Kopi fra DBC Webarkiv Kopi af: Rosenberg-sagen / The Rosenberg Case Dette materiale er lagret i henhold til aftale mellem DBC og udgiveren. www.dbc.dk e-mail:
[email protected] 60 ÅR SIDEN 19. JUNI 2013 23:15 Rosenbergsagen / The Rosenberg Case Linksamling om Rosenbergsagen og McCarthyismen Links on the Rosenberg Case and McCarthyism AF BIBLIOTEKET Indhold / Content: Artikler på dansk Articles in English Sites and encyclopedia's Se også linksamlingen/See also links on: McCarthyismen / McCarthyism Artikler på dansk Wikipedia.dk Julius og Ethel Rosenberg (Wikipedia.dk) Mindre oversigtsartikel om sagen. Information Thomas Schødt Rasmussen: Hvad stikker David Greenglass? (3. januar 2002) "Rosenbergsagen er stadig speget efter alle disse år." Articles in English The Literature & Culture of the American 1950s Michael Meeropol Statement on Ethel and Julius Rosenberg (25 July 1995) "By Robert and Michael Meeropol, sons of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, as an initial reaction to the release by the National Security Agency of the ’Venona’ documents purporting to prove that their parents were indeed Soviet spies." AlterNet Silja J.A. Talvi: Son of the Rosenbergs (June 18, 2003) "Fifty years after the most politicized execution of the 20th century, Robert Meeropol carries the torch of dissent. And 2003, he says, is looking more like 1953 every day." CounterPunch Robert Meeropol: "What we need to do is speak out" (June 20, 2003) "The son of the Rosenbergs reflects on the tenor of the times 50 years after his parents’ execution." HBO Documentary