LUDGVAN PARISH COUNCIL Chairman: The Old Mill, Councillor Roy Mann Nancledra, Clerk to the Council: Penzance, Joan Beveridge Cornwall TR20 8NA (01736) 740922
[email protected] MINUTES OF THE MONTHLY MEETING OF THE PARISH COUNCIL HELD ON WEDNESDAY, 12TH DECEMBER 2018, IN THE LUDGVAN OASIS CHILD CARE CENTRE, LOWER QUARTER, LUDGVAN. PRESENT: Councillors: R Mann (Chair); C Cartwright; Simon Elliott; S Miucci; M Parker; C Price- Jones; M Squire; L Trudgeon. IN ATTENDANCE: Joan Beveridge (Clerk) Public Participation Period The applicant re item 8 (c) addressed objections raised on the planning website. A Parishioner raised an objection re item 8 (e) in that the area concerned regularly floods, and in adjacent fields, there is a lot of lying water. He requested that adequate drainage be put in to address these issues. LPC 833 Co-optee Cllr Simon Elliott signed his Declaration of Acceptance of Office. LPC 834 Apologies for absence Apologies were received from Councillors R Sargeant and D Osmand. LPC 835 Appointment of Vice-Chair It was RESOLVED to defer this appointment until the May meeting. In the event the Chair is unavailable, Council will elect a Chair for that meeting. LPC 836 Employment Committee and Accounts & Audit Committee - Membership It was RESOLVED that Cllr Trudgeon would join the Employment Committee and Cllr Elliott would join the Accounts & Audit Committee. LPC 837 Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting on Wednesday, 14th November, 2018 The minutes were approved as a true and correct record of the meetings and duly signed by the Chairman. LPC 838 Declarations of interest in Items on the Agenda None.