CTC Sentinel 3
SEPTEMBER 2010 . VOL 3 . ISSUE 9 COMBATING TERRORISM CENTER AT WEST POINT CTC SENTINEL OBJECTIVE . RELEVANT . RIGOROUS Contents Reevaluating Al-Qa`ida’s FEATURE ARTICLE 1 Reevaluating Al-Qa`ida’s Weapons Weapons of Mass Destruction of Mass Destruction Capabilities By Peter Bergen Capabilities REPORTS By Peter Bergen 5 The Evolving Terrorist Threat in Yemen By Christopher Boucek 8 The U.S.-Pakistan Relationship and Finding an End State in Afghanistan By Moeed W. Yusuf 11 Piracy in the Horn of Africa: A Growing Maritime Security Threat By Peter Chalk 15 Al-Qa`ida’s Key Operative: A Profile of Mohammed Ilyas Kashmiri By Seth Nye 19 The Role and Significance of Signature Attacks in the Iraqi Insurgency By Michael Knights 22 Recent Highlights in Terrorist Activity 24 CTC Sentinel Staff & Contacts wo months after the 9/11 coyly, “Go to the next question.”3 After attacks, Usama bin Ladin the interview was finished, Mir followed claimed to possess a nuclear up this exchange over tea with Bin capability.1 On the morning of Ladin’s deputy, Ayman al-Zawahiri. “I TNovember 8, 2001, the Saudi militant was asked this question to Dr. al-Zawahiri: eating a hearty meal of meat and olives that it is difficult to believe that you have as Hamid Mir, a Pakistani journalist, nuclear weapons,” Mir explained. “So he interviewed him in a house in Kabul. Mir said, ‘Mr. Hamid Mir, it is not difficult. asked Bin Ladin to comment on reports If you have 30 million dollars, you can About the CTC Sentinel that he had tried to acquire nuclear go to the black market in Central Asia, The Combating Terrorism Center is an and chemical weapons, to which the al- make contact with a disgruntled Russian independent educational and research Qa`ida leader replied: “I wish to declare scientist and get from him suitcase institution based in the Department of Social that if America used chemical or nuclear nuclear weapons.’”4 Sciences at the United States Military Academy, weapons against us, then we may retort West Point.
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