CURRICULUM VITAE Charles INGRAO Professor of History Purdue University (765) 463-9658 (home office) 889-2114 (Purdue office) 496-1755 (fax)
[email protected] September 2012 ACADEMIC APPOINTMENTS Purdue University, Professor 1987- ; Associate, 1982-1987; Assistant 1976-1982 Brown University, Instructor 1974-1976; Teaching Assistant 1972-1974 Visiting Appointments: Near East University and European University of Cyprus, Fulbright Fellow, 2011 Victoria University of Wellington (NZ), Novara Fellow, 2010 University of Chicago, Visiting Professor, 2006 University of Otago (NZ), William Evans Fellow, 2004 University of Washington, Visiting Professor, 1996 Indiana University, Visiting Professor, 1993 Cambridge University, Bye Fellow, 1989 EDUCATION Ph.D. Brown University, R.I., 1974 B.A. Wesleyan University, Conn., 1969 TEACHING EXPERIENCE Lectures: Western Civilization - The Modern World Europe 1650-1850 Europe in the Renaissance Europe in the Reformation Kings & Philosophers: Europe, 1618-1789 Monarchy: Its Rise & Fall Research and Writing in History The Habsburg Legacy: Central Europe, 1500-2000 Seminars: Age of Absolutism, Enlightenment and Reason (graduate) Renaissance and Reformation (graduate) German Militarism Nationalism: Ethnic Coexistence & Conflict (graduate) Enlightened Despotism The Habsburgs and Early Modern Europe (graduate) Modern Central Europe (graduate) The 20th Century: Nationalism, War & Genocide in the Balkans (graduate) Ethnic Coexistence & Conflict in Central and Southeastern Europe (graduate) The Expansion of Europe, 1450-1815 (graduate) The Teaching Company “Great Lectures” series: The Habsburg Legacy 1500-2000. Computers: departmental director of computer lab and instruction, 1983-2001, 2003-4. PUBLICATIONS Books: The Habsburg Monarchy 1618-1815 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1994; 2nd edition, 2000). The Hessian Mercenary State: Ideas, Institutions, and Reform under Frederick II, 1760- 1785 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1987).