The violence and bombing incidents report in the period from 27th March to 2ed April Sinai beck to the top of the terrorist scene …. And a relative success in securing the citizens' gathering places

Address: 148 MisrHelwan El-Zyrae Road , El Matbaa Sq, Hadayek El Maadi, 4th Floor, No 41 , , 841 طريق مصر حلوان الزراعي - المطبعة – ح المعادي - الدور الرابع - شقة 48 - القاهرة | ص.ب : 494 المعادي PO Box : 490 El Maadi Website: E-mail : [email protected] Tel. 00(20) (2) 25344706 Telefax. 00 (20) (2) 25344707 Mob. +201226521170

Introduction the bombing and violence incidents committed by terrorist groups were continued in conjunction with holding the twenty-sixth session of the Arab summit , and continuation of the work by the assigned committee to reform the parliamentary election laws, where the context of events still confirm the transitional period's entitlements, especially- the electoral entitlement- which is the main target for the terrorist activities committed by opponent powers for the post 30June at 2013 path.

In the framework of the Parliamentary Elections' Observatory affiliated to the International-Local joint mission to observe the parliamentary elections – Egypt 2015, continuing to monitor all this incidents and analysis their indications and their potential effects on the electoral process, and the democratic transition process in Egypt, the Observatory has been issued its 13th report, in this series.

The most important violence incidents:

Friday, March 27th

The armed forces in succeeded in thwarting an attempt of targeting military vehicles , during their passage on the international road in Al Arish – Rafah , where the forces exploded an explosive device on the road, it was planted by takfiri elements, there were no any losses.

 A child injured in his shoulder, by a random gunshot, by unknown assailants, while he was back to his house in Al Safa district at Rafah city, he was transferred to Rafah hospital for treatment, and the concerning authorities were notified to take the required procedures and investigate the incident.

 The security apparatus in Fayoum arrested a 16 years old young man with a cartoon box contained explosive devices before planting them next to the SOS police station in Fayoum city, a force of civil defense and bomb squad moved to the site of the incident, the seizure and the young man were kept in the police custody , a report of the incident was filed and the prosecution was notified to take over the investigation.

 The army forces in coordinating with police forces succeeded in killing one of the criminal elements in Sinai with weapons and ammunition, that was during an early security campaign surrounded the offender in a desert area at the scope of Al Nakhl city in middle of Sinai, there were violent clashes between the offender and police and army forces it resulted in killing the offender and take his sniper rifle and large quantities of various ammunition .

 Elements from Ansar Biet Al Maqdes organization cut of the road before two cars affiliated to Garbage company in Al Tawiel area in Al Arish, North Sinai governorate, they pulled down the two drivers, and took the cars to unknown distention, the police and armed forces combed the area searching for the stolen two cars.

 The security forces in North Sinai governorate dismantled a structure bomb was placed in front of the entry of Al Beleina police station, it turned out that the bomb was three carbonated water bottles wrapped in a dressing, and out of a set of wire, a security cordon was imposed in the site and the area was combed to make sure it was free of any explosives.

 The security apparatus in dismantled a homemade bomb, it was placed by unknown assailants next to the headquarters of the National security apparatus, near by the security

directorate headquarters in Semouha area, east of the city, the security forces combed the site and the prosecution was notified to investigate.

 The explosives experts and civil protection in dismantled a bomb inside a car in Al Ta'wun St, in Al Mattarya area, it was targeting the security vehicle, t vehicles imposed a security cordon in the vicinity of the car , with warnings citizens of approaching, and the area was combed to make sure it was free of any other explosives .

 There were clashes between number of the Muslims Brother hood and police forces in Abu he back ground of a march without a permit from the security apparatus, the MB used during it Cartouche which resulted in injury of a police officer with the rank of lieutenant, and a police man with a several of cartouche shots in different places in their bodies, the security apparatus managed to arrest 5 rioters among them.

 The people of Al Oure village of Samalout center , , thwarted an attack on the village's church, by unknown assailants, and clashed with them till the police forces arrived, the people said that the attack was waged by outsider gun men, the attack was after MBs organized a march against the president Al Sisi's decision of establishment a Church as "martyrs of the faith and the homeland" to commemorate the Egyptians martyrs in Libya.

 The military forces in North Sinai governorate thwarted an attempt to target the forces by a member in "Ansar Beit Al Maqdes " organization, he tried to throw a grenade on a military, while it force was passing on the road of Al Zaheir village, in the south of Al Seik Zuied city, then the forces shoot him, and he was killed

 Unknown elements set fire in supplies room and computer lab in Kamal Mare'y preparatory School in Al Amiriyah village of Mahalla center, after they tight a worker an beat him up, as a revenge to a MB teacher was arrested, and they ran away after writing some solidarity phrases with the arrested teacher, the civil protection forces moved to the site and put the fire out, a report of the incident was filed, and the injured worker was transferred to Al Mabarah hospital for treatment .

 The security forces succeeded in arresting a Houthis terrorist cell, before getting into Sinai and executing terrorists acts, the terrorists cell was composing of 6 member from "Ansar Beit Al Maqdes " organization, 3 from the Gaza Strip and four Irania, they were arrested while they were riding a white Verna car without license plates, three SUVs and two motorcycles.

Saturday, March 28

 The Egyptian military forces managed to capture explosives materials weight one ton, inside the house of a leading in "Ansar Beit Al Maqdes " organization in Jaws Abu Ghanem village, ay the south of Rafah within 20 sacks, it turned out that the explosives material was "T NT" the high explosive material, also an explosive device was planted beside the house, the forces found it and detonated the entire place.

 Two sentries were wounded while they were in the service, near Monsha'et Abdulallah village, in Fayoum governorate, in an attack waged by unknown assailants riding a motorcycle, and the assailants fled, the wounded were transferred to the police hospital in Al Agouza area for treatment, and the prosecution was notified to take over the investigation.

 unknown assailants set fire in a power adaptor, in Al Tera'a Sr in front of the National Security old headquarters in Mahalla city, , it turned out that the power adaptor explosion was because of burning it, and the electrical wires on the next street lights, a report of the incident was filed and prosecution took over the investigation.

 An explosive device exploded in front of Cairo university's gate, near the subway station, 8 people minimum were wounded in the explosion, minimum two police men were among the injuries, explosive experts moved to the site and combed the area to make sure there were no other explosives, a report of the incident was filed, and the prosecution took over the investigation.

 Explosive experts in governorate managed to explode a homemade bomb, it was a pipe and gunpowder inside it and electrical wires, it was found in the Shetatoun hotel' garden, next to Al Naser mosque , the civil protection was received a report stating the existence o a foreign body in the Sheratoun garden, there were no injuries or losses.

 The civil protection abd explosive experts department in Alexandria, managed todimantling a bomb was found in a garbage box in front of Abu Qir train station, Al Aasafira area, east of Alexandria, there were no injuries, a report of the incident was filed, and the prosecution took over the investigation.

 Explosive experts in Cairo defused three explosive devices found in the car market in 10th district o Nasr city, a security cordon was imposed around the area, that was hours before the visit of the Major General Osama Bedier, Cairo security director for the region, the area was combed and a report of the incident was filed.

 Explosive experts in Minya governorate dismantled three structure explosive devices were hidden under a car, in front of the Samalout Coptic Orthodox Archdiocese Church, north of Minya province, the explosives experts uses a water hose to fragment it, a report of the incident was filed, CID was assigned to investigate about the incident and the circumstances, conditions and the executor, the prosecution took over the investigation.

 Elements belonging to"Ansar Beit Al Maqdes " organization set up an armed ambush on the bypass road between Al-Arish and Sheikh Zuied, at" Karm Al Qwadeis" area, to search for a number of civilians wanted by the organization under the pretext of their cooperation with the army, and motoring news and movements of 263elements of the organization to security apparatus in North Sinai, the also captured two Bedouins from" Karm Al Qwadeis" village, and took them to an unknown destination, to cut off their hands, as application of the theft had in Islam, for allegedly of robbery on citizens.

 Gun men riding a car without licenses, in the north side of Al-Salam Canal, attacked Baloza ambush west of El Arish, located on the other side on the international road "Kantara Arish Rafah", which resulted in wounding a citizen called" Ahmed Salem" 35 years old, with four bullets in deferent places in his body, where he was in the vicinity of the incident's site by chance, and he was trans erred to Ismailia University Hospital for treatment.

 Unknown assailants fired on three police men, including a lieutenant during they were riding a car during a secret mission in Al Khatatba village, Sadat Center, Menoufia governorate, which resulted in killing the officer and wounding a secret informant with gunshot in his chest, they

were transferred to Al Sadat central hospital, a report of the incident was filed and the prosecution took over the investigation.

Sunday, March 29th

 The explosives experts in Alexandria dealt with a foreign body inside the vehicle No. 2 in the private bathroom in the Spanish train No. 976 coming from Cairo to Aswan, which caused the train stopped at the station and was evacuated, a report of the incident was filed and the prosecution was notified to take over the investigation.

 Security forces in Cairo governorate dismantle an improvised explosive device (IED) found by a security officer in the vicinity of Al-Azhar University, near Al Mokhayam St, next to Nasr city club, the area was combed to search for any other explosive devices, a report of the incident was filed and the prosecution was notified to take over the investigation.

 Unknown assailants set fire in a power adaptor between the two villages "Al Tarah- Maymuna" Center, which led to destroy it, without causing any injuries, civil protection officers moved to the site, a security cordon was imposed around the area, the examination showed that the assailants burned tires under the adaptor which caused it burning as well. The fire was controlled, without injuries, a report of the incident was filed and the prosecution was notified to take over the investigation.

 An IED exploded in the vicinity of Mustafa Al Nahhas Street, in Nasr city, in front of Al-Azhar University girls section, the explosion did not cause any injuries, only one street lighting was crashed, the civil protection forces and explosives experts imposed a security cordon around the site to comb the area, and make sure it was free of any other explosives.

 explosives experts in Minya governorate dismantled a gas bomb was found inside a room belonging to educational sector, in the second floor of Abu Yaqub primary School, of Saft Al Khemar sector, the gas bomb was consist of a cylindrical metal pipe, length of about 15 cm and a diameter of 2 cm, and a white material inside it, smell of tear gas was emitting from it.

 The security forces thwarted an attempt to target military forces and vehicles, where unknown assailants planted an explosive device targeted buses transporting border guards soldiers, while it was passing on Sedot area in the southern entrance of Rafah city, the bomb was dismantled, and the solders passage to Border guards camp in Rafah was secured.

 The security forces in North Sinai thwarted an attempt to target military forces, by an explosive device in farms area south-east of El Arish, where unknown assailants planted it and people reported on it, the forces moved to the site and explode the explosive device, and combed the area to make sure it was free of any other explosives.

 The security apparatus in Sharkia governorate found a store for explosive devices and explosives materials, in the mountainous area extending between Belbais centre and Mashtoul El Souq center, without arresting any o the offenders, a security cordon was imposed around the store, and the explosives experts handled the explosive devices and defuse it, the prosecution was notified about the incident and took over the investigation.

 The security forces thwarted an attempt to target military forces and vehicles, where unknown assailants planted an explosive device in a security patrol's way on the airport road, it was found

after receiving information from a farmer saw the gunmen planting it on the side of road, the explosive device was defused.

 The assigned security services in Al Zagazig railway station managed to arrest afreshment student in Sharia and law college, Al-Azhar university, resident of , while he was on the station's pavement with fireworks in his position, the fireworks consisted of 8 Shamarich and plate written on it enticing and insulting phrases to the state, a mobile phonen contain video clips of some demonstrations of the terrorist Muslims Brotherhood carrying Rabaa logo .

Monday, March 30th

 A homemade bomb exploded behind Omar Makram mosque , near the university city in , which led to crashing the mosque's back windows glass, the security forces moved to the site, and combed in and out the mosque in anticipation of the existence of any other explosives.

 The people of Hehia city in Sharkia governorate, thwarted an attempt to burn the secretary o coherence party's car, the people found bags of gasoline and gunpowder down his car, while it was barking next to the family house in Mustafa Kamel Street, next to Al Hurria school.

 The explosive experts in Monofeya governorate dealt with a foreign body, it was a brakeage full of sand and comes out of it wires with batteries glued on it, the people of Ashmoun city found it on the Ashmoun train station's pavement, police forces imposed a security cordon, and combed the area to make sure it was free of any other explosives.

 The explosive experts in Asyut governorate dealt with a foreign body, in front o the Dean of the Law Faculty n the faculty building, the civil protection forces moved to university, the examination revealed that the body was a homemade bomb and it was dismantled before its explosion, the university was combed, a report of the incident was filed and the prosecution was notified and took over the investigation.

 A homemade bomb exploded inside the Department of Civil Protection and Fire headquarters, in Koum El Deka area, middle of Alexandria, it resulted in wounding an officer and police man, they were transferred to the hospital for treatment, a report of the incident was filed and the prosecution was notified and took over the investigation.

 The security forces in Sharkia governorate, found about 50 deferent size and complete manufacturing bombs within a store in the mountainous area in "Al Moneer A l Gadeeda" village o Mashtoul El Souq center, to be used in terrorist activities, they were under custody, and a report of the incident was filed and the prosecution was notified and took over the investigation.

 The security forces in , sized a terrorist cell tried to put a n explosive device in front of the national security sector headquarters in the governorate, in addition to their participation with clusters in bombing Meet Ghamer court, and placing explosive devices in front of first and second Al Mansoura police stations, a report of the incident was filed and the prosecution was notified and took over the investigation.

 Security forces and explosive experts in Asyut governorate defused a homemade bomb, in front of Catholic Church in St, after the residents found it, the security forces combed the area to make sure it was free of any other explosives, a report of the incident was filed and the prosecution was notified and took over the investigation.

 Two recruits were wounded in an explosive device explosion in a military vehicle, they were riding it on the international road-Arish – Rafah,they were transferred to the military hospital in AL Arish, the forces combed the area of the incident searching for the offenders and arrest them.

 The explosives experts in Port Saied governorate, found a structure explosive device with a timer and electrical wires, and it was free of explosive materials, it was in front of a readymade garments factory near a gas station in Al Sharq district, the forces imposed a security cordon around the area and combed the vicinity area in anticipation of the existence of any other foreign bodies.

 The security forces wounded 6 gun assailants in thwarting an attack on security forcesand explosion two explosive devices, during expanded security crackdowns in North Sinai areas .

Tuesday, March31th

 The civil protection officers and explosive experts in dealt with a foreign body found by a worker e in the health insurance at the governorate, a security cordon was imposed and citizens were evacuated from the area, it was handled without any injuries, the area was combed to make sure it was free of any other explosives.

 A foreign body exploded in girls university city on the fourth floor of Banha university's building at Qaliubiya governorate, without any injuries, the civil protection forces and explosives experts moved to the site, the entire university city was evacuated, a report of the incident was filed and prosecution was notified and took over the investigation.

 Unknown gunmen kidnapped a resident of Sheikh Zuwaid city in North Sinai governorate, while he was walking in the city, and took him to an unknown destination.

 The explosive experts dismantled a structure explosive device, it was a plastic bag inside it a quantity of sand weighs about 2 kg, electric wires, resistance and capacitor but it was not connected to a power source, it was found inside a bathroom of Ashoun train Station's pavement, in fayoum governorate, a report of the incident was filed and prosecution was notified and took over the investigation.

 The civil protection forces in Alexandria city dealt with a foreign body on (Alexandria-Matrouh) desert road, at Al Agami area point, and closed the road , there were no damages, a report of the incident was filed and prosecution was notified and took over the investigation.

Wednesday April 1st

 Unknown assailants fired on a military train "Cairo - Aswan" at Bani Hder station of Wasta center, north of Beni Suef, on Wednesday April 1st, and ran away, which led to the injury of three recruits were transferred to Beni Suef public hospital for treatment, police forces imposed a security cordon along the railway track along the village located on Beni Suef – Cairo agricultural road, the area was combed searching for the offenders.

 An explosive device planted by unknown assailants in a power adaptor of Ezbet Al Maly, of Al Rahmanyah local unit, Abu Kabir center, exploded, which resulted in power outage from the area, a report of the incident was filed and the prosecution was notified and took over the investigation.

 Four explosive devices exploded under a high pressure electricity tower, on, "El Edwa - Abu Al Saud," village road, of Fayoum centre, without any injuries, the forces combed the area in anticipation of the presence o any other bomb, a report of the incident was filed and the prosecution was notified and took over the investigation.

 The explosive experts handled a foreign body, it was found in the vicinity of Al Hebrouk St, in Damanhour police department a,, the forces imposed a security cordon , and it turned out that it was a brown leather purse does not contained any explosive materials, the area was combed and it was free of any other foreign bodies.

 The explosive experts in governorate dismantled an explosive device planted by unknown assailants, in Al Matba'aa St at Fisal district, it was targeting a security patrol, the security forces combed the area in anticipation of existence of any other foreign bodies or explosive devices, a report of the incident was filed and the prosecution was notified and took over the investigation.

 Dozens of Brotherhood female students at Al Azhar university girls section pretended in the vicinity of faculty of Humanities, using bottles of gasoline, where they burn some walls of the university cafeteria to draw slogans against the army and police, which spread a stat of anxiety and fear between the students.

 A police man of the national security department in Monofeya governorate, was killed, in gun shot from an automatic weapon by unknown assailants, while he was out of the prayer from a mosque in Al May village of Shebeen El Koum center, all the legal persuaders was taken and it will be referring on the prosecution.

 The security forces in North Sinai governorate dealt with a foreign body inside North Sinai court, found by a worker, the forces evacuated the court building, and imposed a security cordon around the court, closed the leading road, it turned out that it did not contain any explosives.

 The civil protection f forces in dealt with two explosive devices inside a hospital, one of them was in the gas unit, and the other was in the Oxygen room in the hospital, the nursery unit and a part of the hospital were evacuated, till the devices were handled, a report of the incident was filed and the prosecution was notified and to start the investigation.

 Masked elements attacked the Education directorate building in Salah Salim St, Babi Suef governorate, in order to attack the minister deputy, using fireworks, and ran away before the security forces arrived, there were no injuries or losses.

 Explosives experts in Alexandria security directorate, dismantled a homemade bomb was placed by unknown assailants, in front of the Children hospital's fence, in Anfoushi areaat the down town, a security cordon was imposed, and the area was combed, the required report of the incident was filed and the competent prosecutors was notified to investigate.

 Civil Protection department in Giza, on Wednesday, defused three explosive devices on the axis, 6th October area, near "Ceramica Cleopatra" exhibition, it caused closing the axis for a 30minutes, a security cordon was imposed, and the area was combed, the required report of the incident was filed and the competent prosecutors was notified to investigate.

 Unknown assailants exploded a power adaptor in Al Ghar village in Zagzig, the explosives experts and the civil protection forces moved to the site, it turned out that an explosive device

exploded which resulted in damages in the adaptor caused power outage from several villages in the area, there were no human losses.

 Civil protection forces in qanayate city controlled a fire in two electricity towers, in Abu Negeda village of qanayate city, Sharkia governorate, and thwarted the attempt o explode them,the electricity towers did not effect, there were no injuries, and the required report of the incident was filed.

 Gun assailants kidnapped the son of a businessman in Ayat, Giza, the gunmen opened fire towards the bus the child riding, and toke the child to boat in the Nile and crossed to other side on an island in Ezbet El Tabout village, at Kafr El-Rifai of Ayat city, the driver went to the child's family and told them about the incident, then the child's family went to the island and surround it, then the culprits escaped, and the family retuned their kidnapped child, a report of the incident was filed and the prosecution was notified and to start the investigation.

 Explosive devices exploded down electricity tower on the path of "Alqnayat - Harya," which led to it collapse, without any injuries, the explosives experts and civil protection forces moved to the site, and combed the area searching for any other explosives .

 A huge explosion in an electricity tower No. 129, 66 kV on "Alqnayat - Deyarb star" public road, Sharkia governorate, detectives forces and civil protection forces moved to the site, and combed the area searching for any other explosives, where two other explosive devices were found and defused.

 Unknown assailants exploded a power adaptor in next to Al Rahmanya central of Abu Kabeir police station, because of a planted explosive device next to the adaptor , which resulted in damages in the adaptor and the cable connecting it with the central, the central fence cracked and some windows' glass smashed, a report of the incident was filed and the prosecution was notified and to start the investigation.

 Three terrorists were killed in an explosive device' explosion while they were Manufacturing it , in a house at Basateen Barakat village, Belbais Center, for use it in terrorist acts in Sharkia governorate, , the explosives experts and civil protection forces moved to the site, a security cordon was imposed and the area was combed searching for any other explosives, a report of the incident was filed and the prosecution was notified and to start the investigation.

 There was a huge explosion in an electricity tower in Kfar Hamam village of Zagazig center, Sharkia governorate, which led to damages and power outage, the explosives experts and civil protection forces moved to the site, the examination revealed that there were to explosive devices exploded in the tower, and two other explosive devices were found and defused.

 Unknown assailants exploded an electricity tower in Sa'doun village of Qanayat city, Sharkia governorate, by planting two explosive devices under the tower, which led to power outage of the area, detectives forces and civil protection forces moved to the site, the area was combed to make sure it was free of any other explosives.

 Unknown assailants targeted a high pressure electricity tower in Alaslogi area, Zagazig center, by planting an explosive device down the its bases, which resulted in its collapse and power outages for some parts of the region, the explosives experts and civil protection forces moved to the site and combed it vicinity area to make sure it was free of any other explosives.

 The explosives experts in Sharkia governorate dealt with a foreign body found by the people of Safeita village of Zagazig center, it was under an electricity tower at the village, a security cordon was imposed and the area was combed to make sure it was free of any other explosives.

 A 25 years old woman was killed, and another one at the same age, a 14 years old child girl, and a10 years old boy were injured, because of of unknown shell fall at their house, at the south of Sheikh Zuied, North Sinai governorate, they were transferred to Al-Arish general hospital, the security apparatus containing its efforts to identify the shell 's kind and its lunch source.

 Security forces in North Sinai governorate, defused a n explosive device was ound while they were combing the range, it was planted on their road by terrorist elements, the forces also arrested8 suspect elements, an destroyed a house and two motorcycles, and two cars taken under custody to examine them.

 Clashes between elements of the Muslim Brotherhood and the people of Albesarta village, of center ,where the MB fired Cartouche shots at the people after they were out in a march against state institutions, the people notified the security apparatus which imposed a security cordon around the village, 4 injured were transferred to the general hospital for treatment.

 Brotherhood youth threw fireworks and Molotov cocktails toward the Faculty of Science building, Bani Suef university, in Salah Salem Str, in Bani Suef, traffic was suspended, administrative security officers closed the college door, and the rest of the university building's doors, the MB elements ran away toward (Ezbet Bulbul area), leaving behind unexplode Molotov cocktails , that was after the police forces arrived to the site, there were no humen injuries or damages.

 Dozens of MB students organized a marched against the government on campus of Mansoura university, the participants chanted slogans against the army and police, they demanded the release of imprisoned colleagues, raised Rabaa slogans, and the march walked around a number of colleges and lit fireworks during it.

 Thursday 2 April

 The civil protection forces and the bomb squad in El Beheira, managed to thwart structural bomb, inside Nasser Preparatory Girls School's courtyard, in Bandar Shoubrakhit, a report of the incident was filed and the prosecution was notified and took over the investigation.

 unknown gunmen attacked the two ambushs Qaber Omir and Kharouba on the international road Rafah-Arish in North Sinai, the attack killed some soldiers, and wounded many of them, the martyrs and injured were transferred to Arish military hospital.

 two explosive devices were detonated by remote control down an army vehicle, on the ring at Al Sabeil road area, west of Al-Arish in North Sinai, the explosion killed seven Egyptian soldiers and wounded four others, the martyrs and injured were transferred to Arish military hospital.

 A major clashes between gunmen and army troops near the ambush of Sheikh Zuid gate, North Sinai governorate, which resulted in killing one citizen and injuring four others, including a child was dead by gunshots.

 A bomb exploded down the base of a mobile phone towers in Ezbet Abu Dafya of Qilhana village, Atsa center, what led to the break of tower column, explosives experts dismantled two other explosive devices, a report of the incident was filed and the prosecution was notified and took over the investigation.

 terrorist elements targeted one of the participated ambulances in transferring injured soldiers from the site of the army clashes with the terrorists, in El Sheikh Zuwaid and Rafah cities, where it was exposure to directly fire from the armed elements while it was transferring the wounded soldiers.

 Two bombs exploded on the international coastal road in Kafr El-Dawar department , before the 45th bridge,in El , a third bomb was found by a civil protection oficernear the explosion site,the explosive experts defuse it, the security forces imposed a security cordon and combed the area to make sure it was free of any other explosives.

 The explosives experts in Ismailia governorate, dismantled a structure explosive device found in Reda Stat the direction of Ibrahim Salama rotation, the contents of the package was sent to the criminal lab for examination and to determine the extent of its danger, there were no damages or injuries, , a report of the incident was filed and the prosecution was notified and took over the investigation.

 The security apparatus in Sharkia governorate thwarted an attempt to explode a high pressure electricity tower, it defused tow explosive devices were snap in the high-pressure towers No. 16 , 66 kV bases located in farming adjacent Alaslogi village, Zagazig center, and linked the two station of Zagazig and Harya Rzna by unknown assailants, a report of the incident was filed, the explosives was handled and defused by water hoses.

 The explosivesofficers in Ismailia governorate dismantled a makeshift bomb, it was a plastic box of «PVC» material with combined circuit taped on it and a remote,in Senyet Al Khansa St, without injury, a report of the incident was filed and the prosecution was notified and took over the investigation.

 civil protection and explosives experts in Damietta, succeeded in defusing two explosive devices inside plastic pipe placed inside the bag in a cartoon box and inside it an electrical circuit, wires and a high explosive material, it was next to the power adapter fed the military road at Ezbet Al Lahm crossroad .

 the explosives experts dealt with a foreign body , it consisted of 5 water pipes, each 20 cm length, wrapped by yellow tape, inside it sand and Cement, with timer is a small alarm and wires comes out of it ,in El Marg metro station, it was handled by water hoses, a report of the incident was filed and it was send to El Marg police station and referred on the prosecution.

 One of those involved in killing, "Khaled Shawki Allam," the policeman of the national security in Menoufia was killed in fire shot exchanging, between him and security forces, in Meet Khakan road , a report of the incident was filed and the prosecution was notified and took over the investigation.

 the security apparatus in Beheira succeeded deusing two explosive devices, on the top of 45th bridge, at Kafr Dawar center' psolice department, the examination revealed that they contained

about 2 kilos of explosive materials, they were defused by water hoses, all the all the necessary legal procedures were taken, and the prosecution took over the investigation.

Quantitative analysis of the bombing and violence incidents:

Distribution of violence incidents by the nature of the target entities

#of targets governorates incidents army and police forces North Sinai, Fayoum, Alexandria, Cairo, Sharkia, Monofeya, 32 Dakahlia, Bani Suef, Giza

Targeting citizens North Sinai, Alexandria, Cairo, Giza, Damietta, Qaluobia, 21 Beheira, Port Saied, Ismailia, Aswan

Electricity and high pressure Fayoum, Damietta, Sharkia, Gharbia facilities and Mobile 16 Network

Universities and Schools Bani Suef, Giza, Gharbia, Cairo, Qaluobia, Beheira, 12 Dakahlia, Asyut, Minya

Railways 6 Sharkia, Gharbia, Alexandria

Worship houses 4 Asyut, Minya

Political figures 1 Sharkia

Courts 1 North Sinai

Metro 1 Cairo

Total 94

army and police forces 1 1 4 1 Targeting citizens 6 32 Electricity and high pressure 12 facilities and Mobile Network Universities and Schools

Railways 16 Worship houses 21 Political figures



The results in the previous table indicating that army and police forces took the lead among the targets of the violence incident which were witnessed last week with 32 from total 94violent incidents, targeting citizens came in the second place with 21incident,followed by Electricity and high pressure facilities and Mobile Network with 16violent incidents, Universities and Schools followed by 12violent incidents, Railways came next with6 incidents, Worship houses followed by 4incidents, Political figures, Courts and Metro came at last with one incidents for each.

Distribution of violence incidents by governorates: governorates # of incidents

Nort Sinai 23

Sharkia 18

Alexandria 7

Cairo 6

Monofeya 5

Beheira 4

Fayoum 4

Giza 4

Ismailia 3

Bani Suef 3

Gharbia 3

Minya 3

Asyut 3

Dakahia 2

Dameitta 2

Qaloubia 2

Port Saied 1

Aswan 1

The indicated results in the above table highlights that North Sinai took the lead among the governorates that have witnessed violence incidents by 23 incidents, followed by Sharkia with 18 incidents, Alexandria came next by7 incidents, Cairo followed by 6 incidents, Monofeya came next by 5incidents, Beheira, Fayoum and Giza followed by4 violent incidents for each, Ismailia, Bani Suef, Gharbia, Minya and Asyut followed by 3 incidents for each, Dakahia, Damietta and Qaloubia followed by 2 incidents foe each, Port Saied and Aswan came in the bottom by one violent incident for each.

The significance of bombings and violence incidents:

 There is a minor increase in the bombing and violent incidents committed by the terrorist groups, this week witnessed incidents more than the last week( 94 violent incidents for 91 violent incidents last week)  A large escalation in targeting the terrorist groups for the Egyptian armed forces and police members this week , especially in North Sinai governorate, where it came first by 32 violent incidents from the total 94 incidents, which coincides with the participation of the Egyptian army units in the Arab Coalition to fight the Houthi coup in Yemen, thus there are strong indications on the existence of an organic links between terrorist activities in Egypt and other countries in the region.  There is a relative decrease in targeting citizens by terrorist elements(21 incidents this week for 37 incidents last week), which indicates the relative success in securing the citizens' gathering places .  Escalating targeting the civil and vital facilities by 40 incidents this week, for 25 last week, which consolidates the approach of the terrorist groups relating to influence the citizens daily life, and weakening the state's ability of fulfill the citizens' right to access public services.  continued targeting of political figures who supporting the post 30June at 2013 path, and targeting worship houses.  A relative stability in the scope of the bombing and terrorist activities' geographical spread, where the rate is stable in 18 governorates since last week.