Vincennes, march 6th 2016

A new participation record

Key points:  37,480 runners on the start line  A Kenyan victory in the men's race and an Ethiopian triumph in the women's one  Podiums  1 h 09′58″ for Christelle Daunay  36% women in the field  Haile Gebreselassie hangs out at the start and the finish

37,480 runners on the start line The 24th edition of the Fitbit Semi de was held this morning under sunny winter skies, with a record-breaking 37,480 runners taking the start on the esplanade of the Château de Vincennes. The course took the field past some of the French capital's iconic landmarks: Place de la Bastille, Place de la Nation, Rue de Rivoli and Quay des Célestins. Runners pushed their limits throughout the 21.1 km race, displaying a remarkable collective spirit under the impulse of eastern Paris.

A Kenyan victory in the men's race and an Ethiopian triumph in the women's one - 's Cyprien Kotut claimed his first victory on European soil with a time of 1 h 01′04″. "This race was one of my goals for the early season. I was well prepared. Now it's on to the Schneider Electric de Paris." Kotut defeated fellow countryman Amos Kipruto and Ethiopia's Azmeraw Mengistu, while Anouar Assila clocked a solid 1 h 04′35″ to finish as the first French runner and twelfth overall. - Ethiopia's Dibabe Kuma posted a time of 1 h 09′21″ to win the women's race. Kenya's Pioline Wanjiku and homegirl Christelle Daunay flanked her on the podium.

Podiums Men's podium: 1. Cyprien Kotut (KEN) 1 h 01′04″ 2. Amos Kipruto (KEN) 1 h 01′11″ 3. Azmeraw Mengistu (ETH) 1 h 01′17″

Women's podium: 1. Dibabe Kuma (ETH) 1 h 09′21″ 2. Pioline Wanjiku (KEN) 1 h 09′52″ 3. Christelle Daunay (FRA) 1 h 09′58″

Event records: Men: Stanley Biwott (KEN): 59′44″ (2012) Women: Pauline Njeri (KEN): 1 h 07′55″ (2012)

1 h 09′58″ for Christelle Daunay Christelle Daunay, the holder of the French record (1 h 08′34″), kicked off her season at the Fitbit Semi de Paris. Daunay, who has already earned a spot in the Rio Olympics, completed the 21.1 km course in 1 h 09′58″. "I gave it my all, and that's what counts", she said adamantly a few seconds after crossing the line. "My sensations were a bit disappointing, but I just finished an intensive work cycle. It'll pay off later."

36% women in the field There had never been as many female athletes on the start line of the half marathon in the French capital as today. 36% of the registered runners were women (a 2% increase on 2015). Christelle Daunay offered her perspective with a grin on her face: "I'm delighted. Women have got to keep on doing this, running and enjoying themselves".

Other eye-catching statistics of the Fitbit Semi de Paris: - Average age: 37 years - Number of countries represented: 127 - 84.5% of registered participants were French (78% from Île-de-). The , Italy, Belgium, the United States and Germany followed.

Haile Gebreselassie hangs out at the start and the finish Haile Gebreselassie, a two-time 10,000 m Olympic champion and the holder of the world marathon record (2 h 03′59″), fired the starting shot for the Fitbit Semi de Paris. The Ethiopian, probably the best long-distance runner in a generation, also hanged out at the Village and the finish area. Gebreselassie was really friendly and always up for selfies with the hundreds of competitors who approached him throughout the weekend.

Round Two on April 3 with the Schneider Electric Marathon de Paris Amaury Sport Organisation (ASO) is organising four more big running events in the first half of 2016: - March 20: Run in Marseille ( - April 3; Schneider Electric Marathon de Paris ( - May 29: Marathon de la Baie du Mont Saint-Michel ( - May 29: 10km L'Équipe (

The 25th edition of the Fitbit Semi de Paris will be held on March 5, 2017.

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Agence Evénementielles Isabelle Delaune +33 6 20 53 90 14 [email protected] - [email protected]