Glassboro Fire Department. Company #1 Bv George Armstrong the Glassboro Fire Department Has a Long Tower Was Damaged by Fire and the Bell Was Re and Rich History
Spring 20 1+-Volume 1 1 )ssue 1 Working Toward rreserving Our Communit;y's Heritage, Architecture and rride ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Glassboro Fire Department. Company #1 bv George Armstrong The Glassboro Fire Department has a long tower was damaged by fire and the bell was re and rich history. Much has been written about it. moved and is displayed in the present fire Everett S. Buck, a local historian and volun house," teer firefighter wrote, "On September 29, 1894, Mr. Buck continues, "In 1910, ground was Glassboro's first known fire company was orga- purchased from Whitney Brothers on which a lized and given the name of Glassboro Hose and new fire station was built on West High Street be- Ladder Company. It tween Main and is known that a Poplar Streets. The fire house was building was dedi built on the south cated on Thanks side of East High giving Day 1910. It Street between was constructed by Academy and Frank C, Ware, son Main Streets by a of Charles C. local contractor, Ware. Over the Charles C. Ware, years, a kitchen for $412.00. The and workshop were first piece of fire added. In 1954, a fighting equip- bay was built on ment, a ladder the west side to wagon, was re accommodate the ceived in 1895. ladder truck. In Following the 1980, the new fire great Whitney Fac station, at the cor- tory fire of October ner of East High and 1895, a meeting was held and the first fire de Academy Streets, was completed and occupied. partment officers were elected.
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