PUBLIC HEARING December 15, 2016

Original File 113842.TXT Min-U-Script® with Word Index



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6 7 41 Webster Avenue Goshen, New York 8 December 15, 2016 9 7:45 p.m.

10 11 PUBLIC HEARING taken before Sadie L.

12 Herbert, a RPR and Notary Public of the States

13 of New York and .









22 23 ELLEN GRAUER COURT REPORTING CO. LLC 126 East 56th Street, Fifth Floor 24 New York, New York 10022 212-750-6434 25 REF: 113842


1 A P P E A R A N C E S:



4 LEE BERGUS, Chairman

5 PHIL DROPKIN, Deputy Chairman






11 DAVE CRAWFORD, Alternate












24 25


1 A P P E A R A N C E S: (Cont'd




5 40 Matthews Street, Suite 209

6 Goshen, New York 10924



9 Phone: 845.294.4080

10 [email protected]

11 [email protected]



15 SEAN HOFFMAN, P.E., Riddick Associates



18 19





24 25


1 A P P E A R A N C E S: (Cont'd)



6 Suite 100 7 New Windsor, New York 12553 8 BY: DOMINIC CORDISCO, ESQ.

9 Phone: 845.561.0550 10 [email protected] 11

12 13 ALSO PRESENT: 14 PHILIP ROYLE, Merlin Entertainments

15 16 17

18 19



22 23

24 25


1 ------I N D E X ------2 SPEAKER PAGE



9 ------E X H I B I T S ------



15 16 17

18 19


21 22


24 25



2 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: As far as public

3 comment, each individual will have four

4 minutes to speak, there will be a

5 timer, when the four minutes is up, you

6 will hear a jingle, that means it's

7 time to step aside and let the next

8 person in line speak, so they'll have

9 the opportunity as well. Once you have

10 spoken, that will be your only

11 opportunity to speak on this project in

12 public, at a public hearing. After

13 which, you can provide the Town and

14 this board with as many comments as you

15 choose to come up with in writing, they

16 would be presented to Neil at the

17 building department and they would then

18 be considered in the furtherance of

19 this project.

20 As a joint decision between the

21 Town Board and the Planning Board, it

22 was decided that the written comments

23 period will be extended to

24 January 10th, so you'll get to enjoy

25 your holidays, not think about it, if



2 you choose not to. The 10th will be --

3 presuming the public hearing is closed,

4 the 10th will be the deadline for

5 written comments, so once you've made

6 your comment this evening, your one

7 four-minute window, anything else you

8 may come up with this evening or in the

9 future between now and January 10th can

10 be provided in writing. If you do not

11 use your four minutes, you can't will

12 it to the guy next to you or behind

13 you. He starts the clock all over

14 again, he doesn't get six minutes or

15 seven minutes or anything like that

16 because you only used one minute. So

17 if you need four minutes, use it, if

18 you don't, pass the mic to the

19 individual behind you. As we have done

20 in the past, we'll alternate -- once we

21 start, we'll alternate from one side to

22 the other, so please be courteous and

23 just pay attention to who's speaking so

24 that we can move the two lines. Like I

25 said before, once you've spoken, please



2 sit down. You have the one opportunity

3 to speak.

4 If we do need to continue this

5 public hearing, and it very well may be

6 possible, depending on the interest in

7 speaking this evening, it will be

8 carried forward to Monday evening, the

9 19th, 7:30 at the high school. And

10 we'll let you know that as we get

11 closer to the end of the meeting. We

12 do have the school until just before

13 11 o'clock this evening. So it will

14 give people the opportunity to speak,

15 hopefully, up until that point.

16 So, again, without any further ado.

17 MR. BLOOMFIELD: I would like to

18 make a motion to open the public

19 hearing. Is there a second?


21 MR. BLOOMFIELD: All in favor?

22 (Chorus of ayes.)

23 MR. BLOOMFIELD: From our

24 standpoint, we vote.

25 (The motion was seconded.)




3 Board's public hearing is open. It's

4 being operated jointly with the

5 Planning Board's public hearing on

6 this -- on their project.

7 Okay. Where's John. John, if you

8 may.

9 MR. O'ROURKE: Good evening, my

10 name is John O'Rourke, I apologize to

11 the Board that my back is to them, but

12 I believe the Board realizes it is.

13 And, again, I apologize to the

14 audience, the venue, we couldn't use

15 the AV system, this is a small screen,

16 I know it's hard to see in the back;

17 however, this document is in the FDIS

18 -- or the DEIS so the figure that we

19 refer to will be there. Generally,

20 it's a proposed 522, plus or minus,

21 acreage site bordered --


23 you.

24 MR. O'ROURKE: I'm working on it,

25 I'm working on it.



2 So the project site is about

3 522 acres, it is located in the town of

4 Goshen off of Harriman Drive in the

5 northeast portion of it, along the

6 Quickway, it extends back to a portion

7 of Conklingtown Road at the very end of

8 the 522 acres. To the east, it hits

9 Arcadia Road and Arcadia Hills

10 subdivision, it's up in this area

11 (indicating), and to the west, again,

12 is the old Arden Hill, BOCES, Glen

13 Arden and Alliance. It's proposed to

14 develop out of the 522 acres about 145

15 will be disturbed and that will include

16 the LEGOLAND Park itself centered in

17 the project area. The parking area,

18 what we call the back of the house or

19 the administrative building, a 250-room

20 hotel and a future SEA LIFE, which is,

21 quote-unquote, "my first aquarium,"

22 about 25,000 square feet, which would

23 be developed in the next several years,

24 but it is part of this project as of

25 now.



2 Parking is in the rear of the

3 parcel, those who are familiar, there's

4 a large Orange & Rockland power line

5 that splits the property. The parking

6 would be up to there and also, there's

7 a cell tower back there, many of you

8 may be aware of that as well, that's

9 the project limits for the disturbance.

10 Again, approximately 5,000 -- actually,

11 5,500 parking spots for both the day

12 guests, hotel guests and the back of

13 house where we park the employees.

14 Let me flip this over. Previously,

15 the Board had discussed -- or as part

16 of the public hearing, there was a land

17 transfer, a sale between the two

18 properties between us and the Town of

19 Goshen, I've tried this, again, it's

20 Figure Roman Numeral II-2 in the DEIS,

21 but I've highlighted it here indicating

22 the existing Town-owned parcels and the

23 existing wells on the site. The blue

24 are the Town-owned parcels. From the

25 review of previous maps, it appears



2 that this was open space, some wetlands

3 and undeveloped areas and part of the

4 future expansion of Arcadia Hills,

5 along with three parcels for the three

6 wells that now feed the Arcadia water

7 district. However, two of the wells

8 are outside the project or the

9 Town-owned property, and none of the

10 wells have the required Health

11 Department requirement of 200-foot

12 control and ownership. So as part of

13 the proposal, property around those

14 wells and the well houses will be

15 provided, along with easements and

16 access to also supply, utilize your

17 water lines, which are actually not

18 controlled or not on your property.

19 In addition, there's two proposed

20 wells to be given to the Town, they

21 were developed several years ago, as a

22 proposal that was known as Lone Oak,

23 which is a residential subdivision on

24 this parcel, they had drilled two wells

25 on the parcel, Arcadia Hills water



2 district, actually, had used one of

3 those wells in an emergency situation

4 in the past, and there's the intent to

5 provide those wells to the Town, along

6 with the area around. And, again,

7 we're applying these nine individual

8 small unusual shaped parcels, and,

9 again, it's Figure 2-2 in the DEIS.

10 I wanted to keep it short because I

11 know there was a lot of comments, so,

12 again, I can leave this map over here

13 on the side, maybe, if anybody wants to

14 refer to it.

15 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: That would be

16 good, thank you.

17 MR. O'ROURKE: Thank you.


19 before we start, now, with the public

20 comments, just a couple more

21 housekeeping rules, I would ask that

22 you provide respect to the speakers.

23 Whether they have comments for or

24 against the project, more specifically

25 the aspects of the -- that we're here



2 for, the local laws, the DEIS, the site

3 plan, the clearing, etc. The two doors

4 at the rear of the room need to remain

5 open as emergency exits, as well as for

6 the free flow of people, if anyone does

7 wish to come in that's not sitting in

8 the room presently, that they could

9 come in and join us. There's plenty of

10 open seats, there's room along the

11 walls.

12 If you hear a comment that sounds

13 wonderful, don't sit there and clap for

14 the individual speaking, just let them

15 say their peace. If you don't like

16 what they're saying, don't boo, you

17 know, if they make a comment you don't

18 like, just give them the respect to

19 speak. Everything is being recorded,

20 the stenographer, the notes, this way,

21 all your comments can be incorporated

22 into the further review of this

23 project. What I would ask you to do

24 when you step up to the mic is just

25 introduce yourself, your name and your



2 address, if you would, and then go

3 about your comments and concerns.

4 So at this point, we'll start over

5 here on my left and we'll alternate

6 back and forth.

7 Thank you.


9 Good evening, my name is Denise

10 Tzouganatos, I do live in Goshen, I am

11 a parent of children in the district, I

12 am a teacher, I know many of you

13 socially, and -- living in this town.

14 The reason I'm here tonight is because

15 I want to bring to your attention the

16 division that this project has given

17 our town. We have had neighbor versus

18 neighbor, we have had people on social

19 media destroying each other, not

20 speaking to each other and it has

21 carried over into our school,

22 Mr. Conner, it has carried over into

23 all aspects of life. This project has

24 effected us deeply, and the reason that

25 we are against it is because we are



2 opposed to changing the Master Plan.

3 The people you see here wearing red,

4 there's few of us here because we have

5 families that depend on us, each one of

6 us here wearing red represents so many

7 more that couldn't be here tonight, we

8 are unlike the paid union workers who

9 are here getting paid time and a half

10 to be here.

11 (Applause.)

12 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Excuse me, again,

13 as a public hearing, just as a

14 reminder, come on.

15 (Interjections from audience.)


17 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Please, please, I

18 am speaking, please, as I said before.

19 (Interjections from audience.)


21 time?

22 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: We're cutting

23 into this lady's time, please, the

24 purpose of the public hearing is to

25 speak on the various aspects of the



2 project, not personality attacks, and

3 let's keep it that way, please, for

4 everybody's sanity.


6 continue?



9 time. Thank you.

10 So the reason, again, that we are

11 here, please Town Board, understand

12 that this town is being divided, I am

13 sure Mr. Ole will go on to other

14 projects, I am sure the people who are

15 involved in this on the global scale

16 will go on to other things, we have to

17 live here, and we now have issues with

18 traffic, as you know, and I know you

19 know all of it, I'm not going to repeat

20 it, but it has caused a rift in our

21 family of Goshen that I don't know

22 we'll be able to heal at this time.

23 Please take that into account, Board,

24 because you -- you are our neighbors as

25 well, you are our friends as well, we



2 don't want to get to the point where --

3 and we all know how you vote on this,

4 it's public knowledge, and we are going

5 to be voting again soon to keep you in

6 office or not based on how you vote on

7 this. I know that Rockland is -- one

8 more thing.

9 (Interjections from audience.)

10 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Let's stay

11 focused, please.

12 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Rockland did

13 have this issue and they -- the mayor

14 did come forth and say, this is causing

15 too much of a problem in our town, it's

16 not going to heal.

17 Please take that into

18 consideration, thank you.

19 (Applause.)

20 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you. Okay,

21 next, on the right, here, here.


23 Martha Bogart and I live at 156 South

24 Street, Goshen.

25 Dear Planning Board Members, I am



2 writing to inform you of an omission to

3 the second DEIS document relative to

4 LEGOLAND. On Page 140, in the section

5 under "Historic and Aesthetic

6 Resources," neither my home, nor my

7 neighbor's home are included. My home

8 is located at 156 South Street, which

9 is extremely close to the proposed

10 development area, it is known as the

11 Everett-Bradner House, and it has been

12 on the national registry of historic

13 places since 2004. My neighbor's home

14 is located at 145 South Street and is,

15 therefore, even closer to the proposed

16 site for LEGOLAND, it is known as the

17 George T. Wisner home -- House and has

18 been on the national registry of

19 historic places since 2005. It is

20 particularly galling that these

21 properties were omitted since I spoke

22 at the meeting held here at the C.J.

23 Hooker Middle School where I mentioned

24 it, that both houses were on the

25 registry. I have included my letter



2 from July, my Wikipedia reference to

3 both homes and also the statement from

4 national registry, stating that we are

5 on the national registry.

6 Moving along to another issue, I

7 have --

8 (Interjections from audience.)

9 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Quiet, please.


11 issue, I would like you to know that I

12 had an appraisal done on my home by

13 Mr. Eldred Carhart. Appraiser Carhart

14 stated, if the proposed LEGOLAND

15 planned theme park is actually

16 constructed, then the value of the

17 subject property could be reduced due

18 to its proximity to Reservoir Road and

19 the Route 17 overpass on South Street

20 by locational depreciation, increased

21 traffic with related noise and air

22 pollution, as well as further strains

23 on the Village's municipal services in

24 an amount up to 25 percent of the value

25 of the appraised home.



2 We need a flyover directly into the

3 LEGOLAND park to accommodate all the

4 traffic on Route 17 West.

5 Thank you.


7 (Applause.)


9 evening, thank you for providing this

10 forum for us to speak with you this

11 evening. I'm speaking this evening

12 from a unique vantage point, the Orange

13 County Partnership is the most

14 successful economic development office

15 in New York state in terms of quantity

16 and quality of jobs that are created

17 and capital investment garnered. We

18 serve as a voting member of the

19 governor's Regional Economic

20 Development Council, we are active

21 members of the New York State Economic

22 Development Council for 30 years. Our

23 perspective is very broad, but I'm not

24 standing here this evening to be

25 braggadocios about that, but rather for



2 you to understand my vantage point as

3 it pertains to economic vitality and

4 opportunity. LEGOLAND will have a

5 greater impact on jobs with the

6 greatest economic value on opening day

7 than any other project in the entire

8 region that's slated right now, Orange

9 County and the town of Goshen is the

10 envy of our peers. I've been

11 approved --

12 (Interjections by audience.)

13 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Again, please,

14 courtesy.


16 approached by other community leaders

17 throughout the county asking us to

18 bring LEGOLAND to the town of Wallkill

19 and New Windsor and other communities,

20 the calculable advantages of this

21 project is evident and it's envied by

22 many. I have been approached by my

23 colleagues in Rockland County that tell

24 me again and again, don't blow this.

25 You see, they have nothingbut



2 regret and embarrassment over the job

3 loss and the negative economic impact

4 there is incalculable. It's an

5 incalculable because there's no way to

6 calculate lost opportunity. You see,

7 when we lose the confidence of, say,

8 commercial brokers and investors, who

9 would have not even -- who will not

10 even consider Goshen in the future

11 because the perception would be that we

12 are closed for business, we will ne ver

13 know the opportunities that we may have

14 had moving forward.

15 LEGOLAND is building parks around

16 the world. Many of them throughout

17 Asia. Only one in North America. Th e

18 world is watching, so we're on the ma p.

19 It was only three years ago that we

20 honored the Goshen JEDI, the Joint

21 Economic Development Initiative, for

22 their forward-thinking approach to

23 attracting and retaining business in

24 the town of Goshen, following a loss

25 when Macy's came here to land and the y


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 weren't able to make that happen.

3 In a very short time, Goshen has

4 become a town with a strategy, a vision 5 to grow and sustain itself

6 economically. It's clear that you

7 don't want to be the town that traffic 8 just drives through on 17 and no one

9 stops. We want Goshen to be a 10 destination where people stop, shop, 11 stay, spend money and spend time.

12 Thank you so much for your courage, 13 for your confidence, for your 14 leadership and the ability to calculate

15 this very monumental opportunity, thank 16 you. 17 (Applause.)

18 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

19 Next speaker, please. 20 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good

21 evening, my name is Bill Hecht,

22 district superintendent, Orange-Ulster

23 BOCES. A fact in this opening session,

24 I referred to a number of data points

25 with regard to enrollment at the



2 Regional Education Center at Arden

3 Hill, which is on Harriman drive. This

4 evening, I just want to bring you up to

5 date and I have letters for the Board

6 as well, and it's just, Dear Goshen

7 Planning Board, at the regular meeting

8 on December 8, 2016, the Orange-Ulster

9 BOCES Property Board approved a project

10 resolution that would add new students

11 to the Regional Education Center at

12 Arden Hill and Harriman Drive. This

13 would allow for additional growth.

14 This project will increase the number

15 of students who attend the site, along

16 with the volume of buses in the next

17 few years. The Board discussed the

18 proposed construction of LEGOLAND theme

19 park and the potential impact given

20 this new information. The Board also

21 had a brief report on the draft

22 environmental impact statement and

23 information provided in the traffic

24 study, which included the proposed

25 flyover to Harriman Drive.



2 (Interjections by audience.)

3 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Where are they?


5 in the hallway.



8 the cooperative board would like the

9 Planning Board to consider filing

10 additional points and a potential

11 impact they could have on BOCES when

12 making decisions about the project.

13 One recently approved plan to build out

14 classroom space at the second floor at

15 Arden Hill, along with the third floor

16 in the future, and that work, we hope,

17 will begin this summer of 2017, the

18 anticipated growth in student

19 enrollment at this campus and the

20 increase in the volume of bus

21 transportation that this will bring to

22 Harriman Drive in the next two to

23 five years and then the impact that the

24 proposed flyover would have on

25 decreasing the volume of traffic in and



2 around the Regional Education Center of

3 Arden Hill and alleviate the safety

4 concerns. And I have copies of letters

5 for you, and I'm done.

6 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

7 much.

8 (Applause.)

9 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next, please.


11 Robert Kaler, I'm the president of

12 Cleco Electric.

13 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Just speak a

14 little louder.


16 president of Cleco Electric, based here

17 in Orange county since 1949, and for

18 the record, I have a lot of my

19 employees here tonight, and I can

20 assure you, none of them are getting

21 paid.

22 (Applause.)

23 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Let him speak,

24 you're cutting into his time.



1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 tonight that this Board and both boards

3 give every consideration to the 4 approval of this for Orange County and

5 the Goshen community. The new jobs and 6 financial windfall to the community

7 will only make Goshen a much better 8 place to live and certainly not worse.

9 LEGOLAND wants to come here as a great 10 contributing neighbor, not a corporate

11 bully to disrupt the community and its

12 way of life. And let's not forget

13 about the value to our children, and in

14 my case, grandchildren, and whom this

15 will be a cherished, cherished place

16 for them to come and visit and take

17 part of. To have this venue here in 18 Goshen is a tremendous treasure and it 19 should be welcomed with open arms, and

20 with that said, I, again, respectfully

21 ask that this project continue the

22 process to approval.

23 Thank you, Mr. Chairman.

24 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you. 25 (Applause.)





4 evening, my name is Dan Conner, I'm the

5 school superintendent here at Goshen,

6 thank you very much for this

7 opportunity to come here and speak with

8 you this evening, I will stay pretty

9 much in step with our BOCES

10 superintendent, Bill Hecht, and our

11 concern from a district standpoint,

12 certainly, is getting students to and

13 from there. I know it's been said,

14 look, your kids go to school before

15 8 o'clock, they leave at 3:00, but

16 there are a number of buses, and I mean

17 two dozen or three dozen of our buses

18 every day that go midday over there, so

19 I know in part of the DEIS, in that

20 report, it makes reference to a

21 flyover, and I'm encouraged that the

22 State has contributed $3 million more,

23 I just hope that every consideration,

24 we want our kids to get there in a

25 timely fashion, BOCES is an important



2 part of our educational program, and so

3 we really need that help and that

4 support.

5 Thank you for your time.

6 (Applause.)

7 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

8 much.

9 Sir.


11 sir, esteemed members of the Goshen

12 Planning Board and the Town Board,

13 please excuse my voice, I'm suffering

14 from the same thing a lot of people are

15 suffering from in December.

16 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Your name,

17 please.


19 have a cold.

20 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: No, your name.


22 Argeno.

23 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.


25 getting right to that. I'm a resident



2 of Orange County, Mr. Chairman, I serve

3 on multiple governing boards in the

4 Hudson Valley, in addition to being the

5 chairman of the Planning Board for the

6 Town of New Windsor. I want to be

7 clear, I'm not speaking here tonight as

8 an official from New Windsor, but as a

9 citizen in the county, in my proposed

10 commentary on LEGOLAND. Having spent

11 ten years on the Planning Board of New

12 Windsor, I'd like to think that my

13 commentary, my perspective, my

14 experience has a component of

15 individuality and uniqueness. From a

16 planning perspective, you guys have a

17 top job, and believe me, I get it, I do

18 get it on every level. Trying not to

19 get into rhetoric, I'm trying to speak

20 on things that I have knowledge of.

21 Well, I don't count that I'm confident

22 that the quantity of applications that

23 I reviewed both as a chairman and a

24 member of my planning board is well in

25 excess of 500 and I can tell you with



2 absolute confidence, absolute

3 confidence that there is a common

4 thread with all of these applications,

5 every one of them, and I'm sure you

6 will agree, to one degree or another, a

7 neighbor or a resident or a loose group

8 or a company or somebody is impacted,

9 and for the most part, human nature

10 does not like a change or a disruption

11 to the routine, that's who we are.

12 This project is no different. This is

13 the same thing. The significant

14 difference that I see here is that if I

15 had to choose for most all of the

16 development proposals I have reviewed

17 in the town of New Windsor, I would

18 choose this type of project, if I could

19 make a choice. I've seen trucking

20 terminals, residential development, big

21 and small, cluster development, light

22 bulb manufacturers, factories, office

23 buildings, et cetera, et cetera, et

24 cetera, of all of these, the type of

25 impact that LEGOLAND represents, an



2 amusement park, is probably in the

3 upper 10 or 15 percentile of desirable

4 impacts that I would want in my town,

5 in my opinion, Mr. Chairman.

6 (Interjections from audience.)


8 speak for him, but I would guess that

9 my town supervisor would do all in his

10 power to attract this type of

11 development to our town. If he were

12 given the opportunity. I can also tell

13 you that as a planning board chairman,

14 I would do all in my power, had I had

15 the opportunity, to help the Applicant

16 in the process for the benefit of my

17 town, not for the Applicant, for the

18 benefit of my town, and I'm sure that's

19 exactly how you folks look at it. Not

20 only is the Applicant asked to, but

21 they are required by law to mitigate

22 their impact. The planning board, you

23 guys, obviously, you need to compel

24 them to do this, that's your job,

25 that's why the supervisor appointed you



2 or you're elected, I'm not sure how

3 your process works in your town. I'm

4 not going to get into numbers and I'm

5 going to try to wrap it up quickly,

6 because I'm sure the timer is going to

7 go off, as I have no firsthand

8 knowledge of the numbers and the

9 benefits, et cetera, but I'm sure

10 there's significant benefit to the

11 town, the fire, the police, the

12 ambulance, the school district, you

13 guys cannot in good faith push this

14 development proposal away with all of

15 this on the table. You owe it to the

16 residents of this town and the

17 residents of this county and their

18 children to see this thing through.

19 Development is inevitable. Ten

20 seconds?

21 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Nope, we're done.

22 Thank you.

23 (Applause.)


25 do your due diligence, thank you very



2 much for indulging me, thank you very

3 much and good luck with your efforts

4 here.


6 (Applause.)

7 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

8 much.


10 all for your public service. My name

11 is James O'Donnell, and I am the Orange

12 County legislator elect for this

13 district. I will limit my remarks

14 tonight to public safety and emergency

15 response time.

16 As public servants, our Number 1

17 priority is public safety. LEGOLAND

18 needs to have their own flyover now,

19 not two or three or four years from

20 now, after they open. In fact,

21 LEGOLAND should not be approved to go

22 forward unless the flyover is open on

23 day one. Emergency response plans,

24 crisis management plans, all start with

25 worst-case scenario. They end when



2 everything possible, everything within

3 reason has been done and planned for to

4 save lives, limit the damage and

5 restore public confidence. Our job as

6 public servants is to listen to the

7 experts, analyze data and make informed

8 decisions. Emergency response time

9 matters. Seconds matter. BOCES has

10 concerns, Elant has concerns, Glen

11 Arden has concerns, the Goshen School

12 District has concerns, the Orange

13 County Planning Department has

14 concerns, all legitimate concerns, but

15 here is what we all should be concerned

16 about. That you, we, cannot find one

17 person within the three disciplines of

18 emergency response, police, fire,

19 ambulance, the professionals that can

20 stand before you and make a case to

21 wait, delay or not even have a flyover.

22 Quite the opposite. A flyover will

23 save lives. A flyover is a must. To

24 not have one also exposes our taxpayers

25 to unnecessary liability in the form of



2 negligence. As government officials,

3 we have an obligation to protect those

4 who can't protect themselves, to speak

5 out for those who can't speak out for

6 themselves, in this case, we are the

7 voice and protector of our most

8 valuable asset, our children, our

9 future. If this project is approved,

10 the flyover must be open on day one.

11 Let me -- let me leave you with this.

12 If Arden Hill Hospital was still open

13 today, would you even consider LEGOLAND

14 without a flyover on day one? Are the

15 family and friends we have at BOCES,

16 Elant, Glen Arden and the surrounding

17 neighborhood any less deserving of our

18 protection and due diligence than Arden

19 Hill Hospital patients and employees

20 would have been? I submit to you

21 tonight that they are deserving of our

22 protection. And, again, if this

23 project is approved, the flyover must

24 be open on day one. Thank you.

25 (Applause.)




3 Sir.


5 is Brian Rye[ph} and I'm a member --

6 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Repeat your name,

7 please.


9 Member of the Orange County

10 Partnership, the Orange County Chamber,

11 the Goshen Chamber, conduct a lot of

12 business all throughout Orange County,

13 just for two minutes of background, I

14 did used to work for an organization

15 called Hudson Valley Technology, it's

16 also an Orange County-based

17 organization, its purpose was to go and

18 work with manufacturing throughout the

19 Hudson Valley to lien them out to help

20 keep them in business. As we know,

21 there's so much manufacturing that's

22 left the area for a lot of different

23 reasons, regulation, taxation, a lot of

24 other things going on, it's certainly a

25 thing called a recession. During that



2 period, I did happen to lose my

3 position with this company because as

4 the manufacturing went, so did the need

5 for my services.

6 In the work that I used to do, in

7 the research that we used to conduct,

8 in the background of different

9 organizations, it's just an anecdotal

10 bit of information I'd like to give to

11 you, which you would have to search far

12 and wide for a LEGOLAND, a quality

13 company that you are having right here

14 and now.

15 And in addition to that, I just

16 want to talk on an emotional basis,

17 which is the job opportunities that are

18 going to be given to a lot of people

19 who, in the last number of years, have

20 either lost their jobs and don't see a

21 way forward. And just think of the

22 brain trust you're losing in the next

23 generation of people, young people who

24 do not see an opportunity for them to

25 stay in this county. This is a prime



2 opportunity that I guarantee you, if

3 you lose it, you're going to regret,

4 it's going to provide -- salvage a lot

5 of families, it's going to give people

6 a lot of opportunity, it's going to

7 give the college kids in the summertime

8 something to do, other than getting in

9 trouble, and by the way, it might give

10 a few people in the back, which deserve

11 it, a good job, and I thank you very

12 much.

13 (Applause.)

14 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

15 much.

16 (Applause.)



19 Mattheus, former mayor, Village of

20 Goshen, a Board commissioner for 18

21 years. I have a question first, and I

22 really think it would be great if you'd

23 let us know when it's one minute before

24 our four minutes is up so we can close,

25 but on top of that, do you want me to


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 make comments, do you want comments on

3 what the Town Board is doing as well at 4 this point?

5 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: I mean, this is a

6 joint public hearing on the --

7 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Very 8 difficult.

9 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: -- changes in 10 the -- yes. 11 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: So cover

12 both. To the Town Board, I must say, 13 one of the difficulties here is once 14 you change zoning, you open up the town

15 of Goshen, which includes the village 16 of Goshen, in some respects, to 17 lawsuits. Rather than using that as a

18 threat, one realizes that if you don't 19 change the zoning from residential, we

20 will not be at threat.

21 Number 2, according to the DEIS, if

22 you look online at the DEIS, which is

23 what most of us have to do, if you look 24 at Page 160, unavoidable adverse

25 impacts that cannot be mitigated and



2 you try to get a list, you will be sent

3 to a picture of a tree, you cannot

4 coordinate what it says is on the

5 listing with where the information is

6 in the document. So it makes tonight

7 almost moot to 99 percent of us who

8 don't have the opportunity to go spend

9 the day at town hall. It makes it

10 extremely difficult for us to make

11 genuine comments here and just to tell

12 us that we have the right to -- I --

13 I'm delighted that you took it past

14 Chanukah and Christmas and New Year

15 because this timing was so adverse to

16 public participation.

17 But on top of that, you cannot

18 even, in trying to do so, gentleman and

19 lady, I mean, it's very difficult for

20 us to make intelligent -- and many of

21 us are looking to make intelligent

22 comment, and I couldn't find the answer

23 to the most important page.

24 Number 2, for me, is that

25 Mr. O'Rourke represents LEGOLAND very



2 well, as does Lanc & Tully, who used to

3 be the engineers for the Village of

4 Goshen, they hired my village -- my

5 village hired someone else from Port

6 Jervis to represent us on water and

7 sewer, but no one else to represent us

8 on any other levels of impact,

9 character of the community, any of the

10 traffic, none of these things. I have

11 no representation. If you're from the

12 village of Goshen, you have no

13 representation here.

14 Number 3, the -- our water supply,

15 our water supply, and God knows that is

16 sensitive to me, I was mayor during the

17 worst drought in 150 years, our water

18 supply has no aquifer, it is fed by

19 runoff, we are surrounded by LEGOLAND's

20 parking lots, chemicals that are used,

21 any of the dirt that is there is now

22 going to impact our water supply, which

23 will also impact what you're giving to

24 LEGOLAND, we'll let other people talk

25 about whether we really have enough.



2 MS. NAUGHTON: You have one minute

3 left.


5 that's very courteous of you. I take

6 it, there is a statement as well. You

7 know, this is a public hearing and I

8 know everyone has a right to speak, but

9 it's so interesting to see that half of

10 the people here may not be being paid,

11 but they benefit. Once you approve,

12 you're making the village and Goshen

13 town residents liable for what you

14 approve. So if we run into traffic

15 difficulties that mean we have to have

16 an exit, never should have been even

17 approached for this project without

18 them having to provide their own exit

19 and entrance off the highway, you know

20 who's going to have to foot the bills,

21 once you who represent us, approve

22 this, we have to pay for it, the

23 taxpayers of the town and village of

24 Goshen. Thank you very much.

25 (Applause.)




3 Okay. Next, sir.


5 evening. My name is George Smith and

6 as at least some of you know, my law

7 practice has been in the village for a

8 number of years at this point and

9 honestly, you know, as I go around the

10 village and as I talk to people in the

11 village, if -- I notice the economic

12 malaise from the merchants. Steve, of

13 Steve's Deli, complains to me all the

14 time, Linda, of Linda's Office

15 Supplies, complain to me all the time

16 about the economic malaise that exists

17 in the village of Goshen, all you have

18 to do is look at the glut of office

19 space that's available for rental. And

20 honestly, that economic malaise dates

21 back many, many years, even prior to

22 the Government Center closing. I know

23 there are many people in the room who

24 would probably like to see the property

25 where this project is proposed remain



2 as it is. But as the gentleman from

3 New Windsor before me indicated, that's

4 not realistic and of all the potential

5 projects that could go on that

6 property, this would seem to be the

7 least impactful and the most

8 beneficial. It will bring jobs to the

9 village, it will bring jobs to the

10 people in the room, it will bring jobs

11 to teenagers. And one of the -- I

12 believe, actually, it was the first

13 speaker mentioned a -- not wanting to

14 change the Master Plan. Well, I've

15 been involved with master plans and

16 they're meant to be changed, as times

17 change and situations change, master

18 plans are meant to be changed, they're

19 not meant to be static and written in

20 cement.

21 And going back to Dr. Conner and

22 the other teachers in the room, I think

23 they fail to see the educational

24 benefits that could come to this area

25 from a LEGOLAND, not just for the



2 school district of Goshen, b ut for all

3 of the school districts. LE GOLAND has

4 a devotion to STEM and I'm s ure they

5 will reach out, not just to the Goshen

6 schools, but to the Wallkill sch ools,

7 the Minisink schools, the Va lley

8 Central schools and the kids from those

9 schools will all have great educ ational

10 opportunities at this project.

11 Again, another lady ment ioned

12 property values. I have to think that

13 overall, the property values in this

14 area will increase because o f the

15 project. Thank you.

16 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

17 much.

18 (Applause.)


20 please.

21 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Thank y ou,

22 sir. My name is James Caggiano, I 'm a

23 resident of Goshen and also involv ed in

24 the engineering aspects.

25 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Speak a litt le --



2 into the mic, closer to the mic.


4 First of all, in regard to the

5 DEIS, reviewed Section 4, Page 160, in

6 regard to the unavoidable adverse

7 environmental impacts, that part is

8 true, because it talks about what's

9 going to happen with traffic and noise,

10 but it doesn't say how it's going to be

11 controlled, it just says it's going to

12 happen. So it is incorrect, this DEIS,

13 as far as my viewpoint as a

14 professional engineer in New York,

15 doing professional engineering for over

16 40 years, it's not correct, it's wrong,

17 and it needs to be properly addressed.

18 For example, the noise levels that it

19 talks about during construction and

20 then while in operation could be

21 addressed very similar to the Tappan

22 Zee Constructors, who under Governor

23 Cuomo's task force, was instructed by

24 the governor's task force to install

25 temporary and permanent sound barriers,



2 as you see along the -- because this is

3 Echo Ridge, that area, if you're,

4 again, familiar, with the topography,

5 Echo Ridge, you see the sign, if you go

6 out on Reservoir Road, it's a giant

7 sign, it's a natural, acoustical

8 phenomena, and it will transmit noise

9 for miles in all directions, and I'm

10 talking miles, so that's -- that's one

11 viewpoint.

12 The second viewpoint that Marcia

13 had mentioned about water. The

14 documented -- documented water drought

15 safe yield as used in the state of New

16 York and nationwide is not 1.3 million

17 gallons a day, but only 950,000 gallons

18 a day and that's documented in the

19 Healy report regarding the reservoir

20 systems and also the remaining from the

21 department of health permissible

22 permit, so it totals 950, not 1.3,

23 that's an error.

24 This mega project, which really is

25 regional and not just Goshen, that's



2 the problem I'm having, is that we tend

3 to be, as Goshen, a people, parochial,

4 but, again, it's a mega -- it's

5 regional and it should be regional,

6 will destroy the quality of life as it

7 exists in Goshen. My grandfather, who

8 built up here in 1935, came to the land

9 of Goshen, not to the land of LEGO. It

10 will destroy the wildlife and the

11 environment at Otter Creek.

12 Otter Creek sits right in the

13 middle of this proposed development.

14 Otter Creek is one of your main feeds

15 to the Goshen Reservoir system. If

16 that creek and, in your own report, the

17 Town of Goshen's 2000 -- July 2003

18 report clearly states that Otter Creek

19 has to be preserved as a major feed to

20 your reservoir system, you could lose

21 half a million gallons a day if Otter

22 Creek gets damaged and it's in your own

23 biodiversity reports and it's factual.

24 And I know this also because I was

25 the Village of Goshen's water



2 consultant for many years, so that's a

3 fact.

4 In a -- again, in conclusion, there

5 are many locations, especially

6 available in the nearby area, such as

7 the former Kingston IBM site that

8 already has been zoned for commercial

9 industrial and it has the necessary

10 infrastructure that Goshen does not

11 have to support this amusement park.

12 Thank you.

13 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

14 (Applause.)



17 of Scotchtown. I'd like to keep things

18 simple, so simply put, I support

19 LEGOLAND because it's a safe

20 entertainment for children and jobs,

21 jobs, jobs, that's all.

22 (Applause.)

23 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.


25 evening, everybody, my name is Peter, I


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 live on 80 Old Chester Road, Goshen,

3 New York. All right, I sit on my back

4 porch at night. 5 First of all, I've been in this

6 village for 60 years, I bought my

7 beautiful dream house on 80 Old Chester

8 Road, I sit on my back porch, when I

9 look to the right, I see Arden Hill,

10 all right, I look directly across from

11 me, I'm going to be looking at

12 LEGOLAND. I got this registered

13 letter, because my property butts up

14 against LEGOLAND, 300 feet, so I got a

15 registered letter. I come from

16 Brooklyn, New York. If I wanted noise,

17 if I wanted traffic, I would stay in

18 Brooklyn. But I moved to Goshen,

19 because I wanted a life for me and my

20 family. I want to walk in my shoes --

21 I know my time, I can say what I want

22 to say. All right, I came here for my

23 peace and quiet, never mind the

24 traffic, I pull out of my house, Old

25 Chester Road, when you make a right,



2 you hit Old 17, on the weekends the

3 traffic is backed up, I have to get on

4 my motorcycle if I have to go into

5 Chester, I have to ride on the wrong

6 side of the street, could you see what

7 LEGOLAND -- the gentleman before said,

8 you have to definitely build some type

9 of overpass, it's insane if this

10 project goes through, I don't want

11 LEGOLAND, I got to be honest, for the

12 noise, for the traffic. You know what,

13 Christmas is coming, you know what I

14 want for Christmas, no LEGOLAND, I've

15 got to be honest.

16 (Applause.)


18 the other hand, it will create jobs for

19 people, but you know what, LEGOLAND can

20 go someplace else, it don't have to

21 come to Goshen, I mean, really, I came

22 for the peace, I came for no traffic,

23 if I want traffic, I'll stay on the

24 BQE. I'll stay in Brooklyn, New York.

25 I mean, I own property all over the



2 place, my property goes almost one

3 mile, Neil will tell you, I came here

4 for peace and quiet, I did not come

5 here for LEGOLAND, I'm really sorry,

6 that's all I've got to say. All I want

7 for Christmas is no LEGOLAND.

8 (Applause.)

9 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

10 much.

11 (Applause.)

12 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next, please.


14 Wood from Scotchtown, I'm here to

15 support LEGOLAND and its community's

16 economic future 100 percent. This goes

17 back to what I've seen develop over the

18 first of several months, I've seen an

19 opposition with a utopian idealogy that

20 is clearly anticapitalism and

21 anti-economic prosperity for the growth

22 of this community. It's very easy to

23 put in your tracking measures and look

24 down your nose and claim Goshen doesn't

25 need these jobs. It's very easy to



2 state media saying that there's the

3 lowest employment rate ever. It's not.

4 They're not taking into consideration

5 people that have dropped out, people

6 that are going on government

7 assistance, why, because they can't

8 find jobs. I know, I'm a job creator,

9 I have two businesses, and it's very,

10 very difficult when you're up against

11 planning board and oppositions, they

12 want to say no to economic growth.

13 LEGOLAND is good, this is one of the

14 nicest companies that I have had the

15 privilege to get to know, they care

16 about their employees, they want to do

17 what's good for kids, this is something

18 that I know with children, when you

19 build, when you create, when you have

20cc that expansion of your mentality,

21 instead of sitting behind a little box,

22 you know, playing Nintendo games, this

23 is something that's going to bring

24 creativity, it's going to inject

25 intellectual knowledge into our kids.



2 Don't turn your back on the gift God is

3 giving you, it's laid before your feet,

4 listen to the majority of the people,

5 it's the silent majority, people that

6 have been bullied to not speak,

7 businesses that have been bullied by

8 the opposition with ferocious attacks,

9 companies that are afraid to turn up

10 and say, yes, I want to support

11 LEGOLAND, because they're afraid that

12 they're going to be blasted all over

13 social media for supporting such a

14 great company. For Christ sake, it's a

15 free country. We have the right to

16 support them, as they have the right to

17 oppose them, but when you cross the

18 line for an open business for people to

19 feed their families or luring kids

20 dressed as Santa Claus, you have

21 crossed the road, you are a criminal

22 and a fanatical.

23 (Interjections by audience.)

24 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Let her speak.




2 help people and their ability to live

3 with unrealistic fanatical thoughts,

4 look what happened when California

5 farmers lost their livelihoods because

6 Nancy Pelosi cut their water supply to

7 save a little fish called the smelt.

8 (Interjections by audience.)


10 production, it destroyed working

11 America and families, and it never

12 affected her because she was an elite,

13 it destroyed American families, people

14 are sick and tired of these ideological

15 protestors, just look at what happened

16 in November, we elected a businessman

17 to fix our country to make America

18 great again, let's make Goshen great

19 again.

20 (Applause.)

21 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

22 We're on this side now.


24 Anne McDonough.

25 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Can you speak



2 closer to the mic, please.


4 Anne McDonough, I'm a resident of

5 Orange County, I'm here to speak on

6 three areas of issue regarding


8 My first is a question as to --

9 this is a public hearing and yet, the

10 first presentation we hear is on behalf

11 of LEGOLAND, so it kind of gets me a

12 little concerned that it's skewed, just

13 the concept of a public hearing, that

14 you allow LEGOLAND: A, to speak; and

15 B, to speak first, that's my first

16 concern, and that didn't even come up

17 until I got here.

18 My second concern is, if this is

19 such a great company, why do they need

20 all our money? They got 4 million when

21 they were in Rockland, they picked up

22 another 3 million, you or the Orange

23 County IDA or the Goshen IDA or however

24 many IDAs there are, are going to give

25 them tax write-offs, this is a billion



2 dollar company, if they're that great,

3 they should be killing us to come here

4 without asking for our money in order

5 to get here.

6 (Applause.)


8 there are many other issues, there are

9 reservoir issues, there are water

10 issues, the list of issues go on. But

11 the one thing I really want to speak to

12 tonight is a Town zoning code called

13 9710, my understanding is it prohibits

14 amusement parks and junkyards, so

15 therefore, why are we here tonight?

16 Why are we changing our Town zoning law

17 for LEGOLAND and with doing that will

18 open up a Pandora's box of lawsuits

19 that will come about because other

20 people have tried to have the zoning

21 changed and you have chosen not to

22 change it for them, but you are willing

23 to spot zone for Merlin and for

24 LEGOLAND. You've turned down those

25 previous projects on this site, and I



2 hope that you turn down this project,

3 too, because one thing, as town boards,

4 as government officials, is that you

5 should be consistent, you shouldn't be

6 playing favorites and you shouldn't be

7 doing anything that would have one

8 believe that someone is getting special

9 treatment.

10 Thank you.

11 (Applause.)

12 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

13 Next.


15 evening, my name is Tim Mullard[ph],

16 I'm a 49-year resident of Orange County

17 and I'm also a business representative

18 with the operating engineers, Local

19 825. Local 825 represents over 6900

20 members throughout its jurisdiction,

21 which includes Goshen here in Orange

22 County, I'm here tonight to speak in

23 support of Merlin Entertainment's

24 LEGOLAND project. Merlin is committed

25 to build a world-class park, a place


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 where families and their young childre n

3 can go and enjoy themselves in a

4 creative, safe environment, a local

5 place that grandparents can take their

6 grandkids to for the day, a place wher e

7 kids can have fun creating whatever

8 their imagination will allow, and at

9 the same time, learn through their

10 experiences. People have voiced their

11 concerns about traffic, Merlin is

12 working on a comprehensive traffic

13 mitigation program and I feel confiden t

14 that once this project has gone throug h

15 the review process, a solution, with

16 all parties involved, will be reached.

17 The purpose of these hearings is to

18 voice concerns and to have them 19 addressed. I feel this will be done t o 20 everyone's satisfaction.

21 Aside from the fact that this

22 project would provide hundreds of

23 good-paying permanent operational jobs

24 to local people when completed, and 25 good-paying construction jobs during


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 its build phase, I feel that Merlin and

3 LEGOLAND will make great contributions

4 in the area through their community 5 awareness and with their various

6 charitable programs. While everyone is

7 very passionate about their position on 8 this issue, I reiterate my local's and

9 my own personal support of this 10 project. I feel Orange County needs a 11 place for families to spend more good,

12 quality time together, and I feel that 13 the safe and creative environment that 14 LEGOLAND offers is that place.

15 Thank you for your time and 16 consideration. 17 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

18 much.

19 (Applause.) 20 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next.


22 evening, my name is William Seton, I

23 live in the village of Goshen, only a

24 few blocks away, I was pleased to hear

25 the speaker before me on this side



2 bring up for the first time this

3 evening, what, to me, is the most

4 compelling reason that LEGOLAND must be

5 stopped and that is the unconscionable

6 give-away of corporate welfare going to

7 them. As she mentioned, $7 million

8 from the State to this profit-making

9 corporation. And then they aren't even

10 willing to pay their own way, like we

11 all do, and need to have a 30-year

12 PILOT, that's a very poor neighbor and

13 a poor corporate citizen and I see no

14 reason why we should be subsidizing

15 multimillion dollar foreign

16 corporations.

17 I also agree with the previous

18 speaker's comment that the

19 comprehensive plan must not change,

20 that if it changes for LEGOLAND, then

21 who knows what it will change for next.

22 To preserve Goshen as it is, we

23 need to keep the zoning the same as it

24 is and stop LEGOLAND.

25 Thank you.




3 (Applause.)



6 my name is Pramilla Malick, I'm the

7 chair of Protect Orange County, I'm a

8 resident of Orange County. I thank you

9 for the opportunity to comment and I

10 regret that the Board refused to extend

11 the comment period to allow the public

12 an appropriate amount of time to fully

13 evaluate the DEIS for personal,

14 community and region-wide impacts. It

15 is shameful that this is being held

16 right before the holidays, public

17 participation is the heart of the

18 integrity of the SEQRA process, SEQRA

19 to direct lead agencies to allow for a

20 minimum of 30 days from the date of

21 public release of the DEIS, which was

22 not made available on the Town's

23 website until well after the

24 Thanksgiving holidays, it is a great

25 disservice to the public, as well as a


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 violation of your mandate and it

3 clearly demonstrates bias in favor of 4 the Applicant. A project of this

5 magnitude will have regional impacts,

6 especially in terms of traffic and 7 water effecting many municipalities. I

8 believe that all these townships should 9 be listed as interested agencies, for 10 example, the Town of Warwick will

11 undoubtedly see significant changes in

12 traffic patterns due to visitors from 13 New Jersey. Furthermore, these 14 regional impacts coupled with the fact

15 that this is a protected, agricultural 16 district and contains numerous

17 archeological, as well as ecological

18 resources, warrant that the New York

19 State DEC should assume lead agency 20 status or at the very least, be co-lead

21 agency to safeguard these critical 22 resources of statewide significance.

23 Glaringly absent in the DEIS is a

24 cumulative impact analysis of LEGOLAND, 25 along with the CP Valley power plant.



2 Ironically, the DEIS identifies 13

3 other projects, but fails to mention

4 the elephant in the room of Orange

5 County, the CPV power plant. SEQRA

6 requires such an analysis. That

7 absence is troubling given that CPV

8 recently claimed that LEGOLAND will

9 depend on it for power.

10 All these issues must be evaluated

11 through this framework, including

12 cumulative impacts on air quality,

13 energy use, traffic, endangered

14 species, habitat, wetlands, water

15f resources, cultural and archaeological

16 resources and finally, impacts on

17 visual resources.

18 If indeed CPV is needed for

19 LEGOLAND, the public must be made aware

20 of this. If LEGOLAND does not need

21 CPV, it must demonstrate that its power

22 needs can be met without CPV and

23 without the power line upgrades that

24 CPV would implement. I'll present a

25 much more detailed comment later, but I



2 request that the New York State

3 Department of Health be made an

4 involved agent -- agency, the DEIS

5 asserts that noise levels would be

6 between 46 and 64 decibels; however,

7 the World Health Organization, has

8 identified that decibel levels 40 and

9 above are known to cause human health

10 impacts, including heart disease,

11 neurological deficits and learning

12 disabilities. This is just one of

13 several public health issues, such as

14 impacts from traffic, that this pro ject

15 raises that were not identified in the

16 DEIS.

17 Finally, there is no mention of

18 community character in the DEIS

19 pursuant to environmental conservat ion

20 law 8 and its reaffirmed by case law. 21 (Applause.


23 again request that the Board hold a

24 referendum and allow residents to 25 decide what kind of development they



2 want in their town. Lest Goshen become

3 a town that is held hostage, rather

4 than a host community. And you have

5 both sides arguing that the other side

6 is being intimidated, hold a referendum

7 and let the people decide.

8 Thank you.

9 (Applause.)

10 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

11 (Applause.)



14 evening, everyone. My name is Michael

15 Torelli, and I reside at 1 Maplewood

16 Terrace right here in the village of

17 Goshen, I'm a Goshen Planning Board

18 member, I am also a member of the

19 Orange County Alliance for Balanced

20 Growth, which is for the positive

21 commercial development in Orange

22 County. I have over 15 years of

23 economic development experience.

24 As a Goshen resident and as a

25 professional, my family and I support


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 the following: One, the comprehens ive

3 plan amendments as written by the T own

4 Board, introductory local laws 5 an d 6

5 by the Town Board, the draft

6 environmental impact statement for the

7 project in question. I also have t o

8 note that that DEIS, in 15 years of

9 experience, is probably one of the most

10 intensive DEISes I have ever read. I

11 also want to also voice support for the

12 subsequent continued reviews of the

13 various different documents that yo u

14 have to do to support this project.

15 And lastly, on this topic, I wa nt

16 to fully support to keep the review of

17 this project local and not in some

18 statewide bureaucratic bureau that has

19 no presence here, okay.

20 The reasons why I have those -- why

21 I support those five items, everyon e

22 knows that you need positive commer cial

23 ratables, as a percentage, we don't 24 have as many commercial ratables in 25 Goshen or in Orange County that we



2 should, so rezoning some property is a

3 key to actually balancing the equation,

4 when it comes to property taxes. When

5 looking at this and where to create

6 commercial tax ratables, you have to

7 look at areas in corridors, you go

8 where the development can happen and

9 where it can support it. The

10 amendment, the laws, the DEIS and all

11 the points to this position are a

12 forward-looking approach. The DEIS,

13 like I said, is very extensive,

14 consultants that have been used are

15 top-notch. I've seen their work and I

16 have noticed that, you know, they're

17 always professional, they're always

18 accountable, they're always

19 accommodating, so if you have any

20 changes that you need, they are willing

21 to work with anybody. And so I fully

22 support the DEIS.

23 The reason why I fully support this

24 project is because: One, it's in a

25 priority growth area, this is where



2 this type of development is supposed to

3 come, and it's on a priority growth

4 corridor with all the infrastructure in

5 place, it's going to be served by

6 public utilities. We're not talking

7 about doing this in the middle of

8 nowhere, we're talking about doing this

9 on an economic development corridor in

10 the Southern Tier of New York, right

11 here.

12 In closing, I believe this is the

13 perfect site and the perfect location

14 for this project, not to mention the

15 huge economic impact, the employment

16 that's going to happen, it's going to

17 increase the tax base, it's a quality

18 developer and a quality project and

19 it's going to have quality jobs and

20 they're promised to build it locally.

21 Thank you so much.

22 (Applause.)

23 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

24 Next here, please.




2 Maryjane Sorrell, I am a resident at

3 Glen Arden and I have been -- I was

4 born in Goshen, raised in Orange

5 County, taught in Orange County

6 schools, have been involved with a lot

7 of things in Orange County. I was

8 fortunate to be able to go down and

9 visit LEGOLAND in Florida and I was

10 very anxious to find out the difference

11 between LEGOLAND and any of the other

12 amusement parks, like Six Flags and

13 Disney World, et cetera and so forth.

14 It was a very pleasant surprise.

15 I was impressed with the quietness

16 in comparison with what you -- you

17 don't have the carnie hawkers and

18 the -- along the midway and all of

19 that, you have the cleanliness, the

20 safety, security, the emergency --

21 emergency room facilities right there

22 on campus, and it just presents a very

23 safe environment for families and young

24 children.

25 In the Imagination Zone, I was very



2 impressed with the classrooms and the

3 facilities that were there, and open to

4 all of the class -- the local school

5 system in Winter Haven, down in

6 Florida, that would be the same thing

7 here, where you could have a class

8 that's interested in robotics or design

9 or architecture, any of those things on

10 the lower level, kids, you know,

11 elementary school kids could come, the

12 teacher could make an appointment with

13 LEGOLAND and get a reservation for a

14 day at the park, but in the classroom

15 and then go through their studies on

16 that and the kids would be

17 experimenting with all of the supplies

18 that are there, the computers, the

19 robotics, everything that you can

20 imagine that would -- the kids would

21 enjoy and learn. And they would be

22 protected, and safely enjoying it.

23 Then they would have a chance to

24 have a little fun out in the park after

25 their classes. I was impressed with



2 the food supplies, very fresh, very

3 nutritional, not cotton candy. And I

4 am looking forward to taking my great

5 grandchildren there here and also, I'm

6 looking for another job.

7 (Applause.)


9 (Applause.)

10 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: You're next.


12 my name is Jerry Cook, I'm a resident

13 of Orange County. My concern is, I

14 understand the Town will receive $0.65

15 a ticket for every ticket sold to get

16 into LEGOLAND. My concern is, I

17 understand the Town will collect $0.65

18 for every ticket that's sold for people

19 to get into LEGOLAND. I understand now

20 that they might need a lot of workers

21 and apartment buildings might have to

22 be built, which means schoolteachers

23 will have to be hired, computers and

24 stuff like that, and our taxes will go

25 up. So in ten-years' time, I'm



2 wondering if not only our taxes go up,

3 but the cost of living and the cost of

4 operations for LEGOLAND could go up

5 also. And so if it's $98 to walk in

6 the door now, will be it $110 in ten

7 years, $130 in 20 years, but my problem

8 is, Goshen is stuck at the $0.65 level

9 all that time, so you've really got to

10 sharpen your pencils on this, it's just

11 not right. Another thing to make up

12 the difference of all the expenses, I

13 don't know how much they're going to

14 charge to park, I'm assuming 20 bucks a

15 pop, is it too much to ask the Town get

16 a dollar a car, I don't know. How much

17 are they going to get for a soft drink

18 in a day, because the Town is not

19 tapping into that revenue, anyway. So

20 my point is, after 30 years, LEGOLAND

21 could take in almost $5 million[sic]

22 and Goshen is going to get

23 50 million[sic]. You do the equation

24 and you tell me that's a good deal for

25 the town. I think we need smarter



2 Republicans in office. Thank you.

3 (Applause.)


5 Sir.


7 Sam Fratto, I'm the business manager of

8 Local 363 electricians, Orange County.

9 First, I want to thank the Town

10 Board and the Planning Board for the

11 time that you guys have all put into

12 this, everybody on both sides does

13 appreciate that it does take you guys'

14 time and I believe that you guys will

15 weigh all the facts, you will come up

16 with the right decision. I hope that,

17 even though you may not say it, you

18 realize that some of the anti-LEGOLAND

19 comments are personal issues by some

20 people, that I don't believe that you

21 can make your decision based on where

22 somebody moved to or why they moved

23 there. I feel that you should weigh

24 the economic advantages that this will

25 give our area in the next coming



2 decades for -- also for people that are

3 coming to the area, that are growing up

4 in the area, and that are in the area

5 that need jobs now. We all talk about

6 the jobs, I hope that you also include

7 in your facts that when LEGOLAND

8 builds, of course, the construction

9 jobs will be one thing, the people

10 working there would be another thing,

11 but I think another component, that I

12 don't know if it comes out or not, is

13 that every time a business is created,

14 there are a lot of other jobs that have

15 nothing to do with that park, really.

16 They're going to need accountants,

17 they're going to need people to fix

18 their copy machines, they're going to

19 need oil delivered, they're going to

20 need et cetera, et cetera, UPS will go

21 to a new place, FedEx will go to a new

22 place, the water guy will deliver, WB

23 Mason is going to deliver, it's just

24 goes on and on, I don't know if you

25 could even gauge it, but all I know is


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 Orange County does need opportunity an d

3 I can see that we're on the cusp of

4 having some in the area and not just

5 LEGOLAND, but I don't feel that this i s

6 a bad location. I think it's a good

7 location and for someone to suggest

8 that they don't want it here, it's

9 going to ruin the world, but move it u p

10 to Kingston, that doesn't give you

11 credibility. So I believe that one of

12 the -- one of the items I hear that yo u

13 will address and one of the most 14 important ones, sounds to me like

15 traffic and it sounds to me that

16 between you and LEGOLAND, you guys are 17 going to figure out what needs to get

18 done to appease or try to appease both

19 sides. I've been the business agent

20 for 30 years, I've been to hundreds of

21 these meetings, I recognize a lot of

22 people from other projects, it seems

23 that when these groups get created and

24 I read in the paper about this group,

25 their plan is also to challenge every



2 other project that --

3 (Interjections from audience.)


5 focused.


7 County. So, okay. Thank you, I'll

8 stay focused, but I got that in, didn't

9 I.

10 Okay, so -- I'm going to keep my

11 minutes going and if I have to sing

12 Mary Had a Little Lamb, I'm going to

13 stand here, but I'm going to tell you

14 this, please, this is a good project,

15 give it a chance, don't get snowballed

16 from people who don't want anything,

17 look at it, and I'm going to tell you

18 this, no construction worker gets paid

19 to come here, we would not after the

20 fact or maybe something that would be

21 bad for this community, never, we would

22 refuse it, we'd be here with you's to

23 fight it, but we're not going to fight

24 it, you guys fought Orange County Jail,

25 Orange County Courthouse, CPV, you name



2 it. All right. So find something

3 real, and then complain about it.

4 Thank you.

5 (Applause.)

6 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

7 much. Thank you. Please be quiet,

8 please be quiet, thank you very much,

9 thank you.

10 Next speaker, please.


12 evening. I'm Michael Sussman. I live

13 in Chester, New York, I've been having

14 a law office in Goshen for the last

15 30 years and I think the polarization

16 in the room is probably the most

17 troubling thing that we're dealing with

18 here --

19 POLICE: Sorry for the

20 interruption, folks, with all the

21 people here, we also have a lot of

22 parking problems outside, someone is

23 blocking the back end, it's a fire

24 hazard, I've got to address it, okay?

25 It's a 2012 Dodge truck, blue, owner is



2 named Huddleson, please step outside,

3 thank you.


5 Thank you.

6 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Kelly, could you

7 start the clock, again.


9 thank you.

10 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Please proceed.


12 troubling thing here is the

13 polarization. First of all, the

14 opponents to LEGOLAND are not attacking

15 LEGOLAND as a company. That must be

16 made very clear. LEGOLAND's tactics

17 are one thing, LEGOLAND's approach to

18 this site is one thing, no one is

19 talking about the product, no one is

20 talking about STEM, no one is talking

21 about the children and the advantages

22 to children. The issue is a very

23 simple issue, it's not an issue of

24 jobs, ladies and gentlemen, because

25 those of us who oppose this site do not



2 necessarily oppose LEGOLAND. I love

3 LEGOLAND. LEGOLAND is seeking to build

4 in the wrong location. I also object

5 to the fact that there is one public

6 hearing being held to consider five or

7 six matters, which are different

8 matters and separate matters. There

9 should be serial hearings going on

10 right now considering one matter, the

11 second matter, et cetera, not all of

12 this jumbled together.

13 Now, with regard to the merits, in

14 2009, this community adopted a

15 comprehensive plan. That comprehensive

16 plan, which was adopted by the Town

17 Board, the only entity entitled to

18 adopt it in New York State, defined the

19 particular area here in question as an

20 environmentally sensitive area

21 requiring the most sensitive

22 development. In April of 2016, a

23 developer came and proposed 300 housing

24 units for this site or a subset of this

25 site, Mr. Bloomfield spoke on the



2 record, as did other Town Board

3 members, they summarily denied his

4 request for rezoning from a rural area

5 of zoning to anything else and said

6 there were traffic concerns and serious

7 water concerns with regard to that

8 development.

9 That development is dwarfed by ten

10 times by this development.

11 A few months later, we're here

12 considering changes of the

13 comprehensive plan, for the individual

14 who spoke and said comprehensive plans

15 are changed like underwear, you are

16 wrong. Comprehensive plans reflect the

17 studied conclusion of a community --

18 (Interjections by audience.)


20 quiet -- a studied conclusion of a

21 community as to how that community

22 should develop. The residents of

23 Goshen have the ability to trust that

24 the Town Board did not implement that

25 just on some frivolous basis, you did


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 it after study of what this community

3 needed. And nothing has changed with

4 regard to the environmental sensitivity 5 of that site, which is also reflected

6 in your zoning, neither should be

7 changed, both represent opportunistic 8 spot zoning, which, in my view, is

9 illegal. 10 Now, with regard to the DEIS, the 11 DEIS supported that our water study is

12 fundamentally flawed, it does not 13 analyze, in a materially convincing 14 way, the water demand or the water

15 supply issue, it does not analyze the

16 need for the traffic issues, it does

17 not propose solutions for the traffic

18 issues, which are meaningful. The DEIS

19 was proposed, as was mentioned earlier, 20 mitigation measures, those mitigation

21 measures are not outlined in the

22 document, as New York State Department

23 of Transportation and Orange County

24 Planning Department made clear.

25 In conclusion, the issue is not



2 whether LEGOLAND should be built in our

3 county, there are many communities

4 where all of you could be working

5 without this kind of opposition,

6 because there are many sites which are

7 not deemed environmentally sensitive,

8 have been so zoned and so recognized.

9 For labor to come here in green shirts

10 and act like this is the only

11 opportunity of the type, is myopic and

12 shortsighted.

13 (Applause.)

14 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you. Thank

15 you very much.

16 (Applause.)


18 Please. I did state at the beginning

19 of the public hearing that this was not

20 going to be a popularity contest,

21 you're not going to be clapping for the

22 speakers, nor booing for them. I did

23 ask. I'm asking you again, please

24 provide the courtesy to these speakers

25 that they deserve. Thank you.



2 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Yeah, hello,

3 my name is Scott Perry, I own a

4 business in the village, and my wife

5 and I own 221 Conklingtown Road. I've

6 heard a couple people refer to we have

7 zoning, we have a Master Plan, I

8 remember when the Master Plan was put

9 in place, I think on the website for

10 the Town, I'm the one who posted it

11 online, and I think the Town took

12 everything into accord when they came

13 up with that plan, and if they're going

14 to make a change or any overlay, I'm

15 sure they'll take that same measured

16 approach, whether it's for LEGOLAND or

17 for someone else in the future. Laws

18 evolve and things change all the time,

19 so I trust you'll do your due diligence

20 however you decide.

21 As far as the DEIS, my wife and I

22 have nine horses and four dogs on that

23 property, at 221 Conklingtown Road,

24 I'll be a very close neighbor to

25 LEGOLAND if the project is approved. I



2 was happy they had large thousand-foot

3 buffers and I hope that that will be

4 maintained and you guys will make sure

5 that that's maintained, if the project

6 is approved.

7 The last thing, someone said,

8 LEGOLAND divided this town, LEGOLAND

9 didn't divide this town, no applicant

10 can divide the town. If we divided,

11 it's because of our own actions.

12 They've done nothing I see that's

13 caused that, and it's been people

14 posting things and going off the

15 reservation.

16 If they're worried about property

17 values, if the property values haven't

18 gone down after all those whacky

19 Facebook posts, they're never going

20 down, we'll be fine.

21 So thank you for your time.

22 (Applause.)

23 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.


25 Michael Lopkin, I live at 108 Maple



2 Avenue, that's a mile from where the

3 proposed site will be, I pay close to

4 $18,000 a year in property taxes to

5 this town, and I have a six year old

6 and a two year old, and I want to say

7 that if this project is approved, my

8 family will be the first in line to buy

9 season passes; however, however, I'll

10 be first in line to buy a season pass

11 if this is in Newburgh or if this is in

12 Kingston. This hearing, from my

13 understanding, was for the town of

14 Goshen, it was not for a labor hearing

15 to clap at every opportunity where this

16 project is brought up. We are here, we

17 have concerns, when the representative

18 from our town and our safety board, the

19 only person from our town and safety

20 says that we need to have an overpass

21 over Route 17 in order to mitigate the

22 traffic circumstances and when I get a

23 letter from LEGOLAND that -- a fancy

24 colorful flier saying that all the

25 traffic will be great because most



2 people will be making rights, you know,

3 that was mind boggling when that piece

4 of paper said that it's going to be

5 okay, most people will be making

6 rights. I understand people wanting

7 jobs, I have a job, you know, I said, I

8 will be at that park, I will be there

9 on a regular basis, but for you not

10 to -- I agree 100 percent that there

11 has to be a traffic overpass over Route

12 17 in order for this park to be opened.

13 It is ridiculous to think that all

14 those cars can go on our streets and

15 have us just be rolled over.

16 Thank you.

17 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

18 (Applause.)



21 evening, my name is Michael Carriera,

22 and I stand before you as the

23 representative of District Council 9,

24 Painters and Allied Trades and also an

25 affiliate with the Building and


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 Construction Trades Council of Hudson

3 Valley area. 4 My membership and myself stand in 5 full support of this project that's

6 being proposed, and I, again, as the 7 representative of District Council 9, 8 have to state, we are not being paid.

9 (Interjections from audience.)

10 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: This project 11 will bring the following: An economic

12 boost to Goshen, create tax revenue,

13 creating jobs, short and long, not just

14 construction, allow taxpayers the

15 opportunity to work where they reside.

16 Opportunity for the younger generation

17 to become crafted and skilled in a

18 career. The LEGOLAND programs, I have

19 seen these programs firsthand over and

20 they are over the top. The learning

21 skills, the educational programs,

22 fun-filled programs and activities for

23 the young children, I experienced these

24 with my children down in Florida. My

25 two boys, they want to go back to



2 Florida, they keep asking us, let's

3 take a vacation to Florida, Dad. I

4 say, wait, let's do it here in New

5 York.

6 I sat in these meetings from the

7 beginning to the end, Orange County

8 needs this family-based educational

9 park, Goshen is immensely and will be

10 immensely -- it's a win-win situation

11 for everybody. LEGOLAND has done so

12 much for the different communities,

13 they can do it here in New York, they

14 work with the different boards, you

15 know, and thank you to the Board for

16 doing your due diligence, going down to

17 Florida, seeing how these programs

18 work, seeing how the traffic flows and

19 everything that you experienced, I

20 commend you guys on that.

21 As stated, you could have gone

22 elsewhere, LEGOLAND, you chose to be

23 here in New York. New York is the

24 state, New York is my home, I call New

25 York my home. I was born and raised


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 here. I want to raise my children

3 here. We're not going anywhere, we

4 want to build LEGOLAND, us construction 5 workers in this room want LEGOLAND, we

6 want economic development. Build it,

7 build it, build it.

8 Thank you.

9 (Applause.) 10 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Okay. Next on my 11 right, here.


13 thanks for the opportunity, my name is 14 Bill Fioravanti, I'd like to start by

15 saying that I do proudly work for the 16 Orange County Partnership working on

17 great projects like this every day, but

18 I also want to say there are a lot of

19 people out there that know me, if you

20 know me, you know, I care deeply about

21 Orange County, I care about our local

22 towns and our villages and I care about

23 our local families.

24 Now, with that said, I want to say 25 that I've been working on LEGOLAND for



2 a long time now since they decided to

3 leave Rockland County. I feel, as a

4 result, I know the insides and outs,

5 the benefits and the potential

6 challenges, I also had the great

7 opportunity to visit LEGOLAND Florida,

8 it was a real eye-opening experience,

9 we all went with a lot of concerns and

10 a lot of questions and it was truly

11 eye-opening, it was for business and

12 pleasure for me, because I had the

13 opportunity to bring my nine-year-old

14 daughter, Katerina, which I don't think

15 I need to talk too much about what

16 Katerina talked about, obviously she

17 was crazy about it, can't wait for it

18 to come here. I also don't think I

19 need to talk too much about the 1300

20 jobs, all the construction jobs, all

21 the benefits to our local businesses,

22 and so on and so forth. It's been said

23 by me and by others, what I'd like to

24 talk about tonight is some of those

25 potential challenges, because that's


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 what's on everyone's mind here, that's

3 what's on your mind of the fine people

4 on the Planning Board and the Town 5 Board, you know that LEGOLAND could be

6 an economic driver for generations, but

7 you also have to safeguard your town,

8 against those potential challenges. So

9 I want to address those, the ones that

10 are the most important.

11 And I'm going to start by talking

12 about the incentives. First of all, I

13 am a huge proponent of incentives,

14 especially in the state of New York,

15 the most expensive, most highly

16 regulated and onerous place to do

17 business. We need incentives to level

18 the playing field and bring projects

19 like this here. We talked about the

20 $7 million from the State, let me

21 clarify, that is money that's paid by

22 all the taxpayers in New York, we fight

23 to get that money to fund projects

24 here, to bring projects and jobs here,

25 if we don't do that and that money



2 doesn't come here, it goes elsewhere,

3 so we lose, so it's not like we're all

4 paying in and we're getting hurt by

5 that.

6 I also want to talk about the

7 PILOT, because that is something that

8 concerns people, and I get it, the

9 30 years scares people, but I want to

10 explain, it's not like the 10- or

11 15-year pilots like what was awarded to

12 Amy's Kitchen, which, of course, we're

13 fully behind. It's scary to people

14 because 30 years is, you know, two or

15 three times that length, but I'm here

16 to tell you, it is completely apples

17 and oranges, it's not the same kind of

18 PILOT, the PILOT that Amy's got, they

19 start with low taxes, similar to --

20 close to what the land, the raw land

21 was paying and it graduates over those

22 10 or 15 years in that base, up to full

23 taxes, that's not what is -- that is

24 not what's going on with LEGOLAND, it's

25 a totally different PILOT, the 30 years



2 is simply just the term of the

3 agreement, and right off the bat in

4 year one, LEGOLAND is paying millions

5 of dollars to our local schools, to our

6 Town, to the County, it goes up every

7 year, these are big dollars, and those

8 are millions that aren't coming to our

9 schools and our towns without LEGOLAND.

10 And, again, it's not graduated up,

11 right off the bat, they're paying an

12 awful lot, and I want to also clarify,

13 for any PILOT out there, you always pay

14 for fire and police, you're never

15 allowed to skirt that, so any concerns

16 about that is just irrelevant. So the

17 PILOT is important, people need to

18 understand that.

19 Next, I want to talk about water,

20 it's obviously a big concern, fair

21 enough, all I want to say is this: All

22 of the experts that are hired by the

23 town and hired by Merlin, as well as

24 the mayor of Goshen, the Municipality

25 that's promised to provide the water



2 for this all say that there's more than

3 enough water, I can't argue with that,

4 that's all I'm going to say.

5 Traffic, let me finish, please.

6 Traffic, I absolutely understand that

7 that's a big concern. First of all,

8 about Route 17, I think most people

9 know this, the traffic patterns for

10 LEGOLAND go exactly opposite all of our

11 computation patterns, you know, people

12 in our town and our region are going

13 down east to the city, Rockland County,

14 wherever it may be, LEGOLAND traffic is

15 coming the other way. The only time

16 it's not a perfect match is on Sunday

17 night when people will be going back to

18 the city, for the most part, and we

19 have traffic and that's in the summer,

20 of course, that's the only time, it is

21 a parking lot, it's already a parking

22 lot, it's been that way for 50 years,

23 I'll get back to that.

24 I want to talk about getting off

25 here, Exit 124.



2 Okay. All right.

3 (Interjections from audience.)


5 (Applause.)


7 evening, my name is Nancy Proyect, I'm

8 the president of the Orange citizens

9 foundation.

10 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Can you speak a

11 little closer to the mic, please.


13 is that better, that's okay. My name

14 is Nancy Proyect, I'm president of the

15 Orange County Citizen's Foundation,

16 which is a 45-year-old public policy

17 and an advocacy organization that

18 advocates on behalf of Orange County

19 residents to ensure the greater public

20 good. We take a long view of

21 infrastructure management, land use,

22 education, cultural affairs, healthcare

23 and planning. After visiting LEGOLAND

24 in Florida and speaking to elected

25 officials, residents and local



2 businesses and conducting an in-depth

3 discussion, the foundation board of

4 trustees passed a resolution at its

5 November meeting endorsing the LEGOLAND

6 New York project. Our endorsement is

7 subject to a thorough SEQRA process,

8 which I'm sure you'll do. Here are

9 several reasons why the citizen's

10 foundation supports this project: This

11 type of development is good for our

12 economy, wages are in keeping with the

13 rest of the county, the employees

14 receive good benefits, workers will

15 come from our region, and LEGOLAND

16 encourages its employees to participate

17 in the community. Many of the people I

18 met with at LEGOLAND have been with

19 Merlin Entertainment for years and with

20 LEGOLAND Florida since it opened.

21 There are youth educational programs

22 and college level training programs and

23 internships available. As the service

24 industry is one of Orange County's

25 fastest growing sectors, programs like



2 this will be helpful to our younger

3 populations. LEGOLAND has already

4 opened discussions with our community

5 college and community centers in the

6 region. This type of development is

7 also good for Orange County overall.

8 You are not taking an existing company

9 from another location. This is a new

10 business, jobs created are actually

11 created, rather than being taken from

12 someone else's community. The sales

13 tax increase will be a benefit to all

14 of Orange County's municipalities,

15 helping us all deal with the New York

16 State tax cap in a positive way,

17 instead of cutting services, our

18 municipal governments might actually be

19 able to add some.

20 And let's not downplay LEGOLAND'S

21 target audience of 2 to 12 year olds

22 and their parents, a demographic that

23 we actually want in our community.

24 Like so many other visitors, they might

25 visit Orange County and fall in love



2 with it. A county of a population of

3 25 to 45 year olds continues to drop.

4 This is a good thing. As they do in

5 Florida, LEGOLAND has committed to

6 using local food sources as much as

7 possible, noise will be minimal,

8 lighting can be controlled so it's

9 minimally visible from the main road,

10 bus shuttle service will be available

11 to and from local hotels, there are no

12 toxins or idling trucks like industrial

13 projects can bring.

14 The downtown community and

15 commercial areas around the park have

16 benefitted significantly from LEGOLAND

17 Florida, new local business has sprung

18 up in Winter Haven, including locally

19 owned restaurants and a boutique hotel.

20 LEGOLAND is --

21 (Interjections from audience.)

22 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Quiet, please.


24 clearly a commercial theme park;

25 however, there is an educational



2 component to the LEGOLAND product that

3 the company has capitalized upon and

4 could benefit Orange County and Hudson

5 Valley students. Each LEGOLAND park is

6 a state of the art education center

7 where children are encouraged to learn

8 about robotics and engineering. School

9 groups visit the park regularly for a

10 fee similar to other local attractions

11 and educational facilities. The offers

12 and instruction are professional,

13 high-tech and very engaging.

14 Additionally, a number of schools

15 and community centers are already using

16 local -- I'm sorry, LEGO products for

17 their own classes here. LEGOLAND park

18 instructors will work with local

19 teachers to train them on their

20 products to better serve area

21 residents -- students. The Newburgh

22 Enlarged School District is a high

23 school program and is a prime example

24 of this type of LEGO robotics building

25 program. For these reasons and several



2 others, we support this project and we

3 encourage you to do your due diligence

4 and then approve this project for the

5 improved quality of life it will bring

6 to the vast majority of Orange County

7 residents.

8 Thank you.

9 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

10 much.

11 (Applause.)



14 Patrick Kehrman[ph] and I'm a lifetime

15 Orange County resident.

16 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Move closer to

17 the mic, please.


19 Patrick Kehrman, I'm born and raised in

20 Orange County, and I had a lot of

21 things I was thinking of saying, when I

22 first got online, that a lot of people

23 told me to say, so I knew you guys have

24 a really, really tough choice, any

25 municipality that's dealing with any



2 project of this size will have a tough

3 choice. You guys have done a great jo b

4 with your due diligence, people who

5 went down to Florida, I know a lot of

6 your guys who went down, that you did

7 it on your own dime, you went down to

8 see what they had to say, approached

9 them with an open mind, you listened t o

10 them, listened to the public officials

11 down there, they told you what the

12 benefits, what the concerns are that

13 they had, how they addressed them, the

14 people of the community down there,

15 they've had the same type of concerns

16 and you've seen how they've been

17 addressed down there. So I personally

18 am in support of this project. I thin k

19 it's very few and far between that you

20 get approached by an organization like

21 LEGOLAND, world-class, first-class

22 organization that has community 23 outreach, they work with the community ,

24 they work with the people that live in

25 the community, they have been an



2 economic development machine down in

3 Florida, and not just for brand-name

4 businesses, but also for the

5 mom-and-pop stores, mom-and-pop

6 restaurants, bars, et cetera, I just

7 ate dinner right here in Goshen at a

8 mom-and-pop place, those are the people

9 that will also benefit from a project

10 like this.

11 Thank you, guys, and good luck.

12 (Applause.)

13 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.


15 Amanda Dayta[ph], I'm an Orange County

16 resident, and I want to thank the Town

17 Board and the Planning Board for your

18 courage, it's quite the accomplishment

19 that will happen when this does happen.

20 I speak to you tonight as a mother

21 of children who go to Goshen schools

22 and often, the question comes up of,

23 where do you children get jobs in the

24 summertimes? High school students in

25 particular. This opportunity is


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 fantastic for all the schools in Orange

3 County. I spoke to people who v isited

4 LEGOLAND Florida and what I was

5 impressed with were the limitless

6 opportunities for young people t esting

7 their careers prior to embarking on

8 college or vocational careers, t hey

9 have positions in hospitality,

10 management, culinary arts, human

11 resources, security, administrat ion and

12 so on. Many Millennials who sta rted at

13 the park, who worked there through high

14 school, went to college and came back

15 and their careers are going thro ugh the

16 roof, because they had an opport unity

17 to come back home.

18 We need to unify here. We n eed to

19 say yes to this project. We need to 20 say yes to this opportunity to

21 celebrate the promise for a better

22 town, a better county and a better

23 region.

24 Thank you.

25 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.



2 (Applause.)



5 doing. Eric Miller, village of --

6 resident of Goshen. As I reviewed the

7 DEIS document, I took note of the table

8 of contents, when I looked at the

9 entire project, some of the items that

10 were listed, water, traffic, community

11 services, noise, air quality, et

12 cetera, et cetera. Tome,it all adds

13 up to pretty a significant negative

14 impact, more water will be needed, air

15 quality will greatly suffer, noise will

16 be increased and local services will

17 greatly be taxed. In my opinion, the

18 scope of the project is too large for

19 this area. Let's realistically think

20 about some of the figures and apply

21 them to what we know. Goshen has

22 roughly 20,000 residents, the amusement

23 park estimates 1.5 to 2.5 million

24 visitors will invade Goshen per year,

25 daily traffic generation of roughly



2 5,000 vehicles entering and exiting

3 with a peak of 1,500 vehicles per hour,

4 that is 25 additional cars per minute

5 on the Route 17 corridor in the Goshen

6 area, what will happen on the weekend

7 or the weekday where myself or you

8 elect to take your family out to

9 dinner, that will be a great nightmare,

10 the scope of the project, again, is too

11 large for this area. What about the

12 estimates on water and sewer, as an

13 example, let's quickly touch on water

14 estimates for the amusement park,

15 reviewing the village of Goshen and

16 engineering reports, it states, the

17 peak month average of 270,000 gallons

18 of water used by LEGOLAND, versus the

19 current usage of village residents and

20 some others at 774,000 gallons, this is

21 a significant increase of at least

22 26 percent immediately. Add in some

23 additional room for growth at an

24 estimated normal increase of

25 180,000 gallons, it all adds up to


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 1.22 million gallons, current allowance

3 is roughly 1.3 million gallons daily, 4 although that was debated earlier, so 5 basically, the addition of an amusement

6 park will bring our capacities to 7 94 percent per the village report with 8 normal expansion, taking something to

9 almost capacity has severe consequences 10 and leaves no room for error, not a 11 good method of planning. Let's take it

12 a few steps further, our water system 13 will quickly become obsolete and need 14 to be replaced or upgraded. Who will

15 pay for this, obviously not LEGOLAND 16 since they have a sweet 30-year tax 17 incentive and they do not want to pay

18 much for much of the infrastructure

19 improvements. New York State, in the 20 end, will end up paying for it, which

21 means our taxes will increase, which 22 equates to us paying for it.

23 Switching gears quickly to sewer, I

24 recently saw an article in the Times

25 Herald-Record dated 9/23 saying Goshen



2 could use the sewer from the southeast

3 Orange County. The consultants advised

4 if this happened, Goshen would need to

5 expand our treatment. Again, back to

6 the point, basically, of overburdening

7 systems, proper planning and control

8 costs to the taxpayers.

9 Additionally, members of the Town

10 Board have recently objected to high

11 density projects for multiple reasons,

12 and I quote, "Goshen is a town with

13 historic beauty and charm, and the

14 increase in traffic that this

15 development would bring is a deterrent

16 to the ambiance to Goshen's beauty and

17 charm." There is not an overabundance

18 of water. Others on the board comment

19 that large projects, such as this high

20 density housing would place tremendous

21 strain on the Goshen water supply.

22 Additionally, a lack of good roads in

23 the area would need extensive work. So

24 if 383 proposed permanent residences

25 are rejected, how would it be logically



2 possible to allow an amusement park

3 with an estimated 12,000 visitors per

4 day to proceed, the scope of the

5 project is too large.

6 As a reminder to the Planning Board

7 members who are public officials and

8 supposedly represent their constituents

9 and follow their charter, I quote their

10 charter, "The Planning Board oversees

11 subdivision, site plan and permit

12 approval throughout the town in an

13 effort to ensure that development in

14 one area will not adversely impact

15 surrounding areas."

16 In closing --

17 (Applause.)

18 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: -- I do not

19 live in Goshen to have a glorified

20 amusement park in my backyard, that is

21 not why I live here.

22 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you, thank

23 you very much.

24 (Applause.)

25 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Yes, my name



2 is Brent Kunis, I'm a local businessman

3 and I live here in Goshen, I've lived

4 here for about 15 years and I have two

5 girls in the Goshen School District. I

6 constantly hear from everybody, are you

7 pro LEGOLAND, are you anti LEGOLAND and

8 I tell everybody, I'm really not pro

9 LEGOLAND, I am pro great project. And

10 then I hear from people, well, is this

11 good for Goshen, and I say, well, I

12 don't know if it's good for Goshen,

13 it's probably good for any area that

14 wants economic growth with very --

15 putting very little in the other column

16 where they have to spend a lot of money

17 for school kids or stuff like that.

18 When I look at the taxes that they're

19 going to pay for this property, you

20 look around at all of Goshen, correct

21 me if I'm wrong, with the host fee,

22 they're paying roughly, with all the

23 package, $3 million per year. If you

24 take that $3 million and you look at

25 the major hub of Goshen, let's say



2 Matthews Street, Harriman Drive and

3 Clowes, those three streets, with your

4 Dana Distribute, your big businesses

5 like that, your fast food, your --

6 everybody knows what's there, all of

7 those three streets combined, I

8 believe, pay about $2.6 million in

9 taxes combined, okay. That's real.

10 That's a real number. It's not like

11 getting up here, like I seen a lot of

12 people get up here and say, I think we

13 should get $0.10 every time they flush

14 the toilet, I think we should get a

15 dollar every time somebody parks,

16 that's not realistic and it's wrong.

17 Because if you look at what they're

18 paying in taxes, if you look at the

19 sales tax, you look at the payroll tax,

20 you look at the hotel tax, you look at

21 all these, in all of our lifetimes,

22 we're not going to have somebody knock

23 on Goshen's door and agree to pay

24 $3 million, okay, per year, roughly and

25 have spin-off business, so if you're



2 asking me, if I'm pro LEGOLAND, I like

3 LEGOs, my kids love LEGOs, I don't walk

4 around, running around, I'm pro

5 LEGOLAND, I'm pro great project, and if

6 anybody in here looks at this project

7 and says to themselves, this is not a

8 good project, I honestly don't

9 understand what you're talking about.

10 And then when you look at how does it

11 impact our area, what does it do to our

12 area, I've seen so much due diligence

13 done by the Board, by the building

14 inspector, everybody around, they

15 traveled down there and they spoke to

16 the chamber of commerce, they spoke to

17 the police chief, the fire chief, the

18 dogcatcher, okay, everybody they've

19 spoken to has given them positive

20 feedback, so I'm sitting here as a

21 Goshen resident and I'm going to tell

22 you two things, they're paying a ton of

23 money and anybody who thinks they're

24 not paying a ton of money, look and see

25 what the mall in Chester is paying,



2 look to see what MediaCom is paying in

3 Monroe, look to see what just happened

4 with the Galleria Mall, look at all

5 these places and come with facts.

6 Don't come and say, well, they're a

7 multibillion dollar company, I hate to

8 tell you, people don't pay property

9 taxes based on their income, they pay

10 property taxes based on property, they

11 also don't pay property taxes

12 based on

13 their investment in property, just like

14 if you have a home, you don't pay

15 property taxes if you put seven big

16 screen TVs in your house, so they need

17 to understand that.

18 Overall, I mean, I could sit here

19 and go on and on forever, I can't

20 imagine how this is not a great project

21 for not Goshen, for any place.

22 And that's it. Thank you.

23 (Applause.)

24 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

25 much.



2 (Applause.)

3 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Okay. Next on

4 this side. Sir, please.


6 afternoon, my name is Daniel Ortega

7 from Middletown, New York, I'm here on

8 behalf of the engineer labor employer

9 elect, we want to show our support for

10 this project, labor management

11 operating for the Local 825, we

12 represent over 7,000 union members and

13 contractors, 12 of our members are

14 residents of the town of Goshen and

15 over 250 reside in Orange County. This

16 project is a perfect example of a

17 construction project that is important

18 to our organization, the project is not

19 solely about construction jobs, our

20 members don't just work here, they live

21 here and raise their families here too.

22 Our members are both men and women who

23 are committed to serving the

24 environment for the future, only by

25 consideration for jobs at the expense



2 of public safety is, in itself, a gross

3 oversimplification, Goshen and the

4 region need to continue to look at ways

5 to diversify its economic base, this

6 project will help the town and the

7 county in the long run to remain

8 economically competitive and a great

9 place to live, by providing family- and

10 community-oriented amenities while

11 increasing economic opportunities and

12 assisting with infrastructure

13 development. We support this project,

14 and believe there are a number of

15 benefits included, but not limited to

16 the jobs created for our contractors

17 and members will be important for us.

18 Local 825 members are exceptionally

19 skilled in operating heavy equipment

20 used in demolition, building

21 infrastructure and to support

22 infrastructure materials, and this

23 project will provide many jobs to the

24 trades. Our work force is highly

25 trained and safety is always our top


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 priority. Our training centers have

3 been ranked among the best places in 4 the country for training and continuing

5 education in the use of heavy

6 equipment. As we continue our 7 commitment to our members and the State

8 of New York, who are building an even 9 better state of the art training 10 facility and offices, our diverse 11 portfolio in New York includes roadway

12 and bridge construction, housing,

13 factory and warehousing, as seen with

14 the emergency service facilities in all

15 types of surroundings. We strongly

16 support, we believe opposition is based

17 on fear and certainly not on facts, we

18 respectfully ask the Board to approve

19 this project.

20 Thank you.

21 (Applause.) 22 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

23 Sir.


25 evening, my name is Chris Sarong, I'm a



2 representative of laborers Local 17 in

3 Newburgh, I'm here to convey our

4 support of the LEGOLAND project,

5 LEGOLAND has committed to a project

6 labor agreement, ensuring that this

7 project will be built with local union

8 labor. I want to reiterate the

9 comments of my colleagues before me and

10 comment on one of the statements that

11 was made here earlier, that our members

12 are paid to attend these events.

13 Nothing could be further from the

14 truth. Our members live in Orange

15 County, our members work in Orange

16 County and our members build Orange

17 County. We are here because we want

18 projects like this to go through.

19 These are good for the community,

20 they're good for the town, they're good

21 for the county.

22 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

23 (Applause.)

24 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: On to this side.



1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 evening, my name is Dean Tambora[ph], I

3 am also with laborers Local 17, Hudson

4 Valley Building Trades, again, we do 5 support this project. We have seen a

6 lot of bad projects, we've seen people

7 coming in, gobbling up properties that 8 aren't paying any taxes at all, you

9 have to consider that, and we see

10 projects all the time, people coming in

11 from out of the area, undermining our

12 wages for this area and then leaving,

13 this company has committed to a project

14 labor agreement, to pay good paying

15 construction jobs and it is about jobs,

16 people, it is, and we see -- we see it

17 all the time. I know as a Board, you

18 guys are going to do your due

19 diligence, there's a very strict -- all

20 the guidelines are strict, you'll

21 review it, you'll make a good choice,

22 the project should go through. I know

23 you're not going to show favoritism to

24 it. The project development is

25 inevitable, all humans that want, we



2 do, we reach to strive to create, we

3 create more of us and a need to live,

4 grow, strive and be happy, executed

5 correctly, development of this project

6 will promote benefits for Goshen and

7 Orange County for many, many years to

8 come, to have this type of opportunity

9 with an international company with the

10 desire to invest that much money in

11 this county, as significant as this is,

12 a once in a lifetime opportunity, don't

13 lose it. I also -- I'm going to

14 apologize, I'm going to make a comment,

15 we had somebody make a comment just

16 before he walked away from the

17 microphone, he shouldn't have, because

18 these people out here, these workers

19 that live in the county, you guys have

20 been out in the elements today walking

21 in here, a lot of these people have

22 been out in the elements all day today.

23 They're here on their own time, because

24 it is about jobs and they build the

25 county, they build safe roads and



2 bridges and our infrastructure, and

3 they shouldn't be -- no one should ever

4 speak poorly upon them. Thank you for

5 coming out to support the project.

6 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

7 much.

8 (Applause.)



11 Seyan[ph], I'm a resident of the

12 village of Goshen for about 30 years, I

13 too moved up here from Brooklyn, I am a

14 former deputy mayor, I am a former

15 police commissioner, I am a former

16 water commissioner, I am a former

17 member of the ZBA and the Village of

18 Goshen, and I am also the former ED,

19 executive director, of the Goshen

20 Chamber of Commerce, and I am now the

21 president of the Orange County Chamber

22 of Commerce, I am heavily invested in

23 Goshen.

24 First, I just want to say that the

25 Orange County Chamber of Commerce, our



2 board, has voted to support this

3 project, we believe that this project

4 is good for Orange County and that it's

5 good for Goshen for many of the same

6 reasons that have been articulated

7 earlier.

8 (Interjections from audience.)


10 think anybody has ever come and said

11 that LEGOLAND is a bad company,

12 everybody loves LEGO, who doesn't love

13 LEGOs, we all love LEGOs, it's a great

14 company. But I also believe that it's

15 good for Goshen, I don't believe it's

16 good for anyplace else, I believe it's

17 really good for Goshen, and one of the

18 reasons that I believe it's very good

19 for Goshen is because as you know, the

20 Town Board, more than anybody else,

21 like the Village Board, and I've said

22 this before, we are 50 percent of -- of

23 our parcels are off the tax rolls, we

24 are at a significant disadvantage with

25 the rest of the county. 50 percent of



2 our parcels are off the tax rolls,

3 50 percent of the parcels in this

4 community pay a hundred percent of the

5 freight, that's the first thing, and

6 that's because of all the

7 municipalities, there's the state and

8 the county and not-for-profits and

9 churches and synagogues and everything

10 else.

11 Additionally, every municipality,

12 the town has to operate under a 2

13 percent under tax cap, so now, whatever

14 revenue comes in has to go for all of

15 your contractual, your police, your

16 DPW, your pensions, there's not a lot

17 of money left for visioning, there's

18 not an awful lot of money to plan for

19 the future and the only way to do that

20 is for an expanded tax base. That

21 property right now makes $91,000,

22 $91,000 in taxes, that's it. Over

23 30 years, that is a grand total of

24 $1,094,220, not a heck of a lot,

25 according to, for 30 years, LEGOLAND



2 will bring in 52 -- wait a minute, I've

3 got to get my glasses, 30 years is a

4 long time, you know what I mean,

5 $52.6 million in payments, in PILOT

6 payments, $39 million in host community

7 fee payments over 30 years,

8 $300 million in sales tax and that is

9 distributed around the entire county,

10 as you know, to every municipality,

11 $30 million in hotel tax over 30 years,

12 that brings the amount of money that's

13 going to be brought in by LEGOLAND, and

14 that's the conservative figure, that is

15 going to bring the grand total of over

16 $400 million in 30 years.

17 (Interjections by audience.)


19 cannot -- how do -- how do we -- how do

20 we say no to something like that,

21 especially in Goshen.

22 And the other thing I want to

23 address is things like noise. I went

24 down there. I don't like noise, I'm

25 from Long Island, I don't like noise, I


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 moved up here from Brooklyn, I lived in

3 Park Slope, I also moved up here for 4 quiet, we went down to LEGOLAND with a

5 bunch of us, we videotaped, you

6 couldn't hear anything. We weren't a 7 thousand feet away from the park, we

8 were 50 feet away from the park in the

9 botanical garden, I couldn't hear a

10 thing. This proposal is 500 acres and

11 of that acreage, under 200 acres in the

12 center is going to be disturbed, it's

13 going to be a park within a park,

14 you're going to have all of this -- all

15 of these trees, all of this sound

16 absorption around it, so as far as the

17 noise, I fully believe it's going to be

18 ameliorated, LEGOLAND is a world-class 19 organization and I've said this before, 20 they are fifth, fifth or sixth in

21 reputation worldwide. They're not

22 going to do anything to compromise

23 their reputation, they're not going to

24 do anything to challenge that.

25 Additionally, when we went down there,



2 I spoke to -- oh, come on, man.

3 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you, Lynn.


5 welcome.

6 (Applause.)



9 village of Goshen.

10 First of all, I'd like to say, I

11 have been a supporter of unions all my

12 life, I am now, I will always be a

13 supporter of unions, just so you know,

14 some parties don't want unions in this

15 country, I do, I think they were the

16 greatest invention.

17 And by the way, I'm very saddened

18 by what's going on in my hometown of

19 Goshen, there is a lot of polarization

20 going on, I have friends on that side,

21 I just met a nice guy this evening, and

22 I can be friends with everyone, I'm a

23 nice guy, I really am, but I never get

24 to perform in front of a full house,

25 where is everyone? I was going to sing



2 my statement, but he said not to, right

3 Ted, right, I shouldn't sing it.

4 (Interjections by audience.)


6 read the DEIS for the second

7 presentation that was submitted to you

8 in October, 6,000 pages is a lot in

9 less than a month, for someone like me

10 who is not really that smart in math

11 and all that stuff, but there are a few

12 things that I did -- that did trouble

13 me from this report, briefly. They --

14 they talked about -- well, they don't

15 talk about -- which I was hoping for, I

16 didn't see anything, this is a draft

17 environmental impact statement, I

18 think, what was lacking was any

19 discussion of the impact this massive

20 project will have on the quality and

21 health of human life, I think Pramilla

22 took care of that before. The

23 oversight alone should give all parties

24 pause as to whether Merlin corporation

25 really cares about the lives that may



2 be adversely effected, they talk about

3 traffic study done on August 18th, a

4 Thursday? How about a weekend.

5 They talk about unavoidable

6 disturbances to the surrounding

7 environments due to blasting, use of

8 pesticides and herbicides, they admit

9 that wildlife and vegetation will be

10 impacted, great, therefore, that's an

11 admission of guilt. Of course, they

12 only mention a few species of wildlife

13 that will be negatively impacted, such

14 as the long-nosed and brown-nosed bat,

15 the Northern bog turtle and the

16 Northern tree frog, what about the 17 other 40 or so species of wildlife tha t

18 will be negatively effected in this

19 area, and it will be, we have to think

20 about that kind of life too.

21 How come in 6,000 pages of their

22 findings, mostly which is described as

23 potential occurrences, that means

24 nothing is definite, or comparisons to 25 parks in California and Florida,



2 there's absolutely nothing about the

3 impact the project will have on human

4 life while under construction and then

5 afterwards, they have not done one

6 iota, in the 6,000 pages -- I may have

7 missed a page, I don't know -- they

8 have not done one iota of research on

9 people living in the area who might be

10 suffering from asthmatic and other

11 lung-related conditions that would very

12 likely be exacerbated by an

13 overwhelming increase of vehicular

14 cars' and buses' exhaust and toxic

15 fumes, due to an overwhelming increase

16 in traffic and congestion, I'm not so

17 favoring for the casinos either, but

18 that's not my business.

19 The unsettled effects from

20 blasting, bulldozing acres and acres of

21 dust and soil, the constant drive-by of

22 trucks will not only increase the

23 amount of poisons released into the

24 air, but will cause an increase in

25 noise pollution, has Merlin done any



2 humane research of the people living in

3 the area and how their lives would be

4 adversely effected, not positively

5 effected, by the constant traffic noise

6 and release of pollutants, this is

7 important, you know, pros and cons,

8 shouldn't human life be a leading issue

9 in any environmental impact statement.

10 That was four minutes?

11 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: That was four

12 minutes.


14 thank you.

15 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

16 (Applause.)

17 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Okay, sir.


19 you, my name is Dan Depew, I'm the

20 supervisor of the Town of Wallkill and

21 I am not here representing the Town of

22 Wallkill's Town Board, we have passed

23 no resolution for or against the

24 project, I am representing myself as

25 the supervisor, my extensive experience



2 representing the Orange County

3 community as a legislator for six

4 years, and also being the supervisor,

5 which is the CEO and manager of one of

6 the largest towns in Orange County,

7 most of you know me. How are you

8 doing, Doug.

9 There's so many, so many things

10 that come across a planning board's

11 responsibility or a town board's

12 responsibility in a tenure of service,

13 even a long tenure of service, but this

14 project is a huge one and sometimes,

15 I've listened to folks in the community

16 talk about how this has divided the

17 community, we're all divided and

18 everything like that. LEGOLAND will

19 either be approved or denied, okay, and

20 the votes and decisions that the folks

21 up here will make, they should not be

22 judged singularly on whether they were

23 for or against it, I just want to say

24 that, okay. The job that you do as

25 planning board representatives or as



2 town board members or supervisors is so

3 much greater to this community than any

4 one project. Your town is so diverse

5 in so many different ways and has so

6 many great attributes and so many great

7 resources and so many great people that

8 certainly, one project, no matter of

9 what size, should never divide this

10 town from you or you from this town.

11 And I hope that everyone here today,

12 whether you're for or against, takes

13 that into consideration. You have

14 great leaders who make great decisions

15 on your behalf every day under the

16 toughest circumstances imaginable. And

17 when you think about this project, this

18 project here today, think of all the

19 extra work that goes into just

20 reviewing it and doing what you're

21 doing, you have had multiple public

22 input sessions, multiple reviews of the

23 project, you have been as open and

24 accommodating as you possibly could be,

25 you could have had a Planning Board



2 public hearing and then a Town Board

3 public hearing, you could have had this

4 in the summertime when everybody was on

5 vacation, there's no great time to have

6 a public hearing, folks, there's just

7 not. You're doing the best that you

8 can, and we as citizens should

9 recognize you for that, and I thank you

10 for that.

11 (Applause.)


13 over a year ago, some of the brightest

14 economic minds in our county traveled

15 to Wisconsin Dells, the epicenter of

16 this type of thing, indoor water parks,

17 amusement things and stuff like that,

18 and we asked them to come here,

19 particularly to my town, the town of

20 Wallkill, and build a water park here,

21 just to talk about it and just one

22 small story in MidHudson News and the

23 Times Herald-Record generated so much

24 positive enthusiasm about even the idea

25 of something like that coming to Orange



2 County, my phones were bogged down, and

3 now, we have a project like that

4 looking to come to Orange County and

5 they didn't come to us and say, we're

6 going to Goshen, that's what we want to

7 do, that's not what happened, folks,

8 what happened was all of the leaders

9 throughout the county fought to have a

10 project like this in their community

11 and they were taken to every single

12 community who was possibly interested

13 and looked at thousands upon tens of

14 thousands of acres of property and then

15 they singled down on one spot. I

16 wanted them in the town of Wallkill,

17 you know what they told me, you don't

18 have a site big enough that we can have

19 enough preserved open space around our

20 project because that's what we like to

21 do. I think everything that they're

22 trying to do to mitigate property use,

23 I think is right, I think we have to

24 look at taxes, you know, there's five

25 school districts in the town of



2 Wallkill and Goshen is one of them, and

3 I have sad news to report to you folks

4 in Goshen, we in Wallkill have been

5 sustaining the tax burden of the Goshen

6 School District through commercial

7 development for the last 45 years and

8 we're out of space that's developable

9 in the Goshen portion of the town of

10 Wallkill to help bail you out. If you

11 were to just build 68 homes on

12 three-acre zoning on just a small

13 portion of this, the taxes that would

14 be achieved would be a fraction of what

15 this project would pay. Support


17 (Applause.)

18 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

19 much.

20 (Applause.)


22 Chris Healy, proud resident of the town

23 of Goshen, I'm an investor in the town

24 of Goshen, I get the tax bill every

25 year to prove it. I built my home in


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 2012, I could have built anywhere, I

3 certainly could have gone anywhere in

4 the county, but as you travel to the 5 other towns, you know what I kept

6 finding, junkyards, they allow

7 amusement parks, I didn't want to live 8 next to a junkyard, I don't want to

9 live next to an amusement park, so I

10 invested here in this town. What I

11 found is there's a code, 9710, it's

12 pretty simple, it says no junkyard, it

13 says no amusement parks, I don't know

14 what part of that could be anymore

15 clear, that's good, I'll build here,

16 the Town of Goshen Board, the Town of

17 Goshen Zoning and Planning, you're not

18 responsible for the happiness of a

19 foreign company, you're not responsible

20 for the happiness of a group of people

21 who will make short-term money building

22 this project, you're responsible for my

23 happiness, you represent me. I want my

24 town protected, somebody said before,

25 we don't want Goshen to be one of those



2 drive-through towns, yeah, we do,

3 that's why we live here, we don't want

4 this.

5 (Applause.)


7 telling you loud and clear, we don't

8 want it, 9710 exists, it's the code,

9 you're making this a whole lot more

10 difficult than it has to be. The

11 answer is no, we don't allow it.

12 Thank you.

13 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

14 (Applause.)

15 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next, please.

16 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Hi, my name

17 is Mary McBella[ph], I've lived in the

18 village of Goshen for 25 years, this is

19 actually the second time I've ever

20 addressed your board, I'm a resident --

21 I'm a resident, I work here, I am not

22 representing any businesses, I am not

23 representing any government agencies, I

24 am just a hard worker who pays my

25 taxes.



2 One of the things that was said

3 tonight was that Rockland missed an

4 opportunity. I actually grew up in

5 Stony Point, I'm 25 years here in

6 Goshen, but I was 27 years raised in

7 Stony Point, every time I go home, I

8 get, tell your people to stop this

9 project, stop LEGOLAND, they were so

10 happy that their government listened t o

11 them, my parents, everybody. One of

12 the other things, the last time I got

13 to speak to you was a month after I

14 learned about this project. A lot of

15 people, as a resident, I learned about

16 this project in June, I learned about

17 this project from a fellow resident,

18 not on the other way. Most of the -- a

19 lot of the people that have spoken

20 tonight are like, yeah, I've known

21 about this project for over a year,

22 yeah, we were making overtures for ove r

23 a year, why was I the last to know? I

24 don't get that.

25 As far as the union is concerned


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 and I know they're not here anymore,

3 but I'm also union.

4 (Interjections from audience.) 5 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Hi.

6 I'm actually union, I'm CSEA, my

7 husband is union, he's a teamster, 8 union jobs for this project, I have no

9 problem with that, I have a problem

10 with where it's being built.

11 I think that LEGOLAND is a good

12 company. I think it actually makes a

13 good product. I don't mind if New York

14 is trying to woo them, I think it's a

15 little too much money we're giving a

16 corporate -- a location, but I don't

17 mind that we're trying to move this

18 projet, this company to develop a

19 project here in New York State, the

20 union jobs will go where they need to

21 go, they're not going to get lost.

22 Okay. So on to this, DEIS, very,

23 very long document, I read the summary

24 more than once and most of the

25 appendices, but my notes are quite



2 extensive, so I'm going to go with the

3 written part, I'm going to comment on

4 Laws Number 5 and 6.

5 Law Number 5 does not have the same

6 expiration that Law Number 6 contains,

7 therefore, any changes in zoning

8 regarding tourism and recreation

9 opportunities for Law Number 5 would

10 become part of the permanent Town

11 zoning code. Sections 1.2 actually

12 could be applied to properties all over

13 Goshen, and Section 3.1 could impact

14 any land adjacent to Route 17, not just

15 the specific parcels in the DEIS. This

16 change could allow all types of tourism

17 and recreational businesses to sprout

18 up all over Goshen, and if LEGOLAND

19 fails, Law Number 5, it stays in

20 effect. Law Number 5 could actually

21 change the historic identity of the

22 town of Goshen, from a historic rustic

23 community to just another tourist town,

24 they're all lined up and down the

25 Jersey Shore.



2 Law Number 6 has an expiration

3 clause that states if LEGOLAND decides

4 not to build within six months of the

5 passage, the zoning of the parcels

6 revert back to the original zoning, but

7 what if LEGOLAND does build and then

8 abandons the project after the

9 six-month period, I've been thinking

10 long and hard of what kind of

11 businesses could be built here, another

12 amusement park, a paint ball park, a

13 circus, a miniature golf course, or

14 perhaps something in our future that we

15 have not envisioned yet as a tourism or

16 recreational type business, the

17 alternative and the consequences

18 unknown, with the approval of this law.

19 This law needs to be carefully reviewed

20 and studied independent of the LEGO

21 site plan and the rest, I will put in

22 writing.

23 Have a great night, thank you.

24 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: You, too, thank

25 you, have a good night.



2 Sir.


4 Bob Torsello[ph], town of Goshen. I

5 guess the first thing I wanted to talk

6 about in reading the draft document was

7 Route 17. And, you know, there's a lot

8 of talk about a flyover and those

9 things and the local roads, but there

10 doesn't seem to be any mitigation about

11 Route 17 and the widening, there's some

12 discussion about future 86, but we've

13 seen those signs for years, I mean,

14 it's very difficult to really imagine

15 that park there without a widening of

16 Route 17. And part of the reason it's

17 gotten worse and has been the -- the

18 recent laws regarding when police or

19 there's amber lights, that you have to

20 pull over, I mean, it could just be a

21 speeding ticket and it creates a

22 backlog on a normal day at any time.

23 So we're just -- we're not talking

24 about weekends. If you drive Route 17,

25 if there's any incident, that's a



2 problem.

3 And I'm also opposed to the changes

4 of local Law 5 and 6, I do feel it does

5 present a potential liability for us

6 going forward, selective zoning is --

7 it's a very scary issue for me, but I'm

8 not a real estate attorney, so I don't

9 understand those things necessarily,

10 but I am a corporate accountant, and so

11 I did want to talk to the Town Board

12 about -- I've spoken to them in the

13 past about a cost-benefit analysis. I

14 mean, you know, we know LEGOLAND,

15 according to their own documents, the

16 Town would have about 200,000 plus

17 coming in taxes and potentially 1.3 in

18 host fees, so that's 1.5 million a

19 year, so we're talking 10,000

20 residents, 150 bucks a year, does that

21 reduce our taxes, but what is the cost

22 to the Town for additional services?

23 That, I don't understand. We keep

24 talking about everything that LEGOLAND

25 is giving us in taxes, but what are



2 they not giving us? What would they be

3 paying if there was no 30-year buyout

4 that's going to go beyond one

5 generation, I think you need to

6 consider that. What would they be

7 paying in a normal basis. And I -- I

8 haven't seen anybody say anything about

9 that. And when they propose a PILOT, a

10 good negotiator is going to say, well,

11 wait a second here, that's our starting

12 point. So I think you need to

13 negotiate that and -- and let them pay

14 their fair share. I mean, any good

15 business wants to pay as little as

16 possible, I mean, that's good business,

17 that's what you do, but it's your

18 responsibility to see that the

19 taxpayers aren't carrying the burden.

20 Thank you.

21 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

22 (Applause.)

23 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Okay. Next, over

24 here, please.




2 name is Peter Dimante[ph] and I live in

3 the village of Goshen. I'll start off

4 with the DEIS, I thought it was a great

5 document, it was very thorough, my

6 concern is traffic, you know, I'm a

7 32-year civil servant with the City of

8 New York, that deals mainly with

9 traffic, so I understand people's

10 concern, but I also know that traffic

11 can be mitigated with the proper

12 planning, so I'm sure that's nothing

13 that could be done now, but later on.

14 In the past ten years, my home

15 value dropped over $100,000, I live in

16 the village, that's about 25 to

17 30 percent of my value, my property

18 taxes went up 50 percent to over

19 $15,000 this year, it's a lot of money

20 for a civil servant, but I love this

21 community, and it's not just me, a lot

22 of my neighbors are in the same boat.

23 And the reasons why we don't go into

24 foreclosure is because we love our

25 community, but I also know that they



2 walk around the village of Goshen and I

3 know that there's a problem. If the

4 only thing that we have in the village

5 is pizzerias and Chinese food and we

6 can't hold on to industry, because we

7 just lost the brewery, the school

8 district lost the Altori[ph] case and

9 the Crystal Run PILOT also ending hurt

10 the school district and it effects our

11 tax rate. The fact that LEGOLAND has

12 come in and it's a kiddie park, it's

13 probably the most benign thing in the

14 world that you could have come here,

15 it's not the foundry reopening with

16 chemicals, so I'm all for it. I know

17 it's not going to lower my taxes, I

18 know it's not going to make the value

19 of my house go up, I'm not that naive,

20 but any type of relief to keep the rate

21 of increase down is more than welcome.

22 This village and town has a long

23 history and the Board -- the two

24 boards, I'm sure, when the railroad

25 came 175 years ago, there was



2 fistfights at the meeting, so don't

3 feel so bad. But because of the

4 railroad coming in, a lot of industrie s

5 have come and gone, the foundry, which

6 still stands, there was a Coca-Cola

7 bottling company, which I just found

8 out a couple weeks ago, in the village

9 of Goshen, there was a cider and

10 vinegar factory and all these -- and

11 there was an amusement park on Midway

12 right by the hospital now, so all of

13 this that's going on today has happene d 14 before, this is just old history, none

15 of these industries have killed the

16 village, the amusement park didn't

17 destroy anything, and LEGOLAND is not

18 really going to, you know, cause the 19 sky to fall in the village or the town 20 or the county.

21 So that's all I have to say, but I

22 don't envy you, and I hope everyone

23 makes the right decision.

24 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very 25 much.



2 (Applause.)



5 Paul Rubin, as a hydrologist and a

6 hydrogeologist, I'm here tonight on

7 behalf of Concerned Citizens for the

8 Hudson Valley. We are concerned that

9 homeowners and businesses will not have

10 sufficient water available for normal

11 water usage during periods of drought,

12 much less the extra 27 percent required

13 to supply the proposed LEGOLAND

14 project. Proof of adequacy of water

15 supply is of paramount importance. The

16 DEIS failed to provide the detailed

17 information required by both lead

18 agency and the public to assess water

19 adequacy. While other adverse

20 environmental impacts have the

21 potential of being mitigated, lack of

22 sufficient water supply can cripple

23 village homes and businesses.

24 One need not look beyond

25 California's epic water supply issues



2 during periods of drought and focus the

3 camera lens closer to home. Scientific

4 proof, when treated with comprehensive

5 supporting data, is critically

6 important in order to evaluate whether

7 there is sufficient water available to

8 meet existing and future demands. The

9 DEIS presents no detailed data and

10 analyses to document that there will

11 not be a major adverse environmental

12 impact. In fact, in all likelihood,

13 based on the repeated drought

14 conditions experienced by the village

15 provisions of large water volume for

16 Merlin's LEGOLAND project, will result

17 in major water supply deficiencies

18 during periods of drought, when water

19 quantity is most essential.

20 The DEIS fails to provide the

21 needed data and analyses needed to

22 address this critical SEQRA issue,

23 simply put, there is not sufficient

24 water quality data or analysis in the

25 DEIS for the lead agency or the public



2 to conduct the coherent analysis needed

3 to formulate the science- and

4 information-based comment on water

5 supply and demand. Specifically,

6 Merlin failed to provide any detailed

7 empirical data to support their

8 unfounded claims that there is

9 sufficient water for: One, existing

10 village needs in times of drought when

11 one reservoir is dry and the other is

12 extremely low; two, future village

13 water demands as built out five to ten

14 years in the future; three, major water

15 supply demands provided for the

16 LEGOLAND development, again, 27 percent

17 more than you use now; four, expansion

18 of the village's existing well field

19 aquifer, a third well was drilled and

20 tested, under the concept that it might

21 provide needed water for LEGOLAND.

22 However, Merlin has provided no testing

23 data, graphs or analysis of this

24 information, it is not in the DEIS and,

25 therefore, cannot be considered part of


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 the DEIS, it might be drawing from the

3 same aquifer as the existing wells, so 4 no data is provided in the DEIS to

5 support singular water demand values,

6 as are provided in other major 7 development projects, which have

8 enormous documentation for water.

9 Importantly, the village routinely

10 experiences drought conditions that

11 require warnings and our water

12 reduction measures. The DEIS fails to

13 address this critical hydrologic

14 situation that repeatedly occurs and

15 fails to provide any hydrologic

16 rationale or data to support selling a

17 high percentage of the village's finite

18 water supply to a developer in advance

19 of detailed proof of water adequacy.

20 None of the data and the information

21 needed to conclude that there is

22 sufficient water now to warrant sale to

23 Merlin or to justify entering into an 24 agreed upon resolution to sell water to

25 Merlin is presented in the DEIS,



2 neither the lead agency, nor the public

3 have the detailed hydrologic

4 information needed upon which an

5 evaluation of adequacy, water supply

6 may be made. Based upon review of

7 historic drought periods throughout the

8 region, as a hydrologist --

9 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

10 much.

11 (Applause.)


13 Ramona Harrigan, and I'm from Goshen,

14 New York, I graduated from Goshen

15 School District, I pay taxes to the

16 Town of Goshen, I pay taxes to the

17 Goshen School District and I work in

18 Goshen, New York, I am completely

19 opposed to this project.

20 (Applause.)


22 affect the character of our town. Not

23 to mention repeatedly, people are

24 talking about water, traffic, with the

25 traffic study, have they included the


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 casino traffic that has yet to hit us,

3 even though we already have so much 4 traffic problems. Cars idling, I'm

5 wondering if there's a fire at

6 LEGOLAND, if that exists, our volunteer 7 fire department is going to get stuck

8 in traffic in the idling, like who's

9 going to take care of that? Plastics

10 burning, if there's an electrical fire,

11 that's a problem. We talk about Echo,

12 you know, it's Echo Ridge noise. I'm

13 very concerned about water, I brought

14 in some articles from our paper about

15 all is not well, water wells are drying

16 up through this area, okay. We're in a

17 severe career drought. The County

18 executive just signed up DeStefano to 19 cover water for Amy's Kitchen, a Goshen 20 project that's in the works that's

21 bringing jobs to our area, that's

22 manufacturing, I think that the Goshen

23 Planning Board here and the Town Board

24 has been doing an excellent job, we're 25 an affluent community, we do not need



2 to put all our hopes on LEGOLAND and

3 the few jobs, you know, there's costs,

4 as people say, infrastructure, quality

5 of life, people with asthma, yeah, I

6 like that somebody brought that up, we

7 have so many bad air days that are

8 increasing, because the air gets stuck

9 between Nepara[ph] that we had down

10 there, the Palisades, the Catskills, it

11 just hovers here, you can see the smog

12 in the summer, now we're going to have

13 a lot of cars idling, increasing that,

14 I just -- I want to thank the Town

15 Board and the Planning Board for having

16 laws to protect us, the taxpayers, who

17 actually live here and work here, and I

18 hope that you stick with the planning

19 as it is and do not change it for a

20 special project that wants to come into

21 our community. I think you guys are

22 already doing a good job, our taxes are

23 fine. People live here. They're not

24 leaving here. Orange County has a good

25 employment rate. People choose to live



2 here. That's what you hear over and

3 over again, I chose Goshen.

4 Thank you.

5 (Applause.)


7 (Applause.)



10 evening, I know tonight is a big

11 competition of out-Goshening each

12 other, so I'll drop some Goshen stats.

13 I graduated from Burke and my mom was

14 Miss Goshen in the '70s, although I did

15 broaden my horizons to move to the

16 lights of the far reaches of Middletown

17 and Campbell Hall, I can speak to the

18 intelligence of the consultants working

19 on the project and the planning, like

20 Supervisor Depew had stated, when

21 trying to mitigate traffic, things that

22 have happened on Neelytown Road, where

23 you have a lot of industrial

24 development, I work off of Neelytown

25 Road and I see the impacts of



2 tractor-trailers, some very heavy

3 traffic, there was someone airlifted

4 yesterday off of Neelytown Road. I

5 worked in the beverage industry here in

6 Orange County, so I know the benefit of

7 tourism jobs, like Woodbury Commons

8 bring to the area and support all the

9 people who work in the service trades,

10 people who are using, coming up to

11 spend money and the hotel taxes. The

12 benefit of the engineering, the teams

13 that are working here, I also have a

14 summer home in Sullivan County, so I'm

15 traveling on 17 back and forth, the

16 traffic is a concern for everybody, but

17 I've seen the plans and I know in the

18 Florida park, most of the access roads

19 are off of public roads, so Merlin has

20 gone to great lengths to make sure that

21 all of the traffic is contained within

22 the park, and it's very brief, when you

23 look at the DEIS where the cars are

24 actually going to be going, so with the

25 benefit of good planning, I think it's



2 in your capable hands, and I support

3 this project and all of the benefits

4 it's going to bring to this area,

5 because it's the most wholesome project

6 that will go in that space.

7 So good luck to all of you.


9 (Applause.)

10 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: All right, we're

11 on this side now.


13 Adam Boese, I've been in Orange County

14 for 26 years. For 30 years, I've been

15 a mechanical engineer and I travel

16 around the region and the country

17 looking at buildings helping them

18 become more energy efficient, so I've

19 seen a lot of different kinds of

20 industry, I've seen all kinds of

21 buildings, things done well and things

22 done terribly.

23 Orange County will develop. We

24 have a perfect location, we have roads,

25 we have infrastructure, we have open



2 land. Things are going to move here,

3 that's not going to be stopped. What

4 we have to do now is decide what is

5 going to move here. I'm a member of

6 the Village of Goshen Planning Board,

7 I've gone through your DEIS, it's

8 extremely thorough, you guys have done

9 a fantastic job, it's -- I've seen a

10 number of these and I need to say, this

11 is the largest and most comprehensive

12 one I've ever seen.

13 I applaud you for the

14 professionalism and the high level of

15 expertise that you've put into the

16 DEIS. It's quite clear looking from

17 the expert team of consultants, they're

18 here to protect the citizens of Goshen.

19 Some of them have lived right in Goshen

20 their entire life. I read it, it is

21 comprehensive. I see the care taken to

22 mitigate the impacts of this

23 development. I'm a former Goshen

24 school board member, I reviewed and

25 recognized the DEIS financial benefits



2 to our school's taxes. I see the

3 educational benefits to our kids and

4 our teachers. I raised five children

5 in the village of Goshen, I live two

6 miles from this development, I plan to

7 retire in this very same spot. My

8 community involvement has put me in

9 contact with a large segment of this

10 community, and I can tell you

11 assuredly, there is significant support

12 for this project. As a board member, I

13 know what it is like to sit where you

14 are and I know how difficult it is to

15 do the right thing, when you know there

16 are community members who disagree with

17 you on your choices. Thank you for

18 being true leaders and working for the

19 success of this project.

20 (Applause.)

21 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

22 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Hi, my name

23 is Deb Cutti[ph], I'm a resident of the

24 town of Goshen, I'm first going to read

25 something from my husband, who's out of



2 town and unable to attend, I'll get it

3 all in in the four minutes.

4 Town Board members and Planning

5 Board members, the proposal to adopt

6 local Laws 5 and 6 remain contrary to

7 the Town of Goshen Master Plan and put

8 our community's future severely at

9 risk. It is your responsibility in

10 public service to represent your

11 constituency with a high degree of

12 morality and hold development projects

13 to the highest possible level of

14 scrutiny. With these requirements,

15 ensure the public that their future

16 will not be compromised by greed,

17 corporate pressure and/or corruption.

18 To date, with regard to Merlin's

19 proposed LEGOLAND, you have failed in

20 this regard. The DEIS that has been

21 submitted for public review is severely

22 lacking details that would help our

23 town make a properly educated decision

24 on the topic, specifically in the areas

25 of impact on the remaining 399 acres



2 not mentioned or a review of the 522

3 proposed for Merlin, accurate water

4 usage and well capacities and more. As

5 such, we can only assume that there is

6 information being hidden, corruption in

7 place or a rush job moving forward. If

8 Merlin purports itself to be a good

9 neighbor, then they should take every

10 measure possible to completely and

11 accurately address all concerns and

12 should want to do it on their own dime.

13 Goshen, New York residents should not

14 pay to help build any corporations and

15 amusement park when their direct desire

16 is, in fact, to take profit from the

17 same people. It's time to do the right

18 thing and deny Merlin's application,

19 close the proposal and bring our town

20 back together.We don't need an

21 amusement park to grow.

22 So this my -- this is actually from

23 me, Town and Planning Board members, I

24 strongly urge you to make the right

25 decision for the town of Goshen and not



2 allow the rezoning of the property of

3 the proposed LEGOLAND site. The

4 comprehensive plan specifically

5 excludes amusement parks and it would

6 be unethical to change the zoning

7 specifically for a private entity to

8 occupy the property for their own

9 corporate greed at the expense of the

10 town of Goshen residents and taxpayers.

11 As a town of Goshen resident, it is

12 the comprehensive plan and its meaning

13 that attracted me to purchase property

14 here and call this my home. It is your

15 duty and obligation to listen to the

16 town of Goshen residents, specifically

17 those whose homes are immediately

18 impacted by this proposal, non-Goshen

19 residents are not the ones who have to

20 deal directly with the traffic, the

21 noise and pollution and the loss of

22 quality life on a daily basis.

23 We all know about the residents of

24 Bloomingburg and Monroe, who are

25 fighting for their way of life, as a



2 certain religious community tries to

3 encroach on their quality of life. The

4 Goshen residents are no different from

5 these residents. We want to protect

6 our quality of life from an undesirable

7 entity trying to gain access to our

8 natural and paid resources. I have

9 heard many times over that this is good

10 growth. The fact is, is that not all

11 growth is good and this is a perfect

12 example of out of control growth of

13 epic proportion. This is a semi-rural

14 farming community, that a preposterous

15 amusement park wishes to profit and

16 strip of its natural resources, so

17 out-of-towners can come here for a day.

18 We, the residents, should not be forced

19 to host LEGOLAND guests for their

20 profit as it ruins our lives.

21 I have also heard that this will be

22 good for the kids and good for this

23 community. Well, I am a part of this

24 community and I can tell you with all

25 certainty that this will create a


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 devastatingly horrible quality of life

3 for those who live nearby. For many of 4 use who were children growing up in

5 this area, we grew up fine without

6 LEGOLAND and so will the future 7 generations. They do not need this

8 park to enjoy their life. The children

9 are not the taxpayers and I am a

10 taxpayer and the children should not be

11 used as a ploy to convince this Board

12 that a park is needed. I have also

13 heard too many times about the jobs

14 this park will supply. The facts are

15 out there, these are not good paying

16 jobs, there are 210 jobs between 30 and

17 50,000 dollars a year. It's certainly

18 not enough to purchase a home in

19 Goshen, and probably not anywhere else

20 in Orange County. 240 jobs between 50

21 and 200,000 dollars, does anyone wonder 22 why there's a huge gap --

23 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you, thank

24 you very much. 25 Next.



2 (Applause.)


4 sitting in.

5 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Okay, that's

6 fine, thank you.


8 have two bad knees and I can't stand

9 up, and when I leave here, I'm going to

10 the hospital, you made me late.

11 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Hopefully not

12 because of the meeting.

13 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: No, no, no.

14 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Okay, good.

15 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: I have a big

16 problem with LEGOLAND, I notice that

17 all the figures are being quoted and

18 they're using Florida as a basis.

19 Well, Florida is not Goshen. Florida

20 is open 12 months a year, Goshen is

21 going to be open six, maybe seven. All

22 you're going to have here is a hotel in

23 the off-months and down there, they're

24 going to have -- working all year long,

25 I think the figures they gave you, I



2 think should be skewed, I think you

3 should be very -- they should be looke d

4 at very carefully, I'll be honest with

5 you, I don't trust them.

6 (Applause.)


8 thing is -- you know, this is a little

9 story, and I'll tell you something

10 first, there's -- a man once said,

11 beware of Greeks bearing gifts and

12 another man once said, don't wish for

13 it too hard, you might get it, and

14 neither one of those, I think, apply i n

15 this situation. I don't think we need

16 LEGOLAND, I couldn't get any more

17 against if I tried. They are

18 distributing half-truths, I had -- I 19 was talking to one fellow from LEGOLAN D

20 one day, oh, a couple months ago, and I

21 said, you know, I'd love to come and 22 work for you guys, he said, yeah, I

23 said, yeah, but the trouble is I don't

24 like you and I don't want you here. 25 (Laughter.)




3 that, I think you're dealing with a

4 bunch of fellows, and you're a bunch of

5 professionals, and I think you're

6 dealing with a bunch of amateurs and

7 they're in over their head and you know

8 what the man said, you're right.

9 So you know what they think of you.

10 I could never be accused of being a

11 diplomat, I think a couple people here

12 will testify to that, but I --

13 (Laughter.)


15 that so many things, now, one question

16 nobody has ever answered, I drove up

17 through Florida today, you can't get

18 through Florida at 5 o'clock,

19 6 o'clock. I go through Chester the

20 other day, you can't get through

21 Chester, what provisions have you made

22 for these towns coming down from 95

23 from Newburgh coming down here? All

24 this traffic is going to be getting

25 dumped into one place. You don't have


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 to finish the government building,

3 because by the time all this thing is 4 done, you won't be able to get to the

5 government building, look at the circle

6 up here, everything is coming from the 7 east, turned around and goes back to

8 the east -- goes back -- what the hell,

9 goes back towards New York, and it --

10 the traffic allow this, they don't tell 11 you everything, it's only half-truths

12 and they don't tell you what they're

13 going to do with the wetlands because 14 everybody knows wetlands is just a

15 word, if you want to get wetlands, you 16 substitute something someplace else.

17 We spent a fortune on 124, I don't know

18 how many millions of dollars, and they

19 refused to hire union employees, by the

20 way, I don't know if you remember that,

21 there was strikes and everything down

22 there. And now, what's going to happen

23 to our woodlands, because the road

24 they're building, it's going to

25 infringe on it.



2 Now, gentleman, I think you have to

3 look at this closer, and I think the --

4 somebody that really knows what it's

5 about, regardless, because I think

6 you're getting stiffed, simple as that.

7 I lived in Brooklyn all my life, I

8 moved up here 25 years ago, I didn't

9 move here with the thought of living

10 next to an amusement park. I only came

11 here because I wanted a decent place

12 where I could -- I didn't have to worry

13 about people breaking into my house and

14 things like that, turns out up here,

15 they break into my house more than they

16 did in Brooklyn.

17 (Laughter.)

18 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: But, anyway,

19 no, but I think it -- it's the LEGOLAND

20 is a bad deal. I -- and I -- and I

21 don't trust their motives and I think

22 if they say, you have to be aware of

23 Greeks bearing gifts, because nobody

24 does something for nothing, and you've

25 got no guarantee they're going to be



2 here for five years, ten years, 15, 20

3 years and out. And you have this here

4 PILOT program, that stinks, you've got

5 to admit.

6 (Laughter.)


8 you're not taking into consideration

9 traffic coming up from Amy's Kitchen.

10 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

11 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Or a couple

12 of these other places --

13 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

14 much. Thank you.

15 (Applause.)


17 Sean Core, my grandparents have lived

18 in Goshen, my parents live in Goshen,

19 I've gone to Goshen schools, I'm a

20 graduate of Goshen, I'm really hoping

21 that this town isn't -- doesn't go with

22 LEGOLAND, I really think it's going to

23 negatively affect the -- just the

24 ecosystem over here, having the green

25 open space. There's so many other



2 shovel-ready facilities that this could

3 be moved to, up in Sullivan County,

4 there's so many empty resorts that are

5 abandoned. I really think that people

6 going -- the traffic that people are

7 going to -- it's going to create, when

8 17 backs up going up north on a Friday

9 afternoon, people who are looking for

10 alternative routes are going to be

11 running right into those farmers on

12 Pine Island trying to get back to

13 Jersey and Pennsylvania. And I think

14 that's really got to be taken into

15 consideration.

16 Everybody compares this LEGOLAND to

17 Florida, Florida was already a resort,

18 it was an amusement park, they took it

19 over, they cleaned it up, it wasn't

20 like they're destroying a whole green

21 ecosystem just to build this from

22 scratch. They already had something in

23 place, they improved on what was

24 already there, I think they need to go

25 and improve on something else somewhere



2 else that's an abandoned facility that

3 could be used for better use and I

4 really hope that this is changed and I

5 hope Goshen stays a small little town

6 that I've grown to love, it's a magical

7 little town, the great American weekend

8 during the summer would just be -- just

9 be a street carnival compared to what

10 LEGOLAND would be, I think that's one

11 of the biggest events of the summer and

12 of Goshen that everybody looks forward

13 to and I really hope that it stays a

14 big event that I always look forward to

15 every year and -- and thank you for

16 your time. Merry Christmas to

17 everybody on the Board and I hope you

18 all make a good decision that's -- that

19 keeps this town a great, a small little

20 town.

21 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

22 much.

23 (Applause.)


25 Guerra[ph], I live in the town of



2 Goshen, I would like to quote from a

3 section of the Town of Goshen's Master

4 Plan, which is not up for revision

5 tonight. It states, "The Town of

6 Goshen is presently and appropriately a

7 primarily rural community."

8 Section 1.2 states, "The Town must both

9 preserve its fragile and beautiful

10 rural environment and provide for the

11 needs of its people." To ignore either

12 of these goals or to pursue one at the

13 expense of the other is to

14 fundamentally misunderstand what this

15 Master Plan is all about.

16 These new proposed laws are in

17 direct conflict with this aspect of the

18 Master Plan. These goals are taken

19 right from the Master Plan.

20 Goal Number 1, "Protect and enhance

21 the agricultural activities and rural

22 character of the town."

23 Goal Number 5, "Preserve the Town's

24 mature forest and natural terrain to

25 the greatest extent possible."



2 How can you allow clear cutting of

3 180 acres of agricultural land?

4 Section 4.4 states that the

5 revision of zoning regulations be

6 considered to ensure its provisions

7 remain in accordance with the Master

8 Plan. The zoning can be expected to

9 change, but such changes should be made

10 in accordance with the Master Plan,

11 which clearly states, keep the town

12 rural.

13 Section 4.4, this section -- excuse

14 me, this regulation also states that

15 while the local government cannot

16 enforce that land be developed for uses

17 proposed in the plan, they can prevent

18 land from being developed contrary to

19 the plan. Unless the intent of --

20 unless the intent of this Board is to

21 fundamentally change the Town of Goshen

22 Master Plan to reflect the intent to

23 become another Route 59 in Rockland or

24 Route 17 in New Jersey, these proposed

25 laws are totally at odds with the



2 intent of our Master Plan. There is no

3 way in the world you can convince me

4 that deep down you feel this is the

5 right way to go.

6 I love Goshen. I know you love

7 Goshen. For the life of me, I cannot

8 understand why you would bend over

9 backwards to create new town laws to

10 benefit a multimillion dollar foreign

11 corporation. Make no mistake, this

12 corporation's bottom line is profit.

13 There's nothing wrong with making a

14 profit, I don't fault them for that,

15 but let this project rise or fall on

16 its merits and not because our town

17 officials bend over backwards to create

18 new laws solely for its benefit alone,

19 and not because the State of New York

20 saw fit to pay this multimillion dollar

21 corporation almost $10 million of our

22 tax dollars.

23 As far as the amendment to

24 Section 97.29, banning amusement parks

25 in the town of Goshen, again, it is



2 obviously amended specifically for

3 Merlin, you have added aquariums to be

4 allowed, who's going to build an

5 aquarium in Goshen besides Merlin?

6 You have added, for purposes of

7 this section, a commercial recreation

8 facility in a commercial recreation

9 overlay district is not an amusement

10 park. Excuse me, if it walks like a

11 duck, if it quacks like a duck, I think

12 you know the rest.

13 You also know it was impossible to

14 really read and digest the DEIS in the

15 time frame given, especially with the

16 holidays. That shows the utter

17 contempt you have for the citizens of

18 Goshen and really clarifies where your

19 priorities lay. At the court

20 yesterday, Merlin was given a time

21 frame to submit papers and the response

22 from the Merlin attorney was, but,

23 Judge, we need more time because of the

24 holidays. Well, he got it. We know

25 why you're rushing this project, and we



2 know the reason that this is being

3 fast-tracked. We're really not sure,

4 at this point, who you really

5 represent.

6 Instead of figuring out what is

7 best for the town and then having

8 Merlin adhere to those standards, you

9 have reversed the process, we now have

10 to conform to the plan of this foreign

11 corporation.

12 The Master Plan states that buffers

13 are required --

14 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

15 (Applause.)

16 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: You're next.


18 Millie Turner, I'm a resident of

19 Goshen, I want to say thank you, Ellen,

20 that's my neighbor, she gave me a ride

21 here today, so --

22 (Interjections from audience.)


24 short, can you hear me now? Okay.

25 Well, all over this country and the


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 world, what we've been seeing is a rise

3 of activism, and if you ask yourself

4 why, you can see right in this room why 5 it's happening, it's happening because

6 projects like this are being allowed to

7 continue and the government is not 8 listening to the citizens.

9 (Applause.) 10 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: They're not 11 listening to the constituents.

12 (Applause.) 13 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Let her speak. 14 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: They're not

15 listening to the residents, they're not 16 listening to their constituents, you're 17 supposed to represent us, you don't

18 represent a company that does not have

19 our best interests in mind. What I 20 don't understand, why do the people of

21 LEGOLAND think that they can keep

22 saying the same thing over and over and

23 over again and that somehow it will

24 ring true?

25 I do have to commend the company is



2 doing a fabulous job of presenting

3 their side, the Town of Goshen has been

4 treated to intro parties, welcome

5 committees and large spaces where our

6 beautiful children can play with LEGOs,

7 we have been inundated with pretty

8 postcards and literature that scream,

9 let's go Goshen, but I don't care how

10 you wrap it up, what you put it in, how

11 much perfume you put on it, it's still

12 ugly, you're still giving us

13 half-truths, you cannot give us a

14 pretty ribbon box and then tell us it's

15 a gift, because it's not. LEGOLAND has

16 taken great pains to tell us what

17 they're giving us, they keep saying,

18 it's an opportunity of a lifetime,

19 we're doing it for you, Goshen, no

20 you're not, because we were not your

21 first stop, you were turned down, I

22 think four times, before you came to

23 Goshen. So please don't tell us you're

24 doing it for us, because you're not.

25 And let me tell you, the very first


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 time I heard about the project, I was

3 in the kitchen cooking children --

4 cooking children -- cooking breakfast 5 for my children.

6 (Laughter.)

7 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: And on the 8 radio, our county executive was saying,

9 hey, LEGOLAND is coming to Goshen. I

10 was like, really, when did that happen?

11 I mean, I was floored. But I've got to

12 give it to the Concerned Citizens of

13 the Hudson Valley, because really, if

14 it were not for them, I don't think

15 that you would even have this many

16 people here speaking out against it.

17 (Applause.)


19 their work and because of their

20 dedication to reading the DEIS, that's

21 what's giving this merit.

22 You know, LEGOLAND is going to

23 directly effect -- LEGOLAND will have a

24 direct and adverse effect on the

25 environment. There's no doubt about


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 it. So again, why are we continuing?

3 You know about cars emitting carbon

4 monoxide and LEGOLAND is proposing a 5 parking lot that will accommodate 5500

6 cars, so what about the air pollution,

7 what about our quality of life? 8 Transportation is the largest single

9 source of air pollution in the U.S., 10 and once again, LEGOLAND will be 11 contributing to it.

12 You know, I want to close it with 13 saying, for both of us, the purchase of 14 our homes is the largest purchase we

15 will ever make in our lifetime, my 16 mother lives here, she retired here so

17 she could live in peace and quiet, and

18 now she's going to get a LEGOLAND. Our

19 quality of life matters more than them

20 making a dollar. We live here, we live

21 in Goshen, you are obligated to your

22 constituents and not to a company whose

23 bottom line is to make money for them,

24 not for Goshen. You already got 3

25 million, why don't you give that to us



2 so you can lower our taxes.

3 Thank you, have a good night.

4 (Applause.)


6 (Applause.)



9 evening, and thank you again for

10 allowing all of us to speak tonight and

11 getting to say what we feel and what we

12 think. My name is Diana Cornish, I

13 live in the village of Goshen, and I

14 have lived in the town and then the

15 village since 1972, grew up in the

16 area, so I've watched a lot of change

17 in our area as everyone -- many of the

18 people who were speaking moved up here

19 and changed Orange County, some for the

20 better, some for the bad. The Merlin

21 company would like to build LEGOLAND in

22 Goshen. You on the Town Board are

23 responsible for reviewing this project

24 and making a decision as to whether or

25 not to approve it. I cannot imagine



2 working on the details of a project of

3 this magnitude, I also trust you and

4 your ability to handle this, just as

5 you do every other project that is

6 presented. You're not doing this for

7 LEGOLAND. You're doing this for Goshen

8 and you're trying to make a decision

9 that you think is best for Goshen. I

10 respect that. As far as possible

11 projects go, for a piece of property

12 this size, LEGOLAND is probably one of

13 the most benign, someone said, who was

14 here tonight, that we can find, and I

15 agree with that as well. I moved to

16 Goshen in '72 from Middletown, really

17 moved a long way, and we have had so

18 many changes, both good and bad in the

19 area since then. From my experience

20 and history, if there is no growth,

21 then the town and the business fails,

22 they become stagnant and they die.

23 I hope for smart, diversified

24 growth for Goshen and our county, our

25 merchants and businesses in Goshen have



2 been hurting for quite some time, we

3 need growth, we need development,

4 development brings more development and

5 more jobs. I'm hoping LEGOLAND is just

6 the beginning of new growth for our

7 area.

8 Without change and growth, a

9 downtown only thrives and survives if

10 it's in a Hallmark movie.

11 Thank you.

12 (Applause.)

13 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

14 much.

15 Sir.


17 name is Bob Wolfson, I live on Lower

18 Reservoir Road, which, as you know, is

19 pretty close. I'm a physician living

20 close to the site on Lower Reservoir

21 Road, I have particular health concerns

22 that will be caused by this project.

23 Air pollution, as has been mentioned,

24 is a silent killer that has not been

25 adequately addressed by the DEIS,



2 particulate matter from all types of

3 motor vehicles is not just confined to

4 outdoors, but also infiltrates houses

5 and gets easy access into our

6 unsuspecting lungs, that they cause

7 lung problems like asthma, COPD and

8 cancer, have long been documented and

9 are well-known, but not as well-known,

10 even worse, they contribute to an even

11 more common disease, cardiovascular in

12 the form of heart attacks, heart

13 failure and strokes. If I had more

14 time, I could explain the basic science

15 behind this and I'll just mention,

16 inhaled particulate matter migrates

17 into the body, not just the lungs,

18 cause vasoconstriction of blood

19 vessels, activate platelets, which

20 stimulate unwanted clotting and trigger

21 endothelial dysfunction of blood

22 vessels, not to get too technical, but

23 I'll move on. The World Health

24 Organization and others have defined

25 the safety standard of 10 micrograms



2 per cubic milliliter or less as not

3 being harmful, although most of our

4 countries within that standard, it

5 fails in your crowded roadways, it is

6 now well-documented that the closer one

7 lives to busy roads, the higher the

8 incidence of cardiovascular disease. I

9 would like to know what the particulate

10 matter count is, estimated to be in the

11 radius around the site, where many of

12 our surrounding homes, including mine,

13 are, because for those of us living

14 nearby, it is more than just a

15 potential annoyance, it is a danger to

16 our health that is unfair and

17 irresponsible to ignore. I have so

18 many other concerns regarding LEGOLAND.

19 A development of huge magnitude in a

20 small town that has managed to keep its

21 identity for 300 years, I've only been

22 here for 64 of them. Many of our

23 worries, such as our water supply and

24 environmental concerns and the

25 perceived economic benefits are



2 certainly open to debate and have been

3 debated. I don't believe the DEIS

4 adequately answers these questions and

5 there's every reason to slow down the

6 process and to allow adequate scrutiny.

7 But some other issues are

8 indisputable. As a resident of Lower

9 Reservoir Road, close to the site, I

10 regularly bike and jog this area, that

11 includes Conklingtown, Arcadia and

12 South Street, it is hard to imagine how

13 I can safely do this with my family,

14 these secondary roads are narrow and

15 without adequate shoulders as-is. For

16 others like me, living close to the

17 proposed site, life will change and not

18 by our choosing. For years, I've

19 always felt protected by our zoning

20 laws, knowing that I would not have to

21 look out on my property on to high

22 density housing, shopping centers or

23 amusement parks, which is curiously

24 mentioned, the latter, in our Master

25 Plan, that's been talked about.



2 I have heard tonight some who

3 vocalized the LEGOLAND project, if the

4 project is good for so many people, we

5 should disregard those who are

6 adversely effected, I don't believe

7 that our Board should act that way,

8 because even if I was to assume that

9 your goals are noble ones, and I will

10 assume that, there's no disputing that

11 this project has divided our town,

12 causing ill will amongst us. Other

13 places have wisely turned down the

14 project and for this reason alone, I

15 believe this to be the best argument

16 for rejecting LEGOLAND at this site. I

17 am pro children, pro unions, pro

18 progress, pro amusement parks, but this

19 is just not the appropriate site.

20 Thank you.

21 (Applause.)

22 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

23 Sir. Sir.

24 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Hi, my name

25 is Tony Swindle[ph], I live on August



2 Road, which is right off of Reservoir

3 down near Conklingtown, so this does

4 effect me. My thing is, you want to do

5 this and you're trying to push it

6 through. You're talking about the file

7 and everything else, the paperwork and

8 everything, why are we in a hurry?

9 That's all it is, why are we in a

10 hurry? Everybody else that comes to

11 this town and wants to put a business

12 and build everything else, they have to

13 go through time, it takes a while to do

14 it. If these guys come in, I don't

15 know, if they make it, they come in,

16 they come in, but why are we pushing

17 this through? This affects our life,

18 my life, my family's life, it's going

19 to affect it, and I just want to make

20 sure that you guys stop and take the

21 time and give it time. You're pushing

22 this through. I've been sitting here

23 listening to both sides, everybody has

24 got good opinions, it makes sense on

25 both sides, I'm a union guy, I



2 understand it, but this is affecting my

3 family, and I just want to make sure

4 you guys take your time. I don't

5 understand why it's being pushed

6 through so fast. There's so many pages

7 you have to read, let the town, let the

8 people make the right decision, you

9 guys hear it, but you guys are pushing

10 it down our throats, I don't

11 understand, you just need to give it

12 time, that's all I want, that's all I'm

13 asking for, just take your time, like

14 all the other businesses that come

15 through. They all take their time.

16 Thank you.

17 (Applause.)

18 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

19 Sir.


21 my name is Bill Landa, I've lived in

22 Goshen I think 45 years and have done

23 construction in the area, and I've

24 worked on projects throughout the

25 world, on large projects, so I have a



2 few comments here about this project.

3 If there ever was a project that

4 doesn't belong on this site, it's this

5 proposed LEGOLAND amusement park, it

6 belongs on a flat terrain, not on a

7 site like this with very steep

8 gradients throughout it. Page 28 of

9 the DEIS describes the site as sitting

10 lower than the surrounding areas, thus

11 buffering it from the neighbors, like

12 Arcadia Hills, this is completely

13 false, when on Merlin's site map, it

14 shows that a large part of this projec t

15 is way above an elevation of a hundred 16 to 150 feet for the adjacent Arcadia 17 Hills. During Merlin's presentations,

18 Mr. John Usher told us that LEGOLAND 19 will be at least 2,000 feet of buffer

20 zone from Arcadia Hills, when in

21 reality, it's going to be less than a

22 thousand feet, if you look at the site

23 map.

24 The proposed 522-acre property is 25 an important watershed for Goshen, it



2 is also known to flood and contributes

3 to the flooding of other areas of

4 Goshen and beyond, these watersheds, it

5 describes in Page 62 of the DEIS as

6 Areas A and B. During the

7 September 8th, 2011 Town water meeting,

8 convened a few weeks after Hurricane

9 Irene caused so much damage to our

10 area, including Arcadia Hills suing the

11 water pump station, Supervisor

12 Bloomfield responded to the questions

13 raised at that meeting by some who were

14 affected by that flooding by stating,

15 quote, that "FEMA, that the water in

16 your stream comes from miles away, the

17 majority of this water comes from high

18 elevations like Goshen Hills into our

19 watershed. When that watershed

20 overflowed, it flooded out Harriman

21 Drive, which is this property we're

22 talking about right now. When that

23 watershed overflowed, it flooded out

24 Harriman drive, it continued and

25 flooded across Route 17, flooded across



2 17M and over the top of Old Chester

3 Road," end of quote.

4 Most likely, our watershed,

5 Mr. Bloomfield was talking about, are

6 the same watersheds A and B which is

7 the proposed LEGOLAND site as described

8 in DEIS Page 62. Merlin in their AIF

9 submission, Page 6, checked off that

10 all water then will not flow to

11 adjacent properties and remain on the

12 site, but in the DEIS, they say

13 overflow from these stations will

14 discharge into the Otter Kill and other

15 tributaries and in a lot more volume of

16 storm water and possibly causing worse

17 flooding and damage than what happened

18 during Hurricane Irene.

19 In Page 39 of the DEIS, it states

20 that 20,000 feet or nearly four miles

21 of retaining walls are to be built

22 around the site, four miles, reaching

23 in heights from 15 feet to 56 feet,

24 that's an incredible height, I've been

25 on construction sites that are 56 feet



2 high retaining wall, it's enormous.

3 These immense walls are an integral

4 part of building this project,

5 basically, without them, they couldn't

6 be built, LEGOLAND could not be built

7 without these walls. Why didn't

8 anything show in their submissions of

9 any engineering or construction

10 details? These walls have been known

11 to collapse causing property damage and

12 even human injury. Why is this

13 critical information missing, why is it

14 not in the DEIS showing some kind of

15 detail of these walls?

16 Unfortunately, this proposed

17 excavation work is utter devastation.

18 In no way does this proposed excavation

19 accommodate to a reasonable extent the

20 natural contours of the site, as

21 required a new amendment to the

22 comprehensive plan known --


24 thank you very much.

25 (Applause.)




3 name is Lillian Swingle, I am a 29-year

4 town of Goshen resident. I just want

5 to say, when I bought my home in 1987,

6 my combined state and school property

7 taxes were less than $1200 a year,

8 they're now almost ten times that, so

9 what I'm bringing to your attention is

10 we all know that taxes are going to

11 increase, expenses increase, and I feel

12 we're doing an injustice to the future

13 of Goshen to allow Merlin to not have

14 to participate in the rising costs that

15 ultimately occur in running a township.

16 How can they call themselves a good

17 neighbor and then not want to pay their

18 share of taxes?

19 I also want to address the hundreds

20 of jobs that Merlin claims to be

21 bringing. Let's not forget, seasonal

22 jobs.

23 (Applause.)


25 afford to live in Goshen working a



2 seasonal job? And it's been brought

3 up, these will be great jobs for high

4 school and college kids. No, these run

5 from the beginning of May through the

6 end of October, even high school and

7 college kids are in school, which

8 really concerns me, because where are

9 we going to get these hundreds of

10 workers to work seasonal jobs in

11 Goshen?

12 And along with seasonal jobs,

13 they're not going to be providing

14 health benefits, these are just -- I'm

15 sorry, they're kind of crummy jobs that

16 we're talking about, for the most part,

17 seasonal jobs.

18 I also want to address the

19 emergency services. I have someone in

20 my family who is a volunteer with the

21 Goshen Fire Department and it makes me

22 so angry to think that Merlin claims at

23 their Florida location to only have a

24 hundred or so calls for emergency, you

25 know, situations at their amusement



2 park, but why should my family member,

3 who's already volunteering all this

4 time, now to come to another hundred

5 calls, while Merlin is making millions

6 of dollars and they're not giving us

7 any money towards these -- you know,

8 towards these emergency services.

9 I also have to say, I just can't

10 fathom that we, as a town, would

11 consider building an amusement park,

12 roller coasters and all, directly next

13 to a place so many local seniors have

14 saved their money to retire to.

15 Lastly, I just want to ask you to

16 consider the topics I have brought up,

17 and I beg you, please, don't change the

18 zoning that's currently in place in

19 Goshen.

20 (Applause.)

21 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

22 Over here.


24 Marjorie Warren, I'm a resident in the

25 town of Warwick. Warwick is located



2 like --

3 (Interjections from audience.)


5 Warwick is located six miles from the

6 New Jersey border. And if you use your

7 GPS and you put in, I put in Glen Arden

8 as the address, because I understand

9 that's where the amusement park is

10 meant to be, you get -- your directions

11 are to be driving up from Northern New

12 Jersey and I know when we used to come

13 up from the city, we used to come up

14 through New Jersey and not go to 17,

15 that you are driving on a two-lane

16 road, namely, Route 94. It's a

17 two-lane road in New Jersey and it's a

18 two-lane road beginning in New York and

19 it takes you through the town of

20 Warwick, the village of Warwick and

21 along the way, you're going by, on the

22 southern end of Warwick, you're going

23 by our most densely populated part of

24 town, where we have two supermarket

25 malls and in those malls are six or



2 seven stores, there's Leo Kaytes Ford

3 agency there, and this is all -- oh,

4 and Pennings, which does wonderful

5 business in the fall -- I'm sorry, from

6 August through October for the people

7 who come up from all over New York and

8 New Jersey to come and pick apples and

9 peaches, and they have a beer garden

10 and they have -- there's a lot of

11 activity in that end of town. And

12 there are some days in the fall where

13 you cannot drive on that road because

14 it's blocked all the way through the

15 town and the village, but you know

16 what, we're willing to put up with the

17 inconvenience because these people --

18 the money stays in our town. They live

19 in our town, and they are the farmers

20 and we are a rural town. And

21 therefore, at least we see the fruits

22 of their labor in our tax coffers.

23 When you go beyond this area of

24 Warwick, which is on the south end of

25 town, you come to the village, again,



2 two lanes, one in each direction. You

3 go through the very heart of the

4 village of Warwick, which has parking

5 on either side and then a lane going in

6 either direction, and this is the

7 heaviest -- most heavily populated part

8 of the town.

9 You then proceed on into the

10 Village of Florida, where 94 cuts off

11 and heads north and you -- and the road

12 has become 17A, that's the road that

13 snakes up from the Tuxedo area, 17A

14 continues and you go to Reservoir Road,

15 and you take Reservoir Road, and I feel

16 sorry for the people who live along

17 that road, and proceed to Harriman

18 Drive to get to your park.

19 I -- I find it really sad, because

20 I think of Goshen as a historic town,

21 home of the trotter and things that

22 have some history to it. But LEGOLAND

23 doesn't have any history to us or to

24 the area. We are a historic area.

25 We're -- you see signs all over the



2 place, this is a place where history

3 was made and I really find it very sad

4 that this is the direction you want to

5 go.


7 (Applause.)



10 evening. My name is Matt Milnamow --

11 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: One more time.


13 Matt Milnamow, I'm an architect for LAN

14 Associates, I'm a resident in Goshen,

15 I'm the school district's project

16 architect, and the project architect

17 for several school districts, I work on

18 projects that range from $30 million up

19 to hundreds of millions of dollars.

20 I'm going to tell you why I believe

21 this project is great for Goshen, it's

22 my opinion, I'm well-versed in place

23 making, it's what I practice in my

24 field, I live and I work in Goshen, I

25 believe in this project because I think



2 that piece of property is going to be

3 developed, anyway. I don't care if

4 Merlin goes there or another applicant

5 goes there, it's going to be developed

6 at some point or another. This is the

7 best opportunity that Goshen is going

8 to see to make the best use of that

9 piece of property, and I think it's a

10 great opportunity that we have in front

11 of us. I know it's extremely

12 challenging to deliberate through the

13 process, it's put a rift in the

14 community, which I think will heal

15 whether the project goes forward or

16 not, that rift will have existed if the

17 project does go forward, we'll heal

18 together and we'll move forward, it

19 will transition well, it's right on the

20 highway, it provides perfect access to

21 visitors coming through the community.

22 We're going to see a huge development

23 burst over the next 20 years, anyway,

24 economic development will provide the

25 ratables that Goshen desires.



2 50 percent of our community does not

3 provide taxes because they're

4 not-for-profits or government entities.

5 We need ratables in Goshen to make sure

6 that people can continue to live and

7 thrive and work here. I have three

8 children, the youngest is five months

9 old, I was up at 4 o'clock this

10 morning, I'm exhausted, I'm sure all of

11 you are exhausted too. My kids would

12 really love to grow and have an

13 opportunity to get into hospitality,

14 resort management, and have this

15 opportunity here in our backyard. They

16 might not know it yet, maybe right now

17 they want to be a veterinarian, some

18 don't know what they want to do yet,

19 they're only two and five months old.

20 (Laughter.)


22 honest with you, I'd love to have this

23 opportunity here in my backyard, I live

24 on Parkway, it's a mile from the

25 property site, I can't think of a



2 better opportunity to have in our

3 community than this project.

4 Thank you very much.


6 (Applause.)

7 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: I'm sure you

8 all know me as Vanessa Coke, I reside

9 in the village of Goshen. I had

10 purchased my first home here, I chose

11 Goshen. I was looking across the

12 river, where my family is, I was in the

13 process of building a home, and I said

14 to myself, you know what, I love

15 Goshen, I like Goshen, I like its

16 charm, I love the village, it's a very

17 family-friendly village and that's why

18 I chose to live here. If I would have

19 known that in the future -- and I'm not

20 afraid of change, but if I would have

21 known that in any point there would

22 have been an amusement park, okay, I

23 would have never chose to purchase my

24 home here, okay.

25 With that said, I also, with the



2 zoning, okay, I don't believe that the

3 zoning should be changed for Merlin,

4 okay. There -- as people have already

5 said, you know, it's already turned

6 down to zoning before, but also, I do

7 believe that Supervisor Doug

8 Bloomfield, he should be recused of the

9 vote because he was part of the JEDI.

10 (Applause.)

11 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: I do believe

12 that his nickname was --

13 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Let her speak.


15 Kenobi, I could pronounce that wrong,

16 but I'm not really a Star Trek, Star

17 Wars person.

18 And now, with the DEIS, which

19 several people have mentioned about the

20 traffic, okay, that is one of my

21 biggest concerns, also, is the traffic.

22 You know, we all know, we all live

23 here, Sunday, try to go back to the

24 city on a Sunday, forget it, you know.

25 It's also emergency services. What



2 about the delay with that?

3 You know, I don't know if anybody

4 has really researched how many patients

5 are transferred from Orange Regional,

6 from St. Anthony down to Westchester,

7 to -- that's going to put a delay, you

8 know, with the traffic, you know, and I

9 hear people say, oh, helicopter, no,

10 that's not reality. Me personally, I

11 can tell you my daughter, okay, has

12 been airlifted from St. Anthony to

13 Westchester, you know, and it's --

14 that's -- you're not going to do that

15 for every patient, and it's really

16 going to have more of a negative impact

17 than it is positive on our community.

18 And I really, really think that you're

19 all elected officials, really, stop

20 rushing the project, really take your

21 time, because once this project is

22 built, God forbid, that's it, there's

23 no turning back. And again, we don't

24 have anything against LEGOLAND. I --

25 we have nothing against it. It is the


1 PUBLIC HEARING 2 property, this isn't the right place.

3 Goshen is not made for LEGOLAND. And I 4 just really hope that you guys really

5 stop rushing through, I mean, stop

6 rushing through, take your time and do 7 what's best for the community. That's

8 why we elected you. 9 So, and that's all I have to say. 10 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you. 11 (Applause.)

12 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Thank you 13 all for the work that you do. My name

14 is Mark Kaylis, I'm the president of

15 board of directors of the Goshen 16 Chamber of Commerce, I'm also a board

17 member of the Orange County Chamber of

18 Commerce.

19 Earlier this year, Goshen Chamber 20 of Commerce announced its support for

21 the LEGOLAND project. As a leading 22 advocate for commerce in the town of

23 Goshen, the Goshen Chamber Board

24 believes that the LEGOLAND project

25 presents very significant opportunities



2 for the businesses of Goshen and the

3 surrounding area. The Chamber looks

4 forward to working very closely with

5 Merlin Entertainment to identify

6 synergies between our local businesses

7 and LEGOLAND, as well as the combined

8 marketing strategy to -- as well as the

9 combined marketing strategy to attract

10 LEGOLAND's guests to Goshen businesses.

11 The board of directors also has

12 great faith that the project's approval

13 process will be done with the utmost

14 transparency and that the concerns of

15 some people will be properly addressed.

16 Thank you.

17 (Applause.)

18 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you. Thank

19 you very much.

20 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Hi there, my

21 name is Robert Corer[ph] --

22 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Just at this

23 point, just so we know, Robert, we're

24 going to take your comments now, and

25 we'll take your comments now, and then



2 at that point, we're going to have to

3 hold the meeting, because we have to

4 leave the school and we'll continue the

5 meeting, as we mentioned in the

6 beginning, we're not going to close the

7 public hearing tonight, it's going to

8 stay open, we'll have a motion to keep

9 it open and it will continue on Monday

10 evening, as we discussed, at the high

11 school, 7:30, but we can't continue

12 here because the school gave us a

13 deadline, we do have to get out, we

14 want to respect their request.

15 Robert.


17 Robert.

18 (Interjections from audience.)

19 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Use the mic.


21 a long-standing citizen of Goshen, New

22 York. Went to school here. Family is

23 here for over two generations.

24 Currently, I'm going to SUNY Orange and

25 I recently had to do a presentation and



2 I decided to present about the

3 situation of LEGOLAND in Goshen. And I

4 came to a point where I had to do pros

5 and cons of whether -- of what the town

6 would bring, of what LEGOLAND would

7 bring and what problems it would bring

8 too. And unfortunately, it was very

9 uneven. And one of the biggest things

10 that was the biggest pro for LEGOLAND

11 fell apart while I was presenting it

12 because I remembered LEGOLAND, in the

13 report I found, was rated one of the

14 worst employers to work for, and that

15 was the highest pro I had given it. So

16 when it's promising all these jobs,

17 it's also promising pay rates lower

18 than you would get at a Wal-Mart. And

19 I just -- I don't see how you're really

20 presenting a strong offer, when I

21 couldn't find anything that stood the

22 test of a speech that I had to give, as

23 far as anything positive to come out of

24 this.

25 Thank you guys, again, for giving



2 us this time.


4 (Applause.)

5 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Okay, one last

6 speaker for the evening.

7 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Yes, my name

8 is Alan Caliberg[ph] --

9 (Interjections from audience.)


11 possibly go, I can't come Monday

12 because of my kid.

13 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Submit it in

14 writing or give someone else your

15 comments. If I make an exception for

16 you, then I have to make it for

17 everyone else in line as well.

18 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Can he come

19 on Monday?

20 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: I don't think

21 that's fair to him, than what you're

22 asking for. You can put it in writing

23 or give it to somebody else to make

24 your comments on Monday.

25 Thank you.



2 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Yes, my name

3 is Alan Caliberg. I've lived in Goshen

4 over 62 years. I pay taxes, I love the

5 community, and I love -- hope it gets

6 what it deserves and I think that is


8 The pluses so far outweigh any

9 negatives that I can see, but your

10 consultants, who are professionals at

11 it, will point out anything that needs

12 to be addressed and I feel very

13 confident that LEGOLAND will address

14 anything that does come up. The one

15 thing that I -- I did have a business

16 in Goshen also. And, you know, I'm not

17 against the flyover, but I know if I

18 had my business in Goshen, I wouldn't

19 want anything to do with a flyover,

20 because I would take any traffic that

21 could boost my income and help me hire

22 other people, and if you have a

23 flyover, it would keep the people out

24 of the village.

25 So thank you.



2 (Applause.)

3 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

4 much. Okay. At this point, I would

5 ask for a motion to continue this

6 public hearing, if someone would make

7 that motion.




11 (The motion was seconded.)

12 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Seconded by

13 Chris. As stated before the motion,

14 we're going to continue the public

15 hearing, which will be on Monday

16 evening, the 19th, 7:30 at the Goshen

17 High School, 7:30, Monday night, the

18 19th. We have a motion, we have a

19 second. All in favor.

20 (Chorus of ayes.)


22 (No affirmative response.)

23 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: We'll see you on

24 Monday.

25 Could I have a motion to adjourn



2 the meeting.



5 Second?

6 BOARD MEMBER BAKER: Second this.

7 (The motion was seconded.)

8 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Chris. All in

9 favor say eye.

10 (Chorus of ayes.)

11 MR. VANDERMOLEN: John VanDerMolen

12 makes a motion to adjourn the Town

13 Board meeting at this time.

14 MS. GALLO: Melissa Gallo, second.

15 (Motion was seconded.)

16 MR. BLOOMFIELD: All in favor?

17 (Chorus of ayes.)


19 (Whereupon, the meeting was

20 adjourned at 10:58 p.m.)




24 25


1 C E R T I F I C A T E


3 I, SADIE L. HERBERT, a Regist ered

4 Professional Reporter and Notary Public, do

5 hereby certify:

6 That the within transcription is a

7 true and accurate record of the stenograp hic

8 notes taken by me.

9 I further certify that I am not

10 related to any of the parties by blood or

11 marriage, and that I am in no way interes ted

12 in the outcome of this matter.

13 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have he reunto 14 set my hand this 19th day of December 2016.

15 16 17


19 20




24 ______



absent (1) activity (1) 8:16 182:2,10;183:9; $ 65:23 200:11 adopt (2) 200:25;207:23; absolute (2) actually (18) 82:18;161:5 210:16;211:25 $0.10 (1) 32:2,2 11:10;12:17;13:2; adopted (2) against (14) 113:13 Absolutely (3) 20:15;46:12;70:3; 82:14,16 13:24;15:25;52:14; $0.65 (3) 48:3;97:6;130:2 100:10,18,23;138:19; advance (1) 55:10;94:8;131:23; 74:14,17;75:8 absorption (1) 139:4;140:6,12; 152:18 132:23;133:12; $1,094,220 (1) 126:16 141:11,20;155:17; advantages (3) 167:17;181:16; 124:24 access (5) 157:24;162:22 22:20;76:24;81:21 207:24,25;213:17; $10 (1) 12:16;157:18; Adam (1) adverse (6) 214:21 176:21 164:7;186:5;203:20 158:13 41:24;42:15;48:6; agencies (3) $100,000 (1) accommodate (3) add (3) 149:19;150:11; 64:19;65:9;138:23 146:15 21:3;182:5;195:19 25:10;100:19; 181:24 agency (7) $110 (1) accommodating (2) 108:22 adversely (4) 65:19,21;67:4; 75:6 70:19;133:24 added (2) 111:14;129:2; 149:18;150:25; $1200 (1) accomplishment (1) 177:3,6 131:4;189:6 153:2;200:3 196:7 105:18 addition (4) advised (1) agent (2) $130 (1) accord (1) 12:19;31:4;39:15; 110:3 67:4;78:19 75:7 86:12 109:5 advocacy (1) ago (7) $15,000 (1) accordance (2) additional (5) 98:17 12:21;23:19; 146:19 175:7,10 25:13;26:10;108:4, advocate (1) 134:13;147:25; $18,000 (1) according (3) 23;144:22 208:22 148:8;167:20;170:8 88:4 41:21;124:25; Additionally (5) advocates (1) agree (5) $2.6 (1) 144:15 102:14;110:9,22; 98:18 32:6;63:17;89:10; 113:8 account (1) 124:11;126:25 Aesthetic (1) 113:23;184:15 $3 (4) 17:23 address (12) 19:5 agreed (1) 29:22;112:23,24; accountable (1) 15:2;78:13;80:24; affairs (1) 152:24 113:24 70:18 94:9;125:23;150:22; 98:22 agreement (3) $30 (2) accountant (1) 152:13;162:11; affect (3) 96:3;119:6;120:14 125:11;202:18 144:10 196:19;197:18; 153:22;171:23; agricultural (3) $300 (1) accountants (1) 199:8;213:13 190:19 65:15;174:21; 125:8 77:16 addressed (9) affected (2) 175:3 $39 (1) accurate (1) 48:17,21;61:19; 57:12;193:14 AIF (1) 125:6 162:3 104:13,17;138:20; affecting (1) 194:8 $400 (1) accurately (1) 185:25;209:15; 191:2 air (10) 125:16 162:11 213:12 affects (1) 20:21;66:12; $5 (1) accused (1) adds (2) 190:17 107:11,14;130:24; 75:21 168:10 107:12;108:25 affiliate (1) 155:7,8;182:6,9; $52.6 (1) achieved (1) adequacy (4) 89:25 185:23 125:5 136:14 149:14,19;152:19; affirmative (1) airlifted (2) $7 (2) acoustical (1) 153:5 214:22 157:3;207:12 63:7;94:20 49:7 adequate (2) affluent (1) Alan (2) $91,000 (2) acreage (2) 188:6,15 154:25 212:8;213:3 124:21,22 9:21;126:11 adequately (2) afford (1) alleviate (1) $98 (1) acres (10) 185:25;188:4 196:25 27:3 75:5 10:3,8,14;126:10, adhere (1) afraid (3) Alliance (2) 11;130:20,20; 178:8 56:9,11;205:20 10:13;68:19 A 135:14;161:25;175:3 adjacent (3) afternoon (2) Allied (1) across (5) 141:14;192:16; 116:6;172:9 89:24 abandoned (2) 52:10;132:10; 194:11 afterwards (1) allow (16) 172:5;173:2 193:25,25;205:11 adjourn (2) 130:5 25:13;58:14;61:8; abandons (1) act (2) 214:25;215:12 again (42) 64:11,19;67:24; 142:8 85:10;189:7 adjourned (1) 7:14;8:16;9:13; 90:14;111:2;137:6; ability (4) actions (1) 215:20 10:11;11:10,19;13:6, 138:11;141:16; 24:14;57:2;83:23; 87:11 administration (1) 9,12;16:12;17:10; 163:2;169:10;175:2; 184:4 activate (1) 106:11 18:5;22:13,24,24; 188:6;196:13 able (5) 186:19 administrative (1) 28:20;37:22;47:11; allowance (1) 17:22;24:2;72:8; active (1) 10:19 49:4;50:4;51:4; 109:2 100:19;169:4 21:20 admission (1) 57:18,19;67:23;81:7; allowed (3) above (2) activism (1) 129:11 85:23;90:6;96:10; 96:15;177:4;179:6 67:9;192:15 179:3 admit (2) 108:10;110:5;120:4; allowing (1) absence (1) activities (2) 129:8;171:5 151:16;156:3; 183:10 66:7 90:22;174:21 ado (1) 176:25;179:23; almost (6)

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42:7;54:2;75:21; 164:15;170:10; 78:18,18 approach (4) 188:10;191:23; 109:9;176:21;196:8 172:18;176:24; appendices (1) 23:22;70:12;81:17; 193:10;200:23; alone (3) 177:9;188:23; 140:25 86:16 201:13,24,24;209:3 128:23;176:18; 189:18;192:5; applaud (1) approached (5) areas (9) 189:14 197:25;198:11; 159:13 22:16,22;44:17; 12:3;58:6;70:7; along (14) 199:9;205:22 Applause (87) 104:8,20 101:15;111:15; 10:5;12:5,15;13:5; Amy's (4) 16:11;18:19;21:7; appropriate (2) 161:24;192:10; 14:10;20:6;25:15; 95:12,18;154:19; 24:17;27:8,22;28:25; 64:12;189:19 193:3,6 26:15;49:2;65:25; 171:9 30:6;34:23;35:6; appropriately (1) Argeno (1) 72:18;197:12; analyses (2) 37:25;40:13,16; 174:6 30:22 199:21;201:16 150:10,21 44:25;47:18;51:14, approval (5) argue (1) alternate (3) analysis (6) 22;53:16;54:8,11; 28:4,22;111:12; 97:3 7:20,21;15:5 65:24;66:6;144:13; 57:20;59:6;60:11; 142:18;209:12 arguing (1) alternative (2) 150:24;151:2,23 62:19;64:3;67:21; approve (6) 68:5 142:17;172:10 analyze (3) 68:9,11;71:22;74:7, 44:11,14,21;103:4; argument (1) although (3) 36:7;84:13,15 9;76:3;80:5;85:13, 118:18;183:25 189:15 109:4;156:14; and/or (1) 16;87:22;89:18;92:9; approved (10) arms (1) 187:3 161:17 98:5;103:11;105:12; 22:11;25:9;26:13; 28:19 Altori[ph] (1) anecdotal (1) 107:2;111:17,24; 35:21;37:9,23;86:25; around (18) 147:8 39:9 115:23;116:2; 87:6;88:7;132:19 12:13;13:6;23:15; always (8) Angela (1) 118:21;119:23; approximately (1) 27:2;45:9;101:15; 70:17,17,18;96:13; 173:24 122:8;127:6;131:16; 11:10 112:20;114:4,4,14; 117:25;127:12; angry (1) 134:11;136:17,20; April (1) 125:9;126:16; 173:14;188:19 197:22 138:5,14;145:22; 82:22 135:19;147:2; Amanda (1) Anna (1) 149:2;153:11,20; aquarium (2) 158:16;169:7; 105:15 54:13 156:5,7;158:9; 10:21;177:5 187:11;194:22 amateurs (1) Anne (2) 160:20;166:2;167:6; aquariums (1) art (2) 168:6 57:24;58:4 171:15;173:23; 177:3 102:6;118:9 amber (1) announced (1) 178:15;179:9,12; aquifer (3) article (1) 143:19 208:20 181:17;183:4,6; 43:18;151:19; 109:24 ambiance (1) annoyance (1) 185:12;189:21; 152:3 articles (1) 110:16 187:15 191:17;195:25; Arcadia (10) 154:14 ambulance (2) answered (1) 196:23;198:20; 10:9,9;12:4,6,25; articulated (1) 34:12;36:19 168:16 202:7;205:6;206:10; 188:11;192:12,16,20; 123:6 ameliorated (1) Anthony (2) 208:11;209:17; 193:10 arts (1) 126:18 207:6,12 212:4;214:2 archaeological (1) 106:10 amended (1) anti (1) apples (2) 66:15 Asia (1) 177:2 112:7 95:16;200:8 archeological (1) 23:17 amendment (3) anticapitalism (1) Applicant (6) 65:17 aside (2) 70:10;176:23; 54:20 33:15,17,20;65:4; architect (3) 6:7;61:21 195:21 anticipated (1) 87:9;203:4 202:13,16,16 as-is (1) amendments (1) 26:18 application (1) architecture (1) 188:15 69:3 anti-economic (1) 162:18 73:9 aspect (1) amenities (1) 54:21 applications (2) Arden (13) 174:17 117:10 anti-LEGOLAND (1) 31:22;32:4 10:12,13;25:2,12; aspects (4) America (3) 76:18 applied (1) 26:15;27:3;36:11; 13:25;15:23;16:25; 23:17;57:11,17 anxious (1) 141:12 37:12,16,18;52:9; 47:24 American (2) 72:10 apply (2) 72:3;199:7 asserts (1) 57:13;173:7 anymore (2) 107:20;167:14 area (52) 67:5 among (1) 137:14;140:2 applying (1) 10:10,17,17;13:6; assess (1) 118:3 anyplace (1) 13:7 19:10;38:22;46:24; 149:18 amongst (1) 123:16 appointed (1) 47:14;49:3;51:6; asset (1) 189:12 apart (1) 33:25 62:4;70:25;76:25; 37:8 amount (4) 211:11 appointment (1) 77:3,4,4;78:4;82:19, assistance (1) 20:24;64:12; apartment (1) 73:12 20;83:4;90:3;102:20; 55:7 125:12;130:23 74:21 appraisal (1) 107:19;108:6,11; assisting (1) amusement (31) apologize (3) 20:12 110:23;111:14; 117:12 33:2;51:11;59:14; 9:10,13;121:14 appraised (1) 112:13;114:11,12; Associates (2) 72:12;107:22; APPEARING (1) 20:25 120:11,12;129:19; 3:15;202:14 108:14;109:5;111:2, 3:4 Appraiser (1) 130:9;131:3;154:16, assume (4) 20;134:17;137:7,9, appears (1) 20:13 21;157:8;158:4; 65:19;162:5;189:8, 13;142:12;148:11, 11:25 appreciate (1) 165:5;183:16,17; 10 16;162:15,21;163:5; appease (2) 76:13 184:19;185:7; assuming (1)

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75:14 121:16;126:7,8; basic (1) 16:12,17,22;17:7; biggest (4) assure (1) 193:16 186:14 18:10,20;20:9;21:6; 173:11;206:21; 27:20 awful (2) basically (3) 22:13;24:18;26:3,6; 211:9,10 assuredly (1) 96:12;124:18 109:5;110:6;195:5 27:6,9,13,23;28:24; bike (1) 160:11 axis (1) basis (6) 29:2;30:7,16,20,23; 188:10 asthma (2) 160:2 39:16;83:25;89:9; 34:21;35:5,7;38:2,6; Bill (5) 155:5;186:7 ayes (4) 145:7;163:22;166:18 40:14,17;41:5,9; 24:21;29:10;92:14; asthmatic (1) 8:22;214:20; bat (3) 45:2;47:16,19,25; 136:24;191:21 130:10 215:10,17 96:3,11;129:14 51:13,15,23;54:9,12; billion (1) ate (1) bearing (2) 56:24;57:21,25; 58:25 105:7 B 167:11;170:23 60:12;62:17,20;64:2, bills (1) attacking (1) beautiful (3) 4;68:10,12;71:23; 44:20 81:14 back (30) 52:7;174:9;180:6 74:8,10;76:4;79:4; biodiversity (1) attacks (3) 9:11,16;10:6,18; beauty (2) 80:6;81:6,10;85:14, 50:23 17:2;56:8;186:12 11:7,12;15:6;40:10; 110:13,16 17;87:23;89:17,19; bit (1) attend (3) 45:21;46:21;52:3,8; become (9) 92:10;98:4,10; 39:10 25:15;119:12; 54:17;56:2;80:23; 24:4;68:2;90:17; 101:22;103:9,12,16; blasted (1) 161:2 90:25;97:17,23; 109:13;141:10; 105:13;106:25; 56:12 attention (3) 106:14,17;110:5; 158:18;175:23; 107:3;111:22; blasting (2) 7:23;15:15;196:9 142:6;157:15; 184:22;201:12 115:24;116:3; 129:7;130:20 attorney (2) 162:20;169:7,8,9; beer (1) 118:22;119:22,24; blocked (1) 144:8;177:22 172:12;206:23; 200:9 122:6,9;127:3,7; 200:14 attract (2) 207:23 beg (2) 131:11,15,17;136:18; blocking (1) 33:10;209:9 backed (1) 34:24;198:17 138:13,15;142:24; 80:23 attracted (1) 53:3 begin (1) 145:21,23;148:24; blocks (1) 163:13 background (2) 26:17 149:3;153:9;156:6,8; 62:24 attracting (1) 38:13;39:8 beginning (6) 158:8,10;160:21; blood (2) 23:23 backlog (1) 85:18;91:7;185:6; 165:23;166:5,11,14; 186:18,21 attractions (1) 143:22 197:5;199:18;210:6 171:10,13;173:21; BLOOMFIELD (8) 102:10 backs (1) BEHALF (7) 178:14,16;179:13; 8:17,21,23;82:25; attributes (1) 172:8 3:4,14;58:10; 183:5,7;185:13; 193:12;194:5;206:8; 133:6 backwards (2) 98:18;116:8;133:15; 189:22;191:18; 215:16 audience (24) 176:9,17 149:7 198:21;202:6,8,11; Bloomingburg (1) 9:14;16:15,19; backyard (3) behind (5) 205:5;206:13; 163:24 18:9;20:8;22:12; 111:20;204:15,23 7:12,19;55:21; 208:10;209:18,22; blow (1) 26:2;33:6;56:23; bad (10) 95:13;186:15 210:19;212:3,5,13, 22:24 57:8;79:3;83:18; 78:6;79:21;120:6; believes (1) 20;214:3,9,12,21,23; blue (2) 90:9;98:3;100:21; 123:11;148:3;155:7; 208:24 215:4,8 11:23;80:25 101:21;123:8; 166:8;170:20; belong (1) besides (2) board (88) 125:17;128:4;140:4; 183:20;184:18 192:4 168:2;177:5 6:14,21,21;9:11, 178:22;199:3; bail (1) belongs (1) best (9) 12;11:15;17:11,23; 210:18;212:9 136:10 192:6 118:3;134:7;178:7; 18:25;25:5,7,9,17,20; August (3) BAKER (2) bend (2) 179:19;184:9; 26:8,9;28:2;30:12, 129:3;189:25; 214:10;215:6 176:8,17 189:15;203:7,8; 12;31:5,11,24;33:13, 200:6 Balanced (1) beneficial (1) 208:7 22;40:20;41:3,12; AV (1) 68:19 46:8 better (10) 55:11;64:10;67:23; 9:15 balancing (1) benefit (12) 28:7;98:13;102:20; 68:17;69:4,5;76:10, available (7) 70:3 33:16,18;34:10; 106:21,22,22;118:9; 10;82:17;83:2,24; 45:19;51:6;64:22; ball (1) 44:11;100:13;102:4; 173:3;183:20;205:2 88:18;91:15;94:4,5; 99:23;101:10; 142:12 105:9;157:6,12,25; beverage (2) 99:3;105:17,17; 149:10;150:7 banning (1) 176:10,18 157:5,9 110:10,18;111:6,10; Avenue (1) 176:24 benefits (13) beware (1) 114:13;118:18; 88:2 barriers (1) 34:9;46:24;93:5, 167:11 120:17;123:2,20,21; average (1) 48:25 21;99:14;104:12; beyond (4) 131:22;132:25; 108:17 bars (1) 117:15;121:6;158:3; 145:4;149:24; 133:2,25;134:2; awarded (1) 105:6 159:25;160:3; 193:4;200:23 137:16;138:20; 95:11 base (4) 187:25;197:14 bias (1) 144:11;147:23; aware (3) 71:17;95:22;117:5; benefitted (1) 65:3 154:23,23;155:15,15; 11:8;66:19;170:22 124:20 101:16 big (10) 159:6,24;160:12; awareness (1) based (9) benign (2) 32:20;96:7,20; 161:4,5;162:23; 62:5 18:6;27:16;76:21; 147:13;184:13 97:7;113:4;115:15; 165:11;173:17; away (6) 115:10,11,12;118:16; BERGUS (140) 135:18;156:10; 175:20;183:22; 34:14;62:24; 150:13;153:6 6:2;9:2;13:15,18; 166:15;173:14 189:7;208:15,16,23;

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209:11;214:8,10; braggadocios (1) buffers (2) 130:18;142:16; 61:3,5,7;66:22;70:8, 215:3,6,13 21:25 87:3;178:12 145:15,16;184:21; 9;73:19;76:21;78:3; boards (5) brain (1) build (24) 190:11;200:5; 87:10;89:14;91:13; 28:2;31:3;60:3; 39:22 26:13;53:8;55:19; 213:15,18 98:10;101:8,13; 91:14;147:24 brand-name (1) 60:25;62:2;71:20; businesses (16) 127:22;134:8; Board's (4) 105:3 82:3;92:4,6,7,7; 55:9;56:7;93:21; 135:18;146:11; 9:3,5;132:10,11 break (1) 119:16;121:24,25; 99:2;105:4;113:4; 149:22;155:11; boat (1) 170:15 134:20;136:11; 138:22;141:17; 156:17;160:10; 146:22 breakfast (1) 137:15;142:4,7; 142:11;149:9,23; 162:5;164:17,24; Bob (2) 181:4 162:14;172:21; 184:25;191:14; 175:2,8,17;176:3; 143:4;185:17 breaking (1) 177:4;183:21;190:12 209:2,6,10 178:24;179:4,21; BOCES (9) 170:13 building (16) businessman (2) 180:6;183:2;184:14; 10:12;24:23;25:9; Brent (1) 6:17;10:19;23:15; 57:16;112:2 188:13;196:16,24; 26:7,11;29:9,25; 112:2 89:25;102:24; busy (1) 204:6;207:11; 36:9;37:15 brewery (1) 114:13;117:20; 187:7 212:10,18,22;213:9 body (1) 147:7 118:8;120:4;137:21; butts (1) cancer (1) 186:17 Brian (2) 169:2,5,24;195:4; 52:13 186:8 Boese (1) 38:5,8 198:11;205:13 buy (2) candy (1) 158:13 bridge (1) buildings (4) 88:8,10 74:3 bog (1) 118:12 32:23;74:21; buyout (1) cap (2) 129:15 bridges (1) 158:17,21 145:3 100:16;124:13 Bogart (1) 122:2 builds (1) capable (1) 18:23 brief (2) 77:8C 158:2 bogged (1) 25:21;157:22 built (13) capacities (2) 135:2 briefly (1) 50:8;74:22;85:2; Caggiano (1) 109:6;162:4 boggling (1) 128:13 119:7;136:25;137:2; 47:22 capacity (1) 89:3 brightest (1) 140:10;142:11; calculable (1) 109:9 boo (1) 134:13 151:13;194:21; 22:20 capital (1) 14:16 bring (25) 195:6,6;207:22 calculate (2) 21:17 booing (1) 15:15;22:18;25:4; bulb (1) 23:6;24:14 capitalized (1) 85:22 26:21;46:8,9,10; 32:22 Caliberg (1) 102:3 boost (2) 55:23;63:2;90:11; bulldozing (1) 213:3 car (1) 90:12;213:21 93:13;94:18,24; 130:20 Caliberg[ph] (1) 75:16 border (1) 101:13;103:5;109:6; bullied (2) 212:8 carbon (1) 199:6 110:15;125:2,15; 56:6,7 California (2) 182:3 bordered (1) 157:8;158:4;162:19; bully (1) 57:4;129:25 cardiovascular (2) 9:21 211:6,7,7 28:11 California's (1) 186:11;187:8 born (3) bringing (3) bunch (4) 149:25 care (9) 72:4;91:25;103:19 154:21;196:9,21 126:5;168:4,4,6 call (4) 55:15;92:20,21,22; botanical (1) brings (2) burden (2) 10:18;91:24; 128:22;154:9; 126:9 125:12;185:4 136:5;145:19 163:14;196:16 159:21;180:9;203:3 both (17) broad (1) bureau (1) called (4) career (2) 11:11;19:24;20:3; 21:23 69:18 38:15,25;57:7; 90:18;154:17 28:2;31:23;41:12; broaden (1) bureaucratic (1) 59:12 careers (3) 68:5;76:12;78:18; 156:15 69:18 calls (2) 106:7,8,15 84:7;116:22;149:17; brokers (1) BURKE (2) 197:24;198:5 carefully (2) 174:8;182:13; 23:8 3:3;156:13 came (13) 142:19;167:4 184:18;190:23,25 Brooklyn (7) burning (1) 23:25;50:8;52:22; cares (1) bottling (1) 52:16,18;53:24; 154:10 53:21,22;54:3;82:23; 128:25 148:7 122:13;126:2;170:7, burst (1) 86:12;106:14; Carhart (2) bottom (2) 16 203:23 147:25;170:10; 20:13,13 176:12;182:23 brought (6) bus (2) 180:22;211:4 carnie (1) bought (2) 88:16;125:13; 26:20;101:10 camera (1) 72:17 52:6;196:5 154:13;155:6;197:2; buses (3) 150:3 carnival (1) boutique (1) 198:16 25:16;29:16,17 Campbell (1) 173:9 101:19 brown-nosed (1) buses' (1) 156:17 carried (3) box (3) 129:14 130:14 campus (2) 8:8;15:21,22 55:21;59:18; bucks (2) business (24) 26:19;72:22 Carriera (1) 180:14 75:14;144:20 23:12,23;38:12,20; can (58) 89:21 boys (1) buffer (1) 56:18;60:17;76:7; 6:13;7:9,24;13:12; carrying (1) 90:25 192:19 77:13;78:19;86:4; 14:21;27:19;31:25; 145:19 BQE (1) buffering (1) 93:11;94:17;100:10; 33:12;36:19;40:24; cars (7) 53:24 192:11 101:17;113:25; 52:21;53:19;57:25; 89:14;108:4;154:4;

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155:13;157:23; 34:21;35:5,7;38:2,6; 16:2;59:16 churches (1) 50:18;54:20;65:3; 182:3,6 40:14,17;41:5,9; Chanukah (1) 124:9 101:24;175:11 cars' (1) 45:2;47:16,19,25; 42:14 cider (1) Cleco (2) 130:14 51:13,15,23;54:9,12; character (4) 148:9 27:12,16 case (5) 56:24;57:21,25; 43:9;67:18;153:22; circle (1) clock (2) 28:14;36:20;37:6; 60:12;62:17,20;64:2, 174:22 169:5 7:13;81:7 67:20;147:8 4;68:10,12;71:23; charge (1) circumstances (2) close (12) casino (1) 74:8,10;76:4;79:4; 75:14 88:22;133:16 19:9;40:24;86:24; 154:2 80:6;81:6,10;85:14, charitable (1) circus (1) 88:3;95:20;162:19; casinos (1) 17;87:23;89:17,19; 62:6 142:13 182:12;185:19,20; 130:17 92:10;98:4,10; charm (3) citizen (3) 188:9,16;210:6 Catskills (1) 101:22;103:9,12,16; 110:13,17;205:16 31:9;63:13;210:21 closed (2) 155:10 105:13;106:25; charter (2) citizens (7) 7:3;23:12 cause (5) 107:3;111:22; 111:9,10 98:8;134:8;149:7; closely (1) 67:9;130:24; 115:24;116:3; checked (1) 159:18;177:17; 209:4 148:18;186:6,18 118:22;119:22,24; 194:9 179:8;181:12 closer (9) caused (4) 122:6,9;127:3,7; chemicals (2) Citizen's (2) 8:11;19:15;48:2; 17:20;87:13; 131:11,15,17;136:18; 43:20;147:16 98:15;99:9 58:2;98:11;103:16; 185:22;193:9 138:13,15;142:24; cherished (2) city (5) 150:3;170:3;187:6 causing (4) 145:21,23;148:24; 28:15,15 97:13,18;146:7; closing (5) 18:14;189:12; 149:3;153:9;156:6,8; Chester (9) 199:13;206:24 45:22;71:12; 194:16;195:11 158:8,10;160:21; 52:2,7,25;53:5; civil (2) 111:16;214:1;215:1 celebrate (1) 165:23;166:5,11,14; 80:13;114:25; 146:7,20 clotting (1) 106:21 171:10,13;173:21; 168:19,21;194:2 CJ (1) 186:20 cell (1) 178:14,16;179:13; chief (2) 19:22 Clowes (1) 11:7 183:5,7;185:13; 114:17,17 claim (1) 113:3 cement (1) 189:22;191:18; children (26) 54:24 cluster (1) 46:20 198:21;202:6,8,11; 15:11;28:13;34:18; claimed (1) 32:21 Center (6) 205:5;206:13; 37:8;51:20;55:18; 66:8 coasters (1) 25:2,11;27:2; 208:10;209:18,22; 61:2;72:24;81:21,22; claims (3) 198:12 45:22;102:6;126:12 210:19;212:3,5,13, 90:23,24;92:2;102:7; 151:8;196:20; Coca-Cola (1) centered (1) 20;214:3,9,12,21,23; 105:21,23;160:4; 197:22 148:6 10:16 215:4,8 165:4,8,10;180:6; clap (2) code (4) centers (4) challenge (2) 181:3,4,5;189:17; 14:13;88:15 59:12;137:11; 100:5;102:15; 78:25;126:24 204:8 clapping (1) 138:8;141:11 118:2;188:22 challenges (3) Chinese (1) 85:21 coffers (1) Central (1) 93:6,25;94:8 147:5 clarifies (1) 200:22 47:8 challenging (1) choice (4) 177:18 coherent (1) CEO (1) 203:12 32:19;103:24; clarify (2) 151:2 132:5 Chamber (11) 104:3;120:21 94:21;96:12 Coke (1) certain (1) 38:10,11;114:16; choices (1) class (2) 205:8 164:2 122:20,21,25;208:16, 160:17 73:4,7 cold (1) certainly (8) 17,19,23;209:3 choose (5) classes (2) 30:19 28:8;29:12;38:24; chance (2) 6:15;7:2;32:15,18; 73:25;102:17 co-lead (1) 118:17;133:8;137:3; 73:23;79:15 155:25 classroom (2) 65:20 165:17;188:2 change (22) choosing (1) 26:14;73:14 collapse (1) certainty (1) 32:10;41:14,19; 188:18 classrooms (1) 195:11 164:25 46:14,17,17;59:22; Chorus (4) 73:2 colleagues (2) cetera (11) 63:19,21;86:14,18; 8:22;214:20; Claus (1) 22:23;119:9 32:23,23,24;34:9; 141:16,21;155:19; 215:10,17 56:20 collect (1) 72:13;77:20,20; 163:6;175:9,21; chose (5) clause (1) 74:17 82:11;105:6;107:12, 183:16;185:8; 91:22;156:3; 142:3 college (7) 12 188:17;198:17; 205:10,18,23 cleaned (1) 40:7;99:22;100:5; chair (1) 205:20 chosen (1) 172:19 106:8,14;197:4,7 64:7 changed (9) 59:21 cleanliness (1) colorful (1) CHAIRMAN (146) 46:16,18;59:21; Chris (4) 72:19 88:24 6:2;9:2;13:15,18; 83:15;84:3,7;173:4; 118:25;136:22; clear (8) column (1) 16:12,17,22;17:7; 183:19;206:3 214:13;215:8 24:6;31:7;81:16; 112:15 18:10,20;20:9;21:6; changes (9) Christ (1) 84:24;137:15;138:7; combined (5) 22:13;24:18;26:3,6; 41:9;63:20;65:11; 56:14 159:16;175:2 113:7,9;196:6; 27:6,9,13,23;28:23, 70:20;83:12;141:7; Christmas (5) clearing (1) 209:7,9 24;29:2;30:7,16,20, 144:3;175:9;184:18 42:14;53:13,14; 14:3 Comic (1) 23;31:2,5,23;33:5,13; changing (2) 54:7;173:16 clearly (5) 115:2

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IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS GROUP/LEGOLAND NEW YORK December 15, 2016 coming (18) 203:14,21;204:2; 146:6,10;157:16 considering (2) contribute (1) 53:13;76:25;77:3; 205:3;207:17;208:7; concerned (7) 82:10;83:12 186:10 96:8;97:15;120:7,10; 213:5 36:15;58:12; consistent (1) contributed (1) 122:5;134:25; community-oriented (1) 139:25;149:7,8; 60:5 29:22 144:17;148:4; 117:10 154:13;181:12 constant (2) contributes (1) 157:10;168:22,23; community's (2) concerns (25) 130:21;131:5 193:2 169:6;171:9;181:9; 54:15;161:8 15:3;27:4;36:10, constantly (1) contributing (2) 203:21 companies (2) 10,11,12,14,14; 112:6 28:10;182:11 commend (2) 55:14;56:9 61:11,18;83:6,7; constituency (1) contributions (1) 91:20;179:25 company (22) 88:17;93:9;95:8; 161:11 62:3 comment (15) 32:8;39:3,13; 96:15;104:12,15; constituents (4) control (3) 6:3;7:6;14:12,17; 56:14;58:19;59:2; 162:11;185:21; 111:8;179:11,16; 12:12;110:7; 42:22;63:18;64:9,11; 81:15;100:8;102:3; 187:18,24;197:8; 182:22 164:12 66:25;110:18; 115:8;120:13;121:9; 206:21;209:14 constructed (1) controlled (3) 119:10;121:14,15; 123:11,14;137:19; conclude (1) 20:16 12:18;48:11;101:8 141:3;151:4 140:12,18;148:7; 152:21 construction (17) convened (1) commentary (2) 179:18,25;182:22; conclusion (4) 25:18;48:19;61:25; 193:8 31:10,13 183:21 51:4;83:17,20; 77:8;79:18;90:2,14; convey (1) comments (18) compared (1) 84:25 92:4;93:20;116:17, 119:3 6:14,22;7:5;13:11, 173:9 conditions (3) 19;118:12;120:15; convince (2) 20,23;14:21;15:3; compares (1) 130:11;150:14; 130:4;191:23; 165:11;176:3 41:2,2;42:11;76:19; 172:16 152:10 194:25;195:9 convincing (1) 119:9;192:2;209:24, comparison (1) conduct (3) Constructors (1) 84:13 25;212:15,24 72:16 38:11;39:7;151:2 48:22 Cook (1) commerce (8) comparisons (1) conducting (1) consultant (1) 74:12 114:16;122:20,22, 129:24 99:2 51:2 cooking (3) 25;208:16,18,20,22 compel (1) confidence (5) consultants (5) 181:3,4,4 commercial (11) 33:23 23:7;24:13;32:2,3; 70:14;110:3; cooperative (1) 23:8;51:8;68:21; compelling (1) 36:5 156:18;159:17; 26:8 69:22,24;70:6; 63:4 confident (3) 213:10 coordinate (1) 101:15,24;136:6; competition (1) 31:21;61:13; contact (1) 42:4 177:7,8 156:11 213:13 160:9 COPD (1) commissioner (3) competitive (1) confined (1) contained (1) 186:7 40:20;122:15,16 117:8 186:3 157:21 copies (1) commitment (1) complain (2) conflict (1) contains (2) 27:4 118:7 45:15;80:3 174:17 65:16;141:6 copy (1) committed (5) complains (1) conform (1) Cont'd (1) 77:18 60:24;101:5; 45:13 178:10 3:1 Core (1) 116:23;119:5;120:13 completed (1) congestion (1) contempt (1) 171:17 committees (1) 61:24 130:16 177:17 Corer[ph] (1) 180:5 completely (4) Conklingtown (5) contents (1) 209:21 common (2) 95:16;153:18; 10:7;86:5,23; 107:8 Cornish (1) 32:3;186:11 162:10;192:12 188:11;190:3 contest (1) 183:12 Commons (1) component (3) Conner (4) 85:20 corporate (7) 157:7 31:14;77:11;102:2 15:22;29:2,4;46:21 continue (13) 28:10;63:6,13; communities (3) comprehensive (14) cons (2) 8:4;17:6;26:6; 140:16;144:10; 22:19;85:3;91:12 61:12;63:19;69:2; 131:7;211:5 28:21;117:4;118:6; 161:17;163:9 community (57) 82:15,15;83:13,14, consequences (2) 179:7;204:6;210:4,9, corporation (5) 22:16;28:5,6,11; 16;150:4;159:11,21; 109:9;142:17 11;214:5,14 63:9;128:24; 43:9;54:22;62:4; 163:4,12;195:22 conservation (1) continued (2) 176:11,21;178:11 64:14;67:18;68:4; compromise (1) 67:19 69:12;193:24 corporations (2) 79:21;82:14;83:17, 126:22 conservative (1) continues (2) 63:16;162:14 21,21;84:2;99:17; compromised (1) 125:14 101:3;201:14 corporation's (1) 100:4,5,12,23; 161:16 consider (8) continuing (2) 176:12 101:14;102:15; computation (1) 23:10;26:9;37:13; 118:4;182:2 correctly (1) 104:14,22,23,25; 97:11 82:6;120:9;145:6; contours (1) 121:5 107:10;119:19; computers (2) 198:11,16 195:20 corridor (3) 124:4;125:6;132:3, 73:18;74:23 consideration (9) contractors (2) 71:4,9;108:5 15,17;133:3;135:10, concept (2) 18:18;28:3;29:23; 116:13;117:16 corridors (1) 12;141:23;146:21, 58:13;151:20 55:4;62:16;116:25; contractual (1) 70:7 25;154:25;155:21; concern (10) 133:13;171:8;172:15 124:15 corruption (2) 160:8,10,16;164:2, 29:11;58:16,18; considered (3) contrary (2) 161:17;162:6 14,23,24;174:7; 74:13,16;96:20;97:7; 6:18;151:25;175:6 161:6;175:18 cost (3)

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75:3,3;144:21 177:19 147:9 day (22) dedication (1) cost-benefit (1) courteous (2) CSEA (1) 11:11;22:6;29:18; 181:20 144:13 7:22;44:5 140:6 35:23;37:10,14,24; deemed (1) costs (3) courtesy (2) cubic (1) 42:9;49:17,18;50:21; 85:7 110:8;155:3; 22:14;85:24 187:2 61:6;73:14;75:18; deep (1) 196:14 Courthouse (1) culinary (1) 92:17;111:4;121:22; 176:4 cotton (1) 79:25 106:10 133:15;143:22; deeply (2) 74:3 cover (2) cultural (2) 164:17;167:20; 15:24;92:20 Council (5) 41:11;154:19 66:15;98:22 168:20 deficiencies (1) 21:20,22;89:23; CP (1) cumulative (2) days (3) 150:17 90:2,7 65:25 65:24;66:12 64:20;155:7; deficits (1) count (2) CPV (7) Cuomo's (1) 200:12 67:11 31:21;187:10 66:5,7,18,21,22,24; 48:23 Dayta[ph] (1) defined (2) countries (1) 79:25 curiously (1) 105:15 82:18;186:24 187:4 crafted (1) 188:23 deadline (2) definite (1) country (6) 90:17 current (2) 7:4;210:13 129:24 56:15;57:17;118:4; crazy (1) 108:19;109:2 deal (4) definitely (1) 127:15;158:16; 93:17 currently (2) 75:24;100:15; 53:8 178:25 create (10) 198:18;210:24 163:20;170:20 degree (2) County (93) 53:18;55:19;70:5; cusp (1) dealing (4) 32:6;161:11 21:13;22:9,17,23; 90:12;121:2,3; 78:3 80:17;103:25; DEIS (55) 27:17;28:4;31:2,9; 164:25;172:7;176:9, cut (1) 168:3,6 9:18;11:20;13:9; 34:17;35:12;36:13; 17 57:6 deals (1) 14:2;19:3;29:19; 38:9,10,12;39:25; created (6) cuts (1) 146:8 41:21,22;48:5,12; 58:5,23;60:16,22; 21:16;77:13;78:23; 201:10 Dean (1) 64:13,21;65:23;66:2; 62:10;64:7,8;66:5; 100:10,11;117:16 Cutti[ph] (1) 120:2 67:4,16,18;69:8; 68:19,22;69:25;72:5, creates (1) 160:23 Dear (2) 70:10,12,22;84:10, 5,7;74:13;76:8;78:2; 143:21 cutting (4) 18:25;25:6 11,18;86:21;107:7; 79:7,24,25;84:23; creating (2) 16:22;27:24; Deb (1) 128:6;140:22; 85:3;91:7;92:16,21; 61:7;90:13 100:17;175:2 160:23 141:15;146:4; 93:3;96:6;97:13; creative (2) debate (1) 149:16;150:9,20,25; 98:15,18;99:13; 61:4;62:13 D 188:2 151:24;152:2,4,12, 100:7,25;101:2; creativity (1) debated (2) 25;157:23;159:7,16, 102:4;103:6,15,20; 55:24 Dad (1) 109:4;188:3 25;161:20;177:14; 105:15;106:3,22; creator (1) 91:3 DEC (1) 181:20;185:25; 110:3;116:15;117:7; 55:8 daily (3) 65:19 188:3;192:9;193:5; 119:15,16,17,21; credibility (1) 107:25;109:3; decades (1) 194:8,12,19;195:14; 121:7,11,19,25; 78:11 163:22 77:2 206:18 122:21,25;123:4,25; Creek (6) damage (4) December (2) DEISes (1) 124:8;125:9;132:2,6; 50:11,12,14,16,18, 36:4;193:9;194:17; 25:8;30:15 69:10 134:14;135:2,4,9; 22 195:11 decent (1) delay (3) 137:4;148:20; criminal (1) damaged (1) 170:11 36:21;207:2,7 154:17;155:24; 56:21 50:22 decibel (1) Deli (1) 157:6,14;158:13,23; cripple (1) Dan (2) 67:8 45:13 165:20;172:3;181:8; 149:22 29:4;131:19 decibels (1) deliberate (1) 183:19;184:24; crippled (1) Dana (1) 67:6 203:12 208:17 57:9 113:4 decide (4) delighted (1) County-based (1) crisis (1) danger (1) 67:25;68:7;86:20; 42:13 38:16 35:24 187:15 159:4 deliver (2) County's (2) critical (4) Daniel (1) decided (3) 77:22,23 99:24;100:14 65:21;150:22; 116:6 6:22;93:2;211:2 delivered (1) couple (6) 152:13;195:13 data (11) decides (1) 77:19 13:20;86:6;148:8; critically (1) 24:24;36:7;150:5, 142:3 Dells (1) 167:20;168:11; 150:5 9,21,24;151:7,23; decision (10) 134:15 171:11 cross (1) 152:4,16,20 6:20;76:16,21; demand (3) coupled (1) 56:17 date (3) 148:23;161:23; 84:14;151:5;152:5 65:14 crossed (1) 25:5;64:20;161:18 162:25;173:18; demands (3) courage (2) 56:21 dated (1) 183:24;184:8;191:8 150:8;151:13,15 24:12;105:18 crowded (1) 109:25 decisions (4) demographic (1) course (5) 187:5 dates (1) 26:12;36:8;132:20; 100:22 77:8;95:12;97:20; crummy (1) 45:20 133:14 demolition (1) 129:11;142:13 197:15 daughter (2) decreasing (1) 117:20 court (1) Crystal (1) 93:14;207:11 26:25 demonstrate (1)

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66:21 195:10 105:7;108:9 102:22;112:5;136:6; doubt (1) demonstrates (1) deterrent (1) diplomat (1) 147:8,10;153:15,17; 181:25 65:3 110:15 168:11 177:9 Doug (2) denied (2) devastatingly (1) direct (4) districts (3) 132:8;206:7 83:3;132:19 165:2 64:19;162:15; 47:3;135:25; down (39) Denise (1) devastation (1) 174:17;181:24 202:17 8:2;54:24;59:24; 15:9 195:17 direction (3) district's (1) 60:2;72:8;73:5; densely (1) develop (5) 201:2,6;202:4 202:15 87:18,20;90:24; 199:23 10:14;54:17;83:22; directions (2) disturbance (1) 91:16;97:13;104:5,6, density (3) 140:18;158:23 49:9;199:10 11:9 7,11,14,17;105:2; 110:11,20;188:22 developable (1) directly (5) disturbances (1) 114:15;125:24; deny (1) 136:8 21:2;52:10;163:20; 129:6 126:4,25;135:2,15; 162:18 developed (6) 181:23;198:12 disturbed (2) 141:24;147:21; department (9) 10:23;12:21; director (1) 10:15;126:12 155:9;166:23; 6:17;12:11;36:13; 175:16,18;203:3,5 122:19 diverse (2) 168:22,23;169:21; 49:21;67:3;84:22,24; developer (3) directors (2) 118:10;133:4 176:4;180:21;188:5; 154:7;197:21 71:18;82:23; 208:15;209:11 diversified (1) 189:13;190:3; depend (2) 152:18 dirt (1) 184:23 191:10;206:6;207:6 16:5;66:9 development (44) 43:21 diversify (1) downplay (1) depending (1) 19:10;21:14,20,22; disabilities (1) 117:5 100:20 8:6 23:21;32:16,20,21; 67:12 divide (3) downtown (2) Depew (2) 33:11;34:14,19; disadvantage (1) 87:9,10;133:9 101:14;185:9 131:19;156:20 50:13;67:25;68:21, 123:24 divided (6) dozen (2) depreciation (1) 23;70:8;71:2,9; disagree (1) 17:12;87:8,10; 29:17,17 20:20 82:22;83:8,9,10; 160:16 132:16,17;189:11 DPW (1) deputy (1) 92:6;99:11;100:6; discharge (1) division (1) 124:16 122:14 105:2;110:15; 194:14 15:16 Dr (1) described (2) 111:13;117:13; disciplines (1) document (9) 46:21 129:22;194:7 120:24;121:5;136:7; 36:17 9:17;19:3;42:6; draft (4) describes (2) 151:16;152:7; discussed (3) 84:22;107:7;140:23; 25:21;69:5;128:16; 192:9;193:5 156:24;159:23; 11:15;25:17; 143:6;146:5;150:10 143:6 deserve (2) 160:6;161:12;185:3, 210:10 documentation (1) drawing (1) 40:10;85:25 4,4;187:19;203:22,24 discussion (3) 152:8 152:2 deserves (1) devotion (1) 99:3;128:19; documented (4) dream (1) 213:6 47:4 143:12 49:14,14,18;186:8 52:7 deserving (2) Diana (1) discussions (1) documents (2) dressed (1) 37:17,21 183:12 100:4 69:13;144:15 56:20 design (1) die (1) disease (3) Dodge (1) drilled (2) 73:8 184:22 67:10;186:11; 80:25 12:24;151:19 desirable (1) difference (3) 187:8 dogcatcher (1) drink (1) 33:3 32:14;72:10;75:12 Disney (1) 114:18 75:17 desire (2) different (11) 72:13 dogs (1) Drive (11) 121:10;162:15 32:12;38:22;39:8; disputing (1) 86:22 10:4;25:3,12,25; desires (1) 69:13;82:7;91:12,14; 189:10 dollar (8) 26:22;113:2;143:24; 203:25 95:25;133:5;158:19; disregard (1) 59:2;63:15;75:16; 193:21,24;200:13; DeStefano (1) 164:4 189:5 113:15;115:8; 201:18 154:18 difficult (7) disrupt (1) 176:10,20;182:20 drive-by (1) destination (1) 41:8;42:10,19; 28:11 dollars (8) 130:21 24:10 55:10;138:10; disruption (1) 96:5,7;165:17,21; driver (1) destroy (3) 143:14;160:14 32:10 169:18;176:22; 94:6 50:6,10;148:17 difficulties (2) disservice (1) 198:6;202:19 drives (1) destroyed (2) 41:13;44:15 64:25 done (22) 24:8 57:10,13 digest (1) Distribute (1) 7:19;20:12;27:5; drive-through (1) destroying (2) 177:14 113:4 34:21;36:3;61:19; 138:2 15:19;172:20 diligence (8) distributed (1) 78:18;87:12;91:11; driving (2) detail (1) 34:25;37:18;86:19; 125:9 104:3;114:13;129:3; 199:11,15 195:15 91:16;103:3;104:4; distributing (1) 130:5,8,25;146:13; drop (2) detailed (6) 114:12;120:19 167:18 158:21,22;159:8; 101:3;156:12 66:25;149:16; Dimante[ph] (1) district (20) 169:4;191:22;209:13 DROPKIN (1) 150:9;151:6;152:19; 146:2 12:7;13:2;15:11; door (2) 215:3 153:3 dime (2) 24:22;29:11;34:12; 75:6;113:23 dropped (2) details (3) 104:7;162:12 35:13;36:12;47:2; doors (1) 55:5;146:15 161:22;184:2; dinner (2) 65:16;89:23;90:7; 14:3 drought (10)

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43:17;49:14; ED (1) 20;124:10;165:19; 102:13 129:7 149:11;150:2,13,18; 122:18 169:16;172:25; engineer (3) envisioned (1) 151:10;152:10; educated (1) 173:2;190:7,10,12; 48:14;116:8; 142:15 153:7;154:17 161:23 212:14,17,23 158:15 envy (2) drove (1) Education (6) else's (1) engineering (6) 22:10;148:22 168:16 25:2,11;27:2; 100:12 47:24;48:15;102:8; epic (2) dry (1) 98:22;102:6;118:5 elsewhere (2) 108:16;157:12;195:9 149:25;164:13 151:11 educational (9) 91:22;95:2 engineers (2) epicenter (1) drying (1) 30:2;46:23;47:9; embarking (1) 43:3;60:18 134:15 154:15 90:21;91:8;99:21; 106:7 enhance (1) equates (1) duck (2) 101:25;102:11;160:3 embarrassment (1) 174:20 109:22 177:11,11 effect (4) 23:2 enjoy (4) equation (2) due (12) 141:20;181:23,24; emergency (13) 6:24;61:3;73:21; 70:3;75:23 20:17;34:25;37:18; 190:4 13:3;14:5;35:14, 165:8 equipment (2) 65:12;86:19;91:16; effected (6) 23;36:8,18;72:20,21; enjoying (1) 117:19;118:6 103:3;104:4;114:12; 15:24;129:2,18; 118:14;197:19,24; 73:22 Eric (1) 120:18;129:7;130:15 131:4,5;189:6 198:8;206:25 Enlarged (1) 107:5 dumped (1) effecting (1) emitting (1) 102:22 error (2) 168:25 65:7 182:3 enormous (2) 49:23;109:10 During (11) effects (2) emotional (1) 152:8;195:2 especially (5) 38:25;43:16;48:19; 130:19;147:10 39:16 enough (6) 51:5;65:6;94:14; 61:25;149:11;150:2, efficient (1) empirical (1) 43:25;96:21;97:3; 125:21;177:15 18;173:8;192:17; 158:18 151:7 135:18,19;165:18 ESQ (2) 193:6;194:18 effort (1) employees (7) enrollment (2) 3:7,8 dust (1) 111:13 11:13;27:19;37:19; 24:25;26:19 essential (1) 130:21 efforts (1) 55:16;99:13,16; ensure (4) 150:19 duty (1) 35:3 169:19 98:19;111:13; estate (1) 163:15 either (6) employer (1) 161:15;175:6 144:8 dwarfed (1) 39:20;130:17; 116:8 ensuring (1) esteemed (1) 83:9 132:19;174:11; employers (1) 119:6 30:11 dysfunction (1) 201:5,6 211:14 entering (2) estimated (3) 186:21 Elant (2) employment (3) 108:2;152:23 108:24;111:3; 36:10;37:16 55:3;71:15;155:25 entertainment (3) 187:10 E Eldred (1) empty (1) 51:20;99:19;209:5 estimates (3) 20:13 172:4 Entertainment's (1) 107:23;108:12,14 earlier (5) elect (3) encourage (1) 60:23 et (11) 84:19;109:4; 35:12;108:8;116:9 103:3 enthusiasm (1) 32:23,23,23;34:9; 119:11;123:7;208:19 elected (5) encouraged (2) 134:24 72:13;77:20,20; easements (1) 34:2;57:16;98:24; 29:21;102:7 entire (4) 82:11;105:6;107:11, 12:15 207:19;208:8 encourages (1) 22:7;107:9;125:9; 12 east (4) Electric (2) 99:16 159:20 etc (1) 10:8;97:13;169:7,8 27:12,16 encroach (1) entities (1) 14:3 easy (3) electrical (1) 164:3 204:4 evaluate (2) 54:22,25;186:5 154:10 end (12) entitled (1) 64:13;150:6 Echo (4) electricians (1) 8:11;10:7;35:25; 82:17 evaluated (1) 49:3,5;154:11,12 76:8 80:23;91:7;109:20, entity (3) 66:10 ecological (1) elementary (1) 20;194:3;197:6; 82:17;163:7;164:7 evaluation (1) 65:17 73:11 199:22;200:11,24 entrance (1) 153:5 economic (26) elements (2) endangered (1) 44:19 even (22) 21:14,19,21;22:3, 121:20,22 66:13 envied (1) 19:15;23:9,10; 6;23:3,21;45:11,16, elephant (1) ending (1) 22:21 36:21;37:13;42:18; 20;54:16;55:12; 66:4 147:9 environment (7) 44:16;45:21;58:16; 68:23;71:9,15;76:24; elevation (1) endorsement (1) 50:11;61:4;62:13; 63:9;76:17;77:25; 90:11;92:6;94:6; 192:15 99:6 72:23;116:24; 118:8;132:13; 105:2;112:14;117:5, elevations (1) endorsing (1) 174:10;181:25 134:24;154:3; 11;134:14;187:25; 193:18 99:5 environmental (10) 181:15;186:10,10; 203:24 elite (1) endothelial (1) 25:22;48:7;67:19; 189:8;195:12;197:6 economically (2) 57:12 186:21 69:6;84:4;128:17; evening (33) 24:6;117:8 Ellen (1) energy (2) 131:9;149:20; 7:6,8;8:7,8,13;9:9; economy (1) 178:19 66:13;158:18 150:11;187:24 15:9;21:9,11,11,24; 99:12 else (19) enforce (1) environmentally (2) 24:21;25:4;29:4,8; ecosystem (2) 7:7;43:5,7;53:20; 175:16 82:20;85:7 45:5;51:25;60:15; 171:24;172:21 83:5;86:17;123:16, engaging (1) environments (1) 62:22;63:3;68:14;

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80:12;89:21;98:7; 204:10,11 extent (2) 57:11,13;61:2;62:11; 102:10;112:21; 118:25;120:2; existed (1) 174:25;195:19 72:23;92:23;116:21 125:7 127:21;156:10; 203:16 extra (2) family (12) feed (3) 183:9;202:10; existing (7) 133:19;149:12 17:21;37:15;52:20; 12:6;50:19;56:19 210:10;212:6;214:16 11:22,23;100:8; extremely (5) 68:25;88:8;108:8; feedback (1) event (1) 150:8;151:9,18; 19:9;42:10;151:12; 188:13;191:3; 114:20 173:14 152:3 159:8;203:11 197:20;198:2; feeds (1) events (2) exists (4) eye (1) 205:12;210:22 50:14 119:12;173:11 45:16;50:7;138:8; 215:9 family- (1) feel (15) Everett-Bradner (1) 154:6 eye-opening (2) 117:9 61:13,19;62:2,10, 19:11 exit (3) 93:8,11 family-based (1) 12;76:23;78:5;93:3; everybody (18) 44:16,18;97:25 91:8 144:4;148:3;176:4; 51:25;76:12;91:11; exiting (1) F family-friendly (1) 183:11;196:11; 112:6,8;113:6; 108:2 205:17 201:15;213:12 114:14,18;123:12; exits (1) fabulous (1) family's (1) fees (1) 134:4;139:11; 14:5 180:2 190:18 144:18 157:16;169:14; expand (1) Facebook (1) fanatical (2) feet (12) 172:16;173:12,17; 110:5 87:19 56:22;57:3 10:22;52:14;56:3; 190:10,23 expanded (1) facilities (5) fancy (1) 126:7,8;192:16,19, everybody's (1) 124:20 72:21;73:3;102:11; 88:23 22;194:20,23,23,25 17:4 expansion (4) 118:14;172:2 fantastic (2) fell (1) everyone (10) 12:4;55:20;109:8; facility (3) 106:2;159:9 211:11 44:8;62:6;68:14; 151:17 118:10;173:2; far (12) fellow (2) 69:21;127:22,25; expected (1) 177:8 6:2;39:11;48:13; 139:17;167:19 133:11;148:22; 175:8 fact (11) 86:21;104:19; fellows (1) 183:17;212:17 expense (3) 24:23;35:20;51:3; 126:16;139:25; 168:4 everyone's (2) 116:25;163:9; 61:21;65:14;79:20; 156:16;176:23; felt (1) 61:20;94:2 174:13 82:5;147:11;150:12; 184:10;211:23;213:8 188:19 evident (1) expenses (2) 162:16;164:10 farmers (3) FEMA (1) 22:21 75:12;196:11 factories (1) 57:5;172:11; 193:15 evolve (1) expensive (1) 32:22 200:19 ferocious (1) 86:18 94:15 factory (2) farming (1) 56:8 exacerbated (1) experience (6) 118:13;148:10 164:14 few (12) 130:12 31:14;68:23;69:9; facts (5) fashion (1) 16:4;25:17;40:10; exactly (2) 93:8;131:25;184:19 76:15;77:7;115:6; 29:25 62:24;83:11;104:19; 33:19;97:10 experienced (3) 118:17;165:14 fast (2) 109:12;128:11; example (6) 90:23;91:19; factual (1) 113:5;191:6 129:12;155:3;192:2; 48:18;65:10; 150:14 50:23 fastest (1) 193:8 102:23;108:13; experiences (2) fail (1) 99:25 field (3) 116:16;164:12 61:10;152:10 46:23 fast-tracked (1) 94:18;151:18; excavation (2) experimenting (1) failed (3) 178:3 202:24 195:17,18 73:17 149:16;151:6; fathom (1) fifth (2) excellent (1) expert (1) 161:19 198:10 126:20,20 154:24 159:17 fails (7) fault (1) fight (3) exception (1) expertise (1) 66:3;141:19; 176:14 79:23,23;94:22 212:15 159:15 150:20;152:12,15; favor (5) fighting (1) exceptionally (1) experts (2) 184:21;187:5 8:21;65:3;214:19; 163:25 117:18 36:7;96:22 failure (1) 215:9,16 figure (5) excess (1) expiration (2) 186:13 favoring (1) 9:18;11:20;13:9; 31:25 141:6;142:2 fair (3) 130:17 78:17;125:14 excludes (1) explain (2) 96:20;145:14; favorites (1) figures (3) 163:5 95:10;186:14 212:21 60:6 107:20;166:17,25 Excuse (4) exposes (1) faith (2) favoritism (1) figuring (1) 16:12;30:13; 36:24 34:13;209:12 120:23 178:6 175:13;177:10 extend (1) fall (5) FDIS (1) file (1) executed (1) 64:10 100:25;148:19; 9:17 190:6 121:4 extended (1) 176:15;200:5,12 fear (1) filing (1) executive (3) 6:23 false (1) 118:17 26:9 122:19;154:18; extends (1) 192:13 fed (1) finally (2) 181:8 10:6 familiar (2) 43:18 66:16;67:17 exhaust (1) extensive (4) 11:3;49:4 FedEx (1) financial (2) 130:14 70:13;110:23; families (10) 77:21 28:6;159:25 exhausted (2) 131:25;141:2 16:5;40:5;56:19; fee (3) find (9)

Min-U-Script® Ellen Grauer Court Reporting Co. LLC (10) event - find


36:16;42:22;55:8; floor (2) 36:25;186:12 83:25 166:25;178:20; 72:10;80:2;184:14; 26:14,15 former (8) frog (1) 210:12 201:19;202:3;211:21 floored (1) 40:19;51:7;122:14, 129:16 gears (1) finding (1) 181:11 14,15,16,18;159:23 front (2) 109:23 137:6 Florida (25) formulate (1) 127:24;203:10 Generally (1) findings (1) 72:9;73:6;90:24; 151:3 fruits (1) 9:19 129:22 91:2,3,17;93:7; forth (5) 200:21 generated (1) fine (5) 98:24;99:20;101:5, 15:6;18:14;72:13; full (3) 134:23 87:20;94:3;155:23; 17;104:5;105:3; 93:22;157:15 90:5;95:22;127:24 generation (4) 165:5;166:6 106:4;129:25; fortunate (1) fully (6) 39:23;90:16; finish (2) 157:18;166:18,19,19; 72:8 64:12;69:16;70:21, 107:25;145:5 97:5;169:2 168:17,18;172:17,17; fortune (1) 23;95:13;126:17 generations (3) finite (1) 197:23;201:10 169:17 fumes (1) 94:6;165:7;210:23 152:17 flow (2) forum (1) 130:15 gentleman (4) Fioravanti (1) 14:6;194:10 21:10 fun (2) 42:18;46:2;53:7; 92:14 flows (1) forward (13) 61:7;73:24 170:2 fire (9) 91:18 8:8;23:14;35:22; fund (1) gentlemen (1) 34:11;36:18;80:23; flush (1) 39:21;74:4;144:6; 94:23 81:24 96:14;114:17;154:5, 113:13 162:7;173:12,14; fundamentally (3) genuine (1) 7,10;197:21 flyover (16) 203:15,17,18;209:4 84:12;174:14; 42:11 first (27) 21:2;25:25;26:24; forward-looking (1) 175:21 George (2) 10:21;40:21;46:12; 29:21;35:18,22; 70:12 fun-filled (1) 19:17;45:5 48:4;52:5;54:18; 36:21,22,23;37:10, forward-thinking (1) 90:22 Gerry (1) 58:8,10,15,15;63:2; 14,23;143:8;213:17, 23:22 further (5) 30:21 76:9;81:13;88:8,10; 19,23 fought (2) 8:16;14:22;20:22; gets (6) 94:12;97:7;103:22; focus (1) 79:24;135:9 109:12;119:13 50:22;58:11;79:18; 122:24;124:5; 150:2 found (3) furtherance (1) 155:8;186:5;213:5 127:10;143:5; focused (3) 137:11;148:7; 6:18 giant (1) 160:24;167:10; 18:11;79:5,8 211:13 Furthermore (1) 49:6 180:21,25;205:10 folks (7) foundation (4) 65:13 Giavani (1) first-class (1) 33:19;80:20; 98:9,15;99:3,10 future (20) 214:9 104:21 132:15,20;134:6; foundry (2) 7:9;10:20;12:4; gift (2) firsthand (2) 135:7;136:3 147:15;148:5 23:10;26:16;37:9; 56:2;180:15 34:7;90:19 follow (1) four (14) 54:16;86:17;116:24; gifts (2) fish (1) 111:9 6:3,5;7:11,17; 124:19;142:14; 167:11;170:23 57:7 following (3) 35:19;40:24;86:22; 143:12;150:8; girls (1) fistfights (1) 23:24;69:2;90:11 131:10,11;151:17; 151:12,14;161:8,15; 112:5 148:2 food (4) 161:3;180:22; 165:6;196:12;205:19 give-away (1) fit (1) 74:2;101:6;113:5; 194:20,22 63:6 176:20 147:5 four-minute (1) G given (10) five (9) foot (1) 7:7 12:20;15:16;25:19; 26:23;69:21;82:6; 44:20 fraction (1) gain (1) 33:12;39:18;66:7; 135:24;151:13; forbid (1) 136:14 164:7 114:19;177:15,20; 160:4;171:2;204:8, 207:22 fragile (1) Galleria (1) 211:15 19 force (3) 174:9 115:4 giving (10) fix (2) 48:23,24;117:24 frame (2) galling (1) 43:23;56:3;140:15; 57:17;77:17 forced (1) 177:15,21 19:20 144:25;145:2; Flags (1) 164:18 framework (1) Gallo (2) 180:12,17;181:21; 72:12 Ford (1) 66:11 215:14,14 198:6;211:25 flat (1) 200:2 Fratto (1) gallons (8) Glaringly (1) 192:6 foreclosure (1) 76:7 49:17,17;50:21; 65:23 flawed (1) 146:24 free (2) 108:17,20,25;109:2,3 glasses (1) 84:12 foreign (4) 14:6;56:15 games (1) 125:3 flier (1) 63:15;137:19; freight (1) 55:22 Glen (5) 88:24 176:10;178:10 124:5 gap (1) 10:12;36:10;37:16; flip (1) forest (1) fresh (1) 165:22 72:3;199:7 11:14 174:24 74:2 garden (2) global (1) flood (1) forever (1) Friday (1) 126:9;200:9 17:15 193:2 115:19 172:8 garnered (1) glorified (1) flooded (4) forget (3) friends (4) 21:17 111:19 193:20,23,25,25 28:12;196:21; 17:25;37:15; gauge (1) glut (1) flooding (3) 206:24 127:20,22 77:25 45:18 193:3,14;194:17 form (2) frivolous (1) gave (3) Goal (2)

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174:20,23 112:3,5,11,12,20,25; grandchildren (2) Guerra[ph] (1) 87:2;121:4;139:10 goals (3) 114:21;115:21; 28:14;74:5 173:25 hard (5) 174:12,18;189:9 116:14;117:3;121:6; grandfather (1) guess (2) 9:16;138:24; gobbling (1) 122:12,18,19,23; 50:7 33:8;143:5 142:10;167:13; 120:7 123:5,15,17,19; grandkids (1) guests (4) 188:12 God (3) 125:21;127:9,19; 61:6 11:12,12;164:19; harmful (1) 43:15;56:2;207:22 135:6;136:2,4,5,9,23, grandparents (2) 209:10 187:3 goes (13) 24;137:16,17,25; 61:5;171:17 guidelines (1) Harrigan (1) 53:10;54:2,16; 138:18;139:6; graphs (1) 120:20 153:13 77:24;95:2;96:6; 141:13,18,22;143:4; 151:23 guilt (1) Harriman (9) 133:19;169:7,8,9; 146:3;147:2;148:9; great (38) 129:11 10:4;25:3,12,25; 203:4,5,15 153:13,14,16,17,18; 28:9;40:22;47:9; guy (5) 26:22;113:2;193:20, GOLDEN (2) 154:19,22;156:3,12, 56:14;57:18,18; 7:12;77:22;127:21, 24;201:17 3:3,7 14;159:6,18,19,23; 58:19;59:2;62:3; 23;190:25 hate (1) golf (1) 160:5,24;161:7; 64:24;74:4;88:25; guys (26) 115:8 142:13 162:13,25;163:10,11, 92:17;93:6;104:3; 31:16;33:23;34:13; Haven (2) Good (76) 16;164:4;165:19; 108:9;112:9;114:5; 76:11,14;78:16; 73:5;101:18 9:9;13:16;15:9; 166:19,20;171:18,18, 115:20;117:8; 79:24;85:17;87:4; hawkers (1) 21:8;24:20;29:3; 19,20;173:5,12; 123:13;129:10; 91:20;103:23;104:3, 72:17 34:13;35:3;40:11; 174:2,6;175:21; 133:6,6,7,14,14; 6;105:11;120:18; hazard (1) 45:4;51:24;55:13,17; 176:6,7,25;177:5,18; 134:5;142:23;146:4; 121:19;155:21; 80:24 60:14;62:11,21; 178:19;180:3,9,19, 157:20;173:7,19; 159:8;167:22; head (1) 68:13;75:24;78:6; 23;181:9;182:21,24; 180:16;197:3; 190:14,20;191:4,9,9; 168:7 79:14;80:11;89:20; 183:13,22;184:7,9, 202:21;203:10; 208:4;211:25 heads (1) 98:6,20;99:11,14; 16,24,25;191:22; 209:12 guys' (1) 201:11 100:7;101:4;105:11; 192:25;193:4,18; greater (3) 76:13 heal (4) 109:11;110:22; 196:4,13,25;197:11, 22:5;98:19;133:3 17:22;18:16; 112:11,12,13;114:8; 21;198:19;201:20; greatest (3) H 203:14,17 116:5;118:24; 202:14,21,24;203:7, 22:6;127:16; Health (11) 119:19,20,20,25; 25;204:5;205:9,11, 174:25 habitat (1) 12:10;49:21;67:3, 120:14,21;123:4,5, 15,15;208:3,15,19, greatly (2) 66:14 7,9,13;128:21; 15,16,17,18;137:15; 23,23;209:2,10; 107:15,17 half (3) 185:21;186:23; 140:11,13;142:25; 210:21;211:3;213:3, greed (2) 16:9;44:9;50:21 187:16;197:14 145:10,14,16;155:22, 16,18;214:16 161:16;163:9 half-truths (3) healthcare (1) 24;156:9;157:25; Goshen's (5) Greeks (2) 167:18;169:11; 98:22 158:7;162:8;164:9, 50:17,25;110:16; 167:11;170:23 180:13 Healy (2) 11,22,22;165:15; 113:23;174:3 green (3) hall (2) 49:19;136:22 166:14;173:18; governing (1) 85:9;171:24; 42:9;156:17 hear (14) 183:3,8;184:18; 31:3 172:20 Hallmark (1) 6:6;9:22;14:12; 189:4;190:24; government (11) grew (3) 185:10 58:10;62:24;78:12; 196:16;202:9 37:2;45:22;55:6; 139:4;165:5; hallway (1) 112:6,10;126:6,9; good-paying (2) 60:4;138:23;139:10; 183:15 26:5 156:2;178:24;191:9; 61:23,25 169:2,5;175:15; gross (1) hand (1) 207:9 GOSHEN (204) 179:7;204:4 117:2 53:18 heard (6) 3:4,6,14;10:4; governments (1) group (3) handle (1) 86:6;164:9,21; 11:19;15:10;17:21; 100:18 32:7;78:24;137:20 184:4 165:13;181:2;189:2 18:24;22:9;23:10,20, Governor (1) groups (2) hands (1) hearing (224) 24;24:3,9;25:6;28:5, 48:22 78:23;102:9 158:2 6:12;7:3;8:5,19; 7,18;29:5;30:11; governor's (2) grow (4) happen (11) 9:3,5;11:16;13:1; 36:11;38:11;40:20; 21:19;48:24 24:5;121:4;162:21; 24:2;39:2;48:9,12; 14:1;15:1;16:1,13, 41:15,16;43:4,12; GPS (1) 204:12 70:8;71:16;105:19, 24;17:1;18:1;19:1; 44:12,24;45:17;47:2, 199:7 growing (3) 19;108:6;169:22; 20:1;21:1;22:1;23:1; 5,23;49:25;50:3,7,9, gradients (1) 77:3;99:25;165:4 181:10 24:1;25:1;26:1;27:1; 15;51:10;52:2,18; 192:8 grown (1) happened (9) 28:1;29:1;30:1;31:1; 53:21;54:24;57:18; graduate (1) 173:6 57:4,15;110:4; 32:1;33:1;34:1;35:1; 58:23;60:21;62:23; 171:20 growth (17) 115:4;135:7,8; 36:1;37:1;38:1;39:1; 63:22;68:2,17,17,24; graduated (3) 25:13;26:18;54:21; 148:13;156:22; 40:1;41:1,6;42:1; 69:25;72:4;75:8,22; 96:10;153:14; 55:12;68:20;70:25; 194:17 43:1;44:1,7;45:1; 80:14;83:23;88:14; 156:13 71:3;108:23;112:14; happening (2) 46:1;47:1;48:1;49:1; 90:12;91:9;96:24; graduates (1) 164:10,11,12;184:20, 179:5,5 50:1;51:1;52:1;53:1; 105:7,21;107:6,21, 95:21 24;185:3,6,8 happiness (3) 54:1;55:1;56:1;57:1; 24;108:5,15;109:25; grand (2) guarantee (2) 137:18,20,23 58:1,9,13;59:1;60:1; 110:4,12,21;111:19; 124:23;125:15 40:2;170:25 happy (3) 61:1;62:1;63:1;64:1;

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65:1;66:1;67:1;68:1; heck (1) 10:9;12:4,25; hopes (1) 131:2 69:1;70:1;71:1;72:1; 124:24 192:12,17,20;193:10, 155:2 humans (1) 73:1;74:1;75:1;76:1; height (1) 18 hoping (3) 120:25 77:1;78:1;79:1;80:1; 194:24 hire (2) 128:15;171:20; hundred (4) 81:1;82:1,6;83:1; heights (1) 169:19;213:21 185:5 124:4;192:15; 84:1;85:1,19;86:1; 194:23 hired (5) horizons (1) 197:24;198:4 87:1;88:1,12,14; held (4) 43:4,5;74:23; 156:15 hundreds (5) 89:1;90:1;91:1;92:1; 19:22;64:15;68:3; 96:22,23 horrible (1) 61:22;78:20; 93:1;94:1;95:1;96:1; 82:6 Historic (9) 165:2 196:19;197:9;202:19 97:1;98:1;99:1; helicopter (1) 19:5,12,19;110:13; horses (1) Hurricane (2) 100:1;101:1;102:1; 207:9 141:21,22;153:7; 86:22 193:8;194:18 103:1;104:1;105:1; hell (1) 201:20,24 Hospital (4) hurry (2) 106:1;107:1;108:1; 169:8 history (6) 37:12,19;148:12; 190:8,10 109:1;110:1;111:1; hello (5) 147:23;148:14; 166:10 hurt (2) 112:1;113:1;114:1; 86:2;145:25; 184:20;201:22,23; hospitality (2) 95:4;147:9 115:1;116:1;117:1; 158:12;191:20;196:2 202:2 106:9;204:13 hurting (1) 118:1;119:1;120:1; help (9) hit (2) host (5) 185:2 121:1;122:1;123:1; 30:3;33:15;38:19; 53:2;154:2 68:4;112:21;125:6; husband (2) 124:1;125:1;126:1; 57:2;117:6;136:10; hits (1) 144:18;164:19 140:7;160:25 127:1;128:1;129:1; 161:22;162:14; 10:8 hostage (1) hydrogeologist (1) 130:1;131:1;132:1; 213:21 HOFFMAN (1) 68:3 149:6 133:1;134:1,2,3,6; helpful (1) 3:15 hotel (7) hydrologic (3) 135:1;136:1;137:1; 100:2 hold (5) 10:20;11:12; 152:13,15;153:3 138:1;139:1;140:1; helping (2) 67:23;68:6;147:6; 101:19;113:20; hydrologist (2) 141:1;142:1;143:1; 100:15;158:17 161:12;210:3 125:11;157:11; 149:5;153:8 144:1;145:1;146:1; Herald-Record (2) holidays (5) 166:22 147:1;148:1;149:1; 109:25;134:23 6:25;64:16,24; hotels (1) I 150:1;151:1;152:1; herbicides (1) 177:16,24 101:11 153:1;154:1;155:1; 129:8 home (23) hour (1) IBM (1) 156:1;157:1;158:1; hey (1) 19:6,7,7,13,17; 108:3 51:7 159:1;160:1;161:1; 181:9 20:12,25;91:24,25; house (11) IDA (2) 162:1;163:1;164:1; Hi (12) 106:17;115:14; 10:18;11:13;19:11, 58:23,23 165:1;166:1;167:1; 29:3;38:4;54:13; 136:25;139:7; 17;52:7,24;115:16; IDAs (1) 168:1;169:1;170:1; 103:13;131:18; 146:14;150:3; 127:24;147:19; 58:24 171:1;172:1;173:1; 138:16;140:5;156:9; 157:14;163:14; 170:13,15 idea (1) 174:1;175:1;176:1; 160:22;189:24; 165:18;196:5; housekeeping (1) 134:24 177:1;178:1;179:1; 209:20;210:16 201:21;205:10,13,24 13:21 idealogy (1) 180:1;181:1;182:1; hidden (1) homeowners (1) houses (3) 54:19 183:1;184:1;185:1; 162:6 149:9 12:14;19:24;186:4 identified (2) 186:1;187:1;188:1; high (16) homes (6) housing (4) 67:8,15 189:1;190:1;191:1; 8:9;102:22;105:24; 20:3;136:11; 82:23;110:20; identifies (1) 192:1;193:1;194:1; 106:13;110:10,19; 149:23;163:17; 118:12;188:22 66:2 195:1;196:1;197:1; 152:17;159:14; 182:14;187:12 hovers (1) identify (1) 198:1;199:1;200:1; 161:11;188:21; hometown (1) 155:11 209:5 201:1;202:1;203:1; 193:17;195:2;197:3, 127:18 hub (1) identity (2) 204:1;205:1;206:1; 6;210:10;214:17 honest (4) 112:25 141:21;187:21 207:1;208:1;209:1; higher (1) 53:11,15;167:4; Huddleson (1) ideological (1) 210:1,7;211:1;212:1; 187:7 204:22 81:2 57:14 213:1;214:6,15 highest (2) honestly (3) HUDDLESTON (1) idling (4) hearings (2) 161:13;211:15 45:9,20;114:8 3:17 101:12;154:4,8; 61:17;82:9 highlighted (1) honored (1) Hudson (8) 155:13 heart (5) 11:21 23:20 31:4;38:15,19; ignore (2) 64:17;67:10; highly (2) Hooker (1) 90:2;102:4;120:3; 174:11;187:17 186:12,12;201:3 94:15;117:24 19:23 149:8;181:13 II-2 (1) heaviest (1) high-tech (1) hope (16) huge (6) 11:20 201:7 102:13 26:16;29:23;60:2; 71:15;94:13; ill (1) heavily (2) highway (2) 76:16;77:6;87:3; 132:14;165:22; 189:12 122:22;201:7 44:19;203:20 133:11;148:22; 187:19;203:22 illegal (1) heavy (3) Hill (8) 155:18;173:4,5,13, human (7) 84:9 117:19;118:5; 10:12;25:3,12; 17;184:23;208:4; 32:9;67:9;106:10; imaginable (1) 157:2 26:15;27:3;37:12,19; 213:5 128:21;130:3;131:8; 133:16 Hecht (2) 52:9 hopefully (2) 195:12 imagination (2) 24:21;29:10 Hills (8) 8:15;166:11 humane (1) 61:8;72:25

Min-U-Script® Ellen Grauer Court Reporting Co. LLC (13) hearings - imagination

IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS GROUP/LEGOLAND NEW YORK December 15, 2016 imagine (5) 10:15;77:6 186:4 8:6 61:16;67:4;72:6 73:20;115:20; included (5) inform (1) interested (3) involvement (1) 143:14;183:25; 19:7,25;25:24; 19:2 65:9;73:8;135:12 160:8 188:12 117:15;153:25 information (10) interesting (1) iota (2) immediately (2) includes (4) 25:20,23;39:10; 44:9 130:6,8 108:22;163:17 41:15;60:21; 42:5;149:17;151:24; interests (1) Irene (2) immense (1) 118:11;188:11 152:20;153:4;162:6; 179:19 193:9;194:18 195:3 including (5) 195:13 Interjections (22) Ironically (1) immensely (2) 66:11;67:10; information-based (1) 16:15,19;18:9; 66:2 91:9,10 101:18;187:12; 151:4 20:8;22:12;26:2; irrelevant (1) impact (25) 193:10 informed (1) 33:6;56:23;57:8; 96:16 22:5;23:3;25:19, income (2) 36:7 79:3;83:18;90:9; irresponsible (1) 22;26:11,23;32:25; 115:10;213:21 infrastructure (10) 98:3;101:21;123:8; 187:17 33:22;43:8,22,23; inconvenience (1) 51:10;71:4;98:21; 125:17;128:4;140:4; Island (2) 65:24;69:6;71:15; 200:17 109:18;117:12,21,22; 178:22;199:3; 125:25;172:12 107:14;111:14; incorporated (1) 122:2;155:4;158:25 210:18;212:9 issue (13) 114:11;128:17,19; 14:21 infringe (1) international (1) 18:13;20:6,11; 130:3;131:9;141:13; incorrect (1) 169:25 121:9 58:6;62:8;81:22,23, 150:12;161:25; 48:12 inhaled (1) internships (1) 23;84:15,25;131:8; 207:16 increase (16) 186:16 99:23 144:7;150:22 impacted (4) 25:14;26:20;47:14; Initiative (1) interruption (1) issues (12) 32:8;129:10,13; 71:17;100:13; 23:21 80:20 17:17;59:8,9,10, 163:18 108:21,24;109:21; inject (1) intimidated (1) 10;66:10;67:13; impactful (1) 110:14;130:13,15,22, 55:24 68:6 76:19;84:16,18; 46:7 24;147:21;196:11,11 injury (1) into (39) 149:25;188:7 impacts (13) increased (2) 195:12 14:22;15:21,22; items (3) 33:4;41:25;48:7; 20:20;107:16 injustice (1) 16:23;17:23;18:17; 69:21;78:12;107:9 64:14;65:5,14;66:12, increasing (3) 196:12 21:2;27:24;31:19; 16;67:10,14;149:20; 117:11;155:8,13 input (1) 34:4;44:14;48:2; J 156:25;159:22 incredible (1) 133:22 53:4;55:4,25;74:16, implement (2) 194:24 insane (1) 19;75:19;76:11; Jail (1) 66:24;83:24 indeed (1) 53:9 86:12;130:23; 79:24 importance (1) 66:18 insides (1) 133:13,19;146:23; James (3) 149:15 independent (1) 93:4 152:23;155:20; 35:11;47:22;51:16 important (10) 142:20 inspector (1) 159:15;168:25; January (2) 29:25;42:23;78:14; in-depth (1) 114:14 170:13,15;171:8; 6:24;7:9 94:10;96:17;116:17; 99:2 install (1) 172:11,14;186:5,17; JEDI (2) 117:17;131:7;150:6; indicated (1) 48:24 193:18;194:14; 23:20;206:9 192:25 46:3 instead (3) 201:9;204:13 Jerry (1) Importantly (1) indicating (2) 55:21;100:17; intro (1) 74:12 152:9 10:11;11:21 178:6 180:4 Jersey (9) impossible (1) indisputable (1) instructed (1) introduce (1) 65:13;141:25; 177:13 188:8 48:23 14:25 172:13;175:24; impressed (4) individual (5) instruction (1) introductory (1) 199:6,12,14,17;200:8 72:15;73:2,25; 6:3;7:19;13:7; 102:12 69:4 Jervis (1) 106:5 14:14;83:13 instructors (1) inundated (1) 43:6 improve (1) individuality (1) 102:18 180:7 jingle (1) 172:25 31:15 integral (1) invade (1) 6:6 improved (2) indoor (1) 195:3 107:24 job (17) 103:5;172:23 134:16 integrity (1) invention (1) 23:2;31:17;33:24; improvements (1) indulging (1) 64:18 127:16 36:5;39:17;40:11; 109:19 35:2 intellectual (1) invest (1) 55:8;74:6;89:7; incalculable (2) industrial (3) 55:25 121:10 104:3;132:24; 23:4,5 51:9;101:12; intelligence (1) invested (2) 154:24;155:22; incentive (1) 156:23 156:18 122:22;137:10 159:9;162:7;180:2; 109:17 industries (2) intelligent (2) investment (2) 197:2 incentives (3) 148:4,15 42:20,21 21:17;115:13 jobs (53) 94:12,13,17 industry (4) intensive (1) investor (1) 21:16;22:5;28:5; incidence (1) 99:24;147:6;157:5; 69:10 136:23 39:20;46:8,9,10; 187:8 158:20 intent (5) investors (1) 51:20,21,21;53:18; incident (1) inevitable (2) 13:4;175:19,20,22; 23:8 54:25;55:8;61:23,25; 143:25 34:19;120:25 176:2 involved (6) 71:19;77:5,6,9,14; include (2) infiltrates (1) interest (1) 17:15;46:15;47:23; 81:24;89:7;90:13;

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93:20,20;94:24; Kehrman[ph] (1) Kunis (1) 170:17;171:6;181:6; 15;55:13;56:11;58:7, 100:10;105:23; 103:14 112:2 204:20 11,14;59:17,24; 116:19,25;117:16,23; KELLY (2) law (15) 60:24;62:3,14;63:4, 120:15,15;121:24; 3:8;81:6 L 33:21;45:6;59:16; 20,24;65:24;66:8,19, 140:8,20;154:21; KENNETH (1) 67:20,20;80:14; 20;72:9,11;73:13; 155:3;157:7;165:13, 3:16 labor (8) 141:5,6,9,19,20; 74:16,19;75:4,20; 16,16,20;185:5; Kenobi (1) 85:9;88:14;116:8, 142:2,18,19;144:4 77:7;78:5,16;81:14, 196:20,22;197:3,10, 206:15 10;119:6,8;120:14; laws (13) 15;82:2,3,3;85:2; 12,15,17;211:16 kept (1) 200:22 14:2;69:4;70:10; 86:16,25;87:8,8; jog (1) 137:5 laborers (2) 86:17;141:4;143:18; 88:23;90:18;91:11, 188:10 key (1) 119:2;120:3 155:16;161:6; 22;92:4,5,25;93:7; John (6) 70:3 lack (2) 174:16;175:25; 94:5;95:24;96:4,9; 9:7,7,10;127:8; kid (1) 110:22;149:21 176:9,18;188:20 97:10,14;98:23;99:5, 192:18;215:11 212:12 lacking (2) lawsuits (2) 15,18,20;100:3; join (1) kiddie (1) 128:18;161:22 41:17;59:18 101:5,16,20,23; 14:9 147:12 ladies (1) lay (1) 102:2,5,17;104:21; joint (3) kids (19) 81:24 177:19 106:4;108:18; 6:20;23:20;41:6 29:14,24;40:7; lady (2) lead (5) 109:15;112:7,7,9; jointly (1) 47:8;55:17,25;56:19; 42:19;47:11 64:19;65:19; 114:2,5;119:4,5; 9:4 61:7;73:10,11,16,20; lady's (1) 149:17;150:25;153:2 123:11;124:25; Judge (1) 112:17;114:3;160:3; 16:23 leaders (4) 125:13;126:4,18; 177:23 164:22;197:4,7; laid (1) 22:16;133:14; 132:18;136:16; judged (1) 204:11 56:3 135:8;160:18 139:9;140:11; 132:22 Kill (1) Lamb (1) leadership (1) 141:18;142:3,7; July (2) 194:14 79:12 24:14 144:14,24;147:11; 20:2;50:17 killed (1) LAN (1) leading (2) 148:17;149:13; jumbled (1) 148:15 202:13 131:8;208:21 150:16;151:16,21; 82:12 killer (1) Lanc (1) learn (3) 154:6;155:2;161:19; June (1) 185:24 43:2 61:9;73:21;102:7 163:3;164:19;165:6; 139:16 killing (1) land (12) learned (3) 166:16;167:16,19; junkyard (2) 59:3 11:16;23:25;50:8, 139:14,15,16 170:19;171:22; 137:8,12 kind (8) 9;95:20,20;98:21; learning (2) 172:16;173:10; junkyards (2) 58:11;67:25;85:5; 141:14;159:2;175:3, 67:11;90:20 179:21;180:15; 59:14;137:6 95:17;129:20; 16,18 least (6) 181:9,22,23;182:4, jurisdiction (1) 142:10;195:14; Landa (1) 45:6;46:7;65:20; 10,18;183:21;184:7, 60:20 197:15 191:21 108:21;192:19; 12;185:5;187:18; justify (1) kinds (2) lane (1) 200:21 189:3,16;192:5,18; 152:23 158:19,20 201:5 leave (6) 194:7;195:6;201:22; Kingston (3) lanes (1) 13:12;29:15;37:11; 207:24;208:3,21,24; K 51:7;78:10;88:12 201:2 93:3;166:9;210:4 209:7;211:3,6,10,12; Kitchen (4) large (11) leaves (1) 213:7,13 Kaler (1) 95:12;154:19; 11:4;87:2;107:18; 109:10 LEGOLAND's (5) 27:11 171:9;181:3 108:11;110:19; leaving (2) 43:19;81:16,17; Katerina (2) knaughton@bmglawyerscom (1) 111:5;150:15;160:9; 120:12;155:24 100:20;209:10 93:14,16 3:11 180:5;191:25;192:14 left (4) LEGOs (5) Kaylis (1) knees (1) largest (4) 15:5;38:22;44:3; 114:3,3;123:13,13; 208:14 166:8 132:6;159:11; 124:17 180:6 Kaytes (1) knew (1) 182:8,14 legislator (2) length (1) 200:2 103:23 last (7) 35:12;132:3 95:15 keep (17) knock (1) 39:19;80:14;87:7; legitimate (1) lengths (1) 13:10;17:3;18:5; 113:22 136:7;139:12,23; 36:14 157:20 38:20;51:17;63:23; knowing (1) 212:5 LEGO (5) lens (1) 69:16;79:10;91:2; 188:20 Lastly (3) 50:9;102:16,24; 150:3 144:23;147:20; knowledge (4) 59:7;69:15;198:15 123:12;142:20 Leo (1) 175:11;179:21; 18:4;31:20;34:8; late (1) LEGOLAND (169) 200:2 180:17;187:20; 55:25 166:10 10:16;19:4,16; less (6) 210:8;213:23 known (10) later (3) 20:14;21:3;22:4,18; 37:17;128:9; keeping (1) 12:22;19:10,16; 66:25;83:11; 23:15;25:18;28:9; 149:12;187:2; 99:12 67:9;139:20;193:2; 146:13 31:10;32:25;35:17, 192:21;196:7 keeps (1) 195:10,22;205:19,21 latter (1) 21;37:13;39:12; Lest (1) 173:19 knows (6) 188:24 42:25;43:24;46:25; 68:2 Kehrman (1) 43:15;63:21;69:22; Laughter (6) 47:3;51:19;52:12,14; letter (4) 103:19 113:6;169:14;170:4 167:25;168:13; 53:7,11,14,19;54:5,7, 19:25;52:13,15;

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88:23 list (2) 116:11;117:18; loss (3) machines (1) letters (2) 42:2;59:10 119:2,7;120:3;143:9; 23:3,24;163:21 77:18 25:5;27:4 listed (2) 144:4;161:6;175:15; lost (6) MACKIEWICZ (1) level (7) 65:9;107:10 198:13;209:6 23:6;39:20;57:5; 3:16 31:18;73:10;75:8; listen (3) locally (2) 140:21;147:7,8 Macy's (1) 94:17;99:22;159:14; 36:6;56:4;163:15 71:20;101:18 lot (46) 23:25 161:13 listened (4) local's (1) 13:11;27:18;30:14; magical (1) levels (4) 104:9,10;132:15; 62:8 38:11,22,23;39:18; 173:6 43:8;48:18;67:5,8 139:10 located (5) 40:4,6;72:6;74:20; magnitude (3) liability (2) listening (5) 10:3;19:8,14; 77:14;78:21;80:21; 65:5;184:3;187:19 36:25;144:5 179:8,11,15,16; 198:25;199:5 92:18;93:9,10;96:12; main (2) liable (1) 190:23 location (8) 97:21,22;103:20,22; 50:14;101:9 44:13 listing (1) 71:13;78:6,7;82:4; 104:5;112:16; mainly (1) lien (1) 42:5 100:9;140:16; 113:11;120:6; 146:8 38:19 literature (1) 158:24;197:23 121:21;124:16,18,24; maintained (2) LIFE (27) 180:8 locational (1) 127:19;128:8;138:9; 87:4,5 10:20;15:23;28:12; little (16) 20:20 139:14,19;143:7; major (6) 50:6;52:19;103:5; 27:14;47:25;55:21; locations (1) 146:19,21;148:4; 50:19;112:25; 127:12;128:21; 57:7;58:12;73:24; 51:5 155:13;156:23; 150:11,17;151:14; 129:20;130:4;131:8; 79:12;98:11;112:15; logically (1) 158:19;182:5; 152:6 155:5;159:20; 134:12;140:15; 110:25 183:16;194:15; majority (4) 163:22,25;164:3,6; 145:15;167:8;173:5, Lone (1) 200:10 56:4,5;103:6; 165:2,8;170:7;176:7; 7,19 12:22 lots (1) 193:17 182:7,19;188:17; live (44) long (13) 43:20 makes (9) 190:17,18,18 15:10;17:17;18:23; 90:13;93:2;98:20; loud (1) 29:20;42:6,9; lifetime (4) 28:8;52:2;57:2; 117:7;125:4,25; 138:7 124:21;140:12; 103:14;121:12; 62:23;80:12;87:25; 132:13;140:23; louder (1) 148:23;190:24; 180:18;182:15 104:24;111:19,21; 142:10;147:22; 27:14 197:21;215:12 lifetimes (1) 112:3;116:20;117:9; 166:24;184:17;186:8 love (17) making (11) 113:21 119:14;121:3,19; long-nosed (1) 82:2;100:25;114:3; 26:12;44:12;89:2, light (1) 137:7,9;138:3;146:2, 129:14 123:12,13;146:20,24; 5;138:9;139:22; 32:21 15;155:17,23,25; long-standing (1) 167:21;173:6;176:6, 176:13;182:20; lighting (1) 160:5;165:3;171:18; 210:21 6;204:12,22;205:14, 183:24;198:5;202:23 101:8 173:25;182:17,20,20; look (34) 16;213:4,5 malaise (3) lights (2) 183:13;185:17; 29:14;33:19;41:22, loves (1) 45:12,16,20 143:19;156:16 189:25;196:25; 23;45:18;52:9,10; 123:12 Malick (1) likelihood (1) 200:18;201:16; 54:23;57:4,15;70:7; low (2) 64:6 150:12 202:24;204:6,23; 79:17;112:18,20,24; 95:19;151:12 mall (2) likely (2) 205:18;206:22 113:17,18,19,20,20; lower (8) 114:25;115:4 130:12;194:4 lived (9) 114:10,24;115:2,3,4; 73:10;147:17; malls (2) Lillian (1) 112:3;126:2; 117:4;135:24; 183:2;185:17,20; 199:25,25 196:3 138:17;159:19; 149:24;157:23; 188:8;192:10;211:17 man (4) limit (2) 170:7;171:17; 169:5;170:3;173:14; lowest (1) 127:2;167:10,12; 35:13;36:4 183:14;191:21;213:3 188:21;192:22 55:3 168:8 limited (1) livelihoods (1) looked (3) luck (3) managed (1) 117:15 57:5 107:8;135:13; 35:3;105:11;158:7 187:20 limitless (1) lives (7) 167:3 lung (1) management (5) 106:5 36:4,23;128:25; looking (10) 186:7 35:24;98:21; limits (1) 131:3;164:20; 42:21;52:11;70:5; lung-related (1) 106:10;116:10; 11:9 182:16;187:7 74:4,6;135:4;158:17; 130:11 204:14 Linda (1) living (8) 159:16;172:9;205:11 lungs (2) manager (2) 45:14 15:13;75:3;130:9; looks (3) 186:6,17 76:7;132:5 Linda's (1) 131:2;170:9;185:19; 114:6;173:12; luring (1) mandate (1) 45:14 187:13;188:16 209:3 56:19 65:2 line (9) LLP (1) loose (1) Lynn (2) manufacturers (1) 6:8;11:4;56:18; 3:3 32:7 122:10;127:3 32:22 66:23;88:8,10; local (33) Lopkin (1) manufacturing (4) 176:12;182:23; 14:2;60:18,19; 87:25 M 38:18,21;39:4; 212:17 61:4,24;69:4,17; lose (6) 154:22 lined (1) 73:4;76:8;92:21,23; 23:7;39:2;40:3; Ma'am (1) many (49) 141:24 93:21;96:5;98:25; 50:20;95:3;121:13 122:9 6:14;11:7;15:12; lines (2) 101:6,11,17;102:10, losing (1) machine (1) 16:6;22:22;23:16; 7:24;12:17 16,18;107:16;112:2; 39:22 105:2 42:20;45:21,21,23;

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51:2,5;58:24;59:8; 182:19 215:14 129:12;153:23; migrates (1) 65:7;69:24;85:3,6; Mattheus (1) MEMBER (152) 186:15 186:16 99:17;100:24; 40:19 9:22;15:8;16:16, mentioned (11) mile (3) 106:12;117:23; Matthews (2) 20;17:5,8;18:12,22; 19:23;46:13;47:11; 54:3;88:2;204:24 121:7,7;123:5;132:9, 3:5;113:2 20:10;21:8,18;22:15; 49:13;63:7;84:19; miles (7) 9;133:5,6,6,7;155:7; mature (1) 24:20;26:4,7;27:10, 162:2;185:23; 49:9,10;160:6; 164:9;165:3,13; 174:24 15,25;29:3;30:10,18, 188:24;206:19;210:5 193:16;194:20,22; 168:15;169:18; may (14) 21,24;31:24;33:7; merchants (2) 199:5 171:25;172:4; 7:8;8:5;9:8;11:8; 34:24;35:9;38:4,5,8, 45:12;184:25 Millennials (1) 181:15;183:17; 17:5,7;23:13;44:10; 9;40:18;41:7,11; merit (1) 106:12 184:18;187:11,18,22; 76:17;97:14;128:25; 44:4;45:4;47:21; 181:21 Miller (1) 189:4;191:6;198:13; 130:6;153:6;197:5 48:3;51:16,24;53:17; merits (2) 107:5 207:4 maybe (4) 54:13;56:25;57:9,23; 82:13;176:16 Millie (1) map (4) 13:13;79:20; 58:3;59:7;60:14; Merlin (30) 178:18 13:12;23:18; 166:21;204:16 62:21;64:5;67:22; 59:23;60:23,24; milliliter (1) 192:13,23 mayor (5) 68:13,18,18;71:25; 61:11;62:2;96:23; 187:2 Maple (1) 18:13;40:19;43:16; 74:11;76:6;79:6; 99:19;128:24; million (23) 87:25 96:24;122:14 80:11;81:4,8,11; 130:25;151:6,22; 29:22;49:16;50:21; Maplewood (1) McBella[ph] (1) 83:19;86:2;87:24; 152:23,25;157:19; 58:20,22;63:7;94:20; 68:15 138:17 89:20;90:10;92:12; 162:3,8;177:3,5,20, 107:23;109:2,3; maps (1) McDonough (2) 98:6,12;101:23; 22;178:8;183:20; 112:23,24;113:8,24; 11:25 57:24;58:4 103:13,18;105:14; 194:8;196:13,20; 125:5,6,8,11,16; Marcia (2) mean (15) 107:4;111:18,25; 197:22;198:5;203:4; 144:18;176:21; 40:18;49:12 29:16;41:5;42:19; 116:5;118:24; 206:3;209:5 182:25;202:18 Marjorie (1) 44:15;53:21,25; 119:25;122:10,17; Merlin's (5) million[sic] (2) 198:24 115:18;125:4; 123:9;125:18;127:4, 150:16;161:18; 75:21,23 Mark (1) 143:13,20;144:14; 8;128:5;131:13,18; 162:18;192:13,17 millions (5) 208:14 145:14,16;181:11; 134:12;136:21; Merry (1) 96:4,8;169:18; marketing (2) 208:5 138:6,16;140:5; 173:16 198:5;202:19 209:8,9 meaning (1) 143:3;145:25;149:4; met (3) Milnamow (2) Martha (1) 163:12 153:12,21;156:9; 66:22;99:18; 202:10,13 18:23 meaningful (1) 158:12;159:5,24; 127:21 mind (8) Mary (4) 84:18 160:12,22;166:3,7, method (1) 52:23;89:3;94:2,3; 57:23;58:3;79:12; means (4) 13,15;167:7;168:2, 109:11 104:9;140:13,17; 138:17 6:6;74:22;109:21; 14;170:18;171:7,11, mic (8) 179:19 Maryjane (1) 129:23 16;173:24;178:17, 7:18;14:24;48:2,2; minds (1) 72:2 meant (4) 23;179:10,14;181:7, 58:2;98:11;103:17; 134:14 Mason (1) 46:16,18,19; 18;183:8;185:16; 210:19 mine (1) 77:23 199:10 189:24;191:20; Michael (4) 187:12 massive (1) measure (1) 195:23;196:2,24; 68:14;80:12;87:25; miniature (1) 128:19 162:10 198:2,23;199:4; 89:21 142:13 Master (17) measured (1) 202:9,12;204:21; micrograms (1) minimal (1) 16:2;46:14,15,17; 86:15 205:7;206:11,14; 186:25 101:7 86:7,8;161:7;174:3, measures (4) 208:12,17;209:20; microphone (1) minimally (1) 15,18,19;175:7,10, 54:23;84:20,21; 210:16,20;212:7,10, 121:17 101:9 22;176:2;178:12; 152:12 18;213:2;214:8,10; midday (1) minimum (1) 188:24 mechanical (1) 215:3,6 29:18 64:20 match (1) 158:15 Members (23) Middle (3) Minisink (1) 97:16 media (4) 18:25;21:21;30:11; 19:23;50:13;71:7 47:7 materially (1) 15:19;55:2;56:13; 60:20;83:3;110:9; Middletown (3) minus (1) 84:13 115:2 111:7;116:12,13,20, 116:7;156:16; 9:20 materials (1) meet (1) 22;117:17,18;118:7; 184:16 minute (5) 117:22 150:8 119:11,14,15,16; MidHudson (1) 7:16;40:23;44:2; math (1) meeting (13) 133:2;160:16;161:4, 134:22 108:4;125:2 128:10 8:11;19:22;25:7; 5;162:23 midway (2) minutes (12) Matt (2) 99:5;148:2;166:12; membership (1) 72:18;148:11 6:4,5;7:11,14,15, 202:10,13 193:7,13;210:3,5; 90:4 MIELE (1) 17;38:13;40:24; matter (7) 215:2,13,19 men (1) 3:3 79:11;131:10,12; 36:9;82:10,11; meetings (2) 116:22 might (10) 161:3 133:8;186:2,16; 78:21;91:6 mentality (1) 40:9;74:20,21; Miss (1) 187:10 mega (2) 55:20 100:18,24;130:9; 156:14 matters (5) 49:24;50:4 mention (6) 151:20;152:2; missed (2) 36:9;82:7,8,8; Melissa (1) 66:3;67:17;71:14; 167:13;204:16 130:7;139:3

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IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS GROUP/LEGOLAND NEW YORK December 15, 2016 missing (1) 204:10 Mullard[ph] (1) 49:16 32:7;63:12;86:24; 195:13 most (34) 60:15 natural (5) 162:9;178:20;196:17 mistake (1) 21:13;32:9,15; multibillion (1) 49:7;164:8,16; neighborhood (1) 176:11 37:7;41:23;42:23; 115:8 174:24;195:20 37:17 misunderstand (1) 46:7;63:3;69:9; multimillion (3) nature (1) neighbors (3) 174:14 78:13;80:16;81:11; 63:15;176:10,20 32:9 17:24;146:22; mitigate (5) 82:21;88:25;89:5; multiple (4) NAUGHTON (2) 192:11 33:21;88:21; 94:10,15,15;97:8,18; 31:3;110:11; 3:8;44:2 neighbor's (2) 135:22;156:21; 132:7;139:18; 133:21,22 near (1) 19:7,13 159:22 140:24;147:13; municipal (2) 190:3 Neil (2) mitigated (3) 150:19;157:18; 20:23;100:18 nearby (3) 6:16;54:3 41:25;146:11; 158:5;159:11; municipalities (3) 51:6;165:3;187:14 neither (4) 149:21 184:13;187:3;194:4; 65:7;100:14;124:7 nearly (1) 19:6;84:6;153:2; mitigation (4) 197:16;199:23;201:7 Municipality (4) 194:20 167:14 61:13;84:20,20; mostly (1) 96:24;103:25; necessarily (2) Nepara[ph] (1) 143:10 129:22 124:11;125:10 82:2;144:9 155:9 mom (1) mother (2) must (11) necessary (1) neurological (1) 156:13 105:20;182:16 36:23;37:10,23; 51:9 67:11 mom-and-pop (3) motion (13) 41:12;63:4,19;66:10, need (52) New (65) 105:5,5,8 8:18,25;210:8; 19,21;81:15;174:8 7:17;8:4;14:4; 3:6;21:15,21; Monday (8) 214:5,7,11,13,18,25; myopic (1) 21:2;30:3;33:23; 22:19;25:10,20;28:5; 8:8;210:9;212:11, 215:3,7,12,15 85:11 39:4;54:25;58:19; 31:6,8,11;32:17; 19,24;214:15,17,24 motives (1) myself (4) 63:11,23;66:20; 42:14;46:3;48:14; money (21) 170:21 90:4;108:7;131:24; 69:22;70:20;74:20; 49:15;52:3,16;53:24; 24:11;58:20;59:4; motor (1) 205:14 75:25;77:5,16,17,19, 65:13,18;67:2;71:10; 94:21,23,25;112:16; 186:3 20;78:2;84:16;88:20; 77:21,21;80:13; 114:23,24;121:10; motorcycle (1) N 93:15,19;94:17; 82:18;84:22;91:4,13, 124:17,18;125:12; 53:4 96:17;106:18,18,19; 23,23,24,24;94:14, 137:21;140:15; move (10) naive (1) 109:13;110:4,23; 22;99:6;100:9,15; 146:19;157:11; 7:24;78:9;103:16; 147:19 115:16;117:4;121:3; 101:17;109:19; 182:23;198:7,14; 140:17;156:15; name (56) 140:20;145:5,12; 116:7;118:8,11; 200:18 159:2,5;170:9; 9:10;14:25;15:9; 149:24;154:25; 140:13,19;146:8; monoxide (1) 186:23;203:18 18:22;24:21;27:10; 159:10;162:20; 153:14,18;162:13; 182:4 moved (12) 29:4;30:16,20;35:10; 165:7;167:15; 169:9;174:16; Monroe (2) 52:18;76:22,22; 38:4,6;45:5;47:22; 172:24;177:23; 175:24;176:9,18,19; 115:3;163:24 122:13;126:2,3; 51:25;60:15;62:22; 185:3,3;191:11; 185:6;195:21;199:6, month (3) 170:8;172:3;183:18; 64:6;68:14;71:25; 204:5 11,14,17,18;200:7,8; 108:17;128:9; 184:15,17;214:8 74:12;76:6;79:25; needed (10) 210:21 139:13 movie (1) 86:3;87:24;89:21; 66:18;84:3;107:14; Newburgh (4) months (7) 185:10 92:13;98:7,13; 150:21,21;151:2,21; 88:11;102:21; 54:18;83:11;142:4; Moving (3) 105:14;111:25; 152:21;153:4;165:12 119:3;168:23 166:20;167:20; 20:6;23:14;162:7 116:6;118:25;120:2; needs (10) News (2) 204:8,19 much (55) 131:19;136:21; 35:18;48:17;62:10; 134:22;136:3 monumental (1) 18:15;24:12;27:7; 138:16;143:3;146:2; 66:22;78:17;91:8; next (34) 24:15 28:7;29:6,9;30:8; 149:4;153:12; 142:19;151:10; 6:7;7:12;10:23; moot (1) 35:2,3,8;38:21;40:12, 160:22;171:16; 174:11;213:11 18:21;24:19;25:16; 42:7 15;44:24;47:17; 178:17;183:12; Neelytown (3) 26:22;27:9;39:22; morality (1) 54:10;62:18;66:25; 185:17;189:24; 156:22,24;157:4 40:17;45:3;47:19; 161:12 71:21;75:13,15,16; 191:21;196:3; negative (3) 51:15;54:12;60:13; more (29) 80:7,8;85:15;91:12; 198:23;202:10,12; 23:3;107:13; 62:20;63:21;68:12; 13:20,24;16:7; 93:15,19;101:6; 208:13;209:21; 207:16 71:24;74:10;76:25; 18:8;29:22;62:11; 103:10;109:18,18; 212:7;213:2 negatively (3) 80:10;92:10;96:19; 66:25;97:2;107:14; 111:23;114:12; named (1) 129:13,18;171:23 116:3;137:8,9; 121:3;123:20;138:9; 115:25;121:10; 81:2 negatives (1) 138:15;145:23; 140:24;147:21; 122:7;133:3;134:23; namely (1) 213:9 165:25;170:10; 151:17;158:18; 136:19;140:15; 199:16 negligence (1) 178:16;198:12; 162:4;167:16; 148:25;149:12; Nancy (3) 37:2 203:23 170:15;177:23; 153:10;154:3; 57:6;98:7,14 negotiate (1) nice (2) 182:19;185:4,5; 165:24;171:14; narrow (1) 145:13 127:21,23 186:11,13;187:14; 173:22;180:11; 188:14 negotiator (1) nicest (1) 194:15;202:11; 185:14;193:9; national (4) 145:10 55:14 207:16 195:24;205:4; 19:12,18;20:4,5 neighbor (9) nickname (1) morning (1) 209:19;214:4 nationwide (1) 15:17,18;28:10; 206:12

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IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS GROUP/LEGOLAND NEW YORK December 15, 2016 night (6) 19,20;142:2;159:10; 31:8 103:22 oppose (3) 52:4;97:17;142:23, 174:20,23 officials (7) only (26) 56:17;81:25;82:2 25;183:3;214:17 numbers (2) 37:2;60:4;98:25; 6:10;7:16;23:17, opposed (3) nightmare (1) 34:4,8 104:10;111:7; 19;28:7;33:20;49:17; 16:2;144:3;153:19 108:9 Numeral (1) 176:17;207:19 62:23;75:2;82:17; opposite (2) nine (2) 11:20 off-months (1) 85:10;88:19;97:15, 36:22;97:10 13:7;86:22 numerous (1) 166:23 20;116:24;124:19; opposition (4) nine-year-old (1) 65:16 often (1) 129:12;130:22; 54:19;56:8;85:5; 93:13 nutritional (1) 105:22 147:4;162:5;169:11; 118:16 Nintendo (1) 74:3 oil (1) 170:10;185:9; oppositions (1) 55:22 77:19 187:21;197:23; 55:11 noble (1) O old (11) 204:19 Orange (71) 189:9 10:12;52:2,7,24; open (25) 11:4;21:12;22:8; nobody (2) Oak (1) 53:2;88:5,6;148:14; 8:18;9:3;12:2;14:5, 27:17;28:4;31:2; 168:16;170:23 12:22 194:2;204:9,19 10;28:19;35:20,22; 35:11;36:12;38:9,10, noise (18) Obi-Wan (1) olds (2) 37:10,12,24;41:14; 12,16;58:5,22;60:16, 20:21;48:9,18; 206:14 100:21;101:3 56:18;59:18;73:3; 21;62:10;64:7,8; 49:8;52:16;53:12; object (1) Ole (1) 104:9;133:23; 66:4;68:19,21;69:25; 67:5;101:7;107:11, 82:4 17:13 135:19;158:25; 72:4,5,7;74:13;76:8; 15;125:23,24,25; objected (1) omission (1) 166:20,21;171:25; 78:2;79:6,24,25; 126:17;130:25; 110:10 19:2 188:2;210:8,9 84:23;91:7;92:16,21; 131:5;154:12;163:21 obligated (1) omitted (1) opened (3) 98:8,15,18;99:24; none (5) 182:21 19:21 89:12;99:20;100:4 100:7,14,25;102:4; 12:9;27:20;43:10; obligation (2) Once (15) OPENING (5) 103:6,15,20;105:15; 148:14;152:20 37:3;163:15 6:9;7:5,20,25; 6:1;7:1;8:1;22:6; 106:2;110:3;116:15; non-Goshen (1) obsolete (1) 41:13;44:11,21; 24:23 119:14,15,16;121:7; 163:18 109:13 61:14;67:22;121:12; operate (1) 122:21,25;123:4; Nope (1) obviously (5) 140:24;167:10,12; 124:12 132:2,6;134:25; 34:21 33:23;93:16;96:20; 182:10;207:21 operated (1) 135:4;155:24;157:6; nor (3) 109:15;177:2 one (86) 9:4 158:13,23;165:20; 19:6;85:22;153:2 occupy (1) 7:6,16,21;8:2;13:2; operating (3) 183:19;207:5; normal (5) 163:8 16:5;18:7;23:17; 60:18;116:11; 208:17;210:24 108:24;109:8; occur (1) 24:8;26:13;32:5,6; 117:19 oranges (1) 143:22;145:7;149:10 196:15 35:23;36:16,24; operation (1) 95:17 North (3) occurrences (1) 37:10,14,24;40:23; 48:20 Orange-Ulster (2) 23:17;172:8; 129:23 41:13,18;43:7;44:2; operational (1) 24:22;25:8 201:11 occurs (1) 46:11;49:10;50:14; 61:23 order (4) northeast (1) 152:14 54:2;55:13;59:11; operations (1) 59:4;88:21;89:12; 10:5 o'clock (5) 60:3,7;67:12;69:2,9; 75:4 150:6 Northern (3) 8:13;29:15;168:18, 70:24;77:9;78:11,12, opinion (3) organization (9) 129:15,16;199:11 19;204:9 13;81:17,18,18,19, 33:5;107:17; 38:14,17;67:7; nose (1) October (3) 20;82:5,10;86:10; 202:22 98:17;104:20,22; 54:24 128:8;197:6;200:6 96:4;99:24;111:14; opinions (1) 116:18;126:19; note (2) odds (1) 119:10;122:3; 190:24 186:24 69:8;107:7 175:25 123:17;130:5,8; opponents (1) organizations (1) notes (2) O'Donnell (1) 132:5,14;133:4,8; 81:14 39:9 14:20;140:25 35:11 134:21;135:15; opportunistic (1) original (1) not-for-profits (2) off (16) 136:2;137:25;139:2, 84:7 142:6 124:8;204:4 10:4;34:7;44:19; 11;145:4;149:24; opportunities (7) O'ROURKE (9) notice (2) 87:14;96:3,11;97:24; 151:9,11;159:12; 23:13;39:17;47:10; 9:1,9,10,24;10:1; 45:11;166:16 123:23;124:2;146:3; 167:14,19,20;168:15, 106:6;117:11;141:9; 11:1;12:1;13:17; noticed (1) 156:24;157:4,19; 25;173:10;174:12; 208:25 42:25 70:16 190:2;194:9;201:10 184:12;187:6;201:2; opportunity (36) Ortega (1) November (2) offer (1) 202:11;206:20; 6:9,11;8:2,14;22:4; 116:6 57:16;99:5 211:20 211:9,13;212:5; 23:6;24:15;29:7; others (6) nowhere (1) offers (2) 213:14 33:12,15;39:24;40:2, 93:23;103:2; 71:8 62:14;102:11 onerous (1) 6;42:8;64:9;78:2; 108:20;110:18; number (22) office (7) 94:16 85:11;88:15;90:15, 186:24;188:16 24:24;25:14;29:16; 18:6;21:14;32:22; ones (4) 16;92:13;93:7,13; Otter (6) 35:16;39:19;41:21; 45:14,18;76:2;80:14 78:14;94:9;163:19; 105:25;106:16,20; 50:11,12,14,18,21; 42:24;43:14;45:8; offices (1) 189:9 121:8,12;139:4; 194:14 102:14;113:10; 118:10 online (3) 180:18;203:7,10; out (40) 117:14;141:4,5,6,9, official (1) 41:22;86:11; 204:13,15,23;205:2 10:14;26:4,13;

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37:5,5;38:19;47:5; oversees (1) 141:15;142:5 21:13;38:10;92:16 Pennings (1) 49:6;52:24;55:5; 111:10 parent (1) pass (2) 200:4 72:10;73:24;77:12; oversight (1) 15:11 7:18;88:10 Pennsylvania (1) 78:17;92:19;96:13; 128:23 parents (3) passage (1) 172:13 108:8;120:11; oversimplification (1) 100:22;139:11; 142:5 pensions (1) 121:18,20,22;122:5; 117:3 171:18 passed (2) 124:16 136:8,10;148:8; overtures (1) Park (56) 99:4;131:22 people (104) 151:13;160:25; 139:22 10:16;11:13;20:15; passes (1) 8:14;14:6;15:18; 164:12;165:15; overwhelming (2) 21:3;25:19;33:2; 88:9 16:3;17:14;24:10; 170:14;171:3;178:6; 130:13,15 51:11;60:25;73:14, passionate (1) 30:14;39:18,23,23; 181:16;188:21; owe (1) 24;75:14;77:15;89:8, 62:7 40:5,10;43:24;44:10; 193:20,23;210:13; 34:15 12;91:9;101:15,24; past (5) 45:10,23;46:10;50:3; 211:23;213:11,23 own (16) 102:5,9,17;106:13; 7:20;13:4;42:13; 53:19;55:5,5;56:4,5, outdoors (1) 35:18;44:18;50:16, 107:23;108:14; 144:13;146:14 18;57:2,13;59:20; 186:4 22;53:25;62:9;63:10; 109:6;111:2,20; patient (1) 61:10,24;68:7;74:18; out-Goshening (1) 86:3,5;87:11;102:17; 126:3,7,8,13,13; 207:15 76:20;77:2,9,17; 156:11 104:7;121:23; 134:20;137:9; patients (2) 78:22;79:16;80:21; outlined (1) 144:15;162:12;163:8 142:12,12;143:15; 37:19;207:4 86:6;87:13;89:2,5,6; 84:21 owned (1) 147:12;148:11,16; Patrick (2) 92:19;94:3;95:8,9, out-of-towners (1) 101:19 157:18,22;162:15,21; 103:14,19 13;96:17;97:8,11,17; 164:17 owner (1) 164:15;165:8,12,14; patterns (3) 99:17;103:22;104:4, outreach (1) 80:25 170:10;172:18; 65:12;97:9,11 14,24;105:8;106:3,6; 104:23 ownership (1) 177:10;192:5;198:2, Paul (1) 112:10;113:12; outs (1) 12:12 11;199:9;201:18; 149:5 115:9;120:6,10,16; 93:4 205:22 pause (1) 121:18,21;130:9; outside (3) P parking (10) 128:24 131:2;133:7;137:20; 12:8;80:22;81:2 10:17;11:2,5,11; pay (26) 139:8,15,19;153:23; outweigh (1) package (1) 43:20;80:22;97:21, 7:23;44:22;63:10; 155:4,5,23,25;157:9, 213:8 112:23 21;182:5;201:4 88:3;96:13;109:15, 10;162:17;168:11; over (54) Page (10) parks (12) 17;112:19;113:8,23; 170:13;172:5,6,9; 7:13;11:14;13:12; 19:4;41:24;42:23; 23:15;59:14;72:12; 115:9,10,12,14; 174:11;179:20; 15:4,21,22;23:2; 48:5;130:7;192:8; 113:15;129:25; 120:14;124:4; 181:16;183:18; 29:18;48:15;53:25; 193:5;194:8,9,19 134:16;137:7,13; 136:15;145:13,15; 189:4;191:8;200:6, 54:17;56:12;60:19; pages (4) 163:5;176:24; 153:15,16;162:14; 17;201:16;204:6; 68:22;88:21;89:11, 128:8;129:21; 188:23;189:18 176:20;196:17; 206:4,19;207:9; 15;90:19,20;95:21; 130:6;191:6 Parkway (1) 211:17;213:4 209:15;213:22,23 116:12,15;124:22; paid (9) 204:24 paying (17) people's (1) 125:7,11,15;134:13; 16:8,9;27:21; parochial (1) 95:4,21;96:4,11; 146:9 139:21,22;141:12,18; 44:10;79:18;90:8; 50:3 109:20,22;112:22; per (8) 143:20;145:23; 94:21;119:12;164:8 part (22) 113:18;114:22,24,25; 107:24;108:3,4; 146:15,18;156:2,3; pains (1) 10:24;11:15;12:3, 115:2;120:8,14; 109:7;111:3;112:23; 164:9;168:7;171:24; 180:16 12;28:17;29:19;30:2; 145:3,7;165:15 113:24;187:2 172:19;176:8,17; paint (1) 32:9;48:7;97:18; payments (3) perceived (1) 178:25;179:22,22,23; 142:12 137:14;141:3,10; 125:5,6,7 187:25 194:2;198:22;200:7; Painters (1) 143:16;151:25; payroll (1) percent (16) 201:25;203:23; 89:24 164:23;192:14; 113:19 20:24;42:7;54:16; 210:23;213:4 Palisades (1) 195:4;197:16; pays (1) 89:10;108:22;109:7; overabundance (1) 155:10 199:23;201:7;206:9 138:24 123:22,25;124:3,4, 110:17 Pandora's (1) participate (2) PE (2) 13;146:17,18; overall (3) 59:18 99:16;196:14 3:15,16 149:12;151:16;204:2 47:13;100:7; paper (3) participation (2) peace (5) percentage (2) 115:18 78:24;89:4;154:14 42:16;64:17 14:15;52:23;53:22; 69:23;152:17 overburdening (1) papers (1) particular (3) 54:4;182:17 percentile (1) 110:6 177:21 82:19;105:25; peaches (1) 33:3 overflow (1) paperwork (1) 185:21 200:9 perception (1) 194:13 190:7 particularly (2) peak (2) 23:11 overflowed (2) paramount (1) 19:20;134:19 108:3,17 perfect (7) 193:20,23 149:15 particulate (3) peers (1) 71:13,13;97:16; overlay (2) parcel (3) 186:2,16;187:9 22:10 116:16;158:24; 86:14;177:9 11:3;12:24,25 parties (4) Pelosi (1) 164:11;203:20 overpass (4) parcels (9) 61:16;127:14; 57:6 perform (1) 20:19;53:9;88:20; 11:22,24;12:5; 128:23;180:4 pencils (1) 127:24 89:11 13:8;123:23;124:2,3; Partnership (3) 75:10 perfume (1)

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180:11 172:12 18:11,17;20:9;22:13; 101:2 presented (3) perhaps (1) PIRRAGLIA (1) 24:19;27:9;30:13,17; populations (1) 6:16;152:25;184:6 142:14 214:8 38:7;47:20;54:12; 100:3 presenting (3) period (4) pizzerias (1) 58:2;64:4;71:24; porch (2) 180:2;211:11,20 6:23;39:2;64:11; 147:5 79:14;80:7,8,10;81:2, 52:4,8 presently (2) 142:9 place (27) 10;83:19;85:18,23; Port (1) 14:8;174:6 periods (4) 28:8,15;54:2; 97:5;98:11;101:22; 43:5 presents (3) 149:11;150:2,18; 60:25;61:5,6;62:11, 103:17;116:4; portfolio (1) 72:22;150:9; 153:7 14;71:5;77:21,22; 138:15;145:24; 118:11 208:25 permanent (4) 86:9;94:16;105:8; 156:8;180:23;198:17 portion (4) preserve (3) 48:25;61:23; 110:20;115:21; pleased (1) 10:5,6;136:9,13 63:22;174:9,23 110:24;141:10 117:9;162:7;168:25; 62:24 position (3) preserved (2) permissible (1) 170:11;172:23; pleasure (1) 39:3;62:7;70:11 50:19;135:19 49:21 198:13,18;202:2,2, 93:12 positions (1) president (6) permit (2) 22;208:2 plenty (1) 106:9 27:11,16;98:8,14; 49:22;111:11 places (6) 14:9 positive (7) 122:21;208:14 Perry (1) 19:13,19;115:5; ploy (1) 68:20;69:22; pressure (1) 86:3 118:3;171:12;189:13 165:11 100:16;114:19; 161:17 person (4) plan (34) plus (2) 134:24;207:17; presuming (1) 6:8;36:17;88:19; 14:3;16:2;26:13; 9:20;144:16 211:23 7:3 206:17 46:14;63:19;69:3; pluses (1) positively (1) pretty (6) personal (3) 78:25;82:15,16; 213:8 131:4 29:8;107:13; 62:9;64:13;76:19 83:13;86:7,8,13; pm (1) possible (9) 137:12;180:7,14; personality (1) 111:11;124:18; 215:20 8:6;36:2;101:7; 185:19 17:2 142:21;160:6;161:7; point (20) 111:2;145:16; prevent (1) personally (2) 163:4,12;174:4,15, 8:15;15:4;18:2; 161:13;162:10; 175:17 104:17;207:10 18,19;175:8,10,17, 21:12;22:2;41:4; 174:25;184:10 previous (3) perspective (3) 19,22;176:2;178:10, 45:8;75:20;110:6; possibly (4) 11:25;59:25;63:17 21:23;31:13,16 12;188:25;195:22 139:5,7;145:12; 133:24;135:12; Previously (1) pertains (1) planned (2) 178:4;203:6;205:21; 194:16;212:11 11:14 22:3 20:15;36:3 209:23;210:2;211:4; postcards (1) primarily (1) pesticides (1) Planning (37) 213:11;214:4 180:8 174:7 129:8 6:21;9:5;18:25; points (3) posted (1) prime (2) Peter (2) 25:7;26:9;30:12; 24:24;26:10;70:11 86:10 39:25;102:23 51:25;146:2 31:5,11,16,24;33:13, poisons (1) posting (1) prior (2) phase (1) 22;36:13;55:11; 130:23 87:14 45:21;106:7 62:2 68:17;76:10;84:24; polarization (3) posts (1) priorities (1) phenomena (1) 94:4;98:23;105:17; 80:15;81:13; 87:19 177:19 49:8 109:11;110:7;111:6, 127:19 potential (10) priority (4) Phil (1) 10;132:10,25; police (8) 25:19;26:10;46:4; 35:17;70:25;71:3; 215:4 133:25;137:17; 34:11;36:18;80:19; 93:5,25;94:8;129:23; 118:2 Phone (1) 146:12;154:23; 96:14;114:17; 144:5;149:21;187:15 private (1) 3:9 155:15,18;156:19; 122:15;124:15; potentially (1) 163:7 phones (1) 157:25;159:6;161:4; 143:18 144:17 privilege (1) 135:2 162:23 policy (1) power (8) 55:15 physician (1) plans (7) 98:16 11:4;33:10,14; pro (12) 185:19 35:23,24;46:15,18; pollutants (1) 65:25;66:5,9,21,23 112:7,8,9;114:2,4, pick (1) 83:14,16;157:17 131:6 practice (2) 5;189:17,17,17,18; 200:8 plant (2) pollution (6) 45:7;202:23 211:10,15 picked (1) 65:25;66:5 20:22;130:25; Pramilla (2) probably (8) 58:21 Plastics (1) 163:21;182:6,9; 64:6;128:21 33:2;45:24;69:9; picture (1) 154:9 185:23 preposterous (1) 80:16;112:13; 42:3 platelets (1) poor (2) 164:14 147:13;165:19; piece (4) 186:19 63:12,13 presence (1) 184:12 89:3;184:11;203:2, play (1) poorly (1) 69:19 problem (9) 9 180:6 122:4 PRESENT (4) 18:15;50:2;75:7; PILOT (11) playing (3) pop (1) 3:14;66:24;144:5; 140:9,9;144:2;147:3; 63:12;95:7,18,18, 55:22;60:6;94:18 75:15 211:2 154:11;166:16 25;96:13,17;125:5; pleasant (1) popularity (1) presentation (3) problems (4) 145:9;147:9;171:4 72:14 85:20 58:10;128:7; 80:22;154:4;186:7; pilots (1) please (42) populated (2) 210:25 211:7 95:11 7:22,25;16:17,17, 199:23;201:7 presentations (1) proceed (4) Pine (1) 18,23;17:3,11,23; population (1) 192:17 81:10;111:4;201:9,

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17 137:22;139:9,14,16, 94:13 175:6 147:1;148:1;149:1,4, process (11) 17,21;140:8,19; proportion (1) proximity (1) 18;150:1,25;151:1; 28:22;33:16;34:3; 142:8;149:14; 164:13 20:18 152:1;153:1,2,12,21; 61:15;64:18;99:7; 150:16;153:19; proposal (7) Proyect (2) 154:1;155:1;156:1,9; 178:9;188:6;203:13; 154:20;155:20; 12:13,22;34:14; 98:7,14 157:1,19;158:1,12; 205:13;209:13 156:19;158:3,5; 126:10;161:5; public (389) 159:1;160:1,22; product (3) 160:12,19;176:15; 162:19;163:18 6:2,12,12;7:3;8:5, 161:1,10,15,21; 81:19;102:2; 177:25;181:2; proposals (1) 18;9:3,5,22;11:16; 162:1;163:1;164:1; 140:13 183:23;184:2,5; 32:16 13:1,19;14:1;15:1,8; 165:1;166:1,3,7,13, production (1) 185:22;189:3,4,11, propose (2) 16:1,13,16,20,24; 15;167:1,7;168:1,2, 57:10 14;192:2,3,14;195:4; 84:17;145:9 17:1,5,8;18:1,4,12, 14;169:1;170:1,18; products (2) 202:15,16,21,25; proposed (30) 22;19:1;20:1,10; 171:1,7,11,16;172:1; 102:16,20 203:15,17;205:3; 9:20;10:13;12:19; 21:1,8;22:1,15;23:1; 173:1,24;174:1; professional (5) 207:20,21;208:21,24 19:9,15;20:14;25:18, 24:1,20;25:1;26:1,4, 175:1;176:1;177:1; 48:14,15;68:25; projects (22) 24;26:24;31:9;45:25; 7;27:1,10,15,25;28:1; 178:1,17,23;179:1, 70:17;102:12 17:14;46:5;59:25; 50:13;82:23;84:19; 29:1,3;30:1,10,18,21, 10,14;180:1;181:1,7, professionalism (1) 66:3;78:22;92:17; 88:3;90:6;110:24; 24;31:1;32:1;33:1,7; 18;182:1;183:1,8; 159:14 94:18,23,24;101:13; 149:13;161:19; 34:1,24;35:1,9,10,14, 184:1;185:1,16; professionals (3) 110:11,19;119:18; 162:3;163:3;174:16; 16,17;36:1,5,6;37:1; 186:1;187:1;188:1; 36:19;168:5; 120:6,10;152:7; 175:17,24;188:17; 38:1,4,8;39:1;40:1, 189:1,24;190:1; 213:10 161:12;179:6; 192:5,24;194:7; 18;41:1,6,7,11;42:1, 191:1,20;192:1; profit (5) 184:11;191:24,25; 195:16,18 16;43:1;44:1,4,7; 193:1;194:1;195:1, 162:16;164:15,20; 202:18 proposing (1) 45:1,4;46:1;47:1,21; 23;196:1,2,24;197:1; 176:12,14 project's (1) 182:4 48:1,3;49:1;50:1; 198:1,23;199:1,4; profit-making (1) 209:12 pros (2) 51:1,16,24;52:1;53:1, 200:1;201:1;202:1,9, 63:8 projet (1) 131:7;211:4 17;54:1,13;55:1; 12;203:1;204:1,21; program (5) 140:18 prosperity (1) 56:1,25;57:1,9,23; 205:1,7;206:1,11,14; 30:2;61:13;102:23, promise (1) 54:21 58:1,3,9,13;59:1,7; 207:1;208:1,12; 25;171:4 106:21 protect (7) 60:1,14;61:1;62:1, 209:1,20;210:1,7,16, programs (9) promised (2) 37:3,4;64:7; 21;63:1;64:1,5,11,16, 20;211:1;212:1,7,10, 62:6;90:18,19,21, 71:20;96:25 155:16;159:18; 21,25;65:1;66:1,19; 18;213:1,2;214:6,14 22;91:17;99:21,22,25 promising (2) 164:5;174:20 67:1,13,22;68:1,13; pull (2) progress (1) 211:16,17 protected (4) 69:1;70:1;71:1,6,25; 52:24;143:20 189:18 promote (1) 65:15;73:22; 72:1;73:1;74:1,11; pump (1) prohibits (1) 121:6 137:24;188:19 75:1;76:1,6;77:1; 193:11 59:13 pronounce (1) protection (2) 78:1;79:1,6;80:1,11; purchase (5) project (144) 206:15 37:18,22 81:1,4,8,11;82:1,5; 163:13;165:18; 6:11,19;9:6;10:2, Proof (3) protector (1) 83:1,19;84:1;85:1, 182:13,14;205:23 17,24;11:9;12:8; 149:14;150:4; 37:7 19;86:1,2;87:1,24; purchased (1) 13:24;14:23;15:16, 152:19 protestors (1) 88:1;89:1,20;90:1, 205:10 23;17:2;22:7,21; proper (2) 57:15 10;91:1;92:1,12; purports (1) 25:9,14;26:12;28:21; 110:7;146:11 proud (1) 93:1;94:1;95:1;96:1; 162:8 32:12,18;37:9,23; properly (3) 136:22 97:1;98:1,6,12,16,19; purpose (3) 44:17;45:25;47:10, 48:17;161:23; proudly (1) 99:1;100:1;101:1,23; 16:24;38:17;61:17 15;49:24;53:10;60:2, 209:15 92:15 102:1;103:1,13,18; purposes (1) 24;61:14,22;62:10; properties (5) prove (1) 104:1,10;105:1,14; 177:6 65:4;67:14;69:7,14, 11:18;19:21;120:7; 136:25 106:1;107:1,4;108:1; pursuant (1) 17;70:24;71:14,18; 141:12;194:11 provide (17) 109:1;110:1;111:1,7, 67:19 79:2,14;86:25;87:5; property (43) 6:13;13:5,22;40:4; 18,25;112:1;113:1; pursue (1) 88:7,16;90:5,10;99:6, 11:5;12:9,13,18; 44:18;61:22;85:24; 114:1;115:1;116:1,5; 174:12 10;103:2,4;104:2,18; 20:17;25:9;45:24; 96:25;117:23; 117:1,2;118:1,24; push (2) 105:9;106:19;107:9, 46:6;47:12,13;52:13; 149:16;150:20; 119:1,25;120:1; 34:13;190:5 18;108:10;111:5; 53:25;54:2;70:2,4; 151:6,21;152:15; 121:1;122:1,10; pushed (1) 112:9;114:5,6,8; 86:23;87:16,17;88:4; 174:10;203:24;204:3 123:1,9;124:1;125:1, 191:5 115:20;116:10,16,17, 112:19;115:9,11,11, provided (7) 18;126:1;127:1,4,8; pushing (3) 18;117:6,13,23; 12,13,15;124:21; 7:10;12:15;25:23; 128:1,5;129:1;130:1; 190:16,21;191:9 118:19;119:4,5,7; 135:14,22;146:17; 151:15,22;152:4,6 131:1,13,18;132:1; put (20) 120:5,13,22,24; 163:2,8,13;184:11; provides (1) 133:1,21;134:1,2,3,6, 51:18;54:23;76:11; 121:5;122:5;123:3,3; 188:21;192:24; 203:20 12;135:1;136:1,21; 86:8;115:15;142:21; 128:20;130:3; 193:21;195:11; providing (3) 137:1;138:1,6,16; 150:23;155:2; 131:24;132:14; 196:6;203:2,9; 21:9;117:9;197:13 139:1;140:1,5;141:1; 159:15;160:8;161:7; 133:4,8,17,18,23; 204:25;208:2 provisions (3) 142:1;143:1,3;144:1; 180:10,11;190:11; 135:3,10,20;136:15; proponent (1) 150:15;168:21; 145:1,25;146:1; 199:7,7;200:16;

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203:13;207:7;212:22 ratables (5) 11:2;14:4 regarding (5) 16:14;111:6 putting (1) 69:23,24;70:6; reason (11) 49:19;58:6;141:8; rental (1) 112:15 203:25;204:5 15:14,24;17:10; 143:18;187:18 45:19 rate (4) 36:3;63:4,14;70:23; regardless (1) reopening (1) Q 55:3;147:11,20; 143:16;178:2;188:5; 170:5 147:15 155:25 189:14 region (8) repeat (2) quacks (1) rated (1) reasonable (1) 22:8;97:12;99:15; 17:19;38:6 177:11 211:13 195:19 100:6;106:23;117:4; repeated (1) quality (20) rates (1) reasons (8) 153:8;158:16 150:13 21:16;39:12;50:6; 211:17 38:23;69:20;99:9; Regional (10) repeatedly (2) 62:12;66:12;71:17, rather (4) 102:25;110:11; 21:19;25:2,11; 152:14;153:23 18,19;103:5;107:11, 21:25;41:17;68:3; 123:6,18;146:23 27:2;49:25;50:5,5; replaced (1) 15;128:20;150:24; 100:11 receive (2) 65:5,14;207:5 109:14 155:4;163:22;164:3, rationale (1) 74:14;99:14 region-wide (1) report (9) 6;165:2;182:7,19 152:16 recent (1) 64:14 25:21;29:20;49:19; quantity (3) raw (1) 143:18 registered (2) 50:16,18;109:7; 21:15;31:22; 95:20 recently (5) 52:12,15 128:13;136:3;211:13 150:19 reach (2) 26:13;66:8;109:24; registry (5) reports (2) quickly (4) 47:5;121:2 110:10;210:25 19:12,18,25;20:4,5 50:23;108:16 34:5;108:13; reached (1) recession (1) regret (3) represent (11) 109:13,23 61:16 38:25 23:2;40:3;64:10 43:6,7;44:21;84:7; Quickway (1) reaches (1) recognize (2) regular (2) 111:8;116:12; 10:6 156:16 78:21;134:9 25:7;89:9 137:23;161:10; Quiet (9) reaching (1) recognized (2) regularly (2) 178:5;179:17,18 20:9;52:23;54:4; 194:22 85:8;159:25 102:9;188:10 representation (2) 80:7,8;83:20;101:22; read (8) record (2) regulated (1) 43:11,13 126:4;182:17 69:10;78:24;128:6; 27:18;83:2 94:16 representative (5) quietness (1) 140:23;159:20; recorded (1) regulation (2) 60:17;88:17;89:23; 72:15 160:24;177:14;191:7 14:19 38:23;175:14 90:7;119:2 Quite (5) reading (2) recreation (3) regulations (1) representatives (1) 36:22;105:18; 143:6;181:20 141:8;177:7,8 175:5 132:25 140:25;159:16;185:2 reaffirmed (1) recreational (2) reiterate (2) representing (5) quote (5) 67:20 141:17;142:16 62:8;119:8 131:21,24;132:2; 110:12;111:9; real (5) recused (1) rejected (1) 138:22,23 174:2;193:15;194:3 80:3;93:8;113:9, 206:8 110:25 represents (4) quoted (1) 10;144:8 red (2) rejecting (1) 16:6;32:25;42:25; 166:17 realistic (2) 16:3,6 189:16 60:19 quote-unquote (1) 46:4;113:16 reduce (1) related (1) Republicans (1) 10:21 realistically (1) 144:21 20:21 76:2 107:19 reduced (1) relative (1) reputation (2) R reality (2) 20:17 19:3 126:21,23 192:21;207:10 reduction (1) release (2) request (4) radio (1) realize (1) 152:12 64:21;131:6 67:2,23;83:4; 181:8 76:18 refer (3) released (1) 210:14 radius (1) realizes (2) 9:19;13:14;86:6 130:23 require (1) 187:11 9:12;41:18 reference (2) relief (1) 152:11 railroad (2) really (46) 20:2;29:20 147:20 required (6) 147:24;148:4 30:3;40:22;43:25; referendum (2) religious (1) 12:10;33:21; raise (2) 49:24;53:21;54:5; 67:24;68:6 164:2 149:12,17;178:13; 92:2;116:21 59:11;75:9;77:15; referred (1) remain (6) 195:21 raised (6) 103:24,24;112:8; 24:24 14:4;45:25;117:7; requirement (1) 72:4;91:25;103:19; 123:17;127:23; reflect (2) 161:6;175:7;194:11 12:11 139:6;160:4;193:13 128:10,25;143:14; 83:16;175:22 remaining (2) requirements (1) raises (1) 148:18;170:4; reflected (1) 49:20;161:25 161:14 67:15 171:20,22;172:5,14; 84:5 REMARKS (10) requires (1) RALPH (1) 173:4,13;177:14,18; refuse (1) 6:1;7:1;8:1;9:1; 66:6 3:17 178:3,4;181:10,13; 79:22 10:1;11:1;12:1; requiring (1) Ramona (1) 184:16;197:8; refused (2) 35:13;214:1;215:1 82:21 153:13 201:19;202:3; 64:10;169:19 remember (2) research (3) range (1) 204:12;206:16; regard (9) 86:8;169:20 39:7;130:8;131:2 202:18 207:4,15,18,18,19, 24:25;48:4,6; remembered (1) researched (1) ranked (1) 20;208:4,4;211:19 82:13;83:7;84:4,10; 211:12 207:4 118:3 rear (2) 161:18,20 reminder (2) reservation (2)

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73:13;87:15 99:13;123:25; 81:4,8;82:10;92:11; 109:10;179:4 72:20;88:18,19; Reservoir (13) 142:21;177:12 96:3,11;98:2;105:7; roughly (5) 117:2,25;186:25 20:18;49:6,19; restaurants (2) 124:21;128:2,3; 107:22,25;109:3; sake (1) 50:15,20;59:9; 101:19;105:6 131:13;135:23; 112:22;113:24 56:14 151:11;185:18,20; restore (1) 148:12,23;158:10; Route (15) sale (2) 188:9;190:2;201:14, 36:5 159:19;160:15; 20:19;21:4;88:21; 11:17;152:22 15 result (2) 162:17,24;168:8; 89:11;97:8;108:5; sales (3) reside (4) 93:4;150:16 172:11;174:19; 141:14;143:7,11,16, 100:12;113:19; 68:15;90:15; retaining (3) 176:5;179:4;190:2; 24;175:23,24; 125:8 116:15;205:8 23:23;194:21; 191:8;193:22; 193:25;199:16 salvage (1) residences (1) 195:2 203:19;204:16;208:2 routes (1) 40:4 110:24 retire (2) rights (2) 172:10 Sam (1) resident (26) 160:7;198:14 89:2,6 routine (1) 76:7 30:25;32:7;47:23; retired (1) ring (1) 32:11 same (16) 58:4;60:16;64:8; 182:16 179:24 routinely (1) 30:14;32:13;61:9; 68:24;72:2;74:12; revenue (3) rise (2) 152:9 63:23;73:6;86:15; 103:15;105:16; 75:19;90:12; 176:15;179:2 Rubin (1) 95:17;104:15;123:5; 107:6;114:21; 124:14 rising (1) 149:5 141:5;146:22;152:3; 122:11;136:22; reversed (1) 196:14 ruin (1) 160:7;162:17; 138:20,21;139:15,17; 178:9 risk (1) 78:9 179:22;194:6 160:23;163:11; revert (1) 161:9 ruins (1) sanity (1) 178:18;188:8;196:4; 142:6 river (1) 164:20 17:4 198:24;202:14 review (8) 205:12 rules (1) Santa (1) residential (3) 11:25;14:22;61:15; Road (29) 13:21 56:20 12:23;32:20;41:19 69:16;120:21;153:6; 10:7,9;20:18;49:6; run (4) Sarong (1) residents (22) 161:21;162:2 52:2,8,25;56:21;86:5, 44:14;117:7;147:9; 118:25 34:16,17;44:13; reviewed (6) 23;101:9;156:22,25; 197:4 sat (1) 67:24;83:22;98:19, 31:23;32:16;48:5; 157:4;169:23; running (3) 91:6 25;102:21;103:7; 107:6;142:19;159:24 185:18,21;188:9; 114:4;172:11; satisfaction (1) 107:22;108:19; reviewing (3) 190:2;194:3;199:16, 196:15 61:20 116:14;144:20; 108:15;133:20; 17,18;200:13;201:11, runoff (1) save (3) 162:13;163:10,16,19, 183:23 12,14,15,17 43:19 36:4,23;57:7 23;164:4,5,18;179:15 reviews (2) roads (8) rural (6) saved (1) resolution (4) 69:12;133:22 110:22;121:25; 83:4;174:7,10,21; 198:14 25:10;99:4;131:23; revision (2) 143:9;157:18,19; 175:12;200:20 saw (2) 152:24 174:4;175:5 158:24;187:7;188:14 rush (1) 109:24;176:20 resort (2) rezoning (3) roadway (1) 162:7 saying (10) 172:17;204:14 70:2;83:4;163:2 118:11 rushing (4) 14:16;55:2;88:24; resorts (1) Rgolden@bmglawyerscom (1) roadways (1) 177:25;207:20; 92:15;103:21; 172:4 3:10 187:5 208:5,6 109:25;179:22; Resources (10) rhetoric (1) Robert (5) rustic (1) 180:17;181:8;182:13 19:6;65:18,22; 31:19 27:11;209:21,23; 141:22 scale (1) 66:15,16,17;106:11; ribbon (1) 210:15,17 Rye (1) 17:15 133:7;164:8,16 180:14 robotics (4) 38:8 scares (1) respect (4) RICHARD (1) 73:8,19;102:8,24 Rye[ph} (1) 95:9 13:22;14:18; 3:7 Rockland (9) 38:5 scary (2) 184:10;210:14 Riddick (1) 11:4;18:7,12; 95:13;144:7 respectfully (2) 3:15 22:23;58:21;93:3; S scenario (1) 28:20;118:18 ride (2) 97:13;139:3;175:23 35:25 respects (1) 53:5;178:20 rolled (1) sad (3) school (37) 41:16 Ridge (3) 89:15 136:3;201:19; 8:9,12;15:21; responded (1) 49:3,5;154:12 roller (1) 202:3 19:23;29:5,14;34:12; 193:12 ridiculous (1) 198:12 saddened (1) 36:11;47:2,3;73:4, response (6) 89:13 rolls (2) 127:17 11;102:8,22,23; 35:15,23;36:8,18; rift (3) 123:23;124:2 safe (6) 105:24;106:14; 177:21;214:22 17:20;203:13,16 Roman (1) 49:15;51:19;61:4; 112:5,17;135:25; responsibility (4) right (52) 11:20 62:13;72:23;121:25 136:6;147:7,10; 132:11,12;145:18; 18:21;22:8;30:25; roof (1) safeguard (2) 153:15,17;159:24; 161:9 39:13;42:12;44:8; 106:16 65:21;94:7 196:6;197:4,6,7; responsible (4) 50:12;52:3,9,10,22, room (13) safely (2) 202:15,17;210:4,11, 137:18,19,22; 25;56:15,16;64:16; 14:4,8,10;45:23; 73:22;188:13 12,22;214:17 183:23 68:16;71:10;72:21; 46:10,22;66:4;72:21; safety (9) schools (12) rest (4) 75:11;76:16;80:2; 80:16;92:5;108:23; 27:3;35:14,17; 47:6,6,7,8,9;72:6;

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96:5,9;102:14; seeing (3) 62:22 sides (5) 167:15;211:3 105:21;106:2;171:19 91:17,18;179:2 seven (4) 68:5;76:12;78:19; situations (2) school's (1) seeking (1) 7:15;115:15; 190:23,25 46:17;197:25 160:2 82:3 166:21;200:2 sign (2) six (9) schoolteachers (1) seem (2) several (8) 49:5,7 7:14;72:12;82:7; 74:22 46:6;143:10 10:23;12:21;54:18; signed (1) 88:5;132:3;142:4; science (1) seems (1) 67:13;99:9;102:25; 154:18 166:21;199:5,25 186:14 78:22 202:17;206:19 significance (1) six-month (1) science- (1) segment (1) severe (2) 65:22 142:9 151:3 160:9 109:9;154:17 significant (9) sixth (1) Scientific (1) selective (1) severely (2) 32:13;34:10;65:11; 126:20 150:3 144:6 161:8,21 107:13;108:21; size (3) scope (3) sell (1) sewer (4) 121:11;123:24; 104:2;133:9; 107:18;108:10; 152:24 43:7;108:12; 160:11;208:25 184:12 111:4 selling (1) 109:23;110:2 significantly (1) skewed (2) Scotchtown (2) 152:16 Seyan[ph] (1) 101:16 58:12;167:2 51:17;54:14 semi-rural (1) 122:11 signs (2) skilled (2) Scott (1) 164:13 shameful (1) 143:13;201:25 90:17;117:19 86:3 seniors (1) 64:15 silent (2) skills (1) scratch (1) 198:13 shaped (1) 56:5;185:24 90:21 172:22 sense (1) 13:8 similar (3) skirt (1) scream (1) 190:24 share (2) 48:21;95:19; 96:15 180:8 sensitive (4) 145:14;196:18 102:10 sky (1) screen (2) 43:16;82:20,21; sharpen (1) simple (4) 148:19 9:15;115:16 85:7 75:10 51:18;81:23; slated (1) scrutiny (2) sensitivity (1) shirts (1) 137:12;170:6 22:8 161:14;188:6 84:4 85:9 simply (3) Slope (1) SEA (1) sent (1) shoes (1) 51:18;96:2;150:23 126:3 10:20 42:2 52:20 sing (3) slow (1) SEAN (2) separate (1) shop (1) 79:11;127:25; 188:5 3:15;171:17 82:8 24:10 128:3 small (8) search (1) September (1) shopping (1) single (2) 9:15;13:8;32:21; 39:11 193:7 188:22 135:11;182:8 134:22;136:12; season (2) SEQRA (5) Shore (1) singled (1) 173:5,19;187:20 88:9,10 64:18,18;66:5; 141:25 135:15 smart (2) seasonal (5) 99:7;150:22 short (4) singular (1) 128:10;184:23 196:21;197:2,10, serial (1) 13:10;24:3;90:13; 152:5 smarter (1) 12,17 82:9 178:24 singularly (1) 75:25 seats (1) serious (1) shortsighted (1) 132:22 smelt (1) 14:10 83:6 85:12 sit (6) 57:7 second (15) servant (2) short-term (1) 8:2;14:13;52:3,8; Smith (1) 8:19,20;19:3; 146:7,20 137:21 115:18;160:13 45:5 26:14;49:12;58:18; servants (2) shoulders (1) site (35) smog (1) 82:11;128:6;138:19; 35:16;36:6 188:15 9:21;10:2;11:23; 155:11 145:11;214:10,19; serve (3) shovel-ready (1) 14:2;19:16;25:15; snakes (1) 215:5,6,14 21:18;31:2;102:20 172:2 51:7;59:25;71:13; 201:13 secondary (1) served (1) show (3) 81:18,25;82:24,25; snowballed (1) 188:14 71:5 116:9;120:23; 84:5;88:3;111:11; 79:15 seconded (5) service (7) 195:8 135:18;142:21; social (2) 8:25;214:11,12; 35:10;99:23; showing (1) 163:3;185:20; 15:18;56:13 215:7,15 101:10;118:14; 195:14 187:11;188:9,17; socially (1) seconds (2) 132:12,13;161:10 shows (2) 189:16,19;192:4,7,9, 15:13 34:20;36:9 services (9) 177:16;192:14 13,22;194:7,12,22; soft (1) section (10) 20:23;39:5;100:17; shuttle (1) 195:20;204:25 75:17 19:4;48:5;141:13; 107:11,16;144:22; 101:10 sites (2) soil (1) 174:3,8;175:4,13,13; 197:19;198:8;206:25 sick (2) 85:6;194:25 130:21 176:24;177:7 serving (1) 30:18;57:14 sits (1) sold (2) Sections (1) 116:23 side (12) 50:12 74:15,18 141:11 session (1) 7:21;13:13;53:6; sitting (6) solely (2) sectors (1) 24:23 57:22;62:25;68:5; 14:7;55:21;114:20; 116:19;176:18 99:25 sessions (1) 116:4;119:24; 166:4;190:22;192:9 solution (1) security (2) 133:22 127:20;158:11; situation (5) 61:15 72:20;106:11 Seton (1) 180:3;201:5 13:3;91:10;152:14; solutions (1)

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84:17 speakers (3) standpoint (2) STEM (2) 121:2,4 somebody (9) 13:22;85:22,24 8:24;29:11 47:4;81:20 strokes (1) 32:8;76:22;113:15, speaker's (1) stands (1) stenographer (1) 186:13 22;121:15;137:24; 63:18 148:6 14:20 strong (1) 155:6;170:4;212:23 speaking (10) Star (2) step (4) 211:20 somehow (1) 7:23;8:7;14:14; 206:16,16 6:7;14:24;29:9; strongly (2) 179:23 15:20;16:18;21:11; start (9) 81:2 118:15;162:24 someone (13) 31:7;98:24;181:16; 7:21;13:19;15:4; steps (1) stuck (3) 43:5;60:8;78:7; 183:18 35:24;81:7;92:14; 109:12 75:8;154:7;155:8 80:22;86:17;87:7; special (2) 94:11;95:19;146:3 Steve (1) student (1) 100:12;128:9;157:3; 60:8;155:20 started (1) 45:12 26:18 184:13;197:19; species (3) 106:12 Steve's (1) students (6) 212:14;214:6 66:14;129:12,17 starting (1) 45:13 25:10,15;29:12; someplace (2) specific (1) 145:11 stick (1) 102:5,21;105:24 53:20;169:16 141:15 starts (1) 155:18 studied (3) sometimes (1) specifically (7) 7:13 stiffed (1) 83:17,20;142:20 132:14 13:24;151:5; state (24) 170:6 studies (1) somewhere (1) 161:24;163:4,7,16; 21:15,21;29:22; still (4) 73:15 172:25 177:2 49:15;55:2;63:8; 37:12;148:6; study (5) soon (1) speech (1) 65:19;67:2;82:18; 180:11,12 25:24;84:2,11; 18:5 211:22 84:22;85:18;90:8; stimulate (1) 129:3;153:25 Sorrell (1) speeding (1) 91:24;94:14,20; 186:20 stuff (4) 72:2 143:21 100:16;102:6; stinks (1) 74:24;112:17; sorry (10) spend (6) 109:19;118:7,9; 171:4 128:11;134:17 54:5;80:19;98:12; 24:11,11;42:8; 124:7;140:19; Stony (2) subdivision (3) 102:16;178:23; 62:11;112:16;157:11 176:19;196:6 139:5,7 10:10;12:23; 197:15;199:4;200:5; spent (2) stated (4) stood (1) 111:11 201:16;210:20 31:10;169:17 20:14;91:21; 211:21 subject (2) sound (2) spin-off (1) 156:20;214:13 stop (9) 20:17;99:7 48:25;126:15 113:25 statement (7) 24:10;63:24;139:8, submission (1) sounds (3) splits (1) 20:3;25:22;44:6; 9;180:21;190:20; 194:9 14:12;78:14,15 11:5 69:6;128:2,17;131:9 207:19;208:5,5 submissions (1) source (1) spoke (7) statements (1) stopped (2) 195:8 182:9 19:21;82:25;83:14; 119:10 63:5;159:3 submit (3) sources (1) 106:3;114:15,16; states (10) stops (1) 37:20;177:21; 101:6 127:2 50:18;108:16; 24:9 212:13 South (6) spoken (5) 142:3;174:5,8;175:4, stores (2) submitted (2) 18:23;19:8,14; 6:10;7:25;114:19; 11,14;178:12;194:19 105:5;200:2 128:7;161:21 20:19;188:12;200:24 139:19;144:12 statewide (2) storm (1) subsequent (1) southeast (1) spot (4) 65:22;69:18 194:16 69:12 110:2 59:23;84:8;135:15; static (1) story (2) subset (1) Southern (2) 160:7 46:19 134:22;167:9 82:24 71:10;199:22 spots (1) stating (2) strain (1) subsidizing (1) space (7) 11:11 20:4;193:14 110:21 63:14 12:2;26:14;45:19; sprout (1) station (1) strains (1) substitute (1) 135:19;136:8;158:6; 141:17 193:11 20:22 169:16 171:25 sprung (1) stations (1) strategy (3) success (1) spaces (1) 101:17 194:13 24:4;209:8,9 160:19 180:5 square (1) stats (1) stream (1) successful (1) speak (33) 10:22 156:12 193:16 21:14 6:4,8,11;8:3,14; St (2) status (1) Street (9) suffer (1) 14:19;16:25;21:10; 207:6,12 65:20 3:5;18:24;19:8,14; 107:15 27:13,23;29:7;31:19; stagnant (1) stay (10) 20:19;53:6;113:2; suffering (3) 33:8;37:4,5;44:8; 184:22 18:10;24:11;29:8; 173:9;188:12 30:13,15;130:10 47:25;56:6,24;57:25; stand (5) 39:25;52:17;53:23, streets (3) sufficient (6) 58:5,14,15;59:11; 36:20;79:13;89:22; 24;79:4,8;210:8 89:14;113:3,7 149:10,22;150:7, 60:22;98:10;105:20; 90:4;166:8 stays (4) strict (2) 23;151:9;152:22 122:4;139:13; standard (2) 141:19;173:5,13; 120:19,20 suggest (1) 156:17;179:13; 186:25;187:4 200:18 strikes (1) 78:7 183:10;206:13 standards (1) steep (1) 169:21 suing (1) speaker (5) 178:8 192:7 strip (1) 193:10 24:19;46:13;62:25; standing (1) Stein (1) 164:16 Suite (1) 80:10;212:6 21:24 127:8 strive (2) 3:5

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Sullivan (2) 33:18;34:2,6,9;47:4; 144:19,24;153:24; 128:3 126:7;192:22 157:14;172:3 86:15;87:4;99:8; 167:19;190:6; teenagers (1) thousand-foot (1) summarily (1) 146:12;147:24; 193:22;194:5;197:16 46:11 87:2 83:3 157:20;178:3; talks (2) telling (1) thousands (2) summary (1) 190:20;191:3;204:5, 48:8,19 138:7 135:13,14 140:23 10;205:7 Tambora[ph] (1) temporary (1) thread (1) summer (6) surprise (1) 120:2 48:25 32:4 26:17;97:19; 72:14 Tappan (1) ten (8) threat (2) 155:12;157:14; surrounded (1) 48:21 31:11;34:19;75:6; 41:18,20 173:8,11 43:19 tapping (1) 83:9;146:14;151:13; three (12) summertime (2) surrounding (6) 75:19 171:2;196:8 12:5,5;23:19; 40:7;134:4 37:16;111:15; target (1) tend (1) 29:17;35:19;36:17; summertimes (1) 129:6;187:12; 100:21 50:2 58:6;95:15;113:3,7; 105:24 192:10;209:3 task (2) tens (1) 151:14;204:7 Sunday (3) surroundings (1) 48:23,24 135:13 three-acre (1) 97:16;206:23,24 118:15 taught (1) tenure (2) 136:12 SUNY (1) survives (1) 72:5 132:12,13 thrive (1) 210:24 185:9 tax (21) ten-years' (1) 204:7 superintendent (3) Sussman (1) 58:25;70:6;71:17; 74:25 thrives (1) 24:22;29:5,10 80:12 90:12;100:13,16; term (1) 185:9 supermarket (1) sustain (1) 109:16;113:19,19,20; 96:2 throats (1) 199:24 24:5 123:23;124:2,13,20; terminals (1) 191:10 supervisor (8) sustaining (1) 125:8,11;136:5,24; 32:20 throughout (10) 33:9,25;131:20,25; 136:5 147:11;176:22; terms (2) 22:17;23:16;38:12, 132:4;156:20; sweet (1) 200:22 21:15;65:6 18;60:20;111:12; 193:11;206:7 109:16 taxation (1) Terrace (1) 135:9;153:7;191:24; supervisors (1) Swindle[ph] (1) 38:23 68:16 192:8 133:2 189:25 taxed (1) terrain (2) Thursday (1) Supplies (3) Swingle (1) 107:17 174:24;192:6 129:4 45:15;73:17;74:2 196:3 taxes (34) terribly (1) thus (1) supply (19) Switching (1) 70:4;74:24;75:2; 158:22 192:10 12:16;43:14,15,18, 109:23 88:4;95:19,23; test (1) ticket (4) 22;57:6;84:15; synagogues (1) 109:21;112:18; 211:22 74:15,15,18; 110:21;149:13,15,22, 124:9 113:9,18;115:10,11, tested (1) 143:21 25;150:17;151:5,15; synergies (1) 12,15;120:8;124:22; 151:20 Tier (1) 152:18;153:5; 209:6 135:24;136:13; testify (1) 71:10 165:14;187:23 system (5) 138:25;144:17,21,25; 168:12 Tim (1) support (35) 9:15;50:15,20; 146:18;147:17; testing (2) 60:15 30:4;51:11,18; 73:5;109:12 153:15,16;155:22; 106:6;151:22 timely (1) 54:15;56:10,16; systems (2) 157:11;183:2;196:7, thanks (1) 29:25 60:23;62:9;68:25; 49:20;110:7 10,18;204:3;213:4 92:13 timer (2) 69:11,14,16,21;70:9, taxpayer (1) Thanksgiving (1) 6:5;34:6 22,23;90:5;103:2; T 165:10 64:24 times (10) 104:18;116:9; taxpayers (9) theme (3) 46:16;83:10;95:15; 117:13,21;118:16; table (2) 36:24;44:23;90:14; 20:15;25:18; 109:24;134:23; 119:4;120:5;122:5; 34:15;107:7 94:22;110:8;145:19; 101:24 151:10;164:9; 123:2;136:15;151:7; tactics (1) 155:16;163:10;165:9 therefore (6) 165:13;180:22;196:8 152:5,16;157:8; 81:16 teacher (2) 19:15;59:15; timing (1) 158:2;160:11;208:20 talk (19) 15:12;73:12 129:10;141:7; 42:15 supported (1) 39:16;43:24;45:10; teachers (3) 151:25;200:21 tired (1) 84:11 77:5;93:15,19,24; 46:22;102:19; thinking (2) 57:14 supporter (2) 95:6;96:19;97:24; 160:4 103:21;142:9 today (8) 127:11,13 128:15;129:2,5; team (1) third (2) 37:13;121:20,22; supporting (2) 132:16;134:21; 159:17 26:15;151:19 133:11,18;148:13; 56:13;150:5 143:5,8;144:11; teams (1) thorough (3) 168:17;178:21 supports (1) 154:11 157:12 99:7;146:5;159:8 together (4) 99:10 talked (4) teamster (1) though (2) 62:12;82:12; supposed (2) 93:16;94:19; 140:7 76:17;154:3 162:20;203:18 71:2;179:17 128:14;188:25 technical (1) thought (2) toilet (1) supposedly (1) talking (17) 186:22 146:4;170:9 113:14 111:8 49:10;71:6,8; Technology (1) thoughts (1) told (4) sure (20) 81:19,20,20;94:11; 38:15 57:3 103:23;104:11; 17:13,14;32:5; 114:9;143:23; Ted (1) thousand (2) 135:17;192:18

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IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS GROUP/LEGOLAND NEW YORK December 15, 2016 ton (2) 68:2,3;69:3,5;74:14, 25;89:11;91:18;97:5, 167:23 104:15;121:8; 114:22,24 17;75:15,18,25;76:9; 6,9,14,19;107:10,25; troubling (3) 134:16;142:16; tonight (22) 82:16;83:2,24;86:10, 110:14;129:3; 66:7;80:17;81:12 147:20 15:14;16:7;27:19; 11;87:8,9,10;88:5,13, 130:16;131:5;146:6, truck (1) types (3) 28:2;31:7;35:14; 18,19;94:4,7;96:6,23; 9,10;153:24,25; 80:25 118:15;141:16; 37:21;42:6;59:12,15; 97:12;105:16; 154:2,4,8;156:21; trucking (1) 186:2 60:22;93:24;105:20; 106:22;110:9,12; 157:3,16,21;163:20; 32:19 Tzouganatos (1) 139:3,20;149:6; 111:12;116:14; 168:24;169:10; trucks (2) 15:10 156:10;174:5; 117:6;119:20; 171:9;172:6;206:20, 101:12;130:22 183:10;184:14; 123:20;124:12; 21;207:8;213:20 true (3) U 189:2;210:7 131:20,21,22;132:11; train (1) 48:8;160:18; Tony (1) 133:2,4,10,10;134:2, 102:19 179:24 ugly (1) 189:25 19,19;135:16,25; trained (1) truly (1) 180:12 took (5) 136:9,22,23;137:10, 117:25 93:10 ultimately (1) 42:13;86:11;107:7; 16,16,24;141:10,22, training (4) trust (6) 196:15 128:22;172:18 23;143:4;144:11,16, 99:22;118:2,4,9 39:22;83:23;86:19; unable (1) top (6) 22;147:22;148:19; transfer (1) 167:5;170:21;184:3 161:2 31:17;40:25;42:17; 153:16,22;154:23; 11:17 trustees (1) unavoidable (3) 90:20;117:25;194:2 155:14;160:24; transferred (1) 99:4 41:24;48:6;129:5 topic (2) 161:2,4,7,23;162:19, 207:5 truth (1) unconscionable (1) 69:15;161:24 23,25;163:10,11,16; transition (1) 119:14 63:5 topics (1) 171:21;173:5,7,19, 203:19 try (4) under (8) 198:16 20,25;174:3,5,8,22; transmit (1) 34:5;42:2;78:18; 19:5;48:22;124:12, top-notch (1) 175:11,21;176:9,16, 49:8 206:23 13;126:11;130:4; 70:15 25;178:7;180:3; transparency (1) Trying (11) 133:15;151:20 topography (1) 183:14,22;184:21; 209:14 31:18,19;42:18; undermining (1) 49:4 187:20;189:11; transportation (3) 135:22;140:14,17; 120:11 Torelli (1) 190:11;191:7;193:7; 26:21;84:23;182:8 156:21;164:7; underwear (1) 68:15 196:4;198:10,25; travel (2) 172:12;184:8;190:5 83:15 Torsello[ph] (1) 199:19,24;200:11,15, 137:4;158:15 Tully (1) undesirable (1) 143:4 18,19,20,25;201:8, traveled (2) 43:2 164:6 total (2) 20;208:22;211:5; 114:15;134:14 turn (3) undeveloped (1) 124:23;125:15 215:12 traveling (1) 56:2,9;60:2 12:3 totally (2) Town-owned (3) 157:15 turned (5) undoubtedly (1) 95:25;175:25 11:22,24;12:9 TRC (1) 59:24;169:7; 65:11 totals (1) towns (6) 3:16 180:21;189:13;206:5 unethical (1) 49:22 92:22;96:9;132:6; treasure (1) Turner (1) 163:6 touch (1) 137:5;138:2;168:22 28:18 178:18 uneven (1) 108:13 Town's (2) treated (2) turning (1) 211:9 tough (2) 64:22;174:23 150:4;180:4 207:23 unfair (1) 103:24;104:2 township (1) treatment (2) turns (1) 187:16 toughest (1) 196:15 60:9;110:5 170:14 Unfortunately (2) 133:16 townships (1) tree (2) turtle (1) 195:16;211:8 tourism (4) 65:8 42:3;129:16 129:15 unfounded (1) 141:8,16;142:15; toxic (1) trees (1) Tuxedo (1) 151:8 157:7 130:14 126:15 201:13 unify (1) tourist (1) toxins (1) Trek (1) TVs (1) 106:18 141:23 101:12 206:16 115:16 union (11) towards (3) tracking (1) tremendous (2) two (24) 16:8;116:12;119:7; 169:9;198:7,8 54:23 28:18;110:20 7:24;11:17;12:7, 139:25;140:3,6,7,8, tower (1) tractor-trailers (1) tributaries (1) 19,24;14:3;26:22; 20;169:19;190:25 11:7 157:2 194:15 29:17;35:19;38:13; unions (4) TOWN (163) Trades (5) tried (4) 55:9;88:6;90:25; 127:11,13,14; 3:4,14;6:13,21;9:2; 89:24;90:2;117:24; 11:19;59:20;128:5; 95:14;112:4;114:22; 189:17 10:3;11:18;12:20; 120:4;157:9 167:17 147:23;151:12; unique (1) 13:5;15:13,17;17:11, traffic (61) tries (1) 160:5;166:8;199:24; 21:12 12;18:15;22:9,18; 17:18;20:21;21:4; 164:2 201:2;204:19;210:23 uniqueness (1) 23:24;24:4,7;30:12; 24:7;25:23;26:25; trigger (1) two-lane (3) 31:15 31:6;32:17;33:4,9,11, 43:10;44:14;48:9; 186:20 199:15,17,18 units (1) 17,18;34:3,11,16; 52:17,24;53:3,12,22, trotter (1) type (14) 82:24 41:3,12,14;42:9; 23;61:11,12;65:6,12; 201:21 32:18,24;33:10; unknown (1) 44:13,23;50:17; 66:13;67:14;78:15; trouble (3) 53:8;71:2;85:11; 142:18 59:12,16;60:3;65:10; 83:6;84:16,17;88:22, 40:9;128:12; 99:11;100:6;102:24; unless (3)

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35:22;175:19,20 151:17;165:4;173:3; venue (2) voice (4) 206:17 unlike (1) 199:6;203:8;210:19 9:14;28:17 30:13;37:7;61:18; Warwick (9) 16:8 used (15) versus (2) 69:11 65:10;198:25,25; unnecessary (1) 7:16;13:2;38:14; 15:17;108:18 voiced (1) 199:5,20,20,22; 36:25 39:6,7;43:2,20; vessels (2) 61:10 200:24;201:4 unrealistic (1) 49:15;70:14;108:18; 186:19,22 volume (5) watched (1) 57:3 117:20;165:11; veterinarian (1) 25:16;26:20,25; 183:16 unsettled (1) 173:3;199:12,13 204:17 150:15;194:15 watching (1) 130:19 uses (1) videotaped (1) volunteer (2) 23:18 unsuspecting (1) 175:16 126:5 154:6;197:20 water (70) 186:6 Usher (1) view (2) volunteering (1) 12:6,17,25;43:6,14, unusual (1) 192:18 84:8;98:20 198:3 15,17,22;49:13,14; 13:8 using (5) viewpoint (3) vote (4) 50:25;57:6;59:9; unwanted (1) 41:17;101:6; 48:13;49:11,12 8:24;18:3,6;206:9 65:7;66:14;77:22; 186:20 102:15;157:10; Village (53) voted (1) 83:7;84:11,14,14; up (82) 166:18 40:19;41:15;43:3, 123:2 96:19,25;97:3; 6:5,15;7:8;8:15; utilities (1) 4,5,12;44:12,23;45:7, votes (1) 107:10,14;108:12,13, 10:10;11:6;14:24; 71:6 10,11,17;46:9;50:25; 132:20 18;109:12;110:18, 20:24;25:4;34:5; utilize (1) 52:6;62:23;68:16; voting (2) 21;122:16;134:16, 40:24;41:14;50:8; 12:16 86:4;107:5;108:15, 18:5;21:18 20;149:10,11,14,18, 52:13;53:3;55:10; utmost (1) 19;109:7;122:12,17; 22,25;150:7,15,17, 56:9;58:16,21;59:18; 209:13 123:21;127:9;W 18,24;151:4,9,13,14, 63:2;74:25;75:2,4, utopian (1) 138:18;146:3,16; 21;152:5,8,11,18,19, 11;76:15;77:3;78:9; 54:19 147:2,4,22;148:8,16, wages (2) 22,24;153:5,24; 86:13;88:16;95:22; utter (2) 19;149:23;150:14; 99:12;120:12 154:13,15,19;162:3; 96:6,10;101:18; 177:16;195:17 151:10,12;152:9; wait (5) 187:23;193:7,11,15, 105:22;107:13; 159:6;160:5;183:13, 36:21;91:4;93:17; 17;194:10,16 108:25;109:20; V 15;199:20;200:15, 125:2;145:11 watershed (5) 113:11,12;120:7; 25;201:4,10;205:9, walk (4) 192:25;193:19,19, 122:13;126:2,3; vacation (2) 16,17;213:24 52:20;75:5;114:3; 23;194:4 132:21;139:4; 91:3;134:5 villages (1) 147:2 watersheds (2) 141:18,24;146:18; Valley (10) 92:22 walked (1) 193:4;194:6 147:19;154:16,18; 31:4;38:15,19; Village's (3) 121:16 way (24) 155:6;157:10;165:4, 47:7;65:25;90:3; 20:23;151:18; walking (1) 14:20;17:3;23:5; 5;166:9;168:16; 102:5;120:4;149:8; 152:17 121:20 28:12;39:21;40:9; 169:6;170:8,14; 181:13 vinegar (1) walks (1) 63:10;84:14;97:15, 171:9;172:3,8,8,19; valuable (1) 148:10 177:10 22;100:16;124:19; 174:4;180:10;183:7, 37:8 violation (1) wall (1) 127:17;139:18; 15,18;197:3;198:16; value (7) 65:2 195:2 163:25;169:20; 199:11,13,13;200:7, 20:16,24;22:6; visible (1) Wallkill (8) 176:3,5;184:17; 16;201:13;202:18; 28:13;146:15,17; 101:9 22:18;47:6;131:20; 189:7;192:15; 204:9;213:14 147:18 vision (1) 134:20;135:16; 195:18;199:21; upgraded (1) values (5) 24:4 136:2,4,10 200:14 109:14 47:12,13;87:17,17; visioning (1) Wallkill's (1) ways (2) upgrades (1) 152:5 124:17 131:22 117:4;133:5 66:23 VANDERMOLEN (3) visit (5) walls (6) WB (1) upon (6) 8:20;215:11,11 28:16;72:9;93:7; 14:11;194:21; 77:22 102:3;122:4; Vanessa (1) 100:25;102:9 195:3,7,10,15 wearing (2) 135:13;152:24; 205:8 visited (1) Wal-Mart (1) 16:3,6 153:4,6 vantage (2) 106:3 211:18 website (2) upper (1) 21:12;22:2 visiting (1) wants (6) 64:23;86:9 33:3 various (3) 98:23 13:13;28:9;112:14; weekday (1) UPS (1) 16:25;62:5;69:13 visitors (5) 145:15;155:20; 108:7 77:20 vasoconstriction (1) 65:12;100:24; 190:11 weekend (3) urge (1) 186:18 107:24;111:3;203:21 warehousing (1) 108:6;129:4;173:7 162:24 vast (1) visual (1) 118:13 weekends (2) usage (3) 103:6 66:17 warnings (1) 53:2;143:24 108:19;149:11; vegetation (1) vitality (1) 152:11 weeks (2) 162:4 129:9 22:3 warrant (2) 148:8;193:8 use (15) vehicles (3) vocalized (1) 65:18;152:22 weigh (2) 7:11,17;9:14; 108:2,3;186:3 189:3 Warren (1) 76:15,23 66:13;98:21;110:2; vehicular (1) vocational (1) 198:24 welcome (3) 118:5;129:7;135:22; 130:13 106:8 Wars (1) 127:5;147:21;

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180:4 7:7 191:24 165:17;166:20,24; 20;63:23;83:5;84:6, welcomed (1) Windsor (6) worker (2) 173:15;196:7;208:19 8;86:7;136:12; 28:19 22:19;31:6,8,12; 79:18;138:24 years (58) 137:17;141:7,11; welfare (1) 32:17;46:3 workers (6) 10:23;12:21;21:22; 142:5,6;144:6;163:6; 63:6 Winter (2) 16:8;74:20;92:5; 23:19;25:17;26:23; 175:5,8;188:19; well-documented (1) 73:5;101:18 99:14;121:18;197:10 31:11;35:19;39:19; 198:18;206:2,3,6 187:6 win-win (1) working (15) 40:21;43:17;45:8,21; well-known (2) 91:10 9:24,25;57:10; 48:16;51:2;52:6; 1 186:9,9 Wisconsin (1) 61:12;77:10;85:4; 68:22;69:8;75:7,7, wells (11) 134:15 92:16,25;156:18; 20;78:20;80:15;95:9, 1 (3) 11:23;12:6,7,10,14, wisely (1) 157:13;160:18; 14,22,25;97:22; 35:16;68:15; 20,24;13:3,5;152:3; 189:13 166:24;184:2; 99:19;112:4;121:7; 174:20 154:15 wish (2) 196:25;209:4 122:12;124:23,25; 1,500 (1) well-versed (1) 14:7;167:12 works (2) 125:3,7,11,16;132:4; 108:3 202:22 wishes (1) 34:3;154:20 136:7;138:18;139:5, 1.2 (2) weren't (2) 164:15 world (10) 6;143:13;146:14; 141:11;174:8 24:2;126:6 Wisner (1) 23:16,18;67:7; 147:25;151:14; 1.22 (1) west (2) 19:17 72:13;78:9;147:14; 158:14,14;170:8; 109:2 10:11;21:4 within (6) 176:3;179:2;186:23; 171:2,2,3;187:21; 1.3 (4) Westchester (2) 36:2,17;126:13; 191:25 188:18;191:22; 49:16,22;109:3; 207:6,13 142:4;157:21;187:4 world-class (3) 203:23;213:4 144:17 wetlands (5) without (14) 60:25;104:21; yesterday (2) 1.5 (2) 12:2;66:14;169:13, 8:16;37:14;44:17; 126:18 157:4;177:20 107:23;144:18 14,15 59:4;66:22,23;85:5; worldwide (1) yield (1) 10 (3) whacky (1) 96:9;143:15;165:5; 126:21 49:15 33:3;95:22;186:25 87:18 185:8;188:15;195:5, worried (1) York (39) 10- (1) what's (10) 7 87:16 3:6;21:15,21; 95:10 48:8;55:17;94:2,3; Wolfson (1) worries (1) 48:14;49:16;52:3,16; 10,000 (1) 95:24;113:6;127:18; 185:17 187:23 53:24;65:18;67:2; 144:19 169:22;181:21;208:7 women (1) worry (1) 71:10;80:13;82:18; 10:58 (1) Where's (1) 116:22 170:12 84:22;91:5,13,23,23, 215:20 9:7 wonder (1) worse (4) 24,25;94:14,22;99:6; 100 (2) Whereupon (1) 165:21 28:8;143:17; 100:15;109:19; 54:16;89:10 215:19 wonderful (2) 186:10;194:16 116:7;118:8,11; 108 (1) wherever (1) 14:13;200:4 worst (2) 140:13,19;146:8; 87:25 97:14 wondering (2) 43:17;211:14 153:14,18;162:13; 10924 (1) whole (2) 75:2;154:5 worst-case (1) 169:9;176:19; 3:6 138:9;172:20 woo (1) 35:25 199:18;200:7;210:22 10th (4) wholesome (1) 140:14 wrap (2) young (5) 6:24;7:2,4,9 158:5 Wood (2) 34:5;180:10 39:23;61:2;72:23; 11 (1) who's (6) 51:16;54:14 write-offs (1) 90:23;106:6 8:13 7:23;44:20;154:8; Woodbury (1) 58:25 younger (2) 12 (3) 160:25;177:4;198:3 157:7 writing (6) 90:16;100:2 100:21;116:13; whose (2) woodlands (1) 6:15;7:10;19:2; youngest (1) 166:20 163:17;182:22 169:23 142:22;212:14,22 204:8 12,000 (1) wide (1) word (1) written (5) you's (1) 111:3 39:12 169:15 6:22;7:5;46:19; 79:22 124 (2) widening (2) work (32) 69:3;141:3 youth (1) 97:25;169:17 143:11,15 26:16;38:14,18; wrong (8) 99:21 13 (1) wife (2) 39:6;70:15,21;90:15; 48:16;53:5;82:4; 66:2 86:4,21 91:14,18;92:15; 83:16;112:21; Z 1300 (1) Wikipedia (1) 102:18;104:23,24; 113:16;176:13; 93:19 20:2 110:23;116:20; 206:15 ZBA (1) 140 (1) wildlife (4) 117:24;119:15; 122:17 19:4 50:10;129:9,12,17 133:19;138:21; Y Zee (1) 145 (2) William (1) 153:17;155:17; 48:22 10:14;19:14 62:22 156:24;157:9; Year (24) zone (3) 15 (7) willing (4) 167:22;181:19; 42:14;88:4,5,6; 59:23;72:25; 33:3;68:22;69:8; 59:22;63:10;70:20; 195:17;197:10; 96:4,7;100:21;101:3; 192:20 95:22;112:4;171:2; 200:16 202:17,24;204:7; 107:24;112:23; zoned (2) 194:23 windfall (1) 208:13;211:14 113:24;134:13; 51:8;85:8 150 (3) 28:6 worked (3) 136:25;139:21,23; zoning (25) 43:17;144:20; window (1) 106:13;157:5; 144:19,20;146:19; 41:14,19;59:12,16, 192:16

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156 (2) 2005 (1) 52:14;82:23; 56 (2) 201:10 18:23;19:8 19:19 187:21 194:23,25 95 (1) 15-year (1) 2009 (1) 30-year (3) 59 (1) 168:22 95:11 82:14 63:11;109:16; 175:23 950 (1) 160 (2) 200-foot (1) 145:3 49:22 41:24;48:5 12:11 32-year (1)6 950,000 (1) 17 (20) 2011 (1) 146:7 49:17 20:19;21:4;24:8; 193:7 363 (1) 6 (8) 97.29 (1) 53:2;88:21;89:12; 2012 (2) 76:8 69:4;141:4,6; 176:24 97:8;108:5;119:2; 80:25;137:2 383 (1) 142:2;144:4;161:6; 9710 (3) 120:3;141:14;143:7, 2016 (2) 110:24 168:19;194:9 59:13;137:11; 11,16,24;157:15; 25:8;82:22 39 (1) 6,000 (3) 138:8 172:8;175:24; 2017 (1) 194:19 128:8;129:21; 99 (1) 193:25;199:14 26:17 399 (1) 130:6 42:7 175 (1) 209 (1) 161:25 60 (1) 147:25 3:5 52:6 17A (2) 210 (1) 4 62 (3) 201:12,13 165:16 193:5;194:8;213:4 17M (1) 2-2 (1) 4 (3) 64 (2) 194:2 13:9 48:5;58:20;204:9 67:6;187:22 18 (1) 221 (2) 4.4 (2) 68 (1) 40:20 86:5,23 175:4,13 136:11 180 (1) 240 (1) 40 (4) 6900 (1) 175:3 165:20 3:5;48:16;67:8; 60:19 180,000 (1) 25 (7) 129:17 108:25 20:24;101:3;108:4; 45 (3) 7 18th (1) 138:18;139:5; 101:3;136:7; 129:3 146:16;170:8 191:22 7,000 (1) 1935 (1) 25,000 (1) 45-year-old (1) 116:12 50:8 10:22 98:16 7:30 (4) 1949 (1) 250 (1) 46 (1) 8:9;210:11;214:16, 27:17 116:15 67:6 17 1972 (1) 250-room (1) 49-year (1) 70s (1) 183:15 10:19 60:16 156:14 1987 (1) 26 (2) 72 (1) 196:5 108:22;158:14 5 184:16 19th (3) 27 (3) 774,000 (1) 8:9;214:16,18 139:6;149:12; 5 (10) 108:20 151:16 69:4;141:4,5,9,19, 2 270,000 (1) 20;144:4;161:6; 8 108:17 168:18;174:23 2 (4) 28 (1) 5,000 (2) 8 (3) 41:21;42:24; 192:8 11:10;108:2 25:8;29:15;67:20 100:21;124:12 29-year (1) 5,500 (1) 80 (2) 2,000 (1) 196:3 11:11 52:2,7 192:19 50 (9) 825 (4) 2.5 (1) 3 75:23;97:22; 60:19,19;116:11; 107:23 123:22,25;124:3; 117:18 20 (4) 3 (3) 126:8;146:18; 845.294.4080 (1) 75:7,14;171:2; 43:14;58:22; 165:20;204:2 3:9 203:23 182:24 50,000 (1) 86 (1) 20,000 (2) 3.1 (1) 165:17 143:12 107:22;194:20 141:13 500 (2) 8th (1) 200 (1) 3:00 (1) 31:25;126:10 193:7 126:11 29:15 52 (1) 200,000 (2) 30 (18) 125:2 9 144:16;165:21 21:22;64:20;75:20; 522 (5) 2000 (1) 78:20;80:15;95:9,14, 9:20;10:3,8,14; 9 (2) 50:17 25;122:12;124:23, 162:2 89:23;90:7 2003 (1) 25;125:3,7,11,16; 522-acre (1) 9/23 (1) 50:17 146:17;158:14; 192:24 109:25 2004 (1) 165:16 5500 (1) 94 (3) 19:13 300 (3) 182:5 109:7;199:16;

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PUBLIC HEARING December 19, 2016

Original File 113843.TXT Min-U-Script® with Word Index



2 X



5 X

6 222 Scotchtown Road

7 Goshen, New York


9 December 19, 2016 7:29 p.m. 10 11

12 PUBLIC HEARING in the above-referenced

13 matter taken before Sadie L. Herbert, a

14 Registered Professional Reporter and Notary

15 Public of the States of New York and New Jersey.








23 ELLEN GRAUER COURT REPORTING CO. LLC 126 East 56th Street, Fifth Floor 24 New York, New York 10022

25 212-750-6434 REF: 113843


1 A P P E A R A N C E S:



4 LEE BERGUS, Chairman

5 PHIL DROPKIN, Deputy Chairman









21 22 23

24 25


1 A P P E A R A N C E S (Cont'd):




5 40 Matthews Street

6 Suite 209 7 Goshen, New York 10924 8


10 [email protected]

11 KELLY M. NAUGHTON, ESQ. 12 knaughton@bmglawyers com 13



19 20

21 22 23

24 25


1 A P P E A R A N C E S (Cont'd):




5 555 Hudson Valley Avenue

6 Suite 100 7 New Windsor, New York 12553 8


10 [email protected] 11

12 PHILIP ROYLE, Merlin Entertainments 13 14

15 16 17


19 20

21 22 23

24 25


1 ------I N D E X ------





8 ------E X H I B I T S ------





13 14

15 16 17


19 20


22 23

24 25



19:29:50 2 MR. BLOOMFIELD: I'd like to do the

19:29:53 3 Pledge of Allegiance to the flag, the

19:29:55 4 flag is back over on your left-hand 19:29:56 5 side. 19:30:17 6 (Whereupon, the Pledge of 19:30:19 7 Allegiance was recited.) 19:30:19 8

19:30:21 9 MR. BLOOMFIELD: By the way, I'd

19:30:23 10 like to thank everybody for coming

19:30:24 11 tonight, on a cold night, I'd like to

19:30:24 12 also thank you all for coming last --

19:30:26 13 and the ones who came last Thursday 19:30:27 14 night for the meeting. I have a great 19:30:30 15 deal of pride in you all on both sides 19:30:33 16

19:30:36 17 of the ledger, and this is democracy at

19:30:39 18 its best, so hopefully we'll come out

19:30:43 19 with a better quality product than

19:30:45 20 where we're starting tonight.

19:30:47 21 So -- okay. The emergency exits, I 19:30:51 22 guess, are straight out that door and 19:30:53 23 out that door (indicating) and I don't 19:30:55 24 know where the restrooms are, but if 19:30:58 25 you go out that door, you can ask



19:30:58 2 So tonight is the Town Board, we

19:31:01 3 have what we call, it's a combined work

19:31:03 4 session and Town Board meeting tonight, 19:31:06 5 we're going to be doing that, to do 19:31:08 6 other business, other than LEGOLAND. 19:31:10 7 And we have six -- five items that we 19:31:13 8

19:31:16 9 have to accomplish tonight and so we

19:31:21 10 have the room until 11 o'clock, but we

19:31:23 11 want to stop, if we're not finished

19:31:26 12 with the public hearing, at 10:30 so 19:31:28 13 the Town can accomplish the things that 19:31:31 14 we need to accomplish by year-end. 19:31:34 15 So with that, I'm going to turn it 19:31:36 16

19:31:37 17 over to Lee, and he will chair the

19:31:42 18 meeting.

19:31:44 19 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you. As

19:31:46 20 our supervisor said, welcome to

19:31:48 21 everybody, this is a continuation of 19:31:54 22 the public hearing that we started on 19:31:57 23 Thursday, the 17th, for -- the 15th, 19:31:59 24

19:32:01 25 I'm sorry, for the LEGOLAND project. It's a joint public hearing, and I'm



19:32:04 2 items that are covered under this

19:32:06 3 public hearing, the Comprehensive Plan

19:32:10 4 Amendments, introductory to Local Law 5 19:32:12 5 of 2016, and finally, the Local Law 6 Amending the Town of Goshen 19:32:17 7 Comprehensive Plan. It also includes 19:32:18 8

19:32:19 9 introductory Local Law Number 6 of

19:32:23 10 2016, entitled the Local Law Amending

19:32:25 11 Chapter 97, Zoning of the Code of the

19:32:31 12 Town of Goshen to Create a Commercial

19:32:31 13 Recreation Overlay Zoning District to 19:32:34 14 allow a commercial recreation facility 19:32:35 15 within the Town of Goshen. 19:32:39 16

19:32:40 17 It will cover the Draft

19:32:40 18 Environmental Impact Statement,

19:32:43 19 otherwise known as the DEIS, the site

19:32:45 20 plan, subdivision, and special permit

19:32:48 21 application, the clearing and grading 19:32:54 22 permit, and finally, the sale of Town 19:32:55 23 parcels to the project sponsor. Merlin 19:32:56 24 Entertainment Group US Holdings, 19:32:59 25 Incorporated as the project sponsor,



19:32:59 2 approximately 140 acres of a 523-acre

19:33:03 3 site consisting of 15 total parcels,

19:33:07 4 11-145, 46, 47, 49.2, 58, 60, 62 19:33:14 5 through 69 and 15-1-59, all located 19:33:19 6 along the easterly side of Harriman 19:33:22 7 Drive in the town of Goshen. The 19:33:25 8

19:33:27 9 commercial recreation facility will

19:33:28 10 consist of a LEGOLAND theme park,

19:33:31 11 including rides and attractions, an

19:33:34 12 aquarium, theaters, restaurants, a 19:33:37 13 250-guest room hotel, retail of various 19:33:39 14 important administrative back of the 19:33:43 15 house facilities, including offices and 19:33:44 16

19:33:47 17 staff areas, as well as the associated

19:33:51 18 on-site service parking up to 5,000

19:33:51 19 guest vehicles and drainage facilities,

19:33:54 20 the project sponsor will be obtaining

19:33:56 21 public water, public sewer services 19:33:57 22 from the Village of Goshen. 19:33:59 23 The purpose of the public hearing 19:34:03 24

19:34:05 25 is to provide an opportunity for the public input on the Comprehensive Plan



19:34:06 2 application, clearing and grading

19:34:08 3 permit and the sale of the Town parcels

19:34:11 4 to the project sponsor, as well as 19:34:14 5 Local Laws 5 and 6. 19:34:15 6 As I stated on the last meeting, 19:34:18 7 the first part of this public hearing, 19:34:20 8

19:34:22 9 written comments will be received at

19:34:24 10 any time during the comment period in

19:34:26 11 the town building department, which

19:34:30 12 will be passed on to Neil, our building 19:34:32 13 inspector, the commentary will extend 19:34:35 14 for ten days following the close of the 19:34:37 15 public hearing. The Town Board and the 19:34:38 16

19:34:41 17 Planning Board have both agreed to

19:34:43 18 accept comments until the close of

19:34:47 19 business January 10th, 2007.

19:34:49 20 That being said, we're here for a

19:34:52 21 continuation of a public hearing, 19:34:54 22 again, it's a joint public hearing, any 19:34:57 23 comments you do have on these seven 19:34:59 24

19:35:02 25 items that I did mention, you're free to raise those concerns or comments,



19:35:05 2 15th. Anybody who has had the

19:35:07 3 opportunity to speak on the 15th and is

19:35:09 4 in the public record as having spoken 19:35:11 5 on that day, will not be speaking 19:35:13 6 tonight. Anybody else that has not had 19:35:17 7 the opportunity to speak, we welcome 19:35:20 8

19:35:23 9 your comments. Anybody who has spoken

19:35:25 10 or has additional comments to share

19:35:29 11 with the Board and our consultants and

19:35:31 12 the Town Board, we will gladly accept 19:35:34 13 those, as I stated, in writing. Any 19:35:36 14 time up through the close of business 19:35:39 15 on January 10th. 19:35:43 16

19:35:46 17 Just for -- again, for the benefit

19:35:48 18 of everybody in the room, we do have a

19:35:51 19 smaller crowd than we had at the

19:35:53 20 previous initial portion of this public

19:35:55 21 hearing, if you will extend the 19:35:55 22 courtesy to the speakers, regardless of 19:35:57 23 what their position is on the project, 19:35:59 24

19:36:01 25 everybody would appreciate that, up here, as well as in the audience.



19:36:04 2 would line up behind the two mics at

19:36:08 3 each aisle, and as we did before, I'll

19:36:11 4 alternate from left to right, back and 19:36:14 5 forth, so everybody that has not spoken 19:36:17 6 has a chance to speak. And as we did 19:36:23 7 state at the last meeting, if you do 19:36:26 8

19:36:29 9 not speak for your full four minutes,

19:36:31 10 you can't will them to your neighbor,

19:36:33 11 share them with anyone, give them away,

19:36:35 12 and if you speak for one minute, that's 19:36:37 13 your turn, if you speak for four 19:36:44 14 minutes, that's your turn. Okay? So, 19:36:47 15 pretty well evenly matched up on both 19:36:49 16 17 sides and everybody standing up has not

19:36:53 18 yet spoken; is that correct?

19:36:55 19 (Interjections from audience.)

19:36:57 20 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: So in that case,

19:37:00 21 what we'll ask you to do before you 19:37:02 22 start speaking is provide for the 19:37:05 23 record your name and your address and 19:37:07 24

19:37:10 25 then go on and make your case, please. MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: My name is



19:37:14 2 Morrow[ph], son-in-law, Bernie, and

19:37:16 3 grandchildren, Addie and Joseph, all of

19:37:17 4 whom have long been heavily invested in 19:37:19 5 the school, community and civic 19:37:21 6 affairs, I'm here as a friend of this 19:37:24 7 Town Board and Planning Board, not as 19:37:25 8

19:37:28 9 an enemy, I'm also here as a

19:37:33 10 card-carrying and tired CSEA member and

19:37:35 11 president for many years of the CSEA

19:37:36 12 unit in the School District in 19:37:38 13 Rockland, so I'm certainly not here as 19:37:41 14 an enemy of any unions, rather I am 19:37:42 15 here tonight to briefly restate some 19:37:43 16

19:37:46 17 points made last Thursday night, which

19:37:49 18 I respectfully submit, this Planning

19:37:51 19 Board and Town Board would do well to

19:37:54 20 seriously consider. Here, then, are

19:37:57 21 just a few of the issues required by 19:37:58 22 SEQRA and case law, which have not been 19:38:01 23 properly addressed specifically. 19:38:03 24

19:38:04 25 The arbitrary and capricious action of this Town Board in overturning the



19:38:05 2 Goshen and preserve its environmentally

19:38:09 3 sensitive ecosystem, the arbitrary and

19:38:12 4 capricious nature of the approval of 19:38:15 5 LEGOLAND, just four months after 19:38:19 6 rejecting Kiryas Joel's application, 7 despite LEGOLAND presenting myriad more 19:38:22 8

19:38:24 9 substantial issues than KJ. Indeed,

19:38:27 10 the Town Board would be wise to

19:38:28 11 consider the prospect of a major and

19:38:31 12 potentially successful lawsuit from KJ

19:38:34 13 and/or its proposed developer on 19:38:36 14 religious grounds. 19:38:39 15 The failure of this DEIS to address 19:38:40 16

19:38:42 17 numerous SEQRA required quality of life

19:38:45 18 issues, both during construction and

19:38:49 19 beyond. The failure of this DEIS to

19:38:51 20 address the totality of the 523 acres,

19:38:54 21 especially since Merlin officials have 19:38:56 22 clearly stated that they intend to 19:38:59 23 build out well beyond the initial 19:39:01 24 142 acres, case law documents the 19:39:03 25 requirement that this be addressed



19:39:06 2 vastly higher particulate levels

19:39:10 3 resulting from an expected quantity of

19:39:11 4 increase in vehicular traffic, not to 19:39:13 5 mention for many months of blasting, 19:39:16 6 bulldozing, trucking and other 19:39:18 7 construction-related activities. 19:39:19 8

19:39:23 9 The failure of this DEIS to provide

19:39:24 10 empirical data or analysis to support

19:39:28 11 the unsubstantiated claim that the

19:39:31 12 village's well-documented drought 19:39:31 13 conditions will not be a barrier to 19:39:33 14 supplying water to upwards of 20,000 19:39:37 15 visitors a day and two million visitors 19:39:40 16

19:39:44 17 a year. The failure of this DEIS to

19:39:45 18 provide empirical evidence that any

19:39:46 19 newly-drilled well entirely in an

19:39:49 20 aquifer, rather than tapping into an

19:39:53 21 already overutilized aquifer. The 19:39:56 22 failure of this DEIS to address all the 19:39:58 23 biodiversity related to Otter Creek, 19:39:58 24

19:40:01 25 despite acknowledging that it must be preserved.



19:40:02 2 depreciation, documented to be

19:40:05 3 20 percent and more.

19:40:06 4 The failure of this DEIS to

19:40:10 5 identify the CPV natural gas plant in 19:40:13 6 Wawayanda as an impacting project, and 19:40:15 7 to provide plans to mitigate 19:40:17 8 environmental damage, precisely because 19:40:19 9

19:40:22 10 LEGOLAND plans to obtain power from

19:40:23 11 this very source.

19:40:26 12 There is much more this DEIS fails

19:40:28 13 to adequately address, as required by 19:40:30 14 SEQRA, including, but not limited to, 19:40:32 15 the significant issues of noise 19:40:34 16 pollution and vehicular overload, as 19:40:37 17

19:40:39 18 well as numerous inaccurate

19:40:41 19 representations within this DEIS with

19:40:46 20 regard to topographical elevations,

19:40:47 21 retaining walls, watersheds and

19:40:49 22 flooding on Harriman Avenue. These are 19:40:51 23 important legal issues which this Town 19:40:53 24 Board and Town Planning Board would be 19:40:56 25 wise to seriously consider and to



19:41:00 2 Thank you.

19:41:01 3 (Applause.)

19:41:01 4 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you. 19:41:02 5 On this side. 19:41:03 6 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good 19:41:03 7 evening, Melissa McCoy, I am 19:41:07 8 representing as a member of the Orange 19:41:10 9

19:41:11 10 County Chamber of Commerce, and also

19:41:13 11 specifically speaking as chief

12 advancement officer for Abilities

19:41:18 13 First.

19:41:20 14 NIMBY is very well-known to many, 19:41:22 15 Not In My Backyard, and while I'm not 19:41:24 16 going to speak to address the technical 19:41:25 17 aspects that you are going to address 19:41:27 18

19:41:30 19 today, I really am here to be the voice

19:41:31 20 for those with disabilities that cannot

19:41:33 21 speak for themselves, I think it's

19:41:36 22 something that maybe all of you at your

19:41:38 23 table think about, all of you in the 19:41:41 24 audience that may be an individual with 19:41:43 25 a disability, a family member has a



19:41:45 2 organization to come into our town who

19:41:47 3 has made it a high priority within

19:41:50 4 their history to recognize individuals, 19:41:52 5 employ them, make accommodations for 19:41:55 6 them, accommodate for children that 19:41:57 7 live in our communities. 19:41:57 8

19:42:00 9 Abilities First enriches the lives

19:42:02 10 of children and adults throughout the

19:42:05 11 Hudson Valley, we serve over 1500

19:42:07 12 individuals daily. In , 19:42:09 13 there's over 120,000 people with 19:42:12 14 disabilities, at least half of those 19:42:14 15 individuals are interested in being 19:42:16 16

19:42:18 17 employed and having meaningful work and

19:42:21 18 things to do in their day, just as all

19:42:23 19 of you are trying to do today. I think

19:42:24 20 we deserve to represent those

19:42:26 21 organizations, represent those people 19:42:29 22 and be the voice for them, to have 19:42:32 23 opportunity to allow an organization to 19:42:34 24

19:42:36 25 come into our communities and be an example to the rest of our businesses,



19:42:38 2 a variety of individuals, with a

19:42:40 3 variety of abilities, and I'd ask you

19:42:42 4 to consider that in your decision. 19:42:44 5 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you. 19:42:46 6 (Applause.) 19:42:50 7 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Hi, my name 19:42:51 8 is Neal Gabriel, I live on Southgate in 19:42:55 9 the town of Goshen, I'm not here to 19:42:57 10

19:42:58 11 speak about the technicalities that

19:43:01 12 other people before have, or will

19:43:03 13 after, more qualified than I. I'm

19:43:04 14 speaking from my heart as a homeowner. 19:43:07 15 My wife and I moved here 31 years 19:43:10 16 ago to this rural area, bought a piece 19:43:13 17 of land, built a home for our family, 19:43:16 18

19:43:18 19 we moved from a rural area, not from

19:43:21 20 the City or a crowded suburb in the

19:43:23 21 City. This project, to me, is going to

19:43:25 22 take away that quality of life that we

19:43:29 23 moved here for and care so deeply 19:43:31 24 about. I'm not opposed to the whole 19:43:34 25 idea of bringing business in, for



19:43:36 2 location within Orange County.

19:43:39 3 I also have some very good

19:43:42 4 neighbors, none of which have asked me 19:43:44 5 to support and help them pay their 19:43:46 6 taxes or they've never asked permission 19:43:49 7 to come in and clear cut my woods on my 19:43:52 8

19:43:54 9 interesting with what we have going on

19:43:56 10 here. I do have several concerns about

19:43:59 11 the project.

19:44:00 12 First of all, why is it being

19:44:02 13 fast-tracked? I heard -- in one of the

19:44:04 14 previous meetings, the Planning Board 19:44:07 15 indicated that they just heard about 19:44:08 16 this in June, in six months, we're 19:44:11 17 going to approve? Amy's Kitchen took 19:44:15 18

19:44:17 19 several years, so when I -- when I

19:44:19 20 listen to this, the first thing that

19:44:23 21 pops into my mind is, hmm, have they

19:44:25 22 already made their mind up and are we

19:44:27 23 just going through a game and the 19:44:30 24 semantics and motions, so that 19:44:32 25



19:44:35 2 already and you're not willing to

19:44:36 3 listen to us, shame on you. I don't

19:44:38 4 know that that's the case, but such a

19:44:41 5 fast-track, just makes me personally a

19:44:43 6 little suspicious of some of the

19:44:45 7 issues. 19:44:46 8 The other things I have great 19:44:48 9 concerns over is the traffic, everybody 19:44:50 10 has spoken about the traffic, I think 19:44:53 11

19:44:54 12 that will be a nightmare. I'm now

19:44:56 13 retired, but I used to spend hours and

19:44:59 14 hours commuting on Route 17, I can't

19:45:02 15 imagine what the people in the future

19:45:04 16 that still commute are going to have to 19:45:05 17 live through. 19:45:07 18 We talked about Merlin wanting to 19:45:09 19

19:45:11 20 be a good neighbor, yet I understand,

19:45:14 21 if I read correctly in the paper or

19:45:17 22 listen in these meetings, they're not

19:45:19 23 willing to pay for the flyover, at some

19:45:22 24 $90 million, is the number I've heard. 19:45:24 25 Ifidthtit ti tht d



19:45:26 2 for their benefit solely. I also am

19:45:28 3 concerned that where I live is more

19:45:30 4 towards the Florida side off Reservoir 19:45:31 5 Road that there also will be a lot of 19:45:34 6 traffic coming up that way, individuals 19:45:36 7 spoke in the last meeting regarding 19:45:36 8

19:45:38 9 traffic coming in from Warwick.

19:45:41 10 Anybody who commutes from Northern

19:45:43 11 New Jersey or New York, knows that on a

19:45:46 12 crazy traffic day, you come up through 19:45:49 13 Warwick. We're going to need a traffic 19:45:52 14 light, perhaps, there on 17A and 19:45:53 15 Reservoir Road. Who's going to pay for 19:45:54 16

19:45:57 17 thus. t?

19:45:57 18 The other thing that concerns me is

19:45:57 19 the pollution from all the cars. That

19:45:59 20 and the daily fireworks that they are

19:46:02 21 going to have, more pollution.

19:46:04 22 The noise from the cars and from

19:46:06 23 the fireworks and the activity in the

19:46:09 24 park. I'm a little skeptical when they 19:46:12 25 say, we won't hear anything, it's very



19:46:14 2 quiet, I would need to hear that

19:46:15 3 myself, before I can believe it.

19:46:17 4 I'm also very concerned about the 19:46:22 5 impact on the environment. Everyone 19:46:25 6 talks about the environment sensitive 19:46:27 7

19:46:29 8 area there that they want to develop.

19:46:32 9 I don't know why we overlook that, we

19:46:34 10 should leave the zoning the same as it

19:46:37 11 is now, don't change it. That way, the

19:46:40 12 residential development, no high

19:46:41 13 density, no amusement park. I just

19:46:43 14 don't understand that. 19:46:44 15 why a I also don't understand 19:46:46 16 working for

19:46:48 17 a corporation, why a company, any

19:46:50 18 corporation would buy four times the

19:46:53 19 land -- 19:46:54 20 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you. 19:46:55 21 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Thank you. 19:46:57 22 (Applause.) 19:46:57 23 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Over here, 19:46:58 24

19:46:59 25 please.



19:47:00 2 evening, my name is Barbara Martinez,

19:47:03 3 I'm the director of communications for

19:47:05 4 the Orange County Chamber of Commerce, 19:47:07 5 and I am here on behalf of the Greater 19:47:09 6 Winter Haven Chamber of Commerce in 19:47:11 7 Florida, this letter is coming 19:47:13 8

19:47:15 9 from[sic] Chairman Lee Bergus.

19:47:18 10 As a chamber of commerce executive

19:47:20 11 and resident of the community that has

19:47:24 12 benefitted tremendously from the 19:47:24 13 investments made by Merlin 19:47:26 14 Entertainments, I'm writing to 19:47:28 15 encourage you to move forward with the 19:47:30 16

19:47:31 17 development of LEGOLAND New York.

19:47:34 18 Merlin Entertainment Group chose to

19:47:36 19 come to Winter Haven, Florida during

19:47:38 20 one of the worst economic recessions

19:47:39 21 our country has had. The residents of 19:47:40 22 Winter Haven and surrounding area had 19:47:43 23 their questions as the residents of the 19:47:45 24

19:47:47 25 village and town of Goshen do. Who is Merlin as an organization?



19:47:49 2 gardens and botanical gardens that were

19:47:52 3 on the property? What kind of traffic

19:47:55 4 would the park bring to the area? 19:47:57 5 Would they be good corporate, 19:47:59 6 environmental, and community citizens? 19:48:02 7 Would they really create jobs? Are 19:48:05 8

19:48:08 9 they here for the long haul?

19:48:10 10 Who Merlin was as an organization

19:48:11 11 became readily apparent very early on

19:48:12 12 in the process. Merlin was a company 13 that wanted to work collaboratively 19:48:16 14 with the community around it. They 19:48:17 15 quickly formed productive working 19:48:18 16

19:48:20 17 relationships with County and city

19:48:22 18 officials to guarantee the best

19:48:25 19 outcomes for both the community and

19:48:28 20 their business. They held numerous

19:48:28 21 community events, both widely open to 19:48:31 22 the public and held specifically with 19:48:34 23 the residents that raised concerns due 19:48:36 24

19:48:38 25 to their proximity to the park. They modified their plans when needed to



19:48:39 2 construct the LEGOLAND Florida, which

19:48:41 3 brought numerous jobs throughout its

19:48:44 4 development, in addition to the 19:48:45 5 thousand year-round and seasonal jobs 19:48:49 6 the park's operation brought. 19:48:51 7 By now, I'm sure you have seen the 19:48:54 8

19:48:55 9 five-year economic impact numbers, but

10 one billion dollars is a conservative

19:48:59 11 estimate in my opinion. Since opening

19:49:02 12 the park, their investment has expanded 19:49:04 13 beyond park and accommodation 19:49:06 14 operations to include corporate Merlin 19:49:08 15 positions in North American 19:49:10 16

19:49:11 17 headquarters and call center in

19:49:14 18 downtown Winter Haven in a model

19:49:18 19 building, Merlin Magic Making center in

19:49:20 20 our neighboring town of Lake Wales,

19:49:23 21 these have brought close to 200 more 19:49:24 22 jobs, many filled by area young 19:49:27 23 professionals. 19:49:30 24

19:49:32 25 On top of creating jobs and their economic impact, Merlin Entertainment



19:49:33 2 general manager of the park has served

19:49:34 3 as the chamber's board of directors

19:49:34 4 since he was hired during preopening. 19:49:37 5 He also serves on several economic 19:49:40 6 development organizations and Polk 19:49:43 7 Vision, a countywide nonprofit 19:49:46 8

19:49:46 9 organization trying to put a solution

19:49:49 10 in place for the community's greatest

19:49:51 11 needs. He works within our public

19:49:53 12 school system and each year, the park 19:49:58 13 welcomes every second grader in Polk 19:49:59 14 County through its gates. 19:50:00 15 The directors of the park serve on 19:50:01 16

19:50:03 17 the boards of the hospital and other

19:50:06 18 nonprofits in the community. They

19:50:08 19 participate in community focused events

19:50:09 20 and are ever present in important

19:50:11 21 discussions about the community, not 19:50:14 22 solely for the benefit of the park, but 19:50:15 23 for the community at large because they 19:50:18 24

19:50:20 25 live here, too, and want to see this community thrive. As I work with



19:50:22 2 amongst the most accessible and

19:50:24 3 engaged.

19:50:24 4 LEGOLAND Florida has also been 19:50:26 5 stewards of one of Winter Havens' most 19:50:29 6 historic and beloved attractions, the 19:50:31 7

19:50:33 8 Cypress Gardens botanical gardens.

19:50:35 9 This property is included in the

19:50:37 10 LEGOLAND Florida footprint and they

19:50:40 11 have meticulously cared for and

19:50:41 12 restored this beautiful sanctuary. 19:50:42 13 They have also restored Florida pool, 19:50:46 14 which was built for the Esther Williams 19:50:47 15 movie, Easy to Love. 19:50:50 16

19:50:55 17 When my predecessor was petitioning

19:50:55 18 to add the gardens to the national

19:50:57 19 registry of historic places, LEGOLAND

19:50:59 20 lent their support. They understand

19:51:02 21 the community's attachment to its 19:51:04 22 history and its natural beauty and have 19:51:05 23 taken intentional steps -- 19:51:09 24

19:51:10 25 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you, just for clarification, if I heard it right,



19:51:11 2 not. I said I'm just reading on behalf

19:51:13 3 of Lee Bergus, chairman of --

19:51:16 4 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: It's addressed to 19:51:18 5 me and the Board, not written by me. 19:51:20 6 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Yes. 19:51:21 7 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: I just want to 19:51:22 8

9 make sure I understand that. Thank

19:51:26 10 you.

19:51:26 11 (Applause.)

19:51:27 12 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Sir.

19:51:29 13 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Frank

19:51:31 14 Guerrera, resident of the town of 19:51:32 15 Goshen, Ridgeview Terrace, 24 years, 19:51:33 16 approximately, 30 years in the county. 19:51:35 17 I'd like to speak about the new 19:51:38 18

19:51:41 19 proposed local Law Number 6, changing

19:51:43 20 the Town of Goshen's comprehensive

19:51:45 21 Plan. Number 1, regarding buffer

19:51:47 22 zones, the Master Plan states that

19:51:50 23 buffers are required when development 19:51:53 24 is adjacent to a residential community 19:51:57 25 to the greatest extent possible. We



19:52:00 2 thousand feet in their latest proposal.

19:52:04 3 If you want to make a constructive

19:52:06 4 change to the Master Plan, make that 19:52:08 5 buffer zone a definitive amount, one 19:52:10 6 that has to be adhered to by this and 19:52:12 7 any Applicant, not one that can be 19:52:15 8

19:52:18 9 changed with the wind, depending on who

19:52:20 10 the applicant is. This would be

19:52:24 11 representing your constituent property

19:52:25 12 owners and not this huge foreign 19:52:25 13 corporation. 19:52:30 14 Two, currently, the Town of Goshen 19:52:30 15 Comprehensive Plan states, and the area 19:52:33 16

19:52:36 17 in question is where LEGOLAND is to be

19:52:39 18 built, this area has a steeper gradient

19:52:40 19 and also contains substantial wetlands

19:52:43 20 and is, therefore, better suited for

19:52:46 21 low density residential development. 19:52:49 22 The change you want to make adds for a 19:52:51 23 commercial tourism recreational 19:52:53 24

19:52:56 25 facility, that are designed to accommodate, to a reasonable extent,



19:52:59 2 How is it you can equate low density

19:53:02 3 residential housing with the -- to be

19:53:05 4 the biggest LEGOLAND amusement park in 19:53:07 5

19:53:10 6 so that both require the same zoning.

19:53:18 7 You are changing the name to

19:53:20 8 order to skirt recreational facility in 19:53:22 9 Plan, which th i t t f Mt 19:53:23 10 states many times that its aim is to 19:53:26 11 keep Goshen's rural and -- rural and

19:53:27 12 specifically forbids amusement parks,

19:53:31 13 the mitigation standard is to a 19:53:33 14 reasonable extent. Why don't you just 19:53:35 15

19:53:38 16 let them, because that's what the words

19:53:41 17 seem to mean. Why are you giving this

19:53:43 18 corporation free reign to destroy this 19:53:47 19 sensitive area? Why are you not

19:53:50 20 standing up to them and protecting the

19:53:52 21 residents of Goshen? You represent us. 19:53:54 22 Three, as far as the DEIS, upon 19:53:58 23 review, many residents have valid 19:54:00 24 questions and concerns, in order to 19:54:02 25



19:54:05 2 experts other than those employed by

19:54:07 3 the Applicant are necessary. While the

19:54:10 4 Town has their own experts, some 19:54:12 5 officials have clearly signaled their 19:54:14 6 support for this project. Supervisor 19:54:17 7 Bloomfield has stated on the record 19:54:19 8

19:54:21 9 that he's for it and attended the

19:54:23 10 opening of the LEGOLAND storefront this

19:54:26 11 past Saturday to, in his own words,

19:54:27 12 gather information. 19:54:30 13 For a decision of this magnitude, 19:54:33 14 which will forever change the nature of 19:54:36 15

19:54:38 16 experts to have -- and have been

19:54:39 17 examining the DEIS in great detail. We

19:54:42 18 request after the time for written 19:54:44 19 comments has passed, the Planning Board

19:54:48 20 meet with these experts to gather from

19:54:50 21 them any facts that might have been 19:54:54 22 overlooked. Is this information less 19:54:57 23 important because it doesn't come from 19:55:01 24 Merlin Enterprises? The facts they can 19:55:03 25



19:55:05 2 determining whether this DEIS is

19:55:08 3 sufficient than attending the opening

19:55:11 4 of a storefront that is solely to 19:55:14 5 promote LEGOLAND. 6 (Applause.) 19:55:14 7 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: I'm sure you 19:55:15 8 are aware that in this town, there is a 19:55:18 9

19:55:20 10 perception that Merlin has been given

19:55:24 11 extreme favorable treatment, let's put

19:55:25 12 that perception to rest, in the

19:55:27 13 interest of our community and --

19:55:28 14 CHAIRMAN BERGUS Th k 19:55:29 15 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

19:55:30 16 (Applause.)

19:55:31 17 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Sir.

19:55:33 18 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good

19:55:34 19 evening. Good evening, my name is

19:55:37 20 Dennis Barnett, I'm from

19:55:41 21 Washingtonville. I wanted to begin by, 19:55:44 22 first of all, thanking you for giving 19:55:45 23 us an opportunity to speak, also my 19:55:47 24 thank you for the work you do. You 19:55:49 25



19:55:53 2 great, but seriously, we thank you for

19:55:56 3 the work you do.

19:55:58 4 You have been charged with 19:56:01 5 responsibility for preserving the 19:56:03 6 quality of life for this town, as well 19:56:07 7

19:56:10 8 as pursuing economic opportunities for

19:56:13 9 stability and vitality of the town. As

19:56:16 10 I speak to folks who are against this

19:56:20 11 project, their concerns seem to be

19:56:22 12 centered more around the issue of 19:56:31 13 quality of life. But true quality of 19:56:34 14 life cannot be occurring without 19:56:36 15 economic stability or economic 19:56:38 16

19:56:40 17 vitality. As I listen more and more to

19:56:42 18 what's being said, I find that this

19:56:47 19 issue is really about the quality of

19:56:49 20 life and economic development.

19:56:52 21 I'll admit to you, when I first 19:56:57 22 of the

19:56:59 23 things falling under the issue of

19:57:02 24 quality of life.

19:57:04 25 more to But as I listened more and



19:57:07 2 what's being said by both sides, I find

19:57:12 3 that I don't hear anything really bad

19:57:17 4 about LEGOLAND the company, and I 19:57:19 5 learned even more that this company has 19:57:21 6 a real sensitivity for preserving the 19:57:24 7 quality of life for the communities in 19:57:26 8

19:57:28 9 which they are involved with, as well

19:57:31 10 as bringing along economic development

19:57:34 11 for those companies and those

19:57:38 12 communities as well. So I stepped back 19:57:40 13 and I said to myself, wait a minute, we 19:57:42 14 have two entities here, the Town and 19:57:46 15

19:57:49 16 economic development. Wow. Unique

19:57:54 17 situation.

19:57:54 18 I am strongly supporting this

19:57:58 19 project, not because of what has been

19:58:03 20 said today, but primarily, because of 19:58:06 21 the like mindedness of both of these 19:58:08 22 entities around quality of life and 19:58:09 23 economic development, an occurrence 19:58:11 24

19:58:13 25 that normally does not happen, maybe



19:58:16 2 These two like-minded entities can sit

19:58:19 3 at the table and look for an

19:58:21 4 opportunity to create a win, win, win, 19:58:24 5 a win for the town, a win for the 19:58:27 6 company and a win for the town and 19:58:29 7 company combined. I am confident of 19:58:36 8

19:58:38 9 the ability of this town, the Board and

19:58:40 10 the Planning Board to do their very

19:58:43 11 best to preserve the quality of life

19:58:45 12 for this community, as well as pursue 19:58:47 13 economic opportunities for stability 19:58:53 14 and vitality. And we trust you to do 19:58:54 15 that. 19:58:59 16

19:59:01 17 So we wish you success, we wish you

19:59:03 18 God speed, as you make it happen, for

19:59:05 19 the town of Goshen, County of Orange

19:59:07 20 and New York state.

19:59:09 21 Thank you. 19:59:17 22 (Applause.) 19:59:21 23 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you. 24 25 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Erica Reed, Goshen.




19:59:21 3 Goshen.

19:59:21 4 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

19:59:22 5 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good

19:59:23 6 evening, as a resident of Goshen for

19:59:26 7 over 40 years, I want to speak about 19:59:28 8 the negative impact that the theme park 19:59:31 9 would have on the character of this 19:59:34 10

19:59:36 11 community, along with the quality of

19:59:38 12 life that I don't think LEGOLAND has in

19:59:41 13 the best interest of this town or

19:59:42 14 county.

19:59:45 15 According to the DEIS, this factor 19:59:48 16 of analyzing the character of the 19:59:50 17 community should be analyzed along with 19:59:53 18 many others, Goshen has a historic 19:59:56 19

19:59:58 20 rural charm that most people love and

21 appreciate. When you put a massive

20:00:00 22 theme park into that picture,

20:00:03 23 everything changes. All of a sudden,

20:00:06 24 Goshen will look like Paramus, New 20:00:08 25 Jersey or Nanuet in Rockland County.



20:00:10 2 supposed to spur on additional business

20:00:12 3 opportunities so eventually, 17, 17M

20:00:14 4 and 17A can very well look like 59 in 20:00:18 5 Spring Valley, with transit buses and 20:00:20 6 other means to commute. 20:00:22 7 So Board Members, I would ask, will 20:00:25 8

20:00:27 9 the character of this community change?

20:00:29 10 I believe we all know the answer.

20:00:30 11 In addition to the tremendous

20:00:32 12 traffic problems that will change this 20:00:34 13 town, there is also the real 20:00:36 14 possibility of affordable housing being 20:00:39 15 constructed for many of LEGOLAND's 20:00:42 16

20:00:44 17 employees, as well as county residents.

20:00:46 18 Of course, all people are entitled to

20:00:49 19 housing, but if you have a community

20:00:52 20 Yes, the character of this community

20:00:54 21 will change.

20:00:54 22 on any given day, And our children, 20:00:57 23 you will see kids out and about riding 20:01:00 24 their bikes or skateboards, playing

20:01:04 25 basketball at Erie Street or getting



20:01:06 2 ice cream down in the village. For our

20:01:07 3 middle school kids, this is freedom, to

20:01:09 4 not have your parents right by your

20:01:11 5 side 24/7. Why do so many parents

20:01:12 6 allow their kids out? Because of the 20:01:14 7 character of this community. Parents

20:01:16 8 and kids feel safe. The people in

20:01:20 9 Goshen generally know each other. If 20:01:22 10 LEGOLAND comes, you will now have a 20:01:26 11 serious influx of strangers out and 20:01:29 12 about when they leave the theme park. 20:01:31 13

20:01:35 14 Is Goshen going to put any surveillance

20:01:37 15 cameras into the town to help people

20:01:38 16 feel safe and secure, and if cameras

20:01:41 17 are installed, who is a paying for

20:01:42 18 them? 20:01:44 19 The points I've addressed are but a 20:01:47 20 few, but I think we all realize that 20:01:50 21

20:01:50 22 the character of this town will change

20:01:51 23 if LEGOLAND is permitted to be built,

20:01:52 24 and it's change that's not for the

20:01:52 25 better.



20:01:54 2 (Applause.)

20:01:57 3 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good

20:01:58 4 evening, Howard Mills, 9 Darlene Drive,

20:02:01 5 Goshen. 20:02:02 6 First, I'd like to thank the Board 20:02:04 7 for extending this the public hearing, 8 I think it speaks of the very 9

20:02:07 10 thoughtful manner in which you're

20:02:07 11 considering the impact of the project.

20:02:10 12 I'm very strongly in support of this

20:02:13 13 project, I think it has wonderful

20:02:16 14 benefits for our community, I won't get 20:02:18 15 into all the technical aspects of the 20:02:21 16 DEIS, other than to say that I'm very 20:02:23 17 confident that this Board and the State 20:02:24 18

20:02:24 19 of New York can mitigate the impacts of

20:02:25 20 this project.

20:02:26 21 I would like to make one point that

20:02:29 22 I feel very strongly about, and that is

20:02:31 23 that the Orange County economic 20:02:33 24 development strategy specifically talks 20:02:35 25 about the importance of tourism to the



20:02:38 2 economic opportunity for the people of

20:02:39 3 Orange County. I simply cannot imagine

20:02:42 4 a more positive, beneficial tourism 20:02:45 5 project for this county than LEGOLAND 20:02:47 6 New York. My fear is that if, for 20:02:50 7 whatever reason, this project were to 20:02:52 8

20:02:55 9 be rejected, that it would do

20:02:59 10 irreparable damage to Orange County's

20:03:01 11 reputation and ability to attract

20:03:03 12 future jobs and future economic 20:03:04 13 development, so I think that we need to 20:03:06 14 think about LEGOLAND, not just in the 20:03:10 15 context of LEGOLAND and its benefits 20:03:11 16

20:03:14 17 itself, but what it says about the

20:03:14 18 future of economic development in

20:03:15 19 Orange County.

20:03:16 20 Thank you very much.

20:03:18 21 (Applause.) 20:03:19 22 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you. 23 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: My name is 20:03:23 24

20:03:25 25 Donna Wolfson, I live on Lower Reservoir Road in Goshen.



20:03:27 2 some of the comments made by others

20:03:28 3 that pertains to the DEIS and the

20:03:31 4 project in general. 20:03:32 5 On Thursday, someone said, we don't 20:03:35 6

20:03:38 7 pass by and not stop. Well, we

20:03:40 8 certainly don't want to be the town

20:03:42 9 of people and thousands where thousands 20:03:44 10 upon us daily, seven fdd 20:03:47 11 days a week, seven months a year,

20:03:50 12 causing traffic jams and pollution on

20:03:52 13 their way in and out. I guess if all 20:03:55 14 you care about is business and not the 20:03:57 15 other aspects of this town, such as the 20:04:00 16 quality of life of the residents here, 20:04:03 17

20:04:05 18 maybe that's how you would feel. But

20:04:08 19 for those of us who actually live here,

20:04:11 20 this is a major problem.

20:04:13 21 Another person stated, when a

20:04:16 22 project is being put forth, there's 20:04:18 23 always a few people who get in the way, 20:04:21 24 they should just step aside and be 20:04:25 25



20:04:26 2 shouldn't be a personal issue when you

20:04:28 3 are talking about people's lives and

20:04:31 4 homes, and there are many of us who

20:04:33 5 feel this way, not just a few. Common

20:04:37 6 decency, let alone common sense, should

20:04:41 7 guide the Board in being fair to all of

20:04:44 8 its citizens, regardless of the

20:04:46 9 perceived common good. You can't --

20:04:51 10 you can move LEGOLAND to another site 20:04:53 11 in Orange County or New York state, but 20:04:56 12 we can't move our homes to another 20:04:58 13 place. 20:04:58 14

20:05:00 15 Other people talked about the great

20:05:02 16 job opportunities that LEGOLAND would

20:05:03 17 provide.

20:05:06 18 First of all, we have low

20:05:07 19 unemployment in this area. 20:05:09 20 Secondly, I have serious doubts 20:05:14 21 about the value of seasonable low 20:05:17 22

20:05:19 23 paying jobs and we lack affordable

20:05:20 24 housing to accommodate the hired

20:05:23 25 workers.



20:05:27 2 jobs.

20:05:27 3 If you want to give these folks

20:05:29 4 construction jobs, then build it 20:05:32 5 somewhere else in the county or the 20:05:34 6 state, not in the bedroom community of 20:05:38 7 Goshen and on this fragile land site. 20:05:41 8

20:05:43 9 Another person said, this property

20:05:46 10 is going to become something else

20:05:49 11 sooner or later, so why not do it now

20:05:51 12 and develop LEGOLAND? I would respond

20:05:55 13 that neither a mega theme park, nor a 20:05:57 14 high density housing project is 20:05:59 15 appropriate for the location selected. 20:06:03 16

20:06:06 17 There indeed may be a good use for it

20:06:09 18 in the future, perhaps a business or a

20:06:12 19 park that better conforms to the site

20:06:12 20 on a scale that doesn't swallow up its

20:06:14 21 surroundings. 20:06:17 22 I heard someone else say, a Master 20:06:18 23 Plan is written to be changed. I agree 20:06:20 24 that nothing lasts forever, but this 20:06:22 25 last Master Plan specifically forbade



20:06:24 2 of the intent of the recent plan. We

20:06:27 3 all know that this Board defended the

20:06:32 4 Master Plan as recently as this past 20:06:33 5 April. What happened that you are 20:06:35 6 trashing it now? 20:06:36 7 I also heard someone say that the 20:06:40 8

20:06:42 9 anti-LEGOLAND group opposes everything

20:06:45 10 that represents change in the

20:06:46 11 community. My response to him and the

20:06:49 12 job creators out there is, I am not 20:06:53 13 antijob or antigrowth, I'm not an 20:06:55 14 agitator, and I have never opposed any 20:06:58 15 other cause in the 35 years that I've 20:07:01 16

20:07:04 17 lived here. This proposed project is

20:07:07 18 so intrusive and polarizing to the

20:07:09 19 citizens of Goshen that I feel I must

20:07:13 20 take a strong stand.

20:07:16 21 Now, regarding the DEIS, some 20:07:17 22 people praised it and said it was the 20:07:19 23 most thorough and complete DEIS they 20:07:21 24

20:07:22 25 have seen, even as a layperson, I feel that I must have been reading a very



20:07:24 2 you very much.

20:07:24 3 (Applause.)

20:07:27 4 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Please. 20:07:28 5 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: My name is 20:07:30 6 Renee Bulla, my address is 361 Museum 20:07:36 7 Village Road, Monroe, New York, I am 20:07:37 8 here on behalf of the Orange County 20:07:41 9

20:07:43 10 Chamber Board, as I am a board member

20:07:44 11 on the board, I also have lived in the

20:07:46 12 community for over 20 years and work in

20:07:49 13 the advertising and marketing arena.

20:07:52 14 On that note, I think it's 20:07:53 15 important to understand that my 20:07:57 16 personal feeling is that, first of all, 20:07:59 17

20:08:02 18 a brand is the promise that a company

20:08:05 19 makes to an individual, a market, a

20:08:07 20 community, and I feel that the

20:08:10 21 LEGO/Merlin LEGOLAND brand promise is a

20:08:13 22 solid one. 20:08:18 23 I believe and trust in the brand, 20:08:20 24 for me and my family. And I do feel 20:08:22 25 that any concerns that are legitimate



20:08:24 2 and its brand expertise.

20:08:26 3 I feel that the values of this

20:08:35 4 business growing in our community, 5 aligned with my personal and family 20:08:37 6 belief that a wholesome support and 20:08:38 7 preservation of a child's imagination, 20:08:41 8 in a society that's moving way too much 20:08:44 9

20:08:48 10 and way too fast towards more screen

20:08:50 11 time. I have four children that have

20:08:51 12 grown up in my home over the course of

20:08:52 13 living in this community, and I want 20:08:55 14 them to stay here and work in this 20:08:57 15 community and not move away because 20:08:58 16 there's nothing for them and their 20:09:00 17

20:09:03 18 families that are growing. I already

20:09:05 19 have one child that has moved to

20:09:07 20 California for bigger and better

20:09:10 21 things, in his opinion, and that --

20:09:13 22 that family has a grandchild of mine, 20:09:17 23 so having a place besides coming to 20:09:21 24 visit me for my grandchild to attend, 20:09:24 25 that would be exciting for me.



20:09:25 2 but other people have touched on that.

20:09:28 3 Basically, I support the business

20:09:30 4 growth of LEGOLAND's contribution in 20:09:32 5 our community, this is the county seat, 20:09:35 6 this is something that I feel as a 20:09:37 7 county resident that I'd be proud to 20:09:40 8

20:09:42 9 have here, and I know that it would

20:09:44 10 contribute to helping keep our children

20:09:46 11 here, keeping our communities growing

20:09:48 12 in a way that is wholesome and good for

20:09:51 13 the rest of us. Thank you. 20:09:51 14 (Applause.) 20:09:52 15 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very 20:09:56 16 much. 20:09:57 17 Sir. 20:09:58 18

20:10:01 19 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Peter

20:10:04 20 Fitzpatrick, I live at 9 Cherrywood

20:10:07 21 Drive in Arcadia Hills, Goshen. I'm

20:10:09 22 going to speak a little bit from the

20:10:10 23 heart, because this property is in my

20:10:12 24 backyard. 20:10:16 25 So I attended all these meetings, I



20:10:16 2 center. You know, I'm a little

20:10:18 3 floored, though, because I'm watching

20:10:20 4 our community -- it's a public process, 20:10:23 5 I get it, but I'm a resident here, and 20:10:25 6 I've raised my children here, and I've 20:10:28 7 lived here for 17 years and I received 20:10:28 8

20:10:31 9 a certified letter to participate in my

20:10:34 10 community government, and I couldn't

20:10:36 11 even speak and I watched our community

20:10:40 12 be overrun by unions that couldn't even 20:10:43 13 growth, I hate to say it, nobody moves

20:10:46 14 to Goshen for jobs. We chose as a

20:10:49 15 multiple years ago with the community 20:10:53 16 Salesian project to have open space,

20:10:54 17 that's what we chose, we chose to be

20:10:57 18 that quiet sleepy community. I did not

20:11:00 19 choose to have a LEGOLAND in my

20:11:03 20 backyard. LEGOLAND is great. My kids 20:11:06 21 played with LEGOLAND products, my 20:11:09 22 grandchildren will too. But not there, 20:11:11 23 if you have ever walked that land, 20:11:14 24

20:11:15 25 because I have, it's beautiful, and



20:11:18 2 everything about it. So for a

20:11:20 3 commercial entity to want to come into

20:11:22 4 a subdivision, by the way, that's been 20:11:24 5 treated like a stepchild to Goshen for 20:11:27 6 many years, now all of a sudden, we're 20:11:30 7 front and center, I don't like it and 20:11:33 8

20:11:35 9 neither do the people where I live.

20:11:37 10 So I'm all for pro growth and

20:11:41 11 everything, they can pick a better

20:11:43 12 spot, Orange County commerce speaks a 20:11:47 13 lot, they're here, pick places like 20:11:48 14 Nepera Chemicals that's a cleanup site 20:11:51 15 right off the Thruway. There is places 20:11:54 16

20:11:56 17 in this community with vast land off 84

20:11:58 18 where we could really do the right

20:12:01 19 thing. That is not the right thing,

20:12:05 20 and in Goshen, it's not the right

20:12:08 21 thing. It's historic, the charm, Great 20:12:10 22 American Weekend, that's going to be 20:12:12 23 gone, I don't want to go to Great 20:12:14 24

20:12:16 25 American Weekend with 10,000 other people from the City or California,



20:12:18 2 how the residents of Arcadia Hills, who

20:12:21 3 are your neighbors -- like it or not,

20:12:23 4 we're neighbors, so I'm just baffled at 20:12:27 5 this whole thing, this whole process. 20:12:30 6 And we chose as a community for 20:12:32 7 open space, and we used tax dollars, 20:12:35 8

20:12:39 9 with joint venture of the Village for

20:12:41 10 Salesian property, we need to keep that

20:12:44 11 in mind, we chose this setting. We

20:12:46 12 should not change that Master Plan. 20:12:47 13 Th k 20:12:48 14 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

20:12:53 15 Sir.

20:12:54 16 (Applause.) 20:12:56 17 Next speaker. CHAIRMAN BERGUS: 20:12:57 18 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Yes, good

20:12:59 19 evening, my name is Ralph Martucci, I

20:13:03 20 reside in the town of Wawayanda, and I

20:13:05 21 am currently the chairman of the board 20:13:07 22 of the Orange County Chamber of 23 Commerce. 20:13:09 24 (Interjections from audience.) 20:13:09 25



20:13:11 2 Respect, please.

20:13:13 3 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: I'm not

20:13:15 4 going to speak in detail about the

20:13:17 5 economic benefits and the job 20:13:19 6 creations, which are enormous to Orange 20:13:22 7 County, but I'd like to address two 20:13:24 8 quality of life issues. 20:13:25 9

20:13:27 10 The first being the educational

20:13:29 11 benefits of this project, all right,

20:13:32 12 LEGOLAND will offer year-round

20:13:35 13 educational opportunities to students 20:13:37 14 throughout all the school districts in 20:13:41 15 Orange County in STEM education, STEM 20:13:42 16 education is science, technology, 20:13:45 17

20:13:48 18 engineering and math, which is a

20:13:51 19 critical, critical need in this country

20:13:53 20 and that is a great program. Another

20:13:57 21 educational benefit that they will

20:13:59 22 bring is that they will partner with 20:14:02 23 all our local schools throughout Orange 20:14:04 24 County and our colleges to employ 20:14:06 25 students who have interest in careers



20:14:08 2 few, that's critical, again, for our

20:14:11 3 youth to not only work on their future

20:14:14 4 careers, but also give them the 20:14:16 5 opportunity, hands-on abilities to -- 20:14:18 6 to realize these career opportunities. 20:14:21 7 The second quality of life issue I 20:14:23 8

20:14:27 9 would like to discuss is the fantastic

20:14:29 10 corporate citizenship of this

20:14:32 11 organization. LEGOLAND will provide

20:14:34 12 support to not -- to our community 20:14:37 13 institutions, our not-for-profit 20:14:41 14 institutions throughout Orange County. 20:14:44 15 They have a terrific, terrific program, 20:14:47 16

20:14:50 17 it's called Merlin's Magic Wand, where

20:14:52 18 they will provide to seriously ill,

20:14:56 19 disadvantaged or disabled children and

20:14:58 20 their families a fun day filled with

20:15:01 21 various LEGOLAND attractions at their 20:15:05 22 facility. And I am a long-time board 20:15:07 23 member of Access: Supports for Living, 20:15:10 24

20:15:13 25 formerly Occupations, Inc., and this is a fantastic program that a lot of our



20:15:16 2 another fellow board member to the

20:15:18 3 Goshen Planning Board, his name is Bob

20:15:21 4 deFelice, who's the general manager of 20:15:25 5 Fox Radio, and I'll just paraphrase a 20:15:28 6 few things, but he is saying in his 20:15:30 7 letter, we are in favor of the proposed 20:15:33 8

20:15:35 9 LEGOLAND New York project in Goshen.

20:15:38 10 In reviewing the concerns by the

20:15:39 11 opponents of the project, as well as

20:15:42 12 the benefits enumerated by LEGOLAND, 20:15:44 13 the LEGOLAND project to us just makes 20:15:46 14 sense. Clearly, it makes sense from an 20:15:49 15 economic standpoint, both in terms of 20:15:53 16

20:15:55 17 to be spent elsewhere, and new tourism

20:15:58 18 dollars coming in from outside Orange

20:16:00 19 County. These tourism dollars wouldn't 20:16:02 20 be coming to us at all without jt 20:16:05 21 such as LEGOLAND to attract them. This

20:16:08 22 project also makes sense in terms of

20:16:10 23 the new diverse jobs it will create. 24 We all know that job creation is vital, 20:16:13 25



20:16:15 2 in our region, and as other communities

20:16:17 3 have learned over the years, to name a

20:16:20 4 few, Poughkeepsie, IBM Rochester and 20:16:24 5 Kodak, diversity in job creation is of 20:16:28 6 paramount importance. We are in favor 20:16:30 7 of this project for many other reasons, 20:16:32 8

20:16:35 9 too many to enumerate here. So for the

20:16:38 10 sake of time, I will leave you with

20:16:40 11 just one more reason, I'm looking

20:16:41 12 forward to someday being able to bring 20:16:43 13 my grandkids to LEGOLAND. It will be 20:16:44 14 for me a more affordable trip than a 20:16:47 15 trek to Disneyland. I'll drive over, 20:16:52 16

20:16:54 17 park quietly, pay all the necessary

20:16:55 18 admissions with glee and gladly stop on

20:16:58 19 the way home at one of my favorite

20:17:01 20 Goshen restaurants to treat the whole

20:17:03 21 family to dinner afterwards. 20:17:03 22 Thank you. 20:17:05 23 (Applause.) 20:17:05 24

20:17:08 25 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very much.



20:17:09 2 Steve Gross, I'm the principle of

3 Hudson Highlands Environmental

20:17:11 4 Consulting, I'm representing the 20:17:12 5 Concerned Citizens for the Hudson 20:17:13 6 Valley. My task was to do a 20:17:15 7 professional review of this impact 20:17:17 8

20:17:19 9 statement and also look at the

20:17:20 10 suitability of this property for this

20:17:21 11 project.

20:17:23 12 Overall I have to tell you the 20:17:28 13 information, such as capacity of the

20:17:29 14 new proposed well, traffic impact on

20:17:32 15 Thruway and the the New York State 20:17:34 16 assessment of the Harriman tolls an 20:17:36 17 historic value of the houses being

20:17:38 18 demolished and the fact that the impact

20:17:41 19 of developing 140 acres of the 20:17:43 20 522 acres being rezoned and more. 20:17:46 21 Beyond that, the DEIS also makes 20:17:49 22 critical information difficult to find 20:17:51 23 and provides all statements. And to 20:17:54 24

20:17:57 25 illustrate this, I'm going to focus on



20:18:00 2 you will hear things that you do not

20:18:02 3 already know. This is Figure 3-6,

20:18:07 4 which illustrates the proposed cuts and 20:18:12 5 build to the project. This is a very 20:18:13 6 hilly property, and just like it says 20:18:15 7 in Isaiah, the valleys will be raised 20:18:18 8

20:18:21 9 up and the mountains made low in order

20:18:24 10 to make this property suitable for a

20:18:27 11 theme park. On this graphic, the dark

20:18:30 12 orange indicates cuts up to 50 feet and 20:18:33 13 the dark blue indicates hills up to 20:18:35 14 90 feet. The impact statement is based 20:18:38 15 on the proposed grade plans, 20:18:40 16

20:18:42 17 approximately 196,187 cubic yards of

20:18:46 18 fill will be required to be brought to

20:18:49 19 the site, this is not true. When you

20:18:53 20 look at this table that's on this

20:18:56 21 graphic, that provides detailed 20:18:56 22 information on cuts and fills, it does 20:18:58 23 not focus on the impact itself, again, 20:19:02 24

20:19:05 25 this is difficult. But when you add this up, the cuts add up to more than



20:19:09 2 That yields a net fill of more than

20:19:12 3 531,000 cubic yards, that is more than

20:19:15 4 two and a half times as much as 20:19:18 5 reported in the impact statement. 20:19:20 6 Using a 16-cubic yard truck, that 20:19:24 7 would be 33,199 truckloads of fill, 20:19:29 8

20:19:31 9 impact statement states that natural --

20:19:35 10 the site's natural variation of the

20:19:37 11 ponding up to the site, as a

20:19:39 12 development will sit lower than the 20:19:41 13 surrounding land, this is also not 20:19:42 14 true. 20:19:44 15 Now, these contours are not labeled 20:19:46 16

20:19:48 17 on the developed portion of the site,

20:19:50 18 so again, it make it is very difficult

20:19:54 19 to discern, but if you look at this

20:19:57 20 corner of the parking lot, that sits at

20:20:01 21 elevation 522, on 90 feet of fill, you 20:20:04 22 can see the dark blue colors indicating 20:20:09 23 the fill, that sits 100 feet higher 20:20:11 24

20:20:12 25 than the houses over here on Redwood Drive, it's not lower, it's 100 feet



20:20:14 2 sitting as much as 162 feet higher than

20:20:16 3 these neighboring houses.

20:20:18 4 The impact statement also states 20:20:21 5 and it talks about buffers that are a 20:20:23 6 thousand feet, 1200 feet. Mr. Royal 20:20:26 7

20:20:29 8 himself, at the first presentation,

20:20:31 9 said up to 2000 feet adjacent to

20:20:33 10 residences, 1000 elsewhere, none of

20:20:37 11 those numbers are true, this distance 12 from here to these houses is 900 feet, 20:20:41 13 so none of the numbers are correct. 20:20:42 14 And the impact statement talks 20:20:44 15 about the hotel, it will be built into 20:20:49 16

20:20:50 17 the naturally sloping topography so

20:20:52 18 that if it's two stories from the front

20:20:54 19 and four stories from the rear

20:20:56 20 elevation, that's not true. When you

20:20:56 21 look at this, you'll see the hotel 20:20:59 22 sitting here, again, on the dark blue, 20:21:02 23 it's sitting at an elevation of 522 on 20:21:05 24

20:21:07 25 fill over natural elevation of 458, this would be held back by a retaining



20:21:08 2 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you, thank

20:21:09 3 you very much. Thank you.

20:21:14 4 (Applause.) 20:21:15 5 Thank you. CHAIRMAN BERGUS: 20:21:16 6 Next speaker. 20:21:21 7 (Applause.) 20:21:21 8 Next speaker, CHAIRMAN BERGUS: 20:21:23 9 20:21:23 10 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good

20:21:24 11 evening, my name is Linda Muller, I

20:21:28 12 reside at 5 Primrose Court in Cornwall,

20:21:30 13 New York, I'm an Orange County girl, 20:21:32 14 grew up in Blooming Grove, went to 20:21:34 15 Washingtonville High School, went to 20:21:34 16 SUNY Orange, back then we called it 20:21:37 17

20:21:39 18 OCC, raised my family and live here.

20:21:43 19 I'm also the chair elect for the

20:21:46 20 chamber of commerce, a very proud

20:21:48 21 position that I hold to be able to

20:21:49 22 advance business opportunities here in 20:21:55 23 our community. I am the president/CEO 20:21:56 24 of Cornerstone Family Healthcare, an 20:21:58 25



20:22:01 2 County residents, almost 10,000 of them

20:22:03 3 are children, and I'm also the

20:22:05 4 grandmother to six very beautiful 20:22:07 5 children, so on those three things, I'd 20:22:10 6 like to speak. 20:22:10 7 First, I'd like to thank you again 20:22:13 8

20:22:14 9 for giving us an opportunity, not only

20:22:14 10 for the people who live in Goshen, but

20:22:17 11 people throughout Orange County, which

20:22:19 12 will be impacted by this project. I 20:22:22 13 bring a message from my grandchildren, 20:22:24 14 they said, when you go, Nono, make sure 20:22:27 15 you ask them to make sure that you'll 20:22:29 16

20:22:30 17 be able to buy a season's pass, so that

20:22:35 18 they can come, and that comes from

20:22:38 19 Samantha who's 10; Alexandra who's 7;

20:22:42 20 Lorelei who's 7; Maxim who's 5; Conner

20:22:44 21 is 4; and Evelyn, who really doesn't 20:22:44 22 speak very much because she's only 20:22:46 23 22 months. 20:22:49 24 I also speak on behalf of my 20:22:51 25 organization. I have heard many times



20:22:54 2 huge theme park, this isn't like going

20:22:57 3 to New Jersey where a park opens early

20:23:00 4 in the morning and stays late at night 20:23:03 5 that attracts a population, where I 20:23:06 6 would not want to bring my 20:23:07 7 grandchildren. I want to bring them 20:23:09 8

20:23:13 9 someplace that's safe, I want to know

20:23:14 10 that the kids who come to my office,

20:23:16 11 who get their care from Newburgh and

20:23:19 12 from Goshen and from Highland Falls and 20:23:22 13 from Washingtonville or Blooming Grove 14 have a place that is safe, and I 20:23:24 15 believe that will come from LEGOLAND is 20:23:27 16

20:23:30 17 that. I employ 400 people right here

20:23:32 18 about, there are a whole lot more smart

20:23:34 19 people who can talk about the specific

20:23:36 20 of topography, I do have a civil issues 20:23:39 21 engineer, my daughter is a PA, I left

20:23:42 22 of her kids and her home to take care 20:23:45 23 tb h 20:23:45 24 But this is a project that I feel

20:23:48 25 compelled to come out and speak, as a



20:23:50 2 great business opportunity and economic

20:23:53 3 engine for Orange County, for a place

20:23:54 4 where my employees and my 25,000 people 20:23:57 5 can come, and we have some, I believe, 20:23:59 6 some assurances that no one will be 20:24:01 7 denied entrance into the park, because 20:24:04 8

20:24:06 9 I have some of the poorest kids in

20:24:09 10 Orange County coming to my healthcare

20:24:12 11 center and I ask you as a Nono to my

20:24:14 12 six grandchildren to think about what a 20:24:16 13 wonderful opportunity it will be for 20:24:19 14 them. I've been here a long, long 20:24:21 15 time, more than I'd like to tell you 20:24:22 16

20:24:25 17 the years I've been here, I grew up in

20:24:27 18 the town where there were more cows

20:24:29 19 than there were people and that is

20:24:31 20 change. Change is inevitable. Plan it

20:24:33 21 well, which is, I think, what you're 20:24:35 22 doing. Hear both sides of the story, 20:24:37 23 which I believe that you're doing. And 20:24:39 24

20:24:41 25 do the best job, not only for the individuals who live in Goshen, but



20:24:43 2 I appreciate your time that you've

20:24:46 3 allowed us to be here, I wish you God

20:24:49 4 speed as you continue to think about 20:24:51 5 this, and I'd like you to remember that 20:24:53 6 I'm just one Nono bringing a message 20:24:57 7 from six really great kids, who say, 20:24:59 8

20:25:02 9 let us go to LEGOLAND, Nono, because I

20:25:05 10 know you'll buy us a season's pass.

20:25:05 11 Thank you.

20:25:06 12 (Applause.) 20:25:07 13 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you. 20:25:10 14 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Hi, my name 20:25:13 15

20:25:14 16 Goshen about 40 years ago, I'm a real

20:25:16 17 estate broker and I've had an office in

20:25:19 18 for a decade. I want to address Goshen 20:25:19 19 the issue of wetlands, specifically the

20:25:20 20 quality of wetland information in the

20:25:22 21 DEIS or a lack thereof. 20:25:25 22 The DEIS represents that the 20:25:28 23 project will impact .075 acres of 20:25:30 24 wetlands, that's not even a tenth of an 20:25:33 25



20:25:40 2 acre disturbance threshold and no

20:25:40 3 individual permit, nor compensatory

20:25:44 4 wetland mitigation will be required. 20:25:45 5 Although not identified in the DEIS's 20:25:49 6 statement, the Federal National Permit, 20:25:50 7 Number 18, NWP 18, but under NWP 18, 20:25:52 8

20:25:55 9 like all NWPs, it is subject to an

20:25:58 10 extensive list of conditions, one of

20:26:00 11 these is that the contemplated action

20:26:02 12 requiring a wetland disturbance does 20:26:04 13 not disturb any sites that are listed 20:26:06 14 or eligible for the National Register 20:26:09 15 of Historic Places, but the impact 20:26:11 16

20:26:13 17 statement does confirm the presence of

20:26:16 18 at least one National Register of

20:26:17 19 Historic Places, an archaeological site

20:26:21 20 that will be destroyed by the proposed

20:26:23 21 action. So the conditions for the NWP 20:26:24 22 18 are not met, any disturbance in 20:26:27 23 federal wetlands will therefore be 20:26:28 24

20:26:28 25 subject to the Army Corps of Engineers' review, the Army Corps of Engineers



20:26:29 2 But beyond this, it seems that far

20:26:33 3 more than a tenth of wetlands are being

20:26:36 4 disturbed, anyway. A 2006 wetland 20:26:37 5 survey for the hamlet of Goshen, 20:26:41 6 previously proposed on this property, 20:26:41 7 depicts all the same wetlands shown in 20:26:45 8

20:26:47 9 the LEGOLAND DEIS, but also three

20:26:49 10 additional wetlands that are

20:26:51 11 mysteriously absent from the LEGOLAND

20:26:53 12 plans. Two of these wetlands are shown 20:26:55 13 in the footprint of the LEGOLAND park. 20:26:57 14 And one is shown within the footprint 20:27:01 15 of the parking lot. Wetlands don't 20:27:04 16

20:27:05 17 just disappear on their own, it's

20:27:08 18 rather curious and suspicious that the

20:27:10 19 wetlands that had been shown for

20:27:11 20 another development proposal, happened

20:27:13 21 to disappear precisely within the area 20:27:16 22 of development proposed for LEGOLAND. 20:27:18 23 Unfortunately, the DEIS fails to 20:27:22 24

20:27:23 25 either provide agency approved wetland mapping or an Army Corps development



20:27:25 2 they have depicted, but reading further

20:27:27 3 into the DEIS, it appears as if the

20:27:29 4 authors, perhaps, really did know about 20:27:31 5 these wetlands after all and their 20:27:34 6 destruction had been accounted for in 20:27:37 7 an earlier draft. On Page 43 of the 20:27:39 8

20:27:42 9 DEIS, the existing conditions

20:27:43 10 description described the existence of

20:27:46 11 116.72 acres of wetlands, whereas

20:27:49 12 potential impacts, described on 20:27:51 13 Page 54, identified a post-development 20:27:54 14 condition of 115 acres of wetlands, 20:27:56 15 that would equate to a wetland 20:27:59 16

20:28:04 17 disturbance of 1.72 acres, greatly

20:28:06 18 above the .075 acre otherwise claimed.

20:28:09 19 The acreage represented by the three

20:28:10 20 mystery wetlands, could very well 21 account for this discrepancy. 20:28:12 22 So was there a conscious decision 20:28:15 23 to delete the wetlands from the site 20:28:17 24

20:28:20 25 plan, was it the Applicant's purposeful intent to make the wetland's impact



20:28:21 2 review? Did they forget to correct

20:28:24 3 this calculation and cover up the true

20:28:25 4 wetland impact, whether another 20:28:28 5 explanation might be, therefore, the 20:28:30 6 1.75 reduction in our wetland in the 20:28:32 7 post-development condition? Why does 20:28:35 8

20:28:37 9 Merlin not at least provide a copy of

20:28:38 10 the wetlands delineation report as part

20:28:41 11 of the DEIS? Perhaps it shows the

20:28:44 12 absence of these three wetlands after 20:28:45 13 all. 20:28:46 14 Whatever is going on, it is clear 20:28:49 15 that the DEIS has conflicting 20:28:51 16

20:28:52 17 information and even false information,

20:28:53 18 and without any supporting

20:28:57 19 documentation, such as verified Army

20:28:58 20 Corps or New York State Department of

20:29:03 21 Environmental Conservation, wetlands 20:29:04 22 delineation maps or wetland delineation 20:29:06 23 reports, it is impossible for anyone 20:29:09 24

20:29:13 25 either in the public or the lead agency to truly figure out the truth.



20:29:14 2 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: -- 3 unverified information, I do not

20:29:14 4 understand how you can proceed with

20:29:16 5 this SEQRA review 6 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

20:29:18 7 much.

20:29:18 8 (Applause.)

20:29:18 9 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Our next speaker.

20:29:20 10 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good evening

20:29:21 11 everyone, thank you for the opportunity

20:29:23 12 to speak, my name is Jamie Zajac[ph],

20:29:26 13 I'm a resident of Goshen on 218 20:29:30 14 Greenwich Ave. After graduating from 20:29:32 15 RPI in Upstate New York a few years 20:29:34 16 ago, with a degree in civil 20:29:36 17

20:29:37 18 engineering, I decided I wanted to

20:29:40 19 launch my career in New York, instead

20:29:43 20 of going back to my home state, New

20:29:43 21 Hampshire.

20:29:45 22 When I received an offer from a 20:29:47 23 local engineering firm in Orange 20:29:50 24 County, I did a lot of research as to 20:29:52 25



20:29:52 2 As a Millennial looking forward toward

20:29:54 3 the future, I'm extremely excited about

20:29:58 4 LEGOLAND having an interest in our 20:29:59 5 town. The opportunities are limitless, 20:30:01 6 in my opinion, as so many ancillary 20:30:05 7 companies will get work for decades to 20:30:07 8

20:30:07 9 come.

20:30:09 10 In addition, jobs will be

20:30:11 11 plentiful, and my hope, of course, is

20:30:14 12 that more Millennials and young 20:30:17 13 professionals will flock to Goshen and 20:30:19 14 Orange County and a new generation of 20:30:22 15 leaders will pick up where you all left 20:30:22 16

20:30:25 17 off.

20:30:29 18 Also, one last thing, as a former

20:30:31 19 athlete, who understands what athletic

20:30:33 20 programs and extracurricular programs

20:30:36 21 cost to schools, I can't help to think 20:30:38 22 of how fortunate our local school 20:30:40 23 district would be to have LEGOLAND 20:30:44 24

20:30:44 25 here. Their taxes will be paid year after year for decades to come.



20:30:46 2 please.

20:30:47 3 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Their taxes

20:30:49 4 will be paid year after year for 20:30:51 5 decades to come. This is an exciting 20:30:54 6 project for me as a young professional, 20:30:55 7 someone who could possibly grow up, 20:30:56 8

20:30:58 9 you do everything you can to ensure

20:31:01 10 that LEGOLAND comes.

20:31:05 11 Thank you. 20:31:05 12 Thank you. CHAIRMAN BERGUS: 20:31:07 13 (Applause.) 20:31:08 14 Let me just

20:31:09 15 remind everybody of our rules. Respect

20:31:13 16 for speakers on both sides of the

20:31:17 17 aisle, it works both ways. When

20:31:20 18 somebody is speaking, let them speak. 20:31:22 19 When they're done, we'll move on to the 20:31:25 20 next speaker and we'll get to hear 20:31:27 21 everything that everybody wishes to 20:31:29 22

20:31:30 23 share with us.

20:31:30 24 Sir.

20:31:31 25 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Thank you,



20:31:33 2 the chamber of commerce, your timing

20:31:35 3 was perfect.

20:31:36 4 Good evening, my name is Todd 20:31:39 5 Diorio and I actually live in Marlboro, 20:31:41 6 New York, and my office is in Newburgh, 20:31:44 7

20:31:45 8 New York, I am president of the Hudson

20:31:47 9 Valley Building and Construction Trades

20:31:47 10 Council, and a business manager for

11 laborer's Local 17. The Hudson Valley

20:31:50 12 Building and Construction Trades 20:31:52 13 Council is the umbrella organization 20:31:55 14

20:31:57 15 boom in the Hudson Valley, we have

20:31:59 16 handled over 1,000 new members,

20:31:59 17 hundreds including of new apprentices 20:32:02 18 Orange County and many who many from 20:32:04 19 Goshen. Many of the larger

20:32:05 20 projects we are currently working on in

20:32:06 21 the Hudson Valley include Montreign

20:32:09 22 Casino, Woodbury Commons, the Orange 20:32:11 23 County Government Center, Vera 20:32:13 24 Lifestyles, CPV and several projects in 20:32:16 25



20:32:16 2 members I represent aren't your

20:32:18 3 enemies, many are your neighbors,

20:32:19 4 they're up early in the morning, 20:32:21 5 they're sometimes required to work late 20:32:23 6 into the evening or in some cases, 20:32:26 7 start work at odd hours of the night. 20:32:27 8

20:32:30 9 They're required to work in not so

20:32:31 10 ideal conditions like today, a windy

20:32:33 11 day or freezing, or in the summer when

20:32:34 12 it's hot and dusty. These are your 20:32:36 13 neighbors who build your schools, your 20:32:37 14 hospitals, your roads, your bridges, 20:32:39 15 upgrade your drinking water, clean up 20:32:41 16

20:32:44 17 your hazardous waste, lead or asbestos,

20:32:45 18 build your restaurants, your movie

20:32:47 19 theaters or your entertainment

20:32:49 20 destinations, like the proposed

20:32:51 21 LEGOLAND park we're here to talk about 20:32:53 22 today. Our livelihoods and ability to 20:32:55 23 afford to live and raise families in 20:32:56 24

20:32:58 25 Orange County rely on projects like LEGOLAND.



20:33:01 2 proposed in New York, in the Hudson

20:33:01 3 Valley. The Millennia Pipeline, the

20:33:07 4 Minisink compressor station, that is -- 20:33:07 5 they have the right to come out. We 20:33:09 6 hear the chants of no pipelines, no 20:33:12 7 fossil fuels, and then somebody opposed 20:33:14 8

9 to solar farm or wind farm, the chants

20:33:16 10 and signs come out, save our land,

20:33:19 11 solar kills and wind kills. Opposed

20:33:21 12 and save our neighborhood groups comes 13 out, the anticasino groups. The Orange 20:33:27 14 County Government Center controversy, 20:33:27 15 tear it down, renovate it, build it, 20:33:29 16

20:33:32 17 rent it, lease it. Go to a town board

20:33:34 18 and there's a neighborhood group that

20:33:36 19 lives next to 84 complaining of traffic

20:33:38 20 noise. Many don't want growth, but

20:33:39 21 they also don't want their taxes to 20:33:40 22 rise. They want their children to stay 20:33:42 23 local with a decent job. 20:33:43 24 Any ideas out there on how not to 20:33:46 25 grow and bring in business and still



20:33:48 2 are just some examples of what goes on.

20:33:49 3 Luckily, we have a process that 20:33:52 4 We have sorts through all of this 20:33:53 5 town boards, planning boards, zoning

20:33:56 6 boards, DEIS, EIS, traffic studies,

20:34:00 7 public hearings like tonight, in many 20:34:02 8 cases, pitting neighbors against 20:34:03 9 neighbors, brothers against sisters, 20:34:03 10 politicians against politicians, smart 20:34:06 11

20:34:08 12 growth against antigrowth supporters,

20:34:11 13 this should not be the case. The

20:34:13 14 process sometimes takes too long for

20:34:15 15 those who support the project or the

20:34:18 16 developers or sometimes too quick for 20:34:19 17 the antis and those who are against. 20:34:20 18 These public hearings usually result in 20:34:23 19

20:34:24 20 compromise, traffic issues are

20:34:27 21 addressed, a project may be scaled

20:34:29 22 down, a larger buffer, in many cases,

20:34:32 23 local labor, local contractors, are

20:34:34 24 sometimes in the anti position. We

20:34:36 25 have been on the opposite side of the



20:34:38 2 fence on many occasions, the anti

20:34:40 3 groups help force the developer's hand

20:34:43 4 in committing to local labor in many 20:34:46 5 cases of the PLA. 20:34:46 6 On behalf of the building trades, 20:34:48 7 we thank you for that. 20:34:49 8

20:34:52 9 Fortunately, for the building

20:34:52 10 trades, Merlin Entertainment was

20:34:53 11 committed to local union labor day one,

20:34:55 12 even before the anti-LEGOLAND groups 20:34:58 13 came out, this project would create 800 20:34:59 14 plus good paying union construction 20:35:02 15 jobs with benefits and many permanent 20:35:05 16

20:35:06 17 jobs once open. The ripple effect from

20:35:07 18 this project, I can't even begin to

20:35:11 19 calculate, it will add to much needed

20:35:12 20 tax revenue, even with the tax breaks

20:35:14 21 it's estimated to receive. 20:35:18 22 We need to stand behind this Board, 20:35:19 23 behind this world-class company like 20:35:22 24

20:35:25 25 Merlin Entertainment, it's a $500 million investment, Goshen alone



2 average yearly salaries of 75,000 plus

20:35:29 3 benefits, spin-off and economic growth.

20:35:31 4 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you, thank

20:35:33 5 you very much.

20:35:33 6 (Applause.)

20:35:41 7 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next speaker.

20:35:42 8 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good

20:35:42 9 evening, I'm Eric Maldonado, I'm here

20:35:47 10 on behalf of the board of directors of

20:35:48 11 the Orange County Chamber of Commerce, 20:35:51 12 I'm also the chairman of the Inspire 20:35:53 13 Foundation right here in Goshen, I'm 20:35:54 14 just a local business owner, my partner 20:35:58 15

20:36:01 16 and I have a few Verizon Wireless

20:36:02 17 stores in the area, but I'm here

20:36:04 18 because all three have a big

20:36:05 19 connection, it's a commitment to the

20:36:06 20 community and a commitment to the 20:36:08 21 individuals and children with 20:36:10 22 disabilities, which are two strong 20:36:13 23

24 points of why we support LEGOLAND, the

20:36:15 25 things that they do for these children



20:36:16 2 Now, being a new dad, I have a

20:36:18 3 healthy one-and-a-half year old, which

20:36:20 4 is great, and I'd like to bring him to 20:36:22 5 LEGOLAND and I'd like to keep him here 20:36:24 6 in Orange County as well, because for 20:36:25 7 me, when I came to Orange County, I had 20:36:27 8

20:36:29 9 the opportunity to go anywhere, but I

20:36:31 10 decided to establish the businesses

20:36:33 11 right here in Orange County, so I want

20:36:35 12 to show my son that the potential is 20:36:37 13 right here at home. This is home. 20:36:39 14 Community is home and the commitment 20:36:41 15 which LEGOLAND provides, that's 20:36:43 16

20:36:44 17 something that's going to stay with him

20:36:46 18 and it's going to stay with the future

20:36:46 19 generation here in Orange County.

20:36:47 20 Thank you.

20:36:48 21 (Applause.) 20:36:52 22 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very 20:36:55 23 much. 20:36:56 24

20:36:58 25 Next speaker. MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: I'm Keith



20:37:00 2 support them because the LEGOLAND

20:37:02 3 group, the Planning Board, and others

20:37:05 4 have challenged them. Merlin, 20:37:07 5 questioning how they'll deal with 20:37:09 6 traffic and water and the environment, 20:37:11 7 how they'll protect and ensure we have 20:37:15 8

20:37:17 9 enough resources, how they'll fit

20:37:18 10 within our community and all of these

20:37:20 11 steps taking Merlin to task in such

20:37:23 12 fine detail that surely no other 20:37:26 13 up shop here in Goshen. And now what

20:37:29 14 we have is an incredibly thorough

20:37:33 15 is vetting, all of which detailed in 20:37:35 16 of the thousand of pages tt d 20:37:36 17 their draft

20:37:37 18 environmental impact statement. Thanks

20:37:40 19 to the no LEGOLAND group and others and

20:37:42 20 questions and issues have been raised,

20:37:45 21 the answers provided, planned, involved 20:37:49 22 here and additional money will be spent 20:37:50 23 all to ensure LEGOLAND is a perfect fit 20:37:54 24 for Goshen, that they will be a 20:37:57 25



20:37:59 2 I urge all Board members to ensure

20:38:02 3 everything is done to bring this once

20:38:04 4 in a lifetime opportunity to Goshen, to 20:38:07 5 make LEGOLAND a reality. 20:38:10 6

20:38:12 7 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

20:38:13 8 much.

20:38:14 9 (Applause.)

20:38:14 10 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next speaker.

20:38:15 11 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good

20:38:17 12 evening, my name is Grace Caporale, I

20:38:19 13 reside at 122 Sherwood Drive,

20:38:22 14 Middletown, New York. I'm here tonight 20:38:24 15 as a member of the board of directors 20:38:26 16 on behalf of the Orange County Chamber 20:38:29 17 of Commerce. As a small business owner 20:38:32 18

20:38:33 19 of the Harness Advisers of Goshen, for

20:38:35 20 the past five years, which is a

20:38:38 21 comprehensive financial services firm,

20:38:40 22 we are proud to serve within this

20:38:42 23 historic and local community, myself 20:38:45 24 and my associates are incredibly 20:38:47 25



20:38:48 2 As a business owner, I do welcome

20:38:51 3 the opportunity to partner with the

20:38:53 4 leadership of LEGOLAND and we look 20:38:55 5 forward to being a local resource to 20:38:57 6 the many employees that LEGOLAND would 20:38:59 7 potentially employ, as well as their 20:39:02 8

20:39:04 9 families and future generations. My

20:39:06 10 team and I, again, would welcome the

20:39:06 11 opportunity to provide planning

20:39:09 12 workplace education to LEGOLAND and 20:39:11 13 their employees for many, many years to 20:39:13 14 come. As we all know, financial 20:39:16 15 stability and strength in our community 20:39:18 16

20:39:23 17 is extremely crucial and important.

20:39:23 18 Finally, as the cochair of the

20:39:26 19 Young Professionals Committee within

20:39:28 20 the Orange County Chamber, it's very

20:39:30 21 important to mention that the 20:39:33 22 educational and financial well-being of 20:39:35 23 our youth is the future of our 20:39:37 24

20:39:38 25 community. It is critical for our young people to have this opportunity



20:39:40 2 children within this amazing community,

20:39:42 3 so to provide this incredible

20:39:44 4 educational and financial opportunity 20:39:45 5 would be amazing. 20:39:46 6 Personally, as a life-long resident 20:39:48 7 of Orange County and as a future 20:39:50 8

20:39:52 9 parent, my husband and I would be

20:39:56 10 incredibly excited to welcome the

20:39:57 11 educational, exciting and safe land

20:39:59 12 right in our backyard, so we welcome

20:40:01 13 LEGOLAND. 20:40:04 14 BERGUS: Thank you. CHAIRMAN 20:40:05 15 (Applause.)

20:40:05 16 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next speaker.

20:40:09 17 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Hi, I'm Jean

20:40:11 18 Line[ph], Goshen, New York, my comments 20:40:13 19 are from the DEIS report regarding 20:40:15 20

20:40:16 21 You have dedicated over 5,000 pages

20:40:19 22 to the study of traffic, but only four

20:40:21 23 In page to police fire and EMS the 20:40:24 24 report, the public safety study is

20:40:27 25 scant at best. Mutual aid that our



20:40:30 2 county depends on are made up of

20:40:34 3 volunteers, most are employed and work

20:40:37 4 during operating hours of this park. 20:40:39 5 Why hasn't there been a comparison of 20:40:43 6 the rollcall for volunteers of EMS 20:40:45 7 required during summer weekends and 20:40:46 8

20:40:49 9 operating hours of LEGOLAND? What is

20:40:51 10 LEGOLAND's maximum capacity? We need

20:40:54 11 to know this number.

20:40:56 12 On Friday, we heard from our 20:41:01 13 legislator, Jim O'Donnell, on public 20:41:03 14 safety with his comments on how we have 20:41:05 15 to prepare for the worst and we have to 20:41:07 16

20:41:10 17 make this facility accessible for

20:41:12 18 emergency service personnel.

20:41:15 19 Mr. O'Donnell, being a former police

20:41:18 20 and the FBI coordinate together with

20:41:20 21 the MTA, his knowledge and experience

20:41:22 22 was golden. I was impressed with this

20:41:24 23 legislator on his own time traveled to

20:41:27 24 Carlsbad, California to see LEGOLAND.

20:41:29 25 He was quoted by the Chronicle about



20:41:32 2 the safety of LEGOLAND, and I will

20:41:34 3 quote him, I was not impressed with the

20:41:36 4 safety measures I observed in 20:41:37 5 California and I was not impressed with 20:41:40 6 what I heard at the Planning Board 20:41:42 7 meeting regarding the plan of emergency 20:41:44 8

20:41:47 9 entrance and exit off of Arcadia Road.

20:41:49 10 The road must be four lanes, capable of

20:41:53 11 handling an emergency, it cannot be a

20:41:54 12 gravel road. 20:41:57 13 I also would like to thank the 14 village of Goshen police chief, James 20:41:59 15 Black, he drafted a letter on June 9th 20:42:01 16

20:42:02 17 of this year to the mayor and the

20:42:05 18 Village Board making comments on the

20:42:06 19 not included in the DEIS, perhaps it

20:42:09 20 was an oversight. Within this letter,

20:42:13 21 chief of the village makes comments the 20:42:15 22 of the new LEGOLAND, quoting from his

20:42:16 23 letter, It is in my opinion that

20:42:18 24 LEGOLAND theme park would inflict 20:42:21 25 WdbC thhiht ki



20:42:24 2 terrorism target in Orange County. In

20:42:26 3 the last three paragraphs of the

20:42:28 4 chief's letter, he makes note of the 20:42:32 5 necessity to hire four full-time police 20:42:33 6 officers, two additional police cars 20:42:35 7 and four additional tax years assessed. 20:42:39 8

20:42:43 9 His rough estimate of the impact cost

20:42:48 10 to his department is $818,000.

20:42:50 11 Unfortunately, with the study you are

20:42:53 12 all relying on calls to service of the 20:42:56 13 Florida park's location to form an 20:42:58 14 opinion on the impact of our police, 20:43:02 15 fire and EMS. Your study says there 20:43:05 16

20:43:06 17 will be no impact and no major issues

20:43:09 18 and no problems.

20:43:13 19 In July, I requested a mock drill

20:43:16 20 of up to 25 victims to test the system

20:43:19 21 for issues, got nowhere. I'm sure that 20:43:23 22 if you ask the powers that be the 20:43:25 23 locations of the Sandy Hook Elementary 20:43:29 24

20:43:32 25 School, 27 killed; the Pulse nightclub, 49 killed; Happy Land social club, 87



20:43:35 2 today in Berlin, the Christmas Village,

20:43:38 3 nine killed at this time. If you ask

20:43:40 4 the powers that be prior, you would

20:43:42 5 have gotten the same, no issues, no

20:43:45 6 problems.

20:43:45 7 Thank you. CHAIRMAN BERGUS: 20:43:46 8 (Applause.)

20:43:47 9 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next speaker. 20:43:49 10 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good

20:43:55 11 evening, everyone, I appreciate the

20:43:57 12 ability to be able to talk to --

20:43:59 13 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Your name? 20:44:00 14 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: My name is 20:44:02 15 Mandy Ives, I reside at 60 Glen Drive 20:44:06 16 in Goshen. 20:44:07 17

20:44:09 18 I am speaking tonight, I'm really

20:44:10 19 wearing two hats, I've lived in the

20:44:13 20 United States for almost 30 years, I'm

20:44:15 21 originally from the UK, 90 percent of

20:44:17 22 that time has been in Orange County. I 20:44:19 23 have no affiliation to LEGOLAND, other 20:44:23 24 than I visited their Winter Park in the 20:44:25 25



20:44:28 2 I stated I am a resident of Goshen,

20:44:32 3 my family recently purchased a home in

20:44:34 4 Goshen knowing and supporting this 20:44:36 5 project and knowing that it was on the 20:44:38 6 table. I want to address one of the 20:44:40 7 speakers from last week, who talked 20:44:42 8

20:44:47 9 about LEGOLAND dividing the community,

20:44:49 10 putting people against people, it's not

20:44:51 11 LEGOLAND that's doing that, it's the

20:44:53 12 people themselves. Everyone needs to 20:44:55 13 come together as a community and need 20:44:57 14 to consider the whole community and not 20:44:58 15

20:45:01 16 all been previously mentioned. There

20:45:03 17 are huge benefits for LEGOLAND, they

20:45:05 18 They're a huge, are not the enemy. 20:45:07 19 successful organization, if you care to

20:45:10 20 take and do some research on the Web,

20:45:13 21 they come up as the top 15 employer in 20:45:15 22 the United Kingdom of large companies, 20:45:19 23 they take care of their employees, 20:45:21 24 they're very much in tune with the 20:45:24 25



20:45:27 2 a comfortable living.

20:45:29 3 With regard to traffic, I think we

20:45:35 4 need to account of this, but let's look 20:45:35 5 at this from a business perspective. 20:45:37 6 It's in LEGOLAND's best interest not to 20:45:40 7 have cars piled up on any highways. 20:45:43 8

20:45:45 9 They want the people that come to

20:45:47 10 LEGOLAND to have the best experience.

20:45:49 11 If they're stuck in traffic, they're

20:45:50 12 not coming back. If they're also stuck

20:45:53 13 in traffic, they're not in the park 20:45:54 14 enjoying themselves or possibly 20:45:55 15 spending more money. 20:45:57 16

20:45:59 17 They're a huge company, they're

20:46:03 18 opening LEGOLANDs worldwide, if you

20:46:05 19 care to look, Japan, China, Dubai has

20:46:07 20 just opened. It is a huge privilege

20:46:08 21 and an honor to know that they want to 20:46:10 22 come to Goshen. 20:46:13 23 The other hat that I'm wearing is 20:46:15 24 I'm an educator and the owner and 20:46:17 25 director of one of the largest



20:46:19 2 22 years that I started from scratch in

20:46:22 3 my house with 12 children.

20:46:23 4 There is a huge educational 20:46:25 5 opportunity, the older children and 20:46:27 6 school age children have been 20:46:29 7

20:46:31 8 addressed, but I want to address the

20:46:33 9 younger community, from our toddlers

20:46:35 10 through our kindergartners. We have a

20:46:38 11 wonderful facility for field trips, for

20:46:42 12 educational programs on our doorstep. 20:46:44 13 As it is right now, the closest 20:46:46 14 aquariums for us to visit are in 20:46:49 15 Brooklyn, New York or Norwalk, 20:46:52 16

20:46:53 17 Connecticut. I've routinely taken my

20:46:56 18 preschool children, daycare children to

20:46:58 19 Norwalk, but it's costly due to busing

20:47:01 20 and it's a very long drive for those

20:47:05 21 little guys, never mind the fact that 20:47:07 22 families nowadays with two working 20:47:09 23 families[sic] -- with two working 20:47:12 24

20:47:16 25 parents, children spend a lot of time

in daycare facilities. Given that



20:47:19 2 the weekends, when family time is

20:47:23 3 precious, will be a huge benefit to all

20:47:25 4 the families in our area. 20:47:27 5 It is also my understanding that 20:47:28 6 there is free admission to all 20:47:30 7 educational facilities and schools 20:47:32 8

20:47:35 9 within the county, therefore, it would

20:47:38 10 to be able to bring my daycare children

20:47:40 11 on a regular basis for all the programs

20:47:42 12 that LEGOLAND has to offer. 20:47:43 13 consider IthBdtdl 20:47:46 14 this project for the benefit of the

20:47:48 15 whole community, not just Goshen, but

20:47:50 16 the surrounding area, the whole of 20:47:52 17 families, family life, and not just the 20:47:55 18 few individuals that do feel -- 20:47:58 19 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you, thank 20:47:59 20

20:48:00 21 you very much.

20:48:00 22 Next speaker.

20:48:05 23 (Applause.)

20:48:06 24 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good 20:48:09 25 evening, my name is Larissa Louis. I



20:48:10 2 am the economic development leader for

20:48:11 3 the Orange County Partnership. In my

20:48:13 4 role, I interact with the heads of many 20:48:15 5 of the largest employers in Orange 20:48:18 6 County. As most of you know, the 20:48:20 7 healthcare industry is the fastest 20:48:22 8

20:48:23 9 growing industry in our region. The

20:48:25 10 chief executives of Orange Regional

20:48:27 11 Medical Center, Crystal Run Health and

20:48:29 12 St. Lukes Cornwall Hospital serve on 20:48:32 13 the Orange County Partnership board of 20:48:33 14 directors and are tremendous supporters 20:48:35 15 of the LEGOLAND project. 20:48:37 16

20:48:40 17 Speaking on behalf of these three

20:48:41 18 healthcare giants, who recognize the

20:48:43 19 positive economic impacts of LEGOLAND's

20:48:46 20 investment, it is critical to note that

20:48:49 21 it is LEGOLAND's charitable giving 20:48:51 22 philosophy that separates this project 20:48:51 23 from all others in our pipeline. 20:48:54 24

20:48:56 25 Just a few examples of the charitable giving efforts of LEGOLAND



20:49:01 2 children's charity, seriously ill,

20:49:02 3 disadvantaged or disabled children and

20:49:03 4 their families are provided with a 20:49:06 5 fun-filled day out to any Merlin 20:49:07 6 attraction of their choosing. Since 20:49:09 7 2012, Merlin's Magic Wand has donated 20:49:13 8

20:49:16 9 over 40,000 tickets to children and

20:49:17 10 families in the U.S. Every year,

20:49:19 11 LEGOLAND New York will offer a unique

20:49:20 12 fundraising opportunity by hosting a 20:49:23 13 community day by donating tickets to 20:49:25 14 the park to community organizations in 20:49:27 15 Orange County. This effort has raised 20:49:30 16

20:49:32 17 almost over $900,000 in cash donations

20:49:34 18 to community organizations to date, in

20:49:36 19 California alone. We can certainly

20:49:40 20 expect the same here in New York.

20:49:42 21 Also, LEGOLAND continues to support 20:49:44 22 local communities surrounding their 20:49:47 23 current U.S. locations in various ways, 20:49:48 24

20:49:51 25 such as remodeling therapy rooms and waiting rooms in hospitals with



20:49:53 2 not only on its merits of job creation,

20:49:55 3 tax ratables and economic multipliers,

20:49:58 4 but also for their unmatched charitable

20:50:00 5 giving to support our youth. Thank

6 you.

20:50:03 7 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

20:50:03 8 (Applause.) 20:50:05 9 Thank you. CHAIRMAN BERGUS: 20:50:07 10 20:50:08 11 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good

20:50:09 12 evening, my name is Irene Vecchi, I

20:50:12 13 live at 339 Main Street in the village

20:50:15 14 of Goshen, I've been a homeowner in 20:50:17 15 Goshen more than 16 years, I have an 20:50:20 16 11-year-old daughter, who accompanied 20:50:22 17 me here tonight. I am a business owner 20:50:26 18

20:50:27 19 of a small business in the village of

20:50:30 20 Goshen, and I'm also the executive of a

20:50:32 21 large international travel company.

20:50:35 22 The travel industry in the United

20:50:37 23 States represents approximately 20:50:39 24 $1.6 trillion annually in spending and 20:50:43 25 t 76 illi jb N Yk



20:50:45 2 visitors, which is only 60 miles away,

20:50:46 3 $40 billion annually, and I don't feel

20:50:49 4 Goshen or Orange County gets its fair 20:50:52 5 share of that $40 billion. 20:50:55 6 I want us to have our fair share. 20:50:58 7 When my husband and I opened our very 20:51:00 8

20:51:03 9 small business in Goshen six months

20:51:05 10 ago, we had three part-time jobs

20:51:07 11 available and we had over a hundred

20:51:09 12 applicants and I thought, wow, this

20:51:12 13 town needs jobs to give young people, 20:51:14 14 summer jobs to high school students, we 20:51:15 15 open in July, and kids came every day, 20:51:17 16

20:51:18 17 do you have a job for me, do you have a

20:51:20 18 job for me, do you have a job for me?

20:51:22 19 I said, no, we only had three jobs and

20:51:26 20 we filled them the first day. So I

20:51:29 21 want to just say very quickly to this 20:51:31 22 Board, I implore you, don't squander 20:51:33 23 this opportunity, it's a once in a 20:51:36 24 lifetime opportunity, and I don't want 20:51:36 25 to see us waste it, so please approve



20:51:37 2 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

20:51:38 3 much. 4 (Applause.)

20:51:39 5 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next speaker.

20:51:40 6 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: My name is

20:51:41 7 Susan Rothenberger from Goshen. There

20:51:45 8 are two critical issues that must be

20:51:47 9 addressed before a developer can turn 20:51:49 10 over one shovel full of dirt, they are 20:51:52 11 zoning and water. 20:51:53 12 When Merlin was shown the 523-acre 20:51:56 13

20:51:58 14 property by the OC Partnership, you

20:52:02 15 know Goshen prohibited amusement parks,

20:52:04 16 spot zoning does not allow, and it

20:52:07 17 appears that is what Laws 5 and 6 are

20:52:10 18 proposing. Water is not available and 20:52:13 19 we have had a history of droughts. In 20 2002, Goshen hires Schoor DePalma to 20:52:20 21

20:52:22 22 conduct the water study. The title of

20:52:23 23 their report was "Town-wide Potable

20:52:25 24 Water Planning Study," the summary of

20:52:28 25 their report was, most wells serving



20:52:32 2 town draw water from overburdened

20:52:32 3 aquifers, along the .

20:52:35 4 Also, the Arcadia Hills water system 20:52:38 5 investigated. Testing the hldb 20:52:40 6 aquifer should be performed to identify

20:52:43 7 hydrogeological capacity for existing

20:52:46 8 wells. This analysis should include an 20:52:50 9 evaluation and estimate the same deal. 20:52:54 10 LEGOLAND proposes giving Arcadia Hills 20:52:55 11 two wells for their water supply, yet 20:52:58 12

20:53:00 13 the wells have not had recent

20:53:02 14 hydrogeological studies on them,

20:53:06 15 instead, relying on 1999 data. Current

20:53:10 16 testing must be done to guarantee that

20:53:11 17 Arcadia Hills will have sufficient 20:53:12 18 water. 20:53:15 19 The new CRV well being drilled has 20:53:17 20

20:53:19 21 not been tested for gallons per day.

20:53:22 22 It is only 200 feet from the other two

20:53:25 23 wells and all three wells are drawing

20:53:27 24 from the same aquifer. In addition,

20:53:28 25 the two wells are pumping



20:53:31 2 an agreement for $900,000 without

20:53:33 3 knowing if those wells will produce

20:53:36 4 enough water. There will be grave 20:53:39 5 consequences from LEGOLAND and the 20:53:41 6 residents if there is no water. Farr 20:53:46 7 Engineering studied the water needs of 20:53:48 8

20:53:51 9 LEGOLAND as stated, currently, there is

20:53:54 10 adequate water supply; however, when

20:53:57 11 factoring in future full village

20:54:00 12 build-out, additional water sources 20:54:01 13 will be needed. The development was 20:54:04 14 denied zoning change and told there was 20:54:06 15 no water in April 2016. 20:54:08 16

20:54:13 17 These are the statements you made

20:54:16 18 at that time. Councilman Lyons was

20:54:17 19 told by Attorney Golden, it is the role

20:54:20 20 of each Board member as a legislative

20:54:23 21 body to act in the town's best 20:54:25 22 interest. Attorney Golden, he noted 20:54:27 23 the roads within the -- leading to the 20:54:29 24

20:54:31 25 subdivision are not suitable for the anticipated amount of traffic.



20:54:34 2 charm and beauty of our community.

20:54:37 3 Bringing in more traffic is a detriment

20:54:40 4 to the quality of life. Water has 20:54:41 5 always been an issue, we don't have an 20:54:43 6 overabundance of water. 20:54:45 7 Councilwoman Gallo is concerned 20:54:48 8

20:54:50 9 with the availability of water to 300

20:54:53 10 plus units, she has experienced water

20:54:56 11 issues in her development and is aware

20:54:58 12 of water issues in another development. 20:55:00 13 Supervisor Bloomfield noted that 20:55:02 14 the general consent of the Board 20:55:04 15 members is not to change the zoning. 20:55:06 16

20:55:09 17 Passing revised Law 5 and 6

20:55:12 18 specifically written for LEGOLAND is

20:55:15 19 spot zoning. Every builder you have

20:55:19 20 denied a zoning change to build will be

20:55:19 21 in your office crooning for a zoning 20:55:24 22 newspaper article they intend to sue

20:55:25 23 Goshen if they change the zoning. They

20:55:28 24 Orange County and the Village are suing 20:55:32 25 and Town of Chester, because they



20:55:33 2 changed the zoning for the Camp

20:55:34 3 LaGuardia property.

20:55:36 4 So I ask you, what happened in a 20:55:38 5 few months to cause all of you to do a 20:55:40 6 100 percent flip-flop on the

20:55:46 7 Comprehensive Plan?

20:55:46 8 Thank you, thank CHAIRMAN BERGUS: 20:55:47 9 you.

20:55:47 10 (Applause.) 20:55:47 11 Next speaker, CHAIRMAN BERGUS: 20:55:49 12 20:55:49 13 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good

20:55:50 14 evening, my name is Carol Cullen, I

20:55:52 15 want to say season's greetings to the

20:55:54 16 panel, thank you for letting us come 20:55:57 17 out today to voice our opinions on 20:55:59 18 these subjects, I want to say that I 20:56:01 19 live up that way about three miles and 20:56:04 20

20:56:07 21 I work down that way about three miles

20:56:09 22 on Main Street, I play here in Goshen,

20:56:12 23 I eat in Goshen, I volunteer in Goshen,

20:56:16 24 I shop in Goshen, I am a Goshen person.

20:56:18 25 I'm interested in the economic



20:56:22 2 understanding that the taxes that will

20:56:24 3 be paid by Merlin corporation will

20:56:26 4 be -- will generate approximately 20:56:29 5 $421 million over the next 30 years. 20:56:33 6 And I expect this Board to do their 20:56:36 7 job, that they've done so well so far, 20:56:39 8 in making sure that that happens for 20:56:41 9

20:56:43 10 the town of Goshen. We need this and I

20:56:46 11 implore you to take care to do the job

20:56:47 12 at hand.

20:56:48 13 Thank you. 20:56:48 14 (Applause.) 20:56:50 15 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you. 20:56:51 16 Next speaker. 20:56:54 17 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Hello, Tom 20:56:57 18 Denning from Wawayanda, New York. 20:56:59 19

20:57:01 20 I spent the day reading and I came

20:57:06 21 across an article from the Lower Hudson

20:57:08 22 paper, where Haverstraw had turned down

20:57:10 23 this project last November and the

20:57:13 24 supervisor said, we don't want to 20:57:15 25 divide the community, it was obvious



20:57:17 2 always had their support and they've

20:57:19 3 always asked us to look out for their

20:57:21 4 concerns, we're going to pass on this 20:57:23 5 offer. 20:57:24 6 It also talked about, we want to 20:57:26 7 have a growth -- economic growth, but 20:57:28 8

20:57:31 9 we want to do it in a way that makes

20:57:32 10 sense with our community.

20:57:36 11 I drive past Goshen every day and I

20:57:39 12 see the spire on the St. Paul's church 20:57:41 13 and it's one of the best views in the 20:57:44 14 county, and I'm trying to picture what 20:57:46 15 that would look like with a roller 20:57:48 16

20:57:50 17 coaster next to it.

20:57:51 18 The water is my biggest concern in

20:57:55 19 this project.

20:57:58 20 We've had many droughts, but with

20:58:01 21 climate change on the rise, there will 20:58:03 22 be much worse droughts coming. So 20:58:05 23 whatever statistics you're looking up, 20:58:12 24

20:58:15 25 you have to look into the future, which is impossible, none of us can do it.



20:58:18 2 change, you'll see that there's no way

20:58:20 3 of knowing how fast it's going to hit

20:58:23 4 us. 20:58:23 5 There are trees on this property 20:58:25 6 that are grandfathered trees, there's a 20:58:28 7 sycamore and an oak tree that are over 20:58:30 8

20:58:33 9 70 inches in diameter, they're two of

20:58:35 10 the most magnificent trees in the

20:58:38 11 county. There will be another 35 trees

20:58:40 12 or maybe it's even 40 trees, I believe, 20:58:43 13 that are almost 40 inches in diameter, 20:58:45 14 these trees are helping the 20:58:46 15 environment. 20:58:48 16

20:58:52 17 I've been to LEGOLAND in Windsor

20:58:55 18 and my son was obsessed with LEGOs so

20:58:57 19 we thought it would be a great place to

20:58:58 20 go, and I don't want to say anything

20:58:59 21 about educational, because there was 20:59:02 22 nothing educational, except how to 20:59:05 23 spend a lot of money on fast food and 20:59:07 24

20:59:10 25 how to wait on a line to ride on a little plastic roller coaster thing.



20:59:13 2 spending a hundred dollars to go amuse

20:59:15 3 themselves, it doesn't amuse me, that's

20:59:17 4 just a personal thing. But to have the 20:59:19 5 largest of ten LEGOLANDs in Goshen 20:59:22 6 makes no sense and all of you know 20:59:25 7 that, I'm sure. 20:59:30 8

20:59:32 9 There are many places in the county

20:59:34 10 where you've said this may make sense,

20:59:39 11 maybe Maybrook or, you know, Newburgh,

20:59:46 12 I don't -- I don't understand how 20 20:59:48 13 intelligent people can all seem 20:59:50 14 interested in this project, when it's 20:59:52 15 the water, it's the traffic, it's the 20:59:54 16

20:59:56 17 quality of life. If your house was

20:59:57 18 right next to this project, you

20:59:59 19 couldn't look at anybody here in the

21:00:01 20 eye and tell them that you want this to

21:00:01 21 come here. 21:00:02 22 Thank you. 21:00:03 23 (Applause.) 21:00:05 24

21:00:07 25 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very much.



21:00:07 2 evening, my name is Ron Guerrera, and

21:00:10 3 I'm a business owner in Goshen. Over

21:00:12 4 the last several years, my wife and I 21:00:14 5 have made very significant investments 21:00:16 6 in Goshen in the form of the Stagecoach 21:00:19 7 Inn, taking an old property and 21:00:22 8

21:00:25 9 revitalizing it and making it beautiful

21:00:27 10 and special. And I think I've written

21:00:31 11 letters to Kyle Roddey, the mayor of

21:00:34 12 Goshen, about the need for growth in 21:00:37 13 Goshen, about the need for investment, 21:00:38 14 about the need for this beautiful place 21:00:40 15 that -- not only is it a beautiful 21:00:42 16

21:00:45 17 village, one of the reasons we bought

21:00:48 18 the inn was its potential to be

21:00:49 19 spectacular in the village, but also

21:00:52 20 the need for economic growth. This is

21:00:54 21 an area that has not been growing. The 21:00:56 22 ratables have been going up and the 21:00:59 23 population has been going down. I think 21:01:01 24

21:01:04 25 LEGO is a fantastic opportunity for the town, for the county and for the state



21:01:06 2 My background is doing corporate

21:01:08 3 turnarounds of very large corporations

21:01:11 4 and I would view Orange County as 21:01:15 5 somewhat of a turnaround and I would 21:01:17 6 view an opportunity like LEGO as a 21:01:20 7 massive opportunity to create a 21:01:22 8

21:01:24 9 catalyst that can really accelerate the

21:01:27 10 growth and benefit everyone in this

21:01:29 11 county. So for that reason, I strongly

21:01:31 12 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

21:01:32 13 much.

21:01:32 14 (Applause.)

21:01:32 15 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Our next speaker. 21:01:34 16 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Ryan Jordan

21:01:37 17 from -- I just moved to Goshen within

21:01:39 18 the past year. I live in the town,

21:01:42 19 near Reservoir Road. I moved here 21:01:45 20 earlier in the year, but I'm a lifelong 21:01:47 21 resident of Orange County, Goshen was 21:01:50 22 high on our list of places to move 21:01:53 23

21:01:56 24 because of the small town feel and the

21:01:57 25 fact that there seemed to be a



21:02:00 2 When we moved, a local -- a local

21:02:02 3 builder built our house, a local 21:02:06 4 a local electrician did the wiring, 21:02:08 5 contracted plumber did the plumbing, I 21:02:10 6 patio, I 21:02:13 7 believe in shopping local. Wld't 21:02:16 8 wait to raise our two kids here, but

21:02:18 9 the fact that LEGOLAND has quickly

21:02:20 10 entered the picture has put some doubt 21:02:23 11 into that decision. There's no way 21:02:25 12 anyone can believe that Goshen will 21:02:27 13 remain the same should this be 21:02:30 14

21:02:32 15 approved. It has been hard to watch a

21:02:35 16 project of this magnitude be

21:02:38 17 fast-tracked. As our Goshen

21:02:39 18 representatives, you have a moral and

21:02:42 19 ethical obligation to represent our 21:02:44 20 residents. If you can honestly tell 21:02:46 21 yourselves that there is full 21:02:48 22

21:02:50 23 transparency and understanding on the

21:02:57 24 current and future impact of this

21:03:00 25 project, and I reiterate future, then



21:03:03 2 gaps stated throughout these meetings,

21:03:06 3 should this project be approved, it

21:03:08 4 would not be in line with the future we 21:03:11 5 had envisioned for our kids in this 21:03:14 6 community. I understand growth and I 21:03:17 7 welcome change, but different areas are 21:03:19 8

21:03:22 9 capable of handling different kinds of

21:03:24 10 change and Goshen is wrong for this

21:03:24 11 project.

21:03:27 12 This is an extremely drastic 21:03:30 13 change, one whose repercussions will 21:03:32 14 fall upon the residents should any 21:03:34 15 issues arise. Please do not jump to 21:03:37 16

21:03:38 17 conclusions, do the necessary due

21:03:40 18 diligence.

21:03:42 19 There was no LEGOLAND when I grew

21:03:43 20 up in this area, there is no need to

21:03:45 21 bring it here now. 21:03:47 22 Let my kids experience the 21:03:48 23 childhood we enjoyed. 21:03:48 24

21:03:50 25 Thank you. (Applause.)



21:03:50 2 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next speaker.

21:03:52 3 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good 21:03:53 4 evening, my name is Gerson Levitas, I'm 21:03:56 5 a paid member of the Orange County

21:03:58 6 chamber, and I'm also a member of the

21:04:02 7 Goshen chamber and my business is

21:04:07 8 to help people in these local, I try 21:04:09 9 well as Warwick and chambers, as 21:04:11 10 their own business. I Chester grow 21:04:13 11 in this because I live htk 21:04:15 12 in -- I've lived in Orange County for

21:04:18 13 40 years, I've seen tremendous changes

21:04:22 14 from when I first moved up here, but I

21:04:26 15 know the last 15 years, it's been a 21:04:29 16 challenge because of the economic way 21:04:33 17 things have happened, including the 21:04:37 18 government building shutting down, and 21:04:40 19

21:04:43 20 businesses losing a fortune and some

21:04:45 21 closing down, and the others have been

21:04:46 22 struggling, especially in the

21:04:48 23 restaurant business. 21:04:50 24 I'm not going to read this whole 21:04:51 25



21:04:53 2 of the Young Professionals of Orange

21:04:57 3 County.

21:05:02 4 Orange County has changed a 21:05:04 5 footprint through the terrific efforts 21:05:05 6 of the Orange County Partnership, the 21:05:06 7

21:05:09 8 IBA, Goshen chamber, the Orange County

21:05:11 9 chamber and all the chambers realize

21:05:13 10 the importance of growth and all the

21:05:15 11 benefits that become available to us

21:05:18 12 when large and small organizations and 21:05:21 13 companies come here. I know that 21:05:25 14 Orange County, it's for progress, more 21:05:27 15 business, more jobs, more choices for 21:05:29 16

21:05:31 17 everyone. Here's the best part, and

21:05:36 18 it's been touched on a few times,

21:05:40 19 LEGOLAND isn't Great Adventure, it is

21:05:43 20 not an amusement park. I will have to

21:05:45 21 go to a dictionary, maybe technically 21:05:48 22 it could be, but it's not the six -- 21:05:50 23 the 50-story roller coasters and the 21:05:52 24

21:05:54 25 noise and so forth. Our county is on the map and



21:05:56 2 find a career here, and many moved away

21:06:00 3 over the last 15 years to find their

21:06:02 4 fortunes elsewhere.

21:06:04 5 not want Farmers, their children do 21:06:06 6 to be in the business anymore so 21:06:08 7 they -- they're not -- a lot of them

21:06:10 8 are selling and they can't sustain

21:06:13 9 without family members. 21:06:19 10 Now, with projects like this, they 21:06:21 11 will have a choice, the children and 21:06:23 12 the grandchildren will have a choice of 21:06:25 13

21:06:27 14 where to work and live as they get

21:06:29 15 older.

21:06:31 16 How wonderful is that?

21:06:33 17 We haven't talked much about the

21:06:36 18 children, this place is incredible for 21:06:38 19 children. Instead of you leading them 21:06:40 20 around, they're going to lead 21:06:42 21 everybody -- their parents around to 21:06:44 22

21:06:47 23 where they want to go, it's very, very

21:06:50 24 exciting. And I'm not saying this, my

21:06:53 25 son is, you know, world traveled like



21:06:56 2 blessing for anyone. And jobs will be

21:06:59 3 made there and other places that the

21:07:04 4 community of -- of Orange feels that 21:07:08 5 they're a good project and it goes 21:07:12 6 through this process, you're going to 21:07:14 7 make the right decision, we know the 21:07:16 8

21:07:19 9 roads have to be fixed, they have to be

21:07:22 10 a certain way, we're not foolish, we

21:07:24 11 know that water has to be provided, so

21:07:26 12 these are not things that we're saying, 21:07:29 13 forget about it, have a one-lane road, 21:07:30 14 that's not what it is. 21:07:32 15 And also, senior, that's the last 21:07:35 16

21:07:37 17 thing, seniors will open up an

21:07:39 18 opportunity, even at LEGOLAND for some

21:07:42 19 seniors to have some positions where

21:07:43 20 they can't -- where they can't

21:07:45 21 currently get a position. 21:07:47 22 So thank you, good luck and God 21:07:47 23 bless Orange County. 21:07:50 24 (Applause.) 21:07:52 25 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.



21:07:52 2 evening, my name is Joseph Gus[ph].

21:07:54 3 I'm a long life resident of Orange

21:07:57 4 County, when I first heard about 21:07:59 5 LEGOLAND coming to Goshen, I was 21:08:01 6 shocked. I have always seen Goshen as 21:08:03 7 a beautiful town and village. Why 21:08:05 8

21:08:08 9 would they want to destroy the charm of

21:08:10 10 Goshen and destroy the hundredsall ofthe

21:08:11 11 acres of land? Where would the water

21:08:13 12 LEGOLAND is wanting to use? Has there 21:08:16 13 ever been adequate water studies

21:08:21 14 completed? I did see the front cover

21:08:22 15 of the Times-Herald Record, and a few 21:08:27 16 weeks ago, our region is in drought. 21:08:28 17 The traffic is going to be 21:08:30 18 outrageous. And do you think people 21:08:32 19

21:08:34 20 are going to jump up to work at

21:08:37 21 LEGOLAND? There are so many jobs now

21:08:40 22 that business can't fill. Not many

21:08:44 23 people are going to want to work at

21:08:48 24 LEGOLAND for close to minimum wage. I 21:08:51 25



21:08:55 2 Where would all of these thousands of

21:08:57 3 people go if there -- if they had to

21:09:00 4 evacuate? Goshen does not even have 21:09:03 5 enough emergency personnel. Who would 21:09:06 6 pay for all the extra services? Our 21:09:09 7 government has already gave LEGOLAND 21:09:12 8

21:09:15 9 millions of our tax dollars, they need

21:09:18 10 to pay their fair share of taxes.

21:09:20 11 Why doesn't LEGOLAND go up to

21:09:24 12 Sullivan County? Sullivan County wants 21:09:26 13 them. I know Middletown doesn't need 21:09:28 14 the extra traffic and this project is 21:09:31 15 going to destroy Goshen. Is it worth 21:09:35 16

21:09:36 17 it all for LEGOs? I say stop LEGOLAND.

21:09:39 18 (Applause.)

21:09:40 19 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

21:09:41 20 Next speaker.

21:09:44 21 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good

21:09:48 22 evening, my name is Chris Pennings, and

21:09:50 23 couple of I'm a lifelong resident here of Orange 21:09:53 24 fronts here today, first as an Orange

21:09:56 25 County resident. Raised in Warwick,



21:09:59 2 lived in Walden, final destination, I

21:10:01 3 hope, is in Pine Bush, seen good and

21:10:05 4 bad projects, thankfully more good than 21:10:08 5 bad, which most ended up finding a good 21:10:11 6 host community. Sometimes I think we 21:10:13 7 forget how some of these projects, you 21:10:16 8

21:10:19 9 don't want in your backyard, but you'll

21:10:22 10 be the first to potentially go utilize

21:10:24 11 their service or their amenities,

21:10:28 12 landfills, movie theaters, malls, strip 21:10:32 13 shopping centers, a cell tower, that 21:10:33 14 each one of your phones that are in 21:10:35 15 your pockets grab that signal, a 21:10:38 16

21:10:40 17 distribution complex or a truck stop.

21:10:42 18 We all have to, at one time or

21:10:45 19 another, accept something that isn't

21:10:47 20 exactly something we want, and, yes,

21:10:48 21 maybe, at that time, it's a decision to 21:10:50 22 decide where you want to remain. My 21:10:53 23 grandfather's first farm he bought was 21:10:55 24

21:10:58 25 in the '40s, it was in Goshen, he moved on, many of the fields you, many of the



21:10:59 2 fields that you all have homes on were

21:11:03 3 once a farm and that gets a little

21:11:10 4 emotional for me, because a lot of the 21:11:12 5 farmers would prefer to still be here. 21:11:15 6 I lost my -- LEGO seems to have 21:11:20 7 taken tremendous time and careful 21:11:22 8

21:11:23 9 consideration about this project. I've

21:11:28 10 sat in on many, many public hearings of

21:11:31 11 projects, I think Orange County and New

21:11:34 12 York, for that matter, is very slow in 21:11:36 13 its -- in its entirety to move projects 21:11:40 14 along, that has put us in a very 21:11:44 15 difficult situation. 21:11:46 16

21:11:48 17 On another note, I'm also a

21:11:51 18 business owner, recruiting and staffing

21:11:54 19 for 23 years, I've had people sit

21:11:56 20 across from my desks and what job you

21:11:58 21 don't think is worth having, they'll 21:12:02 22 beg to differ. It's an opportunity to 21:12:04 23 get a foot in a door with a Fortune 21:12:06 24

21:12:09 25 company, global, worldwide organization, maybe it's not the income



21:12:11 2 Right now, with things changing,

21:12:14 3 we -- we do have the increase that's

21:12:16 4 going to happen with minimum wage, 21:12:19 5 those jobs are going to be impacted by 21:12:23 6 many organizations, if we start turning 21:12:25 7 them away now, when things potentially 21:12:28 8

21:12:30 9 do start turning around, we'll never

21:12:32 10 get the opportunity to bring them in

21:12:32 11 again.

21:12:36 12 I, for your sake, wish 17 wasn't 21:12:38 13 through your town, but it's one of the 21:12:42 14 main arterial routes that pass by 21:12:44 15 1924,

21:12:49 16 right, the road was put there, it was

21:12:52 17 to be able to improve communities to

21:12:58 18 progress. Businesses to be brought

21:13:01 19 here and I -- like I said, we only have

21:13:08 20 three main roads that go through our 21:13:10 21 community and that's one of them. 21:13:11 22 From a quick standpoint of farming, 21:13:15 23 my kids will be a fourth generation 21:13:17 24

21:13:20 25 farmer. I will tell you, most farms



21:13:22 2 farms, but we've had to adapt and move

21:13:25 3 over to agritourism. My wife and I

21:13:27 4 opened a vineyard and a winery, my 21:13:30 5 cousins, my brothers are in Warwick, 21:13:33 6

21:13:36 7 than parking lots; however, we've had

21:13:38 8 to adapt and LEGOLAND will bring the

21:13:40 9 we need. tourism that 21:13:44 10 BERGUS: Thank you very CHAIRMAN 21:13:45 11 h 21:13:45 12 (Applause.)

21:13:47 13 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next speaker.

21:13:47 14 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good

21:13:47 15 evening, my name is Alec Phillips, I

21:13:50 16 live here in Goshen, 16 years, I have

21:13:53 17 more written here, but it looks like 21:13:55 18 I'm going to be pretty redundant 21:13:57 19 because a lot of the things that I've 21:13:59 20 come to say, a lot of my neighbors that 21:14:02 21

21:14:05 22 are against LEGOLAND have already said

21:14:06 23 pretty clearly.

21:14:09 24 But let's just say, I just have a 21:14:11 25 little bit on the end of what I had



21:14:14 2 watching a Christmas show, after the

21:14:16 3 show, you know, I ran into somebody and

21:14:18 4 explained to him where I live, Goshen, 21:14:21 5 New York, oh, what a beautiful town. 21:14:24 6 For years, whenever I say that, what a 21:14:26 7 beautiful town, it's a great place to 21:14:29 8

21:14:31 9 live. And they're right. When I moved

21:14:35 10 here, I looked everywhere, I moved all

21:14:36 11 different parts of Asia and Europe.

21:14:39 12 When I found Goshen, it was as Doug

21:14:43 13 Bloomfield said, a charm to it. I

21:14:47 14 explained that LEGOLAND is coming into

21:14:49 15 town to this person last night and they

21:14:52 16 thought I was joking. And they just 21:14:54 17 really couldn't believe that it was a 21:14:56 18 reality. And, you know, I said I -- 21:15:04 19 and I really feel like it's time I'm 21:15:07 20

21:15:09 21 doing this rightly so because one of

21:15:12 22 the reasons that my friends here have

21:15:15 23 grown up, it really seems that it -- it

21:15:17 24 comes down to one of these things,

21:15:19 25 balance but everything is about



21:15:21 2 believe a lot of what he spoke about

21:15:23 3 just now, balance is -- is key. What

21:15:26 4 I've been seeing, had a non-bias look

21:15:30 5 at -- at things, it's just out of

21:15:35 6 place, it's just -- I believe it would 21:15:38 7 be great, yes, in a different place,

21:15:39 8 there's nothing wrong with LEGO in the

21:15:42 9 right place, the right time and place 21:15:44 10 all, you know, like -- well, place 21:15:47 11 covers a lot of -- but -- I feel like 21:15:51 12 it will be almost like, you know, 21:15:54 13

21:15:58 14 Goshen has its soul, home of the

21:16:01 15 trotter track, Exit 125, Exit 125, it

21:16:04 16 will just be Exit 125, LEGOLAND and

21:16:07 17 that is what will happen, 10,000 people

21:16:09 18 a day at a minimum, every day in and 21:16:12 19 out, that's the result. And I don't 21:16:14 20 care, you know, I mean, you have to be 21:16:16 21

21:16:23 22 blind to see that that won't happen.

21:16:25 23 So it's a matter of selling the soul of

21:16:28 24 Goshen for money or -- you guys do a

21:16:30 25 great job with alternative ways to



21:16:32 2 put it all together, this is just a

21:16:34 3 quick fix. It will come, it will go.

21:16:37 4 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

21:16:38 5 (Applause.)

21:16:44 6 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next speaker.

21:16:45 7 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Hello, my

21:16:45 8 name is Derek O'Hanlon, I live at 2155

21:16:50 9 State Route 17 in Goshen, New York, and

21:16:52 10 I just wanted to talk about the 21:16:53 11 benefits that LEGOLAND would have for 21:16:55 12 the disabled. 21:16:56 13 I've been disabled my whole entire 21:16:57 14

21:17:00 15 life, and while my disability is

21:17:03 16 moderate, I have many friends whose

21:17:03 17 disabilities are severe, and in 2007,

21:17:06 18 when I went to the Special Olympics, I

21:17:08 19 met with people with my same condition 21:17:10 20 that have severe disabilities. The 21:17:13 21 fact that LEGOLAND even acknowledges 21:17:15 22

21:17:18 23 the disabled and is open to help them

21:17:21 24 is a breath of fresh air, because very

21:17:24 25 rarely are disabled people even



21:17:26 2 really underrepresented, it's very hard

21:17:29 3 being disabled, there are some jobs I

21:17:31 4 know I will never be able to do. And 21:17:33 5 the fact that LEGOLAND is so open to 21:17:36 6 offering jobs to the disabled and 21:17:37 7 things for the disabled to do is a 21:17:39 8

21:17:40 9 breath of fresh air for me, because for

21:17:42 10 some of these people, it's very tough.

21:17:45 11 I'm the head of my disability group at

21:17:48 12 my college in Newburgh and I've had 21:17:50 13 these people tell me that they often 21:17:52 14 feel very put down, because they'll see 21:17:54 15 people their age, and they'll have 21:17:56 16

21:17:58 17 these jobs, but they can't get these

21:17:59 18 jobs because they're disabled and they

21:18:00 19 just can't do it.

21:18:03 20 So to me, I think LEGOLAND is a

21:18:05 21 benefit to the disabled something I 21:18:06 22 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

21:18:07 23 much.

21:18:09 24 (Applause.)

21:18:10 25 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next speaker.



21:18:11 2 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: My name is

21:18:13 3 Ed Guido, I live in Vetri Road, Goshen,

21:18:17 4 town of Goshen. 21:18:18 5 The fact that I'm here in front of 21:18:20 6 you is just mind-boggling, I'm not a 21:18:23 7 person to come out, get involved, 21:18:24 8

21:18:27 9 although I am a ten-year member of the

21:18:30 10 Goshen Fire Department. This project

21:18:33 11 just means that much to me and my

21:18:34 12 family.

21:18:38 13 Goshen was a choice, we invested a 21:18:41 14 lot of money into our home, picked a 21:18:43 15 perfect location at that time, it was 21:18:47 16

21:18:49 17 two miles from Orange Regional

21:18:51 18 Hospital, where both my children were

21:18:54 19 born, and now we're facing this and

21:18:56 20 it -- it just doesn't fit, guys, it

21:18:59 21 really doesn't. 21:19:01 22 Phil, you look like a great guy, I 21:19:04 23 see a great personality, your company, 21:19:05 24 I'm sure, is topnotch, it's just not 21:19:08 25 the place for it.



21:19:11 2 children and my wife is an educator,

21:19:13 3 she works in -- is an Orange County

21:19:16 4 teacher and, yeah, the children, it 21:19:18 5 would be great, you know, for the 21:19:19 6 children to go to some place and learn 21:19:21 7 and have field trips that are close, 21:19:24 8

21:19:26 9 just not there. And I see a lot of

21:19:28 10 people speak on behalf of their

21:19:29 11 children, I love children, I'm not

21:19:32 12 going to speak against it, but I didn't 21:19:35 13 hear anybody speak about our seniors, 21:19:36 14 okay. 21:19:40 15 Glen Arden and Elant are right 21:19:46 16

21:19:48 17 there. What do they have? I've worked

21:19:51 18 for Elant as a physical therapy

21:19:54 19 assistant, I've watched a lot of people

21:19:57 20 die there, take their last days, take

21:19:59 21 their last breath, I've held hands with 21:20:02 22 people who have died there. Is this 21:20:04 23 what we want to put in their backyard, 21:20:07 24

21:20:09 25 their last days? A lot of veterans, veterans end up there, I just don't get



21:20:11 2 It's just not the place for it. And

21:20:15 3 you guys are our representation. And I

21:20:17 4 know this started with the County 21:20:21 5 approaching LEGOLAND in February as per 21:20:27 6 Supervisor Bloomfield when he addressed 21:20:29 7 the IDA Board, we house our county 21:20:34 8

21:20:36 9 jail, Mid-Hudson psych center, a

21:20:42 10 children's detention center, 911

21:20:45 11 center, how much does Goshen have to

21:20:47 12 take? Why are we the kicking child of 21:20:50 13 the county? We're the county seat, 21:20:52 14 we've got the government center, if 21:20:55 15 Steve Neuhaus is so concerned about 21:20:58 16

21:21:00 17 economic growth in Goshen, it shouldn't

21:21:02 18 take five years for that government

21:21:04 19 center to be up and running, that thing

21:21:07 20 should have been up and running three

21:21:07 21 years ago, okay. 21:21:08 22 (Applause.) 21:21:10 23 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Okay. So 21:21:12 24 you see the passion that our residents 21:21:14 25 are speaking of. I won't take away



21:21:16 2 representing the people that they feel

21:21:18 3 they need to do, but we're residents,

21:21:21 4 you're here for us, and I know you will

21:21:24 5 do the right thing, it's not the right

21:21:26 6 Please, I beg you, don't do it. place 21:21:31 7 Thank you.

21:21:32 8 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

21:21:32 9 (Applause.) 21:21:33 10 Next speaker, CHAIRMAN BERGUS: 21:21:35 11

21:21:35 12 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good

21:21:36 13 evening, my name is Alex Kemp, I live

21:21:40 14 in Westtown, New York, a lifelong

21:21:42 15 Orange County resident, I am currently 21:21:43 16 the investor relations representative 21:21:45 17 at the Orange County Partnership. I 21:21:47 18 work directly with hundreds of local 21:21:49 19

21:21:50 20 companies in Orange County, large and

21:21:54 21 small. Virtually all of whom proudly

21:21:56 22 support LEGOLAND New York, many of them

21:21:58 23 have written you directly to express

21:22:00 24 their support. What I hear most from 21:22:02 25



21:22:04 2 When LEGOLAND is operational, they

21:22:06 3 require tremendous amounts of services,

21:22:08 4 some examples of services would be food 21:22:10 5 and beverage, utilities, landscaping, 21:22:13 6 banking, construction, security, 21:22:15 7 healthcare, staffing and a host of 21:22:17 8

21:22:19 9 other opportunities for local companies

21:22:22 10 to get work. This project provides so

21:22:24 11 much economic vitality for local

21:22:27 12 businesses and when that occurs, it 21:22:30 13 lti li I'htk t 21:22:32 14 our local businesses, who have always

21:22:34 15 supported us.

21:22:35 16 Thank you 17 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

21:22:36 18 much.

21:22:36 19 (Applause.)

21:22:37 20 Next speaker, CHAIRMAN BERGUS: 21:22:38 21 l 21:22:39 22 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good

21:22:42 23 evening, my name Leslie Schumacher, I'm

21:22:44 24 a 20-year resident of Orange County,

21:22:47 25 the last five years in Goshen, my



21:22:49 2 mother is also a resident of Valley

21:22:53 3 View, she's in Goshen.

21:22:54 4 I'd like to start by addressing air 21:22:58 5 quality, I've had a recent health 21:23:00 6 diagnosis which makes this important to 21:23:03 7

21:23:05 8 me. The scope had requested a study on

21:23:07 9 the cumulative impact of air quality

21:23:09 10 during construction and operation of

21:23:14 11 LEGOLAND, from pesticides, construction

21:23:17 12 equipment, generators, trucks, buses, 21:23:20 13 idling vehicles and to include 21:23:23 14 operations of gas-powered rides in the 21:23:24 15 park. The study has taken in 21:23:26 16

21:23:28 17 consideration the ten-week projects

21:23:30 18 proposed in the area, all listed in the

21:23:33 19 scope and the DEIS, with the exception

21:23:33 20 of the CPV plant, which should have

21:23:36 21 been included. 21:23:38 22 One of the mitigation strategies 21:23:41 23 offered by LEGOLAND was to impose a 21:23:42 24

21:23:44 25 minimal speed limit on site for construction vehicles, but there's



21:23:47 2 Another was to monitor unnecessary

21:23:49 3 idling of construction vehicles, and

21:23:52 4 again, it doesn't say how it's going to 21:23:54 5

21:23:56 6 the park opens, there's no way to

21:24:00 7 control idling cars in and out of the

21:24:02 8 park. The DEIS basically skipped over

21:24:05 9 the inclusion of the Town's anticipated

21:24:08 10 projects in the response, stating that

21:24:10 11 to the extent information is publicly 21:24:12 12 known and available to them, there 21:24:14 13 would be no associated impact. I mean, 21:24:16 14 that's not doing an in-depth, 21:24:19 15

21:24:22 16 independent study as the scope

21:24:24 17 requested, that's taking a pass, as far

21:24:25 18 as I'm concerned.

21:24:27 19 So how will the construction and

21:24:30 20 operation of LEGOLAND, along with all 21:24:32 21 these other projects, impact our air 21:24:34 22 quality? We don't know. It's not 21:24:39 23

21:24:43 24 telling us.

21:24:46 25 There's nothing in the DEIS stating



21:24:49 2 powered, two solar, vice versa, we

21:24:49 3 don't know, it's not telling us that.

21:24:51 4 According to the DEIS, based on the 21:24:54 5 national Clean Air Act, which hasn't 21:24:56 6 been amended in 26 years, the town of 21:24:57 7

21:24:59 8 Goshen's existing air quality index is

21:25:02 9 less than the national average, I was

21:25:04 10 surprised to read that in the DEIS, so

21:25:06 11 the study that was requested in the

21:25:08 12 scope is very important, but it wasn't 21:25:11 13 done. 21:25:14 14 The DEIS is woefully vague and 21:25:17 15 lacking details on the impact on the 21:25:17 16

21:25:19 17 air quality.

21:25:23 18 There's also a recent sound byte

21:25:23 19 from an interview with Phil Royal where

21:25:25 20 he stated that in five years' time,

21:25:27 21 after LEGOLAND is built, he could stand 21:25:29 22 under the church and look out on the 21:25:31 23 town and nothing will have changed. 21:25:34 24

21:25:36 25 Well, five years from now, if LEGOLAND is built, residents of Glen Arden or



21:25:39 2 the perimeters are not going to be able

21:25:42 3 to say that nothing has changed for

21:25:44 4 them, and I can't think of a worse spot 21:25:47 5 to build LEGOLAND than next to two 21:25:50 6 nursing homes, it's shameful, shameful. 21:25:52 7 But I guess that that's -- they're just 21:25:55 8

21:25:57 9 seen as collateral damage in this

21:25:58 10 project.

21:26:01 11 LEGOLAND is not about community or

21:26:05 12 LEGOs or children, it's about profit 21:26:08 13 for Merlin, they are taking much, much 21:26:09 14 more than the pittance they are 21:26:12 15 offering Goshen, and it's not in my 21:26:15 16

21:26:17 17 opinion, as stated by someone in

21:26:19 18 Thursday's hearing, a gift from God, I

21:26:21 19 think it's the opposite. Anyone

21:26:24 20 involved in fast-tracking a project of

21:26:28 21 this magnitude with the indisputable 21:26:32 22 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

21:26:34 23 (Applause.)

21:26:34 24 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next speaker,

21:26:35 25 please



21:26:36 2 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good

21:26:36 3 evening, I'm Debbie Gettner[ph], I live

21:26:40 4 at Harrington Park. 21:26:41 5 When I first heard of LEGOLAND 21:26:43 6 coming, I was very excited, in 21:26:47 7 Middletown, and I see -- I've seen how 21:26:49 8

21:26:54 9 Goshen's businesses have really gone

21:26:56 10 downhill in the past -- especially

21:26:59 11 since the County buildings closed.

21:27:01 12 My first concerns about LEGOLAND

21:27:03 13 were traffic and water, just like 21:27:07 14

21:27:10 15 teenagers who love to take long

21:27:13 16 showers, I do have a high water bill.

21:27:16 17 However, I started to think about the

21:27:18 18 future and what LEGOLAND was,

21:27:20 19 especially after watching some of their

21:27:23 20 videos and doing some research on their 21:27:24 21 website. LEGOLAND, for the most part, 21:27:26 22 is going to be a destination for 21:27:28 23 families, they're going to come up 17, 21:27:30 24

21:27:32 25 get off the exit, go to LEGOLAND, have



21:27:35 2 and a lot of them are going to get back

21:27:37 3 on the highway and go home and they're

21:27:39 4 not going to come into the village and 21:27:41 5 they're not going to come even further 21:27:43 6 north. However, there will be 2 to 21:27:46 7 5 percent that will come into the 21:27:48 8

21:27:51 9 village that will make it more than one

21:27:54 10 day, that will spend the weekend and

21:28:01 11 come into a bed and breakfast, maybe 12 there will be more bed and breakfasts, 21:28:05 13 and they will spend, you know, go down 21:28:07 14 and see some decent restaurants, which 21:28:09 15 we have some very good ones. 21:28:11 16

21:28:13 17 But your job is besides LEGOLAND,

21:28:16 18 is to start planning for that future

21:28:18 19 and not to build, uproot 59 like

21:28:19 20 someone mentioned earlier, where we

21:28:21 21 could have some, you know, reasonable 21:28:24 22 growth, where there could be one or two 21:28:28 23 good restaurants on -- off the highway, 21:28:30 24

21:28:32 25 like a Cracker Barrel, which would draw people, not just because they went to



21:28:35 2 draw people in. Limit it to maybe one

21:28:37 3 more fast-food place, but I can also

21:28:40 4 see the revitalization of downtown and 21:28:43 5 having it become more of like a Stowe, 21:28:46 6 Vermont where there's a lot of small 21:28:49 7 shops, craft shops, art galleries, 21:28:52 8

21:28:54 9 small restaurants, and I really think

21:28:56 10 that that's -- you know, and also,

21:28:59 11 we'll end up getting a grocery store,

21:29:04 12 which everyone wants. We're too close 21:29:07 13 to Hannafords and Price Chopper and 21:29:10 14 ShopRite coming in, but I know I go on 21:29:13 15 Trader Joe's website about once every 21:29:16 16

21:29:17 17 month or so and suggest Goshen for a

21:29:19 18 great new store.

21:29:21 19 So I hope you will do your job,

21:29:24 20 follow through with LEGOLAND and if it

21:29:28 21 comes through, just keep doing your job 21:29:31 22 and do some creative growth for our 21:29:37 23 town and look forward to the future and 21:29:39 24

21:29:40 25 we can create more of a Goshen, quaint town rather than destroy it.



21:29:41 2 much.

21:29:42 3 (Applause.)

21:29:43 4 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next speaker.

21:29:43 5 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Thank you, 21:29:45 6 my name is Chris Neely[ph], I'm an 21:29:49 7 Orange County resident for 16 years. 21:29:51 8 I've been reading the DEIS for 21:29:54 9

21:29:57 10 several weeks now, and many of the

21:29:59 11 appendices, and what I read is a very

21:30:03 12 deficient and inaccurate document. I

21:30:05 13 then compared it to the other DEIS 21:30:06 14 documents. The Merlin document has a 21:30:10 15 lot of errors, there's a ton of missing 21:30:11 16 data, there's missing charts, truncated 21:30:13 17

21:30:15 18 sentences and factual errors,

21:30:16 19 outrageous claims are made in this

21:30:19 20 document without any supporting

21:30:22 21 documents. It is disturbing to me that

21:30:24 22 there's very little accurate data in 21:30:27 23 the Merlin DEIS, much of the 21:30:30 24 information presented is more than five 21:30:34 25 years old and thus, unusable. The Town



21:30:35 2 you are working against yourselves. I

21:30:36 3 understand that Goshen is anxious to

21:30:38 4 bring this corporation into town, but 21:30:41 5 this project is in the wrong place, and 21:30:44 6 this site in particular is definitely 21:30:46 7 the wrong place. 21:30:47 8

21:30:49 9 Furthermore, the plan itself

21:30:50 10 accentuates the physical limitations of

21:30:52 11 this site with both BOCES and Glen

21:30:54 12 Arden, there is a major negative impact 21:30:56 13 for emergency services and the 21:31:00 14 adjoining residences bear the burden of 21:31:03 15 noise, pollution, visual disturbance 21:31:06 16

21:31:08 17 trying to fit their plan on a site that

21:31:11 18 really doesn't work for them. The

21:31:12 19 basics are so obvious to me, and yet,

21:31:15 20 this was released for public comment as

21:31:18 21 a complete document.

21:31:18 22 In reading the other environmental 21:31:20 23 impact statements, I'm struck by the 21:31:23 24 vastly different ways documents are 21:31:25 25



21:31:25 2 it is the loyal taxpaying citizen who

21:31:29 3 gets the roughest treatment. It is

21:31:30 4 like you're star-struck by Merlin, 21:31:32 5 you're not looking past the bright 21:31:35 6 colors and the gobs of money. Look at 21:31:38 7 the real issues, look at their 8

21:31:39 9 promises.

21:31:40 10 In Windsor, England, traffic and

21:31:42 11 power have been their big issues.

21:31:45 12 Those issues were there before they

21:31:46 13 built and they're still there today, 21:31:50 14 there are no raves from the surrounding 21:31:50 15 communities on their presence. 21:31:52 16

21:31:55 17 Actually, there are raves, but not the

21:31:57 18 kind that Merlin wants to talk about.

21:31:58 19 Did you even talk to the businesses

21:32:00 20 they claimed experience the booming

21:32:02 21 with their presence? We did, on our 21:32:05 22 investigation, and spoke to a number of 21:32:05 23 business owners in Winter Haven, and 21:32:08 24 not a single one of them mentioned the 21:32:10 25 millions of dollars that Merlin talks



21:32:11 2 that are the heart of the town.

21:32:13 3 You owe it to the people of this

21:32:15 4 area to do due diligence, and pushing 21:32:17 5 this project through without lots of 21:32:19 6 careful thought will have a very bad 21:32:20 7 outcome for all of us. If you're 21:32:23 8

21:32:26 9 intent on inflicting a part-time

21:32:29 10 amusement on us, at the very least,

21:32:31 11 SEQRA on all the property, not only the

21:32:32 12 140 areas that you're developing now,

21:32:33 13 but a conservation easement on the 21:32:36 14 wetlands, put restrictions on future 21:32:38 15 development on their site and see if 21:32:39 16

21:32:42 17 they stick around. There's not a

21:32:44 18 single high level ratable next to an

21:32:47 19 amusement park in this country.

21:32:48 20 Now, for the Comprehensive Plan, I

21:32:48 21 thought well this is a good document 21:32:51 22 for the future. It was well thought

21:32:53 23 out and presented. So now, without all

21:32:55 24 careful input and research and the 21:32:58 25 community involvement that went into



21:32:59 2 this plan, a big corporation comes

21:33:00 3 along, a lot of money is thrown their

21:33:03 4 way by the governor and you try to make 21:33:05 5 this project fit. Well, it doesn't 21:33:07 6 fit. There are a lot of projects that 21:33:09 7 would be great for Goshen, but it seems 21:33:11 8

21:33:14 9 like the creativity and forethought

21:33:15 10 needed to bring that here came to a

21:33:17 11 screeching halt when Merlin came

21:33:19 12 knocking on the door. Do not alter the 21:33:19 13 Comprehensive Plan in this way, do your 21:33:23 14 diligence. Look at the total 544 21:33:25 15 acres, look at the impact on the 21:33:27 16

21:33:29 17 wildlife and endangered species you

21:33:30 18 will kill, the plants you will destroy,

21:33:33 19 the ecosystem that you will ruin, the

21:33:34 20 wells that will run dry, the cancerThe and 21:33:37 21 yet -- the heart disease that you will 21:33:39 22 I'm sorry, unlike you can even destroy

21:33:44 23 inadvertently --

21:33:46 24 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

21:33:51 25 Next speaker.



21:33:53 2 (Applause.)

21:33:53 3 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good

21:33:54 4 evening, John Mirabella, Murray Avenue,

21:33:58 5 25-year resident. 21:33:59 6 I want to speak to proposed laws 21:34:03 7 Number 5 and 6, I guess what we're all 21:34:05 8 here is to know what the right thing to 21:34:07 9

21:34:09 10 do is, right, what do you do in this

21:34:10 11 situation. Who do you listen to in

21:34:14 12 this situation as the Board, okay. Of

21:34:17 13 course, you have, and to my way of 21:34:19 14 thinking when I'm trying to decide 21:34:20 15 something like this, I'm thinking, 21:34:22 16 well, you have offers on the table and 21:34:25 17

21:34:28 18 people that have a unique, singular and

21:34:30 19 maybe a one-dimensional view of this.

21:34:33 20 Now, Merlin Entertainment, of course,

21:34:35 21 they naturally want to build LEGOLAND,

21:34:37 22 that's their business, of course 21:34:39 23 they're going to pitch it, how much 21:34:42 24 weight do I give their offers or the 21:34:45 25 perception of what Goshen residents



21:34:47 2 be good business people otherwise if

21:34:49 3 they didn't pitch this way.

21:34:49 4 And I'm also thinking that, I think 21:34:51 5 somebody else mentioned, that of course 21:34:53 6 there's construction jobs, but what I 21:34:55 7

21:34:57 8 can't understand is that this is just a

21:35:00 9 moot point. If LEGOLAND is not built

21:35:03 10 in Goshen and is built somewhere else,

21:35:03 11 it's not going to go anywhere, those

21:35:06 12 jobs still exist no matter what, 21:35:08 13 somebody has got to build them. 21:35:10 14 Now, I'm thinking about the Stop 21:35:12 15 LEGOLAND people, so who are these 21:35:15 16

21:35:17 17 people? I mean, I think, as a general,

21:35:20 18 maybe this is obvious, I think as a

19 general proposition, anybody my age, 22

21:35:21 20 and older.

21:35:23 21 (Laughter.) 21:35:26 22 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: A little 21:35:28 23 humor never hurt anybody. We've all 21:35:32 24 grown up in this time where we're so 21:35:34 25 used to change, we've grown up in the



21:35:37 2 just have to, but I think this

21:35:39 3 wide-sweeping proposal goes against

21:35:42 4 everything I know of in history of any 21:35:45 5 town or city that's ever been formed, 21:35:47 6 because towns, like evolution, they do 21:35:50 7 exactly that, they start out small, 21:35:52 8

21:35:55 9 they'll build slowly, a church is

21:35:58 10 added, a strip mall, small housing,

21:36:00 11 that kind of thing. At this time in

21:36:03 12 history, I think that we're faced with

21:36:06 13 literally rewriting Goshen. Really, at 21:36:08 14 this time, it's starting from scratch, 21:36:11 15 changes that are going to occur, no 21:36:13 16

21:36:16 17 matter what anybody says, there are

21:36:19 18 just -- if somebody doesn't believe

21:36:21 19 it's going to change the town of Goshen

21:36:24 20 is just naive. Now, whether you like

21:36:26 21 that or not, again, it's a matter of 21:36:28 22 taste and that's fine, but I tried to 21:36:30 23 look at where the information is coming 21:36:32 24 from. The Stop LEGOLAND people and the 21:36:34 25 Goshen residents are the only people



21:36:36 2 where, the what, the why, the how this

21:36:38 3 is being built, they're talking about

21:36:43 4 water, environment, the traffic. The 21:36:45 5 other opinions, although they're fine 6 opinions and they may have some 21:36:47 7 validity to them, I still have to say 21:36:48 8

21:36:50 9 that they're one dimensional.

21:36:52 10 And I think I'll also point to the

21:36:54 11 fact that I did see the interview about

21:36:58 12 how Goshen in five years will still be

21:36:59 13 the same. Well, I don't know whether 21:37:01 14 that statement is more naive or 21:37:03 15 arrogant, to tell you the truth, 21:37:06 16

21:37:09 17 because that just subverts any kind of

21:37:11 18 process of law, that's what legislation

21:37:12 19 is for, to affect a community, okay, to

21:37:15 20 make it obviously, that would be like

21:37:17 21 saying if we made murder not just 21:37:19 22 that's true of that statement. And a

21:37:21 23 lot of people have told you that, of

21:37:23 24 course they want to live here for a 21:37:25 25 reason, and again, I'm a person, you



21:37:27 2 know, I drive a car, I use oil, so I

21:37:31 3 don't think I'm above society and the

21:37:34 4 way the world works, but this is such a 21:37:37 5 bad idea for so many reasons, that I 21:37:39 6 just won't even reiterate right now, 21:37:41 7 that it doesn't seem to be in our best 21:37:46 8

21:37:49 9 interest. I mean, I can't even help

21:37:53 10 thinking about Venice as a dead city,

21:37:56 11 it's become such a tourist place,

21:37:59 12 nobody is born there anymore, it's a 21:38:00 13 museum. 21:38:01 14 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you. 21:38:02 15

21:38:02 16 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Our next speaker.

21:38:03 17 (Applause.)

21:38:03 18 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Hi, my name

21:38:08 19 is Gretchen Zierick, and I own 120

21:38:09 20 acres at 120 Conklingtown, and it's the 21:38:12 21 home to WillsWay Equestrian Center.

21:38:17 22 I'd just like to talk about our

21:38:18 23 emotions, but I'd actually like to

21:38:18 24 address the economic impact of this 21:38:21 25



21:38:23 2 many speakers.

21:38:24 3 Goshen residents are concerned

21:38:26 4 about jobs, we all need to be concerned 21:38:29 5 about good jobs. While LEGOLAND's 21:38:31 6 presentation told us it was at 500 21:38:34 7 full-time jobs, those are divided among 21:38:36 8

21:38:39 9 technical trades, management,

21:38:40 10 administration, retail, food and

21:38:42 11 beverage. Then there are 300 part-time

21:38:45 12 jobs, 500 seasonal jobs. The big

21:38:47 13 question is, how many of those are good 21:38:50 14 jobs? Logically, I would expect that 21:38:51 15 most of the full-time, all of the part 21:38:54 16

21:38:56 17 time and all of the seasonal jobs are

21:38:59 18 of the, would you like fries with that

21:39:02 19 variety, minimum wage, unskilled.

21:39:04 20 Goshen's Comprehensive Plan calls

21:39:06 21 for developing a strong and balanced 21:39:09 22 economic base, that comes after 21:39:11 23 protecting cultural activities, rural 21:39:13 24 character, support the village center 21:39:16 25 and foster town clusters, provide a



21:39:20 2 development had to provide for

21:39:21 3 sustainable water use and encourage

21:39:24 4 appropriate resited development to 21:39:24 5 protect environmental assets. These 21:39:27 6 are wonderful goals, they should be 21:39:30 7 used to evaluate any proposed 21:39:33 8

21:39:33 9 development.

21:39:34 10 I believe that encouraging the

21:39:36 11 location for more small businesses

21:39:37 12 would benefit Goshen much more than the 21:39:41 13 location of a large, seasonal amusement 21:39:42 14 park as part of the international 21:39:45 15 network of companies. According to the 21:39:46 16

21:39:49 17 Small Business Administration, small

21:39:52 18 businesses make up 99.7 percent of U.S.

21:39:55 19 employers, small businesses are defined

21:39:57 20 as those with less than 500 employees.

21:40:00 21 Now, I'm a third generation running a 21:40:06 22 manufacturing company, founded by my 21:40:07 23 grandfather in 1919. We manufacturer 21:40:08 24

21:40:10 25 electronic connectors, we employ about 65 people in New York State.



21:40:14 2 average wage pay, but there are also

21:40:16 3 multipliers, multipliers estimate the

21:40:20 4 ripple effect of an economic activity. 21:40:22 5

21:40:25 6 local economy by any measure. Let's

21:40:26 7 look at wages first.

21:40:27 8 labor According to the bureau of 21:40:30 9 2016, statistics report for November of 21:40:32 10 manufacturing jobs pay an average of

21:40:34 11 $20 62 an hour leisure and 21:40:39 12 hospitality, 13.01. That's a gap of

21:40:42 13 nearly $16,000 per person, per year. I

21:40:45 14 think the residents of Goshen would 21:40:48 15 prefer the higher wage that they could 21:40:49 16 earn in manufacturing. Then there are 21:40:51 17 the multipliers, according to the State 21:40:54 18

21:40:56 19 of New York Department of Labor, the

21:40:56 20 employment multiplier for manufacturing

21:41:00 21 is 3.04, while leisure and hospitality

21:41:06 22 have a multiplier of only 1.50; thus,

21:41:09 23 the 500 jobs created by labor, 750 21:41:10 24 additional jobs could be created in New 21:41:12 25



21:41:14 2 in manufacturing.

21:41:15 3 Then there's the dollar multiplier,

21:41:18 4 that measures the output from other 21:41:20 5 sectors in response to output in one, 21:41:23 6 so for every dollar spent in 21:41:26 7 manufacturing, it generates a lot more 21:41:28 8

21:41:31 9 economic activity. According to The

21:41:32 10 Manufacturing Institute, every dollar

21:41:33 11 of sales and manufacturing products

21:41:37 12 supports 1.33 in output, the largest

21:41:39 13 multiplier in any sector. Arts, 21:41:43 14 entertainment, recreation, $0.81. 21:41:46 15 Retail trade, $0.66 cents. 21:41:47 16

21:41:48 17 Agriculture, an important part of our

21:41:51 18 economy, comes in second to

21:41:54 19 manufacturing at $1.11.

21:41:56 20 Many union members have come to

21:41:58 21 speak about the value of the union 21:42:00 22 construction jobs, they have a point, 21:42:02 23 but once construction is finished, the 21:42:06 24 jobs are over and gone, a well-thought 21:42:08 25 out plan to attract Goshen's industrial



21:42:09 2 you very much.

21:42:10 3 (Applause.)

21:42:11 4 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next speaker. 21:42:12 5 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Hello, my 21:42:17 6 name is Ken McNally, and I live in 21:42:21 7 Goshen, and I have lived here for 21:42:23 8 40 years in the village. 21:42:24 9 When I first heard about the 21:42:27 10

21:42:32 11 proposed LEGOLAND coming to Goshen, it

21:42:35 12 was in the paper, I think, something

21:42:37 13 about Steve Neuhaus, I'm only

21:42:39 14 mentioning his name to identify that,

21:42:42 15 not to criticize him, you know, and 21:42:45 16 it's coming. And my gut feeling was 21:42:48 17 oh, man. I guess I've just been 21:42:51 18

21:42:53 19 suspect of growth, you know, but I --

21:42:56 20 but also, on the other hand, I have to

21:42:59 21 say I am pretty much ignorant about

21:43:02 22 private enterprise, I worked as a civil

21:43:05 23 servant and I worked -- to put a human 21:43:07 24 face on myself, I was a recreation 21:43:10 25 therapist working with the severely



21:43:13 2 don't know what you folks up there know

21:43:15 3 about it. I really don't know -- I was

21:43:17 4 feeling I really don't know what's -- 21:43:20 5 after listening to them about what is 21:43:22 6 the best solution, what is really true? 21:43:25 7 I'm not -- I don't know about tax 21:43:28 8

21:43:30 9 bases, tax abatements, ratables and I'm

21:43:33 10 not bragging about that, I'm just --

21:43:36 11 I'm a sports and music, artsy kind of

21:43:38 12 guy and social, so these -- I admire 21:43:41 13 you guys that are willing to do that 21:43:43 14 stuff, you can do that and you're on 21:43:45 15 town boards and I would be bored the 21:43:47 16

21:43:50 17 first minute, you know, I had to sit

21:43:52 18 there at a meeting and run a town or

21:43:53 19 something, but I give you respect, you

21:43:55 20 grew up differently from me and you

21:43:58 21 became that, and you -- I don't want to 21:44:00 22 just say it was just the way you were, 21:44:02 23 but you also -- you know, it was partly 21:44:05 24

21:44:07 25 a personality and you're interesting in being social servants, I guess. I



21:44:11 2 to it.

21:44:11 3 I think I still fall on the side of

21:44:14 4 not wanting it, not -- I said suspect 21:44:17 5 of growth, because I don't know, we're 21:44:19 6 in an age, we're talking about greening 21:44:21 7 the world and sustainability and there 21:44:23 8

21:44:25 9 is a side that says, well, growth is

21:44:26 10 good and, you know, I believe that's

21:44:27 11 true, but on the other hand, it's just

21:44:30 12 a knee-jerk reaction of, oh, I don't

21:44:31 13 want it. 21:44:33 14 But let me just say, you know, I 21:44:35 15 know a little bit about psychology and 21:44:37 16

21:44:40 17 one of my fears was that since I don't

21:44:40 18 know much, I have gone to a few things

21:44:43 19 and I don't want to sound like I don't

21:44:46 20 care, I have had phone calls from

21:44:46 21 politicians who were running for office 21:44:48 22 that I believed and you know, and I've 21:44:50 23 walked it, you know, and I am a 21:44:53 24 socially -- I want you to think well of 21:44:56 25 me in that sense, and I'm not exactly



21:44:57 2 much time I have left, does anybody

21:45:00 3 know, it just goes off in two minutes,

21:45:05 4 I would -- two minutes? 21:45:14 5 MS. NAUGHTON: One minute. 21:45:16 6 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: One minute. 7 Group think, I was afraid -- you know, 21:45:16 8 if this does go through, there seems to 21:45:17 9 be a lot of pressure to do this, from 21:45:19 10

21:45:21 11 Albany, to make money, perhaps from the

21:45:23 12 county executive, again, I don't know

21:45:26 13 how these things works, so I -- group

21:45:28 14 think says, which are these faulty 21:45:31 15

21:45:35 16 efficiency deterioration of -- a

21:45:39 17 deterioration of reality testing and

21:45:42 18 Some of moral judgment the symptoms 21:45:43 19 illusion of invulnerability, it creates

21:45:48 20 excessive optimism that encourages

21:45:50 21 taking extreme risks and I thought of 21:45:52 22 that, there's about a list of eight of 21:45:54 23 them, that was one, and I tried to say, 21:45:57 24 well, how does that apply here? Well, 21:45:59 25



21:46:01 2 opportunity, doesn't it, and direct

21:46:03 3 pressure, members are under pressure

21:46:05 4 not to express arguments against any of 21:46:07 5 their group views and I don't mean to 21:46:10 6 insult any of you, I just want you to 21:46:12 7 be aware, everybody, as a unit, being 21:46:14 8

21:46:16 9 working groups will try to get along,

21:46:19 10 but there is a lot of influence on you.

21:46:19 11 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

21:46:20 12 you'll think independently and work

21:46:23 13 with experts and others.

21:46:24 14 BERGUS: Thank you. CHAIRMAN 21:46:24 15 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Thank you

21:46:25 16 very much.

21:46:26 17 (Applause.)

21:46:26 18 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

21:46:27 19 Next speaker. 21:46:29 20 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good 21:46:30 21 evening, my name is Renee Turcott and I 21:46:33 22 represent Circle Z, LLC, the owner of 21:46:36 23 120 Conklingtown Road in Goshen, and 21:46:38 24 I'm also a partner of WillsWay 21:46:39 25



21:46:42 2 operation located at the farm.

21:46:45 3 I respectfully dispute the

21:46:46 4 conclusions of the DEIS regarding the

21:46:49 5 noise impact evaluation, Section G,

21:46:52 6 future sound levels. In the last

21:46:54 7 that section, the report paragraph of 21:46:54 8 the one receptor expected t t th t 21:46:58 9 to experience a significant increase in

21:47:02 10 sound level is receptor one, Glen

21:47:03 11 Arden. 21:47:03 12 My concern, as well as the 21:47:05 13 partners, as WillsWay Equestrian 21:47:08 14 Center, is receptor seven, the one 21:47:10 15

21:47:12 16 closest to our farm. I believe we will

21:47:15 17 see a significant increase in sound

21:47:18 18 levels near receptor seven, and we'll

21:47:20 19 experience an adverse effect on our

21:47:23 20 farm and the surrounding area. 21:47:27 21 In Section F, sound level data 21:47:29 22 collected at LEGOLAND park in Carlsbad, 21:47:32 23

21:47:34 24 California, the report says that the

21:47:38 25 Dragon roller coaster does, in fact,



21:47:42 2 the height of the roller coaster for

21:47:44 3 the proposed park here in Goshen, there

21:47:47 4 is no surrounding terrain capable of 21:47:50 5 obstructing the noise sure to be 21:47:53 6 generated by a ride of this size and 21:47:56 7 the exuberant screams of the park's 21:48:00 8

21:48:01 9 visitors on this ride. As you are

21:48:03 10 aware, this immediate area proposed for

21:48:05 11 the park is known locally as Echo

21:48:08 12 Ridge, specifically for the reason that 21:48:11 13 generated sound, has the capability to 21:48:13 14 travel long distances and be heard 21:48:15 15 quite clearly on surrounding 21:48:18 16

21:48:20 17 properties. This phenomenon has been

21:48:22 18 noted by many Goshen residents,

21:48:24 19 including ourselves, who have

21:48:27 20 experienced it as recently as this past

21:48:31 21 summer, it really is quite remarkable. 21:48:33 22 As I mentioned, WillsWay Equestrian 21:48:35 23 Center is a horse boarding and lesson 21:48:37 24

21:48:39 25 program farm. We are also affiliated with Life's Journey, a certified



21:48:42 2 offering therapeutic riding lessons.

21:48:43 3 Life's Journeys clients not only

21:48:45 4 include autistic children, children 21:48:46 5 with varying degrees of challenges and 21:48:49 6 disabilities, but individuals with 21:48:51 7 posttraumatic stress disorder. We do 21:48:54 8

21:48:56 9 recognize that horseback riding in and

10 of itself is an inherently risky

21:48:59 11 activity; however, the document

21:49:01 12 evidence of a PATH program conducted in 21:49:03 13 safety measures in place outweigh the

21:49:07 14 inherent risks. The level and type of

21:49:08 15 noise generated by the park's rides 21:49:10 16 increase our risk level ld ll 21:49:13 17 and negatively affect our horses, which

21:49:17 18 by nature are flight animals, and our 21:49:18 19 clients. 21:49:18 20 one Orange County is home to only 21:49:21 21

21:49:23 22 program and there's a growing demand

21:49:26 23 for the services that we offer, we ask

21:49:28 24 the Planning Board to pay particular 21:49:30 25 attention to the potential for



21:49:32 2 increased and distracting noise levels

21:49:35 3 imposing on the properties in close

21:49:37 4 proximity to the park. 21:49:39 5 We purchased 120 Conklingtown Road 21:49:41 6 because of its location on the scenic 21:49:43 7 byway and easy accessibility to Route 8

21:49:47 9 17.

21:49:49 10 We'll talk about impact, this

21:49:51 11 project will directly impact our

21:49:52 12 ability to conduct business and could

21:49:55 13 very well adversely effect our bottom 21:49:57 14 line, as well as other small businesses 21:50:00 15 in the area. If the main roads are 21:50:03 16

21:50:06 17 backed up with traffic, how will small

21:50:07 18 business' clienteles conveniently

21:50:08 19 travel to their destination?

21:50:09 20 When we appeared in front of the

21:50:11 21 Town Board, we were queried regarding 21:50:13 22 the type and size of business we would 21:50:15 23 be conducting, there was much concern 21:50:17 24 expressed by the Board regarding the 21:50:19 25 additional amount of traffic our



21:50:23 2 when we have any clinic shows and

21:50:25 3 special events. Obviously, our traffic

21:50:28 4 pattern pales in comparison to the

21:50:31 5 amount of cars estimated to visit

21:50:34 6 LEGOLAND -- thank you 21:50:35 7 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

21:50:36 8 much.

21:50:36 9 (Applause.)

21:50:37 10 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next speaker.

21:50:39 11 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good

21:50:39 12 evening, my name is Joan Donato, I live

21:50:43 13 in Arcadia Hills, one of my neighbors

21:50:47 14 spoke to you before. We're right on 21:50:49 15 the border. Our backyard pits up 21:50:53 16 against LEGOLAND property. I've had 21:50:57 17 water issues, every single year -- I've 21:51:02 18

21:51:05 19 been here 26 years, and miraculously,

21:51:08 20 this year, everyone in the Hudson

21:51:11 21 Valley was in a severe drought, except

21:51:15 22 for Arcadia Hills, for all of a sudden,

21:51:18 23 we have water in Arcadia Hills, where 21:51:21 24 every single year, I've had a red flag 21:51:25 25



21:51:28 2 water. But not this year. Thank you,

21:51:33 3 LEGOLAND, because without you, I

21:51:36 4 wouldn't have had that restriction this 21:51:39 5 year. And I didn't, miraculously. 21:51:44 6 The traffic is another issue. My 21:51:46 7 husband retired. He was a New York 21:51:51 8

21:51:54 9 City police officer. He came every

21:51:58 10 Friday, left work at 4:00, got home by

21:52:02 11 7:00, three hours. My children don't

21:52:05 12 want to come up here on a Friday 21:52:09 13 because of too much traffic. That's my 21:52:12 14 quality of life now. I didn't bet on 21:52:15 15 that when I bought my house. 21:52:18 16

21:52:21 17 Now, you're not blind, you

21:52:25 18 represent us, the people who live here.

21:52:28 19 The people who are affected by this.

21:52:31 20 They're going to give Goshen a million

21:52:34 21 dollars for their school? Well, guess 22 what, my kids went to Chester. Chester 21:52:36 23 is not getting anything. 21:52:37 24 (Applause.) 21:52:40 25 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: That's the



21:52:43 2 whose children do attend Chester, not

21:52:46 3 Goshen. But Goshen[sic] is getting

21:52:49 4 nothing, that's another thing that's 21:52:51 5 bothering me. 21:52:52 6 Then I have people who I know live 21:52:56 7 in Glen Arden, those people are 21:52:59 8

21:53:03 9 affected. If there were ever an

21:53:05 10 emergency, how are those ambulances

21:53:09 11 going to get to that road? They're on

21:53:11 12 the same road as the entrance to 21:53:15 13 LEGOLAND. If there was ever a backup 21:53:17 14 and there is a backup, because I've 21:53:20 15 heard it happening at Winter Haven, 21:53:23 16

21:53:26 17 Florida, how are those ambulances going

21:53:29 18 to get there to help those people? You

21:53:33 19 know that they always visit Glen Arden

21:53:37 20 and they always visit Elant, that's the

21:53:39 21 nature of where those people live, it's 21:53:43 22 unfortunate. You're not blind to that. 21:53:46 23 So I'm not opposed to growth, it's just 21:53:51 24

21:53:53 25 where you plan to put it. These people don't care. You should. As a matter



21:53:57 2 Middletown, they -- those people came

21:54:00 3 here and they told them what a great

21:54:02 4 thing it is, well, go there. 5 (Laughter.) 21:54:05 6 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: But don't 21:54:06 7 come to a place where it doesn't 21:54:09 8 belong. You know that. You know that. 21:54:13 9 I respect these people that came here. 21:54:15 10

21:54:17 11 I don't want to make light of what they

21:54:21 12 said, but you have to represent us, the

21:54:24 13 ones that are being affected by this,

21:54:28 14 not them, not Marlboro, not Cornwall, 21:54:32 15 not Pine Bush, I'm sorry. It just 21:54:35 16

21:54:38 17 perfect place for it.

21:54:42 18 Thank you.

21:54:42 19 (Applause.) 21:54:42 20 Thank you. CHAIRMAN BERGUS: 21:54:45 21 (Applause.) 21:54:46 22 Next speaker.

21:54:50 23 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Hi, Jeremy

21:54:51 24 Davis, village of Goshen. Almost

21:54:55 25 30 years ago, we moved to the town of



21:54:58 2 Goshen. We moved from Bergen County.

21:55:02 3 Without -- with a plan of eventually

21:55:04 4 moving back. After ten years, we put 21:55:07 5 our house on the market, had a buyer in 21:55:11 6

21:55:13 7 Jersey because that's where my business

21:55:15 8 is. One day, it took me ten-minutes to

21:55:18 9 make a left hand turn out of my bank I 21:55:20 10 drove home that day and said to my

21:55:23 11 wife, we can't move back down there.

21:55:25 12 The traffic is ridiculous. The point 21:55:28 13 is, although I have to commute every 21:55:31 14 day, when I get home, I don't have to 21:55:35 15 deal with it seven days a week. 21:55:38 16

21:55:41 17 When we first decided to move here,

21:55:43 18 I -- if I had seen a sign for an

21:55:46 19 amusement park, Goshen never would have

21:55:49 20 been a consideration. Amusement parks 21:55:53 21 saying this isn't an are prohibited in the Goshen Master 21:55:55 22 amusement park. It is an amusement

21:55:58 23 I'm sure park. you've heard this 21:56:01 24 before, if you put lipstick on a pig,

21:56:04 25 it's still a pig.



2 (Laughter.)

21:56:08 3 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: I'd like to

21:56:09 4 talk about Glen Arden. The residents

21:56:13 5 of Glen Arden are going to be affected 21:56:17 6 more than anyone in our community, they 21:56:20 7 paid a lot of money to live there, in a 21:56:22 8 safe, quiet community. If this goes 21:56:27 9

21:56:28 10 through, they're going to have to put

21:56:32 11 up with years of noise, dust and diesel

21:56:33 12 fumes during construction. The

21:56:36 13 pollution and particulate matter may

21:56:39 14 effect residents with pulmonary 21:56:42 15 conditions. There were no studies done 21:56:45 16 in the DEIS on what effect this may 21:56:47 17

21:56:50 18 have on nearby residents.

21:56:53 19 Once the years of construction are

21:57:01 20 completed, you'll have to contend with

21:57:03 21 traffic. 3500 cars a day traveling on

21:57:06 22 Harriman Drive, one way in, one way 21:57:09 23 out. So if Harriman Drive backs up, 21:57:12 24 and it will, if there's a medical 21:57:14 25 emergency at Glen Arden and it takes an



21:57:18 2 happens, each and every one of you that

21:57:21 3 vote for this should be held

21:57:24 4 accountable. 21:57:33 5 Now, this is a direct quote, this 21:57:37 6 park will be nothing like Winter Haven 21:57:39 7 C l b d it ill b lik 21:57:41 8 Windsor in the United Kingdom. If this

21:57:42 9 is so, why were there no studies done

21:57:45 10 from Windsor? Merlin stated in the

21:57:48 11 beginning, there was going to be a

21:57:51 12 2000-foot buffer to any residence.

21:57:53 13 Now, looking at the DEIS, that 21:57:57 14 2000-foot buffer shrunk to less than 21:58:00 15 900 feet. 21:58:01 16 I'd like to thank some of the Board 21:58:03 17

21:58:05 18 members for doing their due diligence.

21:58:08 19 To the rest of the Board members, shame

21:58:16 20 on you.

21:58:16 21 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

22 (Applause.)

21:58:17 23 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next.

21:58:17 24 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: My name is

21:58:18 25 Judy New, and I have lived in Goshen



21:58:22 2 for 25 years. And I want to say

21:58:28 3 something before I read this, my mom is

21:58:30 4 89 and she lives in Vermont, and all 21:58:31 5 the seniors, once a month get together 21:58:34 6 with all the young kids because it 21:58:36 7

21:58:39 8 makes them feel alive again, I just

21:58:41 9 think that it couldn't be in a perfect

10 location to have children with seniors.

21:58:47 11 (Laughter.)

21:58:48 12 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: A lot of

21:58:50 13 those seniors have no families.

21:58:53 14 Today, I confirmed with the Town of 21:58:56 15 Goshen how often our Master Plan is 21:59:00 16 revised and/or updated. Our Town 21:59:03 17 building inspector said it would be 21:59:05 18

21:59:09 19 every four or five years. So he said

21:59:12 20 it was overdue. The last two that were

21:59:15 21 done, one was in 2009 and the one

21:59:18 22 before that was 2014. And I know in

21:59:21 23 the 25 years that I've lived here, it's 21:59:23 24 been done many more times, I also know 21:59:26 25 if you talk about the spot zoning, they



21:59:30 2 scenic byway on Cheechunk Road and that

21:59:34 3 was changed zoning, it is now a

21:59:36 4 transfer station. So in the United 21:59:45 5 States, Counties are the administrative 21:59:47 6 subdivisions of the state they are in, 7 Counties' administrative at the local 21:59:50 8

21:59:52 9 level as part of the decentralization

21:59:53 10 of the State authority. Below County

21:59:58 11 level is divided into Cities, Towns and

21:59:59 12 Villages in order to provide local

22:00:01 13 government services. The place that 22:00:04 14 houses the County government is called 22:00:07 15 the county seat. Goshen is the county 22:00:09 16

22:00:12 17 seat of Orange County, New York,

22:00:15 18 Goshen's physical location is roughly

22:00:17 19 in the center of the county as well.

22:00:19 20 Whatever happens in Goshen has an

22:00:23 21 effect on a great deal of the rest of 22:00:25 22 the county in many ways. In my job, I 22:00:26 23 spend a great amount of time listening 22:00:29 24 to our municipalities to gather real 22:00:31 25 property information, zoning, et



22:00:33 2 and the city officials when I go there

22:00:36 3 and a hundred percent of those

22:00:37 4 municipalities have given their support 22:00:40 5 to this project. Taxes and cost of 22:00:42 6 living in New York are one of the 22:00:44 7 highest in the country. 22:00:50 8

22:00:52 9 Why did I decide to get involved?

22:00:55 10 It does not affect me personally.

22:00:57 11 Well, a percentage of foreclosures,

22:00:59 12 this information came from real

22:01:03 13 property for the county. 2012, at the 22:01:06 14 end of 2012, the increase in 22:01:10 15 foreclosure rates from 2011 was up 22:01:17 16 83.33 percent. At the end of 2013, the 22:01:26 17

22:01:30 18 increase from 2012 was up 85 percent.

22:01:34 19 In 2014, the increase from 2013 was up

22:01:38 20 131 percent. 2015, the increase from--

22:01:43 21 are not -- these figures are each year.

22:01:46 22 These are -- and they're added on to

22:01:48 23 each one from the previous years 22:01:51 24 You're not talking about houses, we are

22:01:53 25 talking about people. These figures



22:01:55 2 are from the county department of real

22:01:58 3 property. Goshen is struggling. If

22:02:00 4 you can't see it, let me know and I'll 22:02:02 5 be happy to take you around and show 22:02:04 6 you. Maybe we'll take and go visit a 22:02:08 7 foreclosure eviction so you can look at 22:02:11 8

22:02:14 9 the emptiness in the family's eyes.

22:02:16 10 Taxes are not getting lower and we need

22:02:19 11 our county and sooner rather than

22:02:21 12 later.

22:02:21 13 Thank you. Thank CHAIRMAN BERGUS:

22:02:22 14 you very much. 22:02:23 15 (Applause.) 22:02:26 16 Next speaker. CHAIRMAN BERGUS: 22:02:27 17 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good

22:02:28 18 evening, my name is Colleen Davis and

22:02:30 19 I've been a resident of Goshen for

22:02:34 20 almost 29 years. 22:02:35 21 I am adamantly opposed to the 22:02:38 22 construction of LEGOLAND on the 22:02:39 23 proposed site in the town of Goshen, 22:02:41 24

22:02:46 25 and I oppose the changing of Laws 5 and



22:02:48 2 not only a current concern, but a major

22:02:51 3 concern if the LEGOLAND project is 4 approved. 22:02:52 5 The DEIS is severely lacking 22:02:55 6 information regarding traffic in the 22:02:56 7 following areas. Goshen School 22:02:59 8

22:03:02 9 District. Goshen School District is

22:03:03 10 responsible for transporting students

22:03:05 11 to and from school. The buses which

22:03:06 12 transport our children on a daily basis

22:03:08 13 start at approximately 6:00 a.m. and 22:03:11 14 end at approximately 9:00 a.m. It 22:03:13 15 commences again at 2:15 p.m. and 22:03:16 16

22:03:17 17 continues to run until approximately

22:03:20 18 6:00 p.m., which allows for regular

22:03:23 19 dismissal, late bus runs and sports

22:03:26 20 runs. The bus routes involve numerous

22:03:29 21 roadways which will negatively impact 22:03:32 22 the time allotted for student pickup 22:03:33 23 and drop-off time due to the increase 22:03:35 24 in traffic caused by the proposed 22:03:35 25 LEGOLAND project. Goshen School



22:03:37 2 and Middletown. The following roads

22:03:40 3 used to transport these students were

22:03:41 4 not included in the DEIS, they include, 22:03:44 5 but are not limited to, Route 94, parts 22:03:48 6 of Route 207, Scotchtown, Craigville 22:03:51 7 Road, Sarah Wells Trail, Conklingtown 22:03:54 8

22:03:56 9 Road and Coleman Road. It has been

22:03:59 10 stated by a representative of Merlin,

22:04:01 11 that the schools will not be adversely

22:04:02 12 effected by traffic, as LEGOLAND is not 22:04:06 13 open until 10:00 a.m., this is an 22:04:07 14 absurd interpretation, as it will not 22:04:09 15 only affect the school district, but 22:04:11 16

22:04:15 17 also the rest of the town.

22:04:17 18 The DEIS states there were 18 road

22:04:20 19 areas to be reviewed for existing

22:04:22 20 traffic conditions, I won't name the

22:04:25 21 18, but I will reference from the 22:04:25 22 traffic -- DEIS Page 13, H-1 existing 22:04:30 23 conditions. 22:04:32 24

22:04:34 25 In addition, only seven various roadways of the above mentioned were



22:04:36 2 or you can look it up, they're on the

22:04:38 3 same page. The areas studied with the

22:04:41 4 machine traffic count do not reflect

22:04:43 5 what will negatively impact the

22:04:46 6 existing roadways of Goshen as

22:04:49 7 mentioned in the above paragraph with 22:04:50 8 regard to Goshen School District. 22:04:50 9 Machine traffic counts should have been 22:04:52 10 performed on all area roadways, as 22:04:54 11

22:04:57 12 mentioned above, which are utilized on

22:05:01 13 a daily basis, it should be noted that

22:05:03 14 Old Chester Road has been closed to

22:05:05 15 through traffic for several months and

22:05:07 16 that the Government Center is due to 22:05:10 17 reopen next fall. The DEIS does not 22:05:12 18 mention the additional planned or 22:05:14 19

22:05:16 20 potential developments within the

22:05:19 21 LEGOLAND project which would increase

22:05:20 22 additional traffic volume in the

22:05:23 23 future. This is a major concern.

22:05:25 24 Further, the DEIS does recognize 12 22:05:26 25 dditi l l d t ti l



22:05:29 2 traffic, but does not offer any

22:05:31 3 solution as to how we mitigate this

22:05:34 4 situation. 22:05:34 5 DEIS refers to Additi ll th 22:05:36 6 bussing its employees, but does not

22:05:39 7 state any effects regarding how many

22:05:41 8 employees would be using public or 22:05:43 9 private transportation. Most 22:05:45 10 importantly, there is no concrete plan 22:05:47 11 for any type of emergency traffic, 22:05:50 12

22:05:52 13 only, quote-unquote, incident

22:05:54 14 mitigation plan, which is to coordinate

22:05:57 15 with local law enforcement, fire and

22:05:59 16 EMS, all except for police and

22:06:01 17 volunteers. 22:06:04 18 In conclusion, in a letter dated 22:06:06 19 October 26, 2016 from the New York 22:06:10 20

22:06:11 21 State Department of Transportation to

22:06:12 22 Lee Bergus, Planning Board chair states

22:06:16 23 in part, quote, The proposed trip

22:06:17 24 generation in the traffic study lacks

22:06:20 25 sufficient documentation to be verified



22:06:22 2 intersection specific comments from the

22:06:25 3 department of transportation, too many

22:06:26 4 to state here, but it will be included 22:06:28 5 in my written comments. However, I 22:06:31 6 would be remiss if I did not mention -- 22:06:33 7 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you, thank 22:06:33 8

22:06:34 9 you very much.

22:06:35 10 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: -- Number 6,

11 which, in part, the flyover --

22:06:36 12 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

22:06:36 13 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: -- will not 22:06:38 14 meet the federal interstate -- 22:06:39 15 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you, ma'am. 22:06:40 16 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: -- this 22:06:43 17

22:06:45 18 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Thank you.

22:06:46 19 (Applause.)

22:06:49 20 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Hello, my

22:06:50 21 name is John Zahradnik I am a senior. 22:06:53 22 I've lived in Goshen about a hundred

22:06:56 23 years, and during that hundred years,

22:06:58 24 not much has changed, except taxes have 22:07:01 25 bi h ld



22:07:03 2 businesses downtown in the village are

22:07:05 3 having a difficult time, and we've

22:07:08 4 built a very large jail. 22:07:16 5 I'd like to first address a few 22:07:18 6 comments that were erroneously made 7 during these presentations. 22:07:20 8

22:07:22 9 First of all, I specifically spent

22:07:24 10 some time with Mr. O'Donnell, who has

22:07:27 11 been mentioned here, about safety. I

22:07:31 12 specifically talked to him about these

22:07:35 13 visits in Carlsbad. And his problem is 22:07:38 14 safety, was specifically that they only 22:07:41 15 looked in bags that people carried into 22:07:47 16

22:07:49 17 the park, and they did nothing else to

22:07:51 18 check that something else wasn't

22:07:53 19 brought into the park. He had no other

22:07:55 20 problems with safety during our

22:08:04 21 conversation and that was right before 22:08:07 22 the election, which he did win. 22:08:09 23 However, that's no different than what 22:08:09 24 happens in Bethel Woods, for years, in 22:08:12 25 New York City and other places, they



22:08:15 2 for O'Donnell, it just wasn't the case,

22:08:18 3 and he couldn't define anything else,

22:08:21 4 and he brought this up to the 22:08:22 5 residents -- I mean, to the leadership 22:08:25 6 after his visit. 22:08:27 7 In actual fact, I moved here about 22:08:31 8 20 years ago, and I moved here for a 22:08:33 9

22:08:35 10 job, and you've heard at least one

22:08:38 11 other speaker who said they moved here

22:08:40 12 for a job, so the talk about people

22:08:44 13 moving here for an idyllic situation 22:08:46 14 and not for work, it's just not true. 22:08:48 15 I know other people who have also moved 22:08:55 16 here for a job. 22:08:57 17

22:09:00 18 I've had a number of children here,

22:09:01 19 they've all left, they've moved,

22:09:04 20 because professional opportunities for

22:09:07 21 them do not exist in this area. And I

22:09:09 22 know some of you have had children who 22:09:12 23 have also done the same thing. 22:09:20 24 Much of what we've heard tonight 22:09:23 25 are personal opinions for and against,



22:09:25 2 for example, with LEGOLAND and at least

22:09:26 3 one other U.S. community. The

22:09:28 4 opponents to LEGOLAND, and I am not an

22:09:31 5 opponent, which I refer to as NIMBYs, 22:09:35 6 ti backyard, have not opposed 22:09:39 7 They th b ildi j t i 22:09:42 8 have not opposed Amy's, they've not

22:09:45 9 opposed the brewery. My opinion is

22:09:48 10 because it's not in their backyard. If

22:09:51 11 you look at the brewery site that was

22:09:53 12 to go up, they clear cut acres of that

22:09:56 13 Right next to the land Heritage Trail 22:09:58 14 and abutting the Audubon bi d 22:10:03 15 sanctuary, nobody said boo about that.

22:10:05 16 It's going to be a -- as I said,

22:10:08 17 decades before that ever starts to grow 22:10:11 18 back, unless something else is built. 22:10:13 19 Nobody complained about it because of 22:10:15 20 the location. 22:10:16 21

22:10:20 22 Let's not make a -- base a decision

22:10:22 23 on a few people who don't want anything

22:10:25 24 built in their backyard. We've heard

22:10:30 25 talks about moving it here and there



22:10:32 2 places, people are always going to be

22:10:34 3 opposed to it, because it's near their

22:10:37 4 home, because of other speculations 22:10:39 5 about what may be wrong with it. The 22:10:41 6 opposition we heard tonight is based on 22:10:43 7 speculation about traffic, noise 22:10:45 8

22:10:49 9 effects and water availability, these

22:10:50 10 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you. Thank

22:10:52 11 you very much.

22:11:02 12 (Applause.)

22:11:03 13 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next.

22:11:03 14 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: I'm Nick

22:11:04 15 Dello, actually I'm a retired union

22:11:07 16 carpenter, I supervised the flooring

22:11:09 17 installation at Madame Tussaud's in New 22:11:11 18

22:11:13 19 LEGOLAND FAO Schwarz, 59th Street.

22:11:18 20 My one-third acre property borders

22:11:21 21 the 521-acre proposed LEGOLAND site.

22:11:25 22 for My wife and I have lived there 22:11:27 23 43 years. I have several reasons why

22:11:29 24 this public hearing should remain open,

22:11:33 25 the presentation to be considered is



22:11:33 2 inadequate.

22:11:34 3 One, special permits. I have asked

22:11:37 4 the buildings inspector and town 22:11:39 5 supervisor what this encompasses, they 22:11:42 6 couldn't answer. 22:11:42 7 Two, the sale of Town property. I 22:11:44 8

22:11:46 9 have asked what property, the two

22:11:49 10 properties needed to build as planned,

22:11:55 11 lots 11-168 and 11-169, some of the

22:11:57 12 properties or all of the properties

22:12:00 13 owned by the Town, again, no answer. 22:12:02 14 Clearing and grading. I have been 22:12:04 15 told that the site plan is liquid, an 22:12:07 16

22:12:08 17 expression meaning we don't know what

22:12:08 18 we're doing, so clearing and grading

22:12:11 19 what, when?

22:12:15 20 Four, topographical map on Page 52

22:12:18 21 of DEIS shows a 90-foot high retaining 22:12:21 22 wall to hold backfill for the parking 22:12:23 23 area. LEGOLAND representatives 22:12:27 24 claim 50 foot at the highest retaining 22:12:27 25 wall. Either will be visible from my



22:12:31 2 should not be presented -- it should

22:12:33 3 not have been presented, it states an

22:12:35 4 emergency access road is needed and a 22:12:40 5 gravel road will be built. According 22:12:41 6 to several agencies, what is required 22:12:42 7 is a 25-foot wide blacktop road 22:12:46 8

22:12:47 9 designed with drainage to prevent

22:12:50 10 erosion, maintained year round, plowed

22:12:53 11 and salted as needed. That road, as

22:12:56 12 proposed to begin at Arcadia Road, 22:12:58 13 travel a half mile west through 22:13:00 14 wetlands, quarter mile north parallel 22:13:01 15 to the Otter Kill Creek through 22:13:03 16

22:13:06 17 wetlands and then turn west, crossing

22:13:09 18 loaded fire trucks. That road would

22:13:12 19 continue on to the park through more

22:13:13 20 This is wetlands a major undertaking 22:13:16 21 Not addressed.

22:13:18 22 Traffic in the town and village

22:13:21 23 needs to be addressed. The area around

22:13:25 24 Exits 125 and 124 handles 11,000 22:13:28 25



22:13:29 2 data from New York State DOT states

22:13:32 3 above state average accidents at all

22:13:34 4 its intersections in the study, that 22:13:39 5 rate is from 25 percent higher at about 22:13:40 6 17M Matthews Street between 207 and 22:13:45 7 Duck Pond Road to twice as high at 17M 22:13:50 8

22:13:54 9 Coach Drive, Clowes Avenue, and the

22:13:55 10 Government Center and LEGOLAND what

22:13:58 11 happens. A lack of empathy for

22:14:00 12 wildlife is shown in the DEIS, the 22:14:04 13 endangered Indiana and threatened 22:14:06 14 northern long-eared bats have left the 22:14:08 15 16 area, bats that hibernate in the winter

22:14:12 17 in caves now, and intend to return to

22:14:15 18 their previous roosting areas in the

22:14:16 19 spring. The proposed area of 150 acres

22:14:20 20 plus one mile further will devastate

22:14:24 21 the local population of a must-needed 22 animal, an animal that cannot defend 22:14:24 23 itself. 22:14:27 24

22:14:29 25 Add to this, the lack to properly address the air, water, noise and light



22:14:32 2 property values, the lack of

22:14:34 3 recognition of the Chester School

22:14:36 4 District in the DEIS and PILOT, and so

22:14:38 5 much more, I think it is obvious that

22:14:40 6 open. In this meeting must remain 22:14:42 7 and gentlemen, the whole fact ladies 22:14:43 8 LEGOLAND process should go back to the

22:14:46 9 drawing board.

22:14:46 10 As I have said, my wife and I 22:14:48 11 bought our new home in Arcadia Hills 43 22:14:52 12 years ago, we always expected to have 22:14:54 13 houses built in our backyard, we didn't 22:14:57 14

22:14:59 15 expect to see an amusement park from

22:15:01 16 our kitchen window.

22:15:02 17 (Applause.)

22:15:03 18 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

22:15:05 19 (Applause.)

22:15:07 20 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Maybe I

22:15:09 21 should use that other one, I don't 22:15:09 22 know. 22:15:09 23 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: You're good. 22:15:12 24 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Ann Marie 22:15:14 25



22:15:16 2 village of Goshen has a water

22:15:19 3 withdrawal permit that allows up to

22:15:21 4 1.3 million gallons a day of water 22:15:25 5 during drought conditions available to 22:15:25 6 serve the needs of its residents, 22:15:27 7

22:15:28 8 I noticed that the wording includes

22:15:31 9 the words "up to." I wondered what it

22:15:34 10 meant, so I looked at the New York

22:15:36 11 State regulations and found at 6 CRR-NY 22:15:40 12 601 7 It seems that thi ithd l 22:15:43 13 volume is equal to the maximum

22:15:45 14 withdrawal capacity reported to the

22:15:47 15 DEC. 22:15:48 16 Now, that's not the minimum 22:15:52 17 withdrawal capacity, it's the maximum. 22:15:54 18 So is that a sustainable of the Goshen 22:16:00 19

22:16:02 20 water supply system.

22:16:02 21 Appendix E reports that this number

22:16:04 22 assumes that the reservoir level is at

22:16:09 23 or below minus 75 inches or drought

22:16:12 24 conditions. But are those normal 22:16:14 25



22:16:17 2 reservoirs and wells now, and yet we

22:16:20 3 were declared and have been declared to

22:16:22 4 be in drought emergency. 22:16:25 5 By the way, I brought you this 22:16:27 6 photo off the New York State drought 22:16:30 7 monitor website, this is December 13th, 22:16:34 8

22:16:37 9 2016, this is current, we are in severe

22:16:41 10 drought for Orange County and the

22:16:44 11 surrounding regions, and as you see,

22:16:46 12 the edge of Orange County is in extreme 22:16:49 13 drought, but nobody is talking about 22:16:51 14 this, we're in drought conditions right 22:16:52 15 now. 22:16:52 16

22:16:53 17 (Applause.)

22:16:54 18 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Let her speak.

22:16:56 19 to supply them too? The truth is, we

22:17:00 20 don't, we really don't have 1.3 million

22:17:03 21 gallons a day. 22:17:04 22 The other thing I have here is a

22:17:06 23 water supply development management

22:17:09 24 plan prepared by Camp, Dresser & McKee 22:17:09 25 f th Vill f Gh It tt



22:17:12 2 that the estimated drought yield for

22:17:15 3 both of Goshen's reservoirs combined is

22:17:16 4 .5 million gallons a day. The DEIS 22:17:20 5 itself confirms that the drought yield 22:17:22 6 from the two village wells is 22:17:25 7

22:17:29 8 .45 million gallons a day. That adds

22:17:32 9 up to a total of 950,000 gallons a day,

22:17:36 10 that is not 1.3 million, that's the

22:17:38 11 differences between what is considered

22:17:40 12 a safe yield and what is considered a 22:17:43 13 maximum yield, I prefer to calculate a 22:17:47 14 plan based on a safe yield. The DEIS 22:17:50 15 says the anticipated demand from the 22:17:52 16

22:17:59 17 per day more than the 950,000 gallons

22:18:05 18 per day safe yield. You know, even if

22:18:07 19 were to accept the 1.3 MGD figure, you 22:18:12 20 th difference between the projected 22:18:13 21 demand and supply is only 22:18:15 22 Even at 1.3 76 000 gallons per day 22:18:20 23 MGD, that's less than 6 percent of the

22:18:23 24 total capacity. Honestly, that doesn't

22:18:26 25 sound like much of a buffer to me.



22:18:28 2 We're guaranteeing LEGOLAND

22:18:31 3 270,000 gallons per day, more than

22:18:34 4 20 percent of our capacity and leaving 22:18:38 5 ourselves with pocket change, it should 22:18:40 6 be the other way around, sell them 5 or 22:18:43 7

22:18:45 8 6 percent, leave ourselves 20 percent

22:18:47 9 in case of an emergency, that's

22:18:48 10 planning.

22:18:50 11 And what if water from the

22:18:52 12 reservoirs was completely unavailable 22:18:53 13 In 2002, ATVs were reported to the

22:18:56 14 police riding on the dry reservoir

22:18:59 15 all summer long. If the bottom 22:19:02 16 reservoirs are unavailable, the village

22:19:05 17 can only draw .45 MGD from the wells,

22:19:10 18 they can't even be pumped at the same 22:19:13 19 time because they draw from the same 22:19:15 20 aquifer. 22:19:16 21 (Applause.) 22:19:17 22

22:19:18 23 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

22:19:19 24 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Okay.

22:19:23 25 Folks, my name is Len Berger, I've



22:19:26 2 street with my family since 1973,

22:19:28 3 raised my two boys, went to school in

22:19:33 4 Chester, sent them off to college after 22:19:36 5 that, they are successful on their own. 22:19:41 6 If I were to walk out of my house, 22:19:43 7 look at my back deck door, walk 22:19:46 8

22:19:49 9 westward 900 feet, I will be at the

22:19:51 10 point which will be, now, this is the

22:19:53 11 proposed location of that wall, which

22:19:58 12 would rise over my head an additional 22:20:01 13 90 feet. Now, the point where my feet 22:20:03 14 would be would be 20 feet above the 22:20:07 15 elevation of -- at least 20, 50 feet 22:20:11 16

22:20:14 17 the elevation of my house, which means

22:20:18 18 that this proposed wall would wind up

22:20:21 19 being 140, 150 feet higher, at least,

22:20:26 20 maybe 200 feet higher than my home,

22:20:28 21 meaning that on a summer evening, 22:20:32 22 sundown, night for me would come 22:20:36 23 earlier, my house would be colder, 22:20:41 24

22:20:43 25 darker and all that goes with it. So my home will be severely impacted, my



22:20:46 2 project speaks of non-sustainability.

22:20:51 3 By the way, I'm a former science 4 educator, I've spent my spare time

22:20:59 5 teaching environmental science at SUNY 22:21:02 6 Orange up in Newburgh, I speak about 22:21:05 7 environmental science, my class is in 22:21:08 8 engineering. There's no way that as an 22:21:10 9

22:21:14 10 environmentalist I can think positively

22:21:17 11 of this proposed development. It will

22:21:21 12 not fly. Air quality, noise, traffic

22:21:27 13 are bad enough, but my thought of 22:21:30 14 waking up, looking westward to see that 22:21:34 15 wall hovering over me, is a bit more 22:21:37 16 than I can take and you people have the 22:21:39 17

22:21:42 18 intelligence and the grace, the grace

22:21:44 19 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

22:21:45 20 (Applause.)

22:21:50 21 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next speaker.

22:21:52 22 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Hi, I have

22:21:53 23 reviewed the DEIS and I have to tell

22:21:56 24 you, there are so many inconsistencies.

22:21:59 25 There is no cumulative impact study --



22:22:03 2 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Just state your

22:22:04 3 name for the record, please.

22:22:06 4 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Debbie Core. 22:22:07 5 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you. 22:22:08 6 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: There's no 22:22:09 7 cumulative impact study of the project, 22:22:11 8

22:22:13 9 which includes all of the new

22:22:17 10 subdivisions, Montreign's casinos,

22:22:20 11 Amy's Kitchen, Dan Depew's water park,

22:22:23 12 the Government Center, the library, the

22:22:27 13 proposed CVS, supermarket, additional 22:22:30 14 hotels and low-income affordable 22:22:32 15 housing that will be needed. All the 22:22:34 16

22:22:38 17 suggested development along -- and all

22:22:41 18 missing from the DEIS.

22:22:43 19 There is no independent

22:22:45 20 cost-benefit analysis. Using

22:22:48 21 LEGOLAND's guesstimate is allowing the

22:22:51 22 fox to watch the hen house.

22:22:53 23 We need to know what LEGOLAND is

22:22:56 24 truly going to cost the taxpayers. You

22:23:00 25 need to do an independent cost-benefit



22:23:04 2 analysis. The Town turned down the

22:23:08 3 Lone Oak subdivision on April 25th,

22:23:10 4 which proposed more money to the Town 22:23:12 5 of Goshen and proposed a conservation 22:23:16 6 easement and protection of the 22:23:17 7 wetlands. Why are we not demanding a 22:23:20 8

22:23:23 9 conservation easement to protect this

22:23:26 10 land that is so unsuitable for this

22:23:27 11 type of project?

22:23:30 12 LEGOLAND cannot have -- could not 22:23:33 13 have chosen a worse site located within 22:23:40 14 the Moodna watershed, wetlands, AQ3, 22:23:43 15 AQ6, scenic stream and the reservoir 22:23:45 16

22:23:47 17 overlay district. The Otter Kill Creek

22:23:48 18 is a class C tributary of the Moodna

22:23:52 19 Creek and runs through the site and has

22:23:55 20 a significant biodiversity along the

22:23:57 21 beds that must be protected, yet the 22:24:00 22 Otter Kill Creek is ignored on the 22:24:03 23 LEGOLAND maps. The proposed buffer 22:24:07 24

22:24:09 25 from the Otter Kill Creek does not meet the DEC requirements, I live on the



22:24:11 2 as it floods, sometimes up to 300 feet

22:24:14 3 from the creek's edge, the DEIS

22:24:18 4 claims 140 acres will be disturbed. I 22:24:21 5 was corrected by Phil Royal who said, 22:24:24 6 no, they will clear cut 180 acres and 22:24:27 7

22:24:30 8 additional development of the site is a

22:24:32 9 distinct possibility in the future, so

22:24:36 10 why is there no study on the different

22:24:39 11 phases? There is not an accurate study

22:24:43 12 on the endangered species, the 22:24:46 13 endangered species don't just jump out 14 and say, here I am. 22:24:48 15

22:24:48 16 hours and days to locate them, the DEIS

22:24:53 17 refers to disturbed wetlands. On one

22:24:56 18 less than an acre, that's page it's 22:24:58 19 52.75 acres, and then another 62 acres, 22:25:03 20 all DE- -- all before the DEC 15 22:25:07 21 has been involved in evaluating the

22:25:10 22 wetlands. I should be -- it should be

22:25:12 23 clear what the total amount of acres 22:25:14 24 that is going to be destroyed. 22:25:17 25



22:25:21 2 collected from 1999 and 2006. The data

22:25:27 3 that's being used for LEGOLAND's DEIS

22:25:30 4 is 10 to 17 years old, and should be 22:25:35 5 thrown out. The DEIS should be thrown 22:25:39 6 out. This DES was done fast and cheap 22:25:44 7 by the current applicant. The truth is 22:25:47 8

22:25:50 9 LEGOLAND is here to make money and lots

22:25:52 10 of it. They don't care what will

22:25:56 11 happen to our town, our taxes, our

22:25:57 12 property values. 22:25:57 13 (Applause.) 22:26:00 14 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you. Thank 22:26:03 15 you very much. 22:26:05 16

22:26:15 17 Are there any other speakers? Did

22:26:17 18 you wish to speak?

22:26:18 19 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: My name is

22:26:20 20 Marcello Gross, and I'm a lifelong

22:26:22 21 resident of Warwick.

22:26:23 22 According to the DEIS currently 22:26:25 23 today, traffic starting on Sunday 22:26:27 24 afternoons, it backs up so far from the 22:26:31 25 Harriman Toll Plaza in the summer that



22:26:33 2 though, an assessment of the impact on

22:26:36 3 the Harriman Toll Plaza and the New

22:26:38 4 York State Thruway is completely absent 22:26:40 5 from the DEIS. The I84, Route 17 22:26:43 6

22:26:44 7 going to get only about 22 percent of

22:26:48 8 traffic from LEGOLAND, three times as

22:26:50 9 through Harriman. How much will go 22:26:53 10 could the DEIS ignore that?

22:26:54 11 Currently, traffic comes off

22:26:56 12 Route 17 onto Route 17M to parallel

22:26:58 13 Route 17. So then, what in the world 22:27:01 14 will happen to Route 17M with the 22:27:03 15 LEGOLAND traffic? 22:27:04 16

22:27:08 17 Well, the DEIS does have an answer

18 to that, but you sure have to look hard

22:27:13 19 to find it.

22:27:15 20 If you dig deep into the 6,006 page

22:27:16 21 traffic study in Appendix G, you might 22:27:19 22 just find an obscure Table 9 that 22:27:22 23 started on electronic Page 711 shows 22:27:25 24 that at a build condition process, 22:27:27 25



22:27:30 2 Now, I'm not a traffic expert, I

22:27:33 3 may not know much, but as a retired

22:27:37 4 schoolteacher, I do know what "F" 22:27:39 5 means. So imagine this, if you're in a 22:27:41 6 car, coming back from a weekend in the 22:27:43 7 Catskills or the new Montreign casino, 22:27:49 8

22:27:51 9 when that gets built in Monticello and

22:27:52 10 you're heading to the Thruway when you

22:27:54 11 hit a wall of traffic on 17, you try to

22:27:57 12 detour on to 17M, but that's a parking 22:27:59 13 lot too. What are you going to do? 22:28:02 14 You know yourselves that the smartest 22:28:04 15 thing to do is to then take 17A all the 22:28:07 16

22:28:08 17 way to Tuxedo, make your way to get on

22:28:10 18 to the Thruway down in Sloatsburg,

22:28:12 19 avoiding the Harriman tolls altogether.

22:28:14 20 The same will be true for all this

22:28:19 21 traffic heading out of LEGOLAND. If 22:28:21 22 you can't move in one direction, you 22:28:24 23 check your GPS and you'll head the 22:28:26 24

22:28:28 25 other way and go down 17A. So what is that going to do for the traffic for us



22:28:33 2 we're going to get a whole new mess of

22:28:36 3 traffic coming through, but you

22:28:38 4 wouldn't know that from reading the 22:28:40 5 DEIS. Warwick may just as well be on 22:28:43 6 another planet, but we're going to be 22:28:45 7 getting all this traffic precisely at 22:28:48 8

22:28:50 9 the same time that tourism is peaking

10 in Warwick. If you don't know, if

22:28:52 11 you've ever been to Warwick during the

22:28:54 12 peak season, a five-minute trip to the 22:28:57 13 ShopRite could turn into a half an hour 22:28:59 14 to get there and possibly another half 22:29:02 15 and 45 to get back when you finish 22:29:04 16

22:29:06 17 shopping. If you add in the LEGOLAND

22:29:09 18 traffic from not only people detouring

22:29:11 19 around 17, but also coming up from

22:29:14 20 North Jersey through Warwick, it's

22:29:17 21 going to be a nightmare. Living in 22:29:19 22 Warwick, we don't like our tourist 22:29:21 23 traffic, but we know that all those 22:29:24 24

22:29:26 25 cars are coming to Warwick to spend money in our town with our farmers and



22:29:29 2 will pay a high admission price to get

22:29:30 3 in. They're going to make sure they

22:29:32 4 get their dollar's worth and spend 22:29:34 5 their whole day eating at LEGOLAND's 6 restaurants with their shopping limited 22:29:36 7 to buying LEGOLAND souvenirs. They 22:29:39 8

22:29:43 9 won't be adding anything to our Warwick

22:29:45 10 economy or Goshen's, for that matter,

22:29:49 11 except maybe gas. I think you should

22:29:53 12 consider what this will mean for local

22:29:55 13 residents just trying to get around 22:29:57 14 town and for the non-LEGOLAND people 22:29:59 15 that really want to get to local 22:30:01 16

22:30:02 17 merchants. I think it's going to hurt

22:30:05 18 us in Warwick.

22:30:07 19 If the people who want to spend

22:30:09 20 money in our town can't get in, they're

22:30:11 21 going to turn around and go somewhere 22:30:14 22 else. And for you locally in Goshen, 22:30:16 23 it looks like you guys will pretty much 22:30:19 24 be screwed, what you think -- why you 22:30:20 25 think this would be a good idea for



22:30:21 2 you very much.

22:30:23 3 (Applause.)

22:30:23 4 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next speaker. 22:30:25 5 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good 22:30:26 6 evening, I'm speaking for two, my wife 22:30:28 7 and I, so I'm going to be quick. 22:30:30 8 For my wife, it is interesting to 22:30:32 9

22:30:32 10 hear --

22:30:34 11 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Your name sir.


22:30:36 13 Nab[ph], sorry.

22:30:37 14 Interesting to hear all the union 22:30:39 15 leaders and all the agencies that try 16 to promote Orange county, these 22:30:41 17 individuals want it to be built in a 22:30:43 18

22:30:45 19 town that they are not residents of.

22:30:47 20 They will not have to deal directly

22:30:49 21 with the excessive traffic, the noise,

22:30:52 22 the pollution and the reduction of

22:30:54 23 their natural resources, they can go 22:30:56 24 home and let this mess and the park be 22:30:58 25 someone else's problem. I believe many



22:30:58 2 here, how they believe LEGOLAND is a

22:30:59 3 great project or a nice place for

22:31:01 4 children. They need to understand that 22:31:02 5 the location in question is not the 22:31:05 6 right location for the park. The town, 22:31:07 7 simply put, does not allow amusement 22:31:09 8

22:31:12 9 parks and the residents purchased

22:31:14 10 property here just for that reason. To

22:31:16 11 change the zoning at the request of a

22:31:18 12 nonresident or a company is wrong. If 22:31:20 13 we wanted to live near an amusement 22:31:23 14 park, we would do just that. 22:31:24 15 The construction jobs at Merlin is 22:31:26 16

22:31:28 17 local, local being defined as up to

22:31:31 18 seven counties away, including

22:31:33 19 Rockland, Putnam, Duchess, Westchester,

22:31:36 20 Greene, Sullivan and Orange. Just

22:31:37 21 because the union workers are going for 22:31:39 22 those jobs and supporting them, does 22:31:42 23 not mean that they are going to get the 22:31:43 24

22:31:44 25 jobs at this site, the companies are bidding against each other for that



22:31:47 2 And how are we going to validate

22:31:49 3 those workers? That is not addressed.

22:31:50 4 Are we going to check IDs every day? 22:31:50 5 Today, currently, there are 22:31:51 6 Canadian workers on Montreign casino. 22:31:56 7 Did anybody check for their PILOT 22:31:59 8

22:31:59 9 submission?

10 So we need to have a process there,

22:32:00 11 that needs to be included.

22:32:01 12 Anyone in this market that is 22:32:03 13 claiming that we need jobs must be 22:32:06 14 missing the fact that our unemployment 22:32:07 15 rate is below the average for Orange 22:32:07 16

22:32:10 17 County. And let's not forget that it

22:32:11 18 costs $95 per person, plus parking,

22:32:13 19 just to go.

22:32:15 20 To ensure the traffic doesn't back

22:32:18 21 up on the public, the site has been 22:32:18 22 designated with a main access road, 22:32:22 23 which is 3,000 feet long. Are we going 22:32:23 24

22:32:25 25 to truly consider that a 3,000-foot road, will not create additional



22:32:29 2 additional cars per day will be coming,

22:32:29 3 and Merlin can't guarantee that the

22:32:32 4 traffic will not negatively impact the 5 local residents. 22:32:33 6 People's quality of life should not 22:32:36 7 be comprised[sic] -- compromised, 22:32:38 8

22:32:40 9 excuse me, for other's entertainment.

22:32:42 10 It's not a joke or a game. There are

22:32:42 11 people's lives this park will ruin

22:32:44 12 because it devalues their property.

22:32:47 13 And anyone who knowingly and willingly 22:32:48 14 supports ruining people's lives and 22:32:49 15 property values does not deserve a 22:32:51 16

22:32:53 17 place within this community.

22:32:57 18 Now, my points. Specific to the

22:32:59 19 DEIS, the scenic overlay section,

22:33:02 20 quote, "No disturbance within the

22:33:02 21 town's scenic road overlay district, 22:33:04 22 which runs along Conklingtown Road, 22:33:06 23 will occur." It is approximately 22:33:08 24 3300 feet from Conklingtown Road to the 22:33:11 25 transmission lines that mark the



22:33:11 2 The Arcadia Road scenic overlay

22:33:13 3 area, however, is barely mentioned and

22:33:14 4 is mentioned as not being visually 22:33:18 5 impaired. And today, I noticed that 22:33:18 6 there's a revision to local Law 6 that 22:33:19 7 states, "The maximum height of any 22:33:22 8

22:33:27 9 structure may not exceed 100 feet

22:33:27 10 tall."

11 How could a structure 100 feet tall

22:33:29 12 not visually impair the peak vantage 22:33:31 13 point on Arcadia Road? I travel it 22:33:33 14 every day, it is not possible. 22:33:36 15 Infrastructure improvements. To 22:33:38 16

22:33:41 17 note, all of the ones that I have seen

22:33:43 18 are designed by the New York State DOT,

22:33:46 19 not the Applicant or its consultants,

22:33:48 20 they will be paid for by New York State

22:33:50 21 taxpayers and residents. Why should we 22:33:53 22 pay for their needed improvements? 22:33:59 23 Project site. The majority of the 22:33:59 24

22:34:03 25 project site or 544.54 acres will remain undeveloped open space and/or



22:34:06 2 be removed to make a manicured lawn?

22:34:10 3 And lastly, on traffic, estimates

22:34:13 4 of the traffic to be generated by the 22:34:15 5 project during summer peaks and also 22:34:17 6 for typical conditions were computed 22:34:19 7 based on information published by the 22:34:20 8

22:34:22 9 Institute of Transportation Engineers

22:34:23 10 and specific traffic count and

22:34:26 11 based on Carlsbad, we are not Carlsbad.

22:34:30 12 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

22:34:33 13 (Applause.) 22:34:36 14 Sir. CHAIRMAN BERGUS: 22:34:39 15 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Al Rolo[ph], 16 Arcadia Hills 17 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: I'm sorry?


22:34:47 19 I'm kind of at a loss, you have a 22:34:49 20 proposed zoning change that will bring 22:34:52 21 a new zoning overlay, an intensive 22:34:55 22 development over 522 acres of property, 22:34:58 23

22:35:00 24 but you have an impact statement that

22:35:02 25 only considers a development of



22:35:07 2 I'm extremely close to this site, you

22:35:10 3 can understand why I'm concerned. I

22:35:12 4 want to know exactly what the zoning

22:35:14 5 change would mean to me and my family,

22:35:16 6 plan before you, but the not only the 22:35:19 7 land that's surrounding the site. The

22:35:23 8 impact statement doesn't tell me. You

22:35:26 9 read -- you're reading -- you looking

22:35:29 10 to pass this new law and I don't even

22:35:32 11 know what it's going to eventually mean 22:35:34 12 for me or the town or the area. I'm 22:35:36 13 here in this public hearing because you 22:35:38 14 decided to have it, but not -- not that 22:35:42 15

22:35:45 16 I know what to say. I can't provide

22:35:48 17 you with any intelligent information

22:35:50 18 regarding these laws, you know why,

22:35:53 19 because no one has given it to me.

22:35:55 20 Do you think it's fair to me and my 22:36:04 21 neighbors? How about you? 22:36:05 22 I saw a map by LEGOLAND that they 22:36:08 23

22:36:13 24 might put in another 250 acres --

22:36:15 25 purchase acres from someone named Sadab



22:36:18 2 know about that? That would mean that

22:36:21 3 they have 737 acres. Why do they need

22:36:26 4 that much land? You can't tell me that 22:36:30 5 they're not going to keep developing. 22:36:34 6 The impact statement doesn't -- 22:36:36 7 doesn't say that there is any future 22:36:39 8

22:36:41 9 development by LEGOLAND and that they

22:36:44 10 will have to go through a new SEQRA

22:36:47 11 process, from what I've been told,

22:36:48 12 people who know more than I do, that 22:36:50 13 would be illegal, it violates the 22:36:52 14

22:36:55 15 separate phases, it's all got to be

22:36:58 16 done now, at the same time. Do you

22:37:00 17 letting us see honestly believe that 22:37:03 18 breaking the laws th h l i t d 22:37:04 19 by doing that is the best way to

22:37:06 20 protect the interest of the

22:37:08 21 constituents? You're supposed to 22:37:10 22 protect us, the residents, not 22:37:13 23 LEGOLAND. 22:37:14 24 When LEGOLAND first was coming to 22:37:19 25



22:37:22 2 it's going to include a water park, it

22:37:24 3 was all over the paper and all of a

22:37:28 4 sudden it was dropped, what happened to

22:37:30 5 it? Because they know that Goshen

22:37:32 6 cannot sustain that so they dropped it 22:37:34 7 that's not to say that they're going to

22:37:36 8 keep doing it and eventually add it.

22:37:39 9 What is there to protect that they

22:37:42 10 won't do it? Unless you have some kind

22:37:55 11 of a guarantee that they can't do it,

22:37:57 12 like some kind of deed restriction, you

22:37:59 13 have to consider the impact of that

22:38:01 14 water park now. You can't do it later, 22:38:05 15 it's going to be too late. They're 22:38:08 16 going to say, well, it's in there, now 22:38:11 17 you're going to be in a position where 22:38:12 18

22:38:13 19 you have to approve it.

22:38:16 20 And lastly, Mr. Bloomfield, if you

22:38:20 21 feel that you have to go to LEGOLAND

22:38:23 22 welcome center to get information, you

22:38:25 23 should be sitting in these seats, not 22:38:27 24 up on that stage. 22:38:27 25



22:38:32 2 Next.

22:38:33 3 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good

22:38:34 4 evening, Joan Berger, I live in Arcadia 5 Hills -- 6 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Can you tip the 7 mic. 8 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Yeah, I live 22:38:40 9 in Arcadia Hills where the wall will be 22:38:41 10 built, I've lived there for 43 years, 22:38:44 11 right next door to me is a State run 22:38:47 12

22:38:50 13 group home, I'm not opposed to people

22:38:51 14 with disabilities.

22:38:53 15 I want to move before the property

22:38:56 16 value of my home goes down. We pay

22:39:00 17 $1,300 in water and sewer, minimum 22:39:04 18 yearly, okay, and our taxes have gone 22:39:08 19 up about 600 percent in 40 years, maybe 22:39:13 20

22:39:15 21 more than that. I'm a retired

22:39:18 22 educator, I'm a peaceful person, I'm

22:39:20 23 pro union, I'm pro democracy and

22:39:23 24 everything involved with that. I do

22:39:28 25 not want this as my -- when I look out



22:39:31 2 frustrated with the situation and I had

22:39:35 3 no say-so in the group home that does

22:39:37 4 not pay any taxes, which is my next 22:39:40 5 door neighbor, they're peaceful and 22:39:42 6 quiet, but I want to sell my house. If 22:39:45 7 I have a LEGOLAND wall behind me and a 22:39:49 8

22:39:51 9 probably never be able to sell my home

22:39:54 10 for any amount, whether it's a penny or

22:39:57 11 a dollar or a million dollars. 22:40:00 12 this Bidthtif f 22:40:02 13 down our throats, and we've been model

22:40:07 14 citizens for 43 years and our block has

22:40:10 15 not changed, we've had the same 22:40:13 16 neighbors for 43 years, okay, who have 22:40:16 17 been model citizens and have paid their 22:40:18 18 taxes and paid their water bills and 22:40:21 19

22:40:24 20 supported the community and looked to

22:40:27 21 the future for change and are not

22:40:31 22 opposed to LEGOLAND, but not in our

22:40:33 23 backyard. I am the person who it will

22:40:37 24 be in my backyard, literally, no 22:40:39 25



22:40:43 2 to be able to sell my house

22:40:47 3 immediately, because I don't want to

22:40:48 4 have to put up with what's going on, 22:40:51 5

22:40:54 6 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you very

22:40:54 7 much.

22:40:55 8 (Applause.)

22:41:00 9 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next. 22:41:00 10 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Good

22:41:01 11 evening, I'm Dan Bloom and I'm a

22:41:02 12 30-year resident, about 25 of them in

22:41:05 13 Campbell Hall. I've just entered the

22:41:08 14 fray here, and it was very 22:41:10 15 informational tonight, a lot of great 22:41:13 16 pro and cons, I trust you are all on 22:41:15 17 the stage here representing your 22:41:17 18

22:41:22 19 constituents. Yes? Wonderful, and I

22:41:25 20 counted 19, plus the stenographer, the

22:41:28 21 stenographer was very busy taking 22 notes. 22:41:28 23 (Applause.) 22:41:29 24 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: And I trust 22:41:31 25 ll i t d th t



22:41:33 2 touched a pen tonight, and there was so

22:41:36 3 much information shared, how can you

22:41:39 4 possibly retain it all, okay, I hope 22:41:39 5 you are really reading the 22:41:41 6 stenographer's notes. 7 (Applause.) 22:41:43 8 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Okay. So my 22:41:44 9 wife said a fat man never had another 22:41:48 10

22:41:51 11 foe, it would be me, the analogy, I'd

22:41:52 12 talk them to death, so I'll give you a

22:41:54 13 couple analogies. I wear a size 11

22:41:58 14 shoe, Thom McAn makes size 14 shoes, I 22:41:59 15 have no use for those size 14 shoes, 22:42:02 16 but I have use for Thom McAn, so in the 22:42:06 17 analogy, Thom McAn is industry, Goshen 22:42:09 18

22:42:11 19 can attract industry, higher paying,

22:42:15 20 attract opportunities for people to

22:42:17 21 make money. How many of you, by a show

22:42:19 22 to, have been to of hands, if you want 22:42:22 23 park? And you've gone up an amusement 22:42:25 24 to the concession and the person

22:42:27 25 working the concession is from a



22:42:29 2 foreign country because they were here

22:42:31 3 on a work study -- 4 (Applause.)

22:42:32 5 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: -- because 22:42:33 6 the locals wouldn't go to work there, 22:42:35 7 they had no interest in doing it. So, 22:42:37 8 please, be aware, be relevant to what 22:42:39 9

22:42:41 10 you have experienced yourselves when

22:42:44 11 you've gone to these amusement parks.

22:42:44 12 How many of you go to the amusement

22:42:46 13 park and stay at the amusement park,

22:42:50 14 stayed at the hotel, ate the food at 22:42:52 15 the amusement park and then got the 16 hell out of Dodge? 22:42:53 17 (Interjections from audience.) 22:42:54 18 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Okay, so if 22:42:56 19

22:42:58 20 you believe that Goshen is going to be

22:43:00 21 improved by this, there may be some

22:43:03 22 percentage of that, but it's not going

22:43:03 23 to be huge. So if you're going to have

22:43:05 24 something that you're going to 22:43:08 25 compromise your property to, whether



22:43:10 2 relevant to Arcadia Hills, have some

22:43:13 3 respect for what it's going to do

22:43:15 4 really, don't imagine this. Maybe your 22:43:18 5 house will be bought by the executive 22:43:20 6 at Merlin and you'll get that million 22:43:23 7 dollars, but probably not. Please keep 22:43:25 8

22:43:28 9 it relevant, please take notes, please

22:43:30 10 continue doing a wonderful job so they

22:43:32 11 have something to read.

22:43:35 12 (Applause.)

22:43:36 13 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Ronald 22:43:38 14 Smith, Goshen, I want to address the 22:43:41 15 proposed payment of taxes to the -- to 22:43:44 16 the Goshen schools and the, what I feel 22:43:47 17

22:43:51 18 is inadequate. I'm reading from the

22:43:55 19 IDA Board meeting minutes of 7/6/16.

22:43:57 20 On that day, Merlin appeared there and

22:44:01 21 made their proposal, which was a

22:44:06 22 million dollars to the school, 210,000 22:44:08 23 to the town and 168,000 to the County, 22:44:12 24 approximately 1.4 million per year, 22:44:15 25 plus a $0.65 per admission fee. So



22:44:18 2 Mr. Petro asks how Merlin Entertainment

22:44:23 3 will reach the par value by the end of

22:44:25 4 30 years with only a 1.35 percent 22:44:28 5 increase. This proposed amount does 22:44:30 6 not reach a hundred percent of tax 22:44:33 7

22:44:35 8 value at the end of 30 years.

22:44:39 9 Mr. Jacobson, Merlin, state that

22:44:42 10 this is the proposed amount of the

22:44:45 11 PILOT by Merlin Entertainment Group,

22:44:47 12 period. 22:44:50 13 Mr. Diana, former county executive 22:44:54 14 asks, what happens on year 31? 22:44:56 15 Mr. Shore[ph], financial officer 22:45:01 16

22:45:04 17 for Merlin, they haven't modeled year

22:45:06 18 31 yet, they have only concentrated on

22:45:10 19 a 30-year PILOT.

22:45:14 20 Mr. Armstat, the chairman of the

22:45:16 21 IDA, states that typically, with any 22:45:19 22 PILOT program, the applicant reaches 22:45:21 23 the full tax amount by the end of the 22:45:25 24

22:45:28 25 term.

Mr. Jacobson states that the



22:45:31 2 PILOT, they will have to negotiate in

22:45:33 3 good faith on the next steps. So they

22:45:37 4 don't want to pay full taxes, even 22:45:39 5 after 30 years. The worst-case 22:45:45 6 scenario being they pay the full 22:45:48 7 assessed value in year 31, so that's 22:45:51 8

22:45:55 9 the worst-case scenario, for them to

22:45:56 10 pay taxes.

22:46:00 11 Mrs. Rydelski[ph] asks, is there

22:46:03 12 any proposal for an increase in fees 22:46:06 13 for the host community with the current 22:46:08 14 proposal that is stagnant over 30 years 22:46:17 15 and doesn't appear to be beneficial? 22:46:19 16

22:46:21 17 They state that the fee is built in and

22:46:24 18 the only way it's going to go up is

22:46:27 19 through volume. Mr. Jacobson states

22:46:30 20 some of the struggle for Merlin is that

22:46:35 21 this is a very high level of taxes. 22:46:36 22 Mr. Petro restates his concern that 22:46:40 23 Merlin Entertainment reaches only 22:46:45 24

22:46:49 25 50 percent of the assessed value of taxes by year 30 and how it will be a



22:46:53 2 unprecedented. He likes the benefits

22:46:56 3 going to the County, Village and

22:46:58 4 surrounding areas, notice not the 22:47:02 5 school, though, but this concern should 22:47:04 6 be put out there as a fact. 22:47:07 7 Mr. Diana states that it is 22:47:10 8

22:47:13 9 important to let LEGOLAND know there is

22:47:15 10 some concern up front.

22:47:17 11 This is the important part.

22:47:19 12 Mr. Jacobson states, they understand

22:47:21 13 where the Board is coming from, but 22:47:25 14 they have pushed their numbers to 22:47:28 15 accommodate as much as possible. In 22:47:30 16 other words, that's it, folks. Because 22:47:34 17

22:47:37 18 they do want to be a good citizen and

22:47:40 19 pay fair taxes. If these fees are not

22:47:42 20 enough, they will have a hard time

22:47:43 21 convincing their board 22:47:44 22 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: Thank you.

22:47:44 23 (Applause.)

22:47:51 24 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: May I ask

22:47:51 25 for a one-minute warning when I have



22:47:54 2 one minute left?

22:47:56 3 Good evening, my name is Brad

22:47:59 4 Barnworst[ph], I've lived in the town 22:48:01 5 of Goshen for the past 17 years. Thank 22:48:03 6 you for the opportunity to address each 22:48:05 7 of the boards. 22:48:06 8

22:48:07 9 I would like to begin with some

22:48:09 10 comments for the Town Board regarding

22:48:11 11 proposed local Laws Numbers 5 and 6.

22:48:15 12 In the town of Goshen, amusement parks 13 are prohibited in all districts, the 22:48:17 14 Comprehensive Plan states that, quote, 22:48:19 15 The foundation of this Comprehensive 22:48:20 16

22:48:23 17 Plan is the recognition that the Town

22:48:24 18 must both preserve its fragile and

22:48:28 19 beautiful rural environment and provide

22:48:30 20 for the needs of its people. To ignore

22:48:32 21 either of these goals or to pursue one 22:48:34 22 at the expense of the other is to 22:48:36 23 fundamentally misunderstand what this 22:48:39 24 plan is all about, end quote. 22:48:41 25 There's an important word in there,



22:48:43 2 project; however, a want is not a need.

22:48:47 3 A want is a desire, while a need is a

22:48:51 4 requirement. Supervisor Bloomfield, 22:48:54 5 one of the items for which I have heard 22:48:57 6 you praised is your handling of the 22:49:00 7 Town's finances, the Town's credit 22:49:02 8

22:49:04 9 rating is quite strong, for that, I

22:49:07 10 give you my congratulations, this

22:49:09 11 demonstrates that the Town is in good

22:49:11 12 shape financially, and does not need 22:49:13 13 this project. This project stands in 22:49:17 14 diametric opposition to what currently 15 is codified in town laws. I urge you 22:49:23 16

22:49:26 17 here tonight to change that, it is, in

22:49:28 18 a sense, to betray the public trust.

22:49:30 19 You have heard from others who have

22:49:34 20 represented that they would not have 21 chosen to move here had there been an 22:49:36 22 amusement park present, or claim to be 22:49:37 23 present. I ask you please count me in 22:49:40 24

22:49:42 25 on that number. Who will choose to live here, should the zoning and



2 illustrate the potential adverse impact

22:49:45 3 in that area, I would like to read to

22:49:45 4 you a few sentences from a paper titled 22:49:48 5 "The Economic Impact of Theme Parks on 22:49:49 6 Regions," by Michael Brawn, quote, 22:49:52 7 still, a question is unsolved, what 22:49:55 8

22:49:57 9 happens within the theme park regionwants

22:49:59 10 within this model? Who is it who of

22:50:02 11 the demand for tourism related to it

22:50:05 12 was seasonal, and that low status and

22:50:06 13 low pay characterize much towards the 22:50:07 14 industry employment, but the biggest

22:50:10 15 danger lies in the disproportion of the

22:50:10 16 concentration of seasonal and low 22:50:12 17 paying employment, which can be a 22:50:14 18 threat to the region's employment 22:50:16 19 structure. The case of the City of 22:50:18 20

22:50:21 21 Anaheim illustrates this very bluntly,

22:50:22 22 most of the city's population works in

22:50:26 23 traditionally blue collar jobs, it is a

22:50:27 24 fact that those who can afford it, move

22:50:29 25 to surrounding cities because of the



22:50:32 2 quote.

22:50:32 3 In order to take a hard look at

22:50:34 4 this project, you must consider that 22:50:36 5 information. This leads us to the 22:50:38 6 larger question of the comprehensive 22:50:41 7 cost-benefit analysis of the project 22:50:43 8

22:50:45 9 and its potential impacts on the town.

22:50:47 10 I am unaware that the town has

22:50:49 11 commissioned one, and I again call on

22:50:54 12 you please to engage an impartial firm

22:50:56 13 to conduct one. I submit that it is 22:51:00 14 reckless to have a project of this 22:51:00 15 magnitude, the potential impact under 22:51:02 16

22:51:05 17 consideration absolutely. Proposed

22:51:07 18 local Law Number 6 wouldmy allowknowledge, for a

22:51:09 19 there's been no study of the impact

22:51:09 20 such as zoning change on the full area 22:51:11 21 for example, what will be the impact on

22:51:13 22 the fragile and beautiful rural

22:51:16 23 environment of the rezoning for 22:51:16 24 commercial and recreation, an area 22:51:18 25



22:51:20 2 village.

22:51:20 3 Finally, to both of the boards, one

22:51:24 4 of the reasons we are here tonight is 22:51:25 5 to speak to potential environmental 22:51:27 6 impact. I need not speak of the 22:51:27 7 potential impact, we are all living a 22:51:29 8

22:51:32 9 real-live impact, the adverse effect of

22:51:33 10 this project of the environment of the

22:51:35 11 town and village manifests itself

22:51:38 12 daily, the rancor and hostility that

22:51:39 13 have been brought up are painful to 22:51:41 14 witness. Should the project move 22:51:44 15 forward, I expect things to get worse, 22:51:47 16

22:51:47 17 as theoretical concerns become realized

22:51:49 18 ones.

22:51:52 19 I implore you to turn down this

22:51:54 20 project. We do not need it and it is

22:51:55 21 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

22:51:55 22 (Applause.)

22:52:02 23 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Is there anyone

22:52:03 24 else that wishes to speak?

22:52:09 25 I spoke. MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC:



22:52:10 2 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: You already

22:52:12 3 spoke. 4 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: I only get 5 one shot?

22:52:12 6 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: You only get one 22:52:13 7 shot, anything beyond that goes in 22:52:16 8 writing to the Board. 22:52:17 9 MEMBER OF THE PUBLIC: One 22:52:20 10

22:52:20 11 sentence?

12 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: No, no sentence.

22:52:23 13 Couldn't make that exception.

22:52:23 14 (Interjections from audience.)

22:52:24 15 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Can I have a

16 motion to close the public hearing?

22:52:32 17 BOARD MEMBER ANDREWS: Motion. 22:52:32 18 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Second? 22:52:32 19 BOARD MEMBER PIRRAGLIA: Second. 22:52:32 20 (The motion was seconded.) 22:52:33 21

22:52:35 22 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Giovanni. 23 All in favor say aye.

22:52:38 24 (Chorus of ayes.)

22:52:38 25 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Against?

(No response )



22:52:40 2 for the Town Board, the motion has been

22:52:42 3 made to close the public hearing, and

22:52:42 4 it's been seconded and we now need to 22:52:45 5 hear from the Town. I open that. 22:52:50 6 MR. BLOOMFIELD: The same motion. 22:52:53 7 MR. GOLDEN: No, the motion was 22:52:54 8

9 made for the collective.

22:52:55 10 MR. BLOOMFIELD: Okay.

22:52:56 11 MR. GOLDEN: So we just need to

22:53:00 12 hear the votes from the Town Board.

22:53:03 13 All those in favor of closing the

22:53:04 14 public hearing. 22:53:05 15 (Chorus of ayes.) 22:53:08 16 MR. GOLDEN: Any against? 22:53:09 17 (No response.) 22:53:10 18

22:53:12 19 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: As a reminder,

22:53:14 20 the public hearing is being officially

22:53:16 21 closed, you still have until

22:53:18 22 January 10th to put your comments into

22:53:20 23 writing and those will be incorporated 22:53:25 24 into the review and ultimately into the 22:53:26 25 revised DEIS for our consideration.



22:53:28 2 hall.

22:53:33 3 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Can I have a

22:53:34 4 motion to close the Planning Board

22:53:37 5 meeting. 22:53:37 6 BOARD MEMBER PIRRAGLIA: Motion. 22:53:40 7 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Giovanni, second. 22:53:42 8 BOARD MEMBER BAKER: Second. 22:53:43 9

22:53:43 10 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: All in favor.

22:53:45 11 (Chorus of ayes.)

22:53:46 12 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Against?

13 (No response.) 22:53:46 14 Thank you. CHAIRMAN BERGUS: 15 (Whereupon, the meeting was

16 adjourned at 10:53 p.m.) 17 ********** 18 19


21 22 23

24 25


1 C E R T I F I C A T E


3 I, SADIE L. HERBERT, a Registered

4 Professional Reporter and Notary Public,

5 do hereby certify:

6 That the within transcription is a 7 true and accurate record of the 8 stenographic notes taken by me. 9 I further certify that I am not 10 related to any of the parties by blood or 11 marriage, and that I am in no way 12 13 interested in the outcome of this matter

14 set my hand this 21st day of December

15 2016. 16 17


19 20


22 23

24 ______25 SADIE L. HERBERT, RPR


68:11 67:17 209:13;213:6 afford (2) $ absent (2) acres (28) addressed (12) 73:21;215:23 66:10;191:4 9:2;14:18,22; 13:21;14:23;29:4; affordable (5) $0.65 (1) absolutely (1) 56:19,20;64:23; 39:18;46:25;75:19; 38:13;43:21;55:13; 209:23 216:15 67:10,13,15;112:10; 89:7;95:9;124:6; 90:9;187:13 $0.66 (1) absurd (1) 138:14;143:20; 178:21,23;197:3 afraid (1) 147:14 169:13 175:12;179:17; addressing (1) 151:7 $0.81 (1) abutting (1) 189:4,6,19,19,20,23; 127:4 afternoons (1) 147:13 175:14 199:22;200:22,25; adds (2) 190:22 $1,300 (1) accelerate (1) 201:22,23;202:3; 30:20;183:7 afterwards (1) 204:16 105:8 208:24;216:18 adequate (2) 55:19 $1.11 (1) accentuates (1) across (3) 97:9;112:13 again (19) 147:17 135:9 100:19;115:18; adequately (2) 10:20;11:15;34:22; $1.3 (1) accept (4) 208:24 16:12;135:16 35:25;53:2;57:21; 76:24 10:16;11:11; act (2) adhered (1) 58:16;59:20;61:7; $1.6 (1) 114:17;183:19 97:19;129:5 30:6 81:9;116:10;128:4; 93:23 Access (5) action (3) adjacent (2) 141:19;142:25; $16,000 (1) 53:21;89:25;178:4; 13:22;65:10,19 29:22;59:8 151:11;164:7; 146:13 197:20,24 actively (1) adjoining (1) 168:14;177:12; $20.62 (1) accessibility (1) 26:24 135:13 216:10 146:11 156:7 activities (2) adjourned (1) against (18) $40 (2) accessible (2) 15:7;144:21 220:16 34:9;75:8,9,10,11, 94:3,5 28:2;83:15 activity (4) administration (2) 16;87:9;117:21; $421 (1) Accident (1) 22:23;146:4;147:8; 144:9;145:15 123:11;135:2;141:3; 100:5 178:25 155:10 administrative (3) 152:4;157:16; $500 (1) accidents (1) actual (1) 9:13;165:5,7 174:23;196:23; 76:23 179:3 174:7 admire (1) 218:23;219:15; $818,000 (1) acclimate (1) actually (5) 149:11 220:12 85:9 140:25 42:18;72:5;136:15; admission (3) age (6) $90 (1) accommodate (4) 143:23;176:15 90:6;194:2;209:23 89:6;121:14; 21:22 18:6;30:23;43:22; adamantly (1) admissions (1) 140:17,24,24;150:6 $900,000 (2) 212:14 167:21 55:16 agencies (2) 92:15;97:2 accommodation (1) adapt (2) admit (1) 178:6;195:14 $95 (1) 26:12 117:2,8 34:19 agency (3) 197:16 accommodations (1) add (10) adults (2) 65:25;66:22;68:22 18:5 28:16;38:18;57:22, 18:9;81:25 agitator (1) * accompanied (1) 23,24;76:17;178:25; advance (1) 45:13 93:16 179:22;193:15;203:8 60:21 ago (11) ********** (1) accomplish (3) added (2) advancement (1) 19:15;49:15;64:16; 220:17 7:8,12,13 141:9;166:22 17:11 69:16;86:24;94:9; according (9) Addie (1) Adventure (2) 112:16;124:19; A 20:24;37:14;129:4; 13:3 109:17;110:25 160:25;174:8;180:12 145:14;146:8,17; adding (1) adverse (3) agree (2) abatements (1) 147:8;178:5;190:20 194:8 153:18;215:2; 44:21;118:25 149:8 account (2) addition (6) 217:8 agreed (1) Abilities (4) 67:19;88:4 26:4;38:10;70:9; adversely (2) 10:15 17:11;18:8;19:3; accountable (1) 79:25;96:22;169:22 156:12;169:10 agreement (1) 53:5 163:4 additional (20) advertising (1) 97:2 ability (6) accounted (1) 11:9;38:2,19;66:9; 46:12 Agriculture (1) 36:8;41:10;73:20; 67:6 79:22;85:6,7;97:11; Advisers (1) 147:15 86:12;87:25;156:11 accurate (3) 146:23,24;156:23; 80:18 agritourism (1) able (10) 134:20;189:10; 170:17,20,23,25; affairs (1) 117:3 55:11;60:20;61:15; 221:7 185:11;187:12; 13:6 ahead (1) 86:12;90:10;116:17; acknowledged (2) 189:7;197:23;198:2 affect (4) 134:25 121:4;130:2;205:9; 120:24,25 Additionally (1) 142:17;155:17; aid (1) 206:2 acknowledges (1) 171:5 166:9;169:14 82:25 above (7) 120:20 address (23) affected (5) aim (1) 67:16;143:3; acknowledging (1) 12:21;14:14,18,25; 158:17,25;159:8; 31:10 169:23;170:7,11; 15:22 15:20,24;16:12,25; 160:12;162:5 air (10) 179:3;185:13 acre (6) 17:15,16;25:24;46:6, affiliated (1) 120:22;121:8; above-referenced (1) 64:25;65:2;67:16, 24;52:7;64:18;87:6; 154:22 127:4,8;128:20; 1:12 24;176:20;189:18 89:7;135:15;143:24; affiliation (1) 129:5,7,15;179:23; absence (1) acreage (1) 173:5;179:23; 86:22 186:11

Min-U-Script® Ellen Grauer Court Reporting Co. LLC (1) $0.65 - air

TOWN OF GOSHEN PUBLIC HEARING IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS GROUP/LEGOLAND NEW YORK December 19, 2016 aisle (2) amazing (3) 155:18;179:25 176:12;180:16,18; 199:2,12;200:16,25; 12:3;71:17 77:24;82:2,5 Ann (1) 182:15;184:21; 204:4,9;209:2 Al (2) ambulance (1) 180:23 186:20;190:12; archaeological (1) 200:15,18 162:24 annual (1) 195:3;200:13; 65:17 Albany (1) ambulances (2) 93:25 203:24;206:8,22; Arden (10) 151:10 159:9,15 annually (2) 207:7;208:4;209:11; 113:23;123:14; Alec (1) amended (1) 93:23;94:3 212:23;217:22 129:23;135:11; 117:15 129:6 anti (3) Applicant (6) 153:11;159:7,17; Alex (1) Amending (2) 75:21,24;76:2 30:7,9;32:3;190:7; 162:4,5,23 125:13 8:6,9 anticasino (1) 199:17;210:20 area (35) Alexandra (1) Amendments (2) 74:12 applicants (1) 19:15,17;23:7; 61:17 8:4;9:24 anticipated (3) 94:11 24:20;25:4;26:20; aligned (1) amenities (1) 97:23;128:9; Applicant's (1) 30:14,16;31:19; 47:5 114:10 183:14 67:22 43:18;66:19;77:16; alive (1) American (3) antigrowth (2) application (3) 90:4,16;104:19; 164:7 26:14;50:20,22 45:12;75:11 8:19;10:2;14:6 107:18;127:16; Allegiance (2) among (1) antijob (1) apply (1) 130:21;137:4; 6:3,7 144:7 45:12 151:24 153:19;154:9; allotted (1) amongst (1) anti-LEGOLAND (2) appreciate (4) 156:14;169:25; 168:20 28:2 45:8;76:11 11:22;37:19;64:2; 170:10,24;174:19; allow (6) amount (10) antiproject (1) 86:11 177:21;178:23; 8:13;18:21;39:6; 30:5;97:23;156:23; 73:24 apprentices (1) 179:14,17;199:3; 95:15;196:7;216:16 157:5;165:21; antis (1) 72:17 201:12;215:3; allowed (1) 189:23;205:10; 75:16 approaching (1) 216:20,24 64:3 210:5,9,21 anxious (1) 124:5 areas (10) allowing (1) amounts (1) 135:3 appropriate (2) 9:15;30:25;107:7; 187:21 126:3 anymore (2) 44:14;145:4 112:24;137:11; allows (3) amuse (2) 110:6;143:11 approval (2) 168:7;169:17;170:3; 137:20;168:16; 103:2,3 apparent (1) 14:4;16:25 179:16;212:4 181:3 amusement (24) 25:10 approve (4) arena (1) almost (7) 23:13;31:4,12; appear (1) 20:17;94:23; 46:12 61:2;86:19;92:15; 44:24;95:14;102:24; 211:14 126:13;203:18 arguments (1) 102:12;119:12; 109:18;137:9,17; appeared (2) approved (6) 152:4 160:24;167:20 145:12;161:18,19,22, 156:18;209:18 20:25;66:22; arise (1) alone (4) 22;180:14;196:7,12; APPEARING (1) 106:14;107:3;168:4; 107:14 43:6;76:23;92:17; 207:23;208:10,11,12, 3:3 214:25 Armstat (1) 93:25 14;213:11;214:20 appears (2) approximately (11) 210:18 along (14) Amy's (4) 67:3;95:16 9:2;29:15;57:15; Army (5) 9:6;35:9;37:10,16; 19:24;20:17;175:8; appendices (1) 86:24;93:22;100:4; 65:22,23;66:23; 96:3;115:13;128:19; 187:10 134:10 168:12,13,15;198:21; 67:25;68:17 138:3;152:8;187:15, Anaheim (2) Appendix (2) 209:22 around (16) 16;188:18;191:24; 215:20,25 181:20;191:20 April (3) 25:13;34:11;35:15, 198:20 analogies (1) Applause (74) 45:5;97:14;188:3 22;110:19,20;116:8; alter (1) 207:12 17:3;19:6;23:22; AQ3 (1) 118:10,10;137:15; 138:11 analogy (2) 29:10;33:6,16;36:20; 188:13 167:5;178:23;184:6; Alternate (2) 207:10,16 40:2;41:19;46:3; AQ6 (1) 193:17;194:12,19 2:11;12:4 analysis (5) 48:13;51:13,16; 188:14 arrogant (1) alternative (1) 15:9;96:8;187:20; 55:21;60:4,7;64:11; aquarium (1) 142:14 119:23 188:2;216:7 69:8;71:13;77:6; 9:11 art (1) alternatively (1) analyzed (1) 78:19;80:9;82:15; aquariums (1) 133:7 96:24 37:16 86:8;90:22;93:8; 89:13 arterial (1) alternatives (1) analyzing (1) 95:4;99:10;100:13; aquifer (5) 116:13 144:24 37:15 103:21;105:14; 15:18,19;96:6,22; article (2) Although (4) ancillary (1) 107:23,25;111:22,24; 184:20 98:22;100:19 65:5;122:8;142:5; 70:6 113:16;117:12; aquifers (2) Arts (1) 161:13 and/or (3) 120:5;121:21,24; 95:25;96:3 147:12 altogether (1) 14:12;164:15; 124:20;125:9; arbitrary (2) artsy (1) 192:17 199:23 126:19;130:23; 13:22;14:3 149:10 always (11) ANDREWS (2) 134:3;139:2;143:15, Arcadia (21) asbestos (1) 42:22;98:5;100:25; 2:9;218:16 17;148:3;152:17; 48:19;51:2;84:8; 73:15 101:2,3;112:6; animal (2) 157:9;158:22; 96:4,10,16;129:25; ashamed (1) 126:14;159:17,18; 179:20,20 160:19,21;163:22; 157:13,21,22;178:11; 130:21 176:2;180:12 animals (2) 167:15;172:19; 180:11,24;184:25; Asia (1)

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118:11 authority (1) 180:13;205:22,23 118:5,7;213:17; 24:8;28:22;29:3,4,7, aside (1) 165:9 bad (6) 216:22 11;33:13,15,17; 42:23 authors (1) 35:3;114:4,5; beauty (2) 36:21,24;37:4;39:25; aspect (1) 67:4 137:6;143:5;186:12 28:20;98:2 41:20;45:25;46:4; 173:25 autistic (1) baffled (1) became (2) 48:14;51:14,17,25; aspects (3) 155:4 51:4 25:10;149:19 55:22;60:2,5,8; 17:16;40:14;42:15 availability (2) bag (1) become (5) 64:12;68:25;69:6,9; assessed (3) 98:8;176:8 173:24 44:9;109:10;133:5; 70:25;71:12,14;77:4, 85:7;211:7,22 available (5) bags (1) 143:10;217:15 7;78:20;80:7,10; assessment (2) 94:10;95:17; 173:14 becoming (2) 82:14,16;86:7,9,13; 56:16;191:2 109:10;128:12;181:5 BAKER (2) 112:25;172:16 90:19;93:7,9;95:2,5; assets (1) Ave (1) 2:7;220:8 bed (2) 99:8,11;100:14; 145:5 69:14 balance (3) 132:10,11 103:22;105:12,15; assistant (1) Avenue (4) 118:24,25;119:3 bedrock (1) 107:24;108:2; 123:17 4:5;16:20;139:4; balanced (1) 95:24 111:23;113:17; associated (2) 179:8 144:19 bedroom (1) 117:10,13;120:4,6; 9:15;128:13 average (6) bank (1) 44:6 121:22,25;125:8,10; Associates (2) 77:2;129:8;146:2, 161:9 beds (1) 126:17,20;130:22,24; 3:15;80:23 10;179:3;197:14 banking (2) 188:19 133:25;134:4; assumes (1) avoid (1) 126:6;161:6 beg (2) 138:24;143:13,16; 181:21 67:25 Barbara (1) 115:20;125:6 147:25;148:4; assurances (1) avoidable (1) 24:2 begin (5) 152:10,14,18;157:7, 63:6 38:19 barely (1) 33:21;76:16; 10;160:20,22;163:21, ate (1) avoiding (1) 199:3 154:25;178:11;213:8 23;167:13,16; 208:13 192:17 Barnett (1) beginning (1) 171:20;172:7,11,14, athlete (1) aware (5) 33:20 163:11 17;176:10,13;180:17, 70:17 33:8;98:10;152:7; Barnworst[ph] (1) BEHALF (12) 22;182:16;184:22; athletic (1) 154:9;208:8 213:4 3:3,14;4:3;24:5; 186:19,21;187:2,5; 70:17 away (8) Barrel (1) 29:2;46:8;61:22; 190:13;194:25; attachment (1) 12:10;19:20;47:14; 132:22 76:6;77:10;80:16; 195:4,10;200:12,14, 28:19 94:2;110:2;116:7; Barrels (1) 91:15;123:9 17;203:25;204:6; attacks (1) 124:23;196:16 132:25 behind (4) 206:6,9;212:20; 112:25 aye (1) barrier (1) 12:2;76:20,21; 217:21,23;218:2,6, attend (3) 218:21 15:12 205:7 11,14,17,20,23; 47:22;89:25;159:2 ayes (3) Barry (1) belief (1) 219:17;220:3,7,10, attendance (1) 218:22;219:14; 12:24 47:6 12,14 200:10 220:11 base (2) belong (1) Berlin (1) attended (2) 144:20;175:21 160:8 86:2 32:8;48:23 B based (8) beloved (2) Bernie (1) attending (2) 57:13;129:4; 24:24;28:6 13:2 33:3;41:24 back (18) 174:25;176:6; Below (3) besides (3) attention (1) 6:4;9:13;12:4; 183:13;200:7,11; 165:9;181:22; 47:21;132:15; 155:25 35:11;59:23;60:16; 210:24 197:14 205:12 Attorney (2) 69:19;88:11;132:2; bases (1) beneficial (2) best (14) 97:17,20 149:25;161:4,11; 149:8 41:4;211:14 6:16;25:16;36:10; attract (5) 175:18;180:8;185:7; Basically (2) benefit (10) 37:12;63:22;82:25; 41:10;54:21; 192:6;193:14;197:18 48:3;128:8 11:15;22:2;27:20; 88:6,9;97:19;101:12; 147:23;207:17,20 backed (1) basics (1) 52:19;53:24;90:3,14; 109:15;143:7;149:6; attraction (1) 156:15 135:19 105:9;121:19;145:11 202:19 92:6 backfill (1) basis (3) benefits (12) bet (2) attractions (3) 177:20 90:11;168:11; 21:25;40:13;41:14; 56:25;158:13 9:10;28:6;53:19 background (1) 170:12 52:5,10;54:11;76:14; Bethel (1) attracts (1) 105:2 basketball (1) 77:3;87:17;109:10; 173:22 62:5 backs (2) 38:25 120:11;212:2 betray (1) ATVs (1) 162:21;190:22 Bastille (1) benefitted (1) 214:16 184:13 backup (2) 85:25 24:11 better (6) audience (6) 159:12,13 bats (2) Bergen (1) 6:17;30:18;39:23; 11:23;12:17;17:22; backups (1) 179:13,14 161:2 44:17;47:18;50:10 51:24;208:16;218:13 197:24 bear (1) Berger (2) beverage (2) Audubon (1) Backyard (13) 135:13 184:24;204:4 126:5;144:10 175:14 17:14;48:22;49:20; beautiful (11) BERGUS (135) beyond (7) Aurora (1) 82:12;114:8;123:21; 28:11;49:24;61:4; 2:4;7:17;12:18; 14:17,21;26:12; 85:24 157:15;175:6,10,23; 104:8,13,14;112:7; 17:4;19:5;23:20,23; 56:21;66:2;194:24;

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218:7 2:3,13;7:2,4;10:14, 114:21;158:14; 75:20;163:12,14; 161:7 bidding (1) 15;11:10,11;13:7,7, 180:11;209:5 183:25;188:21 business' (1) 196:23 17,17,23;14:9;16:22, box (1) buffers (2) 156:16 big (6) 22;20:14;27:3;29:5; 209:25 29:21;59:5 businesses (16) 77:17;102:24; 32:19;36:8,9;38:7; boys (2) build (18) 18:23;78:9;108:19; 136:10;138:2; 40:6,16;41:24;43:7; 131:14;185:3 14:21;44:4;57:5; 109:24;116:18; 144:11;201:24 45:3;46:9,9,10; Brad (1) 73:12,16;74:14; 126:11,14;131:8; bigger (1) 51:21;53:20;54:2,3; 213:3 98:18,20;106:6; 136:17;145:10,16,17; 47:18 74:15;76:20;77:10; bragging (1) 119:24;130:5; 156:13;172:25; biggest (3) 79:3;80:2,15;84:6, 149:9 132:17;139:19; 173:2;181:7 31:4;101:16; 16;90:13;91:12; brains (1) 140:12;141:8;177:9; busing (1) 215:14 94:20;97:18;98:13; 119:25 188:24;191:23 89:17 bikes (1) 100:6;124:7;139:11; brand (4) builder (2) bussing (1) 38:24 155:24;156:19,22; 46:16,19,21;47:2 98:17;106:3 171:6 bill (1) 163:16,18;171:20; Brasher (1) building (12) busy (1) 131:16 180:9;209:17; 211:25 10:10,11;26:17; 206:20 billion (3) 212:12,19;213:9; Brawn (1) 72:8,11;75:21;76:6, buy (3) 26:9;94:3,5 218:8,16,18;219:2, 215:6 8;108:18;164:16; 23:18;61:15;64:9 bills (1) 11,24;220:4,6,8 breakfast (1) 175:7;207:19 buyer (1) 205:18 boarding (2) 132:10 buildings (2) 161:5 biodiversity (2) 152:25;154:21 breakfasts (1) 131:10;177:4 buying (1) 15:21;188:18 boards (8) 132:11 build-out (1) 194:7 bird (1) 27:15;75:5,5,6; breaking (1) 97:11 byte (1) 175:14 135:25;149:14; 202:18 built (21) 129:16 bit (4) 213:7;217:3 breaks (1) 19:16;28:13;30:16; byway (3) 48:20;117:24; Bob (1) 76:18 39:21;59:14;106:3; 156:7,25;165:2 150:14;186:14 54:3 breath (3) 129:19,23;136:12; Black (1) BOCES (1) 120:22;121:8; 140:8,9;142:3;173:4; C 84:14 135:10 123:19 175:18,23;178:5; blacktop (1) body (1) brewery (2) 180:13;192:8; calculate (2) 178:7 97:19 175:9,11 195:16;204:10; 76:17;183:12 blasting (1) boo (1) bridge (1) 211:15 calculation (1) 15:5 175:15 178:16 Bulla (1) 68:3 bless (2) boom (1) bridges (1) 46:6 California (6) 102:25;111:21 72:15 73:13 bulldozing (1) 47:18;50:23;83:24; blessing (1) booming (1) briefly (1) 15:6 84:5;92:17;153:22 111:2 136:18 13:14 burden (1) call (3) blind (3) border (1) bright (1) 135:13 7:3;26:15;216:10 119:20;158:15; 157:15 136:5 bureau (1) called (3) 159:20 bordering (1) bring (17) 146:8 53:15;60:16; block (1) 129:25 25:4;52:20;55:11; BURKE (1) 165:13 205:14 borders (1) 61:12;62:6,7;74:23; 3:4 calls (3) blocks (1) 176:20 78:4;80:3;82:10; bus (2) 85:11;144:18; 56:12 bored (1) 90:10;107:19;116:9; 168:17,18 150:18 blood (1) 149:14 117:8;135:4;138:9; buses (3) came (11) 221:10 born (4) 200:20 38:5;127:11; 6:12;76:12;78:7; Bloom (1) 90:25;113:22; bringing (4) 168:10 94:14;100:18;138:9, 206:11 122:17;143:11 19:23;35:9;64:6; Bush (2) 10;158:8;160:2,9; BLOOMFIELD (13) botanical (2) 98:3 114:3;160:14 166:11 2:14;6:2,8;32:7; 25:2;28:7 broker (1) business (42) cameras (2) 97:24;98:12;118:13; both (18) 64:17 7:6;10:17;11:13; 39:14,15 124:6;203:19;214:4; 6:14;10:15;12:14; Brooklyn (1) 19:23,25;25:18;38:2; Camp (2) 219:6,9,24 14:16;25:17,19;31:6; 89:14 42:14;44:16;47:4; 99:2;182:24 Blooming (2) 35:2,21;54:14;63:20; brothers (2) 48:3;52:24;60:21; Campbell (1) 60:14;62:12 71:16,17;122:16; 75:9;117:5 63:2;72:9;74:23; 206:13 blue (4) 135:10;183:3; brought (9) 77:14;80:17;81:2; can (50) 57:12;58:20;59:20; 213:16;217:3 26:3,6,19;57:16; 88:5,25;93:17,18; 6:23;7:12;23:3; 215:22 bothering (1) 116:18;173:17; 94:8;104:3;108:7,10, 27:24;30:7;31:2; blueprint (1) 159:5 174:4;182:5;217:12 22;109:14;110:6; 32:14,24;36:2,24; 137:21 bottom (2) brush (1) 112:21;115:16; 38:4;40:17;43:10; bluntly (1) 156:12;184:15 199:25 123:25;136:21,25; 50:10;58:20;61:16; 215:20 bought (6) buffer (8) 139:20;140:2; 62:19;63:5;69:4; BOARD (71) 19:15;104:15; 29:19,24;30:5; 145:15;156:11,20,24; 71:9;92:17;95:9;

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101:23;103:12; cases (4) 90:19;93:7,9;95:2,5; changing (4) 47:7 105:8;106:12,19,25; 73:6;75:8,20;76:5 99:8,11;100:14; 29:17;31:7;116:2; China (1) 133:3,22;138:22; cash (1) 103:22;105:12,15; 167:24 88:17 147:24;149:13; 92:15 107:24;108:2; chants (2) choice (5) 167:7;169:25;170:2; Casino (3) 111:23;113:17; 74:6,8 69:25;109:25; 182:18;184:17; 72:22;192:7;197:6 117:10,13;120:4,6; Chapter (1) 110:11,12;122:12 186:9,15;195:21; casinos (1) 121:22,25;125:8,10; 8:10 choices (1) 201:3;204:6;207:3, 187:9 126:17,20;130:22,24; character (7) 109:14 17,19;215:17,23; catalyst (1) 133:25;134:4; 37:9,15;38:8,20; choose (2) 218:14;220:3 105:8 138:24;143:13,16; 39:7,20;144:22 49:19;214:22 Canadian (1) Catskills (1) 147:25;148:4; characterize (1) choosing (1) 197:6 192:7 152:10,14,18;157:7, 215:13 92:6 cancer (1) cause (2) 10;160:20,22;163:21, charged (1) Chopper (1) 138:18 45:14;99:5 23;167:13,16;172:7, 34:4 133:12 capability (1) caused (1) 11,14,17;176:10,13; charitable (3) Chorus (3) 154:12 168:22 180:17,22;182:16; 91:19,23;93:4 218:22;219:14; capable (4) causing (1) 184:22;186:19,21; charity (1) 220:11 84:9;107:8;154:4; 42:12 187:2,5;190:13; 92:2 chose (6) 178:17 caves (1) 194:25;195:4,10; charm (5) 24:16;49:14,17,17; capacity (7) 179:15 200:12,14,17;203:25; 37:18;50:19;98:2; 51:6,10 56:13;83:9;96:7; cell (1) 204:6;206:6,9; 112:8;118:13 chosen (3) 181:14,17;183:24; 114:12 210:18;212:20; charts (2) 169:24;188:12; 184:4 center (24) 217:21,23;218:2,6, 79:17;134:15 214:19 Caporale (1) 26:15,17;49:2; 11,14,17,20,23; cheap (1) Chris (2) 80:12 50:7;63:10;72:23; 219:17;220:3,7,10, 190:6 113:20;134:6 capricious (2) 74:13;91:10;124:8,9, 12,14 check (4) Christmas (2) 13:22;14:4 10,13,17;143:21; challenge (1) 173:16;192:21; 86:2;118:2 car (2) 144:22;152:25; 108:16 197:4,7 Chronicle (1) 143:2;192:6 153:14;154:21,24; challenged (1) Cheechunk (1) 83:25 card-carrying (1) 165:17;170:15; 79:4 165:2 chunk (1) 13:9 179:9;187:11;203:21 challenges (1) Chemicals (1) 201:24 care (12) centered (1) 155:5 50:13 church (3) 19:21;42:14;62:10, 34:11 Chamber (15) Cherrywood (1) 101:11;129:20; 22;87:19,23;88:17; centers (1) 17:9;24:4,6,9;46:9; 48:18 141:8 100:10;119:19; 114:12 51:22;60:19;72:2; Chester (8) Circle (1) 150:18;159:23;190:9 cents (1) 77:11;80:16;81:18; 98:25;108:10; 152:22 cared (1) 147:14 108:6,7;109:7,8 158:20,20;159:2; Cities (2) 28:10 certain (1) chambers (2) 170:13;180:3;185:4 165:10;215:24 career (3) 111:9 108:9;109:8 chief (5) citizen (2) 53:6;69:18;110:2 certainly (3) chamber's (1) 17:10;83:18;84:13, 136:2;212:16 careers (2) 13:12;42:8;92:17 27:3 21;91:9 citizens (6) 52:23;53:4 certified (3) chance (2) chief's (1) 25:6;43:8;45:17; careful (3) 49:8;154:23; 12:6;134:24 85:4 56:5;205:14,17 115:7;137:6,24 155:21 change (34) child (2) citizenship (1) Carlsbad (6) certify (2) 23:10;30:4,20; 47:17;124:11 53:9 83:24;153:21; 221:5,9 32:13;38:8,11,21; childhood (1) City (13) 163:7;173:12; cetera (1) 39:20,22;44:24;45:9; 107:21 18:11;19:18,19; 200:11,11 165:24 51:11;63:18,18; children (45) 25:15;50:23;93:25; Carol (1) chair (3) 97:13;98:14,18,20, 18:6,9;38:22; 141:5;143:9;158:8; 99:14 7:15;60:18;171:20 23;101:19;102:2; 47:10;48:9;49:6; 166:2;173:23; carpenter (1) Chairman (138) 107:7,9,12;140:23, 53:17;61:3,5,25; 176:18;215:19 176:16 2:4,5;7:17;12:18; 25;141:17;184:5; 74:20;77:20,23;82:2, city's (1) carried (1) 17:4;19:5;23:20,23; 196:10;200:20; 10;89:3,5,6,16,16,22; 215:21 173:14 24:8;28:22;29:3,4,7, 201:5;205:20; 90:10;92:3,8;109:25; civic (1) cars (11) 11;33:13,15,17; 214:15;216:20 110:5,11,17,18; 13:5 22:19,22;42:6,10; 36:21,24;37:4;39:25; changed (10) 122:16;123:2,4,6,10, civil (3) 85:6;88:7;128:7; 41:20;45:25;46:4; 30:8;44:21;99:2; 10;130:11;155:4,4; 62:20;69:16; 157:5;162:19; 48:14;51:14,17,21, 109:4;129:21;130:3; 158:10;159:2;164:9; 148:20 193:22;198:2 25;55:22;60:2,5,8; 165:3;172:24; 168:11;174:16,20; claim (3) case (9) 64:12;68:25;69:6,9; 205:15;214:24 196:4 15:10;177:22; 12:18,22;13:20; 70:25;71:12,14;77:4, changes (3) children's (2) 214:20 14:22;21:4;75:12; 7,12;78:20;80:7,10; 37:21;108:13; 92:2;124:9 claimed (2) 174:2;184:8;215:19 82:14,16;86:7,9,13; 141:14 child's (1) 67:16;136:18

Min-U-Script® Ellen Grauer Court Reporting Co. LLC (5) Canadian - claimed

TOWN OF GOSHEN PUBLIC HEARING IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS GROUP/LEGOLAND NEW YORK December 19, 2016 claiming (1) 214:14 committed (1) compelled (1) condition (4) 197:12 cold (1) 76:10 62:25 67:13;68:7;120:18; claims (2) 6:10 Committee (1) compensatory (1) 191:23 134:17;189:4 colder (1) 81:17 65:3 conditions (14) clarification (1) 185:21 committing (1) complained (1) 15:12;65:9,19; 28:23 Coleman (1) 76:4 175:19 67:8;73:9;162:14; class (2) 169:8 common (4) complaining (1) 169:18,21;181:5,23, 186:7;188:16 collaboratively (1) 42:24;43:5,6,9 74:17 24,25;182:13;200:6 clean (2) 25:12 Commons (2) complete (2) conduct (3) 73:14;129:5 collar (1) 72:22;84:25 45:21;135:21 95:20;156:11; cleanup (1) 215:22 communications (1) completed (2) 216:12 50:13 collateral (1) 24:3 112:14;162:18 conducted (1) clear (5) 130:8 communities (9) completely (3) 155:11 20:7;68:13;175:12; collected (2) 18:7,22;35:7,11; 184:11;191:4; conducting (1) 189:6,23 153:21;190:2 48:10;55:2;92:20; 204:25 156:21 clearing (4) collective (1) 116:17;136:14 complex (1) confident (2) 8:19;10:2;177:13, 219:8 community (73) 114:15 36:7;40:16 16 Colleen (1) 13:5;24:10;25:6, Comprehensive (14) confirm (1) clearly (5) 167:18 13,17,19;26:25; 8:3,7;9:23;29:18; 65:15 14:20;32:5;54:13; college (2) 27:16,17,19,21,23; 30:14;80:20;99:7; confirmed (1) 117:22;154:14 121:11;185:4 29:22;33:12;36:11; 137:18;138:12; 164:13 clienteles (1) colleges (1) 37:10,16;38:8,17,20; 144:18;213:13,14; confirms (1) 156:16 52:22 39:7;40:13;44:6; 214:24;216:6 183:5 clients (3) colors (2) 45:10;46:11,18;47:4, compressor (1) conflicting (1) 53:24;155:3,19 58:20;136:6 12,14;48:5;49:4,9,10, 74:4 68:14 climate (2) combined (3) 15,18;50:15;51:6; comprised[sic] (1) conforms (1) 101:19,25 7:3;36:7;183:3 53:11;60:22;77:19; 198:7 44:17 clinic (1) comfortable (1) 78:13;79:9,25;80:22; compromise (2) congratulations (1) 157:2 88:2 81:14,22;82:2;87:8, 75:18;208:23 214:9 close (13) coming (26) 12,13;89:8;90:15; compromised (1) Conklingtown (6) 10:13,16;11:13; 6:9,11;22:6,8;24:7; 92:12,13,16;98:2; 198:7 143:20;152:23; 26:19;89:25;112:23; 47:21;54:18,20;63:9; 100:23;101:9;107:6; computed (1) 156:5;169:7;198:20, 123:7;133:11;156:3; 78:25;88:11;101:20; 111:4;114:6;116:21; 200:6 22 201:2;218:15;219:3; 112:5;118:14;131:6; 130:10;137:25; computer (1) Connecticut (1) 220:4 133:13;141:21; 138:20;142:17; 140:24 89:15 closed (4) 148:10,15;192:6; 162:6,8;175:3; concentrated (1) connection (1) 131:10;170:13; 193:3,17,22;198:2; 198:15;205:19; 210:16 77:18 172:25;219:19 202:24;212:12 211:12,24 concentration (1) connectors (1) closest (2) commences (1) community's (2) 215:16 145:22 89:12;153:15 168:14 27:9;28:19 concern (9) Conner (1) CLOSING (6) comment (2) commute (3) 101:16;153:12; 61:18 5:5;108:20;218:1; 10:9;135:20 21:15;38:6;161:13 156:21;168:2,3; cons (1) 219:1,12;220:1 commentary (1) commutes (1) 170:21;211:20; 206:16 Clowes (1) 10:12 22:9 212:5,9 conscious (1) 179:8 comments (18) commuting (1) concerned (10) 67:20 club (1) 10:8,16,21,23;11:8, 21:13 22:3;23:4;56:5; consent (1) 85:23 9;32:19;42:2;82:18; companies (11) 98:7;112:24;124:14; 98:13 clusters (1) 83:13;84:16,21; 25:25;35:10;70:7; 128:17;144:3,4; consequences (2) 144:23 171:25;172:2,5; 87:22;109:12; 201:3 97:5;205:25 CO (1) 173:6;213:9;219:20 125:19,24;126:8; concerns (14) Conservation (4) 1:23 Commerce (10) 145:14;196:22,24 10:23;20:10;21:9; 68:19;137:12; Coach (1) 17:9;24:4,6,9; company (19) 22:18;25:21,24; 188:5,8 179:8 50:11;51:23;60:19; 23:16,17;25:11; 31:24;34:10,21; conservative (1) coaster (4) 72:2;77:11;80:17 35:4,5,14;36:6,7; 46:23;54:9;101:4; 26:9 101:15;102:23; Commercial (9) 46:16,25;76:21; 131:11;217:15 consider (10) 153:23;154:2 8:11,13,25;9:8; 79:12;88:15;93:20; concession (2) 13:18;14:10;16:23; coasters (1) 30:21;50:3;156:24; 106:6;115:22; 207:24,25 19:4;87:13;90:13; 109:21 216:17,24 122:21;145:20; conclusion (1) 194:11;197:22; cochair (1) commissioned (1) 196:11 171:17 203:13;216:4 81:16 216:10 compared (1) conclusions (2) consideration (5) Code (1) commitment (6) 134:12 107:15;153:4 115:8;127:15; 8:10 61:24;75:22;76:25; comparison (2) concrete (1) 161:19;216:15; codified (1) 77:18,19;78:13 83:5;157:4 171:10 219:23

Min-U-Script® Ellen Grauer Court Reporting Co. LLC (6) claiming - consideration

TOWN OF GOSHEN PUBLIC HEARING IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS GROUP/LEGOLAND NEW YORK December 19, 2016 considered (3) controversy (1) Counties (2) covers (1) crucial (1) 176:25;183:10,11 74:13 165:5;196:16 119:11 81:15 considering (1) conveniently (1) Counties' (1) cows (1) CRV (1) 40:10 156:16 165:7 63:16 96:18 considers (1) conversation (1) country (5) CPV (3) Crystal (1) 200:24 173:19 24:19;52:17; 16:5;72:24;127:18 91:10 consist (1) convincing (1) 137:17;166:7;208:2 Cracker (2) CSEA (2) 9:9 212:19 counts (2) 132:22,25 13:9,10 consisting (1) coordinate (2) 169:24;170:9 craft (1) cubic (4) 9:3 83:20;171:13 County (115) 133:7 57:15,24,25;58:3 constituent (1) copy (1) 17:9;20:2;24:4; Craigville (1) Cullen (1) 30:10 68:8 25:15;27:13;29:15; 169:6 99:14 constituents (2) CORDISCO (1) 36:17;37:13,23; CRAWFORD (1) cultural (1) 202:21;206:18 4:9 38:15;40:21;41:3,5, 2:11 144:21 construct (2) Core (1) 17;43:11;44:5;46:8; crazy (1) cumulative (3) 8:24;26:2 187:4 48:5,7;50:11;51:22; 22:11 127:8;186:25; constructed (2) corner (1) 52:7,14,22;53:13; cream (1) 187:7 38:14;178:17 58:18 54:16,19;60:13;61:2, 39:2 curious (1) construction (19) Cornerstone (1) 10;62:16;63:3,9,25; Create (8) 66:16 14:16;44:4;72:8, 60:23 69:23;70:13;72:18, 8:11;25:7;36:4; current (8) 11,14;76:13;126:6; Cornwall (4) 23;73:22;74:13; 54:23;76:12;105:7; 92:21;96:14; 127:9,10,23;128:3, 60:12;91:11; 77:11;78:6,7,10,17; 133:22;197:23 106:22;168:2;182:8; 18;140:6;147:20,21; 159:25;160:13 80:16;81:18;82:7; created (4) 190:7;210:24;211:12 162:11,17;167:22; corporate (4) 83:2;85:2;86:21; 83:18;146:22,23, currently (10) 196:14 25:5;26:13;53:9; 88:24;90:8,25;91:3,6, 25 30:13;51:21;72:20; construction-related (1) 105:2 12;92:14;94:4;98:24; creates (2) 97:8;111:19;125:15; 15:7 corporation (7) 101:13;102:10; 54:25;151:19 190:20;191:11; constructive (1) 23:17,18;30:12; 103:8;104:23;105:4, creating (1) 197:5;214:13 30:3 31:18;100:3;135:4; 10,21;108:5,12; 26:22 customary (1) consultants (2) 138:2 109:3,4,6,7,13,23; creation (3) 66:24 11:10;199:17 corporations (2) 111:21;112:4; 54:24;55:5;93:2 cut (3) Consulting (1) 27:24;105:3 113:11,11,22,25; creations (1) 20:7;175:12;189:6 56:4 Corps (4) 115:10;123:3;124:4, 52:6 cuts (4) contains (1) 65:22,23;66:23; 7,12,12,24;125:15, creative (1) 57:4,11,20,23 30:17 68:18 17,19;126:24; 133:20 CVS (1) Cont'd (2) Corps' (1) 131:10;134:7; creativity (1) 187:12 3:1;4:1 67:25 151:11;155:20; 138:8 cypress (2) contemplated (1) corrected (1) 160:16;161:2;165:9, creators (1) 24:25;28:7 65:10 189:5 13,14,14,15,17,20; 45:11 contend (1) correctly (1) 166:12;167:2,11; credit (1) D 162:18 21:19 182:9,11;195:15; 214:7 context (1) corridor (1) 197:15;209:21; Creek (9) dad (1) 41:14 187:17 210:12;212:3 15:21;49:25; 78:2 continuation (2) cost (5) County's (2) 178:14,16;188:15,17, daily (6) 7:19;10:19 70:19;85:8;166:5; 40:24;41:9 20,22,24 18:11;22:20;42:10; continue (3) 187:24;199:24 countywide (1) creek's (1) 168:11;170:12; 64:4;178:19;209:9 cost-benefit (3) 27:7 189:3 217:11 continues (2) 187:20,25;216:7 couple (2) critical (7) damage (3) 92:19;168:15 costly (1) 113:23;207:12 52:17,17;53:2; 16:8;41:9;130:8 contours (2) 89:17 course (9) 56:22;81:22;91:18; Dan (2) 30:24;58:14 costs (1) 38:16;47:11;70:10; 95:8 187:10;206:11 contracted (2) 197:16 139:12,18,20;140:5; criticize (1) danger (1) 25:25;106:5 Council (2) 142:24;198:25 148:14 215:15 contractors (1) 72:9,12 COURT (2) crooning (1) dark (4) 75:23 Councilman (1) 1:23;60:12 98:19 57:10,12;58:20; contribute (1) 97:16 courtesy (1) crossing (1) 59:20 48:9 Councilwoman (1) 11:20 178:15 darker (1) contribution (1) 98:7 cousins (1) crowd (1) 185:22 48:4 count (3) 117:5 11:17 Darlene (1) control (1) 170:4;200:9; cover (3) crowded (1) 40:4 128:7 214:21 8:15;68:3;112:14 19:18 data (9) controlled (1) counted (1) covered (1) CRR-NY (1) 15:9;96:14;134:15, 49:12 206:19 8:2 181:11 20;153:20;179:2;

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189:25;190:2;200:10 43:6 163:13;168:5;169:4, 42:10 developing (4) date (1) decent (2) 16,20;170:16,22; described (2) 56:19;137:11; 92:16 74:21;132:13 171:5;177:19,25; 67:9,11 144:19;202:5 dated (1) decentralization (1) 179:11;180:4;183:4, DESCRIPTION (2) development (38) 171:17 165:8 13;186:23;187:18; 5:9;67:9 23:12;24:15;26:4; daughter (3) decide (3) 189:3,16;190:3,5,20; deserve (2) 27:6;29:21;30:19; 12:25;62:21;93:16 114:20;139:13; 191:5,10,16;193:5; 18:18;198:14 34:18;35:9,16,23; DAVE (1) 166:8 198:17;219:23 designated (1) 40:22,25;41:12,16; 2:11 decided (4) DEIS's (1) 197:20 47:25;58:11;66:18, DAVID (1) 69:17;78:9;161:16; 65:5 designed (3) 20,23;91:2;97:12; 2:10 201:14 delete (1) 30:22;178:8; 98:10,11;99:25; Davis (2) decision (7) 67:21 199:16 137:14;143:25; 160:24;167:18 19:4;32:12;67:20; delineation (3) desire (1) 145:2,4,8;182:23; day (41) 106:11;111:7; 68:9,20,20 214:3 186:10;187:15,16; 11:5;15:14;18:16; 114:19;175:21 Dello (1) desks (1) 189:7;198:24; 22:11;38:22;53:18; decisions (1) 176:15 115:18 200:22,24;202:8 73:10;76:10;85:25; 151:14 demand (5) despite (2) developments (2) 92:5,12;94:14,18; deck (1) 16:24;155:22; 14:7;15:22 170:18,24 96:19;100:18; 185:7 183:14,21;215:11 destination (4) diagnosis (1) 101:10;119:17,17; declared (2) demanding (1) 114:2;116:15; 127:6 131:25;132:9;161:8, 182:3,3 188:7 131:22;156:17 diameter (2) 10,14;162:19; dedicated (2) democracy (2) destinations (1) 102:8,12 178:25;181:4; 82:21;105:25 6:15;204:21 73:18 diametric (1) 182:21;183:4,7,8,15, deed (1) demolished (1) destroy (7) 214:13 17,18,22;184:3; 203:12 56:18 31:18;112:8,9; Diana (2) 194:5;197:4;198:2; deep (1) demonstrates (1) 113:14;133:23; 210:12;212:7 199:13;209:18; 191:19 214:10 138:16,22 dictionary (1) 221:14 deeply (2) denied (3) destroyed (2) 109:19 daycare (3) 19:21;90:13 63:7;97:13;98:18 65:18;189:24 die (2) 89:16,23;90:10 deFelice (1) Denning (1) destruction (2) 123:18;162:25 daycares (1) 54:4 100:17 67:6;179:24 died (1) 88:24 defend (1) Dennis (1) detail (3) 123:20 days (6) 179:20 33:20 32:17;52:4;79:11 diesel (1) 10:13;42:11; defended (1) density (4) detailed (2) 162:10 123:18,22;161:15; 45:3 23:13;30:19;31:2; 57:19;79:15 differ (1) 189:16 deficient (1) 44:13 details (1) 115:20 dBa (2) 134:11 denying (1) 129:14 difference (1) 153:24,25 define (2) 167:25 detention (1) 183:20 dcordisco@drakeloebcom (1) 145:25;174:3 DePalma (1) 124:9 differences (1) 4:10 defined (2) 95:19 deterioration (2) 183:10 DE- (1) 145:17;196:15 department (9) 151:16,17 different (8) 189:20 definitely (1) 10:10;68:18;85:9; determining (1) 45:24;107:7,8; dead (1) 135:6 122:9;146:18;167:2; 33:2 118:11;119:7; 143:9 definitive (1) 171:19,24;172:3 detour (1) 135:24;173:21;189:9 deal (6) 30:5 depending (1) 192:11 differently (1) 6:14;79:5;96:9; degree (1) 30:8 detouring (1) 149:18 161:15;165:19; 69:16 depends (1) 193:16 difficult (5) 195:18 degrees (1) 83:2 detriment (1) 56:22;57:22;58:16; death (1) 155:5 Depew's (1) 98:3 115:14;173:3 207:11 DEIS (75) 187:10 devalues (1) dig (1) Debbie (3) 8:17;9:24;14:14, depicted (1) 198:11 191:19 12:25;131:3;187:4 17,25;15:8,15,20,24; 67:2 devastate (1) diligence (4) DEC (3) 16:4,11,17;31:22; depicts (1) 179:18 107:16;137:4; 181:15;188:23; 32:17;33:2;37:14; 66:7 develop (2) 138:13;163:17 189:20 40:15;42:3;45:19,21; depreciation (1) 23:7;44:11 dimensional (1) decade (1) 56:12,21,25;64:21, 16:2 developed (1) 142:8 64:18 22;66:8,21;67:3,8; Deputy (1) 58:15 dinner (1) decades (4) 68:10,14;75:6;82:19; 2:5 developer (2) 55:19 70:7,23;71:5; 84:19;106:24; Derek (1) 14:12;95:9 Diorio (1) 175:17 127:17;128:8,23; 120:8 developers (1) 72:5 December (3) 129:4,9,13;134:8,12, DES (1) 75:15 direct (2) 1:9;182:7;221:14 21;135:15;136:24; 190:6 developer's (1) 152:2;163:5 decency (1) 153:4;162:15; descend (1) 76:3 direction (1)

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192:20 170:8;180:4;188:15; door (9) DROPKIN (1) Echo (1) directly (4) 198:19 6:20,21,23;115:21; 2:5 154:10 125:18,22;156:10; districts (2) 138:11;185:7; drop-off (1) economic (39) 195:18 52:13;213:12 204:11;205:5,8 168:21 24:18;26:8,23; director (2) disturb (1) doorstep (1) dropped (2) 27:5;34:7,14,14,18; 24:3;88:23 65:12 89:11 203:4,6 35:9,16,23;36:12; directors (5) disturbance (6) DOT (2) drought (14) 40:21,24;41:2,11,16; 27:3,14;77:10; 65:2,11,20;67:15; 179:2;199:16 15:11;112:16; 47:25;52:5;54:14,25; 80:15;91:13 135:14;198:18 doubt (1) 157:20;181:5,22,24, 62:16;63:2;77:3; dirt (1) disturbed (3) 106:10 25;182:4,6,9,12,13; 87:15;91:2,17;93:3; 95:10 66:4;189:4,17 doubts (3) 183:2,5 99:24;101:7;104:18; disabilities (7) disturbing (1) 34:20,21;43:19 droughts (3) 108:16;124:15; 17:18;18:13;77:21; 134:19 Doug (1) 95:18;101:18,20 126:10;143:24; 120:16,19;155:6; diverse (1) 118:12 drove (2) 144:20;146:4;147:8; 204:13 54:23 DOUGLAS (1) 28:24;161:10 215:5 disability (4) diversity (1) 2:14 dry (2) economy (3) 17:23,24;120:14; 55:5 down (21) 138:18;184:14 146:6;147:16; 121:10 divide (1) 28:24;36:25;39:2; Dubai (1) 194:9 disabled (11) 100:23 74:14;75:20;99:20; 88:17 ecosystem (2) 53:17;92:3;120:12, divided (2) 100:20;104:21; Duchess (1) 14:3;138:17 13,21,23;121:3,6,7, 144:7;165:10 108:18,20;113:22; 196:17 Ed (1) 16,19 dividing (1) 118:23;121:13; Duck (1) 122:3 disadvantaged (2) 87:8 132:12;161:11; 179:7 edge (2) 53:17;92:3 document (7) 188:2;192:16,22; due (9) 182:11;189:3 disappear (2) 45:24;134:11,13, 204:15;205:13; 25:21;89:17; education (3) 66:15,19 18;135:21;137:19; 217:17 107:15;137:4; 52:14,15;81:11 discern (1) 155:10 downhill (1) 139:24;151:14; educational (11) 58:17 documentation (2) 131:9 163:17;168:21; 52:9,12,19;81:20; discrepancy (1) 68:17;171:23 downtown (3) 170:15 82:4,11;89:4,11; 67:19 documented (1) 26:16;133:4;173:2 during (14) 90:7;102:19,20 discuss (1) 16:2 Draft (3) 10:9;14:16;24:17; educator (4) 53:8 documents (4) 8:15;67:7;79:17 27:4;83:4,7;127:9; 88:22;123:2;186:4; discussions (1) 14:22;134:13,19; drafted (1) 162:11;172:23; 204:20 27:19 135:24 84:14 173:7,18;181:5; effect (8) disease (1) Dodge (1) Dragon (1) 193:10;200:5 76:15;146:4; 138:19 208:15 153:23 dust (1) 153:18;156:12; dismissal (1) dollar (4) drainage (2) 162:10 162:13,15;165:19; 168:17 147:3,6,9;205:11 9:17;178:8 dusty (1) 217:8 Disneyland (1) dollars (12) DRAKE (1) 73:11 effected (1) 55:14 26:9;51:7;54:15, 4:4 169:11 disorder (1) 18,19;103:2;113:8; drastic (1)E effects (2) 155:7 136:23;158:19; 107:11 171:7;176:8 displays (1) 205:11;209:7,20 draw (5) EAF (1) efficiency (1) 92:24 dollar's (1) 96:2;132:22;133:2; 29:25 151:16 disproportion (1) 194:4 184:17,19 earlier (4) effort (2) 215:15 DOMINIC (1) drawing (3) 67:7;105:20; 92:14;105:25 dispute (1) 4:9 95:24;96:21;180:9 132:18;185:21 efforts (2) 153:3 donated (1) Dresser (1) early (3) 91:23;109:5 disservice (1) 92:7 182:24 25:10;62:3;73:4 eight (1) 211:24 donating (1) drill (1) earn (1) 151:22 distance (1) 92:12 85:17 146:16 EIS (1) 59:10 donations (1) drilled (1) easement (3) 75:6 distances (1) 92:15 96:18 137:12;188:6,8 either (6) 154:13 Donato (1) drinking (1) East (1) 66:22;68:22; distinct (1) 157:12 73:14 1: 177:23;190:24; 189:8 done (13) Drive (13) easterly (1) 201:24;213:19 distracting (1) 20:24;71:19;80:3; 9:7;40:4;48:19; 9:6 Elant (4) 156:2 96:15;100:7;129:12; 55:14;58:23;80:13; Easy (3) 123:14,16;129:24; distribution (1) 162:14;163:9; 86:15;89:18;101:10; 28:14;90:9;156:7 159:18 114:15 164:19,22;174:21; 143:2;162:20,21; eat (1) elect (1) District (11) 190:6;202:16 179:8 99:22 60:18 8:12;13:11;70:21; Donna (1) drivers (2) eating (1) election (1) 168:8,8,24;169:14; 41:22 62:17;190:24 194:5 173:20

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TOWN OF GOSHEN PUBLIC HEARING IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS GROUP/LEGOLAND NEW YORK December 19, 2016 electrician (1) 24:14;145:3 32:24 Erie (1) 195:6;204:4;206:11; 106:4 encourages (1) Entertainment (12) 38:25 213:3 electronic (2) 151:20 8:22;24:16;26:23; erosion (1) evenly (1) 145:22;191:22 encouraging (1) 73:17;76:9,22; 178:9 12:14 Elementary (1) 145:9 139:18;147:13; erroneously (1) events (3) 85:21 end (13) 198:8;210:2,10; 173:6 25:19;27:17;157:3 elevation (6) 117:24;123:23; 211:21 errors (2) eventually (4) 58:19;59:18,21,22; 133:10;139:25; ENTERTAINMENTS (4) 134:14,16 38:3;161:3;201:11; 185:14,15 166:13,15;168:13; 1:4;4:3,12;24:13 especially (4) 203:8 elevations (1) 210:3,7,21,25; entire (2) 14:19;108:21; everybody (11) 16:18 213:22;215:25 104:25;120:13 131:9,19 6:9;7:19;11:16,22; eligible (1) endangered (4) entirely (1) ESQ (3) 12:5,15;21:9;71:15, 65:13 138:15;179:12; 15:17 3:9,11;4:9 21;110:20;152:7 ELLEN (1) 189:11,12 entirety (1) establish (1) Everyone (9) 1:23 ended (1) 115:12 78:9 23:5;69:11;86:11; else (14) 114:5 entities (3) estate (1) 87:11;105:9;109:15; 11:6;44:5,9,20; enemies (1) 35:13,22;36:2 64:17 131:13;133:11; 131:13;140:5,9; 73:3 entitled (2) Esther (1) 157:19 160:16;173:15,16; enemy (3) 8:9;38:16 28:13 everywhere (1) 174:3;175:18; 13:8,13;87:18 entity (1) estimate (4) 118:9 194:20;217:24 enforced (1) 50:3 26:10;85:8;96:9; eviction (1) else's (1) 127:25 entrance (4) 146:3 167:7 195:23 enforcement (1) 63:7;84:8;157:24; estimated (3) evidence (2) elsewhere (3) 171:14 159:11 76:19;157:5;183:2 15:16;155:11 54:17;59:9;110:4 engage (1) enumerate (1) estimates (1) evolution (1) emergency (12) 216:11 55:8 200:3 141:6 6:19;83:16;84:7, engaged (2) enumerated (1) et (1) exactly (4) 10;113:5;135:12; 26:24;28:3 54:11 165:23 114:18;141:7; 159:9;162:23; engine (1) environment (10) ethical (1) 150:23;201:4 171:11;178:4;182:4; 63:3 23:5,6;79:6;87:25; 106:18 examining (1) 184:8 engineer (1) 102:14;142:4; Europe (1) 32:17 emotional (1) 62:21 155:12;213:17; 118:11 example (4) 115:4 engineering (6) 216:23;217:9 evacuate (1) 18:23;19:24;175:2; emotions (1) 52:16,25;69:17,22; Environmental (11) 113:4 216:21 143:23 97:7;186:8 8:16;16:8;25:6; evaluate (1) examples (3) empathy (1) Engineers (2) 56:3;68:19;79:18; 145:7 75:2;91:22;126:4 179:10 65:23;200:8 135:22;145:5;186:5, evaluating (1) exceed (1) empirical (2) Engineers' (1) 7;217:5 189:21 199:8 15:9,16 65:22 environmentalist (1) evaluation (2) except (5) employ (5) England (1) 186:9 96:9;153:5 102:20;157:20; 18:5;52:22;62:15; 136:9 environmentally (1) Evelyn (1) 171:15;172:24; 81:7;145:22 enjoyed (1) 14:2 61:19 194:10 employed (3) 107:21 environments (1) even (24) exception (3) 18:15;32:2;83:3 enjoying (1) 18:25 35:5;45:22;49:10, 127:17;205:24; employees (8) 88:13 envisioned (1) 11;64:24;68:15; 218:12 38:15;63:4;81:6, enormous (1) 107:5 76:11,16,18;102:11; exceptional (1) 12;87:23;145:18; 52:6 equal (1) 111:16;113:4; 17:24 171:6,8 enough (6) 181:13 120:20,23;132:5; excessive (2) employer (1) 79:8;97:4;113:5; equate (2) 136:17;138:22; 151:20;195:19 87:21 182:18;186:12; 31:2;67:14 143:6,8;183:18,22; excited (4) employers (2) 212:18 Equestrian (4) 184:18;201:10;211:4 70:3;80:24;82:9; 91:5;145:17 enriches (1) 143:21;152:25; evening (34) 131:6 employment (4) 18:8 153:13;154:20 17:7;24:2;33:19, excitement (1) 146:19;215:14,17, ensure (6) equine (2) 19;37:6;40:4;51:19; 125:24 18 71:9;79:7,23;80:2; 152:25;156:24 60:11;69:10;72:4; exciting (4) emptiness (1) 144:25;197:18 equipment (1) 73:6;77:9;80:12; 47:23;71:5;82:11; 167:8 entails (1) 127:11 86:11;90:24;93:12; 110:22 EMS (4) 7:25 equivalent (1) 99:14;104:2;108:4; excuse (1) 82:23;83:6;85:14; entered (2) 216:25 112:2;113:20; 198:8 171:15 106:10;206:13 Eric (1) 117:15;125:13; executive (5) encompasses (1) enterprise (2) 77:9 126:23;131:3;139:4; 24:9;93:19;151:11; 177:5 148:20,25 Erica (2) 152:21;157:12; 209:5;210:12 encourage (2) Enterprises (1) 36:22;37:2 167:18;185:19; executives (1)

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91:9 128:11 Falls (2) 219:12;220:10 56:25;57:3;68:23; EXHIBIT (1) extra (3) 62:11;64:25 favorable (1) 183:19 5:9 113:6,13;162:24 false (1) 33:10 figures (3) EXHIBITS (1) extracurricular (1) 68:15 favorite (1) 166:20,21,25 5:12 70:18 families (12) 55:17 fill (7) exist (2) extreme (3) 47:16;53:18;73:21; FBI (1) 57:16;58:2,7,19, 140:11;174:19 33:10;151:21; 81:8;89:20,25;90:4, 83:20 21;59:22;112:21 existence (1) 182:11 17;92:4,9;131:23; fear (1) filled (3) 67:9 extremely (4) 164:12 41:6 26:20;53:18;94:18 existing (7) 70:3;81:15;107:11; families[sic] (1) fears (1) fills (2) 67:8;96:7;129:7; 201:2 89:21 150:15 57:20,24 169:17,20;170:6; exuberant (1) family (17) February (1) final (1) 199:25 154:7 17:23;19:16;46:22; 124:5 114:2 exit (6) eye (1) 47:5,20;55:19;60:17, Federal (3) finally (4) 84:8;119:14,14,15; 103:18 23;71:8;86:25;87:3; 65:6,21;172:13 8:5,20;81:16;217:3 131:24;190:24 eyes (1) 90:2,17;110:9; fee (3) finances (1) exits (2) 167:8 122:11;185:2;201:5 76:25;209:23; 214:7 6:19;178:24 family's (1) 211:15 financial (5) expanded (1) F 167:8 feel (24) 80:20;81:13,20; 26:11 fantastic (3) 39:8,15;40:20; 82:4;210:14 expect (5) face (2) 53:8,23;104:22 42:17;43:5;45:17,22; financially (1) 92:18;100:6; 73:24;148:22 FAO (1) 46:18,22;47:3;48:6; 214:11 144:13;180:14; faced (1) 176:19 50:25;62:24;90:18; find (9) 217:14 141:11 far (5) 94:3;105:23;118:19; 20:8;21:23;34:16; expected (3) facilities (4) 31:22;66:2;100:7; 119:11;120:25; 35:2;56:22;110:2,3; 15:3;153:8;180:12 9:14,17;89:23;90:7 128:16;190:22 121:13;125:2;164:7; 191:18,21 expense (1) facility (9) farfetched (1) 203:20;209:15 finding (1) 213:20 8:13,25;9:8;30:22; 184:12 feeling (3) 114:5 experience (7) 31:8;53:20;83:15; farm (8) 46:15;148:15; fine (4) 83:21;86:25;88:9; 89:10;216:17 74:8,8;114:21; 149:4 79:11;119:24; 107:20;136:18; facing (2) 115:3;153:2,15,19; feels (2) 141:20;142:5 153:9,18 122:17;204:24 154:22 31:15;111:4 finish (1) experienced (3) fact (16) farmer (1) fees (2) 193:14 98:9;154:18;208:9 56:18;89:19; 116:24 211:11;212:17 finished (3) experiences (1) 105:24;106:9; Farmers (3) feet (30) 7:10;147:21; 174:25 120:20;121:5;122:5; 110:5;115:5; 29:25;30:2;57:11, 209:24 expert (1) 142:10;153:23; 193:23 13;58:19,21,23,25; fire (6) 192:2 159:24;174:7;180:7; farming (1) 59:2,6,6,8,11;96:20; 48:25;82:23;85:14; expertise (1) 197:13,25;212:6; 116:22 153:25,25;163:15; 122:9;171:14;178:18 47:2 215:23 farms (3) 185:8,12,12,13,14,17, fireworks (3) experts (5) factor (1) 116:24;117:2; 18;188:25;189:2; 22:20,23;85:25 32:2,4,16,20; 37:14 164:25 197:21;198:22; firm (3) 152:13 factoring (1) Farr (1) 199:8,10 69:22;80:20; explained (2) 97:10 97:6 fellow (1) 216:11 118:4,14 facts (3) fast (4) 54:2 first (30) explanation (1) 32:14,21,24 47:9;102:3,21; fence (1) 10:7;17:12;18:8; 68:5 factual (1) 190:6 76:2 20:12,19;33:22; explicitly (1) 134:16 fastest (1) few (20) 34:19;40:6;43:17; 13:24 fails (2) 91:7 13:19;39:19;42:22; 46:15;52:9;59:7; express (2) 16:11;66:21 fast-food (1) 43:5;53:2;54:6;55:4; 61:7;94:18;108:14; 125:22;152:4 failure (8) 133:3 69:15;72:25;77:15; 112:4;113:24;114:9, expressed (1) 14:14,17,25;15:8, fast-track (1) 90:18;91:22;99:5; 21;122:24;131:5,11; 156:22 15,20,24;16:4 21:5 109:16;112:15; 146:7;148:9;149:15; expression (1) fair (6) fast-tracked (2) 150:16;165:24; 161:16;173:5,8; 177:15 43:7;94:4,6;113:9; 20:13;106:16 173:5;175:22;215:4 202:24;209:25 extend (2) 201:19;212:17 fast-tracking (1) field (2) fit (8) 10:12;11:19 faith (1) 130:18 89:10;123:7 79:8,23;122:18; extending (1) 211:3 fat (1) fields (3) 135:17;138:5,6; 40:7 fall (3) 207:9 114:23;115:2; 160:15;217:19 extensive (1) 107:13;150:3; faulty (1) 117:6 Fitzpatrick (1) 65:9 170:16 151:13 Fifth (1) 48:18 extent (4) falling (1) favor (5) 1: five (11) 29:23;30:23;31:14; 34:23 54:7;55:6;218:21; figure (4) 7:7;80:19;124:16;

Min-U-Script® Ellen Grauer Court Reporting Co. LLC (11) EXHIBIT - five


126:25;129:18,22; forbade (1) 54:5;187:22 106:22,23;107:4; 180:7 134:22;142:11; 44:23 fragile (3) 131:18;132:16; GEORGE (1) 162:24;164:17; forbids (1) 44:7;213:16; 133:21;137:13,22; 2:16 177:25 31:12 216:22 153:6;170:21;189:8; Gerson (1) five-minute (1) force (3) Frank (1) 202:7;205:20 108:4 193:11 76:3;83:19;205:12 29:12 gets (5) five-year (1) foreclosure (3) fray (1) G 94:4;115:3;134:24; 26:8 166:14,19;167:7 206:14 136:3;192:8 fix (1) foreclosures (1) free (3) Gabriel (1) Gettner[ph] (1) 120:3 166:10 10:22;31:18;90:6 19:8 131:3 fixed (1) foreign (2) freedom (1) galleries (1) giants (1) 111:8 30:11;208:2 39:3 133:7 91:16 flag (3) forest (1) freezing (1) GALLO (2) gift (1) 6:3,4;157:23 199:25 73:10 2:17;98:7 130:16 flight (1) forethought (1) fresh (2) gallons (10) GIOVANNI (3) 155:18 138:8 120:22;121:8 96:19;181:4; 2:8;218:20;220:7 flip-flop (1) forever (3) Friday (3) 182:21;183:4,7,8,16, girl (1) 99:6 32:13;44:22; 83:11;158:9,11 17,22;184:3 60:13 flock (1) 130:20 friend (1) game (2) given (6) 70:12 forget (4) 13:6 20:22;198:9 33:9;38:22;89:23; flooding (1) 68:2;111:12;114:7; friends (2) gap (1) 153:25;166:4;201:18 16:20 197:15 118:21;120:15 146:12 giving (7) floods (1) form (2) fries (1) gaps (1) 31:17;33:22;61:8; 189:2 85:12;104:6 144:16 107:2 91:19,23;93:5;96:10 Floor (1) formed (2) from[sic] (1) gardens (5) gladly (2) 1: 25:14;141:5 24:8 25:2,2;28:7,7,16 11:11;55:16 floored (1) former (4) front (6) gas (3) glee (1) 49:3 70:16;83:17;186:3; 50:7;59:16;112:14; 16:5;128:25; 55:16 flooring (2) 210:12 122:5;156:18;212:9 194:10 Glen (10) 176:16,18 formerly (1) fronts (1) gas-powered (2) 86:15;123:14; Florida (10) 53:22 113:24 127:13;128:24 129:23;135:10; 22:4;24:7,17;26:2; forth (3) frustrated (1) gates (1) 153:10;159:7,17; 28:4,9,12;85:12; 12:5;42:21;109:22 205:2 27:13 162:4,5,23 159:15;168:25 fortunate (1) fuels (1) gather (3) global (1) fly (1) 70:20 74:7 32:11,20;165:22 115:22 186:11 Fortunately (1) full (8) gave (1) goals (2) flyover (2) 76:8 12:8;95:10;97:10; 113:7 145:6;213:19 21:21;172:10 fortune (2) 106:20;210:21; GAWRONSKI (1) gobs (1) focus (2) 108:19;115:21 211:4,6;216:20 2:10 136:6 56:24;57:21 fortunes (1) full-time (3) general (6) Gocke (1) focused (1) 110:4 85:5;144:7,14 27:2;42:4;54:4; 64:14 27:17 forward (6) fully (2) 98:13;140:15,17 God (5) foe (1) 24:14;55:11;70:2; 106:24;178:17 generally (1) 36:16;64:3;102:24; 207:10 81:5;133:21;217:14 fumes (1) 39:9 111:20;130:16 folks (5) fossil (1) 162:11 generate (3) goes (8) 34:9;44:3;149:2; 74:7 fun (1) 100:4;153:24; 75:2;111:5;141:3; 184:24;212:15 foster (1) 53:18 170:25 151:3;162:8;185:22; follow (1) 144:23 fundamentally (1) generated (5) 204:15;218:7 133:18 found (2) 213:21 54:15;154:6,12; Goldberg (1) following (3) 118:12;181:11 fundraising (1) 155:15;200:4 12:24 10:13;168:7;169:2 Foundation (2) 92:11 generates (2) GOLDEN (9) follows (1) 77:13;213:14 fun-filled (1) 93:24;147:7 3:4,9;83:22;97:17, 91:24 founded (1) 92:5 generating (1) 20;218:25;219:7,10, food (5) 145:20 further (5) 156:25 15 102:21;126:4; four (14) 67:2;132:5;170:22; generation (5) Good (66) 144:9;207:18;208:13 10:24;12:8,12; 179:18;221:9 70:13;78:17; 17:6;19:24,25; foolish (1) 14:5;23:18;47:10; Furthermore (1) 116:23;145:19; 20:3;21:18,23;23:25; 111:9 59:17;82:22;84:9; 135:8 171:22 25:5;33:18,19;37:5; foot (2) 85:5,7;86:24;164:17; future (27) generations (1) 40:3;42:24;43:9; 115:21;177:22 177:18 21:14;40:24;41:11, 81:8 44:15;48:11;51:18; footprint (4) fourth (1) 11,16;44:16;53:3; generators (1) 60:10;69:10,25;72:4; 28:9;66:12,13; 116:23 70:3;78:16;81:8,21; 127:11 76:13;77:8;80:11; 109:5 Fox (2) 82:7;97:10;101:22; gentlemen (1) 86:10;90:23;93:11;

Min-U-Script® Ellen Grauer Court Reporting Co. LLC (12) five-minute - Good


99:13;103:25;108:3; 207:16;208:18; 50:19,21;52:18;63:2; 107:6;109:9;118:25; 123:19;207:22 111:5,20,25;113:19; 209:13,15;213:5,11 64:7;74:24;78:4; 123:24;124:15; hands-on (1) 114:3,4,5;117:14; Goshen[sic] (1) 102:17;109:17; 132:20;133:20; 53:5 125:12;126:22; 159:3 110:25;118:7;119:7, 148:17;150:5,8; Hannafords (1) 131:2;132:14,21; Goshen's (9) 23,25;122:20,21; 159:21 133:12 137:19,21;139:3; 29:18;31:11;129:7; 123:5;131:25; guarantee (4) happen (8) 140:2;144:5,12; 131:8;144:18; 133:16;138:7; 25:16;96:15;198:3; 35:24;36:16;116:4; 145:24,25;146:5; 147:23;165:16; 151:25;160:3; 203:11 119:16,20;142:20; 150:9;152:20; 183:3;194:9 165:19,21;196:3; guaranteeing (1) 190:10;191:14 157:11;167:17; government (12) 206:15 184:2 happened (5) 180:22;194:23; 49:9;72:23;74:13; Greater (2) Guerrera (2) 45:5;66:18;99:4; 195:5;204:3;206:10; 108:18;113:7; 24:5;32:25 29:13;104:2 108:17;203:4 211:3;212:16;213:3; 124:13,16;165:12,13; greatest (2) guess (7) happening (1) 214:10;217:19 170:15;179:9;187:11 27:9;29:23 6:20;42:13;130:7; 159:14 GOSHEN (175) governor (1) greatly (1) 139:7;148:16; happens (7) 1:1,7;2:3,13;3:3,7, 138:4 67:15 149:23;158:19 100:8;163:2; 14;8:6,11,14;9:7,20; GPS (1) Greene (1) guesstimate (1) 165:18;173:22; 12:25;14:2;19:9; 192:21 196:18 187:21 179:10;210:13;215:8 24:22;29:14;30:13; grab (1) greening (1) guest (1) Happy (2) 31:21;32:14;36:17, 114:14 150:6 9:17 85:23;167:5 23;37:3,6,17,22;39:9, Grace (3) Greenwich (1) guide (1) hard (7) 13;40:5;41:23;44:7; 80:12;186:16,16 69:14 43:7 31:25;33:25; 45:17;48:19;49:14; grade (1) greetings (1) Guido (1) 106:14;121:2; 50:5,18;54:3,8; 57:14 99:15 122:3 191:17;212:18;216:3 55:18;61:9;62:11; grader (1) Gretchen (1) Gus[ph] (1) Harness (1) 63:23;64:15,16,18; 27:12 143:19 112:2 80:18 66:5;69:13,24;70:12; grades (1) grew (5) gut (1) Harriman (9) 71:8;72:19;76:23; 58:24 60:14;63:15;64:15; 148:15 9:6;16:20;56:16; 77:13;78:24,25; gradient (1) 107:17;149:18 guy (2) 162:20,21;190:23; 79:13,24;80:4,18; 30:16 grocery (1) 122:20;149:11 191:3,9;192:17 82:18;84:13,18; grading (4) 133:10 guys (9) Harrington (2) 86:16;87:2,4;88:20; 8:19;10:2;177:13, Gross (2) 89:19;114:24,24; 131:4,13 90:15;93:14,15,19; 16 56:2;190:18 119:22,25;122:18; hat (1) 94:4,8;95:7,14,19; graduating (1) grounds (1) 124:3;149:12;194:21 88:21 97:25;98:23;99:21, 69:14 14:13 hate (1) 22,22,23,23,25; grandchild (2) Group (18) H 49:13 100:9;101:10;103:5; 47:20,22 8:22;24:16;45:8; hats (1) 104:3,6,11,12; grandchildren (6) 73:25;74:16;75:22; H-1 (1) 86:18 105:17,21;106:12,16; 13:3;49:22;61:12; 79:3,19;121:10; 169:20 haul (1) 107:9;108:7;109:7; 62:7;63:11;110:12 151:7,12,14,15; habitat (1) 25:8 112:5,6,9;113:4,14; grandfather (1) 152:5;204:12;205:3, 179:24 Haven (7) 114:22;116:14; 145:21 8;210:10 half (6) 24:6,17,20;26:16; 117:16;118:4,12; grandfathered (1) GROUP/LEGOLAND (1) 18:13;58:4;146:25; 136:21;159:14;163:6 119:13,22,24;120:9; 102:6 1:4 178:12;193:12,13 Havens' (1) 122:3,4,9,12;124:10, grandfather's (1) groups (5) Hall (2) 28:5 15;126:25;127:3; 114:21 74:11,12;76:3,11; 206:13;220:2 Haverstraw (1) 130:14;133:15,22; grandkids (1) 152:8 halt (1) 100:20 134:24;135:3;138:7; 55:12 Grove (2) 138:10 hazardous (1) 139:23;140:9; grandmother (1) 60:14;62:12 hamlet (1) 73:15 141:12,17,23;142:11; 61:4 grow (5) 66:5 head (3) 144:3;145:11; granting (1) 71:7;74:23;81:24; Hampshire (1) 121:10;185:11; 146:14;148:7,10; 16:25 108:10;175:17 69:20 192:21 152:23;154:3,16; graphic (2) growing (6) hand (6) heading (4) 158:18;159:3; 57:10,19 47:4,16;48:10; 76:3;100:11; 192:9,19;193:24, 160:24;161:2,18,20; GRAUER (1) 91:8;104:19;155:22 148:18;150:10; 25 163:25;164:14; 1:23 grown (4) 161:9;221:14 headquarters (1) 165:14,18;167:3,10, grave (1) 47:11;118:22; handled (1) 26:15 19,23;168:7,8,23; 97:4 140:22,23 72:16 heads (1) 170:6,8;172:22; gravel (2) growth (25) handles (1) 91:4 181:2,18;182:25; 84:11;178:5 48:4;49:13;50:9; 178:24 Health (2) 188:5;190:25; great (32) 54:25;74:18;75:11; handling (3) 91:10;127:5 194:20,24;201:25; 6:13;21:8;32:17; 77:3;87:15;101:7,7; 84:10;107:8;214:6 Healthcare (6) 202:25;203:5; 34:2;43:14;49:20; 104:11,18,25;105:9; hands (2) 60:23,25;63:9;

Min-U-Script® Ellen Grauer Court Reporting Co. LLC (13) GOSHEN - Healthcare


91:7,16;126:7 156:1;157:1;158:1; hibernate (1) home (27) 189:16 healthy (1) 159:1;160:1;161:1; 179:14 19:16;47:11;55:17; house (14) 78:3 162:1;163:1;164:1; high (12) 62:22;69:19;78:12, 9:14;89:3;103:15; hear (15) 165:1;166:1;167:1; 18:3;23:12;44:13; 12,13;87:3;119:13; 106:3;124:7;158:14; 22:25;23:2;35:3; 168:1;169:1;170:1; 60:15;94:13;105:22; 122:13;132:3; 161:5;185:6,15,21; 57:2;63:20;71:20; 171:1;172:1;173:1; 131:16;137:16; 143:21;155:20; 187:22;205:6;206:2; 74:6;106:25;120:24; 174:1;175:1;176:1, 177:19;179:7;194:2; 158:9;161:10,14; 209:5 123:12;125:23; 24;177:1;178:1; 211:19 176:4;180:11; houses (7) 195:9,13;219:5,11 179:1;180:1;181:1; higher (9) 185:18,23;195:22; 56:17;58:22;59:3, heard (22) 182:1;183:1;184:1; 15:2;58:21,24; 204:12,15;205:3,8,9 11;165:13;166:24; 20:13,15;21:22; 185:1;186:1;187:1; 59:2;146:15;179:5; homeowner (2) 180:13 28:23;43:24;44:20; 188:1;189:1;190:1; 185:17,18;207:17 19:13;93:14 housing (8) 45:7;61:23;83:11; 191:1;192:1;193:1; highest (3) homes (5) 31:3;38:13,17; 84:6;112:4;131:5; 194:1;195:1;196:1; 84:25;166:7; 43:4,12;114:24; 43:22;44:13;141:9; 148:9;154:13; 197:1;198:1;199:1; 177:22 115:2;130:6 144:24;187:14 159:14;161:23; 200:1;201:1,13; Highland (1) honestly (3) hovering (1) 174:9,22;175:23; 202:1;203:1;204:1; 62:11 106:19;183:24; 186:14 176:6;214:5,17 205:1;206:1;207:1; Highlands (1) 202:17 Howard (1) HEARING (227) 208:1;209:1;210:1; 56:3 honor (1) 40:4 1:3,12;7:11,20,23, 211:1;212:1;213:1; highway (2) 88:19 HUDDLESTON (1) 25;8:3;9:21;10:7,14, 214:1;215:1;216:1; 132:3,21 Hook (1) 3:17 19,20;11:19;12:1; 217:1;218:15;219:3, highways (1) 85:21 Hudson (11) 13:1;14:1;15:1;16:1; 13,18 88:7 hope (6) 4:5;18:10;56:3,5; 17:1;18:1;19:1;20:1; hearings (3) Hill (1) 70:10;71:8;114:3; 72:7,10,15,21;74:2; 21:1;22:1;23:1;24:1; 75:7,17;115:9 113:23 133:17;152:11;207:4 100:19;157:19 25:1;26:1;27:1;28:1; heart (4) Hills (18) hoped (1) huge (10) 29:1;30:1;31:1;32:1; 19:13;48:21;137:2; 48:19;51:2;57:12; 79:12 30:11;56:12;62:2; 33:1;34:1;35:1;36:1; 138:19 96:4,10,16;129:25; hopefully (1) 87:17,18;88:15,18; 37:1;38:1;39:1;40:1, heavily (1) 157:13,21,22;180:11, 6:16 89:4;90:3;208:21 7;41:1;42:1;43:1; 13:4 24;184:25;200:16, horse (1) human (2) 44:1;45:1;46:1;47:1; height (2) 25;204:5,9;209:2 154:21 148:21;205:25 48:1;49:1;50:1;51:1; 154:2;199:7 hilly (1) horseback (1) humor (1) 52:1;53:1;54:1;55:1; held (5) 57:6 155:8 140:21 56:1;57:1;58:1;59:1; 25:18,20;59:23; himself (1) horses (1) hundred (7) 60:1;61:1;62:1;63:1; 123:19;163:3 59:7 155:17 94:10;103:2;166:3; 64:1;65:1;66:1;67:1; hell (1) hire (1) hospital (3) 172:22,23;188:25; 68:1;69:1;70:1;71:1; 208:15 85:5 27:15;91:11; 210:6 72:1;73:1;74:1;75:1; Hello (4) hired (3) 122:16 hundreds (3) 76:1;77:1;78:1;79:1; 100:16;120:7; 27:4;32:15;43:22 hospitality (3) 72:17;112:9; 80:1;81:1;82:1;83:1; 148:5;172:20 hires (1) 52:24;146:12,20 125:18 84:1;85:1;86:1;87:1; help (11) 95:19 hospitals (2) hurt (2) 88:1;89:1;90:1;91:1; 20:5;32:25;39:14; historic (10) 73:13;92:23 140:21;194:15 92:1;93:1;94:1;95:1; 70:19;76:3;83:19; 24:25;28:6,17; host (4) husband (3) 96:1;97:1;98:1;99:1; 108:8;120:21; 37:17;50:19;56:17; 76:24;114:6;126:7; 82:8;94:7;158:7 100:1;101:1;102:1; 126:13;143:8;159:16 65:14,17;80:22; 211:12 hydrogeological (2) 103:1;104:1;105:1; helping (2) 97:25 hostility (1) 96:7,13 106:1;107:1;108:1; 48:9;102:13 history (5) 217:11 109:1;110:1;111:1; hen (1) 18:4;28:20;95:18; hosting (1) I 112:1;113:1;114:1; 187:22 141:4,11 92:11 115:1;116:1;117:1; Herbert (3) hit (2) hosts (1) I84 (1) 118:1;119:1;120:1; 1:13;221:3,25 102:3;192:10 93:25 191:5 121:1;122:1;123:1; hereby (1) hmm (1) hot (1) I-86 (1) 124:1;125:1;126:1; 221:5 20:20 73:11 172:16 127:1;128:1;129:1; Here's (1) HOFFMAN (1) hotel (4) IBA (1) 130:1,16;131:1; 109:15 3:15 9:12;59:14,19; 109:7 132:1;133:1;134:1; hereunto (1) hold (2) 208:13 IBM (1) 135:1;136:1;137:1; 221:13 60:20;177:20 hotels (1) 55:4 138:1;139:1;140:1; Heritage (1) holding (1) 187:13 ice (1) 141:1;142:1;143:1; 175:13 178:17 hour (2) 39:2 144:1;145:1;146:1; Hi (6) Holdings (1) 146:11;193:12 ID (1) 147:1;148:1;149:1; 19:7;64:13;82:17; 8:22 hours (7) 5:9 150:1;151:1;152:1; 143:18;160:23; holistically (1) 21:12,13;73:7; IDA (3) 153:1;154:1;155:1; 186:22 14:24 83:4,8;158:10; 124:7;209:17;

Min-U-Script® Ellen Grauer Court Reporting Co. LLC (14) healthy - IDA


210:19 impacted (4) 9:10,14;16:13; inflicting (1) interact (1) idea (4) 61:11;116:5; 72:17;108:17; 137:8 91:4 19:23,24;143:5; 185:23,25 154:17;196:16 influence (1) interactive (1) 194:23 impacting (1) inclusion (1) 152:9 92:24 ideal (1) 16:6 128:9 influx (1) interchange (1) 73:9 impacts (5) income (1) 39:11 191:6 ideas (1) 40:17;67:11;91:17; 115:23 information (21) interest (9) 74:22 135:16;216:8 incomplete (1) 32:11,22;56:13,22; 33:12;37:12;52:23; identified (2) impair (1) 177:25 57:20;64:20;68:15, 70:4;88:6;97:20; 65:5;67:12 199:11 inconsistencies (1) 15;69:3;128:11; 143:8;202:20;208:7 identify (3) impaired (1) 186:24 134:22;141:21; interested (5) 16:5;96:6;148:13 199:5 Incorporated (2) 165:23;166:11; 18:14;99:24; idling (3) impartial (1) 8:23;219:21 168:6;189:25;200:7; 103:13;141:25; 127:12;128:3,7 216:11 increase (13) 201:16;203:21; 221:12 IDs (1) implore (3) 15:4;116:3;153:9, 207:3;216:5 interesting (5) 197:4 94:20;100:10; 16;155:16;166:13,16, informational (1) 20:9;21:23;149:22; idyllic (1) 217:17 17,18;168:21; 206:15 195:8,13 174:12 importance (3) 170:19;210:5;211:11 Infrastructure (1) Interjections (4) ignorant (1) 40:23;55:6;109:9 increased (1) 199:14 12:17;51:24; 148:19 important (13) 156:2 inherent (1) 208:16;218:13 ignore (2) 9:13;16:21;27:18; incredible (2) 155:14 international (2) 191:10;213:18 32:23;46:14;81:15, 82:3;110:17 inherently (1) 93:20;145:13 ignored (1) 19;127:6;129:11; incredibly (4) 155:9 interpretation (1) 188:20 147:15;212:8,10; 79:14;80:23;82:9; initial (2) 169:13 ill (3) 213:23 190:25 11:18;14:21 intersection (3) 53:16;92:2;148:24 importantly (1) Indeed (2) Inn (2) 172:2;191:24,24 illegal (1) 171:10 14:8;44:15 104:7,16 intersections (1) 202:12 impose (1) independent (3) input (2) 179:4 illusion (1) 127:21 128:15;187:19,25 9:23;137:24 interstate (1) 151:19 imposing (1) independently (2) inside (1) 172:13 illustrate (2) 156:3 81:24;152:12 54:16 interview (2) 56:24;215:2 impossible (2) in-depth (1) inspector (3) 129:17;142:10 illustrates (2) 68:21;101:23 128:14 10:12;164:16; into (32) 57:4;215:20 impressed (3) index (1) 177:4 15:18;18:2,22; imagination (1) 83:22;84:3,5 129:7 Inspire (1) 20:20;37:20;39:14; 47:7 improve (1) Indiana (1) 77:12 40:14;50:3;59:14; imagine (5) 116:17 179:12 installation (1) 63:7;67:3;73:6; 21:14;41:3;186:17; improved (1) indicate (1) 176:17 101:22;106:11; 192:5;209:4 208:19 157:24 installed (2) 118:3,14;122:13; immediate (3) improvements (2) indicated (2) 39:16;176:18 132:4,7,10;135:4; 89:24;154:9; 199:14,20 20:15;28:24 instead (3) 137:25;138:20; 170:24 inaccurate (2) indicates (2) 69:18;96:14; 165:10;168:24; immediately (1) 16:16;134:11 57:11,12 110:18 173:14,17;191:19; 206:3 inadequate (2) indicating (2) Institute (2) 193:12;219:20,22,22 Impact (57) 177:2;209:16 6:21;58:20 147:9;200:8 introduce (1) 8:16;15:25;23:5; inadvertently (1) indisputable (1) institutions (2) 138:20 26:8,23;37:8;40:10; 138:23 130:19 53:12,13 introductory (2) 56:7,14,18;57:13,21; Inc (1) individual (4) insult (1) 8:4,8 58:5,8;59:4,13,25; 53:22 17:22;46:17;65:3; 152:6 intrusive (1) 64:23;65:14;67:23; inches (3) 87:14 intelligence (1) 45:16 68:4;79:18;85:8,13, 102:8,12;181:22 individuals (10) 186:16 invest (1) 15;106:22;127:8; incident (1) 18:4,11,14;19:2; intelligent (2) 137:21 128:13,20;129:14; 171:12 22:6;63:23;77:20; 103:12;201:16 invested (2) 130:20;135:11,23; include (7) 90:18;155:6;195:16 intend (3) 13:4;122:12 138:14;143:24; 26:13;72:21;96:8; industrial (2) 14:20;98:22; investigated (1) 153:5;156:9,10; 127:12;155:4;169:4; 147:23;207:19 179:15 96:5 168:19;170:5; 203:2 industry (6) intensive (1) investigation (1) 180:25;186:25; included (6) 91:7,8;93:21; 200:21 136:20 187:7;191:2;198:4; 28:8;84:19;127:19; 207:16,17;215:14 intent (4) investment (4) 200:23;201:8;202:6; 169:4;172:4;197:10 inevitable (1) 31:9;45:2;67:23; 26:11;76:23;91:18; 203:13;215:2,5; includes (3) 63:18 137:8 104:12 216:14,19,21;217:6, 8:7;181:8;187:8 inflict (1) intentional (1) investments (2) 7,8 including (7) 84:24 28:21 24:12;104:5

Min-U-Script® Ellen Grauer Court Reporting Co. LLC (15) idea - investments


investor (1) Jim (1) 87:4,5;97:3;102:3 last (24) 125:16 83:12 K knowingly (1) 6:11,12;10:6;12:7; involve (1) Joan (2) 198:12 13:15;22:7;41:24; 168:18 157:12;204:4 keep (10) knowledge (2) 44:23;70:16;85:3; involved (8) job (25) 31:11;48:9;51:9; 83:21;216:18 87:7;100:21;104:4; 35:8;65:24;79:21; 43:15;45:11;52:5; 78:5;105:25;133:19; known (3) 108:15;110:3; 122:7;130:18;166:8; 54:24;55:5;63:22; 161:21;202:5;203:8; 8:17;128:12; 111:14;117:25; 189:21;204:22 74:21;93:2;94:15,16, 209:7 154:10 118:15;123:18,19,22; involvement (1) 16;100:7,10;115:18; keeping (1) knows (1) 126:25;153:6;164:18 137:25 119:23;132:15; 48:10 22:10 lastly (2) invulnerability (1) 133:17,19;145:25; Keith (1) Kodak (1) 200:3;203:19 151:19 165:20;174:9,11,15; 78:23 55:5 lasts (1) Irene (1) 196:24;209:9 KELLY (1) KRISTOPHER (1) 44:22 93:12 jobs (56) 3:11 2:7 late (4) irreparable (1) 25:7;26:3,5,20,22; Kemp (1) Kyle (1) 62:4;73:5;168:17; 41:9 41:11;43:21,25,25; 125:13 104:10 203:15 Isaiah (1) 44:2,4;49:14;54:23; Ken (1) Lately (1) 57:7 70:9;76:14,15,25; 148:6 L 73:24 issue (8) 87:15;93:24;94:9,12, KENNETH (2) later (3) 34:11,17,23;43:2; 13,17;109:14;111:2; 2:15;3:16 labeled (1) 44:10;167:12; 53:7;64:19;98:5; 112:20;116:5;121:3, key (1) 58:14 203:14 158:6 6,15,16;140:6,11; 119:3 labor (6) latest (1) issues (21) 144:4,5,7,11,11,13, kicking (1) 75:23;76:4,10; 30:2 13:19;14:8,16; 15;145:24,24;146:5, 124:11 146:8,18,22 Laughter (6) 16:14,21;21:7;52:8; 10,22,23,24,25; kids (17) laborer's (1) 70:24;140:19; 62:20;75:18;79:20; 147:20,22,24;196:14, 38:23;39:3,6,8; 72:10 160:5;162:2;164:10; 85:15,19;86:5;95:8; 20,22;197:12;215:22 49:20;62:9,22;63:8; lack (5) 189:14 98:10,11;107:14; Joel (1) 64:7;94:14;106:8; 43:21;64:21; launch (2) 136:7,10,11;157:17 98:21 107:5,20;116:23; 179:10,22;180:2 69:18;80:24 items (4) Joel's (1) 131:14;158:20;164:6 lacking (2) Law (13) 7:7;8:2;10:22; 14:6 kill (7) 129:14;168:5 8:4,5,8,9;13:20; 214:5 Joe's (1) 138:16;178:14; lacks (1) 14:22;29:17;98:15; Ives (1) 133:14 188:15,20,22,24,25 171:22 142:16;171:14; 86:15 JOHN (4) killed (6) ladies (1) 199:6;201:10;216:16 2:6,18;139:4; 85:22,23,24,24,25; 180:7 lawn (2) J 172:21 86:3 LaGuardia (1) 199:24;200:2 joint (3) kills (2) 99:3 Laws (9) Jacobson (4) 7:23;10:20;51:8 74:10,10 Lake (1) 10:5;95:16;139:6; 210:8,23;211:17; joke (1) kind (8) 26:18 167:24;201:17; 212:11 198:9 25:3;136:16; land (16) 202:13,18;213:10; jail (3) joking (1) 141:10;142:15; 19:16;23:11,19; 214:14 124:8;164:24; 118:16 149:10;200:19; 30:24;44:7;49:23; lawsuit (1) 173:4 Jordan (1) 203:10,12 50:15;58:12;74:9; 14:11 James (1) 105:16 kindergartners (1) 82:11;85:23;112:10; layperson (1) 84:13 Joseph (2) 89:9 175:13;188:9;201:7; 45:22 Jamie (1) 13:3;112:2 kinds (1) 202:4 lead (4) 69:12 Journey (1) 107:8 landfills (1) 68:22;73:15; jams (1) 154:23 Kingdom (2) 114:11 110:19;151:15 42:12 Journeys (1) 87:22;163:8 landscaping (1) leader (1) January (3) 155:3 Kiryas (2) 126:5 91:2 10:17;11:14; judgment (1) 14:6;98:21 lanes (1) leaders (2) 219:20 151:18 Kitchen (3) 84:9 70:14;195:14 Japan (1) Judy (1) 20:17;180:15; large (9) leadership (4) 88:17 163:25 187:10 23:11;27:21;87:22; 26:24;27:25;81:4; Jean (1) July (2) KJ (2) 93:20;105:3;109:11; 174:5 82:17 85:17;94:14 14:8,11 125:19;145:12;173:4 leading (2) Jeremy (1) jump (3) knaughton@bmglawyerscom (1) larger (3) 97:21;110:18 160:23 107:14;112:19; 3:12 72:19;75:20;216:6 leads (1) Jersey (6) 189:12 knee-jerk (1) largest (4) 216:5 1:15;22:10;37:23; June (2) 150:11 88:23;91:5;103:5; learn (1) 62:3;161:7;193:18 20:16;84:14 knocking (1) 147:11 123:6 Jessica (1) 138:11 Larissa (1) learned (3) 64:14 knowing (4) 90:24 34:20;35:5;55:3

Min-U-Script® Ellen Grauer Court Reporting Co. LLC (16) investor - learned

TOWN OF GOSHEN PUBLIC HEARING IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS GROUP/LEGOLAND NEW YORK December 19, 2016 lease (1) 112:5,12,20,23; levels (4) 20:19;21:3,20; 126:8,10,14;146:6; 74:15 113:7,10,15;117:8, 15:2;153:6,17; 34:15;139:10 165:7,11;171:14; least (8) 21;118:14;119:15; 156:2 listened (1) 179:19;194:11,14; 18:13;65:16;68:8; 120:11,20;121:5,18; Levitas (1) 34:25 196:15,15;198:5; 137:9;174:9;175:2; 124:5;125:21;126:2; 108:4 listening (4) 199:6;213:10;216:16 185:14,17 127:10,21;128:19; library (1) 141:24;149:5; locally (2) leave (4) 129:19,22;130:5,10; 187:11 159:24;165:21 154:10;194:20 23:9;39:12;55:9; 131:5,11,18,21,24; lies (1) literally (2) locals (2) 184:7 132:15,24;133:18; 215:15 141:12;205:23 72:13;208:6 leaving (1) 139:19;140:8,14; life (24) little (11) locate (1) 184:4 141:22;148:10; 14:15;19:20;34:6, 21:6;22:24;48:20; 189:16 ledger (1) 153:21;157:6,16; 12,13,18,24;35:7,15, 49:2;89:19;102:23; located (4) 6:15 158:3;159:12; 22;36:10;37:11; 115:3;117:24; 9:5;95:25;153:2; LEE (5) 167:22;168:3,23; 42:16;52:8;53:7; 134:20;140:20; 188:12 2:4;7:15;24:8; 169:11;170:19; 90:17;98:4;103:15; 150:14 location (13) 29:3;171:20 175:2,4;176:19,21; 112:3;120:14; live (41) 20:2;44:14;85:12; left (10) 177:21;179:9;180:8; 158:13;185:24; 18:7;19:8;21:16; 122:14;145:10,12; 12:4;54:16;62:21; 181:7;183:15;184:2; 198:6;215:25 22:3;27:22;41:22; 156:6;164:9;165:16; 70:14;151:2;158:9; 187:23;188:11,21; lifelong (4) 42:18;48:18;50:8; 175:20;185:10; 161:9;174:17; 190:8;191:8,15; 105:20;113:21; 60:17;61:9;63:23; 196:5,6 179:13;213:2 192:19;193:15,25; 125:14;190:18 69:24;72:5;73:21; locational (1) left-hand (1) 194:7;196:2;200:10; life-long (1) 93:13;99:19;105:18; 15:25 6:4 201:21;202:8,23,24; 82:6 108:11;110:13; locations (2) legal (3) 203:20;205:7,21; Life's (2) 117:16;118:4,8; 85:21;92:21 16:21;20:25; 212:8 154:23;155:3 120:8;122:3;125:13; LOEB (1) 142:20 LEGOLANDs (2) Lifestyles (1) 131:3;137:20; 4:4 legislation (1) 88:16;103:5 72:24 142:24;148:6; Logically (1) 142:16 LEGOLAND's (10) lifetime (3) 157:12;158:16; 144:13 legislative (1) 38:14;48:4;83:9; 35:25;80:4;94:22 159:6,19;162:7; Lone (1) 97:18 88:6;91:17,19;144:5; light (3) 188:23;196:12; 188:3 legislator (2) 187:21;190:3;194:5 22:13;160:10; 204:4,8;214:23; long (12) 83:12,23 LEGOs (3) 179:23 215:10 13:4;25:8;63:13, legitimate (1) 102:16;113:15; like-minded (1) lived (14) 13;75:13;89:18; 46:23 130:11 36:2 45:15;46:10;49:7; 112:3;131:15; LEGO (5) leisure (2) likes (1) 86:18;108:12;114:2; 154:13;184:15; 92:24;104:22; 146:11,20 212:2 148:7;163:25; 197:21,24 105:6;115:6;119:8 Len (1) limit (2) 164:21;172:22; long-eared (1) LEGO/Merlin (1) 184:24 127:22;133:2 176:22;184:25; 179:13 46:19 lent (1) limitations (1) 204:10;213:4 long-time (1) LEGOLAND (168) 28:18 135:9 livelihoods (1) 53:20 7:6,22;9:9;14:5,7; Leslie (1) limited (3) 73:20 look (34) 16:9;24:15;26:2; 126:23 16:13;169:5;194:6 lives (7) 31:25;36:3;37:22; 27:25;28:4,9,17; less (6) limitless (1) 18:8;26:25;43:3; 38:4;56:8;57:18; 29:24;30:15;31:4; 32:22;129:8; 70:5 74:17;164:4;198:10, 58:17;59:19;81:4; 32:9;33:5;35:4; 145:18;163:14; Linda (1) 13 88:4,17;101:3,14,22, 37:11,25;39:10,21; 183:23;189:18 60:11 living (7) 24;103:17;119:4; 41:5,13,14;43:10,15; lesson (1) line (4) 47:12;53:21;88:2; 122:20;129:20; 44:11;46:19;49:19, 154:21 12:2;102:22;107:4; 131:13;166:6; 133:21;136:6,7; 20,21;52:11;53:10, lessons (1) 156:13 193:19;217:7 138:13,14;141:21; 19;54:8,11,12,21; 155:2 Line[ph] (1) LLC (2) 146:7;167:7;170:2; 55:12;62:14;64:8; letter (10) 82:18 1:23;152:22 173:24;175:11; 66:8,10,12,20;70:4, 24:7;49:8;53:25; lines (1) LLP (1) 185:7;191:17; 21;71:10;73:19,23; 54:7;84:14,18,20,23; 198:23 3:4 204:23;216:3 77:22;78:5,14,25; 85:4;171:17 lipstick (1) loaded (1) looked (4) 79:2,19,23;80:5,25; letters (1) 161:24 178:18 118:9;173:14; 81:4,6,11,24;82:13; 104:10 liquid (1) Local (44) 181:10;205:19 83:8,24;84:2,17,22, letting (2) 177:14 8:4,5,8,9;10:5; looking (7) 24;86:22;87:8,10,17; 99:16;202:17 list (4) 25:25;29:17;52:21; 55:10;70:2;101:21; 88:9;90:12;91:14,23; level (10) 65:9;105:22; 69:22;70:20;72:10; 136:5;163:13; 92:10,19;96:10;97:5, 137:16;153:10,20; 151:22;169:25 74:21;75:23,23;76:4, 186:13;201:9 8;98:16;102:15; 155:14,16;165:8,10; listed (3) 10;77:14;80:22;81:5; looks (2) 106:9;107:17; 181:21;191:25; 65:12,24;127:16 92:20;106:2,2,3,4,6, 117:17;194:21 109:17;111:16; 211:19 listen (5) 7;108:8;125:18; Lorelei (1)

Min-U-Script® Ellen Grauer Court Reporting Co. LLC (17) lease - Lorelei


61:18 magnificent (1) 61:23;70:6;72:18,18, 61:18 meetings (5) losing (1) 102:9 19;73:3;74:18;75:7, maximum (6) 20:14;21:20;48:23; 108:19 magnitude (4) 20;76:2,4,14;81:6,12, 10:24;83:9;181:13, 100:24;107:2 loss (1) 32:12;106:15; 12;91:4;101:18; 17;183:12;199:7 mega (1) 200:19 130:19;216:14 103:8;110:2,24; may (14) 44:12 lost (1) Main (7) 112:20,21;114:23,23, 17:22;44:15;75:19; MELISSA (2) 115:6 93:13;99:21; 25;115:9,9;116:6,15; 103:9;142:6;162:12, 2:17;17:7 lot (34) 116:13,20;156:14; 120:15;125:21; 15;176:5;192:3; MEMBER (117) 22:5;23:11;50:12; 157:24;197:20 128:24;134:9;143:5; 193:5;199:8;208:19; 12:23;13:9;17:6,8, 53:23;58:18;62:18; maintained (1) 144:2,12;146:25; 212:24;213:24 23;19:7;23:21,25; 66:14;69:23;89:22; 178:9 147:18;148:24; maybe (21) 28:25;29:6,12;33:7, 102:21;110:7;115:4; major (7) 154:16;164:22; 6:24;17:20;35:24, 14,18;36:22;37:2,5; 117:19,20;119:2,11; 14:10;42:19;85:15; 165:20,25;171:7; 25;42:17;102:11; 40:3;41:21;46:5,9; 122:13;123:8,17,22; 135:11;168:2; 172:3;179:25; 103:10;109:19; 48:17;51:18;52:3; 132:2;133:6;134:14; 170:21;178:20 186:24;195:23; 114:19;115:23; 53:21;54:2;55:25; 138:3,6;142:23; majority (1) 207:21;208:11 132:10;133:2; 60:10;64:13;69:2,10; 147:7;151:9;152:9; 199:21 map (3) 136:24;139:17; 71:3,24,25;77:8; 162:7;164:11; makes (14) 109:23;177:18; 140:16;167:6; 78:23;80:11,15; 192:12;204:25; 21:5;44:25;46:17; 201:21 180:19;185:18; 82:17;86:10,14; 206:15 54:12,13,22;56:21; mapping (2) 194:10;204:18;209:4 90:23;93:11;95:6; lots (4) 84:21;85:4;101:8; 66:23,25 Maybrook (1) 97:18;99:13;100:16; 117:7;137:5; 103:6;127:6;164:7; maps (2) 103:10 103:25;105:16; 177:10;190:8 207:13 68:20;188:21 mayor (2) 108:3,5,6,25;111:25; Louis (1) Making (5) Marcello (1) 84:15;104:10 113:19;117:14; 90:24 26:17;84:16;100:8; 190:18 McAn (3) 120:7;122:2,8; Love (4) 104:8;115:24 Marie (1) 207:13,15,16 124:21;125:12; 28:14;37:18; Maldonado (1) 180:23 McCoy (1) 126:22;131:2;134:5; 123:10;131:15 77:9 mark (1) 17:7 139:3;140:20; low (9) mall (1) 198:23 McKee (1) 143:14,18;148:5; 30:19;31:2;43:17, 141:9 MARKED (1) 182:24 151:6;152:11,15,20; 20;57:8;215:12,13, malls (1) 5:12 McNally (1) 157:11;158:23; 16,25 114:11 market (3) 148:6 160:6,23;162:3; Lower (6) man (2) 46:17;161:5; mean (13) 163:24;164:11; 41:22;58:11,23; 148:16;207:9 197:11 31:17;119:19,25; 167:17;172:9,12,15, 74:24;100:19;167:9 management (2) marketing (1) 128:13;140:15; 18,20;176:14;180:19, low-income (1) 144:8;182:23 46:12 143:8;152:5;174:5; 23;182:17;184:23; 187:13 manager (3) Marlboro (3) 194:11;196:21; 186:22;187:4,6; loyal (1) 27:2;54:4;72:9 72:5;159:25; 201:5,11;202:2 189:15;190:17; 136:2 manages (1) 160:13 meaning (2) 195:5,11;200:15,18; luck (1) 60:24 marriage (1) 177:15;185:19 204:3,8;206:10,23; 111:20 Mandy (1) 221:11 meaningful (1) 207:8;208:5,17; Luckily (1) 86:15 Martinez (1) 18:15 209:12;212:22,24; 75:3 Manhattan (1) 24:2 means (5) 217:25;218:4,9,16, Lukes (1) 117:25 Martucci (1) 38:6;122:10; 18;220:6,8 91:11 manicured (2) 51:19 185:15;192:5;196:24 MEMBERS (12) LUPINSKI (1) 199:24;200:2 massive (2) meant (1) 5:4;38:7;72:14,16; 2:6 manifests (1) 37:19;105:7 181:10 73:2;80:2;98:14; LYONS (2) 217:10 Master (10) measure (1) 110:9;147:18;152:3; 2:16;97:16 manipulate (1) 13:24;29:20;30:4; 146:6 163:17,18 149:24 31:9;44:20,23;45:4; measures (3) mental (1) M manner (1) 51:11;161:20;164:14 84:4;147:4;155:13 151:15 40:9 matched (1) mechanical (1) mentally (1) ma'am (1) manufacturer (1) 12:14 52:25 148:24 172:14 145:21 math (1) Medical (2) mention (7) machine (3) manufacturing (11) 52:16 91:10;162:22 10:22;15:5;37:24; 169:24;170:4,9 145:20,24;146:5, matter (10) meet (3) 47:24;81:19;170:17; MACKIEWICZ (1) 10,16,19;147:2,7,9, 1:13;115:11; 32:20;172:13; 172:6 3:16 10,17 119:21;140:11; 188:22 mentioned (12) Madame (1) many (64) 141:15,19;159:23; meeting (13) 87:16;91:24; 176:17 13:10;15:5;17:13; 162:12;194:9;221:12 6:13;7:4,16;10:6; 132:18;136:22; Magic (4) 26:20;27:24;31:10, Matthews (2) 12:7;22:7;41:25; 140:5;154:20; 26:17;53:15;91:25; 23;37:17;38:14;39:5; 3:5;179:6 84:7;149:16;180:6; 169:23;170:7,11; 92:7 43:4;50:6;55:7,8; Maxim (1) 209:17;220:5,15 173:10;199:3,4

Min-U-Script® Ellen Grauer Court Reporting Co. LLC (18) losing - mentioned

TOWN OF GOSHEN PUBLIC HEARING IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS GROUP/LEGOLAND NEW YORK December 19, 2016 mentioning (1) 15:14;21:22;76:23, 92:24 13:2 172:8,24;174:22; 148:13 24;93:24,25;100:5; moderate (1) most (16) 176:11;180:5; merchants (2) 158:18;181:4; 120:15 28:2,5;37:18; 183:25;190:14; 193:24;194:15 182:20;183:4,7,9; modified (1) 45:21;83:3;91:6; 191:9;192:3;194:21; merits (1) 205:11;209:6,20,22 25:23 95:23;102:9;114:5; 195:2;202:4;206:7; 93:2 millions (2) mom (1) 116:24;125:23; 207:3;212:14,21; MERLIN (47) 113:8;136:23 164:3 131:21;144:14; 215:10,13 1:4;4:3,12;8:21; Mills (1) money (15) 158:25;171:9;215:21 Muller (1) 14:19;16:24;21:17; 40:4 79:22;88:14; mother (1) 60:11 24:12,16,23;25:9,11; mind (4) 102:21;119:22; 127:2 multiple (1) 26:13,17,23;31:15; 20:20,21;51:10; 122:13;131:25; motion (10) 49:15 32:24;33:9;61:24; 89:19 136:6;138:3;151:10; 218:15,16,19,25; multiplier (4) 68:8;76:9,22;79:4, mind-boggling (1) 162:7;188:4;190:8; 219:2,6,7;220:4,6,9 146:19,21;147:3, 10;92:5;95:12;100:3; 122:6 193:23;194:18; motions (1) 12 130:12;134:13,21; mindedness (1) 207:21 20:23 multipliers (4) 136:4,16,23;138:10; 35:21 monitor (3) mountains (1) 93:3;146:3,3,17 139:18;163:10; mindness (1) 127:24;128:2; 57:8 multiplies (1) 169:9;196:14;198:3; 35:14 182:7 move (17) 126:12 209:6,18;210:2,8,10, mine (1) monitored (1) 24:14;36:24;43:10, municipalities (2) 15;211:18,21 47:20 128:5 12;47:14;71:19; 165:22;166:4 Merlin's (3) minimal (1) Monroe (1) 105:22;115:12; murder (1) 53:15;91:25;92:7 127:22 46:7 117:2;150:25; 142:19 mess (2) minimum (6) month (2) 161:11,16;192:20; Murray (1) 193:2;195:22 112:23;116:4; 133:15;164:5 204:14;214:19; 139:4 message (2) 119:17;144:17; months (9) 215:23;217:13 Museum (2) 61:12;64:6 181:16;204:16 14:5;15:5;20:16; moved (20) 46:6;143:12 met (2) Minisink (1) 42:11;61:21;94:8; 19:14,17,21;47:17; music (1) 65:20;120:18 74:4 99:5;165:24;170:14 50:24;105:17,19; 149:10 meticulously (1) minus (1) Monticello (1) 106:2;108:14;110:2; must (12) 28:10 181:22 192:8 114:22;118:8,9; 15:22;45:17,23; MGD (4) minute (6) Montreign (3) 160:25;161:2;174:7, 84:9;95:8;96:15; 183:16,19,23; 12:11;35:12; 72:21;192:7;197:6 8,10,14,17 180:6;188:19; 184:17 149:15;151:5,6; Montreign's (1) moves (1) 197:12;199:25; mic (2) 213:2 187:9 49:13 213:16;216:4 36:25;204:7 minutes (7) Moodna (2) movie (3) must-needed (1) Michael (1) 10:24;12:8,13; 188:13,16 28:14;73:16; 179:19 215:6 151:3,4;162:24; moot (1) 114:11 Mutual (1) mics (1) 209:17 140:8 moving (4) 82:25 12:2 Mirabella (1) moral (2) 47:8;161:4;174:12; myriad (1) middle (1) 139:4 106:17;151:18 175:24 14:7 39:3 miraculously (2) more (60) Mrs (1) myself (4) Middletown (5) 157:18;158:5 14:7;16:3,11; 211:10 23:3;35:12;80:22; 80:14;113:12; missing (7) 19:12;22:3,21;26:19; MTA (2) 148:22 131:7;160:2;169:2 56:12;68:24; 34:11,15,15,25,25; 83:18,21 mysteriously (1) Mid-Hudson (1) 134:14,15;187:18; 35:5;41:4;47:9; much (67) 66:10 124:8 195:24;197:13 55:10,13;56:20; 16:11;32:25;41:18; mystery (1) MIELE (1) misunderstand (1) 57:23,25;58:2,3; 46:2;47:8;48:15; 67:18 3:4 213:21 60:25;62:18;63:14, 55:23;58:4;59:2; might (4) mitigate (3) 16;66:3;70:11;88:14; 60:3;61:20;68:24; N 32:21;68:5;191:20; 16:7;40:17;171:3 93:15;98:3;109:13, 69:7;76:17;77:5; 201:22 mitigation (4) 14,14;114:4;117:17; 78:21;80:8;87:24; Nab[ph] (1) mile (3) 31:13;65:4;127:20; 130:13;132:8,11; 90:20;94:25;95:3; 195:12 178:12,13;179:18 171:13 133:3,5,22;134:22; 101:20;103:23; naive (2) miles (4) mock (1) 142:13;145:10,11; 105:13;109:25; 141:18;142:13 94:2;99:19,20; 85:17 147:7,24;162:6; 110:16;117:6,11; name (49) 122:15 mockery (1) 163:7;164:22; 121:23;122:10; 12:21,23;19:7; Millennia (1) 44:25 170:25;178:19; 124:10;126:10,18; 24:2;31:7;33:19; 74:3 model (4) 180:5;183:17;184:3; 130:12,12;134:2,21; 41:21;46:5;51:19; Millennial (1) 26:16;205:13,17; 186:14;188:4; 139:21,25;145:11; 52:25;54:3;55:3,25; 70:2 215:9 202:11;204:19 148:2,19;150:16; 60:11;64:13;69:12; Millennials (1) modeled (1) morning (2) 151:2;152:16; 72:4,25;80:12;86:13, 70:11 210:15 62:4;73:4 156:21;157:8; 14;90:24;93:12;95:6; million (17) models (1) Morrow[ph] (1) 158:12;167:14; 99:14;104:2;108:4;

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112:2;113:20; 178:23;181:6; 201:10;202:9 20:4;59:9,12; 26:3;106:25;168:18 117:15;120:8;122:2; 197:10;213:18,24 NEWBOLD (1) 101:23 nursing (1) 125:13;126:23; Neely[ph] (1) 2:15 non-LEGOLAND (1) 130:6 134:6;143:18;148:6, 134:6 Newburgh (5) 194:13 NWP (3) 13;152:21;157:12; negate (1) 62:10;72:6;103:10; Nono (4) 65:7,7,19 163:24;167:18; 197:25 121:11;186:6 61:13;63:10;64:6,8 NWPs (1) 169:18;172:21; negative (2) newly-drilled (1) nonprofit (1) 65:8 184:24;187:3; 37:8;135:11 15:17 27:7 NYPD (1) 190:17;195:10;213:3 negatively (4) newspaper (1) nonprofits (1) 83:19 named (1) 155:17;168:19; 98:22 27:16 201:23 170:5;198:4 Next (51) nonresident (1) O Nanuet (1) negotiate (1) 51:17;60:6,8;69:9; 196:11 37:23 211:2 71:20;74:17;77:7; nonsensical (1) oak (2) Nassau (1) neighbor (4) 78:22;80:10;82:16; 142:21 102:7;188:3 101:24 12:9;21:18,24; 86:9;90:21;93:10; non-sustainability (1) obligation (1) national (6) 205:5 95:5;99:11;100:5,15; 186:2 106:18 28:16;65:6,13,16; neighborhood (2) 101:15;103:16,24; nor (2) obscure (1) 129:5,8 74:11,16 105:15;108:2; 44:12;65:3 191:21 natural (8) neighboring (3) 113:18;117:13; normal (1) observed (1) 16:5;28:20;30:24; 26:18;59:3;129:24 120:6;121:25; 181:23 84:4 58:8,9;59:22,24; neighbors (11) 125:10;126:20; normally (1) obsessed (1) 195:21 20:4;51:3,4;73:3, 130:5,24;134:4; 35:24 102:16 naturally (2) 12;75:8,9;117:20; 137:16;138:25; North (4) obstructing (1) 59:15;139:19 157:13;201:20; 143:16;148:4; 26:14;132:6; 154:5 nature (5) 205:16 152:19;157:10; 178:13;193:18 obtain (1) 13:25;14:4;32:13; Neil (1) 160:22;163:23; Northern (2) 16:9 155:18;159:19 10:11 167:16;170:16; 22:9;179:13 obtaining (1) NAUGHTON (2) neither (2) 175:13;176:13; Norwalk (2) 9:18 3:11;151:5 44:12;50:8 186:21;195:4;204:2, 89:14,17 obvious (6) Neal (1) Nepera (1) 11;205:4,8;206:9; Notary (2) 100:23;135:19; 19:8 50:13 211:3 1:14;221:4 138:21;140:16; near (4) net (1) nice (1) note (5) 180:5;192:25 105:19;153:17; 58:2 196:3 46:13;85:4;91:18; obviously (2) 176:3;196:12 network (1) Nick (1) 115:15;199:15 142:18;157:3 nearby (1) 145:14 176:14 noted (4) OC (1) 162:16 Neuhaus (3) night (8) 97:20;98:12; 95:13 nearest (1) 124:14;148:12; 6:10,13;13:15; 154:16;170:12 OCC (1) 198:24 202:25 62:4;73:7;117:25; notes (5) 60:17 nearly (1) NEW (79) 118:15;185:20 206:21,24;207:6; occasions (1) 146:13 1:4,7,15,15,24,24; nightclub (1) 209:8;221:8 76:2 necessary (3) 3:7;4:7,7;18:11; 85:22 not-for-profit (1) Occupations (1) 32:3;55:15;107:15 22:10,10;24:15; nightmare (2) 53:12 53:22 necessity (1) 29:16;36:18;37:22; 21:11;193:19 notice (1) occur (2) 85:5 40:17;41:6;43:11; NIMBY (1) 212:4 141:14;198:21 need (38) 46:7;54:8,15,17,23; 17:13 noticed (2) occurrence (1) 7:13;22:12;23:2; 56:14,15;60:13;62:3; NIMBYs (1) 181:8;199:5 35:23 32:14;41:12;46:24; 68:18;69:15,18,19; 175:5 November (2) occurring (1) 51:9;52:17;76:20; 70:13;72:6,7,16,17; nine (2) 100:21;146:9 34:13 83:9;87:12;88:4; 74:2;78:2;80:14; 86:3;171:24 nowadays (1) occurs (1) 100:9;104:11,12,13, 82:18;84:22;89:14; nobody (5) 89:20 126:11 18;107:18;113:8,12; 92:10,18;93:24; 49:13;143:11; nowhere (1) o'clock (1) 117:9;125:3;144:4; 96:18;100:17; 175:15,19;182:12 85:19 7:9 167:9;187:23,25; 115:10;118:5;120:9; noise (15) Number (13) October (1) 196:4,25;197:9,12; 125:14,21;133:16; 16:14;22:22;74:18; 8:8;21:22;29:17, 171:18 202:3;214:2,3,11; 145:23;146:18,23; 109:22;135:14; 19;65:7;83:10; odd (1) 217:6,18;219:4,10 158:7;161:6;163:25; 153:5,24;154:5; 136:20;139:7;172:9; 73:7 needed (9) 164:24;165:15; 155:15;156:2; 174:16;181:20; O'Donnell (4) 25:23;76:17;97:12; 166:6;171:18; 162:10;176:7; 214:22;216:16 83:12,17;173:9; 138:9;177:9;178:4, 173:23;176:17; 179:23;186:11; numbers (6) 174:2 10;187:14;199:20 179:2;180:11; 195:19 26:8;59:10,12; off (11) needs (11) 181:10;182:6;187:8; non-bias (1) 79:17;212:13;213:10 22:4;50:14,15; 27:10;65:24;87:11, 191:3;192:7;193:2; 119:4 numerous (6) 70:15;84:8;131:24; 14;94:12;97:7; 199:16,18;200:21; none (4) 14:15;16:16;25:18; 132:21;151:3;182:6;

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185:4;191:11 14;155:20;157:13; 153:2 109:2,4,6,7,13;111:4, outweigh (1) offer (7) 161:8;162:20,20; operational (1) 21;112:3;113:21,24; 155:13 52:11;69:21;90:12; 163:2;164:19,19; 126:2 115:10;122:15; over (33) 92:10;101:5;155:23; 166:6,23;174:9; operations (2) 123:3;124:24; 6:4;7:15;18:10,12; 171:2 175:3;177:3;179:18; 26:13;127:13 125:15,17,19;126:24; 21:9;23:23;37:7; offered (1) 180:20;189:17; opinion (7) 134:7;155:20; 46:11;47:11;55:3,14; 127:21 192:20;201:18; 26:10;47:19;70:6; 165:15;182:9,11; 58:22;59:22;72:13, offering (3) 213:2,19;214:5; 84:23;85:13;130:15; 186:6;195:15; 16;82:21;92:8,15; 121:6;130:14; 216:10,12;217:3; 175:9 196:18;197:14 94:10;95:10;100:5; 155:2 218:5,6,9 opinions (4) order (5) 102:7;104:3;110:3; offers (2) one-and-a-half (1) 99:17;142:5,6; 31:8,24;57:8; 117:3;125:25;128:8; 139:15,22 78:3 174:23 165:11;216:3 147:22;185:11; office (6) one-dimensional (1) opponent (1) organization (11) 186:14;200:22; 62:9;64:17;72:6; 139:17 175:5 18:2,21;24:23; 203:3;211:13 74:25;98:19;150:19 one-lane (1) opponents (2) 25:9;27:8;53:10; overabundance (1) officer (3) 111:12 54:10;175:4 60:24;61:23;72:12; 98:6 17:11;158:8; one-minute (1) opportunities (11) 87:19;115:23 Overall (1) 210:14 212:25 34:7;36:12;38:3; organizations (8) 56:11 officers (1) ones (6) 43:15;52:12;53:6; 18:19;27:6;32:15; overburdened (1) 85:6 6:12;132:14; 60:21;70:5;126:8; 92:13,16;109:11; 96:2 offices (1) 158:25;160:12; 174:18;207:20 116:6,15 overdue (1) 9:14 199:15;217:16 opportunity (33) originally (1) 164:18 officially (1) one-third (1) 9:22;11:3,7;17:25; 86:20 Overlay (6) 219:18 176:20 18:21;33:23;36:4; others (9) 8:12;188:15; officials (4) only (37) 41:2;53:5;61:8;63:2, 37:17;42:2;79:3, 198:17,19;199:2; 14:19;25:16;32:5; 53:3;61:8,20; 12;69:11;78:8;80:4; 19;91:21;108:20; 200:21 166:2 63:22;82:22;93:2; 81:3,10,23;82:4,10; 110:24;152:13; overload (1) often (4) 94:2,17;96:20; 89:5;92:11;94:21,22; 214:17 16:15 121:12,20;135:25; 104:14;116:19; 104:22;105:6,7; other's (1) overlook (1) 164:14 134:24;137:10; 111:16;115:20; 198:8 23:8 O'Hanlon (1) 141:23;146:21; 116:9;125:25;152:2; otherwise (3) overlooked (1) 120:8 148:12;155:3,20; 213:6 8:17;67:16;140:2 32:22 oil (1) 168:2;169:14,22; oppose (1) Otter (8) overrun (1) 143:2 171:12;173:13; 167:24 15:21;49:25; 49:11 old (5) 183:21;184:17; opposed (12) 178:14;188:15,20,22, oversight (1) 78:3;104:7;134:23; 191:7;193:16,25; 19:22;45:13;74:7, 24,25 84:20 170:13;190:4 200:24;201:6;210:4, 10;159:21;167:21; ourselves (3) overturning (1) older (3) 16;211:16,21; 175:6,8,9;176:3; 154:17;184:5,7 13:23 89:5;110:14; 215:10;218:4,6 204:12;205:21 out (40) overutilized (1) 140:18 on-site (1) opposes (1) 6:16,20,21,23; 15:19 Olympics (1) 9:16 45:8 14:21;38:23;39:6,11; owe (1) 120:17 onto (1) opposite (2) 42:13;45:11;62:25; 137:3 once (10) 191:12 75:25;130:17 68:23;74:5,9,12,22; own (7) 35:25;76:15;80:3; open (13) opposition (2) 76:12;92:5;99:17; 32:4,10;66:15; 94:21;115:3;128:5; 25:19;49:16;51:7; 176:6;214:13 101:3;119:5,18; 83:23;108:10; 133:14;147:21; 76:15;94:14;111:15; optimism (1) 122:7;128:7;129:20; 143:19;185:5 162:17;164:5 120:21;121:5; 151:20 137:23;141:7; owned (3) one (76) 169:12;176:24; Orange (82) 147:23;161:9; 88:24,25;177:12 12:11;20:13;24:18; 180:6;199:23;219:5 17:8;20:2;24:4; 162:21;185:6; owner (8) 26:9;28:5;30:5,7; opened (3) 36:17;40:21,24;41:3, 189:12;190:5,6; 77:14;80:17;81:2; 40:19;46:20;47:17; 88:18;94:7;117:4 9,17;43:11;46:8; 192:19;195:24; 88:22;93:17;104:3; 55:10,17;56:25;63:6; OPENING (11) 50:11;51:22;52:6,14, 204:23;208:15; 115:16;152:22 64:6;65:9,16;66:13; 5:3;6:1;7:1;8:1; 21;53:13;54:18; 209:25;212:6 owners (2) 70:16;76:10;87:6; 9:1;10:1;11:1;26:10; 57:11;60:13,16,25; outcome (2) 30:11;136:21 88:23;95:10;97:24; 32:9;33:3;88:16 61:10;62:16;63:3,9, 137:7;221:12 101:12;104:15; opens (2) 25;69:22;70:13; outcomes (1) P 107:12;114:13,16; 62:3;128:6 72:18,22;73:22; 25:17 116:12,21;118:20,23; operate (1) 74:12;77:11;78:6,7, output (3) PA (1) 122:24;127:20; 8:24 10,17;80:16;81:18; 147:4,5,11 62:21 132:8,20;133:2; operating (2) 82:7;85:2;86:21; outrageous (2) PAGE (10) 134:24;136:22; 83:4,8 90:25;91:3,5,9,12; 112:18;134:17 5:2;67:7,12;82:23; 142:8;147:5;150:15; operation (4) 92:14;94:4;98:24; outside (1) 169:20;170:3; 151:5,6,23;153:8,10, 26:6;127:9;128:19; 105:4,21;108:5,12; 54:18 177:18;189:18;

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191:19,22 parks (10) 101:11 22;184:3;197:16; 127:10 pages (2) 31:12;44:24;91:24; pay (20) 198:2;209:22,23 Peter (1) 79:16;82:21 95:14;102:24; 20:5;21:21,24; perceived (1) 48:17 paid (8) 161:19;196:8; 22:14;33:25;55:15; 43:9 petitioning (1) 70:22;71:4;100:3; 208:10;213:11;215:5 113:6,9;146:2,10; percent (22) 28:15 108:5;162:7;199:18; park's (4) 155:24;194:2; 16:3;86:20;99:6; Petro (2) 205:17,18 26:6;85:12;154:7; 199:20;204:15; 132:7;145:16;166:3, 210:2;211:20 painful (1) 155:15 205:4;211:4,6,9; 15,16,18,20;179:5; phases (2) 217:12 part (12) 212:17;215:13 183:23;184:4,7,7; 189:10;202:15 pales (1) 10:7;59:25;68:9; paying (5) 191:7;204:18; phenomenon (1) 157:4 109:15;131:21; 39:16;43:21;76:13; 206:25;210:4,6; 154:15 panel (1) 144:14;145:13; 207:17;215:17 211:22;216:25 PHIL (4) 99:16 147:15;165:8; payment (1) percentage (2) 2:5;122:20;129:17; paper (5) 171:21;172:10; 209:14 166:10;208:20 189:5 21:19;100:20; 212:10 PE (2) perception (3) PHILIP (1) 148:11;203:3;215:4 participate (2) 3:15,16 33:9,11;139:23 4:12 par (1) 27:17;49:8 peaceful (2) perfect (5) Phillips (1) 210:3 particular (2) 204:20;205:5 72:3;79:23;122:14; 117:15 paragraph (2) 135:6;155:24 peak (3) 160:17;164:8 philosophy (1) 153:7;170:7 particulate (2) 183:15;193:11; performed (2) 91:20 paragraphs (1) 15:2;162:12 199:11 96:6;170:10 Phone (3) 85:3 parties (1) peaking (1) perhaps (6) 3:8;4:8;150:18 parallel (2) 221:10 193:8 22:13;44:16;67:4; phones (1) 178:13;191:12 partly (1) peaks (1) 68:10;84:19;151:10 114:13 paramount (1) 149:21 200:5 perimeters (1) photo (1) 55:6 partner (4) pen (1) 130:2 182:6 Paramus (1) 52:20;77:14;81:3; 207:2 period (2) physical (3) 37:22 152:24 Pennings (1) 10:9;210:11 123:16;135:9; paraphrase (1) partners (1) 113:20 Perkins (1) 165:16 54:5 153:13 penny (1) 136:24 pick (3) parcels (3) Partnership (5) 205:10 permanent (1) 50:10,12;70:14 8:21;9:3;10:3 91:3,12;95:13; people (85) 76:14 picked (1) parent (1) 109:6;125:17 18:12,19,25;19:11; permanently (1) 122:13 82:8 parts (2) 21:14;37:18;38:16; 96:25 pickup (1) parents (5) 118:11;169:5 39:8,14;41:2;42:9, permission (1) 168:20 39:4,5,7;89:22; part-time (3) 22;43:14;45:20;48:2; 20:6 picture (4) 110:20 94:9;137:8;144:10 50:8,23;61:9,10; permit (7) 37:20;101:13; park (65) pass (7) 62:15,19;63:4,17; 8:18,20;9:25;10:3; 106:10;202:18 9:9;22:24;23:13; 42:7;61:15;64:9; 81:23;87:9,9,11; 65:3,6;181:3 picturesque (1) 25:4,22;26:11,12; 101:4;116:13; 88:8;94:12;100:24; permits (2) 24:25 27:2,11,14,20;31:4; 128:16;201:10 103:12;108:8; 98:20;177:3 piece (1) 37:8,20;39:12;44:12, passed (2) 112:18,22;113:3; permitted (1) 19:15 17;55:15;57:10;62:2, 10:11;32:19 115:17;119:16; 39:21 pig (2) 3;63:7;66:12;73:19; Passing (1) 120:18,23;121:9,12, person (11) 161:24,25 83:4;84:24;86:23; 98:15 14;123:9,17,20; 42:20;44:8;99:23; piled (1) 88:12;89:24;92:13; passion (1) 125:2;132:23;133:2; 118:15;122:7; 88:7 109:18;127:14; 124:22 136:25;137:3,20; 142:25;146:13; PILOT (7) 128:6,8;131:4,14,25; past (10) 139:16;140:2,14,15; 197:16;204:20; 180:4;197:7; 137:17;145:13; 32:10;45:4;80:19; 141:22,23;142:23; 205:22;207:24 210:10,17,20;211:2, 147:24;153:21; 101:10;105:18; 145:23;158:16,17,24; personal (5) 25 154:3,10;156:4; 131:9;136:5;154:18; 159:6,7,16,19,22; 43:2;46:15;47:5; Pine (2) 161:18,22,23;163:6; 165:24;213:5 160:2,9;166:25; 103:4;174:23 114:3;160:14 173:15,17;178:19; pasture (1) 173:14;174:11,14; personality (2) Pipeline (2) 180:14;187:10; 199:25 175:22;176:2; 122:21;149:22 74:3;91:21 195:22;196:6,13; PATH (2) 186:15;193:16,24; personally (3) pipelines (1) 198:10;203:2,14; 154:24;155:11 194:13,17;195:24; 21:5;82:6;166:9 74:6 207:23;208:12,12,14; patio (1) 202:11;204:12; personnel (2) PIRRAGLIA (3) 214:20;215:8 106:6 207:20;213:18 83:16;113:5 2:8;218:18;220:6 parking (8) Patrick (1) people's (4) perspective (1) pitch (2) 9:16;58:18;66:14; 195:11 43:3;198:6,10,13 88:5 139:21;140:3 117:7;177:20; pattern (1) per (12) pertains (1) pits (1) 192:11;197:16; 157:4 96:19;124:5; 42:3 157:15 204:25 Paul's (1) 146:13,13;183:17,18, pesticides (1) pittance (1)

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130:13 Plaza (2) 179:7 prefer (4) prime (1) pitting (1) 190:23;191:3 ponding (1) 115:5;117:6; 112:25 75:8 please (22) 58:10 146:15;183:12 Primrose (1) PLA (1) 12:22;23:24;46:4; pool (1) preferred (1) 60:12 76:5 52:2;60:9;71:2; 28:12 116:25 principle (1) place (29) 94:23;99:12;107:14; poorest (1) preopening (1) 56:2 27:9;43:13;47:21; 110:24;122:24; 63:8 27:4 prior (1) 62:13;63:3;102:17; 125:6,11;126:21; pops (1) prepare (1) 86:4 104:13;110:17; 130:25;187:3;208:8; 20:20 83:14 priority (1) 118:7;119:6,7,9,9,10; 209:7,8,8;214:21; population (4) prepared (1) 18:3 122:23;123:6;124:2; 216:11 62:5;104:21; 182:24 private (3) 125:6;133:3;135:5,7; Pledge (2) 179:19;215:21 preschool (1) 148:20,25;171:9 143:10;155:13; 6:3,6 portion (3) 89:16 privately (1) 160:7,17;165:12; plentiful (1) 11:18;47:25;58:15 presence (3) 88:24 196:3;198:15;208:25 70:10 position (5) 65:15;136:14,19 privilege (1) places (11) PLLC (1) 11:21;60:20;75:24; PRESENT (4) 88:18 28:17;37:24;50:12, 4:4 111:19;203:17 3:14;27:18;214:20, pro (6) 14;65:14,17;103:8; plowed (1) positions (2) 21 49:12,12;50:9; 105:22;111:3; 178:9 26:14;111:17 presentation (4) 204:21,21;206:16 173:23;176:2 plumber (1) positive (3) 59:7;144:6;176:25; probably (2) Plan (41) 106:5 41:4;91:17;174:24 210:24 205:9;209:7 8:3,7,18;9:23,25; plumbing (1) positively (1) presentations (1) problem (4) 13:24;29:19,20;30:4, 106:5 186:9 173:7 42:19;173:12,25; 14;31:9;44:21,23; plus (7) possibility (3) presented (5) 195:23 45:2,4;51:11;63:18; 76:13;77:2;98:9; 38:13;40:25;189:8 134:22;137:23; problems (4) 67:22;84:7;99:7; 179:18;197:16; possible (3) 174:25;178:2,3 38:11;85:16;86:6; 135:8,17;137:18; 206:19;209:23 29:23;199:13; presenting (1) 173:18 138:2,12;144:18; pm (4) 212:14 14:7 proceed (1) 147:23;159:22; 1:;168:14,16; possibly (5) preservation (1) 69:4 161:3,21;164:14; 220:16 71:7;88:13;182:18; 47:7 process (11) 171:10,13;177:14; pocket (1) 193:13;207:4 preserve (3) 25:11;49:4;51:5; 182:24;183:13; 184:5 post-development (2) 14:2;36:10;213:16 75:3,13;111:6; 201:6;213:13,15,22; pockets (1) 67:12;68:7 preserved (1) 142:16;180:8; 214:24 114:14 posted (1) 15:23 191:23;197:9;202:10 planet (1) point (13) 157:24 preserving (2) processing (1) 193:6 11:24;40:19;48:25; posttraumatic (1) 34:5;35:6 207:18 planned (4) 72:25;140:8;142:9; 155:7 president (2) produce (1) 79:21;170:17,23; 147:20;161:12; Potable (1) 13:10;72:7 97:3 177:9 185:9,12;195:25; 95:21 president/CEO (1) product (1) PLANNING (19) 198:24;199:12 potential (12) 60:22 6:17 2:3;10:15;13:7,16; points (5) 67:11;78:11;80:24; pressure (3) productive (1) 16:22;20:14;32:19; 13:15;39:18;77:22; 104:16;155:25; 151:9;152:3,3 25:14 36:9;54:3;75:5;79:3; 174:25;198:16 170:18,23;215:2; pressured (1) products (3) 81:10;84:6;95:22; polarizing (1) 216:8,14;217:5,7 38:18 49:21;147:10; 132:16;155:24; 45:16 potentially (4) pressures (1) 207:19 171:20;184:9;220:4 police (9) 14:11;81:7;114:9; 151:15 Professional (6) plans (5) 82:23;83:17;84:13; 116:7 pretty (6) 1:14;46:25;56:7; 16:7,9;25:23; 85:5,6,13;158:8; Poughkeepsie (1) 12:14;117:18,22; 71:6;174:18;221:4 57:14;66:11 171:15;184:14 55:4 148:19;192:25; professionals (4) plant (2) political (1) power (2) 194:21 26:21;70:12;81:17; 16:5;127:18 74:25 16:9;136:10 prevent (1) 109:2 plants (1) politicians (3) powered (1) 178:8 profit (1) 138:16 75:10,10;150:19 129:2 previous (4) 130:11 plastic (1) politics (1) powers (2) 11:18;20:14; program (7) 102:23 120:25 85:20;86:4 166:23;179:16 52:18;53:14,23; platform (1) Polk (2) praised (2) previously (2) 154:22;155:11,22; 74:24 27:6,12 45:20;214:6 66:6;87:16 210:20 play (1) pollution (8) precious (1) Price (2) programs (4) 99:21 16:15;22:19,21; 90:3 133:12;194:2 70:18,18;89:11; played (1) 42:12;135:14; precisely (3) pride (1) 90:11 49:21 162:12;179:24; 16:8;66:19;193:7 6:14 progress (2) playing (1) 195:20 predecessor (1) primarily (1) 109:13;116:18 38:24 Pond (1) 28:15 35:20 prohibited (3)

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95:14;161:20; 204:14;208:23 150:14 166:1;167:1,17; 206:4;212:6;219:20 213:12 proposal (6) PUBLIC (347) 168:1;169:1;170:1; Putnam (1) project (87) 30:2;66:18;141:3; 1:3,12,15;5:4;7:11, 171:1,8;172:1,9,12, 196:17 7:22;8:21,23;9:18; 209:19;211:11,13 20,23,25;8:3;9:19,19, 15,18,20;173:1; putting (1) 10:4;11:21;16:6; proposed (41) 21,23;10:7,14,19,20; 174:1;175:1;176:1, 87:9 19:19;20:11;32:6; 9:24;14:12;29:17; 11:4,18;12:1,23; 14,24;177:1;178:1; 34:10,20;35:19; 45:15;54:7;56:14; 13:1;14:1;15:1;16:1; 179:1;180:1,19,23; Q 40:10,12,18;41:5,7; 57:4,14;65:18;66:6, 17:1,6;18:1;19:1,7; 181:1;182:1,17; 42:4,21;44:13;45:15; 20;73:18;74:2;84:17; 20:1;21:1;22:1;23:1, 183:1;184:1,23; quaint (1) 49:16;52:10;54:8,10, 127:16;139:6;145:7; 21,25;24:1;25:1,20; 185:1;186:1,22; 133:22 12,22;55:7;56:10; 148:10;154:3,9; 26:1;27:1,10;28:1, 187:1,4,6;188:1; qualified (1) 57:5;61:11;62:24; 167:23;168:22; 25;29:1,6,12;30:1; 189:1,15;190:1,17; 19:12 64:23;71:6;73:25; 171:21;176:21; 31:1;32:1;33:1,7,14, 191:1;192:1;193:1; quality (29) 75:14,19;76:12,16; 178:11;179:17; 18;34:1;35:1;36:1, 194:1;195:1,5,11; 6:17;14:15;19:20; 87:5;90:14;91:14,20; 185:10,16;186:10; 22;37:1,2,5;38:1; 196:1;197:1,19; 34:6,12,12,17,24; 92:25;94:24;100:21; 187:12;188:4,5,21; 39:1;40:1,3,7;41:1, 198:1;199:1;200:1, 35:7,15,22;36:10; 101:17;103:13,16; 200:20;209:14; 21;42:1;43:1;44:1; 15,18;201:1,13; 37:10;42:16;52:8; 106:15,23;107:3,10; 210:5,9;213:10,25; 45:1;46:1,5;47:1; 202:1;203:1;204:1,3, 53:7;64:20;98:4; 111:5;113:13;115:8; 214:25;216:15 48:1,17;49:1,4;50:1; 8;205:1;206:1,10,23; 103:15;127:5,8; 122:9;126:9,13; proposes (2) 51:1,18;52:1,3;53:1; 207:1,8;208:1,5,17; 128:21;129:7,15; 130:9,18;135:5; 8:24;96:10 54:1;55:1,25;56:1; 209:1,12;210:1; 158:13;185:24; 137:5;138:5;156:10; proposing (1) 57:1;58:1;59:1;60:1, 211:1;212:1,22,24; 186:11;198:6;215:25 166:5;168:3,23; 95:17 10;61:1;62:1;63:1; 213:1;214:1,16; quantity (1) 170:19;186:2;187:7; proposition (1) 64:1,13;65:1;66:1; 215:1;216:1;217:1, 15:3 188:10;196:3; 140:17 67:1;68:1,22;69:1,2, 25;218:4,9,15;219:3, quarter (1) 199:21,22;200:5; prospect (1) 10;70:1;71:1,3,24; 13,18;221:4 178:13 214:2,12,12,25; 14:10 72:1;73:1;74:1;75:1, publicly (1) queried (1) 216:4,7,13;217:9,13, protect (7) 7,17;76:1;77:1,8; 128:11 156:19 18 13:25;79:7;145:5; 78:1,23;79:1;80:1, published (1) quick (5) projected (1) 188:8;202:20,22; 11;81:1;82:1,17,20, 200:7 7:24;75:15;116:22; 183:20 203:9 24;83:1,12;84:1; pulmonary (1) 120:3;195:7 projects (15) protected (2) 85:1;86:1,10,14; 162:13 quickly (3) 54:20;72:20,24; 23:11;188:19 87:1;88:1;89:1;90:1, Pulse (1) 25:14;94:19;106:9 73:22;110:10;114:4, protecting (3) 23;91:1;92:1;93:1, 85:22 quiet (4) 7;115:10,12;127:15; 31:20;144:21,25 11;94:1;95:1,6;96:1; pumped (1) 23:2;49:18;162:8; 128:10,20;138:6; protection (2) 97:1;98:1;99:1,13; 184:18 205:6 175:7;202:14 30:25;188:6 100:1,16;101:1; pumping (1) quietly (1) project-wide (1) proud (4) 102:1;103:1,25; 96:23 55:15 171:25 48:7;60:19;80:21; 104:1;105:1,16; purchase (1) quite (3) promise (2) 108:25 106:1;107:1;108:1,3; 201:23 154:14,19;214:8 46:16,19 proudly (1) 109:1;110:1;111:1, purchased (3) quote (8) promises (1) 125:20 25;112:1;113:1,19; 87:3;156:5;196:8 84:3;163:5;171:21; 136:8 provide (19) 114:1;115:1,9;116:1; purpose (1) 198:18;213:13,22; promote (2) 9:22;12:20;15:8, 117:1,14;118:1; 9:21 215:6;216:2 33:5;195:15 16;16:7;32:25;43:16; 119:1;120:1,7;121:1; purposeful (1) quoted (1) proper (1) 53:10,16;66:22;68:8; 122:1,2;123:1;124:1, 67:22 83:25 155:12 81:10;82:3;144:23; 21;125:1,12;126:1, pursue (2) quote-unquote (1) properly (2) 145:2;147:24; 22;127:1;128:1; 36:11;213:19 171:12 13:21;179:22 165:11;201:15; 129:1;130:1;131:1,2; pursuing (1) quoting (1) properties (5) 213:17 132:1;133:1;134:1,5; 34:7 84:22 154:15;156:3; provided (4) 135:1,20;136:1; pushed (1) 177:9,11,11 79:21;92:4;111:10; 137:1;138:1;139:1,3; 212:13 R property (32) 200:10 140:1,20;141:1; pushing (1) 20:8;25:3;28:8; provides (4) 142:1;143:1,14,18; 137:4 Radio (1) 30:10;44:8;48:21; 56:23;57:19;78:14; 144:1;145:1;146:1; put (24) 54:5 51:9;56:9;57:6,9; 126:9 147:1;148:1,5;149:1; 27:8;33:10;37:19; raise (5) 66:6;95:13;99:3; provision (1) 150:1;151:1,6;152:1, 39:13;42:21;106:10; 10:23;71:8;73:21; 102:5;104:7;137:10; 202:13 11,15,20;153:1; 115:13;116:14,16; 81:25;106:8 157:16;165:23; proximity (2) 154:1;155:1;156:1; 120:2;121:13; raised (9) 166:12;167:3; 25:22;156:4 157:1,11;158:1,23; 123:21;137:13; 25:21;49:6;57:7; 176:20;177:7,8,24; psych (1) 159:1;160:1,6,23; 148:21;150:24; 60:17;79:20;90:25; 180:2;190:11;196:9; 124:8 161:1;162:1,3;163:1, 159:22;161:4,24; 92:14;113:25;185:3 198:11,14;200:22; psychology (1) 24;164:1,11;165:1; 162:9;196:7;201:22; raising (1)

Min-U-Script® Ellen Grauer Court Reporting Co. LLC (24) project - raising


131:14 217:8 157:23 relations (1) 124:3 RALPH (2) really (32) reduction (3) 125:16 representations (1) 3:17;51:19 17:17;25:7;34:17; 68:6;179:25; relationships (1) 16:17 ramifications (1) 35:3;50:16;61:19; 195:20 25:15 representative (2) 63:24 64:7;67:4;86:17; redundant (1) released (1) 125:16;169:9 ran (1) 104:24;105:8; 117:18 135:20 representatives (3) 118:3 118:17,19,22;121:2; Redwood (1) relevant (3) 106:17;124:25; rancor (1) 122:19;131:8; 58:22 208:8;209:2,8 177:21 217:11 132:25;133:8; Reed (2) religious (1) represented (2) range (1) 135:18;139:25; 36:22;37:2 14:13 67:17;214:18 144:24 141:12,24;148:25; REF (1) rely (1) representing (6) ranking (1) 149:3,4,6;154:19; 1:25 73:22 17:8;30:10;56:4; 84:25 182:20;194:14; refer (1) relying (2) 72:13;125:2;206:17 rarely (1) 207:5;209:4 175:5 85:11;96:14 represents (3) 120:23 rear (1) reference (1) remain (5) 45:9;64:22;93:22 ratable (1) 59:17 169:19 106:13;114:20; reputation (1) 137:16 reason (6) refers (3) 176:24;180:6;199:23 41:10 ratables (3) 41:7;55:10;105:10; 171:5;189:17,25 remarkable (1) request (2) 93:3;104:20;149:8 142:25;154:11;196:9 reflect (1) 154:19 32:18;196:10 rate (3) reasonable (3) 170:4 REMARKS (11) requested (4) 166:19;179:5; 30:23;31:14; reflective (1) 5:3,5;6:1;7:1;8:1; 85:17;127:7; 197:14 132:19 18:24 9:1;10:1;11:1;218:1; 128:16;129:10 rates (1) reasons (6) regard (4) 219:1;220:1 require (2) 166:14 55:7;104:15; 16:18;43:25;88:3; remember (1) 31:6;126:3 rather (5) 118:21;143:5; 170:8 64:5 required (12) 13:13;15:18;66:16; 176:23;217:4 regarding (12) remind (1) 13:19;14:15;16:12; 133:23;167:11 receive (2) 22:7;29:19;45:19; 71:15 29:21;31:25;44:25; rating (1) 76:19,24 82:19;84:7;153:4; reminder (1) 57:16;65:4;73:5,8; 214:8 received (3) 156:19,22;168:6; 219:17 83:7;178:6 raves (2) 10:8;49:7;69:21 171:7;201:17;213:9 remiss (1) requirement (2) 136:13,15 recent (4) regardless (2) 172:6 14:23;214:4 RE (1) 45:2;96:12;127:5; 11:20;43:8 remodeling (1) requirements (1) 1:3 129:16 region (5) 92:22 188:23 reach (2) recently (3) 55:2;91:8;104:25; removed (1) requiring (1) 210:3,6 45:4;87:3;154:18 112:16;215:8 200:2 65:11 reaches (2) receptor (4) Regional (2) Renee (2) research (5) 210:20;211:21 153:8,10,14,17 91:9;122:15 46:6;152:21 69:23;87:20; reaction (1) recessions (1) regions (2) renovate (1) 110:24;131:20; 150:11 24:18 182:10;215:6 74:14 137:24 read (10) recited (1) region's (1) rent (1) resent (1) 21:19;106:24; 6:7 215:18 74:15 42:25 108:23;129:9; reckless (1) Register (2) reopen (1) Reservoir (8) 134:10;164:3;201:9; 216:13 65:13,16 170:16 22:4,14;41:23; 206:24;209:10;215:3 recognition (2) Registered (2) repercussions (1) 105:19;181:21; readily (1) 180:3;213:15 1:14;221:3 107:12 184:14;188:14; 25:10 recognize (4) registry (1) report (9) 201:25 reading (10) 18:4;91:16;155:8; 28:17 66:24;68:9;82:19, reservoirs (4) 29:2;45:23;67:2; 170:22 regular (3) 24;95:21,23;146:9; 182:2;183:3; 100:18;134:8; reconvene (1) 90:11;136:25; 153:7,22 184:11,16 135:22;193:4;201:9; 219:25 168:16 reported (3) reside (7) 207:5;209:16 record (6) regulations (1) 58:5;181:14; 12:24;51:20;60:12; real (7) 11:4;12:21;32:7; 181:11 184:13 64:14;72:19;80:13; 35:6;38:12;64:16; 112:15;187:3;221:7 reign (1) Reporter (2) 86:15 136:7;165:22; Recreation (6) 31:18 1:14;221:4 residence (1) 166:11;167:2 8:12,13;9:8; reiterate (2) REPORTING (1) 163:12 reality (3) 147:13;148:22; 106:23;143:6 1:23 residences (2) 80:5;118:18; 216:24 rejected (1) reports (2) 59:9;135:13 151:17 recreational (4) 41:8 68:21;181:20 resident (21) realize (3) 8:25;30:21;31:8; rejecting (1) represent (8) 24:10;29:13;32:15; 39:19;53:6;109:8 216:17 14:6 18:18,19;31:21; 37:6;48:7;49:5; realized (1) recruiting (1) related (3) 73:2;106:18;152:22; 69:13;82:6;87:2; 217:15 115:16 15:21;215:11; 158:16;160:11 105:21;112:3; real-live (1) red (1) 221:10 representation (1) 113:21,25;125:15;

Min-U-Script® Ellen Grauer Court Reporting Co. LLC (25) RALPH - resident


126:24;127:2;134:7; 6:22 ridiculous (1) rollcall (1) 198:20 139:5;167:19; result (2) 161:12 83:6 rural (9) 190:19;206:12 75:17;119:18 riding (6) roller (5) 13:25;19:15,17; residential (5) resulting (1) 38:23;154:24; 101:14;102:23; 31:11,11;37:18; 23:12;29:22;30:19; 15:3 155:2,8,21;184:14 109:21;153:23;154:2 144:21;213:17; 31:3;48:24 retail (3) right (39) Rolo (2) 216:22 residents (32) 9:12;144:9;147:14 12:4;19:25;28:23; 180:24;200:18 Ryan (1) 24:19,21;25:21; retain (1) 39:4;50:14,16,17,18; Rolo[ph] (1) 105:16 31:21,23;38:15; 207:4 52:10;62:15;74:5; 200:15 Rydelski[ph] (1) 42:16;51:2;61:2; retaining (4) 77:13;78:10,12; Ron (1) 211:10 97:6;106:19;107:13; 16:19;59:23; 82:12;89:12;103:16; 104:2 124:22;125:3; 177:19,22 111:7;113:22; Ronald (1) S 129:23,25;139:23; retired (5) 115:25;116:2,16; 209:12 141:23;144:3; 21:12;158:7; 118:8;119:9,9; room (3) sacrificed (1) 146:14;154:16; 176:15;192:3;204:19 123:14;125:5,5; 7:9;9:12;11:16 42:24 162:4,13,16;174:5; return (1) 134:25;139:8,9; rooms (2) Sadab (1) 181:6;194:12; 179:15 143:6;155:12; 92:22,23 201:23 195:17;196:8;198:5; revenue (2) 157:14;173:19; roosting (1) Sadie (3) 199:19;202:22 76:18;213:25 175:13;182:13; 179:16 1:13;221:3,25 resited (1) review (7) 196:6;204:11 Rothenberger (1) safe (9) 145:4 31:23;56:7;65:23; rightly (1) 95:7 39:8,15;62:8,13; resource (1) 66:24;68:2;69:5; 118:20 rough (1) 82:11;162:8;183:11, 81:5 219:22 ripple (2) 85:8 13,18 resources (2) reviewed (2) 76:15;146:4 roughest (1) safety (10) 79:8;195:21 169:17;186:23 rise (3) 136:3 82:20,24;83:13; Respect (5) reviewing (1) 74:20;101:19; roughly (1) 84:2,4;155:13; 52:2;71:15;149:17; 54:9 185:11 165:16 173:10,13,18,24 160:9;209:3 reviews (1) risk (1) round (1) sake (2) respectfully (2) 202:14 155:16 178:9 55:9;116:11 13:16;153:3 revised (3) risks (2) Route (12) salaries (1) respond (2) 98:15;164:15; 151:21;155:14 21:13;120:9;156:7; 77:2 41:25;44:11 219:23 risky (1) 169:5,6;187:16; sale (3) response (6) revision (1) 155:9 190:24;191:5,12,12, 8:20;10:3;177:7 45:10;128:10; 199:6 River (1) 13,14 sales (1) 147:5;218:24; revitalization (1) 96:3 routes (3) 147:10 219:16;220:13 133:4 Road (38) 116:13;168:18,24 Salesian (2) responsibility (1) revitalizing (1) 1:6;22:5,14;41:23; routinely (1) 49:16;51:9 34:5 104:8 46:7;84:8,9,11; 89:15 salted (1) responsible (1) rewriting (1) 105:19;111:12; Royal (3) 178:10 168:9 141:12 113:22;116:16; 59:6;129:17;189:5 Samantha (1) rest (6) REYNELL (1) 122:3;152:23;156:5; ROYLE (1) 61:17 18:23;33:11;48:12; 2:9 159:10,11;165:2; 4:12 same (23) 163:18;165:19; rezoned (2) 169:7,8,8,16;170:13; RPI (1) 23:9;31:6;66:7; 169:15 56:20;164:24 178:4,5,7,10,11,18; 69:15 86:5;92:18;96:9,22; restate (1) rezoning (1) 179:7;197:20,23,24; RPR (1) 106:13;120:18; 13:14 216:23 198:19,20,22;199:2, 221:25 142:12;146:24; restates (1) Rgolden@bmglawyerscom (1) 12 ruin (2) 159:11;170:3; 211:20 3:10 roads (7) 138:17;198:10 174:21;181:25; restaurant (1) RICHARD (1) 73:13;97:21;111:8; ruining (1) 184:18,19,25;192:18; 108:22 3:9 116:20;156:14; 198:13 193:8;202:16; restaurants (7) Rick[ph] (1) 168:24;169:2 rules (2) 205:15;219:6 9:11;55:18;73:16; 201:24 roadways (4) 20:25;71:15 sanctuary (2) 132:13,21;133:8; Riddick (1) 168:19;169:23; run (7) 28:11;175:15 194:6 3:15 170:6,10 74:25;88:25;91:10; Sandy (1) restored (2) ride (3) Rochester (1) 138:18;149:16; 85:21 28:11,12 102:22;154:6,8 55:4 168:15;204:11 Sarah (2) restricted (1) rides (5) Rockland (3) running (4) 64:14;169:7 157:25 9:10;127:13; 13:12;37:23; 124:17,18;145:19; sat (1) restriction (2) 128:24,25;155:15 196:17 150:19 115:9 158:4;203:12 Ridge (1) Roddey (2) runoff (1) Saturday (1) restrictions (1) 154:11 78:24;104:10 135:15 32:10 137:13 Ridgeview (1) role (3) runs (4) save (2) restrooms (1) 29:14 27:24;91:4;97:17 168:17,18;188:17; 74:9,11

Min-U-Script® Ellen Grauer Court Reporting Co. LLC (26) residential - save

TOWN OF GOSHEN PUBLIC HEARING IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS GROUP/LEGOLAND NEW YORK December 19, 2016 saw (1) 26:5;144:11,15; 185:4 163:18 signed (1) 201:21 145:12;215:12,16 sentence (2) shameful (2) 96:25 saying (6) season's (3) 218:10,11 130:6,6 significant (6) 54:6;110:22; 61:15;64:9;99:15 sentences (2) shape (1) 16:14;104:5;153:9, 111:11;142:19; seat (4) 134:16;215:4 214:11 16,24;188:18 161:21;202:25 48:5;124:12; separate (1) share (6) signs (1) say-so (1) 165:14,15 202:15 11:9;12:10;71:22; 74:9 205:3 seats (1) separates (1) 94:5,6;113:9 simply (2) scale (1) 203:22 91:20 shared (1) 41:3;196:7 44:18 second (7) SEQRA (7) 207:3 single (4) scaled (1) 27:12;53:7;147:16; 13:20;14:15;16:13; Sherwood (1) 136:22;137:16; 75:19 218:17,18;220:7,8 31:25;69:5;137:10; 80:13 157:17,23 scant (1) seconded (3) 202:9 shocked (1) singular (1) 82:25 218:19;219:4; serious (2) 112:6 139:16 scenario (2) 220:9 39:11;43:19 shoe (1) sisters (1) 211:6,8 Secondly (1) seriously (5) 207:13 75:9 scenic (7) 43:19 13:18;16:23;34:2; shoes (2) sit (4) 156:6,25;165:2; Section (5) 53:16;92:2 207:13,14 36:2;58:11;115:17; 188:14;198:17,19; 153:5,7,20;172:16; servant (1) shop (2) 149:15 199:2 198:17 148:21 79:13;99:23 site (30) school (21) sector (1) servants (1) shopping (4) 8:17;9:3,24;43:10; 13:5,11;27:11; 147:12 149:23 106:7;114:12; 44:7,17;50:13;57:17; 39:3;52:13;60:15; sectors (1) serve (5) 193:15;194:6 58:10,15;65:17; 70:20;85:22;89:6; 147:5 18:10;27:14;80:21; ShopRite (2) 67:21;127:22;135:6, 94:13;158:19;168:7, secure (1) 91:11;181:6 133:13;193:12 10,17;137:14; 8,10,23;169:14; 39:15 served (1) shops (2) 167:23;175:11; 170:8;180:3;185:3; security (1) 27:2 133:7,7 176:21;177:14; 209:20;212:5 126:6 serves (1) Shore[ph] (1) 188:12,17;189:7; schools (6) seeing (2) 27:5 210:14 196:22;197:19; 52:21;70:19;73:12; 29:24;119:4 service (5) shot (2) 199:21,22;201:2,7 90:7;169:10;209:15 seem (4) 9:16;83:16;85:11; 218:5,7 sites (1) schoolteacher (1) 31:17;34:10; 114:10;191:25 shovel (1) 65:12 192:4 103:12;143:7 services (8) 95:10 site's (1) Schoor (1) seemed (1) 9:19;80:20;113:6; show (5) 58:9 95:19 105:24 126:3,4;135:12; 78:11;118:2,3; sits (2) Schumacher (1) seems (6) 155:23;165:12 167:5;207:21 58:18,21 126:23 66:2;115:6;118:22; serving (1) showers (1) sitting (4) Schwarz (1) 138:7;151:8;181:12 95:23 131:16 59:2,20,21;203:22 176:19 segment (1) session (1) shown (6) situation (7) science (4) 202:14 7:4 66:7,11,13,17; 35:17;115:14; 52:15;186:3,5,7 selected (1) set (3) 95:12;179:11 139:10,11;171:4; scope (4) 44:14 76:24;79:12; shows (4) 174:12;205:2 127:7,17;128:15; sell (4) 221:14 68:10;157:2; six (7) 129:11 184:6;205:6,9; setting (1) 177:19;191:22 7:7;20:16;61:4; Scotchtown (3) 206:2 51:10 shrink (1) 63:11;64:7;94:8; 1:6;168:25;169:6 selling (2) seven (8) 29:24 109:20 scratch (2) 110:8;119:21 10:21;42:10,11; shrunk (1) sizable (1) 89:2;141:13 semantics (1) 153:14,17;161:15; 163:14 73:25 screams (1) 20:23 169:22;196:16 shutting (1) size (5) 154:7 senior (2) several (9) 108:18 154:6;156:20; screeching (1) 111:14;172:21 20:10,18;27:5; side (9) 207:12,13,14 138:10 seniors (6) 72:24;104:4;134:9; 6:5;9:6;17:5;22:4; skateboards (1) screen (1) 111:15,17;123:12; 170:14;176:23;178:6 39:5;75:25;150:3,8; 38:24 47:9 164:5,9,12 severe (6) 201:25 skeptical (1) screwed (1) sense (9) 15:25;120:16,19; sides (5) 22:24 194:22 43:6;54:13,13,22; 157:20;181:24;182:8 6:14;12:15;35:2; skipped (1) SEAN (1) 101:9;103:6,9; severely (4) 63:20;71:16 128:8 3:15 150:23;214:16 148:23;168:5; sign (1) skirt (1) season (1) sensitive (3) 185:23,24 161:17 31:8 193:11 14:3;23:6;31:19 sewer (2) signal (1) sleepy (1) seasonable (1) sensitivity (1) 9:19;204:16 114:14 49:18 43:20 35:6 shame (3) signaled (1) Sloatsburg (1) seasonal (6) sent (1) 21:3;158:24; 32:5 192:16

Min-U-Script® Ellen Grauer Court Reporting Co. LLC (27) saw - Sloatsburg

TOWN OF GOSHEN PUBLIC HEARING IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS GROUP/LEGOLAND NEW YORK December 19, 2016 sloping (1) sores (1) 144:2;190:15 squander (1) 58:5,8;59:4,13,25; 59:15 138:21 speaking (9) 94:20 65:6,15;79:18; slow (1) sorry (5) 11:5;12:20;17:10; St (2) 142:13,22;180:25; 115:11 7:22;138:22; 19:13;71:18;86:17; 91:11;101:11 200:23;201:8;202:6 slowly (1) 160:14;195:12; 91:15;124:23;195:6 stability (4) statements (3) 141:8 200:17 speaks (3) 34:8,14;36:12; 56:23;97:15; small (16) sorts (1) 40:8;50:11;186:2 81:14 135:23 80:17;93:18;94:8; 75:4 special (6) staff (1) States (24) 105:23;109:11; sought (1) 8:18;9:25;104:9; 9:15 1:15;29:20;30:14; 125:20;133:6,8; 13:25 120:17;157:3;177:3 staffing (2) 31:5,10;58:8;59:4; 141:7,9;145:10,15, soul (2) species (4) 115:16;126:7 86:19;93:22;118:10; 15,17;156:13,15 119:13,21 112:11;138:15; stage (2) 153:8;165:5;169:16; smaller (1) sound (8) 189:11,12 203:23;206:17 171:20;178:3;179:2; 11:17 129:16;150:17; specific (5) Stagecoach (1) 182:25;199:7; smart (2) 153:6,10,16,20; 62:19;172:2; 104:6 210:19,23;211:17; 62:18;75:10 154:12;183:25 174:24;198:16;200:9 stagnant (1) 212:7,11;213:13 smartest (1) sounds (1) specifically (13) 211:13 stating (3) 192:13 151:25 13:21;17:10;25:20; stake (1) 127:24;128:10,23 Smith (1) source (2) 31:12;37:25;40:22; 108:11 station (2) 209:13 16:10;59:24 44:23;64:19;98:16; stand (3) 74:4;165:4 social (3) sources (1) 154:11;173:8,11,13 45:18;76:20; statistics (2) 85:23;149:11,23 97:11 spectacular (1) 129:19 101:21;146:9 socially (1) South (1) 104:17 standard (1) status (1) 150:22 190:25 speculation (1) 31:13 215:12 society (2) Southgate (1) 176:7 standing (2) stay (5) 47:8;143:3 19:8 speculations (1) 12:15;31:20 47:13;74:20;78:15, solar (3) souvenirs (1) 176:4 standpoint (2) 16;208:12 74:8,10;129:2 194:7 speed (3) 54:14;116:22 stayed (1) solar-powered (1) space (5) 36:16;64:4;127:22 stands (1) 208:13 128:25 49:16;51:7;140:24; spend (10) 214:12 stays (1) solely (3) 144:25;199:23 21:12;89:22; star-struck (1) 62:4 22:2;27:20;33:4 spare (1) 102:21;131:25; 136:4 steeper (1) solid (1) 186:4 132:9,12;165:21; start (8) 30:16 46:20 speak (39) 193:22;194:4,17 12:20;73:7;116:6, STEM (2) solution (3) 10:25;11:3,7,25; spending (3) 8;127:4;132:16; 52:14,14 27:8;149:6;171:3 12:6,8,11,12;17:15, 88:14;93:23;103:2 141:7;168:12 stenographer (2) somebody (6) 19;19:10;29:16; spent (7) started (5) 206:19,20 71:18;74:7;118:3; 33:23;34:9;37:7; 23:16;54:17;79:22; 7:20;89:2;124:4; stenographer's (1) 140:5,12;141:16 48:20;49:10;51:25; 100:18;147:6;173:8; 131:17;191:22 207:6 someday (1) 52:4;61:6,20,22,24; 186:4 starting (3) stenographic (1) 55:11 62:25;69:12;70:25; spin-off (1) 6:18;141:13; 221:8 someone (10) 71:18;115:25;123:9, 77:3 190:21 step (1) 6:24;42:5;44:20; 11,12;139:6;147:19; spire (1) starts (1) 42:23 45:7;71:7;130:15; 182:16;186:6; 101:11 175:17 stepchild (1) 132:18;162:25; 190:16;217:5,6,24 spoke (9) state (28) 50:5 195:23;201:23 SPEAKER (37) 22:7;48:24;119:2; 12:7;36:18;40:16; stepped (1) someplace (1) 5:2;51:17;60:6,8; 122:25,25;136:20; 43:11;44:6;56:15; 35:11 62:8 69:9;71:20;77:7; 157:14;217:25;218:3 68:18;69:19;104:24; steps (3) sometimes (6) 78:22;80:10;82:16; spoken (7) 120:9;145:23; 28:21;79:10;211:3 73:5;75:13,15,24; 86:9;90:21;93:10; 11:4,8;12:5,16; 146:17;165:6,9; Steve (4) 114:6;189:2 95:5;99:11;100:15; 21:10;62:17;165:25 171:7,19;172:4; 56:2;124:14; somewhat (1) 103:24;105:15; sponsor (4) 179:2,3;181:11; 148:12;202:25 105:5 108:2;113:18; 8:21,23;9:18;10:4 182:6;187:2;191:4; stewards (1) somewhere (4) 117:13;120:6; sports (2) 199:16,18;204:11; 28:5 44:5;140:9;160:16; 121:25;125:10; 149:10;168:17 210:8;211:15 stick (1) 194:19 126:20;130:24; spot (5) stated (13) 137:15 son (3) 134:4;138:25; 50:11;95:15;98:17; 10:6;11:12;14:20; still (12) 78:11;102:16; 143:16;148:4; 130:4;164:23 32:7;42:20;87:2; 21:15;74:23;115:5; 110:23 152:19;157:10; Spring (3) 97:8;98:21;107:2; 136:12;140:11; son-in-law (1) 160:22;167:16; 38:5;154:25; 129:18;130:15; 142:7,11;150:3; 13:2 174:10;186:21;195:4 179:17 163:10;169:9 161:6,25;215:7; sooner (2) speakers (5) spur (1) Statement (17) 219:19 44:10;167:11 11:20;71:16;87:7; 38:2 8:16;56:8;57:13; stop (7)

Min-U-Script® Ellen Grauer Court Reporting Co. LLC (28) sloping - stop


7:10;42:7;55:16; 162:14;163:9 7:24;95:22 44:19 20:6;70:22;71:3; 113:15;114:15; study (20) summer (8) surveillance (1) 74:19,24;87:15; 140:13;141:22 82:22,24;85:10,14; 73:10;83:7;94:13; 39:13 100:2;113:9;166:5; store (2) 95:20,22;101:25; 154:19;184:15; survey (1) 167:9;172:24; 133:10,16 127:7,14;128:15; 185:19;190:23;200:5 66:5 190:10;204:17; storefront (2) 129:10;171:22; Sunday (1) Susan (1) 205:4,18;209:14; 32:9;33:4 179:4;186:25;187:7; 190:21 95:7 211:4,9,19,23;212:17 stores (1) 189:9,10;191:20; sundown (1) suspect (2) taxpayers (3) 77:16 208:3;216:19 185:20 148:17;150:4 22:16;187:24; stories (2) stuff (1) SUNY (2) suspicious (2) 199:19 59:16,17 149:13 60:16;186:5 21:6;66:16 taxpaying (1) story (1) subdivision (5) supermarket (1) sustain (3) 136:2 63:20 8:18;9:25;50:4; 187:12 87:25;110:8;203:6 teacher (1) Stowe (1) 97:22;188:3 supervised (1) sustainability (1) 123:4 133:5 subdivisions (2) 176:16 150:7 teaching (1) straight (1) 165:6;187:9 Supervisor (9) sustainable (3) 186:5 6:20 subject (3) 2:14;7:18;32:6; 54:25;145:3; team (1) strain (1) 65:8,22;143:25 97:24;98:12;100:22; 181:18 81:9 38:19 subjects (1) 124:6;177:5;214:4 swallow (1) tear (1) strangers (1) 99:18 supply (7) 44:18 74:14 39:11 submission (1) 96:11;97:9;181:19; sycamore (1) technical (3) strategies (1) 197:8 182:19,23;183:21; 102:7 17:15;40:14;144:8 127:20 submit (2) 196:25 symptoms (1) technicalities (1) strategy (1) 13:16;216:12 supplying (1) 151:18 19:10 40:22 substantial (3) 15:13 system (4) technically (1) stream (1) 14:8;30:17;104:24 support (23) 27:11;85:18;96:4; 109:19 188:14 substantively (1) 15:9;20:5;28:18; 181:19 technology (1) Street (10) 16:24 32:6;40:11;47:6; 52:15 1:;3:5;38:25; suburb (1) 48:3;53:11;66:25; T teenagers (1) 93:13;99:21;176:19; 19:18 75:14;77:22;78:25; 131:15 179:6;185:2;190:25; subverts (1) 79:2;92:19,25;93:5; table (6) telling (2) 208:24 142:15 101:2;105:11; 17:21;36:3;57:18; 128:22;129:3 strength (1) success (1) 125:21,23;126:13; 87:6;139:15;191:21 ten (3) 81:14 36:15 144:22;166:4 talk (12) 10:13;103:5;161:4 stress (1) successful (3) supported (2) 62:19;73:19;86:12; ten-minutes (1) 155:7 14:11;87:19;185:5 126:15;205:19 120:10;136:16,17; 161:8 strip (2) sudden (4) supporters (2) 143:22;156:9;162:4; tenth (3) 114:11;141:9 37:21;50:6;157:21; 75:11;91:13 164:23;174:11; 64:24;66:3;67:24 strong (4) 203:4 supporting (5) 207:11 ten-week (1) 45:18;77:21; sue (1) 35:18;68:16;87:4; talked (6) 127:15 144:19;214:8 98:22 134:18;196:20 21:17;43:14;87:7; ten-year (1) strongly (4) suffer (1) Supports (3) 101:6;110:16;173:11 122:8 35:18;40:11,20; 205:24 53:21;147:11; talking (6) term (1) 105:10 sufficient (3) 198:13 43:3;142:3;150:6; 210:22 struck (1) 33:3;96:16;171:23 supposed (2) 166:24,25;182:12 terms (2) 135:23 suggest (1) 38:2;202:21 talks (6) 54:14,22 structure (3) 133:15 sure (14) 23:6;40:22;59:5, Terrace (1) 199:8,10;215:19 suggested (2) 26:7;29:8;33:7; 13;136:23;175:24 29:14 struggle (1) 187:15,16 61:13,14;85:19; tall (2) terrain (1) 211:18 suing (1) 100:8;103:7;122:22; 199:9,10 154:4 struggling (2) 98:24 150:24;154:5; tapping (1) terrific (3) 108:21;167:3 suitability (1) 161:23;191:17;194:3 15:18 53:14,14;109:5 stuck (2) 56:9 surely (1) target (2) terrorism (2) 88:10,11 suitable (2) 79:11 85:2;112:25 83:19;85:2 student (1) 57:9;97:22 surprised (1) task (3) test (1) 168:20 Suite (2) 129:9 56:6;79:10;83:19 85:18 students (5) 3:6;4:6 surrounding (12) taste (1) tested (1) 52:12,23;94:13; suited (1) 24:20;58:12;90:16; 141:20 96:19 168:9;169:3 30:18 92:20;136:13; tax (10) Testing (3) studied (3) Sullivan (4) 153:19;154:4,14; 51:7;76:18,18; 96:5,15;151:17 97:7;170:3;191:6 113:11,11;160:16; 182:10;201:7;212:4; 85:7;93:3;113:8; texts (1) studies (5) 196:18 215:24 149:7,8;210:6,21 79:16 75:6;96:13;112:13; summary (2) surroundings (1) taxes (21) thankfully (1)

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114:4 27:23 6:10,18;7:2,4,8; 167:23;169:15; 168:11;169:3 thanking (1) throats (1) 11:6;13:14;75:7; 177:4,7,12;178:22; transportation (4) 33:22 205:13 80:14;86:17;93:17; 188:2,4;190:10; 171:9,19;172:3; Thanks (1) throughout (7) 174:22;176:6; 193:23;194:13,18; 200:8 79:18 18:9;26:3;52:13, 206:15;207:2; 195:17;196:6; transporting (1) theater (1) 21;53:13;61:10; 214:15;217:4 201:12;209:21; 168:9 85:24 107:2 took (2) 213:4,9,11,15,24; trashing (1) theaters (3) thrown (3) 20:17;161:8 214:10,14;216:8,9; 45:6 9:11;73:17;114:11 138:3;190:5,5 top (2) 217:10,19;219:2,5, travel (6) theme (11) Thruway (5) 26:22;87:21 11,24,25 93:20,21;154:13; 9:9;37:8,20;39:12; 50:14;56:15;191:4; topnotch (1) towns (3) 156:17;178:12; 43:24;44:12;57:10; 192:9,16 122:22 141:6;165:10,25 199:12 62:2;84:24;215:5,8 Thursday (5) topographical (2) town's (5) traveled (2) theoretical (1) 6:12;7:21;10:25; 16:18;177:18 97:19;128:9; 83:23;110:23 217:15 13:15;42:5 topography (2) 198:19;214:7,7 traveling (2) therapeutic (3) Thursday's (1) 59:15;62:20 Town-wide (1) 132:25;162:19 154:24;155:2,21 130:16 total (5) 95:21 TRC (1) therapist (1) thus (2) 9:3;138:13;183:8, track (1) 3:16 148:23 134:23;146:21 24;189:23 119:14 treat (1) therapy (2) tickets (2) totality (1) trade (2) 55:18 92:22;123:16 92:8,12 14:18 72:13;147:14 treated (2) therefore (5) times (7) totally (1) Trader (1) 50:5;135:25 30:18;64:25;65:21; 23:18;31:10;58:4; 204:25 133:14 treatment (2) 68:5;90:8 61:23;109:16; touched (3) Trades (6) 33:10;136:3 thereof (1) 164:22;191:8 48:2;109:16;207:2 72:8,11;75:21; tree (1) 64:21 Times-Herald (1) tough (1) 76:6,9;144:8 102:7 thinking (5) 112:15 121:9 traditionally (1) trees (7) 139:13,14;140:4, timing (1) tourism (9) 215:22 102:5,6,9,10,11,13; 13;143:9 72:2 30:21;40:23;41:4; traffic (71) 198:25 third (1) tip (1) 54:15,17,19;117:9; 15:4;21:9,10;22:6, trek (1) 145:19 204:6 193:8;215:11 8,11,12;25:3;34:22; 55:14 Thom (3) tired (1) tourist (2) 38:11;42:12;56:14; tremendous (5) 207:13,15,16 13:9 143:10;193:20 74:17;75:6,18;79:6; 38:10;91:13; thorough (2) title (1) toward (1) 82:22;88:3,10,12; 108:13;115:7;126:3 45:21;79:14 95:20 70:2 97:23;98:3;103:14; tremendously (1) though (3) titled (1) towards (4) 112:17;113:13; 24:11 49:3;191:2;212:5 215:4 22:4;47:9;210:25; 131:12;136:9;142:4; tributary (1) thought (9) today (14) 215:13 156:15,23;157:3; 188:16 35:15;94:11; 17:17;18:17;35:20; tower (1) 158:6,12;161:12; tried (2) 102:17;118:16; 73:9,20;86:2;99:17; 114:12 162:19;167:25; 141:20;151:23 137:6,19,22;151:21; 113:24;136:12; TOWN (116) 168:6,22;169:11,18, trillion (1) 186:12 164:13;190:21; 1:1;2:3,13,13;3:3, 20,24;170:4,9,14,20; 93:23 thoughtful (1) 195:24;197:5;199:5 14;7:2,4,12;8:6,11, 171:2,11,22;176:7; trip (3) 40:9 Todd (1) 14,20;9:7;10:3,10,14; 178:22;186:11; 55:13;171:21; thousand (4) 72:4 11:11;13:7,17,23; 190:21;191:8,11,15, 193:11 26:5;30:2;59:6; toddlers (1) 14:9;16:21,22;18:2; 20;192:2,10,19,23; trips (2) 79:16 89:8 19:9;24:22;26:18; 193:3,7,16,21; 89:10;123:7 thousands (3) together (4) 29:13,18;30:13;32:4; 195:19;197:18; trotter (1) 42:9,9;113:2 83:20;87:12;120:2; 33:8;34:6,8;35:13; 198:4;200:3,4,9 119:14 threat (1) 164:5 36:5,6,8,17;37:12; Trail (3) truck (2) 215:18 told (7) 38:12;39:14,20;42:6, 64:15;169:7; 58:6;114:15 threatened (1) 97:13,17;142:23; 8,15;51:20;63:16; 175:13 trucking (1) 179:12 144:6;160:3;177:14; 70:5;74:15;75:5; transcription (1) 15:6 Three (17) 202:10 84:17;94:12;95:24; 221:6 truckloads (1) 31:22;61:5;66:8; Toll (2) 96:2;98:25;100:9; transfer (1) 58:7 67:17;68:11;77:17; 190:23;191:3 104:23;105:18,23; 165:4 trucks (2) 85:3;91:15;94:9,17; tolls (2) 112:7;116:12;118:5, transit (1) 127:11;178:18 96:21;99:19,20; 56:16;192:17 7,15;122:4;129:6,21; 38:5 true (12) 116:20;124:18; Tom (1) 133:21,23;134:23; transmission (1) 34:12;57:17;58:13; 158:10;191:8 100:16 135:4;137:2,21; 198:23 59:10,18;68:3; threshold (2) ton (1) 141:5,17;144:23; transparency (1) 142:22;149:6; 65:2;67:25 134:14 149:14,16;156:19; 106:21 150:10;174:13; thrive (1) tonight (17) 160:25;164:13,15; transport (2) 192:18;221:7

Min-U-Script® Ellen Grauer Court Reporting Co. LLC (30) thanking - true

TOWN OF GOSHEN PUBLIC HEARING IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS GROUP/LEGOLAND NEW YORK December 19, 2016 truly (3) UK (2) 188:9 75:17 Verizon (1) 68:23;187:24; 86:20,24 unusable (1) utilities (1) 77:15 197:22 ultimately (1) 134:23 126:5 Vermont (2) truncated (1) 219:22 unverified (1) utilize (1) 133:6;164:4 134:15 umbrella (1) 69:3 114:9 versa (1) trust (5) 72:12 up (86) utilized (1) 129:2 36:13;46:21; unavailable (2) 9:16;11:13,22; 170:11 versus (1) 206:16,23;214:16 184:11,16 12:2,14,15;20:21; 128:24 truth (4) unaware (1) 22:6,11;31:20;44:18; V veterans (2) 68:23;142:14; 216:9 47:11;57:8,11,12,23, 123:22,23 182:19;190:7 under (8) 23,25;58:10,24,25; vague (1) Vetri (1) try (5) 8:2;34:23;64:25; 59:8;60:14;63:15; 129:13 122:3 108:8;138:4;152:8; 65:7;67:24;129:20; 64:15;68:3;70:14; valid (1) vetting (1) 192:10;195:14 152:3;216:14 71:7;73:4,14;79:13; 31:23 79:15 trying (6) underrepresented (1) 83:2;85:18;87:21; validate (1) vice (1) 18:17;27:8;101:13; 121:2 88:7;99:19;101:21; 197:2 129:2 135:17;139:13; understands (1) 104:20;107:18; validity (1) victims (1) 194:12 70:17 108:14;111:15; 142:7 85:18 tune (1) undertaking (1) 112:19;113:10; Valley (11) videos (1) 87:24 178:20 114:5;118:22; 4:5;18:10;38:5; 131:20 Turcott (1) undeveloped (1) 123:23;124:17,18; 56:6;72:8,10,15,21; view (4) 152:21 199:23 131:23;133:10; 74:3;127:2;157:20 105:4,6;127:3; turn (9) unemployment (2) 140:22,23;145:16; valleys (1) 139:17 7:14;12:12,13; 43:18;197:13 149:2,18;156:15; 57:7 views (2) 95:9;161:9;178:15; unfortunate (1) 157:15;158:11; value (8) 101:12;152:5 193:12;194:19; 159:20 162:10,21;166:14,16, 43:20;56:17; Village (35) 217:17 Unfortunately (3) 17,19;170:2;172:25; 147:19;204:15; 9:20;12:24;24:22; turnaround (1) 66:21;84:18;85:10 174:4;175:12;181:3, 210:3,7;211:7,22 39:2;46:7;51:8; 105:5 union (12) 9;183:8;185:16; values (4) 78:24;84:13,16,21; turnarounds (1) 43:25;49:12;71:25; 186:6,13;189:2; 47:3;180:2;190:11; 86:2;93:13,18;96:25; 105:3 76:10,13,25;147:18, 190:22;193:17; 198:14 97:10;98:24;104:15, turned (2) 19;176:15;195:13; 196:15;197:19; VANDERMOLEN (1) 17;112:7;132:4,8; 100:20;188:2 196:19;204:21 203:23;204:18; 2:18 144:22;148:8; turning (2) unions (2) 206:4;207:23; vantage (1) 160:24;173:2; 116:6,8 13:13;49:11 211:16;212:9;217:12 199:11 178:22;181:2; Tussaud's (1) Unique (3) updated (1) variation (1) 182:25;183:6,15; 176:17 35:16;92:10; 164:15 58:9 184:16;212:3; Tuxedo (1) 139:16 upgrade (1) variety (3) 213:24;217:2,10 192:15 unit (2) 73:14 19:2,3;144:17 Villages (2) twice (1) 13:11;152:7 upon (3) various (4) 165:11,25 179:7 United (7) 31:22;42:10; 9:12;53:19;92:21; village's (1) two (36) 31:5;86:19;87:22; 107:13 169:22 15:11 12:2;15:14;30:13; 93:21;118:10;163:8; uproot (1) varying (1) vineyard (1) 34:22;35:13;36:2; 165:4 132:17 155:5 117:4 52:7;58:4;59:16; units (1) upset (1) vast (1) violates (1) 66:11;77:21;85:6; 98:9 100:25 50:15 202:12 86:18;89:20,21;95:8; unless (2) Upstate (1) vastly (2) Virtually (1) 96:11,20,23;102:8; 175:18;203:10 69:15 15:2;135:24 125:20 106:8;122:15;129:2; unlike (1) upwards (1) Vecchi (1) visible (1) 130:5;131:14,14; 138:22 15:13 93:12 177:23 132:20;151:3,4; unmatched (1) urge (3) vehicles (5) Vision (1) 164:18,25;177:7,8; 93:4 80:2;90:13;214:14 9:17;127:12,23; 27:7 183:6;185:3;195:6 unnecessary (1) use (8) 128:3;178:25 visit (7) type (4) 128:2 44:15;112:12; vehicular (2) 47:22;89:13;157:5; 155:14;156:20; unprecedented (1) 143:2;145:3;157:25; 15:4;16:15 159:17,18;167:6; 171:11;188:10 212:2 180:20;207:14,15 Venice (1) 174:6 typical (1) unskilled (1) used (7) 143:9 visited (1) 200:6 144:17 21:12;51:7;140:23; venture (1) 86:23 typically (1) unsolved (1) 145:7;164:25;169:3; 51:8 visitors (4) 210:19 215:7 190:3 Vera (1) 15:14,14;94:2; unsubstantiated (1) Using (3) 72:23 154:8 U 15:10 58:6;171:8;187:20 verified (2) visits (1) unsuitable (1) usually (1) 68:17;171:23 173:12

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TOWN OF GOSHEN PUBLIC HEARING IN RE: PUBLIC HEARING MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS GROUP/LEGOLAND NEW YORK December 19, 2016 visual (1) 113:25;117:5; week (3) Whereupon (2) wish (5) 135:14 190:19;192:24; 42:11;87:7;161:15 6:6;220:15 36:15,15;64:3; visually (2) 193:5,9,10,18,20,22; Weekend (4) whole (14) 116:11;190:16 199:4,11 194:8,16 50:20,22;132:9; 19:22;51:5,5; wishes (3) vital (1) Washingtonville (4) 192:6 55:18;62:18;87:13; 11:25;71:21; 54:24 33:21;60:15;62:12; weekends (2) 90:15,16;108:23; 217:24 vitality (4) 168:25 83:7;90:2 120:13;180:7;193:2; withdrawal (4) 34:8,15;36:13; waste (2) weeks (3) 194:5;202:18 181:3,12,14,17 126:10 73:15;94:23 112:16;134:9; wholesome (2) within (23) voice (3) watch (2) 161:6 47:6;48:11 8:14;16:17;18:3; 17:17;18:20;99:17 106:14;187:22 weight (1) Who's (7) 20:2;27:10;66:13,19; volume (3) watched (2) 139:22 22:14;54:4;61:17, 79:9;80:21;81:17; 170:20;181:13; 49:10;123:17 welcome (8) 17,18,18;127:24 82:2;84:20;90:8; 211:17 watching (3) 7:18;11:7;81:2,9; whose (3) 97:21;105:17; volunteer (1) 49:3;118:2;131:19 82:9,12;107:7; 107:12;120:15; 170:18;188:12,25; 99:22 water (51) 203:21 159:2 198:15,18;215:8,9; volunteers (3) 9:19;15:13;34:22; welcomed (1) wide (1) 221:6 83:3,6;171:16 38:18;73:14;79:6; 79:25 178:7 without (10) vote (1) 95:11,17,20,22,24; welcomes (1) widely (1) 34:13;54:20;68:16; 163:3 96:2,4,11,17;97:4,6, 27:12 25:19 97:2;110:9;134:18; votes (1) 7,9,11,14;98:4,6,8,9, well-being (1) wide-sweeping (1) 137:5,23;158:3; 219:11 11;101:16;103:14; 81:20 141:3 161:3 111:10;112:11,13; well-documented (1) wife (10) witness (2) W 131:12,16;142:4; 15:11 19:14;104:4;117:3; 217:13;221:13 145:3;157:17,22; well-known (1) 123:2;161:11; woefully (1) wage (5) 158:2;176:8;179:23; 17:13 176:22;180:10; 129:13 112:23;116:4; 181:2,4,19;182:18, Wells (15) 195:6,8;207:9 Wolfson (1) 144:17;146:2,15 23;184:10;187:10; 64:15;95:23,25; wildlife (2) 41:22 wages (1) 203:2,14;204:16; 96:8,11,12,21,21,23; 138:15;179:11 women (1) 146:7 205:18 97:3;138:18;169:7; Williams (1) 122:25 wait (3) watershed (1) 182:2;183:6;184:17 28:13 wondered (1) 35:12;102:22; 188:13 well-thought (1) willing (3) 181:9 106:8 watersheds (1) 147:22 21:2,21;149:12 wonderful (8) waiting (1) 16:19 West (3) willingly (1) 40:12;63:12;86:25; 92:23 Wawayanda (3) 72:25;178:12,15 198:12 89:10;110:15;145:6; waking (1) 16:6;51:20;100:17 Westchester (1) WillsWay (4) 206:18;209:9 186:13 way (41) 196:17 143:21;152:24; Woodbury (2) Walden (1) 6:8;22:6;23:10; Westtown (1) 153:13;154:20 72:22;84:25 114:2 42:13,22;43:5;47:8, 125:14 win (7) woods (2) Wales (1) 9;48:11;50:4;55:17; westward (2) 36:4,4,4,5,5,6; 20:7;173:22 26:18 58:25;99:19,20; 185:8;186:13 173:20 word (1) walk (2) 101:8;102:2;105:25; wetland (11) wind (4) 213:23 185:6,7 106:11;108:16,25; 30:25;64:20;65:4, 30:8;74:8,10; worded (1) walked (2) 111:9;128:6;138:4, 11;66:4,22,25;67:14; 185:16 31:5 49:23;150:21 12;139:12;140:3; 68:4,6,20 window (2) wording (1) wall (10) 143:4;149:20; wetlands (26) 180:15;204:24 181:8 59:24;177:20,23; 150:24;162:20,20; 30:17;64:19,24; Windsor (5) words (4) 185:10,16;186:14; 182:5;184:6;186:3,8; 65:21;66:3,7,9,11,14, 4:7;102:15;136:9; 31:16;32:10;181:9; 192:10;204:9,24; 192:15,15,22;202:19; 17;67:5,10,13,18,21; 163:8,10 212:15 205:7 211:16;221:11 68:9,11,19;137:13; windy (1) work (28) Wallkill (1) ways (5) 178:13,15,20;188:7, 73:9 7:3;18:15;25:12; 96:3 71:17;92:21; 13;189:17,22 winery (1) 27:23;33:24,25;34:3; walls (1) 119:23;135:24; wetland's (1) 117:4 46:11;47:13;53:3; 16:19 165:20 67:23 Winter (10) 70:7;73:5,7,8;83:3; Wand (3) wear (1) what's (4) 24:6,17,20;26:16; 99:20;110:13; 53:15;91:25;92:7 207:12 34:16;35:2;149:4; 28:5;86:23;136:21; 112:19,22;125:18,25; wants (4) wearing (2) 206:4 159:14;163:6;179:14 126:9;135:18; 113:11;133:11; 86:18;88:21 whenever (1) Wireless (1) 152:12;158:9; 136:16;215:9 Web (1) 118:6 77:15 174:13;208:3,6 warning (1) 87:20 whereas (1) wiring (1) worked (3) 212:25 website (4) 67:10 106:4 123:15;148:20,21 Warwick (15) 101:24;131:21; WHEREOF (1) wise (2) workers (6) 22:8,12;108:9; 133:14;182:7 221:13 14:9;16:23 43:23,25;196:19,

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25;197:3,6 23:16;29:14,15;37:7; zone (1) 10924 (1) 179:17;185:17 working (9) 45:14;46:11;49:7,15; 30:5 3:7 1500 (1) 23:16;25:14;72:20; 50:6;55:3;63:15; zoned (1) 10th (3) 18:10 89:20,21;135:2; 64:16;69:15;80:19; 48:24 10:17;11:14; 15-1-59 (1) 148:23;152:8;207:25 81:12;85:7;86:19,24; zones (1) 219:20 9:5 workplace (1) 89:2;93:15;100:5; 29:20 11 (2) 15th (3) 81:11 104:4;108:13,15; Zoning (24) 7:9;207:12 7:21;11:2,3 works (6) 110:3;115:17; 8:10,12;23:9;31:6; 11,000 (1) 16 (3) 27:10;71:17;123:3; 117:16;118:6; 44:24;75:5;95:11,15; 178:24 93:15;117:16; 143:4;151:12;215:21 124:16,19;126:25; 97:13;98:14,17,18, 11-145 (1) 134:7 world (4) 129:6,22;134:7,23; 19,23;99:2;164:23; 9:4 162 (1) 110:23;143:4; 142:11;148:8,24; 165:3,23;196:10; 11-168 (1) 59:2 150:7;191:13 157:18;160:25; 200:20,21;201:4; 177:10 168,000 (1) world-class (1) 161:4;162:10,17; 214:23;216:20 11-169 (1) 209:21 76:21 164:2,17,21;166:23; 177:10 16-cubic (1) worldwide (2) 167:20;172:23,23; 0 113843 (1) 58:6 88:16;115:22 173:22;174:8; 1:25 17 (19) worse (4) 176:23;180:12; 075 (2) 115 (1) 21:13;38:3;49:7; 101:20;130:4; 190:4;204:10,18; 64:23;67:16 67:13 72:10;116:11;120:9; 188:12;217:14 205:14,16;210:4,7, 116.72 (1) 131:23;156:8; worst (2) 25;211:5,13;213:5 1 67:10 172:16;187:17; 24:18;83:14 years' (1) 11-year-old (1) 190:4;191:5,12,13; worst-case (2) 129:18 1 (2) 93:16 192:10;193:17; 211:5,8 yield (6) 29:19;64:25 12 (4) 197:24;208:24;213:5 worth (3) 183:2,5,11,12,13, 1,000 (2) 5:4;85:24;89:3; 17A (5) 113:14;115:19; 18 72:16;153:25 170:22 22:13;38:4;190:24; 194:4 yields (1) 1,620,000 (1) 120 (4) 192:14,22 Wow (2) 58:2 57:24 143:19,20;152:23; 17M (8) 35:16;94:11 YORK (51) 1.224 (1) 156:5 38:3;179:6,7; writing (4) 1:4,7,15,24,24;3:7; 183:16 120,000 (1) 187:17;191:12,14,25; 11:12;24:13;218:8; 4:7;18:11;22:10; 1.3 (5) 18:12 192:11 219:21 24:15;36:18;40:17; 181:4;182:20; 1200 (1) 17th (1) written (9) 41:6;43:11;46:7; 183:9,19,22 59:6 7:21 10:8;29:5;32:18; 54:8;56:15;60:13; 1.33 (1) 122 (1) 18 (6) 44:21;98:16;104:9; 68:18;69:15,18;72:6, 147:11 80:13 65:7,7,7,20;169:16, 117:17;125:22;172:5 7;74:2;80:14;82:18; 1.35 (1) 124 (1) 19 wrong (6) 89:14;92:10,18; 210:4 178:24 180 (1) 107:9;119:8;135:5, 93:24;100:17; 1.4 (1) 125 (4) 189:6 7;176:5;196:11 115:11;118:5;120:9; 209:22 119:14,14,15; 19 (2) 125:14,21;145:23; 1.50 (1) 178:24 1:9;206:19 Y 146:18,24;158:7; 146:21 12553 (1) 1919 (1) 165:15;166:6; 1.72 (1) 4:7 145:21 yard (1) 171:18;173:23; 67:15 126 (1) 1924 (1) 58:6 176:18;179:2; 1.75 (1) 1: 116:15 yards (4) 181:10;182:6;191:4; 68:6 13 (1) 196,187 (1) 57:15,24,25;58:3 199:16,18 10 (2) 169:20 57:15 year (25) young (9) 61:17;190:4 13.01 (1) 1973 (1) 15:15;27:11;42:11; 26:20;70:11;71:6; 10,000 (4) 146:12 185:2 70:22,23;71:4,4; 81:17,23,25;94:12; 50:22;61:2;72:14; 131 (1) 1999 (2) 78:3;84:15;92:9; 109:2;164:6 119:16 166:18 96:14;190:2 105:18,20;146:13; younger (1) 10:00 (1) 13th (1) 157:17,19,23;158:2, 89:8 169:12 182:7 2 5;166:21;178:9; youth (3) 10:30 (1) 14 (2) 209:22;210:13,15; 53:3;81:21;93:5 7:11 207:13,14 2 (1) 211:7,23 10:53 (1) 140 (6) 132:6 year-end (1) Z 220:16 9:2;56:19;137:11; 2,151,000 (1) 7:13 100 (6) 185:17;189:4;200:25 57:25 yearly (2) Zahradnik (1) 4:6;58:21,23;99:6; 142 (1) 2,500 (1) 77:2;204:17 172:21 199:8,10 14:22 197:25 year-round (2) Zajac[ph] (1) 1000 (1) 15 (5) 2:15 (1) 26:5;52:11 69:12 59:9 9:3;87:21;108:15; 168:14 years (68) Zierick (1) 10022 (1) 110:3;189:20 20 (8) 13:10;19:14;20:18; 143:19 1:24 150 (2) 16:3;46:11;103:11;

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174:8;184:4,7; 85:18;164:2,21; 361 (1) 176:21 61:17,18 185:13,14 171:25;179:5; 46:6 522 (4) 7.6 (1) 20,000 (1) 206:12;216:25 39 (1) 56:20;58:19;59:21; 93:24 15:13 25,000 (2) 153:25 200:22 7/6/16 (1) 200 (3) 60:25;63:4 523 (1) 209:17 26:19;96:20; 250 (1) 4 14:18 7:00 (1) 185:18 201:22 523-acre (2) 158:10 2000 (2) 250-guest (1) 4 (1) 9:2;95:12 7:29 (1) 29:25;59:8 9:12 61:19 53.24 (1) 1: 2000-foot (2) 25-foot (1) 4:00 (1) 166:20 70 (1) 163:12,14 178:7 158:9 531,000 (1) 102:8 2002 (2) 25th (1) 40 (9) 58:3 711 (1) 95:19;184:13 188:3 3:5;37:7;64:16; 532 (1) 191:22 2006 (2) 25-year (1) 102:11,12;108:13; 216:18 737 (1) 66:4;190:2 139:5 128:25;148:8;204:18 54 (1) 202:3 2007 (2) 26 (3) 40,000 (1) 67:12 75 (1) 10:17;120:16 129:6;157:18; 92:8 544 (1) 181:22 2009 (2) 171:18 400 (1) 138:13 75,000 (1) 13:24;164:19 27 (1) 62:15 544.54 (1) 77:2 2011 (1) 85:22 40s (1) 199:22 750 (1) 166:14 270,000 (1) 114:22 555 (1) 146:22 2012 (4) 184:3 43 (7) 4:5 76,000 (1) 92:7;166:12,13,16 274,000 (1) 23:16;67:7;176:23; 56th (1) 183:22 2013 (2) 183:16 180:11;204:10; 1: 166:15,17 28 (1) 205:14,16 58 (1) 8 2014 (3) 72:13 45 (4) 9:4 164:20;166:17,19 29 (1) 153:24;183:7; 584 (1) 800 (2) 2015 (1) 167:20 184:17;193:14 58:25 76:12,25 166:18 458 (1) 59 (2) 83.33 (1) 2016 (8) 3 59:22 38:4;132:17 166:15 1:9;8:5,9;97:14; 46 (1) 59th (1) 84 (3) 146:9;171:18;182:8; 3,000 (1) 9:4 176:19 50:15;74:17;85:25 221:15 197:21 47 (1) 845.294.4080 (1) 2017 (1) 3,000-foot (1) 9:4 6 3:8 154:25 197:22 49 (1) 845.561.0550 (1) 207 (2) 3.04 (1) 85:23 6 (15) 4:8 169:6;179:6 146:20 49.2 (1) 5:3;8:8;10:5; 85 (1) 209 (1) 30 (10) 9:4 29:17;95:16;98:15; 166:16 3:6 29:15;86:19;100:5; 139:7;167:25;172:9; 87 (1) 20-year (1) 160:25;210:4,7,25; 5 181:11;183:23; 85:23 126:24 211:5,13,23 184:7;199:6;213:10; 89 (1) 210,000 (1) 300 (3) 5 (12) 216:16 164:4 209:20 98:8;144:10;189:2 8:4;10:5;60:12; 6,006 (1) 212-750-6434 (1) 30-year (3) 61:18;95:16;98:15; 191:19 9 1: 206:12;210:17; 132:7;139:7;167:24; 6:00 (2) 2155 (1) 211:25 183:4;184:6;213:10 168:12,16 9 (3) 120:8 31 (4) 5,000 (4) 60 (4) 40:4;48:18;191:21 218 (2) 19:14;210:13,16; 9:16;82:21;178:25; 9:4;86:15;93:25; 9:00 (1) 5:5;69:13 211:7 197:25 94:2 168:13 21st (1) 33,199 (1) 50 (5) 600 (1) 90 (4) 221:14 58:7 57:11;177:22; 204:18 57:13;58:19;86:20; 22 (4) 3300 (1) 185:14;206:25; 601.7 (1) 185:12 61:21;89:2;140:17; 198:22 211:22 181:12 900 (3) 191:7 339 (1) 500 (5) 62 (2) 59:11;163:15; 222 (1) 93:13 144:6,11;145:18; 9:4;189:19 185:8 1:6 349 (1) 146:22;153:25 65 (1) 90-foot (1) 23 (1) 64:14 50-story (1) 145:23 177:19 115:17 35 (2) 109:21 69 (1) 911 (1) 24 (1) 45:14;102:10 52 (1) 9:5 124:9 29:14 3500 (1) 177:18 94 (1) 24/7 (1) 162:19 52.75 (1) 7 169:5 39:5 3-6 (1) 189:19 950,000 (2) 25 (7) 57:3 521-acre (1) 7 (2) 183:8,17

Min-U-Script® Ellen Grauer Court Reporting Co. LLC (34) 20,000 - 950,000


97 (1) 8:10 99.7 (1) 145:16 9th (1) 84:14

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2 ------X


4 ------X


6 22 Wells Farm Road Goshen, New York 7 January 5, 2017 8 7:33 p.m.



11 PROCEEDINGS in the above-referenced matter

12 taken before Sadie L. Herbert, a Registered

13 Professional Reporter and Notary Public of the

14 States of New York and New Jersey.









23 ELLEN GRAUER COURT REPORTING CO. LLC 126 East 56th Street, Fifth Floor 24 New York, New York 10022 212-750-6434 25 REF: 114000


1 A P P E A R A N C E S:



4 LEE BERGUS, Chairman










14 40 Matthews Street

15 Suite 209

16 Goshen, New York 10924

17 Phone: 845.294.4080


19 [email protected]








1 A P P E A R A N C E S (cont'd.)



4 SEAN HOFFMAN, P.E., Riddick Associates


6 HydroEnvironmental Solutions, Inc.



9 Environmental Associates

10 NEAL HALLORAN, Building Inspector




14 555 Hudson Valley Avenue

15 Suite 100

16 New Windsor, New York 12553

17 Phone: 845.561.0550


19 [email protected]



22 JOHN O'ROURKE, Lanc & Tully Engineering

23 and Survey, PC

24 PHILIP ROYLE, Merlin Entertainments




2 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: If everyone would

3 please rise for the Pledge of

4 Allegiance.

5 (Whereupon, the Pledge of

6 Allegiance was recited.)

7 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you. First

8 item not on the agenda is I'd like to

9 wish everyone a happy new year. Hope

10 you all had a good new year, and before

11 we get into the approval of the

12 minutes, I'd like to make a motion

13 regarding the LEGOLAND project for the

14 public comment, that we extend the

15 period of time allowed the public for

16 submittal of the written comments, I'd

17 like to make a motion that the minutes

18 be postmarked by the 14th and received

19 by the Town building department by the

20 close of business on the 17th; instead

21 of January 10th, it will be

22 January 17th, one week later. And this

23 is because of the situation we had with

24 the hack on the Town website, so that

25 affords everyone a little extra



2 opportunity to get back into the review

3 of those comments and the

4 correspondence on the website.

5 So I'm making a motion.

6 Do I have a second?


8 second.

9 (The motion was seconded.)


11 All in favor, say aye.

12 (Chorus of ayes.)


14 (No affirmative response.)

15 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: January 17th,

16 then, would be the new deadline for

17 submittal to the Town or postmarked by

18 the 14th.

19 First item on the agenda now would

20 be approval of minutes for

21 November 17th, 2016.

22 Do we have any comments or

23 revisions that need to be made?


25 any of those.



2 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Kelly, who's

3 taking the notes?

4 MS. NAUGHTON: It's a transcript.


6 transcript.

7 MS. NAUGHTON: So it will be noted

8 for the record.


10 Page 74, there's reference to the

11 Orange County Planning Board, it should

12 be the Planning Department, not the

13 Planning Board.

14 And on Page 78, second paragraph

15 down makes reference to an item, it

16 says, "Where the scope is highlighting

17 as to where the discussion should be,

18 it's approximately on Page 117 of the

19 scope," it should be, "on Page 117 of

20 the DEIS."

21 Any other revisions?

22 (No affirmative response.)

23 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: If not, could I

24 have a motion to accept the minutes as

25 modified?




3 motioned.

4 (The motion was seconded.)


6 seconded by Dave, all in favor, say

7 aye.

8 (Chorus of ayes.)

9 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Abstentions?


11 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: One abstention,

12 thank you.


14 here.

15 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Two abstentions.


17 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Diane, thank you.

18 December 1st, Kelly said we don't

19 have yet. Okay.

20 December 15th minutes, comments by

21 Phil, please.


23 Page 10, Line 13, the word "align"

24 should be "Elant," E-L-A-N-T; on

25 Page 17, Line 13, Mr. Ole should be



2 Mr. Royle.

3 And on Page 115, Line 2, the word

4 should be "Mediacom," C-O-M, not "media

5 comic."

6 On Page 160, Line 1, the word

7 "access" should be "taxes," T-A-X-E-S.

8 On Page 194, Line 8, at the end of the

9 line, the A-E-F should be E-I-S.

10 I think that's all I have.


12 comments from the Board, revisions?

13 (No affirmative response.)

14 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: If not, could we

15 have a motion to accept the minutes of

16 December 15th, 2016 as modified?


18 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Dave, second by

19 Giovanni.

20 (The motion was seconded.)

21 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: All in favor?


23 (Chorus of ayes.)

24 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Against? Any

25 abstentions?





4 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Two abstentions.

5 And lastly, the minutes of December

6 19th, 2016.


8 like to go first or shall I go first?

9 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Yeah, I'll go

10 first. Page 10, Line 12, the word

11 "commentary" should say "comments

12 period."

13 On Page 84, Line 14, the Village of

14 Goshen police chief should say James

15 Watt, not James Black.

16 Page 131, Line 4 and Line 13 should

17 say "Hambletonian Park," not

18 "Harrington Park."

19 Page 132, Line 17 should say "Route

20 59," not "uproot 59."

21 And line -- the Page 201, Line 23

22 and 24, the individual's name should be

23 Serdarevic, S-E-R-D-A-R-E-V-I-C, not

24 Sadabric[ph], and that's what I have.




2 Page 9, Line 12, the word "of" should

3 be "and," yes, "of" should be "and."

4 On line -- on Page 10, Line 17, the

5 year should be 2017, not 2007.

6 That's all I can find right now.



9 think so.


11 revisions, comments?

12 (No affirmative response.)

13 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: If not, could I

14 have a motion to accept the minutes of

15 December 19th, 2016 as modified.


17 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Giovanni, second

18 by.

19 BOARD MEMBER BAKER: I'll second.

20 (The motion was seconded.)

21 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Chris, all in

22 favor say aye.

23 (Chorus of ayes.)


25 (No affirmative response.)



2 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Abstentions?

3 (Affirmative response.)

4 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Two abstentions.

5 Okay. Very good. Thank you.

6 Next item on the agenda is a public

7 hearing for Amy's Kitchen.

8 (Whereupon, Town business unrelated

9 to LEGOLAND was conducted.)

10 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Next item on the

11 agenda is Merlin Entertainment's group,

12 LEGOLAND New York, 11-145, 46, 47,

13 49.2, 58, 60, 62 through 69 and

14 15-1-59, it's an application for a site

15 plan special permit, clearing and

16 grading permit and subdivision for a

17 commercial recreational facility on

18 523, plus or minus, acres along

19 Harriman Drive, Arcadia Road,

20 Conklingtown Road and RU and HR

21 Districts of the AQ-3, Scenic Road,

22 Floodplain & Ponding and Stream

23 Corridor and Reservoir Overlay

24 Districts. We're here tonight, again

25 to discuss the DEIS, this will be a



2 nonpublic speaking meeting. You're

3 welcome to hear our conversations and

4 discussion on the project. We're going

5 to start off by having our consultants

6 weigh in on the DEIS, followed by the

7 Board hearing.

8 So without further ado, let's start

9 with water, yeah, why not.

10 John, if you'll provide some

11 comments for us.

12 BILL CANAVAN: All right. My name

13 is Bill Canavan, I'm with

14 HydroEnvironmental Solutions, in

15 Somers, New York, and we're the Town of

16 Goshen's hydrogeologists. I'll give

17 you a quick synopsis of where we're at

18 related to LEGOLAND and water supply.

19 We submitted a memo on December

20 14th of last year, 2016, focusing on a

21 number of items related to groundwater

22 and water supply for the project, and

23 I'll just take the Board through it and

24 then if anybody has questions, I'm

25 happy to answer them.



2 First thing we spoke of was the

3 Applicant's water budget. They created

4 a water budget based on annual rainfall

5 of 43 inches and a technical paper from

6 1980 by a gentleman named Sneadly[ph],

7 and basically, we said that there are

8 other means in addition to Sneadly's

9 work to assist us in assessing what the

10 water budget is for the property.

11 Now, the reason the water budget is

12 important in this regard are several.

13 First of all, the surrounding area is

14 relying upon groundwater from the

15 bedrock aquifer, specifically Arcadia

16 Hills, their wells get their water from

17 the bedrock aquifer, and there are

18 three wells on site that have been

19 tested in the past for a prior

20 subdivision known as Lone Oak and we

21 wanted to note the following: The

22 77 acres that are proposed to be

23 impervious, what their impact would be

24 on groundwater recharge, what the

25 groundwater recharge is currently with



2 an undeveloped site there, as well as

3 the surrounding watershed, which would

4 include Arcadia Hills and their wells,

5 and basically, what we wanted them

6 to -- to supply that additional water

7 budget information so we could see if

8 the proposed project, which is

9 impervious surfaces, regardless of

10 where they're getting the water from,

11 which is outside the town, and we'll

12 get into that, had any impact on

13 existing groundwater conditions.

14 So we've had some discussions with

15 the Applicant, their engineer, and

16 that's going to happen, so that's what

17 we've requested and they're going to do

18 that. We've chatted with them and

19 they're going to reach out to me and

20 I'm going to discuss what the approach

21 we think should be and they've agreed

22 to that.

23 Some other things in the memo.

24 This -- this situation here, the

25 LEGOLAND project, my group, we're



2 always tasked with groundwater and

3 surface water hydrology. In the town

4 of Goshen, this is a little unusual in

5 that there's a project being proposed

6 in Goshen and I just gave everyone an

7 example of what one of our concerns was

8 related to the groundwater of the town

9 of Goshen. However, in this case, the

10 project is proposing to get their water

11 from outside the confines of the town

12 of Goshen. So just to make sure we're

13 all on the same page, the Village of

14 Goshen has provided the Applicant with,

15 let me get the right legal term here, a

16 will-serve letter, and in that

17 will-serve letter, they stated, we have

18 the water for you, we're going to

19 provide you with the water you need,

20 just for argument's sake. In the DEIS,

21 it states that -- and we'll get to some

22 more detail on this, but the Applicant

23 presented in their Windsor, United

24 Kingdom facility, their average demand

25 was about 176,000 gallons per day, in



2 July, the peak, it was 255,000 gallons

3 per day. Based on those numbers, the

4 Village agreed to provide that water to

5 the project. So we have -- the Village

6 of Goshen has the following statistics

7 and we've asked for backup, and I'll

8 explain a little bit more on that in a

9 minute. The Village right now has a

10 permit between the two reservoirs and

11 two sand and gravel wells, which have

12 water from the same gravel aquifer, of

13 1.3 million gallons per day. In the

14 report, I believe it was Farr

15 Engineering; is that correct?


17 correct.

18 BILL CANAVAN: Farr Engineering

19 presented that the average demand of

20 the village is 655,000 per day, the

21 peak demand is 888,000 gallons per day,

22 leaving a substantial surplus, given

23 the Village permit, of 1.3 million

24 gallons per day. So I get -- in

25 discussions with the Town engineer, we



2 came up with the following analogy,

3 whether, you know, you want to believe

4 it or not, it's as follows: A

5 municipality is stating that they can

6 serve an entity with water, so it would

7 be a similar situation if someone was

8 to build a manufacturing facility and

9 Orange & Rockland Power said, if you

10 build that manufacturing facility here,

11 we have the electric to supply you. So

12 that being said, this will-serve

13 letter, apparently, on the record, is

14 sufficient to, you know, move forward

15 with the project saying that the water

16 is there, because a municipality has

17 stated that.

18 Just to take everybody, get us all

19 on the same page. Based upon what

20 we've reviewed, we asked for the new

21 water budget and calculations, like I

22 just explained, we asked for additional

23 backup on the village water supply, not

24 just on looking at things at face

25 value, but what the numbers indicate



2 over a certain time period so we can

3 actually see water use and possible

4 times of shortages just to ensure that

5 what the Village is saying is true and

6 that the water is there. We've also

7 asked for -- well, let me step back for

8 a second.

9 Part of the application was -- it's

10 stated right in the DEIS, that in the

11 sand and gravel aquifer there along the

12 Wallkill River, which I guess everyone

13 refers to as the Crystal Run well

14 field, it's my understanding there's an

15 ongoing investigation, including test

16 borings, sampling of sand and gravel

17 for well screen sizing, pump testing,

18 et cetera, so -- and we know the

19 group -- my firm knows the group that's

20 doing this work, so we have stated to

21 them that that information, in this

22 memo here we wrote, should also be

23 provided, so we can see, you know, if

24 the need arises, what the sand and

25 gravel aquifer is actually capable of



2 providing in terms of groundwater,

3 okay.

4 And so those are some of the things

5 that we've discussed.

6 Let me see what else I have here.

7 Oh, one of the things that we also

8 discussed was the impacts of possible

9 road maintenance, deicing activities in

10 the winter months for the section of

11 the park that's open, which includes an

12 access road, hotel and parking lots.

13 There's means out there to determine

14 how much road salt is being applied and

15 then based on that and snowmelt and

16 rainfall, how much we actually think is

17 going to go into the groundwater and

18 possibly affect the groundwater in

19 terms of chlorides, because chlorides

20 are the regulated ion in this case, not

21 sodium. That's something that we're

22 going to be discussing with the

23 Applicant's engineer, we've already had

24 that conversation, that information

25 will be forthcoming.



2 Let me see if I missed anything,

3 here.

4 Oh, we talked about the existing

5 wells that were tested for the Lone Oak

6 subdivision, which had decent

7 capacities for bedrock well, they were

8 somewhere in the neighborhood, I've got

9 them here. 15 to 25 GPM for well one,

10 the best well was well two for rock wel

11 at 46 GPM, and then well three at 37

12 and a half gallons per minute.

13 So the details of which wells are

14 actually going to be available for the

15 town and granted, whatever the word may

16 be to the town for additional water

17 supply for Arcadia Hills, that's being

18 worked out, you know, kind of as we

19 speak.

20 I think I might have covered the

21 highlights of the -- what we've been

22 discussing and what additional

23 information we are requiring.

24 Did I miss anything, Sean?

25 SEAN HOFFMAN: No, I don't think



2 so, not for groundwater.


4 Sean.

5 Next we'll hear from Ken regarding

6 traffic and road improvements.


8 question?


10 BOARD MEMBER BAKER: Okay. When we

11 see chloride run off into groundwater,

12 does that improve watershed as well, or

13 is that just the recharge, the waters

14 that would be recharging said aquifers?


16 BILL CANAVAN: I'm sorry, can you

17 repeat the question.


19 concern with chloride, that's all

20 really, just the chloride and sodium,

21 anyway, it's conservative, we won't get

22 into that, but are you speaking of

23 recharge, groundwater recharge or are

24 you also going to be looking into what

25 enters the watershed?



2 BILL CANAVAN: Now, we're just

3 speaking of specifically what's going

4 to be used on site and possible effects

5 related to recharge on site to the

6 groundwater.




10 question.



13 clear, you have requested the backup

14 data upon which the Farr letter has

15 reached its conclusions?

16 BILL CANAVAN: That's correct. So

17 the Farr Engineering letter which

18 states the demands and capacities of

19 the village's water supply system, we

20 want backup, how they came to those

21 conclusions so that we can review it

22 and reach an agreement or ask for

23 additional information or whatever

24 the -- whatever else is needed to feel

25 comfortable with it.




3 recall when you requested that?

4 BILL CANAVAN: I think it was a day

5 or two ago.


7 BILL CANAVAN: So it's really

8 recently.

9 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you, Phil.

10 Dave.


12 question. You know, generally, the

13 sand and gravel aquifers are recharging

14 the bedrock aquifers.

15 I would just ask if you could

16 somehow, when you're reviewing the

17 Applicant's data or the data from the

18 hydrogeologist doing the well, doing

19 that, perhaps you could provide

20 something for our Board that sort of

21 delineates the bedrock aquifers and,

22 you know, which sand and gravel

23 aquifers are recharging what bedrock

24 aquifers so we can sort of see a big

25 picture view, some other concerns --



2 there's concern that we're -- and I use

3 that analogy, we might be looking at,

4 you know, drinking out of, you know,

5 two straws from the same cup and I just

6 want to make sure that we're not doing

7 that and we're not going to deplete our

8 resources in the village or in the town

9 by over pumping over here, so if you

10 could sort of help spell that out, so

11 we can make that --

12 SEAN HOFFMAN: If I could just say

13 one thing on that matter. Typically,

14 in this type of format and process --

15 typically, in the FEIS, you're asking

16 the Applicant to provide something in

17 the FEIS. You typically don't ask your

18 consultants, although you could, but

19 you typically do not ask your

20 consultants to do a separate study, so

21 I think it would be more appropriate

22 and more consistent with your past

23 practice if that's directed towards the

24 Applicant, they have the stenographer

25 here tonight so they know what you



2 said, but so that you and the Applicant

3 and then we as consultants review it,

4 as opposed to us prepare it.


6 if I forget, can we do that?

7 MS. NAUGHTON: It's on the record.


9 BILL CANAVAN: Okay. So to your

10 point, it's just a well-known fact that

11 the Wallkill well field, they're in the

12 same sand and gravel unit, all right,

13 so they are not pumped simultaneously.

14 So those two wells, which, I mean, the

15 capacities are 275 gallons a minute for

16 well one and 300 for well two, they're

17 allowed under DEC permit about half a

18 million or .45 million gallons a day to

19 pull water out of that sand and gravel

20 aquifer. So if the Village says, hey,

21 we want to get more water out of our

22 sand and gravel aquifer and we think

23 it's more extensive than it is, that's

24 fine, but they have to go there, drill

25 test wells, prove the water is there,



2 run a 72-hour pump test, confirm

3 there's no interference, surface water

4 impacts, et cetera, et cetera, submit

5 that data and report to DEC and obtain

6 a water taking permit before they're

7 legitimately allowed to pump another

8 300 gallons a minute or whatever it is

9 they find or they say that they have in

10 the sand and gravel aquifer, so it's

11 not just, hey, let's just willy-nilly

12 go drill the well and we say we have

13 water, everybody knows it doesn't work

14 that way.

15 And then lastly, typically, the

16 bedrock where the majority of the Town

17 wells -- the bedrock aquifer, a lot of

18 times, you can run a pump test from a

19 rock well and see no interference in a

20 sand and gravel overlying unit, so a

21 lot of times, they're not hydraulically

22 connected. And in this case, it's

23 pretty far away.


25 is.



2 BILL CANAVAN: There's a lot of

3 information, like USGS papers and

4 things like that out there that support

5 that, the sand and gravel aquifers in

6 Orange County are, in most cases, not

7 hydraulically connected to the rock.


9 ultimately, they are, but it's very

10 indirect.

11 BILL CANAVAN: I would agree with

12 that.


14 other things, your analysis will focus

15 on single day peak consumption; is that

16 right?

17 BILL CANAVAN: Yeah, you want to

18 make sure that if everybody is in a hot

19 day in July or August using the water,

20 that between the reservoirs and the

21 well field, they have the water, and

22 then drought considerations need to

23 also be added into that equation.

24 MS. NAUGHTON: Just so that it's

25 clear, that's the Applicant's analysis



2 again and that will be reviewed by our

3 consultants.


5 corrected.

6 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Is that it for

7 water concerns at this particular

8 moment?


10 one question on that.

11 On the estimates for the

12 consumption of the facility that Merlin

13 is proposing, they're using estimates

14 based on their facility in England, and

15 it could be quite different from water

16 usage of a facility in the United

17 States?

18 BILL CANAVAN: Agreed --


20 been any discussion with the Applicant

21 on that?

22 BILL CANAVAN: There has, actually,

23 in the memo I wrote, something I didn't

24 mention publicly here, but, I mean, I

25 can read it to you, a comparison of



2 water use in the LEGOLAND facility does

3 not seem appropriate to be used as an

4 estimated or projected water use for

5 the LEGOLAND New York facility,

6 European and American views on use of

7 natural resources of water being a

8 primary one are not necessarily

9 equivalent. The comparison of water

10 use should be substantiated with

11 additional information and compared to

12 existing values with similar facilities

13 in the U.S.

14 So thanks for pointing that out,

15 it's definitely on the record we

16 brought that up.

17 SEAN HOFFMAN: There was one other

18 item with regard to that, and that is

19 the justification of that use based on

20 an attendance figure, the estimated

21 approximate is 2.5 for the New York

22 site, Windsor, I think, is 2.2 million,

23 so we had asked separately that the

24 Applicant consider any effect that

25 attendance would have, so not just take



2 that Windsor number as going to be

3 equivalent and either extrapolate out

4 what it could be for the Goshen site or

5 adjust it accordingly.


7 mean, just using common math and common

8 sense, just saying comparing it to the

9 facility in California might be a

10 little more appropriate, even though

11 the visitation might be different, the

12 number of people attending might be

13 different, the usage per person, the

14 average use per person could be a

15 little more accurate than something --

16 comparing something to in the UK.

17 SEAN HOFFMAN: Yeah, absolutely.

18 The DEIS includes a figure, right, a

19 number, a value, 174,000 gallons per

20 day, approximately, that's just a

21 number, right, that's a black box, we

22 don't know what goes into that number,

23 so in our comment, and we had asked for

24 them to provide some substantiating

25 data to support that number.




3 where that number came from.

4 SEAN HOFFMAN: Right, it may be

5 that number, that number may be

6 accurate, but it should be

7 substantiated with either industrial

8 standards, the average user at a theme

9 park consumes this much water during a

10 day, something like that, so we have a

11 feel for is this range appropriate.

12 BILL CANAVAN: All right. Another

13 thing, with regard to Carlsbad, Florida

14 versus New York and England, you have

15 to be careful using a year-round

16 facility with like a water park, as an

17 example, because, you know, in Florida,

18 there's no winter, they're irrigating,

19 there's more water use, so that's kind

20 of the back and forth that we've been

21 discussing and, you know, I think Sean

22 just made an excellent point, if you

23 could just clear all that out, make it

24 a level playing field and just say, you

25 know, if someone comes to an amusement



2 park, regardless of the time of year,

3 this is the number and it's

4 substantiated by X, Y and Z, that's

5 what we're asking for, but it gets

6 tricky if you start trying to include

7 facilities from warmer climates where

8 the place never shuts down, like it

9 would here.

10 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Other comments?

11 (No affirmative response.)

12 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: If not, we'll go

13 on to Ken.


15 Mackiewicz with Provident Design

16 Engineering. We have done a

17 comprehensive review of the DEIS

18 traffic report, which was over 4,000

19 pages, including a lot of technical

20 support information. Our own review

21 was some 40 pages and probably over 20

22 pages of technical tables.

23 In their comprehensive analysis,

24 they analyzed over 26 locations and

25 included specifically nine different



2 hours, peak hours of analysis of the

3 various conditions, a.m., p.m., Friday,

4 Saturday evening, Sunday evening, they

5 analyzed existing conditions, future

6 conditions under a no-build scenario

7 and then, of course, the build

8 condition.

9 Throughout their analysis, we find

10 that they used all the standard New

11 York State DOT procedures, they

12 followed the Federal highway and used

13 the standard -- industry standard

14 highway capacity analysis

15 methodologies. They even advanced some

16 simulation modeling. Our review was

17 conducted without benefit of New York

18 State DOT's input, subsequent to which

19 we've had one or two informational

20 meetings and discussions, and without

21 benefit of Federal highway input,

22 because, obviously, Route 17 is

23 talking -- is considering to be I86 in

24 the future.

25 As a result of this, we have raised



2 many issues with respect to some

3 underlying conditions, including the

4 development of the background traffic,

5 they use machine counts and turning

6 movement counts that we want to see

7 more information on. We questioned

8 some of the trip generation derivation

9 of how LEGOLAND is expected to project

10 traffic in those nine peak hours, we

11 have issues with respect to the trip

12 distribution, how it was derived. And

13 again, these are -- these are all

14 technical matters that have to be

15 addressed as part of the FEIS and we

16 would hope to be working with the

17 Applicant on addressing those technical

18 issues.

19 Beyond that, the analysis itself

20 points to several areas where we have

21 concerns that will have to be addressed

22 in greater detail in the FEIS and prior

23 to that with input from the New York

24 State DOT, as well as FHWA.

25 And just to touch on a few of them.



2 Obviously, the biggest point of concern

3 is the South Street bridge and both

4 intersections on either side, the

5 ability to -- of the LEGOLAND traffic

6 to be processed on that bridge, even

7 with some improvements, queuing on

8 either end, levels of service during

9 various peak hours, so we're looking

10 very closely at the South Street

11 bridge.

12 Also, impacts along Harriman Drive.

13 There are issues with respect to BOCES

14 and the driveway and the safety of the

15 driveway, as well as the proposed

16 rotary that is planned on Harriman

17 Drive. So again, levels of service

18 issues there.

19 Unknown but addressed, to a certain

20 extent, in the traffic study is the

21 future status of Exit 125, the

22 westbound, whether the ramps will be

23 closed or not, these are ongoing

24 discussions and reviews with the DOT

25 that have to be worked out and



2 resolved, which the Applicant is

3 pursuing diligently with DOT and FHWA.

4 We have serious concerns with the

5 Route 17 main line backups that occur

6 on Saturday and Sunday evenings and

7 that is a concern of the DOT, it

8 certainly has to be tempered with the

9 cumulative impact of what LEGOLAND is

10 adding as an existing and will continue

11 to be an existing problem, but LEGOLAND

12 must mitigate its fair share of this

13 increase in traffic.

14 The other area that is of great

15 concern is the desire to explore

16 another overpass, an alternative

17 solution to improvements, the South

18 Street bridge, which will bring to bear

19 certainly the New York State DOT, which

20 has jurisdiction, as well as FHWA, and

21 this is really a primary focus right

22 now, in terms of looking at solutions

23 that involve the South Street bridge,

24 as well as potential for a new bridge

25 or a form of an overpass.



2 So these are all very serious

3 issues that we will continue to work

4 with the Applicant on and to explore

5 with DOT, solutions that can be

6 proffered in the FEIS.

7 As I say, there is ongoing meetings

8 and discussions with DOT and FHWA and I

9 think that will shed a lot more light

10 on this.

11 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Okay. Thank you.

12 Any comments from the Board

13 regarding what we just heard?


15 one question, I didn't find it

16 anywhere, Ken, I don't know if you saw

17 it, but was there any analysis done on

18 actually replacing the South Street

19 bridge, rather than using the existing

20 structure and modifying it?


22 an extent that was requested in the

23 scope, they did come up with an

24 overpass scheme that would take the

25 place of the South Street bridge.



2 Initially, there was limited analysis

3 of that, there was a concept presented.

4 Now we are looking at the benefits of

5 that, but some initial discussions with

6 DOT are sending them in different

7 directions in terms of what the FHWA

8 will allow and how you go about that.


10 talking about what we've been calling

11 the flyover or are you talking about

12 actually replacing the South Street

13 bridge with this, quote-unquote,

14 "flyover"? I'm a little confused.


16 about a new bridge, a new overpass,

17 flyover.


19 replace the South Street bridge.


21 replace.



24 bridge would remain in its present

25 condition and possibly have



2 improvements along the lines of what is

3 in the DEIS, but looking beyond that

4 for another solution, which could be

5 another bridge or an overpass, and

6 we're really in the beginning stages of

7 that, that the Applicant is now

8 pursuing with DOT.


10 essentially what we've been calling a

11 flyover; right?



14 the flyover.



17 original question was, was there any

18 analysis or any documentation or any

19 suggestion of actually -- separate from

20 this, quote-unquote, "flyover" to

21 actually replace the South Street

22 bridge with another bridge in the same

23 location --


25 time.




3 would meet the needs of the traffic?


5 are planned improvements on either end

6 of the South Street bridge as put forth

7 in the DEIS, but beyond that is an

8 exploration of a new, independent

9 structure apart from South Street.


11 Because it -- I did personally have a

12 lot of concerns about the suggested

13 modifications to that South Street

14 bridge and with regards to moving a

15 sidewalk and using shoulders for actual

16 travel lanes and things of that nature,

17 because, you know, shoulders are there

18 for a reason, sidewalks are there for a

19 reason, they were either suggesting

20 removing them and I had concerns around

21 that, so my main idea was, you know,

22 rather than modify the existing

23 structure, why wouldn't they suggest --

24 because the queuing is obvious, it's

25 not -- even with their modifications,



2 it's just not going to meet their

3 needs, so --


5 those same concerns. In our review,

6 we've highlighted that, and obviously,

7 you know, it's up to the Applicant to

8 decide whether -- you know, do they

9 want to treat it as possibly a new

10 South Street bridge, but I think the

11 preference is to really remove traffic

12 from the South street bridge entirely.



15 with a potential new structure, a

16 bridge that would alleviate all

17 LEGOLAND traffic off the South Street

18 overpass.

19 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.


21 that would be a smart path to follow.


23 provide some written comments in a

24 letter, I won't go into those, but just

25 to summarize it, I think we need to



2 look at some incoming traffic from

3 surrounding areas, other than from the

4 south, you know, specifically from the

5 north and the west, but I detail that

6 in some written comments.

7 But what I -- to go on what Gio is

8 talking about, the South Street bridge,

9 if it is modified and those sidewalks

10 are removed, just in consideration, the

11 Applicant looked at possibly making

12 sure it's still viable for handicap or

13 elderly, being that you have the two

14 schools -- I mean, the school and the

15 old age homes nearby, if that's going

16 to be modified and you are going to do

17 that, just make sure that it's modified

18 with, you know, handicapped in mind.

19 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Also, I think

20 what's important, too, regardless of

21 which improvements are made on the

22 roadway, either what was proposed in

23 the DEIS or the new concepts that are

24 being discussed as far as an

25 alternative overpass or flyway or



2 improvements to the existing bridge or

3 construction of a flyover, that some

4 sort of time schedule is tied to it.

5 You know, we know how the State

6 sometimes is with some of their

7 projects and how they get dragged out,

8 we want to make sure that these

9 improvements are done in a timely

10 manner consistent with the opening of

11 the park.


13 definitely would agree with that.

14 Obviously, opening of LEGOLAND would

15 have to be tied to completion of the

16 needed improvements.



19 submission of the ERB's comments, will

20 they be addressed as well, what they

21 have submitted in writing?




25 Applicant will respond to those?



2 MS. NAUGHTON: The Applicant has to

3 respond to the comments of the ERB, the

4 comments of the Board tonight, the

5 consultant comments and all of the

6 public comments, that you have received

7 both, so far in writing and the

8 comments made at the two nights of the

9 public hearing.




13 Page 25 of 38 of the Maser report, what

14 I'm getting is whether or not you were

15 in agreement with these numbers.

16 The trip generation for LEGOLAND

17 ranges depending on the day of the

18 week. However, the highest hour of

19 entering or exiting traffic is

20 approximately 1500 vehicles per hour,

21 as indicated in Table SGT3, the peak

22 daily traffic generation is in the

23 order of 4500 to 5,000 entering

24 vehicles over the course of the day

25 with a peak hour generation of



2 approximately 1500 entering trips,

3 based on the proposed operation.

4 Is that something that you would

5 concur with?


7 yes. I've asked for additional backup

8 in support of the derivation of those

9 numbers.

10 It goes to the daily attendance, it

11 goes to the percentage that occur in

12 any one hour and it goes to the

13 underlying backup that they're

14 providing with respect to what they

15 have indicated is from Carlsbad, we've

16 asked for additional data from Winter

17 Haven and they make reference to the

18 institute of traffic engineers

19 information relative to trip generation

20 for amusement parks and we want to

21 correlate all that and to do further

22 checking on that, we've asked them to

23 supply that. So generally, I think

24 that's -- the number is in the

25 ballpark. It could be slightly higher,



2 it could be lower, but we want to

3 confirm that.


5 for the record, on Page 16 of 38, they

6 state that the Heritage Trail Crossing

7 by Duck Pond Road is 55 feet north of

8 17M, it's actually about 15 feet, I

9 would imagine it's just a typo.

10 On Page 18 of the Maser report,

11 they state under F, "Summary of

12 existing traffic operating conditions."

13 The key phrase here is that the

14 expected queues exceed available

15 storage lengths, and this is a

16 reference to tables Numbers 1 through 9

17 in their appendices.

18 What does that mean?

19 KENNETH MACKIEWICZ: It means that

20 the analysis that is performed is a

21 modeling that shows the levels of

22 service expressed in average delay per

23 vehicle. But another analysis

24 performed of the lanes and the length

25 that you have to stack cars in those



2 lanes and that would include such

3 things as left-turn storage lanes, so

4 when you have a left-turn storage lane

5 that, say, is 200 feet long and your

6 calculation in the modeling shows that

7 you need 300 feet, that means there

8 will be a hundred feet of stacking in

9 an adjacent lane that will create

10 congestion and more backup, so any time

11 the queuing exceeds the available

12 storage length or the stacking length

13 of a left-turn lane, you have a

14 problem, and we've identified many of

15 those locations and the Applicant's

16 engineer will be addressing that.

17 Now, how do you address it?

18 Obviously if you can lengthen the lane,

19 that's a good solution, but when you're

20 limited by intersections on either side

21 of, say, a bridge, you are restricted,

22 so now you have to go into signal

23 timing issues and other means to make

24 that queue dissipate. So that is, you

25 know, the charge of the Applicant's



2 engineer to address.


4 give you, and if I'm being too

5 speculative, let me know. But if, in

6 fact, 125, Exit 125 west were to close,

7 as is currently contemplated in the

8 conversion from a State roadway to a

9 Federal roadway. If Exit 124 were to

10 be moved a little further eastward and

11 the traffic were to be what they're

12 anticipating it to be, would there

13 be -- do you think it is probable,

14 likely, not likely that we could face a

15 scenario where folks coming to LEGOLAND

16 would get off the new 124 west exit,

17 they would make their turn, they go on

18 North Connector Road, they make another

19 turn on to South Street and then they

20 make the right-hand turn on to Harriman

21 Drive.



24 left-hand turn on to Harriman Drive,

25 could there be, is it likely that there



2 would be a scenario where the cars

3 would be so queued up or stacked up

4 that they would be either: Number 1,

5 on the 17 main line; and Number 2,

6 would they be stacked up on South

7 Street beyond the intersection of 17M,

8 North Connector Road and that -- and

9 South Street?


11 that that is a possibility. As I say,

12 they've analyzed nine hours, and

13 depending upon the flow and which hour

14 you're looking at, if you're looking at

15 the peak entry hour, you could have a

16 steady stream of vehicles that have to

17 be processed through both those

18 signals, both at the 17M and again at

19 Harriman Drive, so obviously, that's a

20 concern and some of the simulation is

21 showing that to be a -- the case, as

22 well as the departure movement, where

23 Harriman Drive, as you feed the South

24 Street bridge and then if you were to

25 continue and make a right turn on to



2 17M, it's a steady -- could be a steady

3 stream of traffic.

4 Now, in deference to the Applicant,

5 he is proposing some significant

6 intersection and signal modifications

7 that we really have to see how much

8 that does.


10 assuming a background growth rate of 1

11 percent a year in the natural growth of

12 the traffic.

13 Is that something you would concur

14 with?


16 that is appropriate, particularly when

17 you consider they put the 1 percent

18 growth rate in, but then factored in

19 the traffic anticipated by some ten

20 other projects in the area, putting in

21 their site-specific traffic, so the

22 combination of those two certainly

23 provide an accurate background traffic

24 picture.




2 given that -- it's on Page 20 of their

3 report. On Page 21, the second full

4 paragraph, "It should be noted that the

5 increases in traffic, as a result of

6 these background developments," the

7 Montreign and the other developments.



10 total background increases on New York

11 State Route 17 on between 18 and

12 46 percent over the existing volumes,

13 depending upon time period being

14 considered.

15 So the natural 1 percent

16 year-over-year growth, you would concur

17 with, but if we add in all of these

18 other new developments, the increase --

19 are they saying that the increase in

20 traffic can be between 18 and

21 46 percent?

22 KENNETH MACKIEWICZ: Yes, depending

23 on what hour you're looking at. So

24 you're right, they're adding 1 percent

25 per year and then you're adding the



2 site-specific traffic from ten other

3 large developments.



6 question.



9 get to South Street and you turn on

10 Harriman Drive between South Street and

11 the proposed roundabout, that is

12 extremely narrow, there is no place on

13 the north side of that road where 17 is

14 to extend it, you would have to go on

15 the BOCES side, do we have an easement

16 that we can go over on to that property

17 or would we have to buy something or

18 we're just thinking that it's fine the

19 way it is?


21 will have to be addressed in the FEIS.

22 We do know that the Applicant is

23 proposing improvements to the South

24 Street intersection at Harriman Drive.

25 When you make a left into Harriman



2 Drive, it is more than a 90-degree turn

3 and they're proposing widening there,

4 you know, how they will accomplish that

5 and whether land will be acquired is a

6 matter for the FEIS.


8 question?


10 BOARD MEMBER BAKER: So a lot of

11 the analysis that we've looked at has

12 been looked at related to flow; is that

13 correct?


15 at these intersections, we look at

16 delay, delay without the project, delay

17 with the project, delay with adjacent

18 developments and delay is expressed in

19 terms of seconds of delay per hour,

20 depending on what hour you're looking

21 at.

22 BOARD MEMBER BAKER: So let me see

23 if I can explain my thought process on

24 what my question here is. I'm looking

25 at the service levels of the roads,



2 which I'm assuming they relate to flow

3 and density, and they seem to be, I

4 guess, at worst a D, but typically

5 between A and C, which would relate to

6 flow; right? Am I reading that right?


8 BOARD MEMBER BAKER: Yet at a lot

9 of the intersections, I see accident

10 data that's greater than the average,

11 even though the roads seem to be

12 categorized as flowing with their

13 design intent.

14 What kind of analysis can be done,

15 does need to be done to see if any of

16 the improvements will not only increase

17 flow or regulate flow or improve flow,

18 but will cut down on some of these

19 accident numbers?


21 typically, you will do a detailed

22 accident analysis at a given location

23 when the accident rate exceeds

24 statewide averages. When it does, you

25 take it to the next step and you look



2 at the accidents over a period of time

3 and specifically what were the

4 accidents, was it a rear-end, was it a

5 left-turning accident, what caused the

6 accident and what remedies can you

7 offer in the way of improved

8 signalization, better signing, better

9 striping, and that has to be addressed

10 as well, so where you have a high

11 accident location, you look at the

12 accident history and then offer

13 solutions.


15 something that would need to be done

16 through the Applicant via traffic

17 modeling based on what the expected

18 flow on the new conditions would be

19 after construction?


21 really goes to the historical accident

22 reports that exist at the intersection,

23 that is, over the statewide averages,

24 so you go in and you look at that, and

25 then you come up with solutions that



2 would have helped those specific

3 accidents.


5 go.

6 So on Page 24, they say that

7 Table SGT-1 provides a summary of the

8 daily variation of volumes, for each of

9 the hours of the day by the day of the

10 week represented as a percentage of the

11 total daily entering and exiting

12 volume. This information is based on

13 the hourly traffic volume data

14 collected at the existing LEGOLAND

15 facility located in Carlsbad and

16 Florida.

17 Would you do this analysis based on

18 this percentage and would you do it

19 based upon Carlsbad?


21 the most accurate information

22 available. You could look at other

23 sources that may give some general

24 recreational percentages, but when you

25 have a specific applicant, such as



2 LEGOLAND, and they have specific data

3 as to how their people arrive at what

4 percentage and what hour, it's the best

5 available information. I'd like to

6 couple that with perhaps a look at

7 Winter Haven to see, is Winter Haven

8 falling in lockstep with Carlsbad, and

9 then between the two, you know, we've

10 applied the right numbers in Goshen.


12 record, Winter Haven is lower,

13 according to their table, it's a lower

14 number of entering and exiting

15 vehicles.




19 attendance, okay.


21 attendance.


23 percentages may fall in lockstep or

24 they may be different, so that would be

25 worthwhile information, yeah.




3 Page 37 -- 27, lane groups where

4 available storage is exceeded by the

5 95th percentile queue lanes

6 highlighted. Again, just clarify for

7 me, so you have a queue of, let's say,

8 a hundred feet, you have a length of

9 turning lane of a hundred feet, is this

10 saying that 95 percent of the time that

11 queue length is exceeded, that stacking

12 exceeds that length of roadway?

13 KENNETH MACKIEWICZ: No, what it's

14 saying is the queue that they calculate

15 will be that number or less 95 percent

16 of the time.



19 percent of the time it will be grater

20 than the queue that is shown.


22 KENNETH MACKIEWICZ: It goes to the

23 arrival pattern of the vehicles and

24 obviously, you're into queuing theory

25 in terms of how you model the amount of



2 cars that will be stacked.

3 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Just a couple

4 questions, Ken.

5 On -- BOCES have indicated that

6 they're looking to expand and grow

7 their student population, I don't know

8 if there's been any discussions on

9 whether that impacts peak hours, you

10 know, as far as the age of the children

11 or students, if that's going to shift.

12 Also, the report didn't indicate

13 specifically what those peak hours

14 were, it just addressed peak hours as a

15 lump sum category.

16 Also, for mitigation measures, it

17 was indicated that a traffic management

18 plan should be established and I

19 suggest must be established, not

20 should.

21 And then the only other question I

22 had right now is if the park attendance

23 numbers exceed expectations and we

24 happen to have a very good weekend,

25 very good -- how does the traffic get



2 notified, like when the park closes,

3 because the parking lot is at capacity

4 or something like that, how do people

5 know that the park is going to be shut

6 down, you know, other than people who

7 have season permits or pre-purchased

8 tickets or something like that so

9 they're not just queued up and go

10 through the motions of getting to

11 Harriman Drive and end up back on Route

12 17 or not?


14 think LEGOLAND, from what I have seen

15 in the visit to Winter Haven, is they

16 have very good communications with the

17 local support services, meaning police,

18 fire, emergency, and I think as -- if

19 they approach capacity of their parking

20 lot, they will be notifying the Goshen

21 police to take appropriate action,

22 whether there's some barricades or

23 there's some police presence there,

24 they would have to monitor that

25 situation. I don't know if there



2 would -- there would be communications

3 on radio stations or what, I don't

4 think it would go to that extreme, I

5 think it would be more of a local --

6 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Positioning.

7 KENNETH MACKIEWICZ: -- positioning

8 enforcement, you know, turning them

9 away or doing what they have to do, but

10 I think that's the way they handle it

11 in Winter Haven.

12 MS. NAUGHTON: Chairman, I think

13 those comments would be addressed

14 appropriately by the Applicant in the

15 FEIS, so I was trying to speculate as

16 to a response, so all the comments

17 actually that you just mentioned and

18 that the Board is mentioning should be

19 addressed to the Applicant so the

20 Applicant can identify them and respond

21 to them in the FEIS.

22 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.


24 quick question, do you know -- you're

25 involved in a lot of these processes,



2 do you know when it's proposed that

3 Route 17 will be turned into Interstate

4 6?


6 think, as today, in discussions with

7 the New York State DOT, there is no

8 plans within the next five years, as

9 the capital program stands today.

10 That's not to say it couldn't change

11 next year, but the five-year window, as

12 of today, it doesn't -- it's not there.


14 Then, for the Applicant, on Page 93, it

15 says the project sponsor has requested

16 that New York State and Orange County

17 fund the cost of these improvements

18 being many improvements to New York

19 State 17 and surrounding road network,

20 obviously, these are involved with this

21 project. If it could specify which --

22 what are the many of the improvements

23 they are requesting that New York State

24 and Orange County fund the cost of, to

25 the Applicant?




3 construction, it's going to be a

4 two-year construction period and that's

5 going to have impact on the local

6 traffic as well, has that actually been

7 addressed, I didn't see it, or has it

8 been addressed in the traffic analysis

9 or is it not typically addressed in the

10 traffic analysis?


12 discussion, I believe, on construction

13 traffic impacts during the construction

14 of LEGOLAND itself and how many

15 construction vehicles they anticipate

16 on Harriman Drive and how they will

17 control that. And if it hasn't been

18 addressed fully, we certainly will seek

19 that in the FEIS.


21 discusses the amount of truck traffic

22 that they'll have, it doesn't discuss

23 how they're going to accommodate that

24 with the local traffic.




2 the -- well, I know they are proposing

3 the resurfacing of Harriman Drive to

4 the extent the construction and truck

5 traffic, you know, increases the wear

6 on the road and the like, that will be

7 dealt with that way. And also, the

8 Applicant, obviously, will be

9 addressing that.


11 is to you, but, Ken, just listen, I did

12 read this extensive report that you did

13 and there are many, many questions you

14 are asking of the Applicant. In

15 connection with the FEIS process, the

16 Applicant will be required to respond

17 to these questions?

18 MS. NAUGHTON: Yes, every one.


20 not going to go through the specifics.

21 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Kelly, other

22 items that we have as a Board, should

23 these be all said now or can we just

24 pass them on to the Applicant along

25 with the public comments?



2 MS. NAUGHTON: If the Board wants

3 to verbalize some of their comments

4 tonight, what your consultants do, we

5 summarize, in an email, the top three,

6 and then we give you a memo, the same

7 thing is done by the Board, give, you

8 know, some of your comments, but if you

9 have a number of them or if you have

10 more or if you think of any, as well,

11 you know, send them in and the

12 Applicant is going to have to address

13 them. I know there have been some

14 comments in writing so far, so, again,

15 it will be similar to that, those

16 comments will have to be addressed by

17 the Applicant.

18 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.

19 I just had a couple questions, I

20 guess this would be for the Applicant.

21 In reviewing the plans, the hotel

22 guests, how they access the park and

23 leave the park, if there's -- you know,

24 with the gate on the exit leaving, is

25 there a separate loop that takes the



2 guests or the patrons right to the

3 hotel or are they in the same queue

4 coming into the back parking lot before

5 they actually get to the hotel? That

6 was just a question, I couldn't tell

7 from the drawings and likewise, from

8 the same vein, anyone staying in the

9 hotel how they get into the park, I

10 didn't see any pathways or to get them

11 to security, something like that, you

12 know, maybe that needs to be shown a

13 little clearer.

14 There were just a couple or a

15 number of inconsistencies as far as the

16 sizing of the water storage tank, as

17 far as the height of the tank, the

18 volume of the tank, going through the

19 report, that should just be looked at.

20 Under visual resources, one of the

21 comments was made looking at the park

22 area from Route 17M, that in part, it

23 was any potential view was blocked by a

24 billboard on 17M, that billboard is

25 going to be coming down, that's part of



2 one of the other projects we're looking

3 at, and the billboard won't be there,

4 so just -- you know, just to be aware

5 of that.

6 I mean, it's insignificant compared

7 to when the park is open, but I didn't

8 see anything anywhere as far as what

9 the projections would be as far as

10 traffic for the hotel and SEA LIFE when

11 the park is closed, so during the

12 non-peak months, the five months the

13 park is closed.

14 The rest of the comments I'll pass

15 along.

16 Other comments.




20 several pages of comments, and I'll

21 take the opportunity to share some of

22 the highlights.

23 I have a particular concern about

24 the traffic as the traffic plan is

25 currently proposed along Harriman Drive



2 insofar as it might effect ingress and

3 egress to Elant, Arden Hill and BOCES.

4 I also note that other than the

5 Applicant stating in the DEIS that it

6 will compensate the Village for the

7 cost of drilling and studying the water

8 capacity and quality of a third well,

9 the DEIS states that it is the -- it is

10 anticipated that off-site improvements

11 will be paid by the County and the

12 State, it doesn't go on to say what

13 happens if the County and State do not

14 pay all the site improvements, noting

15 that publicly, and it kind of leaves me

16 in a place of spending many, many hours

17 reading these documents and scratching

18 my head, well, what happens next?

19 I also note -- and I was a little

20 confused by this, I'm sure the

21 Applicant can clarify this, the DEIS

22 states that there will be 500 full-time

23 employees, the proposed project will be

24 open seven months each year, except as

25 to the future aquarium and the hotel,



2 so I need some clarification or

3 confirmation of what is meant by

4 "full-time," in light of the fact that

5 the facility will be open seven months

6 out of the year.

7 (Laughter.)


9 joke.

10 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Let him speak,

11 please.


13 recognize that while emergency response

14 plans may well be addressed under the

15 public functions permit, on Page 117 of

16 the DEIS, there is no statement made,

17 which I think it should be made, that

18 the emergency response -- the response

19 plans will be reviewed with appropriate

20 emergency responders and law

21 enforcement officials, at least

22 annually and updated accordingly.

23 As to the air quality, the scoping

24 document on Page 25 requires a

25 discussion of the cumulative impacts on



2 air quality of all the new projects

3 listed in the scope and of the proposed

4 project. I did not see this discussion

5 in the DEIS, I might have missed it,

6 but I don't recall seeing it.

7 On Page 154 of the DEIS, it is

8 stated that there is expected to be

9 construction traffic along South

10 Street. I think this requires further

11 elaboration as to how often and how

12 much. Discussion of construction

13 noise, in general, is required under

14 Page 25 of the scoping document, and so

15 that -- you will see the rest of my

16 comments when I write you a letter.

17 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thanks, Phil.

18 Ralph, I didn't mean to pass you

19 by.

20 RALPH HUDDLESTON: That's okay,

21 that's all I've got in this.

22 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: No, we were

23 saving the best for last.


25 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Environmental



2 issues.

3 RALPH HUDDLESTON: Yes, we've met

4 with the Applicant and I provided you

5 with a memo on December 15th of last

6 year. I'll just hit the high points,

7 you've touched on some of them.

8 As we've requested, the Applicant

9 is -- has obtained the Federal and

10 State input from U.S. Fish and

11 Wildlife, the New York State Department

12 of Environmental Conservation and the

13 Army Corps of Engineers, they will be

14 addressing that in the FEIS, it has

15 caused them to initiate additional

16 studies in relation to bat populations

17 and other impacts. We had asked them

18 to include an evaluation of the aquatic

19 fish and benthic wildlife in the

20 wetland and surface waters that will be

21 impacted by the project, to include the

22 Otter Kill and so they have assured us

23 they will be doing fish populations and

24 other information relative to those

25 systems.



2 We had asked through the storm

3 water management plan, there are a

4 number of facilities where runoff is

5 being treated, but then it's being

6 discharged into waters of the United

7 States, so either wetlands or surface

8 waters. So again, we've asked them to

9 go back and discuss the potential

10 impacts associated with each of those

11 structures, most of them, I belive, are

12 open pond structures, and so they'll be

13 going back to the storm water manual

14 for the State and they've assured us

15 they're going to do that and they've

16 initiated working on that.

17 Let's see...

18 Our understanding is they have

19 obtained their JD from the U.S. Army

20 Corps of Engineers, there was a little

21 bit of discrepancy that we had

22 identified in previous delineations and

23 their current delineations, they assure

24 us that that is being addressed and

25 will be provided in the FEIS, the Army



2 Corps of Engineers is aware of those

3 differences and is dealing with them.

4 We have -- we went to the noise and

5 basically said, looking at your own

6 noise information, you identify a

7 number of areas where it looks like

8 there is impact to Arden Hill and to

9 Arcadia Hills that would warrant

10 additional studies, they're initiating

11 additional receptor locations and are

12 addressing additional studies.

13 They are also receptors to deal

14 with the Echo Lake phenomenon and will

15 be dealing with that in the FEIS as

16 well. We had numerous questions about

17 noise and utilities, primarily

18 associated with the substation, they

19 have informed us that they are

20 eliminating the substation, so all the

21 comments associated with the utility

22 substation will go away because they're

23 not going to be doing it.

24 Air quality, we -- they have made

25 reference to a number of places to



2 where they fall below State thresholds,

3 Federal thresholds and, therefore,

4 their monitoring is efficient to do the

5 analysis. We asked them for the

6 calculations and the backup, you know,

7 they've made the statements they fall

8 below the thresholds, but they say they

9 have all the calculations, all the

10 information, monitoring levels and

11 everything and basis in comparison to

12 the regulations from which they make

13 those statements, so they will be

14 providing all that in the final FEIS.

15 We have asked that they keep us

16 abreast of their interaction with the

17 DOT, but I guess that's kind of been

18 beat to death today, on all other

19 aspects.

20 And again, we get -- same thing

21 with noise with traffic, we had asked

22 for their background data on that, they

23 said they would be providing that.

24 And I believe those are the high

25 points, unless you have specific



2 questions.

3 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thanks, Ralph.

4 One other item I have, just I don't

5 know if it's been done or not, but the

6 couple -- there have been some concerns

7 as far as the retaining walls that are

8 being proposed in the cut and fill, if

9 we have any sectioning cuts or views,

10 just indicating the size of the walls

11 or the visibility of the walls from off

12 site, you know, if, in fact, they are

13 going to be visible or if they're being

14 terraced or if we're building a big

15 tall 90-foot wall, I think there's a

16 little confusion out there, as far as

17 what's being proposed, and I think that

18 would be helpful for everybody on the

19 Board, as well as the public.


21 that, just a question, this so-called

22 90-foot wall, is this the easterly

23 portion of the parking lot between the

24 developed area and Arcadia Hills

25 subdivision, is that what you're



2 talking about, is that where this,

3 quote-unquote, "90-foot wall" is

4 supposedly resting, because I --

5 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Where the major

6 cut is, where the most extensive cut

7 is.


9 find any retaining wall there.

10 MR. O'ROURKE: I'm sorry, between

11 the parking lot and Arcadia Hills?


13 correct.

14 MR. O'ROURKE: Yeah, there is a

15 tall wall right there.


17 tall wall.

18 MR. O'ROURKE: Mm-hmm.


20 because I couldn't find it, I looked

21 and it just looked like a steep

22 embankment, I didn't see any retaining

23 wall, per se.

24 MR. O'ROURKE: Well, there's -- I

25 can show you afterwards on the plan, if



2 you want.


4 would be great.

5 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thanks, John.

6 Other comments?


8 plan?

9 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: The site plan,

10 and just comments in general on the

11 plan itself, yes.


13 just have a couple of minor comments on

14 the site plan.



17 the lighting plan, I didn't see any

18 proposed parking lot lights, I don't

19 know, was that an oversight or is that

20 going to come later or you're not

21 proposing any parking lot lights?

22 MR. O'ROURKE: No, that will be in

23 the FEIS.


25 The other question was on the



2 lighting plan, potentially light

3 levitts[ph], is that something you plan

4 to add in the FEIS?

5 MR. O'ROURKE: Correct.


7 I'd like to see that.

8 And then one major concern is in

9 the details, in the lighting details,

10 fixture R1 is an in-pavement light

11 directed straight up in the air, I

12 wouldn't call that a night sky friendly

13 light fixture, I think you might want

14 to look at alternatives for that.

15 MR. O'ROURKE: I think that's

16 interior to the park.


18 to the park, yes, and they're all

19 in-pavement. There's several

20 throughout the park, both in the

21 entranceway and in some of the primary

22 areas.

23 RALPH HUDDLESTON: Yeah, Giovanni,

24 one of the things that you were --

25 especially about light, asked was



2 potential impacts for bats and that one

3 of the first things they have to

4 address is the lighting all around the

5 facility associated with that, so they

6 will be dealing with nighttime lighting

7 during opening hours in relation to its

8 potential for bats, which are going to

9 be a lot more sensitive than anything

10 else that's going to be around.

11 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thanks, Ralph.


13 nothing else, thanks.



16 to remember where I am. Now, I'm

17 looking at the page that says, "Site

18 Plan 200 to Scale," it's on -- John,

19 are these numbered? These aren't

20 numbered, are they?

21 MR. O'ROURKE: Excuse me?


23 pages numbered?


25 the bottom right, it will say C-8 of 26



2 or --


4 Right. This is C-5 of 26, and it's

5 indicated on there that the potential

6 location for the informal helicopter

7 landing zone, if you're going to have

8 it, fine, if you're not going to have

9 it, I'm not sure why the potential is

10 there.

11 MR. O'ROURKE: Emergency services

12 just wanted an area shown where they

13 could land a helicopter, so it's

14 nothing more than the existing

15 conditions, but there's no trees, it's

16 open field, so they could land a

17 helicopter there, they had asked that

18 that be shown on the plan.


20 Page 2, the roadway into the parking

21 area for the hotel does not connect to

22 the roadway for the entrance into the

23 main parking lot.

24 Is that -- is that the current

25 state of the plans? That there would



2 be separation between -- that the

3 roadways not be continuous?

4 MR. O'ROURKE: I'm not sure what

5 you mean, there's -- there's a

6 continued -- there's a continuous

7 roadway into the parking lot and then

8 one lane breaks off and goes around to

9 the hotel.


11 be misreading this.

12 MR. O'ROURKE: Potentially, I'm not

13 sure.

14 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: When you pull

15 out, John, out of the parking

16 underneath the hotel, are you pulling

17 right out on to the service road, is

18 that the intent or are you doubling

19 back?

20 MR. O'ROURKE: No, there's a break,

21 you're going back the way you came.

22 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: The way you came

23 in.

24 MR. O'ROURKE: The hotel does not

25 connect to the service road, we do not



2 want hotel guests going down that road.

3 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Okay. So they

4 would not be going out and past the

5 back of house buildings and guard house

6 and everything like that?

7 MR. O'ROURKE: Correct.

8 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: They would go out

9 the main --

10 MR. O'ROURKE: The way they came

11 in, through the toll booth for paying

12 your ticket on going the way out as

13 well.

14 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.


16 discussion brings up another question I

17 had, I forgot to mention this, the

18 inner service road, interior to the

19 park doesn't connect, is that

20 intentional?

21 MR. O'ROURKE: As of that initial

22 design, yes, it was intentional.


24 on the service road at the far

25 southeastern end closer to the hotel



2 and I want to go to the first aid area,

3 I literally have to go completely

4 around the park on the road?

5 MR. O'ROURKE: If you're driving,

6 yes.


8 I'm on, let's say, the emergency cart

9 that you actually have pictures of with

10 the structure on that side.

11 MR. O'ROURKE: Yes, mm-hmm.

12 SEAN HOFFMAN: Giovanni, that was

13 one of our original comments on the

14 initial site plan that was submitted

15 and also incorporated with the DEIS.

16 We spoke to the Applicant about that

17 and I think they're going to try to

18 reconfigure that. Our concern wasn't

19 just operations, so, for example, if

20 employees had to come and access the

21 parking area, they would have to go

22 back on Harriman Drive and come to the

23 park, we were more concerned with

24 emergency response.




2 exactly my point.

3 SEAN HOFFMAN: So if there's a call

4 for emergency response, we want the

5 emergency responders to have free

6 access throughout the site, regardless

7 of which entrance they might utilize.


9 SEAN HOFFMAN: So I think that's

10 something the Applicant took to heart

11 and they're trying to look at and

12 incorporate into the FEIS.


14 I have a very sneaking suspicion that a

15 lot of our comments are duplicate


17 SEAN HOFFMAN: I have been crossing

18 off comments as the Board and other

19 consultant might have asked.


21 crossing off your comments because I'm

22 crossing mine off.

23 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Other comments?


25 them in writing.



2 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Phil's will be in

3 writing.

4 Dave.


6 just wanted to commend the Applicant on

7 recent efforts to use solar in, I guess

8 this is the winter land site over the

9 parking lots, just requesting if that

10 could somehow be brought into the

11 design here into the parking lots, I

12 think that would be great and to also

13 take -- take a second just to commend

14 our consultants, legal team and the

15 public and our environmental review

16 board on the very detailed reviews that

17 we got recently.

18 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: Thank you.


20 want to add to that, I appreciate you

21 saying that, that I echo those

22 sentiments. I also wanted to say that

23 in general, the public has been very

24 thoughtful in their voluminous 440

25 pages of comments over the two-day



2 public comment period, a few people

3 have not been as respectful, to that

4 extent, I apologize to the Applicant, I

5 don't think that's appropriate.

6 Whether we agree or disagree with you,

7 we should do so respectfully, and I do

8 appreciate all the hard work of your

9 consultants in putting together a

10 product that they put together.

11 Unavoidably, and you shouldn't be

12 surprised, we're going to have a lot of

13 questions, this is part of the process

14 and it makes for a better product and

15 if the project is approved, it will

16 make for a better project. So thank

17 you.


19 MS. NAUGHTON: If the Board has any

20 further comments, again, you have

21 extended it until, I think the 19th,

22 please submit your written comments.

23 CHAIRMAN BERGUS: January 17th.

24 MS. NAUGHTON: Okay. Oh, sorry,

25 January 17th, I don't have a calendar



2 in front of me, please submit those by

3 that date, and so then we'll get them

4 to the Applicant and they will need to

5 be responded to in the FEIS.


7 Okay. I guess we move on to Local

8 Law Number 9.

9 (Whereupon, Town business unrelated

10 to LEGOLAND was conducted.)

11 (Time noted: 9:58 p.m.)

12 **********















1 C E R T I F I C A T E


3 I, SADIE L. HERBERT, a Registered

4 Professional Reporter and Notary Public,

5 do hereby certify:

6 That the within transcription is a

7 true and accurate record of the

8 stenographic notes taken by me.

9 I further certify that I am not

10 related to any of the parties by blood or

11 marriage, and that I am in no way

12 interested in the outcome of this matter.

13 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto

14 set my hand this 10th day of January, 2017.






20 ______