Proposed Submission: Policies, Sites and Places Plan

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Proposed Submission: Policies, Sites and Places Plan South Gloucestershire Local Plan Proposed Submission: Policies, Sites and Places Plan June 2016 Adopted November 2017 Page intentionally blank South Gloucestershire Local Plan: Policies, Sites and Places Plan (adopted November 2017) Contents Page 1. Introduction 1 2. Part 1 – Development Management Policies 5 3. Responding to Climate Change and High Quality Design 6 4. Managing Future Development 21 5. Tackling Congestion and Improving Accessibility 28 6. Managing the Environment and Heritage 53 7. Maintaining Economic Prosperity 89 8. Providing Housing and Community Infrastructure 118 9. Major Infrastructure: Oldbury New Nuclear Build 141 10. Part 2 – Sites and Places 10. Town Centres 152 11. Site Allocations and Safeguarding 153 12. Local Green Spaces 160 13. Heritage at Risk Register 160 14. Implementation and Monitoring 160 15. Glossary 164 Appendices: 1. Superseded Development Plan Policies 173 2. Local Green Spaces 179 3. Town Centre Summaries 188 4. Heritage at Risk 202 South Gloucestershire Local Plan: Policies, Sites and Places Plan (adopted November 2017) Policy Index PSP Policy PSP Policy Chapter PSP Policy Name Number PSP1 Responding to Climate Change Local Distinctiveness and High Quality Design PSP2 Responding to Climate Change Landscape and High Quality Design PSP3 Responding to Climate Change Trees and Woodland and High Quality Design PSP4 Responding to Climate Change Designated Local Green Spaces and High Quality Design PSP5 Responding to Climate Change Undesignated Open Spaces within and High Quality Design Urban Areas and Settlements PSP6 Responding to Climate Change Onsite Renewable and Low Carbon and High Quality Design Energy PSP7 Managing Future Development Development in the Green Belt PSP8 Managing Future Development Residential Amenity PSP9 Managing Future Development Health Impact Assessments PSP10 Tackling Congestion and Active Travel Routes Improving Accessibility PSP11 Tackling Congestion and Transport Impact Management Improving Accessibility PSP12 Tackling Congestion and Motorway Service Areas and Improving Accessibility Roadside Facilities PSP13 Tackling Congestion and Safeguarding Strategic Transport Improving Accessibility Schemes and Infrastructure PSP14 Tackling Congestion and Safeguarding Rail Schemes and Improving Accessibility Infrastructure PSP15 Tackling Congestion and Park and Ride/Share Improving Accessibility PSP16 Tackling Congestion and Parking Standards Improving Accessibility PSP17 Managing the Environment and Heritage Assets and the Historic Heritage Environment South Gloucestershire Local Plan: Policies, Sites and Places Plan (adopted November 2017) PSP18 Managing the Environment and Statutory Wildlife Sites: European Heritage Sites and Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSIs) PSP19 Managing the Environment and Wider Biodiversity Heritage PSP20 Managing the Environment and Flood Risk, Surface Water and Heritage Watercourse Management PSP21 Managing the Environment and Environmental Pollution and Impacts Heritage PSP22 Managing the Environment and Unstable Land Heritage PSP23 Managing the Environment and Mineral Working and Restoration Heritage PSP24 Managing the Environment and Mineral Safeguarding Areas Heritage PSP25 Managing the Environment and Hydrocarbon Extraction (inc. Heritage Fracking) PSP26 Managing Economic Prosperity Enterprise Areas PSP27 Managing Economic Prosperity B8 Storage and Distribution Uses PSP28 Managing Economic Prosperity Rural Economy PSP29 Managing Economic Prosperity Agricultural Development PSP30 Managing Economic Prosperity Horse Related Development PSP31 Managing Economic Prosperity Town Centre Uses PSP32 Managing Economic Prosperity Local Centres, Parades and Facilities PSP33 Managing Economic Prosperity Shopping Frontages PSP34 Managing Economic Prosperity Public Houses PSP35 Managing Economic Prosperity Food and Drink Uses (including drive through takeaway facilities) PSP36 Managing Economic Prosperity Telecommunications Infrastructure Providing Housing and Internal Space and Accessibility Community Infrastructure Standards for Affordable Dwellings South Gloucestershire Local Plan: Policies, Sites and Places Plan (adopted November 2017) PSP38 Providing Housing and Development within Existing Community Infrastructure Residential Curtilages, including Extensions and New Dwellings PSP39 Providing Housing and Residential Conversions, Sub- Community Infrastructure Divisions and Houses in Multiple Occupation PSP40 Providing Housing and Residential Development in the Community Infrastructure Countryside PSP41 Providing Housing and Rural Workers Dwellings Community Infrastructure PSP42 Providing Housing and Self-Build and Custom Housebuilding Community Infrastructure PSP43 Providing Housing and Private Amenity Space Standards Community Infrastructure PSP44 Providing Housing and Open Space, Sport and Recreation Community Infrastructure PSP45 Providing Housing and Crematoria Community Infrastructure PSP46 Major Infrastructure Projects Oldbury New Nuclear Build (NNB) PSP47 Part 2 Site Allocations and Safeguarding South Gloucestershire Local Plan: Policies, Sites and Places Plan (adopted November 2017) 1. Introduction The South Gloucestershire Local Plan 1.1 The Policies, Sites and Places Plan (PSP Plan) forms part of the South Gloucestershire Local Plan. The Local Plan comprises the Joint Waste Core Strategy (adopted 2011) and Core Strategy (adopted 2013). This document updates and replaces the previous South Gloucestershire Local Plan (adopted 2006) and Minerals and Waste Local Plan (adopted 2002) and will guide future planning decisions in the district. Local Plan Joint Waste Core Strategy Policies, Sites Core Strategy (adopted 2013) and Places Plan (adopted 2011) 1.2 The Local Plan ‘lead’ document is the Core Strategy. This sets out the overall development strategy for South Gloucestershire and contains the strategic planning policies to deliver that strategy. As the strategic component of the Local Plan, the Core Strategy sets out 9 strategic objectives. These establish the basis for the policies contained in the Plan and how the Council expresses and responds to the challenge of delivering sustainable development. Six of these objectives form the basis of the main chapters of the Core Strategy, whilst the other three comprise the over-arching and cross-cutting objectives that are reflected in all Core Strategy policies – delivering sustainable communities, improving health and well-being, and mitigating and adapting to the impacts of climate change. The same approach is also followed in this Plan with the development management policies contained in Part 1, grouped under each of the six Core Strategy strategic objectives which include, where appropriate, embedded references to the three cross-cutting objectives relating to, delivering sustainable communities, improving health and well-being, and mitigating and adapting to the impacts of climate change, as these permeate and run through the majority of all policies contained in the Plan, given they are intrinsically linked to sustainable development. 1.3 To support the delivery of the Core Strategy, the PSP Plan will set out and comprise: Part 1 - Development Management Policies: 1.4 These policies now replace those in the South Gloucestershire Local Plan (2006) and the Minerals and Waste Local Plan (2002), as well as introduce new policies. The suite of development management policies have been drawn up to accord with the National 1 The Development Plan must be read as a whole. Proposals will be considered against all relevant policies. South Gloucestershire Local Plan: Policies, Sites and Places Plan (adopted November 2017) Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) and latest National Planning Practice Guidance (NPPG). 1.5 These policies sit alongside the Core Strategy (adopted 2013) and Joint Waste Core Strategy (adopted 2011), forming the Local Plan for South Gloucestershire. All of these documents will be used by the Council when assessing planning applications. The final policy in Part 1 relates to the potential New Nuclear Build near to Oldbury-on-Severn. Part 2 – Sites and Places: 1.6 This section of the Plan contains details of town centres and site allocations, including those site allocations and designations rolled forward from the South Gloucestershire Local Plan. Part 2 also includes links to the Local Green Spaces and Heritage at Risk appendices. Local Plan Policies Map 1.7 The Local Plan Policies Map shows designations and allocations arising from Part 1 or Part 2 of the PSP Plan, for example, local green spaces, town centre boundaries and retail frontages. Designations and constraints defined by other processes, including Sites of Special Scientific Interest and Conservation Areas are to be presented on an online constraints map. Using this Plan 1.8 The development management policies within the PSP Plan need to be considered together to determine whether or not a proposal would be considered acceptable. A development proposal which meets the requirements of one policy, will not necessarily gain planning permission if it fails to have regard to, or is in conflict with, other policy requirements in this plan, or any other relevant policy within the Core Strategy and/or the Joint Waste Core Strategy. 1.9 Careful consideration should be given to all planning issues relating to a development proposal, to ensure all relevant development management policies and site allocation policies have been addressed. 1.10 Failure to meet the requirements of all policies relevant to a development
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