This Partial List of Social Service and Medical Providers Is Based on The
List of Providers Serving Pinal County Residents This partial list of social service and medical providers is based on the listings within the website, the United Way of Pinal County partner profiles, and other sources. It includes local, state, regional, and national providers offering services to Pinal County residents. EMERGENCY SHELTER Church – New Christian Concepts Emergency shelter and some assistance to homeless people. 616 E 2nd St, Casa Grande, AZ 85122 (520) 582-8765 DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Against Abuse, Inc Shelter service opened in 1986. The facility is the only domestic Aka La Casa De Paz violence shelter of its kind in Western Pinal County. The goals of La 119 N Florence St, Casa Grande, AZ 85122 Casa de Paz are to provide safety, stabilization, basic needs, guidance (520) 836-1239 and counseling to families in need. Women are assisted with exploring choices and alternatives to domestic violence. Through advocacy and case management, staff assist members with locating appropriate providers of legal, medical, vocational, educational and/or other human services. Community Alliance Against Family Abuse Domestic and sexual violence crisis line including information and 879 N Plaza Dr referral. Domestic and sexual violence shelter and CAAFA's Safe Ste 101D Home Network are available to callers. Also provides individual Apache Junction, AZ 85120-4112 counseling, legal and general advocacy, and case management. (480) 982-0196 Offers community education and outreach on domestic violence issues. Provides support groups for women affected by domestic and sexual violence. La Casa de Paz Provides emergency shelter for victims of domestic violence.
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