Draft Supplementary Planning Document I March 2017


1. Introduction 2. Planning Policy and Wider Context 3. Spatial Context 4. Vision for Hampton 5. Objectives 6. Character Area Assessments Character Area 1: Estates Character Area 2: Queenswood Avenue Estate and west of Road Character Area 3: Gloucester Road and the Ormonds Character Area 4: Hampton Village Conservation Area Character Area 5: Hampton Court Green Conservation Area Character Area 6: Conservation Area CharacterArea 7: Platt’s Eyot Conservation Area Character Area 8: Hampton Waterworks Character Area 9: Oldfield Road Character Area 10: Priory Road West Character Area 11: Priory Road East and Surroundings Character Area 12: Oak Avenue Estates Character Area 13: Hanworth Road Conservation Area 7. Features and Materials 8. Guidance for Development Sites 9. Shop Front Guidance 10. Forecourt Parking 11. Flood Risk

Appendix 1: Relevant Policies and Guidance 1. Introduction

The purpose of this Village Planning Guidance Supplementary Planning The London Borough of Richmond Document (SPD) is primarily to establish upon Thames has been divided into a vision and planning policy aims for the a series of smaller village areas. area, in light of existing and emerging Each village is distinctive in terms of Local Plan policy. The SPD intends the community, facilities and local character – as are many sub areas to define, maintain and enhance the within the villages. character of Hampton, and to provide guidance in this regard. The SPD forms The villages of the London Borough part of the wider Village Plan. Richmond upon Thames are attractive with many listed buildings By identifying key features of the village, and Conservation Areas, the local the SPD clarifies the most important character of each being unique, aspects and features that contribute to recognisable and important to the local character to guide those seeking community and to the aesthetic of to make changes to their properties or the borough as a whole. to develop new properties in the area, as well as being a material consideration in determining planning applications.

The core of this SPD is a series of character area assessments for the component areas of Hampton. These character areas have been identified through the similarity of key features that are deemed to define their individual local character. The assessments establish dominant features and materials as well as an overall Hampton SPD Area Boundary description of the street pattern and housing types.

4 The boundary for the SPD is based on: consultation from 5th February to 21st March 2016 and from 9th September ■ a review of how each area’s design ■ to 21st October 2016 (statutory characteristics can best be grouped; consultation). ■■ taking account of physical and administrative boundaries, including Wider Context (Village Plans) Conservation Area boundaries to avoid these being split between village areas; Village Plans have been developed for each and of Richmond’s 14 villages. Each Village Plan describes a vision for the village area and ■■ how local communities viewed their local identifies what the Council will do and areas when asked through the Council’s what local people can do to achieve the 2010 ‘All-In-One’ survey and subsequent vision together. It sets out the key issues consultations. and priorities and provides background This SPD has been produced by the Council information on the village area. The Village working closely with the community. This Plans are maintained on the Council’s has ensured that local residents, businesses website and are updated as projects are Hampton residents walkabout - 7th February 2016 and stakeholders have been genuinely progressed. They cover a wide range of involved in defining the important features topics, including matters not within the – as well as the opportunities and threats – remit of the SPD. that define their local area. This Village Planning Guidance SPD forms The community has been involved through: part of the Village Plan by providing a ■■ ‘Drop in sessions’ held at Tangley Park formal planning policy document which Children’s Centre on the 6th February can be used to guide new development 2016 and at Hampton Infants School on that has responded to residents’ desire to the 27th February. Further sessions were have greater control and influence over held on 24th September 2016 at Linden planning and development decisions in their Hall on the draft SPD. local area. The involvement of the local community in the production of the SPD ■■ Resident walkabouts held on the 7th and has been essential in ensuring it is a genuine 28th February 2016 reflection of residents’ priorities. ■■ Stakeholder workshop at Hampton Hampton residents walkabout - 7th February 2016 Infants School on 14th June 2016 ■■ Online and hard copy questionnaire

5 2. Planning Policy and Wider Context

2.1 Planning Policy Framework must designate a Thames Policy Area in the “Publication” version of the new their Development Plan Documents. The Local Plan. This is the version of the plan National Planning Policy boroughs must define the boundaries which the Council intends to submit to The National Planning Policy Framework by taking into account proximity to the the Secretary of State for Examination (NPPF) sets out the Government’s Thames, contiguous areas with clear in 2017, following a 6 week period in planning policies for and how visual links between areas and buildings early 2017 during which the public can these are expected to be applied. The and the river and specific geographical comment on the “soundness” of the NPPF is a key part of the Government’s features, areas and buildings which relate plan. The Publication Local Plan takes reforms to make the planning system or link to the Thames. The into account responses made during less complex and more accessible. The section of Hampton is designated in the public consultation in summer 2016. NPPF provides the context for local Thames Policy Area in the London Plan. Throughout the rest of this document planning authorities and decision takers, this is referred to as the “Local Plan”. Local Planning Policy both when drawing up plans and making The Local Plan has now reached a stage decisions about planning applications. The London Borough of Richmond upon where it is given considerable weight in It must be taken into account in the Thames current statutory planning policy the decision making process, and is used preparation of local and neighbourhood framework is set out in adopted Plans in determining planning applications. plans, and is a material consideration in including the Core Strategy, adopted planning decisions. in April 2009, and the Development It is expected that the Local Plan will be Management Plan, adopted in November adopted in spring 2018, at which point Regional Planning Policy 2011. There is an online proposals it will supersede all existing policies in At a regional level, the London Plan is map and a range of guidance provided the Core Strategy and Development the overall strategic plan for London through Supplementary Planning Management Plan. setting out an integrated economic, Documents (SPDs) and Supplementary Alongside existing adopted planning environmental, transport and social Planning Guidance (SPG) for the area. policies, suitable references have been framework for the development of This SPD forms part of the planning made to the equivalent policies in the London over the next 20-25 years. This policy framework and should be read Local Plan. document has been adopted to ensure in conjunction with the Council’s that a longer-term view of London’s Up-to-date information on the Council’s suite of planning policy and guidance development is taken when producing Local Plan can be viewed at: http:// as applicable. There is also a range of local plans, making planning decisions and www.richmond. gov.uk/home/services/ evidence base studies that the Council investing in infrastructure. planning/planning_ policy/local_plan.htm. has undertaken which help to guide Policy 7.29 in the London Plan refers policy making. to the Thames Policy Area stating that The Council has progressed its Local relevant boroughs, including Richmond, Plan and in December 2016 approved

6 2.2 Key Planning Policies will generally be unacceptable. the Council will require a Retail Impact Riverside uses, including river-dependent and Assessment. river-related uses SPDs cannot create new policies but expand Advertisements and hoardings on policies set out in higher plans, notably 4. Optimises the potential of sites by The Council will resist the loss of existing The Council will exercise strict control the LBRuT Local Plan (2017). contributing towards a suitable mix of uses river-dependent and river-related uses over the design and siting of advertisements that enhance the vitality and viability of the that contribute to the special character of This SPD relates to a considerable number and hoardings to ensure the character of centre. the River Thames, including river-related individual buildings and streets are not of higher policies, notably: industry (B2) and locally important wharves, materially harmed, having regard to the The full policy is set out in Appendix 1. Policy LP 1: Local Character and Design Quality boat building sheds and boatyards and other interests of amenity and public safety Within the existing Core Strategy (2009) riverside facilities such as slipways, docks, The Council will require all development (including highway safety). the equivalent policies is Policy CP8. jetties, piers and stairs. to be of high architectural and urban design Within the existing Core Strategy (2009) quality. The high quality character and The full policy is set out in Appendix 1. the equivalent policy is Policy CP7 and in Policy LP 18: River corridors heritage of the borough and its villages will the Development Management Plan (2011) Development adjacent to the river Within the existing Core Strategy (2009) need to be maintained and enhanced where the equivalent policies are Policy DC1 and corridors will be expected to contribute the equivalent policy is Policy CP11 and in opportunities arise. Development proposals Policy DC7. to improvements and enhancements to the the Development Management Plan (2011) will have to demonstrate a thorough river environment. the equivalent policy is Policy DM OS 11. understanding of the site and how it relates Policy LP 25: Development in Centres to its existing context, including character Policy LP 3: Designated Heritage Assets Development in the borough’s centres, Thames Policy Area and appearance, and take opportunities as defined in the centre hierarchy, will be The Council will require development to improve the quality and character of Developments alongside and adjacent acceptable if it: to conserve and, where possible, buildings, spaces and t he local area. to the River Thames should ensure that take opportunities to make a positive 1. Is in keeping with the centre’s role and they establish a relationship with the river, Shop fronts contribution to the historic environment of function within the hierarchy and is of a maximise the benefits of its setting in terms of views and vistas, and incorporate uses the Borough. The Council will resist the removal of scale appropriate to the size of the centre that enable local communities and the shopfronts of architectural or historic (also see the Spatial Strategy of this Plan). The full policy is set out in Appendix 1. public to enjoy the riverside, especially at interest. Shopfronts, including signage 2. Is in an appropriate location. ground level in buildings fronting the river. Within the existing Development and illumination, should complement the Management Plan (2011) the equivalent proportions, character, materials and 3. Does not adversely impact on the River Thames public riverside walk policies are Policy DM OS 1, Policy DM HD detailing, surrounding streetscene and vitality and viability of the centre in All development proposals adjoining the 1 and Policy DM HD 2. the building of which it forms part. Blinds, which the development is proposed, River Thames are required to provide canopies or shutters, where acceptable or another centre. When assessing Policy LP 4: Non-Designated Heritage Assets a public riverside walk, including for in principle, must be appropriate to the proposals for development outside of pedestrians and cyclists, which will The Council will seek to preserve, and character of the shopfront and its context existing centres, applicants will have to contribute to the overarching aim of where possible enhance, the significance, within which it is located. External security comply with the requirements of national providing a continuous publicly accessible character and setting of non-designated grilles and large illuminated fascias will only policy and guidance in relation to impact riverside walk. heritage assets, including Buildings of be allowed in exceptional circumstances. In assessments. For retail developments, Townscape Merit, memorials, particularly sensitive areas, rigid and gloss finish blinds including extensions of over 500sqm gross, 7 war memorials, and other local historic The full policy is set out in Appendix 1. 2.3 Planning Policy Aims of Metropolitan Open Land and Green features. Belt will be protected. Within the existing Development This SPD reinforces the existing planning There will be a presumption against the Management Plan (2011) the equivalent policy aims for Hampton, and draws on the ■■ The unique historical and cultural assets demolition of Buildings of Townscape Merit. policy is Policy DM TP 9. Local Plan. Planning policy seeks to achieve that are connected by the River Thames, the following: such as , will be The full policy is set out in Appendix 1. A wider list of relevant policies can be enhanced. found in Appendix 1. ■■ The distinctive local character of the Within the existing Development area will be maintained and enhanced, ■■ Land will be protected for employment Management Plan (2011) the equivalent It should be noted that all adopted policies including Hampton’s listed buildings and use including Key Office Areas at Thames policy is Policy DM HD 3. and guidance should be assessed for their Conservation Areas. New development, Street, Kingsway Business Park, Castle relevance in respect of individual planning Policy LP 45: Parking Standards and Servicing including associated open space and Business Village and Mount Mews. applications, not just those referred to planting, will be of high quality design Kempton Gate Business Park, Kingsway above. The Council will require new development which respects and enhances the Business Park and 74 Oldfield Road are to make provision for the accommodation distinctive local character. designated as locally important areas for of vehicles in order to provide for the industry and employment, and the loss needs of the development while minimising ■■ Local shopping areas at Hampton of river-related and river –dependent the impact of car based travel including Village and Hampton Square will employment, including at Platt’s Eyot, will on the operation of the road network and continue to perform well and thrive, be resisted. local environment, and ensuring making the providing shopping and other services to meet local needs. Shopfronts, signs ■■ The impact of new development on best use of land. For example, this will be the transport network will be carefully achieved by: and advertisements will maintain local character. considered, and appropriate provision Resisting the provision of front garden car for parking, walking and cycling will be parking unless it can be demonstrated that: ■■ Facilities to meet community and social made. The impact of through traffic and infrastructure needs will be sought, to congestion will be managed and reduced a. There would be no material impact on help reduce inequality and support the where possible, and improvements road or pedestrian safety; local economy. to public transport will be sought in b. There would be no harmful impact on ■■ The loss of housing generally, and that partnership with organisations including the character of the area, including the which meets specific community needs, Transport for London. streetscape or setting of the property, in will be resisted, and new housing to ■■ Front garden parking will be resisted line with the policies on Local Character meet local needs will be provided on unless there would be no harmful impact and Design; and appropriate sites. on the character of the area including c. The existing on street demand is less than ■■ Hampton’s parks and open spaces and the streetscape or setting of the available capacity. the unique river environment will be property, as well as other considerations. protected, and enhanced where possible, for wildlife and recreation, and the areas

8 3. Spatial Context

This section covers transport, green spaces, Facilities in Hampton Connectivity and accessibility Green Infrastructure shops and services which are an essential ■ The main retail frontages are close to ■ Hampton Station is located on Station ■ The Hampton area extends into Bushy part of the village’s character. These are ■ ■ ■ Hampton Station and along Ashley Road, Road and Ashley Road and close to Park and Hampton Court Park. detailed below and, together with its Oakfield Road and Station Road. Hampton Village Green. This Station historic assets, are mapped on the following ■ Hampton Village Green is a key supports National Rail services running ■ pages. ■ The area supports a number of community space in the heart of ■ into Richmond and into central London. supermarkets including two Sainsbury’s Hampton Village’s historic core. and a Waitrose. ■■ Bus routes through Hampton include ■ Hampton Common, & the 111, 216 and R68. The R70 passes ■ ■ There are a number of state and private Hatherop Park are all significant local ■ through the north of the village. schools, including Hampton Junior green spaces. and Infants Schools, Carlisle School, ■■ Designated cycle routes can be found ■ An accessible walking route runs from Buckingham Primary School, Hampton along Old Farm Road to the north of ■ Hampton Common to Oak Avenue School and the Lady Eleanor Holles the area and within Bushy and Hampton Nature Reserve and Thames Water land School. Court Parks. towards Hatherop Park linking up these ■■ There are a range of medical facilities important green spaces. including Broad Lane Surgery and ■ Extensive green space along the River Hampton Medical Centre. ■ Thames and part of Portlane Brook to ■■ Hampton supports many businesses the west. including independent shops in Hampton ■ There are also a number of smaller Village, and across a number of business ■ green areas located within the built up parks including Kingsway Business Park area. and Castle Business Village.

9 Connectivity and Accessibility in Hampton


© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100019441 10 Facilities in Hampton

Shooting Star Chase Children’s Hospice Hampton Academy & Hampton Sports Hampton School Centre

The Lady Eleanor Buckingham Holles School Primary School

Clarendon School The YMCA White House Carlisle Infant School All Saints Jack and Jill Church School

Hampton Medical Athelstan House Centre Denmead Prep School Percy Road School

Denmead Pre-Prep School Hampton Infant School and Nursery Hampton Methodist Catholic Church of St Church Theodore of Canterbury

Linden Hall Prep School Hampton Junior School

St Mary’s Hampton CofE School Hampton Court House School Hampton Library St Mary’s Parish Church

Hampton Court Palace Hampton School

© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100019441

11 Green Infrastructure in Hampton

Longford River

Hampton School Playing Common Fields

Major General William Roy Memorial

Oak Avenue Nursery Green Local Nature Reserve

Hatherop Park

Linear Walk

Carlisle Park

Hampton Village Hatherop Park Green Beveree Wildlife Site

Garrick’s Temple to Shakespeare Hampton St Albans Court Park Riverside Thames Water Hampton Water Treatment Works

St Marys Church

Hampton Court Palace

Nursery Green

© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100019441 12 Historic Assets in Hampton


SPDVillag Boundarye_Boundary Listed Buildings Buildings of Townscape Merit Borough Boundary Conservation Areas

Hampton Printed: 11/07/2016

Produced from our Corporate Geographic Information System © Crown copyright and database rights 2015. Ordnance Survey 100019441 Scale 1:18,000

Note that Archaeological Priority Areas are recorded in the Development Management Plan. Buildings Of Townscape Merit are not designated and are locally listed. Listed Buildings are designated and recognised nationally. Please note that these are 13 correct at the time of adoption of the SPD. For the most up to date information please see the Council’s website. 4. Vision for Hampton 5. Objectives

The Vision is to bring together the different areas of The Hampton Village Planning Guidance SPD has Hampton as a vibrant, caring community with facilities to been developed to meet the following objectives, which meet local needs. The characteristic local urban scale, correspond to those in the Council’s Design Quality SPD. and rural feel within its parks, green spaces and riverside, will be retained and there will be a more diverse range Identify local character – to identify Design Review – to provide a framework of shopping and high quality local schools to reinforce local character and historic assets for for the Council to use in reviewing the enhancement or protection. effectiveness of planning and public realm Hampton as a vibrant community within the Borough. decisions. Promote high standards of design – through high quality illustrative material and Local Policy Context – to identify policies Hampton - a Pen Portrait simple guidance and advice to local residents in the Local Plan which are essential to and businesses. addressing local issues. The qualities of Hampton are unique within It is an attractive residential area with the London Borough of Richmond, as it still substantial family homes as well as homes Development Management – to retains a countryside atmosphere because for those who have retired. Its streets are set design guidelines for householders, it is surrounded by substantial stretches of distinctive with wide grass verges and tree developers and the Council (in relation green belt, and two rivers, the Thames and lined avenues. to public realm) to encourage high quality the Longford. development and, if possible, avoid the need The area has a long Royal history with to refuse development proposals. The area known as Hampton is made up Hampton Court Palace and of a number of diverse areas; the chief of situated in the village area. From 1895 to Implementation of schemes – to these being the last major estate to be built, 1937 the area also had its own local Council provide advice for householders and called the Nurserylands, and historic Old (Hampton Urban District Council). businesses that will help them achieve Hampton, part of which is referred to as repairs and modernisation which respects Local green spaces, rivers, street trees Hampton village. local character and where possible restore and gardens and are highly valued by the original details which have been lost during The area has high quality amenities including community as contributing to the character earlier modifications. local retail units in Hampton village and a of the area. large community centre with a few shops and a public house within Hampton Square. It has a range of schools serving all ages

14 6. Character Area Assessments

The identification of local character is one of Character Area 1: Longford River Estates the primary objectives of the SPD. Character Area 2: Queenswood Avenue Estate and west of Hanworth Road 1 The character area assessments sub-divide the 13 village into a smaller set of sub areas, some of Character Area 3: Gloucester Road and the Ormonds which are further sub-divided. 2 Character Area 4: Hampton Village 12 Each area has been defined by grouping Conservation Area properties where a large proportion have Character Area 5: Hampton Court Green similar characteristics, features and materials. Conservation Area These have been identified and recorded. 10 11 3 Character Area 6: Hampton Court Park A number of the areas included within this Conservation Area section are adopted Conservation Areas. CharacterArea 7: Platt’s Eyot Conservation 9 More information regarding Conservation Area 4 Areas can be viewed at http://www.richmond. Character Area 8: Hampton Waterworks 8 gov.uk/home/services/planning/conservation_ Character Area 9: Oldfield Road 7 areas.htm Character Area 10: Priory Road West 5 Some areas are the subject of what is known Character Area 11: Priory Road East and as an Article 4 direction. These remove Surroundings 6 certain Permitted Development Rights from Character Area 12: Oak Avenue Estates properties. This means that if you want to Character Area 13: Hanworth Road extend or alter your home in a way that Conservation Area would normally be allowed under permitted development you will need to apply for planning permission to do so. The fact that Permitted Development Rights have been removed does not automatically mean that planning permission will not be granted, Character Area Plan but careful consideration will be given as to the effect that the proposal will have on the character and appearance of the local area. Information on Article 4 Directions can be viewed at http://www.richmond.gov.uk/ home/services/planning/conservation_areas/ article_4_directions.htm

© Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100019441

15 Character Area 1: Longford River Estates

Character Summary Further north along Uxbridge Road is a large Sainsbury’s superstore and petrol station, leading This character area occupies the northern part of to an increase of vehicular traffic in this area. At Hampton. The housing estate marks the northern this point Uxbridge Road increases to two lanes of boundary with Uxbridge Road (A312) to the traffic in each direction. east, Hanworth Road to the west and Dean Road making up the boundary to the south. Dominant Materials and Features Rectory Grove Estates Characteristic materials and features include: buff coloured brick, red brick, extensive fenestration, This housing estate located in the north part of clay tiles, concrete paving stones, brick dwarf this character area is low rise; houses are two garden walls, concrete bollards, wooden garden storeys. The majority of dwellings are built of a buff fencing, painted metal palisade fencing, black painted coloured brick or red brick, with weather boarding fencing and metal work, metal single garage doors, or hung tiles at first floor level; roofs are pitched mature trees and hedges. and covered with clay tiles. Plots have modest front gardens, many of which have been paved over to Threats from Development provide car parking. There are some expanses of concrete paving stones on some corners of the ■■ Poor quality garage and car parking areas. meandering estate roads. Larger estate houses are ■■ Removal of front garden boundaries and of similar style but with hipped roofs. The three replacement with different design/material storey red brick and copper clad block of flats (often to provide vehicular parking). This at the end of Rectory Grove is something of an undermines the residential character of the anomaly in this area. This area also contains the area. only traveller site in the Borough. ■■ The palisade fencing and high metal fencing The bridge over Longford River offers picturesque promote segregation and gated communities. views to pedestrians crossing the footbridge. ■■ Buildings along Dean Road are less well- presented compared to those on Hanworth 1950s-60s Housing Estate Road. Dean Road The housing estate on the east side of the river Opportunities dates from the 1950s–60s and includes Winifred Road, Longford Close and Ringwood Way. The ■■ To improve the environment around Longford houses are semi-detached, red brick with discreet River through improved maintenance of bay windows and have hipped roofs covered in clay pathways. tiles. They have a broad band of render between ■■ Improve area immediately around the ground floor and first floor windows which is pedestrian bridge of Longford River; this is an painted white. Many of the properties retain their attractive stretch of river. dwarf garden walls, lending to the consistency of ■■ Replace extensive areas of paving with grass or this area, however lots of the front gardens are planting including tree planting. now paved to provide car parking. Many of the ■■ Provide consistent green screen along the window frames have been replaced with uPVC character area perimeter. frames.

Rectory Grove Longford River

16 Character Area 1: Longford River Estates

17 Character Area 2: Queenswood Avenue Estate and west of Hanworth Road

Character Summary brick bungalows with pitched roofs; they have two this very long, two storey red brick building dates large windows to the front with uPVC frames from the 1930s. It also retains its original metal This character area incorporates Hampton Schools (although they only have small casement openings). signage above the gateway on Hanworth Road and Lady Eleanor Holles School to the north Each property has a detached single brick garage. which is an attractive contribution to the character east and is bordered by Buckingham, Acacia and A large proportion of the front gardens have been area. The extensive playing fields and grounds to Nightingale Road to the south with Hanworth Road paved over to provide additional car parking. The these three schools provide a peaceful backdrop to running through the heart of the area. red brick two storey detached and semi-detached the houses in neighbouring areas. Acacia Road includes housing from a variety of houses, of different dates, along Buckingham Road periods, from fine Edwardian properties with half- are afforded pleasant green views over Hampton Dominant Materials and Features timber beamed frontages to runs of neo-Georgian Common. While the area lacks a consistent style, Characteristic materials and features include: red 70/80s detached properties (which are also found the character of the area throughout is quiet and brick walls, white painted render, self-coloured along Springfield Avenue and Birchwood Close). The residential and there are no major traffic routes pebble-dash, painted brick work, clay roof tiles, road has a spacious feel with properties set in large through the area. stock brick garden walls, timber garage doors, metal Queenswood Avenue plots within set back front gardens. Hampton Schools garage doors, concrete paving stones and tarmac paving. Queenswood Estate Hampton Academy has its main entrance on The Queenswood Estate comprises four three Hanworth Road; this comprises red brick and Threats from Development storey blocks of flats on a green with an open ashlar stone gate posts with green palisade fencing. ■■ Area facing Hampton Academy campus on Dean setting that is well-maintained; they are a distinct The campus is made up of a mix of twentieth and Road lacks distinctive character or ownership. feature of the area. The red brick blocks have twenty-first century buildings, relatively low-lying, ■■ Replacement of historic windows and doors pitched roofs covered with clay tiles and tall and of a variety of materials including, red brick, with those of modern materials (uPVC) or chimney stacks, while each flat has a balcony white painted render with vertical wooden slats, and designs that do not follow the original glazing with white-painted metal railings. The estate is yellow brick with red brick detailing. When viewed pattern and opening style. surrounded by a number of culs-de-sac with from Hanworth Road these buildings are slightly 1970s–90s housing, including detached, semi- obscured by attractive mature hedges, although a ■■ Mix of paving materials, often providing an detached, short terraces and bungalows. The style large car park is visible through the palisade fencing. uneven surface. and material of front garden walls are inconsistent The modern school buildings interact much more ■■ Removal of front garden boundaries and throughout this character area and where high directly with Dean Road but there is not enough replacement with different design/material Hampton School boundary walls are used, this can produce a slightly screening and this has a service-entrance feel. (often to provide vehicular parking). This hostile feeling. undermines the quiet residential character of The neighbouring Hampton School campus the area and regularity of the terraces, and Interwar Housing is also made up of a collection of twentieth results in a loss of decorative detail. century buildings of a varying palette, although ■■ Poorly maintained front garden walls. Housing throughout this area was developed at predominantly red brick. Its main entrance is different stages. There are a number of interwar similarly demarcated with red brick and ashlar stone ■■ Lack of street greening. houses on Acacia Road and Nightingale Road which gate posts, and its car park along the Hanworth Opportunities: appear quite substantial when compared to the Road edge features a tall green metal fence. Towards 1960s housing in the northern part of this character the centre of this campus are higher buildings which ■■ Increase number of green spaces throughout area. Until the 1960s there were still a number are more visible as viewed from the public realm on the area, e.g. excessive paving on Birchwood of nurseries remaining in the area, but from the Hanworth Road. Grove could be turfed and planted on. Increase 1960s to 1990s the density of housing increased. street greening, trees etc For example, Hawthorn Close was developed in The third school in this character area, The Lady the late 1960s. This quiet cul-de-sac is lined with Eleanor Holles School, has an obvious main building; Nightingale Road

18 Character Area 2: Queenswood Avenue Estate and west of Hanworth Road

19 Character Area 3: Gloucester Road and the Ormonds

Character Summary Ormond Avenue has a higher proportion of large, Opportunities detached houses, some of which are detailed This character area comprises two long, curving ■■ Maintain and improve front gardens. with applied timbering and bow fronts as well as streets that follow the railway, Gloucester Road retaining its mature street trees. ■■ This character area retains the characteristic and Ormond Drive, and a series of shorter streets interwar feature of pavements incorporating connected to them. The housing is mainly interwar, Manor Gardens is placed around a green with green verges and there are opportunities with much variation in design but many common mature trees and has an eclectic character due to to replace this where it has been lost (e.g. features for example, the roofs are almost entirely much variation in the housing. Gloucester Road, Ormond Drive and Ormond formed of clay tiles. An important feature is Carlisle Crescent). Park, which is poorly connected to the surrounding On Scott’s Drive mid twentieth century detached streets despite its considerable size; there are housing is evident, in red brick with hung tiles. There several entrances, including from Wensleydale Road is a coherent character arising from the matching and Carlisle Road. houses and the front gardens, which have brick- paved driveways alternating with areas of lawn. Gloucester Road Gloucester Road The housing is a mix of detached and semi- Dominant Materials and Features detached properties, with small clusters of matching Characteristic features and materials include: red designs but much variation overall, lending a note brick, render, stock brick, hipped roofs covered of informality. The road also supports a number of with clay tiles, slate roof covering, applied timbering, traditional bungalows, which add to the variety and bow fronts, chimneys, timber casements, uPVC quality of buildings on the road. The most common casements, dwarf red brick front gardens walls, materials are red brick and pebble-dash, the latter mature garden planting and street trees. sometimes painted. The housing is slightly more distinctive (and earlier in date) toward the north Threats from Development end of Gloucester Road, displaying features such as openwork timber porches and render atop ■■ Replacement of historic windows and doors windows. There is a higher concentration of gabled with those of modern materials (uPVC) or fronts on Gloucester Road and also Ormond designs that do not follow the original glazing pattern and opening style. Avenue than on the other streets. The north end Gloucester Road of Gloucester Road retains mature street trees ■■ Removal of front garden boundaries and and the other streets are planted with younger replacement with different design/material specimens. (often to provide vehicular parking). This undermines the residential character of the area The Ormonds and regularity of the terraces, and results in a loss of decorative detail. Cardinal’s Walk retains the feature of a pavement ■■ Roof lights on front roof slopes which interrupt edged with a grass verge incorporating trees at the regularity of the terraces. intervals which adds to its character. This feature once also existed on Gloucester Road, Ormond Drive and Ormond Crescent, as indicated by the tarmac verge to the pavements there.

Ormond Crescent

20 Character Area 3: Gloucester Road and the Ormonds

21 Character Area 4: Hampton Village Conservation Area

This section provides a summary of the main characteristics of the Conservation Area. More detailed information can be viewed using the link provided below.

Character Summary between Plevna Road and Belgrade Road. It also contains a number of shops whose frontages are Hampton Village Conservation Area is situated on worthy of retention. the junction of the road from Sunbury to Kingston with the road leading north to Twickenham following Recent development along Station Road includes the west boundary of Bushy Park. The River Thames the modern brick built housing, separating Hampton forms a barrier to the south and Bushy Park has Village Green and Sunbury Road. Comprised of similarly restricted growth to the east. The Hampton two and three storey townhouses, these properties Village Conservation Area was designated in 1969 successfully incorporate traditional features, and was further extended in 1982 and 1991. It including red stock brick, white painted barge boards adjoins Hampton Court Green and Bushy Park and decorative string courses Conservation Areas to the east. A large group of nineteenth century unaltered The Conservation Area contains four distinct properties between Rosehill and Beard’s Hill is an sub-areas: the old Village Core, Station Road, the early example of local authority housing. Oldfield riverside and the Waterworks. Road contains several late nineteenth century houses with stucco features. Single storey War The Village Core Memorial cottages stand in a key position on the The Village Core is centred on Church Street, High bend of this road. Street and Thames Street, and this area contains a major part of the early development of Hampton. The Riverside Although maintaining its village character, Hampton Hampton stands on the north bank of a bend in lacks a strong and accessible focus due to the the River and has always been closely associated nature of the A308 road. Thames Street acts as a with the River since its days as a trading post. further division between the River and the village. Development had previously flourished in small Station Road High Street and Church Street contain many listed industrial and commercial premises accessed from buildings, some behind high boundary walls; others Thames Street off alleyways leading to the River and in the centre of Hampton stand to the back of the above the river frontage; representing a tight knit pavement. The junction of these two roads now acts pattern of development. as the village centre. Downstream, the open ground of both public Station Road and private gardens along the River provides an Station Road is composed of eighteenth and important setting for Garrick’s Villa, Garrick’s nineteenth century mixed residential and Temple and the central feature of the square, St commercial properties and lies adjacent to the Mary’s Church Tower. Riverside gardens exist from railway station. It contains shopping, commercial and Benn’s Alley and Garrick’s Lawn which extends community services in a clearly defined local centre public access to the riverside. Terrace Gardens

Gander Green Crescent Station Close

22 Character Area 4: Hampton Village Conservation Area

23 forms a linear park bordering the River Thames. Threats from Development Conservation Area Statement: http://www. Boat building and storage continue on the river at richmond.gov.uk/home/services/planning/ ■■ Development pressure which may harm the Constable’s Boatyard. conservation_areas/conservation_area_statements. balance of the River and landscape-dominated htm setting, and the obstruction or spoiling of views, Upper Sunbury Road and Waterworks skylines and landmarks. Conservation Area Study: http://www.richmond. Hampton Waterworks stand at the entrance ■■ Loss of traditional architectural features and gov.uk/hamptonvillagestudy.pdf to Hampton Village both by the River and from materials due to unsympathetic alterations. Sunbury Road. It features several mid-Victorian gault brick pumping houses situated behind iron ■■ Loss of front boundary treatments and front railings and perimeter planting, acting as local gardens for car parking. landmarks and contributing to the character of ■■ Lack of coordination and poor quality of street Hampton. A number of these are listed buildings furniture and paving. which were originally engine pump houses. ■■ Domination of traffic and poor pedestrian Opposite the original Waterworks building stands safety leading to clutter of signage and street Hampton Library, a distinctive Victorian three furniture. storey building which has retained many original ■■ Loss of original or quality shopfronts and features including white painted string courses insensitive alterations and advertisement. and six of six sash windows. The building is set in an attractive landscaped setting framed by the Opportunities topography of the area. ■■ Improvement and protection of river and Dominant materials and features landscape setting. Characteristic materials and features include: mixed ■■ Preservation, enhancement and reinstatement residential and commercial properties, consisting of architectural quality and unity. of terraces, large detached and semi-detached ■ Retain and enhance front boundary treatments townhouses, listed buildings lying adjacent to the ■ and discourage increase in the amount of hard River, historic architecture reflecting the form surfacing in front gardens. of Hampton Court Palace, St Mary’s Church and Hampton Waterworks. Victorian architecture is ■■ Coordination of colour and design and evident, retaining original features such as London improvement in quality of street furniture and stock brickwork, slate roofs and original wooden paving. sash windows. ■■ Improvement of highways conditions, pedestrian convenience and rationalisation of existing signage and street furniture. ■■ Retain and improve the quality of shopfronts and advertisements.

24 25 Character Area 5: Hampton Court Green Conservation Area

This section provides a summary of the main characteristics of the Conservation Area. More detailed information can be viewed using the link provided below.

Character Summary and Hampton Court Road. ■■ Coordination of colour and design and These buildings provided accommodation for court improvement in quality of street furniture and Hampton Court Green Conservation Area is a officials from the late seventeenth century. The paving. linear area situated along approach and perimeter adjacent Hampton Court Bridge (Grade II listed) roads to Hampton Court Palace. It is contained by ■■ Improvement of highways conditions and provides panoramic views towards the palace. Hampton Village, , Hampton Court pedestrian convenience, and rationalisation of Park and Bushy Park Conservation Areas. existing signage and street furniture. Dominant Materials and features Hampton Court Green, located in front of Characteristic features and materials include: long Conservation Area Statement: http://www. Hampton Court Palace is often used for festivals garden frontages, mixture of brick boundary walls, richmond.gov.uk/home/services/planning/ Hampton Court Road and funfairs, overflow car parking for Palace visitors railings and gates. conservation_areas/conservation_area_statements. and during events such as Hampton Court flower htm show. Threats from Development Conservation Area Study: http://www.richmond. Hampton Court House, an eighteenth century ■■ Development pressure which may harm the gov.uk/hampton_crt_green.jpg building, lies north of the green and includes a balance of the River and landscape-dominated historic garden which is now included by Historic setting, and the obstruction or spoiling of views, England in the register of Historic Parks and skylines and landmarks. Gardens of Special Interest. ■■ Loss of traditional architectural features and materials due to unsympathetic alterations. The area has a historic landscape and is recognised for its built environment of architectural and ■■ Loss of front boundary treatments and front historic importance, including the Old Court gardens for car parking. House, the Royal Mews, and the adjoining barn. The ■■ Lack of coordination and poor quality of street Conservation Area is bisected by the A308 which is furniture and paving. Hampton Court Road an increasingly busy road that serves to isolate the ■■ Domination of traffic and poor pedestrian Palace from its immediate surroundings. safety leading to clutter of signage and street The ribbon development of Hampton Court Road furniture. is mainly residential but sporadic development ■■ Loss of greenery and mature trees gives way to more intensely developed commercial frontages in the vicinity of the Palace, increasing Opportunities the feeling of activity. The scale, however, remains ■■ Improvement and protection of river and strictly domestic. landscape setting. A large number of buildings along Hampton Court ■■ Preservation, enhancement and reinstatement Road are listed. The most important group of of architectural quality and unity. buildings lies at the junction of the approach to ■■ Retain and enhance front boundary treatments.

Hampton Court Green

26 Character Area 5: Hampton Court Green Conservation Area

27 Character Area 6: Hampton Court Park Conservation Area

This section provides a summary of the main characteristics of the Conservation Area. More detailed information can be viewed using the link provided below.

Character Summary Vistas framed by these avenues extend beyond the Threats from Development confines of the park and contribute also to the Hampton Court Park Conservation Area is situated ■■ Development pressure which may harm the setting of the palace. on the north bank of the River Thames, to the balance of the river and landscape-dominated south of Bushy Park and the east of Hampton The Barge Walk towpath from Kingston Bridge to setting, and the obstruction or spoiling of views, Court Palace. Hampton Court Bridge outside the walls of the skylines and landmarks. park offers an uninterrupted riverside walk of great ■■ Loss of mature trees. Hampton Court Palace is a scheduled Ancient quality. Three unaltered walled paddocks survive Monument and a listed Grade I building. The Palace adjacent to Hampton Court Road as a relic of the Opportunities and the line of the Longford River are noted as The Ice House, Hampton Court Park recreational pursuit of the monarch. being of archaeological potential. The main focus ■■ Improvement and protection of river and landscape setting. of the Palace Gardens lies east of the Palace The three main buildings of historic interest in the beyond the Broad Walk to the Fountain Garden Park are and The Pavillion (private Conservation Area Statement: http://www. surrounded by a semi-circle of lime trees. residences) and the Ice House near Hampton richmond.gov.uk/home/services/planning/ Wick Gate which is also not open to the public. Hampton Court Park (often referred to as Home conservation_areas/conservation_area_statements. The historic boundary walls and railings to the Park) is a public open space covering 705 acres. The htm park are also of historic significance and provide park is of national and international importance containment and enclosure to the open space, as a historic area of parkland and its setting to and heightens its significance and the pleasure Hampton Court Palace. of glimpsed views. From outside the park these Hampton Court Park is a well-defined and walls also provide a continuous and defining local extensive area of open space with a distinct physical reference. identity, contained by the River and Hampton A golf course occupies a large area in the south of Court Road. In September 2014 part of the park Hampton Court Park the Park, but is not physically enclosed and merges was designated a biological Site of Special Scientific with the Park. The Park also has a herd of around Interest (SSSI) due to its internationally significant 300 fallow deer which are important in maintaining populations of rare insects, the exceptionally large the Park’s grasslands, including one of its key numbers of ancient and veteran trees growing on ecological features, acid grassland. Each summer, the site, and the presence of extensive areas of around 24 acres of the Park are occupied by the special grassland habitat. Hampton Court Flower Show. The informal landscape of the park is overlain with the discipline of three radiating avenues with the Dominant Materials and Features central avenue bordering the Long Water Avenue Characteristic materials and features include: which were restored in a conservation project historic boundary walls and railings (listed Grade circa 1987. All three avenues are linked by a fourth II), Tudor brickwork (red brick). completing a vast equilateral triangle of trees.

The Stud House, Hampton Court Park

28 Character Area 6: Hampton Court Park Conservation Area

29 Character Area 7: Platt’s Eyot Conservation Area

This section provides a summary of the main characteristics of the Conservation Area. More detailed information can be viewed using the link provided below.

Character Summary The area to the extreme west is heavily wooded Conservation Area Statement: http://www. and offers steep banks providing a refuge for richmond.gov.uk/home/services/planning/ Platt’s Eyot Conservation Area is an island in the wildlife. As part of the River Thames and Islands conservation_areas/conservation_area_statements. River Thames situated to the south of Hampton Site of Metropolitan Importance for Nature htm Waterworks and Hampton Village and only Conservation the site is recognised as forming a accessible by bridge from the northern Hampton vital corridor of habitat spanning the Capital. The Conservation Area Study: http://www.richmond. bank. The Eyot contributes to the special character area to the west of the Conservation Area is also gov.uk/plattseyotstudy58.pdf of the area, derived from its river related industrial included within the Green Belt. activities.

The site is of industrial use and mainly consists of Threats from Development Platts Eyot storage, office space and moorings. The site offers ■■ Development pressure, particularly for an unusual nature and character with two very excessive residential development, which may different distinctive areas with a steep wooded harm the informal character of the island and boundary rising up to a plateau in the west, and the balance of the river landscape-dominated sloping down to the river slipways and boatyard in setting. the east. ■■ Decline in the mixed use and vitality of the The east of the area houses a key group of island’s character. industrial buildings including the three remaining ■■ Poor condition of historic buildings and the listed boathouses, the Edwardian brick built Tagg’s loss of traditional architectural features, House offices and ancillary structures such as the materials and industrial heritage features due to former alternator house and working cranes, which unsympathetic alterations. all contribute to the very individual character of this island. The distinctive wooden former canteen Opportunities View from Platt’s Eyot across the River Thames building at the eastern prow of the island and ■■ Improvement and protection of river and suspension bridge are both landmark structures on landscape setting. the river. The presence and activity of river craft to the east of the island makes it a lot less peaceful ■■ Retain the mixed use and vitality of the island’s than the more natural west. economy. ■■ Preservation, enhancement and reinstatement The western area of the island offers a sharp of historic buildings and features, architectural contrast between the modern and functional quality and unity. industrial character of the low rise units located in central plateau of the island and the more private ■■ Areas identified for environmental and overgrown area to the extreme west. improvement include: Environs of Tagg’s House and Boatyard, Hampton Bank Car Park.

Platts Eyot

30 Character Area 7: Platt’s Eyot Conservation Area

31 Character Area 8: Hampton Waterworks

Character Summary Threats from Development This character area borders the River Thames ■■ Despite the green, open aspect of much of the and is situated to the south west of the Hampton area there is a proliferation of fencing which Conservation Area. It extends west up to the not only restricts movement but is often boundary with Surrey. The area is largely covered visually obtrusive as well. by extensive infrastructure associated with ■■ Development which harms and diminishes the Hampton Waterworks. industrial character of the buildings. The Hampton Waterworks presents an impressive Opportunities sequence of historic pump houses, arranged in regular intervals along Upper Sunbury Road. The ■■ There is an opportunity to enhance the Waterworks is still in use and the large reservoirs character of the area by removing or and filter beds that stretch down to the River redesigning fencing to improve accessibility Thames are fenced off yet visible from the main and visual appearance. (NB. the historic railings roads, presenting an open aspect that contrasts near to the listed pump houses already make a with the built-up areas to the north. positive contribution to the character.) The Waterworks site is bounded by the busy ■■ The historic Hampton Waterworks is a Upper Sunbury Road (A308) where fast moving remarkable site but only the pump houses are traffic dominates the environment. Further north, protected by designation (Grade II) and there is there is very little through traffic and the character therefore an opportunity to consider whether is more rural and quieter. The north west corner some of the open areas, reservoirs and filter of the character area includes the green space of beds for instance also warrant some kind of Hydes Field (it extends over the Surrey border designation for their historic interest and open where there is a reservoir). It is characterised by aspect. thick woodland, but with clearings for recreational facilities including a football pitch and rifle club. However, the woods are not accessible from Oldfield Road due to a continuous line of fencing. Hampton Waterworks Within the Waterworks historically there has been a narrow gauge railway which formed part of the Metropolitan Water Board (MWB) Railway. Closed in 1945, the railway was reopened on 2013 as the Hampton & Kempton Waterworks steam railway. Dominant Materials and Features Characteristic features and materials include: reservoirs, mature trees, metal fences, stock brick, red brick, render and clay tiled or slate roofs.

Thames Water Hampton Waterworks Upper Sunbury Road

32 Character Area 8: Hampton Waterworks

33 Character Area 9: Oldfield Road

Character Summary Dominant Materials and Features This character area is north of Upper Sunbury Characteristic features and materials include: red Road (A308), east of Oldfield Road, west of Percy brick, stock brick, pebble-dash, render, hung tiles, Road and south of the railway line. The railway hipped roofs with clay tiles, chimneys, timber and the busy A308 act as barriers to movement casements, uPVC casements, public lawns with and consequently the rest of the area is relatively flower beds, street trees and metal fences. quiet with little through traffic. The character of the urban form is very mixed due to a combination of Threats from Development housing and business uses. ■■ Replacement of historic windows and doors with those of modern materials (uPVC) or Estate Core designs that do not follow the original glazing The core of the area is a quiet residential estate pattern and opening style. dating from the mid-twentieth century, clustered ■■ Removal of front garden boundaries and around Lacey Drive, Mason Close and Hammond replacement with different design/material Close. The short terraces are generally one or two (often to provide vehicular parking). This storeys in height and characterised by traditional undermines the residential character of the materials, particularly red brick and hung tiles, with area and regularity of the terraces, and results pitched tiled roofs. They are set in generous public in a loss of decorative detail. lawns that are well kept and incorporate flower ■■ Parts of the area, such as the west end of beds and trees. Oldfield Road, retain a semi-rural character that Percy Road in places is compromised by large buildings that have not been designed to complement this Outside the estate core the character changes. character. There are rows of interwar semi-detached houses on Percy Roads with features like bow-fronts, Opportunities timbered gable and oriel windows, finished in red ■■ Maintain and improve front gardens and brick, pebble-dash or render and clay tile roofs. boundary treatments. Oldfield Road Oldfield Road ■■ Toward the east end of Oldfield Road there is an opportunity to enhance the semi-rural As with Percy Road, the eastern end of Oldfield character by removing or redesigning fencing to Road contains a number of distinct interwar improve accessibility and visual appearance. semi-detached houses. Further west is St Mary’s Hampton Primary School, set in playing fields with mature trees. To the north there are business parks on Oldfield Road characterised by large sheds set in areas of car parking. This is a quieter area with very little through traffic, but with much boundary fencing which detracts from the abundant greenery. There are also large buildings at the east end of Oldfield Road including a supermarket in stock brick with pitched roofs set in a car park. Oldfield Road Percy Road

34 Character Area 9: Oldfield Road

35 Character Area 10: Priory Road West

Character Summary Tudor detailing, original front doors and window the regularity of the terraces. casements, with some retaining front gardens and This character area is south of Broad Lane and resisting forecourt parking. Opportunities north of the railway line, with green space and ■■ Maintain and improve front gardens. allotments to the west and Percy Road to the east. Holly Bush Lane’s mature trees and wide setting This character area has quite a consistent character help improve the quality of the environment, ■■ On streets laid out with a consistent front that comes from the high concentration of interwar minimising the impact of property alterations and garden boundary treatment (e.g. picket fences, houses, with a number of short runs of terraced loss of original features. dwarf walls with a stepped or undulating profile, houses on Holly Bush Road and Bloxham Crescent or other) there are opportunities to reinstate but mostly comprising of semi-detached houses Owing to its length, Hatherop Road has a variety of the original treatment where it has been altered. with pitched roofs and other traditional details, these house types. Its most characteristic feature ■■ This character area retains the characteristic arranged around cul-de-sac and short, straight is the grass verge incorporated into the pavement interwar feature of pavements incorporating streets. with trees at intervals, a feature also found on green verges and there are opportunities to Bloxham Crescent, Falcon Road and Holly Bush replace this where it has been lost (e.g. Priory The area is defined pre-dominantly by properties Lane, but in other places it has been removed and Road and Cambridge Road) and improve other built during the Interwar period, some built in replaced with a tarmac strip (e.g. Priory Road and poor quality pavements (e.g. Westbrook Avenue). the early 1930s being brick built. Later Interwar Cambridge Road). Holly Bush Lane housing in the area has facades of pebble-dash but these are nearly all now over painted, generally Dominant Materials and Features in off-white colours (Hill Field Road, Bloxham Characteristic features and materials include: red Crescent,Wembley Road, Priory Road and Broom brick, pebble-dashing, render, stock brick, hipped Road). roofs covered with clay tiles, slate roof covering, Front garden boundary treatments were originally chimneys, timber casements, chimneys, uPVC timber picket fences, again lending some uniformity, casements, dwarf front gardens walls in red brick, though some have been replaced in brick. Houses pebble-dash or timber picket fences, mature garden invariably have pitched roofs with slates or tiles and planting, pavements with planted verges and street clay chimneypots. trees. Despite the consistency of character there is some Threats from Development variation from street to street, with some houses ■■ Replacement of historic windows and doors Hatherop Road in red brick with render to the upper floor (Cleve’s with those of modern materials (uPVC) or Way and Westbrooke Avenue) or red brick with designs that do not follow the original glazing hung tiles (Priory Gardens). Those on Lawrence pattern and opening style. Road have bow-fronted gables and distinctive ■■ Removal of front garden boundaries and undulating pebble-dash dwarf walls to the front replacement with different design/material gardens, only some of which now remain. Likewise, (often to provide vehicular parking). This Cambridge Road, which has pebble-dashed houses, undermines the residential character of the area is made distinctive by the surviving front garden and regularity of the streets, and results in a loss brick dwarf walls with a stepped profile. of decorative detail. Some of the Interwar properties in this area ■■ The loss of greenery and mature trees. have retained original features including Mock- ■■ Rooflights on front roof slopes which interrupt

Holly Bush Lane

36 Character Area 10: Priory Road West

37 Character Area 11: Priory Road East and Surroundings

Character Summary The south end of Nightingale Road features late- (often to provide vehicular parking). This nineteenth century semi-detached houses. These undermines the quiet residential character of This character area is in the centre of Hampton. are built from stock brick, and are two bays wide the area and regularity of the terraces, and It is bounded by Old Farm Road and part of with a bay window at ground floor, they have sash results in a loss of decorative detail. Acacia Road to the north, Wensleydale Road and windows, hipped roofs and long thin chimney stacks. Nightingale Road to the east and Percy Road and They have attractive front gardens and uniform Opportunities Oak Avenue to the west, stretching down to Upper garden walls. Sunbury Road (A308). This area includes Hampton ■■ Preserve the character and appearance of: Railway Station, around which there is a tighter Wensleydale Road supports an array of attractive ■■ Late nineteenth century houses at the urban grain. Percy Road is the main north to south buildings from the Victorian, Edwardian and interwar southern end of Nightingale Road route through the area where Hampton Junior periods, all set in large plots. The streets character ■■ The four large houses on Priory Road, School, built in the Queen Anne Revival style, is the is enhanced by distinctive plane trees running the between Percy Road and Chestnut Avenue. focal point along this road. length of the road. ■■ Maintain and enhance small parades of shops. In general the area is characterised by regularly Around the railway station is a small commercial ■■ Improve paving and pedestrian safety and arranged residential streets in generous plots and a hub (including a couple of interwar shopping circulation around the parades of shops on Priory Road number of local shopping parades. The predominant parades). Pedestrian and vehicular traffic is Station Approach, the end of Mitton Road and periods of housing are stretches of interwar along concentrated in this area. Some of the properties the end of Wensleydale Road. the streets bordering this character area (e.g. in the area around Station Approach are not well ■■ The development of Crossrail 2 will provide Wensleydale Road was laid out by 1915 but the maintained and distract from the welcoming, additional opportunities to appropriately housing is interwar) and within the area, including residential character and appearance of the rest of enhance features in and around Hampton late-Victorian/Edwardian architectural styles. this area. Station. The start of Priory Road is marked by a group of Dominant Materials and Features four large houses built in the Queen Anne Revival style, dating from the Edwardian period. These Characteristic materials and features include: red houses are formed of stock brick with red brick brick walls, self-coloured render, clay roof tiles, dressing on the corners and around the window stock brick garden walls, concrete paving stones, openings, porches and half hipped roofs with tarmac paving, plane trees, mature deciduous trees and hedges. gablets and gables are evident, both covered in clay Nightingale Road roof tiles. The hips and ridges have clay two-hole Threats from Development decorative ridge tiles and finials; these elements are duplicated on other houses along the road. ■■ Replacement of historic windows and doors These houses have attractive, well-tended front with those of modern materials (uPVC) or gardens. At the opposite end of Priory Road are designs that do not follow the original glazing Edwardian terraced cottages, which continue along pattern and opening style. e.g. modern windows neighbouring streets. These two storey houses are with thick glazing bars on the late-nineteenth built from stock brick with red brick dressings and century houses on Nightingale Road. slate-covered pitched roofs. Each has a small porch, ■■ Mix of paving surface materials detract from and canted bay window with slate roof. Opposite well-maintained and presented houses. sits a small, attractive parade of shops which further ■■ Removal of front garden boundaries and adds to the character of this area. replacement with different design/material

Wensleydale Road

38 Character Area 11: Priory Road East and Surroundings

39 Character Area 12: Oak Avenue Estates

Character Summary information signs produced by the London Borough of Richmond upon Thames. This character area occupies the north west part of Hampton. Buckingham Road runs along the eastern Dominant Materials and Features boundary of the area, The Avenue is to the south, and the area’s western boundary is marked by open Characteristic materials and features include: stock green space including Twickenham Rugby Football brick, red brick, clay roof tiles, concrete paving Club. The area is characterised by relatively dense stones, concrete paving, cycle lanes, green spaces housing but also has a good distribution of green including large common and smaller curb-side plots. space and trees throughout. Threats from Development Oak Avenue is the main route through the area, ■■ Cluttering of street furniture in the housing running in a north to south direction, branching estate. from which are small quiet residential access roads ■■ Removal of front garden boundaries and and culs-de-sac lined with grass verges, trees and replacement with different design/material hedges. These are in turn connected by a network (often to provide vehicular parking). This of passages and cycle routes. Generally the houses undermines the quiet residential character of are detached and formed of two storeys, built in the area and regularity of the terraces, and stock brick (often with the use of stained weather results in a loss of decorative detail. boarding on the upper storey) and have pitched roofs covered with clay tiles, windows are uPVC Opportunities casements; often with a smaller window with ■■ Continue the use and maintenance of the frosted glazing for the bathroom. The designs of Hampton Common asset. houses are consistent along a cul-de-sac but there is slight variation in style throughout the estate. The ■■ Street signs could be upgraded. whole area retains the same quiet, family-orientated character. The houses along Oak Avenue are generally larger and of more individual styles.

Hampton Square, located off The Avenue supports Fearnleigh Cresent an array of community facilities including, and Tangley Park Children’s Centre. These are in the same part as Sainsbury’s supermarket, lending a busier atmosphere to this otherwise quiet character area. The large Hampton Common was developed from former nursery land and lends a rural character to the area and the whole area is often referred to as Nurserylands. There are a number of smaller public green spaces scattered throughout this area; several are accompanied by attractive black name and

Briar Close Victors Drive

40 Character Area 12: Oak Avenue Estates

41 Character Area 13: Hanworth Road Conservation Area

This section provides a summary of the main characteristics of the Conservation Area. More detailed information can be viewed using the link provided below.

Character Summary included for their group value the combined effect of their modest height and mature gardens (spanning This Conservation Area is a residential area situated across the two roads) complementing the open along a main thoroughfare running north west / spaces in Buckingham Road. south east and linking this Borough with Hounslow to the west and acting as a gateway to the Borough Properties in Regency Close cul-de-sac and of the from this direction. west side of Hanworth Road in the north of the Conservation Area are terraced with the majority To the west of Hanworth Road this area is painted white on the exterior. dominated by large detached properties dating from the end of the nineteenth and early twentieth Dominant Materials and Features century, with extensive mature gardens and trees to front and rear. Gaps between the villas allow ■■ Larger detached properties on the west side of for important views of the backdrop of trees from Hanworth Road - Red brick (some properties Hanworth Road. have their brickwork painted), gables, fretted bargeboards, chimneys, two storey or single The majority of older buildings are designated as storey bays, stone quoins, mullions, panels, Buildings of Townscape Merit. Although there has brackets and lintels, and recessed or projecting been much subsequent development in Hanworth porches. Road, this group to the west retains a distinctive ■■ Smaller terraced houses to the north west end character which arises both from its architecture of Hanworth Road - Stock brick with red brick and the mature gardens. The larger villas are all of window and door arches with slate roof and end different designs but have a number of similarities in gabled and brick stacks, hipped gables roofs and materials and detailing with some retaining original stacks. door and windows. Properties to the west of Regency Close Hanworth Road have notably larger front gardens. Threats from Development Smaller terraced houses are located on both sides ■■ Loss of traditional architectural features and of the north west end of Hanworth Road. These materials due to unsympathetic alterations. are of a simple, well-proportioned design with most retaining original joinery. Those on the west side of Opportunities Hanworth road are late Victorian with those on the ■■ Preservation, enhancement and reinstatement of east side dated earlier and paired off in three and architectural quality and unity. two units. Conservation Area Statement: http://www.richmond. At the apex of the triangle formed by Hanworth gov.uk/home/services/planning/conservation_areas/ Road and Buckingham Road there are three conservation_area_statements.htm bungalows fronting onto Buckingham Road. These are

Hanworth Road Hanworth Road

42 Character Area 13: Hanworth Road Conservation Area

43 7. Features and Materials

The architectural features and palette of Materials Features Victorian: The Victorian period (1837- materials used in the construction and 1901) saw an explosion of different styles Hampton includes a wide variety of historic Georgian: The term ‘Georgian’ usually decoration of buildings are a large part and technological innovation. House building buildings that define the character of the covers buildings constructed between 1714 of what makes up the character of an increased at a great rate to deal with the surge area, but mostly from the late nineteenth and and 1837, during which time there were area. They vary depending on when and in population. The terraced house continued twentieth century. The area utilises a palette numerous stylistic developments. As a general where a building was constructed. Even as the most popular and proliferate form of of similar materials predominated in house rule however houses conform to a Classically- for buildings of the same period, subtle housing but mansion blocks of flats became building. derived idea of proportion which dictated how differences in construction materials can increasingly common in London through the an elevation should be arranged. be what distinguish buildings in one part Using the correct materials (such as stock nineteenth century for all classes of people. of the country from another, contributing and red brick, clay tiles, slate and timber) The most important floor, with the grandest Whilst Classicism retained a strong foothold to local distinctiveness. is important for any repairs, alterations or rooms, was the first floor (the piano nobile) through Queen Victoria’s reign and the simple, extensions to existing buildings but also should which externally was expressed with the tallest brick terraced house persisted, particularly as be a consideration for any new development windows. The height of the windows decreases the most basic form of housing, the Gothic if it is to respect the context and character of from the first floor to the top of the house. In Revival is most commonly associated with this the area. This is also important as traditional the early eighteenth century the construction of period and was popular as a way of enlivening materials allow a building to ‘breathe’ (allow air the terrace house as we know it today became houses. to circulate and the materials to both absorb widespread through London. Houses were flat- Brick was still the basic load-bearing material water when it rains and subsequently dry out). fronted (rather than jettied), constructed from for most buildings during this period though brick, with the main decorative emphasis on Using modern, impervious materials can trap decorative coloured detailing became more the front door and windows (see subsection on water and cause damp. Sourcing materials is popular. Renders and ornament (the latter windows). very important, and it is always advisable to ask usually made from artificial stone) also become for samples that you can look at on site and Later in the eighteenth and early nineteenth more widespread. The Borough hosts a wide compare with the palette of existing materials. century, render and stucco painted in imitation array of quality Victorian housing of all scales, In the context of historic buildings it is useful to of stone was commonly applied to the exterior styles and forms, from terraced mews to large look at the directory of specialist professionals or part of the exterior of houses. With the detached villas. on www.buildingconservation.com innovation of Coade Stone in the second half A number of roads supporting tight Victorian of the eighteenth century decorative elements terraces can be found around Station Road, around doors and windows became more including Station Road itself, Avenue Road and common. Plevna Road. Larger terraced and semi-detached Examples in this part of London are limited, properties can be found on Belgrade Road and with Garrick Villa’s in Hampton Village Oldfield Road to the south of Hampton Station. Conservation Area being one of the primary Buildings from this period are also present on examples. roads to the north of the Station with buildings on Nightingale Road, Percy and Malvern Road.


Classical mouldings Timber console Stock brick Slate roof Clay chimneypots Slate roofs in Stucco brackets Ridge tiles

Timber sash windows

Fine brickwork

Sheltered entry

Stained glass

Panelled and glazed door Cast iron canopy with copper Brick low boundary wall Modern extension with Bay window Coping stone roof and timber valance with coping detail similar detailing

45 7. Features and Materials (continued)

Edwardian and Late Victorian: The Interwar housing: Interwar housing can Contemporary: There is a variety of Edwardian period was a high point in be found across the Borough. The vernacular more modern development across the traditional construction and late-Victorian semi-detached houses that became popular area, including some infill and some more architecture is often indistinguishable from pre-WWI became regularised into the substantial estates. Recent development less that of this period. The architecture of this standardised designs of the ‘Mock-Tudor rigorously conforms to a particular style or period confidently mixes features from semi’ but has many forms due to the variety ethos. Higher density developments are more numerous styles. of construction through this period. common as the pressure on land is greater. The work of Norman Shaw and the Arts Much of Hampton, particularly the south, is The northern part of Hampton has more and Crafts movement had a profound effect defined by housing from this period, including contemporary development from the 1980s on house-design that was to dominate for many fine examples along Gloucester Road onward, with a number of estates emerging decades to come with features of vernacular and Wensleydale Road. Housing built later in across the suburban area during the late architecture becoming much more common. this period can be found towards the west twentieth century, this includes Fearnleigh and northern areas of Hampton, particularly Crescent, which has been built out over a These properties are not commonly found along Hatherop Road, Broad Lane, Holly Bush number of decades resulting in an eclectic across all of Hampton but there are a range Road and Priory Road. mix of styles, and Partridge and Gresham of high quality examples, the western side Road to the south of The Avenue. Chestnut Road hosts a number of attractive Post war (1960s and 1970s): A radical red brick Late Victorian/Edwardian properties shift away from the traditional styles of the Hampton Village Green and the associated set in large plots, all with symmetrical past century occurred with modernism and redevelopment of the area to the south, detailing. a new attitude to architecture and place- forming around Gander Green Crescent making. Blocks of flats were seen as the ideal and Harvey Drive, are two to three storey Other examples can be found on Gloucester solution to increasing density, though the semi-detached properties of contemporary Road, Wensleydale Road, Ormond Road and regular terraced house and low rise blocks of build which intend to replicate the Victorian Ormond Avenue. flats and maisonettes persisted. and Edwardian features with define the area, The riverside area of Hampton also supports particularly around the Green and Station Wordsworth Road and Rectory Grove many fine examples of industrial architecture Road. support significant estates constructed during from around this period, including a mix of this period with a mix of styles but primarily buildings that make up Hampton Waterworks of two storeys, hanging tiles and white and the industrial units and bridge across to painted wood panelling, some with significant Platt’s Eyot. pitches which cover the first floor of the property.


Shallow pitched roof with Clay tiled roof Oriel Gable (rendered) Weatherboarding Pale brick pantiles

Steel casement windows with leaded lights

Sheltered entry

Bay window

Strap hinges to garage Panelled and glazed Profiled block piers and Carefully varied surface Red brick Timber hood to doorway Purpose designed off- doors door boundary wall materials: bonded gravel street parking and engineering brick

47 7. Features and Materials (continued)

Windows Window details: ■■ Timber double-glazing is now a good ■■ top-hung casements are not a good option with improving technology that substitute for sliding sashes. Windows are key features in all the buildings ■■ Original leaded lights can add character to can achieve very slim window profiles that in Hampton irrespective of the construction the street and be an important aspect of Historic England provide guidance compare with Victorian and Edwardian period. The location of the windows, their the design of the buildings. If the original on sensitive alterations to enhance single-glazing. proportions, the number of glazing bars, the windows have leaded lights they should be environmental performance in historic use of coloured glass, or the presence of old replicated if repairing them is not possible. ■■ Thin profile double glazed acoustic buildings: https://historicengland.org.uk/ glass is available that can be fitted into advice/technical-advice/energy-efficiency-and- glass and the decorative treatment around ■■ Stained glass should be retained or existing timber frames. This can be a way historic-buildings/ the windows, all give each building its special incorporated in replacement windows. character. The diversity of window types of upgrading the sound and insulation across the area add to its character and Double-glazing and thermal efficiency: performance of windows without the need for total replacement. reinforce the distinctiveness of the different Improving the thermal efficiency of historic styles. Therefore if houses or flats have windows is a common reason for replacing ■■ Install secondary glazing which is very original windows they should be restored them with double-glazing. If you are effective in improving thermal and sound or, if necessary, replaced like with like. Along considering replacing your timber windows insulation. They can often be removed in with the promotion of character, sustainable with uPVC bear in mind that the embodied the summer months when less needed. materials should also be prioritised, through energy lost by disposing of your windows the use of environmentally friendly materials uPVC is often considered as it is seen as a and replacing them with uPVC, which have a cheaper option than most timber double- and also improving the energy efficiency of limited life-expectancy, can be less sustainable buildings. glazed units. However, it is not authentic and than repairing them or installing secondary cannot achieve the same detailed mouldings Timber windows: glazing. Traditional internal shutters are also or appearance and is therefore discouraged. a very effective means of improving thermal ■■ Historic timber windows are made If you feel that this is your only option you efficiency so if your property once had should bear in mind: from more durable timber than modern, shutters, restoring them can be a sensible softwood timber. Repairing them is option. ■■ the materials, design, proportions and therefore often a more durable as well as the means of opening (sash/casement) of sustainable option. There are a number of options to consider if the existing windows and try to faithfully the installation of double-glazing is pursued: ■■ Timber windows were always meant to replicate them. be painted to protect them from the ■■ Have existing windows adapted by ■■ the proportions of the glazing bars should elements. Keeping them painted will help inserting an additional pane of glass within replicate those on the original windows. prevent them from rotting. If maintained, the existing frame to improve sound ■■ glazing bars should be integral to the they can last indefinitely. and thermal insulation. This is only really structure of the window and not applied possible with unlisted buildings with deep to the outside of the glass and should be window profiles. raised rather than flat.

48 Canted bay windows with original stained glass work on an interwar house

Timber casement doors with simple porch overhang

Critall windows with timber casements and bricked window Victorian properties with curved recessed entrances and Edwardian property with curved recessed entrance in render ledge white painted keystone and brick, ornate date stone.

Timber sash window, partially Critalled, with timber Balastrade Timbercase door with distinct glazing and curved fanlight atop. Timber casement window in a Late Victorian house Timber Canted bay sashed window. with a circular porthole atop The entrance is framed by an ornate gable fronted porch. window above 49 7. Features and Materials (continued)

Victorian Late Victorian / Edwardian Interwar

50 Post War Contemporary

51 8. Development Guidance

1. Hampton Square (Local Plan ref. residential areas, and increase its role and ■■ Retain elements of archaeological and the existing Victorian setting. Notable SA1) presence in the area. architectural value with regards to the buildings to consider include the Police industrial history of the site. Station itself and the white rendered Proposal: Partial redevelopment and ■■ Recent investments in public realm former Cinema located at 77 Station improvement for community, retail and local should be respected and provide a ■■ Carefully consider access arrangements Road. services, employment and residential uses, starting point for enhancing the overall and implications on existing industries including affordable units and car parking. quality of the area. where residential development is 4. Hampton Delivery Office, Rosehill proposed. (Local Plan ref. SA4) Any development proposals would need to 2. Platts Eyot, Lower Sunbury Road consider the following: (Local Plan ref. SA2) 3. Hampton Traffic Unit, 60-68 Station Proposal: If the site is declared surplus to Road (Local Plan ref. SA3) requirements, appropriate land uses include ■ Take account of the scale and massing Proposal: Regeneration of the island by ■ employment generating or social and of the surrounding residential setting, maintaining, and where possible enhancing, Proposal: Appropriate land uses include community infrastructure uses. particularly Stanborough and Denning existing river-dependent and river-related business (B1), employment generating and Close to the north west of the square. uses. New business and industrial uses (B1, other commercial or social and community Any development proposals would need to This would need to include suitable B2 and B8) that respect and contribute to infrastructure uses. The Building of consider the following: consideration of any noise or other the island’s special and unique character are Townscape Merit should be retained and a ■ Proposals should be of appropriate scale environmental disturbance to the encouraged. pedestrian link should be provided through ■ and massing, accounting for the two surrounding residential area. the site. Residential development to enable the and two and a half storey residential ■■ Respect and complement the existing restoration of the Listed Buildings, especially Any development proposals would need to terraces and semi-detached properties post war architectural style whilst those on the Heritage at Risk Register, may consider the following: surrounding the site. The existing building introducing more contemporary style be appropriate. ■ The conversion of the existing building has a large but low rise footprint and any to the area, reflecting the progressive ■ Any development proposals would need to duly respects its architectural character, development proposals would not be development of Hampton over the past consider the following: particular in relation to its late Victorian expected to significantly change its status century. features and retaining visual cues to its in the area. ■■ Suitably consider the Eyot’s riverside ■■ Consider the low rise and low density previous use as a Police Station. ■■ As with other new development in location, ensuring that any development setting, including Hampton Square itself the area, proposals for the site should proposals do not disturb the general ■■ Respect the scale and massing of the and the neighbouring green spaces of respond to the design and materials used setting, key landmarks or views. It is existing building, the main retail frontage Nursery Green. in the Victorian terraces, particularly likely that excessive and unsympathic and the surrounding residential setting, of ■■ Improve on and respect the existing which the majority of buildings are two along Rose Hill. businesses and community facilities residential development would detract from the island’s setting. to three storeys. ■■ New buildings should, as much as already active within Hampton Square, possible, positively engagement with ■ Respect the existing building densities ■■ Ensure that new development respects offering improved facilities for new and ■ both Hill House Drive and Rose Hill that where possible, to maintain the balance and complements the street scene. existing organisations. bound the site. ■■ Proposals should aim to enhance the between the natural setting and the light industrial activities, retaining the informal ■■ Contemporary design elements may be ■■ Take account of daylight and sunlight permeability of the square, improving impact on neighbouring properties, with pedestrian routes to surrounding character of the Eyot. appropriate where they complement

52 particular attention paid to the recent neighbouring residential development along the northern boundary of the site. ■■ Views from Hampton Village Green should not be impacted by any development proposal for the site.

Further information on site allocations 1 within Richmond can be viewed at: http:// www.richmond.gov.uk/local_plan

3 4


53 9. Shop Front Guidance

The Council has an adopted general guide to however, the replacement shopfronts lack Shutters shopfront design (Shopfronts Supplementary aesthetic value and are installed without External metal security shutters are not Planning Document (SPD), March 2010). consideration for how they will affect the a traditional feature of shopfronts and The guidance provided here does not appearance of the whole parade and street. generally detract from their character. replace that SPD but provides area-specific When considering alterations to a shopfront Roller shutters, when lowered, can create information on shopfronts in Hampton, or its replacement, consideration should be an unattractive environment. If considered highlighting positive features in particular given to: necessary, metal lattice-type shutters on shopfronts. This is a means of identifying the inside of the shop window can provide shopfronts worth preserving and provides a ■ the appearance of the host building as ■ security without spoiling the external context for enhancing other shopfronts. a whole and the designs of the adjacent appearance of the shop front. The other shopfronts; The Shopfronts SPD sets out the policy traditional alternatives are external canvas context for when planning permission and ■■ uniformity: where a parade historically awnings or timber shutters. listed building consent is needed for new had identical shopfronts, reinstating the shopfronts and gives Borough wide guidance. same appropriate design and materials, Planning permission is invariably needed for where the replacements are poor quality, replacement shopfronts, and advertisement can help create a more attractive street; consent may be needed for new signage. This and Village Planning Guidance SPD should be ■■ if there are a couple of identical surviving read in conjunction with the 2010 SPD. historic shopfronts in a parade these may well be the original historic design, Hampton has many individual historic replicating them in place of low-quality shopfronts as well as unified shopping modern shopfronts should be explored. parades. These should be preserved and, where architectural details are missing, they Within a building or parade there are often should ideally be replaced. As a general rule, two or more good different examples of shopfronts and alterations proposed to them shopfronts which should be retained and should respect the character, overall design sometimes the subtle differences in detail and materials of the host building. will enhance the character of the area. However, the basic structure and features Shopping parades were often built with the of traditional shopfronts (as identified in same shopfronts along their length. Over the Shopfront SPD) are usually present and time many get replaced and the uniformity should be adhered to and enhanced where of the parades is undermined. Sometimes possible. the replacement shopfronts have value for the quality of their design, craftsmanship or historic value and should be retained. Often

54 Typical key features to shop fronts

Blazed brick piers with Retractable canvas awning console brackets with timber end-board

Slender glazing bars designed Slender glazing bars designed as Recessed entrance with tiled Panelled and glazed doors Recessed doorway as colonettes (i.e. with bases colonettes (i.e. with bases and capitals) chequerboard pavement and capitals)

55 9. Shop Front Guidance (continued)

Ashley Road and Station Approach, brickwork stallriser), but none are intact. brick piers with entablature, brick stallriser, Hampton well-proportioned fascia board, panelled Nos. 70-82 (even) Milton Road is a late doors, reeded pilasters and inclined timber There are a number of shops along Ashley Victorian parade that retains its bracketed fascia board. Road and Station Road in the vicinity piers between the shops, yet the shopfronts of Hampton Station. Most are 1920s are now all modern and their oversized No. 37 Ashley Road or earlier, with one or more residential fascia boards detract. As discussed in the A well maintained frontage in the context storeys above. This traditional arrangement Shopfronts SPD, the console brackets of the street, its design features include: typically requires a shopfront with two indicate how large the fascias of the recessed entrances, slender glazing bars doorways, one for the shop and one for the shopfronts should be: generally smaller than designed as colonettes (i.e. with bases and accommodation. In historic shopfronts these the height of the console brackets, and the capitals), panelled and glazed doors. doorways are often recessed to provide fascias should not project in front of them. an inviting, sheltered entrance, sometimes No. 6 Station Approach Key examples Ashley Road and Milton Road with a tiled or mosaic pavement, features Poorly maintained but with many of its that add considerably to the richness of the As mentioned above, there are few historic assets intact, features such as: townscape. shopfronts of architectural merit across recessed double entrance with tiled Hampton. Of these, a number incorporate There is a sequence of consistent shopping pavement, tiled stallriser, moulded glazing original elements and configuration that parades along Ashley Road and Milton Road, bars, leaded upper lights, inclined fascia would have been uniform along each parade. continuing east along Station Approach and board, panelled and glazed doors. Some of the more likely candidates are into Wensleydale Road. The 1920s parades described in this section: at Nos. 27-37 (odd) Ashley Road and Nos. 1-9 Station Approach are simply finished No. 135 Station Road in brick and render with pitched roofs, but they create a distinctive townscape owing Although over painted and requiring maintenance, there are a number of positive to the way that they follow the curve of 29 Ashley Road the road. There are three plausibly original features associated with the frontage, shopfronts, Nos. 29 and 37 Ashley Road including: Recessed entrance, tiled stallriser, and No. 6 Station Approach. Each of these timber glazing bars, division of upper lights is different, suggesting that there was never into smaller panes and a retractable canvas one overriding design. awning with timber end-board. The 1920s parade at Nos. 3-13 (odd) Nos. 29 Ashley Road Wensleydale Road is similar in design but A relatively prominent frontage in the embellished with two gables. Some vestiges context of the street, the frontage is well of the original shopfronts remain at No. 3 maintained but is limited in its engagement (recessed entrance) and 5 (herringbone of the street. Its positive features include:

135 Station Road

56 Station Road and High Street, traditional features including a recessed features pilasters with capitals, tiled Hampton entrance and tiled stallriser. stallriser, thin timber glazing bars with ventilation grilles and well-proportioned There is a group of shops halfway along Hampton High Street is characterised not fascia board. Station Road, composed mainly of short by shopping parades but by a few individual two storey parades of various dates. shopfronts, including some on listed No. 101 Station Road, Hampton These are interspersed with residential buildings such as No. 22 with rare surviving With its distinctive painted frontage, the and other buildings, lending an informal, curved doors in the Regency style. Two florist frontage has piers with console village-like atmosphere. This is enhanced by matching shopfronts at 9-11 High Street brackets, dentil cornice, panelled stallriser, the relatively high proportion of surviving which have been altered yet still preserve well-proportioned fascia board and a traditional shopfronts, which add much to some of the Edwardian design features, retractable canvas awning. the character. including the distinctive glazing pattern and decorative tiling to the stallriser. There is an impressive three storey 70 Station Road parade at Nos. 70-74 (even) Station Road. Key examples This Edwardian building has distinctive No. 67 Station Road, Hampton open gables and applied timbering to the upper storeys. The shopfronts are divided An attractive, well maintained shop frontage by glazed brick piers with unusually fine with a recessed entrance, tiled stallriser, stone console brackets. No. 70 appears small upper lights with frosted glass and to represent the original form of the ventilation strips, inclined fascia board and shopfronts. retractable canvas awning. Nearby are a pair of matching buildings at No. 70 Station Road, Hampton Nos. 76 and 80 Station Road, both with well-preserved, yet different shopfronts. Currently in use as a home furnishings shop, the frontage’s stand out features include A longer parade at Nos. 93-101 (odd) 101 Station Road Station Road is nineteenth-century in date, Glazed brick piers with console brackets, with some traditional features remaining, recessed entrance with tiled chequerboard especially at No. 101. pavement, slender glazing bars designed as colonettes (i.e. with bases and capitals) and Closer to Hampton Station, there is a short a retractable canvas awning with timber parade of four shops at Nos. 129-135 (odd) end-board. Station Road. These are part of a brick Edwardian building that is symmetrically No. 91 Station Road, Hampton composed. None of the original shopfronts Located on the corner of Station Road are intact, although No. 135 retains some and Avenue Road, the building’s frontage

67 Station Road 57 10. Forecourt Parking

The Council has an existing Supplementary impact on the appearance of an area Article 4(2) Directions can also restrict traditional brick types and brickwork along a Planning Document (SPD) covering ‘Front and detract from its overall character if the removal of structures such as those street is an important characteristic. Garden and Other Off Street Parking undertaken without careful consideration. that would be required to allow access for Boundary walls to Victorian housing often Standards’ (adopted September 2006). This parking (see the 2006 SPD for details). The Council also wish to ensure that due consist of low brick walls punctuated by document provides detailed advice on the consideration is given to the increase risk of The Council’s Local Plan (Policy LP45) taller piers in the same brick, topped by legal and design issues when creating a localised flooding where front gardens are generally discourages front garden parking coping stones. The larger houses would parking area in your front garden and access lost to forecourt parking. because of the impact on the appearance often have bespoke, more ornate versions, as to it from the highway. Council Local Plan of the street and loss of vegetation and seen in the surviving example on Chestnut Policy LP45 also establishes the principle The Council is keen that where front garden biodiversity. When forecourt parking is Avenue, Hampton. approach to Forecourt Parking, notably that parking does occur, it is done in the best proposed, this SPD seeks to ensure it is it will be discouraged. Highway Authority possible way, by following guidance given in The interwar period, especially, produced provided in a sympathetic way. permission for construction of a crossover this and the 2006 SPD. a streetscape with a distinctive character. is required in all cases, and the SPD standard It is generally considered that additional The boundary walls to the many detached Planning Permission will be applied to all highway crossover forecourt parking does not significantly and semi-detached houses from this period applications. In some cases alterations to front gardens reduce parking congestion as it results in the often had a stepped or undulating profile, loss of on-street parking. sometimes rendered but more often in brick. The Hampton Village Planning Guidance SPD fall within the terms of ‘permitted development’, in which case planning Although this is rare in Hampton, examples draws upon the 2006 SPD, providing updated Important features in Hampton can be seen on Percy Road. and specific information for Hampton. It approval is not required and therefore the Council has little or no control over Many front gardens and frontage features is important that the 2006 SPD is read in A large number of boundary walls have the creation of forecourt parking. You will in Hampton contribute significantly to conjunction with the guidance below. It either been replaced with a different design not normally need planning permission, the overall character of the area and local is also advised to refer to the Council’s or with no wall at all. There is an opportunity outside of a Conservation Area if a new street scene both within and outside of the Supplementary Planning Document on to reinforce local distinctiveness by installing or replacement driveway of any size uses Conservation Areas. These include brick gate ‘Design Quality’ and ‘Public Space Design boundary walls that are based on intact permeable (or porous) surfacing which piers, dwarf walls incorporating railings or Guide’. examples nearby. Significant numbers of allows water to drain through, such as hedges, planted front gardens and a very high boundary walls have been lost in The Alders In Hampton as in other areas of Richmond permeable concrete block paving or porous number of street trees. and other areas to the north due to the and across London as a whole, increases asphalt, or by directing rainfall to a lawn or demand for parking. in population and car ownership have border to drain naturally. Boundary Walls resulted in greater demand for car parking Boundary walls are perhaps the most Dwarf walls with either panelled fencing or If the surface to be covered is more than five spaces. Where houses are not able to have important and defining feature of a street iron railings atop are a relatively common square metres planning permission will be garages, or where there is insufficient on scene, and their preservation and uniformity boundary treatment. Dwarf walls without needed for laying traditional, impermeable and off street parking, this can lead to adds considerably to an area’s character. additional features are typically associated driveways. It is important to note that in increased demand for front garden parking. with Victorian terraces to the south of the Conservation Areas, planning permission is Conversion of front gardens for car parking They enclose front gardens and define public railway line such as Avenue Road and Plevna required for demolition of boundary walls, can individually and cumulatively adversely and private space. Low walls create this Road. fences and railings over 1m in height. space without reducing visibility. Conforming

58 Fencing their own or in combination with walls or Permeability railings. Picket fencing can be found intermittently The base and finished surface should be laid across the Hampton character area, Hedges are frequently used boundary at a slight gradient and be of a permeable with some traditional fencing boundaries treatments across Hampton, the majority material, to allow the satisfactory drainage retained, with a few fine examples of this associated with Victorian and Edwardian and absorption of rainwater. Water should along Wensleydale Road. properties with larger plots to the south of not drain from the property onto the the Village Plan area. Notable roads include footway. A length of drain or soak-away It is common that modest examples of Ormond Avenue, Nightingale Road and may be required at the site boundary to Victorian housing found in the Borough i.e. parts of Broad Lane. prevent this or a connection to a surface the simple brick two storey cottages and water sewer can be established with the terraces, are often given a timber picket Retention of existing features agreement of the Water Authority. Loose fence. These are just as distinctive and can The general aim of any design for car gravel should be avoided. add positively to local character, though Chestnut Avenue, Boundary wall and hedge parking in front gardens should be to require regular maintenance. Fine examples Green features retain as much of the existing features as is in Hampton include the over painted practical – such as existing walls, railings or Loss of existing green space may be Victorian Cottages located to the south of hedging. Where an opening has to be made inevitable, however retaining and / or Station Road. in an existing wall, railing or fence, it should replacing some planting in a generous Iron railings and gates be made good at both ends to match manner may help to maintain the area’s existing materials and details, and should be character, screen vehicles and create a more Iron railings (and gates) feature on houses no more than a car width wide. pleasant natural environment by absorbing across Hampton but for the most part local exhaust fumes. with no consistency. More traditional Enclosure railings typically are embedded into a Retaining a form of enclosure to front lower boundary wall, enclosing the front gardens and forecourts is an essential part garden whilst keeping visual obstruction to of retaining local character and maintaining Wensleydale Road, Iron railings above dwarf boundary wall a minimum. Some fine examples of black the street scene. Partial loss of existing painted iron railing embedded into dwarf structures is inevitable to allow vehicle walls can be found along Nightingale Road. access but some structure should be Hedges retained. Inward opening gates help to complete a defensible line. For the above Hedges enclose front gardens and define reasons the gap in the boundary should not public and private space. They provide an exceed that needed for the passage of a car. attractive green feature to the streetscape. This also reduces the loss of parking space Therefore it is important for them to be in the road outside. retained as frontage features, either on

Station Road, White picket fencing 59 11. Flood Risk

Reducing flood risk to you and your gov.uk/prepare-for-a-flood/improve-your- In areas at risk of flooding, all proposals on Flood defences property propertys-flood-protection. sites of 10 dwellings or more or 1000sqm of D. Applicants will have to demonstrate that non-residential development or more, or on There are a number of things that residents their proposal complies with the following: Relevant Planning Policies any other proposal where safe access/egress in Hampton Wick and can do to cannot be achieved, a Flood Emergency Plan 1. Retain the effectiveness, stability and ensure that they are prepared for and aware The Council’s planning policy documents must be submitted. integrity of flood defences, river banks and of the potential risk of flooding to properties. outline ways in which new development other formal and informal flood defence within Hampton should account for flood Where a Flood Risk Assessment is required, Find out if you are at risk infrastructure. risk. This includes new build construction of on-site attenuation to alleviate fluvial and/ The map outlines the broad areas in which residential and commercial buildings, as well or surface water flooding over and above 2. Ensure the proposal does not prevent there is a potential flood risk in both as significant alternations or changes of use the Environment Agency’s floodplain essential maintenance and upgrading to be Hampton Wick and Teddington. A more of existing buildings that may be impacted by compensation is required where feasible. carried out in the future. detailed map can be found at www.gov.uk/ flooding. Basements and subterranean developments 3. Set back developments from river banks prepare-for-a-flood/find-out-if-youre-at-risk. The policies cover all flood risk and existing flood defence infrastructure As flood risk maps are updated frequently to B. Basements within flood affected areas of considerations, responding to the Borough’s where possible (16 metres for the tidal reflect the latest modelling, you are advised to the borough represent a particularly high setting, which is very susceptible to flooding. Thames and 8 metres for other rivers). check the latest maps via this link. Relevant local policies from the Council’s risk to life, as they may be subject to very rapid inundation. 4. Take into account the requirements of the Actions to reduce flood risk Local Plan include the following: Thames Estuary 2100 Plan and the River Sustainable drainage There are a number of ways to reduce and Policy LP 21: Flood Risk and Sustainable Thames Scheme, and demonstrate how the mitigate the impacts of flooding on your Drainage C. The Council will require the use of current and future requirements for flood property: A. All developments should avoid, or Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) in all defences have been incorporated into the development proposals. Applicants will have development. ■ Sign up for flood warning www.gov.uk/ minimise, contributing to all sources of ■ to demonstrate that their proposal complies sign-up-for-flood-warnings. flooding, including fluvial, tidal, surface 5. The removal of formal or informal flood water, groundwater and flooding from with the following: ■ Contact Floodline 0345 988 1188 (24- defences is not acceptable unless this is part ■ sewers, taking account of climate change hour service) in case of an emergency or 1. A reduction in surface water discharge to of an agreed flood risk management strategy and without increasing flood risk elsewhere. for further guidance. greenfield run-off rates wherever feasible. by the Environment Agency. Development will be guided to areas of ■■ Make a personal flood plan, Government lower risk by applying the ‘Sequential Test’ 2. Where greenfield run-off rates are not Within the existing Development guidance can be found at: www.gov.uk/ as set out in national policy guidance, and feasible, this will need to be demonstrated Management Plan (2011) the equivelent government/publications/personal-flood- where necessary, the ‘Exception Test’ will by the applicant, and in such instances, the policies are Policy DM SD 3, Policy DM SD 6, plan. be applied. Unacceptable developments and minimum requirement is to achieve at least Policy DM SD 7 and Policy DM SD 8. ■■ Improve your home’s flood protection, land uses will be refused in line with national a 50% attenuation of the site’s surface water the Government have outlined a number policy and guidance, the Council’s Strategic runoff at peak times based on the levels of measures that you can take at: www. Flood Risk Assessment (SFRA). existing prior to the development.

60 Flood Risk map for Hampton The map shows the parts of the area identified as being at risk of a 1% chance of flooding in any given year from the River Thames. This is sometimes described as a 1 in 100 year (1:100) flood. However, this doesn’t mean that if a location floods one year, it will definitely not flood for the next 99 years. Nor, if it has not flooded for 99 years, will it necessarily flood this year. The information is extracted from computer modelling and records of previous flooding by the Environment Agency and reflects information supplied in February 2016.

61 Appendix 1: Relevant Policies and Guidance It should be noted that all adopted policies and guidance should be assessed for their relevance in respect of individual planning applications, not just those listed below.

LBRuT Publication Local Plan (January best use of land; sensitive areas, rigid and gloss finish blinds be located within a Main Centre Boundary. 2017) will generally be unacceptable. Elsewhere development should be located 4. Space between buildings, relationship of within the defined Area of Mixed Use (AMU Main policies that the SPD will support: heights to widths and relationship to the Advertisements and hoardings boundary). For centres, or parts of centres public realm, heritage assets and natural where no boundary exists, proposals should Policy LP 1: Local Character and Design features; The Council will exercise strict control Quality over the design and siting of advertisements be well-related to designated shopping 5. Inclusive design, connectivity, permeability and hoardings to ensure the character of frontages. The Council will require all development (as such gated developments will not individual buildings and streets are not Proposals not in the above locations, to be of high architectural and urban design be permitted), natural surveillance and materially harmed, having regard to the including extensions to existing retail and quality. The high quality character and orientation; and interests of amenity and public safety leisure developments of more than 200sqm heritage of the borough and its villages will (including highway safety). need to be maintained and enhanced where 6. Suitability and compatibility of uses, taking gross, should satisfy the Sequential Test as set opportunities arise. Development proposals account of any potential adverse impacts of Within the existing Core Strategy (2009) out in national policy and guidance. Out of will have to demonstrate a thorough the co-location of uses through the layout, the equivalent policy is Policy CP7 and in the centre retail development is not considered understanding of the site and how it relates design and management of the site. Development Management Plan (2011) the appropriate in line with the London Plan; and equivalent policies are Policy DC1 and Policy to its existing context, including character All proposals, including extensions, 3. Does not adversely impact on the vitality DC7. and appearance, and take opportunities alterations and shop fronts, will be assessed and viability of the centre in which the to improve the quality and character of against the advice set out in the relevant Policy LP 25: Development in Centres development is proposed, or another centre. buildings, spaces and the local area. Village Planning Guidance and other SPDs When assessing proposals for development A. Development in the borough’s centres, To ensure development respects, contributes relating to character and design. outside of existing centres, applicants will as defined in the centre hierarchy, will be to and enhances the local environment and have to comply with the requirements of Shop fronts acceptable if it: character, the following will be considered national policy and guidance in relation to when assessing proposals: The Council will resist the removal of 1. Is in keeping with the centre’s role and impact assessments. For retail developments, shopfronts of architectural or historic function within the hierarchy and is of a scale including extensions of over 500sqm gross, 1. Compatibility with local character interest. Shopfronts, including signage appropriate to the size of the centre (also the Council will require a Retail Impact including the relationship to existing and illumination, should complement the see the Spatial Strategy of this Plan); and Assessment. townscape, development patterns, views, proportions, character, materials and local grain and frontages as well as scale, The scope of such assessments will need detailing, surrounding streetscene and 2. Is in an appropriate location, as follows: height, massing, density, landscaping, to be agreed with the Council before the building of which it forms part. Blinds, proportions, form, materials and detailing; a. A1 uses should be located within, adjacent submitting a planning application; and canopies or shutters, where acceptable to or well-related (or capable of being made 2. Sustainable design and construction, in principle, must be appropriate to the so) to designated shopping frontages. 4. Optimises the potential of sites by including adaptability, subject to aesthetic character of the shopfront and its context contributing towards a suitable mix of uses considerations; within which it is located. External security b. For other appropriate uses (see B below), that enhance the vitality and viability of the grilles and large illuminated fascias will only major development and/or developments centre. Commercial or community uses 3. Layout, siting and access, including making be allowed in exceptional circumstances. In which generate high levels of trips should should be provided on the ground floor

62 fronting the street, subject to other Local premises. D. Amenity space for all new dwellings, 2. Proposals that lead to increased visitors Plan policies, including the retail frontages including conversions, should be: and tourists need to be of an appropriate Within the existing Core Strategy (2009) policy LP 26. scale for the size of the centre and will be the equivalent policy is Policy CP7 and in a. private, usable, functional and safe; assessed against the transport policies of B. In addition to A above, the following the Development Management Plan (2011) b. easily accessible from living areas; this Plan; applies to development proposals in the the equivalent policies are Policy DC1, Borough’s five main centres: Policy DC7, Policy DM TC 2. c. orientated to take account of need for 3. Requiring accommodation and facilities sunlight and shading; to be accessible to all; at least 10% of hotel 1. The Council will support appropriate Policy LP35: Housing Mix and Standards bedrooms should be wheelchair accessible; development in the five main centres. d. of a sufficient size to meet the needs of A. Development should generally provide the likely number of occupiers; and 4. Enhancing the environment in areas 2. The Council will encourage proposals for family sized accommodation, except within leading to, within and around visitor leisure, cultural and tourism facilities which the five main centres and Areas of Mixed e. accommodation likely to be occupied by destinations where appropriate. contribute to the diversity of the offer. Use where a higher proportion of small families with young children should have units would be appropriate. The housing direct and easy access to adequate private B. In relation to visitor accommodation: 3. Proposals for A1 uses should include, mix should be appropriate to the location. amenity space. where appropriate, units of a size suitable 1. Proposals which result in the loss of for modern retail needs (particularly in B. All new housing development, including E. 90% of all new build housing is required bedspaces will be resisted; Richmond centre, where there is a shortage conversions, are required to comply with to meet Building Regulation Requirement 2. Proposals which increase the number of retail units with larger floor-plates) whilst the Nationally Described Space Standard. M4 (2) ‘accessible and adaptable dwellings’ of bedspaces will be supported subject to retaining sufficient traditional smaller units and 10% of all new build housing is required other Local Plan policies; that add to the local character and which to meet Building Regulation Requirement C. All new housing development, including are important to local businesses. M4 (3) ‘wheelchair user dwellings’. 3. Proposals will be supported which conversions, are required to comply with contribute towards providing a range of C. In addition to A above, in the local and the Council’s external space standards. Within the existing Core Strategy (2009) visitor accommodation, including small neighbourhood centres as well as parades For houses a minimum total private space the equivalent policy is Policy CP14. independent hotels and bed and breakfast of local importance, the following applies: of 70sqm for 3 or more beds and 40sqm Policy LP43: Visitor Economy accommodation, subject to other Local Plan for 2 beds should be provided. To provide 1. Appropriate uses could include new policies. adequate private amenity space for flats, a retail (including markets), business or A. The Council will support the sustainable minimum of 5sqm of private outdoor space Within the existing Core Strategy (2009) employment developments, which maintain growth of the visitor economy for the for 1-2 person dwellings should be provided the equivalent policy is Policy CP20. suitable provision for small businesses, and benefit of the local area by: and an extra 1sqm should be provided for other uses, which primarily serve the needs LP12: Green Infrastructure each additional occupant. Purpose built, 1. Supporting proposals which promote of the local community or attract visitors and enhance the borough’s existing tourist well designed and positioned balconies Green infrastructure is a network of and develop cultural opportunities. attractions, including the unique, historic or terraces are encouraged where new multi-functional green spaces and natural and cultural assets that are connected via 2. Development should, wherever possible, residential units are on upper floors, if they elements, which provides multiple benefits the River Thames, such as The Royal Botanic include overall improvements and comply with policy LP8 Amenity and Living for people, nature and the economy. enhancements of the small centres where Conditions. Gardens, , and Hampton appropriate, and/or modernise outdated Court Palace; A. To ensure all development proposals

63 protect, and where opportunities arise recreation and sport, biodiversity including Metropolitan Open Land will be taken into and measures to open up views into and enhance green infrastructure, the following rivers and bodies of water and open account. out of designated other open land will be will be taken into account when assessing community uses including allotments and encouraged. development proposals: cemeteries. Development will be supported Local Green Space When considering developments on sites if it is appropriate and helps secure the 1. The need to protect the integrity of the D. Local Green Space, which has been outside designated other open land, any objectives of improving the Green Belt or green spaces and assets that are part of demonstrated to be special to a local possible visual impacts on the character and Metropolitan Open Land. the wider green infrastructure network; community and which holds a particular openness of the designated other open land improvements and enhancements to the B. It will be recognised that there may be local significance, will be protected from will be taken into account. green infrastructure network are supported; exceptional cases where inappropriate inappropriate development that could cause Within the existing Core Strategy (2009) the development such as small scale structures harm to its qualities. 2. Its contribution to the wider green equivalent policy is Policy CP10. may be acceptable, but only if it: infrastructure network by delivering Within the existing Core Strategy (2009) the Policy LP30: Health and Wellbeing landscape enhancement, restoration or re- 1. Does not harm the character and equivalent policy is Policy CP10. creation; and openness of the Green Belt or Metropolitan Policy LP14: Other Open Land of Townscape Planning, at all levels, can play a crucial role in Open Land; and creating environments that enhance people’s 3. Incorporating green infrastructure assets, Importance health and wellbeing. The Council promotes which make positive contributions to the 2. Is linked to the functional use of the Other open areas that are of townscape and supports healthy and active lifestyles and wider green infrastructure network. Green Belt or Metropolitan Open Land, or importance will be protected in open use, measures to reduce health inequalities. supports outdoor open space uses; or Within the existing Core Strategy (2009) the and enhanced where possible. It will be A. The Council will support development equivalent policy is Policy CP10. 3. Is for essential utility infrastructure recognised that there may be exceptional that results in a pattern of land uses and and facilities for which it needs to be cases where appropriate development is LP13: Green Belt, Metropolitan Open Land facilities that encourage: demonstrated that no alternative locations acceptable. The following criteria will be and Local Green Space taken into account when assessing whether are available and that they do not have 1. Sustainable modes of travel such as safe development is appropriate: Green Belt and Metropolitan Open Land any adverse impacts on the character and cycling routes, attractive walking routes and openness of the Green Belt or Metropolitan a. It must be linked to the functional use easy access to public transport to reduce car A. The Borough’s Green Belt and Open Land. of the Other Open Land of Townscape dependency. Metropolitan Open Land will be protected Importance; and retained in predominately open use. C. Improvement and enhancement of the 2. Access to green infrastructure, including Inappropriate development will be refused openness and character of the Green Belt or river corridors, local open spaces as well unless ‘very special circumstances’ can be or Metropolitan Open Land and measures as leisure, recreation and play facilities to b. It can only be a replacement of, or minor demonstrated that clearly outweigh the to reduce visual impacts will be encouraged encourage physical activity. where appropriate. extension to, existing built facilities; and harm to the Green Belt or Metropolitan 3. Access to local community facilities, Open Land. When considering developments on sites c. It does not harm the character or services and shops which encourage openness of the open land. Appropriate uses within Green Belt or outside Green Belt or Metropolitan Open opportunities for social interaction and Metropolitan Open Land include public and Land, any possible visual impacts on the Improvement and enhancement of the active living, as well as contributing to private open spaces and playing fields, open character and openness of the Green Belt or openness or character of other open land dementia-friendly environments.

64 4. Access to local healthy food, for example, Policy LP26: Retail Frontages detrimental visual impact on the shopfront years. The applicant will need to undertake allotments and food growing spaces. and should respect the heritage and marketing in line with the requirements set The Council has designated parts of centres character of the centre, taking into account out in Appendix 5. 5. Access to toilet facilities which are as Key Shopping Frontage or Secondary the Village Planning Guidance SPDs; open to all in major developments where Shopping Frontage. Within the existing Development appropriate (linked to the Council’s 3. The proposed use has to be Management Plan (2011) the equivalent Key Shopping Frontages Community Toilet Scheme). complementary to the area’s shopping policy is Policy DM TC 3. A. Proposals that result in a loss of function and provide a direct service to the 6. An inclusive development layout and Policy LP3: Designated Heritage Assets floorspace in Use Class A1 in Key Shopping public; and public realm that considers the needs of all, Frontages will be resisted. Other uses A. The Council will require development including the older population and disabled 4. It will not create an unbroken run of converting to retail will be supported, to conserve and, where possible, people. three or more non-A1 units. subject to there being no adverse impact on take opportunities to make a positive B. This policy will be delivered by requiring the centre. The Council will seek to retain Shops selling essential goods/Post Offices contribution to, the historic environment developments to comply with the following: key facilities including Post Offices. of the Borough. The significance (including D. In secondary shopping frontages in the settings) of the Borough’s designated 1. A Health Impact Assessment must be Secondary Shopping Frontages smaller centres including local parades, heritage assets, encompassing Conservation submitted with all major development changes of use from shops selling (or whose B. A non-A1 proposal will be acceptable in Areas, Listed Buildings, Scheduled proposals. last occupant sold) essential goods to the secondary shopping frontages only if it: Monuments as well as the Registered non-A1 uses will be resisted if there is no 2. The Council will refuse proposals for Historic Parks and Gardens, will be 1. (a) Meets community needs (such as a similar alternative within 400 metres. This new fast food takeaways (A5 uses) located conserved and enhanced by the following dentist, clinic or health centre, veterinary applies even if the proposal is acceptable in within 400 metres of the boundaries of a means: surgery, gym, fitness studio and facilities terms of criteria B above. primary or secondary school in order to which would enable the public better access 1. Give great weight to the conservation restrict the availability of unhealthy foods. Changes of use in non-designated frontages to police services) and provides a direct of the heritage asset when considering the where policy LP 27 does not apply 3. Existing health facilities will need to be service to visiting members of the public, or impact of a proposed development on the retained where these continue to meet, or E. The Council will consider favourably significance of the asset. (b) Falls within Use Classes A2 to A5, or can be adapted to meet, residents’ needs. applications for change of use to any 2. Resist the demolition in whole, or in part, (c) Is another commercial use which non-A1 use which is a commercial or 4. Applications for new or improved of Listed Buildings. Consent for demolition provides a direct service to visiting community use compatible with the retail facilities or loss of health and social care of Grade II Listed Buildings will only be members of the public without function of the centre. facilities will be assessed in line with granted in exceptional circumstances and appointment. the criteria set out in the Social and Marketing requirement for changes of use for Grade II* and Grade I Listed Buildings in Community Infrastructure policy. In addition to (a) or (b) above, the proposal wholly exceptional circumstances following F. Where a proposal involves a change of must the meet the following criteria: a thorough assessment of their significance. Within the existing Core Strategy (2009) use not supported by policy, the Council the equivalent policy is Policy CP17. 2. The proposed use should retain a ‘shop- will require satisfactory evidence of full and 3. Resist the change of use of Listed like’ appearance; it should not have a proper marketing of the site for at least 2 Buildings where this would materially

65 harm their character and distinctiveness, demonstrated that: Management Plan (2011) the equivalent interest. particularly where the current use policies are Policy DM OS 4, Policy DM HD 1. In the case of substantial harm or loss Within the existing Development contributes to the character of the 1 and Policy DM HD 2. to the significance of the heritage asset, it Management Plan (2011) the equivalent surrounding area and to its sense of place. is necessary to achieve substantial public Policy LP 4: Non-Designated Heritage Assets policy is Policy DM HD 3. 4. Require the retention and preservation of benefits that outweigh that harm or loss; The Council will seek to preserve, and Policy LP5: Views and Vistas the original structure, layout, architectural 2. In the case of less than substantial harm where possible enhance, the significance, features, materials as well as later features The Council will protect the quality of the to the significance of the heritage asset, that character and setting of non-designated of interest within Listed Buildings, and resist views, vistas, gaps and the skyline, all of which the public benefits, including securing the heritage assets, including Buildings of the removal or modification of features contribute significantly to the character, optimum viable use, outweigh that harm; or Townscape Merit, memorials, particularly war that are both internally and externally of distinctiveness and quality of the local and memorials, and other local historic features. architectural importance or that contribute 3. The building or part of the building or wider area, by the following means: to the significance of the asset. structure makes no positive contribution to There will be a presumption against the 1. Protect the quality of the views and the character or distinctiveness of the area. demolition of Buildings of Townscape Merit. 5. Demolitions (in whole or in part), vistas as identified on the Proposals Map, Applicants will be required to: alterations, extensions and any other C. All proposals in Conservation Areas are and demonstrate such through computer- modifications to Listed Buildings should be required to preserve and, where possible, 1. Retain the character of Buildings of generated imagery (CGI) and visual impact based on an accurate understanding of the enhance the character or the appearance of Townscape Merit, war memorials and any assessments; significance of the heritage asset. the Conservation Area. other non-designated heritage assets; 2. Resist development which interrupts, 6. Require, where appropriate, the D. Where there is evidence of intentional 2. Submit a Heritage Statement to assess disrupts or detracts from strategic and local reinstatement of internal and external damage or deliberate neglect to a designated the potential harm to, or loss of, the vistas, views, gaps and the skyline; features of special architectural or historic heritage asset, its current condition will not significance of the non-designated heritage 3. Require developments whose visual significance within Listed Buildings, and the be taken into account in the decision-making asset, including from both direct and indirect impacts extend beyond that of the removal of internal and external features process. effects; that harm the significance of the asset, immediate street to demonstrate how views commensurate with the extent of proposed E. Outline planning applications will not 3. Describe the significance of the non- are protected or enhanced; be accepted in Conservation Areas. The designated heritage asset affected, including development. 4. Require development to respect the Council’s Conservation Area Statements, and any contribution made by their setting; setting of a landmark, taking care not to 7. Require the use of appropriate materials where available Conservation Area Studies, the extent of the relevant setting will be create intrusive elements in its foreground, and techniques and strongly encourage any and/or Management Plans, will be used as a proportionate to the significance of the middle ground or background; works or repairs to a designated heritage basis for assessing development proposals asset. Appropriate expertise should be used asset to be carried out in a correct, scholarly within, or where it would affect the setting to assess a non-designated heritage asset; 5. Improvements to views, vistas, gaps and manner by appropriate specialists. of, Conservation Areas, together with other and the skyline, particularly where views or vistas policy guidance, such as Village Planning have been obscured, will be encouraged B. Resist substantial demolition in 4. Retain or restore the structures, features Guidance SPDs. where appropriate; Conservation Areas and any changes that and materials of the asset, which contribute could harm heritage assets, unless it can be Within the existing Development to its architectural integrity and historic 6. Seek improvements to views within

66 Conservation Areas, which: Management Plan (2011) the equivalent 8. Result in no unacceptable adverse impact Policy LP45: Parking Standards and Servicing policy is Policy DM HO 1. on neighbours, including loss of privacy to a. Are identified in Conservation Area Parking standards existing homes or gardens, in accordance Statements and Studies and Village Plans; Policy LP39: Infill, Backland and Backgarden with policy LP 8 Amenity and Living The Council will require new development Development b. Are within, into, and out of Conservation Conditions; to make provision for the accommodation Areas; Infill and Backland Development of vehicles in order to provide for the 9. Provide adequate servicing, recycling and needs of the development while minimising c. Affect the setting of and from A. All infill and backland development must refuse storage as well as cycle parking; the impact of car based travel including development on sites adjacent to reflect the character of the surrounding 10. Result in no adverse impact on on the operation of the road network and Conservation Areas and Listed Buildings. area and protect the amenity and living neighbours in terms of visual impact, local environment, and ensuring making the conditions of neighbours. In considering Within the existing Development noise or light from vehicular access or car best use of land. It will achieve this by: applications for infill and backland Management Plan (2011) the equivalent parking. development the following factors should 1. Requiring new development to provide policy is Policy DM TC 7. be addressed: Back Garden Development for car, cycle, 2 wheel and, where applicable, Policy LP38: Loss of Housing lorry parking and electric vehicle charging 1. Retain plots of sufficient width for B. There is a presumption against loss points, in accordance with the standards adequate separation between dwellings; of back gardens due to the need to A. Existing housing should be retained. set out in Appendix 3. Opportunities to maintain local character, amenity space 2. Retain similar spacing between new minimise car parking through its shared use B. Proposals for reversions and conversions and biodiversity. Back garden land which buildings to any established spacing; will be encouraged. should assess the suitability of the property contributes either individually or as part and design considerations. 3. Retain appropriate garden space for of a larger swathe of green space to 2. Resisting the provision of front garden C. Redevelopment of existing housing adjacent dwellings; amenity of residents or provides wildlife car parking unless it can be demonstrated should normally only take place where: habitats must be retained. In exceptional that: 4. Respect the local context, in accordance cases where it is considered that a limited a. There would be no material impact on a. It has first been demonstrated with policy LP 2 Building Heights; scale of back garden development may be that the existing housing is incapable road or pedestrian safety; 5. Enhance the street frontage (where acceptable it should not have a significantly of improvement or conversion to a applicable) taking account of local character; adverse impact upon thefactors set out b. There would be no harmful impact on satisfactory standard to provide an above. Development on back garden sites the character of the area, including the equivalent scheme; and, if this is the case 6. Incorporate or reflect materials and must be more intimate in scale and lower streetscape or setting of the property, in detailing on existing dwellings, in accordance b. The proposal does not have an adverse than frontage properties. line with the policies on Local Character with policy LP 1 Local Character and impact on local character; and and Design; and Design Quality; Within the existing Development c. The proposal provides a reasonable Management Plan (2011) the equivalent c. The existing on street demand is less than 7. Retain or re-provide features important standard of accommodation. policies are Policy DM HO 2 and Policy DM available capacity. to character, appearance or wildlife, in HO 3. Within the existing Development accordance with policy LP 16 Trees and 3. Car free housing developments may be Landscape; appropriate in locations with high public

67 transport accessibility, such as areas with a Policy LP 16: Trees and Landscape required in line with the ‘Capital Asset Value Other relevant policies PTAL of 5 or 6, subject to: for Amenity Trees’ (CAVAT); The Council will require the protection of Policy LP18: River corridors a. The provision of disabled parking; existing trees and the provision of new trees, 4. Require new trees to be of a suitable A. The natural, historic and built environment shrubs and other vegetation of landscape species for the location in terms of height b. Appropriate servicing arrangements; and of the River Thames corridor and the significance that compliment existing, or and root spread; the use of native species is various watercourses in the borough, c. Demonstrating that proper controls can create new, high quality green areas, which encouraged where appropriate; including the River Crane, , be put in place to ensure that the proposal deliver amenity and biodiversity benefits. 5. Require that trees are adequately Duke of Northumberland River, Longford will not contribute to on-street parking To ensure development protects, respects, protected throughout the course of River and Whitton Brook, will be protected. stress in the locality. contributes to and enhances trees and development, in accordance with British Development adjacent to the river All proposals for car free housing will need landscaping, the Council, when assessing Standard 5837 (Trees in relation to corridors will be expected to contribute to be supported by the submission of a development proposals, will: design, demolition and construction – to improvements and enhancements to the Travel Plan. Recommendations). river environment. Trees 4. Managing the level of publicly available car The Council may serve Tree Preservation Thames Policy Area 1. Resist the loss of trees unless the tree parking to support the vitality and viability of Orders or attach planning conditions to is dead, dying or dangerous; or the tree B. Development proposals within the Thames town and local centres within the borough protect trees considered to be of value to is causing significant damage to adjacent Policy Area should respect and take account whilst limiting its impacts on the road the townscape and amenity and which are structures; or the tree has little or no of the special character of the reach as set network. threatened by development. amenity value; or felling is for reasons of out in the Thames Landscape Strategy and Freight and Servicing good arboricultural practice; Landscape Thames Strategy as well as the Council’s Conservation Area Statements, and where 2. Resist development which results in the 1. Require the retention of important New major development which involves available Conservation Area Studies, and/or damage or loss of trees that are considered existing landscape features where freight movements and has servicing needs Management Plans. Developments alongside to be of townscape or amenity value; the practicable; will be required to demonstrate through the and adjacent to the River Thames should submission of a Delivery and Servicing Plan Council will require that site design or layout 2. Require landscape design and materials to ensure that they establish a relationship with and Construction and Logistics Plan that it ensures a harmonious relationship between be of high quality and compatible with the the river, maximise the benefits of its setting creates no severe impacts on the efficient trees and their surroundings and will resist surrounding landscape and character; and in terms of views and vistas, and incorporate development which will be likely to result and safe operation of the road network and uses that enable local communities and the in pressure to significantly prune or remove no material harm to the living conditions of 3. Encourage planting, including new trees, public to enjoy the riverside, especially at trees; nearby residents. shrubs and other significant vegetation ground level in buildings fronting the river. where appropriate. 3. Require, where practicable, an appropriate Within the existing Development Public Access Management Plan (2011) the equivalent replacement for any tree that is felled; a policies are Policy DM TP 8 and Policy DM financial contribution to the provision for C. All development proposals alongside or TP 9. an off-site tree in line with the monetary adjacent to the Borough’s river corridors value of the existing tree to be felled will be should:

68 a. Retain existing public access to the This will be achieved by: policy is Policy DM OS 11. and convenient access to public transport riverside and alongside the river; and services. Proposals will be expected to 1. Resisting redevelopment of existing Policy LP44: Sustainable Travel Choices support improvements to existing services b. Enhance existing public access to the river-dependent or river-related industrial The Council will work in partnership to and infrastructure where no capacity riverside where improvements are feasible; and business uses to non-river related promote safe, sustainable and accessible currently exists or is planned to be provided. or employment uses or residential uses unless transport solutions, which minimise the it can be demonstrated that no other river- Protect existing public transport interchange c. Provide new public access to the riverside impacts of development including in dependent or river-related use is feasible or facilities unless suitable alternative and the foreshore where possible. There is relation to congestion, air pollution and viable; facilities can be provided which ensure the an expectation that all major development carbon dioxide emissions, and maximise maintenance of the existing public transport proposals adjacent to the Borough’s rivers 2. Ensuring development on sites along the opportunities including for health benefits operations. Applications will need to include shall provide public access to the riverside river is functionally related to the river and and providing access to services, facilities and details setting out how such re-provision will and foreshore. includes river-dependent or river-related employment. The Council will: be secured and provided in a timely manner. uses where possible, including gardens which River Thames public riverside walk A. Location of development are designed to embrace and enhance the D. The road network D. All development proposals adjoining river, and be sensitive to its ecology; Encourage high trip generating development Ensure that new development does not have the River Thames are required to to be located in areas with good public 3. Requiring an assessment of the effect of a severe impact on the operation, safety provide a public riverside walk, including transport with sufficient capacity, or which the proposed development on the operation or accessibility to the local or strategic for pedestrians and cyclists, which will are capable of supporting improvements to of existing river-dependent uses or riverside highway networks. Any impacts on the local contribute to the overarching aim of provide good public transport accessibility gardens on the site and their associated or strategic highway networks, arising from providing a continuous publicly accessible and capacity, taking account of local facilities on- and off-site; or requiring an the development itself or the cumulative riverside walk. For major developments, character and context. assessment of the potential of the site for effects of development, including in relation applicants will be expected to work with river-dependent uses and facilities if there B. Walking and cycling to on-street parking, should be mitigated adjoining landowners in case ownership are none existing; through the provision of, or contributions issues would prevent public access. Ensure that new development is designed towards, necessary and relevant transport 4. Ensuring that any proposed residential to maximise permeability within and to the Riverside uses, including river-dependent and improvements. uses, where appropriate, along the river immediate vicinity of the development site river-related uses are compatible with the operation of the through the provision of safe and convenient In assessing planning applications the E. The Council will resist the loss of existing established river-related and river-dependent walking and cycling routes, and to provide cumulative impacts of development on river-dependent and river-related uses that uses; opportunities for walking and cycling, the transport network will be taken into contribute to the special character of the including through the provision of links and account. Planning applications will need to 5. Requiring setting back development from River Thames, including river-related industry enhancements to existing networks. be supported by the provision of a Transport river banks and existing flood defences along (B2) and locally important wharves, boat Assessment if it is a major development, the River Thames. C. Public transport building sheds and boatyards and other and a Transport Statement if it is a minor riverside facilities such as slipways, docks, Within the existing Development Ensure that major new developments development. jetties, piers and stairs. Management Plan (2011) the equivalent maximise opportunities to provide safe

69 E. River transport Relevant SPDs/SPGs the goal of improved streetscene and public spaces. www.richmond.gov.uk/public_space_ Encourage the use of the River Thames for ■ Design Quality SPD Adopted Feb 2006 ■ design_guide passenger and freight transport through the www.richmond.gov.uk/spd_design_ protection of, improvement to, and provision quality_doc_lowres-2.pdf Thames Landscape Strategy (2012 of new relevant infrastructure including ■■ Front Gardens and other Off-street refresh). This can be viewed at www. wharves, slipways and piers. Parking Standards SPD Sept 2006 www. thameslandscape-strategy.org.uk F. Safeguarding of routes and facilities richmond.gov.uk/spg_supplementary_ The Council’s policy on tree management is planning_guidance_draft_approved.pdf set out at: www.richmond.gov.uk/tree_policy. Land required for proposed transport ■■ Residential Development Standards pdf schemes as identified in the London Plan March 2010 www.richmond.gov. and the Council’s Local Implementation uk/spd_residential_development_ Plan for Transport will be protected from standards_2010_final_version_30_11_10. developments which would prevent their pdf proper implementation. ■■ Shopfronts SPD March 2010 www. Local filling stations and supporting services richmond.gov.uk/cg_shopfronts_ca1_ such as car repair facilities will be protected lr.pdf from redevelopment for alternative uses ■■ Small and Medium Housing Sites SPD Feb unless exceptional circumstances can be 2006 www.richmond.gov.uk/spd_small_ demonstrated that warrant their loss. and_medium_housing_sites.pdf G. Taxis and private hire vehicles ■■ Design Guidelines Leaflets 3 and 4: House Extensions and External Alterations. Ensure that taxis and private hire vehicles Adopted Sept 2002. Reformatted with are adequately catered for in appropriate minor updates July 2005. Based on UDP locations. policies www.richmond.gov.uk/a4_ Within the existing Development houseext_design_web_adpt-2.pdf Management Plan (2011) the equivalent ■■ Design Guidelines leaflet 11: Shopfront policies are Policy DM TP 6 and Policy DM Security. First published 1997 and TP 7. Reformatted with minor updates July 2005. Based on UDP policies www. richmond.gov.uk/shopsfront_security.pdf Also of relevance is the Council’s ‘Public Space Design Guide’ (Jan 2006). The overall aim is to provide guidance to help deliver

70 71