Publications of the Department of Political and Economic Studies 8 (2013) Political History his book celebrates Professor Pauli Multi-layered Kettunen on his sixtieth birthday. Historicity of Multi-layered Historicity T In Pauli Kettunen’s scholarship as the Present well as in this collection, history meets of the Present social sciences in a manner that render distinctions between the two unnecessary. Approaches to social science history This book challenges simplistic views to HAGGRÉN, history as ‘a background’ or ‘development’, RAINIO-NIEMI, VAUHKONEN opening up sophisticated perspectives to (EDS.) many up-to-date debates on, for instance, nationalism and globalization or the Nordic welfare models. HEIDI HAGGRÉN, JOHANNA RAINIO-NIEMI, JUSSI VAUHKONEN (EDS.) Multi-layered Historicity of the Present Approaches to social science history Multi-layered Historicity of the Present Approaches to social science history Edited by Heidi Haggrén, Johanna Rainio-Niemi, and Jussi Vauhkonen HELSINKI 2013 Publications of the Department of Political and Economic Studies 8 (2013) Political History © Editors and Authors Cover: Riikka Hyypiä Distribution and Sales: Unigrafia Bookstore
[email protected] PL 4 (Vuorikatu 3 A) 00014 Helsingin yliopisto ISSN-L 2243-3635 ISSN 2243-3635 (Print) ISSN 2243-3643 (Online) ISBN 978-952-10-8909-1 (paperback) ISBN 978-952-10-8910-7 (PDF) Unigrafia, Helsinki 2013 CONTENTS 7 List of contributors 8 Tabula gratulatoria 10 Acknowledgements 11 To Pauli! 13 Towards historical social science