/Lady Slipper, Radisson Hotel, Canmore, Alberta

12:15 pm - 1:45 pm Lunch and Poland Exposé Dress Code: Business Casual Location: Orchid/Lady Slipper, Radisson Hotel, Canmore, Alberta

1:45 pm - 3:15 pm Panel 2: Nurturing Polish-Canadian Cooperation and Integration, introduced and moderated by Antoni Kowalczewski Panelists: Blaine Calkins, Peter Mielżynski Jr., Zenon Kosiniak-Kamysz Dress Code: Business Casual Location: Orchid/Lady Slipper, Radisson Hotel, Canmore, Alberta

10 Conference Schedule Saturday, August 18, 2012

3:15 pm - 3:30 pm Coffee Break Location: Vic’s Concourse, Radisson Hotel, Canmore, Alberta

3:30 pm - 5:15 pm Interactive Workshop: Identifying and Solving Community Challenges Faced by Polish-Canadian Youth, introduced and moderated by honourary advisors Dress Code: Business Casual Location: Crocus/Arnica, Radisson Hotel, Canmore, Alberta

5:15 pm - 6:00 pm Presenting of work from Interactive Workshop

6:00 pm - 6:30 pm Free time to prepare for Social Networking Event

6:30 pm - 7:00 pm Cocktails Dress Code: Semi-Formal/Formal Location: Vic’s Concourse, Radisson Hotel, Canmore, Alberta

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm Social Networking Event and Dinner, hosted by Julia Buczek • Pisk Award Ceremony • Zenon Kosiniak-Kamysz, Polish Ambassador to Canada • Janusz Cisek, Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, PL • Keynote Address: Lieutenant-Colonel Walter Perchał Dress Code: Semi-Formal/Formal Location: Crocus/Arnica, Radisson Hotel, Canmore, Alberta

9:00 pm - 1:00 am Social, introduced by Maciek Piekarski Music by Sunseekerz Dress Code: Semi-Formal/Formal Location: Crocus/Arnica, Radisson Hotel, Canmore, Alberta

11 Conference Schedule

Sunday, August 19, 2012

8:00 am - 10:00 am Breakfast Dress Code: Casual Location: Vic’s Concourse/Crocus/Arnica, Radisson Hotel, Canmore, Alberta

8:30 am - 10:30 am Sunday Eucharist (Roman Catholic) *transportation to and from Banff included* Dress Code: Business Casual Location: St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Church, Banff, Alberta

8:30 am - 11:00 am Hotel Check-Out Luggage will be put into storage as delegates check out. Delegates who check out early may take this time to explore Canmore.

*These activities will be happening simultaneously. It is the responsibility of the delegate to organize their time to attend all desired portions of the morning.

11:00 am - 11:30 am Transportation to Rafter Six Ranch

11:30 am - 2:00 pm Leadership Challenge Dress Code: Casual Location: Rafter Six Ranch, Exshaw, Alberta

2:00 pm - 3:30 pm Lunch and PechaKucha Presentations, led and moderated by Adam Broniewski Dress Code: Casual Location: Rafter Six Ranch, Exshaw, Alberta

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Closing Ceremonies, hosted by Natalia Dmuchowska Dress Code: Casual Location: Rafter Six Ranch, Exshaw, Alberta

4:30 pm - 6:30 pm Transportation back to Calgary, Alberta Location: Polish Canadian Cultural Centre, Calgary, Alberta

12 Opening Ceremonies Friday, August 17, 2012

White Hat Ceremony Scan this code with your smartphone to watch Janusz Cisek’s speech

Janusz Cisek Undersecretary of State, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Poland

Born in 1955, Janusz Cisek is a graduate of the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, where he returned in 2004 as Professor of 20th Century Trans-Atlantic Relations and the Social History of Europe at the Institute of European Studies. He is the author of 21 books as well as over 200 scholarly articles and general press articles. As a historian he is also a frequent commentator on history and culture in various media; hosted (among others) the television show “Konflikty, Bitwy, Wojny” (Conflicts, Battles, Wars) on the TVP-Historia channel; while in Warsaw, he initiated a citywide program entitled “Dotknij Niepodległości” (Touching Independence) which consisted of a cycle of events with participation ranging from 100,000 to 200,000. His major community effort has been involved in working with the ”Strzelec” Riflemens’ Association, a paramilitary civic and educational association with 5,000 members.

Cisek was selected as the Director of the Piłsudski Institute in New York (1992-2000), after his return to Poland; he was appointed Deputy Director of the Department of International Relations and European Integration at the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. While in that post, he served as the Ministry’s Delegate to the Council of Europe’s Committee on Culture (Strasbourg). During that same period he had oversight over several major cultural projects both in Poland and abroad. He also served as the Deputy Mayor (2002-2003) in his hometown of Stalowa Wola (70,000 residents).

Appointed Director of the Muzeum Wojska Polskiego in Warsaw, Professor Cisek served there from 2006-2012. The museum, at the suggestion of (then) Minister of Defense, Radosław Sikorski, initiated preparatory work for the construction of a new edifice for the Museum of the Polish Army and the repurposing of an existing building for the Katyn Crime Museum, both to be located at the Warsaw Citadel (Cytadela).

On June 11, 2012, Cisek was appointed Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs where he oversees the Department of Consular Affairs and the Polish Diaspora as well as European Information.

13 Opening Ceremonies Friday, August 17, 2012

Strongly Agree 10%

Disagree Agree 10% 50%

Undecided 30%

QV Survey Results

“The QV Conference has inspired me to join an organization within my community.”

14 Opening Ceremonies Opening Ceremonies Friday, August 17, 2012 Friday, August 17, 2012

Scan this code with your smartphone to watch Honourable Thomas Łukaszuk’s speech

Honourable Thomas Łukaszuk Deputy Premier of Alberta

Born April 5, 1969 in Poland and raised in north Edmonton, Mr. Łukaszuk graduated with a bachelor’s degree in education from the and taught in Edmonton schools before starting Injured Workers Advocates Inc. (IWA), a firm designed to assist injured workers with work-related injury claims. Before becoming an MLA, he served on the Social Care Facilities Review Committee; the Citizens Appeal Panel (chair), which led to government policy changes to social benefits; and the Alberta Lotteries Review Committee. He conducted a review of Alberta daycares, foster homes, group homes and homeless shelters for the Minister of Childrens Services.

Due to his volunteer contributions across Alberta, Thomas Łukaszuk received the Order of St. John Investiture and Award of Excellence which is administered Vice-Regally on behalf of Queen Elizabeth ll. He has also been decorated with the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal for his community service and the Alberta Centennial Medal for his contributions to the province. On Saturday, May 7th at the Concordia University College 2011 Spring Convocation Event, Thomas was awarded a 2011 Distinguished Alumni Award.

Mr. Łukaszuk has a history of involvement with community groups. He coached soccer through the Edmonton Northwood Community League, has been a Scout leader and is a strong supporter of the Hope Foundation. He is a past president of the Youth Friendship Society and a Knight of Columbus.

15 Opening Ceremonies Opening Ceremonies Friday, August 17, 2012 Friday, August 17, 2012

Tony Muszyński PCA, KPK Canada

Founder and first Program Director of Poland in the Rockies, Tony works as an immigration lawyer and recruiter in Calgary with most of his professional work related to increasing the immigration of Polish nationals to Canada. He is Vice-President of both the Canadian Polish Congress (Western Canada) and the Canada- Poland Youth Internship Society. He leads The Athabasca Project for the Canadian Polish Congress, a project that has as its main goal significantly increasing skilled worker immigration to Canada from Europe. Tony’s parents are survivors of the 1940 Soviet deportations to Siberia. They inspired his firm belief in the importance of young North Americans of Polish descent (and indeed all North Americans) knowing more about the Polish historical narrative.

Jarek Nowinka Barbara Gorzkowska KPK Alberta SPK - Koło 18

16 Opening Ceremonies Opening Ceremonies Friday, August 17, 2012 Friday, August 17, 2012

Honourable Allan H. Wachowich Q.C., LL.D.

The Honourable Allan H. Wachowich, Q.C., LL.D., recently retired as Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta, a position he held from December 12, 2000 to September 30, 2009. Allan also served as the Associate Chief Justice of the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta for close to eight years, a member of the Court of Queen's Bench of Alberta for most of 36 years and a deputy judge of the Yukon Supreme Court, the Northwest Territories Supreme Court and the Nunavut Court of Justice.

The retired Chief Justice dealt with most areas of the law during his long and distinguished judicial career, but he particularly enjoys files with insurance and insolvency dimensions and participating in the alternative dispute resolution process. Allan heard all Canadian Commercial Bank liquidation applications to the Court of the Queen's Bench of Alberta from 1985 to 2000. He was the chair of the Alberta Insurance Board from 1978 to 1993 and had an extensive insurance practice before he became a judge at 39 years of age. He was the Canadian Football League's pro bono arbitrator for 20 years.

Scan this code with your smartphone to watch Honourable Allan H. Wachowich’s speech

17 Opening Ceremonies Opening Ceremonies Friday, August 17, 2012 Friday, August 17, 2012

QV Survey Results

“The QV Conference has inspired me to join an organization within my local Polonia community.”

Strongly Agree 45%

Agree 18%

Disagree 9%

Undecided 27%

18 Bold! By Greg Kołodziejżyk Saturday, August 18, 2012

Greg Kołodziejżyk

Greg Kołodziejżyk's mission is to conquer the world by human power. Greg is a successful athlete, inventor, entrepreneur, and world record holder, who has an amazing tale of success built on ambitious goals, determined action, hard work and foresight. He has built and sold two successful companies in addition to setting two world records for fastest human-power land and water travel in a 24-hour period. Additionally, he has completed 12 Ironman triathlons, numerous 100- mile ultramarathons and 18 marathons. He offers audiences an entertaining, uplifting, and informative tale of one man's journey to conquer the world by human power.

Scan this code with your smartphone to watch Greg Kołodziejżyk’s speech

19 Bold! By Greg Ko ł odziej Bold!ż Byyk Greg Kołodziejżyk Saturday, August 18, 2012 Saturday, August 18, 2012

Scan this code with your smartphone to watch the second part of Greg Kołodziejżyk’s speech

20 “Embracing your Polish roots and becoming a Canadian Leader” Panel Discussion Saturday, August 18, 2012

Professor Zofia Kawczyńska-Butrym

Zofia Kawczyńska-Butrym, professor of sociology, is head of the Department of General Sociology and Migration Studies at the Marie Curie-Sklodowska University in Lublin. In 2009 she published the book entitled “Migracje. Wybrane Zagadnienia”, which was awarded as the best scientific book of 2009 by the Lublin Scientific Society. In recent years she has collaborated on her work with the Catholic University of Lublin. She also conducted studies at her own university for the Ministry of Higher Education entitled “Departures of Poles – Arrivals of Ukrainians. Local Migration Problems in the Lublin Region, 2012”. Mrs. Zofia Kawczyńska-Butrym’s next topic of research will be migration Wiktor Mazur studies concerning youth that have emerged from the migration wave of the 1980’s and she is very excited to meet with us. Wiktor Mazur is a Polish Canadian who came to Alberta in 1991. He grew up in Calgary, graduated from Pope John Paul II Polish School, and studied Mechanical Engineering at the University of Calgary. After graduation his work placements sent him abroad, where his climbing ambitions started taking shape. He climbed the tallest mountains in the UK, Sweden, Norway, and started taking on higher and continuously more challenging mountains. A work placement in Bolivia exposed him to the tall Andes and real high-altitude mountaineering. His climbing reached its literal peak on May 17 2010 when he summited Mount Everest. He currently works as an Engineer in Calgary, has lead a local Polish Boy Scout group, is an active Knight of Columbus, and makes the most of the nearby Rocky Mountains on the weekends.

Tony Muszyński

21 “Embracing your Polish roots and becoming a Canadian Leader” Panel Discussion Saturday, August 18, 2012

22 Lunch and Poland Exposé Saturday, August 18, 2012

Agree 27%

QV Survey Results

“The QV Conference has inspired me to be more active in Polish student and/or Strongly Agree 55% young professional organizations.”

Undecided 18%

23 Lunch and Poland Exposé Lunch and Poland Exposé Saturday, August 18, 2012 Saturday, August 18, 2012

Delegate Ice Breaker

QV Survey Results

“I feel more united to Canada’s national Polonia community.”

73% of our respondents answered with “strongly agree”.

24 “Nurturing Polish Canadian Cooperation and Integration” Panel Discussion Saturday, August 18, 2012

Scan this code with your smartphone to watch Blaine Calkins’ speech

Blaine Calkins Member of Parliament, Canada First elected as the Member of Parliament for the Constituency of Wetaskiwin in 2006, Blaine captured over 75 percent of the votes cast and was re-elected in the October 2008 General Election. Blaine was once again re-elected in 2011, this time securing 81.5% of the popular vote. He has served on the following House of Commons Standing Committees; National Defence, Justice and Human Rights and was the Vice Chair of the Standing Joint Committee of the Library of Parliament. Blaine also served as a Member on the Standing Committees of Fisheries and Oceans and Environment and Sustainable Development. He currently sits on the Standing Committee on Natural Resources and was chosen to chair the Alberta Caucus following his re-election in 2011. Blaine is Chair of the Canada-Poland Parliamentary Friendship Group and an executive member of both the NATO Parliamentary Association and the Inter- Parliamentary Union. An avid outdoorsman, Blaine enjoys camping, hiking, fishing, golfing and playing guitar. Blaine and his wife Barbara have three children.

25 “Nurturing “Nurturing Polish Polish Canadian Canadian Cooperation Cooperation and Integration”and Integration” Panel PanelDiscussion Discussion Saturday, August 18, 2012 Saturday, August 18, 2012

Strongly Agree QV Survey Results 45% “I wish more similar opportunities existed for Polish-Canadian students and young professionals.” Agree 55%

26 “Nurturing “Nurturing Polish Polish Canadian Canadian Cooperation Cooperation and Integration”and Integration” Panel PanelDiscussion Discussion Saturday, August 18, 2012 Saturday, August 18, 2012

Scan this code with your smartphone to watch His Excellency Zenon Kosiniak-Kamysz’ speech

His Excellency Zenon Kosiniak-Kamysz Zenon Kosiniak-Kamysz was born on February 25, 1958 in Bieniaszowice. He graduated from the Department of Organisation and Management at the Technical University in Dresden. From 1984 till 1986 he was a deputy contract chief at Kracow's Industrial Building Company Krakbud, based in Leipzig. From 1986 till 1989 he was a vice-director in the Kracow office of the Polish Chamber of Foreign Trade. He joined the Polish diplomatic service in 1990, when he was appointed First Secretary at the Polish Embassy in Budapest. From 1994 till 1996 he worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and subsequently the Ministry of Foreign Economic Cooperation, where he was a department director. From 1996 till 2001, he worked as a Commercial Counsellor at the Polish Embassy in Berlin. From 2001 to 2003, he held the post of Undersecretary of State in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration. From August 2003 until June 2007, he was the Ambassador of Poland in Slovakia. From September 2007 till March 2008, he was Counsellor Minister - Director of the Trade and Investment Promotion Division at the Polish Embassy in Berlin. On March 7, 2008, he was appointed Undersecretary of State for Armaments and Modernization in the Ministry of National Defence, a position he held until the end of 2009 when he was appointed as the Ambassador of Poland to Canada. Zenon speaks German, English, Slovak and Russian.

QV Survey Results

“I found I was able to take away something meaningful from all guest speakers.”

Strongly Agree 36% Agree 55%

Undecided 9% 27 “Nurturing “Nurturing Polish Polish Canadian Canadian Cooperation Cooperation and Integration”and Integration” Panel PanelDiscussion Discussion Saturday, August 18, 2012 Saturday, August 18, 2012

Scan this code with your smartphone to watch Peter Mielżynski’s speech

Peter Mielżynski Jr.

Peter Mielżynski Jr. is the president and CEO of PMA Canada, the country’s largest importer of wine and spirits. Although his father was the founder of the company, Peter Mielżynski Jr. knew how to capitalize on his Polish roots and Canadian foundation. In 1982 he opened the Alberta chapter of PMA and this made the company the great success it is today. Peter has more than 32 years experience in the Wine, Spirit, and Beer Industry in Canada having worked at McGuinness Distillers, the L.C.B.O and PMA. In 1982, Peter opened up the Alberta market for PMA and was successful, as a representative, in building a solid base of future sales in this important Canadian market. From 1986 to 1990, he became the Martini & Rossi Canadian Brand Manager. In 1991, Peter was selected as Executive Vice-President for PMA in charge of sales and marketing throughout Canada and in 1994, the PMA Board of Directors appointed Peter as President & C.E.O. He also became a shareholder and Director of PMA in 1994. Peter graduated from Clarkson University (Potsdam, New York) with a Bachelor of Science with Distinction in 1982. In January 2007, he earned his certificate in Business Excellence from Columbia Business School.

28 Interactive Workshop: “Identifying and Solving Community Challenges Faced by Polish-Canadian Youth” Saturday, August 18, 2012

QV Survey Results

70% of our respondents enjoyed the Interactive Workshop and found it to be beneficial.

29 Interactive Workshop Presentations Saturday, August 18, 2012

Agree 27% QV Survey Results

“I feel more united to my local Polonia Strongly Agree 55% community.” Undecided 9% Disagree 9%

30 Interactive Workshop Interactive Presentations Workshop Presentations Saturday, August 18, 2012 Saturday, August 18, 2012

31 Pre-Dinner Reception Saturday, August 18, 2012

QV Survey Results

63% of our respondents feel that the QV Conference has inspired them to initiate a new project within their local Polonia community.

32 Pre-Dinner Reception Pre-Dinner Reception Saturday, August 18, 2012 Saturday, August 18, 2012

QV Survey Results

100% of our respondents would recommend the Quo Vadis Conference to their peers and co-workers.

33 Pre-Dinner Reception Pre-Dinner Reception Saturday, August 18, 2012 Saturday, August 18, 2012

QV Survey Results

100% of our respondents agree that the QV Conference was beneficial to them in one way or another.

34 Social Networking Event and Dinner Saturday, August 18, 2012

35 Social Networking SocialEvent Networking Event and Dinner Saturday, August 18, 2012 Saturday, August 18, 2012

Polska Inicjatywa Studentów w Kanadzie (PISK) Awards Ceremony

Polish Canadian communities are shaped by the people who live in them, and especially by the contributions of extraordinary individuals. The PISK Medal for Exemplary Service seeks to recognize those who have made a sustained and innovative contribution in the Polish community, demonstrating leadership, initiative, and perseverance. His Excellency Zenon Kosiniak-Kamysz, Ambassador of Poland to Canada, was presented with the PISK Medal for Exemplary Service at the PISK Awards Ceremony, held during the Social Networking Event and Dinner at Quo Vadis Calgary 2012.

36 Social Networking SocialEvent Networking Event and Dinner Saturday, August 18, 2012 Saturday, August 18, 2012

Keynote Address by Lieutenant-Colonel Walter Perchal

Scan this code with your smartphone to watch Walter Perchał’s speech

Lieutenant-Colonel Walter Perchał

Walter Perchał currently teaches in both the graduate and undergraduate programs of the York University program in Disaster and Emergency Management. Additionally at York University, he is the Executive Director of the Schulich School of Business, Executive Education Centre of Excellence in Security, Resilience, and Intelligence. Concurrently, he has served as a senior officer in the Canadian Forces. After completing his appointment as Commanding Officer of The Royal Regiment of Canada, he was appointed Special Advisor to the Canadian Army Commander. Additionally, he is a Managing Director of two interdisciplinary consulting groups, IC Inc. and SRI Professionals. These concerns work internationally in contingency management and change issues. With his spare time, he works with and mentors a number of groups and programs, supports the York Yeoman Hockey Program, is an advisor to several community based groups, sits on the Boards of a several companies, is a fellow of several Colleges, and otherwise has great fun.

37 Social Networking SocialEvent Networking Event and Dinner Saturday, August 18, 2012 Saturday, August 18, 2012

Agree Strongle Agree 27% 36% QV Survey Results

“I plan on attending the next Quo Vadis Conference in Canada.”

Disagree Undecided 9% 27%

38 Social Networking SocialEvent Networking Event and Dinner Saturday, August 18, 2012 Saturday, August 18, 2012

QV Survey Results

“The QV Conference allowed me to gain valuable networking experience.”

Agree 36%

Strongly Agree 55%

Disagree 9%

39 Social Networking SocialEvent Networking Event and Dinner Saturday, August 18, 2012 Saturday, August 18, 2012

QV Survey Results

“I felt I had a lot in common with other QV delegates and they were easily approachable.”

Strongly Agree 27%

Agree 55% Disagree 9%

Undecided 9% 40 Social Networking SocialEvent Networking Event and Dinner Saturday, August 18, 2012 Saturday, August 18, 2012

QV Survey Results

“The QV Conference has provided me with more confidence to act as a leader within my community.”

Agree Strongly Agree 45% 45%

Undecided 9%

41 Rafter Six Ranch Sunday, August 19, 2012

QV Survey Results

100% of our respondents found that the Leadership Challenge at Rafter Six Ranch was enjoyable.

42 Rafter Six Ranch Rafter Six Ranch Sunday, August 19, 2012 Sunday, August 19, 2012

QV Survey Results

“I plan on attending the next Quo Vadis Conference taking place outside of Canada.”

Agree 9% Strongly Agree 9%

Strongly Disagree 9% Undecided 55%

Disagree 18%

43 Rafter Six Ranch Rafter Six Ranch Sunday, August 19, 2012 Sunday, August 19, 2012

Leadership Challenge

QV Survey Results

“I found the venue choices complimented the overall experience of the conference.”

Strongly Agree Agree 73% 27%

44 Rafter Six Ranch Rafter Six Ranch Sunday, August 19, 2012 Sunday, August 19, 2012

45 Rafter Six Ranch Rafter Six Ranch Sunday, August 19, 2012 Sunday, August 19, 2012

Team Cheer Contest QV Survey Results

100% of our respondents found the venue choices convenient and enjoyable.

QV Survey Results

“I believe the duration of the conference should extend to longer than three days.”

Agree 27%

Strongly Agree Undecided 27% 18%

Disagree 27%

46 Rafter Six Ranch Rafter Six Ranch Sunday, August 19, 2012 Sunday, August 19, 2012

Pecha Kucha Presentations

QV Survey Results

55% of our respondents attended the post-conference.

47 Rafter Six Ranch Rafter Six Ranch Sunday, August 19, 2012 Sunday, August 19, 2012

Pecha Kucha Presentations

QV Survey Results

Out of the respondents who attended the post- conference, 75% found it beneficial to the overall experience of the weekend in the Rocky Mountains.

48 Rafter Six Ranch Rafter Six Ranch Sunday, August 19, 2012 Sunday, August 19, 2012

Closing Ceremonies

Agree 9% Undecided 45% Strongly Disagree QV Survey Results 9% “There are many elements I would have organized differently if I had organized Quo Vadis Calgary 2013.”

Disagree 36%

49 HonouraryHonourary Advisors Advisors

Tony Muszyński

Founder and first Program Director of Poland in the Rockies, Tony works as an immigration lawyer and recruiter in Calgary with most of his professional work related to increasing the immigration of Polish nationals to Canada. He is Vice-President of both the Canadian Polish Congress (Western Canada) and the Canada-Poland Youth Internship Society. He leads the Athabasca Project for the Canadian Polish Congress, a project that has as its main goal significantly increasing skilled worker immigration to Canada from Europe. Tony’s parents are survivors of the 1940 Soviet deportations to Siberia. They inspired his firm belief in the importance of young North Americans of Polish descent (and indeed all North Americans) knowing more about the Polish historical narrative.

Edward Andrzej Bukowski

Edward Andrzej Bukowski immigrated to Canada and settled in Calgary in June of 1982. Since 1994 he has been an active member of the Polish Canadian Association in Calgary and a member of its Board of Directors since 1996. From 1997 to 2002 he successfully served as the association’s President and subsequently the Vice President from 2002 to 2005 and 2008 to 2012. He is currently the Vice President of the Canadian Polish Congress Alberta Branch for southern Alberta and has held this position since 2002. His impressive resume also states him as a member of the Board of Directors for the Polish Canadian Cultural Centre in Calgary and the Building Committee for the same location. Edward was also highly involved in the international educational program Poland in the Rockies, holding a position on the organizing committee from 2004 to 2010. His enthusiasm and efforts within the Polish community in Alberta are witnessed all over the province and he continues to be an active supporter and honorary advisor to the Quo Vadis executive team.

Martin Grządka

Born in Poland, Martin immigrated to Canada at the age of ten. In his youth he was an active member of Polish Scouts and numerous other Polish organizations. Martin was appointed Director of the Karpaty Scout Lodge in Kaszuby, Canada and ran operations for four years. In 2004, Martin earned a B.A in Economics and Finance from Waterloo University. While in university, he was a founding member of the Entrepreneurs Association of UW (EAUW) and traveled to Italy as a delegate in the 1st student exchange program to Calabria University. Perusing his passion for the investment field, he currently works as a Financial Advisor with Investors Group for the past eight years. In 2009 he co-founded YPCPA, an organization dedicated to serving young Polish-Canadian Professionals. In 2011, Martin co-chaired the International Young Polonia Leaders Conference “Quo Vadis 3” which took place in Toronto, Canada. Amongst other programs, Martin participated in: School for Leaders for the Polish Community Abroad (SLP), Poland in the Rockies (PitR), Young Polonia and the Old Country conference, Quo Vadis I (QV1) in Ottawa and Quo Vadis II (QV2) in Windsor. Martin speaks five languages and possesses an entrepreneurial drive.

Natalia Kusenda

Natalia is 23 years old, born in Bratislava, Slovakia. She is a recent graduate from the University of Toronto with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Human & Molecular Biology. She is currently the office manager at Premier Homecare Services, a company which specializes in providing compassionate care to seniors and people living with disabilities, striving to increase their quality of life and allowing them to remain living independently in their homes. Natalia is very actively involved in Polonia, as she cherishes her Polish roots inherited from her mother. She is the president of the Polish Students’ Initiative of Canada, an organization whose goal is to connect students of Polish heritage across Canada, creating a platform for networking, collaboration and the exchange of ideas and opportunities. In 2011, she served as the co-chair of the Quo Vadis III: “Tools for Success” Conference which took place in Toronto and was attended by 208 delegates from 16 countries. In her spare time, Natalia enjoys the outdoors, sharing some laughs with friends, Salsa dancing and a good read.

Jerzy Barycki

Jerzy Barycki is a professional civil engineer. He is a community volunteer and an avid organizer of Polish- Canadian events. Jerzy was born and raised in Poland and immigrated to Canada in 1982. He was involved in many significant Polonia projects, some of which he co-founded, including the Polish Canadian Business and Professional Association of Windsor, the Windsor and Lublin twin-city partnership, the Canadian Polish Congress (CPC) Windsor-Chatham Branch, and the Polish Weeks in Windsor. Jerzy is for many years very actively involved in the Executive Boards of the International Relations Committee of the City of Windsor, the Polonia Park housing project, and the National Head Executive Board of the Canadian Polish Congress. He is currently serving a fourth term as Honorary Advisor for the annual Polonia youth leadership conference, Quo Vadis. QuoQuo Vadis Vadis Calgary Calgary Executive Executive Team Team

Natalia Dmuchowska, Chair

Natalia is a proud graduate of McMaster University’s Geography and Geographic Information Systems program and is currently completing her Master of Environmental Design degree at the University of Calgary. Her educational and career focus is on the study of interaction between people and space using art and psychogeographic theory as a medium. Natalia is currently the Chair of the Quo Vadis Calgary 2012: Integration, International Youth Leadership Conference and involved in the Polish Student Club and Environmental Design Students Association at the University of Calgary, as well as the Polish Canadian Association. For 15 years she was an avid and active member of the ZHR Polish Scouts of Canada and a senior dancer and choreographer with the Radosc-Joy Vocal Dance Group. This year she will be attending the School for Leaders for the Polish Community Abroad (SLP) in Poland. Natalia is an amateur photographer, lively dancer, skilled squash player and courageous rock climber.

Monica Albertin, Facilities Coordinator

Monica is going into her 4th year of a Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the University of Calgary. After her studies, Monica aspires to work in the area of mental health. She has conducted research examining the content of psychotic symptoms in the clinical high risk population, and was proud to co-author a publication in the journal Psychosis. She is actively engaged in the Polish community both on and off campus. Currently, Monica is one of the Facilities Coordinators for the Quo Vadis Calgary 2012: Integration, International Youth Leadership Conference. She has been elected as President of the U of C Polish Students’ Club for the second year in a row, she is the Student Representative for PISK (Polska Inicjatywa Studentow w Kanadzie), a member of the Polish- Canadian Association, and has been an active member of the Youth Group at the Our Lady Queen of Peace Parish. Monica enjoys meeting new people, travelling, and snowboarding in the beautiful Rocky Mountains.

Adam Broniewski, Project Manager

Adam is a passionate and energetic individual who brings his experience and business savvy to every project he works on. He is currently completing an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering at the University of Calgary, and plans to continue his education by pursuing a Master’s degree in renewable energy abroad. He has been involved in the Polish community throughout his life. Most recently, he has completed a 3-year term as President of the Polish Students' Club at the University of Calgary and is acting as project manager for Quo Vadis Calgary 2012. He is a curious individual who is constantly observing the world around him. Interests include skiing powder, long boarding, sociology and community involvement.

Julia Buczek, Marketing & Promotion Director

Julia is currently completing her Bachelor of Arts degree in the competitive International Relations program at the University of British Columbia, while also undertaking UBC's non-degree Urban Studies program. Julia is the Marketing and Promotion director of Quo Vadis Calgary, and has attended each conference since the start, embarking on various journeys from her native Vancouver to get to the conferences. Julia has a keen interest in learning languages; she is currently minoring in German, as well as learning Russian and French, and improving her Polish in her spare time. She is also certified in TESOL and TEFL, teaching English as a second language whenever the opportunity arises. Julia has a love for travelling, modern and street art, furniture design, snowboarding, skateboarding, as well as basking in BC’s great outdoors.

51 QuoQuo Vadis Vadis Calgary Calgary Executive Executive Team Team

Antoni Kowalczewski, Panel Director

Born in Warsaw, Antoni immigrated to Canada via Morocco as a child. He completed a Computer Science degree at the University of Alberta and currently co-owns a company with his brother that designs medical and rehabilitation equipment. For the past 6 years Antoni has been developing hardware and software that enables rehabilitation of hand movement for victims of brain damage and stroke. Antoni has been actively involved with the Polish Culture Society of Edmonton as well as the University of Alberta Polski Klub. Antoni is also the Webmaster for the Poland in the Rockies Program as well as the Cosmopolitan Review - the most comprehensive English language newsletter on all affairs Polish.

Maya Modzynski, Registration & Volunteer Liaison

Maya Modzynski graduated from McMaster University in 2009 with an honours degree in Art History and Communication Studies. She is currently attending the University of Alberta as a graduate student in the Art, Design and Visual Culture program. Although contemporary art is her favourite, she specializes in Polish art throughout the 20th and 21st century, with a focus on Surrealism and Avant-Garde Polish art production after the Second World War. She hopes that her career entails the continuation of research into Polish art in an effort to present it to a nation wide Canadian audience. Maya is currently the Registration and Volunteer Liaison of the Quo Vadis Calgary 2012: Integration, International Youth Leadership Conference. Prior to acting as a registration liaison, she had worked at the Halton Multicultural Council in Ontario, assisting in registration and working as a freelance Polish-English interpreter. In her spare time, Maya enjoys watching cinema, sketching, reading, biking, jogging and frisbee.

Margaret Patoczka, Treasurer

Margaret Patoczka is the Treasurer for the Quo Vadis Calgary 2012: Integration, International Youth Leadership Conference. She graduated in 2009 with an Honours Bachelor of Commerce Degree from the University of Guelph. In 2010 she had continued her education at McGill University to expand her language abilities, earning a certificate in the proficiency of the French language. Currently she lives in Calgary and is pursuing a career in Human Resources in the Biotechnology Industry. The beautiful Rocky Mountains are what initially attracted her to Calgary as she is an avid skier and snowboarder and enjoys hiking. She also thrives in practicing yoga and rollerblading along the scenic trails of the Bow River.

Maciek Piekarski, Facilities Coordinator

Maciek graduated from the University of Alberta in 2009 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry. For the past three years he has been involved with research and development of coatings and repair materials for the construction industry. In recent years Maciek has been involved with the Polish Students Club at the University of Calgary having a role in the club’s advertising and marketing campaigns. Currently, Maciek is one of the Facilities Coordinators for the Quo Vadis Calgary 2012: Integration, International Youth Leadership Conference. In his free time Maciek enjoys getting involved with government election campaigns, plays tennis and skis in the winter.

52 QuoQuo VadisVadis CalgaryCalgary Executive Executive Team Team

Katarzyna Podolska-Kraska, Public Relations Director

Katarzyna has recently graduated from the University of Alberta with an arts degree. She majored in the Spanish language and minored in Polish. She has also obtained a certificate in translation from the University that she will be taking one step further by becoming a certified translator in the near future. Kasia is currently the Public Relations Director of the Quo Vadis Calgary 2012: Integration, International Youth Leadership Conference and involved in the Polish Students Club at the University of Alberta for the past 4 years. In her free time she enjoys cooking, scrapbooking, yoga and organizing things.

Ania Wardzała, Event Planner

Ania is currently entering her 4th year at the University of Calgary and is working towards a combined degree in French and Education, with the hopes of becoming a high school French teacher in future. Ania is the Event Planner for the Quo Vadis Calgary 2012: Integration, International Youth Leadership Conference and has been involved with the polish community in Calgary for many years. Not only has she been a part of ZHP Girl Scouts, Krakusy and Polanie Jr dance groups, “Laetare” and “Cantate Deo” church choirs, but has also been very involved at the polish church in Calgary. As a student at the University of Calgary, she held the role of VP Internal Relations for the Polish Students’ Club last year and has been elected as upcoming Vice President for the 2012-2013 school year. In her spare time, she enjoys going to the mountains, swimming and skiing.

Julian Wyległy, Webmaster & Graphic Designer

Julian recently graduated from the Master of Architecture program from the University of Calgary, where he also completed a Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy. He is heavily interested in the function and practice of design, and has travelled to many places to understand how various environments affect design differently. Growing up in Canada, Julian has been detached from his polish roots. He seeks to learn more about his parents' culture and better understand where they came from. In his spare time, Julian stays active through a plethora of sports - soccer and football in the summer, snowboarding and squash in the winter.

53 Thank you to all our sponsors...

Platinum Sponsors

Stowarzyszenie Polskich Kombatantów, Koło 18 Polish Combatants’ Association Branch 18, Calgary www.spkcalgary.com [email protected]

54 Platinum Sponsors

Kongres Polonii Kanadyjskiej Canadian-Polish Congress www.kpkalberta.com [email protected]

55 Platinum Sponsors

Culture Initiatives Program, Alberta Culture www.culture.alberta.ca [email protected]

56 GoldGold Sponsors Sponsors

Polish-Canadian Women’s Federation, Branch 3 www.federacjapolek.ca [email protected]

Polish-Canadian Association, Calgary www.dompolski.ca [email protected]

57 Gold Sponsors

Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Vancouver www.vancouverkg.polemb.net [email protected]

Polonia Foundation in Alberta Fundusz Wieczysty Polonii Albertanskiej

Polish-Canadian Association, Calgary www.dompolski.ca [email protected]

58 Silver Sponsors

The W. Reymont Foundation www.reymontfoundation.com [email protected]

Quo Vadis III www.quovadisconference.com

University of Alberta Polski Klub [email protected]

59 Bronze Sponsors

Polish Culture Society of Polimex Edmonton

Friends of the Catholic University of Poland

60 Bronze Sponsors

Polish Canadian Humanitarian Society of Edmonton

Peter Mielżynski Agencies Ltd.

Honourable Mention Society for the Promotion of Science and Technology Polish Students Club - University of Calgary photographie ROGO photography PISK: Polska Inicjatywa Studentów w Kanadzie

Patrons & Media Sponsors Canada-Poland Chamber of Commerce of Toronto Ploty Polish Studio Polonia w Montreal Polska Fala Radio Calgary Polskie Radio Edmonton PoloniaWCalgary Program ‘Na Luzie’ Program ‘Z Ukosa’ Radio Polonia

61 Special thanks to all the delegates!

Bamburek, Szymon Janus, Monika Opara, Robert

Bartoszek, Matthew Karpinski, Barbara Pluchik, Ilana Helena

Barycka, Anna Kielbasinski, Matthew Podbielski, Kamila

Biernacki, Krzysztof Kornobis, Martha Poniatowska, Paula

Bruski, Kasia Kowalczewska, Emilie Rak, Ania

Chrapka, Peter Kowalczewski, Jan Roszak, Arthur

Czarnogorski, Darren Kowalczewski, Jeremi Rowinski, Mary-Catherine

Czernikiewicz, Wojtek Kozlowski, Sylvia Rudolf, Victoria

Dabrowski, Andrew Kraska, Sylwester Samulewski, Matthew

Diduch, Barbara Krawczyk, Lukasz Siemionko, Wojciech

Diduch, Marta Krol, Agnieszka Slominski, Magdalena

Dmuchowski, Michael Kruk, Joanne Smoragiewicz, Martin

Dobrzanski, Konrad Kulaga, Natalia Sulzycki, Magdalene

Domaradzki, Julia Kurzeja, Michal Surkont, Jacob

Drozd, Jolanta Kusenda, Natalia Szolomicki, Yarek

Drzewiecki, Adam Lewandowski, Marcin Topor, Jakub

Ducka, Sylwia Malec, Wiktor Trzcinka, Monika

Fibrich, Maciek Maniak, Sylvia Warszynski, Marta

Gnitecki, Michal Markowski, Lukasz Widomska, Eliza

Gorecka, Hanna Migorska, Aleksandra Wojcich, Marysia

Grzadka, Marcin Misiewicz, Marcin Wojtal, Radek

Hanula, Christopher Mrowka, Cathy Ziemianowicz, Daniel

Jania, Katarzyna Muszynski, Alex Zlotkowski, Elaine

Jankowski, Natalia Nowinka, Agata

62 Can’t get enough QV?

Check out our videos by scanning the QR codes with your mobile phone.

QV 2013: A Memory QV 2013: Promo Video


Janusz Cisek Honourable Thomas Łukaszuk speeches

Barbara Gorzkowska Honourable Allan H. Wachowich Greg Kołodziejżyk

Blaine Calkins His Excellency Zenon Kosiniak-Kamysz Peter Mielżynski Jr. Walter Perchał



Scan this code with your smartphone to watch Honourable Allan H. Wachowich’s speech C a l g a r y 201 2 Quo Vadis Calgary 2012: Integration International Youth Leadership Conference


Book designed by Julia Buczek