(222) SKOKHOLM BIRD OBSERVATORY. BY R. M. LOCKLEY, HISTORICAL. THE history of the observatory begins in a rather curious way. It has evolved out of an attempt to farm this remote Pembroke shire island by running sheep over its 240 acres of rough grazing, heather, bracken and thrift. As the early details of my discovery of, and decision to live on, the island have already been given in the book Dream Island (1), I need not repeat them here. The island, as I first knew it in 1927, was swarming with rabbits. I employed two men to catch them down, even to exterminate them, if that were possible. If I achieved this extermination I should be in a position to improve the land without fear of spoliation by rabbits, which are notoriously the greatest hindrance to the grass farmer. My rabbit-catchers advocated the extensive use of steel traps, and afterwards, that all the burrows should be dug in. I would not have the latter done, as it was tantamount to a " lock-out " of the thousands of Puffins, Shearwaters and Storm-Petrels which used them in the summer. But I agreed to any other method that did not ruin the homes of these birds. During that first winter I was so busy on repair work at the old buildings on the island that I did not enquire into the procedure adopted by the trappers. I only knew that they were doing fairly well, and that by the end of January they had caught some three thousand rabbits. Occasionally they brought in a Woodcock or Snipe which they said had been caught in the traps.
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