■ JJd ...............* --^i -..•'uAtii l y y j ® 76th year,ir. Afo. 239 ^ ^ “rwiriFaU^t, idaho Thursday i, Augi9t>st27._198U~- ■ ' ---------- ' ' r ' wS V o y i m a y hI a v e r e p al i r e d lm a l f i ji n c t i oon PASADENA. Calif. (UPI)(U — “nKf Spokesmi•men for the Jet Propulsionn stuck." said Deputy Mis ilssion Director and not aQ day,d; or even Iiours, earlier."r-" precisely when It happopened, was still tcrfere withwi tiie spacecraft's long Voyager 2 spacecraft apparentlyap| rc- La^ratory)ry said Wednesday-night—It— Richard Laescr.. NASA on engineers, their celebrationsons a mystery and tho spapacecraft's com- range mi«mission lo Investigate the out*' covered from the malfuilfunction that .th at in rcs{“csponse to commands fromn Tho cause of the mallalfunction wns interruplcc tcd by thc-Tinexpecied set->et- pulcr was refusing to ataccopt comands skirls of theI solar system, passing - ■ kept Us Iclcvision cameras;ras useless for Eartli, the camera platform hadd slill a m ystery wilh sole::lcntlsls consid- back after 'ter .1 nearly perfecl closooso crucial to the effort,'t, including Urnnusiniiin 19f!6 and Neptune in 1989. about 22 hours, NASA saidaid W ednesday m oved asIS commanded< throudi,a 100 . cring many posibilitics,s, Including Ihe e n c o u n te r' :r Tuesday, worked urgentlyilly ord er to give the plailatform a hard The spacipacccraft conllnuevl on coursc . n is M ^ -------- - degree arcirc and appeared to be un-I- chance the spacecraft wasw. shaken bv to dclerml mine, why the'camera plat-lal- shove. and seveniven other, instruments wore Engineers, however, heheld back on stuck, collision with a dust motio t c - a Jarring form w assstuck, sl "II appears lu be mjrer complex workingg normally.nc Even if the cam- resuming normal operatioitions until the But they'ly said a ■•cautious and con-r event a l 12 m iles per secocond. Project ^ :t Manager Eskor Davis saidaid lhan we had hoped," DiDavis said. "The era plalfoiitform cannol be unjammcd; “ system passed more tests.;ts. se rv a tiv e}" ” policy dictated thal they\! Dcsplle the hilch. then2 mission to the W ednesday lay ni^t, after Jei Pro- data we're looking alI Jocsn't^ appear lhe spacc(acocraft could carry oul lls The ^acecraft's earnerncra platform run morec testst before resuming thec giant ringed planet wasas ••somethlnp pulsion La LaboraJ.pry, engineers hod100 , - itybcconvergingotiapsparllcularfaa<?c missionsis loK Uranus in i'wi and Nep- lost th e ability to swivelll fromfi side to sp a c e c ra ft’^ft’s photographic mission1 like' 99 perccnl succcccti'iul ■’ said worked on*' ra 'lh e probIfim> aji,day.‘ ihntla t •• Vv .-KO Ir m a^W ke tw(fKiS lu tiu'oc Uuys-- luneinjaayjaaa. they said. - side as Voyager 2 plunfungcd behind t^ u g h theheSatumiansystem. Bradfort^ Smilh. chlcf ol of the camera the outlookX)k for a quick fix w as not.iQl._ beforewciintierslandththis." ChlcfscUscientist E dw ani C. Stone said . ■ Saturn.-about a billionI ramiles away, "One thinhing we can now confidently/ transmission team. promising.'ig.' Mission Direclor RichardRi baefor lhe Vovagtyager had substanlially com- . ' late Tuesday. say is thatlat we aro nol pcrmnnontiyt “I'm glad it happenedcd when it did The causiluse of the problem, or even cn said tho malfunction1 would nol In- - •See.gQ VOYAGER Page2 ;Medfly mounts:s' : ] K o ir e a ff i r e s new att,tack ^ r By United Press Internatioational ' ^ The Mediterranean fnfruit Ily has 4 ■ m i s ►sile a t " leap ed 3M m iles dowiow nstate to . soumcm Oalifomia, imrrm m ensdy in- H l g Q creasin g the t b i ^ t td Caiillalifom ia’s $14 billion agricutural industrstry, officials said Wednesday. • Plans to spray with malaiUatbionaiiis _____ J H f c ' DS 5 . p l i Angeles suburb, populadLlatton 40,000, n U g a n e Wednesday night weret announced WASHINGTON (UPIPI) — A U.S. to reporteiirtcrs utilii more than seven immediately. State worirarkers went' rcconnaissancc plane fi;flying in South hours afteraftc Reagan was first in-.. , ' doo'rtodoorwamingrcsideiidents. Korean and internatioioriol airspace form ed, Two Medflies found Tue:'uesday in the. was apparently fired alai by a North Defenseise Sccrctary Casper Wein- San Gabriel Valley werewei proven Korean surface to-alr■ missile1 Wed- berger ga\ Wednesday to be fertile.ile. Then- on gave Reagan a m ore com* ’ nesday. prehensivesivc report on the incident Wednesday more flies,, fertilityfc yet Tho plane was nol hit,I, however,I and during a undetennined. and mag(laggots were W l-jB m a .previously scheduled late landed safely, U.S. officiidais said. aftemooiiOli Ibriefing on other defense found iSmilcseastofLosAis Angeles. A Pentagon spokesmin a n said w hat issues att Reagan'sRc mountalntop ranch Los Angeles is a m ajor»r distributiond F z b S i f i l l s l was apparently a NorthN< Korean near Santa 1 point through which hla B arbara. , tl m uch of missile exploded severaral miles from White H Califomia fruits and vegetaf a b l e s move I House' counselor Edwin ' the hlgli-flying SR-71 aircrafl.ai "The Meese said to other states and foreignp) ocountries. # B B H | said it was his understanding incident i » s ^ no thithreat to the that a Nor The Mcdfly’s new a tta c k on North Korean surface-to-air aircraft which landedd safely." he missile had southern California was the latest in s r f c ' had explod(Jd "In the vicinity ' said. series of setbacks (oror farmers, of a (U.S.).S.) reconnaissance plane is The spokesman said theti SR-71. the th e South K( - truckcrs and officials battlingba the hKor^area."' world's most advanced,d, strategic rc- Asked ab ■! feared pest. I about Reagan's reaction to ' connalssancc aircraft andar which can— the news. M The State l^^artm ent announcedaru in H j ^ ^ H i s. Meese said. “The president fly at three tim es the sptspeed of sound, was concertcerned about it obviously. But W ashington W ednesday’ thatt^ Japan ,lssionii-aU4hb!=-there-werci — -insls^s^ofonirUiafCallfinifomia pro* llm c of the incident. .ducc be specially trea ft'om thele Defense Department to rcatcd with • ' H e sa id if would be "sl methods often Impc^lbie - •shecc specula- evaluate) the situation." le - but that tion" to link the inclicldont lo the B o th he any fa m i im ports from oti he and the Pentagon other states shooling down last weekk of< two Libyan spokesman must cross Califomia-in s( lan said the U.S aircraft,;... \ sealed con- BaBfci je ts by-tw o N avy fighUfilers-from the " known as taiiw rs...................................... as a "Blackbird" recon- U.S. c a rrie r NImilz in theth Medltcrra- naissance p In foiu: days of talks In T( ;e plane, was not in danger, i Tokyo, U:S. nean in disputed w atcrsosoffLlbya. The Pentag diplom ats failed to persuadi itagon said no other aircraft ladc the J a p - w B i . M In Santa Barbara. Calif.,C deputy w ere involve anesc to soften their posiMsitlon. The olved. White House press sccrtcrctary Larry Mecscsalt spcclal treatment required•ed would be _ _ said the U.S. aircraft was not Speakes said PresidentIt Reagan w as in violation < fumigation or extended cold ion of North Korean airspace, old storage. K ^ e i informed of the incident:,l at his regular "O ur plane Cold storage, when faci:acilities arc iping clean m e was in international a n d ... national security briefingngaboul9a.m. South Koreaiireanairspacc,'’hesaid. available, doesn’t work for9r fruitsf with _ S . Sbawn Rogers’ lamb Max: hasba the cotton pulled RRupert, is sbowing with 4-H4- in tb e 9 and 10 California time 110 a.m ..MDT.) N ThePenta, short shelf life. Fumigatiflation is im- o ‘ntagon spokesm an would not o v e r him in p rqw ratJon for9r ttbe 4-M show a t the year-oldsy< class for the firstst timI e. Tbe sh irts a r e . The Pentagon spokcsiismah did not 'say' exaclly p ractical becausc few fumliimlgation fa- clly w here the iricident oc- J>Minidoka Fair in Rupert. RoRogers, a resident of on01 Max to keep bis wool cleanean until be is shown. say cxactly when the inclicidcnt occured cured, wher cilities are available. vhcrc the SR-71 landed af- . * and did not announce theic developmentt *see Under an agreement wilhwli Japan See MISSILE Page 2 ' covering imports of Califorrromia fruits,- a team of Japanese biolo(dlogists will m eet w ith U.S. scientists In Hawaii1 in w the next 10 days to settle aninargument t 1 over which lemons m ay be cj on toi e carriers of ans leacids statte team ur of Siilver Vc'alley ' the Mediterranean fruit fly. y- BOISE (UPU PI) — Gov. John E vans a:also said a closure would hahave serious companies1 thattli rely on Bunker Hill'ss The ••worst-case",calculai Deputy Assistant Secre lailonsdidnot Employme'mont Director Scott wretary of and a teamI ofol top-level state officials t^cpcrcusslonsr< on other anarea mining smellers, take into accourit the pos A griculture John Ford saic ossibility lhat McDonaldd accomac panlcd Evans to the said lemons new to Noritirth Idaho's Silver’ Valley operations,o| which had dcficpended on He said he based Ihc estimate on1 Evans or Idaho’s congrcs w ere a big issue during dii •cssional dele- Kellogg areairea.
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