Assessing hospital policies & practices regarding ectopic pregnancy & miscarriage management Results of a national qualitative study conducted by Ibis Reproductive Health for the National Women’s Law Center . Ibis Reproductive Health 17 Dunster Street, Suite 201 Cambridge, MA 02138 Tel: (617) 349-0040 Fax: (617) 349-0041 Email:
[email protected] Website: Assessing hospital policies & practices regarding ectopic pregnancy & miscarriage management Results of a national qualitative study Authors Angel M. Foster, DPhil, MD, AM Amanda Dennis, MBE Fiona Smith, MPH Acknowledgements This research was conducted by Ibis Reproductive Health for the National Women’s Law Center. Dr. Angel Foster, Ms. Fiona Smith, and Ms. Amanda Dennis designed the study, developed the instrument, conducted the analysis, and wrote this report. Interviewers for the study included Dr. Foster, Ms. Smith, Ms. Dennis, and Ms. Laura Dodge. Ms. Dodge, Ms. Christina Nikolakopoulos, Ms. Nicole De Silva, Ms. Amanda Molina, Ms. Erin Fifield, and Ms. Nayana Dhavan contributed to the generation of the sampling frame and the recruitment of study participants. We would also like to thank Dr. Dan Grossman and Ms. Kelly Blanchard for providing feedback on early phases of this study and Ms. Blanchard, Ms. Britt Wahlin, and Ms. Jessica Stone for reviewing earlier drafts of this report. We would also like to acknowledge Ms. Teresa Harrison for her important role in conceptualizing the study. We are grateful to the National Women’s Law Center whose funding made this study possible. About Ibis Reproductive Health Ibis Reproductive Health aims to improve women’s reproductive autonomy, choices, and health worldwide. We accomplish our mission by conducting original clinical and social science research, leveraging existing research, producing educational resources, and promoting policies and practices that support sexual and reproductive rights and health.