The months of Muharram & Safar CONTENTS





 st raat Srat atiha Srat Ihas ties.  nd raat, rat atiha, rat adr ties.  After the salaam recite the following ayat of the Qur’an:

ِ ِ ل ْح ل ِ ِ بِ سْم اهلل ا َّ ر ٰ ِن ا َّ رحي مْ There is not a “moving creature” in ِ وما م ن دآبَّ ٍ ة ِِف ا الَّر ِض اِالَّ عَّ ٰٰل ِاهلل ِرز قْهَّا َّ َّ َّ ويعلَّم مستقَّ َّرها ومستودععا ك ٌّ ل ِِف ِكت ٍاب َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ مبِ ٍيْ If Aah tohes o ith affition, واِ ن ََّيسس َّك اهلل بِ ض ٍر فَّال َّكَّ ِاش َّف ل َّه اِال َّ هو there is none that an reieve it َّ َّ save He And if He is good for واِن ي ِرد ك ِِب ٍْي فال رآد لِفضلِه ي ِصيب بِ ِه o, there is none ho od tae َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ aa His grae. He aes it من يشآء ِمن ِعب ِاده وهو ا لغفور الر ِحيمْ avaiabe to ho He is of his َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ abd. He is the oft forgiving, the‘ erif. عس ٍيس َّسيَّ جعَّ ل اهلل بَّع َّد ر ًرا

WWW.QFATIMA.COM 1 Page 1 That which Allah wills will come to ما َّشآء اهلل الَّ ق َّوةَّ اِال َّبِ ِاهللْ ass There is no strength save in َّ َّ Allah

Allah is sufficient for us ost ِ ل ِ ecellent is e in whom we trust َّح سب نا َّ اهلل َّونع َّم ا َّوكي لْ

An entrust my affairs to Allah وا فَّ ِو ض اَّ م ِر ى اِ ََّل ِاهلل اِ َّن اهلل بَّ ِص ْي بِال ِعبادْ erily Allah ees an eye on is َّ َّ ٌّ َّ .abd‘

There is no o save ou lory e ِ ِ َّ ِ َّ ِم to ou erily was of the unust الَّ ا َّله اال اَّن َّت سب َّحانَّ َّك ا ّن كن ت َّن ِ َّ الظاِلِ َّي y or erily am neey of ِ ِ ر ِب اِ ِ ّن ِلا اَّن َّزل ت اِ ََّلَّ م ن َّخ ٍْي فَّقِ ْيْ whatever goo ou sen own for َّ َّ َّ ٌّ me

y or o not leave me alone ِ ر ِب الَّ تَّ َّذر ِّن فَّ ردا واَّن َّت َّخ ْي ال و ِارث يْ chilless though ou are the est َّ ً َّ َّ َّ of inheritors

2 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 2 a a TH TH UHARRA ق ِ َّ ِ a a مَّا َّشآء َّ اهللالَّ َّ وةَّ اال بِاهللْ a. a a. dad a ad b a. a ِ ِ ’rning and sorrow. In this month on the tenth day ‘Ashura َّح سب ا نَّاهلل َّونع َّم ا ل َّوكي لْ .. .. a a b a a ad a ad. aa a d a ad d aa a. abaa d a a a a b b ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ a a .b aad a d a a وا فَّ ِو ض اَّ م ِر ى ا ََّل اهلل ا َّن اهلل بَّص ْي بِال عبادْ َّ َّ ٌّ َّ .abd‘

RECOMMENDED ‘AMAL d a . b ِ ِ َّ ِ َّ ِم . a .  aa – aa – a a a a الَّ ا َّله اال اَّن َّت سب َّحانَّ َّك ا ّن كن ت َّن ad a aaa َّ الظ ِاِلِي  a da aa aba – a ab َّ d a d d a d a ِ ِ ِ ِ ِ a d d d a ad d a a a َّر ِ ب ا ِ ّن ِلَّا اَّن َّزل َّت ا ََّلَّ م ن َّخ ٍْي فَّق ْيٌّْ . aa. aa aa a bba a da b a a aa b abb – “Are you d a a fasting?” He answers no. Imam then says: “Yabna Shabeeb! This is the .da aaa a a ad abb a d ِ ر ِب الَّ تَّ َّذر ِّن فَّ ردا واَّن َّت َّخ ْي ال و ِارث يْ d a b a a da ad ad a aab ad َّ ً َّ َّ َّ . a d a aa . a ad invokes Allah He will accept as the dua of Zakariyya”

 aab a da .

 On the day of ‘Ashura, it is recommended to remember the martyrs of abaa a a ad aa a a b


The second month of the Islamic year sees the wafat of the rophet pbuh and Imam Ali Aridha pbuh. It is a month in which the battle of Siffeen was fought by Imam Ali pbuh. The ‘arba’een of Imam Husayn (pbuh) falls in this month.


It is recommended to give sadaa in this month and pray to Allah taking refuge in Him from trials and tribulations. It is recommended to recite the following dua, daily:

O He who has total, absolute and يا َّش ِدي َّد ال ق َّوى و يا َّش ِدي َّ د اِلِح ِالْ everlasting power, therefore is versatile and َّ َّ َّ َّ at all times gets the better of the يا ع ِزيز يا ع ِزيز يا ع ِزيزْ impossible, the Almighty, the Glorious, the َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ .Dearest Beloved ذلَّت بِعظمتِك َجِيع خلقِك فاك ِف ِِن Dwarfed are all that which have been َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ created by You before Your majesty. Keep ِ me safe from the evil any of the created َّش َّ ر َّخل ق َّكْ .beings may direct at me ِ O the Praiseworthy, Who vies in beauty and يَّا ُم سن يَّ اُم ِم ل يَّامن ِعم يَّام ف ِض لْ goodness, does everything in a pleasant way, gives joy, heart and confidence, treats يا َّالْاِله اِ َّ الْ اَّنت سبحانك اِ ِ ّن كنْت ِمنْ with love and kindness. O “there is no God َّ ٰ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ except You, Glory be to You, verily I have َّالظ ِاِلِ ِم ِ been unjust to myself. Then We heard his َّي فَّ استَّ َّجب نَّا ل َّ ه َّو َّنَّ ي نَّ اه َّن ال غَّ م َّو .prayer and saved him from anguish ِ نن ِ ِ كَّ َّذل َّك ِِج ا ِل ؤمن َّيْ Thus we save the believers”, send blessings on Muhammad and is pure and pious ص َّ ع ٍ ِ ِ ِه ِي .descendants َّو َّ ٰل اهلل َّ َّ ٰل ُمَّ َّ مد َّ و اَّله َّ الطا ر َّنْ


The seon month of the Islami year sees the afat of the rophet (pbuh) an Imam Hasan lsery (pbuh) has sai The sins of a belieer are fie Imam li riha (pbuh) It is a month in hih the battle of iffeen as  erformin fiftyone raats of salaa aily fouht by Imam li (pbuh) The ‘arba’een of Imam Husayn (pbuh) falls in this  eitin iyara of ‘arba’een month  earin a rin in the riht han  lain the forehea on ust urin saa an RECOMMENDED ‘AMAL  ayin ismillah alrahman alrahim" aloud in salaa.” alamal p as state by Ibn Taus It is reommene to ie saaa in this month an pray to llah tain refue in Him from trials an tribulations “Whoever dedicates himself to Allah for forty days, will find springs of It is reommene to reite the folloin ua aily wisdom sprout out of his heart and flow on his tongue.”

O e who has total, absolute and or forty ays am remaine in prostration eepin for the loss of ِ ِ everlasting ower, thereore is versatile and paraise ihar alanar ol p يَّا َّشدي َّد ال ق َّ وى َّو يَّا َّشدي َّد اِلِ َّح ِالْ at all ties gets the better o the am ept for Habil for forty nihts Imal alin p يا عَّ ِزي ز يا عَّ ِزي ز يا عَّ ِزي زْ iossible, the light, the Glorious, the َّ َّ َّ .earest eloved earin the floo of uh (pbuh) it is sai o for forty ays ater ذلَّ ت بِعظمتِك ََّجِيع خل قِك ف اك ِف ِِن wared are all that whih have been reated b ou beore our aest. ee َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ ontinue to pour from the heaen an to stream out from the earth ش ِ e sae ro the evil an o the reated The uration of the promise meetin of rophet usa (pbuh) as َّ َّ ر َّخل ق َّكْ .beings a diret at e O the raiseworth, ho vies in beaut and omplete in forty nihts an his people ere eliere from their ُم ِس ِ ِ ِ goodness, does everthing in a leasant anerins after forty years يَّا ن يَّ اُم م ل يَّ امن ع م يَّ ام فض لْ wa, gives o, heart and onidene, treats ِ ِ ِ ِ with love and kindness. O “there is no God asulullah (pbuh) rose for serie after forty years ياَّ َّالْال ٰ َّه ا َّ الْ اَّن َّت سبحانَّ َّك ا ِ ّن كنْ ت م َّنْ َّ eet ou, Glor be to ou, veril have It is reommene that one ho reahes forty years arries a staff for َّ الظ ِاِلِي فاستجبنا ل َّه و َّنيناه ِمن ال غ ِم و been unust to sel. Then e heard his raer and saved hi ro anguish. َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ َّ the staff is a sin of a traeller n hen forty years are oer it is the

time for ourney an the tain up of the staff sinifies preparation for ِ نن ِ ِلؤ ِم ِنيْ the ourney of the Hereafter an olletin oneself for eparture afinat كَّ َّذل َّك ِج ا َّ Thus we save the believers”, send blessings on uhaad and is ure and ious albihar ol p in Ihyaalulum ol p ص َّ ع ٍ ِ ِ ِه ِي .desendants َّو َّ ٰل اهلل َّ َّ ٰل ُمَّ َّ مد َّ و اَّله َّ الطا ر َّنْ “One who assists a blind man for forty steps becomes worthy of entering Janna,” Literally means someone who lacks eyesight, and its

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 5 Page 4 Page 5 interpretation tawil is someone who is blind due to the lack of inner sight, because the blind man lacking eyesight does not reach actuality from potentiality after completing forty steps, though he may come near it, and if left to himself he would return to his earlier state And the completion of spiritual ecellence ihsan and the attainment of guidance is realied on completion of forty steps and in this respect results in worthiness for Janna.

.When a man enters his fortieth year, it is said to him, "ow be careful, because (henceforth) you will not have any excuse.”. Saduq's alhisal, p. ,

.f one recites the uratul amd forty times on water and pours it on someone suffering from fever, od shall cure him.

.Rasulullah (pbuh) has said: “For forty days and nights, Allah does not accept the prayers and fasts of someone who backbites a uslim man or woman unless that person pardons him.”

.“When a believer dies and forty men from among the believers attend his funeral and say, "O od, we know nothing about him ecept goodness, and ou know him better than we do." Allah says, "our testimony suffices e, and forgive him what know of things that you do not know. Alhisal, p. , aladu

.“If someone brings forward forty believers and does dua, his dua is answered.” 'Uddat aldai, p.

.mam Ali pbuh has narrated from asulullah pbuh "One who preserves for the sake of my ummah forty ahadith relating to their religious needs shall be raised by Allah as a learned scholar on the ay of esurrection.

6 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 6 interpretation (ta'wil) is someone who is blind due to the lac of inner EEN O E MON O MARRAM AND AAR sight, because the blind man lacing eyesight does not reach actuality from potentiality after completing forty steps, though he may come near MARRAM it, and if left to himself he would return to his earlier state And the st rophet Idris (pbuh) was raised to the heaven. e was sent as a rophet completion of spiritual excellence (ihsan) and the attainment of guidance after Adam with two hundred years. rophet Idris settled in the mosque is realied on completion of forty steps and in this respect results in of Sahla in the holy city of ufa. worthiness for anna. rd Salvation of rophet usuf (pbuh) from the well occurred on this day. th rophet usa (pbuh) crossed the sea in this month when it had been .When a man enters his fortieth year, it is said to him, ow be careful, parted for him and Firawn and his army drowned in it. because (henceforth) you will not have any excuse.”. Saduq's alhisal, th It was on this day Allah spoe to rophet usa son of Imran (pbuh) on p. , the mountain. th It was on this day rophet unus (pbuh) came out from the belly of the .If one recites the Suratul amd forty times on water and pours it on whale. someone suffering from fever, od shall cure him. rophet usa, ahya Sayyida aryam were born on this day. th ASURA ( A..) .Rasulullah (pbuh) has said: “For forty days and nights, Allah does not ulau entered aghdad, he who the Abbasids state collapsed in his accept the prayers and fasts of someone who bacbites a uslim man or hand in year A.. woman unless that person pardons him.” th ibla changed from erusalem to the Ka’ba in Makka. th he punishment fell on the people of the elephant (soldiers of Abraha) .“When a believer dies and forty men from among the believers attend when they wanted to destroy Ka’ba. his funeral and say, od, we now nothing about him except th artyrdom of Imam aynul Aabideen (pbuh). goodness, and ou now him better than we do. Allah says, our th Soldiers of Sham entered in adina under the leadership of aseen bun testimony suffices e, and I forgive him what I now of things that you ameer they entered adina with the intention of illing Ibn ubair. do not now. Alhisal, p. , alSaduq his incident occurred on a day called (awmul urrah) in year A..

.“If someone brings forward forty believers and does dua, his dua is AAR answered.” 'Uddat alda'i, p. nd attle of Siffin th artyrdom of Imam asan (pbuh) .Imam Ali (pbuh) has narrated from Rasulullah (pbuh): ne who th irth of Imam usa Aladhim (pbuh) preserves for the sae of my ummah forty ahadith relating to their th attle of aharwan won by Imam Ali (pbuh) religious needs shall be raised by Allah as a learned scholar on the ay of th eath of Salman Farsi Resurrection. th ‘Arba’een of Imam Husayn (pbuh) th Wafat of rophet uhammad (pbuh) th artyrdon of Imam Ali ArRidha (pbuh)


Imam Husayn (pbuh) eft Makka on the th of huhia of Hira ( ). ith him were his famiy and his foowers from the Hia area asrah and Kufa. Many dinitaries of Makka tried to hane his mind. His ousin Abduah Ibn Abbas warned him ou miht be kied and the peope of Ira are not reiabe. At east o some other pae suh as emen where your father had foowers. he Imam repied my ousin I know that you are sinere but I hae deided on this ourney. Ibn Abbas said hen do not take your hidren and your famiy I am afraid if you take them they may see you die. Imam Husayn (pbuh) repied y od they are not oin to eae me. If they eae me they are oin to be itims of someone who woud not hae mery on them. hen the Imam mentioned that he did not want any bood spied in Makka and he wanted the famiy to be united and whateer happens woud happen to them toether. And if he eaes them behind they woud not be under anyones protetion.


ANM Here Imam saw a araan from emen. He hired ames from them and asked if anyone wanted to oin him. ome did.

AA Here Imam met the famous poet arada son of haib. he Imam reeted the famous poet kindy then after some time he asked him hat do you know about the attitude of the peope Aarada answered heir hearts are with you but their swords are with the mayyads and the destination omes from heaen.

8 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 8 WADI AL ‘AQEEQ E ORNE O MAM AN AND AML th Imam arried here on aturday huhia. It is here that Abduah ibn Ja’fer Imam Husayn (pbuh) eft Makka on the th of huhia of Hira ( ). eft his two sons Aun Muhammad with Imam. ith him were his famiy and his foowers from the Hia area asrah and DA ALIQ Kufa. Many dinitaries of Makka tried to hane his mind. His ousin Abduah th Ibn Abbas warned him ou miht be kied and the peope of Ira are not Imam ot here on Monday huhia. He set amp and wrote a etter to reiabe. At east o some other pae suh as emen where your father had Musim Ibn Ai and ae it to ays Ibn Mashar aaydawi to take to Kufa. In it foowers. he wrote peope of Kufa I hae reeied the etter of Musim Ibn Ai he Imam repied my ousin I know that you are sinere but I hae statin that you hae athered to hep us and ask for our rihts. I ask Amihty deided on this ourney. od to reward you for this ation. or this reason I eft Makka on hursday the Ibn Abbas said hen do not take your hidren and your famiy I am afraid if th of huhiah. hen my messener arries be united unti I reah Kufa in a you take them they may see you die. few days. Imam Husayn (pbuh) repied y od they are not oin to eae me. If they Abduah Ibn Muti tried to onine Imam not to o to Ira but Imam eae me they are oin to be itims of someone who woud not hae mery refused. on them. hen ays Ibn Mashar aaydawi reahed audisiyya Ibn iyads army hen the Imam mentioned that he did not want any bood spied in Makka and aptured him. hen they tried to searh him he tore the etter apart. He was he wanted the famiy to be united and whateer happens woud happen to brouht to the oernors aste in Kufa and Ibn iyad asked him hy did you them toether. And if he eaes them behind they woud not be under tear the etter anyones protetion. ays repied o you wi not know what was in it. Ibn iyad said ou hae to te me what was in it O ON E MAM ORNE ays refused. hen Ibn iyad said ou hae to o on the pupit and urse Husayn his brother and his father. therwise I am oin to ut you into ANM piees Here Imam saw a araan from emen. He hired ames from them and asked if ays went on the pupit and bessed Imam Ai and Hasan and Husayn and anyone wanted to oin him. ome did. ursed Ibn iyad and his father and the mmayads. hen he said peope I am the messener of Husayn to you He tod them where he eft the Imam AA and said o hep him Here Imam met the famous poet arada son of haib. Ibn iyad ordered for him to be thrown from the top of the aste. He fe and he Imam reeted the famous poet kindy then after some time he asked him died. hat do you know about the attitude of the peope AIA Aarada answered heir hearts are with you but their swords are with th the mayyads and the destination omes from heaen. Imam arried here on riday huhia. He stayed here for one day and one niht. ayyida aynab ame to him in the mornin and tod him of a poem she heard in the niht “O eye; Cry many tears – ater me ee r te martyrs – ese

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 9 Page 8 Page 9 ee are en e t eat – il an ordained promise” he a ai hi ier haeer ihe i haen

AQQ a arrie here n na h hhia

AD a arrie here n na hhia ere he a e a har bn aan aaai a n hi a ba fr a in fa a en hi an iniain ee hi har heiae b hi ife aa enrae hi har en hi an rerne hi ee ih a ha fae e rere ae hi a er a a an hi ife in r fai n an an f be hare in an a beae f e hen he fae hi ee aain an ai heer an he he rann f he eener f h e ih e herie be e reeae a nerain he ha ih aan aari n a e ai e en ih aan aanar aan e hen reah a an an are abe he hi an fih n hi ie h be re han ha ’.” i ife ai haeer eie ih r eiin eae reeber e n he a f Jen ih a an ranfaher a hi he ne f he rer f i an ani bn rah reahe he a a a ee e an an ie ai be he a re f hi a ne he an her ee inin he aie rie he he a a in rnin

ALAIA ere ene ae an ae a an bh ha i he ere f he ran ab e ay en e sa a a ee y ter eaer a reie eaer h a iane an ee be hi a an a eaer h a iiane an her f hi ne ea Janna an he her ea Jahanna

10 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 10 people are ein led o dea – o lil an ordained promise” ALA . . AQQ . . . AD . . . . A ALAQAA . . . . . . . . . . . . IA . ’.” . . . . they didn’t know anythi . . . . . . ALAIA . e da en e sall all all people eir leader . . . . .

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 11 Page 10 Page 11 D A a aied hee on nday th hhia t noon aiyahi with odie aeaed in ont o the a ayin a eae o n iyad odein hi to eent a o etnin to adina o ate hi and in hi to a hen the a aw that the ay o wa thity he aked hi oowe to ie the and thei hoe wate the odie and thei ania wee ien wate eet o the at ania he ineeiened ide o thi at ae ae to the a not knowin how to wate hi ania and a ayn tod hi nikh aawiyah n the iai ai diaet it ean ooen the oe aond the ae nek o it an dink t in the i ai diaet it ean ooen the nek o the wate a o the odie ooened the knot aond the wate a and the wate ied ot hen a ayn did it hie and howed the odie how to ooen the oe and et the ae dink hen ate a o the ay and thei ania wee inihed dinkin a tood and aid did not oe hee nti a o yo ette ae to e and the ette ay that yo do not hae any eade and that yo need e to he teah yo idane that i ti yo deand ie e oethin that how that yo ae tth in yo oie and i yo do not ike e wi etn to whee ae o he odie wee ient o one oke a wod hen aa n aa ade the a to aye o the hh aaa he a aid to o ae the hie o yo ay o o and ay with yo own eoe eied o e ay with yo aye and with a o hi too ayed with the a hen the a inihed the aye he tood and aid eoe ea od and ind the tth and oow it e ae the ee o the oe o the ohet e deee tt oe than thoe who do intie yo do not ike o yo inoe o iht o yo hae haned yo ind o whatee yo hae witten to eoe then wi eae yo aid itten do not know what ette yo ae takin aot he a aked one o hi oowe to in two ak o ette aid a not one o thee eoe hae een odeed not to eae yo aone nti in yo ak to a to n iyad he a aid eath i eoe that e tned and tod hi oowe to et

12 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 12 D A eady to ide thei hoe t toed the o oin a aied hee on nday th hhia hen o the it tie in hi ie the a oke an int o othe it t noon aiyahi with odie aeaed in ont o the a onin yo hen he aid hat do yo want o ayin a eae o n iyad odein hi to eent a o eied anyone eide yo had aid thoe wod to e wod hae etnin to adina o ate hi and in hi to a hen the a eied the ae to hi t annot do that to yo owee take a oad aw that the ay o wa thity he aked hi oowe to ie the and etween hee and a whih doe not eah a no oe to adina nti thei hoe wate the odie and thei ania wee ien wate eet wite to n iyad and ee what hi ode ae ay od eiee e o thi o the at ania he ineeiened ide o thi at ae ae to the atatohe a not knowin how to wate hi ania and a ayn tod hi hen he aid to a ea witne that i yo iht yo wi e kied nikh aawiyah n the iai ai diaet it ean ooen the oe a aid e yo theatenin e with death e yo oin to ki e e aond the ae nek o it an dink t in the i ai diaet it yo hein the eene o od ean ooen the nek o the wate a o the odie ooened the knot hen head thi he tned aond and et the a e did not want a aond the wate a and the wate ied ot onontation with a hen a ayn did it hie and howed the odie how to ooen the he a aaan ontined in an nknown dietion and ay oe and et the ae dink hen ate a o the ay and thei ania oowed ehind wee inihed dinkin a tood and aid did not oe hee nti a o yo ette ae to e and the ette ay that yo do not hae any eade ADA and that yo need e to he teah yo idane that i ti yo deand ee the a ae a eon to the eoe o ie e oethin that how that yo ae tth in yo oie and i eoe he eene o od aid hoee ee an nt oeno who yo do not ike e wi etn to whee ae o hane the oidden to aowed and who eak hi oie who i aaint he odie wee ient o one oke a wod hen aa n aa ade the tadition o the ohet who at nty and doe not do anythin the a to aye o the hh aaa he a aid to o ae the hie aaint it in ation o in wod od wi ente hi whee the nt eon o yo ay o o and ay with yo own eoe ente ndeed thee eoe oow atan and hae et the oediene o od eied o e ay with yo aye and with a o hi too hey ead ihie they aandon a e they ie weath and they ayed with the a ake the iea ea and the ea iea deee thi eadehi oe than hen the a inihed the aye he tood and aid eoe ea od anyone ee o ette ae to e and yo detie ae to e oein and ind the tth and oow it e ae the ee o the oe o the aeiane to e ayin that yo wi not etay e and that i ead yo yo ohet e deee tt oe than thoe who do intie yo do not ike wi eed a ayn on o i and atiah dahte o the eene o yo inoe o iht o yo hae haned yo ind o whatee yo o od y o i with yo o y aiy i with yo aiy and a one o hae witten to eoe then wi eae yo yo yo do not do o and hane yo oie and yo aeiane to e aid itten do not know what ette yo ae takin aot he that wod not e a ie to e o hae done o eoe to y athe y a aked one o hi oowe to in two ak o ette othe and y oin i n i yo do that yo hae ied yo aid a not one o thee eoe hae een odeed not to eae yo hane and yo hae ot yo hae and whoee eak hi oie he eak aone nti in yo ak to a to n iyad it aaint hie eae e on yo he a aid eath i eoe that e tned and tod hi oowe to et

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 13 Page 12 Page 13 AA ee a an et the a and aked hi hy did yo eae the hoe o yo andathe eanin adina a eied ndeed the ayyad aed o ot honoae kin ad nae and wa atient hen they took y weath and wa atient nd they oht y ood and an away ndeed y od they ae oin to ki e hen od wi hiiate the akin the the ot hiiated nation in the wod

ADI ALAAA a aied hee on onday th hhia o eoe o a et a a aked the aot the itation o the eoe and they tod hi he dinitaie wee oht y ie o the oon eoe thei heat ae with yo t thei wod ae aaint yo hey tod hi how ay n aha aaydawi wa kied hen a eited mon e elieers are men o are re o aeer oenan e made i od ome o em ae lilled eir oenan some o em are aiin o do so and ae no made an anes in e reliion aaa n day aay aid to a eoe eain a aked the eoe what the ootion wa aot hey aid that they wee ein eited and ent to iht aaint yo e yo y od not to o to the do not ee anyone with yo eet yo to oe with to o ontain aed a e wee ae to ioate oee o the kin o haan and iya yo tay with o ten day aantee yo that o y tie the ay wod oow yo and do whatee yo ode a thanked hi t eed and aid e hae a oie etween and thee eoe and we annot eae nti we ee the et hen aaah aked eiion to o y hie to deie what he ha to deie o hi aiy and then etn to oin a a a aowed hi to do o and he went t wa too ate in hi etn n hi way he head that a wa kied

QA AI AQAIL a aied hee on edneday t haa hen a et a hee he aw anothe a aeady et e aked aot the and they tod hi it i o aydah ai hen the a ent oe o hi oowe to ee hi i aked the what they wanted and the eene aid hi i a eae

14 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 14 AA o a ayn akin yo to he hi ee a an et the a and aked hi hy did yo eae the hoe o i eied wea y od et a ony eae o what aw that eoe yo andathe eanin adina a eied ndeed the ayyad wee eain to iht aaint hi and knew that he i oin to e kied and aed o ot honoae kin ad nae and wa atient hen they took a not oin to he hi hat i why et a o that wod e ae do y weath and wa atient nd they oht y ood and an away not want to ee hi and do not want hi to ee e ndeed y od they ae oin to ki e hen od wi hiiate the he eene oht the ey ak to a ayn he a ot and akin the the ot hiiated nation in the wod with a o o hi oowe went to i a i eeied hi we honoed hi and aid hae not een anyone o ette haate o oe ADI ALAAA handoe than ayn a aied hee on onday th hhia o eoe o a et hen i aked a i he ed ed henna o ak dye to dye hi ead a a aked the aot the itation o the eoe and they tod hi a eied d ae ae eay and henna helps” he dinitaie wee oht y ie o the oon eoe thei heat hen they at the a aid o eoe hae witten to e and aked y ae with yo t thei wod ae aaint yo he and inited e to oe to the ow it aea that it i not the ae hey tod hi how ay n aha aaydawi wa kied hen a eited o hae in in yo ie o yo wih to eae the y eentane mon e elieers are men o are re o aeer oenan e made i aid hat i that on o the eene o od i od ome o em ae lilled eir oenan some o em are he a eied o he the on o the dahte o the ohet and iht aiin o do so and ae no made an anes in e reliion y hi ide aaa n day aay aid to a eoe eain a aked the i aid ndeed know that whoee oow yo wi e hay in the eoe what the ootion wa aot hey aid that they wee ein eeate t what an do to he aw no one in a who wod he yo eited and ent to iht aaint yo e yo y od not to o to the and do not ike to die heeoe ie yo y hoe a it to yo hi do not ee anyone with yo eet yo to oe with to o ontain hoe o ine whih i aed ahaa i the et hoe to ie itoy to e aed a e wee ae to ioate oee o the kin o haan and and wa not wiin to ie it to anyody in y ie iya yo tay with o ten day aantee yo that o y he a eied yo ae not wiin to iht with we do not need yo tie the ay wod oow yo and do whatee yo ode a thanked hoe and we do not need yo hen the a oted nd a not one hi t eed and aid e hae a oie etween and thee eoe who take the ot o eoe who ae atay and we annot eae nti we ee the et hen aaah aked a aid to i do not take thoe who ae atay a hee ow wi eiion to o y hie to deie what he ha to deie o hi aiy and adie yo a yo hae adied e yo ae ae to aoid o a and not then etn to oin a a a aowed hi to do o and he went t wath die do o ndeed whoee hea and doe not he wi o to wa too ate in hi etn n hi way he head that a wa kied he o at thi to the head o two othe a tie et a a aked QA AI AQAIL the e yo oin to he a aied hee on edneday t haa hen a et a hee hey aid e hae hiden and we hae een tted with the weath o he aw anothe a aeady et e aked aot the and they tod hi it i eoe and we want to kee thei tt o aydah ai hen the a ent oe o hi oowe to ee hi t the end o the niht a odeed hi oowe to eae a ani aati i aked the what they wanted and the eene aid hi i a eae

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 15 Page 14 Page 15 AAWA hen he as aaan ae nea hs plae he sa a an n a hse n as he e as an a essae n a ea he lee he a e h san hen ea lee n le h ap anhee n he ese hee hee s n ae an n an a sa hen le s neeh haaah haah eple ann ha ease he essene s a sp n e ha n alan sa ansn he essene ll hese peple n s ease han hn h he eneens ha ll e ae he e s sa hn an nsh he e hese ll e peple ha e ll n e ale h a sa a n n sa he hn ha sa hee s a llae hee n he phaes hh has a an he phaes sses e s hee a ase ha s alle e sa s alle ” n a eans he n a sa see ee h hen a ase le h a lle he aee an he as aaan en h s ps lln ehn nl he eahe aala

AIAL I AALA aala an hs a le he aaan a san n an he sa hs s nea he e an ann he he hses he as p sppe an a san ase ha ha s he nae hs plae ha ansee a he a ase s hee an he nae hs plae ha sa s als alle aala he as ees aee an he sa see ee h a e an ala lan ee s he plae n hh e ll se ap hee s he plae hee l ll e she ee s he plae hee aes ll e hs s ha anahe has l e

a phase sae les lan he lal esens n aala

16 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 16 AAWA s under the command of Umar ibn Sa’d arrive and urround Imam’s camp cutting them off from the river Euphrates ( Imam Husayn (pbuh) speaks with Umar ibn Sa’d to avoid bloodshed but ibn Sa’d insists on allegience to Yazi ” AIAL I AALA e to Ibn Sa’d to meet asking him “Do you not fear the day of judgement?” Ibn Sa’d is loyal to Yazid. ’s respite to spend the night in prayer. Ibn Sa’d reluctantly agrees. Imam’s followers refuse to leave him even when he who was the first to be martyred on ‘Ashura.


I thank Allah to the best of my ability and praise Him during the time of weal and woe.

ord I thank You because You have honoured us by means of rophet hood taught us the uran made us comprehend the religion and its commandments granted us eyes ears and hearts kept us free from the pollution of polytheism and then enabled us to thank You for Your blessings.

It is a fact that I am not aware of any companions more faithful and honest than my companions and any relatives more righteous and kind than my relatives. ay Allah grant all of you a good reward. I think that the day of our fighting with this army has arrived. I permit all of you to go away. You are free to depart without any restriction and should take advantage of the darkness of night.

one of the companion of Imam went away. His brothers sons nephews (sons of his brothers) and the sons of Abdullah bin afar led by Abbas bin Ali said first of all with one voice Should we go away to live after you? e pray to Allah that the time may not come when you may be killed and we may remain alive.

hen the Imam turned to the descendants of Ail and said children of Ail It is sufficient that uslim has been killed. You are now free to go away.

hey replied Allah be praised If we leave our chief and the best of our cousins and go away and do not fight along with him with arrows spears and swords and do not know how he and his friends have fared with the enemy what will the people say? e swear by Allah that we shall do no such thing. n the contrary we shall sacrifice the lives and property of our family in the path of Allah and render your assistance and shall fight along with you so that we may also acuire the honour of martyrdom. hat a shame to live the life which is without you

18 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 18 IA A E E I AA hen uslim bin Awsaja got on his feet and said If we withdraw our support I AI from you and leave you alone what ecuse shall we put forward before Allah? I swear by Allah that I shall not go away and shall not leave you y Allah even

if I come to know that I shall be killed and then burnt in fire and shall be I thank Allah to the best of my ability and praise Him during the time of weal brought to life again and eventually my ashes will be scattered in the air and I and woe. die and become alive in this way seventy times even then I shall not leave you

till I lay down my life for your sake. hen why should I not do so when I am ord I thank You because You have honoured us by means of rophet hood going to be killed only once and will thereafter be honoured happy and taught us the uran made us comprehend the religion and its ealted forever. commandments granted us eyes ears and hearts kept us free from the uhayr bin ayn then stood up. He was the same man who was at one time on pollution of polytheism and then enabled us to thank You for Your blessings. route to Ira and did not wish to meet Imam. y Allah I wish that I am killed

and then brought to life and then killed once again and this act should be It is a fact that I am not aware of any companions more faithful and honest repeated a thousand times and this becomes the means of Allah protecting you than my companions and any relatives more righteous and kind than my and the young men of your family and all of you remain alive. relatives. ay Allah grant all of you a good reward. I think that the day of our fighting with this army has arrived. I permit all of you to go away. You are free thers also epressed similar views. Imam invoked Divine blessings for them to depart without any restriction and should take advantage of the darkness of and returned to his tent. night.

one of the companion of Imam went away. His brothers sons nephews (sons of his brothers) and the sons of Abdullah bin afar led by Abbas bin Ali said first of all with one voice Should we go away to live after you? e pray to Allah that the time may not come when you may be killed and we may remain alive.

hen the Imam turned to the descendants of Ail and said children of Ail It is sufficient that uslim has been killed. You are now free to go away.

hey replied Allah be praised If we leave our chief and the best of our cousins and go away and do not fight along with him with arrows spears and swords and do not know how he and his friends have fared with the enemy what will the people say? e swear by Allah that we shall do no such thing. n the contrary we shall sacrifice the lives and property of our family in the path of Allah and render your assistance and shall fight along with you so that we may also acuire the honour of martyrdom. hat a shame to live the life which is without you


he morning of ‘Ashura dawned.

Ali Akber gave adhan for ajr prayers and Imam Husayn (pbuh) led the prayers.

It was early morning and before the beginning of the battle Imam mounted a camel and gave a talk to the army of Yazid.

o o no o am m no e randson o or rope m no e son o li s no ama e nle o m aer do o an o sed m lood ae illed anone rom o ae desroed an eal rom one amons o ae inred anone rom o

Some of the officers on the army of Yazid replied e do no no anin ao o all e an rom o is aa o aid

Imam replied o lla ill no ie o m and in aa lie a miliaed person nor ill rn aa lie a slae

uhayr ibn ain a companion of Imam who was also an elder of ufa then came to talk to the army of Yazid because most of the officers in the army came from ufa. His talk was interrupted by heckles.

It was after this that Hurr changed sides.

Umar Saad shot the first arrow asking his men to bear witness that he was the first to start the battle. His men too did the same and a shower of arrows came. Imam told his companions ese arros are e leers o e people o o

Imam then prepared for battle. He lined up his small group to face the enemy in their thousands.


o o no o am m no e randson o or rope m no e son o li s no ama e nle o m aer do o an o sed m lood ae illed anone rom o ae desroed an eal rom one amons o ae inred anone rom o e do no no anin ao o all e an rom o is aa o aid o lla ill no ie o m and in aa lie a miliaed person nor ill rn aa lie a slae with bodies all around him Imam called out: “s ere an elper o elp s s ere an reser o rese s

ese arros are e leers o e people o o

lla le e orld aloeer or or loe orpaned m ildren so as o see o en i as p ino piees in e a o or loe

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 21 Page 20 Page 21 ear old no inline oards anone o

himrs daer inall illed he who is the shaheed o manind

he heads o the martrs were cut o rom their bodies and the bodies were looted o all their belonins he bodies were tramled b the horses and the tents were looted and burnt down

he ladies o the house were not sared heir hiabs were snatched awa and the were beaten and ushed around

22 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 22 ear old no inline oards anone o H ARYRS OF ARAA

himrs daer inall illed he who is the shaheed o manind Imam usan ibn li buh he heads o the martrs were cut o rom their bodies and the bodies were randson o rohet uhammad buh looted o all their belonins he bodies were tramled b the horses and the illed b himr hilaushan tents were looted and burnt down li albar ibn usan ibn li illed b urrah bin uni he ladies o the house were not sared heir hiabs were snatched awa and the were beaten and ushed around bdullah also nown as li alshar ibn usan ibn li illed b urmala ibn ahil al sadi

bdullah ibn li illed b ani bin hubaet al adhrami

bbas ibn li illed b aeed bin uaad al eeti and aeem bin uail al aai

aar ibn li illed b ani bin hubaet al adhrami

thman ibn li illed b hooli bin aeed al dhbahi al adi and baani al aarimi

uhammad ibn li illed b baani al aarimi

bi ar ibn al assan ibn li illed b bdullah bin abah al hanai

bdullah ibn al assan ibn li illed b armala bin ahil al sadi

asim ibn al assan ibn li illed b mar bin ad bin uail al di

un ibn bdullah ibn aar al aar illed b bdullah bin utaa al abahani

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 23 Page 22 Page 23 uhammad ibn bdullah ibn aar al aar illed b amir bin ahshal al ameemi

aar ibn eel illed b halid bin sad al ohani

bdullah ibn uslim ibn eel illed b amir bin asaah

bu bdullah ibn uslim ibn eel illed b mr bin udaih aedai

uhammad ibn bu aeed ibn eel illed b aeet bin aashir al ohani

ulaiman slae o Imam usan

aarib slae o Imam usan

uneh slae o Imam usan

uslim ibn usaah al sadi illed b bdullah al hubabi and bdullah hashara al aali

aeed ibn bdullah al anai

ishr ibn mr al hadhrami

aeed ibn al aseen reciter o uran

Imran ibn al alb al nsari

aeem ibn al lan al nsari

uhair ibn al ain al aali

mr ibn urah al nsari

abeeb ibn adhahir al sadi

24 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 24 uhammad ibn bdullah ibn aar al aar urr Ibn aid r iahi illed b amir bin ahshal al ameemi bdullah ibn al mair al albi aar ibn eel illed b halid bin sad al ohani ae ibn al ilal al amali aluradi

bdullah ibn uslim ibn eel nas ibn ahil ibn al arth al sadi illed b amir bin asaah ais ibn al ussahar al aedawi

bu bdullah ibn uslim ibn eel bdullah ibn rwah ibn al arraa al hiaaree illed b mr bin udaih aedai bdul ahman ibn rwah ibn al arraa alhiaaree uhammad ibn bu aeed ibn eel illed b aeet bin aashir al ohani habeeb ibn bdullah ahshali

ulaiman slae o Imam usan aun slae o bu harr alhiaree

aarib slae o Imam usan ua ibn aid adi

uneh slae o Imam usan asit ibn uhair alhalabee

uslim ibn usaah al sadi ursh usit ibn uhair alhalabee illed b bdullah al hubabi and bdullah hashara al aali inaanah ibn tee aeed ibn bdullah al anai harham ibn aali ishr ibn mr al hadhrami owain ibn aali alhabaai aeed ibn al aseen reciter o uran aid ibn hubait alaesi

Imran ibn al alb al nsari bdullah ibn aid ibn hubait alaesi

aeem ibn al lan al nsari baidullah ibn aid ibn hubait alaesi

uhair ibn al ain al aali mir ibn uslim

mr ibn urah al nsari anab ibn mr alamari

abeeb ibn adhahir al sadi alim slae o mir ibn uslim

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 25 Page 24 Page 25 ai ibn ali

uhair ibn ashi alhathami

aid ibn eal aloai

ua ibn asroo aloai

asood ibn aa

on name not nown o asood ibn aa

ama ibn bdullah alei

mmar ibn assan ibn huraib alaai

aan ibn aarith alalmaani aldi

undab ibn uair alhanlani

mar ibn halid alaedaawi

aeed slae o mar ibn halid

aid ibn iad ibn aahi alindi

aahir slae o mir ibn umu alhuaaee

abalah ibn li alhabani

aalim slae o ani edinat alalbi

slam ibn hateer aldi e was Imam Husayn’s (pbuh) scribe.

uhair ibn ulaim aldi

asim ibn abeeb aldi

mar ibn alhdooth aladhrami

bu hamamah mar ibn bdullah alaaedi

26 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 26 . ai ibn ai . Hanaah ibn sa ahaami

. uhair ibn ashi ahahami . buahman ibn buah arhabi

. ai ibn ea aai . mmar ibn bu aamah aHamami

. Hua ibn asr aai . abis ibn habeeb ahairi

. as ibn Haa . haab sae haai

. n (name n nn) as ibn Haa . habeeb ibn Haarih ibn aree

. ama ibn buah aei . ai ibn buah ibn aree

. mmar ibn Hassan ibn huraib aaai . aar ibn bi man ahami aHamani

. Hayyan ibn Haarih aamaani ai . mar ibn buah aunai

. unab ibn Huair ahanani

. mar ibn hai aaeaai

. aee sae mar ibn hai

. ai ibn ia ibn aahi aini

. aahir sae mir ibn Humu ahuaaee

. abaah ibn i ahaybani

. aaim sae ani eina aabi

. sam ibn haeer ai. He as mam Husayn’s (pbuh) scribe.

. uhair ibn uaim ai

. asim ibn Habeeb ai

. mar ibn ahh aHahrami

. bu hamamah mar ibn buah aaaei


Husayn (habbir) mam i (pbuh) ayyia aima (pbuh) bu baah ayyeush huhaa r Sha’ban 4 AH (aina u unaaara) h uharram H (arbaa)

28 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 28 – h a Han bh Han Shabb 3 Sha’ban 4AH a A bh Saa aa bh n a A bh Saa aa bh ana Ab Abaah a Ahabhana anh Sah Shhaa Dhulqa’da 5 AH Sha’ban 4 AH ana naaaa n aa h haa AH abaa n baha a Han bh aan h h a A Saa a Haan bh a a an n ha a Han bh h anah h haa bh ar eleed a aia slims oro adeer and appoinmen o mam li p as sessor a Han bh h h – Saa aa aha bh a n a aa an na b Ab a

Ab a ann a a h Sa a n a aa b nh haa a n a b Ab ann a ba ha han an

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 29 Page 28 Page 29 a A n 4 AH 3 4 3AH 5 3 AH 53 3 – 55 3 mam li p sen mam asan san p 35AH o ae ood and drin o man o as imprisoned in is ose a disonen mo o people o inall mrdered im man mrdered mam li p red o aep ilaae a as srped rom im n lia e slims ae eir alleiane o mam li p as eir alia aia sars reaer aains mam sin amass as sronold 5 3 ab ul Aal 3 AH 5 33 aab 3AH 5 35 3AH aers o adiard – in o ersia ro o adina as prisoners o ar mam asan san p sae em rom miliaion o rods

30 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 30 a A n a A n 4 3 AH 3 aadhan 4AH 4 3AH 5 3 AH 3 53 3 4AH – 4 Ju’da 55 3 5AH 35AH 4 5AH 5 aab 5AH Imam would say: “A house without Sakina is not worth living in.” 53 5AH 5 3 4 Al 55 ab ul Aal 3 AH aab AH 5 33 aab 3AH AH 5 35 aab AH 3AH 5 – 3 Sha’ban 60 AH aadhan AH aadhan AH 12 Dhulqa’da 60 AH

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 31 Page 30 Page 31 a A n 60 aid is inormed o the allegiane in ua to Imam Dhulqa’da 60 AH usayn uh through uslim in Aeel. e asks aydullah in Iyad to go rom asra to ua immediately as overnor. 60 In iyad arrives in ua and strikes terror Dhulha 60 AH demanding that uslim e rought to him. he eole who had ledged allegiane to Imam dissiated to . e was atured and eeuted y In iyad on the th o hulhia. ear gried ua. 60 Soldiers arrive in akka dressed as ilgrims to kill h Dhulha 60 AH Imam usayn uh Imam leaves akka without erorming the a doing ust mra or ear o ausing loodshed in akka. 10 b 60 6 Imam Husayn (pbuh) addresses Ibn Sa’d’s troops not 10 uhaa 61AH to shed lood and to e ree in their thinking as DAY OF ‘ASHURA human eings even i they did not ollow any religion. Ibn Sa’d egins the attle y shooting the irst arrow. Imam and his ollowers and amily memers are killed inluding his month old ay Adullah Ali Asgher. hey are deaitated and their odies tramled and let on the desert sands. he am is looted and lundered and the women and hildren and Imam Ali aynul Aideen uh taken as risoners.

32 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 32 Ya A H ORDS OF A HUSAY uh 60 aid is inormed o the allegiane in ua to Imam Dhulqa’da 60 AH Husayn (pbuh) through uslim ibn eel. He ass . “And for you I shall be an example” baydullah ibn Iyad to go rom asra to ua immediately as oernor. . “O God, what did he find who lost You, and what did he lose who found 60 Ibn iyad arries in ua and stries terror You?” Dhulha 60 AH demanding that uslim be brought to him. he people ho had pledged allegiane to Imam . “Some people worship od to gain His gits this is the orship o the dissipated to . He as aptured and eeuted by merhants. Some orship Him to aoid His punishment this is the th Ibn iyad on the o hulhia. ear gripped ua. orship o the slaes. Some orship Him solely to sho gratitude 60 Soldiers arrie in aa dressed as pilgrims to ill towards Him; this is the worship of the free!” h Dhulha 60 AH Imam Husayn (pbuh) Imam leaes aa ithout perorming the Ha . “I did not leave (Madina) or eil disontentment orruption or inustie (doing ust mra) or ear o ausing bloodshed in but I only let ith an aim o reorming the nation o my grandather. I aa. intend to ommand hat is reognied as good and prohibit hat is 0 O 60 6 Imam Husayn (pbuh) addresses Ibn Sa’d’s troops not restricted.” 0 uhaa 6AH to shed blood and to be ree in their thining as DAY OF ‘ASHURA human beings een i they did not ollo any . “Indeed life is nothing but faith and struggle” religion. Ibn Sa’d begins the battle by shooting the irst arro. Imam and his olloers and amily . “Death with dignity is better than life with humiliation.” members are illed inluding his month old baby bdullah li sgher. . “God forbid that I should set my hand to the resignation of my right after hey are deapitated and their bodies trampled and a slaish manner. I hae reourse to od rom eery tyrant that does not let on the desert sands. he amp is looted and believe in the day of account.” plundered and the omen and hildren and Imam li aynul bideen (pbuh) taen as prisoners. . o his son Imam Ali Zaynul Abideen (pbuh) “O son, beware of wronging one who does not have a supporter other than Allah.”

. “Favours should be like the heavy rain that covers the pious as well as the sinful.”

.“If you don't believe in any religion and don't fear the Resurretion ay at least be free in this world. “

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 33 Page 32 Page 33 .“One who pursues a goal through sinful ways, will ironically distance himself from that goal, and will approach what he was afraid of. “

.“Wisdom will not be complete except by following the truth. “

.“The most generous person is the one who offers help to those who do not expect him to help. “

.“The most merciful person is the one who forgives when he is able to revenge. “

.“Tolerance is man's ornament, keeping promises is a sign of nobility, and bonding with others is a grace.”

.he needs of people to you are among the blessings of God. So do not scare away those in need when they come to you, as His blessings will return and go elsewhere.

.From the people of ufa in Ira, someone sent a letter to Imam Husayn (pbuh) asking for information on the good of this world and the next. In reply, the Imam wrote this  Do not eat of the sustenance of Allah and then sin as you like.  Go out of the kingdom of Allah and then sin as you like.  Find a place where Allah sees you and then sin as you like.  hen approached by the angel of death to remove your soul,stop him from doing so.  hen you are dragged in to the hell fire by Allah, refuse to enter.

.Among the signs of ignorance is arguing with irrational people.

.Among the signs of a learned man is criticising his own words and being informed of various viewpoints.

.hoever sorts out a problem of a believer, God sorts out his difficulties of this world and the hereafter.

34 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 34 .“One who pursues a goal through sinful ways, will ironically distance .ever raise your need except to three kinds of people himself from that goal, and will approach what he was afraid of. “ to a religious person, a brave person or a nobleperson.

.“Wisdom will not be complete except by following the truth. “ .ou deserve anna o not sell yourself for anything less. Whoever is content with worldly pleasures, has sufficed with something lowly. .“The most generous person is the one who offers help to those who do not expect him to help. “ .When you are thankful to a grace of od, e rewards you with another bounty. .“The most merciful person is the one who forgives when he is able to revenge. “ .“Those stingy people who economize on even greeting are real misers.”

.“Tolerance is man's ornament, keeping promises is a sign of nobility, and .“When a poor man begs for your help, his pride is hurt. DO not deal bonding with others is a grace.” another blow to his pride by letting him down.”

.The needs of people to you are among the blessings of od. o do not .“Do not assume responsibility for a task, unless you are sure you can scare away those in need when they come to you, as is blessings will handle it competently.” return and go elsewhere. .“If you gather wealth but do not use it, you are not the owner of your .rom the people of ufa in ra, someone sent a letter to mam usayn wealth, rather, you are owned by it. o benefit from your possessions pbuh asking for information on the good of this world and the next. n and do not let them benefit from you.” reply, the mam wrote this  o not eat of the sustenance of llah and then sin as you like. .“Good manner are (counted as) worship.”  o out of the kingdom of llah and then sin as you like.  ind a place where llah sees you and then sin as you like. .“Silence is an ornament for the human being.”  When approached by the angel of death to remove your soul,stop him from doing so. .“Greediness is poverty.  When you are dragged in to the hell fire by llah, refuse to enter. .“Generosity is prosperity. “ .mong the signs of ignorance is arguing with irrational people. .“Moderation is wisdom.” .mong the signs of a learned man is criticising his own words and being informed of various viewpoints. .“In your friend’s absence, speak of him the way that you like him to speak of you in your absence. “ .Whoever sorts out a problem of a believer, od sorts out his difficulties of this world and the hereafter.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 35 Page 34 Page 35 .Do not try to find fault with others. Instead, when someone makes a mistake, cover up for him and ustify his mistake.

.The Holy Qur’an has an elegant outward and a profound inward.

.“No man can reach the peak of intelligence except by following Haq i.e. righteousness”

.“Associating with corrupt people makes you subject to suspicion”

.“Crying out of fear of God (God consciousness) is salvation from the fire.”

.“God elevates His ‘Ibaad (servants) for their patience in enduring difficulties”.

36 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 36 .o not try to find fault with others. Instead when someone makes a A AR uh mistake cover up for him and justify his mistake. The first shaheed in the family of Abu Talib on the day of ‘Ashura was Ali Akber, .The Holy Qur’an has an elegant outward and a profound inward. whose mother was ayla binte Abu urrah bin rwah bin asood AlThaqafi. It is reported he was then or years old. .“No man can reach the peak of intelligence except by following Haq i.e. righteousness” hen Ali Akber (pbuh) came to ask permission to go to the battlefield Imam Husayn (pbuh) allowed him to go immediately but asked him to get permission .“Associating with corrupt people makes you subject to suspicion” from his aunt aynab who had brought him up.

.“Crying out of fear of God (God consciousness) is salvation from the fire.” ith a heavy heart ayyida aynab (pbuh) gave permission to her eighteen years of hard work to go and die. .“God elevates His ‘Ibaad (servants) for their patience in enduring difficulties”. As Ali Akber started to go towards the battlefield Imam Husayn (pbuh) raised his hands towards the heavens and said “O Allah! Be witness over these people, for this young man who advances and whenever we longed to see your Prophet, we looked at his face…..They (the enemy) invited us to help them and have turned into our enemies.”

Ali Akber saw that his father was following him. He got down from his horse and said ith tears in his eyes Imam Husayn (pbuh) replied Imam then after addressing Umar ibn Sa’d, raised his voice and recited. “ Knowing.” Qur’an 3:33 &34.

Ali Akber fought with valour and bravery proving to be the grandson of the hero of the battles of Islam. mar aad watched too as Ali Akber killed the bravest of his soldiers one by one. It is reported that he killed of the enemy before returning to his father asking for some water to be able to gain more strength to fight. Imam wept for he could not give his son water. Ali Akber

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 37 Page 36 Page 37 returned to the battlefield saying: “It is the battle where truth has already been established, and its legitimacy will be confirmed ever after…” He continued fighting until he had killed .

e was surrounded by the soldiers. Arrows, stones and sears rained down on him. Then one uni bin urrah AlAbdi struck him hard over his head and threw him down. e cried out: y father! Accept my salaams from here. o not come! Imam usayn buh ran towards the voice blinded with grief saying: Ayna Ali Ayna Ali (here is Ali) as he calling for his son or his father When Imam reached his young son he said:” Bunayya, Bunayya, alad dunya adaka alathaa! (y son! y son! After you the world is as worthless as dust) Imam carried Ali Akber to the tents.

38 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 38 returned to the battlefield saying: “It is the battle where truth has already been ADUAH A ASHR established and its legitimacy will be confirmed ever after…” He continued fighting until he had illed he mother et on checing on the wea body of her baby in the cradle he baby had no water or mil for three days He was surrounded by the soldiers rrows stones and sears rained down on O Allah! please let my ay live long enough to e ale to serve ou him hen one uni bin urrah lbdi struc him hard over his head and threw him down He cried out: ne by one all the men in the cam went to the battlefield and were martyred y father! Accept my salaams from here. o not come! It was nearing the time of sr when Imam called out: Imam Husayn buh ran towards the voice blinded with grief saying: “Is there any helper to help us s there any rescuer to rescue us! Ayna Ali Ayna Ali (here is Ali) Was he calling for his son or his father he baby who did not even have the strength to cry threw himself out of the When Imam reached his young son he said:” cradle His mother and aunts wet uncontrollably Bunayya, Bunayya, alad dunya adaka alathaa! (y son! y son! After you the world is as worthless as dust) Imam Husayn buh came to see what had haened when mme ubab li Imam carried li ber to the tents sghers mother told him what had haened

Imam ased mme ubab to bid farewell to the baby and too li sgher to the battlefield shading him with his cloa

he army wondered what Imam was bringing ome thought it was the uran When Imam lifted his cloa they saw the baby

Imam told the soldiers of aid that li sgher had done them no harm and ased them to give him some water When no one in aids army resonded Imam laid the baby on the hot sand and rode away He told the army to go and give water to the baby on their own if they did not trust him with the water here was still no resonse so he rode bac to li sgher iced him u and ased him to show his tongue to the soldiers to show them his thirst

li sgher gently ran his dry tongue over his arched lis he soldiers cried sontaneously and some ran towards urat to get water mar aad on seeing the discord in the army ased : Ayna urmala (here is urmala)

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 39 Page 38 Page 39 When Hurmala an eert archer came mar aad did not have the courage to tell him to ill the child Instead he said: Ital ala sayn ll the ors o sayn

Hurmala drew a three ronged arrow which robably weighed more than li sgher but his hands were shaing so much the arrow fell mar aad seeing this said : rala o yo ant a reolton

Hurmala said that whenever he lifted the bow to shoot the arrow he could see the curtain on the tent rising I feel it is the mother of the child watching When the arrow came it ierced the nec of the babe lodging itself in Imams shoulder Imam waled towards the cam and then turned bac He reeated this seven times saying: Inna llah a nna layh ran ha ahah a tasleeal larh Inee e are ro llah an to e retrn I aept hat ellah has ntene an a ontent th s orer Imam must have waled bac and forth wondering how he would give the child bac to his mother When mme ubab saw her baby she said: o they also ll hlren le yo I I ne I ol hae sent yo as a ah he father and mother dug a small grave behind the tents for their son mme ubab said: y son I hae no ater to por oer yor rae t I ll ry so h that y tears ll et yor rae

40 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 40 When Hurmala an eert archer came mar aad did not have the courage AAS uh to tell him to ill the child Instead he said: Ital ala sayn ll the ors o sayn atima albiya had four sons bdullah afer thman bbas he was thus nown as mmulbaneen mother of sons Hurmala drew a three ronged arrow which robably weighed more than li sgher but his hands were shaing so much the arrow fell mar aad seeing ll her sons and her two grandsons ons of bbas buh became shaheeds this said : on the day of shura rala o yo ant a reolton Imam li buh had rayed for a son who would hel Imam Husayn buh Hurmala said that whenever he lifted the bow to shoot the arrow he could see bbas was therefore the name of the desire of Imam li buh the curtain on the tent rising I feel it is the mother of the child watching When the arrow came it ierced the nec of the babe lodging itself in Imams n the day of shura himr came to the cam and called bbas buh himr shoulder told him: Imam waled towards the cam and then turned bac He reeated this seven o are y relaton throh lann an thereore I hae roht or yo times saying: a saety orer Inna llah a nna layh ran ha ahah a tasleeal larh Inee e are ro llah an to e retrn I aept hat ellah has bbas buh was furious: ntene an a ontent th s orer o hae roht a saety orer or e an not or y aster sayn I I Imam must have waled bac and forth wondering how he would give the child ere alloe y y aster I ol hae t yor hea o no he rse o bac to his mother llah e on yo an yor saety orer o aay ro here When mme ubab saw her baby she said: o they also ll hlren le yo I I ne I ol hae sent yo as a On the day of ‘Ashura the children were crying out ltash he hrst ah he father and mother dug a small grave behind the tents for their son mme ayyida aina buh came u to bbas buh and leaded: ubab said: nle as lease rn soe ater he thrst s lln s y son I hae no ater to por oer yor rae t I ll ry so h that y tears ll et yor rae Imam Husayn buh brought a water bag to bbas buh instructing him to bring bac some water With the alam in one hand and the water bag tied to it and a sword in the other bbas buh set out to get water for the children

he army of aid new of the valour and bravery of bbas buh they all cowered behind each other and those who dared to come forward were instantly illed he soldiers fled in disarray

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 41 Page 40 Page 41 Aas uh got to the rier urat and filled the water ag and got on his horse intending to get the water to the children as soon as ossile ro a hill the children watched the ala coing and their hoes rose

he eney too saw that Aas uh had water and was going towards the ca One of the soldiers sneaed ehind and cutoff his right ar Aas uh held on to the water ag and the ala with his left hand when another soldier struc his left ar with a sword Aas uh held the ala and the water ag with his teeth is only ai was to get water to the children and started galloing towards the ca

ust then an arrow ierced the water ag and all the water gushed out silling on the sand he eney now surrounded hi and he was hit on the head with a clu and in the eye with an arrow

Aas uh fell off his horse onto the ground and called out y aster y salaas to yo he ala with an ety water ag tied to it fell to the ground a usayn uh ran to where the oice was coing fro e was linded y the tears in his eyes is ac felt as though it was roen

hen he got to where Aas uh had fallen he nelt down and lifted Abbas’s head onto his lap. Abbas (pbuh) said with a feeble voice: y aster hen I as orn yo ere the rst person I sa y last sh s that I see yor ae eore I e t y eye s pere th an arro lease lean y other eye o the loo so I ay see yo or the last te an aster please o not arry y oy to the ap ease I a so ashae to ae ana an the other hlren or han retrne epty hane thot ater

42 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 42 Abbas (pbuh) ot to the ive uat and filled the wate ba and ot on his a usan (pbuh) wept as he said: hose intendin to et the wate to the childen as soon as possible. o a hill as I shall ll yor shes t I too hae a sh ne hlhoo yo hae the childen watched the ala coin and thei hopes ose. alays alle e yor aster or one at least all e rother” As the din bothe aed into the ees of a he said befoe closin his he ene too saw that Abbas (pbuh) had wate and was oin towads the ees to death: y rother y rother cap. ne of the soldies sneaed behind and cutoff his iht a. Abbas (pbuh) held on to the wate ba and the ala with his left hand when anothe soldie stuc his left a with a swod. Abbas (pbuh) held the ala and the wate ba with his teeth. is onl ai was to et wate to the childen and stated allopin towads the cap.

ust then an aow pieced the wate ba and all the wate ushed out spillin on the sand. he ene now suounded hi and he was hit on the head with a club and in the ee with an aow.

Abbas (pbuh) fell off his hose onto the ound and called out: y aster y salaas to yo he ala with an ept wate ba tied to it fell to the ound. a usan (pbuh) an to whee the voice was coin fo. e was blinded b the teas in his ees. is bac felt as thouh it was boen.

hen he ot to whee Abbas (pbuh) had fallen he nelt down and lifted Abbas’s head onto his lap. Abbas (pbuh) said with a feeble voice: y aster hen I as orn yo ere the rst person I sa y last sh s that I see yor ae eore I e t y eye s pere th an arro lease lean y other eye o the loo so I ay see yo or the last te an aster please o not arry y oy to the ap ease I a so ashae to ae ana an the other hlren or han retrne epty hane thot ater


n the niht befoe Ashua a was eadin out the list of ats he ead the naes out abib uha..... ne b one all the naes wee ead when asi the thiteen ea old son of a asan (pbuh) ased his uncle : "O uncle Husayn! Is my name not on the list?” a said: asi eplied:

Qasim’s mother was called Ramlah (more famously known as Umm Farwa). asi was s old when his fathe was poisoned. e was bouht up b a usan (pbuh) who consideed hi as his own. asim was not yet baligh on the day of ‘Ashura. He pleaded for permission to fiht. a told hi he was the eebance of his bothe and he did not wish to see his nephew illed befoe hi. asi was disappointed and an to his othes tent. hen e awa found out wh he son was so sad she told hi to tae the lette that a asan (pbuh) had iven to he to ive to asi when he was in touble. n the lette a asan (pbuh) ased asi to epesent his fathe on the da when a usan (pbuh) would be suounded b an a of thousands. asi an to a with the lette. n seein his bothes handwitin a wept and said he had to obe the wishes of his bothe.

asi ode to the battle field and with a loud voice intoduced hiself. e illed seveal soldies. hen he saw a aad ivin wate to his hoses. e told a aad : He was attacked by one Amru b Sa’d b Nufail alAadi (a Allah cuse hi). hen asi fell a an to his aid and attaced the ene. hen a cae to Au he aised his swod and Au tied to potect hiself with his as. oth his as wee seveed and he sceaed loudl. is colleaues cae to his c but tapled ove hi.

44 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 44 AS HASA uh hen the dust settled mam found himself near Qasim seeing him painfully scraping the earth with his feet. n the night before Ashura mam was reading out the list of martyrs he read mam said: “It is hard for your uncle that you call him but he cannot answer, the names out Habib uhayr..... and if he answers he cannot hel you, and if he arrives to hel you, he cannot ne by one all the names were read when Qasim the thirteen year old son of save you. way with the eole who illed you. his is a day which has many mam Hasan (pbuh) asked his uncle adversaries and few friends.” "O uncle Husayn! Is my name not on the list?” mam said "asim! ho o you ie eath ?" Hameed ibn uslim writes that mam lifted his nephew holding him to his Qasim replied "O ncle! eath to me is seete than honey!!" chest he says it is as if still see that his feet dangled drawing lines on the earth. mam took him and laid his body near that of his son Ali Akber Qasim’s mother was called Ramlah (more famously known as Umm Farwa). Qasim was yrs old when his father was poisoned. He was brought up by mam Husayn (pbuh) who considered him as his own. Qasim was not yet baligh on the day of ‘Ashura. He pleaded for permission to fight. mam told him he was the remembrance of his brother and he did not wish to see his nephew killed before him. Qasim was disappointed and ran to his mothers tent. hen Umme Farwa found out why her son was so sad she told him to take the letter that mam Hasan (pbuh) had gien to her to gie to Qasim when he was in trouble. n the letter mam Hasan (pbuh) asked Qasim to represent his father on the day when mam Husayn (pbuh) would be surrounded by an army of thousands. Qasim ran to mam with the letter. n seeing his brothers handwriting mam wept and said he had to obey the wishes of his brother.

Qasim rode to the battle field and with a loud oice introduced himself. He killed seeral soldiers. hen he saw Umar Saad giing water to his horses. He told Umar Saad "ou shoul e ashame o yousel the chilen o Husayn ae cyin o thist" He was attacked by one Amru b Sa’d b Nufail alAadi (may Allah curse him). hen Qasim fell mam ran to his aid and attacked the enemy. hen mam came to Amru he raised his sword and Amru tried to protect himself with his arms. oth his arms were seered and he screamed loudly. His colleagues came to his cry but trampled oer him.


t was the night of Ashura. Sayyida aynab (pbuh) was telling her sons Aun and uhammad my sons tomorrow is the day of sacrifice If you et near the river urat durin the battles do not drin the water for aina will still be thirsty. he children replied mother....ave faith in us. e are the students of uncle bbas.....

n the day of Ashura the battle began. Sayyida aynab (pbuh) lifted the curtain of the tent and saw that Aun and uhammad were following mam Husayn (pbuh) She called out to her sons and said my sons you have still not one to fiht

Aun and uhammad said mother ncle usayn will not let us o.

Sayyida aynab (pbuh) called mam Husayn (pbuh) to her tent and said y brother why will you not accet my sacrifice

mam Husayn (pbuh) allowed the children to go and personally made them ready for battle. He helped them mount on two horses and sent them to the battlefield watching them from a hill.

Aun and uhammad fought braely managing to reach the tent of Umar Saad. He enuired who they were and was told they were the grandsons of Ali and afer. He ordered for them to be surrounded from all sides by the soldiers and to be pelted with stones and arrows.

hen mam saw this he called out to Abbas (pbuh) to come with him. As they ran towards Aun and uhammad they heard the children cry uncle usayn

hen mam reached them they had been martyred.

mam Husayn (pbuh) carried Aun and Abbas (pbuh) carried uhammad. hen Sayyida aynab (pbuh) saw her martyred sons she laid out her usalla and thanked Allah for haing accepted her sacrifice.


t was the night of Ashura. Sayyida aynab (pbuh) was telling her sons Aun and He and his steed continued on the difficult route. He reached a point where he uhammad saw an oasis. elighted by the sight he rushed towards the water. He and his my sons tomorrow is the day of sacrifice If you et near the river urat horse immersed themseles in the pond to cool themseles. And then he lay durin the battles do not drin the water for aina will still be thirsty. down to rest under the shady palm and the peaceful silence lulled him to sleep. he children replied He had traelled a long way from ufa carrying a aluable document for mam mother....ave faith in us. e are the students of uncle bbas..... Husayn (pbuh).

n the day of Ashura the battle began. Sayyida aynab (pbuh) lifted the curtain As his horse neighed he woke up with a start. An hour had passed. He umped of the tent and saw that Aun and uhammad were following mam Husayn to his feet looked around and uickly reached for the secret letter hidden (pbuh) She called out to her sons and said away in his armour. He was relieed to find it safe. He kissed the letter and hid my sons you have still not one to fiht it again. Refreshed he mounted his horse and started off again through the hot desert. Finally at midday he saw the caraan of mam Husayn (pbuh). Aun and uhammad said mother ncle usayn will not let us o. Saeed bin Abdullah Hanafi was oeroyed to see his mam. After his respectful greetings, he handed over Muslim bin Aqeel’s letter to him. The letter Sayyida aynab (pbuh) called mam Husayn (pbuh) to her tent and said contained the latest news from ufa. ith the Imam’s permission he joined y brother why will you not accet my sacrifice the caraan.

mam Husayn (pbuh) allowed the children to go and personally made them Saeed bin Abdullah Hanafi neer parted with the caraan. He always stayed ready for battle. He helped them mount on two horses and sent them to the close to his mam. As time passed the situation began to change and soon battlefield watching them from a hill. Saeed found his caraan surrounded by the enemy in the desert of arbala. n the night of Ashura, the Imam well aware of the enemy’s evil intentions Aun and uhammad fought braely managing to reach the tent of Umar Saad. gathered his companion and addressed them. He enuired who they were and was told they were the grandsons of Ali and “O people! We the Household of the Prophet (pbuh) do not deceive or trick. afer. He ordered for them to be surrounded from all sides by the soldiers and hose people have decided to take my life and will not spare me until they kill to be pelted with stones and arrows. me. ake advantae of the darkness of the niht and leave for if you decide to stay you will surely be killed tomorrow.” hen mam saw this he called out to Abbas (pbuh) to come with him. As they ran towards Aun and uhammad they heard the children cry Saeed bin Abdullah tearfully epressed himself saying “By God! I will not uncle usayn abandon you until I prove that I have preserved and protect ted the sanctity of the Prophet (pbuh) in his absence. By God! If I am killed and resurrected hen mam reached them they had been martyred. seventy times each time bein burnt into ashes and scattered into thin air I will still not abandon you until I die in your service.” mam Husayn (pbuh) carried Aun and Abbas (pbuh) carried uhammad. hen Sayyida aynab (pbuh) saw her martyred sons she laid out her usalla and thanked Allah for haing accepted her sacrifice.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 47 Page 46 Page 47 aeed bin Abdullah spent his night in worship and prayers. On the day of ‘Ashura at Zhuhr as Imam prayed, the enemy archers aimed their arrows and spears at him. Saeed, who was worried for his Imam’s life stepped forward and defended his Imam using his body as a shield.

e followed eah arrow that ame towards his Imam and too it on his own body. e ontinued to do so until the prayers were finished. e then fell down before his Imam. e had sueeded in defending his Imam. Imam usayn pbuh was safe and sound.

In his last moments he whispered the following, “O my Lord! Curse the enemies of mam usayn (pbuh) in the same way as You cursed the nations of ad and amood. O my Lord! end my greetings to Your Prophet (pbuh), and inform him of the wounds that have been subected to, for indeed have served Your Prophet’s (pbuh) son anticipating Your divine reward.”

e then turned towards Imam usayn pbuh and ased, “O son of the Prophet (pbuh) of ah! ave fufied my promise?” “Yes! You have,” the Imam replied. aeed bin Abdullah smiled and left this world smiling.

48 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 48 Saeed in Adullah spent his niht in worship and prayers. UHAYR AY On the day of ‘Ashura at Zhuhr as Imam prayed, the enemy archers aimed their arrows and spears at him. Saeed, who was worried for his Imam’s life stepped It was time for Salatudh huhr. he fihtin was not suspended and in such forward and defended his Imam usin his ody as a shield. cases the salaa prayed is Salatul hawf.

e followed each arrow that came towards his Imam and too it on his own Imam prayed whilst two of his companions stood efore him to shield him. ody. e continued to do so until the prayers were finished. e then fell down efore his Imam. e had succeeded in defendin his Imam. Imam usayn esides Saeed in Adallah anafi there was Zuhayr in ayn who was puh was safe and sound. returnin from a when he met Imam at a place called Zurud.

In his last moments he whispered the followin, “O my Lord! Curse the e was not a supporter of Imam from the outset ut what transpired etween enemies of mam usayn (pbuh) in the same way as You cursed the nations of him and Imam resulted in him ecomin one of the most deoted to Imam. e ad and amood. O my Lord! end my greetings to Your Prophet (pbuh), and too was seerely wounded y the arrows whilst protectin Imam and made a inform him of the wounds that have been subected to, for indeed have last chare towards the enemy. served Your Prophet’s (pbuh) son anticipating Your divine reward.” e reathed his last on Imams lap. e then turned towards Imam usayn puh and ased, “O son of the Prophet (pbuh) of ah! ave fufied my promise?” “Yes! You have,” the Imam replied. Saeed in Adullah smiled and left this world smilin.


he rophet puh was walin with a companion called aahir when he stopped and sat on the round. e called aahirs youn son ai to him and hued and issed him. aahir said O Prophet! what good deed has my son done to deserve such affection

ith tears in his eyes the rophet puh replied O aahir! whist we were waing happened to oo at abib. e was waing behind my grandson usayn and wherever usayn stepped he ifted the dust from under usayns feet and put it to his eyes in respect O aahir! this abib wi come to my usayns aid one day

In arala Imam called noone for help ecept ai. e wrote a letter to his childhood friend ai who was in ufa. e wrote that y the time ai receies the letter Imam would e surrounded y the army of aid. ai receied the letter ust as he was sittin down to hae a meal with his wife. hen he saw the letter his eyes were filled with tears. is wife ased him what the matter was. e said he had receied a letter from Imam asin him to o to arala.

o test his wife he said he was wonderin what to do ecause he was worried aout her. ais wife ot up and ot her hia. She told him to wear the hia and stay at home and she would o to help the son of atima puh She told him atimas son is caing you and you are wondering about me!!!! ai said he was testin her and prepared to leae for arala.

ufa was surrounded y the troops of In Ziyad. ai sent his serant out of the city first and then manaed to snea out himself. hen he reached the spot where his serant was waitin he heard the serant say to the horse f my master does not come wi go to the aid of the son of atima is slae ased him if he too could accompany him to arala. ai freed him and they oth rode towards arala as fast as they could.

50 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 50 HA AAHR In arala, Imam usayn puh was distriutin the weapons to all the uahids. here was one spear left when someone ased he rophet puh was walin with a companion called aahir when he O son of the Prophet! ho is the ast spear for? stopped and sat on the round. e called aahirs youn son ai to him and hued and issed him. aahir said Imam replied O Prophet! what good deed has my son done to deserve such affection his one is for my chidhood friend abib.

ith tears in his eyes the rophet puh replied ust then ai could e seen walin towards the camp. Imam ran forward to O aahir! whist we were waing happened to oo at abib. e was reet him. waing behind my grandson usayn and wherever usayn stepped he ifted the dust from under usayns feet and put it to his eyes in respect O aahir! ii Zayna puh would as ia to find out who had arried when there was this abib wi come to my usayns aid one day the sound of horses. erytime, ia would announce the arrial of more enemy troops. Suddenly, she said to ii Zayna puh In arala Imam called noone for help ecept ai. e wrote a letter to his Our guest has arrived. childhood friend ai who was in ufa. e wrote that y the time ai receies the letter Imam would e surrounded y the army of aid. ai ii Zayna puh sent ia to ai to coney her salaams. receied the letter ust as he was sittin down to hae a meal with his wife. hen he saw the letter his eyes were filled with tears. is wife ased him what ai fouht raely on the day of Ashura. hen he fell from his horse he the matter was. e said he had receied a letter from Imam asin him to o to cried out arala. O my master usayn! ep me!!

o test his wife he said he was wonderin what to do ecause he was worried hen the caraan of the prisoners reached ufa, the soldier from aids army aout her. ais wife ot up and ot her hia. She told him to wear the hia who had the head of ai round his horse, saw that a youn oy was and stay at home and she would o to help the son of atima puh followin him whereer he went. e ased the youn oy what he wanted. She told him atimas son is caing you and you are wondering about me!!!! he youn oy replied ai said he was testin her and prepared to leae for arala. You have the head of my father round your nec! Pease give it to me!!!!!

ufa was surrounded y the troops of In Ziyad. ai sent his serant out of the city first and then manaed to snea out himself. hen he reached the spot where his serant was waitin he heard the serant say to the horse f my master does not come wi go to the aid of the son of atima is slae ased him if he too could accompany him to arala. ai freed him and they oth rode towards arala as fast as they could.


urr could see the caraan of Imam usayn puh from a distance. e was the captain of the army sent y aid to mae sure that Imam usayn puh did not o to ufa. he men and horses in urrs army were ery thirsty. hey had used up all their water. hen the caraan came near, urr went up to meet Imam. Imam saw that they were thirsty and arraned for water to e ien to the men and the horses. urr then told Imam that he could not let Imam o to ufa. Imam was made to o to arala. hen urr cut off Imam usayns route forcin him to o to arala, he thouht that there would not e a attle and they would come to a peaceful solution.

On the niht efore Ashura, he could hear the children cryin of thirst. e waled up and down the floor of his tent. urr was a rae man respected y all. hen one of his soldiers saw him walin up and down he said urr! now most of the other sodiers are frightened to fight the brave grandsons of the Prophet (pbuh) but did not thin you too woud be ie them!

urr replied do not fear the battefied but fear the day of udgement! hat answer sha give to ah when e wi as me about the grandson of is Prophet (pbuh) being thirsty and at the mercy of my men? arly in the mornin on the day of Ashura he saw his soldiers wettin the hooes of the horses ecause it was so hot that the horses were hain troule puttin their hooes on the round. e thouht of the children in the camp of Imam usayn puh cryin out Alatash he thirst

urr new he had a choice etween anna and ahannam. ith his son and his slae they rode towards the camp of Imam usayn puh ust efore they reached the camp they ot off the horses. urr was ery shy to face Imam ecause it was he who had forced Imam to come here. e ot his son to tie his hands ehind his ac and then waled slowly towards Imams tent. Imam told Aas puh to o and meet them sayin Our guest has come.

52 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 52 HURR YAD AR RYAH urr on seein Imam fell down on his nees ein for forieness. e ased Imam to let him e the first one to o to fiht. urr could see the caraan of Imam usayn puh from a distance. e was the Imam forae him sayin captain of the army sent y aid to mae sure that Imam usayn puh did urr! have aready forgiven you. Your mother named you urr, which means not o to ufa. he men and horses in urrs army were ery thirsty. hey had free! You are free in this word and the hereafter. consider you to be my used up all their water. honoured guest. y regret is that do not have any food or water to offer you hen the caraan came near, urr went up to meet Imam. Imam saw that as my guest they were thirsty and arraned for water to e ien to the men and the hen the attle ean urr went to the attlefield with his son and slae. e horses. urr then told Imam that he could not let Imam o to ufa. Imam was taled first to the army tryin to mae them realise their errors ut they did not made to o to arala. hen urr cut off Imam usayns route forcin him to want to listen. realised that they miht hae troule so he told mar o to arala, he thouht that there would not e a attle and they would Saad to send the soldiers to attac them all toether rather than one to one come to a peaceful solution. fihtin which was the Ara custom of initial fihtin.

On the niht efore Ashura, he could hear the children cryin of thirst. e is son was illed first and then his slae. waled up and down the floor of his tent. urr was a rae man respected y all. hen one of his soldiers saw him walin up and down he said urr fouht raely illin the enemy soldiers y the doen. e had a deep cut urr! now most of the other sodiers are frightened to fight the brave on his forehead and soon he fell off his horse. e called out to Imam who went grandsons of the Prophet (pbuh) but did not thin you too woud be ie rushin to him with Aas puh. Imam cleaned the lood off his forehead and them! tied a handerchief round his head to stop the lood. It was a handerchief made y Sayyida atima Zahra puh urr replied do not fear the battefied but fear the day of udgement! hat answer sha give to ah when e wi as me about the grandson of urr opened his eyes for the last time and saw Imam usayn puh. is Prophet (pbuh) being thirsty and at the mercy of my men? arly in the mornin on the day of Ashura he saw his soldiers wettin the any many years later a ruler who wished to witness the reatness of a hooes of the horses ecause it was so hot that the horses were hain troule Shaheed, du open the rae of urr. A eautiful smell was comin out of the puttin their hooes on the round. e thouht of the children in the camp of rae and he saw urr lyin in the rae as thouh he was ust restin. e saw Imam usayn puh cryin out Alatash he thirst the handkerchief tied around Hurr’s head and opened it. resh lood started flowin so Shah Aas Saffaa tied it up with his own handerchief. A oice told urr new he had a choice etween anna and ahannam. ith his son and his him slae they rode towards the camp of Imam usayn puh ust efore they Pease give my handerchief bac, it is the handerchief made by ayyida reached the camp they ot off the horses. urr was ery shy to face Imam atima ahra (pbuh) and tied by mam usayn (pbuh) ecause it was he who had forced Imam to come here. e ot his son to tie his hands ehind his ac and then waled slowly towards Imams tent. e returned the handerchief and closed the rae. Imam told Aas puh to o and meet them sayin Our guest has come.


Nafe’ bin Hilal was amongst the bravest soldiers in Imam’s army. He had carved his nae on the ti of eer arro he carried On the day of ‘Ashura, each time he released one of his arrows he would say: “I throw the arrow whose tips tell my name…”

fter a the arros ere used u he fouht ith a sord kiin of the ene sodiers ina he as surrounded and his hands ere cut off

He was brought by Shimr to Umar bin Sa’d who said: “Woe unto you, O Nafe’! Why did you not pity yourself?” Nafe’ replied: “Allah knows that I do not at all repent having fought against you and if my hands were still with me, none would have been able to apprehend me.”

Shimr said: “Ibn Sa’d! Kill him” Umar Sa’d replied; “You brought him so you put his life to an end!”

As Shimr raised his sword to behead him, Nafe’ said: “By Allah! If you were a Muslim, you would have found it difficult to justify siin our ood on the da of reckonin ut raise e to Hi ur death is caused by the worst of His creatures.”

hir kied hi afe is faous for his eaninfu stateent he said to a efore he arted to o to the attefied “We love those who love you, and hate those who hate you; based on our irm determination, weighed wisdom and calculated insight.”


Nafe’ bin Hilal was amongst the bravest soldiers in Imam’s army. He had carved He was tall and over a hundred years old. At times, his white eyebrows would his name on the tip of every arrow he carried. fall over his eyes and hinder his vision. He had piecing looks, was well known On the day of ‘Ashura, each time he released one of his arrows he would say: “I and well respected among the people of Kufa. He had a noble face and spoke throw the arrow whose tips tell my name…” only when necessary. He was uneualled in generosity and had an ecellent memory. He was a After all the arrows were used up, he fought with a sword killing of the companion of the rophet pbuh enemy soldiers. inally, he was surrounded and his hands were cut off. On the day of ‘Ashura when the armies suspended the war temporarily to collect their dead and the wounded, Imam Husayn pbuh asked Anas to go He was brought by Shimr to Umar bin Sa’d who said: and talk to those on the other side.” “Woe unto you, O Nafe’! Why did you not pity yourself?” Nafe’ replied: He immediately left for the battlefield. When he got close to Umar ibne Sa’d, “Allah knows that I do not at all repent having fought against you and if my he did not greet him. hands were still with me, none would have been able to apprehend me.” “Why did you not greet us?” Umar ibne Saad inquired. “Do you think we are disbelievers?” Shimr said: “Ibn Sa’d! Kill him” “How can you believe in God and His Messenger while your swords are ready Umar Sa’d replied; to shed the blood of the son of the rophet pbuh Anas replied. “You brought him so you put his life to an end!” Umar ibne Saad turned his head down for a while. He had no answer. He said, As Shimr raised his sword to behead him, Nafe’ said: “I swear to God, I know that the killer of Imam Husayn (pbuh) will end up in hell, “By Allah! If you were a Muslim, you would have found it difficult to justify but the orders of Ubaydullah ibn Ziyad have to be carried out.” spilling our blood on the day of reckoning. But praise be to Him! Our death is isappointed, he returned and tied a piece of cloth around his back to caused by the worst of His creatures.” straighten it; used his head band to keep his eyebrows from falling over his eyes and hinder his vision, took permission from his Imam and left for the Shimr killed him. Nafe is famous for his meaningful statement he said to Imam battlefield. before he parted to go to the battlefield: “We love those who love you, and hate those who hate you; based on our irm When Imam Husayn pbuh saw him leave in that state, he could barely control determination, weighed wisdom and calculated insight.” his tears. he Imam said, “May Allah accept your sacrifice, dear old man.” After a hard fought battle Anas was martyred. He breathed his last breath in his Imam’s lap.


he streets of ufa were full of people. A loud hue and cry filled the air, “Behead him!” one of them cried. “Cut off his tongue!” another shouted. eople had gated to see the eecution of the old man. he roofs too, were full of men and women. he soldiers of Ibne iyad led the crowd, dragging a wounded old man, tied up with ropes, towards the sheep market’s slaughter house. he crows followed them.

In the commotion, two young men, Saif and Shaheeb cut through the crowd and managed to get close to the prisoner. Shabeeb asked Saif, “Who is this man? Why are they treating him like this?” Saif replied, “Don’t you recognise him? He is Hani bin Urwah, one of the noble leaders of ufa. He has been arrested on charges of supporting and helping Muslim bin Aqeel and Imam Husayn pbuh. Ibne iyad has ordered his eecution. When the soldiers reached their destination, the hue and cry subsided. here was complete silence. They tied up Hani’s hands and feet and beheaded him. Everyone then left for their daily work as if nothing had happened. Saif and Shabeeb were deeply hurt. heir eyes were full of tears. Upset and furious, they returned to their hiding place.

It was dark. Stars twinkled in the sky. he people of ufa slept, passively ignoring Ibne Ziyad’s atrocities. In their hiding place, Saif and Shabeeb were talking. “What do you think we should do? Shabeeb asked, “Should w stay or leave this city? Saif replied, “Did you not see how the people of Kufa treated Imam Husayn’s pbuh messenger Muslim bin Aqeel. hey eecuted him and Hani bin Urwah as well. We promised the Imam’s messenger that we would support Imam Husayn pbuh but I am sure that under the present circumstances the Imam will not come to this city.”

Shabeeb said, “Ibne Ziyad had appointed soldiers on all roads leading out of the city to spy, arrest and eecute Shias like us. o you have a better plan?

56 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 56 AIF BIN HAIH ABII Saif replied, “Let us make use of the darkness, take our swords and horses and leave this city using the secret pathway we are familiar with. Whatever it The streets of Kufa were full of people. loud hue and cry filled the air, takes, we need to get to Imam usayn (pbuh).” “Behead him!” one of them cried. “Cut off his tongue!” another shouted. Thus the two of them secretly found their way out of ufa and rode speedily eople had gated to see the eecution of the old man. The roofs too, were full towards the caravan of Imam usayn (pbuh). of men and women. The soldiers of Ibne Ziyad led the crowd, dragging a wounded old man, tied up with ropes, towards the sheep market’s slaughter When Shabeeb and Saif reached the caravan, they greeted their Imam, and house. The crows followed them. oined the army with his permission. When they asked permission to go to the battlefield they had tears in their eyes. When Imam asked them why they were In the commotion, two young men, Saif and Shaheeb cut through the crowd crying they said: “By God! We are not crying for ourselves. We cry because we and managed to get close to the prisoner. Shabeeb asked Saif, “Who is this have nothing but our lives to offer you in your difficulty,” they answered. man? Why are they treating him like this?” Saif replied, “Don’t you recognise him? He is Hani bin rwah, one of the noble leaders of Kufa. He has been Imam prayed for them, “May your sympathy for us earn you a great reward.” arrested on charges of supporting and helping uslim bin eel and Imam They addressed the Imam, “Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you, O son of Husayn pbuh. Ibne Ziyad has ordered his eecution. When the soldiers the Prophet (pbuh)”, and rushed towards the enemy and fought bravely. reached their destination, the hue and cry subsided. There was complete The Imam responded saying, “Peace and blessings of Allah be upon you, too.” silence. They tied up Hani’s hands and feet and beheaded him. Everyone then left for their daily work as if nothing had happened. Saif and Shabeeb were deeply hurt. Their eyes were full of tears. pset and furious, they returned to their hiding place.

It was dark. Stars twinkled in the sky. The people of Kufa slept, passively ignoring Ibne Ziyad’s atrocities. In their hiding place, Saif and Shabeeb were talking. “What do you think we should do? Shabeeb asked, “Should w stay or leave this city? Saif replied, “Did you not see how the people of Kufa treated Imam Husayn’s pbuh messenger uslim bin eel. They eecuted him and Hani bin rwah as well. We promised the Imam’s messenger that we would support Imam Husayn pbuh but I am sure that under the present circumstances the Imam will not come to this city.”

Shabeeb said, “Ibne Ziyad had appointed soldiers on all roads leading out of the city to spy, arrest and eecute Shias like us. Do you have a better plan?


He was one of Imam Husayn’s slaves who accompanied him from Madina. For years, he had been with Imam and served as Imam’s scribe thus known as aatib e Imam. .

Aslam bin Amr was well respected. e was trustworthy and truthful, and was always entrusted with important tasks.

Aslam had heard the Imam say, “I will not humiliate myself and will not offer my allegiance to Yazid.” Thus, he too, did not humiliate himself by accepting Yazid’s government. Throughout the ourney from Madinah to Makkah, and from Makkah to arbala, Aslam know that the odds were against them and that there was no turning back.

On the day of ‘Ashura, he said to himself, “I don’t have anything except my life to defend the son of the Prophet (pbuh). If need arises I will sure offer it.”

Turning to Imam usayn (pbuh) he said: “O Aba Abdillah (pbuh) May my father and mother be sacrificed instead of you. Please permit me to go to the battlefield to defend the family of the Prophet (pbuh).”

e attacked the enemy and fought bravely, killing many of them. After being fatally wounded by sword and spear, he eventually collapsed and fell. With the little energy left in him, he pointed towards the Imam as if paying his last tributes. Imam usayn (pbuh) rushed towards him, sat beside him, placed his head in his lap, and embraced him.

The slave opened his eyes, smiled at the sight of Imam usayn (pbuh) and said, “Who could be more blessed than me, for the son of the Prophet (pbuh) puts his face next to mine!” e then, breathed his last.


He was one of Imam Husayn’s slaves who accompanied him from Madina. For He had been travelling through the desert on his horse searching for Imam years, he had been with Imam and served as Imam’s scribe thus known as Husayn (pbuh). He was tired and thirsty. When he saw the Imam’s caravan he aatib e Imam. . was overwhelmed and tears flowed down his cheeks. Abbas pbuh welcomed him and handed him a bowl full of water. Aslam bin Amr was well respected. He was trustworthy and truthful, and was always entrusted with important tasks. His full name was Yazid bin iyad Muhasir, but his friends called him Abu Shasaa. He was from the tribe called “Kinda”. All the soldiers were glad that Aslam had heard the Imam say, “I will not humiliate myself and will not offer Abu hasaa had oined them. The Arab warriors knew very well that Abu my allegiance to Yazid.” Thus, he too, did not humiliate himself by accepting hasaa was feerless in his bravery and archery. They could recall numerous Yazid’s government. Throughout the ourney from Madinah to Makkah, and accounts of his bravery. from Makkah to arbala, Aslam know that the odds were against them and that there was no turning back. Abu Shasaa did not leave Imam’s side. He had brought a bow, one hundred arrows and a sword along with him to defend his Imam. On the day of ‘Ashura, On the day of ‘Ashura, he said to himself, “I don’t have anything except my life all of his arrows hit their target and a good number of the enemy soldiers were to defend the son of the Prophet (pbuh). If need arises I will sure offer it.” killed.

Turning to Imam Husayn pbuh he said “O Aba Abdillah (pbuh) May my father hen his arrows ended, he took out his sword and leapt towards the enemy and mother be sacrificed instead of you. Please permit me to go to the like a furious lion killing all who came within striking distance. The enemy, battlefield to defend the family of the Prophet (pbuh).” realising that they were no match for him, cut off his horse’s legs, but this did not stop him. He got off his horse and continued to fight the enemy calling He attacked the enemy and fought bravely, killing many of them. After being out “I am Yazid, son of Muhasir, stronger than a lion. O Allah! I am Husayn’s fatally wounded by sword and spear, he eventually collapsed and fell. ith the (pbuh) helper and have chosen to stay away from Umar ibne Saad.” little energy left in him, he pointed towards the Imam as if paying his last Abu hasaa was eventually surrounded and achieved martyrdom. tributes. Imam Husayn pbuh rushed towards him, sat beside him, placed his head in his lap, and embraced him.

The slave opened his eyes, smiled at the sight of Imam Husayn pbuh and said, “Who could be more blessed than me, for the son of the Prophet (pbuh) puts his face next to mine!” He then, breathed his last.


There were two friends in Karbala on the day of ‘Ashura. One was Aabis who was a renowned narrator of ahadith, a brave leader and fiery orator. he other was Shawab, a memoriser of ahadith who held classes attended by many to learn the ahadith of ahlulbayt. Aabis addressed Shawzab and asked: “What do you have in mind today?”

Shawzab replied: “What else but that I would accompany you in martyrdom at the feet of the grandson of the Prophet (pbuh)” Aabis said that he epected such an answer of his friend for this was the day of gaining as much divine blessing as possible.

Shawab got permission from Imam Husayn (pbuh) and was martyred. Aabis addressed Imam Husayn (pbuh) saying: “Ya Abu Abdillah! There is no one on this earth, far or near, who is more respectable and beloved to me than you. If I could avert the torture and adversity from you with anything dearer than my blood and my nafs, I would have done it. O Abu Abdillah Allah be my witness that I am on your path and on the path of your father.

When Aabis went to the battlefield, someone from the army of aid recognised him and called out to the others saying “The lion of lions is approaching, do not fight him alone.” Aabis went forward wielding his sword and shouting: “Isn’t there anyone? Isn’t there anyone?” Umar Sa’d ordered Aabis to be pelted with stones from all sides as no one dared to fight him alone. He was martyred and beheaded.

he soldiers argued as to who had illed him lie hunters fighting over a pried bull. Umar Sa’d ended the dispute by saying that noone had illed Aabis single handedly.”


There were two friends in Karbala on the day of ‘Ashura. The friends and followers of Imam Husayn (pbuh) who had gathered round him ne was Aabis who was a renowned narrator of ahadith, a brave leader and in Karbala were from different walks of life. ut all of them had something in fiery orator. common amongst them their unflinching devotion for Imam Husayn (pbuh), The other was Shawzab, a memoriser of ahadith who held classes attended by their supreme faith in the ustice of his cause. Some of them were freemen, many to learn the ahadith of ahlulbayt. soldiers bold and true. thers were slaves who had come there with their Aabis addressed Shawzab and asked: “What do you have in mind today?” masters but without any compulsion. ven when their masters granted them freedom and asked them to go away where they liked, not one of them budged Shawzab replied: “What else but that I would accompany you in martyrdom at an inch not one of them even for a moment thought of leaving Karbala to save the feet of the grandson of the Prophet (pbuh)” his life. They wanted only one thing and that was freedom to lay down their Aabis said that he epected such an answer of his friend for this was the day of lives in defending Imam Husayn (pbuh). gaining as much divine blessing as possible. Amongst them was one called ohn bin Huwai. Imam Ali (pbuh) had given ohn Shawzab got permission from Imam Husayn (pbuh) and was martyred. to Abu harr hiffari, Abu harr freed him, but ohn stayed on with Abu harr Aabis addressed Imam Husayn (pbuh) saying: “Ya Abu Abdillah! There is no one as a companion. When Abu harr was eiled from adina ohn went back to on this earth, far or near, who is more respectable and beloved to me than you. Imam Ali (pbuh) who invited him to stay on as his companion. In the company If I could avert the torture and adversity from you with anything dearer than of Imam he learnt the tafseer of Qura’n (he was also hafidhe Qur’an) and my blood and my nafs, I would have done it. Abu Abdillah! Allah be my ahadith. witness that I am on your path and on the path of your father. In Karbala ohn could always be seen at the side of Imam. n the day of When Aabis went to the battlefield, someone from the army of Yazid ‘Ashura, John came to the Imam, and stood silently with his arms folded. It was recognised him and called out to the others saying: his habit never to speak in the presence of Imam until spoken to. “The lion of lions is approaching, do not fight him alone.” Aabis went forward wielding his sword and shouting: “Isn’t there anyone? Isn’t Imam looked at ohn and said, ohn, I know you have come for my permission there anyone?” to go to the battlefield. You have been a good and trusted friend. I will not Umar Sa’d ordered Aabis to be pelted with stones from all sides as no one deny you martyrdom for Islam. o, Allah be with you! ohn smiled happily. dared to fight him alone. He was martyred and beheaded. He faced the enemy and recited a poem which said I am a soul willing to die The soldiers argued as to who had killed him like hunters fighting over a prized for Allah and have a sword thirsty of the blood of the enemies of Allah. efore I bull. Umar Sa’d ended the dispute by saying that noone had killed Aabis single die I shall fight the enemies of Allah with my sword and my tongue, and thus handedly.” shall I serve the grandson of the Holy Prophet. ohn fought courageously, all the time reciting the poem. When he fell from his horse, he still continued to fight with his tongue by reciting the poem until he breathed his last.


aha in Adullah Alali had ust ot married and was returnin to his hometown with his mother and the newlywed ride aniyya. assin throuh arala, they found a cam itched on one side and a lare army oised aainst the few in those tents. n enuiries aha came to now that Imam usayn (uh), son of Ali and randson of the rohet, had een surrounded on all sides y aids hordes who were insistin on Imam usayn (uh) either to accet aids siritual leadershi or to die at their hands. aha carried the news to his wife and mother.

hen she was informed y aha that Imam usayn (uh), with a few faithful followers, was facin oerwhelmin odds, she ased her son to hurry to his aid. All three of them came oer to Imam usayn (uh) and the mother eseeched Imam usayn (uh) to let aha oin him.

hen Imam usayn (uh) learnt that aha had ot married only a coule of days efore, he insisted that he must leae him and see safety with his wife and mother. hat rae son of a rae mother would not, howeer, aree to this. Imam, he said with his head owed, how is it ossile for me to leae you and your dear ones in this condition If I leae you and o away, my conscience would eer stin me for failin to do my duty. e was ale to conince Imam usayn (uh) that he had made u his mind and nothin could mae him chane his decision.

He fought bravely on the day of ‘Ashura with his mother encouraging him from the cams and was martyred. is wife went to his side wiin off the lood from his face. himr saw her and ordered his slae to ill her. aniyya is the only woman martyr of arala.


ahab ibn Abdullah Alalbi had ust got married and was returning to his His sills in single combat had become legendary hen he saw that mar hometown with his mother and the newlywed bride Haniyya assing through Saa’d and his men had made u their mind to ill mam Husayn buh and his arbala they found a cam itched on one side and a large army oised insmen he was itching to give them a taste of his sword which had always against the few in those tents n enuiries ahab came to now that mam struc terror in his enemies hearts ith difficulty mam Husayn buh was Husayn buh son of Ali and grandson of the rohet had been surrounded able to restrain him and convince him that his urose was not to attac the on all sides by aids hordes who were insisting on mam Husayn buh either enemy but to defend and die lie martyrs to accet aids siritual leadershi or to die at their hands ahab carried the news to his wife and mother t was urayr who during his rounds of the cam had heard the cries of the thirsty children for water and had called a few of the friends of mam Husayn hen she was informed by ahab that mam Husayn buh with a few buh to mae arrangements to bring at least one bag full of water to wet the faithful followers was facing overwhelming odds she ased her son to hurry to dry lis of the children He and the gallant few had marched towards the river his aid All three of them came over to mam Husayn buh and the mother ban with determination to get water cost what it might hen challenged by beseeched mam Husayn buh to let ahab oin him the soldiers of Umar Saa’d, who were guarding the river bans and being ased as to who he was and for what he had come he had boldly told them that he hen mam Husayn buh learnt that ahab had got married only a coule was urayr Hamadani follower of mam Husayn buh and had come to tae of days before he insisted that he must leave him and see safety with his wife water from the river to mam Husayn buhs cam for the thirsty children of and mother hat brave son of a brave mother would not however agree to the mam this mam he said with his head bowed how is it ossible for me to leave you and your dear ones in this condition f leave you and go away my e have not the least obection to you and your friends drining as much conscience would ever sting me for failing to do my duty He was able to water as you want they had relied but we cannot allow you to tae a dro convince mam Husayn buh that he had made u his mind and nothing could of water for mam Husayn buhs children mae him change his decision How infuriated he had got at this rely and shouted bac at them heartless brutes you have no consideration for the helless children of mam Husayn He fought bravely on the day of ‘Ashura with his mother encouraging him from buh whom thirst is illing o long as these innocent children do not get the cams and was martyred His wife went to his side wiing off the blood water it is unthinable for any of us to taste even a dro of it hen they from his face himr saw her and ordered his slave to ill her Haniyya is the mocingly reected his reuest he said added f that is your final rely be only woman martyr of arbala ready to fight us for we shall not go bac without water whatever the conseuences

ith what bravery he and a handful of his friends had fought and disersed the regiment that was guarding the river and with what satisfaction he had filled the bag with water and hurried towards the cam How with ride and satisfaction he had laced the bag of water at the feet of the thirsty children

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 63 Page 62 Page 63 who had lustered round the waterag with shouts of o and thrown themseles on it ith what disma he had seen the tied end of the ag oening under the rush of the thirst hildren and water flowing out on the dr soil, and the hildren ring with disaointment and ruing their odies on the wet sand oed to tears at this heartrending sight, how he had elaimed in utter desonden las, urars efforts hae gone in ain and the thirst of these innoents has remained unuenhed

64 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 64 who had lustered round the waterag with shouts of o and thrown EEN AFE HE EAH F IA HAN BH themseles on it ith what disma he had seen the tied end of the ag oening under the rush of the thirst hildren and water flowing out on the he tents were urnt down and the women were eaten and their hias eils dr soil, and the hildren ring with disaointment and ruing their odies snathed awa he odies of the martrs were tramled uon the horses on the wet sand oed to tears at this heartrending sight, how he had and the heads were ut off and raised on sears t was Saida ana uh elaimed in utter desonden las, urars efforts hae gone in ain and who was the tower of strength as mam li anul ideen uh was si the thirst of these innoents has remained unuenhed ied with hains round their nes, hands, and feet the women and hildren were ut on amels without an saddles to go from arala to ufa he were tied tightl to eah other So muh so that if one fell off the amel others would e ulled down too he guards would eat them all efore utting them a on again mam li anul edeen uh desite his illness was made to wal on foot ehind heail hained he heads of the martrs were arried on sears in front

FA t was the night following the th of uharram that the arried at the gates of ufa ufa was the it where Saida ana uh and Umme ulthum uh had one lied, reseted and loed t was regarded as the rinial it of slam in ra

he alae of n iad was losed so the were made to am outside the it hen he was informed of their arrial he ordered that rearations e made for a eleration and all imortant guests to e inited

ressed u and to the sound of musi the eole oured into the streets of ufa not reall nowing the truth hen the araan of risoners entered the it and some eole reognised that these were the household of the rohet uh the started ring and looing down with shame hen the risoners reahed the main aaar there were so man eole that it was diffiult for the araan to moe to the alae of n iad

ere Saida ana uh lifted her hand idding them to e uiet t is said that een the horses stoed neighing n a iering and onfident lear oie she said

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 65 Page 64 Page 65 raise e to llah and is lessings e sent on m grand father uhammad and his ure hlul at eole of ufa ou who are deetie and disloal o ou shed tears a our tears neer dr u and our loud ring neer end ou are lie the woman that unraels to its the roe that she has firml sun ou mae false romises whih ear no truthfulness at all ou are lie the lants that grow on filth and et are green ertainl eil is that whih our souls hae sent efore ou llah is disleased with ou and in unishment shall ou lie re ou ring and wailing ndeed llah r endlessl and laugh ut a little for our deed was so disgraeful that ou will neer e ale to omensate for it

ow an ou wash awa the rime of murdering the grandson of the Seal of the rohets he essene of he essage he ord of the outh of aradise he refuge to whom ou turned to during troules our master who defended the rohets traditions hat an awful sin ou ommitted wa with ou here will e no forgieness ont mae light of the dela in unishment ost surel llah is wathing

eole wet those who had reiousl een elerating were now looing down shamed the truth in her seeh lthough she was a risoner tied with roes she soe with onfidene so muh so that a erson who ouldnt see who was seaing thought it was the oie of mam li uh

he araan was then led to the goernment alae of n iad Saida ana uh rememered the time when her father mam li uh used to sit there lthough she was tied u and her fae oered with her hair she waled in with dignit and onfidene n iad was eited and leased as he sat with mam usans uh head in front of him s the risoners entered he said addressing Saida ana uh

66 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 66 raise e to llah and is lessings e sent on m grand father uhammad raise e to llah who disgraed ou, illed our men and eosed the lies of and his ure hlul at our laim” eole of ufa ou who are deetie and disloal o ou shed tears mmediatel Saida ana uh said a our tears neer dr u and our loud ring neer end t was llahs wish that the should e martred and the died rael ou are lie the woman that unraels to its the roe that she has firml sun f this was our hearts desire then ou must indeed e ontent toda ou mae false romises whih ear no truthfulness at all ut ou hae illed those whom the ol rohet uh sat on his nee when ou are lie the lants that grow on filth and et are green the were hildren and whose la filled him with o ertainl eil is that whih our souls hae sent efore ou llah is disleased Soon ou will stand with them efore llah and the will demand ustie with ou and in unishment shall ou lie eware the da of iama re ou ring and wailing ndeed llah r endlessl and laugh ut a little for our deed was so n iad tried to hange the onersation disgraeful that ou will neer e ale to omensate for it Seeing that he was not sueeding in humiliating Saida ana uh he dierted his attention to mam li anul edeen uh threatening to ill ow an ou wash awa the rime of murdering the grandson of the Seal of the him rohets he essene of he essage he ord of the outh of aradise mam relied ou threaten me with death o ou not now that martrdom he refuge to whom ou turned to during troules our master who is our inheritane and merit defended the rohets traditions hat an awful sin ou ommitted n iad then started to oe at mam usans head that he had in front of wa with ou here will e no forgieness him with a sti ad in ram who was an old omanion of the rohet ont mae light of the dela in unishment uh was resent ost surel llah is wathing e ried out n iad ae awa our sti llah is m witness that hae seen the rohet uh issing these lis ith these words he got u eole wet those who had reiousl een elerating were now looing weeing and left the asseml down shamed the truth in her seeh lthough she was a risoner tied with n iad new he was a reseted memer of the ommunit and he said o roes she soe with onfidene so muh so that a erson who ouldnt see not r ou hae eome old and wea and hae lost our wits o ou wee who was seaing thought it was the oie of mam li uh at this great time of itor ad in ram waled out saing eole ou hae eome slaes of n he araan was then led to the goernment alae of n iad Saida iad ou hae illed the son of atima uh and made the son of arana ana uh rememered the time when her father mam li uh used to n iads mother our ruler so that he ma ill the ure and ious amongst sit there lthough she was tied u and her fae oered with her hair she ou a od derive you of honour.....since you have given in to such evil” waled in with dignit and onfidene he risoners were sent to a house till orders from aid were reeied he n iad was eited and leased as he sat with mam usans uh head in eole howeer were realising the enormit of their rime he sermons of front of him s the risoners entered he said addressing Saida ana Saida ana uh, Umme ulthum uh, and mam li anul edeen uh uh had oened their ees t was the who had inited mam usan

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 67 Page 66 Page 67 uh an ha then etraye his amassaor arat uslim in eel uh an ha let on mam uh.

he net ay n iya gave a tal thaning o in searating the truth from falsehoo an giving victory to ai.. e ha not finishe hen a lin man calle ullah in feef got u an tol him ..... son of arana e ashame ... ou ill the son of the rohet an then you tal such nonsense from the mimar in a mosue of uslims ..... n iya ha come to the mosue to calm the eole on ut everyone as no listening to ullah in feef ho as then marche to the alace an threatene ith eath. ullah in feef sai he as raying for martyrom an his ua ha een hear. e as eheae.

HAA n iya no ante to get the risoners aay from ufa as soon as ossile. e sent them ith a large escort of soliers to amascus haam to ai.

he ourney as no less than miles. hey ere mae to travel unveile on unsale camels. he heas of the martyrs ere carrie on sears efore them. o many chilren fell an ie an omen lost the aies they ere carrying. ayyia ayna uh oul ury them on the roasie riting on the graves his is a uhsin of arala.

he nes of her sermon in ufa ha srea. n some of the tons along the ay eole use to close the gates an not allo the soliers to enter cursing them. he soliers ha to change route maing long iversions an sometimes maing the camels run faster.

he maor tons they travelle through are osul ums an alec. he risoners ere given very little foo an ater an ere eaten often. hey reache amascus haam after aout ays. hen they reache the outsirts of amascus haam they ere mae to ait outsie the city until ai ha mae the rearations for a celeration. hen the aointe ay came they ere tie lie animals an here into the city. lthough the al from the gate of the city of haam to the court of ai

68 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 68 uh an ha then etraye his amassaor arat uslim in eel uh taes aout half an hour at the most it too the risoners hours. t every an ha let on mam uh. ste stones ere hurle at them an they ha to e cleare efore they coul move further. eole thre foo as saaa at them ut they i not eat it he net ay n iya gave a tal thaning o in searating the truth from aling ith ignity. falsehoo an giving victory to ai.. e ha not finishe hen a lin man calle ullah in feef got u an tol him ne man mocingly ase mam li aynul eeen uh ho ha on ..... son of arana e ashame ... ou ill the son of the rohet an then mam relie f you ish to fin out ho has on o so hen it is time for you tal such nonsense from the mimar in a mosue of uslims ..... rayer an the han an ama are recite . n iya ha come to the mosue to calm the eole on ut everyone as no listening to ullah in feef ho as then marche to the alace an he risoners ere le into the court of ai. mam usayns hea as threatene ith eath. ullah in feef sai he as raying for martyrom rought to him on a golen tray. e hit mams teeth ith his stic saying an his ua ha een hear. e as eheae. y ancestors ho ere ille at ar have een avenge toay. o it is clear that ani ashim ha stage a lay to gain oer an there as never HAA any ivine revelation. n iya no ante to get the risoners aay from ufa as soon as ossile. e sent them ith a large escort of soliers to amascus haam to ai. ayyia ayna uh ith confience relie ll raise e to llah the or of the orl an lessings on my granfather he ourney as no less than miles. hey ere mae to travel unveile on the hief of ivine rohets. unsale camels. he heas of the martyrs ere carrie on sears efore ai nee llah has sai them. o many chilren fell an ie an omen lost the aies they ere vil is the en of those ho i evil ecause they moce an reecte the carrying. ayyia ayna uh oul ury them on the roasie riting on signs of llah the graves his is a uhsin of arala. ai o you elieve that you have mae our life miserale an our eistence imossile he nes of her sermon in ufa ha srea. n some of the tons along the hat e are oerless ersons ust ecause e are staning in front of you ay eole use to close the gates an not allo the soliers to enter cursing tie an that you have gaine oer over us them. he soliers ha to change route maing long iversions an sometimes o you elieve that e have een isgrace an that you instea have een maing the camels run faster. honoure y llah hat your osition is safe an secure no that your crooe affairs are he maor tons they travelle through are osul ums an alec. smoothe out an that you are the master of this country an the ruler of our he risoners ere given very little foo an ater an ere eaten often. government hey reache amascus haam after aout ays. hen they reache the outsirts of amascus haam they ere mae to ait ait ait ave you forgotten hat llah says outsie the city until ai ha mae the rearations for a celeration. o you thin that e give resite to the eviloers an unelievers for any hen the aointe ay came they ere tie lie animals an here into the goo that they have one urely e give them time so that they may increase city. lthough the al from the gate of the city of haam to the court of ai

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 69 Page 68 Page 69 their evil ees an it ill lea them to egraing unishment A I

...... s this your ustice that the omen of your house e in hia hilst e the aughters of the rohet uh e imrisone an arae from lace to lace unveile

our men have taen us from ton to ton here all sorts of eole ...... have een looing at us rich an oor young an ol honourale ones an those of isreute all gae at us from far an near an e have no one to come to our ai...

ai hatever you have one roves your arrogance against llah an your enial of is rohet uh an of the oly oo an the unna teachings of the oly rohet uh sent on to him the rohet uh y llah.

our ees shoul not cause amaement ecause one hose ancestors chee the livers of the martyrs i.e. arat amas liver as chee y ais granmotheran hose flesh gre u on virtuous eole...... t is ut natural that the escenants of such ersons shoul e most rominent amongst the ras in unelief sinfulness cruelty cause conflicts an act against o an is rohet.....

ememer that the evil ees an sinful actions that you have committe are the result of unelief an ol gruges you ear ecause of your ancestors ho ere ille in ar.

...ou eny the rohet uh an ith rie an oy announce from the roofs ai have slaughtere an utchere the sons of the rohet an imprisoned his family members.’......

ai ou are striing the lis of u ullah lusayn uh ith a cane. o you not no that these are the lis an the teeth that ere constantly isse y the rohet uh an yet your face reflects leasure

70 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 70 heir eil deeds and i ill lead hem o deradin pnishmen aid if yo hoh oer ha yo hae done yo yorself old srely A I ish yor arms o be paralysed and seered from yor elbo and yo old ish ha yor parens had no ien birh o yo bease yo old no ...... s his yor sie ha he omen of yor hose be in hiab hils e he ha llah is anry ih yo and he rophe is no yor enemy...... dahers of he rophe pbh be imprisoned and paraded from plae o plae neiled aid emember ha yo hae yor on sin and flesh o piees.....

or men hae aen s from on o on here all sors of people ...... hae aid o no feel oyos on illin he rophes family for llah has said been looin a s rih and poor yon and old honorable ones and hose of hin no ha hose ho are illed in llahs ay are dead ay hey are alie disrepe all ae a s from far and near and e hae no one o ome o or reoiin in ha llah has ien hem o of is rae.. aid... A I

aid haeer yo hae done proes yor arroane aains llah and yor hose ho hae made yo he head of sae and brdened he slims ih denial of is rophe pbh and of he oly oo and he nna eahins of yor leadership ill soon find o ha aais hem. he end of all yrans is he oly rophe pbh sen don o him he rophe pbh by llah. aony. .

or deeds shold no ase amaemen bease one hose anesors aid spea abo he seere pnishmen ha lies in sore for yo no for heed he liers of he maryrs i.e. ara amas lier as heed by he sae ha yo mih rere and repen a ha yo did bease ha hoh aids randmoherand hose flesh re p on iros people...... old be a fanasy..... or hear has hardened....o are one of hose hose is b naral ha he desendans of sh persons shold be mos hear is he nes of he deil in hih he lays his eil es ndeed yor prominen amons he rabs in nbelief sinflness rely ....and ase haraer is one sh ly reaion of he deil... onflis and a aains od and is rophe..... ne onders ho iros people sons of rophes and heir sessors emember ha he eil deeds and sinfl aions ha yo hae ommied are shold be bhered by ...eildoers and sinners ...e feel rieed o hin of he resl of nbelief and old rdes yo bear bease of yor anesors ho heir sared and pre bodies lyin on he sands of he brnin deser ere illed in adr. abandoned iho brial.

...o deny he rophe pbh and ih pride and oy annone from he roofs aid f yo onsider or defea as yor ahieemen hen yo ill hae o aid hae slahered and bhered he sons of he rophe and pay is prie. llah ommis no insie o is serans. nly in im do e p imprisoned his family members.’...... or rs and faih. e alone ill delier s and in im alone do e see safey and ih im do or hopes res. aid o are sriin he lips of b bdllah lsayn pbh ih a sear by od ho sen pon or hosehold is boo rophe hood ha ane. o yo no no ha hese are he lips and he eeh ha ere yo ill neer e or sas. o ill neer be able o desroy or sas or onsanly issed by he rophe pbh and ye yor fae refles pleasre einish or lih nor ill yo be able o ipe o yor shame and dishonor...

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 71 Page 70 Page 71 or ord is no ea and yor days are nmbered.... ll raise is for llah ho appoins a peaefl plae for is friends and rans hem sess in heir aims and hereafer alls hem ba o is mery and pleasre... e pray o llah o aene s ....rely e is ind erifl o is reares.

ayyida ainabs pbh sermon haned he amosphere in aids or. e as aen aba by her orae and her eloene. ll he old say as hese persons hae one hroh so many hardships and hey seem o be afraid of nothing ...not even death.”

aid hen sen hem o a prison hih had no roof. or a year hey lied nder sh ondiions sfferin he hea and old ih lile o ea and drin.

rin heir ime in prison ayyida aina remembered her faher all he ime. er ries old be heard in he silene of he nih. ne day aid old no sleep. eryime he losed his eyes he mffled sobs ere arried by he ind o his ears. e sen his soldiers o find o here he noise as omin from.

It is the daughter of Husayn! he as old. She cannot bear the parting from her father. aid said I now what will uieten her!

aid sen a presen o he hild.

hen aina lifed he oer from he plaer she sa he head of her faher. ain i in her arms she ried herself o sleep.

n he mornin a he ime of ar alaa mam li aynl bedeen pbh fond his yon siser on he floor of he prison lyin moionless. e ahered her in his arms and said Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raiun Indeed we are from Allah and to Him do we return.

72 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 72 or ord i no ea and or da are nered.... hen aid eerated the anna event of hi vitor over a an raie i for ah ho aoint a eaef ae for i friend and grant h he aed a i an edeen h to hi ort. eaer the e in their ai and thereafter a the a to i er and onted the iar and tarted raiing aid and hi forefather and eare... ondening a i h and hi on. e ra to ah to avenge e i ind erif to i reatre. hen the eaer tarted eaing againt a a ried ot eaer e ahaed for ith or ord o have ehanged the anger of od to aida aina h eron hanged the atohere in aid ort. e please the tyrant ruler. Hold your tongue!” a taen aa her orage and her eoene. he od a a a then trned to aid aing to e aoed to a a fe ord. aid did hee eron have gone throgh o an hardhi and the ee to e not want such but his companions convinced him to allow Imam saying “What afraid of nothing ...not even death.” an thi ea ong an do in an ae ie thi

aid then ent the to a rion hih had no roof. or a ear the ived nder a onted the iar and after raiing od and i rohet introded h ondition ffering the heat and od ith itte to eat and drin. hief giving the erit of the rohet hi hat. e ent throgh hi tie ith the rohet and the event eading to the aare of hi fai in ring their tie in rion aida aina reeered her father a the tie. araa.... er rie od e heard in the iene of the night. ne da aid od not i ord ere hanging the adiene and to iene hi aid ordered the ee. vertie he oed hi ee the ffed o ere arried the ind ein to give dhan. hen the nae of the rohet ae a trned to to hi ear. aid aing e a haad h or grandfather or ine f o e ent hi odier to find ot here the noie a oing fro. a he a or then o are ing and if he a grandfather then h have o ied hi on and irioned hi fai It is the daughter of Husayn! he a tod. She cannot bear the parting from her father. aid od not re and after hhr raer rhed a to hi aae aid aid I now what will uieten her! noing that i oinion od no trn againt hi. e ordered the reeae of rioner aing if there a anthing that the anted. aid ent a reent to the hid. aida ana h reeted for a hoe here the od orn the hen aina ifted the over fro the atter he a the head of her father. artr of araa. hi a the firt ai for a an h. he aing it in her ar he ried heref to ee. oen of haa ae in a and aida ana h tod the hat had haened in araa. n the orning at the tie of ar aaa a i an edeen h fond hi ong iter on the foor of the rion ing otione. e gathered her in he head of the artr ere retrned and a their ooted eonging. hi ar and aid Inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raiun Indeed we are from Allah aida aina h a ried in the rion in haa. or the rioner the and to Him do we return. hardet thing the had to do a to eave aida aina h and go a hoe.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 73 Page 72 Page 73 HAA AINA aid gave the prisoners a choice to stay in haam or return to adina. hey chose to return but via arbala. n the ourney at every stop they would hold a malis o Imam Husayn pbuh where people came listened and learned the truth.

In arbala they ound that the rophets pbuh companion abir ibn bdullah nsari was already there to pay his respects iyara to Imam Husayn pbuh and the martyrs o arbala. abir was the irst pilgrim to visit the grave o Imam Husayn pbuh. He did ghusl in the waters o the river uphrates too o his shoes and approached the grave o Imam Husayn pbuh. He wept wishing he had been there on the day o shura to assist Imam Husayn pbuh. he heads o the martyrs were buried with their bodies by Imam li aynul bedeen pbuh.

With heavy hearts they let arbala to go home to adina. When they entered adina ayyida aynab pbuh had aged so much that even her husband could not recognise her at irst.

74 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 74 HAA AINA IA ALI ANL ABIEEN BH IELINE aid gave the prisoners a choice to stay in haam or return to adina. hey chose to return but via arbala. n the ourney at every stop they would hold a N li malis o Imam Husayn pbuh where people came listened and learned the Imam Husayn pbuh ayyida hahrbanu pbuh truth. bu uhammad aynul bideen ayyedus aideen In arbala they ound that the rophets pbuh companion abir ibn bdullah B th Sha’ban 38 AH adinat ul unawaara nsari was already there to pay his respects iyara to Imam Husayn pbuh th aar H adinat ul unawaara uried in annatul aee and the martyrs o arbala. abir was the irst pilgrim to visit the grave o Imam Husayn pbuh. He did ghusl in the waters o the river uphrates too o his shoes and approached the grave o Imam Husayn pbuh. He wept wishing he had been there on the day o shura to assist Imam Husayn pbuh. he heads o the martyrs were buried with their bodies by Imam li aynul bedeen pbuh.

With heavy hearts they let arbala to go home to adina. When they entered adina ayyida aynab pbuh had aged so much that even her husband could not recognise her at irst.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 75 Page 74 Page 75 HE HEE A a Saa bh ha h a annn h aa To bring the community together…. 3 an

ANNNEEN F HI IAA h h a a haa aHanaa a ha h a h a a a Han bh a Saa bh ha h a Sn Haarul aswad the Ka’ba be approached for its judgement. Muhammad al Hanafiya readily a an bh a n Ha h han ha ab h n a n an h nh a a h a Sn haa aHanaa a h Sn h a n n a Saa bh a h a Sn a n a Aab a h a h a an a a a Han bh h a a n h Sn an n a Aab a a O Allah, verily isaya and Imama, after alHusayn bin Ali is for ayn alAbidin Ali bin al Husayn, son of Ali bin Abi alib and atimah bint asulillah. haa aHanaah a h an a h aan a aha aaba aa aan aaaaa Aaa anab bn Shah Ahb haAna a h n nn h h naa h an an h h a n h an a aan ha a Saa bh a h nan a

NIIN HE NI a na h nn aa a Han bh S an n bnn n h h na an nn a a bh h ab hh a H hn h an a an h h n hn ah a n h water which was free to the beasts and animals?”

76 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 76 HE HEE A This institution of mourning became the focalpoint of all religious actiities of mam ajjad pbuh had three difficult tass the community bringing them together . To announce his mama. . To bring the community together…. IANE . uidance. He selected the format of dua for this purpose. He recorded the duas in a boo form and ased his two sons ayd mam Muhammad l air pbuh to ANNNEEN F HI IAA mae copies of the boo. This recording itself is an indication that these were This too the form of a family dispute not just duas but also a means of guidance. ne finds in them almost all Muhammad alHanafiya claimed that he was the mam after mam Husayn theological and ethical uestions answered elouently. The boo is nown as pbuh. mam ajjad pbuh suggested that the lac tone Haarul aswad of ahifatus ajjadiyya also nown as the salms of the hlulbayt. t is the oldest the Ka’ba be approached for its judgement. Muhammad al Hanafiya readily prayer manual in slamic sources. The title means simply The oo of alajjad. agreed and both parties went for Hajj where thousands of pilgrims had lajjad is one of the titles gien to ayn albideen and signifies the one assembled. The news spread lie wild fire. ncle and the nephew slowly waled who constantly does sijda. towards the lac tone. irst Muhammad alHanafiya taled to the tone there was no response. There are fiftyfour duas which mae the main body of the tet and the mam ajjad pbuh ased the lac tone to declare in clear rabic as to who additional duas which mae up the fourteen addenda including the prayers for was the asi and mam after mam Husayn pbuh the days of the wee and the fifteen munajat or whispered prayers. The There was a tremor in the tone and in clear rabic a oice said O Allah, verily addenda are said to hae been collected and added to the tet by hams alin isaya and Imama, after alHusayn bin Ali is for ayn alAbidin Ali bin al Muhammad ibn Mai nown as alhahid alwwal the first martyr. The Husayn, son of Ali bin Abi alib and atimah bint asulillah. fifteen munajat hae been added to seeral modern editions of the Sahifa by Muhammad alHanafiyah accepted the erdict and declared his allegiance for llama Muhammad air Majlisi. mam. alhtijaj of alTabrasi alKafi of alKulaini asaerudarajat lumulwara Manaib of bn hahr shob iharulnwar ol. of Majlisi. The pilgrims on returning to their homes narrated this strange story and thus the Muslim world came to now without any formal proclamation that mam ajjad pbuh was their diinelyappointed mam.

NIIN HE NI mam encouraged the institution of majalis of mam Husayn pbuh. orrow and grief succeed in binding mourners together where intellectual and joyous functions fail. mam brought this about through eample. He wept wheneer he dran water saying hy should not cry when my father was denied the water which was free to the beasts and animals?”

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 77 Page 76 Page 77 A E E irth of mam li aynul bideen pbuh 4 Sha’ban 38AH to mam Husayn pbuh ayyida hahrbanu pbuh in Madina E days afat of ayyida hahrbanu 14 Sha’ban 38 AH E yrs mam li pbuh martyred in Masjid e Kufa by AH bdul ahman bn Muljim. Muawiya changes Khilafate to dynasty. eginning of mayyad dynasty E yrs mam Hasan poisoned by wife Ju’da as instigated AH by Muawiya. mam Husayn pbuh assumes mama. orth frica comes under Muslim rule E yrs irth of mam Muhammad lair pbuh to mam AH li aynul bideen pbuh and atima Kubra daughter of mam Hasan pbuh E yrs Muawiya dies and aid becomes Khalifa. aid AH demands allegiance from mam Husayn pbuh who refuses and leaes with his family including mam li aynul bideen pbuh to go to Maa E yrs oldiers arrie in Maa dressed as pilgrims to ill AH mam Husayn pbuh mam and his family leae Maa without performing the Hajj doing just mra for fear of causing bloodshed in Maa. E yrs mam Husayn pbuh and his followers and AH family members are illed. DAY OF ‘ASHURA They are decapitated and their bodies trampled and left on the desert sands. The camp is looted and plundered and the women and children and mam li aynul bideen pbuh taen as prisoners. His wife atima and son mam air pbuh are both present in Karbala.

78 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 78 Ya A n Ya A n 8 a au d u 8 a ad a ua 4 Sha’ban 38AH a ua u ada aau 1 haa aaa a ad ad ad u ada 1AH ad a a dd 8 da aa ada aau Ziyad quoting from the Qur’an 14 Sha’ban 38 AH 8 ad ua a aau a u ad ad ua haa aa a d a 1 Raahan 4AH du aa u uaa a 1 AH aa da aad 81 a a a a a da haa a u ad a du da a a aa d Ju’da a ad AH AH uaa a ua u au aa 81 aaa a ad a ud u u Saa u ada a uaad a u a AH AH au d u ad aa ua 8 a u u dau a aa u 3 AH ada au a a a ada aa 8 uaa d ad ad aa ad a da au 8 Raab AH dad aa a ua u a d u ad a a ud a uaad aaa ad a au d u aa on his behalf. Imam spends time writing Du’a, 8 d a aa dd a da ad a aaa a u 8h Dhha AH a ua u 83 Yazid attacks Madina & Makka burning the Ka’ba. a ad a a aa u 4 AH ad d ad udd uaa a d u a a aa aa a au dd aa u 1 Ob 8 a ua u ad ad 84 – 8 aau a 1 haa 1AH a a d – 8 AH a aaa aa au aa ad DAY OF ‘ASHURA a daad ad d ad u ua a a ad d ad a d aaa ad udd ad ad d ad ua aa ad da a au d u a a aa aa ad a a u a 1 a ad aad a u aaa 3 AH Jua

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 79 Page 78 Page 79 – lHajjaj (who attacked the Ka’ba to subdue Ibn – Zubayr, becomes goernor of and rules with tyranny for years – appointed by bdul Malik son of Marwan. Birth of grandson, Imam Ja’fer As Sadiq (pbuh) to atima mm arwa . eaches ethics through Dua ahifatus aadiyya . utored scholars. Imam aqir and grandson Imam adiq participate in the discourses. cholars graduate tudents include asan l asri, lhamali, lZuhri, Ibn awoos. . e urges people to isit Karbala and encourages the commemoration of ‘Ashura eery year which led to Maalis in secret in priate houses e used to isit Karbala eery year, unannounced, often unnoticed. e recommended to use the earth of Karbala for suud so that the loftiest part of alaa uud be associated with the principles Imam usayn gae his life for. yrs Imam poisoned by alid ibn bdul Malik and is buried in annatul aqee in Madina.

80 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 80 – – AHajjaj (who attacked the Ka’ba to subdue Ibn – ubar), becomes goernor of Iraq and rues with Hasan (Shabbar) trann for ears – appointed b Abdu aik Imam Ai (pbuh) Saida atima (pbuh) (son of arwan) Abu uhammad Birth of grandson, Imam Ja’fer As Sadiq (pbuh) to A ujtaba (the hosen ne) atima (mm arwa) th amadhan AH (adinat u unawaara) eaches ethics through ua (Sahifatus th Safar AH (adinat u unawwara), Buried in Jannatu Baqee Sajjadia) utored schoars Imam Baqir and grandson Imam Sadiq participate in the discourses Schoars graduate Students incude Hasan A Basri, Ahamai, Auhri, Ibn awoos He urges peope to isit Karbaa and encourages the commemoration of ‘Ashura eer ear which ed to ajais in secret in priate houses He used to isit Karbaa eer ear, unannounced, often unnoticed He recommended to use the earth of Karbaa for sujud so that the oftiest part of Saaa (Sujud) be associated with the principes Imam Husan gae his ife for rs Imam poisoned b aid ibn Abdu aik and is buried in Jannatu Baqee in adina

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 81 Page 80 Page 81 his is a treat between uawia the son of Abu Sufan and Imam Hasan (pbuh), the son of Imam Ai (pbuh)

hat uawia shoud dea according to the uran and Sunnah of the Ho rophet hat a usims in the usim empire Sria, Iraq, Heja, emen and gpt wi ie in peace and enjo amnest against persecution hat he sha appoint none as his successor he friends, companions and foowers of Imam Ai (pbuh) and a their famiies sha be protected against a fear and aowed to ie in peace hat uawia shoud not in an wa harass, harm, threaten or pot (secret or otherwise) against Imam Hasan (pbuh) and Imam Husan (pbuh) Muawiya would not curses Imam Ali (pbuh) in qunoot, Jumua’ praersetc

uawia accepted a ecept the sith one hen Imam Hasan (pbuh) saw his stubbornness he dictated that at east anat (curses) shoud not be uttered in the presence of Imam Hasan (pbuh) and Imam Husan (pbuh) uawia gae his oath to Imam Hasan (pbuh) that he woud abide b a the conditions but on his return to Shaam he decared I do not hae to abide b an of these I wi do what I want

IMAM’S WIVES Khawa bint andhoor aaria mm Ishaq bint aha Ju’da bint AAsh’ath mm Basheer

82 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 82 E EA IE his is a treaty between Muawiya the son o Abu uyan and Imam asan ayd (mm asheer) (pbuh), the son o Imam Ali (pbuh) asan Al Muthanna (hawla) asim (mm arwa) hat Muawiya should deal accordin to the uran and unnah o the ‘Amru oly rophet Abdullah (mm arwa) hat all Muslims in the Muslim empire yria, Iraq, ea, emen and Abu ar (mm arwa) ypt will lie in peace and enoy amnesty aainst persecution Abdul ahman hat he shall appoint none as his successor usayn Al Athram (mm Ishaq) he riends, companions and ollowers o Imam Ali (pbuh) and all their alha (mm Ishaq) amilies shall be protected aainst all ear and allowed to lie in peace mm al asan (mm asheer) hat Muawiya should not in any way harass, harm, threaten or plot mm al usayn (mm asheer) (secretly or otherwise) aainst Imam asan (pbuh) and Imam usayn mm alama (pbuh) uqayya Muawiya would not curses Imam Ali (pbuh) in qunoot, Jumua’ mm Abdullah prayersetc atima (mm Ishaq)

Muawiya accepted all ecept the sith one hen Imam asan (pbuh) saw his E A S M stubbornness he dictated that at least anat (curses) should not be uttered in E AMI IMAM ASA I AI the presence o Imam asan (pbuh) and Imam usayn (pbuh) Muawiya ae is eldest was , whose mother was mm asheer do Abi Masood his oath to Imam asan (pbuh) that he would abide by all the conditions but on qba harai here are also two dauhters rom the same mother his return to haam he declared I do not hae to abide by any o these I will named mm alasan and mm alusayn oth these dauhters o do what I want Imam asan were at arbala and when the soldiers attaced the tents, they alon with Aatia do Muslim bin Aqeel ( years old) ot trampled IMAM’S WIVES under the hoos and died ayd bin asan lied to be nearly one hundred hawla bint Mandhoor aariyya years old e was a ery pious man ayd married ubaba do Abdullah mm Ishaq bint alha bin Abbas, who was irst married to Abbas bin Ali who had been Ju’da bint AlAsh’ath martyred at arbala ayd bin asan had a son named asan Ameer and mm asheer a dauhter named aeesa

M (asan the second), was born o another wie named hawla do Manoor aaree asan Muthanna went to arbala with Imam usayn, ouht and was wounded Ater aeeds armies had let rom arbala, the local people came and looed or suriors hey ound asan Muthanna badly wounded but

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 83 Page 82 Page 83 r m r m r m rr u rr u Am r m rm rr mr mmr r ur rur mrr ur mm u m m r r r Au r r rm m u r Au rm mr u r mm um Au u m u A rm umm A ur u u m r mrr rm ru A r umr m r m r ru r r A r r Au ur mr m m r Au rr r Ar r Ar ur r mrr m rm rr m r ru r r m rm mr u m m A m r r rm m m m r r r r r r u r m r mm r r m r um m uu r m m m rm r r u m u r u u r r u

Au r m Au r rm A r rr r mrr r

84 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 84 r m r m r m rr mm mrr mm A m u rr u Am r m rm u r u Arm ur rm rr mr mmr m r ur rur mrr ur mm u m m r mm mrr u A r r r r Au r rm u r r rm m u r Au rm r r r m Aur m ur r mr u r mm ur mm A A m mm m u um r r rm r mr Au u m u A rm umm A ur u u m r mrr rm ru A r umr m r m r ru r r A r r Au ur mr m m r Au rr r Ar r Ar ur r mrr m rm rr m r ru r r m rm mr u m m A m r r rm m m m r r r r r r u r m r mm r r m r um m uu r m m m rm r r u m u r u u r r u

Au r m Au r rm A r rr r mrr r

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 85 Page 84 Page 85 A E E u m u mrr A u A E mm u r m A r u r r m r A r A r r m r um r u rrm r u r u r r r u r r rm m u E r r mm u u A E A A E u A E Au r u A mm u m r u mm A u m u mm u u E r rm r A E mm u A rr r umm u Au r um r r m mm A u ur E mm u mr m r A u E um rm r A u r Au r E Au r mr ur A – E r r m ur m ru A

86 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 86 u m u mrr A u mu m r m m r r mm u r m rum ur um ru r u r r m r A r A r r mr lled by Abu Lulu appointing a biased ‘shura’ to decide m r um ur r u rrm r m ur u r u r Tripoli, Tunis, Algeria… under Muslim rule. r r u r r rm m u Au rr r r r r mm u u r r r ru A mm A u mm u u u r m mr u m murr m Au r u m murr mm A u ur mm u m r u mm uur rm m A u m u mm u u u A um r mm r rm r A u r u r rr mm u mm u mu r rr r umm u m Au r um r r m mm A u ur mm u mr m r mm u u r u um rm r mm A u mrr u Au m u r Au r um mm u um mm Au r mr ur u m – r r m ur m ru

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 87 Page 86 Page 87 Imam mobilises an army of 20,000 to combat Muawiya’s orces but Muaiya coerces the soldiers into paying allegiance to him rather than mam asan pbuh using threats, bribery.... and spreads rumours that mam does not wish to engage in combat. Muawiya calls the year ‘Aamul Jama’a’ Those who paid allegiance are known as Ahlul Sunna wal Jama’a. A ceaseire treaty is put in place. mam signed an agreement ith Muaiya as the rophet pbuh did in udaibiyya here Muaiya besides other terms promised to ollo the uran and the sunna ay o the rophet pbuh, not to harass and ill the olloers o mam Ali pbuh and to stop cursing mam Ali pbuh in the riday prayers. Muaiya iolates the stipulations o the treaty eposing Muawiya’s treachery as he broke all the terms of the treaty. mam gained time through the treaty to do tableegh. The enironment o hatred against mam Ali pbuh, created by Muaiya as changed by mam. n the years o peace he undid hat Muaiya and his predecessors had done in years, hich as inciting people rom childhood against mam Ali pbuh. The supporters o mam usayn pbuh in arbala ere a result o the eorts o mam asan pbuh. mam asan poisoned by ie Ju’da as instigated by Muaiya. He is buried in Jannatul Baqee after burial at the Prophet’s side is reused. mam usayn pbuh assumes mama.

88 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 88 – Imam mobilises an army of 20,000 to combat Muawiya’s forces but Muawiya coerces the soldiers into paying Musa bin Ja’fer allegiance to him rather than Imam Hasan pbuh using Imam Ja’fer AsSadiq pbuh Sayyida Hamida AlBarbariyya threats, bribery.... and spreads rumours that Imam does not Abu Ibrahim wish to engage in combat. Muawiya calls the year ‘Aamul Aladhim, aqih, Aalim, Babul Hawai Jama’a’ Those who paid allegiance are known as Ahlul Sunna th Safar 2 AH Abwa – place between Makka Madina wal Jama’a. 2th aab AH Baghdad, Buried in adhmayn A ceasefire treaty is put in place. Imam signed an agreement with Muawiya as the Prophet pbuh did in Hudaibiyya where Muawiya besides other terms promised to follow the uran and the sunna way of the Prophet pbuh, not to harass and kill the followers of Imam Ali pbuh and to stop cursing Imam Ali pbuh in the riday prayers. Muawiya iolates the stipulations of the treaty eposing Muawiya’s treachery as he broke all the terms of the treaty. Imam gained time through the treaty to do tableegh. The enironment of hatred against Imam Ali pbuh, created by Muawiya was changed by Imam. In the 0 years of peace he undid what Muawiya and his predecessors had done in 0 years, which was inciting people from childhood against Imam Ali pbuh. The supporters of Imam Husayn pbuh in arbala were a result of the efforts of Imam Hasan pbuh. Imam Hasan poisoned by wife Ju’da as instigated by Muawiya. He is buried in Jannatul Baqee after burial at the Prophet’s side is refused. Imam Husayn pbuh assumes Imama.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 89 Page 88 Page 89 en is faer as marre isne b e ruer Mansur aanai Mansur ase e ernr f Maina beea a e rusees Imam a ef e ernr ae uaman re ba sa a e Imam a ef rusees f m e Mansur as e firs an uaman e sen fe b Abua mme amia an Imam Musa bu Mansur e uie Afer e Imams ea Mansur enurae e Ismaii se ee au e ne a Ismai a ie ears befre A e same ime e Imams er sn Abua aime Imamae eer e n ie as afer a Mansur as bus buiin aa afer a au e rure an iin f e fers f Au a ninue an ef Imam Musa bu fr a ie in i Imam a a ie ime ea rue Isam en Mansur ie is sn Mai ame er in A e inrease e ariies n e fami an fers f Au a Imam Musa bu aise is fers raise aia meanin n s nes fai uar Mai ae Imam aa an imrisne im reeasin im afer a ie Afer Mai ame is sn Musa assume e ie aai e n rue fr mns bu e ariies ninueAfer e ea f aai ame is brer arun asi arun as f e uari f Imam Musa bu b Muamma bin Ismai Imams nee an abu e ein f ums arun as furius an anin re is reainsi e re en e res rae an reee e re aressin im as is une Imam Musa bu as ere an e aresse e re as is ranfaer Imam en ase arun a if e re ere me an as arun fr is auers an in marriae u e aree arun sai es Imam sai a is e ifferene beeen u an me m auer u be araam fr e re maram arun a Imam arrese in e res msue is Imam as rain e as anuffe an sae an sen asra A simiar araan as sen aa f Imams fers Imam as u in risn uner e us f Isa bin Jafer Afer a ear Isa re arun sain e u n ner imrisn Imam as e u fin n ie an rieusness in im

90 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 90 arun a Imam me aa uner e us f a bin abi en is faer as marre isne b e ruer Mansur aanai beame a fer f Imam e risns ere s sma a ere as n Mansur ase e ernr f Maina beea a e rusees Imam a rm san an e f as a u f aer an iees f r brea a ef e ernr ae uaman re ba sa a e Imam a a Imam remaine aien ef rusees f m e Mansur as e firs an uaman e sen arun as ire merenaries i Imam I is rere a e n fe b Abua mme amia an Imam Musa bu Mansur e seein Imam e an refuse murer im een u e ere ai uie s arun fina me Imam in e are f ini bin aa a er rue Afer e Imams ea Mansur enurae e Ismaii se ee man Imam remaine in risn fr e as ears f is ife au e ne a Ismai a ie ears befre A e same ime e e ears f imrisnmen ae e ia uain a ie reief as e Imams er sn Abua aime Imamae eer e n ie ruers nenrae n Imam I enabe e ias iserse frm Arabia as afer a Iran Inia e us sreain Isam an i as ne f e fars ars e Mansur as bus buiin aa afer a au e rure an iin uari f e Imam f e fers f Au a ninue an ef Imam Musa bu fr a ie in i Imam a a ie ime ea rue Isam ummar f is ife rs en Mansur ie is sn Mai ame er in A e inrease e In a siuain in i e fami an fers f e Au a ere bein ariies n e fami an fers f Au a Imam Musa bu aise murere an rure Imam Musa Aaim bu ru is araer is fers raise aia meanin n s nes fai uar an ie se e meanin f abi iin u e ai f e Mai ae Imam aa an imrisne im reeasin im afer a ie Imam Auire a rue Isami araer an a sa srea Isam Afer Mai ame is sn Musa assume e ie aai e n rue fr mns bu e ariies ninueAfer e ea f aai ame is brer arun asi Imam a iren – sns an auers e ms iusrius f em arun as f e uari f Imam Musa bu b Muamma bin bein Imam Ai ia bu an aia Masuma um b brn aia Ismai Imams nee an abu e ein f ums uana ama e a er ies arun as furius an anin re is reainsi e re en e res rae an reee e re aressin im as is une Imam Ismail was Imam Ja’fer AsSadiq’s (pbuh) eldest son. When he died (in Imam's Musa bu as ere an e aresse e re as is ranfaer ifeime in a iae ae rai usie Maina Imam arrane fr is b Imam en ase arun a if e re ere me an as arun fr is be bru Maina unerin is fae ree imes urin e urne auers an in marriae u e aree asserin e fa a e as ea eer ere ere sme ere arun sai es Imam sai a is e ifferene beeen u an me m aaman a e ea as sae an Ismai as e Imam afer Imam ai auer u be araam fr e re maram bu e are nn as Ismaiis furer si in main rus e arun a Imam arrese in e res msue is Imam as rain Aaanis an e ras Aaanis are iaris fers f iar an e as anuffe an sae an sen asra A simiar araan as sen Bohras are Musta'lis (followers of Musta’li – Nizar’s brother (19 Imam aa f Imams fers Imam as u in risn uner e us f Isa bin Jafer Afer a ear Isa re arun sain e u n ner imrisn Imam as e u fin n ie an rieusness in im

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 91 Page 90 Page 91 Imam Musa Al adhim (pbuh) born to amida Berberia in Al Abwa between Maa Madina (plae where Saida Amina (mother of asulullah) is buried. Imam Sadiq (pbuh) names him Musa as he resembled rophet Musa (pbuh). maad rule ends with Marwan II defeated at the battle of ab and the Abbasid rule beins with Abu Al Abbas. Answered the questions of Abu anifa who anowledes his eellene. is eldest brother Ismail dies and is buried in Madina 1 Bahdad is made the apital of the Abbasid rulers. e loses his father Imam Sadiq (pbuh) who is poisoned b Mansur awanaqi. A month after the wafat of his father his son Imam Ali idha 11 Dhulqa’da (pbuh) is born to Saida Suttana (Nama) in Madina. – Muhammad ibn Mansur alMahdi beomes halifa. e requests Imam to meet him in Bahdad to reassure him that he would not be a threat to him lie his father. he earnin Institute is reitalized. Imam builds a suburb of Madina alled Surba whih becomes a locality to meet and discuss. Many of his father’s students ontinued to stud under him raduated and wrote boos. Jabir ibn aan – a student of Imam Sadiq (pbuh) beomes one of the leadin sientists in ufa while pratiin mediine and alhem. e is also nown as the father of hemistr for his maor wors on lassifin the elements and testin their properties. he halifa Al Mahdi eiles Imam to Bahdad where he is imprisoned for a ear.

92 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 92 a a mam Musa l adhim buh born to amida erberiyya in l he halifa Musa l adi increases tyranny on the hia at one aa ba beteen Maa Madina lace here ayyida mina 1 time beheadin countless children from the lineae of the 1 mother of asulullah is buried. mam adi buh names him rohet buh in one sittin. mam idha buh refers to this Musa as he resembled rohet Musa buh. as a tragedy next in gravity to the day of ‘Ashura. mayyad rule ends ith Maran defeated at the battle of ab arun alashid becomes halifa. is rein is at the heiht of 1 and the bbasid rule beins ith bu l bbas. 1 bbasid rule. esite bein intellectually and olitically 1 nsered the uestions of bu anifa ho acnoledes his resourceful he has a hatred for the hlul ayt ust lie his 1 ecellence. forefathers. e systematically alienates the descendants of is eldest brother smail dies and is buried in Madina mam li buh and terrorises the hias. t as one of the orst 1 eriods of oression for the hias. ahdad is made the caital of the bbasid rulers. arun alashid bean a cracdown against Imam’s followers. 1 1 Wāhab ibn Amar and a few others met the Imam and sought jīm) Each of these) ﺝ e loses his father mam adi buh ho is oisoned by adice. mam relied ith the rabic letter haal Mansur aanai. comanions too their on interretation of the letter alau l 1 waṭan "exile", jabl "refuge in the mountains" and for Wāhab, month after the afat of his father his son mam li idha junūn "madness”. The next day, Wāhab left his wealthy life, 11 Dhulqa’da buh is born to ayyida uttana ama in Madina. earin ras and came into the streets. e as soon called 1 Bahlūl. – Muhammad ibn Mansur alMahdi becomes halifa. e reuests irth of atima alMasuma um to ayyida uttana ama in mam to meet him in ahdad to reassure him that he ould 1 Madina. not be a threat to him lie his father. he earnin nstitute is arun alashid is determined to mae life difficult for mam – reitalied. mam builds a suburb of Madina called urba hich 1 – 1 e is ealous at the resect mam commands desite his simle becomes a locality to meet and discuss. Many of his father’s lifestyle, compared to Harun’s opulence, and his lineage. students continued to study under him raduated and rote boos. abir ibn ayyan – a student of mam adi buh becomes one of the leadin scientists in ufa hile racticin medicine and alchemy. e is also non as the father of chemistry for his maor ors on classifyin the elements and testin their roerties. 1 he halifa l Mahdi eiles mam to ahdad here he is 1 imrisoned for a year.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 93 Page 92 Page 93 arun alashid was returning from a when he stoed in adina. e visited the tomb of the Prophet (pbuh) and said, “O Messenger of Allah, forgive me for what I intend to do.” hen gave order to arrest Imam uh without harges and to tae him away from adina to asra where he was to e detained. His guard was Isa bin Ja’fer who after a year wrote to Harun al ashid saying “… ” is awesome atiene earns him the title Al adhim ne who ontrols his anger even when rovoed Imam is transferred to e detained under adhl in ai and then adhl in ahya. hey reort to arun saying they ould not hurt a man who fasted during the day and rayed during the night. Imam is transferred to the rison of ind in hahi who was infamous for his ruelty. e tortures Imam and oisons him and leaves his ody on the ridge of aghdad for all to see. Harun’s rother ulayman arranges for the urial in a uraysh emetery outside aghdad. A town grew around it alled adhmayn meaning the two adhims – the th and th Imamayn

94 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 94 – Harun alashid was returning from Ha, when he stopped in Madina. He visited the tomb of the Prophet (pbuh) and said, “O Muhammad (pbuh) Messenger of Allah, forgive me for what I intend to do.” hen Abdullah bin AlMuttalib Amina bint ahb. gave order to arrest Imam (pbuh) without harges and to tae Abul asim him away from Madina to asra, where he was to be detained. As adi, Al Amin His guard was Isa bin Ja’fer who after a year wrote to Harun al th abi ul Awwal ashid saying “… th afar AH ” His awesome patiene earns him the title Al adhim (One who ontrols his anger even when provoed) Imam is transferred to be detained under adhl ibn abi and then adhl ibn ahya. hey report to Harun saying they ould not hurt a man who fasted during the day and prayed during the night. Imam is transferred to the prison of ind ibn hahi who was infamous for his ruelty. He tortures Imam and poisons him and leaves his body on the bridge of aghdad for all to see. Harun’s brother ulayman arranges for the burial in a uraysh emetery outside aghdad. A town grew around it alled adhmayn (meaning the two adhims – the th and th Imamayn)

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 95 Page 94 Page 95 He was born in Maa and was the only son of Abdullah bin AlMuttalib (who died before he was born) and Amina bint ahb. Overome with grief at the loss of her husband ould not nurse him and entrusted him first to a wet nurse alled hawbiyya (a maid servant of Abu ahab) and then to Halima from the tribe of Sa’d ibn Bakr. Muhammad (pbuh) grew up in the hills, south of aif whih lay to the orth ast of Maa. He returned to his mother after four years. hen Muhammad (pbuh) was five his mother too him to athrib (Madina) to visit his fathers grave there. On the return ourney, Amina beame ill and died. he was buried in the village of Abwa on the MaaMadina oad. mm Ayman, who aompanied them, returned to Maa with him and plaed him in the protetion of his paternal grandfather, Abdul Muttalib who was a respeted leader of Maa. mm Ayman remained his nurse. Muhammad now moved into the are of his paternal unle Abu alib atima bint Asad (the parents of Imam Ali (pbuh). Abu alib too him with him wherever he went. – Muhammad (pbuh) worked as a shepherd. “All the Prophets of Allah were shepherds” he said. In his teens he sometimes travelled with his unle with the trade aravan. On his first trip, on the highway to yria, a mon alled uhayra (ergius) notied a loud shadowing the travellers. He also notied that when Muhammad (pbuh) sat under a tree, the branhes would bow down as if in respet. He invited the travellers for a meal and wathed the young Muhammad (pbuh) intently notiing the mar of Prophet hood on his shoulder.

96 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 96 e was born in Makka and was the onl son of Abdullah bin At an annual fair held in the market place called ‘Okaz, war AlMuttalib (who died before he was born) and Amina bint broke out between the Banu inanah and the urash in the ahb. erome with grief at the loss of her husband ould month of Dhulqa’da when war was forbidden. The war not nurse him and entrusted him first to a wet nurse alled ontinued for ears. Muhammad (pbuh) partiipated and hawbia (a maid serant of Abu ahab) and then to alima his braer was aknowledged. from the tribe of Sa’d ibn Bakr. Muhammad (pbuh) grew up in the hills south of aif whih la to the orth ast of A league initiated b ubar ibn Abdul Muttalib sad bin Makka. e returned to his mother after four ears. Khuwaylid (Khadija’s brother) and Muhammad (pbuh) to unite the tribes in taking an oath to seure ustie to the hen Muhammad (pbuh) was fie his mother took him to helpless . he league was formed at the house of Abdullah athrib (Madina) to isit his fathers grae there. n the ibn Ju’dan and ontinued to funtion for ears after the return ourne Amina beame ill and died. She was buried in ineption of Islam. the illage of Abwa on the MakkaMadina oad. mm Aman who aompanied them returned to Makka with him hadia bint huwalad was an astute business women and and plaed him in the protetion of his paternal grandfather philanthropist who was titled Ameeratul urash (the Abdul Muttalib who was a respeted leader of Makka. mm priness of urash) and Al ahira (he Pure one). Aware of Aman remained his nurse. Muhammad’s (pbuh) reputation of honesty and integrity she offered him twie the ommission to trade on her behalf on Muhammad now moed into the are of his paternal unle the trade araan to Sria. he trips measure of suess Abu alib atima bint Asad (the parents of Imam Ali enouraged her to emplo him again on the inter trade (pbuh). Abu alib took him with him whereer he went. araan to emen. After this trip she was onined he was – Muhammad (pbuh) worked as a shepherd. “All the Prophets the man she wished to marr. She was ears old when of Allah were shepherds” he said. In his teens he sometimes through her friend ufasa she proposed to Muhammad traelled with his unle with the trade araan. n his first (pbuh). Abu alib and her ousin araa ibn awfal trip on the highwa to Sria a monk alled Buhara (Sergius) deliered the marriage sermons and Muhammad (pbuh) notied a loud shadowing the traellers. e also notied moved from his uncle Abu Talib’s house to live with his wife. that when Muhammad (pbuh) sat under a tree the branhes he marriage was a happ one and hadia retired from would bow down as if in respet. e inited the traellers for trading to onentrate on her life with Muhammad (pbuh). a meal and wathed the oung Muhammad (pbuh) intentl notiing the mark of Prophet hood on his shoulder. atima bint Asad who raised Muhammad (pbuh) gae birth to Ali in the precincts of the Ka’ba. The first person Ali saw when he opened his ees was Muhammad (pbuh) and grew up in Muhammad’s shadow.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 97 Page 96 Page 97 Reconstruction of the Ka’ba Makka was hit by a flood and the Ka’ba was badly damaged. On reconstruction, a dispute arose as to which family should have the honour to place the black stone. The dispute was becoming serious when it was suggested that the first person to enter the precincts of the Ka’ba should resolve the dispute or place the black stone on its place. t was Muhammad (pbuh) who walked in. e divided the families into four groups. utting his cloak on the ground he placed the black stone in the middle and asked each group to hold one corner of the cloak and raise it while he guided the stone in to its place. is resolution was praised and acknowledged. First Revelation (Be’that) The injustices and idolatry of the Makkans disturbed Muhammad (pbuh). e used to go to the mountain cave of ira, three miles orth of Makka to meditate. t was on one of these retreats that he was visited by the angel Jibrail (abriel) who instructed to recite the first revelations of the Qur’an – uratul Alaq (The lot) erses . The eperience shook Muhammad (pbuh) to the core and he went home to Khadija feeling feverish and asking to be covered. he accepted his prophethood immediately. Thereafter Ali who was only 10 years old and Muhammad’s (pbuh) adopted son ayd accepted slam. After that Abu akr ibn ahafa accepted slam. After three years Muhammad (pbuh) was instructed by Allah with the verse 26:214 “And warn your near relations”. This brought in the open declaration of the message. Muhammad (pbuh) arranged a meal and invited people from the family of Abdul Muttalib. e introduced the concept of one od and him being the messenger of od. They mocked him and when he asked who would help him in his mission, only the young Ali stood up.

98 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 98 ear e vent ear e vent ears Reconstruction of the Ka’ba rs ublic announceent Maa was hit by a flood and the Ka’ba was badly damaged. The verse 15:94 “Disclose what has been ordained to you” n reconstruction a dispute arose as to which family should ordered Muhammad pbuh to mae a public announcement. have the honour to place the blac stone. The dispute was He proclaimed the oneness of God near the Ka’ba and the becoming serious when it was suggested that the first person Quraysh were furious. The new movement was a threat to to enter the precincts of the Ka’ba should resolve the dispute their authority and they retaliated violently. Muhammad or place the blac stone on its place. t was Muhammad pbuh was subected to verbal abuse and his followers with pbuh who waled in. e divided the families into four physical torture. asir and umayya the parents of Ammar groups. utting his cloa on the ground he placed the blac asir – companion of Muhammad were murdered when stone in the middle and ased each group to hold one corner they refused to accept the idols of the Ka’ba as gods. of the cloa and raise it while he guided the stone in to its rs Birth of Fatia (buh) place. is resolution was praised and acnowledged. Khadia pbuh noticed a refreshing fragrance around her rs First Revelation (Be’that) whilst carrying atima The inustices and idolatry of the Maans disturbed rs iration of uslis to bssinia Muhammad pbuh. e used to go to the mountain cave of ersecution was relentless and Muhammad pbuh advised a ira three miles orth of Maa to meditate. t was on one group of a 100 of his followers under the leadership on his of these retreats that he was visited by the angel ibrail cousin Ja’fer ibn Abu Talib to migrate to Abyssinnia (Ethiopia) abriel who instructed to recite the first revelations of the whose King was a righteous hristian King called aashi. Qur’an – uratul Ala The lot erses 6:1. The The Quraysh sent a deputation to demand their deportation. eperience shoo Muhammad pbuh to the core and he hen the King heard Ja’fer’s description of Muhammad went home to Khadia feeling feverish and asing to be pbuh and his message he refused to return them and covered. he accepted his prophethood immediately. granted them abode saying that Muhammad pbuh and Thereafter Ali who was only 10 years old and Muhammad’s esus pbuh were rays from the same sun. pbuh adopted son ayd accepted slam. After that Abu ar ibn Qahafa accepted slam. rs nvitin the near ones After three years Muhammad pbuh was instructed by Allah with the verse 26:214 “And warn your near relations”. This brought in the open declaration of the message. Muhammad pbuh arranged a meal and invited 40 people from the family of Abdul Muttalib. e introduced the concept of one od and him being the messenger of od. They moced him and when he ased who would help him in his mission only the young Ali stood up.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 99 Page 98 Page 99 ear e vent – baro an Bocott of Banu ashi (rohets Fail) b rs urash rustrated a boycott was implemented signed by forty chiefs and hung on the Ka’ba. Nobody was to trade with the families of Hashim Muttalib nor marry them nor have contact with them until they handed Muhammad (pbuh) over to the uraysh. Abu Talib had no alternate but to tae them to the valley called Sh’ib Abu Talib which he owned near Mount Haun. or three years they lived there only coming out in aab and Dhulhia when any sort of violence was taboo. ympathisers would snea food in under the cover of night. rs n of the Bocott Muhammad (pbuh) came to Abu Talib one day and said that the boycott agreement written by the uraysh had been eaten up by insects and no writing had been left ecept the name of Allah. Abu Talib went to the Ka’ba where the Quraysh were gathered and said:”My son says that the agreement which you had written has been eaten by insects and nothing remains ecept the name of Allah. f he is right then you must end your inustice and if it is wrong then we will admit that you were right and we were wrong.” The agreement was opened and nothing was left ecept the name of Allah. The boycott was lifted. rs eath of bu alib (rohets ncle) an Khaia (buh) Muhammad (pbuh) was so grieved that he called the year Aamul Hun (The year of sorrow). ith the death of his protectors the uraysh increased their persecution.

100 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 100 – Visit to Ta’if inding the Maans turning a deaf ear to him Muhammad rustrated a boycott was imlemented signed by forty chiefs buh went to the sister city of Taif to the South with his and hung on the Ka’ba. Nobody was to trade with the adoted son ayd. They drove him out elting him with families of ashim Muttalib nor marry them nor have stones. n his way bac a arty of inn heard him reciting the contact with them until they handed Muhammad buh Qur’an and accepted Islam. The Qur’an mentions this in the over to the Quraysh. Abu Talib had no alternate but to tae oening verses of Suratul inn . them to the valley called Sh’ib Abu Talib which he owned near Mount aun. or three years they lived there only esite the ersecution slam was sreading to tribes coming out in aab and hulhia when any sort of violence beyond Maa. The Quraysh did their best at stifling the was taboo. Symathisers would snea food in under the news and warning those coming to Maa of Muhammad cover of night. buh who dishonours their idols and had become mad. owever the seeers of truth lie the tribe of Abu har Muhammad buh came to Abu Talib one day and said that hifari came to see him and acceted slam. Twenty the boycott agreement written by the Quraysh had been hristians from Naareth came to visit him and acceted eaten u by insects and no writing had been left ecet the slam. Si men from who had heard name of Allah. Abu Talib went to the Ka’ba where the Muhammad buh at Aaba a mountain ass between Quraysh were gathered and said:”My son says that the Mina and ‘Arafat) took his message to Yathrib. The next year agreement which you had written has been eaten by insects eole met Muhammad buh at and too a and nothing remains ecet the name of Allah. f he is right to uhold the values taught by Muhammad buh. A then you must end your inustice and if it is wrong then we year later men and women came to tae the same will admit that you were right and we were wrong.” The ledge nown as the agreement was oened and nothing was left ecet the Israa' Wal Mi’raj (Overnight Journey to Jerusalem and to the name of Allah. The boycott was lifted. n the th of aab when he was years old Muhammad Muhammad buh was so grieved that he called the year buh was taen on a ourney to the heavens to see the Aamul un The year of sorrow. ith the death of his glory of the Universe. The Mi’raj is one of the most awesome rotectors the Quraysh increased their ersecution. journeys recorded in the Qur’an in Suratul Israa (17:1)

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 101 Page 100 Page 101 ear ge vent yrs The ijra Migration to athri (Madina The Makkans enraged at the spread of Islam decided to kill Muhammad (pbuh). It was planned that every family should provide a man to carry out the murder. Allah informs Muhammad (pbuh) of their plan in Suratul Anfal 8:30 “And remember when the unbelievers plotted against you to imprison you or to kill you or to drive you out they plotted and planned and Allah planned too.” Muhammad (pbuh) left with Ali sleeping in his bed accompanied by Abu akr to go to athri from where he had received an invitation to come. hen the Quraysh found Ali in Muhammad’s (pbuh) bed, they sent a search party to look for him. Muhammad (pbuh) and Abu akr hid in a cave in the mountain of Thar miles from Makka. A spider’s web and a pigeon’s nest at the entrance prevented the search party from entering the cave. They continued their journey reaching ua ( miles south of Yathrib) a week later on the 1thof abiul Awwal 1A. Muhammad (pbuh) waited there for four days for Ali. The first masjid was built in Quba and it is the first masjid where Salatul Jumua’ was recited. Muhammad (pbuh) and his followers entered Yathrib shortly before noon on riday 1th of abi ul Awwal (1 ctober ) . e was given a warm welcome and Yathrib soon became known as Madinatun ai the ity of the rophet. Such was the significance of the ijra that it dates the Muslim ijri calendar. yrs uilding of the mosue in Madina The first thing Muhammad (pbuh) did was to organise the building of a mosue. After purchasing the land a clay brick structure was built and roofed with palm wood rafters. Trunks of palm trees were used as pillars. Soon a simple mosue was completed with rooms on one side for Muhammad (pbuh) and his family and on the other side for those who had nowhere to live in what was called ‘Suffa’.

102 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 102 ear ge vent ear ge vent yrs The ijra Migration to athri (Madina yrs rotherhood he Maans enraged at the spread of slam, decided to ill Most of the emigrants from Maa (Muhaireen) were poor Muhammad (pbuh). t was planned that ever famil should and had no possessions. he Muslims of Madina (Ansar – provide a man to carr out the murder. Allah informs elpers) provided them with food and shelter sharing their Muhammad (pbuh) of their plan in Suratul Anfal 8:30 “And wealth with them. Muhammad (pbuh) established remember when the unbelievers plotted against ou to brotherhood between them, maing one Muhair (emigrant) imprison ou, or to ill ou, or to drive ou out, the plotted a brother of an Ansar (elper of Madina). or himself he and planned and Allah planned too.” Muhammad (pbuh) left established brotherhood with Ali (pbuh) saying: “You are my with Ali sleeping in his bed accompanied b Abu ar to go to brother in the life of this world and in the hereafter) athri from where he had received an invitation to come. yrs alaa (aily rayers and am (asting are made hen the urash found Ali in Muhammad’s (pbuh) bed, oligatory the sent a search part to loo for him. Muhammad (pbuh) aatul itr and the id Salaa were also introduced in this and Abu ar hid in a cave in the mountain of Thar miles ear. from Maa. A spider’s web and a pigeon’s nest at the yrs The hange of the ilah from Jerusalem to the a'a entrance prevented the search part from entering the cave. t was whilst praing in Masideiblatan – (he masid with he continued their ourne reaching ua ( miles south of two iblas) where Muhammad (pbuh) was given the order athrib) a wee later on the thof abiul Awwal A. b Allah to change the ibla from atul Muaddas Muhammad (pbuh) waited there for four das for Ali. he (Jerusalem) to the Ka’ba in Makka through the revelation of first masid was built in uba and it is the first masid where verse : Salatul Jumua’ was recited. Muhammad (pbuh) and his yrs attle of adr th followers entered athrib shortl before noon on rida he Maans planned an attac on Madina. 33 Muslims of abi ul Awwal ( ctober ) . e was given a warm against a well euipped urash arm of 000 met at adr welcome and athrib soon became nown as Madinatun 00 miles from Maa and 80 miles from Madina. he ai, the it of the rophet. Such was the significance of Muslims won and were recognised as a formidable force. the ijra that it dates the Muslim iri calendar. owever, the defeat made the Maans more bitter. yrs uilding of the mosue in Madina yrs attle of hud he first thing Muhammad (pbuh) did was to organise the he Maans were now seeing revenge for adr. he building of a mosue. After purchasing the land, a cla bric planned an attac. he armies met at hul ulafa, miles structure was built and roofed with palm wood rafters. east of Madina in the fields of Mount hud. hining the runs of palm trees were used as pillars. Soon a simple had won, some of the soldiers abandoned their posts and mosue was completed with rooms on one side for went for the boot allowing the urash to attac from Muhammad (pbuh) and his famil and on the other side for behind and suffered a heavy blow. Muhammad’s (pbuh) those who had nowhere to live in what was called ‘Suffa’. uncle ama was illed in hud.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 103 Page 102 Page 103 ear ge vent yrs irth of Imam asan (uh he first grandhild of Muhammad (pbuh) born to atima Ali (pbuh) yrs irth of Imam usayn (uh yrs attle of ha (handaue efene of Madina he Makkans and some of the tribes around Madina who were opposed to the Musims got together and formed a oalition (ahab) of soldiers to attak Madina. A dith (khandaue) was dug around Madina and the oalition army amped outside for over weeks trying to infiltrate the town. unning out of provisions Muhammad (pbuh) prayed for vitory at what is now Masid ath (Mosue of vitory) and a fiere storm raged uprooting the tents of the oalition who lifted the siege and turned away. he inident is mentioned in : yrs Treaty of udayiyya In Dhulqa’da of 5 AH, Muhammad (pbuh) decided to perform the mra pilgrimage to Makka with ompanions. hey amped miles outside Makka at udaybiyya and an envoy was sent to ask permission to visit the Ka’ba. It was denied but a treaty was signed whih gave him the peae allowing him to onsolidate most of the tribes in Arabia and be able to send invitations to slam to the rulers of neighbouring ountries. he first verses of the hapter of itory () were revealed after udaybiyya desribing the treaty as a vitory.

104 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 104 ear ge vent ear ge vent yrs irth of Imam asan (uh yrs attle of hayer he first randchild of Muhammad (pbuh) born to atima he tribes of anu inaqa anu adir who were epelled Ali (pbuh) out of Madina for plottin havoc had settled in Khaber ( yrs irth of Imam usayn (uh miles from Madina). he had built stron forts (Khaber means a fort). ven here the were constantl plottin to yrs attle of ha (handaue efene of Madina attack the Muslims. he rophet decided to stop them and he Makkans and some of the tribes around Madina who in Muharram A.H. Muhammad (pbuh) with Muslims were opposed to the Musims ot toether and formed a had surrounded all the forts. In the course of a month all the coalition (ahab) of soldiers to attack Madina. A ditch forts were defeated. A piece of land called adak was ifted (khandaque) was du around Madina and the coalition arm to him b one of the tribes and he ave it to his dauhter camped outside for over weeks trin to infiltrate the atima (pbuh) town. unnin out of provisions, Muhammad (pbuh) praed yrs Visit to Maa for victor at what is now Masid ath (Mosque of victor) Accordin to the terms of the treat, the Muslims could now and a fierce storm raed uprootin the tents of the coalition visit Makka. In Dhulqa’da, Muhammad (pbuh) accompanied who lifted the siee and turned awa. he incident is b Muslims visited Makka for mra. he staed in mentioned in Makka for das as areed. yrs Treaty of udayiyya yrs Introdution of the ste mimar In Dhulqa’da of 5 AH, Muhammad (pbuh) decided to perform uested b a Muslim carpenter and accepted b the mra pilrimae to Makka with companions. he Muhammad (pbuh) camped miles outside Makka at Hudabia and an envo yrs Battle of Mu’ta was sent to ask permission to visit the Ka’ba. It was denied he envo sent to ria b Muhammad (pbuh) was killed b but a treat was sined which ave him the peace allowin the omans and this eventuall resulted in the attle of him to consolidate most of the tribes in Arabia and be able to Mutah fouht near the villae of Mutah, east of the ordan send invitations to Islam to the rulers of neihbourin iver and Karak, between the Muslims who numbered countries. he first verses of the chapter of ictor () and a stron arm of the astern oman (antine) were revealed after Hudabia describin the treat as a mpire. It was in this battle that Ja’fer ibn Abu Talib (Tayyar) victor. was killed.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 105 Page 104 Page 105 ea e et ouet of Maa y now, the balance of power had shifted radically away from oncepowerful Makka, toward Muhammad and the Muslims. The peace treaty sined by the uraysh had been violated and in January , the Muslims marched to Makka and were oined by tribe after tribe alon the way. They entered Makka without bloodshed and the Makkans, seein the tide had turned, oined them. The conquest of Makka sinalled an unprecedented increase in tribes acceptin Islam. The Qur’an mentions it in Suratun Nasr (110) Battle of ua A battle fouht aainst the tribes of awain Thaqeef, miles from Makka at unayn. attle stratey not followed by one of the commanders who was then taken by surprise throwin the Muslims into disarray. A few remained steadfast and manaed to brin order by followin Muhammad’s (pbuh) instructions. Mentioned in 9:25. eto of au A report had come to Muhammad (pbuh) that the omans were plannin an attack. Muhammad (pbuh) decided to lead a Muslim army into oman territory before the omans threatened the heart of Islam. hen they reached Tabuk (midway between Madina and Damascus), the news came that the omans had withdrawn from the border towns. Muhammad (pbuh) returned to Madina.

106 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 106 ea e et ea e et ouet of Maa Muala no the baance o poer had shited radica aa Muhammad (pbuh) inited the hristians o Naran on the rom oncepoeru Maa toard Muhammad and the 2th o huhia to a Mubahia ( praer o the aithu in Musims. The peace treat sined b the Qurash had been order to rid themsees o the compan o iars). The eent ioated and in anuar 0 the Musims marched to as the resut o a deeation ed b bdu Masih to discuss Maa and ere oined b tribe ater tribe aon the a. matters reardin sa (pbuh esus) The entered Maa ithout boodshed and the Maans an one disputes in this matter ith ou ater the seein the tide had turned oined them. The conuest o noede has come to ou sa: ome et us ather Maa sinaed an unprecedented increase in tribes toether our sons and our sons our omen and our acceptin sam. The Qur’an mentions it in Suratun Nasr (110) omen oursees and oursees: Then et us earnest pra Battle of ua and invoke the curse of Allah on those who lie!” :1 batte ouht aainst the tribes o aain Thaee 10 Muhammad (pbuh) brouht i atima asan usan mies rom Maa at unan. atte strate not ooed b (pbut). The hritian deeation on seein them ithdre one o the commanders ho as then taen b surprise rom the Mubahia. throin the Musims into disarra. e remained eat of a oet o tou Maa ta steadast and manaed to brin order b ooin brahim e i ater the atte o Tabu at hich time he as Muhammad’s (pbuh) instructions. Mentioned in 9:252. oer a ear od. Muhammad (pbuh) his ees ied ith tears eto of au said: The ees send their tears and the heart is saddened report had come to Muhammad (pbuh) that the omans but e do not sa anthin ecept that hich peases our ere pannin an attac. Muhammad (pbuh) decided to ead ord. ndeed brahim e are bereaed b our departure a Musim arm into oman territor beore the omans from us”. His death coincided ith an ecipse o the sun and a threatened the heart o sam. hen the reached Tabu rumour ent out sain that the sun as ecipsed in sadness (mida beteen Madina and amascus) the nes came oer the death o brahim. pon hearin this Muhammad that the omans had ithdran rom the border tons. (pbuh) said: The sun and the moon are sins o od. The Muhammad (pbuh) returned to Madina. are ecipsed neither or the death nor birth o an man. n behodin an ecipse thereore remember od and turn to Him in prayer’. a alaa aeell lae Muhammad (pbuh) perormed his ast a accompanied b 100000 companions. e ae a sermon in raat citin the principes o aith and their maniestation.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 107 Page 106 Page 107 ea e et aee n the way ack from the farewell Ha. uhammad puh stopped at hadeer and ordered that a pulpit e made with the saddles. Here he declared his successor in response to verse 5:67 by raising the hand of Ali (pbuh) and saying “For whomsoever I am Leader (mawla); Ali is his leader (mawla)”. he final revelation of verse was revealed. “This day I ae efete ou elo fo ou a olete favour upon you; and chosen Islam as a religion for you” eat of te oet Muaa u n uharram uhammad fell ill with a fever and headaches. His condition worsened and he died on the th of afar with his head on the lap of Ali puh.

108 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 108 ear ge ven ear ge arriages of he rophe yrs hadeer 5 yrs hadia n the way ba from the farewell a. uhammad (pbuh) hadia bint huwaylad (halid) was an astute business stopped at hadeer and ordered that a pulpit be made with women and philanthropist who was titled Ameeratul the saddles. ere he delared his suessor in response to uraysh (the priness of uraysh) and Al ahira (he ure verse 5:67 by raising the hand of Ali (pbuh) and saying “For one). he was years old when through her friend ufaysa whomsoever I am Leader (mawla); Ali is his leader (mawla)”. she proposed to uhammad (pbuh). Abu alib and her he final revelation of verse 5: was revealed. “This day I ousin araa ibn awfal delivered the marriage sermons have perfeced your religion for you and compleed my and uhammad (pbuh) moved from his unle Abu alibs favour upon you; and chosen Islam as a religion for you” house to live with his wife. After 6 years of marriage yrs eah of he rophe uhammad puh hadia died. uhammad (pbuh) alled the year Amul un In uharram uhammad fell ill with a fever and headahes. (he year of grief) is ondition worsened and he died on the th of afar with 5 yrs ada his head on the lap of Ali (pbuh). awda was a widow whose husband had died during the migration to Abyssinnia. er father and brother were staunh enemies of Islam and had she returned to them they would have fored her to renoune her faith. uhammad (pbuh) married her to safeguard her. 5 yrs yesha Abu ar wished to ement his friendship with uhammad (pbuh) and offered his daughter Ayesha in marriage in 6 . he marriage too plae in A. 55 yrs afsa mar ibn Al hattab epressed a desire for uhammad (pbuh) to marry his daughter afsa who was widowed shortly after the attle of adr. 55 yrs ayna in huayma idowed at the attle of adr she was nown for her ompassion.he was nown as mmul asain. he died in the rophets lifetime.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 109 Page 108 Page 109 ear ge arriages of he rophe 57 yrs mm alma ind in mayya mm alma and her husband were one of the first migrants to Abyssinnia. er husband was illed in the attle of hud. uhammad (pbuh) married her when she was . he died at the age of serving the family of the rophet all her life. 57 yrs ayna in ahsh he was the e wife of ayd bin aritha the adopted son of uhammad (pbuh). he marriage made it lear that adopted hildren were not the same as biologial hildren and removed the taboo of marriage to a divoree.:7 5 yrs uayrira in l arih he was the daughter of the hief of anu ustali who launhed an atta on the uslims but were defeated. he was amongst the prisoners of war and the marriage initiated the onversion of her tribe to Islam. 5 yrs afiya in uyyay he was the daughter of uyay ibn Al Ahtab an enemy of uhammad (pbuh) who had aepted Islam. he dreamt of the moon falling into her lap and when narrating it to her husband was aused her of wanting the whole of Arabia to beome a uslim land. he left him and uhammad (pbuh) offered to marry her. 6 yrs mm aia amla in u ufyan mm abiba was Abu ufyans daughter. months after the death of her husband baydullah who had abandoned her and her daughter; the rophet sent a message to aashi asing him to stand proy for himself and to ratify a marriage between him and mm abiba if she were willing. he had a dream in whih someone ame to her and addressed her as other of the Faithful and she interpreted this as meaning that she would beome the wife of the prophet. he rophets letter to egus inviting him to prolaim Islam was sent at this time.

110 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 110 ear ge arriages of he rophe ear ge arriages of he rophe 57 yrs mm alma ind in mayya 6 yrs aymuna inal arih mm alma and her husband were one of the first migrants In hulada uhammad (pbuh) aompanied by to Abyssinnia. er husband was illed in the attle of hud. uslims visited aa for mra. hey stayed in aa for uhammad (pbuh) married her when she was . he died days as agreed. at the age of serving the family of the rophet all her life. At erif on the fourth day he married aymuna sister of 57 yrs ayna in ahsh mm Fadhl (wife of Abbas) and Asma (wife of afer ayyar) he was the e wife of ayd bin aritha the adopted son of and alma (wife of ama). :5 uhammad (pbuh). he marriage made it lear that adopted 6 yrs aria iiyya op hildren were not the same as biologial hildren and he rophets letter to uawis the ruler of gypt was removed the taboo of marriage to a divoree.:7 similar to that sent to mperor eralius as he was a opti 5 yrs uayrira in l arih hristian. uawis answered to the rophet (pbuh) he was the daughter of the hief of anu ustali who evasively. owever he sent a rih present of a thousand launhed an atta on the uslims but were defeated. he measures of gold twenty robes of fine loth a mule and was amongst the prisoners of war and the marriage initiated two opti hristian ladies who were held in great respet in the onversion of her tribe to Islam. gypt. he young ladies were sisters ariyah and irin. he 5 yrs afiya in uyyay prophet gave irin to assan ibn habit the poet and he he was the daughter of uyay ibn Al Ahtab an enemy of too aria as his wife. he mule was named uldul and the uhammad (pbuh) who had aepted Islam. he dreamt of rophet rode it in the attle of unain. aria gave him a the moon falling into her lap and when narrating it to her son Ibrahim who died in infany. husband was aused her of wanting the whole of Arabia to beome a uslim land. he left him and uhammad (pbuh) offered to marry her. 6 yrs mm aia amla in u ufyan mm abiba was Abu ufyans daughter. months after the death of her husband baydullah who had abandoned her and her daughter; the rophet sent a message to aashi asing him to stand proy for himself and to ratify a marriage between him and mm abiba if she were willing. he had a dream in whih someone ame to her and addressed her as other of the Faithful and she interpreted this as meaning that she would beome the wife of the prophet. he rophets letter to egus inviting him to prolaim Islam was sent at this time.


ame Ali bin usa arens Imam usa Aladhim (pbuh) ayyida uttana uniyya Abul asan Tiles Aridha amin–ehamin haribul huraba Alim e Ale uhammad irh th Dhulqa’da 148 AH eah th afar A uried in ashhad Iran

112 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 112 – a lad a a l h dua ul H al Al ua dua huh du H a a h d h ul Hau ahd h had udd h a ua Aladh uh ada uaa ah Hau ahd al ad ll a Al dha uh u a Aul Haa uuul A Hau dah h A ad au uh Adha a–ha haul huaa Al Al au h A lld uhaad dal a h hala au ad h ad 11h Dhulqa’da 148 AH ad uaa had a a u h aa au h aa AH ud ahhad a ud a h aal a d a ada h a h ad a a u ad d a u h u h h a h al u h a l ha ld

h a h d a alld h h hla ad l qud a ll h a hadh a lad h ll hadh hh a h hadh h "

h h d h hadh ud huad l ad h ala h a u h had u ad ud

ah a au d a a h h aa h lad a h a ad ulll

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 113 Page 112 Page 113 1 la h ha ul huaa ad h uud aa h uld a a au ad h l h ad a h h A

ad lah h h l h Alad h had ala had h Aad h au u

au lad h a a aa h aa a l a a h a a h had ad Allah

au dd a d h a Adha a a h ha h uld la l

au u a ud a ah a ud h ad h u d la au u a d huad ad a ad a a h d H ahadh dl dd au h a d hlal du uld aa llual al da h u ad hld du h h a

da a h hla a uh au da h a h hla ad a ld h hla dd ha uh a a ha a

a al uad al h a a Hua uh

114 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 114 au a h hau ad a h a 1 la h ha ul huaa ad h uud aa ula a dud h l all a h a h uld a a au ad h l h h qud a lad d a a h a ll H a ha h ad a h h A a had ahd h qu h l had ld h ad a ad d ha h all a ad lah h h l h Alad h had ala had d h a H had a a a ha da h Aad h au u

au lad h a a aa h aa a l a a h a a h had ad Allah

au dd a d h a Adha a a h ha h uld la l

au u a ud a ah a ud h ad h u d la au u a d huad ad a ad a a h d H ahadh dl dd au h a d hlal du uld aa llual al da h u ad hld du h h a

da a h hla a uh au da h a h hla ad a ld h hla dd ha uh a a ha a

a al uad al h a a Hua uh

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 115 Page 114 Page 115 a Al dha uh ada ada uaa 11 Dhulqa’da aa ua haau h Aa hld h aada a ua h h a ud ll h a aa h h h ad h h addd a – uhaad au alahd hala ad – au a adh uh a a uld a uu ada alld ua hh a a u a Al dha uh ud h ua h ah 1 h hala Alahd l a adh uh ahdad h h d a a a Al dha uh hld h a h a u h hala ua Al Had a a h ha a ll ul hld h la h h uh a dha uh h a a tragedy comparable to the day of ‘Ashura. 1 Hau alahd hala H a h hh Aad ul D lluall ad lall uul h ha a had h Ahlula u l h ah ad aall l h dda a Al uh ha d a h d h ha Birth of Imam’s sister Fatima alaua u – Hau alahd l ad a adh uh – aa ad h ahdad a Al dha uh adu a ad du h uld a ul a u h a had ad ad dd h

116 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 116 a a Imam Ali idha pbuh is bor i adia to ayyida uttaa Imam usa Al adhim pbuh is poisoed by aru ashid 11 Dhulqa’da ama utam hayaru from orth Africa. e of aa 1 through id ib hahi o the aab A. e is buried 1 childre. ost of the aadat are usai he th Imam i adhmay. used to tell his compaios to aait the birth of his gradso Imam Ali idha pbuh assumes Imama ho he addressed as . – Imam’s teachig actiities are o moitored ad restricted. – uhammad ib asur alahdi becomes halifa ad 1 – 1 he Abbasid mpire uder aru ashid as o as the 11 – 1 assures Imam adhim pbuh safety. Imam builds a suburb olde Age. ppressio ad iustice as mased by the of adia called urba promotio of oledge through Baytul ima the house of hich becomes a earig Istitute. Imam Ali idha pbuh is isdom. Ayoe ho opposed the regime as brutally uder the tutorage of his father. murdered. he folloers of the Ahlulbayt a prime target. 1 he halifa Alahdi eiles Imam adhim pbuh to Baghdad aru ashid dies leaig a decree that the Islamic mpire 1 here he is imprisoed for a year. Imam Ali idha pbuh 1 be diided betee his sos Ami from his ife ubaida holds the fort at the earig Istitute. ad amu from a ersia slae arail ith Ami beig he halifa usa Al adi icreases tyray o the hia at his successor. hey ere bor moths apart. 1 oe time illig coutless childre from the lieage of the – 1 amu based i hurasa Ira reects the cotract his rophet pbuh. Imam idha buh refers to this as a 1 – 1 father has made ad embars upo a ciil ar ith his tragedy comparable to the day of ‘Ashura. brother Ami based i Baghdad. Baghdad suffers heay aru alashid becomes halifa. is reig is at the height of losses ad Ami is defeated ad decapitated. ar i Ira 1 Abbasid rule. espite beig itellectually ad politically becomes the e capital of the Islamic mpire. Imam uses resourceful he has a hatred for the Ahlulbayt ust lie his the time to teach. cholars from all fields floc to adia to forefathers ad systematically eiles the descedats of lear from Imam. Imam Ali pbuh. hias ere terrorised. It as oe of the 1 Birth of Imam uhammad ai pbuh to ayyida abia orst periods of oppressio for the hias. 1 haiaru i adia. Birth of Imam’s sister Fatima alasuma um. 1 amu reuests Imam to preset himself i ar Ira to 1 egotiate the future of the hilafa. – aru alashid eiles ad imprisos Imam adhim pbuh 1 his ay to ar i ishapur he maes a declaratio 1 – 1 first to Basra ad the to Baghdad. Imam Ali idha pbuh o as the hadith of the olde chai – iiity has sits i asidu abi ad gies discourses o the buildig of declared a uslim mma commuity. he mma had fragmeted he declaratio here is o god but Allah is y ad eeded cohesio. stroghold hoeer eters y stroghold is secure from y puishmet. he Imam said It he alima has coditios ad I am oe of its coditios.

WWW.QFATIMA.COM WWW.QFATIMA.COM 117 Page 116 Page 117 ma s as am s aa Imam Imam as as a am Imam’s first stand towards the offer was to reject it and he s a a as a a aa a a s s m ma as – Mamun’s court was visited by thousands and Imam made an – ma ms s aa am as sa ssss aa as m Ia Ia m s a ssss Imam Imam a mma Imam sa Imams a as s am mms sa a a as s Imam a as as as sa a Imam a a ms a ss a a sm a as a a Imam a as Imam a a a aa Imam s as Imam s a a a aaa am Imams a a s a as a as sa a Imam a m a s a a a s aa a s as Imam a sa s a s a aa s a saa Imam s a a s a a asa Ia

118 WWW.QFATIMA.COM Page 118 o ive eitimacy to his eadershi Mamun offers heir aarency to Imam Imam was years oder than Mamun Imam’s first stand towards the offer was to reject it and he continued to do so unti he faced veied and oen threats of death whence he acceted the heir aarency tearfuy and sorrowfuy coin is minted to mar the occasion – Mamun’s court was visited by thousands and Imam made an – imact on their minds is ahadith were widey recorded Mamun who was fond of schoary discussions woud arrane for inteectuas from reece Itay India etc to come to his court and hod discussions with the Imam Imam encouraed the remembrance of Imam usayn buh eein the Imams ouarity increase disturbed Mamun immensey eseciay after an occasion when he reuested Imam to ead id rayers as he was not we e saw that even before Imam had reached the mosue the eoe had ined the streets and and it seemed that even the was of Marv were recitin tabeer with Imam e had to as Imam to o bac that day e arraned for Imam to be oisoned with raes Imam died in oos in a viae caed anabad Mamun ordered Imams rave to be du near his father aruns and when it was bein du he said that Imam had tod him that when his rave woud be du water and fish woud aear underneath ust as Imam had said when they finished diin a srin of water aeared with fish in it and then disaeared Imam is buried there at what is today caed Mashhad in Iran

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