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AUG / SEPT 2016 Bob Funk talk jobs A noble calling J.C. Watts: Help Wanted 2016 Oklahoma State Fair A movie based on a true story Lifestyle … Culture … Entertainment • Acc ess to th e best in- home Wi Fi experienc e—inclu din g hassle-fr ee set up an d suppo rt • Ove r 250 ,00 0 Wi Fi hotspo ts whe n y ou tr ave l • Free Security Software protects you r co mpu ter fr om v irus es an d sp yw ar e (a $169 v alue) 60 0 - 764 7 CO X .CO M / INTE RN E T COX SO L U TIO NS ST O R E® *Ma x downlo ad sp eed s a re inc r e asing to 5 0Mb ps for Prefe r red an d 100 Mbp s fo r Premie r. Se e c fo r s peed av ailab ility in your loca l a re a. Speed comp arison based on ma x do wn load spee d o f Cox Prefer red package (5 0Mbps down loa d) vs . AT & T U-verse Pro 3 Mbps servic e . 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Nichols Hills Plaza NW 63rd &Western 405.842.1478 Follow us on publisher : Don Swift assistant : Joni Yeager editor : Tim Farley editiorial assistant : Darian Woolbright videographer : Jeremy Gossett director of photography : Michael Downes web site developer : Patrick Moore with Set Sail Media web site developer : Nina Jones, Data Design Inc. illustration : Rosemary Burke graphic design : Wendy Mills Advertising Sales Dave Amis Tina Layman Photographers Justin Avera Jeremy Gossett Donny Ho Fran Kozakowski Hugh Scott, Jr. Tracy Reece Jerry Hymer Advertising Consultants Rick Buchanan Contributors fashion : Linda Miller art : Joy Reed Belt people : Peggy Gandy entertainment : Heide Brandes book reviews : Lucy Smoker social issues : Robbie Robertson community : Lauren Wright bon appetite : Cheryl Payne contributing writer : Julie Bishop contributing writer : Don Brewington contributing writer : Greg Horton contributing writer : Asa Leveaux contributing writer : M.A. Smith contributing writer : Mindy Wood contributing writer : Julie York thunder fastbreak : Tim Farley CulturalCuCultural ProgramsProgrramams Óä£ÈqÓä£ÇÓä£ÈqÓä£Ç Polly Gibbons with the Oklahoma City Jazz Orchestra Tuesday, September 13, 2016 • 7:30 PM The Texas Tenors Thursday, September 29, 2016 • 7:30 PM Once: The Musical - National Broadway Tour Tuesday, October 4, 2016 • 7:00 PM THE HIT MEN: Legendary Performers with Frankie Valli, Carole King, Cat Stevens & more! Friday, October 21, 2016 • 8:00 PM Steppin' Out with Ben Vereen Friday, November 18, 2016 • 8:00 PM Koresh Dance Company Tuesday, January 24, 2017 • 7:30 PM Defending the Caveman Friday, February 10, 2017 • 7:30 PM Saturday, February 11, 2017 • 1:30 PM & 7:30 PM Artrageous "Art & Music, Gone Wild" Tuesday, March 21, 2017 • 7:30 PM Opus Cactus - MOMIX Dance Company Tuesday, April 11, 2017 • 7:30 PM ÀÀivÀ>Ì]V>Ì iLÝvwVi>Ì{äx®ÈnÓÇxÇÀÛÃÌVVV°i`ÕÉ«>ðÀÀi vÀ>Ì] V> Ì i LÝ vvwwVi>Ì {äx®ÈnÓÇxÇÀ ÛÃÌVVV°i`ÕÉ«>ð *ÕÀV >ÃiÌViÌÃ>ÌÌViÌðVVV°i`Õ*ÕÀV >ÃiÌViÌÃ>Ì ÌViÌðVVV°i`Õ Contents COVER STORY 12 Treasuring Te Ata by Linda Miller ART 26 Morgan Weistling:An Artist Who Time Travels With A Brush by M. J. Van DeVenter 31 Revered Artist David Leffel Wins Top Award at 2016 Prix de West Art Show by M. J. Van DeVenter 12 SPORTS 22 OU / OSU / UCO Football Schedules TRAVEL 48 Chickasaw National Recreation Area: Little 40 park, big history by Linda Miller 53 Graceland: … where Elvis lives on by Linda Miller FITNESS 44 Pure Barre Opening Soon! by Mindy Ragan Wood MUSIC 34 OCCC’s Performing Arts Series Lineup 8 ionOklahoma AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2016 BUSINESS 46 18 21c Museum hotel, An artfully designed space by Linda Miller 62 Employment pioneer Bob Funk honored with statue on Chisholm Trail by Tim Farley 66 Experienced banker joins First Liberty 68 A noble calling: Former House Speaker Glen Johnson addresses leadership by Garland McWatters FASHION REVIEWS 36 Rustic Cuff: Soon to Open in OKC by Mindy Ragan Wood 58 Russell Ferrell’s book reads like fiction, but it’s true. 40 Shoe Talk with Betsy King by Sandi Davis by Linda Miller 60 It’s been ‘A Joy-Filled Life’ for Mo Anderson by Linda Molsbee 34 COMMUNITY 71 HELP WANTED : PMI challenges professionals to volunteer by Linda Miller AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2016 ionOklahoma 9 Publisher’s Note Welcome to ion Oklahoma Magazine, one of Oklahoma’s fastest growing online digital lifestyle magazines and news-entertainment websites with more than 39, 766 opt in subscribers located primarily in four counties and 79 different zip codes of central Oklahoma. Are you one of these people who receive the majority of your information daily over the internet, computer, tablet or cell phone? If so, you will want to bookmark our magazine’s interactive website and enjoy more of our expanded Oklahoma lifestyle feature story content. Visit and check out the special weekly editions on the home page of our website along with press releases of the most current special events happening in the Oklahoma City metropolitan area and Oklahoma. The Oklahoma pioneering spirit has attracted many young people to relocate and follow their career path and dreams in Oklahoma. At ion Oklahoma we have expanded the 30 under 30 Next Gen young professional award recognition program statewide in 2016. Our new name is NextGen Under 30 Oklahoma, so please visit and nominate anyone you know who is a member of the “Like” us on facebook Millennial generation and overachievers worthy of this recognition. At ion Oklahoma Magazine our mission is to document all the positive progress IonOklahoma-Online being made in our city and state. There will always be the negative news and setbacks to report by other publications in Oklahoma, but we focus on the more positive events, issues, people and style that all Oklahomans can really be proud of sharing with the world. follow us on twitter Sincerely, @IonOklahoma Don Swift Publisher ion Oklahoma 10 ionOklahoma AUGUST/SEPTEMBER 2016 Oklahoma City Community College 2016-2017 Performing Arts Series Presents Polly Gibbons with the Oklahoma City Jazz Orchestra Tuesday, September 13, 7:30 PM OCCC Visual and Performing Arts Center Theater 7777 South May Avenue • Tickets $20–$25 )RUPRUHLQIRUPDWLRQFDOOWKHER[RIÀFHDW Presenting sponsor: or visit Purchase tickets at COVER Treasuring Te Ata BY LINDA MILLER brought diverse cultures together, all while preserving and sharing stories about tribal heritage. And the world took notice. fter supper and chores, young In 1957, she was inducted into the Oklahoma Hall ‘ Mary Thompson and her siblings A often would gather round as their father shared how Old Man Earthmaker created their people or why the rabbit and the owl do not get along.