Statistical Report General
STATISTICAL REPORT ON GENERAL ELECTIONS, 1989 TO THE NINTH LOK SABHA VOLUME II (CONSTITUENCY DATA - SUMMARY) ELECTION COMMISSION OF INDIA NEW DELHI ECI-GE89-LS (VOL. II) © Election Commision of India, 1990 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by mimeograph or any other means, without prior and express permission in writing from Election Commision of India. First published 1990 Published by Election Commision of India, Nirvachan Sadan, Ashoka Road, New Delhi - 110 001. Computer Data Processing and Laser Printing of Reports by Statistics and Information System Division, Election Commision of India. Election Commission of India – General Elections, 1989 (9th LOK SABHA) STATISCAL REPORT – VOLUME II (National and State Abstracts & Detailed Results) CONTENTS SUBJECT Page No. Part – I 1. List of Participating Political Parties 1 - 3 2. Number and Types of Constituencies 4 - 532 Election Commission of India-General Elections,1989 (9th LOK SABHA) LIST OF PARTICIPATING POLITICAL PARTIES PARTYTYPE ABBREVIATION PARTY NATIONAL PARTIES 1 . BJP BHARATIYA JANATA PARTY 2 . CPI COMMUNIST PARTY OF INDIA 3 . CPM COMMUNIST PARTY OF INDIA (MARXIST) 4 . ICS(SCS) INDIAN CONGRESS (SOCIALIST- SARAT CHANDRA SINHA) 5 . INC INDIAN NATIONAL CONGRESS 6 . JD JANATA DAL 7 . JNP (JP) JANATA PARY (JP) 8 . LKD (B) LOK DAL (BAHUGUNA) STATE PARTIES 9 . ADK ALL INDIA ANNA DRAVIDA MUNNETRA KAZHAGAM 10 . DMK DRAVIDA MUNNETRA KAZHAGAM 11 . FBL ALL INDIA FORWARD BLOCK 12 . ICJ(TG) INDIAN CONGRESS (J) TRIKHA GROUP 13 . JKN JAMMU & KASHMIT NATIONAL CONFERENCE 14 . JPP JAMMU & KASHMIR PANTHERS PARTY 15 . KEC KERALA CONGRESS 16 . KNA KUKI NATIONAL ASSEMBLY 17 .
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