Slow Violence, Gender, and the Environmentalism of the Poor
4 Slow Violence, Gender, and the Environmentalism of the Poor Ah, what an age it is / When to speak of trees is almost a crime / For it is a kind of silence about injustice! —Bertolt Brecht, “An die Nachgeborenen” (To posterity) Kenya’s Green Belt Movement, cofounded by Wangari Maathai, serves as an animating instance of environmental activism among poor communities who have mobilized against slow violence, in this case, the gradual violence of deforestation and soil erosion. At the heart of the movement’s activism stand these urgent questions: What does it mean to be at risk? What does it mean to be secure? In an era when sustainability has become a buzzword, what are the preconditions for what I would call “sustainable security”? And in seeking to advance that elusive goal, how can Maathai as a writer-activist working in conjunction with environmentally motivated women from poor communities, most effectively acknowledge, represent, and counter the violence of delayed effects? Maathai’s memoir, Unbowed, offers us an entry point into the complex, shifting collective strategies that the Green Belt Movement (GBM) devised to oppose foreshortened defi nitions of environmental and human security. What emerges from the GBM’s’s ascent is an alternative narrative of national slow violence, gender, and the environmentalism of the poor security, one that would challenge the militaristic, male version embodied and imposed by Kenya’s President Daniel arap Moi during his twenty-four years of authoritarian rule from 1978 to 2002. The Green Belt Movement’s rival narrative of national security sought to foreground the longer time- line of slow violence, both in exposing environmental degradation and in advancing environmental recovery.
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