Kansas Preservation
Online at kshs.org/calendar Kansas Preservation July/August 2008 • Volume 30, Number 4 REAL PLACES. REAL STORIES. The Ultimate Road Trip See story on page 1. Newsletter of the Cultural Resources Division Kansas Historical Society Contents 1 The Ultimate Road Trip 8 Listing Your Barn in the National Register 9 Before the Storm 11 Historic Preservation Workshop 12 Preservation in the News Exploring History 14 Sumner Elementary School, a National Historic Landmark for its association Learning About Cultures with the landmark 1954 Brown v. Board of Education civil rights case, has been listed as one of the 11 Most Endangered Historic Places by the National Trust for Historic Preservation. The National Trust chooses 11 sites annually to highlight important examples of the nation’s architectural, cultural, and KANSAS PreservatioN natural heritage that are at risk for destruction or irreparable damage. Sumner School, which is owned by the city of Topeka, is currently unoccupied and Published bimonthly by the Kansas Historical Society, 6425 SW 6th Avenue, deteriorating. The city recently announced that it was extending the deadline Topeka KS 66615-1099. for Community First, Inc., to raise the funds needed to meet the requirements Please send change of address information to acquire the former school and rehabilitate it into a school and community to the above address or email cultural_resources@kshs.org. center. Third class postage paid at Topeka, Kansas. To read more about the Sumner School’s 11 Most Endangered listing: Jennie Chinn, State Historic Preservation Officer Patrick Zollner, Deputy SHPO, Editor Linda Kunkle Park, Graphic Designer • National Trust For Historic Preservation Partial funding for this publication is provided by the National Park Service, Department of the preservationnation.org Interior.
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