Deglaciation in the Southeastern Laurentide Sector and the Hudson
NYSGA 2009 Trip 4 - Peteet, Rayburn, Menking, Robinson and Stone Trip 4 - Peteet, Rayburn, Menking, Robinson and Stone Deglaciation in the Southeastern Laurentide Sector and the Hudson Valley – 15,000 Years of Vegetational and Climate History Dorothy Peteet1, John Rayburn2, Kirsten Menking3, Guy Robinson4 and Byron Stone5 1NASA/GISS and Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY 10964 2SUNY New Paltz, New Paltz, New York 12561 3Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York 12604 4Fordham College, Fordham, New York 10458 5United States Geological Survey, Connecticut 06340 Introduction In this field trip, we provide a review of the significant controversy concerning the timing of deglaciation in the Hudson and Wallkill Valleys. We outline the differences in methodology and chronology with a circular route throughout the Hudson and Wallkill valleys. We begin the trip at Lake Mohonk near New Paltz led by Kirsten Men- king and Dorothy Peteet, then continue to the “black dirt” region of the Wallkill Valley where John Rayburn has contributed a new GIS model of deglaciation in the Wallkill Valley and Guy Robinson will review the history of fossil mammals, including mammoths. From this point we travel southeast to a rare exposure of glaciolacustrine beds on the west side of the Huson River, described by Byron Stone and John Rayburn, and on to Croton Marsh at Croton Point, New York where Dorothy Peteet will review the marsh histories of the region. A recent review of literature relating to the last glacial recession in the Hudson Valley indicates that the timing of de- glaciation is very controversial (Peteet et al., 2006; Peteet, in review; Balco et al., 2006; Balco et al., 2009; Schaefer, 2007).
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