11311 Hon. Charles A. Gonzalez Hon. Lucille Roybal-Allard Hon. Bill Huizenga Hon. Mike Coffman Hon. John L. Mica
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July 12, 2012 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 158, Pt. 8 11311 Act, the House could instead vote on H.R. quickly took a commanding three game lead. Today marks the 150th anniversary of the 5542, a bill that focuses on jobs and working After a couple of Devil victories, in game six authorization of the Medal of Honor by Con- families. of the series, the Kings regained their momen- gress. We must balance the budget so that we On rollcall vote No. 457, I would have voted tum and put New Jersey away with a 6–1 vic- may continue to honor properly those who ‘‘nay’’ on the rule that will govern the 31st at- tory to clinch the Stanley Cup. have served this country valiantly. tempt this Congress to take away healthcare The Kings are only the second number eight benefits and patient protections from millions seed team in NHL history to advance to the f of Americans. championship series and the first number On rollcall vote No. 458, I would have voted eight seed team to win the Stanley Cup. Their HONORING ZACH HUDSON, A TRUE ‘‘nay.’’ game six victory on their home ice at the Sta- COMMUNITY HERO f ples Center was cause for celebration by thou- sands of Kings fans in Los Angeles and TRIBUTE TO RICE UNIVERSITY’S throughout Southern California. CENTENNIAL CELEBRATION HON. JOHN L. MICA In winning the NHL championship, the Kings join the prestigious ranks of Los Angeles OF FLORIDA HON. CHARLES A. GONZALEZ sports teams who have brought championship IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF TEXAS titles to the City of the Angels, including the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Lakers, the Dodgers, the Galaxy, UCLA Bruin Thursday, July 12, 2012 Thursday, July 12, 2012 and USC Trojan teams, the Strings of the Mr. MICA. Mr. Speaker, I rise to honor and Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. Speaker, I ask my col- World Team Tennis League, and yes, the former-Los Angeles Raiders. recognize Officer Zach Hudson of the Lake leagues to join me in honoring Rice University Mary, Florida Police Department. for celebrating 100 years of achievement in Congratulations to the Kings team: Jeff Car- private higher education. ter, Kyle Clifford, Colin Fraser, Simon Gagne, Officer Hudson has dutifully served the citi- Since its foundation, Rice University has left Dwight King, Anze Kopitar, Trevor Lewis, zens of Florida for ten years and the Lake its mark on the advancement of arts and Andrei Loktionov, Jordan Nolan, Scott Parse, Mary community since 2007 as their Commu- sciences as one of America’s premier schools. Dustin Penner, Mike Richards, Brad Richard- nity Relations Officer. His dedication to public They have consistently been at the forefront in son, Jarret Stoll, Kevin Westgarth, Justin Wil- safety serves as an example to his fellow offi- many areas of medical research, and played a liams, Drew Doughty, Davis Drewiske, Matt cers and neighbors. Greene, Alec Martinez, Willie Mitchell, Rob key role in the academic and physical founda- Shortly after joining the Lake Mary force, Of- tion of the Johnson Space Center, turning the Scuderi, Slava Voynov, Jonathan Bernier and ficer Hudson was dispatched to a residence dream of manned space flight into a reality. Jonathan Quick. Be it through elite research or first-rate stu- Special congratulations to Coach Darryl Sut- that housed two elderly ladies. Upon arriving, dent education, the contributions of Rice Uni- ter, General Manager Dean Lombardi and he realized the home contained no food and versity have undoubtedly reverberated through team captain Dustin Brown for leading the had no electricity. The little money they did the many areas of scientific advancement team to victory, and to AEG and the entire have, they told Hudson, was alternated each throughout the past 100 years. It is an honor staff of the Kings organization whose work month between food and medicines. He had to represent this university in our great State supports, trains and promotes the team. seen instances such as these on his beat in of Texas, and it is an honor to have them rep- Thank you all for giving the city of Los Ange- the past, but he decided, in his own words, resent our state to the country and the world. les our first Stanley Cup win! that ‘‘I’d had enough and I realized something Mr. Speaker, the Los Angeles Kings are the f had to be done.’’ kings of hockey! Let’s all celebrate their his- CONGRATULATING THE LOS ANGE- toric victory! Soon after, Hudson started the Seniors LES KINGS ON THEIR STANLEY f Intervention Group in Lake Mary. With the CUP VICTORY help of Hudson and hundreds of volunteers, PERSONAL EXPLANATION this program provides seniors with essential HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD assistance such as food, money, transpor- OF CALIFORNIA HON. BILL HUIZENGA tation, vehicle maintenance and help around IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES OF MICHIGAN the house. From helping change doorway illu- Thursday, July 12, 2012 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES minating light bulbs to fixing leaky sinks, tasks we can perform easily, no job is considered Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, I rise Thursday, July 12, 2012 too small when the safety and well-being of today to celebrate an historic occasion in the Mr. HUIZENGA of Michigan. Mr. Speaker, history of Los Angeles sports teams. On June on rollcall No. 387, I was absent due to per- our seniors is concerned. 11 the Los Angeles Kings of the National sonal reasons. In early 2010, Hudson’s vision had become Hockey League won their first national cham- Had I been present, I would have voted so popular, it became a non-profit and ex- pionship. Today the Stanley Cup calls LA ‘‘aye.’’ panded to all of Seminole County and con- ‘‘home’’, and the nation joins us in calling the f tinues to this day as a crucial resource for Kings, ‘‘champions’’. hundreds of elderly seniors in Central Florida. The Kings’ championship was 45 years in OUR UNCONSCIONABLE NATIONAL the making. They began the playoffs as the DEBT Officer Hudson’s contribution is not merely number eight seed. They quickly dispatched recognized within his community, but the na- the Vancouver Canucks, the number one seed HON. MIKE COFFMAN tion as well. Earlier this month, CNN recog- nized his good work by naming him one of team, four games to one. Next they took on OF COLORADO their CNN Heroes of 2012. the Saint Louis Blues and swept this number IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES two seed team in four games. They then took Thursday, July 12, 2012 Mr. Speaker, in honor of Officer Zach Hud- on the third seed team the Phoenix Coyotes son’s service to his community, I have asked and earned the title of Western Conference Mr. COFFMAN of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, the Architect of the Capitol to fly an American champions for only the second time in Kings’ on January 20, 2009, the day President Flag over the U.S. Capitol Building. history. This was the first time in NHL history Obama took office, the national debt was that an eighth seed team beat the first and $10,626,877,048,913.08. Officer Hudson represents the very finest of second seed teams. But our champion Kings Today, it is $15,876,457,645,132.66. We’ve our nation’s law enforcement. I am honored went even further by also beating the third added $5,249,580,596,219.58 to our debt in and humbled that he has served the district I seed team as well. just over 3 years. This is debt our nation, our represent. I ask my colleagues to join me in The championship series against the New economy, and our children could have avoided recognizing the heroic duty of Officer Zach Jersey Devils was a thriller and the Kings with a balanced budget amendment. Hudson. VerDate Sep 11 2014 14:49 Apr 28, 2017 Jkt 019102 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0689 Sfmt 9920 E:\TEMP\BR12\E12JY2.000 E12JY2 rmajette on DSK2TPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD 11312 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS, Vol. 158, Pt. 8 July 12, 2012 IN HONOR OF THE ERICK J. Determined to reflect the same spirit of love sure the United States is properly supplied UMSTEAD MEMORIAL FOUNDATION and compassion regularly evoked in his ser- with these minerals that are essential for the mons, Pastor Locks weaved those virtues into economy and our national security. Instead, I HON. ROBERT E. ANDREWS the fabric of Cornerstone Missionary Baptist am disappointed because my colleagues failed OF NEW JERSEY Church, where he began pastoring in 1989. to tailor the legislation to specifically meet this IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ten years later, Hurricane Floyd presented need and included an overly broad definition Thursday, July 12, 2012 Locks and CMBC congregation with the op- of ‘‘rare earth minerals.’’ This bill would have portunity to demonstrate its unwavering com- benefited from a clear definition of what the Mr. ANDREWS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to mitment to service. When Hurricane Floyd rav- rare earth minerals are, which would have honor Sabrina Umstead Smith, and her hus- ished North Carolina’s shores—destroying been achieved by an amendment offered by band Roosevelt Smith, for their work to pro- homes and disrupting lives—CMB gathered my colleague, Representative TONKO. Instead, vide resources and financial support for the resources to feed, clothe, and provide refuge the sweeping exemptions from environmental families of chronically ill children by founding for the victims of the storm. regulations have created a partisan issue the non-profit organization, The Erick J.