The Writings of Lawrence Henry Gipson
THE WRITINGS OF LAWRENCE HENRY GIPSON COMPILED BY JEAN M. STAUFFER BOOKS The Historical Monograph: Suggestions for the Preparation of Historical Monographs (Crawfordsville, Ind., Journal Printing Co., 1914; rep., w/rev. intro., 1922). fared Ingersoll: A Study of American Loyalism in Relation to British Colonial Government (New Haven, Conn., Yale University Press, 1920). Connecticut Taxation, i750-i775, Tercentenary Commission of the State of Connecticut, Publications, X (New Haven, Conn., Yale University Press, 1933). This pamphlet is a reprint of "The Taxation of Connec- ticut Towns, 1750-1776" and "Connecticut Taxation and Parliamentary Aid Preceding the Revolutionary War." For original publication data, see under Articles. The British Empire Before the American Revolution, I: Provincial Char- acteristics and Sectional Tendencies in the Era Preceding the Amer- ican Crisis: Great Britain and Ireland (Caldwell, Idaho, The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1936; rev. edn., w/new subtitle, The British Isles and the American Colonies: Great Britain and Ireland, i748-1754, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1958). The British Empire Before the American Revolution, II: Provincial Char- acteristics and Sectional Tendencies in the Era Preceding the Amer- ican Crisis: The Southern Plantations (Caldwell, Idaho, The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1936; rev. edn., w/new subtitle, The British Isles and the American Colonies: The Southern Plantations, i748-1754, New York, Alfred A. Knopf, 1960). The British Empire Before the American Revolution, III: Provincial Char- acteristics and Sectional Tendencies in the Era Preceding the Amer- ican Crisis: The Northern Plantations (Caldwell, Idaho, The Caxton Printers, Ltd., 1936; rev. edn., w/new subtitle, The British Isles and the American Colonies: The Northern Plantations, i748-I754, New York, Alfred A.
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