The Business | EDITORIAL/OPINTuIesdOay , JNanuary 050, 24021 Al-Faquenrtly taalk about thie maarvelouns cadliphs t hroeugh tdo Kharuijites acnd thae Htusseiin oNasr inn his book ‘Science contributions Muslims made during Sultanate. ‘Muslims: The First Soci - and civilization in Islam’ has a sec - their glorious period in the five cen - ologists’ by Dr Basharat Ali is an - tion ‘Al-Farabi and the classification Chief Editor turies after the advent of Islam, our other book of just 140 pages of the sciences’. Following in the curriculum at nearly all levels is de - containing in brief the sociological footsteps of his distant predecessor Irfan Athar Qazi void of any reference to the great thoughts of major Muslim thinkers. Aristotle and immediate predecessor minds that existed in our midst. Too There are dozens of Muslim thinkers Alkindi, Al-Farabi surpassed both. E-mail:
[email protected] many chapters and texts from scrip - and writers whose books present a His was the most influential classifi - tures and traditions hardly leave any treasure trove for students of social cation contained in his book ‘Ihsa al-
[email protected] room for content about the great sciences. ulum’ (Enumeration of the sciences). chemists, geographers, philosophers, Of course, many of them have reli - He in turn was surpassed by his suc - musicologists, physicians, political gious leanings but the same applies to cessors Ibne Sina and Ibne Rushd in Tijarat House, 14-Davis Road, Lahore scientists, and sociologists who a majority of European writers up the following centuries. Perhaps the 0423-6312280, 6312480, 6312429, 6312462 graced the world with their un - until the 18th and 19th centuries.