It isn’t Europe. It’s Fairhaven. “I never had a delightfuler holiday in my life, and I did hate to leave Fairhaven.” —Mark Twain to daughter Clara, July 27, 1906 Fairhaven today is still every bit as delightful today as it was when Mark Twain used to visit. Maybe even delightfuler. There’s the state beach on Buzzard’s Bay. There’s the 3.5 mile Phoenix Bike Trail. There’s the rich history spanning the time from the Pilgrims, through the American Revolution, and the Nineteenth Century heyday of whaling and adventure. There’s a real fort, which was attacked by the British in 1778. There are the magnificent public buildings donated by Standard Oil Company millionaire Henry H. Rogers. There are unique shops, restaurants, marinas, fairs, concerts, historical tours and more for the whole family to enjoy. See for yourself why Mark Twain hated to leave Fairhaven. TOWN OF FAIRHAVEN, MA Office of Tourism & Visitors Center 141 Main Street Street, Fairhaven, MA 02719 508-979-4085 •
[email protected] Mon., Tues., Thurs., Fri., Sat. 8:00 a.m. to Noon and 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Outdoor Huttleston Marketplace, Sat., 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. June-Septembe Welcome to Fairhaven, MA A LOVELY COASTAL TOWN on the shore of Buzzards Bay, Fairhaven has for more than two hundred years shared its harbor with the famed seaport New Bedford and is within sight of Cape Cod and the Elizabeth Islands off shore.