[CANCER RESEARCH 26, 149-159, January 1966|

Granulopoiesis and Thrombopoiesis in Mice Bearing Transplanted Mammary Cancer1

L. DELMONTE, A. G. LIEBELT, AND R. A. LIEBELT Department of Anatomy, Baylor University College of Medicine, Houston, Texas

Summary from a transplantable mouse mammary tumor (CE 1460 MA CA) that arose as a spontaneous tumor, associated with a severe Growth of a transplantable mammary cancer in CE mice (CE leukocytosis and extramedullary granulopoiesis (EMG)2, in a fe 1460 MA CA) was paralleled by hyperplasia of the granulocytic male mouse of the CE strain (22). CE 1460 MA CA has been elements of the and peripheral leukocytosis (up to carried through more than 100 transplant generations in CE mice 350,000 leukocytes/cu mm) with a lymphoid-myeloid ratio re versal to 1:4 and a shift to the left. About 5-20% of the granulo and through more than 50 transplant generations in (BALB/C x CE) FI hybrid mice (hereafter referred to as Ft hybrids); it has cytic elements in the and bone marrow showed morpho logic abnormalities. Hematocrit values decreased 10-15%. shown remarkable stability as regards tumor biology and the tumor-associated hématologieresponse in both the parent strain Peripheral levels manifested a slight depression in the (CE) and FI hybrid mice. face of bone marrow megakaryocytopenia and splenic mega- During a partial survey of other transplanted mouse tumors in karyocytosis. Extramedullary granulopoiesis, with the presence our laboratories, we observed a fluctuating increase in circulating of mitoses and all stages of development of the series but no leukemoid reaction to be associated with another in diffuse and discrete foci, was observed in the liver, spleen, transplantable mammary tumor (BALB/C 2301 MA CA) of lungs, lymph nodes, and adrenals of CE 1460 tumor bearers. The spontaneous origin. The specificity of this response was sug development of foci of extramedullary granulopoiesis, despite the gested by the finding that none of the other tumors studied in the absence of métastasesin the bone marrow, suggests that the survey to date evoked a comparable platelet response. former resulted from direct stimulation of both intra- and extra- Although tumor-associated hématologie changes—particu medullary hemopoietic tissue by a tumor-elaborated, granulo- larly leukemoid reactions and extramedullary hematopoiesis— cyte-specific factor, rather than from a reduction of bone marrow have been reported frequently, and reviewed extensively by space available for granulopoiesis. Dunn (5) and Ebbenhorst-Tengbergen and Mühlbock(7), it was In BALB/C mice, another transplantable mammary cancer felt that the extraction of a granulocytosis-promoting factor from (BALB/C 2301 MA CA) induced periodic fluctuation of platelets CE 1460 tumor tissue and the consequently implied possibility between base-line and elevated levels and bone marrow mega- that another humoral (thrombocytosis-promoting) factor is karyocytosis but no change in splenic megakaryoctye levels. The elaborated by the BALB/C 2301 tumor were of sufficient interest bone marrow erythroid-myeloid ratio and the peripheral leuko cytes' lymphoid-myeloid ratio remained normal. Hematocrit to warrant a study of the biology of these tumors. Hence, the present report attempts (a) to relate the leukemoid and thrombo values decreased 10-15C¿.No foci of extramedullary granulo cytic responses to tumor characteristics (e.g., growth rate, size, poiesis developed in the host tissues. and tumor viability), changes in blood morphology, and host tis The tumor specificity of the leukemoid and thrombocytic re sue histopathology, and (b) to differentiate between the host sponses was suggested by the host response to transplantation of strain-dependent and the tumor-dependent aspects of the hemo the respective tumors into (BALB/C x CE) FI hybrid mice and by poietic responses to the 2 tumors in the FI hybrid system. the regression of the specific CE 1460 tumor-associated and BALB/C 2301 tumor-associated hématologiechanges following Materials and Methods tumor excision. Hématologieand histopathologic changes were studied in 98 control and 155 tumor-bearing mice of the CE, BALB/C, and FI Introduction hybrid strains. These included: Group I (control mice), (a) 74 in A recent report from our laboratories (3) described the extrac tact young adult (6-8 weeks old) and 6 intact 3-month-old CE, tion and partial purification of a granulocytosis-promoting factor BALB/C, and FI hybrid mice, and (&) 18 intact sham-operated young adult CE, BALB/C, and FI hybrid mice; Group II (mice 1Supported in part by USPHS Grants SF3CA-17941-01/02, bearing CE 1460 MA CA), 42 young adult, 6 3-month-old, and CA-07788-01, CA-04517-03and by American Cancer Society In 13 12-month-old CE mice and 45 young adult FI hybrid hosts; stitutional Grants ACS-IN-27D-Project No. 12 and ACS-IN-27E- Group III (mice bearing BALB/C 2301 MA CA), 31 young adult Project No. 1. BALB/C and 18 young adult FI hybrid hosts. Mice were kept in Received for publication March 16, 1905; revised September 7, groups of 3 per cage, separated as to sex, and given Purina Lab 1965. Chow and drinking water ad lib.

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Each host received a s.c. implant (l cu mm) of fresh donor days in 3- and 12-month-old CE mice of both sexes. Macro- tumor tissue delivered with a trocar into the right flank on Day 1. scopically, the tumor was a homogeneous white mass that, at a Of these mice, 105 animals were killed after 2-3 weeks (Group II) diameter of approximately 15 mm, began to manifest superficial or 9-11 weeks (Group III). Another 48 hosts of Groups II and eschar formation and erosion as well as central necrosis and cystic III were subjected to excision of moderately advanced (16-22 fluid accumulation. mm in diameter) tumors, while under light ether anesthesia, and Métastasesdid not develop in the tissues of young adult CE were observed for periods up to 30 days following both successful tumor bearers, but they occasionally occurred in the form of pin and unsuccessful (i.e., local recurrence or métastases,or both) point to 3-mm foci in the lungs and livers of 3- and 12-month-old tumor excision. CE hosts during the usual 3-4 week survival period. Métastases Morning samples of caudal vein blood were obtained (a) at were also observed in the lungs of several young adult CE mice weekly intervals in intact controls, (6) prior to transplantation, which survived for exceptionally long periods of time (6-12 (c) at weekly intervals thereafter in unoperated tumor-bearing weeks) following tumor implantation. hosts, and (d) prior to operation and at 3-day intervals thereafter Tumor growth was paralleled by a marked rise in total circu in sham-operated controls and tumor-excised hosts. A single lating leukocytes (frequently to 350,000/cu mm and occasionally 13-fil blood sample, diluted 1:100 with 1.3 ml of ammonium to 750,000/cu mm) as well as by slight depression of both hemato- oxalate in an Unopette disposable blood-diluting pipette, sufficed crit (from 45-54% to 40-46%) and platelet levels (from 1.3-2.2 for both total leukocyte and platelet determinations by light million/cu mm to 1.0-1.7 million /cumm) (Chart 1). Circulating microscopy. Heparinized capillary tubes were used for micro- leukocytes showyeda reversal of the lymphoid-myeloid ratio to hematocrit determinations. Wright-Giemsa-stained blood films 1:4 and a shift to the left (5-15% immature ). and bone marrow imprints were prepared for differential leuko The bone marrow presented severe, predominantly granulo- cyte counts and studies of blood morphology. cytic hyperplasia with a shift to the left (Fig. 16), as well as pro Intact control mice (Group la) were sacrificed at ages com nounced depression (Table 1). Megakaryocyte parable to those of the corresponding nonoperated tumor hosts. size remained within normal limits (20-50 fi in diameter). Sham-operated control mice (Group lò)were sacrificed 21 days About 5-20% of the granulocytes in both blood and bone mar following surgery. row were enlarged up to 1.5-fold and showed other morphologic Tissue samples were fixed in 10% neutral formalin, sectioned abnormalities (Fig. lo) commonly seen in tumor-associated at 5 n, and stained routinely with hematoxylin and eosin as well leukemoid reactions (5, 21, 27) as well as in pernicious anemia, as with (PAS)2 plus alcian blue. drug toxicity, and radiation disease states (36). The cytoplasm of were counted in 100 high power fields ( X 450) the abnormal granulocytes tended towards extreme basophilia in of 5-/í-thickPAS-stained sections of femoral and sternal bone both immature and mature cells and frequently presented ir marrow and of spleen—equivalent to 2.35 X IO5cu n of the fixed regular coarse granulation. The nuclei manifested swelling, hyper- tissue sample. segmentation, clumped and accessory chromatin, and occa Samples of blood, tumor tissue (with and without central sionally abnormal mitotic figures. necrosis), liver, and spleen were taken at autopsy, under aseptic The tumor size-tumor weight curve of the CE 1460 tumor was conditions, from 12 ~Fihybrid mice bearing CE 1460 MA CA and linear in transplanted and biphasic in recurrent (postexcision) cultured both aerobically and anaerobically on blood agar and in tumors (Chart 2). In the latter, it increased in a linear fashion up thioglycolate broth. Whenever necessary, further diagnostic cul to around the 3.5-gm level, then leveled off as the tumor began to ture media were used to identify any microorganisms present. manifest marked eschar formation, erosion, central necrosis, and A preliminary study of 6 other transplantable solid tumors cystic fluid. Occasionally, tumors underwent central erosion with carried in mice of 5 different strains in the Kirschbaum Memorial subsequent peripheral regrowth. Laboratory, Baylor University College of Medicine, was under Circulating leukocytes averaged 65,000-80,000/cu mm/gm of taken for the purpose of relating possible changes occurring in tumor weight and 8,000-12,000/cu mm/mm of tumor diameter the hosts' leukocyte and platelet picture with tumor type, growth (Chart 2). Leukocytosis averaging 100,000 leukocytes/cu mm rate, and size. These tumors included 1 skin cancer (A+ 9966), 3 was associated with a 10-mm tumor; yet macroscopic evidence of mammary cancers [(BALB/C x CE) FI 3206, DBA/2/ff 5199, necrosis was seen only after the tumor had attained a diameter of BALB/C 926)], 1 testicular tumor (CE 8), and 1 lymphoma 15 mm or more. Histologie analysis of CE 1460 tumors during ((BALB/C x CE) F, 1182). Leukocyte and platelet values in recent transplant generations in FI hybrid mice showed no con caudal vein blood were determined as described above. sistent relationship between the presence or absence of micro scopic foci of necrosis in 5.5- to 6.5-mm tumors and the onset of Results the myeloid reaction. Nor was the degree of microscopically evident necrosis in 9.5- to 11.5-mm tumors consistently propor CE Host tional to the degree of the leukemoid reaction observed. CE 1460 MA CA, an adenocarcinoma Type B according to In cases where necrosis advanced to the stage of tumor erosion, Dunn's (6) classification, attained a diameter of approximately the leukemoid reaction became markedly depressed, and the de 25 mm within 14-21 days in 6- to 8-week-old and within 21-28 pression appeared to be reversed only upon renewed growth along the tumor periphery. Cystic-necrotic material (devoid of viable cells) from large CE 1460 tumors, when injected i.p., failed 'The following abbreviations are used: PAS, periodic acid- to evoke significant leukocytosis in young adult CE mice (L. Schiff ; EMG, extramedullary granulopoiesis. Delmonte and R. A. Liebet, unpublished data). The peripheral


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leukocyte, or more specifically the peripheral granulocyte level TABLE 1 apparently was directly proportional to the volume of viable TUMOR SPECIFICITYOF HEMOPOIETICTISSUERESPONSEIN 3 tumor tissue present. STRAINSOFMICE BEARINGCE 1460 MA CA ORBALB/C 2301 Mitotically active foci of EMG developed consistently in the MA CA liver, spleen and lungs and occasionally in the lymph nodes and adrenals of CE mice bearing CE 1460 MA CA (Figs. 1 c-e; 2 CACE(BALB/C1460 MA CA(BALE/2301 MA f-k). EMG was more pronounced in 6- to 8-week-old than in 3- TISSUECE x CE) C x CE) F, and 12-month-old hosts. EMG foci were not usually associated KI hybridBALB/C hybridBALB/C with metastatic proliferation. Granulocytes in EMG foci en compassed both normal and morphologically aberrant forms. Only rarely did erythropoietic and thrombopoietic proliferation occur at sites of EMG. LiverSpleen ++++++±+ ++++++±-—-— Hepatic EMG foci occurred mainly within the walls of the larger venous vessels and occasionally among the liver cord cells Lungs AdrenalsLymph nodes+

¡esoIs CEHOST^,jf^.^r-""^.»••""'' Megakaryocytes6 20§~ Bone marrow 100• Spleen38%278%38% 330%123% 165%146%126% ii ii 0 Degree of extramedullary granulopoiesis. * Percentage of control (100%) levels.

60 themselves (Fig. 2f,

I The spleen, which doubled or tripled its size within 2-3 weeks 20 of CE 1460 tumor implantation, showed evidence of diffuse EMG that disrupted the splenic architecture and occasionally even 0 displaced the lymphoid elements in germinal centers (Fig. le). Megakaryocytes, easily distinguished from other giant cells by 300 their strong affinity for the PAS stain, increased about 3-fold 250 (Table 1); they occurred mainly in discrete nests of both imma z ture and mature cells and occasionally .singly within the EMG o

BALB/C Host BALB/C 2301 MA CA, an adenoacanthoma according to 7 10 14 17 21 Dunn's (6) classification, had the macroscopic aspect of a homo DAYS POST-TRANSPLANTATION geneous white mass throughout the course of its development, i -M.IS.E. although it occasionally showed eschar formation towards the # 99.7% CONTROL CONFIDENCE LIMITS terminal stage (30-38 mm in diameter). CHART1. Peripheral blood changes accompanying growth of In young adult hosts of both sexes, the tumor developed to a CE 1460 MA CA in CE mice. diameter of approximately 25 mm within 9-11 weeks and at-

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®fflS^&&**f -»* •s fel» &Õ 152 CANCER RESEARCH VOL. 26

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50 t-3Uli»I'»> /C HOST..* Lu K 40 TRANSPLANT LU RECURRENCE *-a"f <~30

'20 0a6040 i•-*.,-.,.*f i i i i i i i i K O IO ti ^ jt ,LJlr•••%••••*•-••*.....:..•.•..::.

I 234567 TUMOR WEIGHT (GRAMS ) I-20o300_2503200m i,i i i i i i i i i 50

LU l- 40 LU <~305

o z150§ 1 IO 100K5O2.55

200 400 600 800 WBC(THOUSANDS/CU MM)

o ' — CD 2.OS| < 4 ='••¿B'&¿j¿¿¿&&¿¿6%%¿¿&LWrtfy//1**^ ^v//,~ • .^-M *J * L°05:-c-P--P?t-BALB O 200 400 600 800 WBC(THOUSANDS/CU MM)

CHART 2. Correlation of leukocytosis, tumor size, and tumor I 3456789 10 II weight in mice bearing transplanted and recurrent CE 1460 MA WEEKS POST-TRANSPLANTATION CA. Upper graph: Ratio of tumor size to tumor weight. Trans I •M.±S.E. plant: Y = Õ.95X+ 15.28, r = 0.782, P < 0.001. Recurrence: — •99 7% CONTROL CONFIDENCE LIMITS Y¡= 2.63X + 16.7«, ri = 0.646, P¡< 0.010. Recurrence: Y2 = CHART 3. Peripheral blood changes accompanying growth of -2.44X + 38.90, r, = 0.812, I\ < 0.025. Interclass: r = 0.739, BALB/C 2301 MA CA in BALB/C mice. P < 0.001. Center graph: Ratio of tumor size to leukocytosis. Transplant: Y = 0.03X + 10.93, r = 0.581, P < 0.001. Recur crit levels were depressed slightly (from 47-60% to 40-48%). rence: Y = 0.04X + 8.42, r = 0.624, P < 0.001. Interclass: r = 0.979, P < 0.001. Lower graph: Ratio of tumor weight to leuko The striking characteristic of this tumor was that platelets cytosis. Transplant: F = 0.007X + 1.55, r = 0.509, P < 0.001. showed periodic fluctuation between baseline (0.8-1.8 million/ Recurrence: Y = 0.005X + 1.77, r = 0.329, P < 0.200. Interclass: cu mm) and elevated levels (to 3.0 million/cu mm), albeit without r = 0.613, P < 0.100. any discernably constant rhythm or correlation with tumor size and weight (Chart 3). Thrombocytosis was evident as early as tained a maximal diameter of 30-38 mm within 13-15 weeks, 2-3 weeks following transplantation of BALB/C 2301 MA CA, although some hosts survived up to 24 weeks. when the tumor measured approximately 3-5 mm in diameter; Neither métastasesnorfoci of EMG developed in the tissues of the phenomenon of recurrent thrombocytosis became well es BALB/C hosts bearing BALB/C 2301 MA CA. tablished during the ensuing 9-11 weeks (Chart 3) and persisted During the course of BALB/C 2301 tumor growth, total and thereafter. Individual platelet fluctuations were far more irregu differential leukocyte numbers remained normal, while hemato- lar in the circulation of tumor hosts than in that of control mice

FIG. 1. Leukemoid blood picture and granulopoiesis in tissues of CE 1460 MA CA hosts: a, peripheral blood with aberrant granulo- cytic forms (X 1000); 6, bone marrow (X 150); c, spleen (X 050); d, lymph node (X 300); e, lymph node (X 750).

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HOST;HYBRID CE 50 bJ¡IHaSi3020 *"""*'—/*..._.** * TRANSPLANT 40 RECURRENCE 10604O

|fr '*^aT^ Til I 30


*" 3bfc.-"^-rw:-g-.-.-.-:-:.-Tr--.III! -ar- — "*»v — - 10


(BALB/C X CE) F, 50 ce o 4O _ 250 - 30 roo O 20 "S I50h *<3 IO

mO O 7 14 21 28

__ •»_ •. T'"«•¡a T •>a ^¿¿- DAYS POST-TRANSPLANTATION CHART5. Growth rate of transplanted and recurrent CK 1400 MA CA in CE and (BALB/C x CE) F, hybrid mice. Upper graph: CE Host, Transplant: Y = 1.24A"- 0.57, r = 0.501, P < 0.001. I Recurrence: Y = 2.13X - 0.12, r = 0.727, P < 0.001. Interclass: î3- "w r = 0.494,P < 0.500.Lower graph: (BALB/C x CE) Fi hybrid host, V.T ^ Transplant: Y = 0.54X + 4.%, r = 0.624, P < 0.001. Recurrence: ¿i Y = 1.98X - 0.10, r = 0.942, P < 0.001. Interclass: r = 0.143, P < 0.500. OI O morphologic forms and no macro- or microscopically discernible I 3456789 10 II WEEKS POST-TRANSPLANTATION metastatic foci.

!• M.±SE. CE 1460 MACA «p. 99.7% CONTROL CONFIDENCE LIMITS BALB/C 2301 MACA (BALB/C x CE) I'\ Hybrid Host

CHART4. Peripheral blood changes accompanying growth of In Fi hybrid mice, both CE 1460 MA CA and BALB/C 2301 CE 1460MA CA and BALB/C 2301 MA CA in (BALB/C x CE) MA CA retained their biologic and specific hématologiecharac Fi hybrid mice. teristics (Chart 4; Table 1). CE 1460 tumor growth rate in young adult F[ hybrids lagged 1 and periodically attained peak levels in the former that were up to 50% higher than any ever observed in the latter. At 9-11 week behind that observed in young adult CE hosts (Chart 5). This lag, which was significant within 99.9% confidence limits, weeks, tissue megakaryocytc concentrations manifested an in was reproduced in the development of both the leukemoid re crease of about 50% in the bone marrow and 2590 in the spleen (Table 1). The tumor dependence of these changes in the mega- sponse and the platelet depression (Charts 1 and 4), although leukocyte and platelet values as related to tumor size were sta karyocyte-platelet axis has been studied extensively and will be reported elsewhere.3 tistically identical in the parent strain and the FI hybrid. It is of interest that the CE 1460 tumor growth rate in young adult The bone marrow of BALB/C 2301 MA CA hosts presented an Fi hybrids was comparable to that observed in 12-month-okl unchanged erythroid-myeloid ratio. There were no aberrant CE hosts. The incidence of lung and liver métastasesin CE 1460 tumor 3L. Delmonte and R. A. Liebelt, Granulopoiesis and Thrombo bearers appeared to be dependent on time rather than on tumor poiesis in Mice Bearing Transplanted Mammary Cancer. II. size or strain. In 3- to 12-week-old CE and in young adult FI Megakaryocyte-Platelet Axis, in manuscript. hybrid hosts bearing advanced tumors (20-25 mm in diameter),

FIG. 2. Leukemoid blood picture and granulopoiesis in tissues of CE 1460MA CA hosts:/, liver (X 150); g, liver (X 475); h, lung (X 200); i, lung (X 600); j, adrenal (X 60); k, adrenal (X 475).

JANUARY 1966 155

Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on September 29, 2021. © 1966 American Association for Cancer Research. L. Delmonte, A. G. Liebelt, and R. A. Liebelt the incidence of métastaseswas negligible at 2 weeks, slight at 3 were elevated more than 3-fold in CE 1460 tumor bearers but weeks, and increasingly marked at 4 or more weeks after tumor only about §inBALB/C 2301 tumor bearers (Table 1). transplantation. BALB/C 2301 tumor growth rate was identical in young adult Tumor Excision Fi hybrid and BALB/C hosts (Charts 3 and 4). No leukemoid Moderate transitory leukocytosis (25,000-45,000 leukocytes/ reaction occurred in either host strain. The fluctuating platelet cu mm)—probablydue toa transi tor y increase in com elevation was slightly less pronounced in Fi hybrids than in pensating for blood loss at surgery—followed not only CE 1460 BALB/C hosts (Charts 3 and 4). Unlike CE 1460 MA CA, and BALB/C 2301 tumor excision in hosts of the respective BALB/C 2301 MA CA was already associated with a rise in parent strain (CE and BALB/C) and in FI hybrid hosts, but also platelet levels by the time a 5-mm tumor diameter had been at sham operation in all 3 strains of mice (Table 2). tained in the FI hybrid host. Renormalization of total and differential leukocyte values and Hematocrit changes were slight (10-15% maximum decrease) disappearance of aberrant granulocytic forms occurred in CE and and were comparable for the 2 tumors and all 3 strains of mice Fi hybrid hosts within 3-9 days of excision of CE 1460 MA CA (Charts 1, 3, 4). (Table 2). Excision of a 16- to 20-mm tumor was usually fol The bone marrow and EMG and megakaryocyte picture in FI lowed within 5-21 days by tumor recurrence along the line of hybrids bearing CE 1460 MA CA or BALB/C 2301 MA CA was excision. Recurrence of the leukemoid response was observed as comparable to that of hosts of the respective strain of tumor early as 24-48 hr prior to macroscopically evident tumor re- origin. growth. The growth rate of CE 1460 tumors recurring at the site Splenomegaly in FI hybrids, as well as in the strain of tumor of excision was accelerated by comparison to that of the trans origin, depended on tumor size. Splenic megakaryocyte levels planted tumors (Chart 5).



STRAINCE(BALB/CMOUSE EXCISIONShamTumorShamTumorTumorShamTumorShamTumorShamTumorTumorShamTumorDAYS


CANoneCE1460 MA




CANoneCE2301 MA


CANoneCE1460 MA






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With CE 1460 MA CA recurrence after unsuccessful excision, affect the type of hématologieresponse associated with the the tumor size-tumor weight relationship was initially (up to the tumor: A+ 9966 skin cancer, (BALB/C x CE) FI 3206 mam 3.5-gm level) similar to that observed before excision; then, with mary cancer, CE 8 testicular tumor, and DBA/2/ff 5199 mam the development of a disproportionate weight increase due to mary cancer hosts survived approximately 4-5, 5-6, 6-7, and massive accumulation of cystic fluid, the ratio began to show a 19-20 weeks, respectively; yet all showed normal platelet values. trend towards a linear decrease rather than towards an increase A+ 9966 and (BALB/C x CE) F! 3206 tumor hosts also mani (Chart 2). However, the pre- and postexcision ratios of tumor size fested a leukemoid reaction, whereas CE 8 and DBA/2/ff 5199 to leukocyte number were statistically identical (interclass hosts showed a normal leukocyte picture. BALB/C 962 mam r = 0.979) (Chart 2). Following recurrence, the relationship of mary cancer and (BALB/C x CE) Ft 1882 lymphoma killed their tumor weight to leukocyte number Ix-came random (r = 0.329), respective hosts within approximately 4-5 weeks; hosts bearing although it manifested a trend towards the same ratio as that of both these tumors manifested a trend towards platelet depression the pre-excision group (interclass r = 0.613) (Chart 2). similar to that seen in CE 1460 tumor hosts, whose survival was Following CE 1460 tumor excision, pinpoint to 3-mm métas 3-4 weeks, but only BALB/C 962 hosts also manifested Icuko- tases were found frequently in the lungs and liver and occa cytosis. None of the tumors studied evoked a recurrent throm- sionally in the lymph nodes, kidneys, and adrenals, but not in bocytosis like that observed in BALB/C 2301 tumor hosts. femoral or sternal bone marrow of the mice that presented no recurrence at the tumor implantation site. Microscopically evi Discussion dent foci of lung métastasesbut no foci or EMG were found upon histologie examination of all CE and FI hybrid hosts with The tumor specificity of the leukemoid and thrombocytic re macroscopic-ally and hematologically diagnosed successful CE sponses associated with CE 1460 MA CA and BALB/C 2301 MA 1460 tumor excision. CA, respectively, was demonstrated by the response of geneti In BALB/C and F! hybrid mice bearing BALB/C 2301 MA cally isologous hosts (Fi hybrid mice) to the transplantation of CA, tumor excision was usually successful, recurrence being rare these genetically unrelated tumors and by the regression of the within the 21-day postsurgical observation period of our experi specific tumor-associated hématologieresponses following tumor ments. Neither of 2 mice that manifested incipient (palpable) excision. tumor recurrence presented métastases. Over the past 50 years, leukocytosis associated with extra- A transitory 2- to 3-fold increase in platelet levels with a peak medullary hematopoiesis—both leukopoiesis and erythropoiesis— at 6 days followed both tumor excision and sham operation in all has been reported repeatedly in tumor-bearing mice (1, 2, 5, 7, 3 strains of mice, persisted for 9-12 days, and manifested a trend 13, 14, 19-21, 26-28), rats (21, 23), hamsters (15), rabbits (8), towards renormalization by 21 days (Table 2). The immediate dogs (8), monkeys (8), and man (4, 9, 10-12, 16-18, 24, 25, reaction, following sham operation or tumor excision, appeared 29-35). Thrombocytosis associated with leukemoid reactions has to be dependent on (i.e., compensatory for) blood loss or trauma, been reported both in man and in tumor-bearing mice manifest or both, at surgery rather than on tumor ablation itself, but it was ing extramedullaiy hematopoiesis (2). A direct correlation be less pronounced after sham operation than after tumor excision. tween splenic megakaryocytosis and peripheral leukocytosis has In all 3 strains of mice, the tumor-dependent platelet changes been reported by Parsons et al. (28) in mice bearing transplanted were totally or partially reversed within 21 days of excision of sarcomas. Most of the tumor-associated leukemoid reactions either CE 1460 MA CA or BALB/C 2301 MA CA. described in the literature have been associated with moderate to extreme concurrent effects on or thrombopoiesis, Microbiology of CE 1460 MA CA or both, and have resulted in extramedullaiy hemopoiesis involv Although all the mice from which these tissue samples had been ing all cell lines rather than a single one, as is the case for the taken presented a marked leukemoid reaction, only some of the CE 1460 and BALB/C 2301 tumor systems. The tumor-host relationship has been shown to be affected by samples of tumor (67%) and spleen (50%), a single sample of blood (8%), and no sample of liver (0%) from mice bearing ad a variety of factors. Whereas the growth rate of CE 1460 MA CA vanced (20- to 25-mm diameter) CE 1460 tumors manifested was influenced by factors such as host age and genetics, the de evidence of microorganisms in thioglycolate broth or on blood velopment of granulocytosis and EMG foci appeared to be de agar. Among the positive cultures, 4 different Gram-negative pendent upon the volume of viable tumor tissue present and on organisms—Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Aerobacter aerogenes, Pro the hemopoietic mitotic and maturation potential of intra- and teus vulgaris, and Staphylococcus aureus—were identified; a extramedullary host tissue in response to the tumor-elaborated Bacillus (species not identified) also was isolated. The presence stimulus. The occurrence of EMG foci, despite an actual quanti or absence of bacterial contamination had no effect on either the tative increase rather than a reduction of granulocytic tissue in occurrence or the magnitude of the CE 1460 tumor-associated the bone marrow cavities by metastatic or other factors, further leukemoid reaction. supports the concept that the host's granulocytic response is tumor dependent. HématologieSurveyof Other Transplantable Mouse Tumors Although several investigators including Bateman (2) found The hématologiestudy of hosts of 5 different strains of mice that tumor age, necrosis, ulcération,and eschar formation had a bearing additional tumors of various types of tissues revealed that greater influence on tumor-associated leukemoid reactions in neither the tumor tissue type and growth rate nor the host strain mice than did tumor tissue viability or volume, our data, like and survival time following tumor transplantation appeared to those of Ebbenhorst-Tengbergen and Mühlbock(7), suggested

JANUARY 1906 157

Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on September 29, 2021. © 1966 American Association for Cancer Research. L. Delmontc, A. G. Liebelt, and R. A. Liebelt that the amount of viable tumor tissue present rather than the Acknowledgments presence of necrotic tissue was the prime factor in the develop ment of the tumor-associated leukemoid reaction. In fact, in the The authors wish to express their appreciation to Miss Kath- aryn Kemp and Mr. William T. Miller for their respective roles CE 1460 tumor system, whenever the ratio of tumor weight to in the survey of the Kirschbaum Memorial Laboratory's trans tumor size increased disproportionately owing to the appearance planted mouse tumors for tumor-associated leukemoid and throm of cystic fluid and necrosis at the core of the tumor, the pe bocytic reactions. ripheral leukocytosis tended to level off despite a continuous in crease in absolute tumor weight. 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Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on September 29, 2021. © 1966 American Association for Cancer Research. Granulopoiesis and Thrombopoiesis in Mice Bearing Transplanted Mammary Cancer

L. Delmonte, A. G. Liebelt and R. A. Liebelt

Cancer Res 1966;26:149-159.

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Downloaded from cancerres.aacrjournals.org on September 29, 2021. © 1966 American Association for Cancer Research.