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76th year,ir. Afo. 239 ^ ^ “rwiriFaU^t, idaho Thursday i, Augi9t>st27._198U~- ■ ' ------' ' r ' wS

V o y i m a y Ih a v e r e p al i r e d lm a l f i ji n c t i oon PASADENA. Calif. (UPI) (U — “nKf Spokesmi•men for the Jet Propulsionn stuck." said Deputy Mis ilssion Director and not aQ d;day, or even Iiours, earlier."r-" precisely when It happopened, was still tcrfere with wi tiie spacecraft's long Voyager 2 spacecraft apparentlyap| rc- La^ratory)ry said Wednesday-night—It— Richard Laescr.. NASA on engineers, their celebrationsons a mystery and tho spapacecraft's com- range mi«mission lo Investigate the out*' covered from the malfuilfunction that .th at in rcs{“csponse to commands fromn Tho cause of the mallalfunction wns interruplcc tcd by thc-Tinexpecied set->et- pulcr was refusing to ataccopt comands skirls of theI solar system, passing - ■ kept Us Iclcvision cameras;ras useless for Eartli, the camera platform hadd slill a m ystery wilh sole::lcntlsls consid- back after 'ter .1 nearly perfecl closooso crucial to the effort,'t, including Urnnusiniiin 19f!6 and Neptune in 1989. about 22 hours, NASA saidaid W ednesday m oved asIS commanded < throudi,a 100 . cring many posibilitics,s, Including Ihe e n c o u n te r' :r Tuesday, worked urgentlyilly ord er to give the plailatform a hard The spacipacccraft conllnuevl on coursc . n is M ^ ------degree arcirc and appeared to be un-I- chance the spacecraft wasw. shaken bv to dclerml mine, why the'camera plat-lal- shove. and seveniven other, instruments wore Engineers, however, heheld back on stuck, collision with a dust motio t c - a Jarring form w assstuck, sl "II appears lu be mjre r complex workingg normally.nc Even if the cam- resuming normal operatioitions until the But they'ly said a ■•cautious and con-r event a l 12 m iles per secocond. Project ^ :t Manager Eskor Davis saidaid lhan we had hoped," DiDavis said. "The era plalfoiitform cannol be unjammcd; “ system passed more tests.;ts. se rv a tiv e}" ” policy dictated thal they\! Dcsplle the hilch. then2 mission to the W ednesday lay ni^t, after Jei Pro- data we're looking alI Jocsn't^ appear lhe spacc(acocraft could carry oul lls The ^acecraft's earnerncra platform run morec ttests before resuming thec giant ringed planet wasas ••somethlnp pulsion La LaboraJ.pry, engineers hod100 , - itybcconvergingotiapsparllcularfaa aji,day.‘ ihntla t •• Vv .-KO Ir m a^W ke tw(fKiS lu tiu'oc Uuys-- luneinjaayjaaa. they said. - side as Voyager 2 plunfungcd behind t^ u g h theheSatumiansystem. Bradfort^ Smilh. chlcf ol of the camera the outlookX)k for a quick fix w as not.iQl._ beforewciintierslandththis." ChlcfscUscientist E dw ani C. Stone said . ■ Saturn.-about a billionI ramiles away, "One thinhing we can now confidently/ transmission team. promising.'ig.' Mission Direclor Richard Ri baefor lhe Vovagtyager had substanlially com- . ' late Tuesday. say is thatlat we aro nol pcrmnnontiyt “I'm glad it happenedcd when it did The causiluse of the problem, or even cn said tho malfunction1 would nol In- - •See .gQ VOYAGER Page2 ;Medfly mounts:s' : ] K o ir e a ff i r e s new att,tack ^ r By United Press Internatioational ' ^ The Mediterranean fnfruit Ily has 4 ■ m i s ►sile a t " leap ed 3M m iles dowiow nstate to . soumcm Oalifomia, imrrm m ensdy in- H l g Q creasin g the t b i ^ t td Caiillalifom ia’s $14 billion agricutural industrstry, officials said Wednesday. • Plans to spray with malaiUatbionaiiis _____ J H f c ' DS 5 . p l i Angeles suburb, populadLlatton 40,000, n U g a n e Wednesday night weret announced WASHINGTON (UPIPI) — A U.S. to reporteiirtcrs utilii more than seven immediately. State worirarkers went' rcconnaissancc plane fi;flying in South hours after aftc Reagan was first in-.. , ' doo'rtodoorwamingrcsideiidents. Korean and internatioioriol airspace form ed, Two Medflies found Tue:'uesday in the. was apparently fired al ai by a North Defenseise Sccrctary Casper Wein- San Gabriel Valley weiwere proven Korean surface to-alr■ missile1 Wed- berger ga\ Wednesday to be fertile.ile. Then- on gave Reagan a m ore com* ’ nesday. prehensivesivc report on the incident Wednesday more flies,, fcfertility yet Tho plane was nol hit,I, however,I and during a undetennined. and mag(laggots were W l-jB m a .previously scheduled late landed safely, U.S. officiidais said. aftemooiiOli I briefing on other defense found iSmilcseastofLosAis Angeles. A Pentagon spokesmin a n said w hat issues att RcReagan's mountalntop ranch Los Angeles is a m ajor»r ddistribution F z b S i f i l l s l was apparently a North N< Korean near Santa 1 point through which hla B arbara. , tl m uch of missile exploded severaral miles from White H Califomia fruits and vegetaf a b l e s move I House' counselor Edwin ' the hlgli-flying SR-71 aircrafl. ai "The Meese said to other states and foreignp) ocountries. # B B H | said it was his understanding incident i » s ^ no thithreat to the that a Nor The Mcdfly’s new a tta c k on North Korean surface-to-air aircraft which landedd safely." he missile had southern California was the latest in s r f c ' had explod(Jd "In the vicinity ' said. series of setbacks (oror farmers, of a (U.S.).S.) reconnaissance plane is The spokesman said theti SR-71. the th e South K( - truckcrs and officials babattling the hKor^area."' world's most advanced,d, strategic rc- Asked ab ■! feared pest. I about Reagan's reaction to ' connalssancc aircraft andar which can— the news. M The State l^^artm ent announcedaru in H j ^ ^ H i s. Meese said. “The president fly at three tim es the sptspeed of sound, was concertcerned about it obviously. But W ashington W ednesday’ t^that Japan ,lssionii-aU4hb!=-there-werci — -insls^s^ofonirUiafCallfinifomia pro* llm c of the incident. .ducc be specially trea ft'om thele Defense Department to rcatcd with • ' H e sa id if would be "sl methods often Impc^lbie - •shecc specula- evaluate) the situation." le - but that tion" to link the inclicldont lo the B o th he any fa m i im ports from oti he and the Pentagon other states shooling down last weekk Minidoka Fair in Rupert. RoRogers, a resident of on01 Max to keep bis wool cleanean until be is shown. say cxactly when the inclicidcnt occured cured, wher cilities are available. vhcrc the SR-71 landed af- . * and did not announce theic tdevelopment *see Under an agreement wilh wli Japan See MISSILE Page 2 ' covering imports of Califorrromia fruits,- a team of Japanese biolo(dlogists will m eet w ith U.S. scientists In Hawaii1 in w the next 10 days to settle aninargument t 1 over which lemons m ay be cj on toi e carriers of ans leacids statte team ur of Siilver Vc'alley ' the Mediterranean fruit fly. y- BOISE (UPU PI) — Gov. John E vans a:also said a closure would hahave serious companies1 tlithat rely on Bunker Hill'ss The ••worst-case",calculai Deputy Assistant Secre lailonsdidnot Employme'mont Director Scott wretary of and a teamI ofol top-level state officials t^cpcrcusslons r< on other anarea mining smellers, take into accourit the pos A griculture John Ford saic ossibility lhat McDonaldd accomac panlcd Evans to the said lemons new to Noritirth Idaho's Silver’ Valley operations, o| which had dcficpended on He said he based Ihc estimate on1 Evans or Idaho’s congrcs w ere a big issue during dii •cssional dele- Kellogg areairea. They said the purpose discussions Wednesday'to lo determine whal actions ' - Bunker B HiU lo refine thcileir mineral multiplyinglg Bunker Hill's 2 . 101[)) gat ion could succccd in effortscfl to keep of th eir trip becauM Califom ia ships *'a trip was to find oul what "a Iremen- can be takennto li aid the area. products. p; ...... — employees wlwho will be laid off by the2 tht: refining facilities open dous amount of lemons" to Ja en.hesaid. services thethe area wlli need, and dc- jJa p a n j Kellogg #111 will be hil by a closure of The state's chief econorrDmist, Rich- av erag e wagiage paid lo workers in'lhe2 Also not includod In the th estimates termine whal There is-disagrecment- vhat the slate can do to help. nt--bctw een- B unker HIH1 Co.'sCi silver, zinc and lead ard a: Slaughter, mcanwhvhlle, said m ining indusilustry In Idaho. He said he2 were losses EasternWashington Japan ahd U.S. biologis '8^?ls^over rellnerics byly theend_ot.t.hcyear._.. I .••very, •• .very preliminary"" esllm ales ttien addedI lo thal figure another 3,000) wouid experience, he said.id. noting that laanoSIcn. cn. Steve Symms said “ TTie ' whether or not three smooth x>in'Sklnncd Evans prorromised tlie slate would he hi had complied IndicatedJ ca complelo jobs that prprobably will be lost in1 mucli of the wholesalele trade and If Bunker Hill Is a vivid lemon varieties could harbor bor (rult ny provide "ever/ery available resource" to shutdown sl would cost the slstate S7-S10 secondaryem I services provided' to theB NorthI Idaho reminderof of the severe-overall eco- stow aw ays. employment, such a s retail keep the Bunlunkcr Hill mine open. In millionrr In corporate andid personal and wholesalsale suppliers, oducatlon. a rea originate In the Spokiikancarca. "omlc probh■oblcm with which we arc •■Our scientists have det Mernilncd port by helpinping locatc a purchaser for incom in c and sales lax rcvcni;nues during services and c Slaugliter also sold federal fci funds faced In thtic c country.’’ c that they are not fruit fly1x id construclion Jnclustries. i;1iosts We- the tacllltles.!S. He callcd the shutdown Ihc t^ next IG months. The totalI loloss Inihe state’sTncome> that would have been speiwnl “say. two Shoshone import these three cultive >nc Coiinty C om m ission ivers from (hg refinerlerles owned by Gulf Re­ He said those figures diejid not take ’ b a se would 1 ; years ago." for relocatioi other fruit fly Infested areas, d hit S70-SI00 million, he lon. job train- ; C harim anBn Bill I Noyan also said he was :as.suchas sources andnd Chem ical Corp. of into in account possible iosseses lo local said, amountiinting lo aboul 1.5 percentI ing or emergency econonomic aid also worried aboi Spain, without restriction, b » iboul the cffects the closure bccausewQ Houston, Texi'cxas, " a very sad. grim governments gi in properlyy tax revc- of the tolal wawages for Idaho, were nol.available under da, not consider them to :r the Reagan would haveivc on the county's budget. to be host day for IdaholoandthcSiiver J Valley.'' nues, ni and did nol incliclude any "But all of ! administration. com m odities for the fruit, fl) of this assumes that the Idaho lawV nrequires countlcs to fund . ny. Japan During aI Boise I news conference monetary m Impacts a closi)surc would operations clo I Idaho Health and Wclfa argues thalthey are.” close down and slay closed Ifare Director medical carecarc for the unemployed or b efore h e flewIcwio North Idaho. Evans have In on railroads o r othc:her mining down compicpletei.v." Slaughter said, Thomas "I/5s" PureeD and state indigent, he said.- ’

;— d i n i p l f gt i n g l — —1Mine,^ town1 tnseparabhi/e Death o B usiness )f Bunkeer Hill mlarks deiath for KKellogg C lassinecl e d ...... B5-12 B^BY JERRY McGINN • ready for school.'"M ost c( UnltedPress Inlernalional conlracis are found higliJl Ic levels ol lead In the blooo ...... A8 Ur. set througli next June, bul b by then of childrenn ii\living near the Bunker Kill H d ^...... ' B l A\nalysis l Ihere may not be many stutudcntsleft." . smelters, painting pa a less-than-noblc • O atdcm•rs rs ...... C7-8 Freshman' Rep. Larryry Craig. R- picture of BuiBunker Hill as the culprit. KELLOGG - Many feel*l the com- Idaho, who represents} the newly- Bunker HiiHill spent an eslimaled $30 m unlly of Kellogg •and the BuBunkcrHlll from the news}ws. Others arc already In M agic Val depressed district, must haveh been in million Iryinjying to trap, bag and filler Msi ining Co.. a rc like Siame^jcse twins: mourning, shock, lob. ils emissionsions lo meet acceptlblc ; O b itu ariet i e s ...... C2 insinseparable in life and death.h. “ H ave BU you ever lost your wife?" He strayed iittie from hishi spccch in. pollution levlevels, which seemed to | O pinkin> ...... A4 The death knell wasi sounded Kellogg Mayolyor Fred Hoback asked, Coeur d'Alene Tuesday nl{night, in spito change wllhilh ccach improvement, Tuesday for. one of the twinsns, Bunker attemptingto to capture his mood. ‘‘I_ of the situation a t Kellogg.g. One strandrand of hope keeping the ...... SU Hill, and the feeling is runnirning strong have. And hisisaboqtthesamcthingthis • Attending the first "L■I-arry Craig com m unity[y 1 together in the near- that Kellogg won't be far bchi■hind. - not ju st for for me bul for the chtire , Barbecue." he spoke of tlthe '‘Ameri- aftershock Is B b B m V aU eyLlf Ic Is the hopft that someone Gulf Resources and Cl of Kellogg.. We really can Dream" being fulfillsled under the will come totheirald.totl W eath er' ...... -. A 2 • HoHouston, decidcd to cut its los c S l ' M S e what’s : happened to us." Reagan admlnlstralion. But thatt a;appears to be more of a ______mil million Instead of a projei }n. Vern Lanncn, D- More than a few Kcllogfigg residents, drearrflhanaiin anything else. milmillion and switch to thehi^Ih^Sia^d Plnehurst, saisaid "I'v e lived h ere 40 meanwhile, expressedI bitterness Promises!s aside,a the reality is the P^ented in today’; energycn< field instead of alien worked for Bunker for a aboul the "T exans" whoho own Gulf federal govern’crnment is strapped, the. V ’f >• on g « ti ro tu ltti M,A. salvage Sal incomc from the di f. It's like wc’rc ail in a, Resources. state ofildaho[aho has m ade m assive cuts tlon Is Magic V alley sp.iimon of wWttiictell lold a t977 lelead a and zinc industry. ^ plane togethcIhcr and balling' out at "They didn't know anytlyihing about, at just aboutbout every level this past , Boovtr motorf hhom* wllh o Guaran. _ , . .10,000 feci, Pigskiri, a spcclal SeCtiCXl S€ t*«H RmuIi Ad I hope Mr. R eagan’s mining. They'd jjccn loolMking to gel session andnd the municipalities arc Ad,.ln tha Timn-Nowt. T * hat translates to elfminlinatkin of safety net isI gogoing lo’bo there — w c'rc . ----- previewing— the—-----^IQ S I------lt-yo« how# lomi9m.thlo9 you would lik e- -2,3(2,300 Jobs and a $50 mliiion p;payroirto— ... ..out.for_somc.timc.’.’.said A-A.A K ccfer,__ worse off than;han any of.theabove__ 1______' lo toU. coll endind ploce your od todoy the Ihg pwple and economy of a two y e a r Bunker employelycc. Bunker Hill itself tried to sell lls n c lu d e d 7 3 3 -0531. ifKellogg, School.Supcipcrintcndenl Robert Dut- football season. Incl population 10,(KX).. Othere blamed fhe Envnvironmcntal holdings for two years without a POf . ton isn’t sureure he's going to have Protection Aponcy which ^ features on- allill ’a r e a T he rippic-cffcct, to the eco h has leaned nibble beforeore deciding to puli out and " Jents to justify his budget on , Bunker Hill for the pasast decadc in lock up. mleaning ean a rcady-^uycr Is not ^ ______ihjfi this comrhunllv (and surrirroradlnj— comeJanuory,“'“I'" ----- hlgh-school-tcams,-s ,- s t a t e ------555^ ry,.thciime-whcn.Bunkor—— attem, p ts—to—rcm ovc“unacccptiblo— ui on th e horizon;izon: ------' — —^ ------communities) Is estimated? Hlllexpectsloltobelnmothballs. colleges, and professisslo n a l' mi.es. ii4.ioo m illion in revenues for food, < levels of lead from the coi:ommunllics’ That leavesives the people of Kellogg S36-21& I, clothing, Duttinjustst completed the consid­ air. sheshelter, heat and light, etc. few options,s. olother than lo rely on each I team s. , • e ra b le task ofer making sure the 300 Onc study in the mid ' ______J WhileVl many arc still sufferir I '70s by the o th er and hophope and pray for a mira- ' ring shock tcachcrs andd : support personnel arc 1C enter for D isease Controlroi in A tlanta cle.

' l l ' l l I. A-2 TIm ea-N ew s. Twinn Falls,Fi Idaho T hursday. Aug August 27.1981 Niiigeria siaashes priice of cnrude oil - : B n a g - — NEWf YORK' (UPI) Nigeria?ria, on Algeria and Llby!)ya to cut their productioction sharply as customers ______America,';:a's second largest fnrolffn1 oilnl cquqlly high ffnirfp priiys pr to n>matn— tumcd.cl:^ fflcnwhprp tn hiiy rh onpop nil “ TTCoiSiirnissibion studies educic a tio n "£rik Gordon,n, fattorney for lhe Atlanta PressPi Club, supplierT after Saudi Arabia, has ha; competitive, am id thee[hecurrenl world glut. - . sa id W ednesdayay 1he will file a request befon>re the state slashedi ththe price of its crude byJM pci WASHINGTONM '(UPI) - EducatVon Sec per PIW pricing and marketingmi editor Supreme Court.rt. asking for a revision off guidelinesi b arrel loJ[0 $36 effeclive immediately. 2ria had 500,000 barrels a day tn T crrcl Beli nammod « a commission Wednesi /. Marshall Thomas saidId Nigeria did nol “ 8cria I" which currenllyItly require consent of defiefcnse-and— ______PelroleiJleum .. Intelligence—Weekij t sales for the threo weeks ended - promote.cducalionaonal.cxccllcncc.iaAmedca— Jkly - -a c tu a lly low er its offlci Itbm eys ^ f o r e cam eras' are i led Wedrlcsday thc Nigerlar Monday, and there w ere no Bell said it was'as tim e lo end what he call } ollowed in confirmed Plan a llh o u g the effect is t ai ed the the courtroom. governmmcnt c formally notified its cus adings scheduled for rest of - accepted practicece of' routinely promoting st cus- lalning the official niy Superior Court Judgee Clarence tom ers It will\ provide a $4 discount ofl .Thom as said. Qnd grantlni:; hi{;h;h schools diplomas if the pupl toff gesture of sorts to OPEi'EC,"hosald. - ™ enylng tbe press club's re<•cquest for ‘ officiallal price, wilh the new price Ic ' stayed in sctiooI tlic;hc Irequired years. - e lo Nigeria was supplyllying more than "Nigerii»eria has been having severe Tage of Williams’ trial, pointnted lo Ihe rem ain in effect until thc Organiza- “ 1 w(fuld nice to0 asec automatic promotion sli iza- 800,000 barrels of erodude daiiy to the financialial problems,"\ he ^Id, "which tidellnes in his written order TiTuesday. Uon of)f Petroleum Exporting up a bit." Bell said,lid. He said he favored slanda ing United States as iatee as May. or 13 is why itc;It called for the OPEC m eeting Countriescs m eets in Abu Dhabi in tests for jjraduationion or promotion, bul a t the sl in p ercent of total U'S.. imports I and a held In1 GenevaGi last week. It’s only = .la le o r B a c k t « X W < s losalr December)cr. localJcvel rath er; thanths the national level. i v o r k d e s p i t e g a s little more than S pepercent of total remedyy is to price its oil at a some- ® Analysts'sts said the Nigerian move 8-member National Commlss ove domestic demand ot lhahat time. w hal com]Mmpetillve market price. Tho Bell said thc is-tr Ission on SAN FRANCIS:iSCO (U PI) - Office worke; AMcNeil’s brothers. SamuelJCi vanished along Wih therqm. * McNeils."s." contempt hearing; hhe had scheduled for Thu: ... cn and Thom,jm as, disappeared In jiuly ncnl M- BOGOTA, Colonilombla (UPI) - An airliner Jly J m orning after NRCJRC and Justice D epartm er r wllh 50 jdur ihjircir allegations sparked the -I people aboard wasvas reported missing Wedncsd; he ^ torneys pleaded forira a delay. resignalioni o n ^ . form er CIA depuly t secret Internal flight across acr ll,000*foot Andean m Ily ^ ^ C urran, who issue5ucd an injunction against s mouniain dircclorMaM a i^ g c l. because pcaks in SoutheasUasl Colombia. - NRC budget sessionsions last month, is miffed bei humalion of Dennis McNeil's m ------anyway Aviation authoritorities said (here was virtuallj i's (he agency held aI coupleco of closed m eeting an; m a cem etery in Bridglon, cre the British-built Vickere'v V t o o u '! : and an NRC lawyercr rrefused on Monday to s uirrender rn O" where i being soughi by New YorkS WrE'RE I LO O K IN GGFOR transcripts of the pnxiroceedings. turboprop of ColomOm bla's Aeropesca airline couo u l S v c : •■OK." C urran told)Id Ithe lawyer Monday, "1 wan/ant you ® :rgency landing, ‘ back here on lliursd;rsday at 10 o ’clMk and I wan oes R am irez of the Civil Aeroro n a u llc s I ^ P W yyou know Authority said a two-hourt search for the i : commisGioncfrs presei!scnt also. i Press InternaUonaJ ^ ------■■•At-that-tlmerl-wjl-wjil-declde'whetherSr'hol'lo''to lfo ld — a irlin e r was calledled off at dusk but four rescueue"’p l a ^ - - ml O T SL& ...... lo take off at flrsl light Thur ; them In contempt..An(And If 1 do, they are going toilall Ja " prepared to t A b o u l i1,500,000 ,s Americans a year BETWEEN THE conlinue Ihe.searea rc h in an area of Jungle-c covered arc bittenJ bjby dogs. AGES OF ; C am eras covover W illiam s trii tl - J S r i a l ? 1 plane took off at 3:30 p.m . VWednes- ' e i IRLS; ATLANTA (UPI)) - The Georgia Supremes CCourt day from Florencia.cla, 2S7 miles south of Bogota c a on what rho TImeS'Nows - - will be asked lo revise/isc jls rules governing camericrarin- should have been a : 1 a 35-minute flight to Neiva,,90 9> miles Twin Fails, Idaho court roflji!^ a s a rts\rwult of a Judge’s order ban>anning d ue north, w ith 4414 pjpassengers and six crew melem bers. \ TO DELIVIVER A ■ ‘ televised coverage of iIhe trial of Wayne B. Williilliiams, T hc flight w as to have continued from NcN clva lo ibor of Audit Buroou of -C lrxuiotron o n d ------J ___ NEWSRAFVPER-ROUTE____ _ accuscd of two ofSdislayingsof sia young Atlanta blac-lacks.------Bogota,whereithadhadoriglnated-Wednesday mon o m ln g r------od ProM j^ntornoflonol ^ IN BUHI.; ------^------1 Publithodlod dolly dl 132 Third S.root . Won. TwiTwin Falti. Idshe 03301, by Mogk, VolloyV( N owipopori,, Inc. Subscripll(pllon Rolo»; Cily Homo do- IF INTERESTED livory. Oollv-Timot-Nomt Do 90' per t / o y a ^ eer—— wook: SurSunday Timoi-Nowi 35' p o r' CONTACTTHE wook; DollyDc and Sunday SI.3S 'C onU nuedfrom Faj ok: Rurol Motor Roulo do- Fagei objects intoto Ja regular path, was first He 1 added lhe spacecraft hhad already ■^Do'iDoily Timoj-Nowj 95' por TIMES-NEWS p)cted acquiring new datji I K,; ata to add lo sited in thithe outlying F-rings by retu i rn ed 10,000-12,000 of lheth mission's Surkov Timot'Now* .10' thal returned last Nov p.m. MDT‘ -— and moving away al prevent » direct sun light froi•om harm ing paid at Twin Folli, Idaho, — rThey—discovered—moretore -o f the -- 33.000-m ph.-h.-its-speed steadily-de— S Dwi (UPS 631-OSO). Spoeral- DAILY as it fights the planet's iiudont andone Sorvieomon ralo S4,00 strange "kinked" bands inInlheEncke i creasing as The onboard com puter w;was ordered por momh,Ih, Ofiieial Cily ond County division sector of Ihc planetnet's rings, a gravitationallalpull. lo t, ignore its pre-prograi•ammcd in- por pursuont lo Soction g iant mcrry*go-round of snosnow and ice "We are 1 .Codo.-.Thufj'doy Is i losing pictures In real structions si for cam era movi»vemenland— -»,orob/abTdoilgnatod ai Iho doy ol - chunks’.-T he khikfng, whiclhich appears ' lime, picturejres we cannot rcplace," leave l( th e platform where^ it was until I wr>okk one whltK Idgal‘noi>eo»" to defy natural laws forcinieing orbiting said J P L spolpokesman Frank Bristow, the tl problem could be solved I will bo publiubiiihod.

Missile> ______•Continued from Pag ?agel have originalnated from any one of a htween the Uniicd Stata le s and terw ard o r w here it w as basbased. But ll num ber ofr im issile sites in North CCommunist-ruled North Kororea. ■ isJcnown that SR-7ls havee flownfli from K orea," hesa;said. Bul the atmosphere alonong Ihe de- ______both Japanand Okinawa. Asked whalh at action the U.S. gov- mmilitarized line separatingIg Ihe north ■ j ^ l in announcing Ihe incidc:ident about ernm ent woulould take in response. Ihe and at soulh is usually tenses c and has 5:30 p.m. MDT. the Pentagon F Pentagon spspokesman said, “The been b< marked by a successiision o t Inci- spokesm an said, “ On WeWednesday, matter Is cumirrcntly being evaluated." d

— T®dli = ------H ottem penmatures continnue; slight chaiance of showeers ^ . Twin Falls.^BurlQ'iRUx lupert "aod ...... national(AL WEATHER SERVICE FORECA(CAST l o 7 PM EST 8 -2 7 -8 1 Goodlng-Jerome area: 30.00 : Slight chance of a n afteifternoon or - evening thundershower,, ototherwise 8eattlb : fa ir through F riday. Ligh.ight winds / : except gusty n ear anyy tthunder- ; show ers. Lows 50 to 55, highighs both .-days 90 to 95. Hailey. Camas Prairie, aaand Wood ' \ \ .4 SAN PRANCIM River Valley: J n Fair today and Friday,lay, but a V / © slight chance of aftenn smoon o r t o s ANoeij \*Att«(TA evening thundershowers.5. LLows 42 I ^ lo 52, and highs both days68510 SS 90. HIOHEST Nortbem Utah and Northern Nc RATURE8 ^ N evada: Mostly sunny loday andnd Friday - W-] in Nevada, while Utah indicates in ' ^ 7 v fair wilh slighlly highci{her lhan normal temperatures. SyDC^>sls: UPI WEATHiTHER FOTOCAST 9 No sign of summer ictticiting go. Hot temperatures-were! theth rule Ing up aroundidtheentlreborder. t foreOrecast for Saturday Ihn ' throughout m ost of thc rc{reporting Overnightt lows Wednesday MorMonday Is calling for some slshow- stations of Idaho Wednesdayday. m orning varie< ie d from 32 at E lk Cily irs ers in the north part of the sstate. . m ' The hot temperatures wew erc the to 67 a t Strevelvell.i{igh for the stale Oth<)therwise dry conditions* a re ' result of a strong high pressurepr w as 98 at BurlerleyandP ocatello. expqu« 03 W ....' - Iia s r ------.... StnFrincUco 74 UI .... Stlfflon «7 K 13 .... Alltnu M ' U ..... MlinM8««ch ll P 77 .90 8«;iu* 74 ao j .: .... UcC«ll . (7 a X .... OlB8tVMimMSho*Co^.O' ' * Doitbn 74 SI ..... MllwiukMk n U ... Oilctgo a 9T .... t. :« «s;», S' S-■: oiiiM I se, n ....: !!S5ri h S -S :* Dtnv«r -■— 78 ' S7 ...., h Now York - • 7( «4 .... 114140 Blue Lake;3S Blvd. I—OkUhonuCny------f7— fO—r r _____ Twln-Faila— • DMM(Hn«»------~ «a--t,11--0 R i d a h o ------r —(Biij-eraRe^BivararA’aaisi (Bl ison Ave.) Oetroll to 94 ..... 0 0m«ha 77 U I.U U u UUi Honotulu et n .... PPtiO«f»> 112 «a .... I Pep Yttttnur n Si O p ein n £9 a m - 9 pm Dally, 1 2 - 55 pm Sunday Houttofi n n .... ppitt»e««on a u ....:::: . o « ‘i r UttYM/ to 47 .... IndUnioolla «5 U .... PPortlwKi.U*. • 71 47 .... Burlay n Sj ...... NofRMi ae 4S

—I. ;______4 ______------V v------— — ^ " ------..-L . — A....'______/ ------Thursdsday. Augusi 27,1981 Times-nes-News. Twin Falls, Idaho A-3 - Seard:hfortireasure2sunco)verss2afe frorm And]rea Doi)ria ------B0 S T 0 Na„ employs the divers■ A ndrea D o h a." wasmisslniislng on the night ofthe crash. ; ) can legally lay people died in the colli:lllslcn, m o s , l y : ‘ ~ , Unlll the safe was spo ' ’ ' claim to the booty. working for Gimbel on a potted, theonly. Gimbel,el, a; M-year-old department ; from the Doria.- treasure the divers hadId found on thc^ ’ sto re heir _ "The first snfe,has beenbet reached,"- The safeafes,. thought to contain be- -ownorshlp ot “ niraclba:bases. • ■ ^ leir, organized lhe latest i . The ‘laws governing -o laslesl expedition wererc two sots of* S;io,ooo-a-daa-day venture that began ear- 1. said Lillian Pickard,, a New York- tween Sl1 millioni and S3 million In ' II ' lhe -any valuables aree vague. Jim For Gimbmbel, locating lhe safe is htsIts doors and dozens of dirt-encriistotj c Her this month.moi

Tomeetaust(sterity p lan Officiiials worlk on defeense buddget SANTA BARBARA. Calif.Ca ( U P D - After the four-hour meeting on theJ tended in London. Meese;e was also in J Top adm inistration offofficials Wed- d e fe n se budgei, t Stockman and1 attendance. nesday discusscd waysys ito bring de- Welnbergeiger agreed more work is> Weinberger also briefeded Reagan on fense spendinR Inlo lineIne with Presi- necessary^7 ^ i 0 bring the defense spon-• w hat the Pentagon calleddan i apparent dent Reagan's austerity[yplan. p ding inlo) line lli with Reagan s auslerily' firing of a North Koreanan surface-to- Budgei Director Daviiavid Stockman f>''" i that ' discussions will con-' a ir m issile at a U.S. reccKionnaissance said afterward “there's ovory plane in the South Koreai;an area. Tho afiency.” ik we made good progress." plane was not hit and t.iilanded safely Wclnborgefger said as he headed for■ afterward.- Stockman, Defensesc Secretary Reagan’ss ranch. i He said thal no* M eese said no decisionsns were m ade , Caspar Weinberger,. fpresidential declsions-tij-had-been-jsw de on what Wednesday on specific s]spending re- il counselor Edwin Meeseesc and olher areas off the I Pcntu|«n budget to' ducllons. aides discussed the 1981983 and 19JH reduce. • I He said Weinberger hihad not dis- defense budgets at a SantaSan Barbara . , j cussed the future deploynyment on the a. . Hotel before WeinbergcTger went to if if Weinberger shared thal ' Stockman said, "I think he, MX intercontinental mlmissile wilh Reagan’s nearby mountan.al„,op ranch ; Reagan, but had left t>o)ii[liind Informa- to sec the president. rhey'.ve done a lot of Ihlngs ^ And they m ay have lo doI |tion containing several availablea\ op- n m W einberger said he was w; ready lo A' (tons. make specific recommcimendations to But it appeared the adnJminlslralion Reagan for deployingI thetl MX in- D eputy’ WhiteV House press secre- iw as close lo a decision onfl Ithe MX - a tercontlnental missile and ai lhal he tary Larryry Speakes said Weinberger syslem « designed lo protectTith e United believes money cah be• foifound to fund discussedI generalgi defense topics wllh Stales « againsl a matlve'0 enemy at- the projecl with due regaiigard for fiscal Reagan as as well as a recent NATO tlack bent on wiping oul thehe Amorican restraint. ______ministerial al mecUng_Welnberger-at-—— nI uclearnrsenal In one strik• ik e .- ' — H ou se Av o tes cain block AWACS/ s / f ^ "A WASHINGTON (U Pl)i) •— Congres- chairm anI ofol the House foreign opera- use i of the Airborne WaVarnlng- and— ------1 , - - slonal opponents of)f Presidenl lions subcor:ommlltee, said a resolution Control ( System reconDnnaissance I ------Reagan’s.proposed-Sa.S.bS.bllllon.arms- of disapproiroval-lntroduced-Aprll. 57-r- ? _ a ir c r a f l._ a n d . for. oil-rel;elaled com- A ( sale to Saudi Arabia said3id Wednesday when the sale-wassa flrsl mentioned - mitmenls t from the Saudislis, before he % they still have enough supportsuj for a now has 25252 >co-sponsors. 34 more than m i akes up his mind. House vote to block the; cocontroversial th e 218-vot/ote majority needed lo . Israel strongly opposess tho: sale o f. . deal. ' stym ie IhesiBsale. AWACS / planes lo Saudili Arabia on The administration haslas launched a Long saidQld the resolution he pres- groundsf Ihe super-sopsphisticated m ajo r cam paign to keep:eep Congress enled wilhith Rep. Norman Lent, '- '• aircrafta could be used agair]inst Israel, X Fririday .& Satiurday 1 -5 PP.M. from blocking the sale,, w^which will be R-N.Yiriiowow has 175 Democrats and 77 Pressler, a member off thei Senate formally presented whencn lawmakersI Republicansms behind ll. Foreign F Helalions Commmittee, was retu rn from their AugustIt recess.rc House hea Eaar Piercing, leartngs on the package^vlll one q of ."M senators who10 -w ro te-to . 2.99 Both the House and theS

M ore heelicopteiirs to E ISSalvadorr ^ , .... f ______■ -_WASHINGTON:iUPlT-T - The ad-. can't ovortiirthrow- Ihe-Rovernmem. -country.-They Cl are forbiddenen to engage— ------ministration increased its m ilitary Fischersdld.lid. in ir any com bat with guerrill.'ilias. • aid lo El Salvador Wedmjdnesday, or- , Two UH-II1-IH choppers, buitl by Bell Secretary of Stale Ale.xanander Haig. t24Mo;nA<,)AvonuoNonh. f l - f C Wo W W oicom o . • ’ derlng four more heavyvy transport Helicopter T • WSfl • Textron, were dispalclied In ir an interview Monday inn the Ciirls- TwinFaiiss -• ?33-i506 J M i l m ^ helicopters Into the nationon loi support F rid ay byr aircrafla transports from Ilan tl Science Monitor, saidd there has OponDoHyilyl0:00tos:30. i A •M a ste r Cato th e fighl against Cuban-su{i-supplied le f - - the U.S. Army A: Depot at Corpus been bi renewed guerrilla actiCtivlly In Rl Fridays'in\H7:0Q 7 • Am orican Exprbss list guerrillas. Christi. TeTexas. The other two Salvador Si and he blamed1 "subslan- • Paris Chorgo Spokesman Dean Fischci:her said the “ H ueys" willi-lll follow soon. * tial" ti; Cuban support. Ilee has said administration was considciidering addi- The four‘ hihelicopters bolster a force previously- pj the United Stjstates may llonal military andI economicc bfiOother.UlUH-IH transportere senl lo have hs lo "go to the source"' loI stop the assistance for Ihc juntaa hheaded by El Salvadoror early this yeari under a arm at s flow. President Jose Napoleonn Duarte.D He S25 millionn military aid program. condemned fresh attackscks by Ihe Fischer saidId IheirI "heavy use over the P gu errilas against power syssystems and past monthII hash increased down time ‘ other public utilllieses in lhe for repairss oro routine maintenance. Massachusetts-sizG Central.ral Amertcan prom pting tlthe requesi (from the country.; _ ■ ____ . Salvadoran-gi-governmenl) for the ad- ’"This new strategy by’ theth guerril- ditional helicclicoplers." 1 las reveals a cynical disnlisregard for The adminiilnistratlon hos authorized • ^alyadoran noncombatantssnts and a sending 56> militaryi Instructors to willingness by the guerrillT lllas to al- train El Salviilvador’s armed forces but • tempt to destroy the countrjntry if Ihey only about 30 currently are in the

" 7 ,^ - ■

J Special purchas N ■ T he def.lnitlv,e ___ shaw l-suitrjust-5t------:......

106^° , t■ / % T h e s u it of th e y e a r- fi J j ^ ■ A nd a t a v e ry s p e c ia l ’ * I price! Find fully lined

A-llne skirts. With thislls vJIIWV h ™ season’s.Vi/aTdrobe must.T^a.generous . 7-foot, fringed diamond-shaped shawi Tow/eartbgetheror .s e p a ra te ly w ith panachel. From the coat department T h e r e ’s n o th inig.quite g like Julide Ronoma coats of Kajjmir,r. . . In a n a b u n d a n c e of a fabric with thelesotl, rich hand otcjcashm ere and the I holdss y o u r - ' i , tw e e d s , p la id s a n d . luxury of Oiana! All treated wilh 2e:ePel® for rain and Selection on layi y a w a y . I i flan n els. stain protectionin. H ere, a collectionn wilh\ classic styling3 a n d Pure wool, 6 to16. - . impeccable detjitailing. The styles yoLou'll love, (left to right]ht) ’til Fall Totjay’s classic,c. A beautifully tailoreired coa} with deep squared armhoiiDie, y o k e d b a c k , p r dicisely a detailed with . stitchlnq. Camelel. Sizes 6-16, 176.0Co o _ : Fashion for the2 Ipetite wom an, witli1 carefulc attention • given to fit. tailoloring and style. Nudede, camel, m ocha.' / ■ sizes4P-l6P, 1{1 8 6 .0 0 . 3. Uuotone wraap coat. Casual eiegagance, easy to wearr i \ A / ' ^ ragian styling.!. C a m e l nude, black/cidi uU O ,------^------— '— m i l m SUoQiDQiLcvot, I2rt Mnin ■ ■ M i l M AJonumuo North, 'A j A Twinn FFoils 733-1506 . ••• ____ Mslcoma.KViSA______-V - _____ Slreet.Lat.L i evel------1------1— • MoslorCard osl • AmoivorlOinBiptcss 1124 Main Avenue N orih.' - I ' \ / • Partsiris Ctiatgo h. Twin Falls 733-1.506 SLOOl Yajr.Sclcciion...... We.Welcome:?e • V/S-4.*.Masfer.Ca/tf.».• American.Express/ • PariirisCharge ...... --■-■'>nlav..avi7w

,1 ■ m .Dpii’ntcm— A-4Times-Ne4ew s, Twin Falls, Idaho Thurrhursday, AuQuat 27,1981 :

: •


w in m li H; Howftid' o WllUaniunCBlAkc i ^ PuWlsJier • Advcrtlslrtlsing Manager

...... N dl C, Hopp'jpp .G aryNN d dion__ ManaginglEdllor EdI Circulatklallon Manager

T h e m e m b e r s ofo f the editorial board a n d writerswri of editorials a r e NN e d l H opp and William E. HcH ow ard

M iness shutdoi)wn a cripi>plingbld r Say goodbye2 lo improving economimic conditions in . _ ^ I d a h o . S a y g o o d b y e! lo a s ta te b u d g et surplu:>lus. Say beJJo fo) staggerings new unem;mpJoymerit pro- b le m s a n d h u ge rer v e n u e losses, It all came aboutat in one crushingig blow Tuesday when Gulf Resou;ources and Chemical anannounced it was __1 - closing its Bunu n k e r --Hill m in in g operations op near • ” -“ rKeUoggr PAVID Sr00r in January, up our stratiIrateglc petroleum reserve. ' maintaining itss smelteri operations> andi press for A tialf-wiltlclsm went the tl rounds: Federal Powower Commission and the5 he inherited a staff of 20,1232i and a W hen he cam car e In office Uie i ^ r v e information on1 how1 the plant migtight be sold to .' Edwardsf might know something Energy Rescesearch and Developmentt proposed Carter budgegel of $16.4 had about1 10010 million barrels tgcked s o m e o n e else. abouta drilling for cavilcities, haw- Administratliatlon. all of which were2 billion. Hc also inheritrited ail thc aw ay In thc:he :salt domes of Lo’ulsiaria haw-haw.tl but he knew notlothing about • thereby aboli•olished. But lest the.m azess absurdly restrictive provi>vislons of Ti- and Texas.s. By B the end of September, These are admim irable efforts, but holeDid little h o p e for drillingd for oil. It was aa roal knee- of bureaucrairacy ^ simplified, thc law/ tie VI. thc reserve■ve will have beep almost - siapper. obligingly crccreated three new agencies ’The Mexican deal win add _.J ____ s u c c e s s .______^ Much has happened i ....-N obody’s laughing now. .A/ lth c tim e jo replace thithc old. The law swept up 4 million barrels before the . Edwards has cut thc staff I of his confirmation, someie of us re- fund ions relaelating to oil pipelines, gas Gulf says deplepressed mineral pricriccs and huge o I thc budget by nearly S3 bll! 3 year, at an exceileht Initial called Dr. Edwards* ab:Ible perfor- prices, nucicclear rcaclors. naval oil K: h“ : operating lossess aat the plant 1 ^ it to dedecide to get out ^ ! reorganized thc adm: W1.80 per barrel, and will m ance a s governor of SoullJlll Carolina reserves, theihe-power administrations - 3 50,000 barrels a d ay there- p ro d u ctio n . Thc* " I structure Hi Washlrigtoh' • and into other• a aspects of energy pr We predicted thal he woulluld brinK lo ofW cslernsI).slates ahd the supervision J— combined-many-of-the-r-regional-of-— ------____ clo5 ing.alsp_rnfiafiansJhe-U.S._loses_20-!0-per.cenLofJls ______—Ute-sprawling-Departmcni-u n-oi-KnorR.v— orwrsnmin-ei ■r^ervu*s, “ 7 Z I T”-fices. Ho still has haif-a“a'dozcn'top'— EdwardsIs-is i. an "easygoing" South — a n n u a l m in in g oM ead an d zin c. - -. -preolsely the- executive-1- talents so ----- T lfciaw projrovided'fdr wh61e.pIatbons - ...... — — . — p appointments awaiting Senate S con- C arolinian1 whwho gives every indlcntioin sorely needed ihcre. TlThai’s how of presidentintiai appointments -and* I firmation, but otherwiseEllis 1 team is ofiovingliisj(lisjob. ‘ : ■(: Nobody *is optii)timistic aboul the minlining Industry’s ' events g have wor|ced out.It. Thc law supergrade‘ supercrals.si In Title VI the ; complete. fortunes. The m(mood is grim and depepressing. Until creatingc: thc DUE was aI bad I ai-l io law fell Into) spasmss{ of post*Walergatc “ His tasit,k, a as he perceives it, is to : some broader■ ;and~ perhaps reassissuring picture -t>.begin with, but ?'dwards:s Is pullinR m orality. A series; of bristling pro- T hese days Edw ards isi(ecplnganis develop enerjlergy poiicics thot will place : emerges, all thesestate can do is plan toi■0 h elp th e S ilv er that acl together. visions madedc it Impossible to attract eye on three promising projeclsp for greater reiiar‘Ilance on thc private sector IXMk back a bit. Thc D(DOR leaped executives wil ithctic fuels, and less rellreliance on governmental • Valley cope witlvith what now appeal&ars to be tho wilh experience in the fieldI thc development of syntl full blown from the browV of Jimmy of energy’ iunless they divested[ Once the president appro\■oves. he will ru les and regulations.' rc| "Producc all : inevitable. Carter,c with some mis^uHuided help them selvesi aabsolutely of every last send Congress a plan forrthe t gradual , we can. andnd conservec all we can,’’ he fromfr thc Congress, in Augugusi of i!)77. penny of persiirsonal interest Iri an oil or phasing-in of deregulatedcd priccs on says. There'sre’s nothing very ndglnal In ;______I TThe idea was to bringjoget'cthcF under gas compan;any. In brief, an un- g as. Hc is determ ined to flifind a w ay to those goals,Is, butb their VC17 simplicity one01 roof, so to’ speak, cvci/cryTodcral— nanageableaeact.- -- - ...... ——- cut the Hryear timetablble for nci^ hasalargcape appeal.

Georgige w fll- = ■ I Fishinng is gooodfor the SOIml

" The tVas/ilngto'n Post Corr,jmpany ■ express thec prejudicej of Hs specicst therelsabiggerdangcr.ilIt Is that too w ith thc recognition reco that, for all our against hooknks in the mouth, is anI many people wlll/reach:h adulthood hum an a chihlcvemcnls, ic Ihe world was ASPEN. Colo. - The sscene was almost perferfect embodiment of the‘ without experiencing thec Instruction brought nto into being by powers long sublime.Sl The occasion was, oc- com ponentss of 0 life; earth, air, fire andI 'of tim e spent vvith nature..Such S tim e is before Uie‘ emerr ergence of our species; casionally.CI ridiculous. w ater. Im portant to the dcveicelopment of that the continuation con of life relies It w as at .Maroon L.ake.i, a kind of The Will boys bo were across the lake> something without which1 ^we can not upon powers'crs that are not fully In ^ T l | reflectingrc pool for the twin'In peaks of when m y soul soi male from Denver,, livewcll; piety: human controntrol; and Uiat the destiny of IU thcth mountains known as theth Maroon Michacl Shaffaffer, 6, made his first cast “Piety,” says James M.H. Gustafson U icunlverseiis e Is not In hum an hands.” L f g j k Bls eflelusive rainbow trout. plea, not adviiJ v ic e -" D O N ’T R E E L IT.. position1 of respect, awe.e. and even somehow enlargingenla to focus all one’s Tho Will boys, now 9 andid 7, caught IN !” The "’it” it’ was Michael’s father. devotion < Uiat is evokedI iby human being on ihethe taski of tricking a trout their firsl fish (bluegills) a fewI years in whose thighIgh thc fly was im planted. experience < of dependenceMJ on powers, into strikingng aj liny bit of metal and ago a t E ric Severeid’s ponemd in rural M ichael’s> fatherfa has a lawyer’s Job we ' do not creatc and cccannot fully feaUierandUid thread. !: I/ ------Virginia. They caught them•m the way but a mountJintaln man’s soul, so he m i a ste r.” By piety, Giistaf:afson means Fishing isis ai way of tuning one’s first fish ou^t to be cauilught, with fished all morloming with the fly In his reitherplousness i (pretenthtious display back on “ UieJie world”> — lhat being, as bamboo poles and worms.is. But as thigh. Then wew( made our regular stop oft reli^osity) nor pietlsnsm (the rc- ,. Charles Dickcickens said, "a conventional Eric,E i a passionate flsherminan, would at one of Aspispen’s laid-back doctors, Ilgious I movement Uiat :strives to phrase whichich slgnificthJ all Uie rascals "...But enough.Jh about the risks o f nucitClear prollf- be the first to insist, therc anurc fish and who removeded part of the hook-and engenderf a high pitch of enimotionvnor . in it.” FishingHing in Uie.shadow of greal Uien there a r e ‘trout: andId there is su^ested thalhat Michael’s father think Uie t "neetlng emotions evol/oked by thc mountains and,Jn-:^nnlngam watec is a I ' ‘ r's talk'aboutguacamole9dlpsl" a eratibn — let's fishing and then Ihere is fislIshlng with of Ihe rest off thcth hook as shrapnel. glory { of a sunset over Nevlew Mexican sweet remindllndcr that man is but a n\iflies. A.mature rainbow, dancingda on Fishing wittirith the children is m ore mesas.” i RaUier. he mearans “a pro- shadow' aifdfd nationsn are but bubbles ______its its tali on the surface of thcie water to ' dangerous lo0 parentsp lhan to fish, but found1 sense of dependencee thatI comcs on'lhc riversr ofof time. \ Blockk grantt controDversy:: questiion of rmoney' and pcowsr • ByJEHELYNEDDlNCSiCS all A m ericans; UiiUiat it should guarantee acaccess to al programsTIS In their present form andnd giveni states a i Andid several, federal programsns ReaganF wanted pul • United Prvss Internallon,Ional fundamentals likecc ana education, sound healthh or( basic few large chchunks of money to carry, oulout thc purposes ' . into blockbl grants will retain theirncir present form next, ____ ,, nutrition—no ma»0 idea"-if the But, hesaesaid,"Nothinglsgoinglobe , sE ^y nwblemss tlthat would make the skiesies task force might rccommimendrchiring handsoffasfas far as issues go." ~ j ' whafc. i However.'cr. Chairman James Kingng j S S M 1 said in briciricfing a special I&-membcr panel of NTNTSB safety experts who willill n f f R R R T M f f l B b m | A conduct thc th sludy, "Although thehe innw lpW fffiliyi W U Jm m board hasas received no substantiallal ' £ indicationn 0of safety deficiencies undercr |ai32^H IiII2l^K the n eu ’ syisystem, many aspects of Ihehe curren t ATC Al (air traffic control)111 system rcmemain unknown." t ^ 280k i H j i j K "A s a resi■esult. the concern expressedid Iw S p ifa iiM ' by some piparties of the ATC systemm ijyuyiiB has createdcd an element of uncertainty!>'-GBGmS0SK9 H among metnem bers of thc public con-n- corning thehesafetyof thepresent'ATC■C HHIilM iM M liM system." hehesaid. He stre>ssed ss if thc task force finds ERA protesters chi:hainetl them selves to3 tlthe White House fence:e 1Wednesday. 21 were i C s s arre ste d somethingg iit feels "in ony way com- Classilled Ms promisessasafety, wc'll«peak.out,l.'and ...... m * « I glaring safelafcty problems will be re- ERA\ pusheddonsuffifrage daiy • laved to, thithe Independenl board andS --- 33-09331 United Press Intemallilatlonal question of womeimen's equal rights. And thalat womon are prepared to bearrcsted."be; • ■ Thousands of womctmen across the nation Wednesn esday ...... A fter a brief railrally. 21 women dressed in wlwhite and ^ marked the 6lst annitnnlverary of winning Ihe vole'Ole by wearing large, silver si metal chains arounijnd their 1 ^ dem anding equal right:ghts in all areas, w aists, chainedi themselves t to the fencec on the ; President Reagon.n. vacationingi in California.ia. had P ennsylvania Avenvenue side of the While House, fall. LAYAVWAY . ~ ; proclaimed "Women’s2n's Equality Day" lo markirk the Among the^chainlained women was Sonia Johnsinson who .. J.ratlfication o fth e 19th9th Amendment on Aug. ^1)320.- . h ad been cxcomimunicalcd m i from Ihe Mormonm Church' ' „ .hut most of thc obse:bscrvances were in Ihc forn>rm of forhcroutspokenain advocacy of Ihc ERA. . I demonstrations onI behalfb of thc Equal Ri]Rigtiis After about 75 minutes, thc women sto(food and Am endm ent. walked into Ihe bubusy avenue, where thcy satiat In the iwin '^ ^ S P ECIAMS In Washington. 21 chanting,ch singing women drcj[rcsscd street — and wercc rc arrested. Thcy wero bool)oked for • . in the long w hite drc£Ircss of the suffrageltes erara and disorderly conductuct and paid fines of Sto eadich to be saying they represeijsented " a sea of sm'oldciidering released, .. .women," chained thenhemsclves to the fence surroiround- A sim ilar but smsmaller demonstration look: pplace in M B S ; ihg the Whito House. Seattle. Wash. Thr('h ree chanting ERA protesien Charlotte Bunch, a feminist activlsrand aulaulhor ing granny dressesses werc arrested in tho Federal F fro m . ,Ity,. said the demonstrationm was ' Building where thethcy had sal down In the lobiDbby and______..staged bccausc-RcaBaagan has '-^done noUiing"-forfor Hie------w rapped a silver■chain ch around thcmselves.'VV ...... equality of women. A larger crowd.•d. mostly uomen. m archedJ (outside ■ The White House evievent, she said, was dcsignci;ncd lo thc building, carry]rryhing balloons and pro-RR.-'R.A signs , H | l /ADIESs' BOCDIS •demonstrate "that womenwoi a re not casual aboul>ul llic and singing "We ShallShi Not bc Moved." > your feet stylish anmd -warm .with bootsots from our llection of fashion bootots and western fashiohion boots. . l^e / o O ff V m) , •Kluclivlty other than /armirms — had shown a decline of 0.9 penjercent at an ^ annual rate. - ' But in an updating of th(the data the R Sti^raw Hats5 l u department found thc fIgurgure to be in «. the opposite direction, upp 00.7 perccnt. ^ j ' for the 'sccond straightght positive s 3 q u arter. i5%OFFr ; The non-farm categoryry of output ' MENI'SWINTEER per hour.for all of rccess:esslon-struck ^ 1060 h ad been down 0.3 pepercent and . also down in 1979 land 1978.m . But 1981, COATSS & JACKI(ETS despite its ccononiib probrpblems like ^ Short Sleeve 3 ■ r I Soloct fro m o u r e n tireI ssto ck of now w in te r cootsots and< jackets ' high interest rates, mem a y ' ,be a from Aspen, Woolrich.I. ^W alls a n d C om pus. turnaround year. Shirts S enior C om m erce DeiDepartment ' w .. economist Theodore Tordada said that, s r ; "barring a collapse," It: ncnow "looks \ O ne ' like we'll have a small IncreaseIn In K ^up . . % O l Now ^25 % o)ff , ■ productlvltyfortheyear." "K’s certainly a substaistantial Im- : provem ent over w hat wasis previouslyp ; reported," said economkmist David s, G etYfour o ; Ernst, of Evans Economics.cs. . V Jl # Productivity Is an overall■all indicator ^ lA f ^ of th e level of economicmlc liealth, ^ • •/estern Fc'oir Outfitt : : measuring among other’ ththings how ^ from th e stoito re with,__ _ ! much and how fast workersers produce, ^ ; th e d eg ree of business Invejivestment in v, ; modernization, the efflclficiency of s • energy use. and also marnanagement > ! skill. , / ' a u t oS m X YOURS TOEDDAY WW I Ernst* w arned that, wnilchile the Im*' n , I ■provement was a hopefulul sign, th e ' OR USEDOUR - B ! new tax cut package maynay still bei ' ; wregN CONVENIE “ necessary to Keep proaucuvjtivltygiW r" ' ------LIENT . ____ !■ • ing. layaway PLAN!P ' f T h . B. . 1 In Th W. . 1 Bhop Al BS- I "It's encouraging that productivitypro v .•I’orTh J ■ W l ; grew faster than'origlnallyrcy reported,'' ^ In ly n w o g d Shoppinc; Contfl -}-ho«aidr‘‘but'I don't think wewecanhopo-^ >• — ntor. rw/rf Folls____ Your Bankcards WolVolcome • 1 lo see productivity keep onn gigrowing at ' , '0IR - Plenty of Froo Parli ' three, perccnt in generalil iuntil M r. : I L C w a rk in g ■' : iclnTtc I R eagan's program can takeke (effect" in V ' - Souffi TwlnFolli7 ^ w m thc next year to a year and1 a halt.I I K ? ’f l W 2 z i £ l — . * ■ ------‘ ( A-€ T lm es-N ew s, TwinI FalF a l l s , ___ T hursday, Aiioiu0uat27.1S81_____ - ......

NDS TONMHTI T flilfl T w h Li2iL L :iL .*iii-8 ® esoafIovar'17ll5-9^0'I^i:Hfl- FOH JOTOMCtiMMI - JNFOItMATIO isTl ■ ’Vletery''7:00-9:I0 K k S CAIL r 'h#lh« Rolnlww* 7:05-9:00 TWIN FALLS 734.i4-2400t:;^ M 'BImM LLagoon”i 7:20-9:20 I S H iM JEROME 334-81 | t; | S M M f i l l goon C M o d a m Renionc*'' m i l . -•“''4ld«re el th* LMt A rk' H opeiready fc.or new sspecial 'Atrpten*-.

United Press Intemation: ^ H j H I graduate, resigned fronom the board of truslees earlier this motlonth b e c a u sc of MORE MEMORIES ■ the Nixon Library. ^ F R l D A Y i y . Bob Hope is about to up anolher mem ory to bec thankfullh for - H N ANCIAL SUCCESS ..n two-hour TV specialal in1 connection Louis Rukeyser, whoho went public with Ihc new Gerald R. Ford Prcsi-- years ago with "Wall1 SSireet Week," . - (lontiai Museum Jn Grant- Gr Rapids. oric of the lop shows onfl PBS,I now aiso M ich. Hope says he consi)nslders this one will go private. He ha:las signed with of Ihc mosl prestigiousus ievents of his - r- L c - ' . Viacom E n t e r p r i i 10 to h o s t." L o u is ■ ' ^ f - ■ ■ ■ life. The sold-out showw \will be taped i ','7 '^ Rukeyser's Business JiJournal," and S ept. 17, for airing Ocl.)cl. 26 on NBC. 1 according lo Variety. Ihe 11 show busi- ■ § vH-u ...... 1 The guest !lst includes.cs-LuclUe-Ball, - ness weekly, Americanm Express will . - ■* — Sanuny Davls Jr., Foeter Fo( .Brooks, v contribute about 53.9.9 million for HLiVw ir^ v - iS ^ L m . Tony Oriaudo, Danny’ *11Tliomas, M ark half-sponsorshp of theIC show's first > ■ Russell, Susan Antonton and Glen y ear. Viacom calls thithe show TV’s * 4 ^ ; . Campbell. Presidentnt and Mrs. “ first commerciallyliy produced R eag an head the list of)fdignatarles d t o . . busincss-rinanclal newsf : attendthededicailonofll:ifth c s n million ' museum. Speaker of theth< House Tip STONES TO PHILLY m W I I f f ; O 'N eill and Senate Majctajority Leader I “ The Rolling Stones”" 'will rock^inlo H lljln ij;I P Howard Baker are h(honorary co- r J , Philadelphia Sepl. 25 lo Ic begin their Hj:];--:;-;;: chairm en. ■ first American concert'I to u r In m o re ____ _ B O B H O E E ______.than thrco years. Mick JiJagger and the Tl r "TOMORROW” RETURIJRN ------I W IN I * } ! p j p F T Ijebiu o p e n s F o rd m u se u m . rest of Ihe boys In thele Brillsh rock T om Snyder’s “ Tomlorrow on Coast lo • • • o j band are calling their lo u r of :i5 to 40 ^ Coast" returns to NBNBC Aug. 31 U.S. cJlies. "The Brillsllsh .i^rc Com- Cwithout Tom Snyder., UUnlike Rona R oses." wiwiil be out in Oclober. wilhh ing." "The Slones," wl;A'ho h a v e so ld l i m m i i ; Barrett, who look a pernermanehl walk songs writrittcn for him by ex-Beatie ' c ' m ore lhan 100 million records r since H ptiiihiin f H T S '^ ; from the show. Snyderler will i^ lu m m ates Fan>aul M cCartney and George e I96:t. have-a-nftw' album c - "T a to o B D A ^ ' Sept. 7. Los Angeles anchorwoman an Harrison,I, among£ others. For ^garl.I. You.” . e , • -i' ^ \ 4 l i i i ^ KeUy Lange will subb forI Snyder, that's pariiirlicuiarly good news because “ a \ l SYLVE/ESTER ^ IH Guests range from Roberbert Leucl, the Ringo wasas the first arllst'tb sign wllhh BLACK MUSIC ■ S T A L I ...... ex-Ncw-Vorkcoponwhost t tthe school to house Richardd will be honored Sept.. 17-27. w hile - T x 1 M. Nbcon’sn’B political papers. C hilesa musicians get their lurnlOcl.1-10.The C ■ ~ nielOGiGirls i i i RINGO SIGNS 'S . M u r ^ihy, y W ashingtooJaw yer andd m usic presenled will inchelu d e c la ss ic a l ^ ___ r-i— form er—Boatlo—Rlo^i^-Starr-has— former_ad\advlscc-to-Fresidcnts. Harryi and gospel selcclions, asa s Well a s Ih c [ More is Betistter! - signed on wllh Ndl BeBogart’s new Tnimananand LyiKkM Jo h n ^ n , said thec works familiar names sisuch as Duke K :- I. record company, Boardvirdwaik Enter- lib rary woivould appear lo condone Nlx- Ellington, Charlie Pai'arker, Dizzy • lainmenl. His firstI i album for on's conduiducl. Pulitzer Prize-winningB GUlesple. Euble Blake.!,FatsW aUer i VICTCO R Y S i i i . Boardwalk. "Stop andId Smell Ihe author WilJVilliam Styron. a 1M7 Duke0 and Thelonius Monk. " IPGn l " ^ ______B l - j ^ l DAILY 7:00-9:10 wiFTWrnnTlSAT'-SUN. 12:30- UtilH L IJSBM “Her face lit upip ’ 2:40-4:50.7:00.9:10 ^ ~n;!a .. r p i i y p I ^ Y ou n g[cancer\ ( victim reBturns heome pM Starts . FEFEATUMNQ ]Ji* ■ ; GLENDALE. Calif.f. (U P U -r;— A ccardi saidsj siic would continue SONGSS4 BY t c charging thoy endangersred Iheir child BLACKBUV SA&BATM Amanda Accardi. Ihe litUclilt girl who treatmentIt ata the controversial clinic. by denying her conventiItional cancer BLOC OTSTO CULT ^ : has become the focuss of( Ihe con- Tests conducted c by cancerr treatment. ■’-I'T- k 'iT';.’/-- ^ i A STEI;P ofCAPmcx ■■■ troversy over unconventlintlonol cancer -specialistI Dr.D Faith Kung al Univcrsi- . T he w arrants were wil ocvo gn-ijinii: dihdrawn last M B E Y COND DOttAlA FACCfl ; treatments, spent her■ first fi day al . ty Hospitalal In San Diego confirmed an1 week when tho Accardi:dis agreed lo •fl f i DON FCLou r . : homo Wednesday sincenee she was earlier diafliagnosis by doctors at Con-- bring Amanda lo Ihe Unilniled States lo iiCsil \ V :iENCE CAArtDFtwx S a ::v .U !t« li} H spirited to M exico six wee^•eeks ago. treras'cllnilinic that A m anda's leukemiai be examined by Kung. * SAMHY HACAR S . -J, js the best theraprapy for h er." w as in rem i FICTIOIH. “ mission. A hoaring was' schedule*iledfo Friday' ^ M- ' nAZARcni -i- T Michael Accardi, fatherher ot Ihc 2- Laetrile,e. made from apricot andI to determine whclller lhIhe uarfanls sn . year-old leukemia victim, vie said, almond pits>ils. is viewed as a worihlcs.';' should be quashed. Accacardt said he • ''Amandaisreallyshowlnfvlnglheeffecis cancer Ireareatmeni by mosl American) will be represented at thehe hearing by TwaT •• • I of being home In a positive I « ive way. doctors, Uslls supporters say (he sub--•; his lawyer and Contreras, • "When she got home her face Just ill st a nce moclodifies the si'dtr’effecis ofr A ccardi. a 26-ycar-oldId purchasing KTlkSr-Jrl up. She’s been runningg aaround ever conventlona)nai chemotherapy, such .is' ageni, said he has beenn approached ■i. since she got home and has-boen halrlossamand sleeplessness. by .several movie and tctielevision pro- lUVMETTAL p i ^ really e.xclted." A ccardi.II. dissatisfied wilh ihe• ducers who want to buy' I,Ihe frights to The Accardls, who hadad been living treaLmentt hish daughler was receiving1 hissiory... iiN ljlMATT initBB T O !!T |K M ^ in a holel near a cancencer clinic in at Children'en's Hospital in l.os.Angelcs. ••Ifs.unceriain whethercr I slill have H '|~A- < Tijuana, returned home•laleTuesday. lal snatched AmandaAi from her hospiiali my job and it's uncertairJin whelher I plipiS aiiliiyH A ccardi said they plannede d ioI spend all bed Ju ly t(16 in defiance of a court even have time to go badick to a job." ■y-lM ylsnjjpliiiigpi C day Wednesday visitingg wwith friends order maneandatlng lhal she receive h esaid. ::_andfamily. convenlionainal caro. The nexl day he- "I have speaking erengagemcnls H —F- ’ laklng iaelrile lookhertoN: ! H e sa id A m anda was' lak 0 Mexico. ahead of me and offers lo be produc- ■EHHUH!!• i. T h e s to r and enzyme pilli prescritcribed by Dr. Arrest warrants wt were issued for tion1 consultant on a moviet'ie aboul this o r y o f a m a n w tio 1 J: wanted - Rmeslo Contreras for her leukemia. Accardi anand his wife. Katherine. story.” ; 3 d t o m e e t g irls. '1 ^ ; ‘..... B I[ U i M U H R A T Suspectsgoes from1 1candy banrs to jail bairs ^ | i | f: CLAYTON. Mo. lU PI)I) - A man Police salsaid Lohgino'was arrested cently was paroled a ller sesc rv in g a ja il I: suspected ot being a candandybar bur- late Mondaiday because officers cn- sentence for burglarizingng th e s a m e • - )A1Ly 7:30-9:25 iTW^AUI OAtLY7:00-9:00 iUN. l:4S-3:40- J a EDM SUN. 1:30-7:00.9:00 l!W .!i?.U^M i...u7-.riTT! : Philippine D CO nutS OV€ ______es pushrco /er junk foe = i ^ nrv" ...... itti )» . Philippines (UPD(Ul —The the goycrnmnment will crack down on therefore1 we must tell oui)ur people to B V Philippine government launched la a misleading; advertisements i of Junk avoidi them ,” V irata said. V ^ campaign against "Junllunk loods" foodsllkepol ^ BO DEREH jotato chips, soft drinks and He said a plan is being prprepared for K'-S>.‘;::-r2^' jj Wednesday and encounluraged Ihc otlierslmllarlar producls. the t extensive use of moree coconut1 oil f O i i f f e i p l | l i malnourished to eat coconutnuls Instead. "Those proproducls aro expensive but and0 other coconut product:ets as cheap i n r. Prime Minister Cesar■ VirataVI said provide litlle:lie nutritional value and substitutes s for milk. T 5 T:.! V « ^ i ? Claaaarrhrreeeennntmce! I t ' T * ; W inning huslsband call lastss 22 seconds - T A H T S ^ \ r iriEjV>EivM«r i iIDAY!> \\i\ ; - DETROIT (UPJ) - WWhen Inza " W h e nI rm Ihrough. I'm ' B risle w ants h er husband'sd's attention, exhausted," she said, “I had back V- you can bet she gets it. surgery som(ime years ago. so 1 keep a Her ear-piercing “Cl‘C ia a a a rrr- w heelchair* nearby,m nnd. ofler I call. I B '' I 5 reeeennnnce" cry, lastinggaminlmum a golntolt." r 3 of 22 scconds, not onlyi ssidrts her Mrs. Brislesle said no special-training m *; spouse riinning but also hashai won her is involved1 aiand the oniy regimen she ^ the husband-calling champicipionship the 1 follows is abtsibstalning from eating and -j p a st five y e a rs at the Michitchigan State ' drinking therle m orning before she calls, ! C tm . II ' I ' ...... j : F a ir. “You eitherher go out there and do ll or > The 62-year-old womann admitsa< the you don't dooit."shesaid. il WHITHAN S t a r t s ) - performance "tuckers mcm c 6 ut and T he fa ir pipays off with a prize of air." but she $20.50 and a Tb* sends m e to the wheelchair, a blue ribbon bul Mrs. K b a b e ilT r- DarkAges, u is still intent on defendinging her title Brisle saidj tthe real reward is the during competition in Detroil;roit Sept. 4. achievem entnt 1itself. j=. M agic w as;IS a weapon. ^ B y ro a W U tH a a < = . Lovewasa - -RESERVATIONS. 24 KOU s a m ystery OU^Ht<)F' i . TOLL FREE 600 648-117 IT- A dventuIture was O ViriR i NIOHT SPICCIAL. I T l l E t l i A t « iftii cveryw'wtiere... l iks l a i o u I INN And Dragon! ITDOOR II ins were reaL EXPERIENCEe t h e I BAB-MOTIL-an■STAURANT JARBIDGE, NEV. ^------^Staak dinner,arrBreakfastand rooilomfor-two;------__ - FAlHTASnC ™ 1 1 ~ ^i\T ior ~ K O O per couple O n l y ...... «3a9 plus tax s ' - For-rosorvoflont-cntBnd_Infocmalion_Rb._2.O0,08-734-7451. Offor______wook oxcopt holldoy wooo o k rn d s. Brirtg g o o d 7 d a y s p e r w/o. X..J I ^ o d o n d re c e iv e S 2 .000 0 Freer S lot NIckols. • 1„ .

Thur;ursday, Augu9l2M98l Timerimes-News, Twin Falls, Idaho A-7

0 Mailil trucks,I, stam p s5 m a y io rrm .Arm trak ctuts runs to save rm on ey - - ...... WASH:3HINGT0N-(UPI) - Amtraltrak, term in ate ill San Antottonlo...... T he”j\nij^mlrak board approved mosf foi'ccdtoI to tighlcn Ils belt by an austei 1 stere Despite thc minor: Itrimming In the of the cutscut — cffccllve Ocl. 1 — wilh neyw m ediuiiih fo r adi agencie federalII bbudgot, Wednesday approveoved . Boslon-Washington corridor, ct a new lilUcdlsciIiscussion. • J WASHINGTONON (U PIl - The U.S. Postal a scriesies of relalively mild but bi and faster express Me^letroiiner scrvice Bul a dcclslon -was deferred on lal Scrvice. “ W hat theyy aiarc in essence doing here lscn>alingaIs money-si looking for Waysys lo make money, Wednesdi ’-saving train cutbacks andd rc-n w ill begin belween rNew York and w h e t:hcr h e lo continue thc sday asked new form ofif a advertising media,” said1 rmof«j ....* Ib* I The director• oof thc Washington officece of Hie survey of whalat < countries allow advertisingIng on th d r • O /V ash inington-Cincinnalli ; vii Am erican Associaidalion of Advertising Agendcd es. which lla m p s , bul bolholh Japan and West Germanyyseiladson s rarkcrs.rsburg. W.Va., Sealtle represents most ol j . MELLOW C H E D a i of the large advertising firrrIrms in Ihe Ih eir booklels.. GtGreal Britain permits such advertisingac vancouvcivcr. Chicago-Dubuque, anc ilA R ...> a .1 « lb . AGED CHICHEDDAR... •3.241b. ' ; country, applaudetided the idea. occasionally, ils:ilsaid. Ihe Houstuston and Laredo legs of the lh( I , MOZZARELLA CHEESE. . . $• T2 .M ib . I ______^ Chicago-To-Tcxas line which now ^ wil j ] | I ) 0:00-5:30 Men.’Sol.tt'. 767 2ndAv*.W*»I.TWIiTwin Fell* 794.«e39 | U.S. tra ;C haprnan says he soughUght menial holp ^•r ■ Ih ilaw aii before comingling to New York \ ^ City^okillex-BeatleJohJohn Lennon. k \ ■•"J ; But ho could not "concontrol himself" p rio r to an appointment:nt that had been l~ P AIP E R Tr o w EELS I Kl[ITCHEN TERRRIES J j set ‘up for him, a psypsychlarisl said - m ^ |- j LIN-vJIFREE 3^ Wednesday. '-D o ro th y Lewis, a professor of m 2-PLY "LELOOP -■fisj'chiatry at New YorYork University \ H 100 SHEETS PRINTED .ENDED :who exam ined Chapma:m an on fivc oc- • 'G o lfer's . ^-r -caslons for defense ia,w;Ia,wyers, said he 1 told her he called a community W e e k e n d ■;'r m ental health unit inI HiHawaii prior to 1C iprice of your room 'j } - ■ >•: -his faleful trip toN ew YoYork Clly lo say v e y o u ; “ J Z w as urgent for him'lolo &see someone. - • -BreakMkfasi ------■ "H e w as lold someoneone would gel in •* ckuils - J l — - luxe King or Oueen Beds jr * touch with him rightI a'away, bu t no- * 5 W e Enterulnment C? body called for 24 hourlOurs,” she said _ , >D0l to Lounge By i : Chapm an told her. If Across the Street I I ■ . - I • When the call did comc, con she said, ' ’Inecrest Coif Course Chapman said hc wasDS inol given an Packaeege Offer Friday, I - appointm ent at thc unitItforfourdays. f( Saturdayday. Sunday or Holidays Similar • ' ^ ~ Z Before the day of thehe appoiniment,j .QC P er NIaht To lllus; I ^ ■ • r C hapm an, however, feltdt compelled lo *39^' P er Couple ^ ^ _ OfONLY: . . . . .^ 4 ------go to New York despilepile the fad he AL t * knew hc needed help and:md left Hawaii, NM V r him self,” Lewis said. 3 U K r e gS U L A R $ 1 . 9 9 QUALITY V ------> : She added, "I think Ihc (200) 523-S99J Ihe whole thing PACXACC or r u in — (thc killing) mightIt have been IPAHO rAUSONLV I STOCIKUPNOW!" F A V O RRITE C - aborted,’,’ if Chapmann hhad received ,^8)CT help In time. Littletj^M n •“T She- also -said—ChaChapman had ^ D R I N4K I ______A l 1 expressed sorrow for hisIls ai d . •Y ..... I I 5 1 '^4 7 , — m ______■ ______PACK„_“S1|WEAIS”^ ^& ------I I p l K K E ^ !l e ^ I ■ ^ - ALSO: RlRC COLA-DR. PEPPER•R-DIET RITE-ROOT BE ■ " GREEY O R \ g S h lllo n ^ H AND OTHER^ EBRANDS-______Soloty lever».^ / ------N A VfV \ BLUE S-M-A-L-XL S SHliRT m l I j SHEET BlILANKETS f / j TRUCTED ( f / A H CONSTIRAGLAN Jri:/ 71' ^ ml I f A V WITHR/EEVE / U// Comnr P u l l^ ^ |_ , LAY-A-WI f A T sLEi Orokot TTON- : ■' V j e n E I ■ L L H O L D C O T RYLIC / i wfJm R C H O I C E a c r ^■^ODlFramo Stoevodlod Fromo I ^ Wllh 5 Year Construetruction I W orraniy i RANGCH WELLING kto 3Ploto / r ■ I BYCGEORGIA SHOOES T ^ . B ^ ' Collof Cran'', /sftspohi U.S.A. MADE ■Bl 1 ALL LLEATHER OIL TANN Q uality 27 Inch E A T \^- UPPEP E R -C O R K SOLE TH,U d swe ■ 10SPEEIEDS NOW $ ; ■ U D O E;S S N O T C O N D U C T HI Cempl$l60.00 H I O R CO:OLD • LONG WEAR^h"^ a\ pakffS \ \ ^ P«i{«r<»n-tR*fl.S139.9f ...OHLY. . . 1 0 9 ” | L-XL OILRESISTANT H W e H ave A. OComplete Selection of 1 0 'S p e e d s lAE BLEND D SEWIDTHS SAM! *:;,v Prfced From ...... ’ . o « 6 5 0 ~ | . Regullliar $9.95 W ------Ovi^81k«>KAr*4^ BNLT------i< E g

I l M lersce n ^ l ; ______O t Z&ZZZZ5 a z a a S ^ —.— ------t • ' PEANUTS < " i ( O h ({

I UELL. i'm SORRVsc IF I I vol) ASKI:K£PMETO60 / ijJ pLL,I l l PIP...ANP \ EALOUSY P O E S NOT UPSET VOIyou, SIR... OLOOKATWUR t hIN e n YOU ASKEP ME ;COME\W,MARCie.V> —:------NEU OLTTFI FFIT FOR SCHOOL.. lY OPINION... Y0U5AIP'PYOUHAPANEtU ^ \ 7 <1 Men malany down its;' ^ PRESS, NlNEU SHOES ANP CTM AvoidI (argument % A NEWJ HAIRPO... “ IK/^ / I ^ Q. IfhiubiDdf treroot more inteUlgent'than their wlve«, does it not foUow tbit menlen are m ora Inlelligeot than w om ra? . __A^N»r*if>-ibat'*-ttot-inot iadkaled/Iir the lingo of the wcUl - euenin(ig best tinme_ ...... •c h o U n , m en le etn lolo preferpi tb m arry down, w om en tefid to mmrry up. But they don’t do so always. A nd some authorities clilin thee categorya with the highest average for dayy’s actiuitieies M a InteUlgenee Is u n m a rrieried d 'women. BLONDIE |'( IS THIS THITHE LINE FOR l l NO.VOU’RI’RE ON THE LINE ) CINE^lE M A n IS '51 r m ^ M E M B eR WHEN >OU WPNT , Further In that mattelatter of Intelligme, retired womtn OKNKIIAI. TKNi: IKS; A vold un iir>:tin'tim oni-.ind ^jf.C l N E M A H ? I PORCINE SR THERE K ------h 1- - HAVI■lAVE TD SE A MATHEMATICIAN •eem to reliln their llTdylire Intellect longer than do retired d o n 'l wulk iir clrivi’ivi’ nirrlv'oily eiirly in ihk* iliiv. ilii (i.>od j 7 0 GOTO THE MOVIES? Prmf' men. So contend New!w \Yorit rcsearchen ^ho followed the B spnif «ri‘ in efivci■ct loI irr .mil you cun uci •>m|ili‘< Ihrc* o f 54 m en and w onom en through ihelr cbttlea Into their deal. Kollow vour hiinclu"hm 111 Ihi^ lime. Al eijhtlet. They concludedded It was because fewer of Ihe women had ghren up profenlonaJonal camnu The men, they thon^l, . AUlHSlMur. 1 loUj A |ir i'JJ U iiit't luki- llio ii.iiiMil ll .1 IlK- ' irii-n lo arj{u»- ulmi-liii'l uniiii|iiiriiini mitUor«. •imply lo*t their Inlereat'reat w hen'they lost ihelr work. prc.sH vour skillN tmu T ■ IHINO DAGGERS T A U K U S iAj)r.. j(i Jt. u . Muy •Jill You hiivo -.n R m ^ woys of i>im-i.'> improvi'il. >11 IJIM 'U" Ill'Vl ididoii' jHl" GKMIN.I iSluy :’l oQmen for u much asIS 513,000.Sl None loo many rhino* left >:.iin tlii ir -up p iirl und .ul\ i. •- K.V|.rr»» CruMccI iillifH iind >:.ii W lth'pticeslike that-for]for po*ched homs, the big beW isn't iiiiinnor FTMiP'i y o u r iiilcni-N tn ii [xi> z 2 l |oQ t7 t7 I ^ins to make it muchuch longer In the wild, thst'* clear. MOON CHII.UHKiKKN i.liinr 'Jl! Ix Ju ly .'li \ to nn o(l|virliiiiliiiiilv Mill priividi' Vou h _ Q. What'* Ihe mostt comcor m on cumameT ubundunrv in (he d.lVHd.i\ Ilh.Mti ' • ANDYCAPP A. W oridwide? Chang.lang. M ost.com m on in English ipeak* , l.KO (July 22 U.(I A uk .'h (io iiftor pi-r-on.i; u Ing countries, as you mighnlghl suppose. Smith. mosl diri-ci wuy fulls I’lun nil'-' i*< vour ht-alih utid ii|>(H' Eleven of the 12 moltRost commonly used words In Engilih f ‘ VIHCJOIAuk. U t" Sffit J'.'i S iudy II ii'-’i* pl.in■in Ih.ii liUH 3 have cither two or threeiree letters.: Only one hu four leltcn. , sitio* V iiu iiri' lliinkin^’ uloiii; oioxi);>ii'ivo KToni poJisibiliiii-H. sit ^ ^ S T h C ! RI C»EAS Can you name it? Say "th'*ih a t." Imi’s. KnKflK'-' 'f> .'■‘'‘'f«iur fin-irii'' hiihhy loniuhl I j ( c I.IHitA iSl'pt j;!;i t.i

------S ^ T T A H I U S1 iNtivi N -J-: w Di-c. '.Mr lliindl.'' nr ...... I 6-a? Women of Swiizerlandland only won the right to vote. 10 ing u(fiiir> I'urly iti I llu lu' d.i> '■I I hill yciu hu v<- iiiirro E yean ago. But when theyhey move, those SwiM move awlftly. pl(;u«nnl uctiviiii-s lutor. iut Iil' lro M~-l< ••ntorinittnioiit Shi m & Jyrveocer T V mu&£05 xcaiPuxAiy mw~W-GSTTMi (•ftthuMUSm w hfii Iumliundlini! iluiiOh I „ • HlM.HON£y. •/eer rnmMOHBr. yourwMWour. ■ ovie Ku/wsr/ ^ ^ A V O Overall only about 8.5 percent of the dead in thia conn- in. I’l t.. h'ob. I!)l Uun l u rcu ' m . i c / m • Mu.)vu6 A4UAHIUS lJun. ull. 'M tn u IBTOJKSJlE jv srsrriN . m *5.cacoo. DunsuouiDm „ = jaiLfiHar j ? n ' jaocbj^ at- . try are cremated. So how do you explain the remarkable pom pous individuulII in lho iniirniiiKund ihon l.nor uu. fierwicf<;i>i ~ '\h umtW U fB S , I » j n « iy y / 7»ea^iNsi5. ilailsiic* out of Marinin CouniyC north of San FraitebcoT ' comt’ Ul n fini-'iiiidrfs'■•rsiiinilinj: /m M J T C ' I ^ There. 50 perccnt are crem:rem ated. ------plHCKH-thVb-^Jd-iill-liT-Mn— L'Ot-HnndIr .itriri— .1 iL.'^ early in itu-diiy nmlll Itl hi'ii \ ..u ( .in on«un<- in iu'aA iint. i.-'-i'. n _ / ^ O ur Language m an is still i trying (o come up with the that «ill pi-rk up vnui T' fip"^ word wilh letten that cat I can be arranged to make the moit IKYOUUCini.nn IS! lliiK N T O D A ^ !i. or sl,.. will i other words. “Sparc" acemsacer to bc a pretty fair candidate, ! bv so dynuiuic lhaiI ii u (irm M'Mruinl muy hii\>- IIIu . 'In- 11-i.d, [iLA^ Spear. Pears. Parte. Pates,ares. Rape*. Resp*. Aper*. T he list ! whito showing ufloriino iio n u i ih f sum o lim e Hr •.uri' g e ia lo n g .. plitni-nt_whon j;o 4 * ^ CSWINS L^jp==’ i • M ___ k a JS^Jq ■■ mM^ LATIGO ' ' ' •• ■ THEh^EBOnN LOSER A x DNjoveo'.0 • TME SetWlCB. [n o THaNKSNKS NBCBSSARV.. .WB- JU9U5T FDUNO HWl TTTT' joacAN,.rrea b B88N

Im w i l l 0 J " Ll^C— f l 1— H


ff . p .„


W H A T T i m e AUGUST 5= P>(o)§T II V ^ I T ? 1t w e n t y - # E « E I ^ _ * ©PC?PO(g[E .FR | l — 1. st ■ ^“S \ a m ' ■ ^ . tk! H . f t ^ r tu w il ^ ’ I ■ REX MORGAN

p T v >DU P g a 51 I r t H l S (S A W VES^S-ANP(?fJ£ IM m ■ -.'-UT:,. / ■ £KOUaH TO Wfl I MOSPrfAL.F WHICWCH 'tW WOPKEP V ■ U S W T IT ? A ABOU^,.rdM rAPAfiO/jg ' S coeeipc \\r^ S ^ A\' I / / (■ / y "fl i ] 'i taitolikeaB o p e o n u tl" V'

— lTODERwi«rS«‘Cuu;AUS - ' W H O g"— - I?' -----' I DOES ONA W Y UKE TH IS?-

...... L _ '-3 ,. ' t * t M ath ddecline irn Am ericcan schoi>ols ___ ------T hursdada y . A ugust 27.1981 Tlmos-Nows. os-f Twin Falls, JdafioA-9 ^ h r e a t een s tecliilaology leeadershi]i p

By PATRICIA McCORMRMACK teachers.s. Iin increasing numbers, arce cty of challenging and lucrativeli ca* UPI Education Rdllorp fleeing fnfrom thc classroom to lakee reers — from cn^neerlniing, medicine, ______Jobs with1th falter paychecks in in-,i-x and high-technology industry' li to (ia.'itrv. ' architecture, forestry and at business NEW YORK (UPI)1) - i>«lmlng Pan.cip:ipatlng institutions in thcc management.'' math skill in schoolsIs and coHegcs m ath aidlid program Includc a con-1- The National Council ofofTeochersof . thrpal£n3_^mecic2ni; JiJcadcrehip -In . sortlum.of.of six community colleges on.n. --'Mathematics at its anniinual-meeting ...... •• t e ''technology, ihe Ford FoundotionFoi said Uie U.S.-lS.-Mexlcan border, severalll said: Wednesday. predomlnaInantly black universities,!. -School mathematicss I is not keep- T hc foundation anniinnounced Sl.l publicschcchool districts in various partss ing pace with changing tecechnologies, m illion in grants to schi ountry, a prep school, an Ivy schools to mend com y —Most sludents are nonot toklng as F R I D A Y : 1 0 a.m . - 5 :0 0 p.j.m . No C harge "acute” math deficits5 aramong mlnorl- League cccollege, a state university,’. much m athem atics in higligh school as •ty students. and thc ArAmerican Assoclallon for thee thoy will need for their inImmediate or ' ‘‘Signs are mountingng that Ameri- Advancemement of Sciencc. distant future, You are^cordially'y invited .cans .are falllingg b e h in d In -T he FoiFoundation cxp(^ lessonss —The present shortage'e o f qualified to com e and mmeet: m athem atics and scienclence trolning.” learned IhiIhrough lh(i math' projects forr ' maUiemalics teach(irs islricreasihg Is' said thc Foundation rcpor‘port. minoritieses and teachcrs lo aid all1 dramatically. "In that respect thele r nalion mighl sludentsi eventually.c^ The Ford Foundation1 ;report also VAI^LDAfATTI'ERSALL alm ost bc calicKl undijnderdeveloped. On tf’ci m ath crisls along thc cduca-- said: Registered Cosmtletologist especially in comparisonioritoJapanand lion trail,il, Franklin1 A. Thomas, foun- - I n som e states it is pos•ossible for an Ms T attersall wiil b e d<;mc th e Soviet Union.” datlon presresident, said: elem entary school teaclicher to bc Ms. nonstraiing our Some grants under thethc Sl.l million "This Is a nallonwldti problem thatI certified without an;ny college variousvai cosmetic lines, antmd is proficient • aid program aim tp improve im math is worryinylng leaders In thc federaiI mathematics at ali. • in Ifacial m ak eo v er, teachers, thereby lmprQ\jrQving instruc- govcmmenlent, business and Industy. -N ationw ide, it is cstiiitimalcd one- tlon quality. Insiders soySO) part of the unlversltle!ties and Ihe professions.” . quarter of those teachingg highI school BORGHEHESE-CLINIOUE-E■ESTEE’ LAUDER 1 - • problem - Is that talcalented math He saidId deficits are acute among» math are not trained. blacks. HisHIspanics and American Indi- — C ertified leacchers of , CaliCai 733-1506 today and arrangeai a lime ans as wellellaswomcnjf mathematics are very (difficult to \ wilhwill Valda Tattersall tprr your compli- e difflcultlel have locked I find. In som e large citiess lltDret was a ' mentarym e facial makeoveh D o J l bioock roups out of thc advancedI ratio as low as one applii)llcanl for 10 training neededne for enlry Into a vari-• vacancies. resc u e tnry; -----

J^ive k id sJ die( » ‘ HOMESTEAD. Fla.a. (UPI) - / Snarling watchdogs;s halted a | i^-^-^nei^bor-'s-attcinpt-■to-sava_fIrs, but to no Fridayr and Saturdday, Aug. 2 avail. Thc parents andnd two other 28th, 29th children w erc injured InI theth( blaze, - The dead w ere idcntifedifed as 3-year- olds P aul and Reba DixDixon. two of n e r ' three triplets bom to John and U t UCA stands for C D istributive Edducation ClubsDS Twin Falls,s. is a g reat su| ‘B arb ara Dixon; two other ot^ of the _ r a , jpporter of thel e D E C A ...... Dixons’ children. Wandanda 6. and O T AA l m erica, a youl lUth organizatldbn designed tcto program asa: evidenced t Joseph, 13, and a granrnnddaughlcr. by this specialial prom o- M isty Hogan. 5. 'elop future leacaders in M arkeceting and DIs- s- tion by thee Paris. DECAk D ays is a coojoperative ‘‘It w as awful. I saw PaulPai Irying lo frih ll get back into thc hou»Duse lo save ution. Students:s com bine on1 the job- w ork rk effort to recognize n the3 Paris’ assiststance in . .-.'Joseph. His hands were ailall ibloody, but o v r t c Claudia Jen- tJA pt)erlence w ith classroom - liinstruction to ;-;tt w as too late,” said Cli to sending loc)cal chapter mlem e bers to the5 NationalI ■ • -nlifgs, another neighbor ofoft Ihe Dixons, p n h ^ lance their vcvocational un :^'l)fIcCray said hc hoppedxl a chaln-link t ? l l l l c nderstanding.g. DECA Confiference earliersr this sum m er. jence between thc housesises when he 'f^allzcd:tlie:Dlxon.homc:ueiwas'ablaze;.:------~ v ..:." . ibroke out a re a r windowow and could : 5 ^ r scream s. He said hetie >was turned . 'J&Ck by the Dixons’ sn§rll:grllng dogs, a i ______““Jjirddog and a boxen • Dade M etro fire offic)fflclals said •v^tribke apparently awakcncened the Dix- ' "'ohs when the thc blaze brok

Sendeestoda h i. I'm71 KELLY CLARK, ~ Hii I'm TRA CY SAB. lay fo r BALA; H av e you bbeen looking for ‘ I Challenge you to a s a c k ' Hi! I'm MICH f _D ECA -SUStale Secretary.-and IDECA State Preident. I v ICHELEDEVANEY- * I would - -the-“right"'■ sports ja^ei-io ' race! Grab a friend an(nd hop . and I'd likeke to invite you to I ‘dog-faced solOldier ' d like toto Invite you In to see like 1 to invite y ou to th e ssports- p ^dd to your s r schoorViQrdrobe? , on down to the Paris•is a n d ■ the A ttic At-At-The-Top-Of-The- : th e fa n taastic s French Connec- wear \ department atI T op- ftl! I’m TlTRESSA SMITH BERKELEY. Calif.. (UPIJPI) Retired tion line w jump into a Gunne SaSax by , Stairs. WekVe h a v e e v e ry - ; 3 we have In the Pant COf-The-Stair lo s e e ourjr new Come into) t the-coat depart- ' •Maj. Gen. William F. Dean, D thc Shop at Jesslcai Hi! I'm KEN[MDALL ‘ th in g y ot’ll u ’ll n e e d to m a k e • Jt Top-Of-The-Stalr. fall f fashions! J u s i in timme for . ment al thele Top-Of-The-Stair TEETER and I invitete you going back Korean W ar's most famousIOUS prisoner We havee Iin a large selection. backt lo school we ha' ck lo scool lun! ' ^ tave a a n d I'll showow you the jacket d < o w n to th e D re ss d«depart- Calvin Kleineln, the designer • i and a combat-tested hero.whI who Insisted .of, colors,rs ,_ F re n c h -.C o n n e c -- -- r..tuT nBW-linB_of_exclting^Bc B obbie ______that-wlU-be-e-perfect-to-com ------—- m 0 nt-al-Top-Of-The*£I.Stair-, ------j e a n s - e v e r y he'w as‘‘Jiat a (Jog-faced soIdler."liassole 'tlon 100^|Q% rayon trallored EBrooks Coordinates, Le e ryone-i9-talklng- f------j -et me pliment your3ur back-to-schooi 'Gunne Sax is back to shions_and d e s ig n s \pockets. Add a few a:a s s e s -' S a tu rd a y ainca n d I'll g u a ra n te e Dean died sweater,■ • Pprint blcuses-and skirts.s, at the Paris!I! I • < following a series of llincssctsscs beglnn- ' Come d sories and this very ver;;rsatlle you'll be read3ady for going back dowffi a n d s e e u s C c om e on In a n d find wf ing in about 1972. a t Ihe Pan bvhat's (outfit is .sure to be at i great ' to School!! ant Shop to get your rlright for you from Bo3obble "He’d been fighting paneancer and a school yeai Js u c c e s s . C o m e on didow n! ear started olf rlghtl I Brooks £ and go bach: k to I numberof Ihlngs for years,"s," Williams I'll b e w a ilin g fo ry o u ! I school.s Fresh- For- PjP a llll said. "The cancer, melanoanoma, had been In remission but itit wasv very debilitating and weakenedd hihis overall condition.. There had alsoilso been a Trhese h DECA DAYS! series of slrokes over thc yeai,'cars.” ! S P E C I A L S G O O D3 THURSDAY, FRICIIDAY AND SATURR D A Y . D ean, who won the Congijngresslonal Medal of Honor for personall:tally leading u T his men against North Korcorcan lanks in the town of Taejon, was; callcdcal !‘one of America’s great heroes”s” byI Army r - i i Chief of Staff Gen. Maxwelwell Taylor I a l l famf; ous brand l a d i e s ’ . fam ous bri when Dean retired In 1955. : j u n i o r b ra n d ^ ^ I b a g s t Thc crew-cut general wasMcapiurod i h an d b s l e e p wv c e a r jp a n t i e s s p o r t s ww i e a r ' 5 action and regularly bras shortly after the Taejon aci lyto 28.00 regularly 10.00to I I .1 regularly 1.25 pr. regularly to 7; 0 .0 0 ' spent thc remainder of thele war> as a 1.0 0 re g u la rly to 3 8 .0 0 I | 9 d prisoner, resisting all effortj•orts by thc y ® n o w A 5 9 9 com m unists to extract mill now 6® 9 recduceid'H4 0 % N O W 5 fot J ■ r r u c e d4 4 0 % I formation from him. A g o o d gro,roup ot fail handbags 2 ' F am o u s b ra n d b ra s in w;white Choose fromm summer robes. , [B riefs, bikinis a n d hip. J s w e a te rs , bia- ' 5 .* Interm ent will be today' Inin the Son se v e raral l sty le s in r u s t .' and nude In sizes 32 lo□ 3 6 g o w n s a n d pcp a ja m a s in m an y 1 jjin an a s s o rtm e n t of coS f ? ?e?s'"'brse^ses. pants and ' -•« Francisco National Cemetcr;te r y l n l h e b ro w n a nId d burgundy.I S'] , sk irts in fall 1 ' A to C . styles. Junlolior sizes P. S. l‘ Stylese and fabrics. £ III fabrics. Sizes 3 •lal scrviccs HWtep-oMho-sialf) ' ' '' ' S iz e s 5 , 0 13 > 'Presidio, following memorial: (lop-ot-iho-slnir) M.L. i4 t o 0 . ! In thepostchapel. (lop-ol-if-ol-lho-r.iiiit) (topof-iof-tho-stair) (lOD-ol-lho-slnit) 'ACLU founder dielies 'RIDGEWOOD. N .J. (U PD I)- — Roger Baldwin, founder of the Ar f . . I Civil Liberties Union and reelrecipient of t U f t l em n e e k _ U a prize in j u n i o r X ^ the White House Medal of F every pocket! i t e j s ® ; '-'i -for bis lifelong work In behalflaKivH sweat* W h e n "you p u rc h a se a ppgi^ j© 3ns 3ri(n d p a n t s rights, died Wednesday at Valley regularlylyto 15.00 ■ rtof regular priced In Ihe PiPant regularly to> 3 3 9 .9 5 V •Hospital. He was 97. Shop this w ee k e n d , yoi :l U in the Baldwin founded the ACLU |9 9 : . finda a p rize e n v e lo p e in 1 1 A99 9 1920s, served os its executivevc cdirector n o w w pocket. The prizes are cdis- n o w I ^ o for 35 y ears and continued tooactasan ai . Ribbed turlurtleneck 'sw eaters counts,^01 free.tops, and l(lots Famous brancind pants and adviser In scm l-retlrem cnt. In a w id e range.ofJaJh:pJor_s, ra _____ mmore.-Oon’-t-mlss-all-the-l e j-fun------leansJnjdenlm.m-and.goodJal!.,______^ ______t PresWent Carter awardedaBaldwiS E SlfesSrW: L. an c e n tu ry v illa 15 mmiles soulh of Those> allowed al Into lhe wailed villa': H R o m c .fo rh a ir a n h o u r beforebe address- courtyardird had I9 arrive an hour earlj m\J^~ V H 'ing himself to condiidilions in his for Ihorouough body searches and wert H homeland. d is c re e tlytly watched by rclnforcecsl ' WKmM H H "J lliank'God today forf< this year’s contingentents of plalnclolhed Valicar m !■ good harvc.sl,'.' he said,Id, "but nt the sccurily' guards. g Security men with ------UPI U-PICIK P E A C H EES I onlv. 1 9 l b . ‘ same lime we musl be: vworried aboul guard logsdog on leashes patrolled th the e T h e p o p e h e l d hish u first genersl audlem!nce since'he was shot all Ihc scarcitics Ih.illl grow worse vjlla walls.lls. C A N r O M Angolsa claim s»S ou th A\frica w iidens attt a c k / t e )lley oiORCHARD lo e o lo d 2 ml By United Press Inlernarnational territory7 iand.alrspace,” the Angolanan ous e.scalnlion of fighliiling in llic -re - S o u lh 'Africa'Ai launched its attacks mll»» woit cl FDorond 7mllM> nornorih In tho canyon. Fer moro Inlormotlon phono 543-543-5330. n e w s agcn? cne:iA N C O P said. -g io n ." h from Soul[ulh West Africa, or Namibia,3ia. I Plckod1 PPooehot end Poore oro ovolloblsjbla ovory day s t . Ancpla clalmcd W«tVcdncsday lhal Dos SarSanl^ also repeated his hints ncc ^ I K«|loy Conyor 1*^ ■ Coneicmnations of Sououll, A tr ic i for '.“ r ' ' ”)ry ’'*’ it administers In dcflancc 'on Orchord and Kolloy CordoivCoivConlor In Twin Follt. ■ * SouUi African forces! were w. widening that he mml|}hl call on the 20.000-man its attacks on Angola wevere also made . 'csolulions. Iheir 3-day-old offensivesive deep inside Cuban garF*arrlson stationed in Angola to ° by Portugal. Germany.V. France and Pf"”eloria. South African Primem e ______Angola, bul Soulh Afrl\frlcan officials help defer!fcnd his counlry against the nritainandlhcSovict Unjnion Minlslcr• PP.W. Botha lold parliament said reports of a full-sc11-scaIc Invasion S o u th Afrli.frlcans. , llial Angola;olan troops attacked a South were "Rrossly cxagRcratrated;" At the; UUnited Nations, a spokesmanin Implying thal the UniltIlcd Slalcs was African toiforcc inside southern AngolaOla 3 ' J s a f d ,SSecretary-General c i Kurt■f partially responsll)Ie foror lhe allaclcs, seeking oul guerrillas from the Soulh Angolan President Jose Jc Eduardo' Waldheimim had cut short a vacationin th e o fficia l Soviet n ew s agency . Tass . Wcsl Africrican People’s Organization, dos Santos, appealinglg lo the non- and wouliDuld a rriv e in N ew Y ork■k said. "Pretoria’s poiniellod disregard orSWAPO.*0. aligned movement orr theU Organka- • Thursdayly loi dircct diplomatic efforisIs for Iho U.N. resolution:»ns on ijlving “Sccurlljrity forces' were, however. tion or African Unityly to intervene to end theIC ffighting. independence Io Nanarnibla have prepared1 ffor such Intervention, do-de- -dlplomatlcally.-charged’e d S o u lh - A f r l------T h eU rN':N. , spokesman said the Southh become particularly marked m; sincc fended therlemsolves to good cffecrand;-id ;" ~ ------can-troopsr armored-cl-columns-flnd— A(rlcon-a(-altacks-wcrc-J:nol_only_a_ a t P r c sid c n l i H e a a a n 'p uiblicly b l charae:- at tho samam cjim e. succeededJn de- warplanes were involviolvcd in "n ew scH ous, v^violation of the territorialll terized the racist rcgimime as ‘a (TSI stroying several si terrorist systems - ’’attacks and violationsns of Angolan integrity/ olof Angola bul also a danger-•- a lly .'" a n d a r m s d) Ov* 5 d c p o ls ,’’ h e s a id .

" i K a n i a : : Poland1 iriay neeed stricteer m ea siu r e s _WARSAW, Poland (l^Pl)_— Com- on nation, ional telovlslon Wednesdayy preserve social pcace. Sociali pcace The remiimarks were interpreled as ;,'7munist Party chief Stanrtanislaw KanIa niglit app() a n d G dansiisk in 197(1 thal ing withh Soviet leader Leonidlid •• H e s a id th e Sovlcl Unleech lb factory "larkct shoiihortagcs...... - ...... ^ • Ih g ;" K a n ia sa id in a s^ e < tlioughl.” He said theIC authorities Soviets watialch our developmenis with111 .?•-w o rk e r s In th e w e ste rnI cllycll of P o z n a n . “ W hy did die authorities allow this loD "should nol be underprcss3ssurc," concern." I Is a c ris is . E v e r y famimlly l; feels thal. happen?”Kania asked, noting Ihc ‘ We are going backwaiM-ards all Ihc economicc slides began in 197B — lwo 't i m e . " y e a r s b e fo rre h e c a m c to pow er, Excerpts of the spccchch to be shown “They werewc guided by theanxielv to PbliC O’DELLS 0 FURNITUIURE & SLEEP CENIilE R " ^ ------^ ■ I ■ n — BRINGS YYOU H BUYf FOR NOVw . . . H - l ; ...... -”CORNEXT'YEAR! ST ^ rlE^H i|^H 4^u2D S fflR , t t S^B / JanntzeR;^>-' orts Club m ■ACKS 1 ■ s s f f l l ' ^ / f : ; J NOWVON'SALE - .■ -jU jS P ReR e g . ^ 2 9

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J l GG reat For Golf, ■ m m f H(Handsome For m w uLeisOreWear- f f ■ i i f k f m K , Smartly S r Styled So w Jif^m I ^ You WiHAIways ■■ •••, . . ' X . ■: Look Your Best OnAII Your A. 7 PIECE RANCHHSET , ^ C L I P A S A VV E I C LIpa^A I P i V B""!! Active Days. _ . . . — Qoollty Jk4 eonitrontntonli'" •• “ ' ' buttt Mild tor octlvofcI fomllo*. (lovo MKit o x ira )...... f l u B l P://Mj ! 10100% Dacron • '299 ; WATERBEDIKIT I : w mITERBED ■ j . f / M p Po =olyester. Solids B: SIDEWINDER WlWATERBEB I Comploto With AMottross, \HIheets —r. Com pUta wHh moilr»:rou, llnor. hooter. Mil & drain ■ Hootor, Unor a Fill ; \ n d M u ted =ill Kit. All Z c i ..» j nBottom . SHEET ciHachmonls. podMtal & from o. tialnod 8 locquorododhoodboord. 1 : ’189 . lU V , - > ' '■ you A dd Is’VVotor AA nd W ood ! I Top SHEET h T U W i Pla=’la id s In A ^ From o. Any Sizo. ■ 2-PILLO\•LOW CASES V J g I HaHandsome Color ^ d. FRENCItPROVININCIAi||IATERBED I i I f < 'M eh» ony bedroom o< od|oil0n^howca»o; Ivory finlif > electio n , . iromo. canopy bod. Iwotor,Iw llnor, (IIIS droin kll. olso< n 1 1 / 9 5 9 . 9 5 I D.CHAPPARaBOI00KGASE‘WA1ERBQl [.!?[?:? m m tm ; M id alt wood In b«ouiautlful dark pino. Bod como* with Expert Free ’ • Our4Sfor«re Buying P o w er BrliSrlhgs You ' Alterations “QUAUTY AT■TA^RICEypuC A» N A FK 6R D " t;m F L o SiONBED " ^ ' " " ^ ------~H a»tti8 floronon-ofovI’w aiorbod Look» liko • , • Financing A valiqbje Oni A pprove • btibndotd.bod.Utvdcdonly’/i ohhevyalor' Ived Credit;- ' for % Iho w«lgh>..Ui« ft's Right! ' (III a drain kll. w ator iriiroolmonl. 1 R*flulorP^co*lft99.. EEP CENTER G. ALPINE U WATEIp m O ualily a t a p rice :;.'Thliliw,ttaLmu.gait.H< .- - - r ------yOi'OU c a n a iio r d :''...... ft lacquorod troma. moinoliro»»wllh 15 i , J 'yM fwBr'ranly,.doek.tlltllU d ro ln k ll. • • Slotoro Hours 10*6 Altabi ------^ • o l« r„ V n a r ,.^ 90«ldo,-Ioi-doll>orir*-«et-yp;'. . 5 Bluo lokoi Blvd.-No.------Ito.klM* ■ i L W M ■ -j ■. • I _ TV•W IN FALLS 734-83• 8 3 6 7 BURLEY •RUPERl ■". ■ '~ bava'WV Q o H o n

I ’ 1 .1' •' i T huradjiday, A u g u sta ?, I9 8 i------Tlmes-^es-Nows. Twin Falls, Idaho A-11 • . ^ J —- t, Isra ed a g r e i ^ . . ALEXANDRIA. Egyi jm )^„.-JiThc-hlBh ilBhllght-of-our-talkswas-our- in-lhe-Israell— er.-but-Bt-BegIn politely-qualified lhalhat ------“i t l s m y consideredd Jopinion that-it— « o u g h t-to-to—allay—fears—that—the— - * reed Wednesday acreemenlent-that we resume the talks tb rtaume lhe stalle ks occupied West Bank and a thc .Gaza statement.ill. Is not only possible bui3ul even neces- normallzalIzatlon proccss, currently ailed lalks on full autonomy Issue . . . in thcrte Strip. Palestinian autonomy ne " I woulcuid like tbe cease-fire on thcthe sary to achieve agrceisement wilhoul sluggishI at besl, would slow even ; next monlh. sccond halfofScptcmber."hai " Talking to reporters, 1 But their leaders side 5, lhe Iwo lead- northern1 border b« to go on Indefinitely,"y /' th c organization callccscrtD reverts to Egyptian In disagrccm cnl by EEynlpt lastI y ear afler passage of a sensitive Issues dlsscucussed during agrwd. as; sincc th c talks were susi assum ing wc (Israel) are not L ater, back in Israelael. Begin also control inIn AApril under the term s of the suspended more lirocraell law on Jerusalem, hadJd Ihelr talks - the Israel lhan a year afio. _ sell raid on an being attactacked anywhere In the world,'Id. said normalization off relations be- 1979 peacece treaty.t - been sougjughl by Begin. He was re-e- Iraqi nuclear reactor,, thet air strike I would wj ■ C d n iW In ^ (Reir m h want-il to go on Indefinitelycly tween Egypt and Israirael_would be “WhatI wewt reached together (in the Ith sum m ll in ported l10 o feel t the need lo demonstratete against Palestinian gueuerrilla offlccs undersuch i ^-four-~^rs, ,|:gyptiar ichcondltlons,"hesaid. stepped up, particulalyy inI the flelds'of pcace treaIreM y) is a ful! strategic Ilan President progress5 inI thc peace process beforere in a civilian quarter of B A nw ar Sadat and Isi ’ Beirut and the Prcdlclai:iably. Begin and.SadaLcon*.on-__ agriculture, tourism iand cultural agreement.ent. Strategy means continu- Israeli Prime his (irstst summll wllh Presidenlnl cu rren t cease-fire belwciveen Israel and tinued to Minister Menachem Be :o disagree on the eventualLial exchanges. ity. 11 Is not a tactical move," he said, Begin lold ReaganSeI Sept. 8. th c PLO in soulh Lebaoot porters thc autonomy »n. * inclusion1 ofc lhe Palestinians In theihe Begin w as asked in AUMexandriaifhe Begin salisaid he had raised lhat Issue uy lalks would But whcvhether the talks themselves» "We differed. Bul therlere w ere some peace proci resume Sept. 23. Egyp ■ocess. ------made-any concessions; tot( win Sadat's wllh Sadat,jat, "not bccausc wc had any Syptlan sources made proiirogress was open to consld-d-, points of agrecment.vV Sadat said, Sadatsai added thc first session pn said bolh the Palestinians andnd assent lo resum e the autlUtonomy talks, doubts,”’ bibut because it was being . I probably would erabledouloubt.fivcnthewldcgulfsthat' It citing thc truceenglnecn2red last month J o rd a n 's K 1x5 heid in New York. > King Hussein should Join theJie “This Is a simple agrgreement," he raised elseelsewhere. He said Sadat’s sep aratec ithe Egyptian and IsraeliII by U.S. envoy Philip HabIiblb. peace talk;jlks after Egypt, Israel andnd replied. "The suggestio . ''W e had two fruitfiJitful meetings positions o lion w as m ade answ er wa:was "unequivocal. We shall s over whal should constitute^Icu. Sadat said Begin tolc)ld him Israel the Uniteilcd Stales negotiate an (by Israel) and ll wasagi yesterday and today." Sadat said, "autonomy Ig re ed .” continue• thithe peace effort. And there imy" for the t.2 million•n wanted the ceasc-flre toto last "forev- autonomy!ly agreem ent. Without being spc(leclfic, Sadat willbcnochochangeafterAprili9£2." ' T H t ______jTW/N FALLS MOJIMTH--EIME 31 m !LE[ A jR/S u s i i CE I HOPFFRID/ . 1 0) ; 0 0 ^ 9^:00

4 Red blazors wowore $20, 12.99 7 .9 9 j 10 Torry jogging shortiorts woro'S 12. 3.99 1 1 S trip ed d re s s w a s $ 13,3 . 1 0 .9 9 6 . 9 9 1 * 0 0 ’ P rin ted t-sHTrtft vwas$19,11.99 7 .9 9 ■ 3 N ylonon bikini p a n tie s w oro 3 .25.25,1.99 • 99‘ 9 Peasant t-shlrts woiMore $15, 5.99 2 1 Pink d ro ss w a s $ 1 3 , 1 10.' 0 .9 9 6 . 9 9 3»99 5 Tropical printIt tcto p s w o ro $24, 11.99 7.99 5 Assoro rto d b rie fs w o ro 2 .50, 1.91.99 ^99* I 2 Pull-on pants woroTO $17,6.99 3 8 Pink flo ral d re s s w a si$15,11.99 $1 y 7 .9 9 . o ie w a s $ 1 8 . 11.99 7 .9 9 3 Pink p •'00 1 Whito camisole < pantios woro $6, 4.49 2 .9 9 4 Boltod trousers worvero $23, 5.99 3 1 Y o llo w /w h lte d re s s wwas as $28; 13.99 8.99 1 Rod co tto n pantan t w a s $ 2 1,.13.99 8 .9 9 ------6 Pinkc underwlrou bros w ore^10.7.19 10. 3.99- c 4 B oltod tro u s e rs wvoro or $22, 5.99 3 3 Blue terry suit w as $20,2 0 .1 5 .9 9 ______9 .9 9 3 T rim m ed w hilto ite b lo u so s w e re $ 2 5 ,1 5 .99 ! 9 9 .9 9 2 G ra y rnylon g o w n s w o ro $2 01.7 ,7 , .9 9 4 ^ 9 ^ ______1 4 Cotton trousers woiworo $ 2 4,-6.99 3 ._1.Rlnk.terry-sUit.wcs $20..2 0 .-lJ .9 9 ______^ 9 .9 9 _ _ jIa ^ Polka dot'droMOMOS woro $24,i 6.99 ~— ;io:99------"3~Fi5raTa l p rin t g o w n s w o re $12,1.7.99 7. 4.99 1 2 W hite L/S b lo u so svswore . $25,7.99 4 1 Pink o v e ra lls s e t w a s1 $2 0 , 15.99 9 .9 9 4*99 2 Knit print drossi9SS0S w e re $ 3 2 , 16.99 10.99 4 Shortrt tte rry cover-ups w e re $;13,7.99 13 4.99 t 3 Blue L/S b io u se s wwere e 17.99,7.99 4 4 D re sse s w /h o t & o p roan n vw o s $ 2 0 , 15,99 9 .9 9 4 . 9 9 J Bluo & w h ite dr«dress wos $24, 16.99 10.99 2Plnklc: long g o w n s w e re $ 16, 9.927.99.21.99 27 17.99 15 Cotton shorts w eroro 2$14, 9.99 5. t to p s w o re $ 2 8 , 17.99 fo o 3 Tropical print to 1 1 .9 9 9 C ottonsn flo ral gow ns w e re $ 2 22.13.99 , 1 8.99' th irdf floflc o r t o Roll ilo e v e tunics wtw o ro $ 2 2 , 9.99 5 5, .9 9 • 3 Fri^god navy blc blouses were $30, 19.99 1 2 .9 9 2 W h itee g{ o u zo m oo-m oo's w e rea $37.$: 15.99 9.99 h . >4 Pancy c o lla r b lo u sesSOS were $23, 9.99 5. f 'o f t 7 W hite b e lte d poiponts wore $31, 19.99 12.99 IPinkgag a u z e cover-up w o s $24,.i, 1:15.99 9.99 B ;4 P o ly e ste r sk irts w^oro o n $24, 9.99 5. 5.99 2 Red linen blazerzers woro $36, 23.99 15.99 6 Boorded e r p rirtfm o o -m o o 's w ore r e $30 ) 12.99 ™ .44 A sso rte d t-sh lrts WOIw oro 9 .9 9 • 5 . 1*99 2 Boige linen blozilazors wore $38. 24.99 1 5 .9 9 ______4 W hitoo tot rry ro b e s w o ro $30, 19.19.99 12.99 1 14 Zip front pants woresro$19,8.99 5. 7 S/S sportshlrts. wore $18$18,5.99 3.99 I ' l l 1 Print s k irt w oIS 5 $3 $ 2 . 2 3 .9 9 ■ 1 5 . 9 9 '_____3 Y ello wiw.torry . robes wore $30,19,19.99- 12.99 3 2 3 W olking shlH s wiTro»ro$25, 11.99 ...... 7 . 3 S /S p laid sh irts w e ro $1$15, 5 7 .9 9 ------4 . 9 9 7 0 0 * W hite b o lto d sk!sk irt w a s $ 3 7 , 23.99 15.99 2Pinknynylon gowns wero $ 12.99 20 ■ • l2 Gauze shirts worej$19, $' 12.99 7. !0 S/S shirts, w ere $15, 8.991.99 4 .9 9 7.99 3 Goorgotto drossossos wore $44, 24.99 15.99 .1 eiuowrw ro p ro b e w a s $ 3 2 , 20.99?9 13.99 20 V4 Pull-on skirts weree $18,S 11.99 7. 50 Solid S /S sh irts w o ro $515.7.99 1 5 4.99 7*99 2 Jacket drosses)S Vwore $48, 25.99 1 6 .9 9 4 S trip e9 mn oo-m oo's w e ro $ 3 4 , 21.'21.99 13.99 16 3 6 Print S/S b lo u se s wwore ei $20, 12.99 7. 16 C asuol jo ck o ts w o ro $37,>37,12.99 7.99* 7 * 9 9 3 T-shirt d ro ssoIS s vsw o ro $ 4 2 ’ 27.99 17.99 11 White} g o w n /ro b o s e t w a s $ 34,4.24.99 2 15.99 14 -13 Pull-on pants w ere $ 14 C asu al jo ck o ts w e ro $37,537, 12.99 3 2 .9 9 d SIB, 11.99 7 7. . 9 9 3 W hite g o u zo drodrossos woro $44. 28.99 1 8 .9 9 1 0 S trip e r< } ro b o s w o ro $ 35, 2 7.99 1 8 .9 9 stro o t floorflc 3 S/S p rin t b lo u se s nvoi.voro $21, 13.99 8.99 8.' 3 Navy print drossossos woro $48, 31.99 2 0 .9 9 21 Button front skirts w«woro $19, 13.99 ^ 8*99 8.' 3 Wlno sundressesISOS w ore $48. 31.99 2 0 .9 9 n H B B 13 B ordor p rin t sk irts;woro$21, w« 13.99 8.99 8.' 3 Cropo drossess worow $44, 32.99' 2 1 .9 9 M H H 10 Printed t-shirts woroiro $19, 13.99 8-99 8.' 4Stripocropodro!Irossos wero $52, 34.99 2 2 .9 9 4 Plostlctoblocloths weroro 55.99, 1.99 - 99* ______6 Gauze pants woroi$17, $1 13.99______88.»99 ^ l-Vono.L/S.drott-wit-wat^60^9-9S QiQ 0 0 ■ 9 A ssortei■ted b ra c e le ts w o re 7 .50,,2.49 2. 99* ^ ---- 2 Assorted napkjn.s woro-^;o-2;50, 1.89 99*' 5 Zip fro n t p a n ts w oroTO $19, 13.99 8.99 8.‘ 4 Novy cropedres!resses w ere $64, 41.99 27 99 Assortoi e a rrin g s w o re $ 3, 9 99' ' '49* ‘ 12 4 9 . 4 4 ‘Co t’ to a s te r c o v ers w ok re o $7, 1.99 99' ^ 3 T -shirts w o re $ 22, 1 15 5.99 9 .‘.9 9 stroet floor .4 WalletsIts w e ro 1.99. 99* 3 T -shirts w a re $24, 1515.99 9 ,‘ _____ . 5 Assortoil e d b ra c e le ts w e re $ 4. 1.2^.29 4 9 - 1 'O von m itt w a s 2 .7 5 , 2.39.39 99* I 2 5 Boltod co tlo n p a n tsswore$21, w 15.99 9/ - .JjTAssortoito d b ra c e le ts w o re $5..9I9< 9 ‘ 4 9 . 4 Assorted plocomats woreore $5, 3.99 1.99 ; - 1 f*urple/groon bikiniilwas$23, w 14.99 ^ 9.^ m ^ m 4 Assort©*tod bracelets were 7.50,,2.49 2. 99* 1 J! Pot g ro 'b b o r w a s $ 5 , 4.49.49 2 .9 9 y l l 1 W hite s w e a te•r r d re ss w a s $62, 11.99 1 P u rp le bikini w a s $24524.15.99 9.5 '•99 8 Assortecte d b ra c e le ts w o ro $ 6 , 1.99.99 9 9 * 1 T ' o a ste r c o v e r w a s 4.75,5,4.29 4 2.99 2 2-pc. fiorol printsints woro 14.99 1 S tring bikini w a s $23,23.14.99 9.5 70/^ssOrtocto d e o rrln g s w o re $5, 1.595 9 . 9 9 * 5 5Tablecloths were 5 3.99 1 Lovnndnr su n drcd ro ss w a s 14.99 1 1 A sso rte d L/S b lousosos wero $23''T5.99 - 10;S ri! SNmklac,a c e s w o ro 7 .50, 2.49 9 9 « 4 4 B lankots w o re $ 2 2 th oan n 112.99 7.99 1 Black & w h ite ddr< ro ss w a s $ 3 2 , 14.99 6 S/S poly blousos woreo re $ 2 3 , 16.99 10.S 2 Necklocc□cos w e re $ 6 , 1,99 9 9 . 1 152"sq. tablecloth w as$li$19, 14.99 9.99. 2 G rey 2-pc. dross*>ssos woro 14.99 7 T-shirts w o ro $27, 16.99 16. 10.9 o ’o o ® A ssortected bracelets wero $5. 1.59.59 9 9 * 2 2 Foam ru b b e r pillow s wvere en $32, 18.99 11.99 I 'p o 3 Blue b o lte d (^ros!•ossos worq_$44, 14.99 ____ 4 Plaid L/S b lo u so s w/ore en $24, 17.99 11.9 ------o ' H ------2 A s s o r.ete c d b ro c e le ts w e re $10,~3;23 ;2 9 ------1 .9 9 ------1-1-70" rd .-tab leclo th w a s $3<$ 3 6 7 3 2 ;9 9 — ----- 2 1 . 9 9 ------I 2 Pink boltod drosso sso s w o ro $ 3 6 , 15.99 ;; 2 S tring bikinis w e re $2$29,18.99 11.9 4 S carv esIS 1w o ro $ 8 , 2.99 1 .9 9 >1 Full b e d s p re a d b o n e w^as a s $ 50, 2 8.99 2 1 .9 9 I 5 Assorted sun drodrossos wore 14.99 „ 2 Blue/groon bikinis wewero $28, 17.99 11.9 »s w o ro $10, 3.99 1 .9 9 .1, 1*^ ^ 1 Bolgo v e s te d ddress re w ds$44, 18.99 1 1 9 9 2 S c a rv e s . th ird floflo . o r .. ,______; 1 S trip e swiniVuit w aIS s $$2 9 , 1 8.99 1 1 .9 2 I I 7 A sso rtetod c b o lts w o re $ 8 , 2.99 1 .9 9 m 2 Bluo p rint d re ssosse s w o re $29*. 19.99 ' :22 Sldo zip p a n ts w o re»$23. $2 19.99 12.9 gs w o ro $9, 2.99 1 .9 9 m 1 N avy p rin t d roISS ss w o s $ 4 6 . 19.99 : 1299 ^Eorrlngs 7 Cotton pants were $30,19.99$3( 12.9 5 Necklace3COS w ere 12.50, 3.99 1 .9 9 1 B ordor p rin t d rosrosswcs$46, 19.99 n 7 S trip e co tto n p o n ts wcworo $30, 19.99 12.9 1.00 3 Necklace3COS w e re $11, 3.59 1 .9 9 iWM easu rin g s p o o n s o t wa s 7 5 ‘ 50* i'09 2 Floral 2-pc. printsInts woro $34, 22.99 •• 4 M ulti-stripe tro u se rsrs Vworo $32, 19.99 12.9 1 0 S H ." os ,v w e ro $13, 4.99 2 .9 9 2 0Cherry plttors woro 1.10,0, 75'7 • 50* 3 Rod s w h ito 2-pc.■pc. woro $32, 22.99 YAI 8 Llnon-look jockots weiwero $30, 19.99 12.9 i9 9 13 Scarves,s w e re -W 7 ,6.99 • 3 . 9 9 VS.S e t utility h o o k s w o ro 1.25..25,99' 75* 1*0^ 3 Two-piece dressosses wero $34, 22.99 I 6 Black jackets wore $3.1,19.99$3. 12.9 2 S carv es5 wV e ro $15, 5.99 3.99 .. 1 W 2 Bolted print dres!resses wore $34, 22.99 M em o h o ld e rs w o ro 1.25,15,99' ^ 75* . 3 W hite b lo u so s w e re)$34,21.99 $C 13,9 a g w a s $ 1 5 ,6 .9 9 3 . 9 9 iWWoven hanger was $4,1.9f1.99 . 99* *09 1 Pink w/whito trintrim w a s 2 2.99 I ' l l ' ” ■’" ‘''> -9 . 5 S /S poly jdcR ets w e roro $30,: 20.99 13.9 J7” 3 NecklaceICOS w e ro $ 20,-6;99------3 .9 9 2 W oodon sp o o n s w e r e $22 99* • ‘0 9 1 Pink w /w h lto trintrim wos 22.99 2 Sllk-look b lo u so s w orooro $46, 22.99 14.9 a g s w o re $ 3 0 ,1 2 .9 9 7 .9 9 2 UUtility forks wero $2 9 9 . 3 Boltod b lu o d rosso sso s w o ro $ ^ 8 . 24.99 i s i l l “ “ “ '’‘'‘■‘■a 5 V lolo p rin t b lo u se s wworo o $32. 23.99 15.9' ______stro e t floor ______1 GG lo ss pie p la te w a s 3 .95,5 .1 1. .9 9 99* ‘9 9 1 Blue & w h ite dIross ros w a s $ 4 0 , 25.99 2 Rod print t-shirts worejre $36, 23.99 15.9' Stainless forks w ore 6.75,5 .1 1 .9 9 99* ‘99 2 Groen dressesI wwi o ro $ 5 8 . 26.9 9 4 Printed shorts wereI $38,$3 24.99 15.9' Wineglass w as2.99, 1.99 *99 2 PIn-strIpe drosses:ses woro $56, 36.99 ?9 99* 5 Denim jeons woro $30130.23.99 ^15.9' l-shirts wero 5.50,3.99 1 .9 9 2 V.Vegetable stoomors >^ororo i$ 4 2 .9 9 *99 S d ro s s e s w/o en re $ 6 .4 ,4 1 .9 9 2 8 9 9 2 S trip e t-sl 1 p u rp le sw jm su it w a s $$: 3 8 , 2 4 .9 9 15.9* SIdokick d ish e s w e re 7 .60, 1 Ja c k e t d ro ss w«as as $ 6 6 , 4 3.99 2 9 9 9 2 W h ite toptops w e re $ 5 ,3 .9 9 1 .9 9 3 Si 60.4.99 2.99 2 W hite p rin t Sw irpsultsIts w' o ro $ 3 6 , 2 3.99 1 5 .9 ! Stainless flatware was 12.52.50,4.99^ 2.99 *^9 3 Blue print dressesiSos w o ro $ 7 6 , 49.99 3 3 9 9 4 F ancy neeleck t-sh lrts w e re 6 .50, 4.9!».99 2 .9 9 2 St 2 G re e n s trip e blouses-viisworo $40, 25.99 16.9! W oven tro y w os $ 8 ,4 .9 9 6 Bluo s a ilo r d ro ssesses wero $96, 63.99 42 99 ^ Bluot-shiiihirt w o l6.25, 4.99 2 .9 9 I W > 2 .9 9 : 6 Broadcloth skirts wore»re $ 4 4 . 2 8 .9 9 , 18.9< • ' 3 Bluo pant;ints w o re $ 7 , 4.99 * 2 .9 9 1 ScSet o f 4 g la s s e s w o re $ 4 3.99 m e z z a n in e 5 Broadcloth pants woro)ro $44, 28.99 ' 18.9< 2 Pink ta nnk k to p s w ero 6 .50, 4.99 2 .9 9 2 SSll llvorplate fo rk s w e re $12,12.6.99 3.99 1 Black print swimsuittwos$52,33.99 Wl 21.9^ 2 S trip e sun;un to p s w o re 8.50, 5,99 3 .9 9 ■ 1 UtUtility d ish In b a s k e t w oss $1$ 1 8 , 6 .9 9 3 .9 9 “ 2 Blue linen pants w orere $54,J 39.99 25.9?ill iiHSft ■ ■ ■ ' 2 T rim m edkJ Ib lu e p an ts w e re $ 8. 5.99.99 3.99 rc'Culsinort' opron was $13,3.7.99 7 4,99 • 3 Broadcloth blazers wervero $62, 40.99 26.95.9 9 lo rts w o re $ 8 ,5 .9 9 Cutting board was 17.95, 4.99 6 Sldo button panta n ts w o re $ 34, 5.99 3 9 9 6 T ig er shoi 3 .9 9 • ' 1 Cl [>' 5 Natural linen blazors5were$110,81.99 w 54.95 g o v e ra lls w ero 8 .50, 6.99 Recipe box was 9 4 .9 9 ’99 13 B olted p o n ts wworo oi $34, 5.99 3;,, 3Snopl.gc ?9 3 .9 9 1 Re 2 Bluecheck blazors worvere $115, 85.99 56.95 Microwave rack was $8 4 .9 9 7 Knit p a n ts w o ro :2 1 .9 9 , 8.99 j 99 3Denlmpaipan ts w e re $ 8 , 5.99 3 .9 9 1 Ml stretot o t flo o r Eloctrlc co n o p e n e r w a s' 5.99 4 S/S strip e blouseuses wero $23, 10.99 ^ [ 9 9 4 R ed 2 -pc c suits : woro $10,7.99 4 . 9 9 1 El. Ico c u b e tra y w a s 1 0.15 • 4 S/S b e ig e blousejsos wore $25, 10.99 ^ ‘9 9 13 2 *pc. sw/imsults in wore $10,7.99 4 . 9 9 1 l« 5 .9 9 u n su it w a s $ 1 0 ,7 .9 9 Dmelet pan was 10.99 6 .9 9 . 5 Loco trim -blouso!ISOS w o re $ 2 6 , 10.99 ^ * 9 9 « 1 S trip e sun 4 . 9 9 1 Ol l^ o g u rtm o k e rw o s 16.99.', 1(10.99 6.99 1 Eyelet loco blous3USO w a s $ 2 8 , 11.99 7 . 9 9 2 P in k ruffleffle overalls w ere 10.50.7.!7 .9 9 4 . 9 9 1 Yc sq . dish In b a s k e t w a si$17, $1 10.99 ‘ 6.99 2 R ed c a m iso le s w e ro $1$10.5.99 ( 3.9' •9 9 1 W hite t-sho p irt w top a s $ 2 4 , 11.99 j ’9 9 . 1 P ink shortalls o rt w e re $12, 9.99 5 .9 9 . 1 B"i" lelishdlshwos 6 .9 9 7 Stripe S/S t-shlrts weroTO $14. 8.99 5.9' •99 3Plnkt-shirttops\ps w e r e $ 2 4 , 11.99 7.99 IPinksuniiniuitwosSl 1,8.99 5 . 9 9 1 Ro Zopper b ow l w o s 19.99, 12.12.99 7.99 - 6 Stripe S/S t-shlrts worore :$15, 9.99 5.9' •99 3GroonS/Sblousiuses woro $27, 11.99 7 I9 9 1 Long sunsinsuit w as 11.50. 8,99 5 . 9 9 1 Co >,ot.bangorwas$16, 11.9999 7 .9 9 9% slo o v o t-sh lrts w o roro $14,J 8.99 5.9' •99 6 White S/Su ses blouse w o ro $ 3 5 , 14.99 9 * 9 9 1 L ace trimm o I v eralls w ero $ 1 1 .8 .9'9 9 5.99 ~ 1P^ j,;9, aPlnk&whl :oppor tea kottio wos 14.954.99 9 .9 9 ^Pucker knit tops wereo $$15. 9.99 . 5 .9 ' •99 ' 4 Fterol printousoswere$25, blous 17.99 • vh ite to p s w os $ 13, 9.99 5 .9 9 1 Co :o s s o ro le d ish w a s 15.500 r • 9 .9 9 SPuckor knit tops woro0 $ 1 4 , 8 .9 9 - 5 .9 ' .99 7 Patch pockotIMnts panw e r e $ 3 2 . 23.99 15*99 1 Multi-coloillor d re ss w os $ 12. 9.99 5 .9 9 1 Co Iro ss c a n d le h o ld e r was 22.50,2 2 . 14.99 9.99 6 L av en d er & w h ite camisded te rry to p s w e re 13.50. lO.S0 .9 9 - ■'6.99 1 Sll' 19:99“ fysultwos$15, Vi99 . ■lummol fig u rin e w a s 126.9'6 .9 9 .8 5 .9 9 ------5 7 .9 9 1 Rljffle n eck b lo u se w a3 s J$17, 10.99 6.9!.9 9 Im e z z a n in e 1 B lue te rry 6 . 9 9 1 Hu ■ 1 Blueberrieties jeans were $14,10.9999 6 .9 9 th ird flooilo o r — ------A-12 Tim es-N ow s, rwInF,n Falls. Idaho Thursday. Au|A ugusl 27,1961

— ^ — S r T M J O I N 1T H E G R{EAT I I 1 ^ F FROZEN CHIIC K EN r I SHIP• m m H T ° lBERRIES MO\^ E M EIN I T I - At Swennsen's Markrkets - H O u r la!ast shipmentit of frozen Iice cream, ice i cream top tc pin g- i^erytime Swetisisen's have fresesh chickens H . H berries-!—has-.just atarrived from (and cobblers; are just a fe•ew fun onn sale, the ttiTiovement isi truly' phe- H H O regon.n. Most prices aare less than \ways to use b<)erries. molomenal, so dor>n't let a g reaIt t movement H ■ last yea!ar, so don't wiwait 'till next (Compare the9 price and C|quality __ liktke_this -pass ]you buy. Gel>et involved-B^ y e p tto) take 1 odvanfacage of all the tof our berriees with thosee from inI the Great (C hicken AAovjvement at ■ H .delicibu!us ways to eii■tijoy berries, cany other source. si They'ir're as Swh G ra d e A ■ I.Q.F.^t ■ ^ B L A C V ^ BUCHck T — c^ RED l/VHOLLE F R Yf ER S I CKBERRIESXisw o o ta n o d . > RASPBERIRRIES V J V ...... f RASPBERRIES (AAaricrionberrles *iad X ^ ...... U nsw ootonod JOIbs;----- aiiisT^ y — lOlbsTTT^ !,/l M M l 1^ I TUB ^ 7 GOiOAAPLETE f- I.B.F“f- 1^RASPBERRIE!* ^ IES X X iogANBERI IBERRIES^SraVIWBERRES^STRfllIflWBERRIESX^^^UT-UP R S ^ Uniweotened »'»BOYSENBt w ootonod Swi U n tw so te n U n i w ..l . iw..,.„d > gr, - 1 ^ 281b. t i n . . . RADE A •• 30 l b sil' . . - X S ’ ' > lbs... V r JYERS...... 1 3 ] P l . ™ , Rath 1 st Labibel liC|.E«: Individually Ir Quluick Frozen. EEasy to l^se, LICED BA JlJust like loose m arbles in a bdox. _ j F h e Pound P a c k ag e r I . 4 9 ^ L Large HassH 36's ^ B0ISfiJfeLESS I AVO(>CADO Ai S IN; V- For...... ^ 3 1 .0 0__> Compulsiv, , ■ive food bot'•ttlers and P H ii^ I H G iant ig preserverss! As always,i, Swensen's M orrells5 Goiden'Snim oked m — - a r ^ f ^ lc tftng-a-complSfttensppply of“ luiEYDEWI la. . . /MELOKSf. . - — canning and c freezingig su p p lies Fresh Gigantntlc Heiad e eachch including jar;, of all ssizesi jelly WHOLE.-. . . S t r i WER...... ______ad glasses,tod pipicklitiq lime,, pineapple e x tra c t, fre^ f dill, ggarlic, red Sigm on's arge - Local ' 5 Hickory Snrm oked ■ p e p p e rs, picklitig oni

v F r'u it wv a s b)ig b tLisine2SS irn e a r■ly d aays H a z e ltcton man recallsr y w o r k inn dad’s or>rchard B ylO R A Y N E O.SMITHITH purchase!ised one-half mile south of '—^imes-News wriler . K im b ejrty. rl After lhe trees' m atu redcd. , Ihelr produce was shippedd throughoutt^ the country, ELTON - Raillolph B alsch's "W c gigrubbed 40 acres out of father used old giassSS rnegatives of sagebrusiush and grew w heal," Baish pioneer photographeiiher - Chirence • said. Bulut as soon as his father gol ______BisbceinhisliQtbeds.—s______the.orchaihard_golng,Jt.t>ecameJheir___ R i Balsclj, 80. wtio) farmed1 for principal)alcro p , » : i , y,' nearly iialf a century■ysoulhwKlot s Theeidi}lder Baisch. for whom both Hazelton. came lo the !fcu'•• • ■ ^ >l>= a son andnd a grandson, who lives In • t - - •' t . tra c t with his fam ilyi'a as s a Child Of 5 Tw in Fal^alls, were named, was a in 1906. J / . Bowi frienlend of Mr. Blsbec.-Some of -v'-’r But his father, Jpn•fio. nrst ook t t e prom,imolional pictures the pho- his family on a Iclsurturely visit In lographcrier look to help attract set- California en route,herhere from Col- 1]^% |„ u,,the a rea w ere taken on his orado where Ralph w:ainas boni. May father's> piplace, Baisch said. " ll.lW l.inPalisade., The Balsches wereI're slaying In H e doesxjsn't know why the photo- O akland tn the springgoll906,whcn ol graphergir gave the glass plates lo his the famed earthquakeike devastated fainer, bbul they were put lo X > . ... San Francisco April 18.13 practicalal iuse In the Baisch hotbeds ______“We.wercjas.close.a!e as you could-— wlfere.Jh'.they, .conlrlbuted-to- the— - ____ . ..be and.not be.tnJt,lLBiLBaisch said.____erowlh.oLoLlomatocs.-cabbage,-cau-— r- Even though he wasIS ionly 5, the jin o w erarand other types of vegeta- event was unusual cnccnou^ lo re- ’ m ain in his mind. Baish s£said his dad peddled his j His family was sicesleeping when fresh prcproduce “alt over the | the tremors startedI eiearly In lhe counlry"" includingii Oakley. Burley i m orning. Dishes Inn the house and evenn a s far as Hailey. I where they were stayinlying began lo * H e saidid his dad's hotbeds were I ' fall and a piano rolledled across the - special. H sonSOI operates and he and O akland, they w ere unh ressed into the produce produce. W ar I the; wwooden boxes were hard A fter working with hisis Ifather for his wife haihad done considerable damage was not slgniflc !, too. When he was about “I always let Harry’ doc ail the toobtalnsoiso they shipped by bulk, two y ears. Baish began fffarming at traveling,, including In trips to sec th ere for young Bai: eighth grade he and his talking." the Hazelt•lion man gyi aHf,Q,hough their dad was an the Hazelton farm wherere he has their daughti;ghter, Madeline Patrick,. m em ber, bul the thi H arry, would bring a load laughed. ilicorchardlst, Baish said lived nearly six decades,s. He cam c and familyiy inin Redmond. Ore. . stands oul In his mindlind were the ?f i hncSi But 11 w asn't all work.'!.HIS,ather S S f''; th ere In the fall of 1922, shels of frull to the Satur- c nor any of his brothcrrs They have fires set off by the seververeauake.il 5* ” . had the first six-cyllnd( — next-spring- married - la.ve. eight grandchildren tion behind lhe Idaho De­ • coniinue in the buslnoss.------grcat-granddilldrcn. Of w as smoKy by day, bUlwhenni^t u l' nnrtmpnl9 Twin Falls and Baish“■ r S ; ; Dougherty in Caldwell ApiorM 29 ^ my fires gave Partmenill StoreS in Twin Falls, : too risky a business — rothers, John. H arry, Art fell the flames of many displayed it in ih e first auauto parade *' '< A ctive In civic life,tf. Baisch Slfrt'Ti*'' an erloglow across Ihev.le wqter. They broirought from 75 cenls lo 51 held In th at town in 1913H an T d tS y east o r famine,*' he said, served 36 y ears on-the ter, only the latter is still ______B a l^ said his falh(ilher w as an a bushel., WWhen tJie£ustoj5 ers w e re ______p h o l^ raj)h ed by Mr. Blsbsboe ■ T here couldlid bc.h'all or frost to niin H ighway.Dlstrict, from Di hn w as in the oil business, a^liortlciillurisl andlidWer'farm- men Ih'e^fslrnply took the ffuffan^ The famlly'ojthard1 opjfalloF,..^ i *''' F™?-'''-And the boys worked 1941 tb'1977, and several «raled-Baisch-Motor-in— - - winlerprunlng. ing northw est of-TwiniFalls-forone F j - Jeft,- but'Wl' whCJT-u-omen would"buy .employed from.40 to SOipel^nslo--:"'‘“''yalUI p the Hazelton grade school lls and Art farmed at - t year, he began plantingIng fruil tre e s ...... they wouldlid say. “We’have no way pick the frull which vwas thon They pruirudentty planted grain • When h e w as 69 l]c turm Waller Baish lives In of_.all kinds on 80Ul acrcs he lo eel it honlome.” So the Baisch boys packed for In crates; al thoir between the rows of trees and tion of his farm over lotohirs:;: Bnghton,i«i

l p j < l ■*

f ^ -

;iVS ■ ■


R a l p h B a l s c h1 ,f, 80.l o f H azelton stillI ddrives tru ck for his son>n 8i fanning operationsIS Baisch*h’s fath er. Jo h n , h ad1 a six-cyllnderi ca r In Tw'win Falls’ flrst auto parparade In 1913

Sourcef>s of infcormatior)n listed1 to assiii s t s e h i dDrs in ne2w townn s

© MusickProductlons - assistance? T. W. H cartlinc has found thallat mosl peo- of her moneyley returned.i ANSW ER:I: Specialized nursing pic | who use up their .Medlldicarc cover- (B) Mr.. Sr Sm llh had two heart at- HeariJInc Is a scrvice for fo senior Mm hom o c are is available In Veterans age are those who have totc go in and tacks and1 opopen heart' surgery this citizens. Jts purpose Is to answer ^ Adminislratio:tlon or private nursing out i of th e hospital severalilimesinone I ycar.Hewast/as hospitalized for a lotal of questions and and solve protfroblems. If H e a r i• t U n e^ hom es for coiconvatesccnts or persons year wilhout having ai chance to 83 days overer thetl three hospitallzallons you have a question or a proljroljlem not ' not acutelyI 11111 and not in need of remain ] at home GO dayays between and neverr wasw home for 60 days answered In these columns,as, write lo hospital care,*6. Details about eligibility , hospllal ] visits. betw een theie hihospitalizations. HeartJIne. 114 East Daytoni/j 6St.. West assistan ce youou need, you can contact zallons za can probably suggesiest help for are avaiablolo at all 172 VA medical '• The Medicare suppiem(ments which So, all 8313 days di counl as onc hospi- llowlng o^anizations and yo Alexandria, Ohio 45331. Yoa'ou will re- any of th e follo' you from areas that you wot/ould never centers. Contafitact the one nearest you. pay j the firsl $204 deductictible under tallzallon, aas s fa r as M edicare Is con- celve a prompt reply, butt yiyou must discuss your• problemp: or question. If have ha thought of yourself. H EA RTLININ E : I will become ellgl- Part i A of Medicare cann be a good eemed. Mr.r. SSmilh owes the first $204 answ er youjLfluestion o r 1 Include a self-addressed,I, stamped i „ahcy cannol an If you ever have an em ergrgencyand bleforMedIcaicaro coverage in October. Investm | ent f o r ' those wh(fho visit lhe P a rt A deduciductible and from the 61st Istance themselves, they ne envelope. The most useful repliesrep v/m provide asslsu need assistance or trans;isportallon, i have been stistudying the possibility of hospital i tw ice In onc yeir'ear, having through thele 8383rd days he owes $S1 per will try lo rclecfer you to someone who ca be printed In this column. call any, o r all, of the abov<>ve sources my needing{ a Medicare supplement been t hom e 60 days betweenon visits, and . d ay for a lotalotat of $1,377. rganizatlonsare: un HEARTUNE: My husbanJand and I unlil you gel the aid you nccleed. If you insurance poll>oIlcy to accompany this - -

. W ®L#olfinng i H qvV ab o ilut senlio rs c:hann«lel? : — — --B.v'JACfCV.'FOX— _ “an d "mose ^ wno arciu^pldfn lonelyii^yr' ’effect of pultlng'UiIhlrnTIirth’esupplfr '^alcli’aking the meabuiit uf tportsis- W leads to what this essayy i:is all ment was to-say-t(-to-those-who-donjt - demon:nonstratcd by the baseball strike: ------OXNARD.-Califr-(;-(UPI)— My-wife— about*-Jt“Vtelcvlsioni^•thc'futu^e^ rc'BS'lt— have'"pay'TV."^T'EooIPwhat you're and'ltsi'its'fociisTJmntjney^ind- nothing’— and I have found thatlat we a rc watching concer;cmMhc older generations and,am In missing." else; on both sides, one can foresee a : television more nov;ow that we have partlJCTCQtaffJiw we will be affectetcted by Greed is as Amererican as apple pic, day,f eveni if you suffer from; retired. - p ay “nT^AvSlch right now Is sto5rming n r of course, so I aiscIso find it no great asUgm;igmatism, when thc World Series* It takes no great bibrain to figure out th e ran■ampaifts of the "free" networl/orks. surprise to see thetie socalled "free" isjustjjstJillMlebitextrapnpayTy. : why. Wc have morore tim e but less i donJon't thiAk thc om ens augurur well> TV outlets carrying;Ig paid com m ercials Andnd who would question th at t h e r ' m oney to spend on)n other forms of for usLIS old folfe. Television is on the for thc programsLoMhe < "pay" TV Supericr Bowi, the Masters', golf: escapism . thcesmshholdtif the blggesfchangee slsince 'outlets,' altho'Clh the tl latter will do loumijm iy flh e pro baskelball playoffs; It's certainly not ththat tho program s It poke,finals- think that if aulomotoblles could some- my gos;osh, you can actually sec the I , though 1984 time is running: I he ball------r loved. " particul:ularly, one blurb and, tl how be banned frofrom that 2l-lnch shoott offo the bat to center field in thc about a boxing' manatch between two short,rt. thet Olympic Games should not ' screcn, half the TTV shows would PoloGtGrounds. ., ___ m edia-hyped noneniintltles saying thot- bcreseieserved for those wilh the buck? : disappear overnight.t. Thec 0other day I read a letter totothe subscribers to a piporticular pay TV Butwu l why stop at sports? The best in ; A colleague who reiretired at the same . editortr iiin our metropolitan newspappap^;" channel would be entitleder to see that music,5ic, 1the best in drama, 20TH centu-; tim e I did never wateItched TV -and I— It pub)ublishes on Sundays afl TV world-shaking ehcbiCounter for only a ry F Fox o x has Jusfstgned a deal tO' mean never. Whenn he moved to a supplerlement listing the programsnsfor slightextrachargec! (SIS a household to produccluce rhovles only for pay TV first' cabin on a mountainilnside. it was his thc coirlomlng week on thc e l^ t ava:ivaila- beexact). showingwing. ■ intent to have no tel:clevlsion set any- ble chaihannels. Those people hadd paid for Installa- Myy S(solution is a separate channci; \ " w here In the place. HHe finally gave in Receicently,--the supplement added adc tion and joining thchc channel on the calledDd DSC1 (Deserving Senior Citi.; to his wife’s protestss tbut I can see him listingsigs o rth e new movies, sportsts a£ n d prom ise that they wovould see top sports' zens).i). ItI would be limited to those of' now up th ere In the ppines steadfastly spcclallal program s available to those th< events. But now it wwas a slight extra us who can remember and vcHfy: averting his eyes andid ears.^ who hahad bought one of the payly ' TV charge for two gladiidiators who would seeingng MiltonI Berle. Sid Caesar and: It takes a rugged inindividualist to do cab leo! outlets. i — run from the ring' at£ the sight of a Imogcnigene Coca. that and. whether wiwe like It or not. Thee v.w riler of the letter pointed^ out,o class fighter like JiJoe Louis (not lo So,I, foifor free, wc gel to sec reruns of; television plays an1 IncrpasinglyI af- quite aeen fired t>ecauseof old age. the hill. But most o)f f today's relirees . { T he bride wore a. gown go of organza A rcce.iception was held at the Parish ish retirement. Howcv;cver. some workers have askcisked aro physically capablc luntecrs in cities and rural areas and lace with a sweeteetheart 'nccklinc Hall. Jo Die of doing a lot of Joyce Turney, Joan Frietag.2g. Maybe American bibusiness and In- to be moved m( to less onerous or■ lcless work. alike shouldsho start locating paid part- iind a bodlcc of cmtembroidered lace Connie! SSmith, M a^ Olavarria and dustry should be remiminded that thc importartan l positions when their jotjobs They also are smsmart. They are ‘^nic work woi for retired citizens and jjccented with seed pcpearls. She car- Marj^ Ali Alberdi served. Angie Holland“nd e ra of "old folks In rrocking chairs'’ got tooI toughto for them, ire well-educated settingIg u up job banks where seniors ijied a bouquet of dalslalsies, carnations andKath up-tOKlate. They are ithy Jones werc In charge of the‘he ended 20 or more yearsrs ago. - Beachch understands that seniorss clcit- and wcll-dlsciplincd. . can regisegister for part-time work slm- jjnd mums and a hanlandkerchlef lhat gift tableble. Gregg end Ferol Stallings ngs Why don't a few ofththe organizations izens canran do a job. The effort to Impro'rove the situation P^y *^yy listing'I- their skills and experi- belonged to her Greareat-grandmother attendede d th e guest book, inlerested in the eldererly start a cam- Anothether of his ideas was the crc- cri of thc elderly throughgh part-tlme.paid tu r n e r. T he brbride, a graduate of Vallivue t’ue paign /or part-time'*' jobs that pay ation of of permanent part-time op-0| -Work m ust be serlousljsly approached. F a c e it I Karen Hills of Nampim pa, aunt of the High Schichool In Caldwell and Colicgc of :e it. As priccs for everything go' jof • decentpart-tlmewagci;es? portunitiililies for retirees. The comparpany The Nationai Counclicll on the Aging is up, we ai Bride, was matronI ofoi honor. Usa Southernim Idaho, is employed in Ihe e a rc going to need the money Statistics show thatat fewer than 21 surveyed;ed its various departments>and an already working onI thet project. Wc .that part • Wilkins of Twin Falls'alls and Jacque accountirtting department of Scott's Rc- jart-tim e shared work can pro- lie- percent of AmericanI nmen in the 65 to found moremo than 300 jobs lhat couldId bbc urge leaders of senlorerorganizations to duce. Huglies of CaldwellJll were brides- frlgeratloitlon. 69 age group work even c parttime, sharedbjI by part-time woekers. read the full text of BcBeach’s sptech in You cai maids. Sharee DurrlnT ln g to n of Kim- Thebriibridegroom, a graduateof Twin. i can bet it won’t be charity. We ''in- Fewer lhan 15 percenent of womon in The bestbe: idea of all lurned out to bbe the March-April issueJC of the NCOA's will cam < Iberly and Andrea HllHills of N ampa F alls HigiIigh School, College of Soulhern-;rn - , am every dollar wc get. yifere flowor girls. Idaho. BBoise State University andmd : Andy Olavarria ofr MMcCall, brolher Universitsity of'ldaho, is employed by df the bridegroom, was wi best man. KimberlyrlySchool District. •- Groom sm en w ere Ra;Ray Alberdi of The cou:oupIc is residing InTwin Falls:’ls."“ P a i [fici(snjp(B ■ Gaiy Lee Seaman of)f Twin’ Falls has. Am'ericarcan Historical Associalion. PaPa- _____been selected’to assistl ia s host fornew — ciflc-Cooroast Branch,- at Ihc annuanual - — CarlaMacDtt)onald ------1 table!iblespoonsalt------students In the orlentatl atlon program al . m eetingIg of( Ihe socicty Just cohcludoiidqd______2214 Longbow, Tw)wlnFallS' 1 cupjp cabbage (use red for Bob Jones llmversily.y. Greenville, S. ; in Eugeneene. Ore, Ided color) C. A nati\Itlve of Twin Falls, Dr. ArAr- EIASYSTET H Seaman, thc son off Rev,I and Mrs. ringlon.1. joinedj( Ihc staff of Utah Statany i j achievem ent, will t>ei honored ne.xt books a nnd d articles relating to Westerr f j spring at thc Founder'ss 1Day program. Amcrica.a, Idaho and Mormon history,’O'. A Ulah historian, DiDr. Loonanl J. Is currcnlently director of the Joesphsph g Arrington, former TwlWin Falls resi- Fieldingg Smithi Institute for Churcli B _ dent, has ^ n dected presidentpi o fthe__History at Brigham Voung_Uni,versl: — . ly. I IdahoI SState University Collego! ion students named to thcthe They marmed j^s'Slist for the summer semester>ter Glen W. Buckeodorl of Buhl,Jhl, in pizza p;)arIor GrifflUi of Twin Falls and W e j M K B B B I LoulseM.1tf.Rougeot of Burley. JO PLIN . Mo. I UPDI) - A pizza sw l p arlo r becam e a weddinjing chapel for a '. young, coupic who declecided to get Marie Jaynes!s Debbibie Clausen married • at ihe samene restaurant where they shared theirlir first slice of Fa : UUHL - Mr.-and M:Mrs. Ft»d D. TWIN FALLSFy - Mr. and Mrs. Lee•0 pepperoni piua. ashionablile Blazers j^layncs of Buhl anrannounce the Clausen of Twin Falls announce Ihele "We met hereon Feb.b. 25," said thc engagement of thc dauglughter, Marie, engagemernent of their daughter. Deb-3. form er K aren P erry, :22 , momenls for o the FullHer F ig u re after she married Robebert Churchill, j ?to B rad Peterson. 'b le, ta B rerent r Allen McMilien. Porsonal ll eiazers, suilabloI withv. skirts and pants and I Peterson Is the son ofJf Mr.^ and Mrs. McMillerlen Is Ihe son of UraineiC 24, Thursdafy. caisual with ovon joans. a truoly tru noxiblo now roshlon jCary Peterson of Twin Falls.Fa Wilcox of Richfield and Harlinn "Wc had a pepperononl pizza and * '/ui- Itom for Fall, two stylos,lono’InIn cotton Volvotoon in black, coffee." the nursing stuitudent said of /M wino and navy and o corduiluroy Blazer In camol, Miss Jaynes Is'a 1978 nofTwinFalls. 'lausen is a i960 graduate of)f their first meeting. "Whehen we decided Zi^J navy, w lnoiand brS'rSwn, $75 /Butil High School and a 'alls High School and iss to get married, we talkei(ed about elop- QuMn Sizes 3 :tered nurse graduate of I 38 to 46 d by Idaho First NationalII ing but he suggested getietting married CSouthern Idaho. She Isis e employed al here because it’s our favovorite place." %• M agic V aileyiJem onal H< ^ M l l l elen, n a 1979 grifduate of Twinn Rather than a weddiriing cakc, the ^ Pl^RSOIi\AL n ADPrtSONOFLEUESLEFAV.rJC. P eterson, a laT? gradu;iduate of F iler F alls High^ School.l Itf em ployed by thee couple had a three-tiereded pizza with a High School, ^ r v c d a mismission for the U.S. F o restest Scrvice. I5*inch Canadian baconin pie on the LDS Church in Swltzerl:crland and is A ^t.26. 26 wedding is planned at Ourr bottom , a 13-Inch peppei>eroni pizza in 140 M ain A v»nu» N orti farming with his father northnoi of Filer. Savior Lutheran Lul Church In Twinfl the middle and a 9-inchh i cheese pizza TwlnFalls 733-6671 : .The couple plans a Sept.pt.S wedding. Falls. on top, all supported by b: soft drink ■ cups. ; RubIth Marie Anderarson • GLKNNS FERRY - HeRev, and Mrs. has served«fd a s resident m inister of the} Stan,icy E- Anderson of Boise an- Glenns FcFerry United Methodistt ■ • . nounce the engagemenl jent of their Church ancand thc King Hill UnitedI daughter. Ruth M arie, to Rev.F Robert Presbyteria'rian Church'. flaymondBryant of Portiaiia n d . A Sept. 2525 wedding is planned In the »;B ryant; the son of Mr. and Mrs, Wesley Metllethodlst Church in Eugene, ; JHTnes Biyant of Los Ang o u r f lr s t L«t u t b * g oo d to y ou rI '° ’- lem odeBling Saii / e ” 15% Ol>FF FABRIC TO PA!AST CUSTOMERS fproot of ^ r e h o t# required)>d)

§ 1 0 % o9 W W FABRIC TO AfANY CUSTOMER ■ • Thanks to the rosh9sIdon(s of Aloglc V oile/ fo r y o u r p a tro n a g e ! CALLUSANO WEWIWILL COME RUNNING WIT/ITH FREE ESTIMATES - I 'y : •" ' : r i ' ‘ .fii? J #ESTtlN ['’ifin g .T iwWELRYCO. i r f ! 5 ; MEUPHOIUSTERY ) -".1 • So'rrm e Fixtur^W ^t I /M iL. .Jim ft Jacki*I» fFitch 7 6 C till For S ale •[- OnJheMall— DpwitYn.iown ; ; ■ 60MainAv*. N. a /W - 734-61-6144 ■ I I . Thufiu rsday. A ugust 27,'19^1 Timerimos-Newa, Twin Falls, Idaho B-3'

• ______

Club resLsumes meetinqs7 S TWIN FALLS.LS - The Twin F alls ToastmiImislress Club will resume ___ regular niectinftlng.s on lhe first and (liirdd Fridays 1 of oach monlh bcfiinningat9p.9p.m . .Sop?. .J at the Golden GriGriddle ReslauranI. Officers servlirving thiS'ycar will be Donnaina Scotl. presidenl: Celia Tii i £ B 7 £ 7 /l/ Folitinga, first5t viceV presi'lont: Marie Odcnvsnwail. secretary, and Iadu .TWINFALLS•LS- GrouMreasurcrircr. Club them e! willwi be "Toaslmistrcss Work)rkingFor You." The first m eeting will1 bet a progressive debate'ate, wilh all members participating. Toaslmislressess club providesleadersJilp.ip. speech and pnrllamon- ta ry skills. Newiewcomers aro welcome. For9r Informationi call Donna - Scott at 733-2S:J5.i:J5. W est Mlagic a Lake Clubb sets auction SHOSHONE! -— The West Magic Lake ReRecreation Clul) will hold an auction at 2 p.m.p. Sept. 5. Club members•ers and families planning, to spend the weeketui al Magic Dam a arc re asked to bring Ihcir ununwanled ilems for llic A auction. All procc■oceeds will go Ihe Magic I^ike k c fire fund. A spaghetti dinnerdin will be served al G p.m».m..Scpl (i. ('OS! wiliiic Sj / / / p er person for all you can eal. 1 FOB FUN ANDfFLAIR. . . qVERAL p \N \ ; -r.::- - y l . l-Thefunofoverailsrlheflai-flairof ------Clothingg class begins at CSI ^ a color broughi togetht!her to create a greatscoof.■oop (or juniors . .. and it's all comfort and ease. LuscIjsclous TWIN FALLSL5 —• The home economics dofdeparlmenl al llie College colors includt'de brick, black and cassissis. O f of Southern Idahcaho is offering clothing conslri5lruclion classes Ihis fall. soft 100% CO.•■otton. Straps cross over In Classes Includ Tin the ;lude basic and intcrmediaiJiale level conslruclion. back and tie. Siz'>lzes3to 13. 29.00. TheiCube. Co Intermediate anand advance sewing for' childrenc and women’s tailoring and flatlat pattern design. Classcs willI t>begin the week of Sopl.. 14j in room m ol Hit' vocational technlthnical building. For informatioition o r to pre-register caii s.'H.exi.;if),')_

Childbirth■th class planneej d ______— ...... ------TWIN-FALLS-S — A-husband-coached-cliildllldbirth elaBS-will-slarl-ut------7 p.m. Sept. IG. Classcs will meetm e once a week fo.r eight week.s.wc Couples will learn relaxation a n dI aabdominal b breathing.' F o r m ore infonformation call Glenda Saciiacfoman al 7:!4-l;un »ir 7;J3-1245. y ’_

A b u s eB o f e l d eerly is s u b j e c: t o f h e aaring By LOU COTTIN called e'ld(;lder abiise a "serious nal tonalal ' ...... Newspsper Enterprisee AssociationA scandal."1." ______. She intrntroduced testimony from el-:1- derly victictims of financial and phvsi-ii- E ld er abuse was the topic of a cal abuseise. And she brouglit lo Ihe10 £ r recent hearing beforeore the Select hearing' several counselors who10 Committee on Aging of the House of helped thethese victims through whal shele Representatives. called theiheir "horrendous" ordeals, The report'that camcime out of that Oakerr stresseds the importance of )f W.- hearing.Is titled “EldciIder Abuse: An congressicisional action. Roth she andd ^ Examination of a Hiddenden Problem ." Burton calcalled for passage of lhe ElderT . _ z ______^The problem is hiddenlen Ino more. The Abuse* Pre’revenllon and Treatm ent Act.t._____ ....^______...... committee,-whlch-is-chachalred-by-Rep. (H.R.769),i9». ClaudcPepper,D-Fla.,hi..h ad in U iated a This iegilegislation would provide fed-I- year-long investigationnofthesul^ct. ol eral fundsids to the stales from a Na-1- , T he com m ittM looked-ed lnto p h y ^cal— tional Cenrenter on Elder Abuses. To.0...... and financia] abuse off tl:the elderly by .qualify for Ihis money, slates wouldd their families and otherher caretakers, have to enactcm ah "elder abuse negleciI Thp findings w ere pres'- on the elderly. (Child abiabuse gets the w e ask seniors se: to organize letter' bulk of that money.) writing carcampaigns aimed al their Then Oaker presentedd h er data. She reprosentatilalives and senators. I Coeds tapioped by sorerorities - i u f e e MOSCOW Magic VValleyj co-eds KAPPA\ KAPPA.I GAMMA - Arm - have received invitation!Ions to pledge P a tric e Herienerson of Mountain Home. 1 nine socia) sororltes at the the University Martha ShiShawver of Hazellon. Kaihv j of Idaho. They Include: Church ofBf Burley C H A R G E ITT *TODAY ATTHE BON. Ti ALPHA CHI OMEGAk - Stacy Reed p i BETAPA PHI - Lisa U h rm an and . TO ORDER. i A CALL: TV\/IN of Gooding. Diane Scha;hall: both of Buhl, Cynthia \m \l^ r N FALLS 734-4800. TOLLLL FREE. 1-800-426-982212. ' ShopdailyKly10-6.Fri.til9. ,' ALPHA GAMMA D ELTA - M ai of BurJurley, Catherine Anderson ; fM A UNIT■OF C ALLIED’STORES. S uun. n . 12-4 ( Carolee Barth of Burley,}y. JamlShep- anti Melissaisa Lingof Rupert. herd of Hansen and Suzjluzy Nelson of Tw InFalls. ALPHA PI - Barbarbara Rose of Gooding, Lisa Dyson of Hailey and Benita Wclmcr of Rupert. w l ^ TEI DELTA DELTA DELTATA-PMrlcla ■ ' ■ L iV lS KION Snow of Burley, T ana RzR ay of Buhl. ^ KrisU Mlsner of Mountuntaln Home, / I ^ r a Brizee. K aren CoiConnolly, Re- becca Mead, .Jennifer Oye)yen, Barbara 1" Rahe, Lynne Rodseth,, CindyC Tom- ^ FOR YEE4RSKo c o n merup, Teresa Woods,, aall of Twin H V ^ - Falls. Rita Nutsch and Kathryii ^ ^ I Petruzzelll, both of Jerome - DELTA GAMMA - Shailhannon Davls bf Bruneau, K atie Donnelinelly of Twin Modol 4)66 — Thli lupiupor.aflord. F alls. ablo )9' diagonal color- TV feature* tophliilcotocrAutamoile Fir Bonnie Bishop " : Fino Tuning ^ H l l l GAMMA PHI BETA - Bon circuitry for oeeuraioliilol)r lun o d of Hagerman, Brendala Jones of n m pleiuret. Rupert, Michelle Matthewlews of Twin I; Modol 4636.36 — 25" dlogonol color Rog. $429.95 • F alls. Ong Modilorfonoon jtyllng. M o d o U U 6 ■ : KAPPA ALPHA THET/STA - P atty t iSlU H B 4 P F oaturos .AFT and M oehonleol MlllcrofTwinFalls. f f l l . Tuning. LIMITED TO STOiro c K O N H A N D - eg. $699.95 N O W . . S B Reunion slatedB d I GIGive us a t r y . , .y o u ■ l ! >u'il s e e vyhy. . . moi : .ALAMOGORDO. N.M.,M. - T he H ]J t m ' iNOW Stigall fam ily will hold a1 reunionrc Oct. f Magic Valley fanimI|Io5 d e p en d on iglon Hall in | 1 3 a t the A m erican Lcglo I ; ■Hartville, Mo. ____: F a m ily Information, hisihistories and 8 ^ lo re 9 p ic tu re s are needed by Scfit^ p tn by M r s r - ^ B - ^ ^ i ahawk Drive, ^ :Audrey StlgalL 771 Tomaha Moduli'•I4«36 PPricoi Good ;RR, Brookfield. Mo. ^ fhi 4 2 0 M ain Avi ...... Mourti • Ihru Sopt. Sth Av*. South, Twin Fails ...... Mon.-Fri. 9i00-5i30 • For^more- informationon wrile to 7 3 3 .2 2 3 3 ...... V ' Barbara Claxton, 1208 Desert D< Elve Salurday 9tOO-SiOO D rivcv^lam oggrdo. N.M.. 88310.88 ' A n - ' z M ■: " - ■ ^ . rt B^TIrr^Newa., Falls, Idatio Thursdaylay, A ugu st 27, IMI D eacA bby__ Drtumksput”“behind bars in:istead oDf wheel1 i n N onrway“ “ MBy ABIGAIL VANE NBUBEN CialbaibomePell. • — O ver (» e mllU UliOD A m ericansstif- UceniensedpopuUtkn). d riving privilege^ by the state Ucens- , com;x>mmunlUes that Includes: (' Universal Pr&si^Synacme______- —If[f-you ) agree-that such leglslatioation is.....fer-crlf^U ng azad i l^oUjwjj^ojBtoJu-...... NoiMow. B iU H R : 2488; im to ooe year witb 1 1)) A de^te enforcement at ______a ste step in the right direcllon, pic ing a g e ^ fo r u please ries every year In - F o r flrst offeoders, woulcould pro- provision for a ref■estricted license. publllUbUc Informa tk n efforts; bi*ingIng these bills to the attentlofItlon of cldeota. vldeile maodatory senteoce of atit leastIe 10 —F o r repeat offeoden,ol i i ^ d pro* 2)2 ): Effldent arrest and ^udicaUo DEAR ABBY: The Tt reccnt L'Her in yourur readers. If they are serloiTiously — Tbe drinkln Ing-driver problem daysys of community service, In addl- vide maodatoiyy suroenskw of tbe prooi r c ^ u r e s ; your column fror'rom Cyd. Hu.'tfner,. intenerested In saving lives and reduc- rec creates an estimate ited ecoQomlc cost of tloo0 to floes aod partld^tive, drugs and the pain of growin woulduid provide a mandatory sensentence, . — A uniform stj rfoftnlUnn nf .(/pf0 ( ...... - ...... have often wondeiidered why we. as - ■ B ^ E S D A .f t ? Get Abby's new bookleti. "Wht A. MD. — On an averagag6 weekend night, of aat t: le a st 10 days* hoprisoomem ent, in driving vrtiile lotatoxicated shall be set Ever'very Teen-Ager Ought to Know, Americans, continu:lnue lo toleraiie this DEL)EAR GERALDINE: First,, sosome one out of every 10 ti D drivers m the road addlUlltloD to floes and p ^ d p a;m tU l oo In a t a blood-alcobolol concentratkm level needlesssiauBhtcrosronourhighways. .. statisitisUca provided by tbe Natlo Sendsnd S2 and a long, stamped (35 cenls Btlooal is d n m b alcobiobol treatment programs. oohlglwrthan.lO]O p e r c ^ - Our state legisiatiliature Just reformed Migbvtfjway T ra m c S ^ e ty Administ sdf-aiJf-addressed envelope to : Abb} nistra- - 65 percent of of drivers who Ull —- For i flrst offeod^ woulduid pro- — Provides a programpr coordinated Teeneen Booklet. 12060 Ha wthome Blvo Maryland’s drunk-nk-driving lawsvon tioaai1 and Uie National Safety Counci mcil: them selves In sing!igle-car wrecks are vi*e maodatory suspensionI ofol tbe in close cooperatatkm with the local Suite J u iy 1. Now our ou congrc^man, —- CO ne q u a rte r of a mUlinn Azn Michael D. Bamcs,cs, has Introduced In cans18 lost tbelr Uvea In alcobol-rela•elated - Of every 2,00000 dnmkeo drivers, h h i I thc House of RepRepresentatives Bill a u to0 crashes c over tbe past decade.le. only one Is arrested,d . r = H.R. 2438 to comnbat bi the nationwide —A• About 26,000 dtittD S a re killedlied lo — 44 percent ofr all a nigbttlme fatal epidcmic of drunkik tdriving. Identical drunk- * alcohol-related erasiBsbes a re caused by ieglslation.in theB SenateS IS ; 671) Is - N^ N e ^ TO |itoC T i^ are MU'edUed In (be 16-to-24 age group gi (this group ------being sponsored byby 1Rhode Island Sen. dnuiJ|- ly. com prises only 22percent pi of the total D r Lamb D f,R P A U L PRZYBY , Y L A ~ ~ ish> happy to announaze the reiocation of,of his Operati'ion doessn't end/s e x Optometry PrPractice to the O' VISSIONCAFRECENTTER ______B yU W REN CELAlAMB, A M ,D.:: : ____ th a tjn _ influence. functlon.can_resuUult in__ ovenvelghl._l-had.it.two-chlldren.and -. - located1atSears,-TwinFal, a illSr403MainAvem in u eW esi^ ------finly gnlntvt ntno .pounds-.wlth-cach-- p ______A m man cannot escape some prpro- pregnancy so theree h^ a s never been an Opening at thatit iocation.wili be cedureire if the gland completeletcly excessiveamountofof stretching. DEARDR.LAMB-IB — I am under the obslru(ructs thc flow from the bladder.Icr. However. 1 have} at£ least a handful ...... Augusts22.1981, im pression that whwhen the prostate Togl> give you more information on)nthe tl of excess skin ovcver my lower ab- Rland is removedd yourj sex life Is. prostatta te 1 am sending you The Heallealth domen and would likeli)< to get rid of it. 734-2■2233 compicteiy slopped.d.Isthiscorrect? 1 Utterer No. 15-6, Prostate Gland PrPro- When 1 lose weight andai excrcise I note A friend told m ei h. 1 hesitate to lose pssibie? I am 77 andnd married, but am self-adiaddressed envelope for it to memc in too m uch weight to1_ flattenfl m y lum m y ___ having trouble emptyiptying my bladder, c a re ofof th is newspaper. P.O.Box 1551551, because of the loosee skin.5 My.husband My doctor said it Isis ineccssary that I Radiolo City( Station, New York, N. Y.’ absolutely refuses toto let m e have any have my giand remoimoved. Bul I don’l 1W19-i- surgical procedure2 Ito gel rid of the like thc idea of not hahaving anything to • • Thesle sm all muscles that functionon asi skin. do with sex anym ore.re. “ ' a valveIvc at the outlet of the bladderrare ai DEAR READERi — Skin tends to D EA R R E A D E RI — - Many men who usuallyIly damaged with prostate susur- grow as we get olde:ier and il.loses its I h J b 1 have a p ro strate gland glai operation do gery.. It11 is Impossible to prevent it, elasticity.- T he moilore It has been return to a regular• normno al sex life. It As a a result when a man hass aan stretched the worsen‘ the problem is. - depends a lot on whavhat kind of opera- orgasmsm . the fluid squirts backwarward You can expect some'retractionso: of i H ^ 1 i l tion yo require andI whatwf your general jnto the ^ bladder rather than oiout loose skin but you gei;ct the best results stateofhcaKhls. Jgh the urethra. This greatleatly when you lose unwatated fat while still Many older men3n have a lot of confuseises m en who are unaware offthis thi young. If there is a lotlo o r if you are no mcdical problems. WfWhenyou are sick ', compile}llcation lo the common operi>era- longer a teen-ager,, you j can't expect your sex drive mayy diminishd or.eyen ••on. It IIs nolhingtfobealarm ed aboutKiut. much without surger> disappear. Studies do show that sex DEAI:AR DR. LAMB - 1 would likeketo I T here Is nothing wrongwr with having drive does diminish:h InI mosl men' as know' if loose skin over thc abdomeimen such cosm etic procec:edures done. If It they get older, with^Ith o r without a can eve!ver be toncdup through diet anand would encourage youou to stay lean il •atlon. exercls(;lse. —------would actually be a , plus for your The transurethralII rcjfectionn (TUR) lamS7152 years old and 12 to 15 poundunds heaitli. ------operation that is dor done with an in------^------strument through thche ui reth ra without— ■ T making an Incision1 is least, iikely-to— ™ - | result in loss of sexualEuai capacity after J------surgery. However, this proceocedure cannot bc rNEWA]V_ '~T- ...... —used in every ease. EvE ven if the gland - - A I) I m ust be operatedI oon through an.,. /I / 1 ^ incision the surgery m:m ay not Interfere (§, our 3 best>t values wilh sexual functions,ins. But if a m an has to have a radical;al gland removal CFOR the interruption of nervlerves to lhal area just gott better! BACK-TO-£ ,...... >urablo innorspring construstruction plus a surface O ld ster•rs SCHOOL! s ^ ux u rlo u sty pocidbd fo r oxtrcxtra comfort. Exclusive, lattontod Dura-Gard® fouro u n d o tlo n Is e x tra rew ardcle d ugged. Try this great buy!yl 4 - i SECULAR $ 8 4 .9 5 K . b y exer39 •77-year-old exercise physiologist ph In Charleston, W.Va. " It'st's inever too late In life lo become fit...... No matter h o s t of this sp o cial gro u pp, , bbofh in firmness and . how frail or how debilltiilltated the indl- ixury. Pufflost cushioning,g, richostrl decorator vidual. excrcise hasi a tremendous : o v o r d o lu x o In n o rsp ring uiunit and potontod potential for enrichingng the lives of irslon bar foundation. ' oldcrpeople." * Part of the growingIng interest in \bung exercise among the clielderly Is thc :GULAR$H9.9S 4 result of increased natlnational aware* ness of physical fitnessless by all age Men’s groups. But some seniorlor Fashion * • 9 ill oo. pc...... ro g u .o rir$159.95NOW$126.00 $ portance of physical actiictivity with the Lioon oa. p c . . . . rogulol^S •• aid o fth elrp h y slclan s. il^$199.95NOW$I56.00 Jean I 1 n?ng3-pc. so f ...... ro g u lolor r i 489.95 NOW $396.00 “The bottom line is oenoo. pc rfeguiar$199199.95 NOW$218 . - ular excrcise helps senior sen citizens .Win A Free $75i GClff Certificate^ For g-3=pc. so t.. r8gu(ar$(5'99,599.95 N O W $ 5 9 8 sleep better, and it also;i: Back'To-SchooI FnFrom Each Roper’s •Increases circulallo'nrn t(to peripheral Store, Each Week,9k, A u g u s t 2 2 & 29. No Purchase Nece: Seaiy P osturpedic H blood vessels. cessary • Just Come c Headquarters In A n d R e g is te r. M ustang mee1et ^ Liberal Allovow ance G R EA l KALLS. Mont.nl. — The sec- (JB _____ond—annual—Intem ationjional—Mustang______/U fo r vour p re seni t mi attress . f M eet will be held Sept. 5 tlto 7 in G reat /M Falls, Mont. at Ihc Hcrltngtngelnn. The Treasure State MtMustang Club '8EE PoH«mg In o iir rol w'hll» hll. ihoppina Coln'i f are hosts. For more infor[formation call ___ I a FREE D allvary o n 'o u r r«grogulor schedule . J ^_jwln_FaM s^^ugerjerM ^Burle^^^uhl^ J U ‘cC ig !e ra t‘j06-76l-2l56. ■ L - l l l i !' LEGAL NOTICEICE LEGAl NOTIC ICE^ LEGAL NOTICECE LEGAL NOTICE: E , l e g a l N O T I CCE E LEGAL NOTICtIC E Thuiiursday,AuBUSt27,1981 Timos-Mews. Tim Twfn Falls, Idaho B-5 UNITED STATES ~ icD $ f ' SVO'opowof LIcens af r«. NOTICE OF AMERICA FEDER mslng, ‘THENCE. Eaal alongig II Ihe official plal thereof PianU pm te. LEGAL NOTICE:e LEGAL NOTICECE LEGAL NOTICE ENERGY REQUUTOF logula- South boundaryry of corded In Book 6e o f TRUSTEE'SSALE The Idaho Rail PI * COMMISSIONP' «oom said Lot 26 aI dis-dl Plats, Page .56, IRe- Of) December 21,19' Uodaie describes} thet ------NOTICE OF______|N THE DISTRIC ------SurrVflnt[n'«7U37 .above------tanc8-orS0-ieeriflt-to------ccrdff~o f Twrrr~Fi . 2;00 ^ i ^ a d ^ a n ^ n g ■pro- p. TRtiSTEE'S'SALf’E------C00Rn3F~THE^FT ProlfiCt No. 3823^1 0 '^«ny the Point ol beginiginn- County. Idaho. O'clock P.M.” of saidid cday cess, curreni -fall-1 On Tuesday, Ihe 2222nd JUDICIAL DISTRICTT 0OF said- State, personally Isri,‘ffirt ------Sald-sale wlll bo.maTrade__ at-the.lobby.oLTrusii a- -ol— day-ol-Oecem bor,-l»1M1.---THE-STATE-0F-IDAHC ' ------^ N O T IC E O F—rr'T paiinfl-^ppllMfloh. jsieo.-_sefvice,— pfloritles- lAHO,— appeared— Ooskin— 0.------• APPUCATION FOR h' or *ParcelB without covenant or 163 -4th Avenue Nar'^odh, potential projectsI aand at the hour of ID:10:00 IN AND POR THTHE Waters known to me lo □iiiT PetHlon to Interv)srvsne a strip ol land 30I leetle warranly regarding tide.til Twin Falls, Idal _ PREUMINARY PERMIRMIT must also be ser daho, analyzes proposposed o’clock A.M. of saidI dayd COUNTY OF TWI.TWIN be the Vice-President of (July21, 1081| Jen/ed wide along the NorNorth possession o r“ ing is availableI by cash. Inlawful moneyjyof and wife: PIPECO, INCINCj, f.executed Ihe same. .■ 'K M N 'llil. 3923 FOR SIDS FOR□ ' the North boundaindary of Idaho whose addreIress real property, situatedled In application for 80 piper- the United States,. all dba OVERHEAD DOOl>00RJ IN WITNESS of said Lot 25, belrbeing ■ Is 4619 Emerald, Boiia |.e the (bounty of Twin falls,Fal cent of the cosls ofol r rail payable at the llmo0 or OF TWIN FALLSkLLS:^^ WHEREOF, I have Ij - known as the Blue ULakes k EASTLAND DRIVE J oi state of Idaho, and c Ranch Power Prolerolect SOUTH CONCRETE 212.20 leet Westst 1 of t '^aho, as security 0 da- line rehabllitailon, sac- safe, the following ddo- MONROC, a Ulah goneioner- horounto sel my hand , r . located on the Snal if-rT the Northeast corniorner • SHERWOOD & flOboB- scribed as follows to-wJ-wit: quisiiion, new constnstruc- acritied real properlorly, al .parlnorship; TITL1'TJtF and aflixed my seal Ihe >nake PAVEMENTPROJEC „ Township 9 Sou ■ River In Twin Falls1 aiand . Sealed proposalsft Jill ol said Lot 25; ERTS. INC.. 'Outh, tlon or rail service I cocon- situated in theXountytyol AND TRUST COMPANYANY, day and yoar first above 7 Jerom o Counties, tdahdaho. be received In Ihe '*1,7'"oil THENCE. West alonalong Beneficiary under irlhat Pange 14 E.. B.M., Tv■ win tinuation payments. Twin Falls, State of ah Idaho corporallorIllon; written. -T h i application is on II i l l n " said North boundaiidary— Deed—of Trust dallated Falls County, tdaho.■ ^ Tho Idaho Rail Plan PI; Idaho, and describedd as< VOLCO, INC.. an Idahidahc) Notary Public for the »n llle ■ ol the City Clerk al and SectionA'tract • * With ■ the .Commlsalisslon Second Avenue p EiS 100 feet; November 22, 1976, ai ict o r concludes that thea fo|.f< follows, lo-wil: corporallon; and SMtTiMITH- Slate'otIdaho and l9 available ffor Twin Falls, Idaho, *:“ u ,1 THENCE, South parali'iraliel recorded.Novem berr :29: land located In tlie t lowing rail lines are, cocon- 1>01 7. In Block 7 of ELECTRIC, an IdahIdaho Residing in Flier ^ninn to the East boundaiIdary 1976 as InstrumeTient NWV4SWV4, being m^ore me sidered essontlat loo lh II e MURTAUG3 H corporation M^ Commission expires: v i. public Inspection. Cor- Ck 4:00 P.M., prevail 5^ 5, particularly described ... . respondence with tlthe local time, AugustL!"'5P . ol sald.Lot 25, a) di!dis- Number TOSd^ ed as Slate of Idaho andd aare ORCHARD ADDITIOIION, Defendants , . Applicant should I tanceof30leel! • Mortgage' Records 'o ' f— loilows: recommended forr rre- Twin Falls. Countmty. Case No. 33334 PUBUSH: Thursday, be 1981, at which tfme tt aho COMMENCING at I ' directed to; Mr. Vern<9rnon shall be publicly oper THENCE. East parallellel Ilo Twin Falls County, Idah tlie habllilation in the prioririorlly Idaho, according to>lhe II NOTICEOFSALEE , August 27, September 3. eald Norih boundaiidary * The default for whltooldiameter,IIr.100 pavement, the '"®I? wc Subdivision In ththe amount of $11;08 for eai t for Idaho by and pursuant to the If named Plaintlfl, said sail ING FOR THE ISSUANCE rflri,* NWV4NWV4 of Soclloctlon of said months for a toltoial- 330.74 feet; . The tdaho Tranrans- power ol sale conlerrerred Order ol Sale reciting thithe OF DEEDS AND THE foot long ' stesteel consists of excavation suth, default al this time) of THENCE Sou penstocks; {3) a the old pavement a 22, Township 10 Soutt )Ouih portation ' Departmeimenl In the deed of trurust m aterialpart of sala DeDo- VESTING OF TITLE TO ,1*^2. flanOB 17 East, B.M3.M.. $1,440.65. 89*24'34” East: f(or will requesi avallabliable executed by Gary IL. cree ol Forecloaure dulydui] THE PROPERTY SO powerhouse containirInlng base to the depth of I riher By reison of said de- d 329.29 feet to tl track Clawson, a single mai • I' four generating uniunits new pavement and4 t 2® Twin Falls, Idaho, lurlhe the project funding for trac lan, attested on the 27lhIday da; VACATED. ^^”1® described as follows:i: fault, the Benellclary hashi eas line of said sa rehabilitation lor theshese grantor to UTLE & ol July, 1981, for execu:ecu- WHEREAS, the City with a total rated capacipacl- placement of the cc ihs exercised Ils optionJ In. NW/4SWV4; ly of 24,000 kW; andid ((4) crele pavement, c®"- COMMENCING at th fwo lines (f; fhe rallroatroad “ «UST COMPANY, as j Don, w hereby. l.,arr, am Planning and Zoning Southeast corner»r 0of the Promissory Notei to1 THENCE North 00*59'1£*18. shippers and/or local loci trustee lor the bonellefit .commanded and f.re- ,rO' Commission forthe : • appurtenant facilltlea.s. All work shall be a declare the enllre in- ii Eas along said ea Ides and security ol FIRS Proposed ScopeI . • Studies under Permit*It • A specifications of file ai / of Interest, attorneys feeees the north line of sa :. If , open for inspection M>d local funding resourceirces l o a n ASSOCIATION 0OF sell at public auctionI ththe a . Hearing as required ...... sald.L ot 26. a diadis- and._other_!cosls_aled All bidders shall t and 4981, attorneys fees anand dedication, recorde □ton August 11, 1981. In the thi scribed as follo>vs, to- *1 - that: (a) no new roadsads currently licensed {„ ______tween Lots .25 anc rded {. Burllngtoi to- of Twin Falls, Idaho; ------any—other -costs - cor June 19. 1979, a s •In- -Ir .Northern, , SpokamWS Council for the City « . ^ (b) test borings wouldd bbi e laws of the State of Idah J of County, Idaho, obligation secured b]by SUBDIVISION’ NO. 2, done In areas whichI arean and shall conform with wll tween Lots 25 and anc provided by the Deed c ^ Idaho - 2. of Twin Falls. Idaho, ' 112 Trust, Ihe Promlssorory. Saicf sale will be mad•ade 2. Union . PaclliicINc •ealcT deed of trust is ii Twin Falls Counly,'n[^/> held and Public • 1 ' clear ol vegetation, botbor- the State of Idaho Lab< without covenant c ;•<: ing. holes would bi Note or Idaho Uw. „.,or Railroad, Mackay Brandinch $23,215.00, plus interesest Idaho, according to'the the Hearing to consider be Schedule of mlnlmuiHum DATED; This 23 day cof warranty regarding title 0 and loreclosure costs, Iat thereof .recorded baoklllled, and the thi w ages. THENCE, South paralle iltle. Arco to Mackay, Idaho ded the same matter on ®1'S‘ July, 1981. possession or „en- er 3 . Union Paclfliclflc OATED;August11,1981. I Volume II of Plata,'ats. the 8th Day of July, around surlace recondlmdl- All bidders will bei rire- to said East bound'jna- Lawyer's Title of Idaho) cumbrances to satlsl Illey TltteiTrusFCompany, Page 46, records of tioned ’ to’ the exten:tent ..quired to furnish bidIs si e - ary 50 feet; llaly Railroad, Teton Vallei of IM I, . Trustee the obligation securei>fed Branch-retonla to Viclor;lor. Trustee - said Counly. -ow NOW, THEREFORE. BE . :<^possIblB.' J ■, curlty in the formt o< r THEn 6 e , Easl parallel.tc By:- RICHARD WW. . by and pursuant'to ihi By: R.L. Smilh. NOTICE IS HEREBY •I.; The cost ol the abov<>ove cash, cashier's chedack, boundary between Ihe Idaho - ' IT ORDAINED BY THE . power of sale conferreiffec^ 4. Union Pacificclllc Vice-President GIVEN, lhat on the 14thy th CITY COUNCIL OF THE . * 5 -, aotiVlties, along with witl certified check, or .blbid Lots 25 and 26, n a t e r o A H o : In the Deed of Trus S. PUBLISH:^ Thursday,ly, dayR of SEPTEMBER. rust Railroad, Wills Branch 1 5 : CITY OF TWIN FALLS, :-:C. preparation ol a>an bond, payable tolhe CityCII disUnceof62feet: executed by William D ion August 20, 27, Sep-]p- 1981, at the hour of 2:00 environmental Impacpact of Twin Falla In the Ih THENCE, South parallel I P- Twin Falls lo Rogerson IDAHO: County of Ada Mauch and Earlene VV. Idaho' Iember3,andl0.i98l. o'clock P.M. in frontt, of SECTION 1. That the • report, obtalnintning am ount, of five percercent to said East bound- On (his 23 day of Julyliy, Mauch, husband anc the East front door of tho agreem ents with thcthe (5%) of the total amourount ary125feet; and 5. Union Pacificclllc •ho lollowing described real un- wife, lo Tillefact, Inc,nc.. Railroad, Ketchurrium ______Twin Fails County Court- properly be and Ihe Federal. State and-tocaDcat»-oHhrbtdrr: ------•THENGEr-East-parallel arK^ Trustee, and The Idahc - houae in Twin Falls, agencies, preparing ia The successful biddejder the South boundary aho Branch, Richfield to tc ADVERTISEMENT ■''a. aame Is hereby Public In and for saltaid ' First National BankinK. Ketchum. Idaho FOR BIDS Idaho. 1 will attend, olfer'/ar VACATED; llcetjsa applicationn, will be required to t of said Lot 26, a dis* State, peraonaliy apgp. Beneficiary, recordec QC and sell at public auclion » ; conduction linal . lieicield furnish a one hundrejred tance of 50 feet to ded 0. Union Pacificclflc Separate sealed BID! 'Bri The alley belween I,]? peared RICHARD WW. October 21, 1980 as In- In Railroad, Hill City for the construction of,t a{ ail or so much of the Lols 12 Ihrough 16 and ..and^praparlocflng— parcent <10a&Cperfoirfor- the Point of Begin-O'"' MOLLERUP.. known tcto . slrument No. 791389. re i|re above-described pro- designs In estimated byI by mance bond and one a on ning. re* Branch. Fairfield lo HillH\(\ city hall Including a fire ’f®- Lol 11. Block 71, Twirt nie lo be the authorlzeced- cords of Twin Fall!alls City, Idaho- - - • department facllily ancitTd— perty-thus dlrectedtobe-i;be------FallsTo-wnsite.------;the ’ - Applicant to bebe hundred percent (100t0%^^ • Any an d 'all persons • aoent for LAWYER’Sr s . County, Idaho. . . . Iha aold as may be noeos- " t - '^ - s i o o , m ------L------tabor and materials bonilOnd ” desiring- to—comment ...... 7. Nezperce Railroad,)ad, community- hall In thc ;!2: SECTION 2. Thai tllle TITLE OF IDAHO, a jolnlInl ■ Default for which thisIh s Cralgmont to Nezperce, Kn . sary to raise sufficient o..m p » t i n n for faithful performancmce ' niay appear and be rce. City ol Stanley. Idaho ant to the real property by venture who executeded sale.Is to be madeI is Idaho will be received by the 'o'y. this ordinance vac^lea jJ^Appllcatlona.Anyone)n e of Ihe Contract In theI fulltu heard at the appointed the foregoing NOTICECE failure to pay: isi •S-r desiring to lile a com mission, on or beforeore by the City to reject anany unless within twenty (20) on behalf of LAWYER'SI'S the months of May, InTawful money. £ 'Se&tamber 28, m}8i, i, and all proposals anddto ti * days of the Council ac- ay. spectlon and copyings aat t 7,1981, and then publicly , named below: - TITLE OF IDAHO, andnd - June, July and August,Jst. the Idaho Transportationlion opened and read alouQuS DATED: This 17lh dayf ofo ' NAME: Idaho First Na­ K eilner the competingling postpone the awardI ofo tlon an Appeal Is filed acknowledged to mene The balance owing as ol Al. Augusl, 1981. ^ application Itsell (See1 18IB Ihe Contract lor a perlriod0( with the District Court I of Deparlment District 01- a fth e City Council Meet- tional Bank; 103 Main said LAWYER'S TITLELE this date on the obllga-oa- fices In Rigby, Pocatello,illo, Ing at 8:30 P.M.. Sep-fn. JAMESR.MUNN Avenue East, Twin Falls, 5 C.F.R. Paragraph 4.33: (a) not to exceed thirty (30(30) pursuant to Tllle J 31 l OF IDAHO executed thehe tion secured by said ’P Sheriff 1^ ; and (p) (198(3)) or a nollcelice ' days, and lo accept Ihithe a d Shoshone, Lewislon anciand tem ber 7,1981. Idaho: PROPERTY; The - sam e. ' -...... Deed of Trust ,19 is Coeur d'Alene and the the THE CONTRACTCT Twin Falls Counly, Idaho alley belween Lots 12 •; ol Intent (See 18 C.F.R.^R. proposals lhat Is, In th< , JN WITNESS$s $44;947.48, plus %13 In­ ba PUBLISH: Tliursday, s Paragraph (b) and (c) opinion" of the CU]Cu5 DATED: This 17th day of In* Idaho TransportationIlon REQUIREMENTS may be fy- through 16 and Lot 11, 'O' -WHEBEOF,-. I haveve -te re s t and foreclosurejre. Department...... Head-lad-. examined, al the lollow- Augusl.20. 27. and Sep-®P* Block-71.- Twin- Falla------S , (1980)) to llle a compel->et- Council, In the best InIn. A ugust.1981. hereunto se t my har\d\d costs. 3,, tember3,i98l ub- terest ol the City ol Twirwin HENRY WOODALL , quarters Ofllce in Boise.'10.' Ing locations;' Ollice of Townsite. and affixed my officialial DATED This 13th day O' of Following the hearing . ely Falls. Mayor 'ing ''the City Clerk, Stanley,'y- NOTICEOF - SECTION 3. That the* • I seal the day and yearar August.1981. additional written tosir-isili Idaho. Clly Clerk immediately 9 notice oMntent allows an Bids musl be subiub- PUBLISH; Thursday, first above wrltlen. Tillefact, Inc. y TRUSTEE'SSALE Inlerested person to llle mitted on the Standarclard August 20. and 27.1981. mony. statements, or Copies of Ihe CON- ■<', '• TERRIEE.BORCHERS •. . By: RICHARD B. exhibits pertinent to Ihe Pl* On December‘28,1981, ^ an acceptable compet­let- Contract Document! Ihe TRAI5T DOCUMENTS at ihe hour of 2:00a ssgiiciLW a'cS- ■■ I")!! IN THE DISTRICT^ NotaryPubllcforldaho STIVERS project may be sub­ub- may be obtained at the nance as required by law ing application no laterter provided by the Cily oi 0 Vice-President ]t o'clock P.M., of said fi than the llma^peciriad.iQd- -Twin..Falls....Envelopes mitted for considerationIon office of the Citv Clerk , certify a copy of the y;— 9TATE0FIDAH0------if mail’e'd to'"HearIng Of-Of-“ locatea— at— Slahl^m ------day— at-the ioby-of g in paragraph 4.33ic). containing bids must ‘^be~5uDiaAVTJISTWbe Trustee, 163 -4th sam e and certified copy and THE STATE OF IDAHO, August e. 13, 20. and 27,7, County of Twin Falls . .fleer, P.O. Box 7129,129, Idaho, upon payment ot to the County Agancy Comments*ts- sealed, marked anc HE ^881: •. On this 13th day of Avenue North, Twin Federal, State, and localcal . addressed as lollows: IN AND FOR THE of Boise, Idaho 83707;" on $25.00 for each set. h . corder'a office for Indox- Augusl 1981. before mes a or before September 21. Falls. Idaho, agencies are invited to- to ' City Hall. Twin/ Falls,,|u • COUNTYOFJEROME 21. Any BIDDER, -upon TITLEFACT, INC., 7 an ' ina and recording, MAGISTRATE Notary Public In and for 1981. reluming the CON- a , SECTION 4. This Ordl- 5 submit commenis on thehe Idaho 83301. said Stale, personally Idaho corporallon, as > described application. (A JEWELL. CHANDLERI DIVISION Illy Done at 3311 Westest TRACT DOCUMENTS at nance -shall tako etiect - appeared Richard B. state Street, Boise: S Trustee will- sell at -copy ol the appllcallonon _ Deputy City Clerk In the mailer of theh e ' NOTICEOF se: Promptly and in good ------publlc-auction, to theihB when Idaho First _Na-____ ,0 —tormlnatlon-’-ol— the"he— CUAIMSTO~— — Stfversrknown-to-me-to•to— idaho-this-3rd-davrol-of“ concntlon~wlll~be "re~ tional'Bank ahowa proof may be obtained by CItyofTwin palls, Idaho be the Vice-President of highest bidder, for 1 agencies direclly Irom)m Open:August28,1981. Parental . Rights of bl WATER RIGHTS 0 August.1981. funded his payment, and of ownerahip ol Lols 12 the corporallon thatlat Idaho Transportation ° cash. In lawful money •; the Applicant). If an PUBLISH: Thursday,lav Charles Allen Peterson,)n. Notice ls.bereby given Ion any non-bidder upon soP of the Unlled Slates,Lv through 16 and Lol 11 27' father, with respect to that the followinga executed this Instrument>nt Board returning the CON­ Block“ 71 Twin Falls ; agency does not fileite A ^^ust 13, 20, and 2^ .y or the person who r all payable at the time 5 com m ents within Ihe ' his minor child, MAT-^T- _clalm(s) to waler rlght(sl ho 0 . BRUCE WHITE TRACT DOCUMENTS® of safe, tho followingu® Townsite. _ THEW JAMES REDIKER,:r , have been established,rj executed the Instrumentml Hearing Olficer wlilbe refunded$25.00. f ° Passed by the "City 3 time sel below; it will be 5 on behall of said cor- described real pro­ ;j- presumed lo have nonl NOTICEOF arid lor the adoption of by diversion and sr- PUBLISH Thursday,ay, DATED; August 6,1981 iK« CouncltJuiy6,1981. PUBUCHEARINQ ', poratlon, as trustee and perty, situated In the ^ comments. said minor child. application to'benelicial nd August 13, and 27,1981.I. City ot Stanley, Stanley,^ County of Twin Falls,,.® Signed by the Mayor ' i Commenis, Protests,.,, Notice Is hereby given'en . , Case No. 148 use: acknowledged tom e that Idaho 83278 ' z^-’ r by the City Council lor such corporationon ; Slate of Idaho, and -5 ~ or Petitions to Intervene- for NOTICEOF 47-4253 ByiRUTHV.NI^E described as followsis S'y'feoALL T, the City of Twin Palls,Ils, HEARING CARTER, GRACE T. executed thesam e. i c f City Clerk li2_M ayor j Anyone may submit . IN WITNESS lo-wit: - r -= — w comments, a protest, or Idaho, that a Public)llc HAVING READ Ihehe KEVANJRVINE. II l?ounT™ Slrument No. 784i70."re-]. least five percent (5%) of • FILE COMPETING U Prlorlty0ate;03/15/1910 portation Act. a publicc hereby directed to file) a to the Federal ReserveJ cords ol ' Twin- FallsIs the toial amound bid In ^ Range 17 East, B.M.,I., at the hour of 10:3(>5 Amount; 0.28rCFS d written answer or wrltlen : .AP.’PLICATION", er o'clock A.M., ol said hearing will be held an Board at the FederalI County, Idaho. eilher cash, cashier's s V‘COMPETINGi TwlnFalls, Idaho, further d Diversion Point: NESE■ pertaining to the abovee motion to said ComptaintInt Reserve Bank ot San described as follows: day. In the lo b ^ of ths I . Default lor which Ihlss chock, certified check or 1 A P P L I C A T I O N " , ? Sec OIT IOS R17E, TWINI ■ matter af the lollowing0 within Iwenty (20) daysys Francisco, 400 Sansomo> sale Is to be made Iss bidder's bond executed t "PROTEST", or "PETI-,• '. -Commencing al theIff olfice of TITLt FACT,, FALLS Co. locations: . after the sen lce of street, San Francisco, ' Southeast com er of - INC., located at 163' , failure lo pay; to the Cily of Twin Falls. r TION TO INTERVENE", 3 ' Use; IRRIGATION (0.28) 1. Mackay City Hall,I, Summons upon you;u; calilornia 94120. Tho> Deficiency In paymentIt Idaho. Bid lorms and -r— as-applicable, and lha' said Lot 26; Fourth Avenue. North,>• CFS)from03/15IOl1/15 er Comment period on this I THENCE, V/est along thele Twin Falls. Idaho, I - o f — entire:— principal)l specifications may be ; Prolect Number ol this- •t Place ot Use: NESE Sec; Wednesday, ' Sep-” n o tlfi^ °h a t un'tess” yo'u}u appllcallon will ond onI balance of $8,856.88, pluss obtained from the ofllce I South boundary olof LAWYER'S TITLE OF[j .OI^T^IW R 1ZE.F0R.14I tem ber 2. 1981 at 7:300 -. so do wllhin the limele Septembor^ig, 1981. Call : nollce. Any ol the a b o v? e ...... said-- Lot 26, a dis-s- iDAHOras Trustee win I Interest al the rate ofII of Ihe City Manager or . to named documents musl herein specified, the10 Mr. Gordon Smith, 1(415)I 10% from June 10, 1980.). the office ol the Cily ..u, ' tance of 200 feel to sell at public auction, 199 Diversion Means; 12" ir Plaintiff will take judg-g- 544-2229, at Ihe Fecieral * be Illed by providing Ihe* Ihe REAL POINT OF.IF. the highest bidder, (or ^.'^Washlnglon Waler I The balance Owing as ofIf. Clork. Clly Hall. 321 S o c V * ^ « original and those r CHECKGATE Power AXdltorlum, 5283 menl against you as» Reserve Bank ol SanI this date onlhd obllga-"I- —Ond Avenue East during ’ BEGINNING; cash. In lawful money ofI Any exception to any 1 prayed for In aald Com-n- Francisco II you neod 2 copies required by the’ THENCE. North parallelet the United States, all College Ave., Sl. I tlon socured by said'(J ollice hours. • Commission's regula- lj claim ol water right may Maries, Idaho, onn plaint. Information about sub-■ Deed of T rust' isa The City reserves Ihe to the Easl boundaryry payable al the time ol* be filed with Ihe Director ir The nature of the claimm mlttlng comments. The : tlons to:. Kennelh F. of said Lot 20 a dis-s- sale, the following de-' Thursday, September I $8,856.88, plus inlerestit right to reject any and all Z Plumb, Secretary, Fed- of the Idaho Departmenti 10,1981at7:30p.m. againsi you Is Divorce, Federal R esen e willi and foreclosure cosls. bios and to waive In- ' ! tance of 150 feel; scribed . real property of Water Resources, d W TNESS MY HANDD consider commenis, In­ Z erai Energy Regulator Bl situated In the County ol An Information period • DATED Ihls 18th day of,r formalities. «: Commlsalon, 82? North- THENCE, West parallel I 1041 Blue Lakes Blvd. I ANO THE SEAL Of thisis eluding requests for a ------‘^to-the Soulh bound-]. - Twin Fails,-State of Idaho» ——NorthrTwlnFallsrfdaho— h— District Courfiht8n 2 Uay~ - t — CaplloI— Street.— N E :r~ ary of said Lot 26 a and describecl- as i— iy~puWlc mfiSilng-orTofiifar ------: « Washington, O.C. 20420. » 83301. . hearing. olAugusi,-l98l. hearing on Ihe applica-' BY:.. DepulyCllyCierk ; distance of 50 feet; follows, to-wll; A. KENNETH DUNN II LUCILLE WILCOCK tlon, II Ihey are received f An additional copy m ust-'■ THENCE. South parallel)| Lol 1 of MARUINE L. Then and there local I DESKIN D. WATERS Open: ' September 4. % ba sent to; Fred E. Spr-, Director public officials and In­ during the comment: Vice-President to'the East boundaryy MEYER SUBDIVISION,• PUBLISH: Thuraday. PuW ^: Thursday, S inger, Chief. Appllca-; of. said Lot 20 a dls-k Twin .F alls -County. terested groups and In­ STATE OF IDAHO PUBLISH; Thursday. ' £ tlons Branch, Division ol • August 27. and S e ^ dividuals may ba heardd August 20, - 27, S e> ^ Publish: Thursday, County ol Twin Falls August 20. 27 and Sep- ' tance of 150 lest; Idaho, according tothe» tember3,1981. II tember3and10.l98l. August 20. and 27.1,961. ' r regardlng^^e Idaho Rail On Ihis 18th dav off iember3,1981.' ■ 2 ^ . V • v WTlme»rNew#.TwlnFIn Falli, Idaho Thursdsy,AuA ugust 27.1981 LEGAL NOTICEE_ lECAL NOTICEE — — _ ■ / LEGAL NOTICEE LEGAL NOTICE ^ 007 JobeoKntereel ^E____ . LEGAL NOTICE ~- IN THE DISTRIC ilCT A n n o u n c e m e n t s _ _ ,gqs • ..Pareoftsla,la . IN THE DISTRICRICT IN THE DISTRICTii?T“ COURT OF THE FIFTII a u R 7 ”o^PTH‘’^^ S S ; PuSlSSIiSNo-1------OOURTHDF-THE-FIFTIFTH COURT OF THE FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT 01 'o f E ______^ 7 ...... JOURNEYMAti A A ^ ^ "a? THE STATE OF IDAHO I WILL NOT be rasponiibia uce Eleetrtclana. VarlftabiaIwl; TFKHXf ■ 'T*'>------Nolle* It l)*r*by o'verIvan JUDICIAL DISTRICT• 0OF JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF I H?'??iTE“o7IS:H°o'HO, MARJORIE’S FI.0 WER8'-lOT:- (or -(orthe-debtsofblllsotcrirtt "exBenanee—i~muaTr-caii-Call- -traWng-end-beftedter-HIgh-:- and THE STATE OF ICTAHCIHO, THE STATE OF IDAHO,J n IN AND FOR THIH f- IN ..AND -FOR- THEFHE. la ti: dalhrartai. All ^ 0 0 Barker asolAueusi2l. m i, e choor dlpk>ma. & enllat- -4;— 'b y lhe PtanrUng *nc m d COUNTY OF TWI^ 1. Total Electric. Sun Valley ■•:V___ _Zonlna Comml»»rpn (qi o r - IN A N D - FOR— TWIWIN. IN -A N D -.F O R . TH^ ^iN M umY__oF_jrm Filth Judlclsl District o ANSEL, JR, AGENT ANOJD months aKerntie (AieofOf 1. White poodlam iia. _ 734-0448. Acme P«r$onn9l. ■ f'-'y descrlMdas: t ol their claims within lour ol |. Famtia black aod browniwn Ing Haolt can be dangeroua In m e Chamber of the State of Idaho, In andan( m onths afler the day nf of TO ' MARTIN BONE,E. the firat publication ol i* M"U8iciANS”*“siNQERS tor (or ' 633 Blue U kea North. Q DIRECTOR FOR FOaM to your wallet I Wasiaiina. Commerce Industrialrial for Gooding County by b] the first publicallon ol iM thia Notice or the clalma 3. Terrlar mix lam alt brindia «M BUSINESS Ottlce/Managar Site Subdivision, Twinwin th e above-named plainain- this notice or said clalma CRETE, INC. the aboveve will be forever barred.»«• color. _ poaltlon available. Experl- . . Falls County, Idaho. IKI, and will be forever barred..(j named defendants;' Claims must be pres*IS* IMPOUNDED Aug 2S Box 88ff7. Vennawick, WAA NEED PERSONS lor maidiid ence and background In in­ Beginning at theIhe YOU ARE HEREBY'BY Claims must ellher Kfl be You are herebyDy ented to ellher thehe 1. Famala geidan U b Ratf)it M33S. Kick Ihe cloarellela work weekende only. Applyely auranca, admlaalons. dsta 01 DIRECTED to (Ile a writvrit- presented to Beity J J. notllled thal a Complaintnt Personal Representativeve puppy. habll and you’ll be kickingig - . jn peraon al tha LIttletree■ti procaaaing, credit and col* ( Southwest corner ol lactlona, paraonnel man- , ,/s - • . . Lot One (1) of ealdaid ten answer or writterIten Lewls-c/o Harry Turner.ar' has been Illed agalnatat of the estate, at tha lawIW 2. Other goldon U b Ral>^ai lonaarl______Ica you in the D latrlct^uiri rt olllces of Siephan, 0 MONTH FAMILY CCN- subdivision; motion In defense Ihe Ihc Attorney al Law, Ofllce r e Chocolate brown 5s . f a W l ; K a f c ^ B f i 2;; set aald Complaint loilor II, Twin Falls Bank ' & ol the Flllh Judicial Dis-s* Slavln, Eaton & Stephan, wn TRACT to the Fitness Centeri; THENCE South 60 feet 'J; German Shorthilr. t2S 74 par monlh for 2 peo-^ A_vanu,a{. W elu lor additional lob In* along the Easterlyiriy Divorce wllnln twentymty Trust Bldg., Twin Falls,iiB trlct. Magistrate Division,n, Twin Falls Bank & Truat 4. Famala 8 haphard Mixed T . formation; 20ft-S»-3a2^ ke In and lor the County 0 ) ;ad pie. Call 7334M0 eves o r' edge . of Ruasetlet (20) daya of the lasilast Idaho, or tiled with the 0 ) Company Building, Twin' n Pup, Brown & whila ^»47anyllme. '' NEEDED Dapandabla lady 10 CALL iO M iM IM to employ Streei to — theh e publication - of thieIhls Court. Twin Falls, by the abovere Falls, ldaho..or.lllad withth - - - babysit In 8outhpark.area._.“ • - person,- o(flce/mgm|-expe------Northwest corner of Bummons.and DATED: This 6lh day ofot named plalntlif, for thele the court, H0URSaK»-7PM0NLY rience, Chrlallan work prfn-- YOU aN e FURTHEFIER JulyJ961. ’poae ol obtaining a OATEO Thia 6th day olOl lli'u Friday; 7334SW ^ cipala. ref. ______Lot Two (2); ^ V d"off" ' NEEDED experienced , - THENCE South 78‘2e’28’ NOTIFIED thal unlssflBBS BETTY J. LEWIS gment lor the collec-c- August, 1081. ^ CENTRAL SERVICE V ol a debt Incurredtd MARTY F. JAKUBOWSKI<1 Beuuta Doga «ra broughi •" SUPEWISOR.^Have^op^^ East 332.N (eet 10 to you do so within the timeime PUBLISH;;, Thursday, In avary tiour. and SOLD or 007______Jobs ol Iniarait a r m l n C a . * • • lhe Northeast cornerier nereln specified, the August I3p 20, and 21, \Y for materialsid Personal and DESTROYED aller 4S houra, NOWTAKING 8 uperviaor*in^l*^*l>ed hospi- • • of Lot Two (2) to thehe plalntlll will take judg-dg- 1961. ’ services renderedle at the Representative plaasa call or viiii the pound APPUCATIONB for —^ apecial Interesi»- and PUBLISH; re­ Thursday, A PLEASING AND 'or U l,.expanding lo IU wfih t / edge of Washingtonon ment against you as y. daily 10 chack whether your FRIENDLY PEflSONAUTY warehouse help at Idaho questE ol the above'e Au^^ust 13, 20. and 2^7. pel has bean picked up. Ttiia new laelilllaa. Only axperl- Street: prayed In said Complaintlint NOTICE OF with excelleni typing skills Bean and Elevator Company’’r enced peraon need apply. t h e n c e North 60 (eetlet for Divorce, LETTING. ' named defendants’. Is not an up*to4ite llsl.sl- will gsl you (his oulstandlna l OgCanyon Street. Twln!^ _ Excellent aalary and benefit riy The nature oMhe claimIlm Sealed proposals will,[(( You are hereby 7 Mixed doga a re hard lo de- general office position. (TOO package. Contact Helen ' » along the Westerly 'X i?i THE DISTRICT\ acrlbe. coma to lha pound (0 m edge ol Washingtonan taken against you Is lor be received by the Idahono directed to appear andd COURT OF THE FIFTH to monlh. 'A fee paid. Hurryl Seer, Peraonnal AaslaUnt, . 10. plead to said Complaint ^ a ae If your pet Is thara. Call Jody 7 3 4 ^ . Snelling • i g s W WK 'S tre e t extended to io dissolution of the bondsids Transportation De- “ JUDICIAL DISTRICT OFr Coma and pick oul a puppy . Magic Valley Memorial Hoa- o( wilhin 20 days ol the W andSnaillno. At the new Twin Falla Eye ■ T the Southeast cor*)r* of matrimony, and suchich partment, DIviBlon ol » THE STATE OF IDAHO.h or lull, grown dog- thay Center on Shohaone Street. I tS . ner of Lot One (1):______pther_and. I urther, relief.lef___Highways.atOlstrlctFour.ur service of this Allaa• IN AND. FOR THEE would love 10 h a v a noma. EXPERIENCED rnlikar Training available. Send THENCE North 7V»' In -Summons upon you and-d —COUNTY— OF;r-TWIN- FOUNDI-Male, Golden Ulb b wanted. Local ralarancas resum e to: ill— you--are-funher-notilled- e needed. Call 324-a79fl;— ...... The Eye Center poaiilon. Muat hava own E jh ^ ------Weit-332;58"feert6“ '"-iiiw sinisir ooia. Excellent benellt n* WITNESS, my handnd two o ’clock on Ihs 10th(h that unless you so ap- moniRs owfTed*eoiiar” ili- -EXPEHIENOEDWAITReSS—------.agLSOtfth Uncoln Smv . . the Polnl of Begin- >: MAGISTRATE ■ iTftma^H.hnTOM — w k a g e — avalUble.— Cali_____ ning, reaervlng10 snd the seal ol the saidIld d ay o l Sept., 1681. lor thele pear and plead to said^ OIVISION M7-eay.______For.evening ehlH. Apply In Complaint within the ^1 parson attar (pm. George 7, Y;, rlghl*of> way therere District Court this eth dsyay workol; P In the Matter of the® Call ORGANIST and a Choir^ EXPERIENCED Milker Maintaining the BlissIS time herein specified, E au te ol ROY Y. U NI. - 73*de*8ac. Clerk etatlon located on 1^4, position now opan at lha Anv and all personsIS By: CLEO ROBINSON - M.P. 132.9 Eastboundid as prayed In said Com* : Buhl Herald. For application In plaint. JEROME DOG LOG desiring to comment and Westbound In CREDITORS • lorm, contact The Buhl 007 JobaoflniaraatI 007 .lobaollntereat may appear and be"g pueflsft; TtiurMiy,ly. Gooding County. WITNESS My hand andi NOTICE IS HEREBYJ Loveableand Loyal Herald; 124 8 . Broadway. le seal ol this court, the 29 Pjiona»43^. ] heard at the appointedId A ugust 13, 20. 27, Seo-i|>- Proposals musl be 9 QIVEN that the un­'* 8eakh‘o" 4.1 female Australian Shap->- coupia to work In a small of r*8oonsibilitv’ InInclud* d*liv*rv of ^ . Notice o( Public Hearing - PORTATION • OE*:* APPLICATION FOR within four (4) months> herd X, 4 monihs. group home aarving davat- ■e during *aHy m orning ‘ before the City Councilr ‘ ''* ‘-'-®MAGISTRATE PARTMENT after the date of tha flrsl bundles to carrlare di i] DIVISION WATER RIGHT I 6.1 male Dingo. 3 moniha. opmenuily dlaabled adulta. a*rvlc*. colloctions will be published ac* Oivision ol Highways Notice Is hereby given, publication ol this noticeI e.1 female Doberman, Red 4& House parenta will provide houra, cuatom*r aa cordlnotolaw. In the Matter of the19 District# 4 " ^ that the lollowing or said claims wlll.beI rust. 5 years training and Inslructlon in S salea. If you ar*r* (ombitioua and w*l- . . DATED; This 17th day ol,, Estate ol ROSELLE Dale and Weat B Street appiicatlonlaj have been forever barred. Clalma araaa ol sall-care and actlvl- c o m * a challang* apFa p p ly a t t h * — ' RAYGORN, Deceased P.O. B0X2-A submitted for permit to must be presented toj C all...... 324-S43Se tiaaoldallyllving. » ’?fiLLIHELO Probate Shoshone, Idaho 83352. Coleman & McIntyre,' 11 no answer...... U4-43133 Bac^lora Dfjrea ^ pre- . Tim«s-Iis-N*ws Case No. 2373 appropriate the public Chairman The right is reserved) waters ol the Slate of P.O. Box 525, Twin Falls, and tralning*w*fl tw^onefd- 132 9rd$tr**tWitW *et.Twhi Palle PUBLISH; Thursday. to refect all proposals. - Idaho. 83301, or Illed wllh a a a k f o r m c f f ir r o R S . Id,iho: ared. f o r j a c k i * y or to accept the pro* 47*7749 the Court. ' LOST CALFl-whlta taee-redi Closing data Sepl. 1. Salary NOTICE IS HEREBYJ posal , or proposals DATED; This 14th day ol[ call. Awrox WM. Losi 2 ml>1 I13,0«P 118.000. Send re­ GIVEN thal the un- t SCHNELL, RALPH '* deem ed best lor the) ROGERSON. ID 63302 August. 1081 S. otT.fr734-ian. Reward. sume snd letter ol applica- f derslgned has been1 State olldaho. Source: JANEM. LOST near Clly Park, "S lls"• . lion to; Richard Davla, Boise y 1&URT™0^ i appointed personal rep-^ DATED; 10 Augusi 1981 GROUNDWATER LANCASTER amall gray lemale ealI Group Homes, inc., 1736 <■. JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF: resenlallve of the above ) North Five Mile Rd.. Bolsa, » H.L. JOHNSON. P.E. Date Filed; 08/17/1981 Personal t ldahoS37D4. ------THE-STAIE-0F-.10AH0,-.,__ nimed_dfloedenl^^jWl_u— Dlatric Engineer;------^ — RepresenUllve — ------call 73>«14 -orl'm SK l J persons having claims -^A m ountrt0:00 CFS------______IMMEDIATE OPENINGS FOR ' » PUBLISH: Thursday,, Diversion Point: SESW PUBLiSH: Thursday, I MECHANICS. Full training GRAPHICS LAY^YOUT PERSON against the decadent orI . August 27. and Sep- Auguat 27. September 3 LOST 3 yr oid male & 4 • Sec14T14SR15E,TWIN , monlh old male Samoyed) and many beneflls. t14,lM Pr*poratlon of Inatrcatructionol motorloia,. MAGISTRATE his estate are required to3 ' tember3,106t. FALLS Co. and10.19B1______present their claims buhi area. ISO reward; CaliI collage banalil. Saa ll you D*termln*a siz* one ; “ DIVISION — Use: IRRIGATION (10.00 7334613 can quallly. Cali Army Op- and arrang*m*nt of ' . within lour (4) months IN THE DISTRICT llluatrativ* mat*rlal < In the Matter ol the Petl* r CFS]from04/01lo1l/0l REWARD black lab male. Mrtunlilaa collecl In Twin ol and copy, e*l*cts tisn of: DAVID JAMESI ^after' the date ol the llrsl\ IN THE DISTRICT 1 . COURT OF THE RFTH ! Falla 733-2671. ;„publlcalIon of.thia notice, . COURT OF THE FIFTH_\ Place of Use; NESE'.... JUDICIAL-DISTRICT OF , large.older doa._ Lost. in. .. • atyl* and aiie.of.typtI'Pt and.arrang*a lQy- - - - HIGGINS- and-M ERLE— 2-N W SE Sec 14 T14S R15E Msglo Meadows SuMlvlslon ‘ JOBCORPS out for print*r. Some)m* darkroom work. URAE HIQQINS. or said claims will be, ' JUDICIAL DISTRICT OF THE STATE OF IDAHO, N,E. Jerom e Wednesday lhe forever barred. Claims, THE STATE OF IDAHO.^ NENE NWNE SWNE IN AND FOR THi • APPLY NOW FOR FAII High School compl*tl>l*tlon or G.E.D. and' husband and wll^ i SENE NENW NWNW . I9lh. Choke chaln-no (sgs. TO TERMINATE THE musi either be pres­: IN ANO FOR THE •COUNTY OF TWIN 324-2^7or423.«4S2evo. : ■ l,V5 minimum of on* y*ai^•or of work *xp*rl-- ented to the un­. COUNTY OF TWIN: SWNW | SENW NESW FALLS PARENT* CHILD RELA* ' NWSW SWSW SESW - _ .training, opportunity. Ages . - *nc* or_ on* y*ar of comparabl* voco- TIONSHIP BETWEEN: dersigned at the addressI FALLS. -- ' MAGISTRATE"------16.21. tional training in grop , NESE NWSE SWSE DIVISION rophlcs layout. Excel*: ..... ARTHUR -DWIGHT...... lndlcaled,.>or. Iliad - withI --in--the - Malter of -the- « 00} - Announcamant l*nt fring* and r*tii the Clerk of the Court, Application of LENA W.* -SESE : Sec11T14SR15E ‘- In the Matter ol the •*tir*m*nt b*n*flts. • WATSON, JR.. and i NWNE SWNE NENW Can’tbuy Salary rang*: Open. ANTHONY ARTHUR DATED this ISth day olI HALL, for Change of Estate ol ELIZABETH S. AUTO INSURANCE in. Contact Mr. Paul • ---A uguat, 1981------— N am e______' NWNWj SWNW SENW _PEAVEY.______I Hopp*, Co(t*o* ef South*rnSou Idaho, P.O. — WATSON,'eon;------— NESVI/—NWSW—SWSW .Because ol trallic violations < Amlnorchlld. R.E.RAYBORN C ase No. 33655. [ Deceased elc?t Inauranca 100 hioh? < Boif 1238. Twin FallFalla. Idoho-e330,i;: NOTICEOFHEARING SESW ; NWSE SWSE Sec Case No. 2369 Call Rora Overacre Aaenoy CaseNo.fiae Personal Representative 12T14S RISE FOR 1200 • T*l*phon* (208) 733-913-9554, Ext. 294. r NOTICE OF P.O. Box 321 A Petition by Lena W. 1 ___ K!mbajty.42^g«a 733-0931 Hall, born June 8, 1015, ACRES FOR SALE 2 lols. 2 deluxe An equal opportunrtunlty *mpIoy«r HEARING Twin Fails, Idaho 83301 Diversiont Means: WELL, NOTICE IS HEREBY 733-2600. ; at Stark City, Missouri, r NOTICE IS HEREBY concrele < vaulla & 1 brome C l a s a f f l e d AppllcctlonjM dlln«i*tS*pt*mb*r S ), 1981 now residing at 142, PUMP, MOTOR GIVEN that the un* companion c memorial. Pine QIVEN that DAVID PUBLiSH: < Thursday, II Issued, the permlt(s) 1 Hural Oardans. Sunssi Mo- August 27, September 3. Maurice Street North, ^ deriigned have been t D 'epttrtm ent r , JAMES HIGQINS and ‘ will be subject to all prior 1 mofW Part«^^«41j_^^ '■ MERLE LaRAE HIGGINS ' LaRay and/or Janet EELIZABETPL^IUISF LAY !hth a n k y p u ^ u 'li thank usl JARANTEE RESLSUITS I REDMAN e Maolslrate change ol name. M. M Easterday are the o r y o u r m o n * y r * f u n d * dd PUBLISH; Thursday, WITNESS My hand and holders hi ol approved Co-Personal • P r lv a t* P a r ty A d a OnlyO * c'lf your it*m doado*an’ta*ll you August13,20.Z7.1B81. , THE STATE OF IDAHO seal of said Dislrict Court permit p< No. 47-7654 Repreaentailves OM 0 WamorialN^ ■ • Real Eatate Exciud»l*d mayg*tcr*furafund orr*run sends greetings to this 17th day ol Auguat, authorizing ai the diversion PPUBLISH; Thuraday. ff The lamlly of Bud Ainsworth For within th*ad7dayafrra f r * * ERNIE£ EGAN snd • ol 3.1 cubic feet per sec- AAugust 20. 27. -S e^ wlahsa wl to express ihelr ap­ eAdA^USTbepaldfo SILVER STATE IRRIGA­ PUBLISH; Thursday, ond oi of water Irom waste t(tem ber 3.1981. preciation pr ol the many 5 d a y a o f w h e n It laia p1 lo c * d e R e f u n d s o r oad d rr*-runa muat, TION SUPPLY INC, the August: 20, 27, Sep- waler wi tributary ol Salmon Clcards, phone calla, lood, e Pleas* check your aodth* b* coll*ct*dI wwi ithin 30 days J above named delen- lem b ers, and 10,1961. FcFalls Creek SW'ASE'A, NOTICE OF “Flloral trlbulea,'and mamori- f ir s t d o y It r u n s a a thth* e You will not b**liglbl*forab* The Clly Council ol the dants.t Sec.S( 34, T9S,-R13E, B.M.. PUBLIC HEARING ala in memory ol ihelr loved City of Hansen, Twin Tl T Im e a -N e w e w ill nlot'os- o i refund If th*I lt*mIte s*lls YOU ARE HEREBY County ol Twin Falls, lo RoaetUAInsworth- -...... £.-‘ F«>fe County, Idaho, will- NOTIFIED i. That a Com­ n in accordance .with h. ^ gin itexcesB property. 'nst you in tha Dis- « l the Idaho Heailh Facll- irrigationi„ and Irrlgallon tla"'"cV °°onrp.i',;: Betty g & Herb Qrlschkowsky Court of the Flllh Itles Review Board Regu- (rom {» storage within icIdaho, that a Public & &i Family K ONE1Q08DODQE j Judicial District ol thelations, notice Is hereoy ni Hearing will be held at Loa^ Perlnft Family } WTON PICKUP e NE%SWWi.Sec.34.T9S. H State of idaho. In and forgiven lhat a Memoran- R13E: Lt 2 (NWV4NEV4), the It hour, of 7;30 o’clock EdiTooaTvhurat ” 3 LINIIES 7 DAYSj »< 8 * « I ■ at 7:30 p.m. M.S.T. on f, th e Counly ol Twin Fallsdum ! ol Decision has SW'ANEV., sv NEWSW/4 PP.M.. on the 15th day ol \ August 5l, iMt, at the k by the above-namedbeen ' ' transmitted lor NWV^SEV^. Sec. 3, TIOS, SSeptem ber, 1081, In the " Off’ce of the City Clerk, p PlalntlifX and' you am Iprojects which were R13EB.M. ri CCouncil Chambera, City S909 ______• Personals 4 UNEES7DAYS*♦ i r » Council Chambers, hereby h directed to (Ile a !under Ihe Bgard's con­ The permit holder has ' HHail, located at 321 S e ^ . :H ansen, Idiho. B3334, " sideration at lhe July 29, ao telephone (M ) 42341U. - ' written I answer or written applied to the Depart- ond01 Avenue East, Twin ALCOHOLICS 5 LINE • 1 3 ” ; motion In defense to the .1081 meeting. The mem^ rniment ol Waler Re- Falls. F« Idaho, upon the ES7DAYS* 'All bids muat be eut>-' ealdI Complaint within orandums Issued were .qsources for an application at ol Gene ANONYMOUS mitted to th e City ClerK twentyt (20} days ol the for the following pro* AnAmendmenl ' to the HiHamilton and Gloria Caii7)»«300 ( ftg u r * 4 w e r d a p * r Iln*]In*) by 7:30 p.m. August 31, service i, ol this Sum- lects: 1 Western Idaho permit, oe lo change the HiHamilton. an d _ S o u th ,rr 1U 1, and will be opened ^ Community Action Pro- nis I'LL DRAW IT FASTI Wall N A M E mons; and you are : place ol use aa folTows; SISide Bean Company inc. imiMunia, Poslera, Designs, ______i• P h o nrt» * _ publicly and read aloud further fl nolllled that un- gram, Idaho Ambu-care Polnt(s) pn of Diversion: No to • at 7:30 p.m. Jn the i i Very Rsasonsbla, u l less you do so within the :C enter. Alcoholic Re- chichange ge "MAGIC MARY" 73341S1. A D O R a s V ______CQuncH's chunber'e. time tii herein specllled, {habllltatlon Association, p|.Place of Use: NEWSWW, follows; foi the Easl 24.39 ^Id vehicle can be »ti PUInllll will UKe Walker) Center. Boise Seo c«, 34, TOS, R13E; le

Itf.''- - i f ''. « 7 ...... Jobt cr Inf fl • Thurscsd a y , A ugust 27, IM I TImoa'noa-N ew s, Twin Falls, Idaho B-7 Itoresl. . oor______:tobao|jntariiterest. -Oir-Bualn^uOopoRunniei ittlea - -030-^— - Homee For SailWe 6J0- HomeeForSalilale 0)0 HomeeForSal''S a l e . ------— r ^ d Ml OutofTownHomei I B l r r ~ . ~ "/ HILLfOPVIEW • -NEWBNIMEiilABKEt ”** OM___ XcreaoeftLola^ou 043 MobileHcjmesForSaU ler io i I49.S00, ProflUblo now p ^ on 1 acre. Excellent locaoca- By owner 6 bedroom bdck..Ick. 2 FOR SALE BY OWNER ■ 'Automoltv* and Sportln plus market' analysis on you tion. Charming 3 bedr. olde :P . 3 ACRES, 3“8edrobm horneomo 1 9 ^ x 7 0 3 Mrm', ll*"bith, 3rtlng miles. Must meet D. 0, 0. T, great^ polenllal_for grownowih_ home,______'■der llreplacea, beaullful carami838. 73<^«00 IMMEOIA^ roSSESSlOh — Call324-4134. ___ preferred, <307) z — on 3 bed. 2 baih, Ismli rm, rm bedroom house lor addlliddl- S S S f ^ V E R HOME or __ Bedrooms, Order todsy, 3 • IE home. Bsmt, garage, cholciolce lional Income. $73,000. Ap woek local lacioiy delivery PARTS MANAGERI 2368 or wrlla NitroUfona Ct8______Incomd Properwny CAU us to r n d o u t ii . Ap- QrldUy isUnd HagermtriSn • 5 AC 5500 DOWN N M 4M Immtdlaloly p iiraon r u Jifn a 'a r ft Slorage Co,. B J l locaiion. M,OM, Cali Joe Jo< polnlment only 733.7815.>. tioNc Valley; 3 Bedroom. 2 car Wendell area. 5384781. . and set up, $19,295 or il no wltn minimum 14 y a tris ex-ea 573 Casper. Wyoming MM EXCELLENT investmen 734-U93. Main Weal Reall)lally reallora pleaae,______garage, landacaped, 637- r-7, • Irado-ln- $17,395. Open 6 newer4-piex with 2 lots sneai ssa^r,v,7o.^;i.'.s 3 ACRE View Parcels. Buhl . . J»fl*nc* In mullWlna corcon- EARN *19.000430.000 fl. ' Ul the LOW interest loan.""5 ' 7344333.______NICE BRICK HOME . ' onot 4304, Jensen Real Eslale,I 9. aroa. $730 down. Call V:!^' 734. days a week, closed Satur- •Iruotlon and minlny* car garioe. healod In-doorloor ------■. Waitarn Road MichlnarInery - Blrabia. In idslio Call 1.« call new 3 bedroom homes in ir Jerom e 324-7343. Eula- Reil-1*1' swimming pool. 30 young Company 2U^«2fl8 daya o IT O ’ SPRINGCREEK 7 3 3 ^ ' S o i n S " " “•M. t363,S!: Jerom e for FmHA quallllecllled torowned, 324-7945. •vaningi call 237-sm an m nu»| 111 a.-r.Ti^-i — Irees. with bubble lirlgstion.- 1981STONERIDGE ' *a?k MM J ___ . REALTORS _ Mortonlnvastment Corp.__ applicants. 13U% annua Only $83,000 with good for Caray enor*. All InquI 4 percenuge rale 6 monthi) Dy Fleetwood '''i'l': w a FTted Ex^«iiftC« , LARGE ranch alyle, * '^ ly ■ 102 RUr/BuhlHomsilorStle4|« terms. 24x56 FOOT rlM ^^kapt in atrlct '■un con peraon to miik s hour ' shi S ? 73*0600 ------COUNT THE WAYS YOU'Ll Bedroom brick, extra nicilice paymenU as low aa $490 1 II PLEX Almost naw. Nairn 1 Irrlgsted. Clean, neti and d.w., w6d, l.p., 2 bedroom-1 .. QUAUPIEO BOOKKEEPER ssns- menls...you decide. Does?** Really, 734-3200. Phil Mti 's ere In NE. L eu discussluaa one ol the niceai In WendellSn - ______- - 3/4 bam, bar/den combo. - alao willing to work wherew a ’ uraen Acres u Cai r e not disturb your llrsl 'hil and lull basemeni at way :A ' Perkins 7334480 or Geneme below curreni Inierest rates,tes. terms 7344163,______area. Excellent dairy sitelie 8.11 ACRES on Snake RivorIvor $t8.500. needed. TSMM?.______Cenler Oooding M4-M0’9801. mortgsge. To see how much 4 Canyon wllh beautllul view. Conner. 733-4019. Chuckick Call lor more detalla loday.i; 2 BEDROOM HOME,u e polenilal wllh new 4 RECEPTIGNI3T lor medicalJ S l S2S______you csn borrow, call: Perkins,,7334480;______Clearwater Realty 733-St62, ,7,1;: bedroom home. Call Jerry Ital $30.00Q. Phone 324.4134. 12 X 85 Marlene wim 8x12 Olllce In Jerom e area. Expe. llreplace, garden, Iruil 044 FANTASTIC BUYl Below ap-ip- treea. $24,9M. Call Joe 324-3922 or Real Esiate Un- expando. F.p.. appliances, S«______S*H»P>optmill IN TWIN FALLS . . . . 73M044 X Iim»«d.7334l07. , . 1-2 bedroom, Oualily con- 348 pralaal. 2 bdrma up. 2 down,vn. Low down and low Interestest 734.3393, Main West Really ^ ______Business Pfowrty ,^ x SELF MOTIVATED Indlvldus 757 family room main lloor>or will buy ihls 3 bedroomom 734.0559, NEW on the market. Short IP 8truel.$14,0C(i. W Tw In Fain. M anottM[!:_ t. needed for independsnI; w/llreplace. New heallal home In good location. Ideale*l REDUCED TO SELL, 2 bdrm 180 aerea located in Klm- .RESPtRATORY THERAPY(PY and seafood dialrlbu M. lor a rental or eUrler home. berly area. Some Twin Falls"b’ DOWNTOWN. Brick con-n. Call Colleen42345l2 red. iorahlp. ISOO a week poten 2ND MORTOAQE MONEYf v ^e. house on Vi acre wilh ahop, m struction. 3100 square leel.•I. Canyonslde Really 733-1082. ; MD, experience pralerred. _ Priced at only $28,000 wllh Aaaumabie loan, $38,300, water plua loU ol water from Conuct Maney JackmanI atal <1*1 plua bonus. Must havn~Wltmti6B8nr pleaae ‘ conUct Irenesne salesman tojvwaouiharr EARN 20% on Secured in- In- RRST TIME OFFERED FOH — -EASrSIDEXOMM^0^rC-3_J?enta!3 B - ______Snt •ured money. 733-9391,. 7-. town. This home on 1 sere, — B<^nef. 20a-fl2a.S323 Idaho a n d 'o u h . Excelleni 7-; SALE. Lovely and apactoua»2 2 S.W. ofM own,-Featurea-4 — -room-lo build up-lo-7-onilB-{ • - ~Oifl------fom. Houses------; - opportunlly. Salary plui3lua <«m,20 pm.^Vpm, _ ' bedroom home (1330 cu. It.) wim more Und available A RN'U>Ne •I bedroom, '2V4 baths.h*i and fireplace, 3 bedrooma.n"a'! " RANCHES • In immaculale condition. Big^'0 fireplace, heat pump & dou- , Small house for currem In -, Several poalliona available. °V* 2 ^ batha, and nice livingInd 230-f HD Ranch, top Im-, come. Owner will take low Excelleni wagea and Mne7lts!'^rprovlded!^Send Invaitmwttnt living room wllh brick» ^ car garage. $74,300. 81- to provements, BLM righls lor "• WHY PAY RENT? reaume-lo: G-33 c/o Tlmei of llreplace. U rge kitchen and "I- room. ThIa home ia ready to -down_and-carry..on-easyly , - No down payment. 100%.FI- t^r«nta._caii*^t. Ties ..jrofl SALE" 1230 sharea of move inlo. $92,000, f72BL,~— ~ 168 pr.-Oli road/near tow nr - Newa Sox 548 Twin Falls,Ills. Smoose Oold Mine STOCK.K dining area. Terrific lloor E-Z lerma. $390,600. nancing available lor a ; u l d | h o m ______tsoo face value or best oiler. plan and double garage.J,- SPRINGCREEK 80 ACRE Dairy. 84er aide^ ‘“' b ig WOOD REALTY limited period ol time. r^ i WANTED, people willing J to to Wfile: Mr. D.E. Orklrlti, 8230^ Corner lot with mature treea GEM STATE REALTY Herringbone. Top improve-“ _____ l J 3 ^ t Monthly paymonls adjusted s r d « a ' : s i ,, and beautllul shrubs. Fan-n- REALTORS S23 Blue Ukea-Blvd. N„ 3 to your lncome,..lo qualllled floor. All ahlfta, excellenten t- worki Direct saiea. we train.aln, Garino.. Ln.. Cllrua His, menU and equipment. In- ,0V great potenlUl, reputableIbis Calllornia W81Q; Uatic locaiion near Slueie 734«00 733-5338 *c1udlng200cowa.$640.000. ' I. applicanis wllh good credit. •alary and benelits. Contaot; - U k e s Mall. This should sell I"' W CondomlnlumsForSile i£-Two bedroom unlls, 4- Jilt Chealnut. Director oi. nrm, no experience neces. 7 BY OWNER, 1 Acre largeI 2 ------i« . w ry. Call 734.;e07. fl, c**-*- - I4l3«0*'^“ - Three bedroom unlls.. Now Nuriing Senrlcea, nr.jlj5. ;!!* 02S iMtnicttoni atory home in Jerome wllhIth Mi MoblHHomesForStls Or Peraonnal Department,int, 60% COMMISSION aelling beaulilui view of Twin,In, TIRED OF CITY LIVING? 1,68.68 380 ACRES, MaiU. $384,000. available, Conslruction now 737-217D. Magic Valley Me- a ------$83.000.3244791 or 7344212,2, acres on . HIghlawn Driveve 1100 a6 r ES, ^ Is eI. . CLENCY-S MOBILE HOME with fenced paslure and TRANSPORT, Sel-up..f I d a h o '^ o 'i f,r sgsiSLZ“ Real Estate AMLEn RAMBLER Rt 3 Ukewood 10x18 barn. The lovely brickek s i’ACA'sDalry. $293,000. service ft’rBoalra. 734-4704. Common area. For further ''' home leaturea 3 bedrooma,IB, 120 ACRES, brick home,), DOUBLE WIDE Trailer 24x30% information or appolnt- SA L Is REP, u U rT T iuiu# * 008 EfnployiwnlAganelei* > ______F o r S a l e S ments, conUci your broker commlaalon. Call. Walt, 2 lamily rooma, large deckck $300,000, on 1V1 lots on commercial - lhat la partially enclosed,la, 933 ACRES, aummer ranges area. Belween Burley V & or Gem' Slale Really 734- 7344W3. Acme P tn o n n'•I- tl. -WS______BttiyilHenIm M OmoHouw D 10 3/4% INTEREST on 0 ^ — CM B!ue_Ukea North. ? H n EALTY assumsble loan. U rge central vac. marble counterer ■>- dry farm cro p s,n e ar*T- -pauI.'Terms AvaiUble. Call - ATTENTION WORKING n lormai living room. Formal IS. Malad. See Ihls. $390,600. Steve al 678-4506______3 BEOROOM, 2 bam tralUr SALES RER, part-time, PARENTS, Kindergarten,™ oo______HOMlFotSrt*1 O FFICE... 73W079 s a . w w . ‘ - home In Rler. Children OK. excelleni commlaalon ® Dining room, kitchen with MOBILE HOMES NEW 3 «ml doo. Aller 3pm. 3284264, etruclure. Call Wall, 7U- pre- kindergarten, ft nuraery eatltig area,. Urge lamilv • CARL BUTLER REALTY. 1081 Concord 70x14, 3 0449. Acme P tn o n n tl. ^ clasaee available at Bo [f JoyceCOW’ ...... 73M7B7'|7 room with llreplace, . '! 3 GEM STATE REALTY 120Esat Main, Jerome. , bedroom, all eleclric, ^ Peep. For sddiilonal In-I'l' Norm. Brick building. BIdajS Dave Hamlelt...... 733-4030» bedrooms, den or lourthh 929 Blue U kea Blvd.N., 5 carpeted. 1 3/4 baths, anda Ml Unlum.HomesForflBnt Blue lakea North. - fprmailoneall73»wg7. . Anytime...... 32M166 _ Uken by phone. fSaxwail- bedroom. Privale drive« ______or Ed ...... 32442344 many exiras. Close oul pricee BRAND NEW HOME On 2V, ‘ SALESPERSON Needed 1°' for BABYSITTINO, my home,ne. Residence. 733-3388. aecluded area lor kids yei . only $14,695, Also 1961 growing local company. > TWIN FALLS estate 37 aerea II acres, 3 bdrms, 2 balhs, «. anytime except Fri nlghls.lls. —< o lo » 10 shopping area and Concord 64x14 all electric, llreplace & Umlly room, Muat liave aalea back- Bchoata.-'LUTJ ol U rgee 031 OutolfownHomasM with lull waler shares. In carpeted, dishwasher. 1 3/4 ground. Call Mike 734.WB. A VERY IMPRESSIVE • t • r - beana and paslure. Call * Extra Urge double garage, _ ADDRESS lor this lovely beautllul trees. North East>! BY OWNER 2 bdrm home, baths, and many exIraa.Onlyy Just 2 miles to CSI or hospi- SIDING applicators needed. 2 location. Fee appraised at e, Harold 7334071T Main West' $14,993, hurry while they BABYSilTING In my home,ne, home wllh aunken living!g FIXER-UPPER Small 2 ■> Kimberly. U rge lot, goodw Really 7344533.______y Ul. $630 month, Call Doug - potty-lralnad. Hot lunchesies room, 3 bedrooms plus lollIt bedroom. See at 482 Jef-|. $83,000 bul owner realtor iaf locaiion, good larma or Ust. Msgic Valley Mobile i4 Vollmer734.3650or733:P057, TAKING applloallons lor provided. Fenced in vard.rd. area, breaklasi room, formalll leraon. $19,000 or trade. Cali11 ready to aeil, make oiler.■■ diacounl lor caah. 543-4341, WANTED TO BUY; 120 -1601 farina. ^ 1 4 1 . _____ CLEAIji 3,Beclroom,hpmo. •t Mornino Side Area. 7 ^ 1 3 5!9. . dining room, family room,X ______Call Chuck at 733-1874 or - Acre larm In-Twin Falls-or- Close-In, llreplsee. $273 * Evergreen Really 7344200, BY OWNER- 3 bdrm couniryry Jerom e area. Low_down.. - BABYSITTING in my homa.la Fenced yard with nicee FOR SALE 2 bedroom . home, newly remodeied. on >- -OWNER MUSTSELL A LOW-w- - l10QdepOBli:£all7344M4, ■ - TAX PREPARERS WANTED ,r l Undacaping, sprinklerir home. 1 baih, large llvina down payment can put you BD Potty trained. Cloaa to Har- 0 3 BEDROOM brick home,». m aerea, beaulilui«i r a r a . ' w s i ' n r . .u HOME & BUSINESS or exira ' * : In Southeaitem Idaho. WeVs rison School. 7M4SS2. __ Sjraum and pallo. $90,000.3. room wilh fireplace. $28,300.r c h o ice' location in Twinin secluded location, corrals, > Into this allraelive I96014x480 large home, waa church.ft need men and women who Call 7334682.______J. N.w.,BoxM8,T»l.,F.IU. "2 CHILD CARE In my home. Falla. Thia home la excep->- dog kenneU & outbuilding, 2 bedroom Champion Mobile5 cTaycare center. Highland want to learn how to prepare FOR SALE BY OWNER, 3 tionally clean and well caredd ^ c ^ ^ e at $63,300.3244037,V. WOULD conalder UkIng aI Home, Ali aet-up and; Av«„ j3 iim o , 7 3 ^ ,____ Income tax retum e.-No ex- Mon. thru Fri., nights only, good 80 10160 Acre farm a s•_ . Jum U he{l-too._LocaU d_ln_ ^ ■dfQp^nawelcome.W3772.;*• _Q E M STATE REALTY-.... . -Bedroom—.home.__family.y lor. Central air conditioning, 3- -MATURE— couple— needs------perlence - neceaaary. --Wlll - 623 Blue Lakea Blvd.N,, room, nice yard, reasonableB lenced yard, garage plusis ' ■------— payment on a 392 Acre rowI the Twin Falla Park.-, Priced train, part-time. CHILD CARE, any age, crop and alock. ranch In the . country home. Can do larm lerms, 2120 Sherry Circle.I. carport. Call Vicki Jones. * or livestock work for rent. Earn approximately tSOOO00 meaia, anacka, playmates,l;: 73H338 Call lor an appolnlmenl,I, 733^23 or Town and‘d COUNTRYSERENITY Bruneau area. Will nol con- ' your firat aeaaon. Conv^ vlcinlly MomlngsUe achool.01 . alder high mortgage places. CJ1L3284033.______Id CalL7feM08.______• 734-J963.aIier 5 p .g r_ _ _ ;, $40,000- Acre north, olQl ... Bv owner. C a llW 5 -^ , NICE clean 2 bedroom mieelon only. Not conlined • 3TEOROOM "Masonory". ‘ CANYONSIDEREALTY to oflloa. Relundabik per­ir- DEPENDABLE lady warns 10"o ALIBRICK 1 home In the McBride addi-j- -Filer. 2 Bedroom, • neww 320 ACRES > / • priced at home, compietei/'redone.-— • carpet^^nlce yard, atorage ! 733-1082 o r 3 2 4 ^ AduiU o n l^ No pels or formance dapoaltrequlred.d. babyalt your children. THREE BEDROOMS wllh good terms. 2 bedroomn tion Heyburn. Has 3 balhs. le only $320,000. Good Snake . . W rite. P.O. Box 24S4S Nutrllioua meala and n beautllul 13‘ llreplace. Urge . River waler right. Low nil., PARK MODEL, 29x8'.. children, . 7334079. daya, 111 anacka, Day or night, home. Owner will carry with .*! $49,SOO- i Acre, CaalUlord. 3 I Gas/elec relrlgerator, air,■ 7334767evea ft weekends. 'J' Plua 4lh bedroom, den ii $8,000 down. 81.219. Iront room & kilchen, loU of J sprlnkUr irrigated and long atorage. Also a 2 bedroom” Bedrooms, ASSUMABLEc orowlngsesson, Cali GlobeI carpet, exc cond, 7344936B ' NICE Older 3 Bedroom home family room In lull finished " LOAN, B40. »‘,!«r.5prn,______' TIMES NEWS Circulallonr„ 7 basemeni. Excellent NE apartmenl wllh a 2 car ^ Realty,73^2628.______In Kimberly, 2 Bedrooms up, Dept ' la now acceplingig EXPERiENCED CnW Care in carporl. 3 slorage rooma.' $48,300- 3 Bedroom home, REPOSSESSED double wide) Idown. good nelohborhood, ■n location, 2 balhs, lenced '. patio, air conditioning, new appllcatlona lor maliroomm my hotM on^Nomj^Sparks;* yard, wood burning § $8^ , Shown by appoint- V 320 ACRES ' a choice, 2 Bedroom, 2 baih. $1C00 employaea. Part-time poil- ' well. In the couniry on v, , down. Payments under $300! » (ireplace and much, much^ 734-0600 ment onlv. 6784287.______Acre.BtO. ^ aprlnkled Irrlgaled larm tlona, nlghl worti. Apply In up *from kindergarten;' 2'^yra more. Ownor leaving,I, 320 + or • ACRES- Glenns ^ Und. Paul Area; Contaci Vic monlh. Call Carter Homes, M rson Sam-9pm dally to thele ft older. Hot "'iOnches, s $64,000- JUST USTEDI Very , 733-7368.______*; Excellent terms to good Ferry area. Long growing3 nice 3 Bedroom spllNevelX at 4384730 eves: 4384936 WHY PAY RENT? Sf^tLonPepartment. playroom, Lola ol TLC. Call>'■ qualllled buyer. $34,000. season. Sprinkler irrlgaled i SACRIFICE 14x70. 2! - --N o down-payment.-100% Ft- - &ndl_b^tgre.4-734^7Sl. GOOD STARTER HOME home o n i Acre lust oulside Owner enxlous. , with good Snake River water'r lown. Animala allowed. T8. bedroom, den wllh wet bar.. nancing available lor a . . 1 Bedroom plua extra room ,, 1920 scres spuds, beet, electric llrepUce. partlyf llmiled period ol time. ' - ; could be a bedroom, pad rIghU. Priced lor faat reaulla9 $60,000- .9 Aerea west ol isi-'-ss.w rrK at $320,000. Call Bruce alIt Twin. Freshly painted 3, besn. grain land, Sprinkled, lurnlshed. on 100x200 lot In o| _ ■ JUST »22,soo basement, garage, gae ^ Can be apllt In 2 partlaU; Bliss. $20.000 332-4292.____ lunchea provided. Call altar furnace, chain link lence.\ GIO^^Realty. 733-2828 or'r Bedroom, lamily room, Irull to your lncome,..to qualllled ■ 8pm.4 ^ t . ______treea. OWNER WILL' C onuct Vie at 436-9730 eves; USED Mobile Homes 1-12'. applicanis wllh gooci credit. ■WANTED Oood sUrter home lorr $20,000. 't 4364»58davB. RELIABLE Child Care in myiy young lamlllea; Approxl- 4-LEVEl.. 4 bedroom, 3 baih,I, CARRY. immediate 4-14', 2.24 wide. Excelleni1 l6-Two bedroom unlta. 4- . llcenaed home. Anytime.s. mately 720 eq, ft. plus lamily room, llreplace, dou­; poaaeaslon.T18. 40 ACRES Hagerman. Full lerms, ali clean. Delivery & Three bedroom unlis. Now - • an^ege^M44^^_^^^^ partially lurnlaned base-‘ AMERICAN ble garage. Aaaumabie VA^ l78,eoo.9Acres,exiranlee44 waler ahares. No buildings, set-up Included.' Carter available, Conalruelion now * * menl. Newalumlnum siding,;. • ... REALESTATE loan. $5000 down taka overr Bedroom, bl-levei home.r. AHtnnewalUlfar?»4963, Homea J33-7568-- completed Including lully *' -018 ...... SItiatfeniWanted - ...... S A P P R A IS A L -...... - -p^enta.~7334349 or-344.k Melon Valley. B18...... USED MOBILE HOMES, 1972I landscaped-'and aprinklereci, - &?ewr plan, lola of earth tones, lullI, Melon Valley. Nice 3 on; 1981 14x70 WindgaleI lawne. Trim trees ft ahruba. MaryAkkerman ...734-3882 ' Bedroom, 2 bath home., 1 LARGE corner lot and 3/4 I 1 Bdrm. garage & work ahop, ; E S S i s r . r . s ' " ’" i basement thst la partially L Ol an acre In easl Twin Falls. eloctrlc. $13,500: 1979 24x40 , V.area°n.bje,g3;a«48..* Extra nice 8 month old 2I IT?/.;;;;; linlshed, double garage,' Double llreplace. dsn, laml- Champion eiectrlci $17,500. * Excellent worftlng condi­ ' ly room/dlning' room,I CalI734-1493.______Contemporary Homes. 2064I No oe u , tions ,, bedroom home. Close to1 BY OWNER“ “ bedroom. 017 ButinewOppoftiinHm!,* Twin. Vi baih oil master ■ «9?9«.I47‘b L garden. Irull trees,• AreY Oy LOOKING TOR A .Kimberly , Road. Twin Falls, cul-de.sac. lola ol exiras. automalleaprinklera, B28. PICTURE PERFECT Cali Don Sirever 734-26n or $160 MONTH ContsotEarlOlaenat , COUNTRY STORE- 1133.0000 bedroom. Free sUndIngI Was $61,900 reduced to ■ • + inventory. For Inlormallonn alove in living room plus $129,900- 2 Aerea near Ban-. ACREAGE? Wo ara proud lo 423-4101 aller 8om,______FurnUhed 1 bedroom, . I $38,000. Aeaumable at 12%.’ GEM STATE REALTY b u ^ on the Snake River. oiler Ihia lovely. ImmaeuUie Downlown. $30 deposit. Call write Ray Lewie, 1711 N.I. large double garage and' 1834 Belair Circle. Twin Falls 625SlueUkesBlvd.N„ KELLEY MOTORS CurtjB.Bo_lse.Jdahoa37D7. carport, greenhouse, 1,800 aq. It. 2 Bedroomil 3 Aerea, complele wilh nice K 'ao]?Ef% ’'r 7344973.______Call 7344328. 733-5336 home, big fireplace, emailII 2-Story. 4 Bedroom home, a 2 BDRM Home In Couniry, For Sale AUTOMATIC BEE buyers, Conlemporary F ' a : orchard, garage wllh ahop. red barn in excellent ahape, Homes, 2064 Kimberly Rd S200. Couples oniy. Call • ‘ $29,000 assumable loan at 9 B14, healed ahop and garage, TF. Oon Sirever 734-2673 or 7344973 evenings______I, 3/4%.ThlBischolce. 030 HomeaForSale 030 HomeeForSale while lencing, big garcfon 423-4101 aller 6om,______2BEOROOM,8loye, rolrig ft OREAT PART TIME CAREER and 3 water ahares. Located s u r f part time wllh potential near Filer Cily llmlta. 10x50'1 Bedroom Irailer wllh WANTED exoerlenced cook. eam lnga of 130041000 per; MAGICVALLEVREALTY Ownera will consider carry. llreplace, relrlgeralor, ' 1 m onth, II you want to auy 73J5580 ERA^ Ing paper wllh good lerma. atove. Yours lor undor part time, or go full time aas Evenlngs73»S33i . Robsrt Jones Realty Jusl lUled and will aell laal $2.000- 3444^ afier5om , 2 BEDROOM HOME, Umlly room; fully lenced yard In you leam. Either manage-: BACK TO SCHOOL at $69,900,00, For further In­ 12x60 MOBILE HOME needs ! WANTED Experienced De-! ment w ^ potential earninpa 733^404 or 5 4 3 ^ ^ lormallon and appointment aome repair work. $4000. !Hansen, $250 per monlh. rtUI Asalstant, Prefer train- * SPECIALI U cated very 733-9300 or 734-4168. ’ ol teo.ooo per year. Call Mr.■ close to Sawtooth School to view call Call734-3j89.______I ' Jo n e s at 208.2ii-1203 for an' thia to u l brick home ollera JACKORCARLETTACOX 14 X 60' TAMARACK 1979. ‘2 Bedroom house with aoQOln tment.______many desirable leaturea lor "MUSIf S E i" FARMS Gem s u te Really.. 7344400 Relrig, Slove, $8000: Contaci jgarago, $223-f $100deposlL. * SEASONED CONTRACT lorr your family. 9 Bedrooms. 2 320 ACRES ONLY $80,000) Home(eye-a)...... 733-2080 ..School. Dislrict' 1414. Kim- jMarried coupio. No pels. feW U ,.,SK ’Sfl sale. Will discount. Call 1 ta th s,ta rM lamliy room, lull $ WHEN ONL'iUY'THE U$T WIU OOI 15% down owner will carry' BE A PART ol being apart. be_tly4234170^ 1 _ _ . . . ;72!:24J1______. . many benorita. High School Yo m usl § • t)iU very, vi baUnee 10%. Call now ll 644.2771.______very thorp 3 bedroom ' Excelleni golf course home 14x64 BARRINGTON all sol 2 ( BEDROOM home. Twin. diploma required. See 11 you 1 central air, lenced yard anti- ho e lo c a ld in eKcellenln l tMlghborhood. Cleon Munroe-Roblrta Reai EaUte' sites available at North Rim $175 monlh, isi-last monlhs ■> can quallly. Call Army Op-^ SOMEONE to own and 6434608. i up and ready to be moved ^ r operate well esublishedI much morel Large asauma- 0* VI b e .lo v o rock firtpepioce, 2 boihi, fomlly Falrwaya, Ken Roy, Snake Inlo. ThU Is located In Iho ♦ cleaning dep, 733-5986, • ' Service Franchlae Business, ble loan. Owners translerred roc I, b a iJ a e n t, plumbwlid for 3rd baih. Double Rlver_HeaiEaute. 733^17. couniry , and you can lease 2 : BEOROOM home lor RENT -• • w n ie in conlidence to BoxI and must sacrilice at only 00 0*. nlc^ondicopMl.d. No.I 180.A. ACREAGES ' the ground for only $30, per or< SELL..Call326-5410, Flie r J $30,900.00. Call NOW. - ^ 3 Bedrooma 1048 sq. leel. onI CITY LOTS ttOO DOWN WE«RE EXCITED to presentt A42. 0 /0 Times-News- Box I Mobile Homes OK. 53fr4781. m | onth.. Beller check this 2 BEDROOM, all eleclric. 158- >• j Xckorcarlehacox 2 a cres N.E. ol Bum. Trees a I to you a fantaatic opportuni. $ i tVOoVrOFCCTK11A$I Toke o look 01 plenty. $49,000. $10.000 cash one out. reasonable down Camey ( StreeL Call 733-7107 Ihl ovely3beld b t o s M ga'iSSiSS'oi;!?':!!! basement a^ur^ni, all SM lf'S'M ™ SllI ie i r Sualneaa Bureau, Idaho BY Builder new 2 bedroom, 2 1 in nicely londtco d to get Inlo thU Umlly grown ogr - rm m In partially linlahacge Meodowt orea V h~ ' Munroe/Roblrta Really 733-1062or 3244354 j oonsMsred tor (he manager- houae.- Boisedd»ho M7». urtd iprinkllng lyitem I Bdrm. IV* baih, $3300 down, - -6 6 BEDROOM, couniry kllch- ft ssslatant managar poal-. J Phone 334-2400 or 1400- BY OWNER 3 bdrm home on omily room, firepli e, 16434808. J Aaaumabie loan, $130 pay- en, ^ lenced yard, sprinkler •* . r ad yard. Double oaragev fo r odditionol Ilv iq OWNER W IU TRADE.1 or i ayatem, den. recreation • . tlona. Some mechanlcai ( 1 acre-norlheaat olJerome. ill d ft priced lo rim itll^ l^ . m enu 423-6926 or 837><489 ‘ skills are helpul, All 'tplieaI \ WOULD UKE TO aaaoolate ho t brick veneer fn it. JOYCE MUNROE, 22Vi acre parcela lor aulo or weekends.______- room•' ft lormai dining room. CalI3244874or3244: ; ' . B-aTimes-Nows,TwlnF,In Falls, Idaho T hursday, Au|Auguat 27.1081

^ 1 — i £ i m

106______^ rtne 114 Farm Implements 115 FarmWorkWantedIted, 11s FarmWorkWantedIted 113 Farm Wort Wsntec 119 Farm Work Wanteded IU FannWwkWiflisd WEANER PIOS (or sale. Call EirCELUENT2a tl, shell spud WE HARVEST “ CUSTOM'PLOWINO 8 "dIs- DIS cTiS^TOM g r a in , BEANS,r& 8 CUSTOM bean cutting,rig, STACKING.” * SWATHING, ^ bed with bell snd-foan. CINQ. 4 bottom reset ploviSlow, CORN Thrashing, Truckick 4 4 < r 0 row W/ Dempster,ter, Jim Olson. 733-0798 or 733- P WEANER PIOS (or u ie , Joe ______*''' Radish Seed 9 ' Kippee,8*3-e987. . - Clover & Alfalfa Seed toolio1 14 'hoavy disc, 324-4024.___ available, 324-3108. _ Rotary Bean Rod; It oats anati ' ■ ' ~'— - ...... " • ■' « ' FOR SALE, Huteltmasterter CUSTOM HAY STRAW the beans w/o shattering,^0' SWATHINO’8 BALING'rock ^ Case modsi RP 14' ofl-sel>e| . Leslie R, Jones, Inc,' CUSTOM plowing & discing.:lng. STACKING. 2 wide. Call411 943-4731 call evenings._____' picking, discing. ' culU- Fartmers 108 S f*S? m disc, 24" blades on 9" Call flex Harding ., 324-204:2*5 ROBERTNEWBRY 734-1583.3.. CUSTOM bean threshing!ng harrowing,- plowing 543- QOAT8-9 month Ddea fromom spacing. Nesriy new. $4800.M, Beans, Corn,Orain kW and plowlng-wllh 3 bottomsri! 8888/8434011. _ - good milker $39. 2 Monlhnih Cat15tf8319-______CUSTOM PLOWING- Migly THRESHING- grain, beans. Bucks $19. Call 888-7544. _ FOR SALE, 14' LOCKWOODro Les 7334181 or 3284280 8" rnom:s/late eve's. 5374818.L allalU seeds, corn. Call Ray Doua.7334181 ° & transport sviilable. 934- 934 Stacker handles 42-48" LIQUIDATION small farmirm pQtatobed.Calll-432-5215,. bales, Win Travel. Preferlor CUSTOM Bean Thrashing, 2 2 Harrla..538.M0B- ■ flock. Registered Suffolkoik 5- . ______2-WIDE HAY STACKINGr ,.t 8 CUSTOM Swathing, Balinglirr; 42-43'' bales. Call Johnnielie irucks available, no Job loo00 THRESHING grain or beans rket sheep. Rim and ewe lambalbs X BALING. Call Peie Black Blair, 94348^1 or 543-1882. Mm U. large or too amall. 7U-7963,83, wllh 1480 Axlle Row Com­ r«*dy to breed,: 19 slud ewea ------«■— 829-9190 or 829-5847. 5^5 '■^"•*220 0 Leave messaoe. ^-7088.733-2914. bine. 543-5924 or5434flS9. ■ I with buck, 1 registereded Sladell yearUng ram. Priced — reasonable. Sell Individually oraBunU,Catl543-802fl, i 098 • ______' 102 CattleIttle REGISTERED Suflotk ewesZ *G*E*M* ALFALFA SEED for spring — end yeartlno . buck limba. plaming. lop qualily, ililaate THE VERY BEST IN OAIRI a ii.rfM ioooinM ii»...,, , E Q U IP M E N T tested. Jam es J. Martriati.lati. HEIFERS, * good sslectlor:1‘°? REOISTERED NUBIAN 733-0U1. w e'll dallvef. close-up springer, heifers, ( f U S E D . ALFALFA SEED for tprlno planting, lop quaUly. stkisl i! ! . 3. bean _ ■ laated. Jam es J. Martrisii. 3 YEAR OLD large Col* :T s iimbla/SuKolk BUCK, larmm C O M B IN E S n f s 5F0RD ■ 733-014l.W e'imeUvef.___ "WT ais. ra lsed.ciw f). Call 7 3 3 ^ 1 ^ ALFALFASEED. Call 7 REGISTERED Finn ewes.72 2 QLEANERCII ^varlellas. Can deliver. ' tefed Bioek. tSSO each. Cal 934-4313. & 3 yeara old $7M110. l- 733-10MOf73HS1B. ' _ rw latered Finn ram lamb.lb* JOHN DEERE eeOO ALFALFA SEED by Grower,or, >- 7-Flnn cross dorsel ewe Top quality common ranger, I's* JOHN DEERE 99 . . S135 per lOO^SUto^letled.rt! IM______Homia> lotv- -ALU-TYPER-OF-HOR8E8IE S - 9>4.fl7«t- -LONQ-BEAHflPBaAl:------— m c 9 i ...... - [ — 1 ------FOR SPRING.PLANTINQ we ' Ei5- u o ...... - -PouH iytRiW H TIUAIf i y i 0LM ! have all Ihe popular publicme HALfeY7&8flS5.______— U Y ERS LEGHORNS ”fl fl IHC78 ' varieties ol allalfa lor the:he APPALOOSA quarter horse months $2.60. SUgecosch ' MsQlc Valley. Ranaer, er, mix gelding. 12 years old."o- Feed & Ranch.Supply. Call•» CA8E 800w/be1tun1oader ’ ' Lahontonr~& others: AlsoIV BroKe.Cal1324aojb. '-OeHaIbB new lfl7 brand. TF- T i 734.1808. . ■■ An Knudson 7aM450, 7M- BIQ SADDLE mule lor sale, SATIN RABBITS. 23" andnd • TWIN FALLS ^ good lor hunting. 734-223i; JO, K l m b ^ R M ^Eaat « Q_r.73Mg45 _ e y e s______:w FORD DISm . S . Paul Beekmsn 324-2147; BIG STOUT quarter horse 200 EXCELLENT Raiseded Murtaugh* Frank Nebekerter !& U ying larm chickens, $2.9090 BUHL 433.S510; Wendell-R«y Me*«e- EXPERIENCED RIDER will•i'l ______649CondensaryRd. Cord 536-2029: Biacklooi-01- work & train your horae lor I 9’-10" Offset 9 TURKEYS, two thirdsds 5434392 ••JohnShobej a 4 : 4 m _____ horse board i uae of horse[•• . grown, 944-2*}fl. ie$5420 • N/C RANGER Alfalfa Seed,lo . In CSI Equitation Claia. Ref- HANCOCK 4 wheel pulMyper. I ’*•9- tan ------^------—■■ carry-«ll 8 yard. Qood condl*’ ■ Balo Prlc . 9 9 5 ^ ■ a a ; ; J g - Ion tlon. 400 West 79 North. ■ HolllSler.M5-4?73. FOR SALE 9 year old Regis-|fi. m ____ 1 - ^ - ^ HAY 8USTlR.“ B4ledlisy 12’-7” Offset r 08? •_____Hiy.QralftiPwd; ' A r x s i Z n aV Amoth M^tpfoductsi Chopper, PTO portable. excellent prospect for rop- Masssy Harris. lOll Tendonn H Reg. Price - APPROXIMATELY 30 ton 2nd It^^ Of barrels, 11250. W cutting ailalla. t59 ton. Call ^ • Q a t S p i W diak. Mlsc ahop equipment. — PVCandAluminum ' ■ Sale PrIci S 9 S ^ “ after Spm. 32«-315a, - ___^ T, FOR S A L E T m r old Regis.t Unde^^u^dPVC IH 454 W/loader. Trojan 4- » ATTENTION w.-fEEOERSIS ' tered gelding. Welt-broke, wheel drive loader. 2 yardd " Custom tub grinding, sta- vory gentle would make an bucket. IH 898 Hydro. Jotin 14’-4” Offset 10’-’-4” Heavy Duty' TandemT; (lonary or Iransportlnp oi all •xceiient Ranch or RopeS2 "GATl&RPr" Deere 4430. MF 1135. Will types of Aifalla forage.*• horae. >1500.438-8501. • Aluminum APIaalki - 42»<151or4234tsy. __ trade. BUI Loughmiller,r! H Reg. Pricee $10,490 ¥ 0 ^ rice $5630 FOR SALE 3 year old Buck-:k- •P lastle Buried Pipe 733-9781 ,______^ FIRST & SECOND Cutllno'0 skin mare « colt MOO; also) 99 •P ipelines, pipe trallera , INTERNATlOtiAL''430 Hayly ■ Sale Prici 9 9 5 P r i c e ...... 1 9 7 5 : Hay,>50lnajKk.543^M.J- month old Phllly $100; ^ baler, good condition, $1200, - FOR SALE, clean straw, you)u Shetland pony, chestnut?Si • Ca1l94^7L _____ ,______III with llaxson mane and tall. • 4J3!!44£|°^ PIPPSALES ; I lO’-4’rM ei’DutyTaniindem 17’--10’’ Heavy Duty]y Tandem awWestofKospllat ■ CORfr~CHOPPlN'67“Le?s'~8 ' H0 ^ E “ BREAKING Call* • 7334013 ^ ^ Reg. Price:e $ 4 8 7 9 rlee$n,69S t Custom Farmtng. Call 32ft-«- 734-4881 beiore 7:30am and 7^1 JOHN DEERE’M 'Combrnl. • ■ 4964.or32>-47tl3.______• il9 £ 4 i ^ n v ______SLIGHTLY used like new > ■ Sale Pric< P r i c a ...... ” » 9 9 5 .30HP Berkley turbine.sub- QoodJ]y!£Si4?i^fi5i-____ HAYHAUUNG JOHN ROSE. CertllledA, ' n^eislble 3 phsse pump. 300'00' -JOHN DEERE 8800 combine, : WJTHIOWHEELERTRUCKK Horseshoeing, 324.7888 or _.qI. wire—Included. $3000,,00. .t)ydrostatlc-drlve,-b«an-al- _ 1 2 ’-8 ’ a - -W-2822.------Days. (702> 73M188 or 738*38* tachmenls. Phone 825-5835.. '^MeilrO>lyTanijndem^------^20”^8^HeavyDiity-1Kandem— : LUO BARLEY STRAW. Baled >d K&A* Horseshoeing, for ap­‘P* 8 4 » eve'a 8i w/ends. Msnin''I" MUST SELL New MF 205 , In flold, 75l- S24-3988.______ho u rso n u c. Call 7340741.. 5 f , r . . . * a s . . metoly 249 bales In Held. : ■ Sale PrIci 5 9 5 d. PAINT MARE, 8 yeara old,id. < YOURHASTtNQS rflw HOLUND self pro*>* I SatoPrici:.....^10>, ,3 9 5 • »1,75 per bale. Cali32443Si.^ quality- show horse lor In- pelled Chopper. - New I STRAW lo r 's a le . Largele termedlale rider. Also r Is . ^ enolno, excellent condllion.». I ' Bales: Approx. 1500 bales.s. trained to harness, 13,900,10, For top quality gated and'''O with hay pickup and 3 rowH I C a ll4 3 M |^ ______938-8421 altsrepm______main line aluminum pipe.» • corn head. For sale or lease. - STRAW over 2000 bales.s. QUALITY HORSESHOEINGIG Tex-llow irrigation Si^plles.IS, Financing available. 532-I- ' Oood malt barley slraw In - -WAl5TE'D'“ A”*SmalV”dider e REGISTERED ARABIAN^ 7700 FOiiRO DIESEL TRA ______— ■ tractor with a front end {ACTOR d ; stum p, Cat! 543-4786, riding mares. Others. Rea- I t loader A scraper blade, re- (Serial Nclo. C661478) 84hpr.. PTO)P1 « 1st. 2nd. & 3rd cutting alfalfa. a o Q a W 3 2 4 ^ .______- oardiess of condition, prelerir ' Call 837-8134. .______m ATTENTWN OAIRYMENI lN F o rd ..n4-1925.______• O uotPow ort6Sp««« c d AM/FM Slereoeo r ■ 15 TON FIRST CUTTING HAYV i.i Slalls & pipeline are in stock WANTED SET of 15.5 TIRES. I. ranch and roping gelding.a at all limes. Magic Vatley • PoH o n g e rSear o ai' Tool Box ! S40. JEROME. CALL 324. "• Dairy Supplv.324-4381. a f l ■ • Reor Work light* I 4M7.______;______31700. 734-3534______------■ • VltlbllUy Group oup "Fancy Iniorlor” • Front End Weight!I With SiloingWindow Win 1, SUPER using horse. 10 year7r "STOCK rack wittt overahot ; 2S TON first cutting ailalla, 0 and sikle gate & pole gale, WANTED TO BUY tractor. • linkage Stabllzortt • Power AdjuiiIt RearRe Wheel* T S60. Shoshono. Call BM- old gelding, team rope, Manure Spreader in good • tt.OOx l6FronlTiri'ire t • Foot and Hand Tl : 2921. ranch work, hunt and pack.S: e « c o n d ,f tM M t___ condition. Phone &37-83fc. nd Throttle Well broke & genlle. fllSO.0. STOCK RACK, for 8' pickup, • Deluxo Ford Cob Wl•VHhHeater, • >6,9 x 38 Reoro rT Tl lre t 2: WANTED 6-row bean cutter.’ - Air Conditioning 734-5470 or n ^ 8 afterer new condition, $229. 324-^ Prefer international or John I : 098 Firtns.FotRenlr>l Sfi.'IL______- Deere could u se 4-row. Call ’ WANT TO LEASE Or buy 80ib TEAM OF PONIES. Broke loFo ^ l o COOLERS: “ : ______a (Ide and work. Harness and)d gallon - Vaico: - lOOO gallon . - aero farm In Buhl area. Have j! w a nted ^row Demster Ro- Manui - relerences. machinery & ll*l. 4 wheel wagon buckboard lu taiy bean cutter. Call 543- ufacturer's S uggestssted “ ^ 13 t t f e , Catll.4fe.94a8. • nancing, Wrlle to Box A-33 ” 47/1 or 543:^ ,______jUj RetafI.Rrice ...... : . . . $$33,900.00 3 . c /o Times News Box 54818 1, 2 & 3 year olds hall ,n WANTED: 4 or 8 tow BEAN (k ’ . Twm Falla. Idaho 83301, U' R w "< ^L E R S : 2,000 gallon Mueller with 9 hp. res.,I.. CUTTER,(or IHC. 837-4780. r , washer. Inslalled $lj.0C0. 13* PICK UP header or l c 0 K a h n - L u c ; ■ 019______Future For Reninl 1 REO, 1 ORAOE quarter cich 's * " N obie-^fr^r.,^ Gleaner L will sell or trade. : HORSE PASTURE lor ret»t 7 horse gelding, sorrel. Been Call 544*2771.______• ' miles SE Twin Falls. Oatlill u sed on ranch. 837-4825. P r i c e . . . .• ••••• ,150" n. 150 FARMHAND beel> ^ 1 ' 423-4213,______.. 2 YR OLD APPY GELDING,1 8"'"K «Snrriin harvester. New elevator ■ WANT TO'RENT (all pasture0 Siarted. Oentle. Oood dis­^ wire. l6(ft. Barbed wirere chain noflnsuiled. Priced to ’ for 100 head. 825-5520. position; Atso 4 yr old, Sor- negotiable. P. 0 . Box 3231.1. sell. Call 934^4313. rei Mare. \i onelland ” Bellevue, WA S8009. (20«)JJ ------WANTED Fall pasture for 15 quarter h o rs ^ broke & gen- - pairs, Kimberly area. Call. 8 W 37L ______. Its . Pam Wodt Wanted " • tie . Call 5 4 3 ^ rta w n l|ifl8^ • 3800 FOBRD DIESEL TR/I 423-58W,_ : 2-GRAIN BINS-new. 1000u ------lACM . 3 YEAR OLO Quarter horae.;■ buehel & 2200 bushel. Call (Ssrlol Nolo. C664676) 40 hpr. PI Bay Gelding, Excellent con* 'II HAY&STRAW PTO , llrmallon,Mj-a20a. 43M492 STACKING IW______3-WIDE _____ • Dlfferontlol lock:k • Drew Borr 4 YEAR'OLD Sorrel mare.». ' ' BULLS* (WO dairy bulls SCHROEDER & CLAYTON • Fenders Wilh llglIghts •C oldS tort■t ------—------‘ Blaze i 2 etocktngs. 19 I CALL 5434970 o le t •.Power Adjosidjust Rear . : ; eOOIbs, oul 0125 year A.B.S. hands. Weight 1050. Realll 1t4 Pifflil(np>en>enli • Two Spool Remoti - brod herd. For sale or trade- gentle. Broke io ride & drive. 1 • Front Er>dW«lghtiht* W heels • ; rocKplcKer or dump truck_• >750. Call 324-2225. BEAN CUTTER BUOES BEAN & CORN COMBiNING. • SMVSIgh • linkage StobIStoblizer* ••6,0 0 x t6FnDi1 Freni Tirot e HEAD registered Ap-: ' ForSpeedyCutters Axial. Combine. Large or e Power Steering • COLOSTRUM staried Hois. , Hard Surfaced & amall fields. Trucks avai|a- . •l3 .6 x 2 8 RI Roar o o Tirat. : paloosa brood mares. 3 in 1 ble.Calt84i8720. 1 toln bull calves lor.sale. Cali' package. Real good blood • 324-4055,______^ Sweanllngs.f ■ raSfSS. BEAN COMBINING wanted. ■ Maianufacturer's Suggegested COLOSTRUM STARTED bull CtmpbeliTraclofCompany iHave'2 combines. 943-4828 I calves lor sale. 324-5042. . ^ 4 Franklin Road - -Vac.Q-Mer, Exc Condition. 8. Equipment Company CUSTOM BEAN dealere lor Classic Horses 32M 82,______!THRESHING. . 7344310 Tnltere. 734.4121.______18-hole JD double disc grain , 00 FOR SALE BEAUTiFllL evenlnos.______FACTORY Undem axle 2. drill on rubber. Hydraulic CUSTOM GRAIN Thrashing : young Holstein bull ready to: horse Iraller, w/brakea,, mouni, $900: M otiom Oliver *13,950“ I work. Call 328-4915 alter spinner plow, ahesr pin & corn wanted. Also have _ Bofo. W lM .C I L i f t t o : ______trucks available. Brent Ring, ’Offer epptleile t lo Inventory In iteek . Prtcece exctude* • loxe*.. , FOR SALE. 2*horse single» beans. $9(to. 3244822. Call 94M311 or 943-4081. FOR SALE 25-30 Registered1 axle horse Irsller. $200. Call 1979' CB HAYES combine, h Brown Swiss Cows. Top lor evenlnoa or early momlnos. protein* pricing. 3-7 years • IDENVER RNE'a Custom " age, bangs vaccinated,‘ ■ Farming. Bean Cutting. production lested. 10% Off on all horae 1978 CB HAYE COMBINE. I Swalhlng. baling, disclno. *- classlliod, Sound cattle. trallera Inatock. New condition. Extra con* Rolo-tllllng, j plowing, 328- i.:..-.Pflca SiTOOperheadalthe, SlhrerTreeFarm. . caves tpgrts.^TBB. ]*031. :______, farm. Western Oregon, Hana[ C all...... 73»0973 > 20 tt poUlo bed, heavy duty 4-4121- “ ; C a ll...... 504070 ,Great. $400 788-2188 Illel^ady.$4900.79M1». ^ Evenlnoat 924.7384. - \______I wmmmmrnm

I, I T h u rsd ay'.A ./ u g u st 27.1.081 Tlmes-NowNow s, Twin Faiia, Idaho B-9

est-A i r T f o e kk - A A a i r ^ 2 " I" In th

052 Fum.ApLa.DuplaxM 056 0 Omee 4 Bualnaii Renlal 0 = I THINK MV DM3 ^ c b s e t t i n g eVERV v e TIM E THE BAP/C? /0 > H E S T A N OjotrriNTHE e « • ' 067 Mlicellansous For Sate oOl007 Mltcellineoua For Salo § O N E C F H113 i e ANNOUNCES • BACKVARO.P,HUAW IN(5-, ■' APTS 4 HOUSES NEW N WHOLESALEQijIfibii- FOR F S A lI 7 dr(lco“ oosKs. 6oT i ym pu S OM^2~lamora. SWIMMINO/PtCNIC AREA tli « RES7T.ESS UR(SR(5ES AQAIN. . A^ nTDRNACO WARNINGS.S— *saV\EW>-/HERE tlon or shop bulldlno. 2156 aAsking around $150 each. 50150MM Ions. 70MM-210MM From t65-t270.734-0300 4ih 4t Avonuo Easl. 734-2338. a _ CVER-THEFF^INBCW." d Atso somo swlvot dosk MjMacio-Zoom Lons, motor . CHOICE nolgh. t bdrm Apt OFFICE d lor ront. air condl-. clchairs. Catl 733-6107 lor moro dridrivo, Conlrol grip, hard- - ■ T " «75; 2 sludlos $155 Sngl. tionod. tli privato paiKlng. easy I'iInlormailon. ______sh shell caso. 2 llashos. 4 i i r M t t j x J X r ------nnon-amoker. 734-7105. accoss, ai somo luinlluro in- ' FRANKLINf1 WOOD STOVE. intors. Now cosl $1905. TP cCLEAN, cuto 1 bedroom . cludod, cl Spoclal torms lor T.F,t Suzuki 400 Trail Cycio. i*Asking. $600. n3-8593 or if|i|k r^ T I'lurnishod apartmoni. Closo long lo loaso or will romodol. HondalOOh cycle. 733-3942. y734.9688 ' attor 6pm ask lor Bionlj______£ {^%!M >C to lown. il95 + SIOO deposit. Locatod L( 270 Falls Avo Wost, GOODr. Used goli carl. $675. ^7 7 » 3 6 £ r______Tj Twin. Call 543-5546.______5 lllon bo soon at mo Twin QUEEN SIZE walorbod witn , EXTRA NICE 1 Bodroom with PIPRIVATE OFFICE with to- FiFalls City Goll Course. Irame * $165. Maicning .an- y \ 1 ■ hhoal/wator. Roloroneos. No ctcoptionist 8 answering Conlacl c Gary Rono 733-7505. llquo iron twin - sorvico availablo. Call Bruco b9ds,13"x24"x35" sloreo iTTiSaSBi' pP0t8-.t165-Call733-«8«. ~ - S( GRACCO 433 alrtoss paint ' co I IwawBM tfn JEROME J ntco I Bodroom ajGlobO Roally. 733-2626.. color organs with control - i - J . , sprayor. Ex. cond, $1500. box. po 733-0085______ SOTC?NEOFO F H j e A\ fF=REI(SHTER SCYJNP S175 month. 733-6261. = wllh accos. Unused. $350, Q f^ESTUESS5 UL R S E S . . . R 35TH e (DRIENTT T < O V O T A SAUEReHIR L'LOOKING FOR A HOUSE OR 0061 GjragesFofRenl C;Call 734-1874altor Sp m .___ REGULATION Si:o Foozbail ' aAPARTMENT? Call Qulllers.- =-s------tablo. 4-piayor rogulaiion .»:733;2940, ______;____ J, KIEFER BUILT HorVo + s)20 jij pinball game. Call ■ CO______WanlToRent sislock trailers. 20"R:^‘r -- — ?i pumps. Llko now. $2500 ------s ------V V E L n r M V C 4_JE0a£».ii^fnIshod_ ^now, Cali 837-4853 alter spm. ‘ S a-~T~TWffqtMerchandise oquipmonl. ?q supplies, post- $135; j ^3 2-6 Slallon Lawn Gonlo — SJiSingles Onlv. 733-3130.____ “ ago machino. and J,D. riding Sprinkler spi conlrollors $25 2_ DUPLEX. & .7 ..kitchon. 06 <»' 7 MBrchandtse lavlawnmowor with swoopor. 5 oat ^ 9 5 3 S_Y_STE^;___ ------y ' «Papartmonis. Working gs Thurs. 1-5. Fri 94.1100 Sluo ' r S — s & ' CO ,95 DIAMOND solllalro. lino 7|)Lakos Blvd. North. Sierra uui Ol ^ couplos 6 singlos. S40 lo $55 wh WEIGHT RIFTING EQUIP- popor wook, 73M284^______Ma Lilo Building-Hoar onlranco, M j JENT.'pittosslonai | Quality e lo Timos Nows. PO Box QlQUEEN SIZE hido-a-bod. wllhsaletv win rails, 734-6W7, _ ft i i l i 054 Unlum.ApliDuplexes MajPaofiMOLm ______Qc Good condition. 35mm WIRE vvil Chinchilla cagos"lor AlALL ELECTRIC. A/C. AIFAIR COMPRESSORS. I.IW . Cannon “ camera with sale. sal< Cali 7344539 belore H I M W I T H | % 1 fw i'iarX Sra CLEAN Housokeoping Cali ^ 625-5778 ovonlngs.____ jlN O A IL -IN .V. W A L K I N S - R A S X PASSIN(S-A 0BUMCZECH. gi . I _,PA P... HE'S ir Cabins, wookly or monlhiy. ■ ATTN:/ RODEO QUEENS L C V A K t A . A HOBO IN F1^<5U E. ______. Partially Pj lurnishod, 733<631- For Salo: Folt Roslslol and g C2ECH05UC DELUXE Townhouso-3 Boavor Boi Hals by lormor B ICC EST SSAVINGS il bdrm. iliopiace. air cond. "M iss Rodoo Idaho", most appl. w/d hook-up. private colors. coli Alao Boa Boots-most pallos. yard caro. Walor & colors, coli 566-2542 allor 6pM'or EVEIER i ------sanllallon (urnlshod. Adulls. woekends, woi Hals size 6Vi . $325.9-5 wkdays 733-2626. 8ft^gls_si£o6Mol 6J» ____ ON A U PEUGEOTS IN INVEHTOIIY.I - i BABYBAI CRIB comploto wllh FALLS APARTMENTS m mai atiross, $40. Cain's Cloar- Close 10 schools S shop- ancanco Conlor. 733-7111. ___ ping. Chlldron woicomo. BROWNb Ri 14 cu. II. GE rolrlg- |ii>5«^^^-_, Warm Irlendly & quIoi at- eralor ora $175. M-W 3 whool. 3 mosphere. 1 & 2 Bodroom spospeed cycle $100,733-7022, 1980 PEUeEOT5(rSOSSEOAN _ *111 > apls. $220 4 $265 monlh, 863 CAPTAIN King Size Captain Power steering, oir eondlilonlr>oning, electric sunroof, Quincy. Watorbod jTilrroiod _hoad.:. wind doliocior. poMor windovndowt, AM/FM siereo, -=cM -tra«eoor^ board, 8 drawers ',un- "outomoile ~ircnimlt»ioi>7' quoni~c1ock;—loxory;— quo ----- ______LALARQE, oxtra cloan. 2 bdrm dordornoath. Now notation economy ond durability. In Twin. Appliances, maimaltross with Ballus .4 ''T o v ^ C h e ic * o f C ^»pp«r p « or Ivory" ...... ______lau ,nlght»l«ndrj-mlrr«ed-mM— - icioo.cabinolJL38.x-2a,glasi- • ------^------rno-monthr423-440ir------'IlroIiropiaco scroon 60" sliding -M vr'.'T T T ;::.:?;’”'"^ ^ 2 1 0 0 = = ^D ir& ctoryof ______- NICNICE CLEAN dupiox. g[aiglass door.lor balhlub. Call lurnishod. All ullllilos pald._ f ^ o 4 . 5 6 8 9 .______• No pots or chlldron. $135 a CREATIVEcri CIRCLE 5 T s r - : |monlh wllh $25 doposlt lor noedlocrali no< kits, 10-20% oil VICE SPEiciALIS cleaning-. 733-2450 ______alikll3untllSept1.,734.M9j. all» 1981 PEUGEOT 504 STATIONWAGONSTi POOL NOW OPEN. Al- ELE Four speed trontm ltslon, oir eo _ l______ELECTRIC-START. SOll- Ir condillonlng, AM/FM — - asisne?irasyourtitelephone ■J Iracilvo,Irai spacious 1 & ‘2 propotlod pro LawnBoy 21" lawn tiereo. tiooi boiled rodiolI liret,lire greoi economy. - Bodroom apartmonis. Enjoy mowor. mo< Llko new. 1344 Aider room ond comlort. >.*. l y . t ^ iolsure iol! living within walking Drivo. DrU ______dis Englow Air compressor Cal i$300; Advanco Hydro-vac in- • A V I ...... * 1 5 0 0 AE2!!2!£n!l______dus |pMACHINE“ l n o f o ^•TILUNG ii • - r I duslrlal vacuum $250; oxecu- « ADVERTISE REED APTS, now ownor, Ilvo ilvo desk, chair, typing ns. lovoling, sooding now- manager. All ulltitios mo(modular, llko now- $350. YOUR «g,mowJng. Lalho work,.rk. Hoilarc A ST os' oxcopt oloclrlcity lurnishod. IDAHOid COIN GALLERIES •TY S & T a S p I e s, mowmg waoo ■ SERVICE SPECIAiry 'lellO- specialty woldMidlng. Malor or S s picFloyd Gambrel, 733- Largo Studio's apts $140. 302 North Main 1981 PEUGEOT 505i nTURBO DIESEL RY . -est“male8,_734:e§i-6958. 32*> __ minor overh U rgo single 1 bdrm- apls IN THIS DIRECTORY /erhauTs. Vruck ^ 'a l l o“ i LfflnL______. t f i , ,. 7 3 3 j5 jL ______. SEDAN.5 Air eondllionlng. powoiowor steering, olociric 5M2.______■ frame* lenglho $165. $75 deposit, Vory good cTvFOOD DRYER. MAGIC surtrool. • pow er windowt. Mkholkhoiln rodiol lires with oning. PipeL be'b V X ^ ’ mlt!; Iocallon. 733-2829.______. ■ ■ 3 U N E S -‘ EGNER'S SfeT&roM 'I MILL-BOSCH PRODUCTS. aluminum < wheolt.-aulomotlelie irontm11 lsiion, turbo WELDING SERVICEICE soulh & 1 mlmile wesi from EOWARO 1 4 2BEDROOMApls..$137 DEL ■power.'ond eeonomleot. Southwest COIcomer ol Buhl. ,■ , 4 Up. depending upon In- “ T««r CholM «f Tw« t« C • Anyllme & Vernon Olande and gardens, any ^ ’ te CImkmo ProM. on"l?& «siL5asL_ K?V!Free estimates. Cali “come. j" Appllancos furn. saltsafe. $120, Call 733-9444, ----- M btM -PlaH M Placod under tho fiaiaing t jonsiructlon PAINTING Playground 4 laundromat, .*77 youreholeel orfteDalr.734-i24Q. 326-053, Casa Grando Apts, For Salo AUTOMATIC BEE ^^B SHARPENING • BOARD Drilling Machino. f a.OOO EMPLOYMENTSERlERviCES” Iniorlor, oxlerli FM:______L •AVI ...... “ * 1 6 0 0 Your ad wilt roach 22.0CJ Iho ____ & commercial. $20oo^4:SnLaJW5HL______famlll98_oy«ryday. and. ih 1 BEDROOM apt, partially .'Call ■■ "We PItce' I ...... eKperience..32ii,_326-5??4.- ' Shan lurn. Ulllltles not Included, ^r,,FOR SALE 3" GORMAN rosulls will amaze you.endly Ca SNELUNQ & SN PUMP Wisconsin powered. * today and one ol our Irlendl SNELUNQ. PAINTING 4S. R£REMODEUNG guts $150 month ■>. $100 deposit, word 1033 Shoshone Sirwilreet North, ;rd iii"M O y276 Adams. 734-7747, ___ ‘=1*Call42349M . Ad'Visora will help you IIIwot t» Twin Falla. Idaho..734-2550. 73 Done beal by!by Sierra Paint & . MUFFLERS Installed while M your ad so that II will ti .HOME REPAIR 1 BEOROOM brick Duplorf. “ V. ■ Stain. Froe. ostestimates, roofs SMALL H available Sopl 1st. $175 * you wall, Complete Mulller W mosl elleellve and bringoWnO yo EXCAVATKjN&GR/BHAVEL oll.(l.M.corJi Servlco including custom 1 ^ the results you are lookin carpentn doposlt. Roloroneos ro*- S . i tor. Ic and (. Carper Hauling, sepllc sy ntcrS ^dUj,."""’'"’ 305 Shoshone St, Soulh, !r ■ 733^1931 g^^”"SXnf°;^7^ kSHlON MONGER ^Bl2 BDRM duplex w/lull base- — a “ i m p ( g^Sl°e7i.'“■ l'n"^ i S a M : ; Tieni. 1617 7th Avo. Easl. ------______------FreoestirnatesItos. 734-6206. g ibod dress'making. ' - 8225 doposlt, 733-1148. 176^ n AuloDoilara | " A&ACONCHETE " EXPERTWINDOW PAT’S4*4and5ind SPEED SHOP , profosslo talks. CLEANING COMPAI llonal wear, designs - .2t BlBORM Duplex with range, »fallons. 734-2869. rofri-otrig, garage, $225 + do- ' " Paiios, driveways, watki I Pormanont H6H6mo lor D.K. Quality work al a wofkin jo s l iri Bdrm apt $100 * m m lonco. Cali T ow tngiRlecovory. eco You’ve TOPSOIL>11- 22J30POSII. 734-9652. ■ mana price. 73H6S8. — , w S o r n K SSS: " ______called tho rest,•ost. now call Iho n.iio-,-rt m in m e “ 13;rtliuor roquirod, 12 056 056 . Rooms For Renl 1977 FORD 1973,1 FORO CUS1DM Ids, dolivored In city, Jir?(iTCHENETTE. $50. Rooms, 197GMEHC0liy We have a* better wayl^Ms! < •• We will deliver. Drain Or, Held Counter lops & lor yard. Northwest ?itartlng ,''i $35. Frig, TV. m m u I door. V-8. outomolic pf) doing Iti Call Wall 7 3jikes 4 ^ sowor rock. NiNorthwest lacing. FealurirB,f,S"i?c,SK M indRiofllno. 733-1234. ®}|||;:hlldren/pols OK. Knoiiy 6 6 cyllndor, oufomoTic troironsmiitlon. power ^ BOBCATWAGOK or stop In at 633 Blue Lake Crane and Rlofllng.i10.733-1234. Wllsonart lamllamlnales. Work TREESEFERVICE Pin*»lne. 733-6033,______ir lronimi»»lor>. powor tteteering, oir, Stoek * cylinder, outo mo tie Blvd.N.______J JOBSHOP -----^------Gr. 8374444.______. JlM^IAC’e=■“ STUSTUDENT DISCOUNT. stoorlng, »« AM rodlo. No.lo.,.2«B. l™™xismistion. Squiro ANN’S ___ PROFESSIONAI Sleeping rooms. Lonna SiSlock No. P-823. g. Stock No. 1T-30B. Iller- A P*Personnel SECRETARIAL:lALSERViCES Slump'rerremoval, 423-<792. ' Sew1na-all 'kinds, alleiInos S ervee- 260 SixlSixlh Avo. a ^tlon^jg^rlnfl, weddlngj3 ' North. 733-T152. 24 hours. WeAfe pick up and TREESEF ^ ^057 RwUI Mobile Homes * 1 9 7 5 deliver. Donelone to your KONICEK *1795 *850 * BACKHOE n s ------speclllcations.ns. MacNoll En- LAWNSPRINKUNG 058 OlffcetBuslrnssRenui " Iling. SYSTEMS p r i s e s , 73*^73*«3S or 734- Trimming,ig, removing, limbs ^ Excavation, dirt hauling cut & lowi>wered hydraulically. CPA;PA Or allorney lo share 1371 m H 1970 FORD F-150 septic syslems. graveeV& Toro A Rain 6lrBird, pro- RENFRO ------733-251101Lor.734.l/a6. , . ofdcifllce wllh CPA. Havo 600 It, haulinD.'batemenis. ireeallon i losslonal inslallalIllation & . CUSTOM PAIN!MNTING UPHOLSTSTERY ofnc>1 now ollleo space with now HORHET WAGON ■ I 4 x 4 concrete removal. Irrlgalloiment aervice. Wo auaralaranlee III • t ~ ' ’• ' oquiiqulpmoni and library. 6 6 cylinder, automatic Rongoiingor Pkg.. oir, V-B. syalem s, small seolmen In Syatema Power washing:tlng, paint sirip- v C & Si Upholstery, tree Nonlon-smokor onty. Rent traniml«tlor%. tn luggogo outomitomotic tronsmisilon, , ponds cleaned. Tlm Himhi™ ______' ping. New hthomes, older ’ estimates,es, p.u. & del.,' aulo. lormsrms negoilablo. Please ,«rack. AM rodio. Stock wer tieering. powor 734-1B50.______all 734-891^ botwoon 9 and {4° MINI STORAGE UNniiJfTs hom es. Intei No, P-820 ■ ! okes. Slock No. •BUILD‘REPAIR* Comm/rosldontas:'i5» s a IT-234-234A. •REMODEL NMd storage spatelie ? Check “ »<>«»• ______YARD CLE :l ean ing«s h r u 8 & FOR LEASE $ - 1 & our monlhiy &: sseasonal RESORTS •HEDGET; TRIMMING Waralnt. Stock *loron., power . (i«erlng, P . J j ™ones, 734:9660.______ikes, rodlo. nlco unit. NEED A CHIMNEYPSWEP?. SY a n d PAINTING No. 1T-934A. ' pov,ower broket. Stock >ckNo. P-Q07A. . CARPENTRY 01 NDUSTRIAL SHOP. 60x40, O.P019, . 'Ock, " : Call Ashes AwayllI CllClean and cost shlniihlngle oiling & tetmos 'T2' overhead door, In- Framing. sMInq. sheotroek ^ w a g e m a n , utatod, heal pump, *4550 ° * 9 5 0 fooling, *®'" r'"' sifeis uoresconi iighis. on main _ *2895 ^ Reasonable. 7344502. thorelorough way. Cali 733-2282 “ ■» - ^ , asksk for May. Or ask for andy al 324-7325 or 637- ' 4513.513. ______1243 BLUELUE LAKES M s H l H e l e y & ------—1 iNDUSTfllALSHOP------a ’ WAREHOUSE SHOP ------"'BIVD;/ D r N : ------— OFFICE SPACE • iheliittt^lii^g ol a R^ivjoj^l { • 5 1 I D v?»’ Pni : Electloctric overhoad doors. ■collonl location. 'J fALLS ______' *250-:15041200 per month. Call _ 7 3 3 . 5 : ------n-1441...... II— I t w i n k

.) ' ^ 1 0 Tim os-N ew s. Twin/In iFalls, Idaho Thursday',, AiA uoust 2 7 ,1901

»est=AI L u t o SI True■»""If IV ^^w A A WiU ihi fI k o S T f e y ! - - Inthl e ^

067, MlscellafleouaForSile3ale 074 Mutl'-.allnalrument.enta . Apoiianceacoa 063 Garage Saleale. OS} QangeSalas^ 088 • Firewoodrood 090 Pela48uppiiea( , 121 Boats 4 Marine Itetns 122 Sporting Qooda 0 EXCE'^ONAL values on " 1«RiT?fl(^WANT6Di SOMME’R’plano In now coiTon- iF^b'irfL'WhiripooiT^rlo-no- ATTENTION parkingTm sale, PINE FiREWOOO"$M"eor'd•ord. AKC regialered Golden Re­”0* GLASSTRON BOATS andtnd 2W" Keen gold dredge with area dliion. al loss lhan v> ihIho oraior, has largo Iroozorizor The Crodll Women of TwinIn back lo school cloltilng ivory Iriove/ puppies, wlii mak< Loavlno Moglc Val'oy arcs chock KAY'S CLOSET 18" 4 38" longlhs. Dollvor I*? motors. Calkins trailers.us. ' SM HP pump, usod 2 weeks, AuQusi 31 lor CMcago aioa P'ico ol a now ono. Pocaocan secllon. 3 years old. Liko.i>(0 Fails aro having Ihoir llrst available.-Buy oarly bolori)loro oxc hunlors, companions' 8 “ Joromo imploment Co..:o.. $300, Call 734-2460. ,0 (0 wood llnist). 734-3183. now. $275. Call 734-5086' or annual parking lol salo.0 FINER RESALE CLOTHING. Via l-ao. WdtorOI wanlod lc .1 T44 Main Avonuo Nortn, DricoQoesuo.423-4i80. ‘UO 324-3311.Jerome.______share cosi ol oas: call Can ...... ^ 734-«438alior5om. - ...... ------Many Items for sale. Roa- ovonlnos 543-472^ or U6- - sonabio pricos. 9-4pm. Sat-It- TwliFaJls,______— • AKC regisierod Golden flo- ” 12______TfivelTfallflra urday. August 29. Uniiod)d THURSDAY ONLY Aug. 27lh ^a'li C L O S E - O U T ■2S 5 3 . ______^ 077 Radio.TV&Sler& 080___ • HeallnglAliCond. OM GoodTMngsToEi'oEal DELUXE 1979 26' Sth whoel [IE' Firsl Bank. .494 Bluo Lakos}s 2 family, yard sale. .Baby Road Runner travel trailer. , 1-LIKE NEW a H.P, Iroll.irotl. AKAI rool 10 tool storoo lapi Jar BWd^. N jo e YOU ihorol____ cloihos, dishos. 4 miscoiia-lila- BARTLEH PEARS. SlIH ON1980'S 1-rollor tampor. 75 sloolItool dock. 3 head. 3 moloraulo!“P„“ EARTH STOVE 101. 1 yoar .’ds' AUSTRALIAN SHEPHERDRD Tho 61's are arriving evory-iry. cpmplele w/am-lm radio, Exc old. $500. 733-9897.733-0184.L. BACK YARD SALE. Saturdayr„ noous. From 8-5 at 974 Dol Doi avaiiblo al Akland Orchards. Dns 8-track stereo, tv anterina, 3iakoa,Call3 ? M » fl.______rovorse S Dolby NR. Ex< rn Mar Drive. Twin FailS- _ Elborta 4 Halo poachos ^11 day and Iho selections ablo condition. $500.7i4-9ai8. LENNOX -oil (urnaco andnd 9 lo 2. Spool tables, aim ^ § 2oe' _ GREAT...at Tom's Marinaa 4 a/c, front porch awning, 1 SMITH^ORQNA Portablo j . WANT TO BUY: Barbie. Kon.on starting THURSDAY. Aug. urn spare lire w/covor & Iruck . EIQC. Typowdtor. Usod vory ATARI vldoo compulor~7Z, (o ' proclpalron. good condllion.jn. chair, lypowrilor. books. e 27. Llnilled daily picking,' “so so ^AUTIFUL dog housos. 3 . Sporting Gooda, Heyburn $350 or bosi ollor. Call 734-34- clolhing. mise. Won'l startirt Skipper doii paliorns. 6 Bridge Exit. Burley. 678-7473173 hook-up includod. Many liltio. Would mako a poodiood eale. Includos paddlos. jp ' In ~ -yoars old or oldor. Call Lona)na phono boloro coming. Our slzos. pricod right. See 122 - sludont-typewritor. SIM or M <007altoreb.m,- - - - carlyrt62 em'Avo. N., Twin jm 1 Jellerson St. 73^2450. Olher options. Sloops 6 1 or., .stick s and 2 carirlgos. 7 ^ at 734-4031.______trull Shod will bo opon froml j r . adulls. Just llko now. Must • ------boatDlfOf.733-3?05. ’______M i l ______“ Falls. ~ pm (III 6 pm. Located Irom To Johnson oulboards. Orrlon 08 2 Building MtletmJial ------YARD SALE many childrens. 'rom BLACK LAB shorthair X. 10 -Of soe lo approclaie JIO . W o r .2 MQbifo-Hamo’*axios.. fl’8’ NOW ACCE'pTING BIDS oi - BIG YARD SALE Fri. 28tn & Buhl 2 mllos Eaal. 4 mliesliles monlh old male. $10. Cali1311 4 Seaswlrl boats. EZ Loader 4 .mans,— womens domes. 4 Shoreland'r trailers. Magic bost offor. Days 733-9456 or wldo. 2 wnools & 2 tirosI (orlor near now Morso consolisolo HENRY OAVIS wiil havo"'0 Sal. 29ih. 193 Madison. Pool'Ol Cornempory sacred music, North. I ’A East. Bring con- 837-6237.______oiler S 733-3465,______aaio. AllorSpm,734-<083.;__ sioroo. AMfFM cassolto amand lumber lor saio by ap-'a! table, ciolhino. m i s c . ____ rocords. mlscolianoous,us talnors. S43-6083,5434044. - • Valloy Marlna-2% W. on For polntmonl (tom Augusl 6- 30-93.733^141. ______FOR SALE. Now 17' STAR 2 OCTAGON shaeotJ. ond 8 track, disco Ilghls. Fo j t EASTERN STAR Yard Salo 44 Thurs. 27th 9-6. Fri. 28lh 9-5.i-i. BARTLETT PEARS $8 *5:, por g y j s a j ' ’'"' m DUST 5lh whoot (or srnall • nunilng soason. Call 324- bushol. Bring own contain- - MUST SELL 19' CABIN. lablos & 1-511 colloo laDio.bio ______— 3849or3 2 4 ^.j-^ ______‘ ProdOco; Fri 4 Sal. Augjg 201 lOlh Avo. North.______DARLING Siamese kiltona (5f5 pickup. $5300. Call 733-4646. All pocan wood. 324-S6765676 RENT A NEW TVI Own a nov 2am-29m: 291 Fiiimoro. YARD SALE. Thurs. 4 Ftl.,77 ors: Oulllcl's 785 Wendell"10" unusual colors. BoautKulJ Sloop 2, Sink 4 tablo. 70 HP allorSpm.______colorTVbyronling. No crodrod- QUALITY WOOD TRUSSES- '71 VW. boat, trailer, "■j 2 Stroot, TwlnFalls.______pots. Call 734-4116.______O.B. Motor. Easy load trait­ <3« Ilors chockod. 204 Main AvoAve. Gang Nall o n g ln o o ro t^ o l or, Bilge pump 4 moro, 3 BICYCLES, 1-10 spooO US. >0' FflirX ’S A 'T 'sT ir6 doluxo'0 motors, camp trailer, lotslOl ol CABBAGE. - carrots,Si?' DESERT SKY KENNEL hasas $3500. ^ 7 « 1 . ______S HELP!!! 1-3 apood US. 1-3 apoodeod N. CAINS-733-7Jjt______Kussos. Cali coilocrnor[or moior iodgo. T6l W. Main.rt- now yarn, lols of children'sn-s TOMATOES, dill, call 734- -- Wo need more consign- . c5i- quotes. 326-5962 or 326-5122. available • rogistored bicycio bulll lor two S7S.$75. USEO 25" Maonavox col L Ciolhos, lowiory. disnos.s. clothos 4 misc. 552 Sth Avo.vo. 604T______— Aiiilraiian Shophord pups 4 SAIL CATALINA YACHTS:: in menls...Wo aiso buy. 733-2K0 oailyof la io ._____ orod consolo. llSO or bosDosi ROUGH LUMBER. aii ail rango hoods, much much:h w est, 6 10 5.______"CANDY CORN", SWOOtrool Labrador Rol pups.* 13', 15'. 22'. 25', 2711. 8; 6' THE UOUIDATORS - ' 2ga ollor. 326-S867 allor 5 p.m.I. dim onsions: corral polos,)S, rnoro^______Ily. corn. Dozen .99«. 324-2096 prams, sail or row.-Parts andin | JIM BUSBY ENTERPRISES - YARD SALE. Saturday Only, 2096 Spociailzod Iralning in obo- hardw au.^ lL H A U S , 463 S Call- s s - Koalod-posis.-railroad llos.>3- FRIDAY , O N L yJ familyliy Lots ol iloms, 334 BlakeIke .beloro Oam or allor 6:30pm. 3 S Jim . 294 w ash. 734-2530-BIII pels Wllld o llvor.324-ai9 t.,.;___ garago salo, men's, “ d 3% -?m Locust. Twin. 73^6227.____ NEED USED RV'S, Will pay odor epm, 438-6108.______- - 078. Fumllure&CarpeH S. Slreot North.______CANNING PEACHES 4 r , 12 fool aluminulm Sea 8' POOL lablo. solid alaio women's, bablos' clothing,Si 159 TAYLOR ST., Sloroos,OJ. PLUMS- Baggolls RivorIvor ENGLISH Springer Spanlol spol cash. Call colioci XS- ALL WOOD dlnetlo sots tor fot 12 Heavy Hand Split shakoss roioador, lurnlluro. 4 lols ol ice View Orchard. 2 miles east O' Nymp, Reai Nice 7334341. 37^1092 or 208-375-2431. bod. accosaorlos includod. salo. original design & sidewalk skales, somo nice }ast puppies, ready lo go.Oj After lOanv______^ t 0 4 , ...... $49.50asq.q. areal buys! 505 Park things. Friday only. Aug,uQ of Clear Lakos Bridge. Bringring- G ran^aronls- Nat'l Field cusiom mado w/anllguo 00-do- Vt"leia(jlaUonboai<3t3.7S rorrace- all al North sptrks, containers. 543- f J4‘ BOAT, Motor, Trailer, - sign. Factory direct. Soo lo *• 26lh:6am-4pm. ______S43- Trial Champions. 4 M 4 4 F. f ' ■ »10 V4"Cabinotbirch ‘ , 9±o_5,______1 S004/543-6Q90.______Parents exc hunters. 733-13: and Accessories for sale. 1973 26' SelKonUlnod . J,- • approclaie. 2 mlloa wostlo ol l ...... $29.95aahooi , - 2-FAMILY YARD SALE. Cal17:«4339. ______068 MlCffrComputeiatofSjla O' GARAGE SALE- nice ^ ^ U R S . ^ o t s ^ o l IWms. CANTALOUPE available - KINSKILL, Air. . carpet. Buhl on Hlway 30. S43-S714.L . W 1x12 Parlical board children's clolhes & various rh 14' WOODEN BOAT & 5 HP $4000/besiolfor,733-632f._ jin- shotis.$2.29oach. daily. Norm ot Buhl on Clear!ear FOR SALE AKC E lp s h , BEAUTIFUL Hardwood dln- mise. household goods. Sal. -p Lakos Rd. :AisoUso Bulldog pupplos. Call anerrQ 6 Saaklng engine, good con- 1979 BETHAMY Tent iraller. 069 CamefaEqulpmanHofSale Ing table & 6 chairs, like 16"x48" Cladwood 8 l0 5,52aflldQ0wayDr.____"■ 3 FAMILY GARAGE SALE. dition. {200. ta il a i ^ l O ^ Md iapsiding...... eOcoaeh r„ Hoxal Mirage skis, -riding” Watermelons & cucumbors.urs. p.m. 4 ^ 2 6 5 or any lime 12' Sleeps 6. gas-slove. ^ new- USO. Glass i wood HUGE DOUBLE Garage Salo -543.4236.- -...... __ Saturday andSundav.______Skl —water-storage, aulo furnace,------070-...... WaiiitdToBtfy)iry - - -sM p ^ ^ w h y i colloo lable-}le- 2e"widoOolta(ibiin - lawn—mowor~witn--r5ar kids pool tablo. rocker re-^ -swooporT^Weocbooterrboby-iby- ^K^.T|^UI0«»4.-jucchini.hlni- -E0R-.SA1F ? Rlue-EolnLn L ~Boat. 115 HP JohnMn.^ Ice-box. Uke new. 543-8164.------BUYINOt—Scrap— Bold— 8 - oi;. '(Can also order coWrod Do-. ~ e irw n ^ 'a l)7 T)0d. & many'/ clothes, swing sot and muchich -2S< Ib. Huiler 526 Hoyburnurn Siamese kittens. 7334449. sllvor. Sllvor dollars, coinoln BlDHOOMToT.’ g^d’ cTaVo'n- ° misc. knick-knacks- t as Avo.,W. 733-2963-______; Id C a liT ^ W , Q, port, mapio dining room SQl sol Ila rib Iln at 93t a linoai It. I clolhes. 560 3rd Ave. E.. moro. Wosl on Falls as (ar as _ FREE KITTENS nood good i a ______Campers & Shells collecllons. slamps, " ' you can go-then followow EARLY Halo peaches X-tra•tra homo. Wlli deliver. 733-596060 197S CHALLENGER Fiber diamonds, ele. Idaho CoinMn with 4 chairs, washor and • Twin Falls. Thurs 4 Fri. rd, CAMPER SHELL 8' long (Ila ~ - iln -dryor. Call 733-4047 allor S:305:30 NORTHWEST-' signs. Wed. 4 Thurs. Aug.jg. -large: X-tra -nice - Bartlett-ilett- - or543-6024. ------Glass Je t boat. 1611 Inboard, ------G «ll«rle8.-302-N .. Main.. LARGE GARAGE Sale- ov-V 26ihand27lh.______sara; Early apples. Kolioy's rd Bassel headers, Excollonisnl long wide box. Wilh roll out . or wookonds.______PLYWOODSALES -- iy’3 FREE KITTEN, boxed 73M5M;______torythino goosi Fri.. Sal., 4* ’3 FAMILY YARD SALE 1 day grchard. i mllos wosl.• 7.V IrainodXiai 734-^7. condition. $7500, Call 734-34. windows. $195 or bost offer. CASH paid (or Adillery pro-fZ. BEDROOM SET wllh head-ad- (BohindUnlledOll) Sun. 465 Parkway Circle:___ ^ noMh of Filer. S43-5330. ■ ' 7 4346or733-124S. 543-1371 evenings S43«04. ;,ll board, choal. droaser apd only. Friday Aug. 20lh. 8:30- •— FREE ^tie^CM huahua Mixix locAlos and casos. Call 15?/ ...... _ ^ 5 9 0 9 LARGE 6-Famlly Salo! Lots15 5,606 Madison. Twin Falls. -GREEN BEANS.-$S bushol,ipl. Puppy.. J o good loving CASH (or Ihe right slideln ------i2»4543 or write P.O.BOXS( 8 mirror. Box spring and mat- oi nico iloms. Aug 28ih- '8 . ■ iress. $200.734-6S46.______r 3 FAMILY Gatago Saio. Fri-:ri. you pick or sharo pick 50-50. hmel324,564l"______” camper to (il compacl H^ltonigomi ______08______3 Caraoeja^oIto 29lh-30ih. 9:30am 10 dusk.' day 4 Saiurday, 6am-Spm.m. Soulhwlck. 543-4809 2 milos - 12______Sporting Goodsds pickup. Call 1-678-0922 allor MENS RIGHT HANDED rog­ KINGSIZE BED. complote. 120 Blair Drive, T w i n . ___ south o( Buhl on Castlelord'1“2 FREE part yoiiow lab. ap- - |pm or wrilo: W.G. Box 489, ijk cloan. $150: 23" console Tv!TV. ALTRUSA YARD SALEI Sat, - -1169 Parkway Orlvo. . proxlmaloiy 8 monlhs old.a. GUNS uiar shall graphlis goll dub :aii Aug 29lh: 10am-4pm: 1401o’; LOTS ol school cioines, ■“ Highway.______Has had shots. 734-1702 ’ Buy- Soil- 4 Trado, Also ______»1.lnQuitB678-fl1Sl.______S135. 208 Borah Avo. Call ,1. slzos T-9 4 Other treasures. 0 CLEAN 11W Security - -734^631-______SO. Washinglon. incrodlblo »• 086 ______ntewoodlOtf HONEY FOR SALE. Buzzin' FREE 10 good homes. repaired. Dave's Gun Shop, '7n bargains, books, records.15 Thurs. Fri. Sat. 135 Wainul. - ______,11 Buhi.543^. - campor wllh porta pottl. MONEY? NEW & USED carpot In *' 9am-6pm.______CUTPINE - $1006. Call 326-sas. gs. oxeellenl condition. Call:aii LONGHORN MARKET now^w O-BRIEN Compotlior Walor We buy gold & sliver, rings, ______r. MOVING SALE 3/4 mliosr , $55/cord or random longih. I t CUSTOM MADE camper, coins, walchos. stotlino 8 733-3300 or 733-9 3 1 9 .______BACKYARD SALEI Fri 4 Sal. o' $45/cord.. Wo'll deiivor.'7 has local canning Hale ■r Skl, 65" Full Front 4 rear south oi Hanson. Slovo, re- poachos 4 Barllell pears $9 GOLDEN U B PUPPIES FOR n . insulated, (rig, cupboard 4 diamonds, alamps. 734-4Se7^7 OAK wriling dosk. regularlyKly Auq 28ih-29th: I0am-5pm. frig, tables, cttairs. living RMdi.nowl32M069^_ SALE.$25.CALL324-60ea. alnk. Call 734-1849.______ri'9 2119 Crestwood Dr.. oil ot -- bushol. Noctrlnos, Canning 2M3 e ®e's Conllnonlal - • S129.95, now $48. b i n 's ,®' rgomjoLmoro.______DO YOU NEED a Irailer ■0 to , Plums, Local Tomatoes. Rodlod ' MALE cock-a-tiei bird (or Cloaranco Cenior. 733-7111.1. Doi Mar Dr,, Good varloly, J' T>?te WEEK'S SPECIAL - INSULATED TeePoe camper Gold & Silver Exch. i ' OFFICE FURNITURE.p haul (irowood? Please call Potatos, Idaho Onions SO115 Ib u lo to non-snioklng homo. u shell with rear door, fita 624 Blue Lakea Blvd.N. TT, rockor-roclinor. clothing, [j: us 543-4070.______,jp Bosi offer. 324-7275.______’• Used colt Python 4" 4 S.W, _ ' SOLID CHERRY High Posteron studed snow tiros, popcorn,rn oqulpmont. supplies, posl- _ bag $12.50, Frozon rod rasp small import pickups with. - NiGHTCRAWLEflSI S Hoadboard. Kingsizo $10a 36 3". Many olher hand guns ^ popper, new oloctricric ogomachino, and J.O. ridingig FIREWOOD. $46 cord, longng berries; black raspberries,os, PAPERED Goldon U b. Bosi” in Slock- Colts, Rugors 4 6'4"bed.$225 M7-44& WANTED, call Odneal'a Baltlalt Caii 733-3191.______Is lawnmower wllh sweopor.If. . lengths. Delivered. CaMafi bluo borrlos. pio cherries,es, olfor. Call 423-6239.______Supply. 324-8300. 612 81h — curiors, carpot (omnanls. Smilh 6 W essons. Magicic KW 1969 , SECURITY 5'*’ STARTER SOFA U 8. Cain'sJ s movio scroon.______*' Thurs. 1-5. Fri 9-4.1100 BluoJO 423-4950.______strawberries. Transparentont PROFESSIONAL Dog0 Valley Security. 423 MainIn camper. Exc. " condition. Avo. west* Joromo.______- Cloaranco Conior. 733-7111. Lakes Blvd. N. Sierra Lllo ■gM apples. Bring your own con- — BIG, 8IG Yard Salol School lo PRIME WOOD 22" delivered on- grooming-Poodlos • a Avo. East, Twin Fails, . $1005or best oiler. 734.7664 NIOHTCRAWLERS. Im­ Is Building. Roar onlranco.___ and Slacked $55 cord. CuiI to iainers. Soulh Blue Lakes, mediate cash. 329 Addison UNFINISHED desk, goll clubs, eioc lools. 111? 73^8981______® WALL TENTS- 25% OFF UST5T 1967 VISTA UNER, lOVi'. ro. • nails, lumber, bicycle parts,is’ p a tio saio. Clolhing, Mon & your specillcalions silghlly Sloves, Tarps, Horsopack- AwJVealJM 5ti2S4:6512^ 733-B340.Jeromo,324-S97l. 4 Drawer Student desk. Thur. Fri. Sal. 710 Park Avo,0, books, snow tiros, misc. 105 I., (rosh picked & sorted..Bosi Tn Regular $49.95 order. New prices, ask lor 09< PUREBRED lab puppies. 9 9 Medford, OR 97601 1974 RANCHO El Raa WANTED Mons 19"10 Tv»in Fails. S. Burchwood, Kimbetiv, discount, Cair324-&3SS. cukes for any type of ol weeks, Parvo shofa. Rea- I. ._ t503)772-46W, anytime. speed. Call 324-2622. Now $41.50 homemade pickle. Cellar,’ar aonable.Call324-4031. - Camper, 8', sleeps 6, Ico . “ Picklo Company. Edon. Call WINCHESTER 3^06 wilhII) box. slove, oven, gas/eiee WANTED Used lamliy size ^'1 PUREBRED Briilany Spaniel ll 8caoe,Call326-4544, ilQhis, exc cond. ..$ 1000, tent In need ol repair. CallS! ------062 Building Malarialaii om" Building Malerlala1 062 BuiidingTiaieriair — puppies for ssle. Pleaae call M7-6336 or 326-4969.______324-2662.. .Now $69.90 NT ,fa ^ |4 7 5 . ------' 8 ft CAMPER with overshol, Wondoll. Call 536-2264. Car-o ' REGISTERED English Polnl- Excellent condition. Beattt Propane relrlg, atove with ^ 3 Shell bookcase fi‘. .or.pups,_5_wks.eia..Also 22 . ol(er. 54^6012. ------oven. Call 73W906.------071' • _____^^_:,'.Tt»lllYAlH..i i . .Regular $25.95 • ------■■ rots,-cucumbers, squash: yoar oid pups. Ready lo hunt 5- -N o w $21.90:------_ _pniDP!i!n..^lomalos,__^can-_5- 4 hl»falL 6a(lS 43^ {.------BRIDAL dress, sizo 'iTI m . ^ ------;------A-TRAVITIC'TIOl^'^F'ENERGY'SAVINC^JG P R O D U C T S — ------taloupo. boans. parsnips, 733-0164. REGISTERED Cockor « 4 Drawer chesi ! F O R O V E R 4 0 Y E A RfS- S e o r ^ o B f is ,______1 176 Auto Dealere• |j 178 AutoDealera .. Reguiar$54.9S REO Potatoes. iScib:i!; on______Anlk|U8i “ Npw $46.50 I Tomatoes $1.50 Sibs: Cann­ A WIDE SELhuTION o( oaKIK ing lomaloes now. 2 milesA* Registered rod Australiann __ . ______(urniture and mlsc items.S. 6 Drawer dresser south, v« mllo oast ol Buhl.h| shepherd pups, 6 wks old. 2 •a; «S.m_aLBSjf5.eachj32-&33e. Cj!LSj«LoiLLn.<3M«5^_ regular $99.95 Molor Merc cornor. Vance's. ANTIQUES- Hooaler cabi- Now $84.90 543-5366.______WANTED male manix kitten.■ 9 ’(>GiSGKL^0to/(S)*s - ■ net. iron bedstead. Beil S I^ULATIOK SANTA ROSA PLUMS.S, 32M946.______Howell 1Bmm movie pro­1 BANNER FURNITURE SViibs lor $1.00. 2119 AllaIia 1 MALE Toy Chihuahua, 6 jector. wringer washingg 1272ndAveW. Visla Drivo. Call 734-2494. months oid. AKC regialered. machine, otc. Holon Wilson.1. 733-1421 Tho LAND & SEAFOOD CO.,r Extra small. $100.423-4656. T H U RtSD i A Y Jarbidge. Nevada.______Twin Fails, ida. Is olloring Steaks 4 FRESHIH 6 MANX KITTENS-Wlth- FOR SALE Bedroom sullo. SPECIAL. ON STOVE!5 -Soalood. TF Feed 4 Ico:o shols, male 4 female, wili spool bod. shown by ap-)• ulED^RNTTURT'cforr- Bldg. 734-4235 Of 733-3332. deliver, 544-2481:— Domimeni. 423-SS44._____ anco, Hide-a-bed $149.9S;If; • Blaze King FREE DEUVERY.' ' Swivel chair $25: Rociinor Big D Bumped Hit WE'RE SELUNG APRICOTS'^■^-r-092 Auctions: S P E CEIALS I -- MAE'S ANTIQUES, 60S EastIt $19.95: Bodroom sol w/box • Fabco Insert:trts [Heod And Hat-Cone at 563 Jellerson, 733-5660. _ ■ springs « maitross $249.SS.: Street. Rupert Id ah o , ___ fs: • Patti Port Paf*atio Enclosures Crozy < With LOW, OLO WOOD (urniture (or- Bunk bod sot $139.95: ®0______Pala&Suppltests Aviation______1976 CHEVY;»YCHEVE1TE ------sa le & unleaded slalnodH Lamps, lablos. dinellos.I W o A ro A IFULL Sorvico LLOW Price* On All ------~ A II blue. 4 apoecpeed tronimitilon 2 solas, chairs. Wilson Bales, AKC BRinANY^RANIELS-^ - i » ______- -Avaiioii glass windows, priced to 702 Main North.______Firoplaclaco Storo I ^S to v o tir ------Good-- hunting lines. 10 soJL^IJ.7^j2lB._____ •„ weeks oid. 2 maios lell. MEMBERSHIP In Twin Fails 6 TRACK STEREO w/ BSRifl C A L L f O R rFW m ll ISTIM A TEI Burlev 676-3400,______Flyers Club. For seli-ar trado 074______Musical InstrumenH Turniablo $50: HIDE AWAY — (or what have you. 3264872. ; C0UAH.^7^ $.1Q0...M3-6p84. _ AKC Irish S e tte r pupplos. * 1 2 9 5 A u th o r izIzod o Idaho Powor W vathorl BUNDY CLARINET (or salo. irlzatlon DeoTor $150: 5 year oid spayod oro Intoroat Finonclng For■10 1 Y ears 121 BoaU&Marlntllems oxcellont condllion. S9S. Call" W ______■ Apptofieesn (omale, oxcolionl in tho I 1973 OLDSDSCUTUSS 733-6160_OL733,9a89 . - Held,$250,324-2050.------— - -1976-SERAY SRV 165 165’1 • -SWIvoI” boeh«l~tMir~oi. dulomalfe trontmlttlon. BUNDY TRUMPET uSeda FOR SALEI W ashor-and ^^SEE-OUR COMPLEPLETE LIKES AT THE TWIN FALAUS COUKIY FAIR! | 'AKC Rog. Briilany Spanielal Merc 10 E-Z load irallar. Call very llttlo. 3 yoars old. S160.,1 , Dryor. Call 733-8567-______pups lor salo. Shots Incl.:i. 734-9121 after 6pm.______CallB37-<766.______FOR SALE poppy coloredfd $5250. Call 734.4339. bio ovon. Whllo. ExcolloniII ■ condition. $100.734-7558. * 1 9 . LIKE NEW Bundy trombono 990 ] t^DY KENMORE WasDor & with caso lor sale. SUO. Call Gas Dryer, Call 734.9684. 1 734-6296.__ ^ ______- 1977 BOBCA'CAT WAGON LADY KENMORE Washor 8 I 1 Ownor, BBoi ook $ 2 7 9 5 LIKE NEW BUNOY STU­ Gas Drver. Cali 734-9S64. . DENT Clarinet. Savo JTO. $22S. Call 7 3 4 -3 5 7 5 ._____ LARGE frost (roe rolilgora- tor, washorfdryor. gas‘s HOT AUGU1ST BAIRGAIIINS! • NEW. never boen used- YAMAHA trumpet wllh coso.• diyer_J2W9llaltor8B,m._ * 2 09 0 0 J225.A(tor8pm.886-2332., . MICROWAVE FOR SALE^ Good condllion. Caii 734- a t STUDENT TRUMPET wtih1 652r______1976 DATSUNlINFIflWAGOH caso. ISO. Groat lor 7ih\ NORGE Eloclric Slovo. ______■ Avacsdo color, works good. PA V tM UIMROE l CHHEVROLEIiT______VIOLIN Vi. Nico. $150: Small,• $225. 734-4468.______k f a i a s modern pump organ. Si2S. REFRIGERATOR $75. Ro­1- 206 Borah Avo. 734-3631. • lrlgoralor UOO. W>®TED.~Srtair{5Ia'norCa1lI II you nood a good usod S43-S95I.______Appliance, Aak us. Wo'll I i1979 SHORT BOXX4X4 * 2 2 ^ LOADEDI ChCheyonno pockage, air condlliidlllonlno. till tioerlng. WARNER'S BAND instru­ koop an oye out for you,1, ytfii.wis 250 ment renlal plan (or begin­• 734-7199.______B. cruiioconlrol.rol. tteroo. duol lonht. 35,000I milet.mi ners only. Bundy. Conn. REPO Now Gibson gas 1978MERCUR:URY ZEPHYR Yamaha. NEW k6 h lER i‘ dryer. Only $199.95. Kon's All white, tte e l belledled frodloit, low milet Campbell pianos. Warner’ TV & Appliance. 420 Main Books foro r 93739I Music 733-7063.______^ 6 1 8 1 ______5-PIECE blue drum sot wlihI 16 <11 WESTII^KOUSE Ro- cymbal. Exc (or beginners. Wjora^ior. Bost oiler. CallI li2S. Call 837-4825. *2S ( 1980 SILILV£RADO dIeSELL______M iOO 175 . AuloDaalori |- 175 AuioOealara Air Condliloning. Tilt Sleo>leoring. Cruiie Conlrol. AM/FMM Cotietlo - Storoo. I2.000mii««. m nORD aiTE Ali gold, autom olic Irontmlntmltalon, eir cwi.dillonlng.

FOR $25.00 HOW WOUlW voo LIKE TO HIRE $ 6MSS , A STAFF OF PROFESSIONALSPR ^ 2 6595 GMAC FINANIiC IN G O N A P P Mao vip CMPIT TO SELL.VOORCAR? V( KEXEEP TH A T _ , 1980 BOBCAT!AT WAGON • Dvh llnanclng avollobUibU • W» hondl* ail nolary GREAT!rC A IF E E U M G B o o k s f eB r r9473S l popart • No ttrang* p«o(MopI* Bl your houi* • W» w n m c E MMUME C5M PA R TS ISt < j g ' H SBMCt/PABlS odvarili* yeur cor • W« do tho aciuol (howing • Ditploy your cor onI ouour io> • Mulllpl* lilting m i B A L MOTO&S n u nn s D I tV B IO N * 3 7roo ( v l i 220 N.. B r o a d w a ' m ly BuhlVidd a h o SwMGtt'tJfoMiSOiison's ------I ^ T M oy r sp fS M T H E IS E N1 MOTORS^ t NROE Tho E oslost Placo In Tho Worldi To Buy A Car m u 701 M oln A v . E. TJ3jSII0^ 1244Btu^ rr 7 3 3 - 7 7 0 0 ■ ■ ■m\ 5 4 3 - 6 4 6 335 461 AFTER HOL)URS:icm DAVE: 543-533 — JOHN: 734*242 4 5 8 0 | ^ ^ ^ |

( Thi'f^da/.AuAugusi 27,1981 flm o3-N owiws,' s, Twin Fall's, Id'a ho" B-11" ’ '

v ^ T h e U . a F g € u t O - & - Truck In thee V a l l ileyl I— L j_ alL _ _

127 * . MolOfHomei t32_ t. Au1oPan.iAcco.sork.. , 135 OrcJes&SoppUM UO140 . . ; Trucks , 4^ 142 Importe-SponaCara 146 1 5 2 ______Autos-Bulcli FOR RENTI Soll-contalnod 140 Truck# 14C140 Trucka 14; ■48 4 Wheel Drive MINI-MOTOR^OMES- Call WE ” flEBUlLO Hydraulic ,• FOR SALE 1971 maroon col- — 7jtSKYLA'RK.nodonts, new Jocks ol ABBOH'S AUTO 11W7 LADY'S Yamaha 80cc, orodn?n. Oalsun pickup, mako 1973 C ^ CHEVROLEftTSTk liTFTKiriNTERNATIONAL 19J IMT 19? vw b ug GroaTrhjTpl. 197:f73 CHEVY 4WD pIclTul; rubbrubbor. now IMRON .U00:-i97S-Yamaha, low mils- an » ollof. r 423-5350.-;...... - M/1800 - gallon Polrotoum Loadstar Lo. Excolloni- condl—-fadlo.-now rac palnl i-so a i ctfv-- «2<2200orbeslolfBr.Callaftor-- palmpalni(s.tvor-ovor bluo) P/S,----- SUPPLY, - 305— Shoshono •*age. <250.734^1367,_____^ Stroei South,Twin, • NEW MICHELIN lt'24x5and lank. J?" J75M. 678-0447. loavo tion. tioi Cab & chaiss. 5 spood ors E!!Li3HieL______pP/B, 'p . A/C. 56,000 original MOTOR HOME FOn fiENT, 1978 KAWASKAI 750K2 iq .q Tiessaoe ot call 678-3075. transmission, trai 2 spood roar 675678-9552.______ia7; mtlos. 733-2056, • CALL...... 734-2302 )-212 Bolt Posl-track roar ond, 1 10;00x22 XZA 12 ply liras; ^ 073 JEEP CJ5, 304 V8. P/S.- Ti!£; Flis GM. Good Condlllon. Sharp S 6000 mllos. S1495. Jim 1000 4 ^ gal luol lank; 1962 1973 1 97 FORD W ion Pickup, lo en^324-6a88, ?A' 1971 ,97 VW STATION WAGON. SoilOlt top. Choice of Mag or 107< SELF^ontalnad 20' « 734_-6551 or 733-5605, y S 154__ ]______Dodoe 1 Vt lon with van. S200. 30 ho sold al :ho Snake f^lvor i t 20 ' WO'OO Spud bod, now Sell sel or trade lor campor or 23525 wheels, Exc Condlllon, SportKlng. Cloan. Loss than !; 1978I RM125 SUZUKI, Good 733.9M9 733- or 733<160 ovo's. Auction Au. Sal. Aug 29. Soo boll, boj {825; 14' spud bod, Irallor, irai 733-4992, U2C3200 or Post ofler-326-5342, MUS^UST SACRIFICE $3000 1 ^ 31.000 miles. Dodao Chaisis 1974 PONTIAC 400 moior & 1 C^dM ion. t425,32fr^kl8. ^ >^on- Fri. 1500 minimum bid, $250; S25 Sol ol SLHO pots wllh . r , : adiLLAC Convorllblo; oxc 360efiolno.7:»^l. transmission. Can hoar ll - POTATO TRUCK 400 SACK powor divider 720 ratio, J750, 1972 MAZDA 1600 station 1974974 CHEVY Suburban 4WD; CADI run. Call 733-5787.______1979 T HONDA XL250 1600 1957 1 95- FREIGHTUNER 262 1973 197 FREIGHTUNER 350 wagon, runa good, noods a ROOood condlllon, A/C, $3500. shap»hapo. Days. 734-2970. Aftor 1978 TIOGA sloops 6. ,7 ______m Spm,^-5M 7. ______1980 FORD 400 M onflino, mllos. J Excollent condlllon, engine,' eno new^tuibo,. robulli. 00,3otrolt, oxcollont condlllon. lltllo work. 324-S192aftof 6, Qa”Jll 734-1633, 5pm, aulo air. crulsa. Exc cond. ^ 432-5316.------S0“ SOHO rear ends. 10 speed VVll/Vllh or wllhoul 35 fool spud 3 3F FLATBED SfMI-TBAILERS .T, Prlcod losoll.73*-20Se. );!Complote w/ boll housino & • 22IJSlS.30:^CalLS43JW._ 1973 TOYOTA COROLLA 1975975 WAGONEER, loadod, , , , clulch. 40,01X1 mllos, 1979 1 SX 1100 Special wllh wilt 3 spood browning, now "Olrallor. Partial financing 22^ Deluxe. 2 door, 4 spood. Air,ir, Powor, Crulso. MAGS. 1»158____ Aulos-Che«olel 197S ENTiRPRISE Oalsun. n ivaiiablo. 532-4327. 68 68 OODGE 1 10-wheoler. 20 ll S10 734-4387.______^ _ Yamaha. Y 2300 mlloSi lahflno. 6sML£4!LZati?6L—m i - »1000-Call655-4374._ [_ Slot ^USTMAKEparools'happy.- lully sall-contalnoct, mllaaoo r4 APPLIANCE Turbo-vec. custom S soat, extras. 438-. TRUCK TRL BED 1-20' spud bod. 1971973 KENWORTH. 350 combination cor grain & boot Ml•Iusl solt 74 Camoro LT . 3402 -______1^ 1-22' llai bed. Call 82^5924. CuiCummins, rebuilt, 13 spood. bod. w/holst. 548-2332, 1975 flA BBII.''‘£««llont 14x7 wheols & 2 brand now 438-5274. condlllon'& gas mlloago. 1976J76 JEEP; 4 sp. 6 cyl, 25.000 NicoJlco Sloroo, now whoflis Armstrong G-W-14 Radlals 1979 Jj YAMAHA YZ400, TRUCK TRL BEOS, 2-16' spud load Ranger; 1979 <38. CallS36-2M6.______mlloillos. oxc cond. Days, andtlind tiros. Runs goad. Noods •rolghlllner, cab ovor. De- "LIKa Now" appilancos can and gr 2 olhor Radlals. Excollont 6 condlllon. S900. bods bod wllh bolls and molors. ffo ...... I 1071 J3-5336. 734-1377 ovo's. pAlntlaint, $1600,734-5334 ._____ be . tound in Classlliod. „ 324-5244. 1-18 roll 13 speed Road Rangor; — 1976 DATSUN B-210 Hatch- ^ mounlod & batancod. S375 or 3; 1-18' spud bod. 1-20' combi- tr<« back. $1600, Call 733 j956_^_ OdL------:______1956956 { BEL AIRE COUPE, good . Chock our columns llrsl. bost oflor, 733-6843,______11 nation graliv.bod. 733.6618 IS?960 Mac convonlional; Two t(l 1980 KAWASAKI KE 175 2100 f*?*' 12'trailers-Call 733-1441.___ j!i!______r r I"? 1976 ffn HONDA CVCC w'agon. i®.™»76 4x4 DODGE Ram condl:ondlllon. bost olfor Call 455aI OLDS enfllne. flioat mllos. !J Jiooo or bosi ollor. ailSalior______6gm. « . MUST SELL NOW 68 Chovy oxc hargor SE; oxc cond- 303-9<103-945-5176.______734.7664,______18' 18' LOCKWOOD potalo bed ’ 97:973 2 lon Chovy truck 5-6 vAi oxcolloni cond, nowly ro- 128 ' UlllltYTraiiars shapo. JlOO. 734-41M. 733- 7: VAN complololy gullb ^ U n g in o . 37 MPG. «350. 1500/best oftor, 734-0568 or irTT;970 CHEVELLE SS. Rebuill 2BeS.______11 1980 SUZUKI 250RM- Exc Jfa;chain wllh pan and molor. ■ard bod. Now palm, tiros, customised. cus Roso etched es6. !4-2125,______395 inglne. excolloni condition- vwin. 196, Now Radlals, Soo to UTILITY TRAILER Irom V4 72 j: LINCOLN 4-«oor palling cond. C; Novor boon racod. »57.<575. Call 825-5007, of|C windows, olectrlc sun tool. 179 4x4 LUV 4 SPEED. apprcipproclaio. Call 734-0642,, , , lon PU wllh box lor lools. if 8000, Call 734-3722.______-AM/FMam cassollo player. 197r"DAfsU N “ kTncT C rS ^ out. All or part. Best ollor. 733--M63lrom8-6om, 0 ______19551955 CHEVY W lon pickup. *2? PICKUP. A/C. 1I.I.0. SUCK. h ; $4995. CALL 829-' 977 CAMARO $500 and lako li50.c:»ii];«.547j. No chips in glass. Pass, sido 76 71 SUZUKI RM 80. See al 303 235235 6-cyllndor 4 spcT Irans. 197;975 LUV pickup, runs good, baby bab bluo carpol ixlra wheotSi sloroo, {1995. Ihrc chrome whools, campor =5:il ivor' paymonls of $95.35 - doors loialod. 733-2059.------Q<3 arflonon-Evos;-733-7357,- Run Ihroughout. chrome mag sholl wllh carpollng and 1981iai CHEVY^ Short ' -montlw nth,C all543-6480-., ~ ~ ------days-734-9660. 0, ______Call <3-^887.______whc whools. now G60-14 tiros, Automotive - Dxtra long I09"whool baso. bpo_l,.$3,500 Call 734-9240. whohoolbaso. PS, PS. aulo- 1977977 , CHEV IMPALA Slallon 135 CyclesSSuppliei 79H FRONTERA Bullaco 370, 19591959 STUDEBAKER PICKUP. 1971976 MAZDA Pickup. Good oxtr atlc. very cloan. 7.000 wane :ondltlon. Call For moio In- tMby bluo anc^gold palnl job. 197£1978 HONDA AccOJd AM FM. Vaoon. 1 ownor. P/S, P/B^ . H !______AuloSlrtlll J Long Iravel suspension, RunRuns good, noods resiora- Cor 5 spd. radlals, llko new. Hlili ______A/I?i/C. Crulso ConUol. 3 FOR SALE 1980 Yamaha 650 SAW c shocks. Air lork. Make lionlion. Must sell, besl olfor. lo££armalion 733^985 aflore. All All New. see to approclale. ? s AUTOMATIC Spocial,cali67fl-3li6oves, Sp q, Sail nowl 734-eie4.______M2?$4295, 543-4472 or 543-6053- 1981«1 SUBARU GL 4x4 Sla- bonctoneh soal, 350 ongino, TRANSMISSIONS pr 0»er423;5722...______733;733-7605.8AM-5PM.______19«978 TOYOTA Truck Ro- jnwagon; I.OOO mllos, AM/FiM/FM, CB. Good Rubbor. FOR SALE 19B1 Honda XL ' uced 10 soil fast. {800 1974 197< FORD Van; complololy 19,^1979 AUDI 5000S; 18,000 flam ofad. r«&u»t, S ra- 1963 CHEVROLET 14 Wn JJ' T1K0S. regular gas, foadod. u)38,A/c. 734-74H.______Racer placed. Paris A labor in- ^ 138 HnwEQulMeill JJ* own. lake ovor low monthly sot :all 734-7/ 11. _____ 76tl ' CHEV 4x4, WTon, Shi. HARLEY DAVIDSON V-8,7x9 llal bed, runs good. aymonis- Brand new SCt}\ i S a ' A ' ' ’’ CM. a ^ i'a a . ■ GROVER WILSON $406t400. Call 324-4684 alter 6pm. 1979 OODGE 0-50 compacl )x 4 spd. Low mllos will 1978f78 Caprice Classic; oic ' ' | “'’“ ' " “i',a'S i“ - Molorcyclo;m{ Soo, Jerome ampen sholl, Mag whools. 1979 197S FORD Econollne’’l50 1?79 Ido $3300. Call 734-0977. cond. 1963 INTERNATIONAL truck. Callall 423-4891.______Cus :ustom . Wilh crulso. 9'®’")lckup. 17.000 actual mites, ond. A/C & hoaior. exc ' aImplement Co., 324-3311. il^ ag^N ow brakes, trans,, Jerom e.______’“Sll’r Tag axlo. with 920 rubber. )77 WHITE Diosel Road ^M/F.M AMi sioreo, AIC. * cap- SJioiShow room cond. 543-6fl56._ 77 ICHEVY 4>4. Sunroof. mliS®! For sale, rent or trade; pe,yPorklns diesel ongino. 18' aln’s soats. dual lanks. 1979 trome whaofs. Now tiros, "=>2^ ___ 132 Auio.Pafn’8AcceM0fle»_ _ hHONDA c MT 250 for sale. Gl ommandor 11; 350 Cum- 'am 079 FIAT X19, Immaculale ------grailgraln-*-catila-rack-J3500.. Ilns,— 1 3 - sp e o d _ Road itool-bollod sloe radlals. S4400. ConrCondlllon, low mlloago. f/ceC,' P/B. Aulomallc. 734- ■runs-gooa.“ t449;’ Cali; 366- GiGMC 2 ax 20'bod 55 8exlras.423-5232altor5, ^c Home P h o n e ...... 733-1490 1970 DODGE 600 truck. Good Call733-630a. 197,1976 BULTACO Putsang 250; _ ------conc :ondltlon. No bod. J2700. rs 175 AuloDealers 17575 AuloDealers 17575 .AuloDealers 17S1 AutoDeaiora ^17S NEW chromo tront bumpor novnow motor, trans -t- spare 1963 iw KW Conv. 262, 5x4, Cali::all 734-5123.______i AuloDealers lor 1W4 Merc Comol. sllll In parpans. Excollont cond. sno. Jake. jai Fruohauf Lo-boy. 7U iqt? Mx^ ^«20 valuo. Only « 0. TO .972 LUV pickup, radial tiros, y33-7Q<7.__:______OA 0-6 Cat wllh angle dozer, /uns j i t woll. noods paint. Gom * 1976 HONOA 360T 9000 mllos 32< ______.tooaop avail. 733-5104. ULTRA-Hl-PERF 409 Chevy. AsVAsklno <645, Call 734-3108- 65 gj MACK TRUCK; D8 CAT S , ---- stroked to 427, luol Injoclod. iS7i1976 Honda 360. custom dozen do 20 yard cook bolly Ak career,a nol just a [ob, I 500 + HP. Call for dolalls soasoal,5700 aclual mllos. Call , du iwalts you. Read Classlliod I 734-3426, nm . ovoovonlnos at 324-7676. 32< Smo'limplovmont ads. 733-0931. I ira AuioDaalara . i75176 AuloDealers 17;179. .AuloOoalora 175'7 5 ' .. AutoDoalers IeO eS s M l>L'LUS Y EA R ENMP ClOSEOmT O M A L L ______

r r D O D C E THRYSLER ^ & PI•LYMOUTH ------C A R SA i M D T R U C K 9S------— — IPYOUVtBEEh EN-THINK!N©7^ABOUT BUYING7 A/ T R U C 'l< , iOUALS BESTr BUI Y O F THE 1 Y E A R H I ■ r- SSTOP THINKINGIG ABOUT IT 1981 DODGE RAN9M50 1981 i« DODGE ARIES 1981 DDDGEIE IRAM 50 CDSTOMPICKUKUP 2 DOOR ROYAL Monual lrontmlt«)ort, 4 ipeoceod. light ton. Slock No. DB-3B.DB- 4 .p e ed m onual lloor ihlililtf Slock No. IB-03. Manualluol irenimlttlon, 5 Stock No. IB-05. Beneh tool,I. vinyl,v engine ifonimlMlon,lon, doy.tor blue metallic, benchich ipeed. medium bluo metemetallic, bonch :teot, C0(OK UP»ADEA a 30001 ec. body ild« mouldlngt.i». mudr guordi. looKloth && vinyl.> 2.2 Iller engine, mirror-sr- vinyl, engine 2.6 Iller,r, lowlo mount lelt & bum por roor-.lop rype, wheelil trimlr> ringi. lefl rem otee control, cc rodlo AM. right m irron. mud gutsrdt.rdt. RITAIL ...... <7347 BITAIL...... * 6 7 6 9 9 B IT A IL ...... * 7 8 1 2 ■NDOPTIARPBICI ..,,,^6M 7 IHDOrViVlABPBICI ... *6535S IH B OF T IA B PBICIUCI . . . * 6 5 3 5 DNTMIE BEST-SELU JNG RIBATI i ...... ___ >300 RiBAn ■...... * 5 0 00 B IB A T I ...... * 5 0 0 ^ 6 4 7 ______^ 6 0 3 5 i______*^ 6 9 9 2 I SNHAILHKUCKS s 1981PtYM0DT(ITH 1881981 DDDGE ARIES 1981PLYMIMOUTH RELIANT 2 DOOlOR SPECUCIAL EDITION 2 DOOR ARROW PICPICKUP sicSlock No. RB-30. 4 ipood monuolluol lloof ihili Sloek No, DB-24.DB-: 4 .p eed monuol floor ih ih Slock No. HB-05. Auiomoiimollc ironimlttlon. tronimlttion. nlghtwotch blue,». bencht leoi- • 'ron.mlwlon.on. poorl while, vinyl buckelel light fon. vinyl bench teoi.eol. 3000 ce engine, NAME •<1clothg & vinyt. trunk dre»i-up., 3.3 3. liter en- ‘“ol*. proteci'tection group. Ironi S roor oc-IC- 18 gallon luel tank, bodylody tide moulding. glno-4 cyllnder-3 bbl., radio AM.W, -pe.jorylloorilor mou, 3.3 Illor ongino, ' ...... 0'^ 4 r I i TAIL*^*"* Ple^'up box>ox lop,I mud ouordt. 1 ^ ^ ^ ^ RlRITAIL ...... *6784 BITAIL ...... * 8 1 2 4 ...... * 7 7 7 9 INDOrVlAB PRICI .....*6535 INOOrTITIAB PBICI . . . * 7 4 9 2 I N D o r Y I A R P R IIC C I I . . . * 7 2 7 9 r r s ^ BlB I B A T I ...... ____*500 RIBATI I...... * 5 0 00 R I B A T I ...... * 3 0 0 p . .. ______!6b ( 0 3 5 ______^ 6 9 9 2 * 6 9 7 9 — L__J 1981 D250 127.6Iwb « 1981981D150 IlSwb 1981 DODGE COL;OLT DELUXE ' DDDGE VAN D0D6IIGE UTILINE PICKUP 2D00RHATCIiTCHDACK Sloelock No. TB-3). Monuol 4 ipeeded overdrive Stock No. TB-1IB-17, m onual 4 tp e ed overdrivee Slock No. PB-10. Monut V fror snuol Irontmlitlon -ontmliflon, pearl white, roorIf ok c Io 3550 IronimlHloo.)n. crlmton' red. front axle 3300'0 I 4X3, vinyl' bucket leolit. it. 1600 cc engine, r~— fb*.,>*.. Iront oxie 3300 Ibi., 318 c.l.d.c.L englno Ibt,. 325 c.i.d.,d. engln»6< cylinder I bbl, exter-r- olr condilionlng. body lidolido moulding, radio ecycylinder 3 bbl.. ilnted gloit. ior tound controntrol 80 declo.. AM radio. AM. w heel irim ringt. liT A I L ...... *9477 RITAIL ...... : . * 7 5 3 51 R I T A I L ...... * 6 8 3 2 IN!NBOPYIARPBICI .... * S 1 8 7 I N D O F T I I A B P B I C I . . . * 6 9 8 99 I N O O P T I A B P BIICI I C I . . . * 6 5 7 2 — miIIBATI ...... *500 RIBATII ...... * 5 0 0 ) B I B A T I ...... 'TOUGH TOYOTA TRUCKS. COMECO AND G E T ’EM. ____ ...... * 3 0 0 Youf Teiyoio dealer IJ reolly dwlcngng ono new 1901 Toyoto Tfucks- He'ssgot gc special mceolives from T ^ r o 10 help tell Toyoto Trucki So priccs| rnoy never be lower. See■ youryc poriicrpaiingT- ota ^7£6 8 7 ^ 6 4 8 9 } * * 6 2 7 2 dcoler now l^Qute,he'» cooking: up igreot deols on greot trucks. ’ “ i LONG BEDS. STANDARD BEDSEDS. SPORTY SR5 S. 4 X 4 S. DIEDIESELS. 1981 DDDGE ARIES SPIIPEGIAL 1981981 DDDGE ARIES 1981PLYMOMOUTH Qsmc in rodoy white youf ToyoioI deo'erdeo still lios 0 good selection olll ToToyota Trucks to choose from, EDITIDN2DD0RSEDEDAN 2 DOOR S k 6-loot and 7-loot beds Standordlord and Deluie models Sporty SRSsSs tIhot look slick ond run tougir . Sloeock No. DB-36. 4 speed manualal lloorI ihift - Slock No. DQ-31 RELIANT 4tDDDR D J{]u9ged 4.Wheel Orivn to loke you U B-38. 4 ip e ed monual floor thlftt Slock No. RB-32. i .p e edd monuolmc floor shift QU lo ofl-rood country ond bock ogamjam. Quiet' ironon.mliilon. burnlihed .liveror melollic. tron.mlMlon,n. 1 doytior blue metallic, cloth •wnnii.9 . Ixjid wofkmg dicielt. Andndo3/4ton 0 1 Irontmliilon. noturol tu tuei e d e ion, bonch nyl bucket teat., protection groaroup. Iront S vinyl bench>ch te a t. 3.2 Iller engine, leltI leol-cloth & vinyl, trunk< drck No. R8-30. 4 ipe«d monuolil lloor11 ihlh Slock No. AB-C^■05. Automolle trontmlttlon, Slock No. KB-04. Monuol.1 ironimtrc lttlon 4X2, n reolly cooking up grral deals now Iraniintmlitlon. niohtwotch blue, clot:lo th 8;vinyl toll coihm ore/>re/cofree brown melollic. 318I gold, vinyl buckot le o it.It. 1600I cc englno. And yoo con sove rnoney becouse prnprices benench leot. trunk dre»»-up. 2.3 IllerIlte engine c.i.d. enginea B cylinder, tuntereen glat«, AM rodlo, Ilret-p l5 5 /880rl3 0 rl while tide- yllnder 3 borrel. AM radio. oir condilloningling, luel tank 35 gallon. 'rno J never bc lower on Toyota Tjucks, and cook up o deol lodoy becouse iD orTIA B,PRICI ....*6572 * INDOPTUr i A R P R IC I . * 1 2 , 9 7 0 IHD OF TIAB PRICIICI . . . * 5 8 8 7 Toyota incentives end August 31 IBATI ...... ■ ■ ■ .. *300 BIBATI ...... * 7 0 0 BIBATI ...... * 3 0 0 O H WHAT A FEELING TO D£Ai£ALI arcmwiit'oothoo20MUMr_»i»g_Bjjaig« 2 7 2 I OlHlto, M 2 , 2 7 0 i| , * 5 5 8 7 TOYOTFA BlbiciaUoiD>S*>m.USA,inc . m 2 m o t o r ' Bo)b ReesseMoto9 r C o . /lU i5eO M B 4NNY------“— _ F (ir335 Years “The DealerD( You Can D(lepentrOn!”— E ______2 3 6 Sihoshone h i St. W ests t 7 3 3 -2 8i91 9 ■ 7 3 3 - 5 7 ] 5 0 0 l i n d A v O jS. ^ L' V. ^ ^ ( t B-12 T lm es-N ow s. TwiTwin Falls, Idaho • Thursday.>y.Auoust27.1981 ACRO: r OSS 39 Idoli •Answar to Previous Punie ______42.Group.of c t ■“ T 'i^ctro’liirolo, for 46 Conforonce thonrt slto.1945 ^ BRIDGE 6 Communmunical- 46 Msla parent ^ ^ initrum oni 49 Bivouac i J i R T O s w a ldj JJacoby and Alan Son3 n t a g ______11 Quickck lunchII 5 1 Property______(CT place”io 53”2<8fbon h j r ______. ______^ 13 Car pDsrt ^ 12 ’ comoound ------N ine e a s yl y - t r i c k s ------w di) — — srM iSatiriz^l^ 14 3-eIameament wdt.) turn . nine cosy tricks:k s, b u t n e ed e d tubeJ 55 Pondi rsr 10. . 15 Forwarcward 56 Plant part (pl.) There weree Itwo ways lo t6 0rv.aiva t wine NORTH g e t lh e lOth. On*3ne w o u ld b e to > 7 TidalIt wavewi DOWN Qj down , z e t to ru ff a heaileart Tbe other 3 Atonement 42 Low V 86 to set Up dumm'im y ’s fif th c lu b 20 BehindInd 1 C eu and dogs 20 / DV 2 Lovoret. -• 211 Sham.. es 43 Biblical LOSE-O ♦ A95- 'f o r a discard,1. s&)Uth sh o u ld 22DU00V ♦AJ8633 find a w ay to> hihuve h is c a k e 25 Indelimiifinito in 3 Auditory 2 2 1 proposition ^ a n d e a t it, too., -ordor,r « Now (piJlixl I WEST EAST ildant 6 Com mand' 3 Uncivil' t 44Elghl{Sp.> ♦ 10S3 465 At trick twoi hhe cashed his 2“ ( Simllar'In kind 46 Fish of the Then he leods ir.) . 6 One who 24 i VKJ9 VAtflA 10 5 2 king of clubs. Tl of tho _ longs 277 Laugh*I carp family K B 7 3 - 3 low h e a r t 11111 E a s t, w in s it 3 0 One of t • ♦Q1062 tKB igelittt 7 Cut boisterously 5 47 sourco ol ♦ 7 5 4 ■ ♦ qQ u 10 9 2 tu r n ^ o u t th a t he can’t lead a I'""?*'' 3 Spirit lamp trump. South willwil get to play 3'Smallerill emount QUslngapooch 2B £ SOUTH rt and be sure . 32 Norwle deity.d 9 Heroine of A 203 Beck E talk , a sccond .h e a rt 5 Hang in fold* 48 Oepoaiu ♦ KQJ872* of ruffing the; U th ird one. O f ” Browni«ni Doll's House 36 I- >ol 10 Linie 363 Nothing^ moisture TQ743 course, S^ uth wlwill chuck hb Jf®''®, ♦ J4 Id on th e a c e o f. ^ 3 5 £ o molic ic whirlpool 371 Puts P up BO Feel srial 12 Languish n ♦ K clubs somewher ^ ' indisposed here olong the ^ {abbr)ir,) 13 Pentateuch 40 S Vulnerable; Both w ay. < 1' IBAcqire 41I PutsF at rest S2 Mako lace Dealer: North If West winsIJS and leads a ^ trump. South wwill play the f,"" fjt " |3 14 16 6 |7 18 js |10 Well North Eatltl Sooth .nine from dumjmmy. It will ' • ^ ! ♦ -Pass CURY COUGAR “ hold. Now Soulouth c o n p l o y 7 ;------1981 MERC “ ^ Pass 2# Pass“ and niff a smalllall club. Enter '' I r . P.US Pass Pass» dummy withI tthe acc of __ tru m p s. P la y aciace and ruff a 14 ^ T15 small club andid iget to dum- ______-> my wilh the acc'cc o f d ia m o n d s Opening lcad:43 to s e t a h e a rt dlidiscard on the I { last good club. I Suppose Eastst producesf the 10 of trumps on the second j — By OswBid Jacoby tru m p lead. TiTrumps will 22 23 24 27 26 29 a n d A lan S o n tag have broken 2-J2-2 and t h e r e ______3 1 9 8 1 , . w ould b e no waway to stop a 30 n COUGAIU SPORT COUPE4 South won the trunrump lead heart ruff, 2 DOOR. Tu-tonono faw n, stool boltod radiciioi w hito sidowoll tiros,;. tilttil Stoorlng. cruise con- in his own hand andnd studied: {newspaper enteifTEm'RISE ASSN 1 32 — t/ol, twin comforlfort loungo soats, powor stslooring. power brakes, oulomotleoi transmission. I dummy for a while.Ic. 1 He had air conditioning.9- - 34 36 i ______t == , 1S8 Autos-OwrrahrtroW 10 Autoi-Fo• Ford 39” | 4 r WAS *869;93...... N O W ^ l7 8 8 8 • l S ? CHEVY "capiiJpilTo «72" PtNfo WAGOnTGo i r r r m I Classic; cruise, aulo Matirana. Condition. SSOO lirm.. CallC ^2 43 ^ ■ 4 ^ 47 48 oxcoilont cond. 88e-20ee086 or 934-5097.______n 1981 COI}UGAR4DOORR 1981 COUCJGAR 2 DOOR “ SEDAN. No, X-86. Ug ...... ______1974 EL CAMINO colurolurnn...... 49 “ ^ 5 ^ ” ^ iT- v " 52- ’ Light Soruee metallic. AM rodlo,lo, SPORT COUPE, No, X-6B.'66, Booutllul modlum rod, AM i/oraao“ Tsfnitrvory-flooo'conoiticSition:------— — - ______doyinlghUtnluor.-powpoworJronl^itc-brokotf-l^poodod ------radloJronl-bumpor-guo». Eatalo psckaoo. trallorir totow- S21S0. Call 734-3019.______— manOoT tronim lstlonklon. vinyl bucket te a lt, whool>ol ings, 4 spood manualol tronsmlsslon.ti vinyl buckoi 54 ^ ^ “ £ovon.UST PfilCE S06SB693, Ing apeclal. Low mliessI080«. 1974 PINTO Runabout; ” . te a ts and more, LISTS FORS7266.FOR new condlllon. 334-8686.B' cylndor, Automa)matic — ------Tranemlsslon. S12S0. Call C 55 56 “ S43-fl409.______^ ^Jurry-U fU PrlT l . . V M O W ______.■ , ,■■■ * 6 2 8 8 I W ■< - Aulas-D od iS i® 1975 PINTO Sedan; whHi h ’lie. I—J — t 1 1971 D0DC5E COLT ongl)naino radio, healer. S1500 Him.(I. CCall ______recenlly recontJIiionclonod. 733-W4 Of 734-5080,_____ >1100 or bast 0ller.733-5ici 1978 FORD Fairmont Wagd 166 AulQ8-Lli>colnlMercufY 13______Aulcs-Ponlli 1S74 DODOE Monaco;; AfA/C. 6 cyl AM/FM. tapo. A/C.-low lc 1969 COUGAR. Clean, runaruns 1974 CATALINA 2 dot m Aulo.-Ponll., PS/B. all oloctric. sousound mlloa, Good cond. 487-29MMSO good, must soo to approci-rod- Hardtop. Excelleni condindi- 1977 TRANS AM' 40.001.000 1981MERIICURYCAPRIS enQlno. SSOO. Call 423-S977.2 2 - 1979 PINTO WAGON. LOW LC ato-ra4-O3»..»ll0Q. — tlon, 1 ownor. Air, crulsiils«< miles. A/C. TS, & sloroc . . mileaoe. Excellent Com . Serviced- ready lo go. Asi S4695or^3iol[o:^J011 1 ' 10______Aulos-Fotifordl tlon.Prie8tft.osoli,733-925-MsJ*' 166 Aulos-OldtmobiHwblle Ing . S149S, May see < 1978 PONTIAC Trans-Am ■ t l T w l . ------1973 OLDSMOBILE Deltau s 8i a Je ro m e' Mobile Hdmo! ■ n U K e l I FOR SALE. \ m Pinlo; Q0< >"01- ' cond, good llres. gotd mil itlon. spurn ^ Lincoln. , 324-228; IU Auloa^Jncoln-Morou, tom. 324^268______2;:____ : m e . Must soil. 423-M91- fcury »)%°Call ^4-5042 a^o^r^epm" — : lL4j______^ MUST SELL 167S FoFord 1877 JADE GREEN LinciIncoln 1977442. S1600 and lako overOVOI 1976 GRAND PRIX. cloar r ■ 9 E 9 | ! I Cuslom SOO Sedan. PS,S, P PB. ConllnonlBl Mark V Loadi>adecil paymeni. 432-533 4 .______yellow. A/C. AM/FM cat! 173 ■ Autos-PlymoutI»uth ' _;jlf. siereo. No roasonat>nablo • Call 324-5a76aller Spm,;____ 1979 OLDS Custom Crulsoi radials. air snocks. Boo re>usodt 733-8179. in« *2900. SELL J2102100 EXCEPTIONALLY SHARIARP :____ I960 CAPRI 4 spd. 4 cylindllndor. Wagon; 6 pass, loaded. Iom CASH, 7344089. 1973 Plymoull. Salollito will X IMS MUSTANQ Automalimalic. AM/FM tape. 34 mimpQ, mllos. new Mlcheiins * '• 318, A/C. radio, heator ^ 200 CID. WIII sacrilico STOO1700 or Excellent cond. S4300.I. CCall studded llros. 734-19SII or01 oxceiient MPG. 423-5263. 1981 CAIAPRI 3 DOOR b est oiler. 733>727i allor•m R 9344333 atlor 6om. 734-1861. No, 0-45, Medium powjowler melollk, booutllul Inter- 1981 CAP!PRI 3 DOOR lor occont*. power ironfront disc broker 4 tieel belted{ No, G 4 4 , This sport liliboc(bock modol it done In pewier rodlolt, AM rodlo. redirsdlning buckel toott and a tpe- molollie. with from discUse brokoi. tteel belled ro- , diols, reclining buckoi seal I 179 Auto Daaterlaters 179 AutoDealaialart 17s AutoOealerale n 178 AutoDeaiarsirs 178 AutoDealeralara clal voluo ptickoQo woworlh S594 yourt Ot no OKtro soats, AM rodio, wido body- ___ COM 10 you, LIST PRICE:E S'S7846, tido mouldings and moro,ro, LISTL PRICE S3567.

mm Cloie-OutPrIcr l . e *7087 T o d a y ...... * 7 6 6 5 ------^11 9 a i MER4CURYCAPPRI 3 DOOR. No. G-29-29. M edium rod tu-tono popoint, AM/FM rodio. stool)ol 1boltod radials. powor front disc brakes,s. vwido bodysido mouldingsgs, ond much moro. * T i s f S f cr*767o r v r.; iN O W -6 I 9 8 8 P F ll H h ] f l * 1 i\ I f l * 1 9 8 11 LINCOLNi CONTINElENTAL 4 DOOR TOWNCACAR. Boautiful rod with rod>d coach vinyl roof, m otehir:hing nylon twin comfort loungo soots; ondid tbeautifully equipped withIth oil fh© luxury options. • 1 LIST PRICEE *17,147 . ~ ., * 1 5; , , 9 8 7 w / 1981 CAAPRI 3 DOOR 1 9 8 1 LYNNX 3 DOOR No, G-43, Powler mimelolllc wilh rectlnino buckoi HATCHBACI<, No. C-139,39, Briglil yollow wilh Iront tealt AM'FM tteroooo 1rodlo, 4 tioel belled radlolt,^ w heel drIvo, 4 tpoodI mcmonual ovnrdrivu iransmiv powor from disc brokiroket. Ilip-up open oir rool ondlj tlon. AM radio, hl-bockock buckoi seals, rock and more, LIST PRICE S?84<-846, pinion tteoring and more,jre, LISTPRICEI S6389. I . . —T h « i t e n P r i c» e __ ?T_OTat __T o rfn y ^ .^ . ■ ■ ■. *5 9 8 8 _ I 1981 CAIAPRI 3 DOOR 1981 ZEPH’HYR4DOOR RynjR ,N o. G-3I, Booullful lu-tilu-tone blue melolllc. wllh tieolI SEDAN, No, 2-67. Thlt cor it whilo in color and h ot. rodiol llret, power (rant (roi ditc brakes, and a SS94I , powor Iron) disc brokos,os, ^ 4 speed manual iransm iv tpoclol voluo pockogege IIhot Includet AM/FM'norooI slon. low bock buckoi sooS001S, tound poekogo, slool radio, UST PRICE $7670,)70, belted rodiol llres. LISTSISFORS7239, FC

Closa-OvI Pricrl., *6988* You Pay Only . * 6 5 9 0 1981LYLYNX j j j T l I 198181 ZEPHYR 4 DOOR LIFTOATE, NcNo, C-117. Thlt H 4 OOOR SED/SEDAN. No. Z-61. Medium tioilortwogon It roomy>my ond economl- ■ Blllortwoot}| rmeialllc, flight bunch cal. From w heel drivo.vo. 4 tpood man. toot, 4 tiooltiool boiled rodialt, - LIST uol irontmlttlon, AMro PRICE S7040, Y o u r C lo s e - O u t ^ 6 4 9 9 ^ " P r I c D .... * 6 9 8 0 1981 LYrYNX4DOOR LIFTOATE. No. C-t37,7, TlThit cor it dork blue melolllc 1981 ZEPHHYR4DOOR I 0 1 f s j » J l wllh 4 tp e e d manuallUoI Irontmlttlon, from wheeli SEDAN. No. Z-60. Darkk brtbrown meioIMc, 2,3 Illro on- drive, tioel boiled rod.rodialt, AM rodlo, wide body- gino, 4 tpood manual iromirontm lstion, low bock buckoi tide mouldlngt. LISTS5FORS0033, FC tools, powor from discsc bbrakes, tiool rodiol llrot. sound p o c k o ^ ond moro.jro. ILIST PRICE S7239, Today Only ...... * 7 3 7 3 ' ^ T h o l t o n P r l c o . . * 6 5 9 0 1981 LYh^NX4DOOR - IIFTOATE WAGON. No. C-120. Medium dork Spruco 1981 ZEPHHYR4DOOR meialllc wiih 4 tpeeded monuol overdrive Irontmlv SEDAN. No, Z-69. ^ boouloauliful dork cordovan melol- tlon, froni w heel driviJrlve. AM radio, hl-bock frontI lie wilh 2,3 illro ongin/>,ip. 4 tpood manual irantmit- bucket te o lt. LIST PfilCEICES7029, tion, powor Ifont ditc brobrokos, steel belled rodlolt. LIST PBICE S7337. Thelsen Price. . *6387 • Today Only ...... * 6 6 9 0 1 9 8 1 LYhrNX 3 DOOR HATCHBACK. No. C l129. 29 Thit cor It brighi yellow 1981 ZEPH'iHYR 4 DOOR - ond.comei_wlih.iheJ.ollJpllow!nQ^lloni,cn-no:oxtra------, SEDAN. No, Z-75: OnOUlHilutllul ontique cream , flioht cott: Front wheel drive, bench teolt. 4 tioul bnllodnllod rodialt ond mony moro irontm lttlon, AM rodlo,dlo', tte el belted rodioli, cloth opiiont, LISTPRICE S7691, ond vinyl trim. LIST PRICEIICEJ7533, ■ ^ d o y ^ ...... * 6 9 9 0 CloM -O ulPrlci1.. *6978

Smmctt^yoMlson's THIlEISEN MOTI3 ~ - T hle e la ile st Place In TlThe W orld To B«yr- A A - C a r ------|7;0m aIn^A vo^ 733-7700

-J i * Obltuau a r l e s ^ ------^ s p ^ ~ ^ Tlmo3-Now5.'lwinm IKails, Idaho ^ . — ^ ^ Valf l e y ------• B u s i n e - r ------m f f lc Firejs C Lightningg storm H sparks mclore ^

I bnjsh blaiizes ® ' Mill • ' ! ByLARRYHOVEY Times-Nows writer

BURLEY-A thunderderstorm passed over eastern Magic ValValley and cast- .. M S em . Idaho Wednesdayday afternoon. leaving no rain but staistarting another succcssion of (ires. Crews from the Burlcuriey Bureau of Land Management division d and firefighters In both th:>e e! Sawtooth and w gEs Caribou national forestss ts w ere sent to 12 fire sites. The hard-pressed crev;rews, dwindling " IWHH In manpower with seast*asonal workers quitting to return toa ccollegc, were calling for aid on at lealeast two of-the fires. The lightning stormn nmoved across | '7.^ the eastern p a rt of thete sstate, hw ving diagonally across the: Oakley0 valley south of Burley about4:3(1:30p.m. T he BLM had crew s: figfighting fires in the City of Rocks area.ea, east of Jim Sage. Also south of Oakle;kleywereapair 1 of fires on Foresiest Servicc- ______administered land. OneJne. called the ^______— CfiallTflre. is south~oni5clA e Lone Cedar 11^ — Twin F alls teach ers:rs met Wednesday mor>rnlng outside O’Leary fire of last week, approxroximateiy nine ry Junior High to hearr aan update on negotiatlitions for their 1981-198S982 contracts------miles southwest of Oa»Oakley; It had burned about SOO acres.}. ■ Supeisrintendent sayi 1 ,...... j j E d W aldapfel, fire information infi of* ys he expects sesettlement soon fleer for the Sawtooth FoForest, said an Inter-regional crew of 20 fighters was I dispatched to the flre ao(and they callcd feacherrs retuirn to w for four more crews pluslus a helicopter, /ork wilithout rn e w c ointract r T he firfrapparently w as rmoving quite By STFrrF:PHANIESCHOROW Falls Schoo:M)1 Districi Supcrintendenill James J ing meeiing prio>rior to an H:30 a.m . welcominling Sawin said Tuesdayiay thatI federal arbitration gebr\ish. es-News writer rapidly through dry sageb Times- Sawfhsaidli1 he hoped that the next negol^olialing meeting for Ihehe district’si aoo leachers in theth was nol provided for In the d islricl's proce- “The Chalk fire' defdefinitely was ______sessioni^'oul)uld ’‘wrap il up. 1 think Ihelie board O 'l/ia ry auditor!:orium, dural agreem ent o rrin in sstate law. started by lightning just Ju about a has made: (compromises all along anand Ihe Teachers seekfck a base salary of SI 1.950: Ihe lh "T he issue Is so16 complex,c it should be quarter of a mile from the the Lone Cedar TWIIVIN FALLS - An hour beforere 1Twin Falls board willI ccontinue lo compromise wilwith lhe board offer is $11,500.$11 Teachers contend thehey handled a tlh e slatee level,"helev said. "Why ask bum ," Waldapfel said. "S••SoIgiKSsifs icachC!hers officially returned lo workork. the Twin mtentofsetljtliing al lhe noxl session." have compromismised several times from thciicir to bring in an arbitraltrator when,problems can like they say; lightninglg nnever strikes F allss IE ducation .Association held■Id a general A negotiatlation meeting sclieduled forror Wed- original requesicsl of $I2.«00, while the boarard be solved by the peopleaplehere?" ' twice in th6 sam e place, jl J. just close." m eetintin g lo. ask tcachcrs for suppiJpport in tlio nesday nigii?iit was canceled as the loaco a d ie rs’ • has not movedia at t all: ••— Hutchison told thehe tteachcrs that although The other Foresi Servi srvicc fire was currenic n l negotiations. chief negbtiitiator. R ichard Cliilcole. coul■ould not However. Sawiawin said Tuesday Jhe_board1 ini they are.rcturning I'o workw wilhout a contract, located onc and one-half i ilf miles east of TFE.i*EA President Connie llulc^iikhison lold be present.. ItI has yel to be resclicdulcd.d. effeci "began"" withw $11.000 - lasi year’s basase last year’s master agreementagr would remain Independence Lake. aboutIt 200 tcaclicrs-outsidc O'Leoi:^ary Junior A Mondayly nighl negol iat ion session bebccam e salarv — jfnd made mi one large move to theilelr in cffect. The agreemeemenl covers a variety of "T his apparently is a si asin^etreeon HighI £ School Wednesday morninging that Ihc embroiled in i a debate over whclheiher Ihe top offer of Sil1 .500..50 rath er lhan m ake severeiral ilem s, including persoiirsonal and sick leave and fire in a large standid e board would compromiseIsc on olher ' negoiialingi table. Teachcrs and lhee boardI At W ednesd^.’[y.;s.meeling, teacher negotialia- In the case of itemm s currentlyI being negoti- The Forest Service alsc also dispatched issues,JS. disagree whv'helher the dislricl can affoifford lo lo r Ja n a Roy saicb id the leam will again ask lhthe ated, such as personrsonal leave, last year’s a crew to the Callahann fifire.'som e 25 But It. she said. "We haven’t seen■n nmovemeni pay higherr .* salaries than whal Ihe bojoard.1 is board lo agreee lol( binding arbilrallon, by anai agreem ents will be>e 1in effeci unlil a new miles south of Oakleyty j n . t h e R a n fromillieboard.” lli offering, - '.‘im partial. Ihirdlird.person" sincc .both sidedes , coniract Is signed, sheshesaid. i ------River division, although"gh'the onthalf ConU ntoctcd .Wedhcsdny allernoo•noon. Twin, Tcjichers< 5scheduled Ihe Wednesdayy moni._t appeared "secun.•ure" in Ihoir differing stances,:s. Students rcturn.to0 schoolsci on Monday.______: . . . a c re fire was just off ForestFoi Service - ~ land. The Buriey BLM alreadsady had crews' _ fighting the PaulineI a and Skaggs -Ranch fires. There hadd beenb no con- - jT m M •eg K cable-2_/irm_ani n o u n c eIS i n e w li ------•'tatnment-throu^-early-- lineup of^progranmming _ ’ evening and no tim e estim timateofwhen ByCTKVErp. LIPSON i^itiiour. . \ ‘Vi(k'ideolaped CNN preview showed sl theme "We’ve! got g( it all." In this case, IUial viewing hab its." RilrRilnour said. When the cable containment could be expc xpected. Times-Ncuews writer some of the rnews station's special feafealures, meant programsIS suchs as a soap opera, a weeeekly system firsl began,n, E Boise stations could not be Across the Shake River. Rl\ In the ______reporledly nowIW received in more lhan (•li millionI'l look al Wall Strcitreet and a morning newsi andi received, hesaid. Shoshone BLM district,t. firesf sprang home.s, -- information show,JW. » ...... up at Channel Lake and Sh Now Cablevisionm ccan "reunite" Ihe Magic IShaddyW ells. t w i n pFAUS - Magic Valley Cal nenl and A n o th e r newsw slation wiil featuree a Valloy and the rest oft Crews on those fires calU Cablevision The sporls SUSlation, KSPN iRnterlaininei loftheslate, Rltnoursaid. d its stiow of Shows lo Ihc prc wrecker cofnmorcial-freeee combination ,of childreren’s The cable syslem I more fire-retardant-carrjirrylng planes press Wei - gporls Nelworkrk) is known as ihe"liomewr !m itself also will be united. unveiling a new lineup of statloi of four P.rogramsdurinft.1ig.tlie day and cultural prograram s though fo rth e first lim and six bulldozers. Illons ll-wlll clianncl," Rllnitnour;said, .An average of : lime, Rltnoursaid. Beginning offersubsciscribers. college footballall ganc£-will-be fealurcdod each in Ihe evening, in O ctober, a $400,000,}00, multi-channel,rnlcrowave relay system w ill allo\ ------Startinglg "t homes reccsolving Ihe company’s scrvice:ices wilt bo basketball gamimes will be aired. Each dayy willw he Salt L ik e Cily' television tc slations will be. sam e program s In Honsen,1 Kimberly. Twin Hearing s ^-,.-1 ab le lo jswiswitch to channels featuring ^4 hour-a- filled with non-5i-slop tennis, bowlinf!. soccer:er. auto placed by threem from- I Boise, including KCIPR,’ Falls, Filer, Jerome,Tie, Wendell and Gooding, he' • • ■ day newss i reports or sports events,. children’scl racing, boxing.?. Ikarate and other sports, K lV lan d PBS statiitation KAID. said. ;C r programssand a cultural programs. The final featurec of the expended Cablevision ~ for aquife ■ The Christianin Broadcasting Network wvill ill offer One slation hadad toI be elim inated to m ake ro added he did not know Kl. but just not in its pres- " T h u t plaplant would take all of our er agriculturally-zonecied a re a s to ggf/™ hearing, Dunn said. If w ater Is spilled into ththe canyon to yet whetheiher he favored hydropower i,"Lubovlskisaid. The recharge district,:t. It formed, : water torr ti future agricultural devel- g en erate power, it wouUJld not make agriculturaliral development, cre a te , a single one-:e-acre building ' would divert flood waterslers Itom the op m en t Inn Ithe southern part of Ihe! much sense to use thatIt power and He didI pointp out that even withith lot for each 40 acresiowncd. 0' County H e saidsaid the commissioners Big Wood, L ittle Woodd and a Snake state," saidlid Ken Dunn, d irector of thei more to later pump the wavater back out m a x i m umu r development of zoning currently doeoes nol permit tabled lhelhe proposal becausc they Rivers Into nearby brokenken laila now Idaho Depiepartment of Water Re­’ of the river to irrigate popotential new hvdropowerver in the state, Idaho wouldlid agriculturally zoiicd!d lols sm aller will soonn ciconsider a planning and areas. Water would seepp tlthrough the sourccs. farm land in the BruneauI ddesert, Dunn still need additionalad sources of energygy than 20 acrcs. z o n in g .'recommendation .'re that porous material and1

► ^ 1 ■ Wondetr Dog, KaplanI on< trek againstt cancer

ByGLENWARCHOL - the disease3se. The trek will exceed2d serious health hazards alreadyal during in which1 thetin Wonder Dog. legs limply TJmes-News writer 40,000 milc!lies when il ends where it il the first 15.000 miles of ol the trip. In extendedd skyward,si is brou^t in and •______began In BelBeloit, Wis. Minneapolis, an evil-iool>okitig G erm an out of a trancetran at Kaplan's command. K apldn dedecided the public's interestst Shepherd pursued tthe Cancer "She also als jumps up and grabs TWIN FALLS - Out Olof the desert would be! moren easily served if heie Crusaders. The Wonder:r Dog jumped things outlUt of0 my mouth — preferably and range-flre smoke to0 Ithe south, a mado thehe journey on a halfiK out to defend the trusty? tlthrco-wheeled food." stra n g e p a ir rolled into0 Twin Falls Volkswagcigcn. half motorcycle,e, m achine and ll took a Ittrip lo the vel Probablybly the most wondrous thing today - Casey the Wondnder Dog and Ihree-whccli^jled machine. Any resem-n* and nine slitchcs to gelI theI p air back about, theIC whole w Kaplan-Wonder Dog h e rtru s ty chauffeur, Marcirc Kaplan. blancc betwitween the vehicle's plywoodxl on the road, odyssey Is tlthat they refuse donations, ,Letting Kaplan handlelie the public c a b and a1 cocoffin Is Intentional, Kaplanm • Since the accident Coi'Mscy hos been No organirinizatlon stippdrls (he traV- relations, the Wonder DoDog stretched said. He warvants lo rem ind people of the1C keeping her canine marvirvelstoalimit elers andd Iheirlh expenses come out of out under a desk. Hot,]l, tired and dangers of smoking. II docs catch:h untilhcrleglimbersup.I. - Kaplan'ss pocket.pi Kaplan said they coatcd with road dust, the t bearded your eye. "She can’t perform up to p a r until ju s t hopee to to stim ulate attention to the chauffeur unfolded the tale ti of their Kaplan,. whow sold all his belongings___ nexl month,'.' Kaplan-coMnfided, look- can cer fight figl and alert-pcopl&..to^' mission. and savedd for I a year to finance Iheie ing shecpisTily at Ihe WiWonder pooch. Naming:slgas^h‘e3l55flsc7‘~ sigi ------K aplan, a form er didisc jockey, trip, was somehowso able lo convincc:c Then he proudly reeled)d off a llsl of “ If ail1 I-do I in my 18 months of j explained that becausec of several Casey thei WonderW Dog. a gentle, tanm _ wondcre lhal_Casey hasas dazzled the _travelingjsia is co n v in ce o n e pe rso n to ge t _ [“ deaths among his foniily'yandfrlends arid whlte'orcdllfe. to niflke the journey>y ”■ media wilh across lhe 11 country.” a checkupIp aia n d c a n c e r is'd lsc o v ercd iit~ due lo cancer, he decideded to embark with him. Besides the usual "pla;lay dead" ond an early sli M<\HVrU.Mf»JS/1Vnr»f* ‘W Timos^NoitS. TwInFIn Falls, Idaho - Thursday, AugustAu 27,1B81

2 h y droelectri< r ic p r o j e c:ts t planntied ■ —- M o w g , BOISE - A Bolst)lse fimr.*- J-U-B 2'/4 mlies ile west of Shoshone will starttart stipulating minimumn stream flows, / reported In serious condition.lion. Engineering Inc.. haslas plans (o build In -Sopbatcm ber,-Barter said, withvith said Bill Webb, reeitgional Fish and_ / d r k m a n p i c k e di oas judge ______—] Apmrrilng.tQ theidflboSiaI State Police, a c a r dlvcn by Iwo privale hydroclecrecrrlc'projects'iri ileclHcaJcal power production to b;gni e ^ Game administrator. Donald M. Tolman. 44, ofif JeJerom e was rear-ended on — (ho Magic-Valloy bcginr^innlngihle fall.------duringJ tfithe first three months of lW 2,- ;______RUPEPERT_^J)on_aldR. Worjyna[man, Rupert attorney._____-U:S-Highway-93-at-Rcd-B| d-Bridge_Road_by..iLScmi: ____ s Sth District Couil ' ' Both arc on privateate property and A scco•cond project near the mouthh'or of B arber said J-U-BB was recently wass named Wedne^ay as ! tractor trailer driven by Richard Allen Free of wiii be deveiopod in leailease agreements Rock Creek Ct will begin during the thc notified the two projwiects are exempt maslsslslratc Judge In Minidoka CouCouniy. Rupert. Tolman’s car wasas pushedi off thc road and Ie succeeds Ronald Bruce'c who< was appointed j with landowners by Cogeneration summere r o f 1982 and produce powerwer from licensing requirlirements of the He Free’s scml-tractor crossedsed the center line, collidiog trict Judge following thc rcretirement of Judge * Inc.. a subsidiary of J-U-B. said thcfollovlowing year, he said. F ederal Energy Regegulatory Com- distric head-on with a pick-up truetruck towing a boal trailer ■ •rmanJ. Bellwood of Rupert,1. ^ James Barber, mannannger of com* Idaho10 £>epartment of Fish and mission. Estimated annual a produc- Shem driven by Cristobal. Garciarcia, Mrs. Churchman and _ .pany’s Boise industriaiiai division.< Game personnelp< reviewed both sitesites (ion from the two planimts is 9.8 million Worlorkman was selected by the:he district M agistrate Mrs.I Banton were passengersgers In the pick-up. Conslruction on a W(Wood River site a n d approved a p the plans afterter kilowatt hours. C omim m lssio Wednesday and willwill.take over duties . . A fire engine and two wr»wreckers were called to lhe - - so m eetlm tl c in September. sscene. Policc and ambulnbulance personnel used ; J _ NowOW serving as attorney lor thcthe cities of Rupert and hydraulic h rescue equipmentent ilo free the victims from : il. W orkman said he has someime civil cases to clear . lhe U wreckage. LincoliIn Count;ty s e e k in gig defencders t)cfore assum ing his new dull[luties. H e js a former Tolman and Free were uninuninjured in the accident. SHOSHONE - LineJncoln County is It still has hi a contractual, agreementent Rose said Lincoln CCounty has rc- Minidcidoka'C ounty prosecutor and am will give up .h is ’ looking forapubilc defelefender. . with thcic firm1 of Adamson a i^ DallingIng. ceived nn appllcatloilon. .from law private'ate law practlcc in Rupert to acccpt the $32,500 a Board-to i consldider health plan Jero m e attorney Wiilil/illlam R. DaJIlng and exp

Janis Rae Neilsllsen JosepzphlneA. West Jay Vinson T TWIN F A L t^ - Joni!anIs Rac Ncllsen. JERONlOME - J ^ h l n e Adallne Wesl.I. JEROM E - Joy Vinson,)n. 72, of Wen- VO firms»face s e espage prcr paren e Bloden, Neb., ond morrieded Ruby Fern . display spaspace at another. thi^ugh a scrvlce pit[ ali Commercial enhance:c ruralr arablllty, and as thc FallsHlahSchool learn to0 Mllton-Freewater.\ Ore.. and to0 In 1932. They resided at Hog( • Rradualcd from Twin Fall agerman prior AATCO0 Transm1 ission Co. coKiwnerter Tice Co.. 2030 KimberlylyRoad. and has clly grewrew. It posed. numerous pro­ hoshone Basin, and attendedd lo moving lo Wcndover In 1962.19 She died • r ' k Surviving arc a sister ookshier said seepage has rihofthe dlsplay blemsof of acccss a to thc improvements, ster, Mrs. Robert schools”1 al Rogerson, Koliliter and1 lnl974.Mr;vinsonop<:ratede d a mechanic . J ® " »as muddied about one-fiftl; . (Carol) itecd of Goddlrodlng: a brother. - wcndcii11..5hc m arrled-G corge Edgar*—r*— shop aod a sai vage yard alt Wcndover.U ------^ w o r^ n e(^dramatically d j sincejt was'■as spacc_ for farm cqulpiipment_at Twin Travissaid. sale . • ; Richard P, -Nellsenm ol--Honolulu. - i Survlvlnjf nr«»-tu.0- 4y her parents. Mr..ndMn,,E.rlMr. S S "That water’s jusl cd at Jerom e. She was a memberr .Youngstown, Ohio; IwoI isons, Dale "The ws ft. Ncllsen. water's inside the buildingng through the ground." sasaid Gene Glenn canal company con would correct the oftheAlARP. A f Vinson of Yunio,. Ariz.. andi Kenny now,” Brocrookshier said. "Our feet arcire of tho tractor company,y. “The seepage problemn Jointly. Jo: Kosary will bc reclteetcs CenCenlcr. 2232 NW Shoshoni.ni. Wyo., Georgia McKeegan ofr the Hove Chapel loday fromm 610 9 p.m . W a rre n TTravis n said relief couid comcnc Young said rcsponsibilllIllty for mainte* Petlyfjrovc. Portland,.O Or re. 97210. RichfieldId and Mrs. Ralph (Imogene) and Friday from 9 a.m! toit:30p.m, t to shortly if,f, ias suspected, the probiem nancc apparently reststs wllh affected Nutllngof1 of G rants Pass, Ore.: is grand- sign the register. T hc fomilnlly suggcsis is rcsuitlnfIng .from water backing up property owners, children t memorials to Ihe Firsi n and 18 great-grandchildren. rst Baptist because of an overgrowth of rools.is. At that Ume, the ca a preceded in death by a son, Chlldren'sAssociulion. canal company Nni Mary Jane MilkH l e r Thc canalal icompany hopes to have' a also said It bore no resp!sponsibiiity for low is ttie Time ;. West, a brother and a alster. drain clean>aning servicc check out that fo-«lean your .^U PK R T - Mary Ja»Jane Miller, 72, of Servicesces wiil be al 2 p.m. Friday la lat the situation since the canalCf company ^ , Rupert, died TuesdayI In Minidoka Me- Dem aray'i]y's Leeper Chapel a t Wendell Hugh Cheney board, years ago, reliclinquished re- Furnu rn ace o r Flroplaco wllh Blsh bcrly. and m arried Raymoncmd H. McVcy office. . He had sc n c d In Ihe church as Marvin ciS l.E . Joe Miller of Rupert:I; fiveI brothers. Hs She wos a rclired Civil ScrvI■vIcc worker. SliMlioncSl. oblnson of Heybum snd Lee W illiam A. West of Cash■astervlllc. Calif.. and was o member of itic pants will include Twin Falls n of Austin. Texas: two daugh- IC Motliodlst P"! Charles West and Henry Churelr. Mayor HanIsnk Woodall and Twin FallsII T h e P’ortraitBoiDuquet rs. Gene (Rayola) Hamlllon of Aeequla. Alvin West of Surviving ore her husbanand of Tuin County Con■ommi.ssion Chairman Ann 1 and.M rs. Granl (Jean) Tlwm- Phillip West of Boise: two Falls; two daughters. MIrian'am R. Allred C o v e r, ;den. Ulah; a brother, Wallacc E sth e r Reeves of Burley a and Mrs. Bob iSuson) Johansnscn. bothof , A ribbon 95/^ 95 n of Rigby: a slsler. Isabel m cutting is planned at- 3 Ja c k s of Midvale; 26 gram Twin Falls: her molher. AMrs. Belly p.m,. a bariarbershop quartcl will sing: mA>snr/TOTALevcK§ a g e f Ogden; 25 grandchildren and 22 Rreat-Rrandchlldrcn, J Hlllegas of TWln Falls: a br l-grondchiidren. He was pre- brother. Joe gt 4 p.m, and ai old-time fiddle music ccdcd In death by a son.;;n ,. grandchild. FS Hlllcgas of Kimbcriy; Iwo sis ic PAACKAGE INCLUDEDES: slslers. Con- w ill s la r t aat t .‘ip.mf . I dealh by two brothers, ihree nie Wyiile of Twin Falls i two sisters anda brother. slslers andnd Itwo grandsons. (2)8x10’s.(3)5x7’5rs. (I5)WaDets.&(4)Color]lor Portrait Charms Allred of Buriey: and a dadao^tSS! , Ttic chapi,ipler's house was purchased Services will bc at 11I'a.m a. '. Friday In Services'cs will be al 1 p.m. Saturday In law, Mary Jo McVey of HousKslon!rcxas. I and Kaihieen Harrison inn f— ——— — — — - the Accqula LDS Znd WanVard Chapel with ihe Heyburaum W ard Chapel wllh Bishop Graveside scrvlccs will bet)c at 2 p.m. October 1975 197 for S2.').000. Payment Blsliop Dale G. Child officirriclallng. Burial Desmondd WelchU officiating. Burial will Friday In Sunscl Memorlai-lil P a rk w lih J inv o lv e d S12,512.500 in gifts and a S12,500 will i>c in Ihe Rupert Cemeem elcp'. Friends be In the Riverside Cemelery at « w B S C S S S Ihe Rev. Barbara Upp oofficiating. loan. Throug)ugh restricted building fund may call al liie Hansen?n MdHiiaryi Ihls Heybum1. . FriendsF may call al the Payne Friends m ay call al Whilec Mortuary donations, f altemoon and evening andatthechurchand Chapel FriiFriday afternoon and evening , Red Cross officials said, , today from 3 to 9 p.m=and i one hourprlorlo services.IS. and priorrlo lo services Saturday. i unlll noon the loan was w; paid off before Ihee i r ^ £ 9 6 - ^ - Friday. 10-yearnotcitew asdue. T h e Saw.'tooth toi Chapter, which began ------as.thc-T-win.■in.FallsXhaplcr-ln-IOl7,-i6—s------responsiblele forI the work of :f23 volun- ■ ■ I 1 - Q w t ' teers whosese efforts include collection and transporportation of blood, servicess .. ___ \,M to m ilitaryy f;families and w ater safety ■ ^Wii OAKLEY - Services for Jane Pearl memoholsIs tot< tbe Cancer Fund ,or tiie ------^Lawrcnce1 Waile Stinson. 73.rj. or Twin and first aidid Iprograms. Read Hale. 90. ol Ogden,n, formerly f of Heort Fund,nd. Arrangements are under F j alls, who died Mondoy will bebcollp.m. Goals for)r Ithe coming year Include ofFarmerMortuary,. j ------Oakley, who died Sunday,y, v.will be alii direction of F Fridoy In the While Mortuar;ary. Burial development!nt of a Red Cross youth: i L r S a.m. loday In thc Oakley ey LDS Stoke SHOSHONIONE-ServlcesforCeorgeN. will ' be In the Rupert Cemelery and sponsorship of froe Ccnter. Friends may call ai 1..0f Shoshone, who died Mon- m ’ ay call at Ihc While Mortuau ^ o d a y ;surc clinics twice a month ' Center ono hour prior lc and unlll noon on Friday. be at 2 p.m . on Friday In Ihe < at thc chaptiipter’house. snid Manager Burial will bc In the Oakley uneral Chapel in Shoshone. under direcllon of Ihe Myeny.cs,Mo,lu.ry FILER- Scrvlccs for Graraccnmlly AnnLlvlnBsli;ston. : J II be lit lhe Shoshone Ceme- of Ogden. Ulah. tery. Friendsnds may call today and Fri- 'W alker. 88. ol Filer, who diedSi Monday. to the service. The family \will be at 10:30 a.m . Friday Inl BU H I.-M ato for Helen K memorials lo Ihe Shoshone ^M ortuary Chapel. Burial wl Corremlly suggests TWIN F^^LLS F>i Services for llmeofscrviceon tl Friday. offered by t y the King Hill Irrigation ' 1 ...... — -I .District wa;kvas lisled incorrectly in N o a d d itio n aal l clc h a rg c fo r g ro u p s, Tuesday's Tlmes-News.Tl P o ses o u r sclcctilection. Backgrounds Bids willII bbe opened Sept. 1 at 7;300 '- i tn a y o ccasional!nally change, ______p.m. in thee ccanal district's King Hill Saiisfactjoti aJwalw ays, o r d ep o sit officc, accon■ording to District Manager )g)PS]li]Qllg)-— ^ c hccrfiilly rerufu n d ed . J a m e s Bunkcikcr. ;

ALCOHOIO LtSM : GOODING COU»UNTY MEMORIAL MAOIAOIC VALLEY MEMORIAL AdmittedAdi Admitted M rs. Jo y Llllie of Wendell and and Ja m es Mullins of Gooding. M rs. C haries Hranaum ond Mr. THE D lsm ln i^ and M rs.^uan AspeytlaIla OfTwin( Palls. WALKE:e R ' Judith Owrhoul, Estetla HenHernandez, G orrcit .Soibold. Mo ou u lla TWH I S I D A Y S ONLYLY! ___ M im mhrpvs. Vera McClain.'DonDon G effalt. Evelyn ftnrraf«l. KevinKc^ ______lUNtfiNIDOKA MEMORIAL CENTEIER THI1URSDAY, AUGUST 2 Anderson and JesuS' AberasterlitVrlT all of Burley: Brant Slansciie in Admitted ForAkwtotlanlam and T 27 ~ .Teresa Herrera and CIcoFreemj«m an, ail of R upert; Cheryle McCItCoy NadioPalomoofRupeiupertandKlmBruceofBurley. - D fugA buM FlFRIDAY, AUGUST 28 _ - of Jfeybum;-Lllllan.Wedd ofDe-I>eclo;.CIco Poultonof.Oekley:.a:.and ______------SAI sr.bolbofS onJose. Calif. ------P;0.-B0X&C541------— VTURDAYrAUGUST i ------— Robert Kaiser and Ruth Kaiser, t Jesus Tamayo andI Ida Idt Rodriguez and son. all of Rupert,Ri and QOQDINQ, BlrthaBir riey. Q. I D A H O ^ H ^ DA>AILY: 10A.M ..8 P;M'; M . ' ; .• Kelly Kuwuuia of Burley 83330 A daughter lo Mr. and Mrs... Di Dirk Severe of Burley and a sonion to Blrttaa ______P J J J t t A K E S 3 SHOPPING CENTER,, TWINTV FALLS Mr. andMrs. Rodger Woodward(irdofP aul. A son lo M r. and Mrs.-s. MMicheal Gakiw of Rt^e rt. PrK<208)93Q 34|8461^^^B^

A ' r I* I •* • }

m S p c o r ts Thursday. Au|August 27.1981 tlmos-Newsw s. Twin Falls. Idaho 0 3 A ‘p>aunc :hy’ SE ISU K enI S tabd i e t u s ts

rejoiin s OMlers ...... ^ S b b ■I - p lla y e r HOUSTON (UPl) - ^ A p aunchy hurl 1 sawiniMthe Oilers needed m e." . Kenny Stabler cmerplerged from a Nellsensen was Injured Saturday BOISEIE .1.(U P I) - Boise State Uni- . versiiy's nve-wock reliremenl•nl W ednesday agalnslTI Tam ; pa Bay. • ■ y's Academic Grievance night and-sald thc InJuriJury to Houston Facingng thc media for thc first time CouncilI suspendedSl Bronco foolball Oilers' quarterback GIIGifford Nielsen since laslast season. Stabler said hislis ^ 1 player Kick Rebozzi for tho fatl brought him back for)r his1 12th NFL rctircmlent er was sinccre and had semesterer VWodnosday. season. nothing? tltp do with contracl negotia- The university's uni' English Depart- "I m ade up my mindiind a couple of tions. ment hadad c o;on academic probation and’ > "I didid very little (conditioning) S H have to maim aintain a “ C" average'. because? 1I rellred. There was no Rebozzi:zi declinedi commcnl on the! reason 10 to get In shape bccause I I^H suspension,lon. saying hc planned to meel wasn’t con:omingback.’'hcsaid. ' ' A H ' with his; allorneya ll lo discuss the possi-: .T he Ollc)llers lured-the NFL-alMlme—------_____bility_of_apf_appealing_the_councii:s.d^:__ __ p ass—£omi]mplelion-percontag&-leader—------Rebozzi:zi and Tim Klena had been: to0 the gam e with a 2*year i contractt that one report said was prime contcontenders for tho Broncos’: 'worth$750,^50.000 annually. H |^ ^ H quartcrbacitiack position for thc 19H1 Thc Ollc)llcrs would not disclosc any football season before the council'.s;__ details ofJf IIhe contract but said It was*^ close to} Ithe terms Stabler played under in1 1980.l He had an-estimatcd »00,000coicontract last soason. CoachI EdEl Biles said it was conccjv- j . . ^ \lv -able Stabli3blcr could start ihc Oilers^ ' H R eecord ...... openerScp>cpt. 6 againsi the Ixis Angeles KENNY STAB^BLER R am s. [ m Week-•k-old mile mark;, - . . .uillptayaV again .Sc. See STABLER Page 4 crackeked by Ovett i f KOBLEN,EN2, West Germany (UPli f . — Britain’sin’s Steve Ovett continued his iCelts iinsist /Ainge phenomenal ena rivalry wllh countryman Sebastianin CoeC Wednesday by. break- ing Coe'ss W(week-old mile recorci with a 3:48.40 cloc C ard M anager WVhltey l Herzog ends GaiJarry Templeton’s obsoiscene reproach of home clocking at an inlemalionai preferrs baskcetball ne crowd track andid fi.field m eet. Ovett, 25,25. who predicted before thc - BOSTON (UPI) -- The' Boston basketball!111 if he retires from baseball. • race he wouldWOI regain Ihe mile mark ^Celtics don’t want toI crentice Danny “If hcJ w ' ere to tell the Celtics T O O from Coe'iloc's 3:48.53 last week In 'A lnge to Join thc NBA w( ; Switzerlandand, ran a fast race, driven , world champs 'baseball is Temp I is for m e,’ wc would nol go pleton*i's ruder gestun bul are convlnccd thcs TToronto Blue near him."n.’" Cooley said. “ But when by Americorican Craig Masback Ihrough _____ Jays’ Inflelder wants aa.carocr.inj)ro_he.says^t Ci ‘1 nin rpllrinp,' lhi»n hnqfthnll___ ^ Ihe first'st' 1,200 m eters. M asback basketball, a lawyer’ h.handling thc doesn't Iiaveha\ thc rif^t td tic him ug . finished secsecond In3:54.l4. • — • ■ - Celtics’ ease said Wcdnesc I cost O vett’ss newr rccord marked the lesday, from playiilying anolher sport. Hc slm' Mm svlispensiiion, fir Thd Blue Jays, on thehe olher hand, ply is lot not enjoying himself in the fourth time[Imc the tllle has changed, clwccn thc two British run- believe Ainge wantss toI stay in gam e." M anager He:erzog wants ape3 ology from con)ntroversial shor ------baBeball'-and-havo-gone-ine-to-courl-to------The-Celtlcltlcs-sclected-Ainge-ln-tlie— le.broko-New-Zealander-John----- silcncc Boston's negotiantatlng overtures sccond rouiound of thc June 9 NOA draft ST. LOUIS (UPl)) - Manager ' ______Walker’ss IS 1975 record in Norway in even though Ainges

T y H o u e y Everytthing ycOU neeid to kh(tow abcout loaxilfootliball TWIN FALLS - Thee ooddity about thc I9RI footootball would bc the guessJe ss here thal Buhl has sents< more .b e packed whwhen Jerome and Buhl squarearcoffthlsycar. boysys and girls. Some 15 of those thb 21 boys are playing season is the quarterbackQck split between cast andd wcslv scholarshipped footlootball players on lo interercollcgiatc When Redled .Halverson decided lo0 com' e back into footbitball - two can ’l thecausee olof non-football conncclcd Magic Valley. competition lhanlhcihe rest of Magic Valley combiibined. coaching and ant .look over Ihe, Minico helm, hc hc was only injururics — and there’s just one3 seisenior— Barry Mcssnor, h returning sta rte rs while mo: The east is loaded withrc nost of Therc Is a thread,ad, of courso. In Ihe power• shifts sincc hoping for the problem that he has rightht now.r Tw'w o things cross one’s mindd urunder such circumstance.s the western team s arc goir;oing wllh untested youngsterlers at curreni Jerome headead coach Jon Jund served as the head The Spartarlans turned out 4S Juniors> arand seniors, which — cancelca the season or cut backbac: to cighl-man. Neither the critical spot^ man at Buhl duringIng Ihose haydays and hc anind curronl he secs as; aa sign lhal program can bcbe rebuilt. What hc solutution is acceptable. F o r Instance. Rocky ElleSlier Is back for his third star!:arting Buhl Coach Gregg^ Smithi arc great friendss and pasl didn’t antlclpcipate was the turnout of TJJ sophomores.so AboutIxii/Ong tim e associate coach,ich. LaVere Bennett only . y ear at Kimberly while HaiHanscn h as Cooper U rie backick for co-staff workers, 55 answ ereded Ihe pre-school call andid another f 20 or so chuciickles and says this matterter of not having a lot of his fourth crack a t It. Valle:illey and M urtaugh have veterlerans II may be premaluiature to anticipate that BuhlII iis dead at showed up whenwi sch6oLt»eao. With a lilittle attrition, Ihc playeyers on the bench is only a statistateofmind. In Gary T aylor and Roy' Nebeker,N( although both arcrc stllli this point. Bul the sursurprise is after 10 years of nearlync lotal - Spartans hadlad 73 sophomores on the footbKJtball fieldT uesday' just Juniors. Nebeker hihas been starting since:e his cxccllcncc, only 21 juniors and seniors answswered Ihe night. lc notes that none of the boysoys currently on the varsity /c ever played football on a Icteam with more lhan one . freshman year. football call and twoo^'0 of the seniors since have quiuit. Nolice lhalial said on the field. They wwc eren't all In pads Minico returns Daryl.TraTracy for his second year. KelleyKel Buhl fans got a littilittle laste of how the other•90 O percent . and th a t’s HaiHalverson's problem, t prior to high school. On thIhe c Junior . high level, which m etl handles, M urtaugh hadid Iwl\ o ^ a so n s of 12 players, Kclcher Is back al Burlejrley after starling thc last;t fivcI live last year. Thatit m erely says Buhl didn’t win/instate, so "W e’ve gotjot to come up wilh obout ao0 fifull uniforms righl 2 next two years Murtaughh hihad 10 piaycrs. Tliey goi gam es a y ear ago. SouthI of Burley, Mark Cranney will be the olher 90 pcrccnt:nt can assure them It wasn’in’t all thal aw ay ." Red■d ^aid£ with a contented smileniled. “I'm pcessur- 1 ° , ough the first 10-player yearir wiihoutw any injuries. Last barking Oakley’s signals; forfoi Ihc fourth slralglit scasorson as bitter. II could takee a imuch deeper bite this year,‘r. Ing the admininlslratlon ii every day for soisome money to get will Rafl R iver’s Jeff Wallacillace.- •• .On the other sidee of the river, Jerome, downI forfi quite a those." ir, thc injuries caughi up to theithem . Wc still played when we hadid ninine bul when we dropped The other thing that appappears in the offing Is thee rolet while now. may be forgiven If it seem s as little too It Is. of course.COI Impossible for thercrc lo be 73 football, Jghl wc decided that was enoujnough and cahcellcd the lasl reversal 1ft the A-2 ranks.;. AlA this tlnte il appears lhatlat Ihe expectant, players in onesne class of about 250 or so. BuBut Halverson says Jerom e ouL(6ok Is improvlrjvlng while the brililani reigrlign of The T igers have! beenbe expecled lo Improve, hlargely on th ere’s no .chicharjce of him discouragingIg ianyone, let alone plcof'gam.cs," Bc)incll smiles.lies. Buhl Is sinking. U mightit nnol happen In the span of onoi the basis of Ihis JurJunior’ class. Juniors don't■I beat thc counlenarieinjHiigacut. ^ •‘H(Hey, wc won two g ^ e s eachc h y e a r." year but ll appears, the)C power| and'-talent balanccficc is Caldwells, Madisons,ns, etc.. very oflen. But they■y probably ‘‘I think Ihehe lime is ripe to get the progrogram going here at Supuperlntendcnl Florin Hulse» explainsc why Murtaugh switching lo the Tigers agali will got closer: Minico,’’ Hal\alvcrson said. "Me and all1 thcth slaff are ;;6lng docsnsn't have to think about eight-nht-manball. One goes back about 10) yyc ears lo a lim e when It wasIS justj Where thc Tigers'S aiarc suspccl. as they have beenb right lo do everylhithing we can lo keep 125 o r• mably take our lum ps but a aftc fter that we’ll J&e able lo --- Ihc sun could shine for Buhl.-Ori;Buh thc top of thc head!ad. it One would bc foollslIlish lo anticipate that the stailands won't IhroughscnioiIlors in the high school, evenlynly divided between . play/ vwith any of them for al leastist tlthree more years."-

r C-4 T im os-N ew s, TwinIn EFalls. Idaho T h u rsd ay . AAu u au st 27.1981 Des]ip iteJr e m p >letonv G a ird in ails-wiin a n y ^w a y j By United P ress Intcmim iational______^__anOQn_Ccy,.i{}SlifijlfijUlwJiits.loJilfiWighl.aj9r J9rhii_.. attack and lead lhouls to ;a 9-4 victory over the SaiSan RBI double by Lavelleille and a run-scoring single! byb h is average to .364.>4. Cey had five singles inIn : Francisco Giants in a g.game marred by the bizarnirre Enos Cabell - overer i five Innings. Brucc SuttcIter . at-bats. ejeclion of Templeton.n. IIthe Cardinals' shortstop, came on for the finalqI oout with the bases loaded t Templeton was eject[ected by home plale umpin)ire notch his leth save. M ontreal 6, ClQCinnatlatJO ______Brucc-Krocinmin>»-afteIfter the third Inning whenI heh< St. Louis cut the Giaijiants’ lead to 2-1 In the fourt,rtb At Montreal, Garyry iCarter, still hobbled by a bbad mado a series of obsc(jscene gestures t<3 the crowdwd. on Keith Hernandez’i ’ (eighth homer of the yeac a r •'^8. drove in four run■uns with a two-run h om er anc Ternplelon was puiled•d ddown the dugout steps by St.St before blowing the gamega open in the fifth. Sa3an tw o-run single to) Iback a four-hitter by Bill 0 ■ v H F Louis Manager WhiteyIcy Herzog. Tlic shortstop loft lefl F rancisco scored Itsi otheroti two runs in the soveni:nlh Gullickson. the sladium immcdiatelalely a fter the incident and did . on Bob Sykes’ bases-los-loaded walk to Jeff Leonar»rd AUanlaS,Pliila(ieIptl^ 3 not speak with reporterslers (seeslory on Page3). and a wild pitch by relleeliever Jim Kaat. At Philadelphia, Rafael Ri Ramirez singled honhome * ■“ lorfi greeted relieve);ver Fred Breining with his Glenn Hubbard withth one oul In the lOth to spaispark triple to tiic left-conterter field wall after the Cardi--di- Chicago 9, Sao Diego7i7 Atlanta. Winner Ridlick Camp, 7-i, pitched thnthree I bases on a double by Sixto nais had loaded the bi xto At Chicago, n^rvero thirdtl basem an Stcve'Dlilanard scoreless innings andlid Ron Reed, 2-1, took the loss. I^^ezcano, a walk lo Titonto Landrum and a single by smashed a two-run hom ho er wilh two out in ththe ; Ken OberkfcU off Garyary Layelle, making his firstrst bottom of the ninthto to lift the Cubs. Dillard, whi^-ho Houstoo9,NewYo;k3* 3 major-loague siart. Mike Mili Ramsey and Tom Herrerr scored the tying run asas ac pinch runner in the eighthIth. At New York, Artt HoweH drove in five runs wilh followed with RBI singingles and Herr scored fromam slammed his second homhoi er of the y ear, with Jod'Kiy sacrtficefly, asinglealeand a double, helping HousK sccond on a wild pitchI bebefore Darrell Porter capped>ed Davis on first base, offff relieverr John Curtis. 2-5.' to snap a four-gcmeB lclosing streak. Don Sutton. G-7.G- B V T / ^ the Cardinals' biggestist iinning of tfie year wjlhI a . scattered six hits Inn fivefi Innings wilh Vern Rulitulile . • two-runsingietorlf^t.t. , Los Angeles 16, PlttsburburgbS and Dave Smilh heldId ithe Mels to Just one hit ov(over Joaquin Andujar evenvened his record at 4-J. evenen At Pittsburgh, Steveve Garvey drove in five run:ms thelastfourinnings. A y Wm f m ■ I) M ichaael’s hearsh woo rd s sp>urYarnkees Chicago catcherer Jody Davls tags outit P a d res’ Luis Salazar By United Press Internalrnational = on Winfield’s bases-les-loaded grounder that wiwas m isplayed by shortstojstop Lenny Faedo. Minnesota r New York Managerr GeneG Michael read the New Americaan League /irsl ru n cam e In thehe sixlh when Pete Mackanl ^ m k < York Yankees the riotot acti Tuesday night. Appar-ar- ^= s= = = ^^ = doubled for the flrslIt thit off Yankee starter Dav)ave H *• ently. they w ere listeningling. for Barry Foote, singledled 1to left to score Winfield, R ighettl and drove inn GaryG Ward. • After Tuesday nighl’;^ I 's 3-0 loss lo Minnesota,ta. Rich (3ossage, ^1, workedwa the final two inningsgs ^ Michael said in no uncrt Twins to tie the game2-22-2 in the top of the eighth. At D etroit, L arry Guijura pitched a seven-hitter am —i£----- toJinPDcn ." ■ •• Dave Engle slngledl «f«ff Gossage with-one out -inin— Cesar Geronimo trig®ggered-a-five-run fifth inninining— s h o e I r They did, although Just[usrbarely. ^ ^ IReelgHUrantfTnovedlo-i'toihird'omrpinch^ngle'by ay------A*itlT^two=run-honicrl(rlcrlifUhe-RoyalsTGunrrnlsci i Pinch hitter Bobby’ MMurcer singled home Daveve Hosken Powell. Engle;Ie ; scorcd on Rob Wilfong’s:’s his record to 8-5 with1 hihis fourth straight post-slrikirike Winfield with the tie-br!-breaking run in the eighthlh Infield grounder that resultedresi In a disputed play at victor}' and was hclpctped in the first two Inningss bb; y H OCEANIA C ;; Inning Wednesday nighti^ht to boost the Yankees to< a th e p late. Right fieldersr BrowjiB preserved the tie byjy— double plays.ile.walkcIkcd-lhree-and struck ouUfour I------M o n i.* ______sS a i .e | :i-2 victory over the MinntInnesota Twins, throwing out .Powell,I. whov tried to score fromm Ron Jackson had an RlRBI triple in the ninth for' thethi ■ . Lodlo*' In the eiglith. Winfield'cld drew a one-out walk off AI sccond on John'Castino'slO's single. Tigers’ only run. Models _ M Williams. 3-C. Bobbyt)y Brown's infield single;le New York took a 1-01-0 1lead In the first on Dave 1786 .’c Onc other AL game,le. Chicago a t Milwaukee, wa: m ^ f r ^ a n d 1780 ^ advanced Winfield to sca. (UPI)-The( In these.second gam e, the only hit offff th e second wilh a single>le. In the third rtght-handinder Wilson drove In lhreeiree^ Taiwan team of Tai ChiChung hil four Chang vaswai a harmless third-inninglg inning. C hang ming-kukuo hit 'a solo runs wilhilh a double and a single, homers Wednesday inn ai lO-O romp single byy* MonterreyA pltchcr Rolandolo hom erun. Wilson was wa nicked for eight hits and over Monterrey, Mexico,ico, in the final Zam orano.10. five, bul settled down a fter the first-round gam e o fth e L J Wang-Yjo-hsIn smacBckcd a ih ro c , " " I ? " e Little League Chang Mlng-pinM struck out ll^nd Irth wllh Tsay pallfornlalia team took a 3-0 lead afterrter I ? C I ^d e r s e Baseball World Series. t —*n*3 hom er, in the fourt en ’s I w alked thnhree. Talwain scored in e a c h ^ ngs. Chang Ming-pin pitchedhed the viclory of the fiveIC inningsI it batted, includingT-'«-C«ih-wan and Lee 1-paooon ( baso. PcnB M ain A l 3 rd East, Twiiwin Falls______" Chin'-i hit a run-scorlniInB doublo tor „ BarrlnglDgton cam e back with a p airro of f ! for Taiw an, which is seekiPeking a record four runsis in I the first inning. Chang ” T aiw an in the fifth inning tliroo-runtn innings to win il. Wilson fifth-straight world champimpionship. Yung-chencn walked and Chang Ming- drove InI twotw runners with a double in In an earlier game,2. 1Dan Wilson ping doubl "forcing m y 'Giff, Giff.ff. Giff’ when I becam e thehe . A j - L add-H erzeg to beginI learning le the Stabler,; 35,a an ll-y e a r v eteran who*y ' good n atu re” by saying' hhe w as liajjpy quarterbaciack.” h esaid .' J . Oilers' new offensive systeistem . is the N FLL ’s ’J all-tim e pass completion1 with the return of Stablejler. However. " I ’ve [Otgot to sil down with them andnd ^ t Herzeg said Slabler’sr’s agent in- ’percentage;e leader, led (he Oilers’ he kidded his teammate:tes because of talk to theihem. It looks like I'm sur- formed him late Tuesdasday he was offense la$t!i$t season after playing 10) their reaction when theliey were lold rounded byby a bunch of fair-weather V traveling to Houston andI d ’'w' anted lo, y e a rs withh (lie 11 Oakland Raiders. Stabler, who is nicknamimed "Snake.” teammales.es.” m S j §)(sm)flS(g Csm n d l r SfiS’ib' .u o . . . ' acaceiei»-> Mwun, unm . Cu», cu» L*;c4Ao, isjg )0 & Mio o s-iiilidJifl fi I ^ Baseball wM«i Ul so-iuni«r. womu p , s r ? '* '

UmnMcu " Ktr'" ” rill M 11 ? I?oU a. " OP-CUK>VLiU " • ’“ ■ffiisifcl I, Uonttul S I, I AL standings H, . . * * Sf&wU iiis‘S ^ ' ' ‘"“‘SS!.''' s..i J ISMMHWf) B > w ^ » I i { ; I i J a r " “ ' j 1 1 l , i J ; ; ' H r ^ ^ *' w fct oe SSn« n It) I ' S i " ooiiS ** * I m: U>(KM I..{'rM .'S'.'rt'.STt" •• iwonio- r mr in OulllCOOA I SC.K !. a !. a SAN MOO cCHCAOO i s l l i ikn'c <1 e . 0S>M» M : S® i'i i '! it i 8S2S>.% SiiSi : S ™ "" " i i S i : a s i i i S ' IHii M r E'• ‘ JliSSSil,” I : M SH"”“ m ; S i i i B e CMMOt 0 (Wni* p .SiW JT.W aSJ.'SS; H MCflBSM . ^T S S J r » * i r t t 4 « T ' ■ ■ ' S ; I Transactions T h e N A PA ; * ......

: m ' S n V S . ” ' " n l boxscoresss ■ Si 1 |I 1 h S ' p!?' *' IP H niRBSSO o!2 = The BURBAANK 'IOS fITTWB IP M niBMso, « S T ' n » I s ' K : NL standings .. T i i l S ! ? T ' 3 1 liii i 0 S a 0 ? H 0. iiiiil I KKi; lls 1 ijllU MKItM IS I UHM n rut , Pit Mpj- ,T S is I'll Si'*.; •«•(> ” ’ i ! ■ ■ ! : : I K ! ATUWTA MlAOCimAt ■ B H h Mou»ion t ia .3 ^ T ra ck a n d fie ld I d - s = w l g ? ilii.U i W esti^.German m eet t ■ » HMIon “ j V r t illi S Z ’ . i . T ? Idl. >. liUiun woranxi. ’ . N/ianv Other r i i i D e x te r S ty lee : s ' s s : ; “ : i n s t o c k ! " S sx iS '. ” ■' •" 8AM rAANClSCO (T. lOWt ..T.*!a.-:,l,rJra5: S i » H n in u M "wSSfcV 'i A L boxscores Ho>*wni WoeJ^—'IwKtd M Kwtr, h>li j....______ii . i i i j j ____ SS uiHHisorA NIW Tom B l P ' I______wijw.ucCoT, u ». JSSl — I. i«(rr u t.,

■ w H iI ■ ssr.’"s!i^si Ss:;s..7JS!S.,"K5:£5r! i Z L 'T r A t S w •ct eaten tna joM AMgiwlt wtuuM M U j - W i TWIN FALI,LLS* BURLEY* RUPER1ERT*BUHL W i I . m III Tonu » < u 1 rlSu ]J. i ’c'S: J.M tiwwi - 1, 'J«n (Mnu. I ■ V ■ p-Bricfl’ly in sportrts—^ I T hursdsd a y ,A u o u 8 t2 7 ,1981 Timos-nos-Nows, Twin Falls, Idaho C-5 ” ~ H lgh sch(HiooJjfoo^ba//er cri•riticalli) h u rt SAN ANTONIO.no. Texas (UPI)-Ahighschschool foolball player who B rorn c o s cui t Mla t t Rio b ini j s o n . , idolized D allas CowboysCo' running back TonyyDorsetl C was hospllalized____ - -By-United Press Inleman a tio n a l...... • s la rl of Ihe season. Bul3ul Morion is 38 and in his I7lh aking Ihe right decision.- You— -**— r — In-critical conditklltlon Wedncsday with a sevdivdre hoad'ipjury infl)c(^ [h ."Hopefully,- we're makit ■ : during a rouUnefoe football praclicc. proscason. never know." Quarterback Mall FRobinson was cui by thche Wllh Robinson gone,ne, the Broncos will havo Jeff ; • ; .ByronJ^lillcr.■. a J5-ycar-old running backk aal Jam es Madison High Robinson was a ninthith roundi draft choicc by the . School in San AnUAntonio, collapsed on the sidel: D enver Broncos Wedndnesday in an abrupt andnd Knapple and rookie Mar^lark Herrmann as backups. ------Jcts4aJ97Zout^f.Gecrgl;irgia-and-slarted In4978-aftcr ------jollnes lato Tuesday after eft Iho leam'wilh aging Craig . • telling his coachh hc felt HI. school officials sale;ald. surprising move lhal lef ng Knapple cam c lo DenDenver as a (rcc agent in 1980^ R ichard Todd was Injuinjured. His besi game was Morion, a rookie and aI sdlsl. second round d raft choicJices in I960 to the New Yorkrk d id lalk lo Ihem. bul Ihey did nol show anyV which allowed us to comcDme back and win Ihc division He w as one off fourfo candidates for the jobs.bs. The others were Ulah Jels for Robinson. Intcrcsl." . lillc." - - I Slate Athlellc Dircclor Dli LaDell Anderson. Iowa Stale Associate Robinson, who starleced II games for the Jets in , • Linebacker Davidd LLewis voluntarily lefl the Athletic Director)r MaxA Urlck and Illinois Staleale Alhlelic Dlreclor Don .ig Robinson's cut wasas somelhing of a surprise^ 1978 and passed for 2,oo:002 yards, became Denver's _ Tampa Bay trainingg ccam p T uesday. night for * ; . Kelley. because Denver had goigotten down lo thc 50-player slarler lasl year aheacad of Morton. Bul he was personal reasons andid w^ as placed on the non- Cunningham'ss appolnimonia becomes offciffcclive as soon as his limil Tuesday and Rccv«jcvcs slill had time id work on benched afler starting scseven gam es because of lack „ foolball illness reserve'Tve'lisl, club officials an- current obligationsons perm it, said UW Acting? PresidenlP Donald Veal. a trade unlil the cut loti[0 the final 4S piaycrs is m ade of consistency. nounced Wednesday. ■it is our convlctiIclion that Gary Cunnlnghanlam is the best qualified P nexl week, Reeves, named headad coach when Edgar F. A club spokesman saidsaic Lewis had lefl wllh Ihe individual to admiiIminisler Ihe inlercollcgiale; alhlelica program al tlic K a ise r’Jr. bouglil the■ IBroncos earlier this yoar.r, “Il's always a loughi;h decision< lo make on whichh approval of Coach Johnin MMcKay and "can rejoin Ihe UniversilyofWyonyomlng," Veal said. ' said Morion would bc hi:his No. I quarterback al Ihele ones lo keep and whlclhich lo let go," said Reeves.3. club when he solves hiss problems,"pr

'-<■ M c E n r o e , !Evert Lloyd topi p s e e d i n g s NEW YORK (UF[UPD — John M cEnroe andd Chris( Ever! Lloyd, tlie defending champloiplons, were seeded No. 1 WeeVednesday for Iho men's D a l l a s ’ V . and women’s slnglinglcs compelilion of Ihe U.S.•S. Open tennis Champi- • > ; onships. fin a lly si< Bjom Borg, thehc beaten finalist lo McEnrcnroe lasl year, and'still igns S -’C*------sceklng-hisfirst-0l-Open crown,-was.secded-sc-second among Iho-mon------^ ------whlle-l6-year-old-/id-Aridrea-Jaeger-was-seedeelied-Nor-2-behlnd-Rvori: ------:zlucia± iv.e;;:pact . ! ; I Allhough J % g e rr hahas yet to win a m ajor chamampionship. she reconlly > ;' r was elcvaled lo secisocond in the women’s rankingings, also behind Everl. DALLAS(UPI)-A11-I1-Pro defensive ■ .______M cEnroe has woiwon thc Open the lasl Iwo yea'ears, and a lso addod Iho _ • lackie Randy While, whvho Ihrealcncd : Wimbledon champinplonship lasl monlh from BorJorg, to leave the Dallas Co\lowboys unless The U.S. OpenI beginsbC; nexl Tuesday and contonllnucs Ihrough Sepi. i:< given a now conlracl,;l. Wednesday at Ihe National Teni'ennis Center In Flushing Meaeeadow. signed a m ulti-year contntract wllh Ihe \ IvanX cndl, seedi^edcd.lO.th last year, has movlovcd up to No. :i. while' club. * SALE - ; three-time Open chjchampion Jim m y Connors foilfell backlo fourlh. V p r ic e Cowboys player persoisonnol director SIZE - Completing ihehe men's secdlngs arc No. 5 Jose-Luls Clerc, Gil Brandt would nol sasay how much Guillerm o Vilas,, GcGene Mayer. Eliot Tellscher,Br. , Brian While receives undor tlthe now con- P165/75-13 5 59 . 2 7 1..65 A i r ' Teahcer, Peler MeMcNamara. Johan Krlck. YYannick Noah. Wojtek -• tract. Cowboys president•nt and general Fibak,VitasGerula■ulallisand , manager Tox Schramrnm had. been / P185/75-13 632 . 4 9 1.93 ^ Tracy Austin, whwho handed Evert only her;r sccondi setback of llie quoied a s saying thc clullubwaswilling ./ y e a r in the final of tthe Canadian Open lasl Sun;unday, was seeded third to make White “ihc Ihighest paid / P185/75-14 655.50 2.04 I f ' among the womenicn while Hana Mandllkova.a. Ihe beaien finalist lo defensive lineman In thee league."I j 'iZ ' E vert In 1980. wasIS onlyoi No. Sbchlnd M artina Navratilova.Nj “ I don'l know whal ololher linemen \ P195/75-14 6S8 . 7 5 “ 2.26 11 make," Brandi said. “L•Lel’s say lhal \ 1$: SonJcs'lVeVestphal will mIs:! s s a m o n t h R andy and the Cowboys/saresalisfied \ P205/75-14 7 33,06 2.37 ^ % SEATTLE (UPI)PI) - Paul Weslphal of the[he Sealtle SuperSonics. •'wilh,the ■ conlracl and theie Cowboys arc 3 11 . 3 7 N sidelined most ofif lalasl season wllh stress fraciaciures In his riglit fool, happy to have a playerer of Randy's P215/75-14 . has re-injured theIC foolf( and will miss ai least a monthi ofthe season, a caliber on Ihclrleam.'' While, in his optionI ;year, signed P225/75-14 8 59 . 4 7 2.« club spokesm an sailsaid Wednesday, A U SEASON TREAD ^ HIWAY TREAD M even Ihougli his agei?cnl, Hovi’ard . Dr. Roger Mannmn of Oakland, Calif., who0 IIreated Wcstplial lasl iwte P-melrle 7S- and SD-teriek C '8.60 2.50 Mirle 7S-itHa* lire lor mott M Slushor. was oul of Ihee o lough BM Sonics spokeswomOman Nancy Wells. "ButIt il will probably be e«l belli plu* one or l»o polyei- P225/75-15 p 93> 2 . 3 0 2.8S Milt, plua OM or two Ih December beforee he’sh< ready for acllon," showed a disregard (orr \White. While i»rr ctcord pllet. Tubelott original polyetterIter cord pllea. Tubeleta B H _ defended his agenl WedneInesday. luipmenlwhilewsll. _ al equipment tttrhllewall. I W Hfommended lor -all teaton' P235/75-15 r 9S•9 .9 0 3.05 S^rSlnernmeoded for Hlway ute. Atk B f uto.le. .Atk aboul our <10,000 mile W 40.000 mllea treadwear ^ 9 m ireadiladnrear Cuatanlec, *40,000 Mile LltnlhIted W arranty l ^ r ^ l f FOR BACK-HTO-SCHOOLi STEEL BEL1ELTED RADIALS | | ^ for STEEL BEL1ELTED RADIALS H IMMPORT i f s p oORTY r IMPORTS « CARSC i v 207V BLACKWALLBL ' SIZE PRICE F.E.T. ^ S A L E > H ^ P175/70-133 J59.22 1.71 H ' BULACKWALL \ m i c e ^ I ...... | j e H | t | i , ^I SIZEZE REC PniCF ------:P185/70-13-'<3 - 6 4 ? 7 3 ~ 1 t7 6 - H ------IM Jt PIS!1S5/80.12 S8.42 8 . 1.71 H PISSSS/80-12 SS0.25 '185/70-13 74.r4.76 1.76 9 s m m r M PISSSS/80-13 S3.77 45.95 il PI' P16S6S/80-13 SB.78 4 8 . 9 5 m PI!•195/70-13 81.H.72 2.24 Q 75/80-13 63.19 J P175 '185/70-14 77,r7.41 1.95 H W B S r P18S85/80-13 67.95 I m t 5 4 .9 5 PI!'195/70-14 -82.}2.53 2.13 m ^ i S w 75/80-14 64.90 P18S8S/80-14 66.17 56.95 ^ P2J'205/70-14 . 836.70 6 . 2.25 M 6S/60-1S 61.33 85/70-15 78.r 8 . o i 2 . 1 8 I I F.E.T.S1.42TOS2. I »40,000 M ile LImltected Warranty JBI I___ >40.000 MILE LIMITED) WV, A RRA N TY M

bBRIDGESTONE r LIMITED 4G4 0 ,0 0 0 MILE l E l ^ WARARRANTY FOR SELECTED!D STEEL-BELTEO m m ■ ~ 'RADIAL PASSENGER CACAR TIRES. g L LIGHT^T TRUCK 1 S . e*#ryt pi ptttenger c*r (iMr-Mritd rifllal Ur W /■ ortglnMiu l equipment Ur*«. minT Orl^etloMOr lor use cn N ff: !L RADIAL ■ I f / P«Ml>9t■nger eart enly and bearing Dridgeiloteilorve'a name and d «< L | l " ‘. I STEEL f ' BomMfMr IIt wamnled by Dtldgeilone lorI«I t*eirtnt that the tiaad Indlealort thowBW lhatll the me het wom ^ ^^ . eul(notrtot Imere men 2/23" of tread depth rem J e a n A occu mlmu|in«tlMl Igrf - Pric* el the Ure In effect tl the time ol aoiutimentat (i(Kru>i:nn llgl 700-10-15 6 80.05 fl 3.2S ^ ; , M o vinn'O ' n Jeans. Movin'n ' in n ftdcrallral Cielte Tat) by the percentage ol Ihe __ M •dmll«*tlleage thal hat betrvnin on the Urt...... m 700-10-15 8 87.95fl 3.71 ml : your dir:iirection w ith th e loot'<0k 750-0-16 8 102.0910 4.21 HI : , yo u wan,ant right now. A lookr . 750-0-16 12 117.0511 4.83 SM : that c ombines m great fit wittith Jj 075-5-16.5 TL 8 129.05 12 4.67 N g r e a t sstyling. ti Movin' On)n J i 0*16.5 TL 8 130.05 13 5.12 ^ Jea n s. Chc'hoose from our widee range o l the*he la te st fa shions, OFFRrflO A D S T E E L. RADIALS R H For tite looko k that'll w a k e 'em , 604V/D DE ESER T ^ stop and sta,tare, try on a pair i DUELlJELERS G n i H s S v n REREO. SALE | E | ol Levi's'^ M ovin' O n J e a n s .M I SIZE PRIPRICE PRICE m this weel<. FFive racy new 10R15/6 SVS148 S110.75 H ■ styles In uncncut corduroy, j E H 11R 15/6 $1!sise $120.78 III bootcut leg wwith designer/~mju 12R 1S/6 SKS169', $134.76 ra ; pocket delails.. GGreat colors : ' J H S ^ f|[iiiri7 i I'lii ; sand, brown, blblack, navy, : h o n e y & grey. $262 6 & $ 2 8

OUALTTY NEVER GOES Ol/r)UToesTyi£.M^M^^^M? M W ----- ^TWtN F A L U S - BUHUHLfcy • ROPErtT • fiOrti

f hreeParHingmg Dircctiy Behind “ r Twin Falls: fin<=ind Burley Stores. • p _ r : f e n r m m C*6 Tlmes-News. TwinIn FFalls, Idaho T hursday, AugustA t 27.1881

Cono:emed NewY<^ork brsa s s ^ l -"riUMINUI m a p ^ lAGIC VAlL^¥rl — m e e t s COORS OF slu m p iiingR^igie I < -T w/In in Falls, ond ------MANUFACTURI(ING ' NEW YORK (UPI)=*I) — New York extensivSive physical examination, bibut "To a great extcncnt,'.’ said Saban; •• J HAMILTON M Aro Combinirnlng Rocycllhg Efforts ■; • ------Vankeo-outfielder-Re'Reggie Jackson,— Jacksonion declined (o confirm or dendeny " h e is th e motor, he: ggets thc ball club 9 lOCATlOH A h aving th e worst scasoiison of his 14-year th al repieport. going. He wanled our oi views on his 0 (0CT.1) V c a re e r, m et for 30 mlnnlnutes with club In 61 games (his season. Jacksokson performance. He hasas mentioned that a EFFECTIVErESEPT. 1, 1981\ execuUves Wednesdaylay night before a h a s hilit o only six home runs with RBI RB he is passive, nol a^aggressive at the 3 a l u m i n u m g n n ie with (he Minnesoi»ota Twins. and aa horren d o u s .212 ballinling plate. His mosl basiaslc concern was • Horlamlltbn M onufacturlrring will purchase al i V ' I Upon'his arrival/al al Yankee, averageIge. ® that he wanted lo'gcgel out of 11 (his # con□ns and Coors boYfloslos for Coors'of Moghjlc Valley, snding-the-meeting. In addltioItion slu m p ).” * I cooes I J t' A I------'.i--Sl:idium.-Jackson-rec(received-a-lelter------AKenc 1C., a t H a m i l t o n ’s loocotlon o at.^-118 Mark*k o t S t r e o t "sifined by Yankee Executive E; Vice to Jackfckson and Tallis, were Yankcnkec " I l w as an informallational m ecllng." J of Tho S inging B ridg*) A- • ; ’ Presidenl Cedric Taliialiis, which pro- presideIdenl Lou Saban, playclycr said Tallis. “There: vwas nelhing un- 2 (JustWBstof ______CAtllA X 9 " mpled the mecllng,g, according to personr.inr.el director Bill Bcrgcsch:sch, pleasant about It. WckVe are. very con- • ' ' Jnckson. Neilher sidele f furoUare and __ ------ch am p io n —b u t-ll-a lsoilso-would-most ~ ------lumdy-stora(orage-al-lhe.same.tlme._ ; tiicely m ak e him the odds-onodd choice as ^^Bjf Two adjustfustable wood shelves. Heavy round ;i, , thePGAPlayer-of-the-^le-Year and could ^ >onded oak frames witb cane Insert.ert. Large 36^8" stor- ‘i. -.e v e n boost him IntoI the thi lead for the W I B B B Il capacitycity. ^ - Vardon Trophy, awa(warded to the ■ . , player wilh lhe year’sr’s lowest stroke ■ I 1 .J -; av erag e. « ’ ' Going into Thursday’sly’s first round of ■ th e $400,000 event, beingHng played on thc ■ i69!LJ 7,173-yard, par-70 FiresIrestone Country ■ Club course. Floyd isis seconds lo Tom ■ E a s y T o• lInstall i D ura-V ent • Walson In m oney winnita n i n g s - $341,110 1 ; to $328,385 — and ran:ranks third In a I Chimncney Package three-man race for9r the Vardon 1 o » i \ ^ ^3^ Completee 1package inclades . Round Top, ICC Lietzke and ] Op, sto rm collar, roof ■ Trophy behind Bruce M oak at .. flrfthlog.d)^(1) 36” ebimoey section, T om Kile. : (i)2 4 ” cblmElimney section, fire slop ‘ Lletzke’s average )erper round Is 70.09, i c u a i f t • ^ spacer. ceillB;illBg trim , support box. . Klle70.nandFIoyd70.2ro.23. j \ P ttU ' ■ . “Any of the threeee would bc a 6 ” k . . $ Q Q 3 5 • ‘ satisfying accomplishnshment,” Floyd "»« oal -w P d c to r y Kic • said , ‘’bul I think I wouvould rather win L is t 152.312.30 V O OUR • PRICE J ' the money. Because} If you do, lhe s ' ______' ' - others will fail into placlace. I think Ihls ■^28s •’ I' tou rn am en t m ay veryy wwell decide all th re e ." a Night Sentintry Solid State Floyd, now in his 19th9th y e a r on tour, Is com ing off a lwo-w(hweek vacation. — during ,whlch,hc_gave.tfe_a_CQuple_of______SNAI^^ISBAi Light't'Timers ; — 1 — M _____ J cetryonrpropertyfKeeps-; - — exhibitions and tried toilto keep his game Easy-To-Install •1 ■ ■ your bobouse safe from bnr- stiarp. ‘C’ J glors.I. Y our choice o f ballt-lD "I always play golf whwhen I’m off the w all timtimer or convenient lable to u r.” he said. ‘T d liklike.'to take off Kitchen Plastic top modinodel. completely but 1 can’lan’l do lhat. U ' would affect m e for two tw monlhs. ll X Faucet Gutter r$< 1Q 95 ' affects my confidence.e. I1 start hilling Q n s(*ngih H eav;h Intensity _ Second in lost year'ssWorldSeriMof W 98 ^ I . -•Golf to Watson. Floydlyd alw ays has CM-ifia______,(lO-Ft. P re-P alnted S tc e i*^ 3 ______HighLamp , played well al FirestoneDne. H e won the “Zi^ * 1 7 ! bulb 'gives off light — ” 1969 A m erican Golf ClaClassic al Fire- M 16/3 50-Foot - j l / a g too.(00-Amp Uadcrcroimd nt I to*a 100 wait bulb.' automatic circuit break-' , . stone and holds tt^ei VWorld Scries M P e d e s t a l lO-wntt bu: rccord of six conseculhutlve rounds of ^ equivalent t H ..■ .Exxtension M l obile Service Built-in autc parorbcller. A c««a»mJekl way (a pr*. Cord ! 1 0 9 5 ewlrt«(.*^a4c« JL %3 g3(l«r eta(«r. a»d PP*tM- ■ l|" ,^ ’ mp brcalMrfrul. 1 ^ ^ ^ R e g . i$750 3 “ »] BethD)aniel, i ■ 9.54 9 SO-Ft. tOO-Fl. 16/ , « f ®199®= ExicDiloo' Lopez-M(/lelton @Itf ' - . Model w T-S.C go for mnillion ^ arden Hose yTriRRcr lloie Notzle M Model SK.S w DENVER (UPU -- Two I players DIose-Out! Splhe w Impact t l sland a good chancc of>f toppingtc the $1 H b I the tim e to comc in and million mark this w e^^ in a $150,000 idvantage of tbcse spe- MModel P-2-C $ I t -..LPGA tournament begii!ginnlng Thurs- >^■11 DSC prlccs. A w ide sclcc- >!lin e Splicer ± I te r I ‘om wliicb to cfaoosc. ^ • . day at Columbine Countr]ntryCiub. ■■■ WTR-50 $ Q { C ham pionship play in theI Columbia ' vx \ Water Timer VJ*"' ^ /} Wm S av in g s C lassic will coni!onllnue through Model V-26-C ' ' $ 0 1 Sunday. Hose-V______^ Iter I Headlining the field wUlwL be defend- ing champion Beth DanIlanlel - LPGA Lirge30"xZ2” a i • rookie of lhe year lnl979*79 and player of ■tsS^’S s^Si : Uie y e a r in 1980. whencn she sel the m ' ak Fram e . 8inglc*year earnings;s re c o rd of [I M irror D “ eluxe '50-Inch : $231,000. N ancy Lop<2 -Melton,in, rookie and . A K r /// H I Benulifulil band1 rubt>cd oak ^Decorator Fhluorescent , / & finish. Plot. 1978 - the year /' 'late glass mirror for HtHandsome energy saving flufluorescents with solid i p la y e r of th e y e a r in 197! n free vlewlnjj. oa 195 / oak ends and opal acrylicc difruser.d T akes 4*40 she won the LPGA Chanhampionship -■ MIb / ^11 J money-winning « S ^ < ; and fourth on lhe 1981 mo list, will make her firstrst Denver ap- KE R e g . 60.84 - : p e a ra n c e since 1977. P-30 Lew Tubes ’ tM 8824.60 f l a Bul thc tournamentII alsoc has al- 19-Inch Oval Iracted a host of velerartrans, the most 175-W att M e rc u ry V apors r . n »[^ J i m L no tab le of.whom is Kalh>ilhy Whitworth, / 2 ^ ]hina Lav . I Ql>Qlra *n M n U(M it e 1, IM wsti PAH winner of-80 (our evenisnls with carcer rimming installation. ^ ImM m MMatIc rfcotwiU Mtat ' e a rn in g s of $1,021,302.. AAlso on hand I I t saving sculptured 500‘W ^ att Outdoor QttarUtz V ’ will bc Donna Caponi,, jujust $479 Short \ \ ^ design. Fixtures not ■Jfel of (he $1 million mark.•k. and JoAnne includeJded. Ua Camer. who carded a\ final-roundfli 66 ^ li Sunday In (he Women’s’s \World Series ««O.W«ITE , ■ y«'SQQ 6 5 I I ® of Golf to boost her career*eer winnings to , ^45®" Ch-cf • «30e«h. Iflj, A- $987,757. >95 I D aniel won the Worli'orld Series (o move Into third on theie 1981 money- v » ‘ : winning list behind Capt:aponi and Pat MailerCsrd ; B radley, who^ will (ryf (0 « belter her fifth-place (le in (heJ 1980l Denver tournament. Others on the top 10 n e e d> TO t R E T U R N money winning list for• 19i1981 - and all - SO MMETHING? E STOI ; entered in Denver — - a re Jan Don't worrylrryl We at Graver's , M< yOi;iCE! Slephenson. Amy AJcotl,Itl, Sally Litllc. fpflYISiPna pride ourse]*selves la oar gener- D ft R E H O U R S! K J i e w ill m e e t o r b e a t H ollis Stacy, and Ja n e Dialilalock. oas rclurnn pcpolicies. If It's not c a'i INC. ■aright or need BM to relara *b M O N .-F R I. i1 y advertised ' prices • Blalock tied for secondn d aI ( D enver In / ELECTRIC & Pl►l u m b i n g s u p p l y inK 8:30-5:30 vv*. i> Hem for toa 1 comparable mer- _____ 198a wim Sandra Post.tst. and LlUle ------. KIMBERLY ROjOAD AT EASTLAND DRIVtg ______Crover'i wl P rig\T. 8:30-5:00 J,® ' le fo rn n h ;------“• la n d is e ! — ------— LOTS OFF FFFREE i nrniTFALLS n D aniel, the 1975 and 1971977 U.S. Ama- mcrciuiodlteUse In return. CONVENIENIENT Alie In Nampa and Sell* ices effective teur champion, wasis given an firScpf2ha~' -chan PARKING4GII ' Phoione 733-7304 ,'i' - : excellent chaflce of rerepeating as (itiist.

i 1 1 ^ - Outtd o do r srz~. T h u rsd ay . Auququst27.1981 Tlmos-News,'MS, Twin Falls. Idaho C-7 C ity ^folk Ibask iin SailmorriMidIdleF'orkflfloat ByPAULGALLOWAYY . 198! ChlcagoSun-Tlme.mes m y responsibility./y. All I had to do was to m akec surej my wet’ filled wilhih {a w ealth o( worthy rapidsIs aiand set in a pristine. jouourhcy Is safe, fishing andI swswlmmiBg-arc avaliabltand suil was zipper^ed so; the icy w ater, which was w reconlly mountainoinous wilderness of heart-sloppiipping grandeur. thehere are hol springs — nature’£ire’s hot tubs — along Ihe way. ‘ snow on thc peakcaks of the Sawtooth Mounimtain range. Six frlcncends and I were part of a1 2020-person group that Not ^ only that, but the food1 is ]plentiful and Ihe service Is wouldn't bc loo un(uncomfortable and to slay aboardat while m ade a six-six-day, 105-mile raft trip dowiown the Middle Fork. splplcndid. The guides who handle ha thc rafts also (ook :'r SALMON - On paper.•er. Rubber Rapids.' which wa: was jusi wc slltliered andI piiplunged and c ra s li^ Ihrough;h the roaring T he cost wowas relalively high and getliniIling to the rendezvous alfiilfresco feasts for appetitess enhanceden by Ihe niHd rigors . . ; around.the cornar of.thethe-next canyon, didn’t soun(und like w a t e r ...... - easy Iwuncing. Ttie wat< M nl lookk'som s e doing, but Ihci expenseise and thc effort were ’ ofrf rafting. waterproof m ap gave this scoscoullnB Ann Baker, al 21 a strong and cxperiencckl i _ ! report: d river guide., well worthIh ll.i I’ve never had a betterrvacaiion. va Jim J m y C arter, when he was/as president,j c h o ^ rafting on Would w restle withilh the long, heavy wood oarss ai n d find thc Let mc e Ibegin wllh two .disclaime “This is the heaviest w imers: I am no out-. thehe Middle Fork for a familyIly holiday,h and whateveriyou It while water on thc river, withoulwi path through the! ch;chaotic, churning, falling froli n.Xhadn’t been "camping"5" ffor years, nol sincc m a much room for maneuvi olh. ______doorsm an .' nay think about his abilitiess lo leadI a nation, he displayed juvering. At high water, thehc drop It was our sixth:h nnda final day dn'itiis magnititdcenl rtvcr. th e U.S. AiArm y conducted regular outingoul lhal required um forms a huge wave. As nerring judgment aboul vacaliications. As you approach. Ihc riverr bendst whose many rapidslids a re fa r m ore thrilling thailan terrifying myatlendaidance. I’m'glad I got over lhalhal aversion. T slightly to thc right; and i Thc rapids arc exhilarating.:ng. I was encouragcd to relax nd the poo! sta rts to pick up-s|fhspeed;— and, with savvy,, cacautious guides, only minim.inally danger- ' I a m nolol anj adventurer. I do not scci» c k out risks, I d6not* ancnd enjoy them by Elizabeth SI S tay in the conter and foil !h Shorey of Maine, who is 71. follow the longuerThis leadsIs tto the ous, By now. we relishedreli a rapid like Rubber,, whichv would clim b sleepMp m ountains o r Ihe S earss TowerT because they * hacad m ade five other white-watc main drop, where the r vatcr railing trips all over Ihe c river cascades over large•gc sub- briefly bury us inn clear,cl cold, pure w ater and1 ffill our rafis a re then*,n.‘. I don't hang glider o r free fail. My couountry and shared a raft wilhUh me.n merged boulders. Large ■ ge waves follow. You m ay hahave lo so that we tiad lo0 bibail furiously for five minutejles lo empty apprehcnsliisions aboul swirting throughIgh rapids in a rubber The T rem oteness, isolation,1, scenic sc panorama, purtty of work to stay off the rocks j :ks along the riglit bank." them . ra ft w erc,1, lilike m any fears, unfounded.3d. thc1C river, the wildlife and vegeegetation are breathtaking - Maneuvering our big ni ; rubber rafl - 17 feet by C'.:a fcfeet- This river, the: MiddleM Fork of thc Salmon1 iin Idaho, is TheSalmIm on’s Middle Fork can be! enjoyablecn for anyone froi™m the lacy while syrtngaga wildflower\ to Ihe rugged. through the difficult rapic ipid was — I’m happy lo sayy - n o t one of the best whilvhilc-waler rivers in North ArAmerica, ll's — lendcrfe<'feet, seasoned cam pers or• devoutde cowards, Tho •See SALMONJON Page 08 ______^ ______

~ I Z b a h o S F i s h & Game f f l - E ) o v e s eeason , I 1 1«| 1)B V hB • nn u c h lo3nger I. * ■ ‘ 'S ' >* s m l ------BySTUMURRELL- - actually/ increasinginc in many areas, S ^ J a l to Tho Tlmes-Ne\lews II has IS I learned to live In close • proximityIly tl to man and feeds heavily on w eed se e ^ and other waste small, Mourning dove huntiItin g opens on ^ a in s whicivhlch a re readily available in Sept. 1 al onc-half hourr bbefore sunrise our civilizailizatlon. U nests in all 48 of the and will run Ihrough Oct.c t.20. 'contiguous3US stales, Mexico and all the Thisjs a much longer[er season than southernn CanadianCa provinces, those in the past years e\even though an T he/cmim al ale lays two white eggs in a eslimalcd 70 percent of Ihc doMS In bulll nest of twigs, eilher In a Idaho have migrated frtrom Ihc slale iree„r„„eon thc ground. Adulls of bolh by opening day. sexes haveive Ithc unique ability lo m ake The Fish and Gamele Commission “pigeon's's rr milk" in Iheir crops, which ■ ■ K b imade this recommcnd;idation lo the is very richich and when fed lo the young ll.S . F ish and Wild!Idllfe Service allows themlem lo develop quickly. becausc they felt a dovechunlcr^ould I a squab3b !■ is able lo fly within 12 days have thc additional oppoi«rtunitylobag after halctilIching. Bccause of this rapid I- some birds if he encoun.nlcrcd a local S^vei^mcilment, a dove usually has two concentration while huntinllnR (or olher froods Inin I Ihe northern part of ils species laler in the year. range andnd as many as five In' Ihe The daily bag limit isIs 10 doves p e r southern I po portion. Any one disaster, day and possession lirrImit after Ihc such as'aa ssevere wind storm during opening day is 20 binirds. Shooling one nestingling pertod; Is offset by the hours are one-half hour beforeb< sunrise additionalal t broods raised throughout to sunset and a hunter■ isi! required to the summermer. use a plugged shotgun wl which will hold H im nroig ri doves Is a matter of first no more than three shell slls. A Federal lo. _concentrations^ These may ____------duck-stamp-is-not-requi ulrcd lor dove- S to d issllng i areas such as sunflower hunting. patches o or r stubble fields, roosting Thc question regularlyIy com es up of a re a s In trcftrees or dense sagebnish and w hytheU .S . F ish and WilVlldlife Service w atering»spots. spc does not bQgin the sea: jason by, mid- e ^ i nig a no r roost areas can pl^vlde August if most of the bli ootlng and the most exciting Sept. 1. The main,reasonSntlcmflmm J“"'P on stems from f- ihooting al w aler holes. They thc dove being classed as rflcult target and I have seen bird which comes under' UPI ir the MIgralo- ef,,rii«e oiowhowing an average of 17 shots ry Bird Treaty Act with h Canada and e harvested. Any gauge of ra re Mcxico. A binrd comes to EEarth shotgun Is a'acceptable but small shot. • • A SllSiberian craoe bas been tuhatched In “Dushenka"" Isb shown landing afler Itsts Foundation In B aratraboo, Wls. Following That act stales no mi|nlgralory bird such as 9, 8 o r 7'A, Is most effective - f : capUipUvlty. One of only 150 such su birds, first flight at the International Craneie the rare crane tsavlcirtculluristSueRogers. , seasons can begin befc•forc Sept.,1. bccausclticjthey arc a small target, Treaties wilh other natio lions an: very , ys look, forward lo my firsl - difficull to change am ame birds for thc year. Doves - wildlife interests could p llent eating. more hunting potentialw B —= :E Seasons \iwill be lon approved Sepi. 19 is Ithe opening date for sage nplelcly. Feathers are re- ^ Idaho h as about 23,000 ({ I; will have some longerr seasons& for in Nampa (A(Aug. 17-18) authorized (hc vwaterfowl closures on'fouour southern ' and sharp-tj)-tailed grouse. Hungarian ery easily and thc skin im­ who harvest close to 200, Ir ‘ goose hunting and the bag ba limit on cutback wheI'hen they set seasons for i Idaho reservoirs ~ Biacack Canyon, partridge, chchukar and quai. except for “'S'ic taste. J an average year. This pheasants in southwesterncm Idaho will upland gamiime birds and migralory iIndian Creek. Blocks Creek C and Bonner. BeBenewah. Kootenai and pcrccnt of the estimated!d five million My favoriib’orilc rccipc is flouring the tjcllberaliztfd this year. waterfowl.. TrappingT regulations for 1Hubbard - lo encounirage more Shoshone counties, co which have an doves, in the pre-hunting^scasonpopu- s wholcblrd.ird, adding Italian seasoning, isonsalsowcreapproved. . rmovement and dispersal oof Ihc birds Oct. lOopenii2ning d ale for Huns, chukar ] But range fires that haveha burned 198I-82seaMi „ lalion in Idaho. browning' them-inthi butter and onions, days w ere added to thc f from LakcLxiwcli. and quail. ThThe fail wild turkey season > hundreds of thousands! olof acres in Eleven da Thc mourning dove, is thc No. 1 adding a m h on in all but.the lOnorlticrn m ixture or one-half-rcd wine •j: south central Idaho havec rcresulted In a goose season P heasant bag lim its werem ln cro aso d g am e bird in th e U.S. wiwith about 20 • and w alerT andar slowly cooking them in Southern Idaho opening_ j, •iJsh o rter.sc a so n and a reduciluced llm ilo n _ c ounties-. So - in-the^souUiwestcm.parLoi.ofahe.state, ------S c a s o n ~-and—bag_limits-_vary_i. a y-- million harvcstcdcach-yGycar.-It has-a— a-covcred-p sage and sharp-tailed grourouse in three dates a re Ocl including Treasure Valley,y. There, Ihe throughoutt tthc slale. They will bec large aijnual die-off of up t the Magic Valley tfrea. ^ p to 75 pcrccnt natu ral gra^gravy over rice. Doves are > countics — most of BiBlaine and,, formostoftb daily bag and possessionon limil re- listed in llithe prtnted regulations,I. cach y e a r w hether o r nol)1 it Is hui)led. rich andI two Iw birds per person are MinidokaandallofUncoln.oln. The other>r (goose season opener, for rm ains al two roosters frorom Oct. 24_ scheduled for delivery from the print-• These losses are causcd!d by slarva- adequate, That season, from Sept.pt. 19-27, Is a the 10 northeihern countics. Is Oct. 3 and tthrough 28, but il goes lo fcfour dnd six er early In Se;September. tion. disease, storms, fnfreezing, pre- • I week shorter than usual amand the daily it runs for the custom ary 93 days with ffrom Oct. 29 Ihrouf^ Dec. G.6. Thc m ajoro r change In trapping regu-I- dators, accidents and many r other Stu MurrturrcU Is thc regional con- *:. bag and possession limitit vwill be two doily bag aiand possession limits of Pheasant hunting opensis Ocl. lO-in lations w asIS «establishment of a S7.500 natural mortality faclorors. Hunters xrvatlonI educator ec for Ihe Jerome ; • birds instead of three. three anci six.ilx. Duck seasons open Oct. nn orihern Idaho and Ocl.I. 2-t in thc fe e fo r bobcat/lynx b( tag&, as5 a re only taking a sm all pcpercentage of offlceof the!he IdahoDeparlment of Fish Members'of the Fishh andfl Game 3stalewide.}. ssoulh. authorized[by by the 1381 Legislature. this annual loss and Itthe dove Is and Game.e. Sw(u en

\ ' f c - JTry ' Hagernman for batjss, bluegil SpecM to The TJmes-News‘ Another feature1 of these ponds is bullfrog fishing.(is One | --'"I can sjiear or bow■■ hunthi for these dclicious bullullfrog legs, iluegill and bass fishing hdssbeen b< The limit is 12 frogs,?s. Htwa'w a y 3 0 £ 2 S £ ll ANDERSERSONPONDS \ An area of excelleot blue ||H .| Hagemierm sn Wildlife the Anderson ponds in the H agerm an Wildlife Manamage- Bert Barton, refuge rcfi manager, noted lhalial several complaints were voiced vol over the road closuriurcs to tho m ent Area. \ For instance; a 10 poundid bassb has been taken fro.m thesethi Osier ponds, bul addadded that loo m any were mmaking il a ' ponds. On July 28 a checileck of catches from thtf ponds por p a rty p lace ond thusiius causing a lot of trouble anand d am age, showed one floattuber withth fourf bass and over20 bluegil!gill. in th c a rea. But he em noted "the fishing sure imprproved." So Gotyourearf for those of you who'ho can walk the short dislancnee to these Acccss to this area hasIS beenb hampered wllh constnstruc- ponds, It will also) mmake for better fishing andnd keep Ihe : - tlon In the area, but this fallfal roads leading lo these lai'lakes afea for fishing ratheitherthan wild parties. ' - will bc open for fishermeimen and the fishing shouldid bc ^ Nawpon d tl : excellent. neral V flissandbkteglll ' yellow cats, thc best cat fishiishing ' he's picking up a snailnail when you calch a fish onI cicorn. , I \ No.3pondhasb«iaBi■aandblueBill > a n d while all have some yell \ BllayCra 4 pond has troul. t > wIllbethepondsalongHlghvghway 30 leading to Hagermanlan. Take it from Swerwen, who knows very lillle! aaboul (Ish lul, bass, blueglll ^ " “•i'The newrponds'have beenecn-stockcd-wittr bass-from-n- thetl ------dietsrthecom-is-rcalreally snail to the fishrO K rteteil-me-rm------...... - \ ______^____ :J docking pond on the refug(rugc. Stock from this pondI hash full of bull. IJeen used tostock Carey ResIcscrvoir and Grays Lake alsoIso. :*• • T he lim it Is six trout, 10110 bass with only three overer 17 5ne/j Is an avidrf TwinT Falls fisherman whoio writes a M a p s hlows o i the naany ponds thatth are good for bass.I. blueglll fishing a t thheHagermatiWMA e I • f . I n c ^ and all the biuegill ancand cat fish you can carry. ^ weekly column for■ thcthe Outdoors page. « ' C-8 Tim es-Kiews, Twinn Falls,'IdahoFj Thursday. A\U0U9I2;.ug 1981 — Youniig puckc star esxpectecd to turm pro LANDOVKU, Md (UPn (I - New nighthissis son hasn’t m ade up his mind,id. lhal request and lalelyily. Ihe Carpcn- hod anhoinounced C arpenter would be ____ -EngJand leen-acor-Bobllobiiv-Carpenter. '‘He.ha;hasn't made-lt yet.-'.Carpen-:n--'lors-reportedly haveJ dropped that -iheirchoiclOice.------generally considered1 ththe-top hockey Ier's fathelhersaidofthedecision, dem and, Carpcnliinter was the only high school - - player ever producedd inii Ihc U..S.. is H esaidlid he still Is Irying lo persuadede "I think it's only comnnmon sense that player 'named na to Ihe U.S.-Junior,lor------expected to announce:e ''(i(lnv ihal ho h fsso ntoattcnd to i Providence, If wo have conlrol of a yiyoung man, we Nationalll teamI for a tournamenl Iasilast l A ^L : : - /ashinpi«ii (’upi- "r'" lc. will sign with the Was] leaning loward collcge," he need lhal rig h t." Caplipilals General springin in West Germany, Afler onlynly tals. said, "altlilthough I'm not saying that'sCs Manager Max McNabsasaidearlierthls two weekreks of practiccjjhe U.S Carpenter will annoiinouncc his de- w h at's goi:;;oing to happen." week. "If he joins ourIT organizalion, finishedi sixlh.si: cislon at a 12:30 p.m. nevnews conitTcnce He saidlid trying lo become the first“st \vc want him in a Capilailals uniform as Carpenitinter, however, more (kan at Capital Centre, apparparently picking New Englijgland prop slar to go direcllyly 'quickly as he w ants to g(go there, but ll held his own.ov particularly againsl Hio the NHL Cupilals ovei)ver Providence to th e NHLH L— and be a s ta r — "puls an has to be our decision." .. . Canodianin juniors, who had llie College. jw fu l lotit ofo; pressure on him." The Capitals need CnCarpenter, and advantageIge of playing more than 200 No o bservers believeteCarpcnler, C IB. The Cap:apilals mado C arpcnler. who AA A fio quickly,- to boost lickel21 sales. Alien- gamesIn In lhal country’s Junior pro-iro- . would chose Capital Cpn:pntrc. Ihc Copl- graduateded last spring from Sl. John'si's . dance sagged last year•as a: tho Capitals gram whilthile C arpenter was playing 60 _Jals’ home arena owned'led and operated P rep In DDanvers, Mass.. the highestsl barely-missed the NHLIL playoffs for high schoollOOl games. •by Abe Pollln, ownerr of the Capitals American-an-born -NHL draftee when?n Ihesecondstraightseasoson. Going headh lo head wilh Dale and NBA Washingtonn BBullets, to an- they .seleciected hlih third in Ihc league huk, Ihc firsl player laken In jg Pollln, nol ■ onc of Ihc II wcallhlcr “ riT ,'!"' nounce lhal he willill attend Pro- draft lastst spring, Talks between the L draft, Carpenter scorcd ■ vldence. C arpentercr family and Capitals man-- owners in the NHL andd olsoi Itylne lo rebuild a struggling NlNBA club, has ?)als “ ■' as the U.S. downed ihe Sourccs close to thetie < club indicate agem entt hhave proceeded off and on ns.7-3, ______C arpenter, a 6-foot. 85-ppund conlor, _ s]n ceth encn._ . . __ __ chosen nol lo enter Ihe0 biddingI wors I,;— fo r- hlghly-prlccd “ hhockoy ond sn’l lost or uncomfortable. I will sign a three-yearir cconlraci that. Carpehlihler's parents reporledly aylng on the big rlnks. I've'vo PLL.E» with incentive andId attendance pushed earlarly for a stipulation in thclrj ' bosl

_ -w- Runniling maigazineI rates jjogging3 shoes5 WASHINGTON (UPl)’1) - The per- the NewV Balance. W420, the NewA' runner because they le;lead to "grief The botl

A Shutter Priority. AutAutomatic, Salmiion----- Exposure 35mm SLR-R vwith Fast Acting Silicon MeterinJring. •Contlnuerk. provided ^ E The Indians called (he Sainlalmon the Riycr bf No Reiurn.rn. nol rafts, cam ping cquiequipment, food and guides, (1(The sam e is ■ so m uch bccausc i( wass IIllfe-threalcning,but becauseuse ils available for theIC SSnake and olher rivers in Idaho and 2 5 9 s(rong current and wild raprapids m ade upstream navlgaigallon other western andid nnorlhwcslem states. > Impossible. The num ber ofif touriststo is regulated bul incncrcasing. In Las( summer. Congressress made million acresres in 1965. 1,260 people2 raran the Middle F ork; loday.’. theI number Idaho, of which the Salmiilmon River is part, a fcdenlerallv*' is alm osi 8.000 durlruring the four-month spring arand sum m er protected wilderness area.'>a. The act forbids any pcrmanlancni season. Al any limm e 700 lo HOO people m ay be on3n Iho Middle - improvements: roads and an molor vehicles aree nol Fork, although thejthey are spread so widely thehat wo were permttted. The land mustst fi forever rem ain in ils primmeval e aw are o f only two0 otherot similar rafting parties2S of aboul 40 state. pcjopledurlngourtrlrlrip . Although there are moveoves by the Reagan adminisllislra- The cost was $650(650 per person, and a ir faree to Boise Is IMO^SUP tlon to allow mining andid c oil e.xploration in such areireas. extra. T he tourist:t alalso musl arrange lo get to1 liliny Stanley P E N 1TAXO conservationists are resistirsling. (population !)9). a fifew miles in the mountainsns from Sun Tho R iver of No R eturnn WWilderness Area, as it is call*ailed, Valley and almosi;l fl'five hours by auto from BoiseIse. . . -J -J _____ is strictly maintained, coni:onlrollcd and policed. The! onlyoi Our guides — GreGregg Tipton, Russ Copley,. JimJ Ritter. '"O ne of the smallest, lightestligl signs of hum an life wt» saw were latrines al campsiliisites. Dave G rieve andd BBaker - were in their 20sOs, cheerful. automatic SLR’s, desigrsigned to T h ere w ere no cigarette bullbulls, cans or litter of any kindind - patient, extremelyily compelcnli and knowledge)’cable. They deliver the best resultsts forf both the not even campfire ashes.s. 1Tho waler is pure enoughgh to handled the five rafts,raf each fadcn with four tctourists and advanced photographerher and drink. provisions, wilh Cxperllse 6xp and a wry regardi Ifor whot a Wc saw no elec(ric lightghts, we-heard-no radios, latape vacationer expects,Is. the novice. All you do0 is focus ' - decks o r vehicles, and it was heaven. At niglit Ihe skyy wasw Tipton, who hasIS Iclogged 10,000 miles in ninee ;years as a - and shoot. With PentaMitax f2.0 lens'. afire with stars, and thee o only sound was the conslaislant. riv er guide, gol usIS off01 on the righl fool. At ourr orientalc ion soothing rush of the river,r, vwhich falls 37 feet every mile.mi m eeting, he told us.iis. squinting inlo the selling susun: "There, K H (We put in ot Dagger Fallsills at an elevation of aboul (i.500(i.!i is no tim e on the rive•Ivcr." feet and took out six days latilater at 3,500 feel.) ______Hewa^right.Jt’sl t’s Ihe perfect placc lo sto p thehe clock and______Tho entertainment wass wild.wl At (he'first night’s cairiamp, e ra se (he steady lickicking df civilization, wc were alternately amusedsed and annoyed by a young bebear For informalionn oion Idaho while-waler rafl,li 2 4 9 too unafraid of hum ans. WeVe \watched eagles soar, deerrand’ ai (he Idaho Oulfillcrs:rs and Guides Association. P.P.O^ Box a l bighorn sheep pose high on mountaini stages and savon,’ored Boise, Idaho 83701.II. (Or send away for Ihe Rive:k-er Runners Dolly Vardcn trout as buxomtom as Dolly Part«n. G uide (0 Idaho. Idahdaho Parks and Rccrealion Daturday, August 27j28L Y jr quanhtyry IUMITiD TO STOOC ON HANDID —- OFFER EXPIRES 8/30/at..VAIAUDATPARTiaPATING KITSCA*CAMBIAS LOCATIONS ‘

70iOS BLUI LA K IS DB L V D . N O . 734-2678B

SR 250 NOlO T R A D E S ACACCEPTED, ' XS 400 SH Spec D U R I N G ^ ^ ™TH IS SA LE ______^

HW y24 BETWEEN BUHLEy* RUPERT 4 2 6 ^ 7 7 1 ^ CY

■> ______f cjfsday.Auausl27.l9fl1 Timo■|mo3-Nows. Twin Falls. Idaho C-9 C losingg com m odiliity futures S-: ...... P re v lushi n e s j Close Monlh CommodKlity Close Higli I-OW P,,M. i _ Apr.Maines 10.18 10.26 • 10.11— — 10,13 - — Oct. live callie! 64.975 GC,.A7 . . 05.25 . _(HL47 ...... Dec. live cattidi frt.20 66.4() 65,15 66,37 '■ Oct. feeder cattlilllc (^.45 66.95 65,70 66.95 • 0 c t. livehoRs -. , . 49.25 ,- 50.60 ■ ‘ 49.G0 . ~ f)0.r)2 P r o ( Dec. wheal 4.18'/, 4.24 > d u c tii v i t y ui p , e n a g i n g 4,191/4 4,22>'4 i c o u r . Dcc. corn 2.98 3,02'/j 3.00 3,02':i Sep. silver 8,75 , 8.95 I WASHINGTON (Uf(UPI) — American secondid quarter - the Labor De 8.82 8.Hfi business improved its De- “ barring a collapse."" it now "looks sign the fuay Sep. gold 409.30 417.00 litsproductivityfor partmeinent's ccport 'on business pro he new tax cul packagc maj 413,.'W .-IKi.OO • • the first haif of this pro- like we'll have a smiTioinncrtaso In si|||'be„o 3vity - Oct. sugar 13,49 13.35 Ws year, the gov- ductivltvity other lhan farms - hac necessary to keep productivitj 12.H.'’> 13,HO : cmment reported \ had productivilyfortheyca njT)- Nov. soybeans 7-47';^. 6,80 I Wednesday, an shownn a.decline£ of 0.9 perccnt at ar Browlne.g. "It’s encouraging that pro 6.75 . fi,7fii.i j '■ "encouraging” sign ally Sep. Treasury BiB ills 84.57 84.75 gn of basic im- annualal rale.i Bul in an updating of thcjjjg " It's certainly a sisubslanllal Im- tlucllvlly 84,46 H4.4Ied Pan Am Kellwood 11,25 pnea ol in,Sf s m. , s z ':b: s r a a I NEW YORKK ( (UPI) - C. Edw ard Acker,:er. who built Air Florida F re d Mle y e r coi►mpany U n g . F ib er 31.00W 32.00 b s * ® " from a cornpanjm y wUh $7.8 million fn reveivenues to SICI million in - Pac. Sl. Life 2.7575 100 PORTLAND, Ore. y • th ree years, wawas named Wednesday as chairman and chief 3. (UPI) - Salcoflhf lhe company has been in thche Trus-Joist 21.25!5 21.75 cxecutiveoftroulroubled Pan American Worldd Airways.A D irectors of Fred Meyeyer. Inc.. have works since sir early June, whenpn Consd. Food His election1 wasw announced by chalrma authorized saic of thc hu)lugc Northwest Kohlberg,B, - - Kravis. Roberts & Co.’Q B igPlncyO ii 2.812525 S G rainn :futures man William T. Scaweii. retail firm to a New .Yorl who will beretiriitiring in a few months, ork investment made thee $55$ a share offer. The New Utah Pow er banking company for Aclcer said he welcomed-jKe chanceJ tot- work wilh William ir about $420 York compmpany had made an offer Qfof Amal. Sugar ______W altrip. recently ------m illion.— ------$45ashare: Itly named Pan Am's nevt presl•esident: ____ ' re last Seplember, which wasas ■ ■ ■■ ...... He said he bellbelieved that "you don't fiyy a roule unlc^ you can Thc‘'P6ftland-ba^ c(company said"' jwnasldolow.' •buJhtls ol D«ei -prtxJucomoenol make a profit and I don't believe in growthI forfo thc sake of growth." in an announcement Tuesday T lhat Meyer Presidenl Cy Green V alley grain Th«f« was g After its big gn : growih of the past three yearsars. Air Florida, based in directors had authorizeded the signing said the NewNt York investors' do notot (Jrcfll noflhcmi: Idcalcral3636.(0.and IRoIJlhe fe Miami, eam ^$]1$1L3 million in the first half oi of a definitive agreemencnt for sale of Plan any changesch if thcy acquire the,n mnrkci,' If of this yearon revenues wmarkel. Sid* of $148.5 millionlion. Thc company has expacpanded its routes both the assets of Fred Meyer:r to a group of Northwestst chain.c J!(f:iSr‘(VA'VA‘!S!;.oo. arKi m olf the "xr.0 so.iai Un domesticaiiy andmd overseas. investors to bo formed1 bby Kohlberg. _ . j g p W , , !.00, arxl IK orr lhe I?ar*lr§!nVhVl Kravis. Roberts & Co. Goodd & Plenty 'inw, of rreninR ?d??i„,J?;''oVDi Tyco LabsIS ito take over LudldlowCorp. ' Fred Meyer operates S S n - F S S ? four Northwest states. 1 lilaliobcanlnxnmlsi^RCCh^cTt” ' lapoMad, howtt0.S'5'H . J SH ..II,.. SCI”01 NEEDHAM,, Mass.}« (UPI) - Tyco Laboratories, La Inc. has “usfTar'l" plant-tto close wnaatwia minim had saicsof ncariy $lbilliiIlion.' P H I LAD^ D E L P H IA lUPI) - Tna outtlde ma apparently succ«cceeded in its 2 'A-year effortort to lake over Ludlow The Portland companyny said Earle, Warner-Lan.am bcrt Co. said Wednesday CHICAOO JUPI Corp..theNcedhoJham paper and packaging maTianufacturer. y Valley beans A. Chiles, a longtime mcnember of thc it will selsell Its Good & Plenly ontneCtiicafloBc The chairm en;n ofo bolh corporatons said in ia joint announcement F red M eyer board, and hihisson,EarIe M anufactiduring Co. plant In ' 5.10. mixed drain Tuesday they hav W estern grain $64 p er share foi ch found lhat Good & Plenty, for ali outstanding preferrerred shares. Preferred it w as being asked to apprc)roveasaleal a sugar-coat r m i s i s shareholders also oated licorlcc. did nol "fit1 g ..SfBi.S.';;?' Iso have the option of recelvifiving a $68 promissory $55 per share and lhat thcy II felt thc ourstralcgic note bearing a 10 gic plan." 10 perccnt interest rate, guaiuaranteed by Tyco and com pany's assels- prob;Ibably were Warner-La 1M H tu 1»4 It 19, u payable in four equaleqi installments. •Lambert has entered into} Hjid , r»a vrinlor oid, worth more. an agreemernent to sell Ihc candy busi-. .11 cetcani The tender offeDffer, which is not condiiion: ■\7 pfltcani !S onal upon a minimum ' ■ 'Financial analyists have h been ness lo th^the- Switzer division off -13 B«'Conl num ber of shares•es ibeing obtained, will expireire at midnight Sept..22 Spdngwnoai I S - i quoted as saying an offeffer of $55 a Beatrice FotFoods. II said the Good & unless extended.1. TThereafter a Tyco subsidiary I -t) pateeni I ffi ss is.. iary will be merged inlo sh a re would bc within a faifair range for P lenty plantint would probably bc shutI -t4 potconi Ludlow, which willATill become a wholly owned suE ' -1S poicanl , | S s . '&'■ S i S . subsidiary of Tyco. _ th(i_„company. Fred Mc\leyer stock dovvnjnjatiate_ September._or_ca.rly;__ Birley______. (radedat$48ashareTuesd sday. October. DENVER lUPI)-OismSal«sWodr— i - 1 4...a;. No,J6*tl9y4.a}.S.00e»t, — s - i OOOEN IUPII-Grim Salas W«dne Undariiproi«in3,»nocomp. i ) o w h No. tipiotoinnobid. t i - r l h i t s l o uv e s t lev< No.12prol«ln no CM, /e l i n 1 3( m o n t lh s No.lSptolalnnoDid. ia w njM asjo •NEW YORK (UPl)I - The stock cenls. Declines Dct topped advances No, 1 ioltwh(lo3.4j Du., no comp, market, reeling fromI highhi interest 825-644 amo rcccnt slide. Also, many tntraders were C. Edw ard•d Acker, who built Air No.2Urlay5.2Se»l..up.0J mong thc 1,863 issues traded replacing borrowed shares Arrivali: tQctd.allwngil, • rates and a jump inn thet nation's al 4 p.m. EDT.EE *cs Ihey sold Florida into10 ai m ajor carrier in three D-J avei earlier in hopes Ihc markekel would go years, was n /erages ' inflalion rate, fell lo theireir lowest level Big Boatoard volume totaled oniy , 5 named as chairman and NEW VORK down. chief exccutiv in m ore than 13 monthss WiWednesday in 39,980,000I shares, { down from the JtiveofPanAm. P r o d u c e i S f g slowed-down trading. Composite volume of N\MYSE issues Citics ServIirvice, which has been thc 54,600.000I traded tr Tuesday. The rela- listed | on all U.S. cxchangei CHICAOO IUPII - Bulk 9«lllna prprices ol bullei IS TfM J7| Tho Dow Jones industristrial average, lively slow ?es and over subject recen^ntly of takeover rumors, and - eooi ai laporied by USOA Wadneineadiy; 13 utlls tOI ow turnover indicated in- th ( eco u n tcrat4 p .m . totaled «ry highsr: lU es SlkiU ; which w as up m ore lhanin twot\ points at vestors still !ed4G.I99.408 w asthcsccon:ond most active Big Board ^ [ill w erc conccmed about the sh < ares com pared wllh Kcrei Oride AA Traniclion* m thc outset after gainingng 1.72 points fact thal in I 62.213.680 issue, up '/iito C2 'k. Other energy WadnAsday.' ma interest rates remained at traded | Tuesday. ' Tuesday, surrendered 2.52.57 poinls. to extremely 1^ Issues, whichich also have figured In i ?.10«.W0. Ulllitlei t.OUiOO, y high levels and probably T he American Slock la>oe 72-7e; iiroa 70 rt-ri; madiumias ; 899.26. That put the closc:oscly watched would not cc Exchange takcoverspcc>ccuiation. were mixed. ' [ come down significantly in common c stock" index shehed J.W to Cenco was NEW YORK (UPI) - Ciilon egc - av erag e at Its lowest level•vel since it hit the n e a r futuulure. a as the third most active . 349.27 and thc priccof a sliarare dropped issue, up 2 .1( ■ ' "• • • ■ / i s e ioS% i r j - ,vr/i- . 89i.i3onJuiyn, 1980. Wail Stre

c«l on Botl F( S Mututl Fundi U Bul "Jls An i-J Iasf KS last ig iff 1 ” °i* I ; g f* ' ^ : K vsSt I sr,..fJ l .liil ss“ n a s t K ffl ’JS'iS s im r : 11it I , l i t st a 's lift ra : £ . 1 § i UT i l l U'HiSi '“ 'S ^ utS ! 3 i S 11 S'-:,";;. I £» sr a r s . S' r K'i'iii & S S,! H ; a l ' i l v s g’f l I f I ! Im Isa, KB sr «: a s ■ tt i ; I UL I r s i B l i i 11 ISI “li r-f: 11 M -fS YMU aJI in Wk Ua - 20.]9 2 isi:5 as ■« iS,!J W . ,iSla t a B S s i - A I fi&¥\M UM tt« TMfl instt I js's gs I ! I I ' l :fl E - i.JtfS a 'I Hi! [5St 5 ^ S S i S IS S s.al ® ' « - i s i ! a ,‘siisst SS" si st issI i l l " USS^ la. lw” 1- vu ^ ii.oit.n m £ 1 'H? a " K i t JS' A 0C80 in cjg cma S ott ltd6 Ml K 9.nII ii in a ^ pwne,, iMnjw png m ir B:OnFd I: 4r.UN,Us^st 1H ^ : S5.J 'sl'st i !S .1 iStg 5T... ‘iI i i if s '« ■ >' K & aa 'sr4'" ii^ 11.51 1 M Ut H : S?, * «lis a ?S r ' ^ S 5 ! N.L Fid El MUKi; E 3 ! ! !!«"!■; ”5! n OiMK Fdn H soKi '-ii.nttt.n Pvl I lioouiituHv I'O^i ano ; F-i E” '■ .....sffwi --B -tlm ffi y 3moN...andluiiv ,i ffi S “ „ 1 2 J OutC'noliC (cx 5;jDOlt3 Affi ffl, ' if I 1 , ^ 'i i S i H 3 D'Clutoi Wllh focus- 1 3 ' onIu ' E j t s - T l a 'S i K a i i r™«: S«)> Inc «C 51 ond tiw l sifnoiicclv K a ’ An IM ]n»H.L Om SCi !:g liru t M2 | AulcynaticaKv :ois 1 ^ 4 . 1 1 § : ls,[i! i I” E i I I ; !3 tiasno>posuio}wiin -U ■ « ' & - .SSitS slM s T J low-cost Ihynjlo< ««»■>-. I " 'J* « “ g ‘ i's £ ’{SKt B 'JS Uun Ul MtN.U F7 3 Iiosii .ouiomoiicoiivoavQt/onco* tllm Wllti oconofnicoi- t K liUloiaII Cut) Bt 11.74 lU ^ -1 1I.U. outiD I tra H.L E a moior.atitfo Troonivuilra.cj.coftipocl 35mm rolioxjhot fe, ' fS}!! Ki “i u-jjifcif kor. lonsoi - iry> wOrli3tlo$lirx>jl Itjoccmoro 'f f i t au?S i " S 'u i ’l* S i'v3i 1 Oul Ol mii world, a lo3D1IC0 e iriot JOOwn looOHfl LJ S S ' «st I t DANKCAHDS ‘ ■?ar!E K “£B mI i*Sm KTtflv. t11 Li Jts WT Bd 7.MHL t * l CooiDieio wiiri loii, jupvr-si'.Sl^arD Nikon 60mm II tl ■ « liS iio Sencj E Ions. ||M ' WELCOME i - H i 'hr »“st I J f L I I I ii I s r . ! ,L WdSl F 771 UO I m 1 1 b: # L. SE S "iSSt P « m — a»A^' I’iSKI ® .L N*VM IU1N.U .L PM .S f ,tW7N,L E l ’* g n I. nl ns - leid, i«i- | f ! S Q i M io5k:l eaT’’ Iff■ff . ' a ' g g a !h; ■ a 'ffit H S D S t ^ S - l 17 dmdtnd. t-ufllral- f r i 1H.U Tu F, 1.MH.L Sw?■tmr LtSN.L meon iM t s.,a";ig;iji ^ - 251 Main Avi\venue W est ------a UM, K l e 3 Twin Falls, IdahoId 83301

I ’ c-10 Tlm oS'N ow s, TwiTwin Falls, Idaho Thursday,iy,Auousl27.19fl1 ------Live/estock Livestock fifutures. Bugsigar futures . • JOLIET,ET, III.I lUPJlTurBiUKk: CHICAOO (UPIJ - •' Closing range ol NEWV YORKYC (UPIJ - WorU Sugar No. 11 IP ------;------r Ciiiio9 1.500;1.; irtds »io«: User* ganeullr aiet iraded on tha luturaiI eto:« J e d Wednesday 48 10 U points lowkr. pir2(g(B@- g le t^ lo motli. bul mosl cililt unsolc» a o '“'XcanR,'i'” EEnerunge Wednas. Eatimiiedtlied ialsi11,200 conlracis. tleeitM .a . csacc-iiC£-H2,«0lba.eer>l»pefibi, _ HEW MflK (UPIJUPI) - OrnoCo ' .tt tl jrA'ssa.affls.Ki^^nirii !?*'' I nnin lllfltl tl w IIS* LS___J55-SJ2,,— tnd pilm« heilacs U.2S: ettole4 S1.S(M4.S0ai! S' ^ f e iiL —P ' s I iSJ SI0C»’ EieSnc**" ■ . ! |" f r r “!iSs '!s • M. 2J0.270 IDS 4DKMJ.M. s’p ! ^ I i l i ! SS sr, ss ffl 1; “ '®* Jun— «;» M.foi SS! SS! S!J S ' ,J Si)Luia^' E»Ko in I » 23tt* u u^mi I U s { | r : 5 ! • * ' Ea. 9Jl«s 22,037 Cl — A A— ^ £«rarn Air i «U I - tt T«IUII| I It ^ HL___ 17 _HI(8I_p; o ^ « 'i : :i : 1^ 00 0 2271 XttTtt OMAHAII1A(UPII-Li.09i0<:k: te^14: Tuasday ei>en Ir , S ' & ;; S-«:! Lr" ,S ly 21U I«iUon IB tlnleresl:i 87,058 i 0(11,020, i i i AlrPrsd JO. 9 in 3 c u t,, „ S SS-' IK !:S ’,',•5 S!:', ill!? 'i‘1 . p i H Ip “"!72v,K S 87.15- NEW' YOI YORK (UPI)-'- oomesllc Sugar No. 12 I] 2SW-M Envoi- l.M li *3 lir iii, ^ \,,“ MJ* ]* „m».n i n ^ ^ if » 1to ot CalllA «nc«nd C«i: coosc siojdy: ii«»rs loid enoica «i »Y S!3 Si!.claeis: TuestJa* 2,442; .-«o» S a i l i — UiMUn' i n <0 I »3 U h-H C'l'xollAwIA« 4 n«ir IJOtf 10 M.OO; Iota ehoicn 3J nearno Tuesday open Inleiesi 12.12.700 us 220. Jan 5 a : 5 ' , . s i : l . » 30-1150 O«lll8»-».001.000 lbs; eenu per Mar i» . Sil2 ? U H n - Ik UwoJP . Ito I -««- sn-"-*’! May ' AUAJI :« tl uoSA;,! u s a ?-i 4tr »H- H MuiKd I.to I 5 SS:!- un „T1C___ K.m.untt- H loiaoooajfa *nd cnoieo J-Jholslolns 1373 Ib 60.75: l« Fob 68.25 68.40 IU.C2 85 M 45.25 Jly AmrdH 1.10 I 11919 X J Firtn . Ula II S* Utt* t t - UetfM----- 1.80-----—111 s*—14 -----UnCjtS----- 3 40*0 ■ : OS pu -I loads aood lnlflinJI;2,J72up210 ' ' 11 li . *tn . Aiflmn m 1 JJ S 2 4 t‘« l* -u .lfl.M.4!&);t ISci'! Z IS'Sg n il ^dil ABxM ■ )» . 6 19] 3 S5:! ) IS“ , S ■ .! , ii S!:! Sl,‘E, 'geo I0M9 M - tt 2 kjjBj cnoi'R.5rax»,;,i'.¥iiS.,0« . 97S..»M ,tt u.s 0 8700 07.82 87,12 S S K 5 S - i i . «IN— J ^ „ un Pic i (0 Am can 2 90 s xa5 X§!: 8 S!a 1! ‘!, 32J ?» - tt uimoji ifte s M. i s sr=; a }7>t- tt Flemno 1.24 7 !! 'IS 35:! FS'aiffffy'sffegisfaaas ■ Mf !5 ig,iiJ pl!W FUP.. 1.W t » B S H lilt. It Ullllly ina c ,‘S ara,J5s«s“iK a M eital t a prices u0 7t]gnK-U i : ! S»HluiiMl ii 2 I *0 0 193 X’4* tt dresslna 4i |]im Xtt* tt Hiloint 1.70 . j a :. sS ’:i csnncf and loweuUef <0 00-41.00. 5?S n u new yoiYORK (OPII - Ulesl rretal martol l i'!:! ’S ”, ■ .,JS'S‘_. *'sKhi200: slaughter limbs 50 lower; owas!;.t- , s£ ill III ss quoted Wednesday Dy me American f s.:." SsS.r' >0 10 103 <]tt sn'«l sucpl) U-H ■ & t ?laikai. l . e ‘i auinoiiiai>>e meials publication: Js " i ? 'SS*-" s s IS »as tsr S'S s'soi0 52.30 52.70A.52.45 S,».. “K , ’Siffl:!. S ESS il' ',l0 >27 X - H NEqEIS 2 0e I SS:! K5: . ;gU t 09 't M ^ni^S V contraeis; Tuesday ib.'A00Is7S.( lOny.domoKie.tellned inallqy. 12.00 lb. 1“ sw. 'S 1 , tw 44H- tt i _ inlaresi 21,018. up cSp?er''«lier. eieeiroiyiic, deiivorod U.S. 88.825-90.00 c » l l ! , s j tt jj! '' '^“i» 59 S tt- tt NOHTH\ Sl SALT LAKE (UPlj - uun loedlolII and *n y ' S « E S i s ffi U u 'S ^ loo for Wodnosday. Auo, ii: Trida al arc eommen U.9. primary producers -27tt- S*-- OnA/I*l------'« - — !» -( -- - - 1^^ conlinuos slow; low salts siaughlor slooi ■ « a « %OO^^b.;^U,S. " non piimaiy (secondary) - g-1 ifr""" producers 48. S!:!' g g g ' J'Se 917 XH- W —0 0— y>r suais: Cood is fflo'slly eliolce 2 World gold Magnealuirealum. n.8 per ceni. Ingol 134.00 c lb. U lltt-t OcMPl 2.M * w l& ’u * WOlb* NEW YOftK (UPll - Fonoreign and Domestic M*ng»nesttnese. 99.9 per cent boned regular 70.00 e 4 >271 Stt* tt 1 'l7S7IXp27H«tt Wainlj I.U Jm M “ «... „o, n n , u .„ „ ii' 11 is S i! ! ' “ S ' , f i ; 'f“1 £ : ■ cam#: Not osliblijhed. Load ni«dlui iry, {440.00-1450.007810. Iiask. UH. H CnUsi t.Un U2U^ 55* u- oSi*Ea rri JM ul H. tt *J5 TO^b. sloers 82.00. Load Urgo Iramo Nteko,. »H« H CtnPuB UU! I & . S , WUnnyi I a ime 2 ' London inl®3M'fb*iic !& “il 'SI 21M- i U G«nSletl .«4 1 li i w" w on‘*°^ i“ I Morning llaing Avntlnc 1g 10 UO ..1415.00-421.00 per IroyourtCA. 4i!:: H ■’! 1 ' l # l “ E ' " a SS5.,. No. I neayy men scrap — Pitlsburgn ;Oe.OO per ion (consumer buylna pricol; g s : ! £S 'I-I:! iE’.ii! , 12 J!!-'’ SV!..™."”! 414.00 up 4.25. I. MKI. compasile scrap pfica $90.17 per oS im' i',2 ’J o”r'•iis “jo' i , i , 1 ,ffi r . , . »■„ ■ISS'iS . » = r ' i . ’S r rehnino selfling anS BKUnn .» 17 49 X< 71 a n . H PkOE 272 7. I50.,U,iO; chCca 3 TOCWM S IM .S;«Ss.;' s j aY. - nAm. Mel. Mki. e»-dock - 717,25 c Ib. 1 xa lltt» It PCLImg 27B 5 M o t oJne''o® flow 43 .Y, Am. Mei, Mki. alioyer price — 787.25 c Ef; 1 „ S bS-" S S “1iSi,jSic.ra.A «.,!?,\ .s i IB. -.1 ! “ f ’S"! EK't ;s ,! . '.=i 1 iso.ro euctfo .n a ?i} r " i ; I!!'' ■ »5 a - mlnJmSm^u fKl ssi “s ,1|,iS .=!!:! s r . . "i "w'c«scr?'”wff'i;..s,‘s8S Silver ,rlmoweaiern,U.S.49.75-50.00elb: " ' ?ff:5 I s ’ 's“"i i " v l «-'■ at? ',5 s I n »H . tt po,^ ,„a (,..H VOflK (UPll — HaHandy and Ha/man ^ i t - i i lenultt l clltlsuj vS w S if ,!, liaoo slow; demand llgni; Irest Bf-vn ma w I - 4( GuMwi .n ;g xr k:5 s a ,!■ t.’A•’^ o :“e^ oenv^iver beans 22tt« VI H H-~ li'f Jj;'! "ssr ’.,L “ bellies 12. ilH* H mibrw — 1.J0 1 M U.OO t.2s nianar. i4.is ibi S4U 18.79 unchanged and a DENVERR (UPll|IJ — Beans Wednesday; Plnlet, i23H« H HvnPj I.H tn or. 1H 8 181,“ W.-50 tiiady producls ol U.45t Colo, and1 Neb,,Neo h 00-24,00. deal No.lherns. Neb,: »U -H HvltCO .00 I S! Itt S!:! ’1 'i i'S " i i i l S 25.00. l i I ''1 ■ I i lul7tt> i H HKUUn .W 21 <4l« UflittS S ‘p ’’I , ’S 12 B JJ om«mrU» idtniil, -s.:s a-s!.— i:s— va■a-s.=.— sS - s 'I;I 231 CB « H AO rtQuUf ‘ riT( • r i M uUtt« H -K E ^ 2U !,S.liS-* ll' S,. r-lis." S:! s=i. % „SUM II ♦ tt ^i«i^ l.« 1019 ^ t) 22n- tt itock UK] ini IW: “ m ujft ' J 3 Ht U .1 gigi j Ioc» J j' S i Ii:L » K " f in ps**- tt . OatfO ■' i i r ^ * ^7100 i [ Wtt. H I I !i!;S S'ff d M; (I) ptrctfll t t , r " i , s W h m I i S f 1J5-I m I 031 2]tt- >t Kosi''' >1!..il - U tncoSI’S; LIU *s .72 II'iJi 741, SSI! SS'ff ’!§i i : ! ^ - . ; 5 i: ' 'fc I " ,®:S• .a Isi-! 3M s rs "■ ss ■ .r-'sa. W m B(e a n G rov 11!a - , ffi.- '3 0 ITT iT* U •OKmdm), tl- w e r s Waiire h o u s eI w ill b e - I'S ' ™ uSS S « « il ; ’S S ’!!!' f K 55JS:! Sr“ is .{>!,s , s“I. !S ‘^"'”.sr 211, 20H* tt n»f1& I.M 10 ; !i!.» ss r“„ 's„ is3S ^ *"s lis's!* “ - ja: i:g ,i IS S!:i s ,« . re 14H* H JentJeni ea IS240S ni tt • e c e iv in gI b e a n s tlhis fall a I* JenLDon .» a n a t th e ir . IB fl I'i!;27U- H Joiltfli .U 9 5 21 ‘K. H asi K 1117 23tt- tt liSiS “ .j.n*9» " S: H J S 5 h * 5 'J L kk— ’*iS S5-« SB S ,,ss;i! , ,S ^ 't.­ IDilllTCO OIH-IHIIH- ’;S i ’s• »•;. sg s ; i 29 * V) KtnOE 2.04 i 97i; S-5 ISf." I S i!i i - * ^ B uhl '■ w !s , r i iS : - H a I ' i I re c e iv inng statioio n — ConiiJQ i u r 06 4iH-UH-Itt K*ntunll 8> 12 s 74 g ji's . i s ,'S ' Ii lii-'" Amex sstocks (UPll - _ S-. Sr .i « ; - S . . ; r , n4l«mii4« com- £ S i l lim : - tt KLM AifiM U loi stiKIM COfflOl 2.S I) IBt OA ih« A/reion l | ; KUtn .«B 10 nlElE « i i |» tt |',S5‘ E«1S^. r i m o r e in foo r m o fib r i ull ** ■'__l u ' ° " ?S'«P 'SS SS".**' C»el»K .74 aKf” ,s- 'jsii.7 m a n - h di» . u,nt> i l £ ! - Coll; 3 2 6 - 5 9 5 0 oor 326-5951) i ■ I Omcmco ' 2 UlU] jnt : 3 « & , i'l !!"•'” - ',5 ri! S!:'i:: ^ ■ i'l Mi S i 'I1 iiii! aSK i 10^51 gntt.^tt « S!;! gJSii 3 sa ’’I r-s s“- jauijj-iu' ciitcn -M- fU» *t s. 1__ u M__ 1'^ iii:!I M K i ' I . I! TM t!tt- tt I m ^ i ; i . f , i ii r » a '* aS?n.N "“IJ • ■ isr .a ” is I 1 }!} |o|;|;en^^ D« ’i^3fS 1 i : ’tt • , ■ N il. / I ffi- a ® rais ,i!“:,! Ix£ “I n 22i 33'b:i - tt M gas; u if. ;l i'l S i»» M - tt tvrsoi oofl ^ ------^ — “ H NOWi | i " ' w VELSICOL.

L V B a n v <' e r 9 1 1lERBODE ^ V i l "Jrln I f W l T ” s lALE WK» M m ! = . - = = BKGBELI i l ______J All\ll Cotton Deninim Wa /aist Sizes 28-3■38 ^ I d c o n ii t r o l n InseamsI n 29-36 j^j5v.''ll V „ I J l o w f f R eg .si7 » ' cc a n m l e a n NOW 1 9 9 ONLY..: * 1 1 h] i g h ps lough broadloaf pW oods conirolled by Ban\lanvol horbicldo; j % Polyester, in i-'iv-ive Colors, ^ MM w oods that sloal m uch no moislure. nutrients ligher crop yields. From Each Ropa nts and yield, Banvel "'S iper’s Store August 29. NNo Purchase ■ gives0 effective, economic!lical conlrol oi deep- . \J Necessary-JustJSt Coma In And Register rooted perennial broadleclleaf weeds. Apply Jf^ E L S I C O L . teliicol Chsmlcal Corporailon BanvelE from.mid-summerier to fall for spol uT on Vorld Keadquenara e 341 EbsI•BSl Ohio SIreat “■W . , "treatment of weed probler)lems on fallow land. chiChicago, Illinois 60611 wheat sliibble, or croplandmd rotated to wheat vcuolncol IB an oporatmo company ol North*lorlhweil IndusUies.lnc 'k

S i ■ ■■■■■■■■■■Magsaaa w m >d» w before using any oeilicWe. feedted IIbe label ^ I^^^^TWIN^AL^5 •BURLEY* RUPERTRT-BUHL *ninv*iiiMlileclileol s brand name ol de rwrbkldeclde. I For/ inu»o Idaho. only Oregon.In Utan and Wittil■ttilnoton. 7.... ■; n t

',-AuoU8|-2ri981 Times-Naw:'law s. Twin Falls, Idaho C-ii . EfoflXn ^ oT"ssyou. ness. Hc died in thc intensivivecarcunit nomination.I. ; G et your topp ...... reporters he worked wllht’llh have ever Following a t St. Luke's Regional Medi ng Ihe eulogy, Cov. John ® ublic informalion officcr of encountered"-and'"so-(aji•faithful- lo his E vans, who about 6:50 p.m. of neuroloj ; quality wintet e r . ho presided over the mcmch “ Deparlment of Education friends he refused to liee lclo them” by ri^l, askedKi those attending lo "ob- plications. ^ vi Bill Hall, M torial page e< until he leftt loI work for Church. He : coat or vest e editor of the serve a monloment of silcnce In our own Waikins worked for Republican R relumed to th< Lewislon Morning Tribuni thc department in 1977. Hc 3unc, who de- w ay for our t good friend Don Gov. C Robert Smylle; optoperated an becamc Evar livered the eulogy. v-ans' press secretary in W atkins." advertisinga and public relalations firm July 1979. ; NOW while ; th ere's a larer g e ' S o u n d nm a n sa y srs s tr a p Scsav ed h is»life in aiim b u s h ; selection.

By SPENCER SHERMAN Ryan. BroJrown, NBC newsman Don "1 felt a bullet and you woi «• United Press International i-on't believe interview aclactually had lasted 20 ' Harris andd ttemple defector Patricia tlthc pain I had. I guess thee Iblood was minutes. Aske5ked where the rest of the ^ ______Parks were I •e killed in the 1978 ambush S]spatiered all over my head3d and they (ape was. Sunsung said hc didn't know ^ and Sung wasv/i one of several others tlthought I was dead.'’Sungs{said. andneverinquiquircd when he recovered ‘ SAN FRANCISCO0 - NBC wounded. nm iHOLOFILCa • The Los Angeles-basedI 5soundman from his wounc m k iI unds. ' soundman Steven Sungg :said Wed- Layton, 35. Is charged wllh Joining a saidsi the leather strap hangliglngonhls Outside >eIhe courtroom, defense at- nesday a leather strap:rap holding conspiracy' tcto m urder Ryan and U.S. shoulder si deflected thc bullcllet from a torney Tonyy Tamburello ' expressed ' equipment on his shoulderder saved his diplomat RidUchard Dwyer arid prevent dldirect hit but it "look a chuhunk oul of strong interesi'est'In the..mlssing tape ^ I • life when angered membtmbers of the the grim conditions cc at Jonestown mmy shoulder," he said. bccausc he salsaid il could show Jones' « Peoples Tem ple cult open©ened fire al a from beingg reportedi to the outside "I guess it was the leati 0 I Jther strap condilion-andid stales of-mind before h e - » \5M . s Jungle airstrip, killing Rep.:ep. Leo Ryan. _ world______— — _ . . :______-■ th at saved m y life,'* h e sa id.1. ___ - ordered - Ihe-e shootings and mass >U s Sung-testiried at the trial ^ ----- For-Jh#-twHn-th9 V\i ------:------— - ; 3 5 — rial of form er— --Sung-sald-:d-Brown'was-hil-as-lhcy—— ■ •Durlng'trtiss^xaminatlof [on“ by al- murder-suIcTdeIdethlTfolloweS:------W oif^hop'ot. ------tem ple aide L ariy Layton)n lhat11 he and dropped toI the 11: ground conncclcd by totom cy Frank Bell. SungIg said a Jones ordereered 913 members of his ' cameraman Bob Brown wc werc filming Ujo w ires of the video equipment thrce-m th lnutc taped InlervI■view wllh flock to take u c :a n objections from a criticallyly 11111 woman, ■ VYO AFPORD> - | District Court Judge;e Charles ^ Thompson ordered she bc! glgiven blood I ■2 transfusions even thoughgh Ihc life- saving measure was contraitrary to her I religious beliefs. TOC>HAINGEE FR No Money Dc hospital sought the courtt orderoi lo ^ protect thc Interest of MrsAt s . Hill’s • > Reduced inteferest, 10-year ffinancing. ' minor child, to save her own/n life,1: and ,1 "to avoid subjecting m cd ical # • Monthly Paynaments as personnel and Sunrise Hosp[ospital lo civil o r crim inal liability forr fafailure to iow as $20.00.0 . saveherlife." i Ou)ur new finance prc)rogram m akes it• easy< for ■ r; Osbom senten>nce y°‘ou to ch an g e to natural nc gas heat,. You can herave a new generatatlon; high efficiersncy gas reduced to life® furrirnace Installed In1 \your hom e for ntv^-LQjho regional Fores!t?st Servicp office In Ppnvgr.Jt N evada, even if it was needed for purposel o s e s . " ______' (lie Lakoln Siouxtux tribe aod.ordcred the . camp__He_argucd-thc-l{ ca ‘-leee-Fort-Laramle-Trcatj support u( u land-b:'based~MX missile g| vacnlctl by SepTJTriT ------■ ■ “guarantees theentiientire Black Hills region as thc Mathers said, but theth( ruling that the campcrs le governor said h e had not seen a system . resoiutic AIM ciiinperss rrmoved onto the BOO-acre Black Bl heart and center ofthf the Lakota Nalion forever.";, * must leave Is not appe.ipealable.------lution adopted by the Nevada Spellman said Uieilere is not enough' Legislat ' Hills National ForestFor site 12 miles southwesk-est of Means also conterntended (wo federal statute! slature and signed by Gov. Rob- . ics Gov. William Janknklow, Informed of the de-le- ■ w a te r in th e Columbiibla River basin (o ert Lls( R apid Cily ApriMil 4 and dubbed it Yellow Thunlunder guarantee religiousIS frfreedom for Indians. List suggesting a tradeniff — cislon at a legislativeIve committee meeling. saidI'd m eet ttie needs of Washington V state diversloi cam p. ______But“ Forest Ser\Jervlce 'Supervisor -James rslon of Columbia R iver w ater to es only. “The law will be.t>e enforced." lure and fisheries. offset th Thoy filed a spspccial use permit applicalcation M athers, In denyingig theI permit; said the Dakota for energy, agrlcultui it the Im pact of increased popula- seeking to buildI H3Wi structures. Including a schoolscl; AIM campers showciwcd no excepllonal need for b u t Janklow did not ni say >vhe'lher the slalete "We watch otherer states already '*°''cauicaused by the MX missiles, and cerem onlalbuI'buildlngs. on the cam psite, the spcclal use permitmit. would have a role seeir«ingthat the cam pers leave, ripping off,.lo a dcgrgree, thc waters of Spellnellman said List has never men- “The interrelirelationship between Lak■akoia ' ‘‘Approval of thele requestr would cause long-Ig- Carl Shaw, spokesresman for the Interior De- this state,” SpellrrIman said. "Our tioned!d thetl subject in past conversa- spirjtiinlily, activitiviiies of day to day life of the term exclusion of the land from public use,” he partment’s BureauIU of Indian Affairs In farmers have beencn more or less tlons. r people and Ihe Bl;Black Hills is a situation which wh said. ' ' Washington, sold the:he bureau did not plan IQ to frozen on th c use of wwater while olhers "I suspectsusi hc wouldn't bring it up to 0x‘l.sts. Ml ^^^D akola AIM spokesnjsman , In addition, consronstructlon would requl_r^r^^^^ n ^ r 'v e n e 1^^ the Yellowlow Thunder situation. in adjoining states area gclting more me becausc becj he kno'^s the reaction ___ and m ore long-term p 1 perm its,” . _ _ he’d get," get, Spellman said. H u g h ees* e s t a t e \ u

C o u r t c a si e s , f e u d

'• s t i l l g o i n gf s t r o n g r MOUijTUN (LPUI -— The judge in > U & a . the Howard JluRhes:,estatc esi settlement i (rial disqunlifiod sevceven people from j sillitiR on thc six-mennember Jury lhat p will decide who amonnong hundreds of d claimants are Huglies'ics' paternal rela- ^I t s m ?w. M ^ b ’ lives. ■ , Probate Jud('c PalIt CGrcf’ory struck th c seven for prejudlc

I H * *

&•;"•*M » ■ - •• • ' la m^ '• . \ I d. « l i i l l S

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|^ ^ - r h e >;vrinit;s-I\e'

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3 I arff-Hovey : C ontee n ts - . Preps K im bcriy...... 18 Idalw StaiState ...... 25 ^ AU l i e a m ss e v e n Item , P*age « Minlco...... 19 Idaho ...... 2 6 B uhl ...... 5 M u rta u g h ...... ‘.2 0 B u rie y ...... ! 7 Oakley ------....-...... 1 0 Pro - f o r i Wi) e e k iCamas County ...... 8 Raft River...... 12 Americana n Conference 27 TWIN FALLS - • Whilehile they are For the firslu t time In state hlsto- rv•rv (clwnoM. We the where wisemen fear• toti tread" -Huskies—paparticularly—hard.— • Hansm , ...... S ------»ebool*. caae^ and Advertlfen for ' ■i. traditions of America,, le let's guess M urtaugh, al^always a tough rival, J ** e r o m e ...... ] 17 Boise State ...... 25 Ihelrsupport. at those selcct few forfor the 1981 has bul onei ssenior on this year’s i— — season. - team but the Red Devils have . In A-1 the surprise iss TTwin Palls enough alhlcttIctes to play wllh Just is t>elng d i s c u s ^ as a contenderc about anyone.le. Becauset o< f th e Contin uedUl Support off in the Gem State. Th( Oakley hast.islo rebuild Its line and haven't been considered every cot>mmunity In Malogic Volley ^ 0 “ *» " 'Pend '" ' on freshmen for contender for years. with 14 seniors and Minico to be better, too, > Hornets could have . good crop of little buty'JsSfJ d * ‘‘51 “ S some strongI nightsnli — particularly WE ARRE MAKIIIN G REAIKDY and competitive seniors ^ear. enthusiasm of a n all-new < staff. R aft R iverir has problems with FOI The biggest of thee tbunch Is suspensions-(c(carry overs from last iR O U R BSIGGEST r B urley —.but lh a l's physllysical. Tbe spring) and inJinjuries and also could B obcats don'l bave thef bodiesbo lhal use m ore size,Ize. But Dan Udy and Twin F alls and Mlnico do and over Wallacce aarc back to help the a 10-game haul, attritiontion will bc offense run. ThThe defense will t e thc Burley’s greatest enemy.ly. T ro jan s'earlylyproblcm. ] IMQBi But one has to go wllwllh Idaho In ciBht-maman, Caslleford and Falls bccause thc Tigergeis had a North Gera hihave dominated the winning season last yeai■ear with a past couple ofof years. Castleford Is PROJE<■ CT Junior team and thcy retuelurnvlrtii- gone and Norlorth Gem graduated ally all their skill people,lie. Experi- almost eveiydnI'dne. enced seniors still domiim inate A-1 competition. Rlchflold maymi be thc coming ^hlch will nioke^ws-m:msr(ust the If the Injury bugaboiiboo slays team, Coach± Joe Hendrickson > lai rg r g e s t bat the finenest honie od rxm with a young J / f n ~ i L. . ^ f f y n aw ay, Burley could rl%e tcto the top having a good J X iU I I ^ rn ls h ln g s t o r e fai IId d a b ^ th ree In- thc Cross Stateate Confer- team last yeartar. Carey lost only to L Plorons have been finoi cnce. A nticipate that Mad)[adlson will the top three« last year but with lalizedand bc down a lltUe this yesyear while only 13 playersers-out, the Panthers k J M . b idds s wiir.be let ne)text week; “ Caldwell remains lough.h. Look'forI have an obobvious problem. ■ Conanstruction will be».uhdi9rway t Jerome to show improve • FoIr tim e. the final standings. Thisk ^ii a S i l ’S Rockland amand Clark County ■*firet y e a r In Ihe Cross Staifta'S.'aS'l? a win anywhere last could be a loiigh nut for thelndlansthc ‘pt when they played ^ to crack.. but they werc cJonsld- Visit Us- NlNOW!. Stick with CaldwelU ered young and ar could improve, :isforthe . Cara“ (^m ty,ty, the dne time bully ‘The plum in the SCIC is HUNDREDS A-2 m em bers — Jerom e, B uc, rebounded from . »OF PIECES /MUSTA BE MOOVED vo wins last year and I Wood Rivec..Tbe one withiihTS i Ste^er'tot^’ record advances to th ' Kimberty W^ aboutt ai h alt-' * * and-fiklf mbc In loss of staistarters to » • S'*®>bo*hon« » graduation. Some of thele players| ;* • flU«.UlB '. * LET OUR LG3SS BE YOURR GAIN will be.m iss^, otherss can < be •*. •Oo ^ ,■ nesbeck h ^ been doing aI grealgr Job Z V of producing ilncmen forr tlithe past '^fEI)l sev eral years. It Is axiomnaUc at that all fobtlull gam e are decileclded m OPEN FRIDAftY NIGHTV the trenches. i ^ i Declo .has the numbers,5, 51 fro sh '^ a a e i^ J * ■ throug,seniors on thc teaileam, b u tn i^ ^ iy ^ . .bfl W e Urge You Tod Support & l a c k s - for the first tim e! In a long Your Football Teeai^ Like ^ while — size In thc line.-Goodlos G< ^ li. l l i ^ ^ You Have Suppo;o^e'd Us. has to bc considered a topp divi^on'di ,1)4. ,1 , , ...... 304ac Moln Av.N. Pi

2Tlm e»*N ew 9, Twin Fails, IdatIdaho ^ jrhur^^.^ugu9t^27.; 7 - : : ■ B n i i ins’ihco p e b)BComies esspectitancy’ Initial garrm es

• very; criticical, lH II W m if^ ^ I B I says Jomnes

By LARRYHOVEY Tjmcs-Ne»'s writer

T W IN F A L II-G iv e nnone or word lo describe Ihe feeling inn Ihelli Twin •.- . •L F alls locicor room lljlss yyear, it • . wouldhavelobC'expcclanilancy." AVAi-;* To define lhal. one woiilduld ihave lo ^ describe (he last couple of yearsy in ihal sam e locker room jusiisl prior| lo Ilie openinR of Ihe fooIbaJl11 season.sc cV* r i l f l ■..... Two years ago ilit w a s ‘ “ apprehension." Nol onlyly did< the Bruins and Ihe coachlnR\ staffsl ap- - Vl p e a r lo be wondering whaAhal Ihey could eventunily bc able lo10 do.i but whal they even were doinging there. They were en roule lo) aan 0-10 W season. I.^sl year. Ihc descriptionion would - have been "hope." DollE)oth Ihc ■■*3* p lay ers and ihe slaff felt Ihslhal wllh a coupic of breaks. Ihc 1 could bc respeclablcJoJT m , Twin Fallalls Coach Bill Jo n es expxplalns technique and! timingti to his offensivei/e unit during pre>schoolool practice blossomed inlo a 7-2 aseason, - p erhaps Ihc biggcsl lurn-aro around In ' nons lh at mighlIt nnever occur again tackle s Bruin foolball history. I spol wrapped up while: good qualities. We just: d(don't know Bruin dcfenslirtsivc piaycrs o y er'th c — and most of them wenl our 1 7 5 - pjound o i center Jared This year Ihere Is a feelingingthal if ^ay." I how this mighl comc oul."ll.” ' nextcoupleofjofyears. Christensensen should handle the! The senior is Tod Wig/Igington, a “He's tough, all goes well - If those junioiniore can “BullhencatlhI thing about it is thc centering Igh," Is usually the ad- •• live up lo Ihelr promise an 'ing. Curt Thiemann, a 200- H5-pound^r wilh goodd mobility, dendum coachachcs use after men- and Ihe confidence lhalt llthese kids do dis- pound seisenior who didn’t play lasl seniors show nalural maturaliration- p|ay. yhpy think Thc biggcsl Is Mike Rlc)lcc, a 190- tionlng his namlame. ;-7, t)k they can win 10 year, will.villbcal right guard, pound junior who is.lhehc third or The Bruins 1 thc Bruins can play wilhth aboul this year and thathat’s great. In pasl Thewld ns have a pretty good' anyone on the schedule. wide receivers will bc a kind fourth fastest on the te;team. The situation at; defensivedt end where y e a rs w c( Ihe slafilaff) had the feeling of Mull a It and Jeff situation with 6-2 best thrower is Junior BrockBn Mill- th ree players,rs, all seniors, rctum Whelher they can or nol remainsrci the players wererc wondering more Steve Ga to bc seen, bul even Coacl Galley at one side and 5A cr. w ith ejcperlencience. The m ost experi- wcLBjlLabouUwhcn -the-ie-next beer p arty Shane Colcatthcolher.Col Defensively, Walker, Jones feels his chargesRes a re w as and which tea -, 180, re- enced is Sallniilnas, 185, while Mike leam they m l^ t be The ruirunning backs will bc se- turns at nose guard for h expecting betler daj-s ratherher than ablelobcat." r his senior Mahancs, 60, 160, and Bob Mitchell. niors LLarry ar Hurt and Doug Tale, y e a r but hc is am ply reinfInforcedby I60,aretheolhtJlherlwo. hoping for Ihcm. “The one thingig thal1 Is certain." bolh comi Dming out of the sam e mold junior Ben Wright, 160,60, who Is "They’llben Slill he cautions againslinst in- h e said, "w e'rere going into this, at iss e rolling In and out and terpretlng this expectant feeli i pounds and. possessing considered nearly cat quidiiick. ' startin g about•out equally," • Jones eeling as season virtuallyy untestedi against' excellentmt is probably faster over the same. The first coupic of gi llncbacking coicorps where seniors f games only six of themn c could bc term ed distance1C bbut in those first couple of arc critical to us. We have’« t< to get veterans. "Lance came to us andmd said hc P a u l Dewtt. itt, 165, and M ike steps, boiboth o f ' these guy's can fell he could help the tealeam more Watkins, 170, ar p ast Burley and Jerom e bolhJlhfrom These Include .■ ll|light end Brett move." .a rc pencilled In. som ew here ,ln the line,’ic." Jones In th e seconc . confidcncc and cxperi "W c have olherier iettermen. Bul ’ said. "All All three of them , possess chance to b ^ m c one ofrth th cb cttec *866 BRU;RUINSPage4 . with a sm ile on their faces> - and those six a te the! onones we basically...... w e'd beat them, loo. Wcs wontv consider returningIng starters wllh am bush p ^ p ic this year. Wc'liV ellbc th e experience thalhal Is nccessary." looking at a little more prepare’“ration j„„cssald.' and respect every game." Sem ple is the onlj)nly returner from- Hc noted the Junior andI scsenior last year’s offensitnsivc line which ' classcs — as sophomores — c -com - was Ihe.surprise! of thc Gem S tate ' plied a 17-1 record Ihc •'ast *'^■0 Conferencc for ilsIs Dability to create years, losing only to Borah. f ? e d ce r s e i holes with such littlettleslze. ^ 1 1 ^ ' .-’’But sophomore records cai can be The battle wagesges al a couple of m isleading. All Ihey really 'n*, positions. Senior RoRob Newbry, J70. dicatc is that a has pro i T 2 D AY l S ! I proyen__ and-junior Randydy Masoncr, 165, i l- A S itself as sophomores, how it n 11 m ust a rc battling for thehc left guard nod. prove Itself on the varsity level.vel- Right tackle willII be; a constant ^ B SUMMER “ A nytim e you ^ e t Into recc challenge betweencn 185-pound sc- ^ B ‘ like 17-1 and undefeat^ sewjwns. nlor Dave Fairbarbanks and 200- ^ B luck has to play a part. Likekelasl. i poundjunlorLannin ^ S K« S A LlE! I I year, our sophomores camee frfrom “That's the typeIC ofo situations wc ^ Terrlftc Sowings w ay behind in thc second hall gs on All EquipmentI Even B rand^l w ant to attain throughout ll the N ew 1982 M od>dels. 20% Holds Your edge Bonneville. Bonneville^ had I team." Jones said,Jld. "Two pretty ur Layoway.^l something like ISO yardsds in fair football playencrs battling each ^B «—^ BOI» N 'T M I S S in penalties on ils own field compa:ipared other every day forfo the right to ^ B ^ oL ^ I to IS against Twin Falls. Youiwon’t wc ploy. I, iiMps liamam spirit up and, ___ - see that on the varsity level.” hones the competii2tilivc edge con- “ Also, Minico extendedi < stantly,'' M>loln ar a t 3rd Eeit, Twin Foi sophomores last year. We t ir that 190-pound several gam es lhal swung oh siti )w has' thc left ^ ^ ^ ^ B

T h u rsd ay ; Auglu'gusi 27,19^1' ■' ‘ Tim es-Newws.Twin s,' Falls.Idaho3 SJU p SJiagljH k r

Learningrby b) r^>etJtioo aod watciIchiDs dominate m oat of]of grid practices. Tbe ofoffense faces thc dcfeni:nse while reserves tryif tot< leam by w atching.

kickii:king off. Tbe chop blxk will wl Rules clchanges resultsuit in penalty no m atter wheiiere - Bruitin s — JM •See R U ^ Page 15 •CoDtinuedfrtxfncnPageS I j B may caiause some ...... K elly Sdjlfllcr,, li155, will be the . I . o strong safety wbwhile senior Dan doubleI 1takes F o rd , 160, andnd junioF Steve |||K f!: ' TWIN FALL!LLS - Magic Valley KE^sitti BenkulQ, 150, ballt>atUe for tbe free t football fans w(won’t see any sweep- . safety 6TX)t. . ing changes inin Ihigh school football , the comcrs and '‘Defensively, tt rules this year.ir. A Kero-Sun~ Pentbl* H«*t*r th e ends — the ouloulside perimeters B jiU But there areire a couple-three that of our defense — tbave thc experi* .. have be broadtadened to encompass A K«ro-Sun ence and wo expe(pect them to lead ^ more playerss s and situations and, you, the defense,” Jont(ones summarized. ^ for the first ocouple of times at pOflBloionliouf. , Kundradtol ' Q •' “The linebackers'>rs’ lack of gam e least, will causeLise some double takes experience couldId thurt us eariy in , ' ■ inthcstands. iherVsoIt 'H I th e season but thcthe defensive line »ofiobl«. I I. . A Probably Ihc thc biggest will te c Iblocking immunity ^ S - extremely Inex]experienced at : for a kickcr in1 a free kick situation quartert)ack,too.”).” until he has movlOvcd five yards a fter t— ■ "Our receiversers. other than Galley, also are extcxtiem cly inexpe- rienced.” “ B ut I w ill say/this,” th Jones said. «cfa M ike U nker w orksB withui thie o ^ n siv e linete m e n “ I w on't predict a nrecord but if this team progressesi aas s rapidly as last __ y e a r’s . ^ and lhalhat_lcam_really_/\ | | SPORTS surprised us withth Its progrcM - llteamsnoviweligible- wc could be InI the111 thick of the ^ CENTER conference race.” “ O verall I thin*link this team is , r state chanimpionship physically strongenger In tbe line 1 por’ theth first time in Idaho foot-.>. winner of the Burlcy-(/-Caldwell- positions a nd overaerall 11 might be a • ball hislilstory, all classifications ofif Mountain Home-Nampaa [Md and I little quickcr than:an last year's. We teams: willw have a chance to win a3 the northern champion mmeets the I need to play hardard and get some state champlon^ip.ch( Boise area runner-up. break s early to wiwin and keep up Thet eight-mancl titic, which has.s In A-2, this are a 's repres•esentatlvc our confidence as ^we gain experi- been claimeddo for many years be- will come from the winnener among / cnce. If that happeiipens, it could be a tween1 the U winners of the Snakee Jerome, Buhl and WoocKxl River. / /; pretty good year.” ■ R iver Conference C and Long Pin1 Only Buhl has ever represejscnted the K / From a gamei>le-plan standpoint, champloplons, remains unofficial butt areaintheplayoffsprevioiiously. . / T w Jo o es doesQ't antic aUcipate changing nonethelbelcss accurate sincc they{ In -lh a t one, tbe Magitgic Valley ( \ h m ud) from last seat \ \ | , r season. a r e thc th( only two clgbt-man cham pion would take onn thci sixth \ ' ^ "With those q • quick running allgnmeinents in thc state, district chatApion (u ( s u a lly backs, w e anticlpatpate having a pre- Thiss year,yi the state is adding anI M adison of late) In thc firfirst round ------tty-good runningig game and wc A-4playi ayoff, ^>en td four district or[ and bc bracketed withI the i fifth I hope w e c a n stayly on0 the ground," conferen BACKTO set: h o o l rence champions. It will bc' district (Pocatello area) cl' champion be said. "We feet>et that we arc a completeleted ia two games rather J and sixlh districl nmner-u]-up- sound passing team te< technique- than tbethe three needed in A-1 and GYM SUIT SALES w ise. I realize that last y ear we A-2. Tbe Canyon Conferenceice. Magic p didn’t throw thattmucbbutwebad mi ThcA-A-t playoff system Involvesi Valley's largest allgnmenent com- ®BOYS GIRLS people who couldid catch tbel>all Minlco,.]0, Buriey and Twin F alls butt posed of all the A-3 schohools, will T-Shirt ...... T-shii S h ir t...... $ 4 .50 v ery well axKl whilehlle we don’t have sotonaI a d istrict basis. Mlnico and] send two representativess to state. Shorts ...... f J ’ S Shorto r t s ...... $ 4 .9 5 great passere th^Ih^ set VP and Twin Falls Fi WiU be \^ g witht Com. peting for those spot!Dts will be Socks...... 5 2 ^ 5 S o cc k k i » ...... * 2 .2 5 d d lv e r It quite weiwell. Tbe passing Bonnevil>ville,. Idaho' F d ls, Skyline• Declo, Valley, Kimberly,', Goodingi'( I S u p p o rtert o r ...... $2 .2 5 game was alwaysys somethingi that and Blaclackfoot (Gem S U te Confer-. Glenns Ferry, Filer and WiWendeU.- , , _ Rog. $11.70 - ? w as th ere U we bad 1 Reg. $13.95 ad to turn to it and ence excluding e> Pocatcllo andI In the first round, tbeKJ Canyon I tbiok th a t wiU be thc case again H l^ancand) for two berths In the , : Conference champion will wi m eet S A L -thisyear.", opening;ig round. Burley will fight it[ th c third district (Boisiise area) u * IO " "But,” he addedded, “we arc dei but with th Caldwell, Mountain Hofne’ champion, while the Canynyon Cton- voting a lot of o urJT timt e to tbe run and Namampa for one spot, ference runner-up will p offense.” Northth Idaho’s three A-1 teams sixlh , district (Idaho Falla , « 4 ^ Twin Falls’ scbedt »edule: will ct get one the Boise areaI ^champion. Date w ill get2t threet placcs in thc bracket Auk, 28...... '....Durtey, a n d th1C c ceighth team will b e a "wildI T he A-4 representative/c will be m AI MON-THURS. t SAT. ff ■ Sfpt.4 ...... »tJerome c a rd ."’ based I on season perfor-• tbe Magic Valley Cononference m mm HOU«lMC Sepl. II ...... la J j^ ...... m a n c e2 andapolntsyslem.aj winner. That league Is comimposed of ■ m Sepl. IB...... RIDAY 9i6o-9iOO he first round, Gem Statef ( -G emrS ta tte:iAr^* b a lwneed’ > By The Times-News HJ Highland an cxcollentexc football player. He'sI'sa asset. We have quiteJ a few coming "W e relayJaying heavily on juniors, The R ams’ prospects seem a leaderdorship type guy. Having hiihim back this yoar on offerfense and also We did hav T here isn’l a palsy In Ithe Gem repetition of Sk have a good sophomore Skyline’s - great skill fora a thirdll year is llkea bonus." defense bul somo of' lhlhe defensive team last;t year.y Bul every night Stalo Conference Ihls yearear. peopleheadlngng the list. The he other runners will be Lloyoyd peopio didn't start1 last year, when I comcimc home I have to say to Thai's Ihc concensus5 opiniono{ of ';We have oiour backfield back," Frasle islcr. who played slrong safetrely Almosi a llo f lheoffens1? Itiings. — Ryan Campbel Walker who will leadi fromfr Ihe pro '° “- bell. “ Zamora Is the ThAhe quarterbacking will com "I lhlnl< the whole confeinference is . bull and Camptipbell is the speedster , me set, I-formatlon. Comomplcmcnling n the junior class, probabi awfully close," said Highland and Malzahn is;isalilllebitofbolh." n^' bly W alker in the bakcfieliluld will be a Bonnovllloille had 130 sophomores Coach Terry Hopkins, ""The n Idaho Weldon Bowrr I Alelerhoff. big back lineup of Jed//S £ ch 0t7 man, Itiroueliscnic;n jors oul wilh another 20 w m an.5-n, 175-pound Dno was hurt oiirly last yea: Falls schools think they lhe have senior, appea:ears to have Ihe ja r 205: Dewey Mahoney,ey. IM. and sophom orescs expectedt when school th e other was a wide receiver excellent leam s. wq ihlnkink we can quarterback nod. no Hopkins noting or. speedster Scotl Hunt.,165. 1& ' Starts nextI week.w( re probably, greenest a be pretly fiood, ‘Pocatelloohassome hi "he can do 11 II all. He’s a good excelleni people and Twi rlerback and.that's just not { "We're homing to hahave a winn- Only Jeffff Dyorich, I 164 pounds, rwin Falls athlete." lc- season but > wllh tl should be Rood comiriR off that 7-3 Hopkins feels It place to be green." Mc I the kind of returns lo> thetJi starting backfield els the Rams has. a carthv’;hysald. confcrence we are plaplaying in. 11 while Kelley year wilh an excellent sopsophomore special sleeper»er in the receiving ^ , 7 ley Kicscl, back-up to team cominfi up. Minico hi will be tough," Adams'iIS said. “ It is Scott WiddisoJison last year, appears ) has some dep arlm o n rinn scniors Mark Collo, Ve have m ore offensive linen,'; virtually Impossible lo good athletes and they'll ha to pick any lohavelhe,qu!, quarterback spol. . 1 have good who was injunlured In the second rmen lhan we've every had," clear-cut leader...'’ enthusiasm witlLa new ctcoaching gam e last y earir aand missed the rest ho'cont:onlinued.-—Wc’rc-bigger lhan s ta f f ." ...... '■ we’ve I oflheseason, e been. 1 would-guess our “ 'BonievffleI • Offensivelyely, orUy Todd Rich- Pocatello Coach John McMcCarthy "He's not real■eal big but he’s real o«cnsivisive lino will average about V much action last year includes new m em ber B lad Ralph Hunter relun lackfoot in quick and runsins greal patterns," 200 pounds. poi This. Includes 220- Bonneville helm after -but he’s being switched his summary, noting "! sawsa\ some, Hopkins said, poundd Itackle Bob Pyne,' bookend Defensively, trackle of Ihose Blackfool kids in I absence, during which h in the ISU On defense.(. :Highland will be 205-pouround guards, Jeff McAughey years on the WeberSHr isinjp nrirt “ fandon Warner, Wa 180, returns camp Ihls summer. Theyey have I a anchored on ISO-150-pound nose guard Chris Chi Bridges and 205-pound th linebackers Tony fiood leflhanded quarlerbai coaching staff and foui rback and John Vamagata,jta, 185-pound tackle J? y 3glemOrI elcr. The center proba-“j construction. id Curtis Batmen; both som e Rood looking kids.s. 1 Ihlnk D onte H oferr and 195-pound bly dllwill be 175-pound junior Clark about 165. andind safety Curt Payne. they'll have one of theireir beller linebacker Kris;■Is Sibley, all return- RoHlns.'ns." He replaces Larry JohnstonJo as leam s In a while.” lhe head man wllh John Ing starters, Jhnslon, who ..w« haveve lo get some early While the season starts played for Hunter at B arls wllh The secondarlary is headed by IdaboF alls ul w e open againsl Me- every team even, prc w opposition coachcs sec!c slaying on the staff. “ Hi probably corner Troy Garlardner, who started ridlan. Capllfpilal and Idaho Falls, Hopkins puts it In the best five games andId then was injured ) F alls a s a solid contender Isis g reat help to m e." Hunleillcr says. Teal's mufdc perspective. rder for young kids," last y ear." well susupported in the Tigers’s’ Hunler says he can'an't believe Hunter said. ‘ "At this time of year evi d. “ But if we gel early everyone "We seem to!o Ibe playing really makeup.:up. everyone Is mentioninglg him wllh success, these thinks he’s going to have a ese kids could come on 2 a pretty good defense,”” Hopkins said of ^ Idahoho F alls returns , its entire■c Idaho F alls. Twin F a llsIs, ,:Highland, fast. By mid-s fair team and you have lo fe id-soason wc could be a J feel lhal preseason drills,ils. "We have more backflelfield and Coach Denniss Pocatello and others to0 viev for the pretty good fi way. Bul after a coupic d foolball team if the jple-three depth lhan we! ththoughi we’d have AdamsIS calls thal (our biggestit title. guys stick togeogether." weeks, things straighten ouloul, But I on defense andd |ill is a verv oulck still foel Ihe conference: isIs very unit. Offensively,ly. our (lack of) size balanced and nol anv onee teamlc is is againsl us and an we’re jusl not. real w eak." executing well." __ I

SkyUoe PocaKateUo ------Ihc-major-oxcoption-lo-a;o-all-thfs------P ocateiio's~-Coach—McCarthy— C i ------succes talk is Skyline? (Coach similarly can'tt Ifind too large a OMKWTON . 1 ^ 2 ^n i# - -M ahlon- Rasmuson-but-lheithen-one— crying towel.------has lo remember thal Rasrrjsmuson. "We’re not loollooking loo bad. In aflor winning lhe leagucHiliHille last fa d , w e're preliretty pleased wllh year and advancing as farir asi lhe workouts so far." W ilson'I'V slale sem ifinals (losing loI ch;champi- T here are a coicouple of questions High Top VVI on Boise), termed his 198010 rrecord in McCarthy's mindmi and the flrsl ^ Vhite of7-4as*‘m ediocre.'’ arises F rid a y ' whenwl the Indians i *‘Al least 80 pcrcent olof our meet Highland.. TheTi two Pocatello Zanvas starters on offense and defensense this schools will operpen and close the y e a r will be Inexperiencedj jujuniors season (the lastu l onc counts in o r seniors. Whal experiencece \w ^ o conference slandiiidings) for Ihe firsl have is at the positions of offe)ffcns>ve tim e and no oneIC Iis sure how that B a s k^ e t b a l backs and receivers. We ha\have no will workout, II Shor Men fense or defense. Thai willI hahave lo play in g ' this earl;arly dale. Always be our area of grealest conccnccntra- before we w ere! intoiii that firsl full » ^ 9 S lion as we enter the 1981 ^ s o i ison." weekend of Seplerilember before our KeCeg. $24.95 . - . . . . ;Rasm uson sees (he,‘strengiinglh of first game." S | i ^ i his loam as 6<2, 200-poDrtdi scKeyy I "W e've had som) many Ihlngs Said ■ Sayer, 175-pound liglit end,id, .and and heard about th Letterr m a n ' ! thal on this end of 's Jackket L arry Gorlsch, 160-pound wide'Ideoul. the state 1 try not no to makefariy Both may see some defensiveIve sec- commehls, on It,"t," he said when ondarylime. asked; If ^ho feltt this11 would take a • “ We will need lo p ass a grealg • inceoUvefromhlsl Is leam. 11 . deal m ore than wc have in theIhepasl "We're'like moslosl teams. We set 'irIT “ . . .ys...... *> 5 r in order to takO'full advantagitage of some teaqi goals5 aat the beginning our experienced peopi>p le. ” of the season. Thec nmost logical 1s lo Rasm uson said. "We will cont:ontinue win the Gem Statele 4Conference. We to run the veer opiion and wo feel think we can playly wilh anyone in that we have three good runi•unning the conference." backs to go along with Andrus.'us." Two Ihlngs bringing sm iles to Mc- S h

T hursday, Augjugust 2 7 ,19^1 jTlm es-N owws,TwInFalls. s. IdahoS Buthi sufFfers ffrom lack] ofpia< syers icelving spots," Smilh said. "L"Los- gg Smith and the Buhl High ------a t the recei BUHL-Gregg J and Doug hurt. ThC kids we havehi g staff have a problem — ing Rory’ an School coaching si real fast, but they run gigood not enough playerse rs lo coach. are not re paltems.. VWe won't be going deep llhal Just 21 playcnICTS (Juniors and sopho- /e'ii try for a short, consistislcnl m ores) a re on the th( Buhl rosier. That’s a oflen. We'i >er for an A-2 school, bul passing gangam e." v e ry low num ber 'etuming starters al bolh tacackic ning on going with the ____ With retu Smith Is plannin spots andid center, Smith needs lo finiind a p lay ers he has. He'He’ll only use a s<^homore “The plalayers we have outut are ■ { ^ards for the interior line. ToddT< If th e p iay cr cann ststart, nol a s a reserve on K. They all wait to B good one: 5-10,170, Sr.) and Jim Pierce5(5-9, v. th e bench. ire four o r five juniors out m footbaU.’^ ^ i50.Jr.)coucould flll the bill. “Wc only have i Is a steady piaycr with gutssand t for th c team ,” SmSmith, starting his fourth — Coadi Gregg SlSmith "Todd Is, I Jim isn’t big. he's an aggressssive ' y e a r a s bead coactac h , said. "The school h as although Jil ivlth plenty of desire and detenurmi* beeo losing enroUroUmenl ever since 1 cam e blocker wltt ‘ight or nine p la y ^ from nation." SmSmilh said. ' and tb ere a re eigti irting la st y e a r wbo moveo v ^ away or are oo longer -r; Ken P ienierce is likely lo be the start In school.” . tight end.. ! defensive side. Ken Pierce: and D ^ i t e tbe lowow numbers, Smilh feels On th e dc t give , the. secondary stabilbility ' B uhl can field aI representativerc team with — - L ively ■ giv of their starting experience w^while Juniors and seniorIlors - provided injuries . because of t , Carter and Davis will fiii1 ithc don't afflict thesqusquad In a high ratio. •etuming starter at doingng a lot Of running. McClain. C 180, S r.). Ju k er is a retu rilng spols. “The players; wew have out a re good tree (6-1,170, Sr.) is Liv.Ively and Clhariie Carter (5-10 defensive end, Ken Pierce )nly W agner back, Smilh feels fc ones," he said., “'“They all want lo play back as is Mark areb! battling for the quartertmck s “K S a starting defensive ba' er may be the weakest positionon on football. We willII limilli the live hitting, in and Dave Wagner "WWe've given them bolh equjquai Ume In Hncbackcr r Lively (6-2, 160, Sr.) an< . McDevitt and C:huck Steele (5-9.(S • fact, afler this weelveek (the final week before (5-10,165, Sr.) is back atit linebacker.ill p raclictice and we'll probably Blve g them the team . M wiil battle to fill the other spol.I. the start of schooBool), we’ll do very litlle "Troy wiil b e a big plart art of our offense," each:h plcnly of time during thelie llrsi iwo 160. Jr.)w ill is the lone returnee In the» ide- -I hltUng.lt will bei a ringng thc other in. Bolh M ark anand Chariie being a deli deal wllh. Mioidome. Somele ofc the losses from^lhat Wagner and John McCfcDevili (5-10, 170, a r e goodg athletes, can run andd haveh good have to dea squad Include Timim Hamilton (quarterback Jr.) also figure to see piepiMty of backfield armsis .‘* Buhi’sschd each started for three yeai'ears al the ...... MI.HomeilleniRmRii* gel it, we'll try to get ilonton the next down by who < ...... atWoodRixithtrf at running back,k, Itackles Gary Johnston ' ninning or passing.” widc{eposltions.' ' Ocl 16 ...... Buflijfley* (MO, 175, Sr.) aand i M aury C3ir1stensen Smilh said he plans to use a true veer _ "DeDoug McClain (5-9. 150. Sr.)'.) ;and Kyle octia ...... •IJe»ra>ma* (6-1,190, S r.) andId ccenter Craig Hulse (5-9. ootion attack thi« fAll with‘ithlhpniinrtcrback Davis’is (5-10,150, S r.) are also beliOeing tested *-crausiBieiuileKBme. f-SCtCgime.

= = B i u h bINDIAS N S =

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in Falla, Idaho’ th u r a d a y . AuflustAu 27,1981 6 T im e s-N e w s, TwlnF B o b i•eats c o u l dH tave^ g o o id s e a :r s o r r BURLEY -“We’re a e a couple of players strotronger and quite a bit quicker"er"thanlast ofmaklngl here anda coupleplayers ghim aru n n in g b ack .’" 155-pound Don[1 \ Williams with McCord /CTS there from being veaicar. T he olhciic r ca n d id a l* are J e ss Cami a pre tty good football teaiteam.” ^ •' jmpos. backing him up.). TheT wide receivers would “We don’t anticipate that more m than 150, andLyi,ynn Kelsey ,150. Burley Coach John Bill bc thc defensiveivc secondary, headed by Billetz. In his second mavlaybc three or four teams on our schedule “As youc year at tho Bobcat helm, u can catch from all this,” BilletzBil Leonard, Green;n and Pelerson and 6-1, m. finds him self In a will'ill have a ccnter capabic of banclandlingTim said, "we'ie'll have an offensive leam position of robbing PeterJter to pay Paul. He play am . a 150-pound Shawnvn ( C arter h as show up well lay afler play for a whole gamne. e.' Thc good defensive: teamt< and THE team. Whenicn we In speed drills, believes h e h as the footbotball players capa* cententers might get a stalemate wii ble of giving Burley a solli ! wilh him SO get the ballall in good scoring territoryy orc l( That brings BiBilletz lo thc matter of solid ball club. pcpcsrcent ofthe time." Bllletz said.lid. w e've got tc Tbe decision, early Ir to go into a goal line stand,!, wwe'll running* bacte. f in the season, Is Flanking fi. Knight a rc 6-2,, 190-pound1 be using pifljiayers both ways. It’s somcth which should be moretJ representativer — D an ething "Ideally, it woul/ould bc great lo have four arroll Wahlstrom on one sideide and &-4. we don’t want 'v to do bul somethinging it so wc could altciillcmale Ihejn on certain the offense or the defense. 200-F lO-pound junior Jim McC^ord onin IIthe other. appears we'll w« just about have lo.>. It's series and save scsome of their energy for “ We learTjed Jast y e a r jj s ar In our conference “ "T That should m ake our doidown (de- nothing nevew. I think mosl of (he (ea[earns defense If we needeededil,"Bfllelzsaid. • (having one grldder) play•laying both ways Is fensinsive) linemen about as big as tany we'll play lhat wa#ay." He expects Sagei tough. We bad some good, Igers and Konrad to handle »d, tough kids who niceteet,’' Bllletz said. “ We wantit KKnight at Offcnslvelrely, about tbe only place theicthin tJ most of tho runniinning chores, giving the ju st couldn’t do It. They i ey ran out of gas,” noseISC guard bccausc he's aggrcsfrcsslve and , Bobcats apjippear solid Is at quartcrbzrback Bobcats good sbsize. He’s^ hewing lhat Billetzsald. can { n go either way. Play him atIt titackle he where 6*1, 170-poundn Kelly Kclcher rctmitums first-year man KtK en Bell, a 140-pounder T he guess, however, woiwould be that when :s a tendency lo comc itisldee wwhere he after beingg thei sta rte r for tbe last four»uror with good qulcknckness, and Kelly Arnold, the Bobcats go againstst 'Twin Falls and n be “ trapped. Defensive tacklelie will\ bc a five gam!S es last season. He's backedid by also a linebacklngng i candidate, can comc on lal new posillon fdr McCord, H Minlco in their first twtwo outings. Ihe ^ !, He was a junior Rand’idy Austin, a 6-3,155-poundcr.jr. quickly to make;e I lhat four-man rotation ■ emphasiswillbeondefens dcj^receiver last year on thc sopsoph team. “We hope>e we're throwing a litllc betl)cller possible. It he h as good s t r o n g , especialdaily in h is than w e didid last y ear,” Bllletz said. T here arc two m ajor rejreasons: (a) a big legs, “Wc "I think our posilosltion Is the sam e a s it is 5S. And he’s smart. He can pickpk 11 up w ant to thro'row a little m o re. . . try to gegel a with so many teams and talented defensivec I:line -and a sec* quickickly." ims.” Billelz says. “We've back out intoito a receiving position more.”c. ’ only got 34 out fortor varsity football. We're ondary that Is expectedd totc be better than At\t ackup on defensive posi- wilt bc better known as last year’s de- 6-3, IS,190-pound Dave Asher, going to getst a long way away from whatQtwc ^ Hons and vlce-verversa. We have to stay fensive players and periperhaps not quite 'Drheig Bobcats apparently will bc without did last year,}r,"hcsaid. ready for the first coupleofeotgamcs. a slai healthy.-Anylnjurieiries. particularly at some larlcr from last year's secondsindary, the In the iiniinc, Bllletz would like lo» &see positions where we Although Bllletz sees thethc defensive unit one s we are really thing, will ! still eligible evidently dccliijclining to Wahlstrom1 mover Into the cenler positiiiitlon killus.” BUletzsaldaid. com ing together better thailhan the rest, there- comeneout. because of h:his size and experience butlit heI still Is thc m atter of linebacklng. lli Dc- Butlut Satterfield believes all thec prcd to be “ a lot y e a rp Oct.30 ...... Cil




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...... ThiiriacJay. , AlAuQusf tr, fj&t ■* ■* 'Tlmos'-fiewle w i Twin Falls, Idaho 7 I.J 1 —Mats h e r ss—g l b rr y d a sps col e t u r h '•------170. S r.), Chrislirls G u n d ertM , 150, J r.). JoeOC The "Glory Boys” of the FAIRFIELD-Th( Cox {5-8. 145.15. J r.). Caldwell High School>01 making a comcback at mld-70s may bc ma transfer Brian•ian McKee (6^, 1?5, Jr.) andnd Camas Countylhlsyc5 year. Curl SwartzIz (S-O. 170, Jr.). The twoA'O sccutive years. Camas F o r three conscci Funkhousers,rs, {Simon, T uraer. Lemons ondnd uchcd, going 2&4] during County went untouch Faulkner willill rround out thedcfense. play and winning two re g u la r season pla; "W e a re expexperienced at all positions — championships. The nprovement and eight-man state c “I have seeeen tremendous im] both offensi'nsiveiy and defensively." Ml almost 54 poinis a Mushers averaged )mpared to this Blankenshipp said.si ‘‘The secondary wili ^ two games where they success inQ our workouts coi gam e, including twc much improv(roved and I think thal area Dn defense, they allowed year. Our goal ^his;i year is to work sco rcd 90 and 97. On < time last ye m ight bc thce keykc to our season. a m tle over 10 poiipoints per contcst and ourselves backbi into the powe'erhouse year of "If we can:an keep thc opponent (romim shutout their oppoocnoent seven times, scoring (hethe big plays like they did lastist But suddenly, justust as quick as it burst threeyearsi■sago.” on year, we'll be in thc thick of things,'’ Ihehe Into the limelight^ CamasC County's pro- — CoachI Ed1 Blankenship coach said."W"Whether we can eliminate thehe ' g ra m fell ap art. Twowo years ago. it went 1-7 ; plays will del(;rminc ourur * and last year it suffeiffered through a disap- \ big scoring p season. p o intlng 2-6 record.I. . “ O ur goal1 is to p r o g r ^ each week, winin T h ere w as no rcreal reason for thc • ______the Sawtoothh OConference, then lake ^atc,” turnaround and nobolobody could figure out B|ankcnship:s?3ald2 JjAodJUhink that is a what happened to the Mushers. Poor able and realistic goal everybody around here is optii>ptimistic.". Blankerenship h as in mind for the bacbackllcld. oblalnabk economy shut downm thc Wendeli Mill in c the Mushers this year will bc;a a Optimistic bccausc Blankenkcnship finally DepthI iis such a (actor In thc p> Camas Countlunty’s schedule: • ------Camas County. Hc■fe thinks thc “Glory Although Funkhouser is a sosophomore, he recicvin'Ing corps. Boys" have a chanccce tot return. sstarted al fullback lasl scasorison and Turner On th

- f— < — ^ kMAS Spodal beginningIng next wook where we'll SPORTS PLUSP VGrowers 7 6 44-2256 bring you Tho b«M»»! weekend ontertolnmeni For tho Sports Plus box3ox: A sp o c ia l pockoge avoiloblsble In tho Mogle Volley, pogo dobUT^Sopt. 3.{. ItH w ill h o v o Fairfield Among tho fealuralurei: expanded coverbgo ol oroo clubs on Failirfieid fooluros on a vi/tdoI spoctrum s| of ■ ond muiie. conlemporary moiic rovlowi. o pphologrophy column ond sports, on odvonco look lo at Iho 764-2254 ^ addlllonol onierileriolnmeni ond people — ^wookond, otc. . ^ to rlo t.

>— r Coming M €6 M MONDAY MAARKET Continenintal "cBARFIELD' y b a:\SKET SERRVICE Along with oxpandod comics S ptfoplo pogo A/lOl)TEL 68 Tune Upss -T- ire Repair Telephonele Co. and AUNDRY Service Worlt-BarOilWi Chain Saww Files — Chain oftheWiVest ^ ^ WRAI\NGLER Mon.-Sal., 7:30a.m7: .-9p.m . :IVE-IN Fairfieli\d , ^ A ■ DRr Suniiu nday6-5 76^7 64-2612 / ALL inn Fairfield S ■——— A .il< 8 T im es-N ew s, Twin FallFalls, I d a h o ' T h u rsd ay . Augujausl27,l961 G n i fflefor'd retiiurns tt o m man ]play CASTLEFORD - For{‘or^ve Castleford's — ^ football team if It gets caucaught shorlhanded m The fo u rth - backfield ba( veteran Is several times foe notot having enough quarterback RaoccICC Pugm ire. a 5-11. 175- . players on the field. pound scnior whc#ho transferred from You sec. this fil maimarks Castleford's Hogermanayearag*ago and had to sit out the return to the conventionalinal ll-m an style of h' 1980 season, football. The Wolves went2nt 17-0 the past two ; “This year, theie kids have to gett Clark cited Pugniigmire’s intelligence as < seasons playing clght-m<-man football, but ^ one of his stronger;er traits. "That's a big lhe Snake River Conferer:rence forced them up for every )game. We’re not plusforus,"hesaid.id. to leave the league for theth< more crowded d playing Camaas or Carey this3 Defensively, th'ere’ire’s not much doubt that gridirons ofthe Magic Vail/alley Conference. W yfear. We’re JOIomia bave a toughI Owen will stand out as one of the better This significant ^ an gge e both1 excites and IIq iinebackersin the conference.con peiplexes Coach Randydy Clark and his g game every fViriday ni^ t.” “He reads (offenifenses) well," Jardine players: What excitcscs them is the u — CoJoach Randy Clark: said. "Vou've heardird it'a thousand times, challenge of playing, theiie more complex ^ but he has a rxisc forfo r^^ footbaU. And he and physical fprm of ththe sport. .What does like to hit people 'perp lex es them isVthe lack lac of depth the Lending O w » somiome help will be Dwight shift to 11-man autom aticalIcally causes. Rarlck.a6-I, l^poujnund Junior who was an "Wc used to have goodaod depthj-but w e . _____ all-state seiecClOn a yeary ago at defensive aren't going to have thatt anymai ore,” Clark — end. Because of ththe shift lo ll-man, said. "We cannot affordord to have any i^gg' Jardine said the coad s — . ‘‘Wc had some pretty idlin g staff had not yet injuries." :lly lough “ E very lirame we needed four or fiveIvc decided where Rarliarlck would play this nes.” Clark said — the contact i Technically. Castleford'srd's adJiKdncnt^o S ict doesn’t y ard s we coul(Hid go to Dave and he’d gett Itit season, le match that of 11-man. ll-m an won’t he too difficulcult. , w for us,” Ciarlark said, testifying to thelhe The Wolves also0 li look for junior Rick There’s just more traffic (in l "Wc changcd the offensensealilOebit,but in ll-m an 6-foot^), 185-poiMund senior's dependability.y. Volk, a 6-1.180-lb. tacklc.tac to help stabilize Ihall)." Jardine said. "You're it's not thal big of a changange." C lark said. i're gonna Joining E nsiLsunsa in the backfield Is Rob:ob thedefense. hit more. Instead - of a £ Blocicing assignments, tihe said, slay 1 60-yard Owen, a 5-10,10. 160-pounrt Junior who Is However. Castlefonford will be without one chdown run when you break th essentially the same. {the line, doubtlessly the lh squad's most physical:al of Its biggest and1 best b( stabilizing Influ- i'll gain maybe 15yards." As for the defense, assisidistant coach Hal player, ences in sdiool historytory — Ray G arrison, a This year, the kids have to get 'i Jardine admitted that 11-ll-man defenses e t'u p 'f o r "H e's not asis big a s Dave, but they don'tn 't 1980 graduate selectcfi:ted both lineman of lhe ry game.'’ Clark said. "We'! can be "more complex —- theretl a re many Ve’re not com e any tougugher." Clark said of Owen,m. year and all-state thehe pasti two years, /ing Camas or Carey this year, more things you can do,"" ssi u c h a s utilizing lar. We’re "H e and Dav(ive complement each other na have a tough game every I '«*■ ; Ca^leford’sschedulidule: zone alignments. Neverlh'rtheless, Jardine y Friday." verywell." said that the Wolves' defenrcnse will rem ain ut Castleford appears lo have'e eenough John Zamonira, a 5-9, iSO-pound senior,>r, D«ie oppocuta) fairly simple. nsive potency to meet the dialihallenge., probably is thetie fleetest runner. "H e giveses AUK-O...... stJenm eJV t ThcW«Wolves are blessed with four^'clAreterans us speed in the •M Sept.«...... 0»klcy* Clarlc emphasized that 1C backfield," C lark said. "H** Sepl. II ...... at to survive in in theirleir backfield, an asset which easeseas Ihe he gets outsid(Ide on you, you’re going to ...... Murt*u«b* ll-m an, his players must b( to sepl, IB...... Wfll»,Nev. t be m entally and transit:isilion, Clark isaid. have problems,IS.” Sept. 25...... emotionally prepared forr e;each'contest. If The 1C most celebrated memberir of c the To get the mimost oul of his rushing trio,lo Oel.3 ...... iNampaoirtuianIt?^) only because they’ll eendure more quartetie t is running back Dave Ensun5unsa.an Clark plans to ...... «l Kaftennan* punishment physically. to rotate them frequenUy, all-stattate selection the past two year'ears and particularly Owen, O' who doubles as a ...... sllIaoMn* Thouj^ eight-man wasn’isn’l totally pain- , the Wol a o c i .a ...... lU n m v e f A»olvcs' top ground gainer. linebackcr. ‘•MiRic Valley Coof.fltme.;me. : a stliEFORIDWO)LVES k—TY" ^ ------GO TE^M !i- ^ GO TEAAM GO! In THECORNEIIER MERC TO ALL ^ GOOD THE LUCK! ^ • Sporting GoochsIs TEAMS THE ^ • Hardware THIS • ' • A nd Much, Much SEASON ^ (gf W l TIMES. ch M oro ^ N E W S SOILBUILDERS;s ■ Sbs-J 222 East M ain 537-674151

"Good Luckc Wolves\ — < ■— < BEST OFF LUCK IN THE / coMirsINIG SEASON »SI I ^ BUCKK SEED CO.& ”V\ ------m BLICKTTRUCKIIfG INC. Ooll>oII)riporti X f l K / . COV(ov»rog«otlt( Pepsi-Colo BottI•ttling Co. THE 1 East Main r T w t - M * Twin Fall:ills Tl/lriMES-NEWS j B ^ e ^ ' 3 7 - 6 7 8 7 ■ I . ______i W i

T hursday, AuQijg u st 27.1981 T tm es-N ew'S. s.l Twin Fans. Idaho 9 clorhxOS nuim b w i t i i t t he s l z e - DECLO - I f s kl s kind of a new experience “ O urlineiine experience really com cs inn oc u r fo r Declo High CoachCos Mike M atthews this two guards,rds, both of them juniors. Tei'erry year. Laum b (140140) started al! our gam es plus pl When he looks o LS out across the practlcc played defdefense last year and MiMike field be secs 51 pla: players, which is good, but MartindalcUc (170)i started all of our gamimes, not m any of any realrei size. too.’’ "W c weren’t rea really big last year but I Mi fA It is thcle Ireceiving corps that brings think this is the sm; gs a sm allest we've been in my H “We’ve kkinda gotten used ^ smile to Mj atthews’ facc. He has junlinlor 11 years here," Ih ’ the coach says. “We’ve powering; past some peoplee out veteran CurCurtis Hanzel back at tight eend kJnda gotten used I cd to powering past some lir of oulside receivers in Tererry peopie but we’IFhav gar we’ll have'e to do it this year v have to do it this year with s (140) and B lair G am er (15(150). execution and deslrs ire ." W executionI andi desite.” H e also beli(Kslicves Denny Smeyer (150) Isais The Hornets havhave been contenders the -Coach Mike M a m'^heWS strong startlartlng candidate and transfisfcr p a st three o r fourour years in the usually Shawn Bakcc L " I f I had to sum ui whether they're playing qi tS'S n up the team I’d say wc ' quarterback o r 210-poi•ound tackle who played!d mostly Dat« OppodUolUOG definitely lack sizeIzc and 'experience bul not. They’ll te someplacelinthere.” in 1 jayveece football last year, and 205-pound20 Aur,a ...... aiAbcnJfc. Jfcn probably more in slz(size.” Kidd qualified for thci slatesl; lOO-mcter transfc5fer Mike Long, who didn’tI pplay last ...... Rafi KiveIver Explaining, Matthitthews said "the junior dash, putting him among>ng the lop A-3 season>n. Matthews cxpccts some(help he from ...... Kilrr:Irr' class has always be Wiekaa Coi pot anon 6 5 4 '- 4 2 9 1 6 5 4 - 7 3 0 1 6 5 4 - 2 6 6 1 P^psl BottI•ttling Company

10 Tim es-N ew s, Twin Falls,Fal ldah'> T hursday, Augiu g u st 27,1981 r undvill try to run as balanceda aas system and everythin armancc of year’s will1 beb balding menially,” Leaceach said. possible.” th< Jilng."L eachs^id^‘‘Bul past is a very realistic goa the coach said. ‘‘That is totali I think we can gelI a few wins under our goal," Lcach said. "I'veve heard Ihis is thc most cxpeiicperienced different thar "We’re nol even going I lan what they’ve been used1 tc belt soon and beforeore you know it, Flier g to think about grouplup of kids that’s been aroundI hchere for a so it will be G losing. But the kids need t Greek to them for the first fc\few football will once aga id to get thc right while,iie. But thc thing is that theyliey’ve all . weeks.” again bc on thc road to attitude about themselves respectability." ves - a winning piaywyed under a differcnl systemISO sc it will Not only wl altitude.” will Tudor have a strong grouj■oup F ollow ing th e gamjme e with Hansen. Flier e tim e to adapt to mine." of backs to g i' Filer.will get thal chance give the ball to, but hc can alsalso, attacks a conferenc■ence schedule of six ice Friday when it ^^Lca!cading the Wildcats wiil be«5 isecond- work close « opens with Hansen In Filer, with his receivers, who arc an straight foes. Fourr of those will be on the ler. Hanscn, which y earr quarterback g Randy Tudor (5-11,(S- 165, headed by tig rom ped over F iler 2M las light end Jay Reinke (6-4, 190190. ro ad . last season, is a Srj.1. Sr.). prime candidate for the Wl Fllcr’sschedulc: ! Wildcats to open »wilWith me trying lo put a new syslsyslem in, Don Davis ( the soason on a winning noti s (5-11, leo. Sr.) saw a co nsld- sid note, according to Tudorlor has been very impressiveive under erable amour Leach. lUnl o f time last season and anc O p^uoa thosec>c circumstances,” Lcach said,d. F rith can als(iso calch the ball when not ii ...... Han»«i "They killed us last yearear, but this year pjvcivc of F iler’s 24 players are cap; ...... al GoodinR* will be a different story,” t capablc of the backfield.d. Sfpl.ll ...... ,” thc cooch said. runninning thc boll, according to Lcachach. But for all ...... alDeelo* "Wc should be able to gett papost them, and If Last 11 practical purposes, thatt isii Sepl.lB...... Kimberly* asl year’s fullback and the "str■strongest where the deilepth stops. Leach has a few wc do. that could be thcc slstorL to thc top piaycr few oct.2 ...... alValIfy* /er on the team,” Jon Peterson•son (5-10, talented indlvlIvlduals, but none that can fill ...... WewJell* again, ll'sa very crucial gamgar e." irs, Sr Sr.) is bock along wllh topp nrunning oul a complete‘te squad. - ...... at Glenni Ferry’ F o r a changc,JFiler willill flfield a group of back< Doug D Frith (5-9, l60,_Sr.j. Othj O c i .a ...... Wooaniver ^Iher ball Jessie Jam(mes (G-2, 185, Sr.) is back; tcto ••CanyonCoBl.wrne.. O a k le y — •CooUouedfromPjJ Page 10 ..YVe-Vc’rc hoping that wc can use use those seniors spllttipiipgl4. past coupic of years,s. Hf esaid the Caldwell 1 senior has been snapping; thUST29th ^ I THIS; WWEEKS SPORTS EVENTS I FEATURIhMNG >ACME A complotd wrop up ol Fridoriday thigli tcliooU ovvnls plut o look at S Sal aiufdayi colle<)o MANUFACCTUhlNG CO., INC. ond Sunday 4 pro gamoi. SUPPPORTS THE STARTirJG 66 0 H ighw ay 30 Fllor SOILBUILDERS THIS SATURIJRDAY . 326-593 ^ FILER{WILDCATS A L IN THE TIMES-NS-NEWS ^ -----^ Thursday. AugAugust 27,1981 Times-News,vs. Twin Falls, Idafio 11 Shn=um aith e lnin fo r Glenin s F errye GLENNS FERRYRY - Veteran Coach ------Adamson, whcAfho was burned over 40 percenent Cecil Watson has given-theglv head football ofhisbodydurduring the summer, duties at Glenns F ernsrry High School to Paul "M yron Isis init Boise and is going to nec(fed Shrum , a 1972 gradualluateofthcschooi. ^4 skin g rafls."S" Shrum said. ‘‘He went lo kiciick Shrum , an Idaho) StState University grad- a g as can ouloul of the way of a brush f're ammd uate. played under• WiWatson In the early 70s t ." “It’s tough toto come bacic and ^di 0 the g as splashiishcd up on his leg and ignitedcd, and now finds himsimself returning to his He would havHave played som ep':cc Ir. the;he, hometown to coach.I. L this. There vwill be people wata t - line." •it’s tough to comc>mc back and do Ihis." P j ching and it i will add somin e B ruce Holulolubelz (5-11, 141, F r.) is a j said Shrum , who served sc as the Junior QM transfer (rom-om Meridian and will pla>ay varsity girls basketbetball coach last year.. r ■ pressure. I r«really didn’t plan oi someplace, according ac to Shrum, whileHe "T h ere will be peoplepie watching and It will this job, butt it worked out tbiiSIS Mike Adamsortson (5-9,146) is anotiier possi-SI- add some pressure.!. I11 really didn’t plan on . ble starter. RRudyui Castillo (5-7,130, Sr.) issa a this Job, but tl worked)edout thisw ay.’’ ^ way.” ensive and defensive backfield•Id ?he Pilots have‘ 31 players from the - Coach Paul Shrun.im freshman level and^ up.u| including just sFx ‘‘We’re oneie deep i and lhat's It." Shrumim seniors and four Juniciniors. and Shrum sees ------observed.“ WitWithout Howell and John, we'd!'d som e big problem s.. "We don'l have much be hurting." speed or size," he; sasaid. "Tho kids have ______ThePilolsha> have no proven runners in Ihche some quickness, but>ut no real speed and backfield, so■0 ShrumS said the-Pilots mayay ' w e’ve got som e off ItIhe smallest players feels f the Junior couldbe aboutibut 6-5 before he , is Ihe prorobable center, depend on passassing in 1981. "W e'll probablyIly I’ve overseen.” agraduates. "He’s got a size'.c I-H shoe and is "Kellyly gained some experiencece as a p ass Ihrec out>ut (of four downs this year,*' he M an" Shrum said. "He’s oneioflhose of said, One plus for Shrum S is junior growing." g the coach said. freshm ar q u arterback Joe RodRodriguez, a 5-10 15I* The Pilots plan to use a1 coicombination of guys thatlat loves football, bul you have hi lo Ron Beck,, aran assistant coach, heads upup pounder who rotateded at the posilion lasi double d tight end and doubouble wide re- get himll a litlle mad lo play. Johnhn is an thedefense. year. "Joe has aa ^great head on his ceivers. c Harley Riggs (6-1,■1, 165.I Sr.) has importansnl player for us, but he huhurl his "W e’re golnioing to be running a 5-2 andid shoulders and .will be plus. He played the been b moved from cenler lo} lijtight end while shoulderir in the second gam e last yezyear and som etim es m ma; aybe a 5-1 like the one Yogi'Ri ' point guard on last; year’syc (state champi- A A lbert G ehardt (6-i, 165. Sr.)'.) i:is a returning didn't get;et back until nearly the finalalgame. ( (Behrens) ranran-over at Wendell. It's Ihctie onship) basketball teiteam and can handle starler si at tight end. Eitherer cone could be We can’ln’t afford efther him or: HowellH Wendell defensiense,"Shrumsaid." himself."" deployedd a s a wide receiver,>r. fldepending on gettinghurt hi th isy ear." The rookieie 4-pounder. Is the wide this tt season would reailyy hamper1 the * said. "He^e’s all muscle, there isn't aan n 'ounce uci.ic ...... Kllrf■f receiver. Pilots*P line play. of fat onih h ls body.’’ Ocl.21 ...... fll Kimberly*y' Anderson h as "superper hands" and Shrum KeUy R l ^ , a $-1, 225-pounclund sophomore GlennsIS F erry will be wilhoul1 AM yron '-CnnyonConl.Rnr. Rnmra. R a f t IR i v e r >h i i g h m ea y g e t co f f t o aI s l o w ss t a r t

MALTA - Althoughugh Raft River's’ foot- ovec o' from last spring. For}r thatI reason. our succccess will depend on how ourir youngj quarterback.. HeH and Udy, anolher four-r . \ ball season opens thishis week, Coach Olani Coach C< Wallace will be wlthoithout a couple- linem en1 ccom c along. Wc have goodd sizes in y e a r letlermtan, an, will be .the heart of IhciC Wallace is looking forforward more toward three tt experienced playerss fnly Dan "We haven'tI't runr Jeff much In the past.” The pre-school portiortion of practice has m m uch been m arking tim e InI therience th e coach saidd "and " we may have to a littlee been hectic with a lotlot of< players gone and drills di without a lot of continuityuity. at runniniing back. The other Is thatit scniors m ore this yearcar. He's onc of our fasterr the county fair usursurping a lot of the Despite, all that, Wallacee sfsaid "I think quarterbaback Jeff Wallace is in hiss fourthf< people. We JustJSt don'li know how durable hee . players’ llmc. In addltIdltlon. R^ft R iver h as we’ll wi be competitive this yeor'ear more lhan varsity seasons< and last season hele com- is." an academic and behajhavior code that rules yearsyt past. We're a little shoshort In a few pleled 56S percentp of his passes. From a Ihro'irowing standpoint. Wallacee . extra clrrlcular ellglbglblllty aiid it carries positions, pc like running back;;k; and I think But Jeff Jc may not always. bY K.. CLARKEE S SEEED TIRE= A\G EN C Y Dally uncertainties. Irengththls IMl. Oiveritta "W e're iight years abeac A ua.a...... wad ofiast year," tioodlngah ...... he added. “We know what also boasts a competent crew!WOf i ...... ruei- lat to expecl jnore ^)e^ ite missing a year of action,ion, James' wide receivei th isy e a r." /ers, particularly seniors Br«3rad ...... tiO k m P m y * ential is such that four schoolsIs-Idaho. - Tinker aod1 Ricky Basterrechea. Tod ...... Wcoddl* One thing Cox cxpcctss Isis slrong perfor* Idatwlho State.‘Oregon and Weber £ rodd I S i'i :r State — Summers mans m; the tight end spot.t, a Od.2 VHkyT m ances from those manilanning the skill havet'e expressed interest In him . aci ...... Wood River according position lhatIt Basterrechea wiil also planJay Ort. 9 ...... •IKlmberty* positions - his offensiveve backs and rc> toCOx^ x . Ocl. I# ceiyers. occasionally...... Joinolnlng James in the backfieldJld wiii be C raig Higl . O rt.»...... A»oeric*or*U» 1^. a talented athlete Who wh •■CayooConf.gwae.>. 5 0 0 D O » N G iSENA'lTORS 0 x < — O rmrst 1 i - T IfOLO Goodiiling Livestock ‘T)wain c? Inteterstate. *BUILDING MATERIALS CE^ Bankik Comiimission Co. a% For All 'ifln Ite tewl p( GOC>oD r n "W e're B ehind- Your Building Materlarlals _ ^ an d H om e Im provem>ment Ite go(|oorf qms! emntiij" -> i uICK c m The Sentnotors" N eeds REALTOR SALEEEVERY FHIDAY GOODIDING -T'rwin Falls • Jeroi■ome tylel & Bill 9 3 4 -4 4 7 9 SENATJORS 8 4 3 1 ®Burley • Goodin 9 3 4 - 8 i l I'ng 2 0 6 Sth A ve. E. .— - Gooding----- ^ ------. ^ Phone 934-5322— D ^""^^GoodT1 Luck ■: Senatotors" r f i MEYER EBROS. HARDWI/VARE • 1 ALCORN w ishess fth e > S l l - "GOOD LUCKk Agelency. Inc. BEST SEAASON FROMBIGO" ------Sup,)portsThe------to thelie ■...... ■ Passenger, Goodiring Senators SEN ATCroRs Truck & Farm Tires 'Id a h o 'i Old«> Hardi■rdwaro Stor#'* PQpsI BottlingI C om pany fl'iV"i"i‘jAfea J14 538 Main1 934-4495,, 31 0 MAIN

U0U3I27.1981 '~ ’ Tim bs-N ewiVS. s. Twin Falls. Idaho 13 ..f ^ P m ii f e o p ftifn isiU c^ e3spitee lo ss i?es HAGERMAN-AfA Strong believer in thc llncbacking coicorps. "They're ^1 tough." importanceofmMtalItal preparation before a ' - ■ - said Ihe coach."di.~ ■ ■ ...... f^m o , H agerm an HigHigh School Coach Skip The ttfughesilest is Elliott, the Pirates'5' PatiJs insists that 7575 percent[ of success or “I’m an opt>ptim ist. I alw ays laoolc to tlie bright middle lincbacllackcr and probable defensivee faiiurc in football depends de on what hap- side. Eveniniflhaveabadtean im I always think captain. Elliottotl was responsible for no lesss pens between tticeorsors. we can win.'n . ” than 175 tacklekies last season, lio of thosee As for Paui iiimscliself. thc only thoughts . stops being soloiolojobs. that flow in his gray•ay matter are positive - CCoach l Skip Pauls Arriaga andnd junior Rick Claxton (6-0.), ones. Hc sees no reajreason why the Pirates ------195) areth eo>therlincbackcrs. th ( shouldn't improve on their I960 m ark of Roaming the secondary are Jenks andd 4-4. thti e P ira te s' All-State punter,er. Thc talented Anothether player learning a new' p[ he huge (G-2,240) junior "shows"sl a Jot of w hat Pai’auls calls an adcptness for•running n , A lion's snare•e ofo H agerm an’s reserves — bright side.” Pauls> sasaid, stating the obvi* ppromise,v according to Paul;auls. and is thc sweeps.s. f ’ ■ 15—arelreshmhmen. ous. "Even if_IJiavej/e a bad team 1 always_____-_only_non-senfor_starter_anq m Ithe offensive ...... - "Even thoughligh they might have the talent-it— think w e can'win." line. Troy' Brown (W). 155) will stislart at to face uppcrclirclassmen, you're asking ann Fortunately for Paul’auls. hc doesn't have a Hard-nosed Mike Elliott; (5(5-10. 170) ond quarterbrback for. the sccond straight sti awful lot," PauPauJs said. "These freshmenn bad team . J a im e L clja (5-10. 175) will'ill labor at the season,I. A sophomore last year,', IBrown may surprise:e ime, but Ihey’re not fun-i- H agerm an lost thre<]rce ail-state selections gguard spots. Elliott, perhapsips the Pirates' "learneded a Iol the h ard way.” Paulsluls said. dam eiitally stro;trong." to graduation: lincbjicbacker and running top defensive player. Is usedsd tto working in Howevercr. Brown has evidently abs3bsorbed Though Paulsmis believes that the confer-.. back E)oyle Owsley., ta"He’s quiet, but man. hehlts."(s.” thewaylylw anf’Paulssald. season, he mentioned r Oakley ' andi th e P ira te s will missIss "others who didn’t . Castleford ass ptprobable front-mnners. ThcD C enter Bob Johnson (5-10,),lG5),.a l( senior, ^ost ofo Hagerman's offensive sti makeit(all-state)but')ut were as good." »roundsout th e line. switch from eiglsight- to 11-man football won’lI , Nevertheless, enoenough "experienced will doububle on defense as well. Car.arieton, ^urt Castleford,ird. Pauls said, because thee • players rem ain for HsH agerm an to contcnd Summing up his backfieldeld candidates, Clifford1 anda M cFaddcn are slated as team " has good»d personnel." for the Magic Valleyley Conference crown. ' PPauls said they are "not*t bblessed with- though fifreshm an Greg Clifford, Bi Hagcrman-ss,’s schedule: The Pirates are blesscssed with 11 returning ^1blazing speed but are quick offthcball."off brother,*, (could challenge the vctcrai starters, who Pauls-uis- thinks could be M ike M cFaddcn (6-0. 175),?5), a split end playing:tlme. tl Date OppO^UOQa and tight end a year ago, moveoves to fullback Carlelo ...... at WendellII "stronger than anybod;Kxlyaround." !(on will also sec sutntantlal' "di y a i ...... sl CIcntui FcfTN’ Unlike m any loca!:a! teams. Hagerman j"in 1981. replacing Brett Arriaga, Ar who tackle, with w Brady N cldcr (6-1, 16165), a Sopt I I ...... :.... M artsy boasts a strong, expexperienced offensive bccomcs « a tailback. tight endnd on offense, at anotherr tacklet scpi.w...... -... KanHiver line. While speakingig .about them. Pauls ...... Mufi*uji;i. A rriaga (5-11. 165) averageaged 5 ^ yards spot. LeLclja. who made 60 unasjlassisted ...... »i Oakley slowlyshakeshishead:a d In wonder. pcp e r c a rry last season as a sopliophomore, and tackles aand helped out on 75 othersers. w ill...... fa.lleford- Manning one tackic:kle position is Brian PPi au ls hopes to allow him morelore chances to sta rt at ncnose guard...... aUlanseii* Clifford (&-2.175). whovho also happens to bc _nw ru the bail. P auls: Is quite satisfied wilhIlh his •■MaBirValicyConIConl.fiamrs. S e a s co n m a ^^ b e l o ni g f o r P>cck. i;3 P a n t ih e r s ------CAREY------T h e-1981-toot - ia ball-season------~ ------Wlthiapiayeryers. Peck .secs Ihe nuclcus of! could be a long one forfor {thc Carey Panthers “This kind of a situation is woiarse that tough nine kids lo carrycar Uie team. That meanss . and Coach Scott Peck.k. most o fth e playlayers will go bolh ways cach1 . Peck Issued a call1 fofor practice Monday onacoad).ItItliinlcrilludeinthelejockerroom.___------u_ -g a m e ------m orning — at.tHe crispisp hour of 6:30 a.m . — — Coalach Scott Peck ••We will needced lo bc physically fii. more and 13 bidders'answcswered his call. Peck _ ■______I ______than any othersr Iteam. Bul mosi of Ihc kids knew thc turnout woulduld be low this season, are farm boys.s. TThey're lough." Peck said, for he lost a large harhandful to graduation ImImprove on their 4-3 record lastast season. got, youJ 1 have .to go with ll." Peck:ck said "The kids wani wai to beat this thing, and1 iast spring. But Peckick says the quaillty “We're looking to Improveve this year's about hisils signal-caller. "But. he'ss game ^ they will." Peekcck said, ‘i can say for sure " ju st isn 't there.” nnrecord." Pock said. "Its thele oonly way lo , proven anand I know he can do thc job.Jb. Now we will slill haveiveawinning season." "This kind pf a sltuiItuation Is worse that look. loc Thc kids' attitude is right ri{ — they all we ha\lavc to do If find some reclevcsversto Carey's schcdijcdulc: ' tough on a coach," Pec?eck said. "I think rn waw ant to do th eir best. But it willwil definitely calch thcicball." I be a rebuilding season." OpfXXitlOQ hide In the locker room.im. be only a few practice sessions.: "We don’t have anyy sisize and I can’t think Rebuilding 1 partly becausc.se Peck W.1I IS. Peck Sept. II ...... at Korklurul e quarterback ‘shard prpressed to selecl a starting ]in...... alOarkCcHinlv second-year' coach sisaid following the mimidway through the 1980I season,s( will Rick Stcvew art (6-3. 175, Sr.) and1 j Andv oc''-I ...... al.VonhUem'lUncroJt'. team ’s first workout MoMonday. caicarry the load. O’Crowlcyey (6-2,180. J r . ) Mark Conradad (6-2, .; ...... KidiNcId ...... liocklunit Despite the roadblK)locks. Peck says hc ."Yes, putting a sophomorere into. a spot lG5.So.)stshould also see some actionno oi nlhc oci!™!...... C-ama»Counlv . h as faith in thc kids amand believes they can like lik< that is a risk. But, whenI th;that's all you cnd. . .'.-SawlooIliConf.itinWmc . ____ • 1 Trojans,s —------^

•Coatloued frofrom Page 12 tac[ackle Randy Thompson, l75-p<’5-poiAid soph- provide aa good( basis for thc defensiveVC unit.i Wallace antlclpIclpates lhat Castleford: re- believes the Trojansi hihave some "people omjmore ccnter Fred DarringtoIgton and re- Jeff Walla'lace and Udy have been f ixturlures In turning to the; leagueIc after a three-year ' 'who can catch the ball.ll.Thcyaren'tallreal 1 turturning junior Ryan Hill,.lSS. the seconcindary for the past three seaseasons • sabbatical forr cl^t-manc action’ Is- thc big and som e aren ’t vvery er fast but they can ■ ' ■- AAt th e outset the Trojans willvill be without and thc coachc expects thc qulckncsncss of team’to beat. "They've"Tl got Ihc speed and catch II." M5-pouiid sophomore Darrellill 1Black who Heaton, RodRi Jones and Wade Smithh ccould sizeUptakes to0 dod It. I think Oakley and Among'those is 5 ^ seniorser Rod Jones, 6-0 wa;vas injured in a saw accident.'nt. cutting his m ade thatat thc strongest part of thc clic lu b - Murtaugh a re going go to be lough. I know John Heaton and 5-11>-Il Wade Smith, a legeg above the knee. Wallaceace said th c at least eai!arly. M u rta u ^ doesn'tsn't have a lot of kids but as junior. stitstitches werc removed late lastlasl week and /ill be especially comfortingffwhon v long as Uicy havelye Nebeker, they have to be , Udy heads ihe runninning back corps with Bla31ack would join the club asIS soons os he . iMn won't have the pw ple thc coach "looking forar a running m ate who get:’Cts a m edical okay. > the Magicic Valley Conferencc seasonfstarts st « “ “"s®" with Murtaugh's Roy Ncb th(i throwlhgesl Icagijc Tn in .he : R-'lRlvcr’ssOschedule:- . Ohe candidate is 165-165-pound sophomore "So‘Some of these guys arc goinging to have to cou'd ^ • . Tod McGhie who Is onene of< the club's faster goJO Ibolh ways because we onlyy h;have 24 out. . _Dil« Oppcrttko aid Carl Bodin ap- Thcrhe ones we don'l use one way;-^ly; we'll try to The one < ...... '... Durleyjunlcn runners. Wallace said e d e fe ^ iv c spoU hat couldIp™ pi ™ . S ” ...... aiD ecIo- peared to have thc InsUusIde track-untli "he useise the othcr to get expcrienctsnce for next troublcMtn)me~ Is’ linebacker: Wallacee seesi sepi.ii...... Oakley missed practice to go9 to the fair and now yea'ear. But right now we've'e Ibeen con- some potcrlenlial there in John Zolllngcjger, a Sepi. i b ...... atJIageman* he’ll have to fight hisis v way back up if he cen:entrating on offense and we'll'11 gget to work four-year‘ Ictterman,I and John Battlericr. a g j'f ...... HanaW on>n tthe defense when wc get all ...... *-Mukr.VAlleyCoo(.i»f.8»me»:. . , ■ • ...... TImos-NewS. Twin Fallsalls, Idaho Thursday. Augu:oust 27.1981 Richjfield tcoachf f if r aireann* spco f RICHFIELD - Rlchflehfleld Coach Joe “ otherrunningbackspi:s p o t^ ______H cndiick^n Is ih a pbsltiisltibh any football" G a rr Ward (5-10..0. 180, Jr.) and Alan coach would want to tic in.n. ■ Davis (5-10,180. Sr.)r.) will standout In the He is coming off a winn'Inning season, he offensive line while‘ RcRon Norm an (5-10.210, lost oniy Ihrec l(ey players/ers to graduation Jf.- S r.) will go both ways,lys, playing tackle, Jast spring and most coadicchespickhisteam Two people new to the Richfield roster - r. (0 win the Sawtoothith C o nference. . c ' arc Panl Stlrton andid IDietrich High School HendricJcson himself saysys thei Tigers will'- “Our' team will de'finiUeyc l>e in transfer Kalen Robbinibins(&-l,180,Sr.). be strong, fuii of enthusiiuslasm and hard Ifl Stlrton (e-2. 195. SrSr.) has tried to play worIc and a re capable; oof winning the H the nuning — wiwe will be pain- football for the Tigersers the past two seasons • cifiht*man division. - -- fully strong.” but injuries have kepKept him on the bench, What else could a coachhaskfor? ai H — Coach JcToe Hendrickson . Two years ago he sufferedsuf a neck injury “ Well, right now we arere perfectlyp l^ p p y ■ during an early seasoiison practice and spent with the way things>s arc going." ■ the rest of the seasonm Inll traction. Last year Hendrickson said. “The! ki(kids are looking ■ Stlrton was sidelineded \with spinal menlngl- good and everything is1 st starting to take lis. ----- shape. II should be a dam nin g good season." 8 " H e 's looking realal ggood this year, I jusl '•« But then again, a losinising season Isn’t hope we can keep ai cleancl bill of hcalth on somclhing Hendrickson amand his assistant • _____ ; him," Hcndrickson salsaid. - lAiToy Johnson are used1 too.to In their six Robbins, who hasi pliplayed soccer with the years at Richfield, the Tigcrigors have never non-co■conference basis, bul Hendrndrickson considered by’ HendricksonI as onc ot theIC Blue Devils the pastst ttwo years, moved to • fallen below the .500 m ark.•k. However,1 each saldI it Is a must. ;^remlum backscsin the conference. Richfield during thee summer.si “He's never vear hasn't been outstandlnidlngellher. "i Iv, would love to bcatiUicm.’UicJiC-Sald. "He can do> a lot of things if he stays>s played football, but he'he's a big kid with a lot ' In 1980. Richfield fell twowo points short uf -P oir r yyears, they have b<»n bringing?inginall healthy." the coachc said aboul his 1380to ofabilily." whal Hcndrickson wouldd hhave callcd an these;e i kids from oul of town to play ph for all-conference; runningr back. "He is lheic T he m ain thing HemIcndrickson is worrying outstanding season. - themn and sometimes I questionlon their 'te a m leader." about now is w herei to put his players. He • We lost to Castlefordrd by1 two points honestcsty about doing It. I would eveniven.goto IfExonlsthcte team leader, he will h av eaa ' . adm its h e's got a taleialented bunch, but he's (14-12) — th a t's a heartbreibreaker," he said the poi[X)int of calling them unfair aboubout their strong unit to kay through the year. How-I. Oct.9...... ftockUod* Richfield opens wllh Cani^amas County in from t 11 Ocl. 16...... atC trey 1 a mediocre team to a confe)nference ever, Stacy willill play running back until'* Ocl.25...... Fairfield Sept. It in the ...... Cttiws Counly* :he first of two conlemendcr is running back Scoltolt Exon that tim e." Ocl.30...... Clark Counly* m cctines. The gam e willI be b< played on a (s-io.). 180,i Sr.) The third-year slar;tartcr is John Newbcrr:rry (5-9,155,Jr.)w ill fill thee •-Sa*1oothConf,BJme. Rules— Hudson's Ycb u r Idaho •Continued from Pagege4 < *No blockingg below the waist .iLtakes placc on the field. - outside th e freecblockingarea.The-- b: ...... Dick Stickle, executivek'c secrc- free blocking ararea is lhat zone lary of the Idaho lntersch(scholastic extending fromn tackle to tacklc Activities Association, emphiphasized along the line ofif sscrim m age and to to all those planning to corlcertify as a deplh of three; yardsyj on cach side, higli school officials thatt alall rule "While this secseems to be a defi- ■ changes are in the intcntcrcsl of nite dlsadvantagtage to the defense. m personal safety and protectioction. you must remicmber en it also prc- ■H e a d q u ta r t e r s Stickle said wilh the advadvcnl of vents the defenseISC (rom having onc >11 foiir defender throwK his: body into a slate playoffs In ail O ver 40 stjt y l c s f o r classificarions this all. the wedge of blockerkers. suchas .on an ."Kansas plan" playoff sysle:^Icm win end sweep, tostriftrip the interference M en, W om enI i& C h i l d r e n ^ be in effeci In.virtually all intra> and leave Ihe^t5 f ball carrier un* ADYROADRUNNER classification games.^'Howexwever. In protecled," Stickickle said. "It also FIRECRACKER . LAC WhlT«/r*d Poitoloi bluo/eloctric bluo gam es nol affecting confereierence or prevents tho defeefense from taking ^ROBBIE ROADRACER lavyblue/patielbluo classification races,! the tie- out the pitch manan (on an option) or chiChampogno/royol bluo LACADYOCiANlA breaker would have to be mumutually a wide receiver." No.yblu./ooldNo «al ■ blue/royal bluo . ' ' . Vhllo.'royolbluo fCOLUMBIA ' ROADRUNNER RC agreed to by both sides prior•iortothc. Stickle sald-th(th e blocking below • CURT cu CANVAS Eteeirleblu«/»liver Royal Rc blue/illvor Whil«/H. blu« • LA[ADYAAEADOW /„ game. the waist-penaltyIty must stem from ^ folrtube»ol«) OCEANIA O' BERMUDA WhVhilo/pctlol bluo ININTERNATIONALIST ' N< While an "Idaho'! piayofiyoff plan first contact bciniling in that area. If JlRoyal blue/w hlt« lAADY t BRUIN _ L, Novy,blu«/.whlI«____ ibovc the waist and sw alu«/voNow A Al U COURT currently Is in effcct, fanss wwill not. the conlact is-abo SWRfT . whl-hito/fod , - B(BOSTON. . WlWhite/bluo sec that.unless tics developlop In the the blocker thenn fallsf into the legs WhW hilo/w hiis ' WhlVhllo/notural . ^ ^W hile/dark blue . BRUIN BR CANVAS • • playoff of the defender,M ti hff penalty is not LIBERATOR LAtADY BLAZER ’ • n,DAYBREAK ..Whllo/blocfc ..-Wl classification races for p Pa»t«lbluft/whll* WhlVhlto/rod ineffect. ,___ Tan/oronga WIMilEDON W berths.- LADY LEATHER CORTEZ kURORA. AU iJ Whilo/lt. bluo rrla.wlll.bc^UJte ______-Whiia/bluowh ------Po* MEN'S LEATHERCORTEZ Stickie emphasized theJ9!!J9SJ rule Anolher cHleri adolbluo/bluo ...... ’ XVWiIlo/rod' •MEADOW: Ml changes continue the nanational m an lo be blockedced initiates contact LADY lAt YANKEE . Jlriuboiolo) (air f f WhUo/groon ■ Ll.blu«/gro/ BLA KYLON CORTEZ H association’s "real concern'■m'’ over with his hands or forearms, a ploy J LAZERCANVXS ' Novybluo/whilo BRUIN BR LEATHER ' SENORITA CORTEZ Whi/hilo/block ViYANKEE White/block Wl legal repercussions resultinpting frtm . th at will, force Uthe blocker down Whtt*/r*d . BLA LAZER LEATHER , IG , ray/block • • WfWhlio/notural injuries. He not^ In onele I14-day'' tow ard his legs. Exempted also . Blus/whltoeiui ' Whl/hlio/block ■ period eariicr this year. $1414 nmillion will be cases suchas su( in attem pt LADYlac AU COURT Whl'hllo/noiural whitd/bluo MAI in Judgements were leviedd a;against punt bh>cklng whwhen the defender whi lAKO < ■Whl(hlto m oih/nalural * spoffmOoods equipmentnt manu-i intentionally leaplaps into or over a faclurers, coachcs and schougu8t 27,1981 Times-Newa.W8,Twin Falls. Idaho 15 HanisencoiHMchfaccesexp^eriencire short HANSEN - EvEvery (earn strives for a ■ ■■ “ ■ H ansen’s’soffensive01 success, ______comblfiaUpn otiouyoutlund experience. With ------Four-piapiayers-will* occupy- thfr-hw>w> re------elghfteniore andid seven8 sophomores oa Its celving spols.spo Mike Nelson (6-l>/^. 155)3) and 21-mao roster, HaiHansen H i^ School appar- Doug Lars(arson (5-11,165) at tight end,.w \ ith ' ently has tlK beststcfbothw 0 orlds. ' G ene Denr«nney (5-4, 105) and Eddie! ^Will But that’s not thethecase. 5) sharing tbe duties at split enc!Dd. To be sure, tbele youlhy is there. But a s for _ A “Itbinkt[the thing we really:y h a v e g Urie in the backfield willill bc tbeexperleoce—V-w ell, let’s Just say that^ ^ to point ttowards is really’ build*ti y Junior fulibillback Travis Llerm an <5-11,.153) l . few of Hansen’si’s seniors tiaven’t led a o r taUback Bill Denney (5-7,123123). norma] atbletlccaicareer. ing the programp .. .;Iookiid n g t o lan is a transplanted flankerr iand Coach Rod PTueluett related lhat one senior get expelerience for our S sc O p n O - backup quaquarierback, while Denney sererved hasiTt p laj^ footlootball tjcfore, one'hasn’t m M mores’fuFurther developmenl.ntasabackun kupayearago. played sioce the)e elgtitb< grade and one infer (54, >56), a Junior halfba hasn’t played sincjinee his freshman year, — C o a c h R o d PlP r u e tt ilso receive substantial playaying “ We have somes acrazy things like that,” tim e. Pruett said. Defensivelively, Hansen suffers fromim a So tbe prepoodenderaoce of sophomores . defhtite lack lac of size. Pruett plansIS to and seniors doesn'tsn’t help Hansen as much . compensateate by using a six-man linele in- as It fibould. “Tl]'•This would be a good ______stead of' a five-man alignment, amcnong comblnatton.providivided we h ad experience, otiier adjust[ustmenls. but we don’t,” Prueruettsaid. layers on the ball-sti^ping s;side football coach. "I Irt theehem twist my arm “(1 The good-naturecired Pruett was quick to ‘(Urie's leadership) shows ii L^ng, tbe nose guard; Urie, uwho into doing it.” he Joked.I. BecauseB< be didn'l his; f' like that.” Pruett sal passer — "We bave to finfind somebody he Harrirrls (5-1I, 155), a a y to n Wall(alker 15-11, “ 5 ’ -...... tlOakkWey* A teacher at Haosiuisen for the past several c an ttirow to.” P n iett urged urj — and be 172) ; ...... CMtlrio*fort* > and Carl Adm ire (6-1. 23236) r a e ir SS:i!v;;;;.v.v. IMIl* years. P atentersers his first year as bead stands out as a genuhie teanearn leader. develelopment, Pruett said, will\ key '-MigkVAlleyi ...... HA\N SEfSITIUSSKIES ^ ..... DAVELEUWRENCE^INC. FORlcR FURNISHING,f “Go To0 fq REPEPAIRING OR ll” "Lots of REPIA'LACEMENTOF: Luck MiMlll-Barr TopSfiIS Soitom ConvoiM t Rstumf Bells Huskies Player Relocing Ferry-MiHorse Aulutomotlve ReloceloogtngonRollAra —RocIRocloonar Scroens Sprock«ti Seed CCo. DAWS "C"Get 'Em Sirow Sprooder .,'i -______-M ItorGoori...... IGASTORE Hi uskies"- 423-461681 309 H w y3b DAVEULAWRENCE, INC. H IG HIWAY W i 30 HANSEN r 4 2 3 -5 5 4 7 4123-5546 2 1 2 3 -4 8 1 7 . ' — " t > kONDAY "WeSSupport the Miller HiHonda fsRIDAY H u "©AlLRFIELD" 4uskies" PECIAL ig with expondsd SalesBS /ilOOKATWfWHATS icsBp«aplo pago|. H A P P E N IN G , W>-W HAT'S GOING ONSWKiV H A TS WHAT.,vy Hansesen Farmers LlL u c k "Good h for ouf now and oicponded(d IFridoy ^ 0 ioi.beginning nexi week whereere ,we’ii M V. ■ T j ElElevator Huskieies" , you ine belt weekend enteriaitloinmeni 0- m packogi 4 0 1 A/loin M l S tre e t N. Bge ovaliablo in lhe Magic Volley,'•V-. Ml “f l K C " ‘ Amoogig Ihe feefu/e*: expended cov^coverog'e 1 2 3 -5 2 4 1 of arooll3;’rfalW ' ' Thiliiaa/; AU|August 27.’t9ai><' J x i n dP s j o hbr: B u i ]f t d ^ a g r a i -JEROME------Jon JundI -is-is-thc-man-in------::------Palo-Robbins,. Andrewrewa,ajid.pob Thomas • onlrol at Jerom e High Schoohool this year. a re baiUing for Uie1C itackle spots. 'Dale • “ Jund was hired early in1 Ihthe sum m er lo Robbins and Schradeiider could be the dc- - )c thc school’s athletic dinnirector and foot- fensive ends. ball coach. His task is toI hibuild Jerome’s ' Beckkendam, Mink,nk. Bailey and sopho- entire athletic program. more Jeff Klinglcr arcart lisled by Jund as •The spring shake-up att the11 school re* i u potential linebackers.s. suited in Ihc school board hiringhir Jund and u f “There’s a lot to lcleam when you Jund has a-host of (defensive backfield Tim Oyler and W performers with PalPallcrson, Houlsma, • former athletic director TIi . ) and the kids toon leaving the 1 ^ ^ ) :switch (offenses) Diestelhorst, Palmer,er. Ostler, Peterson. football coach Mike Ericksoi fl program to go back to school.X)l. 4: arepiekingituppiDrettyfast.” Terry Payton, DaveNeNewman and Carroll. Jund is-no stranger to fhele fliagicfl VaIJcy. ' -C


Y " ■ ^ ((a PRE see:O T T &■ C R T U G ^ If You D rive A 3 MROCK ALTY H ard BargainI The Bic(Ig D ifference KIN(GS in m ^ SomJ eday You'llII . F o r A I I YY o u r In:nsurance W E 'R E WITHW D r i v e A Torrm Prescott ' V a r i e t y N e e d s Y O U T IIGERS G ~ ' L o*Roy R C raig, _ _ 634 So. UrLincoln CONPAULOSS "GOCOD LUCK 1 3 3 W . AM a i n JEROM)ME CHEVROLET JEROJV•ME 324-81n il 140 W ctI Mein ^ TICGERS" 734.65iS 324-54!= 4 3 4 1 ^ ^ — ------^ r o i c c F irst ROCK^CY'S i . - ^BUIIUILDINC MATERIALS CENTE4TERO S G iII r n t e r s t a t e MOUNTTAIN For All Ba]ank OCPAMTMCNT S' ^our B,uildlng M aterio FORTHE'VS F/ l y Y o r i o l s WINDGOWS an

...... ; . . . M ; I ' ' < v f' X i— — Thursday. Auo'UOUpia?.)MI' N8.Tw(n Fall?,.Idaho , K i i rnberljy tricis for » Coach Gordonn Hogaa, guided the our bluest nee^> wasi starters.rs. We like to play aggresslv>lve Bulldogs to an undcfdefeated regular season, H wo defense andId wwe hope we can do it early." ; f-'• a Canyon Conforencence title and a.berth In L for offensisive linemen and ■ Kevin Hol(Molcomb (6-6, 190, J r.), BlBill the sta te playoffsoffs before q loss lo West iL iiad two sstudents transfer* i n t o Nobles (6-2,•2, 160, Sr.) and Cari Raglanand Side squashed hopes>es for a state title, i m p r (6-0, 160, Sr.)>r.) are three returning player’ers T he losses from the 1980 Kimberly squad H the districict during the sumn liiTur at defensive.vc end, making the spot onc; cof will be felt, but thclitielr is hope in Kimberly W I learned ii about one in mid-JI-JUiy the stronge:igest. Nobles was an alloll- that the Bulldogs can repeat as.conference . ust a conference} dcdefensive end last year. champ. And nearlyriy every coach /n tbe I and the otother called me jus league feels Hogan’sn’s squad Is the team to I. few days tbefore practice. 1[ \ w a s Easl:asley (6-1, 170, Jr.) returnsi at a beat this fall. ^ ■ ticidedpin]nk about it.” defensive tadtacklc after earning all-Canyo:/on "W e’d like to have hav a shot at It (the honors a yearcar ago. Cox is like to sta rt: ata . conference title).”” H Hogan said last week - Coach Gordon Hoi'Ogan the other tacl

4 2 3 - 5 4 4 1

^ ...... — gi)st'27,’l'98l , Minii! c d m layers. including som e in gam e preparation. Secon i accurate arm in practice thisis irmonth. tow ard a five-re-man front now but adds *ond, the single JSSteTe Tracy has thc good size bencfic sophomores brouf^t^It up to th e varsity. TTils wing Is an offense designedId f(for ball control ^ leficlalto "thlslsexacUyJy the type of defensive team quarterback, hc doesn’t havi ist y e a r we have the 48I vareityva players plus 53 and clock wasting If necessar lave the I like. Uttlc, quickq people who Just bust , runninging ability a single wing tailbackack must past the big: linemenI and get into thehe sophomores. Wc thinkink it Is a great start.” A single wing team can e: n execute a play possessiss. Junior Dave Garro will'111 back backficld to me:less things up.” Minlco’sschedule:»: perfectly and only get four:our yards. But, T racyy up i at quartertuck and he more “We think w we’ve got a very good de-le- OwwltkB with all Its two-on-one blockijcking. It Is very closelyIy fitsi the sln^e wing tailbackIt mold.m fensive unit rigight now and Halverson still difficult to keep It from a ti III Au*.j8 ...... «l61stwp Kelly a thrcc or. four- Whilellle a lot of all this will be! newnc to has most of thette guys on offense. He’s fouru r Sep«.4...... « l Burley yard gain. Minico,:o, there’s nothing InexperUerlcnced and five deep) at£ every position while we ...... Pocildlo* On the other hand, MInUllnico's physical aboutI the tl coaching staff. Halversonrson and a re n 't two deepsp at all positions,” Bowman ...... atDolM makeup seem s to lend Itself!lf t>, SkyUoe* relies on deceit, quicknessless and brush Bill Bo\Sowman and Je rry Ennis, bothK)th pre- “This seniorr bunch b had g reat success as O c l.9 ...... / ...... »iH)*hl»nd* • blocking. The Spartans aiare relatively vious hoadhi coaches a t Wood Riverfcr High ninth graders> ati the two junior highs,” o d .1 8 ...... :...... BooaevUle* 'small but possess excellcnllcnt quickness. School,)I, will be handling the defense,ise. Both Bowman said,1. “They’re competitors, ’ k, o c t.a ...... *1 Biacklooi* They have several players tir ^ O cl.»...... Idaho FalU’ > tim ed in thc 4.C a re excixcited about thc potential theyy fiifind on think they’re dedicateddi and I think theyiy •^SUteCoof.B*ra«.*.

-AAtNlrcosiPART ANS“ V " Phone 43G-315'Ia ' IDAHO I i t-MRIDAY ^ ^ M O D E-E] IR N POW ER I SPECIAL ^ F A R M EEO tJlPM ENT I A W>OK a t w/HATS h ; M HAPPENING. WH/IHATS T | « | A h hh ' . . G O IN G O N& w/HAT'S h ; A l levino i I “ WF ch tor our now ond expanded Fr k 1 * 0 U S , C a m e r Spocialclal boglnnino noxi wook whoro s E p iipm ent i - bringig youy tno be»i wookond ontortainnolnmonl g% poeko£kago ovoiloblo In iho Mogtc Volley. onQ lha looiurei: expanded coveiavorogo UI.A U s Inc.C aroo «lob* and . muVJe, eontompo .r Inc. I ' S upport th e SpS partans .ie review*, a photography column^ ‘Jfan'5 GKNOINEC REPAIR PARTS I ID . 43<1 3 6 -3 1 9 1 ^ llllonal onlorlolnmoni and people- poc ♦ EXPERTT SHOP SERVICE JjfiWVc li C baij^iijf Tbc ‘Vfay,by A m crica Sleeps/ R upert. lot. r i r j S V —^ I GRIEERS TRUC: k a n d j l j ^ \ AV«\ WRAP-UP OF I \ THIS WEIWEEKS SPORTS AUTOD PARTS EVENTS I SK C h e e r s tht h e S p a r ta n s FEATURINING . . yUATWi;^ O n To'o V ic tc r y ! Atompleio wropup of Fridoydoy’shigh tchooli SPORTSII PLUS ■ event* plut o look at Solu;aiurdoy \ college in«------Hwy.-;.-27rP oul------arid Sunda/i pro go met. — ~Fortho”Sports’PlurboSp - lUMKT - • DUSTMC pago dobuts Sopt. 3.boxrA-spoctol— ------_ M * WOll*THUTWG 4 3 8B - 4 7 4 2 STARTING!G foaturos on a wido3. i It will hovo 16-4428 THIS SATURCRDAY sports, an odvoncoo I spoctrum ol ANSWfl «3«-SM0 JOON.SMI. « 1 3 look at tho ;-NEWS.

T h u rsd ay , AuquiQust27.1981 Timos-News.5. TwinT Falls. Idaho 19 Mui r t a : U £g h ^ O T lowifnriiurinbers - MURTAUGH-I— M urtau^’s first chance (oscrimmagccom«mcs tomorrow night when ' guard becai■cause he is tbe top candidatetc to it plays UieValleyley Vikings. lead interfeirference on swee^ and outsitside That’s becauscX CoachC Jim Aiyic.rm nnd ______plavs. ___ assIsfanTtaVcreB=e'BcnneTrEave(5ii^R^ Freshmia an n Toin (lOuch. HO p o u iid^ul ^ l T ” D evils cn the footlwtbali leanj. And only one get the cenle:nlershot. ofth o se, B arry MMessner, e is a senior, K ------GraduatloiItion took a talented corpss of "W e're real inexnexperlenccd and although “I guess \we won’t] be ablele to receivers; bubut Anderson finds potentialal in w e’re a little Wgg(gger than last year it stilj H F suipriseai latthews, .6-1. 170 sophomoilore, will take tim e for foi these young kids lo ’ myone because I thi!Wnk 2 L Slatthews, 5-11, 160-pound Jiinicnior. respond to what>t theyt should," said An- ' ■ i everydneeexpects us to be preretty andArlonEcI Earl. 5-6.140-pound junior, ; dc-son. ■ ^ goodthisy((rear, anyway.” I “ We shoul)ould be prelly good on defensese." However, Anderierson Isn’t ready to lake 'Last year we started two sophpho- - th e crying towel out yet. Coach Jim Anders d a freshman in the secondary: '■Obviously,” hehe; said with a smile, “we g . ■ - they shouldId 1know whal they're doing th can ’t afford anyy injuries.ii We're relying y ear. Mostist of the kids returning this th . heavily on the junllunior class. Eight of the season play«layed defense lasl year so10 I *. players are juniorliors. Most of them saw , suppose we’re we' most experienced de- d some action last3t year.but} 9 verali they fensively.” seem ed pretty coni rontcnt lo let the seniors The questi'Mtion on how a 15-man leai•am play. We had 11 ,se.seniors last year. But I ball. This despite the fact:t MMurtaugh has 42 quarts :es brings another sm ile to An- Ai ; t h l ^ thc Juniors; a rcr a little m ore serious rterback. ready to begin 1 students In Its upper fourur grades,i evenly seasoi ice. and dedicated nowIOW lhat they know they son as thc Devil starter. Nebi divided between boys andd gigirls. could ght side of our offensive Iinline have most of the res]responsibility.'’ Id well show up at other posit "T his Junior class (withth eeight boys) will th e U left side of the line on defenstise. Bennett said nellneither he nor the Red fact he proved him self on have to carry us this yearear and next. The fastes scrimmage in practice, wwe ; Devils are under-'- oio r overwhelmed by tlie est A-4 players in last spring' seventh grade has 13 boys/& Iiin it and they're track tl lo one side or the olher anand fact only four subsijbstitutes will be on the k sprints has lo make the o] all football players. In two twc years they’ll worry gels used to playing his pos;DSl- bench In optimum1 COconditions. ry about m ore than his throw: h av e to pick up from thisa JuniorJu class and ty. S s "N one of these classes,cla when they were we'll have to play a lot>t ofo freshmen, I Mes: y, we have lo consider this asa in Junior high, was'as used to playing witb cssner is described as the < suppose. But after that, thishis year’s seventh footba ison for next year when we'll bbe m o re than 12. Juust st one on the bench,” Jail player wilh a great under grade class will be carryliTying us," Hulse andsa I senior team," Anderson saidlid. Bennett said. "For!'or the past two years savvy for the gam e plus good said. "No,” he answeredred the obvious tools ' SDo?^t i M urtaugh’s;h’sschedule: we've only had 10I kidskic playing Junior high i 'to make it all work. E question about possible movnoveouts, "these surprli fM tball <- and we'vef’ve won two gam es each rlsed to see him throw (he baiball once in otta are kids whose parents haveave been here and a whiii OlvnitMUoo year. We played withI'ith 10 and nine but when liie although most of the timeme he'll bc Au^^28...... Vallcjlicy will be here.” taking wegotdownto eight,5ht, we decided to call off ighandoffsor passes from NelNebeker...... Kfmbcrljrrly So while the future of ol football at In th ...... alCMllcford'ird* thc la st couple of gan-^mes lastyear." the line Murtaugh has a pairIlr of( junior J ...... M urtaugh apparently is safesaf( for the next tackles ...... Oakley'ey- Superintendent Florin Fli Hulse, who has les in Russ Riggs and H u ^ HuHurd, both sepi.zs...... sbc seasons, thc problemn atal hand is this about 2 ...... alilajttnnaa'ao' served as head coaclach a couple of tim es in 1 210 although not overly tall,Ill, and (he oei. 2 ...... alllatxen'cn* fall. gu ard s his 27-year tenuree aat Murtaugh, negates ds are Todd Crossman and a Joe ...... Ran fllver-e f The Red Devils are not toottoothless. Nelson ...... alWfndcllIcll any talk about tumlirning to eight-man foot- jn, both about 180. Crossmanlansfarted They have Junior Royoy Nebeker at. at ceni ...... al Mackay'ay snter last y ear but will bec Itried at . ••MaicVaii'^colyConf.Ramn.

' 'URTAUJGH "RED IC“ ______L~ — > DEVIILS" ]) (H iB i l e 1981 M(/lODELS r=INA a ClLOS;e o iUTS MONEY DCOWN . . . NCIO PAYMENJTS UNTIL rNOVEMBEF:r 1981

R G /1 ? C A n RCA l@l I? W 25” - llw H H I I l I I I XL-L -1 0 0 n X1 about playing Richfieldleld, but I ca n 't count he's faccd with could couldlid top it all off. geclnnir ning of the school year.'' scnior — Blakecc Klnghom (5-8, ISO, Sr.) — on lhat since it’s Just1 hehearsay.” the coach Only four kids have ever pla played compcti- ^ue'sle's enthusiasm seems to coni:ontinuc will head a ph;)hysically small line in the'® said; "If anybody outt ththere can squeeze us tivc football before and theyley |played under it,rough( ghout the squad, giving BomJond 13 trenches, in.-we'Ilplay ’em." 11-man circumstances. . u playersrs who have a strong desire to istart "Theseniors)s will deflnctely hold the keyy Shoshone's schedule.le. "Like I said. It’s going g, running and passing, for us this year,ir," Bond said. ’T m going to0 everything year. I don't thirS n 'k r o ^ u lld S .'■'Hll'.I’t;s too early too say how we’re goinggoli to count on their’ lcleadership and their abilityy OppodUoo ...... Cucideat Ektlte or recovery arc strong enou;loujh words tor i,utat by the looks of their enthusilusiasm to keep things gcgoing on this team." Scpl.28 ...... this situation.” Bond said. “Evoijlhlngwo“E and soir ver, won’t help Shoshone for_ O ct.4...... Cambrldseil Meridian pirit, wc can't go too wrong.”."B I o n d Webb, howevc ^ Oct.9 ...... «l Glenn* Fetry do this y ear will be new. EverIvorylhlnEwodo sai,j "These kids are hungry to play next weekk or two. Thc'senlor back^ Oct. 18 ...... alN')rtt)C«m(tUneran> this year will be aimed at theholuluro." I football.ill." separated his slshoulder during a practicee o c t.» ...... CanuM Counly iHOSH10NE INDI/^NS ——X I, Indians” "B‘Best of Luck' "Good Luckq: TTeam !" f Luck ^ I - iTY ^ "Lots of - M organ's Irsl HARRELL THHORNE Indianms" BCOSTON CAF REAL estTATE; 8 J £ ubcIi S e ccurily iFarm s - Ranches2S - Honnes FROSSTY Friday Night Horroll Thorno, Brokoror . 886-2071 FIshSmorggsbord . A n n W ils o n , S a lo s . ., .5 . 3 6 - 2 4 1 7 Sunday Smorgasbord, B (an k (W o n d o ll) ISLEE ^ O pon 6 A.M. to 9P JW!; . of Ideoho,N.A. 3 p 6 S. Cherry S h o sh o n e Service for 117 Years 22212 Roll St. N. Shoshoh o n o . ombar FOIC 8 8 6 - 1 1 1 2 103 S. BirchI 886-2239 lOSHONE J >— Coming >— MONIMVY "Good Luck Indians"In MIKE'E'S 'GARFIELD'yf CftClig'l^addeh COLD.D ' Along with oxpondod comIc> £ pooplo pago Re>^ V '\1 415 N. Greenwood.)d. Shoshone ll; ^ t ) 8865-2589 8 8 6 -7 6 7 Popsi Bottling CoiCompany ^ ^ ^ ^ T w l n F ^

•* T h u rsd ay , Augujg u st 27.1981 T lm es-New'9 s, , 1Twin Falls, Idaho 21 Vai;l l e y - h ila sb igg ^ l t n e~ t o ^ < o rk w EDEN — Forrest•est Fonnesbeck and the V jkings bllterJy remem em ber the final gam e defensive lineline while Black, Garcia, Zclleiter. Taylor and of the 1980 season.n. Valloy\ High lost a big nd Douglas are lisled as a ‘ linebackers. E ^ — icjiLaalsrttcraLa. s. Escobedo and Henry head upu| l.aJ2.*30-lrlpUi-ovcrUT,i^«S “We’re all [ ■ the secondaryary. ■ loss to Prairlo High Hl| In Ihe A-3 s l a l e ^ ''^ Ul masochistic enou]ugh that if we bad playoffs. to, we’d likeliii to get in that poiosition once again Defense plaplays an important role for an'm y Nearly a year later.lat It’s not easy for ^ to exMrieiience the state play ‘ team , but Vail/alley m ay depend on it early'in ii Fonnesbeck to lalkIk aboula the sour experi- lyoffs. We hope toI theyear. “WeWe hope the defense can e a rnrry us In the early ence yet makingg thc: playoffs is the push lor thithe conference title.’ irly part and giveiis some timim e for Ihe offensiense lo develop. Wc should b getgc In that position oncc ; group has some good hiltenjrs again to experience'ice'thc stale playoffs.” ______but not greatlat mobility and the secondarjiry the nlnth-ycar skippeiipersaid. should be soum)und,” Fonnesbeck said, : Fonnesbeckck picks Kimberly os a Ihrealtal Valley put togetherher a 7-2 roguiar season this I season. iast year and took >. H arralI ((M,207,( Sr.) and Steve Green tackle several teamsTIS Ihaving thc ability lo be neara r m ay assert himself more sowhe h gains some spot. Hahartal and Green's size may Kim berly. • - r lay m o k e___ th eto p ^ respect and we keep ouroptio,itionsopcn,” the- - Valley's's line the biggest In the leagui f-— G raduation took a lihoavy loll In Valley’s ‘ ^ c c h s a i d . ■ • gue- ’ "K im beriyy ifis well-coachcd and loaded,d . offensive backficld. s Lonnielie Zeller (5-11, I75, Jr.) Is1 a poten- _VaIIey has gr 1. saving only starting •Fortunately for Fonncsbfisbeck,.. he-has tlal star great size and a' roturningIR quarterback Gary T< Qrter-at tight end while Harlarral or backfield and Taylor (6-i, 178, J r .j...... pperhaps the b iK esI line durituring his tenure another nd Declo always finds some-e- and reserve halfback ir Interior lineman could be« movedi thing." he said. jck Jamie Garcia (M, a t Valley and the men up frontfroi could give to the sp< aid. “F lier has o good group of 170, S r.) for the comini ;pol, according to Fonnesbeck ling campaign. t]th e rest of the offense soisome lime to RoyEi kids and if thoyhoy get the right attitude. Iheyiy Fonnesbeck plans to Escobedo (5-10.140, Sr.) willIII iw one can put il togetl s to give G arcia a solid develop. d The Ulah Stale gradirade is counting of th e w gelhcr. Wendell has Rod Hegi.li. look a t one of thc half! wide receivers while Art■I Henry who is Just a gr< lalfback spots since his oon It. (5-11,135 greal player.” theory Is to “give thh c e, guys who have paid 35, Sr.) could be Ihe olhor. John Reed (5^, 195, Jr.)) returnsrc as Ihe "Roy I as been In the state playoffs their dues” the firstirst opportunity at a si / has good hands and spec*K®d and "Valley lias fs startin g center while Gary SearsScj (6^, 202.- H enry •is is a go<^/sound football pUBlavor '• ‘li= foifour years and I believe theIC starting spot. -S r.).w ill sta rt ato n e lackie...... Fonnesbc:beck-sald.-Vallcy lost-KcntK i c V ------™s-fccl-wo.pij play-protty-good foolball,” D avid Van Zahte (W(W,TM,SrJandBrad "G ary Is a quick lineman an Black (5-10, 165, Sr.) i 1 and he's comc calf, a Ioj:op wide receiver, lo graduatloItlon Fonncsbccksaiisaid. "We hope to push for Ihele .) a re also going to be in in about lO pounds lighter tharhan iast year.” "We w ilie.” tested In the backficld.Id. . .. F will try to balance the offense of conference title Fonnesbeck said.-'He’s a tearicam leader and betweenn thet pass and.tho run,” the m D anny Douglas (5-1[5-10, 160, Soph.J and motivating m faclor for Ihe line Valloyssohcihcdulc; Marlin Mussman (5-n line. John went disclosed,id. *‘We will o perate from muZZTo 5-11, 155, Soph.) could down d< to camp at Utah Slatete vwllh me and sets so th also be backfield perfor‘formers. h( the olher team has lo defensense the d»i« Oppoiltloao h c learned a lot. H e's developtloped and is an entire flcfield and we plan lo use “Finding a runningIg bback greup that can ex « some AUR.2JI...... alMuft#ujUiil excellent snapper for us.” motion in ...... IlflMcnn execute the offense wilwith speed and conll- in the backfield.” ...... Outside of the two starters,rs. FonnesbeckI Fonncsl ...... at WhkJcN*I* nulty Is Important,” Foi JSbeck secs the experienc•ncc of ^11! ...... Fonnesbeck said. doesn’t dc have m any experienceineed players lo T aylor a ...... GlcnruFcrry* Since the second gansam e of his freshm an • pj. a plus In helping the restI o of th e . gllBV.V.'.'.V.'.V.V,...... alCoodlDR* pick from. Fred Sorensen (6-0, (&< 173, S r.), backfield. • season, Taylor has bcc&een Valley’s starting R« Id develop. Ocl.2 ...... Filer* Rex Schw artz (5-10, 191, jJr.) r .j and Todd Many o ...... nlC)eclo’ quarterback He hasIS good range when Bi of Valley's players will EO go bolh ...... B uschhom (5-9, 155. Jr.) are battlingI for ways. Sororensen. Van Zante. Scars,, GreenG ...... Kimberly* passing and may bccom» m e more of a runner th thi e two open guard positions ...... Oakleyy 9ns while Jim and Harrirrai are likely lo play in In the •■CanyooConfcrcncrcnccRnme*.

i/ALLEiYHIG ^HSCI:h o o i

/" ✓ ' P V a lle y CASHH ^* W ickes3 ^ Agrioultun A u to0 P a rts GROCE!ERY ^ B estVW ish es hikings "Go3 Valley "G o o d Ll-uck “Gi -s We’re BtBehind You lo Vikings All the V ikingss \ " Go”. eWayl" H a z e l t oon r V ariety z e l t o n H a z e i t o nri r Edelen 825-5332 ^ H a z e l t oo i n , I d a h o — < 6y ...... Qkeak\ C onidcla ' B e a n Gi r o w e r o W areh o ujs : e s supports ththe Vikings Beans & Pc’eas , ^M T arehei> u se A s s 'n . “GoodJ ILucl<” • Plants att '' g7 0 0 d Lu(ic k V a lUl e y ! " - , - ' 829-5■5984 H a z e i t o nI Hazelelton jyiurtaugh - Po» n u l H a z etiton l 829-5481I Twin Falls 7 3 3 - 7 1 3 4

—A. -A.

22 T im es-N ow a, Twin Falls,Is, IdahoI Thursday./^ugusi;15127. IM I TrofianssitfiH in ~develI l u p t nl e n t s ]ttage WENDELL — A youngmg reporter aboul 7 ^ ..i ankle — one of seveeven Trojans lo break a six rcct tall and weightighing 170 pounds , - _ bongayparngQ. ■ w alked into Wendell Highigh School's locker room during football practlactice recenlly. Among Wendell'sill's candidates for the A member of the teateam noticed the offensive line aree gguards Gary Lafferty reporter. “ Arc you a senlienlor?” the player 1 (5-9, MO) and Mikee StarrySl (6^. 160), center asked hopefully. . Rulon Hunsakcr (5-n, (5- 160) and tackles Myron Williams (&■(6-3, 175), Paul Clocca T he p layer's commenlIt sisuggests lhat the ■ “The kids have; goti exceptional Trojans lack size andi oexperience. This (6-2,220) and Bob RuRuth (5^, 185). assum ption becomes a facifad upon listening spirit tbis year,, imore spirit and (0 C oa^ Frank Stevens. heart than any■ igroi 9 I’ve had De/enslveJy, Stevitevens laccs the ua- enviable lask of trying tr> lo replacc eight In evaluating Wendell’lell’s 1981 squad, zd here.” starters. To compcnpcnsate, he plans to Stevens made obscrvatioitions like "We're fl — C oach;h Frank Stevens changc up on opponetinents from lime lo time. going to be smal! and inexpexperienced on the line" and-"Our defensiveve isecondary Isn’t ‘ big or experienced this yeai'ca r." J i - ,, - -W e’ll throw muluultiple dGfenscs a t them,* so people won't knowlow exactly w here we’re Slovens realistically terms ten this season .J going to be.V Slever!vens said. Wendell will ' as a developmenl stage fonfortheTroJans. ------use six-, five- andi fofour-man lines “so the linebackers a ren 'tt gogoing lobe in onepiacc "As far as being any kindIndofcontender— , all the time." we won't be. W e're still building our is. They were all mine for lhr«(ircc days. (5-11, 190). lh(the Canyon Conference's top program here. I wantnt Uiat known," s enabled them lo cat, drink andani sleep , rusher lasl yei/ear. The senior tailback has,a s Improving the defdefensive secondary is Stevens said. Iball." : I as the sayingg jgoes, all the tools - speed, quickness, sinirength and adeptness in thc one of Stevens’ t t^> priorities.pr "We had the Nevertheless, the Troja•ojans rem ain en* ^>s s ia result, said Stevens, "TheIC kkids arc opentleld.. ballthrownonusalotI lot last year," he said...... thusiasticabout the'upcomi)mingseason. J"®”rc -, unified that tifty have beerw e n f o r a — • . As for the Canyanyon Conference race, longtiglim e.” How many i "The kids have gol excexceptional spirit _ . egi Stevens predicts Kim{imberly and VallQ^ to his w as a tactic Stevens leamee thc ones carrying the load ...... Valley* engaged in extremely strenrenuous two-a-day easierler.” Stevenssa!d. Sepl. II ...... iiGooeUca* drills. th isy ear.” Sepl.lS...... Klmbeny ------I f 'gamesg indeed bccome casieisier, the- - Od 2 ...... tlG k o u F e n y Stevens did this " to gel:l tlithem In the high TrojanJans should Improve last yeaiy'car's ‘2-7 Rounding onout the backfield is seniorlo r ...... ■IFUei* O ct 11...... M urtusb altitude, get them goodd fifood, get them rccord quarterback DDavid Trounson (5-10, ISO), Od 23 ...... »l Declo* away from Mom and Dad,;id, aw ay from the Mosllost of Stevens' hopes lie with RoRodHcgi who missed lastl£ season wilh a brokenc n *-CuytMCoat.cames. » WEN!DELL1 TROJ>ANS

r ' ' ' £

W e n j I e U _ MEL'! > a r S n ^ t \S im i * 1 5 w e M iw f ■ 9 Clothling forthek M A RKKETS ------Inn Who>le Family Wencidell ~rke,Fjaeieiul&eif TIRE S^ORIK E " G o o d Luck Team " S T O R E S IN TOWN 5 3 6-22 4 0 7 536-646^>5 5336-5811 Wend(dell —— ^ < > — — "Good LuckkTrojdnS'"' r ' w T klA L L 'S ^

m X ^ H A RIDWAHE D STORES * »SI TO ALL ^ GOOD ^g'fouim jo* off Occasions)ns THE LUCK! c For your TELEFLORIS'1ST 4 9 7 TEAMS t h e r S. Idaho W y T I W l E S - N eeds SEASON ^ ■ ^ N E W S Call 536-5642 W e n dlell * 536-6458 Pepsi B o H ltn g CC om pany 24 HOUR SERVICE T w in FoiPalls ' / > — — ThursdayiAuiAugu8V27,iMl Tim es-Nowiws s, Twin Fans, Idaho 23 Wo>od“Riivere:ixpecitsbettter SKreasorn r HAILEY - Iff HaileyH had a television station and i( thereirc was a commercial on it "W e need^ a lot of work down in the11 ver High foolball, Coach trenches, we could loss some ball gam es‘Sin 'ould say: ‘'This could be thal area,'’'’ liHopkins said. “But I'm real:ally lh e y e a r." tr. im pressedI wiwith Ihc linebackers. Reynokolds Afler five mediicdiocrc seasons and lO and Roehl anare lhe best p air I’ve had sincnee straleh t losses to Buhl and Jerome, V '.K; “We haven’n’t beaten Buhl c«|. I've got here.re." Hopkins reels 1981Ml will reward his team .. “ If we canan overcome a few things, w■e’ll e’ withasucccssfulI season.scj jjlU Jerom e sincice I got here fivi v e bo OK. • 11 s n o t lhal WoodK>d River has been deep In JW years ago. E Each year we keeJep 'Tho mostost significant fact about th{Ihis lhe dumps cachh ;year, 11 has always ser, so this could beb team is lhallal they are not moaners ansnd hovered aroundI IheI .500 ■ mark. But groancrs andand they are lhe most unlfieled HopklnsJstirodwftx'fbeingaveragd. lim e f've had Most important in lad h e re ,;; Hopkins said. "Mosost t in Hopkins' eyes is the ^ " ■ 5 —C■Coach John Hopkin,WS ...... of Ihem a rec d( dedicalcd and want to pay th' South Central Ida) the Idaho Conference race," - price to win.'in. And somewhere along thi -w here th e Wolves5 hahave finished last every the . line, I bclelvelive the ’Grcdt Football God h year he has headed U :in !d the team. the Sky’ rewaiwards hard workers, This ma' “ Wc haven’t beat I iay at Buhl or Jcrome'since I betheyear wewegctpaidbif.’’ got here five yearcars ago," Hopkins, a Universityofldahojlo^graduatjc, said, '^ a c h ------i------______Meanwhile,le, Hopkins said 1981 could beb e .]. year we keep gct'inj'ing closer, sTlhTs could" the year the Wolverines switch frorr)m .twthoyear.” anda he's got the recievcrscrs he wants to ...... amount- ____ _ „ afternoon gam!ames lo nighl ones. After yearsirs it of action and a group of projromlsing ^f trying lo p “ But even Hopkinsins adm its il will be an work with," Hopkins said. "W"We have some sophomcTiores. 0 put lights over Ihe footballall uphill batllc. WithJ ononly 19 players coming talented “ poople who can catchItch the ball. We ' field, poles arta rc being put in Ihis week andnd oul and after losingslg several key members should throw the ball al leascast 15 times a . ”rocy:y Reynolds (5-9,155, Sr.) will*111 be Iho' Uie o lK lrlcal:al structuresI should be addedcd off the 1980 seasonon to graduation, oncc gam S' e—no less than 12." top ballII carrier< with with Tony Roehichl(5-n, bylh0Scpl.40|4opcncrwilhWcndalI. again the Wolverinesnes m l^t have lo settle „ . 185, Sr.),■.). T racy Farrow (5-9,150., Jr.)Ji and "We've wan John Montgomery (5-H,.160, 16 Sr.) and Dennis A k-antcd lights for a long llmc.ic. . foranaveragcseasonson. ClChance Bothoff (5-11, 165, Sr.] i McGonigal {5-9, 155, Sr.) cxiexpected., . but the moneyncy has been alloted lo olherer Sr.) will be the «ie hcloIp counter tbe Wolverines' p ‘r ,"Wo lost some super su kids last year, main m targets for Drusscl. "Both of them M tn T ' passing areas. We will wi: get lights this year - m any of them in the thi skilled positions," arare good, excellent reclcvenicrs." Hopkins hopefully," Hopkins Ho said. /‘The poles arere said Hopkins. “ Aridid also> wc are down In sasaid. have overall good strengthth in the h e re a n d il’sjU!ijuslamaltcroftlme." numbers. But all iss mnot lost, we can come backficidsld, with seven good backs c£ e project will cost $15,000 andId Helping lo take the prcssi out on lop.wiOialitUe;tleJuck." essure off the of runninling the ball,’' Hopkins said. w lllp'XozS’! 20 candlepower units.' rccievlng landem will be llg In order lo be successful si this year, ^ light end Lee the bcsl>l crop of running backs I’vL m W oodRlvor’sJr’sschedule: ~ Hopkins will lakcadvi R itzau (6-3, 195, J r.). As a sophomore, since I've idvantagc of his passing „ ve been here. I would say quicuickncss Dite tools, headed by secoiKTond-year quarterback Rilzau led the leam In passs catchinga and is a good i ...... OwwJtioo00------d word for (hem,'’ Scpl.4 ...... WcrxirllNl Zane D russel (5-10, les165, Sr.). yardage gained. ScpMI ...... With t:the exception of Reynolds ...... at Jffomc'p' Drusscl has a talealenlcd group of pass iRounding out what Hopkins ^ )lds and .Sfpi.m...... DfcloiJIcmKitt' rccievers to work witii ins considers a Roehl phplaying llncbacker, Wood RiRiver is ...... al .Mountain Home*I.' . . vith and should connect babalanced offense, with the exccxceplionoflhc "hurting* on them for big plays-I'S — and possibly wins. Iln lg’’ at the olher positions. ThThe Ilne ...... atGoodiriKIK Ilne, Is a group of running; bt backs. Wood is considc I- ^ "ZanewiJlbeabigi Idcrably small and doesn't pc ...... ilg plus for us this year R Hi iv er h as four backs who will/ill see a large ovcrpowc ; possess {ktiziii',’.','.', ...... al Kilcr;r #erlng speed. •SCICConf.Knmw >OD^RIIVER "^WOL"rVEiWfMES'O

" W i n ! . . " G o W oolverines!" l W o l v e r i n e r r ^ ZZA moBmss^ BA\RN Tiooris I of 7>vt \V«..VV .M.Meltvery Servica 220 EAST AVIVE.N. lAaln St. of Socond KETCHUMIM GlacobbISquiiq u a re — K o tc h u m K etchum 10 6 N .Mlain a • H ailey I 0 3 S .MM O oln'-'Haiioy 7 2 6 -3 4 9 :7 Mon.-i.-Sot. 9*6 • Sun. 10-6 788-'1-9977 A > — ■ - "G oodI ILuck "GOTEAIUM ! " ^SIERMAUIO WolVer e r in e s ! " w^ S. ixrT. ‘ROSIm \

M O U ^NTAIN " B E A T 'E M W E S UJPPORT f AmUNCtSTOKS. MCOnrOHATIWES SUNLLANES WO3LVERINES!" T HHE W O O D 9 E. BullionI St.£ ,109 S. M ain D R I V E R South1 AM ain "WOLVEIERINESI' BELLEVEVUE HAILEY Haiioy- 7 8 8 -4 4 1 4 2 3 6 0 788-2892 11 E. Bullion Hailey

-24 TlmBS-News; Twlnf^lls,lls.'ldaho Thursday.'Augustiat27;i98i J JL V repeaat trj^, Jfac

Media, icoaches igalshojpeainroutennetscrcown tab BSD againin * POCATELLO) - The doorm at of M ike} M achurek (6-2,210, Sr.) is to go to If needed. Simonsns is a lefty Soph.) joinsi CorpC< a t flanker and is __ BOISE — In a presea lonference nol long the on-the•thc-fleld force behind ISU's; who originally wenl. to Oregon pretty muchb untestedu at tbe posl- poll, coaches and me tate Is a definite potent papassing attack. Last year’ . State^JCoettec-ls Jn his3 fifth fl year tlon after moving n from the members have picked B< ^auongerfortl..the league tlUe In Machurekirek ied the Big Sky in total and started at quarteitaiback a few quarterbacktp pc o st. State toVep^tastheBIg; , offensei w ith 2,329 yards, making! gamesduringhlssopbomomoreyear. Lamar Fiteite (6-1. 196. J r .) and Conferencc champion. . ■ Coach Dave Kragthorpe.Kj is the blmtbcNie No. 2player in th% Division1 Since aU a re seniors KnK ragthorpe Dwain Wilson» n (5-11. 170. S r.) are The Broncos received ” m iracle w orkerr aiaod his version of i -a a total>tal8. has rechilted two fresbmiimen. Mike the t<^ tailbacbacks. Fite Is a better first place votes and 281i^ po i n t s th e Brtgham Youioung passing gam e The San Sa Diego City College: Busch(.6^,l&S)orHuron.fn, S.D..aod blodcer, butI bolhbc wm probably be In thc media poll whUes Idl ^ h as Pocatello natilaUves drooling for transfer>r liIs a dropback passer whoI Don Hom (fr3. 200) o fr Torrance.T . going out off thethi b t o d d t o catch was a close second with a Big Sky crownn Inll just hlB second wlUseldoiIdom scram ble; Calif. Both. KragthorpeI feels,fe< have passes. first place voles and 271n litotal season. • “ H isn: records x tm d stats q>eak for' the potential to be goodKlBigSlgr RIckAmbrostrosi (5-il, 198, S r.) and points. ___ Tbc veteran cocoadi bas had to themsclvelives," Kragthorpe said, quarteitacks. ' M lkeSharp(&(&0K, i 205. Jr.) a re the In thc coaches poll,'• BSUE rem ind the previoi/lously trampled on “Mike hachad a knee injury during the Oncc you put tbe ballI in the air. fullback candimdldates. Sharp' Is a g athered five first placee volesvc Pocalello boosteriters that his re- offseason,wn. blit It wasn't much more you better have somebodytdy to catch transfer fromim Pasadena (Calif.) and 46 points while Idaho'"wss \ building programam Is planned .for than thoho kneecap becoming dis* it. Rod C M ds (6-1. 208., SlSr.) is tbe City CoUeges anda started to show sccond w llh two votes foror firstf o r four years. ye But a 6-5 located.I. It'sI moved back to thc starting tight end andI cicaught 411 talenl duringIg the final weeks of .'a n d 40 points. season In 1980 aftafter an O-ll y e a r ,, proper piplace. They did have to' passes for641 y ards and1 Uthree TDs spring drills,i. is’, backers looking', scope theh e Iknee, but they didn't find year. C hris ISU bos aI depthde problem In thie M«Ua*- I. DolH S iite a iiL2. IIidtbo has Ihe Bengals’. to lead the Big Sky last y a 271. 3, Id&toSUtoZtT. 'i Nov»da-lKia-Reno forlhel6p. any bigg problems. p Mike is at 100 Corp (6-4,176, S D l s a f lflanker a i wHo offensive line,ie. Dan Taylor (6-3'/{t, 231, 5. MmiUm Stile 166, «: NortNorthern To a m an, ever:'cry olher coacb in • percent.”t.” ...... had 26 receptions lastt yyear and 260, J r .) andIAmicBaglcy(6-2,265, Ar Ariuna 131.7,’Weber sute Tt,,8. 8.1 Moo- the league Is waryary of ISU’s .abilily . Althougl}ugh he will bc the starter, figures lo do even better'thlsfall. th Jr.) are the toptO] tackles while Jim lanaM. ly. They rate-the’ Machureirek is not alone at , .Sr.) is a Lane (6-2>/^, 237,23: Jr.) Is the proba- CoKiMi - I. B0U« SlSlC 4C. 22. idiholl • to score quickly. Je rry Bird (6^, 190,.£ 40. 3. NsvAda-Reno 39.4. MonlanaIM stale£ ‘ Bengals a big^'^i:^real to win the quarterbarback. Dirk Koeltcr (6-1'^, “steady" splil end andI willw likely ble ccnter. SteveS tc Anderson (6-2'/^, 30. S. Idaho SUIeSi. 6. NorthernlArtiona Art title, something5 ISUI hasn’t done 190, Sr.)'.) and Keith Simons (64, start while Charles ‘JRJR ' Ewing 240, S r.), Ken:n BaconB (6-2,2SS, Jr.), 21.7. Wcbcr state J I. •. Moniaw•» #. sincc Iheloop’sInitial Inl cam paign in 182, S3r.) r.] are reserves lhat (6-2, l86,Sr.)isapotenUalJal big play . • I 1963. Kragthorplorpe said he won’t hraitate receiver: John Dean (6^), (i 179, ... .• S e e BENENGALSPagoSa * .Thureday,^ui^uou9f^,1S8l .,Tjmes-Hews9WS, Twiqfalls, |daho.2S ^ V a nIcfa/jTia f d v idrite\if Hoibart\OK MOSCOW- KneTi ielnjurics can I------Wally Jones (5-11, 185, do ill a player's carccirecr as well as 35. J r.) to play. H e's gol1 4.44. speed.”, Lewisis for Ihc starting spols missed two games with an S. deduct from fhe succcj:cess a football m ankle Tom Coombs (6(6 -1; 230. Sr.) and DavitchItch said. injury last fall, but h as 4.2 speedsp in ‘John F o rtner (6-3, team has. ^3,220. J r.) arelw o Cartrl McBride,f a veteran defend-d- thc 40 and could bc a big gainliner for good tight ends. Knee Injuries hoveve been a big • J j ll cr, is5 gogone from the secondary andid the Vandals. John Buren (5-1M l, 197, P ete O'Brien gl faclor at the Universiirsity of Idaho . gives thc Vandals Davitchtch has eight players he feelsIs Jr.)" is a transfer who carrie•ied jusl ono of thc lop pla< durlnR the past few' mmonths sincc > JU alacekickers in lhe can fillill Ihe I four spots. Kelly Miller•r one in the spring gam e for 19 spring foolball. 19 yards BSC while Davltc'itch plans lo hold (6-1, 189, I8‘ Sr.) and Boyce, Bailey before twisling an ankle. y Last year’s startingig quarterbackq "th c world Iryoulouts” In hopes of (6-1. 184. 184 Soph.) appear 16 be the The offensive line is anchor e Ken Hobart (6-1, 190,0, Jr.)J and his lored by. finding a punier.. 0O’Brien could-cnd top safetjfelies. Icfl guani Sieve Seman (6-2 backup, M ark Vigil, susuffered knee J-2. 256, up also handling[thosechores. th ,. . . Jr.), whom Daviicii /eels iho's depth situation is vasfJy injuries within 45 mlnuinutes of each s coUJd ' The Jdflho delei■fense yielded 20.7 , y sta rt for any m ajor college tcj 5ved. : ------other during one spring'Ing workout.-- leam In—points-and'3S5 yarwrds-a-game last •'"Prove. 1the country. Seman has5 been year and Davitch Both had to have surgery.sur Vigil - ch Is hoping those >-]n the th past when somebody suffered a staph infect[ection and fi- switched from tackle. "He’ie's one figures will bc lowlowered enough to went out y tough human being,” the c oul. Ihe second kid was ligtiiI nally won a battle thatlat inearly cost coach make thc Vandals,lls. 4-3 and lied for y e a rs av said.sail “There is no tougher away from being ready to3 ^ ier kid second in the leaguIgue In 1980, a title Jia y and him his life. He was SOI^ured by the JH anyplace." contender. and som elim es our first kid1 experience and talkedced about not light years from playing." returning to Idaho thithis fall. He Craig Thomas (6-2. 235.5. Jr.) “Our defense is 1looking forward D avilcip ______givi ch said while laughing. -But1 evidently changcd hisIs mindn and is ' *------gives the Vandals one of their'Irbesl to tho challenge."J." Davitch said, we’redec cen deeper now. With a lilile luck back In camp. centers in years while Tony/ (Cotla "W e've gol somi»me real-for-roal wo can 1 ((^1 in be a very good foolballI Hobart has always (6-1, 240. Sr.) had a good sj:spring football players con!omingback." jgan, ij, 3ys had thc and 1 hope and pray Ken Hobart starling role and will b and thc fifth-year playei'er is Kevin Auxler (G-;1G -I.235.jr.)and }s lod pe 11 be Ihc Van- guijje iho offense,ol one player will exp perceni. If he Is. wo'll tjo dais’ quarterback unles expected to be the starter atit righl1 Randy Rexroad (6-:(6-:}. 2:50. J r.) arc jougli." ilcss his knco - TerfjTty Idler.'Thc powerful gua doesn't hold up. ?uard. the probably tacklekle starters while ... . ru n n ers aveiveraged 7.1 yards per B B: ruce Fery (6-*. 250. Sr.).) is a juniof-collegetransln sftr Paul Griffin *“ 2ho10 copens wilh Simon Fraser' "T he doctors say Ken Kt will be c a rry last1 fall,ti the top per carry thir fine," Coach Je rry Davit hird-year starter al right tatackle (6-0.22«.Jr.)lsthenlenoseguard. KiKibbio Dome Sept. 5 and ivi ch said. average Inti1 the league. He finished whlliVhlle Dave Frohnen (6-3,240. Hobart guided Idaho’iho’s v w ro f- w ith95rushe 0. J r.) D avitch said Jayly IHayes (6-6.230. ‘ravelss t(to Hawaii Sepl, 26 for a ihes for 678 yards. 'haslas been moved from the defenensive Sr.) is Ihe best play fense to a successful seci. 17...... ;iiMonimuKialn;!'cl.2< ...... NfVfldj.|icoo.l:.ti)i- two players who havee J(joined the surgery. If hi f he’s back healthy, the greaireat spring. When he decidecled lo Shawn Jackson (6-(6-2, 215, Soph.) iSI:’, ' ...... ,alIda}io.Slfllciil:;wi- professional football rankanks. Vandals shoulOUld have a potent 1-2 play, ...... alNorthemArKOnaiBi.iui- lay. nobody can keep up with(ihlm I and Larry While I6-;(6-2. 215. Soph.) Nov!i!| While Hoban may be back to backfield puniunch. and I ...... lloiip.SialriHMiii* nd last spring he m ust’ve declicided will , be pushing MiM errim an and •■BiBSKywiyKamc».AIIiime*Mouoialn

Bengallls ------— - BroncCOS—— rCoatlnuedlRimPags:ige2S graduating fnfrom a Denver-high playcayers include Reggie Chaprr iman •Continued from all conlcni school, is expe bc a problem ries.3. WeV> have five lo seven pcopi]Q]e both a throw er .and a loam InIn IIhc nation lasl year. "W e’ve brought in 10 ojr r l11 junior except Kraglho[horpe is confident in on our team that absolutely canan't the program.” Criner s collegc tran sfer playersIto tb help us Uiepeoplehehahas. . do withA'lthOUt.’’ Klcna. although big Iiuffled the schedule to tlwh accomodate out. but we w ant to get toD wlwhere we Dave Walserc r (G-3.- 205. Sr.) led ISU5U opens Sept. 12 in th the ability to run with lie BSU's youth situation, J l "We wantedted a good, lough team to a re m ostly a freshm an situsiluation.” the team in sac:acks and may bc the Minidnidome against Easter and has a strongere r arm m an ■><• nnriti irly ." he said. "We feel he said. "W e do have somiome depth leader while JoiJohn Olivia (6-1. 205, Washirshington before m aking the triirip Allolti. “Wc can do sc\several things ?amc Is very critical for problems and we’ll haveave to be Jr.) Is a "outstitstandlng junior col- to BoisJoisc S tate to visit the Broncocos with thc passing gair as thcy take Ihe first step lucky as far as injuries go."0 ." lege transfer"” , from Los Angeles the following foil week in ihe conferfpr- couldn’t even attem pt ISU’s graduation lossess fromfr the Valley Commurlunlty College. They ence2 opener.op Criner said. "We hope£ ‘loI T ro i°fh c Inglhctradilion." defense were greater andid bbccausc could bc thc sta st rte rs a t the two bail quite a bit. Wc of lh at. K ragthorpe has six junior outside lincbackiickcrspots. Idahclaho State's schcdule; adjusting of thc offen lalc’sschedulc: college transfers who will wi see On th c inside,de. Bill Snapp (5-10. _ , have the ability lobe outstanding."oul Data OppottUoo extensive duty. Anotherier thnjc 200, J r .) bringsngs 4.6 speed while SL, „ 0(iIwtUas.TI» 12...... Kulrn)WuhlnxionO;JO irom Barrieau (64.22, 220.-Jr.)-and |^!'»- ...... «<> NofinwesJcmdj.iSiaie 17:001 players are coming offf nredshlrt Lem Galeal (6^[6^, 226, Soph.) Is a s ^ u' s 9 V ...... at BotieSiale 17:00)'»)• D arren Corpus (6-0,220, ...... RIwdetftandi7:00i 2o,soph.)are ...... ldahoSla1e<7;OOi‘ seasons and should help boisMister the transfer from1 theI University of sepi.»2 6...... , «)<• thc top prospects fortor replacing sepi.2s ...... NenhmiArltMM[7;n)' ...... Northern Arlttnai7;OOj* defense. Six defensive stariiartersare Utah and was’as a redshlrt last • ?! Hughes’ at fullback.c. Both aro «>«« ;>...... alMonlana Jr.), Phil King (S4, P 16C Jr.iand. K S r;;;;;; " not play (ootball last seasonison after nerback while otlother top secont/ary ftSky rtamn. All lime* Mouniain...... atlilahoil;3]|* M ark Schaal (5-10,195.;6. Soph.) arc ••DIuSkyKameiimet. All times Mouniain. 26 T lm q ^9 W 3 . Tft'iO FaHs;;lcij I Thursday, Augusi ST Fieated racic e c o u B iinclude S) to 9 teamm s, :h a m p io nI Raiders Im ay evefiil rriiss plaayoffs

NEWYORK(UPI)-Th along three others which coulduld break I the No. 1 pick from1 Oklahoma, C with runninglg b backs Chuck Muncic, through. I dccided to play in Car'anada, and Mike Thomasnas, John C:appclletti In th e E ast, Buffalo, thenc cdefend- I anolher when star llnebaibackcrJack and No. I : d draft cholcc J&mes Ing champion, and New' EnglandEi ;l Ham suffered a brokenten hand in Brooks of Aubttubum. B^t Jefferson Is seem to be the powers, with wi the ■H g)^ J pre-season. But the talerient is there the man who:tio std k es fear Into the New York Jets and BalBaltimore ? and the Steelers shouldId bei able to heart of defenlenses and the road to major question marks, Miami i. -' make a run. , the Super Bowl Bo' m ay be a little ** seems to be on a downwanvard slide Clevelazid also c am fi '•iitlnihln sec- bum pier wlthoithout him. and Coach Don Shula couldild need a m^rn ’wk-- '• onds of earning a trip) tot( the title Oakland cam cai e lo life In the year or two to rebuild the DolDolphins. > 7 gam e, bowing to Oakl£kland on a second halfr olof the. season under The Central Division raccice should g. Jk \ interception in the endI zone« in the rejuvcnlalcdid q u arterback Jim be between Cleveland, theJie defen- . I playoffs. Quarterback BrianB Slpc Plunkett andd stormst ed to ils second diiig champion, and Pitlsiittsburgh. r^;V. I (4,132yards, 30 touchdowown passes) Super Bowl championship.chi A hung should start malm aking a m F W-' , I Is back to lead Coa7oach Sam ju ry in ownevner AI Davis’ suit move back up the standingsIgs iafter a H l l M l j l P l k I Rutigllano’s hlgh-powercered attack against the NFl^JFL will keep th e leam few dismal years and Houston Hi I Which brought the Browriwns an 11-5 In Oakland again ag this year and could start toslide. I record last year. may providejsomestabllily. so And in the West, the SupeijperBowl ■ . I The problem is onm defense, Defensive back bi Ted Watts of champion Raiders, who won wc the a jk Q k - I where Cleveland rankedid last1 in the T cxas Tech ancand tackle Curt M arsh NFL title last season a fterr windingw I AFC, and the two top drafiraft choices, of Washingtonlon are the top new- up as a wild card entryry In: the ” cornerback Hanford Dixon £ of comers to a basically veteran playoffs, will duel SanI D .. Southern Mississippi a nnd d 'end M ike team , mighty offensive machineinc once f Robinson of Arizona, coulcluld start. KAnMn cifynty finished 8-8 last more for domination. Kansansas City I Ciodnnati closed stnstrong last season but coucould be hard-pressed could play a big role if Coachach Marv I y ear to finish 6-10 aflerer a llsmal to matbhOlt ununlers lhe Chiefs' of- * Levy can produce an offei(fense lo start and(could be ready,dy to move fense comes} araround. Quarterback match his defense and it1 afappears , up. The key Is the health h of Steve F uller‘ willwl m iss m uch of the that D enver and Seattle willill fighti jt quartertiack Kenny Andciderson and early going afleralt minor knee sur- oul to avoid the cellar. the progress of the two top rookies, gery. The hcqxi(q>c3 are that rookie ffere’s the way Ihe AFCFC raccs ' W? wide rcccivcrs David VVerser o( tight ends Wil Willie Scolt of South «•C shape up: 2 ' Kansas and Cris CollinsInsworth of Carolina andtd ]M arvin H arvey of Florida. Southern MlssiiIssisslppl and running EAST ■. The defense, led by ender Eddie back Joe Dels)c1aney of Northwest The BlUs won.thc AFC E; 'BS * Edwards, looks solid up fnfront. Louisiana Stateatecanheipaunitthat 11-5 last year and barelyy nmissed B ffir' -Iff, Houston, fired populajliar Coach was last inI Itthe league in tolal out on making il lo Ihe titleJegam j e, t Bum Phillips on New Ye;Year’s Eve olfenselast&a^ a so n and next to last - losing to San Diego in the! lastlaj twT? - I and replaced-hlm withh assistant-3 in passing. minules. No AFC E ast club clul has ' K fr I E d Biles In an effort to produce Denver, undfjider new Coach Dan repeated as bhampion in thithe Iasi . SB m ore discipline. But Bile:lies was hit Reeves, hasIS - quarterback - pro- Hve years but wllh quartciirtcrback 5ig£!T^ -V3M by quarterback Ken Stablcr’sI bfcms. Veteranran Craig Morton, now Joe Ferguson and runninging back abrupt retirement and the th O ilers 38. Is the quartjarterback by default ense and iiriT ^rti • Joe Cribbs keying Ihe offens • UPI ‘— ^could take a big plunge fnfrom Iheir and Matt Robiiobinson, wbo cosl the nose tackle Fred Smerlas'las and . 11-5 finish last season. Bil<3iles got no Broncos two} first-roundfl picks a linebacker Jim Haslett spa help from the draft, slncccc Houslon year ago, mayay not even m ake the the defense, the best in the Plunkett lead the Raidersers to ano^er title? traded Its first two picks.I. . team , lasi season, the Bills couldd beb< In a Earl Campbell comcsc s off the solid position. The Jets are thebe mystery team of a top defeIcfenslve lineman in Donnell sccond best season In NIFL F l history Seattle fellll..apart_iast s season, ------The big question mark-foror CCoach— the'AFCrTHey-crcould be serious TbompsorisonofNorthCarolliia. T ' ' ■ (1,934 yards) but he car:an't do It finishing. 4-12,12, and Coach Jack Chuck Knox is at fullback.k. No.1 I contenders or theyUey could very well Obedi AAriri of Clemson should alone. ; Pateri will liytry to pul the pieces draft pick Booker Moore of Penn flop a s they didI inin Ihelr 4-12 finish lake overver the kicking and tacklc together again.iln. Q uarterback. J im i'.. - State w as to fill the voidi bibut he last season; Thee keyk on offense is (Bandy vavan Divler of'Wa^lngton WEST ' Zom must reboiibound after a dlscoal came down with a nerve ailmcIment In lhe health o( widede receiver Wesley alsacoulduld start. SsD Diego Is the pre-se-seeson fa- year. Top draflIfl pick| Kenny E asl^ Ihc off'season and wil! bei ouout for Walker. If he canm go,{ the combina- Miaminl (could be hard pressed to ■ ' vorlte to lake TBe AFC: titleI but ol UCLA looksa 111Ilke a sure starter in i Ihe y ear. TTiat leaves holdcoldovers tlon of Walker* and a Lam Jones . duplicateItc last season's 8-8 finish. that'sif All-Pro wide ns»i\xjiver John th e defensive: bibackffeld but No. 2 . Curtis Brown and Roland Hoollooks. could be dcvastallritlng.' T he Dolf>olphins will be without Jefferson decides to play. pU Jef- pick David Hugllughes of Boise State « New Eng1«D(l suffered a nmajor Coach Walt'MIcMichaels will have quarterbarback Bob Gricsc, who rc- ferson, who caught 82 ppasses a for has hardly lookeoked like the cure toa loss this sum m er when' stalar r tight more offensivee firepower -for - tired In1 JuJune, and Shula will again 1,340 yards and iS T D slastast season, , ploddingninnlngling gam e. end Russ Francis, coming; oloff his quarterback Richichard Todd with go wilhI youngyo David Woodley, who best year, suddenly decide:ldcd Jo„ th e addition of running back was erratT a tlc as a rookie. Veteran retire. New England has: superb'su F reem an McNeil,ill, the No. 1 draft runningg Iback Delvin Williams S e a t t l e talent but the P alrlbls blewV fofour of choice, and thei return r of Ralph claims hehe wants out and the man five gam es In the middle! of last Claylon, a No. 2 pickpic last year who picked to ircplace him,' No. 1 draft season and didn't even makelake the m ls^ the seasonson with a broken c h o ice EDavid Overstreet of playoffs. foot. .O klahomma. a signed to ; play In Coach Ron Eiiiardt aga!Igaln Is The defense willfill be the question . Canada,I. ______^ H E A R!THE I > faced w ith a choice between>n vveter- mark and Michaelaels needs big ef- The dcf(defense is still Impressive, an quarterback Steve Grogaogan or forts from endss MarkN Gastlneau howeverT 'with nose tacklc Bob young M att Cavanaugh. Both:ithhave and Joe Klccko-aI-and a defensive Baumhowurgb was dccimalcd .by IWK P r o C o mIO o . . . 1 0 :3 5 a m Stanford, was picked oh Ihche first th e league's top offensiveoff weapons injuriesi mast m yeas dnd failed to U yW K Kick Off...... n : 0 5 a m round lo provide more proleclisclion. in quartcrt)ack Bert Bi Jones and make :hethe playoffs at 9-7. Coach Defensively, the New EngEngland running back Curlurtls Dickcy, got Chuck NonVomI had three veterans — secondary may be the bcsl:l InIr the som e help in the drafldn and could be running5 backba Rocky Bleier. safety EXCLUJSIVELY ONN . . . league, wllh Mike Haynes,is, Tim a factor. Coach MikeMi McCormack Mike WagVagner and defensive end . Fox, Raym ond Claybbrn, Roland Ro got the big fullbacllock he wanted In D w lf^t While W - rellre but the -AM James and Rick Sanford. •Randx:McMIIlairprrpCPUlAburghaijd, Steelers> stillst have the weapons to j m '. Thursc^y, Auouioust j? , v'TlimcS'NclWs'^T8-^TWrfF^fl8,'MaWo'27'’' » E agles FCT: s, Falconss top tearn is in c o nnferenee; * outgoii•ing Ph^illipps, G ib b s5 sw itch frProm A F C NEW YORK: (UPI)( — The shaky w Philadelphia Eai y with the retirement of guardd Eagles and the Woodyiy Peoples and thc defense Tam pa Bay’* defense, the NFIFL’s A tlania Falcons, b best 5. birds of a.quite will ml;m iss injured linebacker Bill11 ust just two years ago, has beenb< different feather,r. aare the twin fa- Bercev' decli sy's leadership. Coach Dickk Klmated by Injuries and nose m voriles to rule theIhe NFC roost In Vermeil lacklickle Randy C ro w d e r- the kev 1981. leil will try and motfvate topp eyto - t h ele E B ucs’-3-man front — has ne\lever ‘ T he NFC sports pick Leonard MItchcll loplay ts ai pair of outgo- to recu]fcuperated from last scasoison's Ing new coaches In 5 enorm ous potential at de- i in Bum Phillips, fensive'eend. c ,, I kneeJce Injury. Starting safetleties who wJJ] now tryry and/'kick. the “Xthjp Curtl hlnk people will pdint (o us a1 j irtls Jordan and M ark CotnIn e y . Super Bowl door>r IIn" wllh New little bit e t already on injured reserv;rvc. Orleans, and form year." says VermeilI trmer San Diego ofhisNFNFC champions, "bul wo can ' BarBart Starr returns to the hot se oWenaive coordinati 1 seat nator Joe Gibbs, go backck to the Super Bowl If we 1 In G Gl reen .B ay , w here the Lyr nowattheWashingti .ynn "^onhelm. improve Dlckeckey-lo-James Lofton conne The Eastern D; ve—andllhlnkwecan." I nec- Division again DalleslB8 boasts the league's llon n i!is vlrtually the enllre offens ^ shapes up as a t' I nse. I two-team racc highest-sit-scoring attack, led by •Okie quarlerback Rlc betw een the E ag le s; I lch ies and thc Dallas quartcrb;irback Danny White and pe- I Campmpbell will be groomed behinIlnd Cowboys — who shoohoot for tbelr 15th rennial1 1.000-yard rusher Tony D ickc:key. The Packers set a clu playoff berth In the I ;lub the last 16 years. Dorsett.t. I But the Cowboys' defense recorci« rd for yardage (5.097) lai St. Louis looks stn I last stronger after a often sp.spells Payday instead of y e air r bul scorcd Just 14 points pc solid draft and thc I per hc Redskins will Doom sda;day for thc opposition. The gam e...... present a snazzier < I er offense under dynamiclc defensive line needs con- I the gambling Gibbst)s anda a new-look sla n t presressure to compensate for a I WEST attack. Linebacke :ker Lawrence porous} secondary weakened I V Atlajtlanta'8 only real weakness lasast T aylor, th e No. 2 pickpici in thc draft, fu rth er b\ V y e ar w as p ass defense and Butler may help the New • by the possible retiremenl I er. ew York Giants of safetyty Randy Hughes. Veteran I ■ althouflough he weighs only Jc:ICS escape the division ce n cellar. defensiveve tackle U ny Cole al- I nds. has looked impressive IrIn M innesota returoe few est poinis in the NFL osses in 1980 were by a total‘lo < f 22 speedy rookie Ja rv 4FL (222) l u t running gamam e. however. Is dism al, poin jrvls Redwinc can some respectability:res New Orieans . , season, return the-Pla' )olnls. i Player of the young quarlarterback Phil Simms A inject some lifei Intoli a dormant may ha«have. come up with rookie.. Year In quarterbi A shoulder Injury to No. 1I ddraft rushing'altackV M rback Ron continues to be erratic and there pick M ardye McDolc. sta rte rs In Rogers, linebacker .Jaw orski. Tbe offenslv lick Mark Nichols, a speedy v nslve r t e Is a rc defensliisive problems al nose rece 1' wide one of three secorcond-round picks,. RlcKy JacksonJai and safely Russell ccelver. will hinder Detntrolt'B will be a third wi wide receiver in G ary. D Di ave Wilson. Ihe Illinois passing downs and an< retum kicks record-br1-breaker picked in Ihe sup- while rookie lineIncbacker Robin plemcnlaintary draft, Is considered I ~~ Sendleln tries to0 beatI oul Fred the heirIr iapparent to quarterback ' Rules------McNeil al outside‘linebacker. Hr Archie M Manning.

' •CooUnued fh)mPa{Page 15 free blockingngarea. ham arm ful Intent, a m ajor InfracI>ollon U P I ' e X p G •Invalid fafair catch signal will resulesults. lerts’ tab 'B ills, Stickle said experimtiments with always resultull In im m ediate killing . q s. Chargers •Officials now have thc aulhoilOrity NEW YORK IUPl) - th e no-below-thc-walst-blit-blocking in' of th e ball aIS s soon{ as It Is caught, o r to d< ^-^NUk^FeeCbaJI InKKteM . Hawaii last year, it wasas fifound very in cases of a > delay or_suspenlgames iljf Jn UajMpredlctiowbyUPli A lt f a muff, poss^lon is theirleir opinion w eather rahdlUi few w erc c a l l ^ o fler the flrst two -secu red , Itions Jm c m«katU o F-ui -- 1. BuTfakt. l Dalllmore. 3. New (usw ■C Rnsland. 4, N or three games. In addaddition, the , isually associated wllh eleclri 4,NewVorttJe(*,5,MUml. g. The definition of the slornorms) are hazardous to player rule significantly redi VortJe<*-<.B*IHno«,S.)k - I. PJlUburnh. 2. Ckvrlaad. 3. ' numberof clipping calls. helmet to abuse and •Handing the ball forwardI Willv c«Urtl - I, Pliisburgb L4.llou«oa. «ny th e sam e penalty as lllci •Chop block. The chopop Iblock I s a ' )pponenl first protected cany le g al Ctwlnnsti.'I.Housioa. I. San DteCB. 2, K aaui Clly. 3. relatively new form of doi 3 and tackleis were the rward pass. Including lossiS o( We« - I. S*n OlfRD. 2. OaUtod!C 3. Kama* Oakland. I.4. Denver. Z)c S. Seatile. double team >wn. aiy.4.Seenver.r. blocking a defender which wl has le definition now has proved very injurious. been broadencjncdto Includc blockers •Free-kick kickers have protiotec- Nfc NFC Jl carriers. ‘lonfim from blocking unlil (a) he‘ hash EM« - i< Pwi»«phiI^la. J, Dalla*. 3. I. PUlKMpbla. 2. Dalla*. 3. St. Thc chop bl(vk alwaysjys includes andevenballc 'ajhlngton. S. New Ver* Claol*. ne five yards after kicking, ,I u . WMhlnj(Ioo.4.SI.LouU.S.NS.NeWVcf*Glaott. Lool*'*.Wa*hl .. Ihrccthings. (a)Tbcdcfctefender firsl Spearing rer 5 CeutrH - I. Ddrall.II. 2. Mloaoota. 3. Cenlral - i remains the Judgement ball*11. (b) thc ball has touched - I. CWeago, I. Detroit. 3. Mltv- is engaged with an uprigiright block call of the officials.off If an official memt id a Oilc««o.4.Crt«nOty.S.Tt>TampaBay. ne«ota.4,Tam,rampa Bay.s,Cr«a Bay. by an offensive p layer am jmber of the receiving teamn o r . Weil - I. Lm A nstla.*. 3.3 Allanta. 3. New ^etJ - \ / and then is believes the duducking of the head by (c)) thethi ball hits the ground. Orleant. 4. San PnoctsM. I.AUanla.2.L«AnRel«.3.San attack ed from the side byb y a . second a ball c a rrie r £ .4. New Orieans. !r going Into a defender *510•Signals. F o r the first Ume slm Wild card*-AFONewEj offensive player and (b) almost Is an honest i ','•5® NFC-DaJI*i.AtUnla. It attem pt to pick up 193010,, officials’c hand signals will I Invariably below the. wais/aist.,(c) ,11,, more yardage, II be Coormora dumploas - ge. It Is allowed. Bul If th e} samsa e for bolh jiigh arjioo] and aj . . NFC L«An«elM...... i«__^m ploh* - ,\FC-BuJfalo. ■T alnx>sl always-happ^,inj.Inslde.ljw'.'. the official1 •^believes• , tb ere ls collegi . Super Bowl duimpJoori.l^ I 28Tlmes-Now3.TwlnFalls.l18. Thursday, Augustist 27.1981 '