Meeting at DG ENVIRONMENT 28/06/2018 12.00 – 13.30 Building BU‐5 BRUSSELS List of participants from MIW and IMPEL Projects: Name Surname Project Member State Email Romano Ruggeri IMPEL Italy
[email protected] Marina De Gier IMPEL Netherlands
[email protected] Jan Teekens MIW Netherlands
[email protected] Eva Dalensstam MIW Sweden
[email protected] Sascha Grievink MIW Netherlands
[email protected] Robert Hitchen MIW UK
[email protected] John Tieman MIW Netherlands
[email protected] List of participants from DG Environment: - Sarah Nelen (Head of Unit) - Julius Langendorff - Jorge Diaz Del Castillo - Other policy officers (dealing with The Environmental Implementation Review) 1 Agenda: 1. Presentation on the MiW‐IMPEL project 2. Summary outline of the guidance 3. Expectations regarding work on End‐of‐Waste verification systems 4. Possible engagement Commission with MiW‐IMPEL project 5. (Presentation on) Developments at EU level relevant to the project (e.g. Revised WFD, review WSR, Interface WFD and REACH, IED/BREFS and waste prevention/resource efficiency) 6. Governance of enabling eco‐innovations for a circular economy in the MS in relation to the EIR (Environmental Implementation Review) 7. Training activities in the ECA scheme context (Action 4) Results of discussion: Jan and Romano gave a presentation (Annex 1) on the goals and structure of the Project. The outline of the Final Guidance was presented as well. Presentation on the 1. MiW‐IMPEL project The main results of the survey, circulated to assess the implementation by EU Member States of provisions of Article 6 of Directive 2008/98 on End‐of‐waste status, were presented (Annex 2).