Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2019 No. 157 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was The point of no quorum is considered her service, and extend to Rhonda E. called to order by the Speaker. withdrawn. Foxx our best wishes, and Godspeed. f f Mr. Speaker, I say, well done, Rhonda. I thank her. PRAYER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE f The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman CONGRATULATING SWEET CHEEKS J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: from Ohio (Mr. WENSTRUP) come for- Eternal Father, thank You for giving ward and lead the House in the Pledge DIAPER BANK us another day. of Allegiance. (Mr. CHABOT asked and was given Though the House is entering a 2- Mr. WENSTRUP led the Pledge of Al- permission to address the House for 1 week recess, and many Members will be legiance as follows: minute.) returning to their districts to meet I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Mr. CHABOT. Mr. Speaker, I rise with constituents, we know that work United States of America, and to the Repub- today to congratulate Sweet Cheeks will be getting done behind the overt lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Diaper Bank for opening their newest political scene. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. warehouse location in Lower Price While important and significant f Hill. issues are being addressed, may all Since they opened their doors in 2015, Members be imbued with the wisdom of ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER these wonderful people have been a Solomon, the patience of Job, and pro- The SPEAKER. The Chair will enter- lifeline for women and children in the ceed like Nathaniel, who was a man tain up to five requests for 1-minute greater Cincinnati and northern Ken- without guile. speeches on each side of the aisle. tucky area. In all, let there be more light than f Over the span of 4 years, they have heat. donated over a million diapers that May all that is done be for Your THANK YOU, RHONDA E. FOXX have, without doubt, changed the qual- greater honor and glory. (Ms. ADAMS asked and was given ity of life for so many infants. Amen. permission to address the House for 1 Last month alone, Sweet Cheeks dis- f minute and to revise and extend her re- tributed over 135,000 diapers through 43 THE JOURNAL marks.) community partners. They also deliv- The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- Ms. ADAMS. Madam Speaker, I rise ered health aid kits to women and ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- today to thank and congratulate a tal- schoolgirls who otherwise couldn’t af- ceedings and announces to the House ented young woman who has served as ford them. her approval thereof. my chief of staff for North Carolina’s This tremendous organization gives Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- 12th District for nearly 5 years, Rhonda back so much to our community and, nal stands approved. E. Foxx. most importantly, gives so many Ms. LEE of California. Madam While her career path will be taking women and children in my district a Speaker, pursuant to clause 1, rule I, I on a new chapter beyond my office, sense of dignity. demand a vote on agreeing to the without question, Rhonda has been an Mr. Speaker, I want to congratulate Speaker’s approval of the Journal. extraordinary and extremely valued Sweet Cheeks Diaper Bank on their The SPEAKER. The question is on member of my leadership team. newest warehouse location in Lower the Speaker’s approval of the Journal. An energetic, innovative, creative Price Hill and sincerely thank them for The question was taken; and the thinker, Rhonda’s bold leadership and all they do for women and children in Speaker announced that the ayes ap- talented initiatives guided Team the greater Cincinnati area. peared to have it. Adams to cultivate new possibilities in f Ms. LEE of California. Madam higher education, diversity, and tech; Speaker, I object to the vote on the as well as signature cooperative-inclu- PFAS TASK FORCE ground that a quorum is not present sive partnerships between students and (Mrs. DINGELL asked and was given and make the point of order that a businesses and corporate and tech sec- permission to address the House for 1 quorum is not present. tors, and historically Black colleges. minute and to revise and extend her re- The SPEAKER. Pursuant to clause 8, I, along with the entire Adams team, marks.) rule XX, further proceedings on this our stakeholders and our many part- Mrs. DINGELL. Mr. Speaker, I join question will be postponed. ners are grateful for her leadership and my colleagues in the House and on the

b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:08 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.000 H27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8060 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2019 PFAS Task Force who have come to for 1 minute and to revise and extend TREASON the floor this week to call on our con- her remarks.) (Mr. DEFAZIO asked and was given gressional leadership, House Armed Ms. LEE of California. Mr. Speaker, I permission to address the House for 1 Services Committee, and all the con- rise today to highlight September as minute.) ferees tasked with conferencing the fis- Sickle Cell Awareness Month and to Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, well, I cal year 2020 National Defense Author- call for more research on the sickle saw an extraordinary clip of President ization Act to include a strong PFAS cell trait. Trump at a fundraising event where he package. Today, I am introducing a resolution Mr. Speaker, I thank Chairman is accusing the intelligence agents who calling for more sickle-cell trained re- rightly reported his conduct of com- SMITH for his leadership and tireless search and public education and aware- mitting treason. work crafting this year’s NDAA. It is a ness on the disease. good bill, and it includes many top pri- Let’s see. Russia has invaded Mr. Speaker, sickle cell disease is Ukraine, Ukraine is dependent upon orities that will care for our service- America’s most commonly inherited members and keep the United States the United States for military assist- blood disorder and affects about 100,000 ance to defend itself, Trump is with- well defended, but we are in the midst Americans. More than 3 million Ameri- of a growing nationwide human health holding the aid, at the same time ask- cans, including 1 in 12 African Ameri- ing them for dirt on his political oppo- and environmental crisis. cans and 1 in 100 Latinos carry the PFAS chemicals are harmful man- nent. sickle cell trait, which can lead to made toxic substances wherever they He is jeopardizing the national secu- sickle cell disease. are found. rity interests of the United States. We know that there are up to 297 For example, one is tested at birth to If anybody is committing treason, military installations that have con- determine whether they have the sick- and I believe that is an impeachable of- firmed PFAS contamination. This puts le cell trait, and that is it. Later in fense, it is the President of the United our military families at risk and the life, there are certain tests, such as the States, . communities surrounding them at risk, A1C test, which some are often given to The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. determine diabetes. Well, if you have and it puts our national security at CUELLAR). Members are reminded to re- risk if we do not include robust PFAS the sickle cell trait, you could get a frain from engaging in personalities to- provisions. false positive from this test. ward the President. The American people are counting on So it is very important that we fig- us to protect them, and we must in- ure out a way in terms of awareness, f clude this provision. Our military is ar- education, and to dedicate our re- NATIONAL HISPANIC HERITAGE guing that this needs to be cleaned up. sources to making sure that there are MONTH Please keep PFAS in the bill. strategies to provide the information (Mr. NEWHOUSE asked and was f for adults so that they know that they have the sickle cell trait. Right now, given permission to address the House NATIONAL CLEAN ENERGY WEEK millions of people have it and they for 1 minute.) (Mr. CARTER of Georgia asked and don’t know it. Mr. NEWHOUSE. Mr. Speaker, I rise was given permission to address the Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to today to recognize National Hispanic House for 1 minute and to revise and support this bipartisan resolution. Heritage Month and the contributions extend his remarks.) f of Hispanic Americans in my congres- Mr. CARTER of Georgia. Mr. Speak- sional district in central Washington er, I rise today to recognize National RECOGNIZING MARTY BRENNAMAN State. Clean Energy Week, September 23 (Mr. WENSTRUP asked and was Growing up in Sunnyside, Wash- through September 27. given permission to address the House ington, I have witnessed firsthand how Clean energy throughout our world is for 1 minute and to revise and extend Hispanic Americans contribute to our critical in fighting climate change and his remarks.) communities through entrepreneur- making our world greener and more ef- Mr. WENSTRUP. Mr. Speaker, I rise ship, military service, and cultural di- ficient. today to recognize the career and re- versity. They are our friends, our fam- Currently, only a small portion of tirement of the Cincinnati Reds leg- ily, our neighbors, and our coworkers. our total energy consumption in the endary Hall of Fame broadcaster, They are small businessowners, doc- U.S. comes from clean energy, and we Marty Brennaman. tors, police officers, and soldiers. are going to need more innovation and Yesterday, Marty signed off for the While we may take 1 month out of a booming economy to continue raising last game of his famed career. He has the year to recognize the historical and the statistics for clean energy. been part of our lives and the voice of cultural contributions of our Hispanic In this regard, Georgia has largely our beloved Reds for 46 years. American friends, we should do more to been leading the way. Over the past 5 Marty was with us for his very first support and highlight our appreciation. years, we have been one of the top ten broadcast when Hank Aaron tied Babe That is why I am an original cosponsor States in solar power, all without Ruth for the most home runs hit ever. of the National Museum of the Amer- State tax credits or mandates. 175,000 He was with us when Pete Rose broke ican Latino Act, to finally create a homes are powered by solar, an in- Ty Cobb’s longstanding record for most Smithsonian museum to recognize and crease of 13-fold over the last 5 years. I am proud of the State of Georgia’s career hits. celebrate Hispanic American and work and hope the rest of the Nation He was with us through three World Latino history in our country. will follow our lead. However, while we Series titles. As Americans, we share a common boost our clean energy, we cannot for- Marty Brennaman is an institution heritage as a Nation of immigrants, get the importance of a consistent, re- in Cincinnati. He feels like family. and the people of central Washington liable energy supply, as well as the im- Marty helped make both Riverfront cherish our diverse culture and history. portance of energy independence to our Stadium and the Great American Ball Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to homeland security. Park feel like a second home to so join me in celebrating National His- While I personally subscribe to an many. panic Heritage Month. I know we will all miss hearing his all-of-the-above energy strategy, I en- f courage all of my colleagues during play-by-play, his insights, and his sto- this National Clean Energy Week to ries. b 0915 Although I never saw Marty swing a honestly discuss these issues in a bi- PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY partisan fashion. bat, I will be glad to replay his greatest f hits for the rest of my life. Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, I have I know I join Reds fans across Cin- a parliamentary inquiry. SICKLE CELL AWARENESS MONTH cinnati and the country in a collective The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- (Ms. LEE of California asked and was good-bye to one of our greatest, and tleman will state his parliamentary in- given permission to address the House this one belongs to Marty. quiry.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:08 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.002 H27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8061 Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, as we The SPEAKER pro tempore. The the way they do it—worth over $165 well know, the rules of the House ad- joint resolution shall be debatable for 1 million. monish speakers from including per- hour equally divided and controlled by What is the President doing? He is di- sonalities. I would suggest that my col- the chair and ranking minority mem- verting money from the Coast Guard to league opposite crossed that line. I will ber of the Committee on Transpor- the physical, land-based border and remove my point of order if the Speak- tation and Infrastructure. saying that somehow this is going to er cautions my colleague opposite that The gentleman from Oregon (Mr. help us stop the drug shipments. such violation will not be tolerated in DEFAZIO) and the gentleman from Here is the Coast Guard with a prior the future. North Carolina (Mr. MEADOWS) each drug shipment that they intercepted. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The will control 30 minutes. Now, they just intercepted another. Chair has already reminded Members The Chair recognizes the gentleman We have all seen the videos of them from engaging in personalities against from Oregon. jumping onto these semi-submersibles the President. GENERAL LEAVE out in the middle of the Pacific, with 6- to 8-foot swells, jumping on there and f Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that all Members stopping and arresting these people. RECOGNIZING INTERNATIONAL may have 5 legislative days in which to What is the President doing? He is AUTOMAKERS IN U.S. revise and extend their remarks and in- cutting the Coast Guard’s capability of (Mr. FLEISCHMANN asked and was sert extraneous material on S.J. Res. doing this. Back to the border. Again, there are given permission to address the House 54. a few things we could be doing. for 1 minute.) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Oh, look, there is something just like Mr. FLEISCHMANN. Mr. Speaker, I objection to the request of the gen- what the President wants, a big, tall rise today to celebrate the positive im- tleman from Oregon? fence with slats. People seem to be pact international automakers’ invest- There was no objection. climbing over it. Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I yield ments have made in the United States Here is the border control point. Six myself such time as I may consume. and, specifically, in my home State of percent of these vehicles will be in- Mr. Speaker, the President has de- Tennessee. spected. clared a national emergency so that he Today, international automakers op- Here is a tunnel under it. erate 30 manufacturing facilities across can divert funds from the Pentagon There is a drone over it. 12 States and build more than 60 dif- and other agencies to deal with the na- Some of these people are really inge- ferent vehicle models in America. tional emergency on the border. The nious. They even are imitating the Volkswagen is a huge part of that pres- largest diversion of funds is going into Middle Ages, using catapults to throw ence in the Third District of Tennessee. a wall. drugs over where there is an existing Tennessee is also home to the Infiniti The President says the emergency is wall. Decherd Powertrain Plant; the Nissan mostly about the smuggling of drugs. Here we are, cutting $6 billion from Decherd Powertrain Plant; the Nissan Interesting. the Pentagon for critical needs of the Smyrna Vehicle Assembly Plant; the As we know from testimony when Pentagon for housing where troops are Nissan Smyrna Battery Plant; Toyota- Carlos Guzman was tried and convicted living in mold-infested barracks, for Bodine Aluminum, Inc.; and the head- in New York, a big drug lord from Mex- training facilities for the National quarters of both INFINITI Americas ico, his hench-people and others testi- Guard, for firefighting facilities on our and Nissan North America. fied that the cartels don’t use people military bases, and from daycare cen- In January, Volkswagen announced with backpacks through remote areas ters for our troops’ kids. And we don’t an additional investment of $800 mil- of the desert. That is too inefficient for pay these troops a heck of a lot of lion for its Chattanooga facility to a multibillion-dollar business. money; they can’t afford to send their build two electric vehicles, with the What they do is send trucks, which kids off base to daycare. groundbreaking taking place in No- they have modified, semis, through our The President says all that stuff is vember. border control points, where we only going to be cut because we have to Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to inspect 6 percent of the trucks, so they build his stupid wall, which isn’t even join me in recognizing the important lose one every once in a while. So targeting the way drugs are really role of international automakers in the what? With tens of millions of dollars, brought into the United States of United States. it doesn’t matter to them. It is just the America. This is just an abysmally stu- cost of doing business, kind of like f pid waste of money, but he is deliv- taxes. ering on a campaign promise. TERMINATION OF NATIONAL What is the President doing about Oh, wait a minute. Mexico is going to EMERGENCY DECLARED BY THE the border control points? Nothing. We pay. Who is going to pay? Mexico. Who PRESIDENT ON FEBRUARY 15, are not buying the new technology we is going to pay? Mexico. 2019 need and reconfiguring them so that we Then he had a phone call with the can inspect every truck that comes Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, pursuant President of Mexico saying: I know you to House Resolution 591, I call up the across the border. are not going to pay it—we have this They have another way of getting the joint resolution (S.J. Res. 54) relating transcript, too—but you can’t say pub- drugs in, which they are using more to a national emergency declared by licly you are not going to pay for it. and more and more. That is that they the President on February 15, 2019, and We are going to pay for it. use semi-submersibles and other boats ask for its immediate consideration. The taxpayers of the United States and ships to smuggle the drugs around, The Clerk read the title of the joint are going to pay for his stupid, useless on the coasts of the United States. resolution. wall, cutting essential things from the The Coast Guard is our prime line of The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Coast Guard, which does real, dan- defense against this. The retired last ant to House Resolution 591, the joint gerous work every day intercepting Commandant of the Coast Guard said resolution is considered read. drugs; cutting funds from the military, that we have actionable intelligence on The text of the joint resolution is as which needs these facilities for their 80 percent of the drug shipments com- follows: troops, troop morale, and the safety ing into the United States, but the and security of our troops. All for a S.J. RES. 54 Coast Guard only has resources to stupid wall. Resolved by the Senate and House of Rep- intercept 20 percent. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of resentatives of the United States of America in Just last week, the Coast Guard my time. Congress assembled, That, pursuant to section intercepted a semi-submersible that 202 of the National Emergencies Act (50 Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, I yield U.S.C. 1622), the national emergency declared had 12,000 pounds of cocaine on it. That myself such time as I may consume. by the finding of the President on February would be a heck of a lot of people with Mr. Speaker, this has nothing to do 15, 2019, in Proclamation 9844 (84 Fed. Reg. backpacks coming across the border, as with the Coast Guard. This has every- 4949) is hereby terminated. the President alleges—no, that is not thing to do with politics.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:08 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.005 H27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8062 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2019 Mr. Speaker, when they get up and point out to my good friend from New Base Andrews is home to Air Force have this faux outrage over this, it is York that, indeed, we are backfilling One. It is the cornerstone of military about this President and their opposi- that. These projects will get funded. security in our Nation’s Capital. tion to a secure border. She knows that; I know that; and soon, President Trump canceled a much- Now, I would point out to the gen- the American people will know that. needed new childcare facility for fami- tleman opposite, when President Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the lies at Joint Base Andrews. We have Barack Obama requested $3.7 billion in gentleman from California (Mr. been working on this for over a decade. emergency funding, there was not a LAMALFA). The current childcare center, which I peep from the other side of the aisle, Mr. LAMALFA. Mr. Speaker, I thank visited 2 weeks ago, 2 years ago, was and all of a sudden, there is this out- my colleague, Mr. MEADOWS, for the constructed during World War II. It is rage. The gentleman knows all too opportunity here today. too small to serve the children on base. well, Mr. Speaker, that this is not even Mr. Speaker, earlier this week, my There is a 200-child waiting list. going to cut the funding. Democratic colleagues passed a meas- It suffers from sewage backup. That I see over there that we have the ure that would install an ombudsman is right, classes are canceled when the chairwoman of the Appropriations within DHS to monitor the practices of sewer backs up. The kitchen closes Committee. She knows that this Presi- our Border Patrol and detainment offi- when the sewer backs up, and that hap- dent, under his leadership, is funding cers. Thankfully, the Senate imme- pens every other month. the military and our Coast Guard at diately tossed that idea aside. It has got mold and rodent infesta- levels that we have never seen. I have some good news for my col- tion, a leaking roof that collapsed 5 For my friend opposite to suggest leagues across the aisle, however, be- years ago, and a failing heating and that this is all about the Coast Guard, cause I can tell you that any inspec- air-conditioning system. this is all about politics, making sure tion of our border facilities would find Servicemembers will be forced to use that there is an open border. an agency, though underfunded, stand- more expensive and lower quality off- When he had the chance, Mr. Speak- ing strong, despite a record-setting del- base programs. The Department of De- er, to vote to make sure that we limit uge of people coming at our southern fense studied it; they estimated it; and any of these funds going to this, what border. it will cost military families $10,000 a did he do? He looked the other way. He year, each, money that is coming out b 0930 voted for a CR just the other day. He of their pocket. Why? To build a wall. voted to allow this money to continue Looks like today is Groundhog Day The families at Andrews have been to flow. because we are voting on yet another waiting for years for a modern, safe This is a show vote, Mr. Speaker. resolution to stop being able to legally building, and now we are telling them This has nothing to do with really leg- call what is happening on our southern to wait. We are telling kids to go with- islating. border an emergency. out so President Trump can build his If they want to legislate, let’s figure My colleagues justify this by calling wall before 2020. out how we work on those separations the President’s actions unprecedented. Servicemembers that defend our Na- at the border. Let’s look at the Flores Unprecedented is what you call it when tion should never have to worry about decision. Let’s make sure that we are our immigration system is on pace to the safety and well-being of their chil- constructive. be overwhelmed by a million immi- dren while they are serving our Nation. I have had, Mr. Speaker, conversa- grants pleading asylum. Maybe Demo- This isn’t the only project being can- tions with some on the other side of crats call this policy. celed at Andrews. The President can- the aisle. I am willing. But what we are Unprecedented is what you call it celed a hazardous material cargo pad seeing today is nothing more than po- when Congress refuses to fund our na- necessary to load ordnance and muni- litical theater. tional security agencies and starts tions onto planes. The Pentagon said Mr. Speaker, I reserve the balance of threatening to abolish an agency and that, without this project, Andrews my time. fire our enforcement officers for doing will have ‘‘enduring systemic weak- Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I yield their job. nesses in its ability to support required such time as she may consume to the The situation is unprecedented, but military activities.’’ gentlewoman from New York (Mrs. it is not because the President’s ac- Think September 11, 9/11. We relied LOWEY), the chair of the Appropria- tions are unprecedented. It is the ac- on fighter jets from Andrews, and now tions Committee. tions from my Democrat colleagues. we are risking their mission with this Mrs. LOWEY. Mr. Speaker, the Presi- Rather than further consider this cut. dent’s fake national emergency is an resolution, I hope the majority leader The President is also canceling doz- end run around this Congress’ power of and Speaker immediately allow us to ens of essential projects that would the purse and an offense to the Con- recognize the crisis—as some Demo- provide relief in Puerto Rico and in Eu- stitution. crats have, inadvertently—that we are rope against Russian aggression. It As the Committee on Appropriations facing on the border. hurts morale among the men and chair, I am outraged that this Presi- Let’s address the root causes of the women who sacrifice more and more dent has canceled $3.6 billion in mili- emergency. Fund the Border Patrol’s $3 every year. tary construction projects to pay for a billion backlog, and install physical Voting to end this national emer- wasteful wall. barriers and security measures nec- gency is the only way to restore fund- I want to repeat: $3.6 billion in mili- essary to ensure the whole length of ing that the President has taken from tary construction projects to pay for a our southern border is secure. our troops and their families. The ad- wasteful wall. Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 ministration should not build this inef- The President chose his wall over our minutes to the gentleman from Mary- fective, xenophobic, vanity project on national security and the needs of our land (Mr. BROWN), a member of the the backs of the military. servicemembers and their families. committee of jurisdiction. When we face critical challenges at Congressional Democrats have re- Mr. BROWN of Maryland. Mr. Speak- home and abroad, this kind of action peatedly made clear, including in our er, I rise to once again oppose the hurts our ability to respond to real- appropriations bills, that we will not President’s outrageous decision to de- world emergencies. give this President a blank check by clare a national emergency. Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, I yield backfilling these projects. President Trump repeatedly prom- myself such time as I may consume. Terminating the President’s fake na- ised that Mexico would pay for his bor- Mr. Speaker, I would remind the gen- tional emergency declaration is the der wall, but now he is diverting tleman opposite that there is not a sin- only way to restore the 127 projects money, $3.6 billion, away from our gle delay in the plan of building those whose funding the President stole. I servicemembers, military families, and facilities at Andrews, and the gen- urge a ‘‘yes’’ vote. their children. tleman knows it. What happens is the Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, facts Two projects were canceled in my hyperbole from the other side doesn’t are a stubborn thing. I would like to district at Joint Base Andrews. Joint match the facts.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:08 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.006 H27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8063 Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the As I pointed out earlier, drugs are patriotism. It is everything that true gentleman from Florida (Mr. SPANO). not being smuggled in backpacks patriots fight against. Mr. SPANO. Mr. Speaker, for the through the desert. We know they are I urge my colleagues to vote for this third time, we will vote to terminate coming by sea, and we know they are resolution and send a message to our President Trump’s national emergency coming through our border control troops that their safety and our Na- declaration related to the crisis on our points; and we know we don’t have the tion’s military readiness matter more southern border. technology nor the personnel necessary than fulfilling a deceptive campaign When are we going to get serious to stop them. promise. about solving the issue? Mr. Speaker, I yield 21⁄2 minutes to Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, may I in- For the first half of the year, Demo- the gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. quire as to the remaining time. crats wouldn’t even acknowledge that WASSERMAN SCHULTZ). The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- there was a crisis. They ignored the re- Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Mr. tleman from Oregon has 171⁄2 minutes ports from Border Patrol showing Speaker, we are standing here today remaining. The gentleman from North record levels of illegal crossings month because the President has decided that Carolina has 241⁄2 minutes remaining. after month. a campaign promise is more important Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. Speaker, I thought we had than the safety and security of our Na- myself such time as I may consume. progress in June, at least in terms of tion. Mr. Speaker, I need to clarify, once Democrats acknowledging that we Earlier this month, the President again, another fact. The gentleman op- have a crisis. You see, 305 Members of stole funds from our brave servicemem- posite seems to think that all of the the House and 84 Members of the Sen- bers to pay for a costly monument to drugs and all of the bad things come in ate voted to provide emergency funding waste. Instead of owning up to the at the ports of entry, when the facts in response to the humanitarian crisis. falsehood that Mexico would pay for are, since 2014, U.S. Customs and Bor- Unfortunately, we are back to the his border wall, Trump has chosen to der Protection has actually seized same partisan votes we started the degrade our national security. more drugs between the ports of entry year with. The continuation of this fake emer- than at the ports of entry. Today is the last day the House will gency declaration poses a direct threat So I would like to, and if the gen- meet in session in fiscal year 2019. I to both our military families and tleman wants to review the facts with wish I could tell my constituents, yes, America’s national security. It steals me, I will be glad to do it. We actually we are going to terminate the emer- from soldiers who must now keep send- collected 6.4 million pounds of drugs gency declaration because the fiscal ing children to overcrowded schools. It between the ports of entry versus 3.1 year 2020 appropriations bill provides million at the ports of entry. the money needed to secure the border, forces servicemembers to work on Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the but that could not be further from the bases where hazardous materials sit in gentlewoman from West Virginia (Mrs. truth. unsafe facilities. Not a single full-year appropriations These Trump cuts sacrifice emer- MILLER). bill has been signed into law. In fact, gency and fire rescue facilities, flight Mrs. MILLER. Mr. Speaker, I rise the House hasn’t even voted on next simulation facilities, roads, clinics, today to speak in opposition to the res- year’s Homeland Security appropria- and dining halls, just to name a few. olution on the floor. Yesterday, we had one of the most tions bill. This action will make training readi- This brings me back to my question ness and life harder for America’s fami- important hearings in this Congress, of when. When are Democrats going to lies and hurts our national security. where we learned about innovations in get serious about securing our border? But don’t take my word for it; take energy efficiency and carbon capture. It is certainly not in the appropria- the word of a recent Air Force report These real solutions will allow us to tions bills they have drafted. that detailed the risk to our troops and provide affordable, clean, and reliable Section 227 of their Homeland Secu- national security at home and abroad energy to continue to give America and rity bill reads: ‘‘No Federal funds may with the diversion of these previously the world the security and prosperity be used for the construction of physical appropriated funds. that we enjoy. barriers along the southern land border ‘‘At Eielson Air Force Base in Alas- It took us 9 months to have that of the United States during the fiscal ka, a boiler failure at a facility that hearing. Unfortunately, not every year 2020.’’ provides all electrical power and steam hearing we have provides solutions. Their Defense appropriations bill heat for the base is ‘imminent,’’’ the For the past 9 months, instead of went even further. That bill prohibits report says. ‘‘With temperatures as low prioritizing our Nation’s infrastruc- any funds from being used ‘‘to con- as 65 degrees below zero, a failure ture, solving the opioid epidemic, or struct a wall, fence, border barriers, or would be devastating to facilities, and ending the crisis—yes, crisis—on our border security infrastructure along the missions housed by them within southern border, my colleagues across the southern land border of the United hours. The base would be forced to the aisle have spent countless hours ex- States.’’ evacuate within hours and, once closed, ploiting important committee meet- It is unbelievable. Not only is there would freeze and require millions of ings, searching for something, any- no funding for physical barriers, they dollars of repair to return to usable thing, that would impugn our duly- specifically prohibit it. conditions.’’ elected President. My constituents did not elect me to It does not sound like the border wall We need to stop wasting time on stand by silently as we transition to for a fake emergency is more impor- these political games. The President open borders in this country, and I will tant than making sure we don’t close has already vetoed this ridiculous reso- not. I call on my colleagues across the an entire base in Alaska. lution, and he has promised to veto it aisle: Let’s put this partisan vote be- I will remind Members that this wall again. hind us; let’s get serious; and let’s was rejected by a bipartisan majority, We must secure our southern border. work together to secure our border. It and the fake national emergency was The President has taken action, while is what the American people want and rejected by bipartisan majorities, twice this House has tried to undermine his expect us to do. now, in the Republican Senate. efforts at every step. Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I yield This is using the playbook of an au- We must put aside our political dif- myself such time as I may consume. thoritarian, jeopardizing our military ferences to save the thousands of lives Mr. Speaker, just in quick response readiness to steal a wall after it could we lose every year to fentanyl and the to the gentleman, as I pointed out ear- not be lawfully secured. This is a dan- opioid epidemic and to save the lives of lier, first off, the immigrants attempt- gerous precedent. I hope all of my Re- the young boys and girls who are being ing to come to the United States seek- publican colleagues join me in termi- trafficked across the border against ing asylum or otherwise are walking up nating this ‘‘emergency’’ declaration. their will. to border control points. They are not We all should agree that bypassing I was sent to Congress to create jobs, sneaking across the desert. Building a Congress and the Constitution and fix our infrastructure, and innovate the wall will do nothing. starving the military of funding is not energy industry, not to bicker over

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:08 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.008 H27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8064 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2019 partisan squabbles. I strongly oppose There have been stories about how The administration has taken ex- this legislation, and I urge my col- people’s property will be split; some of traordinary steps like the migrant pro- leagues to do the same. it in front of the wall, some of it be- tection protocols, DNA testing to catch Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I yield hind the wall. Some people, there will child smugglers, and interpreted new myself such time as I may consume. be the wall in front of them, and they rules to reduce abuse of our asylum Mr. Speaker, just in quick response will have to drive and use a clicker to laws. to my colleague from North Carolina, a open the wall to come into what would While the President is doing every- member of the committee of jurisdic- be considered the United States. Those thing in his power to manage the cri- tion, the Coast Guard has interdicted are American citizens who are literally sis, House Democrats have done noth- more drugs than all of the other Fed- going to be behind the wall in Texas ing. They steadfastly refuse to do any- eral agencies combined, yet they say because of Donald Trump. thing to fix our broken immigration they are only acting on 20 percent of This is a shame. This was a simple system, to protect vulnerable families them. So that is a pretty big hole. campaign promise. This doesn’t do any- and children from human smugglers, to But the second thing is, she is right. thing to keep us safer. I hope, as we did reduce the asylum backlog, or expand We are not interdicting very many last time, that this House of Rep- migrant processing and long-term drugs at the points of entry because we resentatives, Republicans and Demo- housing. Now they want to take away only inspect 6 percent of the semis crats, will vote overwhelmingly to ter- the President’s authority to respond to with high technology. And Guzman’s minate the President’s emergency dec- this crisis and prevent another one buddies said: That is how we bring it laration. from happening. It is disgraceful. in. We put fake floors in the semis, and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Mem- Mr. Speaker, I urge a ‘‘no’’ vote on we are bringing tons of drugs across. bers are reminded to refrain from en- this resolution. He is right. We are not intercepting gaging in personalities toward the Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 them because we don’t have the per- President. minutes to the gentlewoman from Cali- Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, I yield sonnel and we don’t have the tech- fornia (Ms. BROWNLEY). nology. myself such time as I may consume. Ms. BROWNLEY of California. Mr. Mr. Speaker, the gentleman opposite Mr. Speaker, I yield 21⁄2 minutes to Speaker, I rise in support of S.J. Res. was just talking about the fact that the gentleman from Texas (Mr. CAS- 54. The President’s declaring a national one particular person might have to TRO). emergency in order to deliver on a use a clicker. What about the millions Mr. CASTRO of Texas. Mr. Speaker, failed campaign promise is a gross mis- of Americans who go down to our bor- in February, I authored a resolution to use of power and sets a dangerous der right now and they can’t even go on reject the President’s emergency dec- precedent. U.S. territory because the cartel con- Not only is the President’s fake na- laration at the border. Both Chambers trols it. tional emergency unconstitutional, but of Congress, a Democratic House and a The gentleman knows all too well he is choosing to undermine actual Republican Senate, rejected that sham that the border on our southern border declaration by passing the resolution. is controlled in areas by a cartel. But military readiness by diverting con- Today, we consider a similar resolution far be it from me to be the expert. We struction funding to the border wall. For instance, President Trump is tar- to terminate the President’s emer- have the expert here on that particular geting critical military projects, in- gency declaration. subject. A border wall does nothing to make Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the cluding a California Air National us safer or address the real humani- gentleman from Alabama (Mr. ROG- Guard flight simulator, which is in- tarian crisis at our border. This time ERS), my good friend, the ranking tended to train C–130J pilots who put around, the President is raiding actual member of the Homeland Security their lives on the line every day fight- national security priorities to build his Committee. ing wildfires, among many other mis- wall. He is stealing millions of dollars Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Mr. Speak- sions. reserved for important projects that er, I thank the gentleman for yielding. Based in Ventura County in my dis- range from training sites for our serv- In the last year, nearly 1 million ille- trict with over 1,200 highly trained and icemembers to the schools for their gal immigrants attempted to cross our talented National Guard personnel, the children, to our military readiness southwest border. Let me put that into 146th Airlift Wing has been called up to projects. perspective for you. respond to many of our Nation’s true— One million is more than the popu- true—true—national emergencies, in- b 0945 lation of Delaware, or South Dakota or cluding the Mendocino Complex fire It is shameful that our servicemen North Dakota or Alaska or Vermont or and the Thomas fire, the largest fires and -women are collateral damage in Wyoming. One million is approxi- ever recorded in California’s history. his quest to build this racist wall. It is mately the population of Austin, The 146th Airlift Wing also responded a disgrace that money is being stolen Texas; San Jose, California; or Jack- to the Camp fire, one of the deadliest from over two dozen States and terri- sonville, Florida. and most destructive wildfires in U.S. tories, ensuring that American tax- For months, migrant families and history. payers—not Mexico, as the President children arrived at the border in droves Across the country, the 146th Airlift repeatedly promised—are actually pay- thanks to sophisticated smuggling op- Wing has been a critical component of ing for the wall. erations. Coyotes told vulnerable popu- Federal disaster response and humani- For example, in my district alone, we lations that a child was their ticket tarian relief efforts, including in Puer- are losing out on $18.5 million in mili- into the United States—whether or not to Rico in response to Hurricane Maria, tary construction funds. In the State of it was their child. The massive groups in Florida in response to Hurricane Texas, that number is $38.5 million. of migrants overwhelmed our border Irma, and in Texas in response to Hur- The total impact for the entire country patrol facilities, leading to over- ricane Harvey. Stealing the funds for is over $1 billion. crowding and unacceptable conditions this critical flight simulator will harm This should be shameful to all of my for migrants and law enforcement readiness and delay necessary training colleagues that this administration alike. for our Air National Guard members would leave our military families out At the high-water mark of this crisis, who risk their lives to save the lives of to dry. I ask all of my colleagues to more than 50 percent of the border pa- others. vote their conscience and to vote their trol agents were pulled off the front The fact that President Trump is district. lines to process, transport, and care for willing to undermine military readi- I would also add that the heavy bur- the record numbers of migrant children ness, California’s firefighting capabili- den of this wall will be felt by the peo- and families. The men and women of ties, and our Nation’s emergency re- ple in the Rio Grande Valley and in CBP have worked hard to manage this sponse efforts is unconscionable. We south Texas. Miles and miles of private crisis while Democrats in this House are talking about potential lives lost. property, Texans’ land, will be taken to were busy talking about a fake emer- Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to build Donald Trump’s wall. gency at our border. vote for S.J. Res. 54 and end this made-

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:08 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.010 H27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8065 up crisis and fake emergency. What I wish to continue as a sovereign nation A coalition of leading education, am talking about here today is a real with the uniquely American principles labor, and veterans organizations emergency. and customs that have made us, in Lin- wrote to the President to express their Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I would coln’s words, the last best hope of man- ‘‘profound concern,’’ saying, ‘‘Our like to again inquire as to the time re- kind on this Earth, or whether we will troops and their families deserve much maining. allow the Democrats to render our bor- better for their sacrifices.’’ The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- ders meaningless and reduce our once The President had said Mexico will tleman from Oregon has 131⁄2 minutes great nation into nothing more than a pay for his wall, not military families. remaining. vast international territory between The administration’s decision also Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, I yield Canada and Mexico. dishonors the Constitution by negating myself such time as I may consume. I Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I just its most fundamental principle, the would like to say that I have a solution would comment, the gentleman just separation of powers, in an assault on for all of this. said it is insignificant—or whatever— our power of the purse. It does great vi- The gentlewoman was just talking because he just demeaned a childcare olence to our Constitution and our de- about an emergency. The chairman of center for the troops at Andrews, and mocracy and strikes at the heart of our the Transportation and Infrastructure he heard about the conditions that Founder’s conception of America, Committee is talking about the Coast those children are living under: sewage, which demands a separation of powers. Guard. I will join both of them in mak- mold, and collapsed roof, but he doesn’t Indeed, many White House decisions ing sure that we fund it, if they will think that is necessary for the troops that have recently come to light show join me in appropriating $3.7 billion to or the troops’ kids. this same disdain and disregard for the secure our southern border. If it is an Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the Constitution. emergency, then let’s get together and gentlewoman from California (Ms. Today, we join the Senate—congratu- work in a bipartisan fashion. lations to the Senate—in a bipartisan But do you know what? PELOSI). This is not about an emergency. This Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, I thank way to restore our system of checks is about talking points, this is about the gentleman for yielding, and I thank and balances and reassert Congress’ politics, and it is about wanting an the chairman for making that very im- constitutional responsibilities. This issue transcends partisan poli- open border; and they know it. portant point about the quality of life But I am willing to work with them. of the families of our men and women tics. All Members take the oath to pro- I see the gentleman from California. I in uniform, which appears to have been tect and defend. We continue to urge am willing to work with him on the demeaned by our colleagues. House Republicans to join us to uphold Coast Guard. It is his passion. Let’s Mr. Speaker, Members of Congress the Constitution and defend and sup- fund the Coast Guard, and let’s fund take a sacred oath to support and de- port our national security. the border. We will get together. fend the Constitution and to protect Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, I yield Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the the American people. Today the House 2 minutes to the gentleman from Ala- gentleman from California (Mr. honors that oath with this resolution bama (Mr. ADERHOLT). MCCLINTOCK). to defend our national security and our Mr. ADERHOLT. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, for Constitution’s system of checks and thank the gentleman from North Caro- 43 years the President of the United balances: the guardrails created by our lina (Mr. MEADOWS), my friend and col- States has had the statutory authority Founders to safeguard our Republic. league, for yielding. granted by this Congress to declare a The President’s decision to cancel I also rise today to ask my colleagues national emergency and to reprogram $3.6 billion for military construction to to oppose the joint resolution, which, unobligated military construction pay for his wasteful wall makes Amer- obviously, as has been said will termi- funds to meet that emergency. Fifty- ica less safe. The administration is nate the President’s proclamation, as eight times previous Presidents have stealing funds from 127 initiatives in 21 he has declared a national emergency invoked this authority to address such countries, 23 States, and three terri- on the southern border. matters as civil unrest in Sierra Leone tories, stooping so low as to steal from As I have previously stated during and Burma. a middle school at Fort Campbell in other debates on this issue, it is clear Only when this President invokes his Kentucky. that there is a national emergency authority for the 59th time to address A recent U.S. Air Force report shows that exists. The American people un- the most serious national security cri- that canceling these projects hurts our derstand that unchecked and unregu- sis in our lifetime—the collapse of our national security worldwide, including lated immigration, which is in viola- southern border—only then do we hear in Europe where the President is can- tion of our Nation’s laws, has created a protests from the left and its disciples celing construction for the European border security and humanitarian cri- in Congress. defense initiative which deters Russian sis, which allows the flow of drugs, Under our Constitution, the Congress aggression. The President is canceling human trafficking, and gang members appropriates money but cannot spend a project which deters Russian aggres- into this country, as well as causing it, and the President spends money but sion. That makes the Russians very desperate situations that are faced by cannot appropriate it. He spends it ac- happy. women and children who make this cording to laws given to him by this In the Middle East he is canceling dangerous journey. Congress. In this case, Congress appro- maintenance at a key base to protect Furthermore, I think it is important priated funds and delegated to the our troops from—in the words of this for this debate that we remember and President precisely the authority to Air Force report—hostile penetration make clear that it is clearly within the spend those funds that he is now exer- in the midst of contingency operations authority provided by Congress for the cising. Whether Congress should have and an increased terrorist threat. President to do this. delegated this authority is a separate In the Pacific he is canceling con- As an appropriator, I understand the question that no one has raised in 43 struction on storage facilities in Guam importance of Congress’ responsibility years. But while that authority exists, for more than $1 billion in munitions, for military construction funding, and the President has both a right and a the largest stockpile in the region; and I appreciate the work my colleagues duty to use it to defend our country. in North America he is canceling re- have done on the Subcommittee on We also hear protests that the Presi- pairs which are based in Alaska which Military Construction, Veterans Af- dent’s act will divert money from other are needed to prevent an explosion that fairs, and Related Agencies. I had the construction projects. I ask them: would cause a full evacuation and re- privilege to be a vice chair of that sub- What is more important to our Na- quire millions of dollars of repair. committee several years ago. But I also tion’s defense than the defense of our recognize that Congress has to provide own borders? A childcare center in b 1000 the executive branch with reprogram- Maryland? Really? That decision also disrespects mili- ming authority for military construc- Our Nation is going to have to have a tary families, as our distinguished tion under title 10, U.S. Code, section serious discussion over whether we chair, Mr. DEFAZIO, mentioned. 2808.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 00:08 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.011 H27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8066 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2019 This is not the first time this author- That is not all. There was another al- majority lacks the two-thirds nec- ity has been invoked. President George most $3 billion that came out of the op- essary to override a promised Presi- Bush invoked it, and President Obama erations of the military. Nearly $6 bil- dential veto. invoked it. I think it was a total of 18 lion was ripped out of our military, all It is the first time I have had an op- projects between those two Presidents, of it necessary for the security of this portunity to vote on it, so I will take between 2001 and 2014. Nation, and repurposed for the border the opportunity to declare the south- I think most Americans agree with wall. ern border is indeed an emergency be- President Trump that there is an emer- The fundamental issue here is not cause Democrats have sundered and gency at the southern border. It has about an emergency. It is not about blocked effective border protection, gotten worse in recent years. the emergency powers of the President. border security, for over 30 years. I ask my colleagues to vote ‘‘no’’ on Although, we certainly ought to cir- It is not the emergency that is fake; this resolution and acknowledge the se- cumscribe those. This is very, very it is this futile vote. It is the sudden, riousness of the border security and much about the way in which the cur- professed concern for men and women the humanitarian crises on the border. rent emergency power is being used. of our armed services. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to First, to circumvent the appropriate We saw it yesterday, the majority’s oppose this joint resolution. constitutional and necessary power of concern for our armed services, when it Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, may I the Congress to do appropriations, that preferred electronic medical records for inquire as to how much time each side power should not ever reside with the illegals over EMR for our vets. Our has remaining. President, but that is exactly what he servicemembers know who is pro- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- has used this emergency appropriation tecting their interests and who has tleman from North Carolina has 141⁄2 to accomplish, to grab the power of the their backs. minutes remaining. The gentleman purse, to take that power, that essen- As for me, I am with the President. from Oregon has 11 minutes remaining. tial power, as Madison said, from the Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, I re- Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, I re- Congress, and then specifically, and serve the balance of my time. serve the balance of my time. Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I yield 4 most dramatically and dangerously, minute to the gentleman from Cali- minutes to the gentleman from Cali- harm the security of this Nation by fornia (Mr. GARAMENDI). fornia (Mr. GARAMENDI). stopping necessary construction Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, I projects that the military says we need Mr. GARAMENDI. Mr. Speaker, the thank the gentleman from Oregon (Mr. to protect NATO against Putin and gentleman from North Carolina (Mr. MEADOWS), my good friend, is a true DEFAZIO). Russia. Mr. Speaker, to my good friends on We ought to pass this simply to re- conservative. I know him. I know him the Republican side of the aisle, this is gather the power that we must have to well. We have had many, many discus- really about the Constitution. be a coequal branch of government, the sions. The gentleman is a true conserv- Madison, in the Federalist Papers, power of the purse. ative, and he really does believe in the wrote that the appropriations power— We can debate emergencies. We can Constitution. that is, the power of the purse—is the appropriate money for the border, and The gentleman made a most inter- ultimate power that Congress has to we do. But to allow the President to esting argument that, in the legisla- rein in excesses by the President or use this power to usurp the funda- tion that ended the 35-day Trump shut- even by the court. That is where we are mental constitutional authority of down, we should have put into that leg- today. Congress is wrong. Therefore, we islation prohibitions on this. Yes, in- It is not that there is an emergency. must—we must. We have no choice. If deed, we should have, had we any idea We can all agree there is a problem. we believe in the work and our oath, whatsoever that the President would so Call it an emergency at the border. we have no choice but to pass this reso- abuse the emergency authority as to There are many others—fires, floods, lution. literally rip away from Congress our Houston, you name it. There are plenty Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, it is in- appropriations powers. of emergencies. teresting that the gentleman from Keep in mind that we specifically put It is not that the President shouldn’t California (Mr. GARAMENDI) would sug- legislation and money forward for the have the authority and power to de- gest that this President ripped this border wall that solved the 35-day shut- clare an emergency and then deal with from Congress. We willingly gave it to down. The President signed that bill it. That is not the issue here. The issue him under section 2808. and then used the emergency power here is that this particular emergency The gentleman knows all too well that is the subject of this debate and declaration by the President was spe- that if he didn’t want the money going this resolution to usurp our appropria- cifically used to circumscribe and to the border, he could have done a tions power. usurp the authority of Congress in our limitation amendment when they He did that by going into the mili- power of the purse. passed the funding bill—not once, but tary and taking nearly $6 billion. And I Keep in mind, government was shut twice. The same funding bill that the understand he is looking for another down for 35 days because the President gentleman voted for, he could have put $10 billion or so from the same source, wanted money for his wall. We debated a limitation bill on it. using the same power. it. At the end of that, we appropriated This whole thing about the Constitu- This is a direct attack on our appro- $1.3 billion or so for border security, in- tion is actually about a section that priations power. cluding some fences and walls. has been exercised not just by Presi- Now, we have an emergency. You The President signed that bill and dent Trump, but by President Barack want to talk about an emergency? We then immediately turned around and Obama. When President Barack Obama are willing to work on emergencies and declared an emergency shortly there- exercised it, there was not a peep from appropriate the necessary money. We after, used that emergency power to rip the other side, not a peep. have done so many times. In fact, there off $3.6 billion from necessary military Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the once was an offer for some $20-plus bil- construction projects around the gentleman from North Carolina (Mr. lion for all of this. world, of which $770 million of that— BISHOP), my colleague from the Ninth Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, I yield three-quarters of a billion—was specifi- Congressional District. myself such time as I may consume. cally designed to push Russia back, Mr. BISHOP of North Carolina. Mr. Mr. Speaker, the gentleman, before part of the European Reassurance Ini- Speaker, I thank the gentleman for he exits—I want to make sure I am ad- tiative projects in Eastern Europe and yielding. dressing you, Mr. Speaker, but I want- Europe to specifically push Putin away Mr. Speaker, having taken my seat ed to highlight one critical part. from NATO. in this Congress on behalf of the citi- He is exactly right, that the Presi- Other projects have been described zens of the Ninth District only last dent signed this. If the President had here, all of them deemed to be essen- week, I am experiencing already that not given the other side the warning tially important for the security of the majority is prone to theater, in that he was going to declare a national this Nation. this case, a show vote for which the emergency, then the gentleman would

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:20 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.013 H27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8067 have had a valid point, Mr. Speaker. this is an emergency means you just It may have been 200 times that the But I can tell you, before the President simply aren’t paying attention. President said that Mexico would pay signed it, he said: If we do not get the And this President has the author- for the wall, but here we are today. money to secure our southern border ity—because Congress delegated that I rise to support S.J. Res. 54. and make sure that communities are authority to the President of the I want the American people to know, safer, I am going to declare a national United States of America—to deal with $3.6 billion is coming out of your emergency. emergencies, and this becomes a true United States military, the men and So, he put the Democrats on notice. crisis, a true emergency. women, your children, your husbands That is why all this outrage is inter- I will just give you one thing. and wives that you send to faraway esting. Go back and Google it. I prom- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The places and to the bases where families ise you that they were on notice. He time of the gentleman has expired. live. That is what is happening. said: I am going to declare a national Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, I yield Now, as a Texan and a Member of the emergency. the gentleman from Arizona an addi- Homeland Security Committee, since This is not about ripping constitu- tional 1 minute. the heinous act of 9/11, I probably have Mr. BIGGS. I was at one place, the tional power. This is about yielding the been to the border more times than I most remote border entry we have got power. And my Democratic colleagues can count. I have walked across. I have in the entire country. It is only open 9 did exactly that. ridden in speed boats. I have watched to 4. the officers deal with the issues at the Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the We have three customs agents as- gentleman from Arizona (Mr. BIGGS), border, and I have asked and watched signed there. We have got one Border as they have interdicted drugs. who probably knows more about the Patrol agent who actually lives there border than anyone who has spoken Drugs don’t come in large numbers in a double-wide mobile home. I won’t across the border. They come through previously from our side because he has say what his name is. Let’s just say it been down there over and over again. legal points of entry. And our men and is Bob. women have been very successful in Mr. BIGGS. Mr. Speaker, I thank the The night before I got there, 2 a.m., gentleman for yielding time to me. doing that. 255 people, cartel-driven—because there But let me tell you what we are fac- I will just tell you, I spent at least a is no place for 30 miles, 40 miles. That couple weeks on the border this year ing: is the nearest town. So, 250 people were A 1957 structure on the Portsmouth, alone, multiple times. I have been in dropped off, and they all go up and Virginia, shipyard known as Building every facility that I can find, and I get knock on the door of the double-wide. 510 has been cited for numerous life down there as often as I can. I talk al- They are reading from a paper. They safety violations. That is where your most daily to folks who live along the say: ‘‘Bob, we declare asylum.’’ young Navy personnel are—life safety border. I talked to an agent. He tells me that violations. It has threatened the well- I would get a chuckle, if it weren’t so he has been exposed, in the last 6 being of hundreds of workers if not doggone serious, when I hear people weeks, to hepatitis A, B, and C; mea- heavily renovated. say: Oh, no, there are no drugs coming sles; mumps; lice; scabies; and he said: The Navy warned in its budget re- across the border. We are getting them ‘‘Don’t forget, a skin-eating bacteria quest to Congress: The building has on the ocean. that they haven’t been able to identify been labeled a high-risk environment, I will tell you one thing: In the Tuc- yet.’’ That is not a border crisis? You don’t largely due to fire safety concerns. son sector, 40 percent of the drugs that So do you know what they have want to address that? I am telling you, come into this country from the south, done? To compensate for the risk of it needs to be addressed. It needs to be they come in through the Tucson sec- fire, the Navy has been reassigning tor. You know why? There are 75 miles addressed today. I thank the President for having the workers to staff roving fire watches of open border. You have one port of around the clock, 7 days a week. entry. It has a fence, about a mile-and- courage to do it. You know what? If you want more money, get him more They have been cut out for getting a-half on each side of it. Then you have their money. Childcare centers have single-strand barbed wire for as far as money for the Coast Guard. I will sup- port that. been cut out for the men and women in you can see. You have four-strand the United States military, for getting barbed wire. You know what it is hold- Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, may I inquire how much time remains on their money, when we know that bor- ing it up to? It is coming up to the der crossings of desperate people are bollard fencing. It has a slipknot, in both sides. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- down. case you need to get into the country. Mr. Speaker, I include in the RECORD tleman from North Carolina has 81⁄2 You can stand there and look at the minutes remaining. The gentleman a September 7, 2019, article from The five paths that come across. They all from Oregon has 6 minutes remaining. Washington Post. come right to the place where the slip- Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I yield [From the Washington Post, Sept. 7, 2019] knot is. myself such time as I may consume. PROJECTS DEFUNDED FOR TRUMP’S BORDER I will tell you one thing: If you have On his last rejoinder, my good friend WALL INCLUDE MILITARY BUILDINGS WITH a problem with an emergency declara- and colleague said that the President ‘LIFE SAFETY VIOLATIONS’ AND HAZMAT tion, then you just simply don’t know said something about declaring an CONCERNS what an emergency is. emergency. (By Aaron Gregg and Paul Sonne) Mr. Speaker, 1.1 million people have Well, the President says an awful lot The U.S. Navy has been forced to stand surrendered or have been apprehended of things that he doesn’t do, so I don’t down on construction projects meant to fix at the border this year. know how we were supposed to give ‘‘life safety violations’’ and fire risks at di- lapidated ship maintenance buildings and b 1015 credibility to that. hazardous materials warehouses in Virginia He said Mexico—he said, probably a Another million or so—we don’t even after funds were diverted to pay for Presi- hundred times, maybe more than a know—have come across. We even let dent Trump’s border wall. hundred times: ‘‘Mexico is going to pay The pending construction projects at Nor- 1.2 million people come in legally this for the wall.’’ folk Navy Shipyard are among 127 that the year. ‘‘Who is going to pay for the wall?’’ Pentagon has defunded to free up $3.6 billion And you want to tell me you don’t ‘‘Mexico.’’ in funding for fences and barriers on the have a border crisis? You have got I mean, he got cheers. He just would southern border with Mexico using emer- opioid addiction and overdoses killing brighten up, this was so wonderful. gency powers. people. You have got people coming in But, of course, that is not happening. One of the military facilities—a 1957 struc- unvetted. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the ture on the Portsmouth, Va., shipyard You had 1,000 people come in from known as ‘‘Building #510’’—had been cited gentlewoman from Texas (Ms. JACKSON for numerous ‘‘life safety violations’’ that where? The Congo—the Congo—right LEE). threatened the well-being of hundreds of through the Rio Grande Valley. Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, I workers if not heavily renovated, the Navy I am telling you something: For you thank the gentleman from Oregon for warned in its budget request to Congress last to stand there and say you don’t think the time. year.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:20 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.014 H27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8068 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2019 The building has been labeled a ‘‘high risk them. Republican lawmakers on Capitol Hill Security, I visited the southern border on nu- environment,’’ largely due to fire safety con- broadly support ‘‘backfilling’’ the $3.6 billion merous occasions several times and can state cerns. As of last year it had no sprinkler pro- worth of projects, and the Republican-led confidently that there is no national emergency tection, inadequate fire alarm systems and Senate has included a provision to do so in not enough exits. Excessive heat and humid- its version of the annual defense policy bill. or national security crisis that justified the ity inside have caused equipment problems Democrats, however, have balked at the sug- President’s reckless and unconstitutional deci- despite a 60-ton portable HVAC system gestion, saying Trump’s action flies in the sion or compels the Congress to abdicate its brought in to clear the air, according to face of Congress’s constitutionally mandated responsibilities under Article I to check and Navy budget documents. power of the purse. Democratic lawmakers, balance the Executive Branch. To compensate for the risk of fire, the including Kaine, have argued that ‘‘back- The President only pursued this tactic of de- Navy had been reassigning workers to staff filling’’ the projects would set a precedent claring a national emergency after realizing ‘‘roving fire watches’’ around the clock, allowing any future president to do an end that Speaker was absolutely seven days a week. The budget request run around Congress when confronted with correct when she informed him that he did not sought to revamp the building, including re- funding he or she deems insufficient. locating personnel overseeing nuclear con- Top Pentagon officials say they are com- have the support in Congress to require the tainment and repairing Navy life rafts from mitted to making sure the defunded projects taxpayers to pay for his broken promise that an even more dangerous building. are still completed, and say they will work ‘‘Mexico would pay for the wall, 100 percent!’’ If the building isn’t replaced, the Navy with Congress to ensure that the funding for In fact, according to public opinion polling, wrote in its 2018 request, ‘‘approximately 330 the projects is replenished. Still, they have Americans overwhelmingly disapprove of the personnel, working more than 256,000 admitted there is no guarantee the funding President’s national emergency declaration by manhours annually will remain in a high will be forthcoming. a 61%–36% margin. risk environment, with continuing signifi- The Portsmouth ship repair facility is part The President’s decision is opposed by both cant rework, high stress, and additional op- of the Norfolk Navy Shipyard, the U.S. erating costs due to inadequate working en- Navy’s oldest shipyard, where workers repair men and women in every region of the coun- vironment.’’ The Navy received $26 million and build naval vessels ranging from sub- try, by every income group and education cat- from Congress for a construction project marines to aircraft carriers. Among other egory; it is opposed by veterans organizations, that would have upgraded the building, only activities, federal workers and contractors education associations like the NEA and AFT, to see that funding taken away to pay for there are responsible for maintaining nu- and organized labor. Trump’s border wall project. clear-powered aircraft carriers and sub- National security experts across the political The project is one of eight military con- marines, as well as disposing of the radio- spectrum are unanimous in their assessment struction projects in Maryland and Virginia active waste they generate. The shipyard that the situation on the southern border does that will lose $155 million in funding being processed approximately 8,000 cubic feet of diverted to construct fencing and barriers radioactive solid waste from nuclear sub- not constitute a national emergency, an as- along the southern border. marines between 2013 and 2017, according to sessment echoed by leading former Repub- The episode highlights how long-neglected a recent report from the Energy Department. lican senators and Members of Congress. military facilities that suffered under the se- But the infrastructure supporting the U.S. They understand that after failing to con- questration-induced budget restrictions are military’s nuclear waste disposal efforts has vince the American people or Congress to pay now being buffeted by a different political crumbled in recent decades under successive for his ineffective, wasteful, and immoral multi- head wind. waves of budget restrictions. In some cases, The defunded projects include a Maryland billion dollar concrete wall, the President now that work has been carried out using anti- embarked on a course of conduct that is child-care facility for soldiers’ children, Vir- quated 40–year-old pipes, valves and tanks, ginia warehouses designed to hold hazardous according to a 2011 budget document. deeply corrosive of the constitutional system materials and a secure facility for classified Other projects that have been sidelined in of checks and balances wisely established by cyberwarfare operations. They are among 127 favor of the border wall include $41 million the Framers and which has served this Nation military construction projects across 23 for a pair of ‘‘noncombustible hazardous ma- and the world so well for nearly 250 years. states, three U.S. territories and 20 countries terials warehouses’’ at the Norfolk shipyard. Having failed miserably to achieve his ob- that have been sidelined to pay for fencing One of the warehouses was to include a new jective in the constitutional legislative process, and barriers on the border with Mexico. storage shed for gas cylinders; according to the President resorted to a desperate 11th Shooting ranges, airfields, drone facilities, Navy budget documents, the existing one is schools, a missile field and a treatment cen- too small and doesn’t have the necessary fire hour end-run around Congress with an unlaw- ter for working dogs are among the projects safety systems. ful emergency declaration that contravenes that have seen their funding rescinded. The Norfolk warehouses currently being the will of the American people and negates Members of Congress representing Mary- used to store hazardous materials ‘‘are World the awesome power of the purse vested ex- land and Virginia said the diversion of funds War II-era structures that are inefficient and clusively in the Congress of the United States. will hurt U.S. national security. not designed for HAZMAT warehouse oper- The Congress will not tolerate this. ‘‘I’m deeply concerned about President ations,’’ Navy officials wrote. Despite being repeatedly admonished and Trump’s plan to pull funding from critical ‘‘If this project is not provided, [the De- national security projects—including mil- fense Department] will continue storing haz- in the face of overwhelming evidence to the lions of dollars from important projects in ardous materials in nonconforming storage contrary, the President continues to propagate Virginia—so he can build his border wall,’’ facilities that do not meet current life safety false information regarding the state of our Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.) said in a statement. /fire safety code requirements,’’ Defense offi- southern border. His state will lose an estimated $89 million cials told members of Congress in 2018. Mr. Speaker, these are the facts. in funded projects to pay for the wall effort, Ms. JACKSON LEE. Mr. Speaker, we NET UNAUTHORIZED MIGRATION FROM MEXICO making it one of the most affected. HAS FALLEN TO ZERO Trump declared a national emergency in recognize that this border wall, over mid-February after Congress refused to give and over again, has been said to be des- Net migration from Mexico is now zero or him the sum he wanted for border barrier ignated as an action of the sovereign slightly below (more people leaving than com- construction. An obscure U.S. Code section nation of Mexico. Why, then, are the ing) because of a growing Mexican economy, governing the military allows the defense people of the United States, the tax- an aging population and dropping fertility rates secretary, in the event of a national emer- payers, voting for something that was that have led to a dramatic decrease in unau- gency requiring the use of the armed forces, promised by someone else? thorized migration from Mexico. to carry out construction projects in support Vote for this resolution and help the TOTAL APPREHENSIONS ARE LOW AND of those troops without approval from Con- men and women in the United States MANAGEABLE gress. The statute permits the defense sec- Migrant apprehensions continue to be near retary to take money that Congress has military. Stand with them. Stand with given the Pentagon for other military them. an all-time low with only a slight increase from projects that have yet to start contracting. Mr. Speaker, I rise in strong support of our 2017. Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper on Tues- Constitution and in defense of our republic The combined 521,090 apprehensions for day determined that 11 border barrier and urge all members to join me in voting for Border Patrol and Customs agents in fiscal projects proposed by the Department of S.J. Res. 54, which terminates the phony dec- year 2018 were 32,288 apprehensions fewer Homeland Security would support troops de- laration of emergency issued by the President than the 553,378 apprehensions in 2016. ployed to the border, and authorized the on February 15, 2019. To put this in perspective, on average, each Pentagon to divert $3.6 billion from 127 mili- The reason this resolution is before us of the 19,437 Border Patrol agents nationwide tary projects to finance them. On the cam- paign trail, Trump regularly said Mexico today is because of the petulant intransigence apprehended a total of only 19 migrants in would pay for his planned wall along the of a single person, the current President of the 2018, which amounts to fewer than 2 appre- southern border. United States. hensions per month. For the defunded projects to proceed, Con- As a senior member of the Committee on In the last few years, an increased propor- gress must once again appropriate funds for the Judiciary and the Committee on Homeland tion of apprehensions are parents seeking to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:24 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.003 H27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8069 protect their children from the violence and ex- Mr. Speaker, on September 4, 2019, citing They put all kinds of strings on it, treme poverty in Honduras, El Salvador, and his emergency declaration, the President an- but they finally admitted there was a Guatemala. nounced 127 military construction projects real crisis on the border. But they lim- But even with more Central Americans arriv- being canceled to pay for construction of the ited what the President could do. ing to our southern border seeking protection, wall. In the broader context, never forget total apprehension rates are still at their lowest These 127 projects are critical to protecting what they have said. They said: Abol- since the 1970s. our national security and improving the quality ish ICE. Members of the United States The absence of a massive wall on the of life of our servicemembers and their fami- Congress: Abolish ICE. southern border will not solve the drug smug- lies. We had a Member from the majority gling problem because, as all law enforcement President Trump’s cancellation of these say to abolish the whole Department. experts agree, the major source of drugs com- projects makes America less safe, disrespects We had the Speaker of the House, even ing into the United States are smuggled military families, and dishonors the Constitu- though she has a wall in her own State, through legal ports of entry. tion. say walls are immoral. BORDER COMMUNITIES ARE SAFE A recent U.S. Air Force report also high- The majority says they are okay The southern border region is home to lighted the security risks posed from the Presi- with noncitizens voting. This is the about 15 million people living in border coun- dent’s cancellation of various Air Force military perspective they offer, and now they ties in California, Arizona, New Mexico, and construction projects, including: bring this bill? Texas. 1. Cancelling military construction for the Of course we should vote against this These communities, which include cities European Defense Initiative, preventing our thing. Of course we should vote against such as San Diego, Douglas, Las Cruces, and work to deter Russian aggression. this thing. El Paso, are among the safest in the country. 2. Cancelling maintenance at a key base in Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I believe CONGRESS HAS INVESTED BILLIONS IN BORDER the Middle East to fix weaknesses that leave I have the right to close. I have no fur- ENFORCEMENT us open ‘‘to hostile penetration in the midst of ther speakers, and I reserve the bal- Congress has devoted more U.S. taxpayer contingency operations and an increased ter- ance of my time. dollars to immigration enforcement agencies rorist threat.’’ Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, I yield (more than $21 billion now) than all other en- 3. Cancelling planned upgrades of airfields 2 minutes to the gentleman from North forcement agencies combined, including the across Europe, leaving them unable to support Carolina (Mr. MURPHY), the gentleman FBI, DEA, ATF, US Marshals, and Secret U.S. and NATO planes. from the Third Congressional District Service. Mr. Speaker, the President’s declaration of North Carolina, one who has actu- The bulk of this money goes to U.S. Cus- clearly violates the Congress’s exclusive ally been a strong advocate for the hur- toms and Border Protection (CBP), with a power of the purse, and, if unchecked, would ricane relief that has hit his particular budget of $14.4 billion in fiscal year 2018 and fundamentally alter the balance of powers, vio- district, the new Member and my good more than 59,000 personnel. lating our Founders’ vision for America. friend. CBP is the largest law enforcement agency Opposing the President’s reckless and anti- Mr. MURPHY of North Carolina. Mr. in the country, and more than 85 percent of American decision transcends partisan politics Speaker, I speak this morning on our the agency’s Border Patrol agents (i.e., 16,605 and partisanship; it is about patriotism, con- Nation’s security. of 19,437) are concentrated on the southern stitutional fidelity, and putting country first. Over 200-plus years ago, brave men To quote Thomas Paine’s Common Sense: border. and women literally sacrificed their Expanded deployment of the military to the ‘‘In absolute governments, the King is law; so lives to create a nation that was based border to include active duty troops could cost in free countries, the law ought to be King.’’ upon freedom. That has now continued, between $200 and $300 million in addition to Mr. Speaker, I urge all Members to uphold and we have today a nation of laws. the estimated $182 million for the earlier de- the rule of law and the Constitution and reject And now we have that nation of laws ployment by the President of National Guard the President’s power grab; I urge a resound- and the sanctity of that country to the border. ing ‘‘yes’’ vote on S.J. Res. 54. Mr. Speaker, having been soundly defeated Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, only in threatened. If you look back on the last several legislatively by Congress, a co-equal branch of Washington, D.C., is spending $160 bil- Republican and Democratic Presidents government, the President wants to finance lion more on defense a cut. The gentle- of the United States who, right from border wall vanity project by diverting funds woman from Texas is talking like we that very seat, spoke about our border that the Congress has appropriated for dis- have cut the defense. We are spending crisis, they spoke about what they aster recovery and military construction. $160 billion more over a 2-year period. The funds the President wants to steal were Ask the military men and women if needed to do to keep the sanctity of appropriated by Congress to help Americans they are better funded today than they our borders, yet nothing was ever done. devastated by natural disasters, like Hurri- were under the 8 years of the Barack The American people have com- canes Harvey, Irma and Maria, or for other Obama administration, and, almost to plained incessantly on how this Con- purposes like military construction. the person, they will say yes. This gress does not act. It is a stalemate. Congress did not, has not, and will not, ap- President is standing with the military Now we have a President, bold as he is, prove of any diversion of these funds to con- men and women of this great country. who is finally acting on this crisis. We struct a border wall that the President repeat- Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the are literally overrun by folks from the edly and derisively boasted that Mexico would gentleman from Ohio (Mr. JORDAN). southern border. pay for. Mr. JORDAN. Mr. Speaker, this is Yes, there are drugs. I heard that was In fact, the President has admitted he just one more example of the Demo- mentioned by the gentleman earlier. ‘‘didn’t have to do this,’’ but has opted do so crats attacking the President instead There are drugs that are coming in. because ‘‘I want to see it built faster.’’ of trying to solve the problem. But we also talk about human traf- Mr. Speaker, a bipartisan group of nearly 60 We all know how serious the problem ficking, that is, the trafficking of national security officials including former sec- was. We have known it for months and young men and women into this coun- retaries of state, defense secretaries, CIA di- months and months. For months, we try into, essentially, slavery. We now rectors, and ambassadors to the UN issued a said there was a crisis on the southern want to open the borders up and have statement declaring that ‘‘there is no factual border, and the Democrats said: No, no, this country, what was previously a na- basis’’ justifying the President’s emergency no, not really a crisis. It is manufac- tion of laws, now become overrun and declaration. tured. It is not real. say that laws are no longer sanctified Instead of protecting our national security, Even though there were 144 apprehen- in this country. the President’s declaration makes America sions in the month of May alone, they Ladies and gentlemen, we have a less safe. said: Oh, no, no—manufactured. President who is bold, who has recog- The President is stealing billions from high- Finally, the real crisis got so ex- nized what has not been recognized by priority military construction projects that en- treme, even the Democrats had to say: previous Presidents, that we do have sure our troops have the essential training, You know what? That money the Presi- an emergency, that we do have the readiness and quality of life necessary to keep dent is asking for, we are going to have need for a physical structure to pre- the American people safe, directly under- to give him a little money. We are vent a physical object from moving mining America’s national security. going to have to do something here. from point A to point B.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:24 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.008 H27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8070 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2019 We need a sanctified and a secure Mr. Speaker, it is high time that we ently, year in, year out. But they are border, and I wish the Republicans and put the interests of the American citi- way behind in their numbers. They Democrats would get together and rec- zens first, and, with that, I yield back haven’t been able to hire up to the ognize that we do need this for our the balance of my time. numbers we have authorized. country and it is truly an emergency. Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I yield And technology, which is what I am Mr. DEFAZIO. Mr. Speaker, as I said myself the remainder of my time. talking about, they don’t have that ei- earlier, I have the right to close. I re- Well, again, in response to my good ther. serve the balance of my time. friend, the President said hundreds of There is also—I mean, you know, Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, I yield times: Mexico is going to pay for the people over there are pooh-poohing myself such time as I may consume. If wall. They are not. child care centers for the troops in the the gentleman opposite has no more We have the transcript of the phone military and things like that. They speakers and is prepared to close, I will call where he called the new President don’t need it. Their kids don’t need it. go ahead and give my final remarks. of Mexico and said: Look, I know you Really? Mr. Speaker, I think it would be ap- are not going to pay for the wall, but And then also the President is taking propriate for me to recognize our fine you can’t say that. We are going to pay hundreds of millions of dollars out of staff that is here. All those who have for it. the European defense initiative. prepared the work have done a great So, that is one thing. I have been to Poland recently, and I job, day in and day out. Many times, Also, he talked about moving the have seen the Suwalki Corridor. That our staff is looked at and overlooked, Embassy to Jerusalem. The President is the Russian invasion route into Eu- and I didn’t want this day to go by was going to deliver a peace plan for rope. For years it was the Fulda Gap, without recognizing their fine work on the Middle East. Where is it? but now it is the Suwalki Corridor this particular subject. There are a lot of things this Presi- Mr. Speaker, it should come as no since Germany is reunified. dent said he was going to do that surprise to the American people or to And we are going to cancel projects haven’t happened. this body why we are here today. Every in countries to defend that area and Getting close to the President is sort single day, Mr. Speaker, it becomes give them better capability to defend of like being in the orbit of a black clearer and clearer and clearer that the themselves against the Russian inva- hole, which sucks in everything. And majority is just blindly objecting to sion. that sucked in a lot of things and a lot anything that this President does, even But since Vlad—that is Mr. Putin, of people who have been, then, blown if those efforts are to serve this Nation. whatever dictators are called in Rus- The fact is that there is a real crisis back out at some point by the Presi- sia—is buddies with the President; they at our southern border, something that dent. have secret phone calls, secret con- even the Speaker, as recently as June, b 1030 versations that aren’t transcribed, the President is withholding money from has recognized. So, Mr. Speaker, I His current Acting Chief of Staff—I Ukraine to defend itself. think it is important that we come to- don’t know how long he has been act- And now we are going to cut money gether and we do secure our commu- ing now; a year, a year and half, some- for our allies, the European defense ini- nities, we do provide the funding. thing like that. The President likes tiative, to build a stupid, useless wall I am willing to work with my friends them to be acting because he can get on the border. opposite. If we are looking at our Coast rid of them more easily, he thinks. Mr. Speaker, I yield back the balance Guard, wanting to make sure that they When he had his own opinions, when of my time. have the proper funds, I am willing to he wasn’t in the orbit of the black hole The SPEAKER pro tempore. All time work with them on that. of Donald Trump, he said about walls, for debate has expired. I am also willing to look at what we Mick Mulvaney, the President’s acting Pursuant to the rule, the previous need to do to make sure that we not Chief of Staff: ‘‘You go under, you go question is ordered on the joint resolu- only build a secure southern border, around, you go through. What they tion. but that we apprehend those cartels need is more manpower and more tech- The question is on the third reading and those human traffickers that my nology.’’ Acting Chief of Staff Mick of the joint resolution. good friend from North Carolina talked Mulvaney said that August 25, 2015, The joint resolution was ordered to about. when he had his own opinions, when he There is a cost of not doing some- be read a third time, and was read the worked here in the United States thing each and every day. My friend third time. House of Representatives. He can’t opposite wanted to talk about how the The SPEAKER pro tempore. The have his own opinions anymore. President really says things and question is on passage of the joint reso- He thought a wall was stupid then doesn’t do it. lution. and it wouldn’t do anything. And he I can tell you, this President is very The question was taken; and the said what we have been saying; we in- serious about building a wall on our Speaker pro tempore announced that spect six percent of the semi-tractor southern border to secure it. In fact, it the ayes appeared to have it. trailers that roll across the border, and is being built right now. Mr. MEADOWS. Mr. Speaker, on that we have testimony in the conviction of This President was very serious I demand the yeas and nays. a drug lord, Joaquin Guzman, in New about moving the Embassy to Jeru- The yeas and nays were ordered. York, we have testimony in that trial. salem. In fact, the Embassy is in Jeru- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- They are bringing the drugs in in just salem. ant to clause 9 of rule XX, this 15- boatloads, or truckloads, boatloads— This President was very serious minute vote on passage of the joint res- we already talked about the Coast about lowering taxes. In fact, we low- olution will be followed by 5-minute Guard—and truckloads across the bor- ered taxes. votes on: der because we only inspect a fraction This President was very serious The motion to suspend the rules and of them. about making sure that our economy pass H.R. 3722; and So what if they lose a few? Hundreds hums so that unemployment would Agreeing to the Speaker’s approval of of millions of dollars; that is the cost reach historic lows, and, indeed, he has the Journal, if ordered. of doing business. This is a multi-bil- done that. The vote was taken by electronic de- This is not about a campaign promise lion-dollar business, these cartels. vice, and there were—yeas 236, nays to build a wall. This is about a cam- And as Mick Mulvaney said in an 174, not voting 23, as follows: paign promise to secure our commu- honest moment, we need manpower. We nities. In fact, this President has done already heard that they have only got [Roll No. 553] it. four people at the border crossing in YEAS—236 I am going to stand with him. I ask Arizona. Adams Barraga´ n Blumenauer my friends opposite to work with us on Why do they only have four people? Aguilar Bass Blunt Rochester Allred Bera Bonamici giving the proper funding to make sure We have appropriated more money for Amash Beyer Boyle, Brendan that we do exactly that. more Border Patrol people consist- Axne Bishop (GA) F.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:20 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.018 H27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8071 Brindisi Horn, Kendra S. Pingree Graves (LA) Luetkemeyer Scott, Austin you, I present it to this body as a re- Brown (MD) Horsford Pocan Graves (MO) Marshall Shimkus ward for that victory, but also a small Brownley (CA) Houlahan Porter Green (TN) Mast Simpson Bustos Hoyer Pressley Griffith McCarthy Smith (MO) reminder of what Democrats and Re- Butterfield Huffman Price (NC) Grothman McCaul Smith (NE) publicans can do when we work to- Carbajal Jackson Lee Quigley Guest McClintock Smith (NJ) gether. ´ Guthrie McKinley Smucker Cardenas Jayapal Raskin Mr. Speaker, I yield to the gentleman Carson (IN) Jeffries Rice (NY) Hagedorn Meadows Spano Cartwright Johnson (GA) Richmond Harris Meuser Stauber from Illinois (Mr. RODNEY DAVIS). Case Johnson (SD) Rodgers (WA) Hartzler Miller Steil Mr. RODNEY DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Casten (IL) Johnson (TX) Rooney (FL) Hern, Kevin Mitchell Steube Speaker, I want to say thank you to Castor (FL) Kaptur Hice (GA) Moolenaar Stewart Rose (NY) everybody standing up here. They came Castro (TX) Katko Rouda Hill (AR) Mooney (WV) Stivers Chu, Judy Keating Roybal-Allard Holding Mullin Taylor to practices in the mornings, they Hollingsworth Murphy (NC) Cicilline Kelly (IL) Ruiz Thompson (PA) braved serious injuries. Hudson Newhouse Thornberry Cisneros Kennedy Ruppersberger Clark (MA) Khanna Huizenga Nunes Timmons Mr. Speaker, a special shout-out to Rush Clarke (NY) Kildee Hunter Olson Tipton our colleague, RICK CRAWFORD, who is Ryan Clay Kilmer Johnson (OH) Palazzo Wagner Sa´ nchez not here, who broke a fibula trying to Cleaver Kim Jordan Palmer Walberg Sarbanes play for this game. We missed him. Cohen Kirkpatrick Joyce (OH) Pence Walker Scanlon Connolly Krishnamoorthi Joyce (PA) Perry Walorski Mr. Speaker, another shout-out goes Cooper Lamb Schakowsky Keller Posey Waltz to Bob Dole and Jeff Denham, former Schiff Correa Langevin Kelly (MS) Reed Watkins Members who have played, but cer- Costa Larsen (WA) Schneider Kelly (PA) Reschenthaler Weber (TX) Courtney Larson (CT) Schrader King (IA) Rice (SC) Webster (FL) tainly our pros that helped coach us, Cox (CA) Lawson (FL) Schrier King (NY) Riggleman Wenstrup John Booty and Ken Harvey. All of Craig Lee (CA) Scott (VA) Kinzinger Roby Westerman them deserve thanks. Scott, David Crist Lee (NV) Kustoff (TN) Roe, David P. Williams Mr. Speaker, I ask all Members, Crow Levin (CA) Sensenbrenner LaHood Rogers (AL) Wilson (SC) Cuellar Levin (MI) Serrano LaMalfa Rogers (KY) Wittman whenever they see these great Capitol Cunningham Lewis Sewell (AL) Lamborn Rose, John W. Womack Police officers, thank them for what Davids (KS) Lieu, Ted Shalala Latta Rouzer Woodall they do each and every day for us and Davis (CA) Lipinski Sherman Lesko Roy Wright Davis, Danny K. Loebsack Sherrill Long Rutherford Yoho for the millions of visitors that come Dean Lofgren Sires Loudermilk Scalise Young to this institution. But remind them DeFazio Lowenthal Slotkin Lucas Schweikert Zeldin that the charities are the winners, and DeGette Lowey Smith (WA) make sure they know that the Mem- DeLauro Luja´ n Soto NOT VOTING—23 DelBene Luria Spanberger Abraham Gabbard Lawrence bers are the victors. Delgado Lynch Speier Arrington Gallagher Marchant f Demings Malinowski Stanton Beatty Higgins (LA) McEachin DeSaulnier Maloney, Stefanik Cheney Hill (CA) McHenry JOINT TASK FORCE TO COMBAT Deutch Carolyn B. Clyburn Hurd (TX) Stevens Norman OPIOID TRAFFICKING ACT OF 2019 Dingell Maloney, Sean Suozzi Crawford Johnson (LA) Ratcliffe Doggett Massie Swalwell (CA) Cummings Kind Turner The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Doyle, Michael Matsui Escobar Kuster (NH) Takano ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfin- F. McAdams Thompson (CA) Engel McBath Thompson (MS) b 1103 ished business is the vote on the mo- Eshoo McCollum Titus So the joint resolution was passed. tion to suspend the rules and pass the Espaillat McGovern Tlaib bill (H.R. 3722) to amend the Homeland Evans McNerney Tonko The result of the vote was announced Finkenauer Meeks Security Act of 2002 to authorize a Torres (CA) as above recorded. Fitzpatrick Meng Torres Small Joint Task Force to enhance integra- Fletcher Moore A motion to reconsider was laid on (NM) tion of the Department of Homeland Foster Morelle the table. Trahan Frankel Moulton Security’s border security operations Trone f Fudge Mucarsel-Powell Underwood to detect, interdict, disrupt, and pre- Gallego Murphy (FL) 2019 CONGRESSIONAL FOOTBALL vent narcotics, such as fentanyl and Garamendi Nadler Upton Garcı´a (IL) Napolitano Van Drew GAME other synthetic opioids, from entering Vargas Garcia (TX) Neal (Mr. PANETTA asked and was given the United States, and for other pur- Golden Neguse Veasey Vela permission to address the House for 1 poses, on which the yeas and nays were Gomez Norcross ordered. Gonzalez (TX) O’Halleran Vela´ zquez minute.) Gottheimer Ocasio-Cortez Visclosky Mr. PANETTA. Mr. Speaker, I rise The Clerk read the title of the bill. Walden Green, Al (TX) Omar today with my Democratic and Repub- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Grijalva Pallone Wasserman question is on the motion offered by Haaland Panetta Schultz lican colleagues to present to you, to Harder (CA) Pappas Waters present to this body, a trophy that rec- the gentleman from California (Mr. Hastings Pascrell Watson Coleman ognizes something that hasn’t been CORREA) that the House suspend the Welch Hayes Payne done in over a decade. rules and pass the bill. Heck Perlmutter Wexton This is a 5-minute vote. Herrera Beutler Peters Wild Now, I am not talking about the 2009 Higgins (NY) Peterson Wilson (FL) Raise the Wage Act. I am not talking The vote was taken by electronic de- Himes Phillips Yarmuth about the 2009 Hate Crimes Act. I am vice, and there were—yeas 403, nays 1, not voting 29, as follows: NAYS—174 not even talking about the creation of the Office of Congressional Ethics in [Roll No. 554] Aderholt Bucshon DesJarlais Allen Budd Diaz-Balart 2009. YEAS—403 Amodei Burchett Duncan What I am talking about is that Adams Biggs Bucshon Armstrong Burgess Dunn these Congressmen in front of you ac- Aderholt Bilirakis Budd Babin Byrne Emmer Aguilar Bishop (GA) Burchett Bacon Calvert Estes tually beat the Capitol Police in foot- Allen Bishop (NC) Burgess Baird Carter (GA) Ferguson ball on Tuesday night for the first time Allred Bishop (UT) Bustos Balderson Carter (TX) Fleischmann in a decade. Amodei Blumenauer Butterfield Banks Chabot Flores Now, at the game, Mr. Speaker, for- Armstrong Blunt Rochester Byrne Barr Cline Fortenberry Arrington Bonamici Calvert Bergman Cloud Foxx (NC) tunately, there were no serious inju- Axne Bost Carbajal Biggs Cole Fulcher ries. At practice, there was, but not at Babin Boyle, Brendan Ca´ rdenas Bilirakis Collins (GA) Gaetz the game. Bacon F. Carson (IN) Bishop (NC) Collins (NY) Gianforte Baird Brady Carter (GA) Bishop (UT) Comer Gibbs We had a lot of sore muscles, but Balderson Brindisi Carter (TX) Bost Conaway Gohmert most importantly, we did raise a heck Banks Brooks (AL) Cartwright Brady Cook Gonzalez (OH) of a lot of money for local charities and Barr Brooks (IN) Case Brooks (AL) Crenshaw Gooden the Capitol Police Memorial Fund. Barraga´ n Brown (MD) Casten (IL) Brooks (IN) Curtis Gosar Bass Brownley (CA) Castor (FL) Buchanan Davidson (OH) Granger So, Mr. Speaker, I present this tro- Bera Buchanan Castro (TX) Buck Davis, Rodney Graves (GA) phy to you, this rather large trophy to Bergman Buck Chabot

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:20 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.004 H27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8072 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2019 Chu, Judy Hastings Moulton Swalwell (CA) Upton Weber (TX) Whereas on May 12, 2009, the House ap- Cicilline Hayes Mucarsel-Powell Takano Van Drew Webster (FL) proved H. Res. 424, authorizing and directing Cisneros Heck Mullin Taylor Vargas Welch the Committee on the Judiciary to inquire Thompson (CA) Veasey Wenstrup Clark (MA) Hern, Kevin Murphy (FL) whether the House should impeach Samuel Clarke (NY) Herrera Beutler Murphy (NC) Thompson (MS) Vela Westerman Clay Hice (GA) Nadler Thompson (PA) Vela´ zquez Wexton B. Kent, a judge of the United States Dis- Cleaver Higgins (NY) Napolitano Thornberry Visclosky Wild trict Court for the Southern District of Cline Hill (AR) Neal Timmons Wagner Williams Texas; Cloud Himes Neguse Tipton Walberg Wilson (FL) Whereas on January 13, 2009, the House ap- Cohen Holding Newhouse Titus Walden Wilson (SC) proved H. Res. 15, authorizing and directing Cole Hollingsworth Norcross Tlaib Walker Wittman the Committee on the Judiciary to inquire Collins (GA) Horn, Kendra S. Nunes Tonko Walorski Womack Torres (CA) Waltz Woodall whether the House should impeach G. Thom- Collins (NY) Horsford O’Halleran as Porteous, a judge of the United States Comer Houlahan Ocasio-Cortez Torres Small Wasserman Wright Conaway Hoyer Olson (NM) Schultz Yarmuth District Court for the Eastern District of Connolly Hudson Omar Trahan Waters Yoho Louisiana; Cook Huffman Palazzo Trone Watkins Young Whereas on October 8, 1998, the House ap- Cooper Huizenga Pallone Underwood Watson Coleman Zeldin proved H. Res. 581, authorizing and directing Correa Hunter Palmer NAYS—1 the Committee on the Judiciary to inves- Costa Jackson Lee Panetta tigate whether sufficient grounds exist for Amash Courtney Jayapal Pappas the impeachment of William Jefferson Clin- Cox (CA) Jeffries Pascrell NOT VOTING—29 ton, President of the United States; Craig Johnson (GA) Payne Crenshaw Johnson (OH) Pence Abraham Gallagher Maloney, Sean Whereas the Committee Report to accom- Crist Johnson (SD) Perlmutter Beatty Higgins (LA) Marchant pany H. Res. 581 stated: ‘‘Because the issue of Crow Johnson (TX) Perry Beyer Hill (CA) McEachin impeachment is of such overwhelming im- Cuellar Jordan Peters Cheney Hurd (TX) McHenry portance, the Committee decided that it Cunningham Joyce (OH) Peterson Clyburn Johnson (LA) Norman must receive authorization from the full Curtis Joyce (PA) Phillips Crawford Kelly (MS) Ratcliffe House before proceeding on any further Cummings Kind Davids (KS) Kaptur Pingree Scanlon course of action’’; Davidson (OH) Katko Pocan DesJarlais Kuster (NH) Smith (WA) Escobar Lawrence Whereas that report further stated: ‘‘Be- Davis (CA) Keating Porter Turner Davis, Danny K. Keller Posey Gabbard Lofgren cause impeachment is delegated solely to the Davis, Rodney Kelly (IL) Pressley House of Representatives by the Constitu- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE Dean Kelly (PA) Price (NC) tion, the full House of Representatives DeFazio Kennedy Quigley The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. should be involved in critical decision mak- DeGette Khanna Raskin DEGETTE) (during the vote). There are ing regarding various stages of impeach- DeLauro Kildee Reed 2 minutes remaining. ment’’; DelBene Kilmer Reschenthaler Whereas the Speaker’s extraordinary deci- Delgado Kim Rice (NY) b 1113 Demings King (IA) Rice (SC) sion to move forward with an impeachment DeSaulnier King (NY) Richmond So (two-thirds being in the affirma- inquiry without any debate or vote on such Deutch Kinzinger Riggleman tive) the rules were suspended and the a resolution by the full House undermines Diaz-Balart Kirkpatrick Roby bill was passed. the voting privileges afforded to each Mem- Dingell Krishnamoorthi Rodgers (WA) ber and the constituents they represent; and Doggett Kustoff (TN) Roe, David P. The result of the vote was announced Whereas this unprecedented and politically Doyle, Michael LaHood Rogers (AL) as above recorded. motivated decision by Speaker Pelosi rep- F. LaMalfa Rogers (KY) A motion to reconsider was laid on resents an abuse of power and brings dis- Duncan Lamb Rooney (FL) Dunn Lamborn Rose (NY) the table. credit to the House of Representatives: Now, Emmer Langevin Rose, John W. Stated for: therefore, be it Engel Larsen (WA) Rouda Mr. KELLY of Mississippi. Madam Speaker, Resolved, That the House of Representa- Eshoo Larson (CT) Rouzer I was unavoidably detained. Had I been tives disapproves of the actions of the Speak- Espaillat Latta Roy present, I would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall er of the House, Mrs. Pelosi of California, to Estes Lawson (FL) Roybal-Allard initiate an impeachment inquiry against the Evans Lee (CA) Ruiz No. 554. Ferguson Lee (NV) Ruppersberger duly elected President of the United States, PERSONAL EXPLANATION Finkenauer Lesko Rush Donald J. Trump. Mr. KIND. Madam Speaker, I was unable to Fitzpatrick Levin (CA) Rutherford The SPEAKER pro tempore. The res- Fleischmann Levin (MI) Ryan have my votes recorded on the House floor on ´ olution presents a question of the Fletcher Lewis Sanchez Thursday, September 26 and Friday, Sep- Flores Lieu, Ted Sarbanes privileges of the House. Fortenberry Lipinski Scalise tember 27, 2019 due to a family matter. Had Foster Loebsack Schakowsky I been present, I would have voted in favor of MOTION TO TABLE Foxx (NC) Long Schiff H.R. 3525, H.R. 3722, and S.J. Res. 54. Mr. HOYER. Madam Speaker, I have Frankel Loudermilk Schneider Fudge Lowenthal Schrader f a motion at the desk. Fulcher Lowey Schrier RAISING A QUESTION OF THE The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Gaetz Lucas Schweikert Clerk will report the motion. Gallego Luetkemeyer Scott (VA) PRIVILEGES OF THE HOUSE Garamendi Luja´ n Scott, Austin The Clerk read as follows: Garcı´a (IL) Luria Scott, David Mr. MCCARTHY. Madam Speaker, I Garcia (TX) Lynch Sensenbrenner rise to a question of the privileges of Mr. Hoyer moves that the resolution be Gianforte Malinowski Serrano the House. laid on the table. Gibbs Maloney, Sewell (AL) Gohmert Carolyn B. Shalala The SPEAKER pro tempore. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Golden Marshall Sherman Clerk will report the resolution. question is on the motion to table. Gomez Massie Sherrill The Clerk read as follows: The question was taken; and the Gonzalez (OH) Mast Shimkus Gonzalez (TX) Matsui Simpson Whereas at a press conference on Sep- Speaker pro tempore announced that Gooden McAdams Sires tember 24, 2019, Speaker of the House Nancy the ayes appeared to have it. Gosar McBath Slotkin Pelosi stated: ‘‘Therefore today, I’m an- Gottheimer McCarthy Smith (MO) nouncing the House of Representatives is RECORDED VOTE Granger McCaul Smith (NE) moving forward with an official impeach- Mr. MCCARTHY. Madam Speaker, I Graves (GA) McClintock Smith (NJ) ment inquiry’’; demand a recorded vote. Graves (LA) McCollum Smucker Whereas House Practice states that: Graves (MO) McGovern Soto A recorded vote was ordered. ‘‘Under the modern practice, an impeach- Green (TN) McKinley Spanberger The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Green, Al (TX) McNerney Spano ment is normally instituted by the House by Griffith Meadows Speier the adoption of a resolution calling for a ant to clause 9 of rule XX, this 5- Grijalva Meeks Stanton committee investigation of charges against minute vote on the motion to table Grothman Meng Stauber the officer in question’’; will be followed by a 5-minute vote on Guest Meuser Stefanik Whereas in the past 25 years, the House of agreeing to the Speaker’s approval of Guthrie Miller Steil Representatives has moved forward with im- Haaland Mitchell Steube the Journal, if ordered. peachment against a Federal officer three Hagedorn Moolenaar Stevens The vote was taken by electronic de- Harder (CA) Mooney (WV) Stewart times, each initiated by an impeachment in- Harris Moore Stivers quiry resolution approved by the full House, vice, and there were—ayes 222, noes 184, Hartzler Morelle Suozzi not by a unilateral decree of the Speaker; not voting 27, as follows:

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:24 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.005 H27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8073 [Roll No. 555] Gaetz Latta Schweikert The question is on the Speaker’s ap- Gianforte Lesko Scott, Austin proval of the Journal. AYES—222 Gibbs Long Sensenbrenner Adams Golden Panetta Gohmert Loudermilk Shimkus Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Aguilar Gomez Pappas Gonzalez (OH) Lucas Simpson nal stands approved. Gooden Luetkemeyer Allred Gonzalez (TX) Pascrell Smith (MO) f Amash Gottheimer Payne Gosar Marshall Smith (NE) Axne Green, Al (TX) Perlmutter Granger Massie Smith (NJ) Graves (GA) Mast REMOVAL OF NAME OF MEMBER Barraga´ n Grijalva Peters Smucker Graves (LA) McCarthy AS COSPONSOR OF H.R. 860 Bass Haaland Peterson Spano Bera Harder (CA) Phillips Graves (MO) McCaul Green (TN) McClintock Stauber Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Oklahoma. Beyer Hastings Pingree Stefanik Bishop (GA) Hayes Pocan Griffith McKinley Madam Speaker, I ask unanimous con- Grothman Meadows Steil Blumenauer Heck Porter sent that my name be removed as a co- Guest Meuser Steube Blunt Rochester Higgins (NY) Pressley Guthrie Miller Stewart sponsor of H.R. 860. Bonamici Himes Price (NC) Hagedorn Mitchell Stivers The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Boyle, Brendan Horn, Kendra S. Quigley Harris Moolenaar Taylor F. Horsford Raskin objection to the request of the gentle- Hartzler Mooney (WV) Thompson (PA) Brindisi Houlahan Rice (NY) woman from Oklahoma? Hern, Kevin Mullin Thornberry Brown (MD) Hoyer Richmond Herrera Beutler Murphy (NC) Timmons There was no objection. Brownley (CA) Jackson Lee Rose (NY) Hice (GA) Newhouse Tipton Bustos Jayapal Rouda f Hill (AR) Nunes Butterfield Jeffries Roybal-Allard Upton Holding Olson Carbajal Johnson (GA) Ruiz Wagner PERMISSION FOR MEMBER TO BE Ca´ rdenas Johnson (TX) Hollingsworth Palazzo Walberg Ruppersberger Hudson Palmer CONSIDERED AS FIRST SPONSOR Carson (IN) Kaptur Rush Walden Cartwright Keating Huizenga Pence Walker OF H.R. 3088 Ryan Hunter Perry Case Kelly (IL) Sa´ nchez Walorski Mr. STEIL. Madam Speaker, I ask Casten (IL) Kennedy Johnson (OH) Posey Waltz Sarbanes Johnson (SD) Reed unanimous consent that I may here- Castor (FL) Khanna Watkins Scanlon Jordan Reschenthaler Castro (TX) Kildee Weber (TX) after be considered as the first sponsor Schakowsky Joyce (OH) Rice (SC) Chu, Judy Kilmer Webster (FL) of H.R. 3088, a bill originally intro- Schiff Joyce (PA) Riggleman Cicilline Kim Schneider Wenstrup duced by Representative DUFFY of Wis- Cisneros Kirkpatrick Katko Roby Schrader Westerman Clark (MA) Krishnamoorthi Keller Rodgers (WA) consin, for the purposes of adding co- Schrier Williams Clarke (NY) Lamb Kelly (MS) Roe, David P. Scott (VA) Wilson (SC) sponsors and requesting reprintings Clay Langevin Kelly (PA) Rogers (AL) Scott, David Wittman pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII. Cleaver Larsen (WA) King (IA) Rogers (KY) Serrano Womack Cohen Larson (CT) King (NY) Rooney (FL) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Sewell (AL) Woodall Connolly Lawson (FL) Kinzinger Rose, John W. objection to the request of the gen- Shalala Cooper Lee (CA) Kustoff (TN) Rouzer Wright Sherman tleman from Wisconsin? Correa Lee (NV) LaHood Roy Yoho Sherrill There was no objection. Costa Levin (CA) LaMalfa Rutherford Young Sires Courtney Levin (MI) Lamborn Scalise Zeldin Slotkin f Cox (CA) Lewis NOT VOTING—27 Craig Lieu, Ted Soto ADJOURNMENT FROM FRIDAY, Spanberger Crist Lipinski Abraham Gabbard Lawrence SEPTEMBER 27, 2019, TO TUES- Crow Loebsack Speier Balderson Gallagher Lofgren Cuellar Lowenthal Stanton Beatty Higgins (LA) Marchant DAY, OCTOBER 1, 2019 Stevens Cunningham Lowey Cheney Hill (CA) McEachin Mr. LANGEVIN. Madam Speaker, I Davids (KS) Luja´ n Suozzi Clyburn Huffman McHenry Davis (CA) Luria Swalwell (CA) Crawford Hurd (TX) Norman ask unanimous consent that when the Davis, Danny K. Lynch Takano Cummings Johnson (LA) Ratcliffe House adjourns today, it adjourn to Dean Malinowski Thompson (CA) DesJarlais Kind Smith (WA) meet at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, October 1, Thompson (MS) DeFazio Maloney, Escobar Kuster (NH) Turner 2019. DeGette Carolyn B. Titus DeLauro Maloney, Sean Tlaib ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE The SPEAKER pro tempore (Ms. DelBene Matsui Tonko The SPEAKER pro tempore (during SLOTKIN). Is there objection to the re- Delgado McAdams Torres (CA) the vote). There are 2 minutes remain- quest of the gentleman from Rhode Is- Demings McBath Torres Small DeSaulnier McCollum (NM) ing. land? Deutch McGovern Trahan b 1127 There was no objection. Dingell McNerney Trone Doggett Meeks Underwood So the motion to table was agreed to. f Doyle, Michael Meng Van Drew The result of the vote was announced F. Moore Vargas HONORING THE RETIREMENT OF Engel Morelle Veasey as above recorded. DON KENNEDY Eshoo Moulton Vela A motion to reconsider was laid on (Mr. LANGEVIN asked and was given Espaillat Mucarsel-Powell Vela´ zquez the table. Evans Murphy (FL) Visclosky permission to address the House for 1 Finkenauer Nadler Wasserman PERSONAL EXPLANATION minute and to revise and extend his re- Fletcher Napolitano Schultz Mrs. BEATTY. Madam Speaker, I was ab- marks.) Foster Neal Waters sent from the House Chamber on September Frankel Neguse Watson Coleman Mr. LANGEVIN. Madam Speaker, I Fudge Norcross Welch 27, 2019, due to a dire illness in my imme- rise today to honor the career of a pil- Gallego O’Halleran Wexton diate family. Had I been present, I would have lar of New England’s law enforcement Garamendi Ocasio-Cortez Wild voted ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall No. 553; ‘‘yes’’ on roll- Garcı´a (IL) Omar Wilson (FL) community. Don Kennedy served with Garcia (TX) Pallone Yarmuth call No. 554; and ‘‘yes’’ on rollcall No. 555. honor in the Rhode Island State Police PERSONAL EXPLANATION for 24 years before retiring as a captain NOES—184 Mr. MCHENRY. Madam Speaker, due to a in 1998. Aderholt Brooks (IN) Conaway family obligation, I was unable to vote in the When he left the force, he did not Allen Buchanan Cook Amodei Buck Crenshaw House on September 27, 2019. Had I been leave his brethren in blue, though. Armstrong Bucshon Curtis present, I would have voted ‘‘nay’’ on rollcall Rather, for more than two decades, he Arrington Budd Davidson (OH) No. 553, ‘‘yea’’ on rollcall No. 554, and ‘‘nay’’ has guided the work of the New Eng- Babin Burchett Davis, Rodney on rollcall No. 555. land State Police Information Net- Bacon Burgess Diaz-Balart Baird Byrne Duncan f work, or NESPIN. As deputy director Banks Calvert Dunn of field services, he helped departments Barr Carter (GA) Emmer THE JOURNAL across the Nation with investigations, Bergman Carter (TX) Estes Biggs Chabot Ferguson The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- and he will be retiring as executive di- Bilirakis Cline Fitzpatrick ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the unfin- rector of the program. Bishop (NC) Cloud Fleischmann ished business is the question on agree- Don has been a great advocate for the Bishop (UT) Cole Flores ing to the Speaker’s approval of the Federal Regional Information Sharing Bost Collins (GA) Fortenberry Brady Collins (NY) Foxx (NC) Journal, which the Chair will put de Systems program that helps fund Brooks (AL) Comer Fulcher novo. NESPIN. From Don, I have learned the

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:20 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.012 H27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8074 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2019 immense value of networking State po- join me in congratulating Chapman The expansion of that base on lice resources, and my friend Mr. KING University Panthers on a job well done. quilombo land will displace some addi- from New York and I have helped en- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE tional 800 quilombo families from their sure the program is appropriately fund- The SPEAKER pro tempore. The constitutionally protected ancestral ed by Congress. Chair will remind all persons in the land. Don’s legacy will live on in the RISS gallery that they are here as guests of I appreciate America’s longstanding programs that he has helped support the House and that any manifestation relationship with Brazil; however, I and the communities made safer by of approval or disapproval of pro- cannot support policies that dehuman- them. As a fellow Rhode Islander, I ceedings is in violation of the rules of ize native people and bring harm to wish him the best of luck in this excit- the House. vulnerable communities in Brazil. Madam Speaker, I oppose this agree- ing, new, and forthcoming chapter of f his life as he enters retirement. ment, and I urge my colleagues to do HONORING THE LIFE AND LEGACY f the same. OF IRA LIPMAN f CELEBRATING NATIONAL (Mr. KUSTOFF of Tennessee asked RECOVERY MONTH REMEMBERING THE LIFE AND and was given permission to address LEGACY OF E.J. HOLUB (Mr. BURCHETT asked and was given the House for 1 minute and to revise permission to address the House for 1 and extend his remarks.) (Mr. ARRINGTON asked and was minute and to revise and extend his re- Mr. KUSTOFF of Tennessee. Madam given permission to address the House marks.) Speaker, I rise today to recognize the for 1 minute.) Mr. BURCHETT. Madam Speaker, I remarkable and extraordinary life of Mr. ARRINGTON. Madam Speaker, I rise to recognize September as Na- Ira Lipman. rise today to recognize the life and leg- tional Recovery Month and to cele- Ira was not only a loyal friend, but acy of my dear friend and Lubbock leg- brate the millions of Americans who he was a humanitarian, a successful end, E.J. Holub, who passed away Sat- are recovering from substance abuse. businessman, and a widely respected urday. E.J. was the pride of Lubbock High Madam Speaker, I would like to leader by all. Ira was committed to the School and one of the best Texas Tech thank my colleagues Representatives city of Memphis and inspired others to football players of all time. Some re- TRONE, RIGGLEMAN, KUSTER, and make his hometown a better place to ferred to E.J. as ‘‘The Beast,’’ and I FITZPATRICK for leading this initiative. live. called him ‘‘Uncle E.J.’’ because he was Like so many communities across He founded his company, one of my dad’s best friends at Texas America, my district in east Tennessee Guardsmark, in the city of Memphis, Tech and a lifelong member of the has been affected by the ongoing opioid which grew into the Nation’s largest crisis. I am proud to work with my fel- Arrington family. privately held security company. He E.J. was larger than life on and off low Members in the Freshman Working was recognized as a national leader on Group on Addiction to bring attention the field. His stature and strength on all security matters. the gridiron was only rivaled by the to the severity of overdoses and how we Ira also championed the creation of can support those in recovery. size of his heart for people. the Memphis Shelby County Crime E.J. was a true gentleman and a real Almost 70,000 Americans overdose on Commission, which, for more than 20 cowboy. He loved his family, his drugs each year, and some 23 million years, has brought together leaders in horses, and all things Texas Tech. He is Americans are recovering from sub- business, government, and law enforce- leaving behind a tremendous legacy for stance abuse. ment to address the city’s crime issues. west Texas. Friends, family, local organizations, Ira’s generosity, his wisdom, and his To Sandi and E.J.’s girls: Please and healthcare providers must do ev- courage were unparalleled, and I am know that we love you and are praying erything they can to combat this hor- lucky to have been able to call him a for you. rible addiction, and Congress also friend. Frankly, the world was a better To Red Raider Nation: Take off your needs to play its part. place with Ira in it. hats, get your guns up, and join me in I sponsored the Effective Drug Con- Ira leaves behind his beloved wife of paying tribute to our favorite fearless trol Strategy Act to improve federally 49 years, Barbara, as well as three sons. champion and Herculean hero, E.J. funded drug demand reduction pro- Indeed, Ira may have rested his head ‘‘The Beast’’ Holub. grams and prevent addiction before it at night on his pillow in New York I love you, Uncle E.J. begins. Madam Speaker, the House City, but his heart and his soul lived in f should seriously consider this legisla- Memphis. RECOGNIZING 39TH CONGRES- tion and the positive impacts it would f have on preventing drug addiction. SIONAL DISTRICT SCHOOLS FOR OPPOSING THE EXPANSION OF THEIR EXCELLENCE f THE ALCANTARA LAUNCH CEN- (Mr. CISNEROS asked and was given CONGRATULATING THE CHAPMAN TER IN BRAZIL permission to address the House for 1 UNIVERSITY MEN’S BASEBALL (Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia asked and minute and to revise and extend his re- TEAM AND HEAD COACH SCOTT was given permission to address the marks.) LAVERTY House for 1 minute and to revise and Mr. CISNEROS. Madam Speaker, I (Mr. CORREA asked and was given extend his remarks.) rise today to recognize the incredible permission to address the House for 1 Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia. Madam performance of schools and students in minute and to revise and extend his re- Speaker, I rise today in opposition to the 39th Congressional District in Cali- marks.) the expansion of the Alcantara Launch fornia. Mr. CORREA. Madam Speaker, I Center in Brazil. Yesterday, the Department of Edu- want everyone to join me in congratu- This agreement between the Trump cation recognized 362 schools across the lating the Chapman University, in my and Bolsonaro administrations threat- country as National Blue Ribbon district, men’s baseball team and head ens to displace hundreds of Afro-Bra- Schools for their academic excellence. coach, Scott Laverty, for winning the zilian quilombo families from their I am proud to say that two schools in NCAA Division III Baseball Tour- land, further disparaging an already my district have received that honor: nament. marginalized community. Acacia Elementary School and Robert Congratulations, Panthers. Brazil’s Constitution provides ex- C. Fisler Elementary School in Ful- This is their third national cham- plicit protections for quilombo lands, lerton. pionship—the first one in 1968, second and Trump and Bolsonaro are blatantly This recognition is a testament to one in 2003. In 2011, they were runner- disregarding these protections with the outstanding work of the teachers, up, and in 2019, here they are. this land grab. faculty, staff, students, and families California’s 46th Congressional Dis- Previous expansions of this military who, together, create a culture of suc- trict is the home of champs. Please base have displaced over 300 families. cess at our schools.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:20 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.031 H27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8075 Additionally, I want to congratulate b 1145 Cyber S.W.A.T. has the potential not the students at the Placentia-Yorba THE SHORTAGE OF SKILLED only to save lives in the United States, Linda Unified School District for their WORKERS but around the world. 84 percent pass rate on their advanced I want to thank the Browns for their placement, or AP, exams, one of the (Mr. VAN DREW asked and was given efforts to protect the next generation highest averages in the Nation. They permission to address the House for 1 by teaching them proper internet safe- were included in the prestigious Ad- minute and to revise and extend his re- ty, and I look forward to watching the vanced Placement District Honor Roll. marks.) continued success of the Cyber Mr. VAN DREW. Madam Speaker, I Less than 3 percent of school districts S.W.A.T. program. am here today to bring attention to across the country have received this f the American Workforce Empower- honor. ment Act which I worked on with my NATIONAL CHOCOLATE MILK DAY As a longtime education advocate, it friend from Minnesota, Congressman (Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania is with immense pride that I stand here . asked and was given permission to ad- able to recognize these schools and This is a bipartisan solution—and I dress the House for 1 minute and to re- their students for their achievements. hope everybody heard the word bipar- vise and extend his remarks.) All of these schools and students are tisan—to address the growing shortage Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. shining examples of academic excel- of skilled workers to fill job openings Madam Speaker, I rise today to recog- lence in the 39th Congressional Dis- in the technical and skilled trades. nize September 27 as National Choco- trict, worthy of their national distinc- Small businesses are in need of ma- late Milk Day. Chocolate milk is tion. chinists, welders, truck drivers, and an adored by millions of Americans na- I ask my colleagues to join me in of- array of other qualified trades and tionwide, and it is a favorite among fering my sincerest congratulations. labor-intensive professions. We should children. Seventy percent of the milk do everything we can to incentivize children consume is flavored, with f technical skills training and appren- chocolate being the most popular. ticeships for those who like to work Why? with their hands and see the product of EXPANSION OF 529 EDUCATION Because chocolate milk is low in fat, their hard work. PLANS high in nutrients, and packed with fla- The bipartisan American Workforce vor. (Mr. HAGEDORN asked and was Empowerment Act expands these pro- Milk consumption has been declin- given permission to address the House grams eligible for payment by 529 sav- ing, however, and when the National for 1 minute.) ings plans, and by making registered School Lunch Program removed the Mr. HAGEDORN. Madam Speaker, apprenticeships eligible, we can more most popular and the most nutritious for our economy to continue growing, easily and readily close the wide gap of options from the schools to serve only workers need technical skills, the right good-paying positions that have gone fat-free milk, the numbers continued training, and education funding. unfilled in our robust economy. to drop. This was partially reversed by Madam Speaker, I urge my col- Workforce development is a bipar- the USDA when the decision was made leagues to cosponsor H.R. 4469. We need to, once again, allow 1 percent flavored tisan goal, strongly supported by both to expand our workforce, and this is a employers and employees. Small busi- milk back in school lunches. great way to do it. To build on this momentum, I intro- nesses, manufacturers, trade unions, duced the Whole Milk for Healthy Kids and industry groups are concerned f Act earlier this year to once again about the shortage of skilled trade RECOGNIZING BEDFORD COUNTY allow whole milk—both flavored and workers. SHERIFF MIKE BROWN AND DR. JANET BROWN unflavored—to be offered within the Sadly, many seeking technical train- program because children can greatly ing are precluded from using qualified (Mr. CLINE asked and was given per- benefit from the essential nutrients 529 education savings plans, and many mission to address the House for 1 whole milk provides. apprenticeships are not eligible for 529 minute and to revise and extend his re- Madam Speaker, I urge my col- plans as well. marks.) leagues to celebrate National Choco- To solve this problem, I am proud to Mr. CLINE. Madam Speaker, I rise late Milk Day accordingly. today to recognize Bedford County have introduced H.R. 4469, the Amer- f ican Workforce Employment Act, and I Sheriff Mike Brown and his wife, Lib- would like to offer special thanks to erty University professor, Dr. Janet FRUITLESS INVESTIGATIONS IN- VOLVING THE PRESIDENT OF my colleagues, Representatives JEFF Brown, for their tireless efforts to com- THE UNITED STATES VAN DREW from New Jersey, bat human trafficking and human sex- from Kansas, and PAUL MITCHELL from ual slavery throughout the world. (Mr. MEUSER asked and was given Michigan, for coauthoring this legisla- The Browns founded the Safe Surfin’ permission to address the House for 1 tion. Foundation in 1998 with the mission to minute and to revise and extend his re- educate youth and teens about the dan- Our bipartisan bill expands the appli- marks.) gers of the internet and social media. Mr. MEUSER. Madam Speaker, I rise cation of 529 savings plans to include In May the Browns were invited to to reflect on what could have been ac- expenses leading to postsecondary cre- present a program they developed complished in the past 9 months on dentials, certain apprenticeships, and called Cyber Safety While Accessing this House floor. the purchase of tools and equipment, Technology, or Cyber S.W.A.T., to the The list is staggering: border secu- which is very important. Global Sustainability Network at the rity and illegal immigration reform; These programs have been identified Vatican. lower drug costs and lower premiums as critical by trade unions and manu- Cyber S.W.A.T. utilizes the social and deductibles for families; correcting facturers. Empowering men and women cognitive theory, a means of education, surprise billing; making the middle to utilize their own pretax dollars will where students learn by observing and class tax cut permanent; passing a ro- increase the number of highly trained imitating the behavior of their peers. bust infrastructure transportation bill; individuals pursuing high-wage voca- This program was first launched at Jef- promoting free, fair, and reciprocal tions and filling workforce gaps in ag- ferson Forest High School in Lynch- trade globally; and passing the United riculture, manufacturing, and skilled burg, Virginia, where students received States-Mexico-Canada Agreement and labor sectors. training and designed presentations for other America-first, but not-America- I ask my colleagues to support our their classmates about online threats. alone, trade agreements, which will bipartisan legislation so that Ameri- The response was outstanding, and grow our domestic industry and agri- cans can receive education and tech- since then the program has been imple- cultural exports. nical training to pursue their dreams mented in eight other high schools Democrat leadership has, however, and expand our economy. across the country. wasted the last 9 months focused on

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:20 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.033 H27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8076 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2019 fruitless investigations aimed at reliti- Over 26 million children rely on pub- GENERAL LEAVE gating the 2016 Presidential election. lic school transportation to get them Mr. MCNERNEY. Madam Speaker, I Every one of these investigations has safely to and from school each year, ask unanimous consent that Members produced the same result: nothing. and September is the perfect month to have 5 days to revise and extend their The majority party has wasted its thank these drivers for keeping our remarks. own time and, much more seriously, kids safe as they return to school. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there the time of the people who sent us In rural districts like ’s objection to the request of the gen- here. Third Congressional District, many of tleman from California? House Democrats are now grasping at these drivers find themselves driving There was no objection. one last desperate effort: an impeach- great distances facing inclement Mr. MCNERNEY. Madam Speaker, I ment inquiry over a baseless, second- weather, wildlife, and other hazards rise to recognize the dedicated public hand account. This farce, which choos- that make driving difficult, yet they servant and congressional aide, Exodie es to push a presumption of guilt where work tirelessly to ensure safe transpor- C. Roe, III, who has been instrumental evidence is nonexistent, is nothing tation of our children. in helping me serve the constituents of short of a constitutional embarrass- Madam Speaker, I would also like to California’s Ninth and Eleventh Con- ment for our country. commend the Child Safety Network for gressional Districts. May God continue to bless the United their 30 years of commitment to Amer- Exodie C. Roe, III was born in Stock- States of America. ica’s children and promoting this reso- ton, California, to Exodie C. Roe, Jr. and LaJuana Johnson Bivens. He cred- f lution. I am truly appreciative of their advocacy on behalf of school safety, its his mother and his nonbiological fa- RECOGNIZING DOROTHY HUKILL and I thank my colleagues who have ther, Robert ‘‘Bobby’’ Bivens, Sr., as (Mr. WALTZ asked and was given joined as cosponsors for this important his inspiration for pursuing a career in permission to address the House for 1 resolution. public service. Exodie is a 2002 graduate of Stagg minute.) f Mr. WALTZ. Madam Speaker, 1 year High School in Stockton and a 2006 ago, on October 2, Volusia County, RECOGNIZING TALLADEGA SUPER- graduate of Dillard University in New Florida, lost one of its greatest public SPEEDWAY IN TALLADEGA, ALA- Orleans, Louisiana. This year he was servants, Dorothy Hukill. BAMA honored by Dillard University with the Dorothy Hukill was a servant leader (Mr. ROGERS of Alabama asked and ‘‘40 Under 40’’ award for his public serv- who dedicated more than two decades was given permission to address the ice achievements. Exodie began his service in my of her life serving our community, House for 1 minute and to revise and Stockton office as a field representa- working tirelessly to improve the lives extend his remarks.) tive when I was first elected in 2007. In of residents in our area. Mr. ROGERS of Alabama. Madam She served as a councilwoman of Speaker, today I ask for the House’s this role he developed the first major congressional foreclosure assistance Ponce Inlet before becoming the mayor attention to recognize the 50th anni- workshop in the country that helped of Port Orange. She then headed to the versary of the Talladega 500 Super- more than 500 residents and hundreds Florida House of Representatives. It speedway in Talladega, Alabama. more through subsequent housing was there that she fought for education In the mid-1960s, NASCAR founder Bill France, Sr., envisioned a bigger workshops. He also organized dozens of and financial literacy, encouraging Congress at Your Corner events and high school students to take courses on and faster track on the NASCAR cir- cuit. After meeting with local race car several other events throughout my money management. district. For his contributions to the Dorothy didn’t care about the spot- driver and fan Bill Ward of Anniston, residents of San Joaquin County, Alabama, the location was selected for light. She preferred to be quiet, yet ef- Exodie was featured in San Joaquin the track, and the groundbreaking fective. She was always on her A game, Magazine’s ‘‘5 People Under 30 to ceremony for the Alabama Inter- and she truly cared about her constitu- Watch For’’ edition as the Change national Motor Speedway—today ents. Dorothy didn’t see people as Re- Maker. publicans, Democrats, or Independents. known as the Talladega Superspeed- After working in my Stockton office She understood the need to work with way—took place on May 23, 1968. for 4 years, Exodie was promoted to everyone, and she truly cared about The first race, the Talladega 500, was legislative assistant and relocated to her community and the people she rep- held on September 14, 1969, with Rich- my Washington, D.C. office in 2011. resented. ard Brickhouse winning that race. I Exodie was promoted again in 2015 to Dorothy would put up welcome signs had the good fortune to be in attend- senior legislative assistant. During his for people in our community who often ance that day with my dad. The race time in my office, he worked on several planned months in advance to travel to played a major role in NASCAR’s his- legislative initiatives and two bills Florida’s capitol in Tallahassee. tory, as many of the top stars of the that were signed into law. Madam Speaker, she was a true ex- sport walked out the day before the Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues ample of a servant leader. She sought race due to concerns over tire wear on to join me in recognizing Exodie C. to inspire others to make her commu- the 200-mile-per-hour track. Mr. France Roe, III for his contributions to our nity a better place, and she is missed said the race would go on and recruited community and for his invaluable pub- dearly. It is my honor to recognize her drivers from the smaller NASCAR lic service over the past 12 years. on the floor of the House of Represent- Touring Series, the Bama 400, the day Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- atives today. before to replace them. ance of my time. f The Talladega Superspeedway is the f most competitive racetrack on the BUS DRIVER SAFETY AND NASCAR schedule, the highest banked, NATURAL DISASTER SECURITY MONTH and the longest, as well as the most fan PREPARATION (Mr. TIPTON asked and was given friendly. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under permission to address the House for 1 Madam Speaker, please join me in the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- minute and to revise and extend his re- recognizing the anniversary of the uary 3, 2019, the gentleman from Colo- marks.) Talladega Superspeedway. rado (Mr. NEGUSE) is recognized for the Mr. TIPTON. Madam Speaker, I rise f remainder of the hour as the designee today to invite my colleagues to join of the majority leader. my call designating September 2019 as RECOGNIZING EXODIE C. ROE, III Mr. NEGUSE. Madam Speaker, I first School Bus Safety and Security Month. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under want to thank the gentleman from Earlier this month, I introduced a the Speaker’s announced policy of Jan- California for his courtesy and, of resolution to honor and show my ap- uary 3, 2019, the gentleman from Cali- course, that of the majority leader. preciation to the more than half a mil- fornia (Mr. MCNERNEY) is recognized Madam Speaker, I rise today to call lion school bus drivers across the coun- for 60 minutes as the designee of the attention to a failure of our govern- try. majority leader. ment to issue a promised and required

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:20 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.036 H27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8077 set of regulatory guidance in a timely Act passed last year, in 2018, and it re- 2019, she presented to the President of manner and a failure of our govern- quired that FEMA issue interim guid- the United States, for his approval, the ment to adequately prepare the Amer- ance, which is based on ‘‘the latest con- following bill: ican people for natural disasters and to sensus-based codes and standards’’ H.R. 4378. Making continuing appropria- provide relief for suffering commu- within 60 days of that law being en- tions for fiscal year 2020, and for other pur- nities. acted. poses. I happen to represent the great State Just to give you a sense of context in f of Colorado’s Second Congressional terms of time, the law was signed by District, and my State is no stranger the President on October 5, 2018. It has ADJOURNMENT to catastrophic weather events. Exac- been almost an entire year since this Mr. NEGUSE. Madam Speaker, I erbated by the dangers we face from bill was signed into law, yet FEMA has move that the House do now adjourn. the threat of climate change, we regu- issued no interim guidance. The motion was agreed to; accord- larly experience forest fires, tornadoes, I understand. I get it. I recognize ingly (at 12 o’clock and 3 minutes and other disasters. Six years ago, we that it may take longer than 60 days, p.m.), under its previous order, the experienced historic flooding most se- maybe 90 days, maybe 120 days. But an House adjourned until Tuesday, Octo- verely impacting Boulder County and entire year? ber 1, 2019, at 9 a.m. This endangers not just the financial Larimer County, both counties in my f district. security of counties in Colorado that In September of 2013, we were inun- have millions of dollars at risk based EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, dated with heavy rainfall with up to 15 on the pending project determinations, ETC. inches of rainfall in 1 week in some but it demonstrates a fundamental fail- Under clause 2 of rule XIV, executive areas. The result was devastating ure by the United States Government. communications were taken from the flooding across the front range of Colo- There is simply no excuse for the ex- Speaker’s table and referred as follows: tensive delay that FEMA has taken in rado. 2350. A letter from the Acting Principal Di- issuing this interim guidance. b 1200 rector, Defense Pricing and Contracting, De- Millions of dollars are at risk every fense Acquisition Regulations Systems, De- The storms took the lives of 10 Colo- day that counties have to wait to learn partment Defense, transmitting the Depart- radans and caused nearly $4 billion in if their projects will be reimbursed or ment’s final rule — Defense Federal Acquisi- damage across 21 counties in our State, covered under FEMA rulemaking. tion Regulation Supplement: Restrictions on the most expensive disaster in Colo- I know there are hardworking people Use of Lowest Price Technically Acceptable rado’s history. Rivers and creeks over- at FEMA who are doing their jobs each Source Selection Process (DFARS Case 2018- flowed. Waters seeped into the homes and every day to protect communities D010) [Docket: DARS-2018-0055] (RIN: 0750- of thousands and displaced 18,147 people across our country, but I would just AJ74) received September 19, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, across our State. Roads and bridges, as implore the Agency—and we have cer- Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on you can see here, were completely tainly communicated this directly to Armed Services. washed out. Much infrastructure was the Agency—that it should not have 2351. A letter from the Alternate OSD destroyed. taken 6 years for communities to re- FRLO, Office of the Secretary, Department My district, as I mentioned, contains build their infrastructure after a flood of Defense, transmitting the Department’s two of the counties that were the hard- fully, and it certainly should not be final rule — Transition Assistance Program est hit by these events, Boulder and caused by delays from red tape at the (TAP) for Military Personnel [Docket ID: Larimer Counties. Federal level. DOD-2019-OS-0079] (RIN:0790-AK80) received Promises were made by the Agency September 19, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Yet, today, more than 6 years later, 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 many of these communities have still to get this rulemaking done. I urge Stat. 868); to the Committee on Armed Serv- not been able to recover from the flood- FEMA to take action to issue this ices. ing fully. guidance in the last few days of Sep- 2352. A letter from the Alternate OSD Rebuilding from a disaster this se- tember, as they promised. FRLO, Office of the Secretary, Department vere is a lengthy and expensive process. We have just a few more days, of Defense, transmitting the Department’s However, it is made more difficult by Madam Speaker, until the month con- final rule — Transitional Compensation (TC) Federal grant regulations set by the cludes. My constituents are waiting. for Abused Dependents [Docket ID: DOD- The counties are waiting. The country 2016-OS-0116] (RIN: 0790-AI99) received Sep- Federal Emergency Management Agen- tember 19, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. cy, or FEMA, that require cities and is waiting. I ask FEMA to not allow for 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 counties to rebuild infrastructure in any other delays, and I yield back the Stat. 868); to the Committee on Armed Serv- the exact same way it had been built balance of my time. ices. before the disaster in order to qualify f 2353. A letter from the Deputy Assistant for reimbursement. General Counsel, Division of Regulatory ENROLLED BILL SIGNED If these counties were to rebuild the Services, Office of Special ED and Rehabili- roads and bridges that were destroyed Cheryl L. Johnson, Clerk of the tative Services, Department of Education, in the flood the same way they were House, reported and found truly en- transmitting the Department’s final priority and requirements — Technical Assistance on originally built, it would put these rolled a bill of the House of the fol- lowing title, which was thereupon State Data Collection-National Technical same communities at risk of future dis- Assistance Center to Improve State Capacity asters once again. signed by the Speaker: to Collect, Report, Analyze, and Use Accu- There is a lack of clarity and consist- H.R. 1590. An act to require an exercise re- rate Early Childhood IDEA Data [Docket ID: ency for these cities and counties, as lated to terrorist and foreign fighter travel, ED-2019-OSERS-0075] received September 18, well as countless other cities and coun- and for other purposes. 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public ties across the country, in FEMA’s cur- f Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the rent determination of reimbursements. Committee on Education and Labor. SENATE ENROLLED BILL SIGNED 2354. A letter from the Senior Trial Attor- Many projects in my district have The Speaker announced her signa- ney, Office of Chief Counsel, National High- been deemed ‘‘not cost-effective’’ be- ture to an enrolled bill of the Senate of way Traffic Safety Administration, Depart- cause the counties made an adjustment the following title: ment of Transportation, transmitting the and wanted to improve their infra- Department’s and Agency’s withdrawal of S. 239.—An act to require the Secretary of waiver; final rule — The Safer Affordable structure, not just rebuild the same the Treasury to mint coins in recognition of Fuel-Efficient (SAFE) Vehicles Rule Part road right next to a river that would be Christa McAuliffe. One: One National Program [NHTSA-2018- washed out again with the next flood. f Now, the good news is, Madam 0067; EPA-HQ-OAR-2018-0283; FRL-9981-74- OAR] (RIN: 2127-AL76) (RIN: 2060-AU09) re- Speaker, that Congress has already BILL PRESENTED TO THE PRESIDENT ceived September 20, 2019, pursuant to 5 acted in a bipartisan way to show that U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. we understand this problem. Section Cheryl L. Johnson, Clerk of the 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on En- 1235 of the Disaster Recovery Reform House, reported that on September 27, ergy and Commerce.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:20 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE7.038 H27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8078 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2019 2355. A letter from the Assistant General 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee ka [Docket No.: 170816769-8162-02] (RIN: 0648- Counsel for Regulatory Affairs, Office of the on Natural Resources. XG845) received September 10, 2019, pursuant General Counsel, Consumer Product Safety 2363. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Commission, transmitting the Commission’s fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on direct final rule — Revisions to Safety tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- Natural Resources. Standard for Infant Bouncer Seats [Docket tion, transmitting the Administration’s tem- 2370. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- No.: CPSC-2015-0028] received September 19, porary rule — Fisheries of the Caribbean, fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; Snapper- tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Grouper Resources of the South Atlantic; tion, transmitting the Administration’s final Committee on Energy and Commerce. 2019 Vermilion Snapper Commercial Trip rule — Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions; 2356. A letter from the Assistant Director Limit Reduction [Docket No.: 130312235-3658- Fisheries Off West Coast States; Pacific for Regulatory Affairs, Office of Foreign As- 02] (RIN: 0648-XH011) received September 17, Coast Groundfish Fishery; 2019-2020 Biennial sets Control, Department of the Treasury, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Specifications and Management Measures; transmitting the Department’s final rule — Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Inseason Adjustments [Docket No.: 180625576- Cuban Assets Control Regulations received Committee on Natural Resources. 8999-02] (RIN: 0648-BI94) received September September 19, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 2364. A letter from the Director, Office of 25, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, National Oce- Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to Stat. 868); to the Committee on Foreign Af- anic and Atmospheric Administration, trans- the Committee on Natural Resources. fairs. mitting the Administration’s temporary rule 2371. A letter from the Director, Office of 2357. A letter from the Secretary, Office of — Fisheries of the Northeastern United Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, National Oce- the General Counsel, Securities and Ex- States; Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and anic and Atmospheric Administration, trans- change Commission, transmitting the Com- Butterfish; 2019 River Herring and Shad mitting the Administration’s final rule — mission’s final rule — Technical Amend- Catch Cap Reached for the Directed Atlantic Magnuson-Stevens Act Provisions; Fisheries ments to Update Cross-References to Com- Mackerel Commercial Fishery [Docket No.: Off West Coast States; Pacific Coast Ground- mission’s FOIA Regulations [Release No.: 34- 151110999-5999-01] (RIN: 648-XG866) received fish Fishery; 2019-2020 Biennial Specifica- 86982; File No.: S7-09-17] received September September 17, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. tions and Management Measures; Inseason 19, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Adjustments [Docket No.: 180625576-8999-02] Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to Stat. 868); to the Committee on Natural Re- (RIN: 0648-BJ11) received September 25, 2019, the Committee on Oversight and Reform. sources. pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 2358. A letter from the Alternate OSD 2365. A letter from the Director, Office of 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- FRLO, Office of the Secretary, Department Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, National Oce- mittee on Natural Resources. of Defense, transmitting the Department’s anic and Atmospheric Administration, trans- 2372. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- final rule — Office of the Inspector General mitting the Administration’s temporary rule fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- (OIG) Privacy Program [Docket ID: DOD- — Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Zone tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- 2019-OS-0073] (RIN: 0790-AK58) received Sep- Off Alaska; Pacific Cod by Trawl Catcher tion, transmitting the Administration’s tem- tember 19, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Vessels in the Western Regulatory Area of porary rule — Fisheries Off West Coast 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 the Gulf of Alaska [Docket No.: 170816769- States; the Highly Migratory Species Fish- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Oversight 8162-02] (RIN: 0648-XG724) received September ery; Closure [Docket No.: 031125294-4091-02] and Reform. 10, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); (RIN: 0648-WCR-A002) received September 25, 2359. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- the Committee on Natural Resources. Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- 2366. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- Committee on Natural Resources. tion, transmitting the Administration’s tem- fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- 2373. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- porary rule — Fisheries of the Exclusive Eco- tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- fice of Sustainable Fisheries, Pacific Islands, nomic Zone Off Alaska; Pacific Cod by tion, transmitting the Administration’s tem- NMFS, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Catcher Vessels Less Than 50 Feet Length porary rule — Fisheries of the Exclusive Eco- Administration, transmitting the Adminis- Overall Using Hook-and-Line Gear in the nomic Zone Off Alaska; Pacific Cod by Ves- tration’s temporary rule — Western and Cen- Central Regulatory Area of the Gulf of Alas- sels Using Jig Gear in the Western Regu- tral Pacific Fisheries for Highly Migratory ka [Docket No.: 170816769-8162-02] (RIN: 0648- latory Area of the Gulf of Alaska [Docket Species; 2019 Bigeye Tuna Longline Fishery XG972) received September 10, 2019, pursuant No.: 170816769-8162-02] (RIN: 0648-XG719) re- Closure [Docket No.: 190325272-9537-02] (RIN: to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, ceived September 10, 2019, pursuant to 5 0648-XP002) received September 25, 2019, pur- Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- Natural Resources. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Nat- 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee 2360. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- ural Resources. on Natural Resources. fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- 2367. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- 2374. A letter from the Acting Chairman, tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- Administrative Conference of the United tion, transmitting the Administration’s tem- tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- States, transmitting the Conference’s notice porary rule — Fisheries of the Caribbean, tion, transmitting the Administration’s tem- — Adoption of Recommendations received Gulf of Mexico, and South Atlantic; 2018 porary rule — Fisheries of the Exclusive Eco- September 23, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Commercial Accountability Measure and nomic Zone Off Alaska; Pollock in Statis- 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Closure for South Atlantic Golden Tilefish tical Area 610 in the Gulf of Alaska [Docket Stat. 868); to the Committee on the Judici- Hook-and-Line Component [Docket No.: No.: 170816769-8162-02] (RIN: 0648-XG730) re- ary. 120404257-3325-02] (RIN: 0648-XG409) received ceived September 10, 2019, pursuant to 5 2375. A letter from the Assistant Secretary, September 17, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. Bureau of Legislative Affairs, Department of 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Nat- State, transmitting the Department’s final Stat. 868); to the Committee on Natural Re- ural Resources. rule — Visa Information Update Require- sources. 2368. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- ments Under the Electronic Visa Update 2361. A letter from the Director, Office of fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- System (EVUS) [Public Notice: 10726] (RIN: Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, National Oce- tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- 1400-AD93) received September 19, 2019, pur- anic and Atmospheric Administration, trans- tion, transmitting the Administration’s tem- suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- mitting the Administration’s temporary rule porary rule — Fisheries of the Exclusive Eco- 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee — Coastal Migratory Pelagic Resources of nomic Zone Off Alaska; Pacific Cod by Hook- on the Judiciary. the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Region; 2018- and-Line Catcher/Processors in the Central 2376. A letter from the Director, General 2019 Commercial Run-Around Gillnet Closure Regulatory Area of the Gulf of Alaska Counsel and Legal Policy Division, Office of for King Mackerel [Docket No.: 160426363- [Docket No.: 170816769-8162-02] (RIN: 0648- Government Ethics, transmitting the Of- 7275-02] (RIN: 0648-XG769) received September XG869) received September 10, 2019, pursuant fice’s final rule — 2019 Civil Monetary Pen- 17, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, alties Inflation Adjustments for Ethics in Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Government Act Violations (RIN: 3209-AA45) the Committee on Natural Resources. Natural Resources. received September 19, 2019, pursuant to 5 2362. A letter from the Director, Office of 2369. A letter from the Acting Director, Of- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, National Oce- fice of Sustainable Fisheries, NMFS, Na- 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on the anic and Atmospheric Administration, trans- tional Oceanic and Atmospheric Administra- Judiciary. mitting the Administration’s temporary rule tion, transmitting the Administration’s final 2377. A letter from the Chief, Regulatory — Atlantic Highly Migratory Species; Atlan- rule — Fisheries of the Exclusive Economic Coordination Division, U.S. Citizenship and tic Bluefin Tuna Fisheries; General Category Zone Off Alaska; Pacific Cod by Catcher Ves- Immigration Services, Department of Home- Fishery [Docket No.: 180117042-8884-02] (RIN: sels Greater Than or Equal to 50 Feet Length land Security, transmitting the Depart- 0648-XG787) received September 17, 2019, pur- Overall Using Hook-and-Line Gear in the ment’s final rule — Registration Require- suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- Central Regulatory Area of the Gulf of Alas- ment for Petitioners Seeking To File H-1B

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:20 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L27SE7.000 H27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE September 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8079 Petitions on Behalf of Cap-Subject Aliens Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, cial Security formula for individuals with [DHS Docket No.: USCIS-2018-0014] (RIN: Department of Transportation, transmitting non-covered employment and to provide re- 1615-AB71) received September 19, 2019, pur- the Department’s final rule — Pipeline Safe- lief for individuals currently affected by the suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- ty: Safety of Hazardous Liquid Pipelines Windfall Elimination Provision; to the Com- 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee [Docket No.: PHMSA-2010-0229] (RIN: 2137- mittee on Ways and Means. on the Judiciary. AE66) received September 19, 2019, pursuant By Mr. MCKINLEY (for himself and Ms. 2378. A letter from the Management and to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, KAPTUR): Program Analyst, FAA, Department of Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on H.R. 4541. A bill to establish a grant pro- Transportation, transmitting the Depart- Transportation and Infrastructure. gram to provide certain eligible entities en- ment’s final rule — Amendment of the Class 2386. A letter from the Assistant Chief gaged in food recovery with grants to sup- E Airspace; Haleyville, AL, and Hamilton, Counsel for Regulatory Affairs, Pipeline and port certain costs; to the Committee on Ag- AL [Docket No.: FAA-2019-0502; Airspace Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, riculture. Docket No.: 19-ASO-13] (RIN: 2120-AA66) re- Department of Transportation, transmitting By Mr. RUTHERFORD (for himself, ceived September 19, 2019, pursuant to 5 the Department’s final rule — Pipeline Safe- Mr. WALTZ, and Mr. LAWSON of Flor- U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. ty: Enhanced Emergency Order Procedures ida): 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on [Docket No.: PHMSA-2016-0091; Amdt. No.: H.R. 4542. A bill to establish the Nation’s Transportation and Infrastructure. 190-21] (RIN: 2137-AF26) received September Oldest Port National Heritage Area in the 2379. A letter from the Management and 19, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); State of Florida, and for other purposes; to Program Analyst, FAA, Department of Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee on Natural Resources. Transportation, transmitting the Depart- the Committee on Transportation and Infra- By Mrs. NAPOLITANO (for herself, Mr. ment’s final rule — Amendment of the Class structure. CASTRO of Texas, Ms. MUCARSEL-POW- E Airspace and Establishment of Class E Air- 2387. A letter from the Assistant Chief ELL, Mr. GRIJALVA, Mr. CISNEROS, Ms. space; Huntsville, AL [Docket No.: FAA-2019- Counsel for Regulatory Affairs, Pipeline and GARCIA of Texas, Mr. SOTO, Ms. ROY- 0530; Airspace Docket No.: 19-ASO-14] (RIN: Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, BAL-ALLARD, Mr. CORREA, Mr. 2120-AA66) received September 19, 2109, pur- Department of Transportation, transmitting VARGAS, Ms. ESCOBAR, Mr. CA´ RDENAS, suant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104- the Department’s final rule — Pipeline Safe- Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Mr. AGUILAR, Mr. 121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Committee ty: Safety of Gas Transmission Pipelines: CARBAJAL, Mr. RUIZ, and Ms. on Transportation and Infrastructure. SA´ NCHEZ): 2380. A letter from the Management and MAOP Reconfirmation, Expansion of Assess- ment Requirements, and Other Related H.R. 4543. A bill to amend the Public Program Analyst, FAA, Department of Health Service Act to provide for a behav- Transportation, transmitting the Depart- Amendments [Docket No.: PHMSA-2011-0023] (RIN: 2137-AE72) received September 19, 2019, ioral and mental health outreach and edu- ment’s final rule — Amendment of Class E cation strategy to reduce stigma associated Airspace; Mattoon/Charleston, IL; and Rev- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- with mental health among the Hispanic and ocation of Class E Airspace; Monticello, IL Latino population, and for other purposes; to [Docket No.: FAA-2019-0529; Airspace Docket mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- ture. the Committee on Energy and Commerce. No.: 19-AGL-20] (RIN: 2120-AA66) received By Ms. DEAN: September 19, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 2388. A letter from the Director, Office of Regulation Policy and Management, Office H.R. 4544. A bill to amend the Truth in 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Lending Act to prohibit predispute arbitra- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transpor- of the Secretary, Department of Veterans Af- fairs, transmitting the Department’s final tion agreements that force arbitration of dis- tation and Infrastructure. putes arising from private education loans, 2381. A letter from the Management and rule — VA Acquisition Regulation: Environ- and for other purposes; to the Committee on Program Analyst, FAA, Department of ment, Energy and Water Efficiency, Renew- Financial Services. Transportation, transmitting the Depart- able Energy Technologies, Occupational By Ms. DEAN: ment’s final rule — Amendment of Class E Safety, and Drug-Free Workplace; Protec- H.R. 4545. A bill to provide for the dis- Airspace; Fairmont, MN [Docket No.: FAA- tion of Privacy and Freedom of Information; charge of a private education loan in the 2019-0471; Airspace Docket No.: 19-AGL-18] Other Socioeconomic Programs; and Con- case of death or total and permanent dis- (RIN: 2120-AA66) received September 19, 2019, tract Modifications (RIN: 2900-AQ24) received ability of a student obligor, and for other pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law September 18, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. purposes; to the Committee on Financial 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Services, and in addition to the Committee mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- Stat. 868); to the Committee on Veterans’ Af- on Ways and Means, for a period to be subse- ture. fairs. quently determined by the Speaker, in each 2382. A letter from the Management and 2389. A letter from the Chief, Publications case for consideration of such provisions as Program Analyst, FAA, Department of and Regulations Branch, Internal Revenue fall within the jurisdiction of the committee Transportation, transmitting the Depart- Service, transmitting the Service’s final rule concerned. ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- — Revenue Procedure: Section 199A Trade or By Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ (for herself, Mr. tives; The Boeing Company Airplanes [Dock- Business Safe Harbor —— Rental Real Estate NADLER, Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY et No.: FAA-2019-0696; Product Identifier (Rev. Proc. 2019-38) received September 25, of New York, Ms. CLARKE of New 2019-NM-136-AD; Amendment 39-19730; AD 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public York, Mr. ROSE of New York, Ms. 2019-18-03] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received Sep- Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the MENG, Mr. ENGEL, Mr. ESPAILLAT, tember 19, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. Committee on Ways and Means. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Mr. SERRANO, Mr. JEFFRIES, Miss f Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transpor- RICE of New York, Mr. CA´ RDENAS, Mr. tation and Infrastructure. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES ON MEEKS, and Mr. SUOZZI): H.R. 4546. A bill to authorize additional 2383. A letter from the Management and PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Program Analyst, FAA, Department of monies to the Public Housing Capital Fund Transportation, transmitting the Depart- Under clause 2 of rule XIII, reports of of the Department of Housing and Urban De- ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- committees were delivered to the Clerk velopment, and for other purposes; to the tives; Airbus SAS Airplanes [Docket No.: for printing and reference to the proper Committee on Financial Services. FAA-2018-0113; Product Identifier 2017-NM- calendar, as follows: By Mr. CASE (for himself and Mr. 060-AD; Amendment 39-19710; AD 2019-16-07] SHERMAN): (RIN: 2120-AA64) received September 19, 2019, Ms. WATERS: Committee on Financial H.R. 4547. A bill to impose safety require- pursuant to 5 U.S.C. 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law Services. H.R. 2534. A bill to amend the Secu- ments on commercial air tour flights, and 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 Stat. 868); to the Com- rities Exchange Act of 1934 to prohibit cer- for other purposes; to the Committee on mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- tain securities trading and related commu- Transportation and Infrastructure. ture. nications by those who possess material, By Mr. VARGAS (for himself, Mr. 2384. A letter from the Management and nonpublic information; with an amendment ENGEL, and Mr. COX of California): Program Analyst, FAA, Department of (Rept. 116–219). Referred to the Committee of H.R. 4548. A bill to authorize the Director Transportation, transmitting the Depart- the Whole House on the state of the Union. of the Centers for Disease Control and Pre- ment’s final rule — Airworthiness Direc- f vention to award grants to eligible counties tives; Fokker Services B.V. Airplanes [Dock- for the use of mobile clinics and distance et No.: FAA-2019-0324; Product Identifier PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS learning and telemedicine to diagnose and 2019-NM-031-AD; Amendment 39-19726; AD Under clause 2 of rule XII, public treat children with asthma in rural areas 2019-17-06] (RIN: 2120-AA64) received Sep- bills and resolutions of the following and medically underserved communities, and for other purposes; to the Committee on En- tember 19, 2019, pursuant to 5 U.S.C. titles were introduced and severally re- 801(a)(1)(A); Public Law 104-121, Sec. 251; (110 ergy and Commerce. Stat. 868); to the Committee on Transpor- ferred, as follows: By Mr. LARSON of Connecticut (for tation and Infrastructure. By Mr. NEAL: himself and Mr. ESTES): 2385. A letter from the Assistant Chief H.R. 4540. A bill to amend title II of the So- H.R. 4549. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- Counsel for Regulatory Affairs, Pipeline and cial Security Act to provide an equitable So- enue Code of 1986 to restore the deduction for

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:20 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\L27SE7.000 H27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE H8080 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 27, 2019

research and experimental expenditures; to H.R. 4556. A bill to provide for the publica- Ms. SPANBERGER, Ms. WEXTON, and the Committee on Ways and Means. tion of OLC opinions, and for other purposes; Mr. WITTMAN): By Ms. WATERS (for herself, Mr. GRI- to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 4566. A bill to accelerate the income JALVA, Ms. KELLY of Illinois, Ms. LEE By Mr. CASTEN of Illinois (for himself, tax benefits for charitable cash contribu- of California, Ms. of Cali- Mr. TONKO, and Mr. QUIGLEY): tions for the relief of the families of victims fornia, Mr. CARSON of Indiana, Ms. H.R. 4557. A bill to prohibit the termi- of the mass shooting in Virginia Beach, Vir- MOORE, Mr. PAYNE, Ms. WILD, Ms. SE- nation of advisory committees before the ginia on May 31, 2019; to the Committee on WELL of Alabama, Ms. ROYBAL- end of their charter unless authorized by Ways and Means. ALLARD, Ms. NORTON, Mrs. BEATTY, law, and for other purposes; to the Com- By Ms. MENG (for herself, Ms. JUDY Ms. CLARKE of New York, Mr. RUSH, mittee on Oversight and Reform. CHU of California, Ms. SA´ NCHEZ, Ms. Ms. PRESSLEY, Mr. VELA, Mr. By Mr. CICILLINE (for himself, Mr. ROYBAL-ALLARD, Mr. SERRANO, Mr. MORELLE, Ms. FUDGE, Mr. SMITH of BILIRAKIS, Mr. CRIST, Mr. DEUTCH, SOTO, Mr. ESPAILLAT, and Ms. JACK- Washington, Mr. BUTTERFIELD, Ms. Mr. GOTTHEIMER, Mr. SON LEE): GARCIA of Texas, Mrs. LURIA, Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI, Mrs. CAROLYN B. H.R. 4567. A bill to amend the Higher Edu- BROWN of Maryland, Mr. THOMPSON of MALONEY of New York, Ms. MENG, cation Act of 1965 to require the Secretary of Mississippi, Mr. COHEN, Mr. GON- Mr. PALLONE, Mr. SARBANES, Ms. Education to translate the FAFSA into for- ZALEZ of Texas, Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Mr. SCHAKOWSKY, Mr. SCHNEIDER, Mr. eign languages, and for other purposes; to DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois, Mrs. SIRES, Ms. SPEIER, Mr. SUOZZI, and the Committee on Education and Labor. DAVIS of California, Ms. JACKSON Ms. TITUS): By Ms. MENG (for herself, Mr. LEE, Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, Mr. H.R. 4558. A bill to modify certain disclo- QUIGLEY, Mr. HASTINGS, Ms. CISNEROS, Ms. PLASKETT, Mr. sure requirements relating to the transfer of BROWNLEY of California, Ms. NORTON, SERRANO, Mr. SABLAN, Mr. SEAN PAT- articles on the United States munitions list Mr. ENGEL, Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, RICK MALONEY of New York, Ms. to Cyprus, and for other purposes; to the Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Ms. JACKSON LEE, SA´ NCHEZ, Mr. PANETTA, Ms. BASS, Ms. Committee on Foreign Affairs. and Mr. CARSON of Indiana): TLAIB, Mr. SOTO, Mr. HASTINGS, Mrs. By Mr. CRENSHAW: H.R. 4568. A bill to prohibit the purchase, LAWRENCE, Mrs. WATSON COLEMAN, H.R. 4559. A bill to provide requirements ownership, or possession of enhanced body Mr. ESPAILLAT, Mr. CASTRO of Texas, for Executive agency spending at the end of armor by civilians, with exceptions; to the Mr. VEASEY, Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER, a fiscal year, and for other purposes; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. RICHMOND, Mr. COX of California, Committee on Oversight and Reform. By Ms. MENG (for herself, Mr. Mr. SIRES, Mr. LEWIS, Ms. JOHNSON of By Ms. DELAURO (for herself, Mr. ESPAILLAT, Mrs. RADEWAGEN, and Ms. Texas, Mr. CA´ RDENAS, Ms. MUCARSEL- FITZPATRICK, Mr. NADLER, and Mrs. HOULAHAN): POWELL, and Mr. COSTA): DINGELL): H.R. 4569. A bill to reauthorize the Inter- H.R. 4550. A bill to amend the Public H.R. 4560. A bill to amend the Public agency Committee on Women’s Business En- Health Service Act to authorize grants to Health Service Act to reauthorize Johanna’s terprise, and for other purposes; to the Com- provide treatment for diabetes in minority Law, and for other purposes; to the Com- mittee on Small Business. communities; to the Committee on Energy mittee on Energy and Commerce. By Ms. MENG (for herself, Mr. BISHOP and Commerce. By Mr. DESAULNIER (for himself and of Georgia, and Mr. YARMUTH): By Mr. ROUDA (for himself and Mr. Mr. YOUNG): H.R. 4570. A bill to amend title II of the So- H.R. 4561. A bill to promote the provision cial Security Act to allow workers who at- MAST): of exercise or fitness equipment, and exercise tain age 65 after 1981 and before 1992 to H.R. 4551. A bill to amend the United or fitness classes and instruction, that are choose either lump sum payments over four States-Hong Kong Policy Act of 1992 to re- accessible to individuals with disabilities; to years totaling $5,000 or an improved benefit quire a report on how the People’s Republic the Committee on Education and Labor. computation formula under a new 10-year of China exploits Hong Kong to circumvent By Mr. ESPAILLAT: rule governing the transition to the changes the laws of the United States; to the Com- H.R. 4562. A bill to amend the exemption of in benefit computation rules enacted in the mittee on Foreign Affairs. certain legal requirements applied to Am- Social Security Amendments of 1977, and for By Mr. BABIN: trak in making improvements to exclude the other purposes; to the Committee on Ways H.R. 4552. A bill to amend title 46, United construction of advertisements; to the Com- and Means. States Code, to provide for the issuance of mittee on Transportation and Infrastruc- By Mrs. MILLER (for herself, Mrs. provisional transportation security cards to ture. WALORSKI, and Mr. ESTES): veterans who have been honorably dis- By Mr. FITZPATRICK (for himself and H.R. 4571. A bill to provide for the conduct charged from the Armed Forces; to the Com- Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire): of demonstration projects to test the effec- mittee on Homeland Security. H.R. 4563. A bill to repeal Public Law 114- tiveness of subsidized employment for TANF By Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Penn- 145 to ensure that the Drug Enforcement Ad- recipients; to the Committee on Ways and sylvania (for himself, Mr. MARSHALL, ministration has the authority to carry out Means. Mr. VEASEY, and Mr. FORTENBERRY): needed enforcement actions for drug diver- By Mr. ROONEY of Florida: H.R. 4553. A bill to expand the tropical dis- sion control investigations and operations to H.R. 4572. A bill to prohibit the provision of ease product priority review voucher pro- combat the opioid epidemic, and for other Federal funds to State and local govern- gram to encourage treatments for the Middle purposes; to the Committee on Energy and ments for payment of obligations, to pro- East respiratory syndrome, Nipah, and Rift Commerce, and in addition to the Committee hibit the Federal Reserve Banks, the Depart- Valley fever; to the Committee on Energy on the Judiciary, for a period to be subse- ment of the Treasury, and other Federal and Commerce. quently determined by the Speaker, in each agencies from financially assisting State and By Ms. BROWNLEY of California: case for consideration of such provisions as local governments that have defaulted on H.R. 4554. A bill to amend title 38, United fall within the jurisdiction of the committee their obligations, and for other purposes; to States Code, to direct the Secretary of Vet- concerned. the Committee on Oversight and Reform, erans Affairs to establish and implement a By Mr. KATKO (for himself, Mr. and in addition to the Committee on Finan- comprehensive anti-harassment and anti- BEYER, and Mrs. NAPOLITANO): cial Services, for a period to be subsequently sexual assault policy of the Department of H.R. 4564. A bill to amend the Public determined by the Speaker, in each case for Veterans Affairs; to the Committee on Vet- Health Service Act to ensure the provision of consideration of such provisions as fall with- erans’ Affairs. high-quality service through the Suicide in the jurisdiction of the committee con- By Mrs. BUSTOS (for herself and Mr. Prevention Lifeline, and for other purposes; cerned. KATKO): to the Committee on Energy and Commerce. By Mr. RUIZ: H.R. 4555. A bill to ensure that signifi- By Mr. LUETKEMEYER: H.R. 4573. A bill to amend the Higher Edu- cantly more students graduate college with H.R. 4565. A bill to amend the Securities cation Act of 1965 to authorize additional the international knowledge and experience Act of 1933 to require the Securities and Ex- grant activities for Hispanic-serving institu- essential for success in today’s global econ- change Commission to issue a rule to apply tions; to the Committee on Education and omy through the establishment of the Sen- the Administrative Procedure Act to the Labor. ator Paul Simon Study Abroad Program in adoption of accounting principles by the By Mr. RUIZ (for himself, Mr. CASTRO the Department of Education; to the Com- standard setting body, and to require the of Texas, and Mr. BILIRAKIS): mittee on Education and Labor. standard setting body to consider, in adopt- H.R. 4574. A bill to amend title 38, United By Mr. CARTWRIGHT (for himself, Mr. ing accounting principles, the impact such States Code, to provide for a presumption of QUIGLEY, Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. RASKIN, principles will have on the broader U.S. service connection for certain diseases in Mrs. DAVIS of California, Mr. CLAY, economy, market stability, and availability veterans who were exposed to burn pits; to Mr. VARGAS, Mr. JOHNSON of Georgia, of credit; to the Committee on Financial the Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. Mr. CA´ RDENAS, Ms. HILL of Cali- Services. By Ms. SCHRIER (for herself and Mr. fornia, Mr. CARSON of Indiana, Ms. By Mrs. LURIA (for herself, Mr. BEYER, DAVID P. ROE of Tennessee): NORTON, Ms. TLAIB, and Mr. BLU- Mr. CONNOLLY, Mr. MCEACHIN, Mr. H.R. 4575. A bill to amend title XXVII of MENAUER): RIGGLEMAN, Mr. SCOTT of Virginia, the Public Health Service Act, the Employee

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Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, and Illinois, Mr. SERRANO, Ms. SEWELL of By Mrs. NAPOLITANO: the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to require Alabama, Ms. JACKSON LEE, Ms. NOR- H.R. 4543. group health plans and health insurance TON, Mr. BROWN of Maryland, Mr. Congress has the power to enact this legis- issuers offering group or individual health COHEN, Ms. TLAIB, Mr. DAVID SCOTT lation pursuant to the following: insurance coverage to establish a process to of Georgia, and Ms. FUDGE): Article 1, Section, 8, clause 1 address inaccurate information listed in pub- H. Res. 606. A resolution calling for sickle By Ms. DEAN: licly accessible provider directories of such cell trait research, surveillance, and public H.R. 4544. plans and issuers, and for other purposes; to education and awareness, and for other pur- Congress has the power to enact this legis- the Committee on Energy and Commerce, poses; to the Committee on Energy and Com- lation pursuant to the following: and in addition to the Committees on Edu- merce. Article I, Section 8 cation and Labor, and Ways and Means, for a By Ms. MENG (for herself, Mr. MCGOV- By Ms. DEAN: period to be subsequently determined by the ERN, Ms. NORTON, and Mrs. DINGELL): H.R. 4545. Speaker, in each case for consideration of H. Res. 607. A resolution supporting the Congress has the power to enact this legis- such provisions as fall within the jurisdic- goals and ideals of the International Day of lation pursuant to the following: tion of the committee concerned. Non-Violence; to the Committee on Over- Article I, Section 8 ´ By Ms. WEXTON (for herself, Mr. sight and Reform. By Ms. VELAZQUEZ: KELLY of Pennsylvania, and Mr. BLU- By Mr. PALLONE (for himself, Mr. H.R. 4546. MENAUER): KHANNA, Mr. KRISHNAMOORTHI, Mrs. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4576. A bill to amend the Internal Rev- WATSON COLEMAN, Ms. MENG, Mr. lation pursuant to the following: enue Code of 1986 to allow contributions to JOHNSON of Georgia, and Mr. BERA): Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 health savings accounts in the case of indi- H. Res. 608. A resolution expressing the The Congress shall have Power to . . . pro- viduals with spouses who have health flexi- sense of the House of Representatives that vide for the . . . general Welfare of the ble spending accounts; to the Committee on the Republic of India should be a permanent United States; . . . Ways and Means. member of the United Nations Security By Mr. CASE: By Ms. WILD (for herself, Mr. Council; to the Committee on Foreign Af- H.R. 4547. FITZPATRICK, Mr. LIPINSKI, Ms. DEAN, fairs. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Mr. TRONE, Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALO- By Ms. WILSON of Florida (for herself, lation pursuant to the following: NEY of New York, Mr. HARDER of Mr. BLUMENAUER, Ms. BROWNLEY of Article I, Section 8 California, Mr. FOSTER, and Mrs. California, Mr. DEFAZIO, Mrs. DIN- By Mr. VARGAS: HAYES): GELL, Mr. KIND, Ms. NORTON, Mr. H.R. 4548. H.R. 4577. A bill to amend the Higher Edu- LARSEN of Washington, Mr. LIPINSKI, Congress has the power to enact this legis- cation Act of 1965 to promote the matricula- Mr. PAYNE, and Mr. HASTINGS): lation pursuant to the following: tion, and increase in the graduation rates, of H. Res. 609. A resolution expressing support Clause 3 of Section 8 of Article I of the individuals with disabilities within higher to designate the week of September 22 Constitution, which states: The Congress education; to the Committee on Education through September 28, 2019, Rail Safety shall have the power to regulate Commerce and Labor. Week in the United States, and to support with foreign Nations, and among the several By Ms. WILSON of Florida (for herself, the goals and ideals of Rail Safety Week to States, and with the Indian Tribes. Mrs. HAYES, and Mr. TAKANO): reduce rail-related accidents, fatalities, and By Mr. LARSON of Connecticut: H.R. 4578. A bill to amend the Higher Edu- injuries; to the Committee on Transpor- H.R. 4549. cation Act of 1965 to make improvements to tation and Infrastructure. Congress has the power to enact this legis- the TEACH Grant program, and for other By Mr. WITTMAN (for himself and Mr. lation pursuant to the following: purposes; to the Committee on Education JEFFRIES): Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 and Labor. H. Res. 610. A resolution expressing support By Ms. WATERS: By Ms. WILSON of Florida: for the designation of September 29, 2019, as H.R. 4550. H.R. 4579. A bill to require the Secretary of National Urban Wildlife Refuge Day; to the Congress has the power to enact this legis- Education to initiate a negotiated rule-mak- Committee on Natural Resources. lation pursuant to the following: ing process with respect to when an institu- f Article 1, Section 8, clause 1 of the U.S. tion of higher education fails to meet accred- Constitution and itation standards, and for other purposes; to CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY Article 1, Section 8, clause 3 of the U.S. the Committee on Education and Labor. STATEMENT Constitution. By Mr. YOHO (for himself, Mr. VAN By Mr. ROUDA: Pursuant to clause 7 of rule XII of H.R. 4551. DREW, Mr. CUELLAR, and Mr. MOONEY the Rules of the House of Representa- of West Virginia): Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4580. A bill to direct the Secretary of tives, the following statements are sub- lation pursuant to the following: Homeland Security and the Secretary of mitted regarding the specific powers This bill is enacted pursuant to the power Education to carry out programs to combat granted to Congress in the Constitu- granted to Congress under Article I, Section human trafficking in schools; to the Com- tion to enact the accompanying bill or 8, Clause 3 of the United States Constitution. mittee on Education and Labor. joint resolution. By Mr. BABIN: By Mr. YOHO (for himself and Mr. VAN H.R. 4552. By Mr. NEAL: Congress has the power to enact this legis- DREW): H.R. 4540. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4581. A bill to amend the Trafficking Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, Section 8 of the United States Victims Protection Act of 2000 to provide for lation pursuant to the following: a comprehensive domestic human trafficking Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 of the U.S. Constitution estimate, and for other purposes; to the Constitution: ‘‘The Congress shall have By Mr. BRENDAN F. BOYLE of Penn- Committee on the Judiciary. Power to make all Laws which shall be nec- sylvania: By Mr. YOUNG: essary and proper for carrying into Execu- H.R. 4553. H.R. 4582. A bill to amend the Alaska Na- tion the foregoing Powers, and all other Congress has the power to enact this legis- tive Claims Settlement Act to provide that Powers vested by this Constitution in the lation pursuant to the following: Alexander Creek, Alaska, is and shall be rec- Government of the United States, or in any Article I, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitu- ognized as an eligible Native village under Department or Officer thereof.’’ tion under the General Welfare Clause. By Ms. BROWNLEY of California: that Act, and for other purposes; to the Com- By Mr. MCKINLEY: mittee on Natural Resources. H.R. 4541. H.R. 4554. By Mr. MCCARTHY: Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H. Res. 603. A resolution raising a question lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: of the privileges of the House. Article 1 Section 8 Article I, Section 8 of the United States By Mr. BIGGS: Section 8—Powers of Congress. To make Constitution H. Res. 604. A resolution condemning and all Laws which shall be necessary and proper By Mrs. BUSTOS: censuring , Representative of for carrying into Execution the foregoing H.R. 4555. California’s 28th Congressional District; to Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Congress has the power to enact this legis- the Committee on Ethics. Constitution in the Government of the lation pursuant to the following: By Mr. SMITH of New Jersey (for him- United States, or in any Department or Offi- This bill is enacted pursuant to the power self and Mr. DOGGETT): cer thereof. granted to Congress under Article I, Section H. Res. 605. A resolution expressing support By Mr. RUTHERFORD: 8, Clause 18 of the United States Constitu- for the goals and ideals of ‘‘National Hydro- H.R. 4542. tion. cephalus Awareness Month’’; to the Com- Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Mr. CARTWRIGHT: mittee on Energy and Commerce. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4556. By Ms. LEE of California (for herself, Article I, Section 8 of the has the power to enact this legis- Mr. BURGESS, Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Constitution lation pursuant to the following:

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Constitutional Authority—Necessary and By Ms. MENG: H.R. 4: Mr. CORREA. Proper Clause (Art. I, Sec. 8, Clause 18) H.R. 4569. H.R. 24: Mr. MAST and Mr. CRAWFORD. The U.S. Constitution Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 93: Mr. MOULTON. Article I, Section 8: Powers of Congress lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 146: Mrs. HARTZLER. Clause 18 Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the Con- H.R. 326: Mr. BLUMENAUER and Mr. GRI- The Congress shall have power . . . To stitution JALVA. make all laws which shall be necessary and By Ms. MENG: H.R. 372: Mrs. AXNE. proper for carrying into execution the fore- H.R. 4570. H.R. 485: Ms. SPANBERGER and Ms. KENDRA going powers, and all other powers vested by Congress has the power to enact this legis- S. HORN of Oklahoma. this Constitution in the government of the lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 576: Mr. GREEN of Texas. United States, or in any department or offi- Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the Con- H.R. 587: Mr. WOMACK. cer thereof. stitution H.R. 616: Mr. WITTMAN and Mr. By Mr. CASTEN of Illinois: By Mrs. MILLER: SCHWEIKERT. H.R. 4557. H.R. 4571. H.R. 641: Mr. RUIZ and Mr. SCHIFF. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 730: Mr. DELGADO. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 737: Mr. CLAY. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 18 Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 H.R. 744: Mr. OLSON. By Mr. CICILLINE: By Mr. ROONEY of Florida: H.R. 865: Mr. CASTEN of Illinois. H.R. 871: Mr. CORREA. H.R. 4558. H.R. 4572. H.R. 874: Mr. LAWSON of Florida. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 884: Mr. HARDER of California. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 912: Ms. DELBENE and Mr. PALLONE. Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution of Article I, Section 8 H.R. 913: Ms. CRAIG. the United States. By Mr. RUIZ: H.R. 976: Mr. NEGUSE. By Mr. CRENSHAW: H.R. 4573. H.R. 991: Ms. WILSON of Florida and Mr. H.R. 4559. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- TURNER. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1002: Ms. DELBENE. lation pursuant to the following: Article I, section 8, Clauses 1 and 18 of the Article 1 Section 9 H.R. 1042: Mr. DESAULNIER and Mr. HIGGINS United States Constitution, to provide for No Money shall be drawn from the Treas- of New York. the general welfare and make all laws nec- ury, but in Consequence of Appropriations H.R. 1139: Mr. ENGEL. essary and proper to carry out the powers of made by Law; and a regular. Statement and H.R. 1154: Mr. ALLRED, Mr. RICHMOND, and Congress. Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas. By Mr. RUIZ: all public Money shall be published from H.R. 1179: Mr. EVANS and Mr. RODNEY H.R. 4574. time to time. DAVIS of Illinois. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Ms. DELAURO: H.R. 1191: Mr. KILDEE. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4560. H.R. 1195: Mr. STIVERS and Ms. KUSTER of Congress has the power to enact this legis- Article I, section 8, Clauses 1 and 18 of the New Hampshire. lation pursuant to the following: United States Constitution, to provide for H.R. 1349: Mr. PHILLIPS. Article I, Section 8. the general welfare and make all laws nec- H.R. 1379: Mr. COMER. essary and proper to carry out the powers of By Mr. DESAULNIER: H.R. 1380: Mrs. LAWRENCE, Mr. MORELLE, H.R. 4561. Congress. Ms. ESHOO, Mr. PALLONE, Mr. BRENDAN F. Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Ms. SCHRIER: BOYLE of Pennsylvania, Mr. NEAL, and Mr. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4575. BUCHANAN. Article 1, Section 8. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1393: Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, Mr. By Mr. ESPAILLAT: lation pursuant to the following: COHEN, Ms. DELAURO, Ms. MENG, Mrs. H.R. 4562. Article 1 NAPOLITANO, Ms. PORTER, Ms. SPEIER, and Congress has the power to enact this legis- By Ms. WEXTON: Mr. YARMUTH. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 4576. H.R. 1394: Ms. SPEIER. Article I, Section 8, Clause 7: ‘‘The Con- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1417: Mr. CICILLINE. gress shall have Power [. . .] To establish lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1680: Mr. PRICE of North Carolina, Mr. Post Offices and Post Roads . . .’’ Article I, Section 8 of the United States BARR, and Mr. GRAVES of Louisiana. By Mr. FITZPATRICK: Constitution H.R. 1698: Mr. MARSHALL. H.R. 4563. By Ms. WILD: H.R. 1711: Ms. LOFGREN. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4577. H.R. 1749: Mr. MAST. lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1766: Mr. HAGEDORN, Mr. SENSEN- Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 lation pursuant to the following: BRENNER, and Mrs. HAYES. By Mr. KATKO: Article I, Section 8 H.R. 1777: Mr. PAPPAS. H.R. 4564. By Ms. WILSON of Florida: H.R. 1811: Mr. GONZALEZ of Ohio. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4578. H.R. 1865: Mr. WEBSTER of Florida and Mr. lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- TRONE. Article 1, Section 8, Clause 1 of the U.S. lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1873: Mr. BERGMAN and Ms. CLARK of Constitution—‘‘The Congress shall have Article 1, Section 8 Massachusetts. Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Im- By Ms. WILSON of Florida: H.R. 1880: Mr. MCGOVERN and Mr. CLEAVER. posts and Excises, to pay the Debts and pro- H.R. 4579. H.R. 1914: Mr. CARSON of Indiana. vide for the common Defence and general Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1948: Mr. EVANS. Welfare of the United States’’ lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 1956: Mr. GROTHMAN. By Mr. LUETKEMEYER: Article 1, Section 8 H.R. 1975: Ms. HILL of California and Ms. H.R. 4565. By Mr. YOHO: BARRAGA´ N. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 4580. H.R. 1978: Mrs. DAVIS of California. lation pursuant to the following: Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 1997: Mr. ROSE of New York and Mr. Article I, Section 8, Clause 3 of the United lation pursuant to the following: PAPPAS. States Constitution. Article 1 Section 8 H.R. 2051: Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Okla- By Mrs. LURIA: By Mr. YOHO: homa. H.R. 4566. H.R. 4581. H.R. 2135: Mr. DAVID SCOTT of Georgia. Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2146: Mr. SMITH of Washington. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2147: Mrs. WAGNER, Mr. KUSTOFF of U.S. Constitution, Article I, Section 8. Article 1 Section 8 Tennessee, Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER, Mr. FLO- By Ms. MENG: By Mr. YOUNG: RES, Mr. PETERS, Mr. TURNER, Mr. WILLIAMS, H.R. 4567. H.R. 4582. Mr. GROTHMAN, Mr. MAST, and Mrs. MURPHY Congress has the power to enact this legis- Congress has the power to enact this legis- of Florida. lation pursuant to the following: lation pursuant to the following: H.R. 2195: Mr. ROUDA and Mr. KEATING. Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the Con- Article 1, Section 8, Clause 3 H.R. 2199: Mr. PETERS, Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. stitution THOMPSON of California, Ms. ROYBAL- f By Ms. MENG: ALLARD, Mr. COSTA, and Ms. MATSUI. H.R. 4568. ADDITIONAL SPONSORS H.R. 2214: Ms. BASS. Congress has the power to enact this legis- H.R. 2256: Mr. BERA. lation pursuant to the following: Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H.R. 2261: Mr. SOTO, Mr. RUTHERFORD, Ms. Article I, Section 8, Clause 18 of the Con- were added to public bills and resolu- WATERS, Ms. MENG, and Mr. COLLINS of New stitution tions, as follows: York.

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H.R. 2279: Mrs. FLETCHER, Mr. HICE of Geor- H.R. 3451: Mr. VELA. H.R. 4496: Ms. GABBARD, Mr. RUTHERFORD, gia, Ms. MENG, Mr. PAYNE, Mr. AUSTIN SCOTT H.R. 3452: Mr. VELA. and Mr. BABIN. of Georgia, and Mr. LAWSON of Florida. H.R. 3473: Ms. BARRAGA´ N. H.R. 4497: Ms. OMAR. H.R. 2294: Mrs. HARTZLER. H.R. 3495: Mr. DIAZ-BALART, Mr. ZELDIN, H.R. 4498: Ms. SHALALA. H.R. 2351: Mr. NEGUSE. Mr. GOODEN, Mr. BROWN of Maryland, Ms. H.R. 4512: Ms. NORTON, Mr. KINZINGER, Ms. H.R. 2414: Mr. LUJA´ N. SPANBERGER, Mr. VELA, and Ms. DELBENE. LEE of California, Mrs. NAPOLITANO, Mr. H.R. 2415: Mr. BEYER, Mrs. KIRKPATRICK, H.R. 3502: Mr. GROTHMAN, Mr. DAVID SCOTT of New York, Ms. and Mr. HORSFORD. of Georgia, Mr. LANGEVIN, Mr. MURPHY of BROWNLEY of California, Mr. PANETTA, and H.R. 2423: Mr. STANTON, Mr. CUELLAR, Mr. North Carolina, and Mr. MOONEY of West Vir- Mr. VAN DREW. GIBBS, Mr. HARDER of California, Mr. ginia. H. J. Res. 2: Mr. LEVIN of California, Ms. MCHENRY, Mr. DANNY K. DAVIS of Illinois, H.R. 3510: Mr. MCGOVERN. DAVIDS of Kansas, and Mrs. HAYES. Mr. TIMMONS, Mr. SCHNEIDER, Mr. BUDD, Mr. H.R. 3522: Mr. MOONEY of West Virginia. H. Con. Res. 20: Mr. WRIGHT. HUIZENGA, Mr. STIVERS, Mr. KILDEE, Mr. H.R. 3524: Mr. SCHIFF. H. Con. Res. 35: Mr. SWALWELL of Cali- NEWHOUSE, Mr. BEYER, Mr. FOSTER, Mrs. H.R. 3550: Mr. PAYNE. fornia, Ms. LEE of California, Mr. CART- RADEWAGEN, and Mr. HILL of Arkansas. H.R. 3570: Mrs. FLETCHER. WRIGHT, and Mr. CISNEROS. H.R. 2428: Mrs. AXNE. H.R. 3609: Mr. MCGOVERN. H. Res. 146: Mr. CLAY and Mr. HICE of Geor- H.R. 2431: Mrs. AXNE and Mr. BRINDISI. H.R. 3654: Mr. HAGEDORN. gia. H.R. 2435: Mr. DIAZ-BALART. H.R. 3705: Mr. MASSIE. H. Res. 234: Mr. COSTA. H.R. 2441: Ms. DELBENE and Mr. SERRANO. H.R. 3760: Mr. CASTRO of Texas and Mr. H. Res. 255: Mr. BUTTERFIELD. H.R. 2482: Ms. PINGREE. LOWENTHAL. H. Res. 539: Mr. BOST and Mrs. DINGELL. H.R. 2651: Mr. BOST. H.R. 3789: Mr. FITZPATRICK. H. Res. 540: Mr. KILDEE, Ms. SA´ NCHEZ, Mr. H.R. 2681: Mrs. HAYES and Mrs. DINGELL. H.R. 3798: Mrs. HAYES. SOTO, Ms. JACKSON LEE, Ms. SCANLON, Mr. H.R. 2698: Mr. LAMBORN. H.R. 3799: Ms. MENG and Mr. GREEN of POCAN, Mrs. KIRKPATRICK, Mrs. TORRES of H.R. 2771: Mr. REED. Texas. California, Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ, Mr. H.R. 2780: Mr. TRONE. H.R. 3922: Ms. TLAIB. JEFFRIES, Mr. GONZALEZ of Texas, Ms. H.R. 2798: Mrs. HAYES. H.R. 3964: Mr. GOODEN. MOORE, Ms. FUDGE, Ms. CLARKE of New York, H.R. 2815: Mr. COLE. H.R. 3967: Mrs. LURIA. Mr. SEAN PATRICK MALONEY of New York, H.R. 2818: Mr. BOST and Mr. DESAULNIER. H.R. 3975: Mr. QUIGLEY. Ms. KUSTER of New Hampshire, Ms. FRANKEL, H.R. 2895: Mr. KILMER. H.R. 4009: Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. MISS RICE of New York, Ms. Vela´ zquez, Ms. H.R. 2972: Mrs. HAYES. H.R. 4107: Ms. HAALAND and Ms. DELBENE. CRAIG, Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New H.R. 2975: Mr. CORREA. H.R. 4120: Mr. FOSTER. York, Mr. MORELLE, Mr. TONKO, Mr. ROSE of H.R. 2982: Mrs. HAYES. H.R. 4164: Mr. PHILLIPS and Mr. New York, Mr. CORREA, and Ms. TLAIB. H.R. 3010: Mrs. HAYES. GOTTHEIMER. H. Res. 546: Mr. NORCROSS and Mr. RASKIN. H.R. 3107: Mr. DEFAZIO, Mr. HAGEDORN, Mr. H.R. 4176: Mr. KHANNA. H. Res. 551: Mr. BRINDISI and Mr. HARDER of AUSTIN SCOTT of Georgia, Mr. SPANO, Ms. H.R. 4187: Mr. BABIN, Mr. CHABOT, Mr. California. MCCOLLUM, and Mr. PANETTA. GOODEN, and Mr. RICE of South Carolina. H. Res. 565: Mr. NEWHOUSE, Mr. KILDEE, and H.R. 3113: Mr. KIM and Mr. WOMACK. H.R. 4220: Mr. SERRANO. Mr. SIRES. H.R. 3116: Mr. MAST. H.R. 4236: Mr. GARAMENDI. H. Res. 574: Mr. SUOZZI, Ms. JACKSON LEE, H.R. 3127: Ms. LOFGREN, Mr. H.R. 4265: Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. BLUMENAUER, Mr. CARTWRIGHT, and Mr. RESCHENTHALER, Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER, and H.R. 4296: Ms. TLAIB. PAPPAS. Ms. PINGREE. H.R. 4322: Mr. COURTNEY. H. Res. 580: Mr. KILDEE. H.R. 3157: Ms. LEE of California and Mr. H.R. 4327: Ms. SCANLON. H. Res. 585: Mr. JOYCE of Ohio, Mr. KILDEE, GRIJALVA. H.R. 4334: Mr. SABLAN, Mr. GUTHRIE, Ms. and Mr. HIGGINS of New York. H.R. 3162: Ms. BLUNT ROCHESTER. STEVENS, Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania, H. Res. 595: Mr. OLSON, Ms. JAYAPAL, Mr. H.R. 3165: Mr. DESAULNIER. Mr. COURTNEY, Mr. ALLEN, Mr. TRONE, Mr. COX of California, Mr. PRICE of North Caro- H.R. 3182: Mr. BRINDISI, Mr. MULLIN, and WATKINS, and Mrs. HAYES. lina, and Mr. YOHO. Mr. PAPPAS. H.R. 4337: Mr. WRIGHT, Mr. GOSAR, and Mr. H.R. 3296: Ms. MCCOLLUM. STEWART. f H.R. 3303: Mrs. DINGELL. H.R. 4349: Ms. SEWELL of Alabama. H.R. 3328: Mr. EVANS. H.R. 4386: Ms. SCANLON. DELETIONS OF SPONSORS FROM H.R. 3331: Mrs. HARTZLER. H.R. 4399: Mr. GOODEN and Mr. MAST. PUBLIC BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H.R. 3349: Mr. GOODEN and Mr. CRENSHAW. H.R. 4407: Mr. EVANS and Ms. HOULAHAN. Under clause 7 of rule XII, sponsors H.R. 3369: Mrs. HAYES. H.R. 4426: Mr. CASTEN of Illinois, Ms. H.R. 3414: Ms. VELA´ ZQUEZ, Mr. KATKO, Mr. MCCOLLUM, and Mr. MCGOVERN. were deleted from public bills and reso- HIGGINS of New York, Ms. WILD, and Mr. H.R. 4428: Ms. JACKSON LEE. lutions, as follows: TONKO. H.R. 4458: Mr. GOODEN. H.R. 860: Ms. KENDRA S. HORN of Okla- H.R. 3435: Ms. TLAIB and Mr. ESPAILLAT. H.R. 4468: Mr. HOLLINGSWORTH. homa.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:20 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00025 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE7.023 H27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with HOUSE E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION

Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 2019 No. 157 Senate The Senate met at 11:40 and 21 sec- The legislative clerk read the fol- Mr. SCOTT thereupon assumed the onds a.m. and was called to order by lowing letter: Chair as Acting President pro tempore. the Honorable TIM SCOTT, a Senator U.S. SENATE, f from the State of South Carolina. PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE, Washington, DC, September 27, 2019. ADJOURNMENT UNTIL TUESDAY, f To the Senate: OCTOBER 1, 2019, AT 12 P.M. Under the provisions of rule I, paragraph 3, The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- APPOINTMENT OF ACTING of the Standing Rules of the Senate, I hereby pore. Under the previous order, the PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE appoint the Honorable TIM SCOTT, a Senator Senate stands adjourned until 12 p.m. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The from the State of South Carolina, to perform on Tuesday, October 1, 2019. clerk will please read a communication the duties of the Chair. Thereupon, the Senate, at 11:40 and 54 to the Senate from the President pro CHUCK GRASSLEY, seconds a.m., adjourned until Tuesday, President pro tempore. tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). October 1, 2019, at 12 p.m.

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor.



VerDate Sep 11 2014 23:43 Sep 27, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE6.000 S27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with SENATE September 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1219 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS

RECOGNIZING MOUNT ZION MIS- HONORING THE CAREER OF JOHN tion. Translating FAFSA into various lan- SIONARY BAPTIST CHURCH’S R. FLINT guages will help make the financial aid proc- 100TH ANNIVERSARY ess less complicated for many families across HON. the country. Ultimately, this would allow more OF FLORIDA students to access higher education—which is critical for the economic health of the nation. HON. PETER J. VISCLOSKY IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES I urge my colleagues to support this legisla- OF INDIANA Friday, September 27, 2019 tion. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ms. WASSERMAN SCHULTZ. Madam f Speaker, it is with great pleasure that I recog- Friday, September 27, 2019 IN RECOGNITION OF THE CITY OF nize the distinguished career of John R. Flint, ANN ARBOR’S COMMUNITY-LED City Manager of my hometown of Weston, Mr. VISCLOSKY. Madam Speaker, it is with SOLAR INSTALLATION PROJECT great respect and admiration that I take this Florida. time to congratulate Mount Zion Missionary Mr. Flint is one of Broward County’s long- serving public servants. Appointed as the City HON. Baptist Church of Michigan City, Indiana, as of Weston’s first City Manager in July 1997, OF MICHIGAN the congregation joins together in celebration Mr. Flint is the Chief Executive Officer of the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the church’s 100th anniversary. The parish- nation’s premier municipal corporation. Incor- Friday, September 27, 2019 ioners along with Mount Zion’s pastor, Rev- porated in 1996 by an overwhelming percent- erend Dr. Stanley Mason and leadership, will Mrs. DINGELL. Madam Speaker, I rise age of its voters, Weston quickly gained inter- today to recognize the City of Ann Arbor’s be commemorating this momentous occasion national attention for being one of the coun- community-led solar installation project. The with a celebratory banquet on Saturday, Sep- try’s largest master-planned communities and city’s efforts to increase its use of renewable tember 28, 2019. for the progressive form of contractual munic- energy are worthy of commendation. ipal management which Mr. Flint has insti- In 1919, Mount Zion Missionary Baptist The Ann Arbor City Council passed the Cli- tuted. He currently oversees services to the Church was established in Michigan City by mate Action Plan in December of 2012 to help City’s 67,000 residents, over an area of 27 combat the effects of climate change by re- the church’s founding members, Reverend square miles. and Mrs. John McGee, Mr. John Gibbons, ducing the city’s emissions. In the years since, Mr. Flint has served in local government the city has striven to discover new ways to Mother Emma Wilkies, Mother Lola Bolden, management capacities in the cities of Holly- implement clean and renewable energy alter- and Sister Willie Lee Thomas. After many wood and Cooper City where he was respon- natives within the city’s daily operations, ex- years of holding church services in member’s sible for the design, construction and manage- ploring possibilities with sun, wind, landfill gas, homes and store fronts, the congregation and ment of municipal infrastructure. He has re- and hydro energy sources. Having an average leadership purchased a church building in ceived both gubernatorial and legislative ap- of 4 to 6 hours of sun exposure every day, 1923. Mount Zion has been through numerous pointments furthering his community service. sun in Southeast Michigan can satisfy a sig- changes in leadership, membership, and loca- John is a consummate professional whom I nificant portion of the Ann Arbor community’s am proud to call my friend. I wish him well on tion throughout the past century, but the foun- needs. Thus, the city is increasingly investing his retirement and thank him for the thoughtful dation of giving back to the community has in solar energy opportunities and seeking new and committed work he has done to enrich ways to incorporate its use. been a steadfast and important mission, and it and safeguard the residents of Weston. continues to this day. The City of Ann Arbor’s solar installation f project exemplifies the community’s continued Throughout the years, the members of FAFSA TRANSLATION ACT commitment to climate action, environmental Mount Zion Missionary Baptist Church have protection, and public safety. Through the hard been dedicated to charitable efforts within the work of dozens of community volunteers from community of Northwest Indiana and beyond. HON. all walks of life, the project will lead to the in- Some of the church’s important public service OF NEW YORK stallation of solar panels on the roof of Ann projects include providing Christmas baskets IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Arbor Fire Station 6, thereby lowering the sta- for those in need, visitation for the sick, and Friday, September 27, 2019 tion’s harmful emissions. The solar installation project has a real and meaningful impact on Sunday school programs. Ms. MENG. Madam Speaker, I rise to bring Ann Arbor, as it brings our community to- attention to the need to have the Free Applica- Under the leadership of the current pastor, gether not only to decrease the city’s carbon tion for Federal Student Aid form available in Reverend Dr. Stanley Mason, new educational footprint, but to enhance the ability to guard multiple foreign languages. Currently, FAFSA ministries have been established, and charity against future, unpredictable disruptions to the forms are available only in English and Span- work has continued and expanded. In addition, city’s public safety services like the fire depart- ish. ment. the church building has undergone numerous That is why I am introducing the FAFSA Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join improvements, and the membership has in- Translation Act, which would amend the High- me in honoring the City of Ann Arbor’s com- creased. Reverend Mason and the congrega- er Education Act of 1965 by requiring the Sec- munity-led solar installation project. I am proud tion of Mount Zion have been a true blessing retary of Education to translate FAFSA into no to be part of a community that is so dedicated to the community of Northwest Indiana and fewer than 11 foreign languages and make to protecting our climate and environment. beyond. them available in paper and electronic for- f Madam Speaker, I ask that you and my mats. Madam Speaker, the cost of higher edu- other distinguished colleagues join me in hon- PERSONAL EXPLANATION cation continues to skyrocket, and all students oring and congratulating Mount Zion Mis- and families in the United States—regardless HON. A. DONALD McEACHIN sionary Baptist Church in Michigan City, Indi- of how proficient they are in English—are enti- ana, on its 100th anniversary. The members OF VIRGINIA tled to seek the same financial aid they need IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and church leaders have dedicated them- to help pay for college. Those who face signifi- selves to serving others, especially to those cant language barriers should not be forced to Friday, September 27, 2019 most in need, and they are an inspiration to us rely on for-profit companies that charge hun- Mr. MCEACHIN. Madam Speaker, I was un- all. dreds of dollars to translate this free applica- avoidably detained on September 19, 2019

∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:56 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K27SE8.001 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS E1220 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 27, 2019 during roll call no. 536, On Ordering the Pre- sponsoring the Kings Kids Academy and Fam- policies to assist women business owners. vious Question, H. Res. 564, Providing for ily House Homeless Shelter. While the Interagency Committee was initially consideration of H.R. 4378, Making continuing Today, as Local 500 turns 100 years old, it maintained through both Democratic and Re- appropriations for fiscal year 2020, and for continues to serve and protect its membership publican administrations, it has been inactive other purposes. Had I been present, I would and its six-county jurisdiction of Lucas, Wood, since 2000 with no chairperson at the helm. have voted ‘‘yea.’’ I was also unavoidably de- Fulton, Henry, Defiance, and Williams counties My bill would amend Title IV of the Women’s tained during roll call no. 537, On Agreeing to while providing the region with a skilled work- Business Ownership Act to reauthorize the the Resolution, H. Res. 564, Providing for con- force involved in the placement and removal Interagency Committee by making sure a sideration of H.R. 4378, Making continuing ap- of concrete, demolition, asbestos removal, Chairperson is at the helm. Getting the Inter- propriations for fiscal year 2020, and for other grade checking, flagging, carpenters tenders, agency Committee back to functioning status purposes. Had I been present, I would have brick mason tenders, hazardous waste re- would help increase the ability of the federal voted ‘‘yea.’’ I was also unavoidably detained moval, tunneling and more. government to provide targeted assistance to during roll call no. 538, On Passage, H.R. President Barack Obama noted, ‘‘Change women entrepreneurs so they can achieve 4378, Making continuing appropriations for fis- will not come if we wait for some other person their business goals, while ensuring this entity cal year 2020, and for other purposes. Had I or some other time. We are the ones we’ve carries out its mission to support and reinvigo- been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ been waiting for. We are the change that we rate women-owned businesses. f seek.’’ As the membership of LIUNA Local Madam Speaker, women entrepreneurs are 500 looks back on a century of progress and the key to engineering new and better innova- CELEBRATING LIUNA LOCAL 500’S changing both lives and community for the tions in today’s global economy—and I urge 100TH ANNIVERSARY better, we pause to remember those on whose my colleagues to support this legislation. shoulders we stand. We look forward to the f HON. next century with promise. Onward. PERSONAL EXPLANATION OF OHIO f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES INTERAGENCY COMMITTEE ON HON. Friday, September 27, 2019 WOMEN’S BUSINESS ENTERPRISE OF TEXAS Ms. KAPTUR. Madam Speaker, I rise today ACT OF 2019 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to recognize a century of service of the Labor- Friday, September 27, 2019 ers’ Local 500 union in Toledo, Ohio. Next HON. GRACE MENG week members will come together to celebrate Ms. ESCOBAR. Madam Speaker, my votes OF NEW YORK were not recorded on September 26, 2019. I this significant milestone, both reminiscing and IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES looking toward the future. am not recorded because I had to attend to a The International Hod Carriers’ and Building Friday, September 27, 2019 family matter. Had I been present, I would Laborers’ Union (which would become today’s Ms. MENG. Madam Speaker, I rise to bring have voted ‘‘yea’’ on Roll Call No. 549; ‘‘yea’’ Laborers’ International Union of North Amer- attention to the critical need to support on Roll Call No. 550; ‘‘nay’’ on Roll Call No. ica, or LIUNA) Local No. 500 was chartered women-owned businesses. Women-owned 551; and ‘‘yea’’ on Roll Call No. 552. on October 20, 1919 to represent laborers businesses are driving economic growth in our f who were in demand to build roads, bridges nation. TAIWAN NATIONAL DAY and other infrastructure in Toledo and North- Since 1972, the number of women-owned west Ohio. The union has since provided skills businesses increased nearly 3,000 percent. HON. JOE WILSON training to thousands of laborers and secured Between 2018 and 2019, U.S. women of all OF SOUTH CAROLINA living wages, health insurance and retirement backgrounds started an average of 1,817 new IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES pension benefits for thousands of its members businesses per day, representing 42 percent who live and work in Northwest Ohio, allowing of all businesses. These businesses generate Friday, September 27, 2019 them to live decent, productive lives; provide $1.9 trillion and employs 9.4 million workers. Mr. WILSON of South Carolina. Madam for their families; and retire with dignity and As of 2019, women of color account for 50 Speaker, on October 10, 2019, Taiwan will security. Local 500 has produced many com- percent of all women-owned businesses, and celebrate its 108th National Day—also known munity leaders and has been a beacon in our these businesses in particular are growing at as Double Ten Day. I am grateful for the op- community. a significantly faster rate than women in gen- portunity to offer my best wishes to the people Local 500 helped protect its hundreds of eral and all businesses. The social and eco- of Taiwan in advance of this occasion. members during the Great Depression of the nomic benefits of encouraging and supporting Taiwan is a friend, an ally, and an important 1930s while working to build landmark Toledo women entrepreneurs are undeniable and economic and security partner of the United structures under the federal New Deal pro- enormous. States. Trade ties between the U.S. and Tai- gram, including University Stadium at the Uni- Despite the incredible ingenuity of women wan have grown rapidly over the years, and versity of Toledo and the Toledo Main Public entrepreneurs, women still face significant bar- Taiwan is now the United States’ 11th largest Library. Members also contributed mightily on riers to business ownership due to unmanage- trading partner and South Carolina’s 10th larg- the home front during World War II, helping to able expectations for work-life balance, implicit est trading partner worldwide. We appreciate build many of the Northwest Ohio factories biases against women in STEM, and limited the enormous investment of Nan Ya Plastics that supplied and eventually helped win the access to capital. Corporation in Lake City as a subsidiary of war effort. That is why I am introducing the Interagency Formosa Plastics Group, creating jobs. Over the years, Local 500 members have Committee on Women’s Business Enterprise The U.S.-Taiwan relations are broader than helped build many of the vital highways, Act of 2019—a bill to reauthorize a federal just trade. This year marks the 40th anniver- roads, bridges and infrastructure of Northwest agency (of the same name) that would help sary of the Taiwan Relations Act. In the years Ohio, including the Toledo Municipal Airport, coordinate federal resources and grow since the Act’s adoption, Taiwan has blos- the Ohio Turnpike, the Davis Besse Nuclear women-owned businesses. Better coordination somed into a thriving full-fledged democracy. Power Station, Veterans’ Glass City Skyway, is critical to making sure women business With its respect for the rule of law, human Interstate 280 and Interstate 475. Members owners and entrepreneurs receive the assist- rights, open market economy and a robust have helped build and rebuild downtown To- ance they need to help start, grow, and sus- civil society, Taiwan has served as a beacon ledo, including the Fiberglas Tower, Prome- tain their business enterprises. The Inter- of freedom and an indispensable strategic nade Park, One Seagate Tower, Owens Cor- agency Committee’s responsibility will be to partner of the United States in the Indo-Pa- ning World Headquarters and the Fifth Third look at the behavior of the federal agencies in cific. My lifelong appreciation of the people of Field baseball stadium. how they support, expand, and strengthen re- Chinese heritage was inspired by my father, At the same time as the members of Local sources and programs for women-owned busi- 1st Lt. Hugh deV. Wilson, U.S. Army Air 500 helped to build and shape our region, nesses—ultimately making sure our federal Corps, 14th Air Force, with the Flying Tigers. they have remained eager and important con- government is doing all that it must to support He developed an affection for the people of tributors to our community. The union partici- women entrepreneurs. China as he served in 1944 in Chengdu, pates in charitable initiatives such as repairing First established in 1979, the ICWBE led Xi’an, and Kunming to protect Chinese citizens the City of Toledo’s Wilson and Farr pools and several federal agencies in the development of from aggressors.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:56 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.002 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS September 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1221 I am pleased that the United States and Tai- ness at Hare Chevrolet in Noblesville, Indiana. and a grateful Nation to honor the memory of wan remain close allies, and I would like to Working for their father Dave Cox, Courtney Specialist Fourth Class John Wesley Dahr of again wish the people of Taiwan a Happy and her sister Monica Peck. continued the Dillsburgh, Pennsylvania who earned the Dis- Double Ten Day. family legacy. Courtney and Monica learned tinguished Service Cross for his exceptional f the dedication to customer-service that built bravery in combat during the Vietnam War. Hare Chevrolet’s footprint in Central Indiana. Specialist Dahr made the ultimate sacrifice for TRIBUTE TO COURTNEY COX COLE In 2008, Courtney and her sister Monica pur- the United States of America and for his fellow chased the family business from their parents. soldiers. HON. SUSAN W. BROOKS The sisters were sixth-generation owners of On January 8, 1967, Specialist Dahr was OF INDIANA the 172-year-old company which was founded participating in search and destroy missions IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in 1847 as a buggy and wagon maker busi- near Cu Chi with elements of the 25th Infantry Friday, September 27, 2019 ness. Under their leadership, Hare Chevrolet Division when his company was pinned down Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Madam Speaker, quickly became the number one volume Gen- by Viet Cong and received heavy incoming it is with a heavy heart that I rise today to eral Motors dealership in Indiana. Throughout fire. He willingly exposed himself to enemy fire honor the life and legacy of Courtney Cox the community Courtney and Monica were and waded through waist-deep water to aid a Cole. An accomplished athlete, Ms. Cole was well known for their successful business acu- wounded comrade. After carrying that soldier known throughout the state of Indiana as both men, philanthropic and community involve- one hundred meters to safety, he repeated his a successful businesswoman and a dedicated ment, and their famous ‘‘Sisters of Savings’’ heroic actions, rescuing two more soldiers be- member of her community. The people of Indi- radio advertisements. fore returning to the center of the battlefield to ana’s Fifth Congressional District are forever Courtney will be forever missed by her fam- combat the enemy. grateful for her contributions to the City of ily, friends, colleagues, and the entire Indiana As he fired upon the Viet Cong, he saw an- Noblesville, the Hamilton County Community, community. On behalf of Indiana’s Fifth Con- other wounded soldier and ran to his aid. De- and the State of Indiana. gressional District, I extend my deepest con- spite extreme risk to his own life, he stood up Growing up in Hamilton County, Indiana, dolences to Courtney’s children Cayla and in the open to hold the injured man above Courtney first displayed her immense athletic Blake Cole, parents Dave and Jackie Cox, her water while he sought assistance to carry him talents on both the basketball court and the fiance Tom New, sister Monica Peck and her to safety. Dahr was mortally wounded during golf course. While attending Noblesville High family and to Courtney’s entire family and his attempt to rescue a fourth soldier. School, Courtney’s excellence in both sports friends who mourn her loss. Specialist Dahr has America’s undying grati- helped push her teams to multiple state cham- f tude for his extraordinary heroism. His cour- pionships. On the golf course, Courtney was age and sacrifice demonstrate the best of our RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE not only a dynamic team leader for the military’s tradition of service to our Nation. GOALS AND IDEALS OF THE Noblesville High School Girls Golf team, she f was also an integral part of back to back INTERNATIONAL DAY OF NON-VI- championship teams; leading them to the state OLENCE PERSONAL EXPLANATION championships in both 1987 and 1988. On the basketball court Courtney amassed a school HON. GRACE MENG HON. A. DONALD McEACHIN record 1,896 points, the 4th highest point total OF NEW YORK OF VIRGINIA in women’s high school basketball for the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES State of Indiana. With three straight trips to Friday, September 27, 2019 Friday, September 27, 2019 the state finals from 1987 to 1989 and a state Ms. MENG. Madam Speaker, I rise today to championship in 1987, Courtney and her fel- Mr. MCEACHIN. Madam Speaker, I was un- support the goals and ideals of the Inter- low Noblesville Millers teammates cemented avoidably detained on September 20, 2019 national Day of Non-Violence by introducing their place as legends of Hoosier Hysteria. during roll call no. 539, On Agreeing to the legislation in the same name. This resolution State and National honors such as being Amendment, Jordan of Ohio Part B Amend- calls on Congress to officially recognize Octo- named a 1989 Indiana All-Star, a USA Today ment No. 1, H.R. 1423, Forced Arbitration In- ber 2nd as the International Day of Non-Vio- & Parade Magazine 1st Team All-American, justice Repeal Act. Had I been present, I lence in the United States and encourages the Gatorade Player of the Year, and the Dial would have voted ‘‘no.’’ I was also unavoid- Americans to observe this day with appro- Award for National High School Scholar Ath- ably detained during roll call no. 540, On Pas- priate ceremonies, programs, and activities. lete of the Year solidified Courtney’s place as sage, H.R. 1423, Forced Arbitration Injustice Mohandas ‘‘Mahatma’’ Gandhi once said, ‘‘I an Indiana high school basketball legend. Her Repeal Act. Had I been present, I would have object to violence because when it appears to incredible high school academic and athletic voted ‘‘aye.’’ do good, the good is only temporary; the evil career set a solid example to many young it does is permanent.’’ This pioneer of non-vio- f women for generations. Together, these acco- lence political protest fought for India’s inde- lades led to Courtney being added to Seven- RETIREMENT OF CAPT. VINCENT pendence from colonial rule through edu- teen Magazine’s list of ‘‘Most Likely to Suc- L. TISEO, UNITED STATES NAVY cation, tolerance, and other means. He be- ceed’’. Courtney continued her outstanding aca- lieved that one must use peace, respect, and HON. demic and athletic achievement while attend- community activism in order to create social change. Mahatma Gandhi’s philosophies in- OF ILLINOIS ing Indiana University. As a member of the In- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES diana’s Women’s Golf team, she twice quali- spired Martin Luther King, Jr. and led the Friday, September 27, 2019 fied for the N.C.A.A. Tournament, was a three- United Nations General Assembly to choose time All-Big Ten and Academic All-Big Ten his birthday, October 2nd, as the International Ms. UNDERWOOD. Madam Speaker, I rise performer. Courtney was also honored as a Day of Non-Violence. today to congratulate Captain Vincent Tiseo, a I urge my colleagues to join me in com- two-time National Golf Coaches Association resident of my hometown of Naperville, Illinois, memorating Gandhi’s birthday by celebrating Scholar Athlete. On the Indiana University on his retirement from the United States Navy and redoubling our efforts to strive for non-vio- basketball court, Courtney was a valued lead- and for a lifetime of service to our nation. lent solutions to address the world’s injustices. er on the Indiana Women’s Basketball team, Upon receiving his ROTC commission from helping to lead them to a runner-up finish in f the University of Michigan in 1988, Captain the 1991 National Invitational Tournament. HONORING SPECIALIST FOURTH Tiseo served as a surface warfare officer and Upon completion of her athletic and academic CLASS JOHN WESLEY DAHR completed tours aboard USS Meyerkord, careers at Indiana University, Courtney was where he earned his Surface Warfare Officer honored with Indiana University’s Leanne HON. designation, and at Fleet Deception Group At- lantic in Norfolk, VA. He transitioned from ac- Grotke Award for her outstanding contributions OF PENNSYLVANIA tive duty in 1993, but his service did not end. to Women’s Athletics. This is one of the high- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES est awards of its kind given by the institution Capt. Tiseo remained in the U.S. Navy Re- to trailblazers in women’s athletics. Friday, September 27, 2019 serve for 26 years, serving seven further tours In addition to her amateur athletic pursuits Mr. PERRY. Madam Speaker, I rise today of duty including four command tours. In these after college, Courtney joined the family busi- on behalf of the Tenth District of Pennsylvania roles, he continued to deploy with units around

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:56 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.005 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS E1222 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 27, 2019 the world in support of U.S. and allied oper- tor Association, North Coast Section, and he Texas for earning the rank of Eagle Scout. ations in Europe, the Pacific theatre and Af- has taught music to North Coast residents Eagle Scout is the highest honor a Boy Scout ghanistan, making significant contributions to ranging from preschool to community college. can achieve. our national defense and the training and de- He has spent over three decades working and Only a small percentage of Boy Scouts velopment of the next generation of active and educating students in both public and private reach the rank of Eagle Scout. This honor re- reserve sailors. Throughout his time in the schools. He served as president of the Eureka quires years of effort to develop the necessary Navy, Capt. Tiseo has been supported by his Teachers Association, and he played a pivotal leadership, service and outdoor skills. To earn wife, Elizabeth, and his three children, Charlie, role in the annual Labor Day Picnic over many it, Douglas planned, built and organized a li- LuLu and Maggie. years. Mr. Demant is active in community or- brary for First Nation students of Ojibway Her- I express my heartfelt gratitude for his serv- ganizations including the Humboldt and Del itage School near Winnipeg, Canada. Douglas ice, and wish him the very best of luck and Norte County Central Labor Council, organizes became aware of the need for a library and continued success in his retirement from the local marches, and still finds time to sing to reading facility during his canoe trip with Troop Navy. Humboldt County residents in care homes 55 during the summer of 2016. Douglas tack- f each week. led this project with passion and determina- Mr. Demant has dedicated his life to public tion, and provided a library for the students of NOTCH FAIRNESS ACT service and community improvement. Madam Ojibway Heritage School. This dedication has Speaker, please join me in expressing deep prepared him to be a leader in his future ca- HON. GRACE MENG appreciation for David Demant’s commitment reer. The leadership skills he learned through OF NEW YORK to bettering his community and congratulating Boy Scouts are already benefiting commu- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES him on his service to the North Coast. nities across the world, just as the contribu- f Friday, September 27, 2019 tions of Boy Scouts continue to benefit our IN HONOR OF BRUCE local communities in countless ways. Ms. MENG. Madam Speaker, I rise today to SPRINGSTEEN’S 70TH BIRTHDAY On behalf of the Twenty-Second Congres- bring attention to the need to right a wrong sional District of Texas, congratulations again caused by Congress in 1972 when Congress to Douglas Irby for becoming an Eagle Scout. amended the Social Security Act to adjust the HON. We are proud of his continued success and OF NEW JERSEY benefits formula to include automatic cost-of- thank him for his dedication to making our IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES living adjustments. Unfortunately, this new for- community a better place. Friday, September 27, 2019 mula was flawed; it resulted in unexpected f windfalls for beneficiaries born before 1917. Ms. SHERRILL. Madam Speaker, I rise In 1977, Congress corrected the formula, today to honor Bruce Springsteen, the New RESPONSIBLE BODY ARMOR but beneficiaries born between 1917 and 1926 Jersey legend who turned 70 years old this POSSESSION ACT received significantly less than those born be- week. fore and after them. Those born during these There is so much this Jersey Girl could say HON. GRACE MENG nine years are referred to as ‘‘Notch Babies,’’ to honor Bruce Springsteen on his birthday. I OF NEW YORK and Congress has been attempting to offset could remind you of his 19+ albums, 15 world IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES this disparity since 1999. tours, sold-out Broadway shows, best-selling Friday, September 27, 2019 That is why I am introducing the Notch Fair- autobiography, countless Grammys, an Oscar, ness Act, which would compensate Notch Ba- Kennedy Center Honors, Presidential Medal of Ms. MENG. Madam Speaker, gun violence bies by providing them with either a one-time Freedom, and membership in the New Jersey continues to plague our streets and our com- benefit of $5,000 payable over a period of four Hall of Fame. I could recount his lyrics that munities. Even more frightening and dan- years, or monthly benefits in accordance with are poetic stories of everyday people just try- gerous is a gunman who is protected by en- a new formula. ing to get by. hanced body armor. Madam Speaker, fixing this disparity in ben- I could tell you of his epic concerts and the Madam Speaker, every second a shooter is efits would not only make a real difference to way he connects with each audience member on their feet, more lives are threatened. our seniors who rely on this money as their in sold-out stadiums and how he makes them Gun violence researchers and the law en- main source of income, but it is the fair thing feel as though he’s singing directly to them. If forcement community agree that the armored to do for seniors who were shortchanged by you’re lucky enough to experience it as I have, gunman is threatening the safety of our com- Congress. I urge my colleagues to support this a live Springsteen show is not something you munity. Enhanced body armor, which is de- legislation. watch, but nearly 4 hours of power, raw beau- signed for military use, is increasingly being f ty, and sweat that you actively participate in. used in the commission of violence crimes in Or maybe, to best honor him for his 70th our streets, and to overcome law enforcement HONORING DAVID DEMANT birthday, I should proudly say that Bruce response. Springsteen is the unofficial spokesperson and We have seen shootings by gunmen wear- HON. ambassador of our great state. ing body armor in Riverside, CA, Salt Lake OF CALIFORNIA He sings for the underdog, for the quiet City, UT, Pittsburgh, PA, Cleveland, OH, Bing- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES hero, and for every New Jerseyan who has hamton, NY, and many other communities. In dared to dream of a better life for themselves. 2012, the gunman in the Aurora, CO movie Friday, September 27, 2019 He sings about what is possible when we truly theatre shooting wore a ballistic helmet, bal- Mr. HUFFMAN. Madam Speaker, I rise connect with each other and work to better the listic leggings, a throat protector, a groin pro- today in recognition of David Demant, who lives of our neighbors. tector, and tactical gloves. It has also been re- has the honor of being named Humboldt Bruce represents not only the best of New ported the gunman in Dayton was wearing County Citizen of the Year for 2019. Mr. Jersey, but the best of America. He reminds body armor. Body armor was also found in the Demant’s contributions to the local community us that this great nation of ours is indeed The home of the Gilroy Garlic Festival’s gunman, are exemplary. Promised Land, and that each of us has a re- and the Pulse night club shooter in Orlando, Mr. Demant has been engaged in civic sponsibility to make it so. FL, attempted to buy body armor to protect issues since childhood. He joined the newly Happy Birthday, Bruce. himself during the massacre. One can deduce formed Environmental Club at his middle f that had the Gilroy and Orlando shooters been school in 1969, and wrote his first opinion let- DOUGLAS IRBY EARNS RANK OF wearing military-grade body armor, the num- ter to his Congressman in 7th grade. His activ- EAGLE SCOUT ber of casualties would have been far greater. ism grew into adulthood when he joined the Shockingly, there are no federal restrictions Friends of the Eel River and became an active HON. PETE OLSON on civilians’ access to this type of military union member. body armor. OF TEXAS Mr. Demant has a Bachelor of Arts degree That is why I am introducing the Respon- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES in Music Education and a teaching credential sible Body Armor Possession Act which would from Humboldt State University. He was Friday, September 27, 2019 keep military body armor out of the hands of named Outstanding Music Educator of the Mr. OLSON. Madam Speaker, I rise today mass shooters by prohibiting the sale, trans- Year in 2005 from the California Music Educa- to congratulate Douglas Irby of Pearland, fer, or possession of enhanced body armor by

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:56 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.009 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS September 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1223 civilians. The bill includes exemptions for law icopter into a residential neighborhood and ference Convention to San Angelo, Texas, as enforcement, active duty military, and other eleven more dead in the crash of a commer- they meet from October 3–6, 2019. Since its public servants whose job responsibilities re- cial skydiving plane. founding, the NAACP has worked to secure quire them to possess body armor. Ultimately, These tragedies occurred amidst a rapid in- equal rights and eliminate race-based discrimi- my legislation will ensure a comprehensive ap- crease in commercial helicopter and small nation to ensure the health and well-being of proach to ensuring public safety. plane overflights of all parts of my state includ- all persons. Madam Speaker, there is nothing more dan- ing residential, commercial and industrial I congratulate the San Angelo Chapter as gerous than a well-armored, unstoppable ac- neighborhoods, cemeteries and memorials, they have the opportunity to host the state tive shooter. Armor designed for warfare has land and marine parks and other recreation convention for the first time since their found- no place in our communities and on our areas, and sensitive military installations. ing in 1946. streets. I urge my colleagues to support this These have disrupted whole communities with Over the course of the conference, critical legislation. excessive noise and other impacts, destroyed attendees will be exposed to San Angelo’s f the peace and sanctity of special places, in- meaningful history by touring the Fort Concho creased risk to not only passengers but those National Historic Landmark and Stables. The CELEBRATING THE 50TH on the ground, and weakened security and NAACP will also be serving the community ANNIVERSARY OF EL CHICANO management of defense operations. through a Health Drive and annual NAACP The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Bike Ride. HON. currently has virtually exclusive jurisdiction I look forward to a successful convention OF CALIFORNIA over these aircraft operations. Following both and thank all of those who have worked tire- of these recent tragedies, the National Trans- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lessly to plan and execute this event. Wel- portation Safety Board (NTSB), which is re- come to San Angelo. Friday, September 27, 2019 sponsible for investigating accidents but not f Mr. AGUILAR. Madam Speaker, I rise today for direct safety regulation, strongly rec- to recognize El Chicano, an Inland Empire in- ommended to the FAA that safety-related reg- CONGRATULATING LIEUTENANT stitution that has given a voice to Latinos in ulation of commercial tour helicopters and GENERAL PAUL LACAMERA ON my community for 50 years. Owned and oper- small aircraft skydiving operations is generally HIS NOMINATION FOR PRO- ated by Gloria and Bill Harrison, this publica- insufficient. MOTION AND SELECTION OF tion highlights the important role Latinos have Regarding ground disruption and risk, the GENERAL OF UNITED STATES played in shaping the history and culture of FAA takes the position that its responsibility is ARMY PACIFIC the Inland Empire and continues to recognize strictly operational safety and national air- the accomplishments and contributions of the space efficiency and does not extend to HON. RICHARD HUDSON Hispanic-American community in Southern ground disruption and other negative impacts. OF NORTH CAROLINA As a result, the operators, aside from strict California. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES From lack of representation in public office takeoff and approach, avoidance of estab- Friday, September 27, 2019 to limited educational opportunities, El Chi- lished flight paths and other limited cir- cano set out to address the inequities felt by cumstances, are virtually free to fly wherever, Mr. HUDSON. Madam Speaker, I rise today Mexican-Americans in our community. Found- whenever and as often as they want. And they to honor and congratulate Lieutenant General ed by young activists who sought to highlight do, with little to no self-regulation. Paul LaCamera for his recent nomination for their own experiences and perspectives as This situation is unacceptable for both safe- promotion and selection of General of United Latinos, the publication began to run inde- ty and community impact concerns. It is also States Army Pacific. pendently in 1969, and has celebrated the not limited to Hawai’i, with growing concerns Since 2018, LTG LaCamera has been the unique culture and accomplishments of the in other areas with high commercial tour Commanding General of both the XVII Air- Southern California Latino community ever usage, more dense populations, valuable nat- borne Corps and Fort Bragg, located in North since. Over the years, El Chicano has stayed ural resources, significant defense installations Carolina’s 8th Congressional District. Through- true to its original mission; to give a voice in and other factors. out his time at Fort Bragg he has shown pro- media to those who needed to be heard. This bill would first require the FAA to imple- found leadership and unwavering dedication to This Hispanic Heritage month, it is my privi- ment the NTSB’s recommended enhanced protect our nation. lege to recognize 50 years of El Chicano, safety regulations. It would also prohibit flights LTG LaCamera received a Bachelor of which plays such a crucial role in the media over federal property that requires privacy, Science from the U.S. Military Academy and a landscape of the Inland Empire. I want to dignity and respect, to include military installa- Master of Arts degree from the U.S. Naval thank Gloria and Bill Harrison for their unwav- tions, national cemeteries and national parks, War College. After graduating from West Point ering commitment to this publication and to wildlife refuges and wilderness. It would fur- in 1985, he was commissioned as an Infantry our community, and I look forward to cele- ther require the use of standard equipment to Officer and has proven time and again to be brating another 50 years of El Chicano. monitor the location of flights, apply the ‘‘ster- a natural leader with an incredible drive and ile cockpit rule’’ to tour flights (meaning in part f work ethic. His past assignments include serv- that the pilot could not also be the tour guide), ice with the 82d Airborne Division, Fort Bragg, INTRODUCTION OF THE SAFE AND prohibit flights lower than 1,500 feet over ac- North Carolina; 1st Battalion, 75th Ranger QUIET SKIES ACT tual ground, and limit decibel levels to those Regiment, Hunter Army Airfield, Georgia; 4th commonly applied to operations in residential Ranger Training Battalion and the 75th Rang- HON. areas. Additionally, the bill would allow states, er Regiment, Fort Benning, Georgia; 2d Infan- localities, and tribes to impose stricter regula- OF try Division, Eighth United States Army, Re- tions on tour flights in their jurisdictions with IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES public of Korea; 10th Mountain Division required public engagement. (Light), Fort Drum, New York; 25th Infantry Di- Friday, September 27, 2019 I look forward to working with my colleagues vision, Schofield Barracks, Hawaii; U.S. Army Mr. CASE. Madam Speaker, today I have to pass this bill into law. Special Operations Command, Fort Bragg, introduced H.R. 4547, the Safe and Quiet f North Carolina; 4th Infantry Division, Fort Car- Skies Act, to ensure that commercial air tour WELCOME TO THE 82ND TEXAS son, Colorado; and the Office of Security Co- flights are adequately regulated to ensure NAACP STATE CONFERENCE CON- operation, Baghdad, Iraq. safety and address current widespread com- VENTION IN SAN ANGELO, I know I speak for everyone in the Fort munity disruption. I extend a special thanks to TEXAS Bragg community when I say he will be my colleague, Congressman of missed but is well deserving of this promotion. California, for cointroducing this necessary HON. K. MICHAEL CONAWAY I wish him, his wife Theresa, and their four measure. children the best of luck as they embark on OF TEXAS The national problem of inadequately regu- this new adventure in service to our nation. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES lated commercial air tour flights has been Madam Speaker, please join me today in highlighted in my own state of Hawai’i in just Friday, September 27, 2019 honoring LTG Paul LaCamera and his nomi- the last few months. We have seen three Mr. CONAWAY. Madam Speaker, I rise to nation for promotion and selection of General dead in the crash of a commercial air tour hel- welcome the 82nd Texas NAACP State Con- of United States Army Pacific.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:56 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K27SE8.007 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS E1224 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 27, 2019 HONORING MARY E. PERRY REAFFIRMING IMPORTANCE OF to the mainland. Not only were lives saved in THE UNITED STATES TO PRO- this operation, but decades later our nation MOTE THE SAFETY, HEALTH, continues to benefit from helping those refu- HON. DAVID E. PRICE AND WELL-BEING OF REFUGEES gees. Knowing the severity of the refugee cri- AND DISPLACED PERSONS sis today, we as a nation must do better to OF NORTH CAROLINA help those in need. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SPEECH OF My resolution reaffirms the United States commitment to promote the safety, health, and Friday, September 27, 2019 HON. OF CALIFORNIA well-being of the millions of displaced persons. Mr. PRICE of North Carolina. Madam IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES It recognizes the people and organizations Speaker, I rise today to recognize Mary E. who have risked their lives to provide assist- Tuesday, September 24, 2019 ance to displaced communities. Moreover, the Perry, a long-time community leader and ad- Mr. TED LIEU of California. Mr. Speaker, I resolution calls on the Secretary of State and vocate in Wake County, North Carolina, who am glad that the House is considering H. Res. the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations to is celebrating her 90th birthday on October 15, 444, a bipartisan resolution that I introduced continue supporting robust funding for refugee 2019. with Representatives DIAZ-BALART, NEGUSE, protection and humanitarian response over- Mrs. Perry has served as President of the and LOFGREN to reaffirm U.S. leadership in re- seas and resettlement to the United States; to Wendell-Wake County Branch of the National sponding to displacement crises around the set robust refugee admissions goals; and to Association for the Advancement of Colored world. work in partnership with the international com- We are facing the worst refugee crisis in People (NAACP) for 41 years, amplifying the munity to find solutions to existing conflicts history. According to the United Nations High and to promote peace and reconciliation. voices of underrepresented community mem- Commissioner for Refugees, in 2018, there I am grateful that it is supported by more bers. She also was elected the first African were more than 70.8 million displaced persons than 60 organizations including Church World American to chair the Wake County Demo- worldwide. This included nearly 26 million ref- Service, International Rescue Committee, cratic Party and served for 20 years on the ugees, over 41 million internally displaced per- Oxfam America, and Refugees International, East Wake Advisory Council. sons, and 3.5 million people seeking asylum. and has been cosponsored by 74 of our col- Mrs. Perry’s service is marked by a resolve Put another way, in 2018, 37,000 people were leagues in the House. I also thank my col- to fight injustice—from the early days of the being displaced from their homes each day. leagues, Representatives MARIO DIAZ-BALART, About half of all refugees were children. 67 , and , for their part- civil rights movement to the present fight for percent came from Syria, Afghanistan, South nership on this bipartisan legislation. voting rights and equity in education, health Sudan, Myanmar, and Somalia and 84 percent The United States was built on the idea that care, and housing. In Jim Crow North Caro- were hosted by developing nations. we could create a free country that would lina, she endured threats as she challenged Beyond the statistics, there are far too many serve as a haven for those fleeing persecu- the practice of segregation at restaurants in stories of people fleeing despair. Seemingly tion. Refugees don’t make our country less Zebulon. This difficult and formative experi- every day we are presented with new ac- safe. But, xenophobia, fear and hate do. ence strengthened her determination to speak counts of migrants in Central America escap- Today, by passing this bipartisan resolution, out and stand up for underrepresented com- ing gang or domestic violence and seeking Congress will send a clear message that munities. More recently, she served as a refuge in the United States. Across the globe, America is stronger when we welcome refu- plaintiff in a NAACP lawsuit against North Syrians, Somalians, Yemenis, and others con- gees and help those in need. tinue to be displaced by various conflicts. I urge my colleagues to support this resolu- Carolina’s discriminatory voter ID laws. Mrs. This refugee crisis requires global leader- tion. Perry also helped empower the next genera- ship and compassion—yet we have seen the f tion of youth leaders to follow in her footsteps Trump Administration drastically reduce ref- by reactivating the Wendell-Wake County ugee admissions into the U.S. In 2018, the DOUBLE TEN DAY NAACP youth council. United States resettled only 22,000 refugees Her dedication earned her numerous acco- compared to the 85,000 resettled in 2016. HON. CHARLES J. ‘‘CHUCK’’ lades. The NAACP recognized her as the Now, we’re hearing reports that the Adminis- FLEISCHMANN President of the Year in addition to granting tration is considering lowering the refugee ad- OF TENNESSEE missions ceiling for next year to as low as her the Charles McLean Award and the Polit- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES zero to 10,000 people. And while the new fis- ical Action Trailblazer Award. She received the cal year begins in one week, the Administra- Friday, September 27, 2019 Order of the Long Leaf Pine from then-North tion still hasn’t consulted with Congress—as Mr. FLEISCHMANN. Madam Speaker, Octo- Carolina Governor James B. Hunt and the it’s required to do by law—about its plans. ber 10 is the national day of Taiwan. I would Zeta Sigma Chapter of the Phi Beta Sigma This is a betrayal of our shared American like to take this opportunity to wish the people Fraternity Social Act Award. Additionally, she values. And it’s a betrayal of our fellow human of Taiwan a very Happy Double Ten Day. is widely recognized for her devotion to com- beings. Refugees are fleeing their homes be- Despite its small size, Taiwan is the 11th munity service, receiving the North Carolina cause they are being persecuted for their largest trading partner for the United States Human Relations Council Community Involve- race, religion, nationality, for belonging to a overall. The United States is Taiwan’s 2rd ment Award and the East Wake Community particular social group or being of a certain largest trading partner and a leading destina- tion for Taiwan’s overseas investors. These Service Award. political opinion. They need our assistance. The United States resettlement program is figures represent a strong foundation that has In her hometown, Mrs. Perry has attended critical to global humanitarian efforts. These been built between the two industries. and offered leadership at the Pleasant Grove efforts serve to strengthen global security, ad- Our close ties are not just for trade and Baptist Church for over 70 years. She served vance United States foreign policy goals, and economy. Over the years, Taiwan has proven as President of the Usher Board, Finance support regional host countries while also itself to be a model democracy in the Indo-Pa- Committee Chair, and Vice Chair of the Board serving individuals and families in need. More- cific. Its embrace of democracy shows a better of Trustees. Mrs. Perry was educated in the over, the resettlement program benefits the in- path for it’s people and their future. Wash- Wake County Public School system and re- terests of the United States. ington and Taipei share the same values of When I was in the Air Force I saw the need democracy, freedom, and rule of laws. The ceived a bachelor’s degree from Shaw Univer- for and the significance of our refugee reset- Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) was enshrined in sity in Raleigh, NC. She is the proud mother tlement program first-hand. In the 1990s, I 1979, and later supplemented by the Six As- of four children and has five grandchildren and participated in Operation Pacific Haven, where surances given by President Ronald Reagan two great-grandchildren. the United States helped thousands of Kurds in 1982. The TRA and the Six Assurances Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join flee from northern Iraq to prevent Saddam both formed the cornerstone of our relations me in recognizing Mrs. Mary E. Perry for her Hussein from slaughtering them. We first with Taiwan. Together we have faced many long and fruitful life of service and in sending brought them to Guam, where I saw the ex- challenges while displaying a steadfast com- her best-wishes for her 90th birthday. tensive screening process that the U.S. con- mitment to one another’s security and pros- ducted before bringing many of the refugees perity.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:56 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00006 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.014 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS September 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1225 I would like to express my strong and con- the National Academy of Television Arts and grandchild on the way. I have no doubt that tinuing support for these foundations to our Sciences, Society of Professional Journalists, she is excited to spend more of her time with partnership. I reaffirm it today, and again con- the Public Media Journalists Association, As- those beautiful grandchildren. gratulate the people of Taiwan on this impor- sociated Press and the Indiana Broadcasters Madam Speaker, the Fifth District will simply tant occasion. Association during Lloyd’s time at the helm. In not be the same without Mary Ann’s leader- f October of 2013, Lloyd received the distin- ship. Her contributions will be felt for years to guished honor of being inducted into the Indi- come and her legacy will live on in the work HONORING LLOYD WRIGHT ana Broadcasters Association Pioneers Hall of of all the staff she trained over the years. I ask Fame. my colleagues to join me in thanking Mary HON. SUSAN W. BROOKS In addition to his work with WFYI, Lloyd Ann Levar for her tremendous public service. OF INDIANA served multiple terms on the PBS Board of Di- f IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES rectors, including the PBS Executive Com- HONORING CMSGT DARYL COOK Friday, September 27, 2019 mittee, lending his expertise to those also in the public broadcasting arena. Lloyd has also ON HIS 32 YEARS OF MILITARY Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Madam Speaker, generously given back to the City of Indianap- SERVICE I rise today to honor Mr. Lloyd Wright, the olis, participating in many community organi- President and CEO of WFYI in Indianapolis, zations. Lloyd serves on the boards of the HON. RICHARD HUDSON Indiana, on his retirement. For the last three Greater Indianapolis Progress Committee, The OF NORTH CAROLINA decades, Lloyd has led WFYI to become one Economic Club of Indiana, among others. Ad- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of the premier radio stations in the State of In- ditionally, Lloyd also serves as a member Friday, September 27, 2019 diana. Under the stewardship of Lloyd, WFYI ofthe Board of Trustees for Central Christian made unprecedented strides forward in the Church in downtown Indianapolis. Mr. HUDSON. Madam Speaker, I rise today quality of programming and the number of The positive impact of Lloyd’s work with to honor Chief Master Sergeant Daryl Cook on daily listeners. WFYI has benefited generations of Hoosiers. his 32 years of military service. Lloyd, a native of Beech Grove, Indiana who His dedication to public service and public Over the years, CMSgt Cook has made im- upon graduation from Indiana University broadcasting have been invaluable to the citi- measurable contributions to our great nation began his nearly four decade long career in zens of Central Indiana and the country. On and continues to personify the core North public broadcasting. He began with a position behalf of all Hoosiers I would like to thank Carolina National Guard values of integrity, as Director of Instructional Broadcasting with Lloyd for his decades of service to public selfless service, and honor. He started his ca- the Indiana Department of Education. Later media consumers throughout Central Indiana, reer in 1987 as a Fire Protection Specialist Lloyd served for six years as Broadcast Oper- and wish him and his family all the best in a with the U.S. Air Force and retires as the In- ations Manager at WTTW (Chicago Public Tel- well-deserved retirement. stallation Fire Chief, 145th Airlift Wing, North evision), and then moved on to become a Pro- f Carolina National Guard located at Charlotte ducer, Director, and Writer for the Indiana Uni- Douglas International Airport. versity News Bureau. Lloyd joined WFYI in HONORING MARY ANN LEVAR ON During his career, CMSgt Cook has served 1988 as Director of Program Production. The HER RETIREMENT as Airport Fire Fighter, Driver/Engineer, Fire following year, Lloyd was appointed WFYI’s Inspector, Hazardous Material Technician, and President and Chief Executive Officer, a posi- HON. MIKE QUIGLEY Nuclear Biological Chemical (NBC) Federal tion he has held for a remarkable 30 years. OF ILLINOIS Trainer. Immediately following the September Under Lloyd’s leadership, WFYI’s annual oper- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 11th terrorist attacks that devastated our na- ating budget grew from $2.5 million in 1988 to tion, CMSgt was requested through the Army Friday, September 27, 2019 more than $11 million today. National Guard Readiness Center to staff the In his time at the helm of WFYI Public Mr. QUIGLEY. Madam Speaker, I rise today Civil Support Team Cell. Exemplary of CMSgt Media, the group flourished as a multi-media to honor Mary Ann Levar and express my con- Cook’s devotion to service, he helped manage content provider, with its three distinct public gratulations on her retirement from the U.S. response and readiness in support of Oper- television services, two HD public radio chan- House of Representatives. Since my election ation Noble Eagle. Cook has served as DOD nels, interactive website and a growing array to Congress ten years ago, Mary Ann has HazMat Trainer, an instructor for the On- of social media assets. Program lineup been indispensable to my congressional office, Scene Commanders Course and through the changes made to satisfy audience demand for serving as my District Director and assisting Department of Defense instructs first respond- National Public Radio programs such as thousands of my constituents in Chicago and ers in NBC type events. CMSgt Cook has ‘‘Morning Edition’’ and ‘‘All Things Considered’’ in the Chicagoland area. been instrumental in the development of the helped to increase the footprint of WFYI It would be impossible to properly thank or NC Emergency Training Center project at the throughout Central Indiana. Nationally loved congratulate Mary Ann without making clear Stanly County Airport. children’s television programs such as ‘‘Ses- the indelible mark she has left on my district. I am proud to represent a district with one ame Street’’ and ‘‘Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood’’ Mary Ann was not just my District Director— of the largest military and veteran populations, help to anchor a strong daily program lineup she was truly the Fifth District of Illinois’ Dis- and I know I speak for our entire community that built large audiences. Lloyd’s leadership trict Director. What began with a role serving when I say we are truly grateful for CMSgt also saw the creation of Indiana-related con- as a receptionist and staff assistant for Con- Cook’s extraordinary service and cannot thank tent and shows such as ‘‘Indiana Week in Re- gressman Dan Rostenkowski in 1994 evolved him enough. I would like to offer my sincerest view’’ and ‘‘Across Indiana’’. These steps for- into years of working as a caseworker for appreciation and wish him success in his fu- ward in programming led to a 450 percent in- Congressman Rod Blagojevich and culminated ture endeavors. crease to the station’s operating budget and a in her promotion to District Director for Con- Madam Speaker, please join me today in station membership of 25,000 listeners. gressman Rahm Emanuel and for myself. honoring Chief Master Sergeant Daryl Cook In 2008, under the stewardship of Lloyd, After a decade of working together, I have on his 32 years of military service. WFYI successfully completed a $20 million seen firsthand what I’ve heard time and again f capital campaign, and was awarded a from my constituents: that Mary Ann Levar is $900,000 Kresge Foundation Capital Grant. a tireless advocate for them and for the peo- PERSONAL EXPLANATION As a result of this massively successful fund- ple of Chicago, leading my District Office with raising campaign, WFYI was honored with a compassionate, steady hand. HON. A. DONALD McEACHIN multiple PBS Development Awards, including As a lifelong Chicagoan, Mary Ann put her OF VIRGINIA the ‘‘Award of Excellence for Overall Member- heart and soul into her service to the people IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ship’’. Lloyd himself was recognized with of Illinois’ Fifth District. The daughter of Ger- Emmy Awards for Technical Achievement and man immigrants, Mary Ann spent her career Friday, September 27, 2019 Station of Excellence, as well as two Saga- working to improve her city. She raised her Mr. MCEACHIN. Madam Speaker, I was un- more of the Wabash honors, the highest four children—Julie, Ryan, Michelle, and Pat avoidably detained on September 18, 2019 award given by Indiana Governors to recog- Jr.—in Chicago with her husband of over forty during roll call no. 533, On Ordering the Pre- nize distinguished service to the State of Indi- years, former Alderman Pat Levar. She is now vious Question, H.Res. 558, Providing for con- ana. The station also earned distinctions from a proud grandmother to four, with a fifth sideration of the bill (H.R. 1423) FAIR Act;

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:56 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.016 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS E1226 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 27, 2019 waiving a requirement of clause 6(a) of rule discussing European-American relations and VETERAN OF THE MONTH XIII with respect to consideration of certain have benefited immensely from his experience WILLIAM CALDWELL resolutions reported from the Committee on and expertise. Rules; and providing for consideration of mo- With the transatlantic relationship more im- HON. tions to suspend the rules. Had I been portant today than perhaps any other time in OF OKLAHOMA present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ I was also our shared history, it is critical to recognize the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES unavoidably detained during roll call no. 534, achievements of those who have worked to On Agreeing to the Resolution, H.Res. 558, build and maintain the peace and prosperity Friday, September 27, 2019 Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. we currently enjoy on both sides of the Atlan- Mr. KEVIN HERN of Oklahoma. Madam 1423) FAIR Act; waiving a requirement of tic. Speaker, I rise to honor the First District of clause 6(a) of rule XIII with respect to consid- Antoine Ripoll’s commitment to helping Oklahoma’s September Veteran of the Month, eration of certain resolutions reported from the American and European legislators work to- Lieutenant William Caldwell. Committee on Rules; and providing for consid- gether, and his overall contributions to the A B–17 Pilot in the United States Air Force, eration of motions to suspend the rules. Had transatlantic relationship, should serve as an Lieutenant Caldwell honorably served our na- I been present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ I inspiration to us all. tion during World War II. A member of the was also unavoidably detained during roll call Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to Greatest Generation, Mr. Caldwell began his no. 535, On Motion to Suspend the Rules and join me in recognizing the service of Mr. military service in 1936 at the age of 14 when Pass, H.R. 4285, Department of Veterans Af- Antoine Ripoll and wishing him the best in his he joined the National Guard. When the fairs Expiring Authorities Act. Had I been future endeavors. United States entered World War II, William present, I would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ and his four brothers, Wayne, George, James, f f and Floyd, like so many others, courageously answered their nation’s call. All five Caldwell HONORING THE SERVICE OF HONORING DAPHNE AND BOB PHILIPSON brothers served abroad and returned safely ANTOINE RIPOLL AS DIRECTOR home to Oklahoma. OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT As our nation has recently paused to re- LIAISON OFFICE HON. NITA M. LOWEY member our POWs and MIAs through POW/ OF NEW YORK MIA Recognition Day, it is important that we HON. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES honor veterans like Lieutenant Caldwell who OF CALIFORNIA Friday, September 27, 2019 continued to honorably serve their country IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES while being held captive by enemy forces. On Mrs. LOWEY. Madam Speaker, I rise to Friday, September 27, 2019 his 22nd and final bombing mission, Lieuten- honor the accomplishments and contributions ant Caldwell and his crew were shot down Mr. COSTA. Madam Speaker, I rise today to of Daphne and Bob Philipson, recipients of the over Germany. They were taken captive by honor the service of Mr. Antoine Ripoll, the 2019 Hudson Peconic German forces and held in prison camps until outgoing Director of the European Parliament (PPHP) Legacy Award, in recognition of their they were liberated in 1945. Liaison Office. substantial years of community involvement Lieutenant Caldwell has lived a life of un- Antoine Ripoll has dedicated his career to and active volunteerism. matched dedication, sacrifice, and service to the European Union and transatlantic rela- Daphne Philipson, CPA, has served multiple our great nation. He answered the call to de- tions. After completing his Master in Public stints on the PPHP board, first from 1999 fend freedom across the globe and sacrificed and European Law at Paris-Panthe´on through 2006, then from 2008 through 2012. whatever was necessary in the name of that Sorbonne University, he first worked as a civil She has also served on PPHP Executive, noble cause. It is my honor to recognize Lieu- servant at the European Commission. Board Development and Nominating, Budget tenant William Caldwell as the 1st Congres- In 1988, Antoine Ripoll joined the European and Finance, and Fundraising Committees. sional District of Oklahoma’s September Vet- Parliament, where he went on to hold a num- She was a partner at E.M. Warburg, Pincus & eran of the Month. Co., where she headed investor relations. She ber of roles ranging from communication to f positions with parliamentary committees. is a graduate of Columbia University’s Busi- When the European Union began exploring ness School and Barnard College, where she IN RECOGNITION OF THE EXEM- the prospect of enlargement into the former currently serves on the board of trustees. PLARY SERVICE OF ELE’S Eastern Bloc, he worked to lay the ground- As a teenager, Bob Philipson developed a PLACE work for this remarkable achievement. passion for ensuring access to family planning Antoine Ripoll’s accomplishments do not through reading about Marie Stopes and was HON. DEBBIE DINGELL end there. From 2007 to 2012, he served as a strong supporter of the legalization of abor- OF MICHIGAN the Chief of Staff of the European People’s tion in the United Kingdom. He went on to IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Party, which was the largest group in the EU graduate with a degree in Politics and Eco- Parliament at the time. In 2012, he nomics at Durham University’s Hatfield Col- Friday, September 27, 2019 transitioned to serving as Director for Rela- lege and subsequently held positions in a Mrs. DINGELL. Madam Speaker, I rise tions with Parliamentary Groups in the Gen- number of companies in the UK, Belgium, today to recognize Ele’s Place for its tremen- eral Secretariat of the European Parliament Sweden and the U.S. He became a U.S. cit- dous service to the children of Michigan and and, later that year, moved to Washington, izen in 1998 and became active in Democratic celebrate the grand opening of its new Ann D.C. to become Director of the European Par- politics, serving as Treasurer and Chairman of Arbor center. liament Liaison Office. the Irvington Democrats. He spent many years In 1991, Ele’s Place was founded in the In his current role, Antoine Ripoll has facili- escorting at clinics that provided abortion serv- basement of a church by a group of grieving tated discussions between Members of both ices and demonstrating and lobbying in sup- parents, healthcare professionals, and other Houses of Congress, from both sides of the port of Planned Parenthood. He continues his volunteers to support children experiencing the aisle, with their European counterparts to pro- activism to this day. death of a loved one. Realizing children and ductively address matters of critical impor- The advocacy and commitment of commu- teenagers process grief in entirely different tance on both sides of the Atlantic. nity members like Daphne and Bob Philipson ways than adults, the organization knew it His commitment to transatlantic under- is a crucial element of the fight to ensure that needed to find a way to properly help youth standing and cooperation has positively im- every woman, and man, in America has ac- cope with their feelings of sadness, anger, and pacted the E.U.-U.S. relationship in a wide cess to the reproductive and preventative loss. Through a great deal of research, the or- range of areas. For his many services and health care they need. I’m proud to be a part- ganization determined that peer support pro- contributions, he has been honored with the ner with the Philipsons and Planned Parent- grams offered the best way for children to Chevalier de l’ordre national du Me´rite by his hood Hudson Peconic in this effort, and I work through their grief and began extending native France. thank them for their diligent work. these services to children and their families Over the past several years, the U.S. lead- Madam Speaker, l urge my fellow Members multiple times a week. ership of the Transatlantic Legislators’ Dia- of Congress to join me in recognizing Mr. and Since its humble beginnings, Ele’s Place logue has worked closely with Antoine Ripoll. Mrs. Philipson for their many years of service has significantly expanded. With the addition Members of Congress have spent many hours to the community. of its new Ann Arbor space, Ele’s Place today

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:56 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00008 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.020 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS September 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1227 offers peer support services at four centers in emphasis on academic research in many dif- RECOGNIZING MS. GAYLE BRIDGES Michigan, aiding dozens of communities ferent areas of study leading to further ad- HARRIS ON THE OCCASION OF across the state. Decades after its establish- vancements in the understanding of both our HER RETIREMENT FROM 47 ment, Ele’s Place still works tirelessly to find natural world and the human condition. YEARS OF PUBLIC HEALTH new ways to support children experiencing SERVICE loss and is fully dedicated to reaching its mis- Through these past 200 years, Hoosier stu- sion of ensuring no child in Michigan ever has dents have displayed their excellence in the HON. G. K. BUTTERFIELD to grieve alone. The efforts of Ele’s Place are academic, athletic and cultural arenas, amass- OF NORTH CAROLINA critical and have a real impact on our commu- ing numerous Rhodes Scholar, Marshall IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nity, as its services help hundreds of children Scholar, and MacArthur Fellow honors in the Friday, September 27, 2019 and teens each week. classroom, as well as multiple Big Ten Con- Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join ference and NCAA Championships in Men’s Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Madam Speaker, l rise to recognize a great American and public me in honoring Ele’s Place for its commitment and Women’s sports. Over the last 200 years servant, Ms. Gayle Bridges Harris of Durham, to grieving children throughout Michigan and many notable Hoosiers have left their mark on congratulate the organization on the opening North Carolina. Lauded as a skilled and re- our society. The university has produced world of its new home in Ann Arbor. We are grateful sourceful community builder and valued public political leaders, cabinet members, titans of in- for its impact on the children of our community health leader in Durham, NC, Ms. Harris will and wish it continued success ahead. dustry and commerce, cutting-edge scientific be retiring after 47 years of faithful and dedi- f researchers, artists, Olympians, musicians, cated service to the health and well-being of and entertainers. all those she served. I am honored to share RECOGNIZING INDIANA In addition to the world-renowned under- with my colleagues in the United States House UNIVERSITY of Representatives the accomplishments of graduate opportunities available at Indiana this remarkable public servant. HON. SUSAN W. BROOKS University, there are also over 400 graduate As the 2nd African American student to degrees and certificates that Indiana Univer- OF INDIANA graduate from Duke University School of Nurs- sity offers students. Many of Indiana Univer- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ing, Gayle Harris’ extraordinary career began sity’s graduate schools have become industry in 1970. At 22 years of age, she began work Friday, September 27, 2019 leaders in the areas of medicine, law, busi- at Durham County Health Department as a Mrs. BROOKS of Indiana. Madam Speaker, ness, music, media, education, politics, and public health nurse. Ms. Harris’ most recent I rise today to honor my alma mater, Indiana the arts. The alumni of the graduate schools role was serving as the Public Health Director University, as we recognize and celebrate the have also had a long and integral hand in the and the General Manager for Community Bicentennial Anniversary of this hallowed insti- development of Indiana’s well respected public Well-being for Durham County, North Carolina. tution. As a beacon of world-class academic As General Manager for Well-being, Ms. and private sectors. The impact of research excellence, Indiana University has given the Harris provided strategic leadership for Dur- conducted by post-graduate students and fac- world a multitude of dynamic and impactful ham County’s Department of Public Health, leaders in a vast array of disciplines. Both the ulty at Indiana University has been felt Department of Social Services, Cooperative United States and the international community throughout the world, benefiting untold mil- Extension, Veteran Services and Durham Pub- have benefited from the influence of the le- lions. lic Libraries. She also served as a lead liaison gions of Indiana University alumni spanning Now well into the 21st century, Indiana Uni- between the County and Alliance Behavior the globe. versity, under the direction of the 18th Presi- Health Care, Durham Parks and Recreation, Shortly after gaining statehood, the Indiana dent Michael McRobbie, has continued its Duke University Health System, Lincoln Com- General Assembly passed legislation man- steadfast charge to be a national leader in munity Health Center, Public and Private Uni- dating the creation of a state seminary institu- versities, United Way of the Greater Triangle public education. Guided by President tion in 1820. By 1822 construction on the ear- and other entities uniquely positioned to pro- liest Indiana State Seminary buildings was un- McRobbie, the university has undergone the mote Durham’s health indicators to new levels. derway in Bloomington, Indiana. In 1828, the largest academic restructuring in its history, With nearly 50 years of service in Durham State Seminary would be renamed Indiana leading to the creation of 10 new schools. In- County, Ms. Harris has served in several sig- College. Under the early leadership of inau- diana University has also been dutifully sup- nificant leadership roles. As Public Health Di- gural President Andrew Wylie, whose term ported by the many Indiana Governors and In- rector since 2009, she contributed to the de- lasted from 1829 to 1851, the institution in diana General Assembly Members over the sign of and managed the department’s move Bloomington expanded its educational cur- past two centuries. Hoosier lawmakers con- into a new Human Services Building in 2011. riculum and transformed from Indiana College tinue to further the Indiana University commit- At that time, she also played a key role in im- to Indiana University in 1829. Under the lead- ment of providing students a world-class edu- plementing two innovative programs: the Dur- ership of President David Starr Jordan, who ham Diabetes Coalition, a joint venture of Dur- cation. served from 1884 to 1891, Indiana University ham County Department of Public Health with saw major increases in enrollment, with the in- Over 690,000 students and alumni of the 9 Duke University Health System to address dia- stitution of the elective system. This multiplied campuses throughout the State of Indiana betes in the community, and Bull City United, the education offerings and solidified Indiana have been well served by forward-thinking uni- a violence interruption/reduction initiative. Ms. University’s reputation as one of the premiere versity administration officials. The Board of Harris was elected to serve as the President educational institutions in the United States. Trustees, Chancellors, Administration, Faculty, of the North Carolina Public Health Nurse Ad- As Indiana University closed out the 19th and Alumni Association members have been ministrators in 1994 and the President of the century, it became a leader in making higher integral to the immense academic and edu- North Carolina Public Health Association in education more accessible. As early as 1867, cational footprint that Indiana University has 2011. it became one of the earliest public univer- Gayle Harris is the recipient of numerous sities in the country to admit women on an developed and maintained. This leadership awards: Communities Joined in Action 2014 equal basis with men. Throughout the 20th has allowed Indiana University to develop over Grassroots Leaders Award; Senior Pharm As- century, Indiana University experienced mas- 16 schools and 550 individual degree pro- sist 2014 Thomas R. Howerton Leadership sive changes under the direction of legendary grams, keeping Indiana University on the cut- Award; NC Association of Local Health Direc- President Herman B. Wells whose term lasted ting edge of student development and aca- tors 2013 Ham Stevens Award for Outstanding from 1938 to 1962. Total enrollment sur- demic excellence. Contributions to Local Public Health; Auxiliary passed the 30,000 student threshold. Much of I join all current and former Hoosiers in of the Durham Academy of Medicine, Dentistry this increase coincided with the new opportu- & Pharmacy 2012 Legacy Award; Duke Uni- wishing our beloved alma mater a happy Bi- nities available to military veterans as a result versity School of Nursing 2012 Distinguished of the G.I. Bill. Guided by the leadership of centennial Anniversary. Hail to Old I.U. Alumna Award; and University of North Caro- President Wells, the university pursued an ef- lina School of Public Health Alumni Associa- fort to become one of the foremost internation- tion 1995 Distinguished Alumna Award. She ally recognized centers for research and was inducted into Sigma Theta Tau Inter- scholarship. This expansion based a greater national Honor Society of Nursing in 1990.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:56 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00009 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.024 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS E1228 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 27, 2019 Ms. Harris has served on numerous boards SECURE AND FAIR ENFORCEMENT clashes and tensions with people of color. and committees, including Durham County’s BANKING ACT OF 2019 And because police didn’t have to waste their time on these stops and could concentrate on Strategic Plan Goal Champion (Health and SPEECH OF real crime, researchers studying Uniform Well-being for All); Mayor’s Initiative to Re- Crime Reports data (another federal publica- duce Poverty One Neighborhood at a Time; HON. tion) concluded legalization had resulted in Durham Community Health Network; Project OF COLORADO greater police clearance rates. So don’t lis- Access of Durham County Board of Directors IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ten to Chicken Little. The sky over Colorado (Vice-Chair); Co-Principal Investigator and did not fall. Wednesday, September 25, 2019 Licensed marijuana businesses are legiti- Steering Committee member of the Durham Mr. PERLMUTTER. Madam Speaker, I in- mate contributors to our economy. It follows Diabetes Coalition; United Way of the Greater that regulated banking, vendor relations, clude in the RECORD the following letters of Triangle Women’s Leadership Council and payroll, and tax payments should be per- endorsement for H.R. 1595, the SAFE Bank- Health Impact Committee; Durham YMCAs; mitted as part of that legitimacy—a condi- ing Act. and the Lincoln Community Health Center tion that will further serve to dismantle the LAW ENFORCEMENT Board of Directors (Secretary). illicit market’s influence in this growing in- ACTION PARTNERSHIP. dustry and help local economies. In 2012, spearheaded by Ms. Harris’s ef- To: Chairwoman and Mem- Current conditions, which require all-cash forts, the Durham County Board of Health, bers of the Subcommittee on Consumer transactions in every aspect of the business Protection and Financial Institutions supported by the County Commissioners and encourage tax fraud, add expensive moni- From: Major Neill Franklin, Ret., on behalf toring and bookkeeping expenses, and—most City officials, adopted a rule to regulate smok- of the Law Enforcement Action Partner- importantly—leave legitimate businesses ing in prescribed public areas. In a city once ship (LEAP) vulnerable to theft, robbery, and the vio- dependent on tobacco for its existence, much Re: Challenges and Solutions: Access to lence that accompany those crimes. The of its public space is now smoke free including Banking Services for Cannabis-Related SAFE Banking Act presents us with an op- parks, bus stops, sidewalks, public indoor Businesses portunity to greatly assist in stabilizing the Hearing: Wednesday, February 13, 2019, 2:00 areas such as restrooms, and public areas of industry and enhancing public safety. p.m. As more legitimate businesses are estab- retail establishments. Position: Support lished, opportunities for cash robberies will In 2014, the Durham health community, Distinguished members of the Committee, increase as more grow-facilities and under Ms. Harris’ leadership, won the pres- thank you very much for the opportunity to dispensaries come on line. Securing cash on- present the views of the Law Enforcement tigious RWJF Culture of Health award. This site, transporting cash to secure locations, Action Partnership (LEAP) in support of this and managing cash payroll are necessities award ‘‘recognizes communities that have legislation. for these businesses. And criminal entities come together around a commitment to LEAP’s mission is to unite and mobilize are quite adept at conducting high-level re- health, opportunity, and equity through col- the voice of law enforcement in support of connaissance of businesses and their security laboration and inclusion; especially with his- drug policy and criminal justice reforms that protocols when they know those businesses torically marginalized populations and those will make communities safer by focusing law will have tens of thousands—or even hun- enforcement resources on the greatest dreds of thousands—of dollars on hand. facing the greatest barriers to good health.’’ threats to public safety, promoting alter- Although extremely important for business Because of Gayle Harris’ leadership and sup- natives to arrest and incarceration, address- owners and the people they employ, my port, the Durham County Department of Public ing the root causes of crime, and working to- greatest fear is not the loss of profits due to Health has led racial equity work within Dur- ward healing police-community relations. theft. It is the potential for serious assaults ham County Government by hosting racial eq- ‘‘LEAP envisions a world in which crimi- and death to the people attempting to pro- uity training and presentations for thousands nal justice and drug policies keep our com- tect that cash, or who are merely responsible munities safer.’’ This is a quote directly for it. I fear dispensary employees being at of government employees, nonprofit agencies, from our website and that quote is exactly great risk. I fear for the safety of those businesses, and community members. what this hearing is about. It is about enact- transporting the cash, and I fear for the well- Gayle Bridges Harris has played a critical ing policy that will dramatically enhance being of employees on payday. Two weeks of public safety in our communities. role in advancing the culture of health in Dur- pay for one employee can easily exceed a few This hearing is not, nor should it be, a thousand dollars. That one employee trying ham, North Carolina. She is a health leader hearing about whether we should legalize, to get home safely from work is an attrac- from whom others learn. In her honor, we re- regulate, and control marijuana for adult tive ‘‘score’’ for any criminal, and a very member that: ‘‘A community’s vitality is built use. It should be clear to everyone here that easy target for those who know what to look upon the health of the residents and the ca- Americans have already decided this issue. for. Beyond any concern for protecting prof- pacity of the community to foster and enhance In October, Gallup said 66% of American it, we have a duty to protect the lives of residents supported legalizing marijuana. the well-being of every citizen.’’ community members working to earn a liv- More than half of states already allow mari- ing. I ask my colleagues to join me today in rec- juana for medical and/or adult-use purposes. In 2012, Melinda Haag, the U.S. Attorney ognizing Ms. Gayle Harris on this auspicious A vast majority of Americans live in a state for Northern California, said, ‘‘Marijuana occasion. where marijuana can be purchased legally. dispensaries are full of cash, they are at risk This is not a niche business market; it’s a of being robbed, and many of them are.’’ One significant part of our economy. example of what can happen: In October 2012, f If Congress respects the rights of the states three people kidnapped the owner of a lucra- and the will of the people, as protected in the tive dispensary in Orange County. According PERSONAL EXPLANATION Tenth Amendment, then we don’t need to de- to court documents, the assailants zip-tied bate the legalization of marijuana or med- the victim, tortured him, and drove him to a ical marijuana here today. We need to decide patch of desert where they believed he had HON. A. DONALD McEACHIN how best to protect those states, given the buried large sums of money. When the kid- choices they’ve democratically enacted. nappers couldn’t find it, they burned him OF VIRGINIA However, I know some opponents will try to with a blowtorch, cut off his penis, and cloud the banking issue with attacks on le- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES doused him with bleach before dumping him galization, so I will quickly address some of along the side of a road. Friday, September 27, 2019 these concerns. Four of my policing years were spent in- Let’s talk about what’s happened in Colo- vestigating crimes within Maryland’s Divi- rado, the first state to legalize marijuana for Mr. MCEACHIN. Madam Speaker, I was un- sion of Corrections. I’ve interviewed hun- adult use. A federal study by the National avoidably detained on September 17, 2019 dreds of incarcerated civilians convicted of Survey on Drug Use and Health showed that serious crimes, many of whom were proud to during roll call no. 531, On Motion to Instruct teen marijuana use decreased after legaliza- boast of their criminal activities and strate- Conferees, S. 1790, National Defense Author- tion. The American Public Health Associa- gies. Their strategic thought process is mini- ization Act for Fiscal Year 2020. Had I been tion determined that ‘‘motor vehicle crash mal. The easier the target the better. The present, I would have voted ‘‘nay.’’ I was also fatality rates . . . were not statistically dif- bigger the ‘‘score’’ the better. Casing the unavoidably detained during roll call no. 532, ferent from those in similar states without next target is about finding the softest tar- recreational marijuana legalization.’’ Fur- On Closing Portions of the Conference, S. get, and the current conditions in this indus- thermore, legalization has resulted in a sig- try have created many soft targets. 1790, National Defense Authorization Act of nificant decrease in traffic stops, leading to We, the police, teach target hardening the Fiscal Year 2020. Had I been present, I fewer negative interactions between police when we conduct security assessments for would have voted ‘‘yea.’’ and drivers, potentially limiting dangerous business owners. Our advice to them is not to

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:56 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00010 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.026 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS September 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1229 have large amounts of cash on hand, to make With the clarifications to Section 4 in the facilitate the collection of payments, but use of credit and debit card services, avoid amendment in the nature of a substitute, the also includes payroll processors. Payment routine trips to the bank, and to make use of SAFE Banking Act would extend the same processing in the form of either the collec- armored car services. This valuable ‘‘crime protections to payment processors as banks tion of payments or processing of payroll prevention 101’’ advice is literally useless to and credit unions by prohibiting federal and/or vendor payments removes the han- marijuana business owners, making them banking regulators from taking adverse ac- dling of cash. In the absence of payment very attractive soft targets. tions against financial institutions. This up- processing, companies are required to hold I’m not one for fear mongering—what I tes- dated language allows the entire scope of large amounts of cash. Customers and em- tify to here today is rooted in experience and these legitimate businesses to access the en- ployees of merchants without payment proc- research. Any police officer who has worked tire banking ecosystem—including any enti- essing capability, like cannabis-related in- the street, or investigated enough robberies, ty performing a financial service in associa- dustries, are also required to carry and will testify to the same regarding any busi- tion with a depository institute. transact with cash. Consider the employee ness forced to handle large amounts of cash. ETA takes no position on the legalization that must hand-deliver cash from their pay- Members of the committee, it is up to you or decriminalizing marijuana at the state or roll to their bank, if they are even afforded and other members of Congress to act upon federal level for medicinal or recreational a bank account due to being related to a can- this legislation, establishing access to bank- uses. However, ETA does support legislation nabis business. This creates a great public ing for legitimate marijuana businesses. The that would resolve the conflict between state safety issue not only for businesses, but also safety of thousands of employees, business and federal laws to allow financial institu- for consumers. owners, security personnel, police officers, tions to serve marijuana related businesses Payment processors are unable to provide and community members is in your hands. in states where these businesses are legal payment services without a bank to sponsor On behalf of myself and the Law Enforce- under state law. these payments into the various payments ment Action Partnership, I ask that you act We appreciate your leadership on this im- networks, (e.g. check, ACH, debit/credit swiftly on the SAFE Banking Act because we portant issue. If you have any questions, cards). Payment processors act as service know it will enhance public safety within please feel free to contact me directly. providers to both the banks and the mer- our communities. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, chants. (This is not necessarily obvious, and Sincerely, SCOTT TALBOTT, the TPPPA was glad to see specific reference MAJOR NEILL FRANKLIN, RET., Senior Vice President of Government Affairs. made to payment processors.) Without the Executive Director. safeguards afforded by the SAFE Banking THIRD PARTY PAYMENT Act, particularly related to FDIC insurance LECTRONIC RANSACTIONS E T PROCESSORS ASSOCIATION (TPPPA), and regulatory enforcement, there are very ASSOCIATION, Washington, DC, September 24, 2019. few banks that are able to reconcile the risks Washington, DC, March 26, 2019. Re H.R. 1595, Secure and Fair Enforcement with the opportunities to provide services to Hon. MAXINE WATERS, Banking Act of 2019. this ever-growing sector. Without banks, Chairwoman, Committee on Financial Services, there are no payment processors. Hon. MAXINE WATERS, House of Representatives, Washington, DC. We are encouraged by Representative Chairwoman, House Financial Services Com- Hon. PATRICK MCHENRY, Perlmutter’s willingness to consider the ad- mittee, House of Representatives, Wash- Ranking Member, Committee on Financial Serv- dition of related topics. There are two other ington, DC. ices, House of Representatives, Washington, cannabis-related business matters of impor- Hon. PATRICK MCHENRY, DC. tance to the TPPPA members addressed Ranking Member, House Financial Services DEAR CHAIRWOMAN WATERS AND RANKING below. Committee, House of Representatives, Wash- MEMBER MCHENRY: On behalf of the members Operation Choke Point of the Electronic Transactions Association ington, DC. The TPPPA believes that cannabis-related (ETA), I am writing in support of H.R. 1595, Hon. ED PERLMUTTER, businesses are subject to moral bias. While the bipartisan Secure and Fair Enforcement House Financial Services Committee, House of the SAFE Banking Act does prohibit finan- Banking Act of 2019 (SAFE Banking Act), Representatives, Washington, DC. cial regulators from using their regulatory which would allow states that have legalized The Third Party Payment Processors Asso- enforcement authority solely based upon the medical or recreational use of marijuana to ciation (TPPPA) is writing in support of fact that the company or service provider is bring that commerce into the banking sys- H.R. 1595, the Secure and Fair Enforcement a cannabis-related business, it does not pre- tem. Banking Act of 2019 (SAFE Banking Act). ETA is the leading trade association for The TPPPA agrees that action by the federal clude these same agencies from using their the payments industry, representing over 500 government is the only durable solution to authority based upon reputation risk. As companies that offer electronic transaction the challenges posed by conflicting state and such, we strongly urge the inclusion of lan- processing products and services; its mem- federal laws related to cannabis and are guage, or merging of H.R. 189—Financial In- bership spans the breadth of the payments eager for a roadmap to compliance related to stitution Customer Protection Act, which industry to include independent sales organi- cannabis-related businesses for banks and has received overwhelming bipartisan sup- zations, payments networks, financial insti- payment processors. port. tutions, transaction processors, mobile pay- The Third Party Payment Processors Asso- Hemp/CBD-Related Businesses ments products and services, payments tech- ciation (TPPPA) is a national not-for-profit Other guidance that is notably absent, yet nologies, equipment suppliers, and online industry association whose members include still a critical piece to being able to fully ad- small business lenders. payment processors and banks. The TPPPA dress compliance requirements for providing Thirty-three states and several U.S. terri- has created industry best practices in pay- financial services and payment processing to tories have legalized marijuana for medical ment processing through our Compliance cannabis-related businesses is USDA guid- use and ten states have done so for rec- Management System (CMS), which relies ance on hemp. With the passing of the 2018 reational use. Financial institutions pro- heavily on the guidance of federal regu- Farm Bill, the opportunity for providing viding services to state-licensed cannabis lators. The CMS serves as guidance to our services to the Hemp/CBD industry is imme- businesses could find themselves subject to members in creating documented, risk-based diately appealing to many of our members. criminal and civil liability under the Con- compliance management programs for pay- Many banks and payment processors that trolled Substances Act and federal banking ment processing. may be reluctant to banking marijuana at statutes because the use and possession of The SAFE Banking Act would allow the this time, are open and eager to provide fi- marijuana is illegal under federal law. opportunity for our members to provide nancial services to hemp-related businesses The conflict between state and federal laws banking and payment processing services to but cannot do so with a reasonable level of forces businesses to operate on a cash-only cannabis-related businesses in states that certainty without the USDA guidance on the basis and has created significant legal and have legalized medical or recreational use of regulatory requirements for hemp. Absent compliance concerns for financial institu- cannabis. The SAFE Banking Act would har- this guidance, hemp, in particular CBD, can- tions that wish to provide banking services monize the conflict between state and fed- not be readily differentiated from marijuana. to marijuana related businesses in states eral laws related to financial services, there- While the SAFE Banking Act would provide where it is currently legal. The SAFE Bank- by reducing the reluctance of banks and pay- some protection in this regard, it does not ing Act would allow legitimate marijuana ment processors, like our members, to pro- provide those banks and payment processors businesses to access the safety and security vide critical financial services to these busi- that are open to CBD, but prohibit mari- of the banking ecosystem in states that have nesses. The SAFE Banking Act will have the juana, the ability to know that they are not legalized marijuana. Having access to the benefit of removing cash, resulting in im- inadvertently engaging in marijuana. The banking system makes it easier for busi- proved public safety and providing greater fi- TPPPA urges the escalation of USDA guid- nesses to track revenues for taxation pur- nancial transparency, reducing the risk of ance on the requirements of hemp. poses, decreases a public safety threat as money laundering. TPPPA members are eager for the clarity cash intensive businesses are often targets Payment processors are a key component afforded by federal regulatory guidance re- for criminal activity, and allows proper in reducing cash transactions and keeping lated to banking cannabis. We are encour- tracking of finances for BSA/AML compli- money in the financial system. Payment aged to see that the SAFE Banking Act pro- ance. processors include not only companies that vides for the timely creation of regulatory

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:56 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.028 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS E1230 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 27, 2019 guidance by both FinCEN and the FFIEC and proper business conduct in the rapidly evolv- storefronts—creating multiple contacts to look forward to USDA guidance on hemp. ing context of cannabis policy. We rec- other industries and businesses, each of This will allow the TPPPA to include this ommend that Congress further pass the bi- which is affected by current laws keeping guidance in our best practices. We are grate- partisan Strengthening the Tenth Amend- their money out of the bank system. The ful for the opportunity to share our support ment through Entrusting States Act SAFE Banking Act provides clarity for busi- and opinions with The Committee. (‘‘STATES Act,’’ H.R. 6043 last Congress). ness owners, banks, and regulators in the Sincerely, The STATES Act more holistically addresses cannabis industry while promoting safety MARSHA JONES, financial issues caused by the federal mari- and ensuring further growth within the U.S. President. juana prohibition. It provides that state- economy. compliant transactions are not ‘‘trafficking’’ REALTORS® thank you for your diligent THE REAL ESTATE ROUNDTABLE, and do not result in unlawful proceeds. Bro- work to help provide access and clarity to le- Washington, DC, March 25, 2019. kerage, investment, transportation, adver- gitimate businesses in those states that have Hon. MAXINE WATERS, tising and other commercial transactions in- legalized cannabis, which in turn will boost Chairwoman, Committee on Financial Services, trinsic and ancillary to real estate services economic growth in real estate and other in- House of Representatives. could function more productively with dustries around the country. Hon. JERROLD NADLER, STATES Act safeguards. Sincerely, We commend Representatives Perlmutter Chair, Committee on the Judiciary, JOHN SMABY, (D–CO), Heck (D–WA), Stivers (R–OH), and House of Representatives. 2019 President. Hon. PATRICK MCHENRY, Davidson (R–OH) for originally introducing the SAFE Banking Act, and the dozens of Ranking Member, Committee on Financial Serv- SAFE AND RESPONSIBLE ices, House of Representatives. members who have joined as co-sponsors. The Real Estate Roundtable urges H.R. 1595’s BANKING ALLIANCE, Hon. DOUG COLLINS, swift enactment. For more information, Washington, DC, March 15, 2019. Ranking Member, Committee on the Judiciary, please contact Duane J. Desiderio, Senior Re Support for the SAFE Banking Act. House of Representatives. Vice President and Counsel. Hon. MAXINE WATERS, DEAR CHAIRWOMAN WATERS, CHAIRMAN Chair, Committee on Financial Services, U.S. NADLER, AND RANKING MEMBERS MCHENRY Sincerely, Congress, Washington, DC. AND COLLINS: We represent members involved JEFFREY D. DEBOER, in almost every aspect of residential and President and Chief Executive Officer. Hon. ED PERLMUTTER commercial real estate development, design, Representative, U.S. Congress, construction, ownership, management, fi- NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Washington, DC. nance, and brokerage. Our members provide OF REALTORS, CHAIRWOMAN WATERS, CONGRESSMAN PERL- the homes, apartments, health care facili- Washington, DC, September 23, 2019. MUTTER, AND FINANCIAL SERVICES COMMITTEE ties, offices, industrial sites, shopping cen- HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, MEMBERS: I am writing on behalf of the Safe ters, and hotels where the American people Washington, DC. and Responsible Banking Alliance live, work, play, and heal. DEAR REPRESENTATIVE: On behalf of the (‘‘SARBA’’), a coalition of financial institu- We support the broadly bipartisan H.R. more than 1.3 million members of the Na- tions, associations, governments, and busi- 1595, the Secure and Fair Enforcement tional Association of REALTORS® (NAR) ness groups advocating for a solution to fed- (‘‘SAFE’’) Banking Act. The bill has been re- and its affiliate, the Institute of Real Estate eral cannabis banking prohibitions. SARBA ferred to your committees and is scheduled Management (IREM), I urge you to pass H.R. supports the Secure and Fair Enforcement for markup tomorrow by the Financial Serv- 1595, the ‘‘Secure and Fair Enforcement (SAFE) Banking Act of 2019, which would ad- ices Committee. The measure will bring (SAFE) Banking Act of 2019,’’ when it is con- dress many of the key problems associated state-licensed cannabis-related businesses sidered on the House floor this week. This bi- with the cannabis industry’s lack of access (‘‘CRBs’’) into the federal banking system. If partisan bill, introduced by Representatives to financial institutions. We thank the Com- enacted, federally regulated banks would no Ed Perlmutter (D–CO).and Steve Stivers (R– mittee for holding a hearing on the legisla- longer face the threat of sanction simply by OH), provides a clear framework for cannabis tion and urge swift action to bring the bill to providing financial services to a legitimate businesses to access financial services. As the House floor. CRB. more states legalize cannabis use, the indus- States are rapidly updating and revising Furthermore, H.R. 1595 clarifies that banks try continues to rapidly grow, with more existing cannabis policy, and forty-seven could not take adverse action on a loan to a than $10 billion in sales and $1 billion in states have laws acknowledging the medical real estate owner solely because that owner state tax revenue already recorded. However, benefits of medical cannabis. Of those, thir- leases property to a legitimate CRB. The barriers preventing these state-legal busi- ty-three have enacted legislation that allows measure also protects sellers and lessors of nesses from accessing federally-insured for the production and sale of medical can- real estate and other CRB ‘‘service pro- banks can impede their ability to grow while nabis, including nine that allow the sale of viders’’ by clarifying that proceeds from le- raising safety issues in their communities. cannabis for adult personal use. Dozens of gitimate marijuana-related transactions do Thirty-three states have legalized cannabis states are considering expanding and imple- not derive from unlawful activity, and thus for medical or recreational use, a number menting new cannabis policies during their do not provide a predicate for federal crimi- that is expected to rise over the coming current legislative sessions. Unfortunately, years. Despite this, current federal law pre- nal money laundering. federal cannabis laws remain markedly dis- There is a deepening rift between federal vents banks from working with cannabis connected from the reality of what is hap- and state laws regarding cannabis policy. Ac- businesses or ancillary businesses that pro- pening in the states. Cannabis is still consid- cording to the National Conference of State vide them with goods and services—including ered an illegal substance under federal law, Legislatures, all but four (4) states have en- real estate professionals who have cannabis which means that cannabis-related busi- acted some form of public marijuana access business owners as their clients. As a result, nesses cannot utilize traditional banking to this point. At the federal level, however, those states are struggling to address signifi- services. The problems that arise from this the Controlled Substances Act classifies cant challenges to public safety and the reg- lack of access are at once substantial and marijuana as a ‘‘schedule 1’’ drug rendering ulatory compliance issues that arise with largely avoidable, if we follow the course its use, possession, and sale illegal. This fed- cash-only businesses. eral-state conflict leaves banks and real es- The SAFE Banking Act takes an impor- charted by the SAFE Banking Act. tate providers trapped between their mission tant step toward enabling financial services When cannabis industry businesses are de- to serve the needs of lawful businesses in for legitimate cannabis-related businesses by nied access to financial institutions, they their local communities, and the threat of specifying that their proceeds will not be are forced to operate and purchase using federal enforcement action. The SAFE Bank- considered unlawful under federal money cash alone. This poses obvious public safety ing Act provides much-needed clarity for the laundering laws, thus allowing these busi- dangers, including the potential for an in- banking, real estate, and business sectors to nesses access to federally-insured banking crease in violent crimes. Communities will function within the contours of state laws institutions. Further, it directs the Finan- be safer if cannabis-related funds can be elec- that have legalized marijuana. cial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) tronically-transferred and deposited in regu- Without a bank account, dispensaries and and federal banking regulators to issue guid- lated financial institutions—yet our current other legal CRBs must operate on a cash ance and exam procedures for banks working laws make this nearly impossible. The SAFE basis. Risks of crime thus increase and tax with cannabis businesses. As the legal state- Banking Act would change this by creating revenues to pay for infrastructure and other cannabis industry grows, the connections to protections for financial institutions that government services are potentially lost. other types of industries—including real es- work with the cannabis industry. The sooner H.R. 1595 can significantly address these tate—will grow as well. The SAFE Banking we move forward with the SAFE Banking problems by providing protections for banks, Act not only gives the industry equal footing Act, the safer it will be for those working in real estate firms and their employees from with other businesses, enabling it to con- and around the regulated cannabis industry. punishment simply because they aim to tinue to expand and stimulate the economy, The SAFE Banking Act will improve con- serve businesses within the 46 states that but also provides oversight and improves fi- ditions not only for the public, but for finan- have legalized marijuana to varying degrees. nancial transparency. cial institutions as well. Even in jurisdic- Passage of the SAFE Banking Act is a State-legal cannabis businesses require tions where cannabis is legal, financial insti- strong first step to clarify a full range of real estate—farmland, warehouses, and tutions face the potential for risk because

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:56 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.029 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS September 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1231 funds involved in cannabis transactions that support the burgeoning marijuana in- transactions. Families are thus forced to could be considered illegally-gained by fed- dustry. choose between coming up with large sums eral regulators and law enforcement. This The SAFE Banking Act is a critical first of cash each month and forgoing other basic discourages banks from working with the in- step to addressing the potential risk created needs, or going without necessary medica- dustry, providing loans to cannabis and an- by the inescapable comingling of cannabis- tion. Many state legitimate medical can- cillary businesses, and maintaining personal related funds with ancillary business and in- nabis businesses that are working with accounts for individuals who work for these dividual accounts. By clarifying federal can- banks are forced to pay large monthly fees. businesses. Further, under current policy, nabis regulations, including money laun- For those not working with banks or credit banks are forced to make determinations dering issues and Suspicious Activity Re- unions there are significant costs related to about how to deal with existing and new cos- ports (SARs), the SAFE Banking Act would necessary security measures. If medical can- tumers who are ancillary to the cannabis in- make it much safer for financial institutions nabis businesses are better able to work with dustry, such as plumbers, electricians, and to process cannabis-related transactions. financial institutions, this could signifi- horticulturists. In addition, the SAFE Banking Act could cantly reduce the cost of medication. By While approximately 500 institutions are increase access to capital among demo- opening up financial services to the cannabis known to be working with the cannabis in- graphics that have been disproportionately industry, the SAFE Banking Act could in- dustry, most financial institutions are hesi- disadvantaged by the federal prohibition of crease patient access to medical cannabis tant to become involved in the industry due cannabis. This bill would allow financial in- which is disproportionately high due in part to a lack of clarity surrounding cannabis stitutions to provide small business loans for due to a lack of banking access. laws. Federal law paints any dollar that cannabis-related businesses, allowing those With two out of every three Americans liv- flows through the cannabis industry as with the least access to capital—often mi- ing somewhere that allows the legal pur- tainted, but such broad brush strokes pro- norities—to participate in the new legal can- chase of marijuana, it is long past time that vide little certainty to financial institu- nabis industry. Congress has an opportunity the federal government enact policies to re- tions. Financial institutions may feel com- and responsibility to help this process move solve the conflict between existing policy pelled to cancel the account of someone who forward. works in the cannabis industry. All deposi- Addressing the existing banking options and state laws. Cannabis banking reform is tory institutions have to consider how to could also improve patient access in the 33 an important issue facing members of the handle an individual’s cash deposits that states with medical marijuana programs. 116th Congress, and the SAFE Banking Act may have at some time been involved in a le- Currently patients and caregivers who rely would be a significant step in the right direc- gitimate cannabis related transaction. Such on medical marijuana are forced to pay out tion. dilemmas reveal the broad reach of the can- of pocket because no state or private insur- SARBA is pleased to support the SAFE nabis industry. Under current federal law, ance company will cover the treatment. Banking Act, and would urge the House Fi- banks interacting with these customers are Compounding this significant financial nancial Services Committee to move swiftly at risk. Financial institutions cannot help strain is the fact that these are almost ex- to consider this important legislation. but be exposed to potential consequences, be- clusively cash transactions, because credit Sincerely, cause the cannabis industry is intertwined or debit cards—including HSA/FSA cards and BECKY DANSKY, with so many other legitimate businesses accounts—cannot be used in cannabis-related Executive Director.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:56 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A27SE8.031 E27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with REMARKS Friday, September 27, 2019 Daily Digest Senate Chamber Action Committee Meetings The Senate met at 11:40:21 a.m. in pro forma ses- No committee meetings were held. sion, and adjourned at 11:40:54 a.m. until 12 noon, on Tuesday, October 1, 2019. h House of Representatives interdict, disrupt, and prevent narcotics, such as Chamber Action fentanyl and other synthetic opioids, from entering Public Bills and Resolutions Introduced: 43 pub- the United States, by a 2/3 yea-and-nay vote of 403 lic bills, H.R. 4540–4582; and 8 resolutions, H. yeas to 1 nay, Roll No. 554. Pages H8071–72 Res. 603–610 were introduced. Pages H8079–81 Question of Privilege: Representative McCarthy Additional Cosponsors: Pages H8082–83 rose to a question of the privileges of the House and Report Filed: A report was filed today as follows: submitted a resolution. Upon examination of the res- H.R. 2534, to amend the Securities Exchange Act olution, the Chair determined that the resolution of 1934 to prohibit certain securities trading and re- qualified. Subsequently, the House agreed to the lated communications by those who possess material, Hoyer motion to table H. Res. 603, raising a ques- nonpublic information, with an amendment (H. tion of the privileges of the House, by a recorded Rept. 116–219). Page H8079 vote of 222 ayes to 184 noes, Roll No. 555. Pages H8072–73 Journal: The House agreed to the Speaker’s approval of the Journal by voice vote. Pages H8059, H8073 Meeting Hour: Agreed by unanimous consent that when the House adjourns today, it adjourn to meet Relating to a national emergency declared by the at 9 a.m. on Tuesday, October 1st. Page H8073 President on February 15, 2019: The House passed S.J. Res. 54, relating to a national emergency Quorum Calls—Votes: Two yea-and-nay votes and declared by the President on February 15, 2019, by one recorded vote developed during the proceedings a yea-and-nay vote of 236 yeas to 174 nays, Roll of today and appear on pages H8070–71, No. 553. Pages H8061–71 H8071–72, and H8072–73. There were no quorum H. Res. 591, the rule providing for consideration calls. of the joint resolution (S.J. Res. 54) was agreed to Adjournment: The House met at 9 a.m. and ad- yesterday, September 26th. journed at 12:03 p.m. Suspension—Proceedings Resumed: The House agreed to suspend the rules and pass the following Committee Meetings measure. Consideration began Thursday, September 26th. LEGISLATING TO SECURE AMERICA’S Joint Task Force to Combat Opioid Trafficking WIRELESS FUTURE Act of 2019: H.R. 3722, to amend the Homeland Committee on Energy and Commerce: Subcommittee on Security Act of 2002 to authorize a Joint Task Force Communications and Technology held a hearing en- to enhance integration of the Department of Home- titled ‘‘Legislating to Secure America’s Wireless Fu- land Security’s border security operations to detect, ture’’. Testimony was heard from public witnesses. D1088

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:00 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D27SE9.REC D27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with DIGEST September 27, 2019 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST D1089 SECURING AMERICA’S ELECTIONS COMMITTEE MEETINGS FOR TUESDAY, Committee on the Judiciary: Full Committee held a OCTOBER 1, 2019 hearing entitled ‘‘Securing America’s Elections’’. Tes- (Committee meetings are open unless otherwise indicated) timony was heard from Kathryn Boockvar, Acting Secretary of the Commonwealth, Pennsylvania State Senate Department; and public witnesses. No meetings/hearings scheduled. Joint Meetings House No joint committee meetings were held. No hearings are scheduled.

VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:00 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0627 Sfmt 0627 E:\CR\FM\D27SE9.REC D27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with DIGEST D1090 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — DAILY DIGEST September 27, 2019

Next Meeting of the SENATE Next Meeting of the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 12 noon, Tuesday, October 1 9 a.m., Tuesday, October 1

Senate Chamber House Chamber Program for Tuesday: Senate will meet in a pro forma Program for Tuesday: House will meet in Pro Forma session. session at 9 a.m.

Extensions of Remarks, as inserted in this issue

HOUSE Fleischmann, Charles J. ‘‘Chuck’’, Tenn., E1224 Perlmutter, Ed, Colo., E1228 Hern, Kevin, Okla., E1226 Perry, Scott, Pa., E1221 Aguilar, Pete, Calif., E1223 Hudson, Richard, N.C., E1223, E1225 Price, David E., N.C., E1224 Brooks, Susan W., Ind., E1221, E1225, E1227 Huffman, Jared, Calif., E1222 Quigley, Mike, Ill., E1225 Butterfield, G.K., N.C., E1227 Kaptur, Marcy, Ohio, E1220 Sherrill, Mikie, N.J., E1222 Case, Ed, Hawaii, E1223 Lieu, Ted, Calif., E1224 Conaway, K. Michael, Tex., E1223 Lowey, Nita M., N.Y., E1226 Underwood, Lauren, Ill., E1221 Costa, Jim, Calif., E1226 McEachin, A. Donald, Va., E1219, E1221, E1225, E1228 Visclosky, Peter J., Ind., E1219 Dingell, Debbie, Mich., E1219, E1226 Meng, Grace, N.Y., E1219, E1220, E1221, E1222, E1222 Wasserman Schultz, Debbie, Fla., E1219 Escobar, Veronica, Tex., E1220 Olson, Pete, Tex., E1222 Wilson, Joe, S.C., E1220

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VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:00 Sep 28, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 0664 Sfmt 0664 E:\CR\FM\D27SE9.REC D27SEPT1 dlhill on DSKBBY8HB2PROD with DIGEST