I SoLo• L.G. BALAKRISHNAN & BROS LIMITED BSE Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, "Exchange Plaza" Dalal Street, Bandra Kurla Complex Mumbai - 400 001 Bandra (E) Mumbai - 400 051 LGB/SEC/STK-20 16 15.06.2016 Dear Sirs, Sub: Submission of Annual Report for the financial year 31.03.2016 - Compliance of Regulation 34 of the Listing Agreement of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 2015 We are forwarding herewith Annual Report for year ended 31st March, 20 16 as per Regulation 34 of the Listing Agreement of the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements), Regulations, 2015. Kindly take the same on record Thanking You, Yours faithfully, Fo L.G.Balakrishnan & Bros Limited anager Cum Company Secretary CC: National Securities Depository Limited Central Depository Services (India) Limited. Trade World, A Wing 16th Floor, P. J. Towers, Kamala Mills Compound, Lower Parel Dalal Street, Fort, Mumbai - 4000 13. Mumbai - 400 023 M/s.Cameo Corporate Services Limited "Subramanian Building" No.1, Club House Road, Chennai - 600 002 R d Offce: 61 161 13 Krishnarayapuram Road, Ganapathy, Coimbatore- 641 006. Tamil N~du, India . CIN: L;~1g1T~1956PLC0002,57 Ph: (0422) 2532325 Fax: (0422) 2532333 E-mail:
[email protected] www.lgb.co.ln L.G. BALAKRISHNAN & BROS LIMITED Corporate Information BOARD OF DIRECTORS STATUTORY AUDITORS Sri. B. Vijayakumar M/s. Deloitte Haskins & Sells Chairman cum Managing Director Chartered Accountants Sri. P. Prabakaran Shanmuga Mandram Deputy Managing Director 41 Race Course, Coimbatore 641018 Phone No. 0422 - 4392801 Non-Executive Directors Sri. P. Balasubramanian COST AUDITOR Sri.