

This site serves as the official external communication vehicle for the World Governing Council and the Wettin Upper Chamber. If you’ve been directed here for instruction, note that most messages are intentionally obscure. If you have difficulty understanding a particular message, you may reach out to Luxembourg Cathedral on Node 9 of the Forgotten Frequency. After authentication you may receive additional instruction. In the Upper Chamber we often say, “Debate is required, respectful dissent is allowed, and betrayal is death.” Bear this in mind as you read the instructions written herein. By the time information is posted here, the debate is over and dissent has been noted. Best Regards, Somerset Belenoff


My Dear Ones in the United States I am posting this as a general response to a multitude of messages coming from patriots in the US, requesting assistance in what is a turbulent, and very difficult time. First, know that my heart and prayers are with you. With this post I send my heartfelt love and support, for I feel as you feel. The trouble within your soul resonates across all frequencies and it is my most fervent desire to send you hope and comfort. You are not alone. Many who have written have asked that we intervene. “Save us!” is a common refrain that arises from the messages left in the private comment section of this blog. In many ways I wish it were possible to intervene and crush the enemies of freedom, but it is precisely because of your freedom that I cannot. I’ll try to explain, so please bear with me as I fumble though what is truthfully a very complex issue. It’s not just a legal issue; it’s a spiritual issue that involves, well… family. Yours and Mine – Ours. We have a unique relationship with the US due to our shared history. It is a deep history that extends to a time much earlier than your American Revolution. I know I’m using a highly charged term here, but those who seek will understand: I’m speaking of the ancient shared bloodlines that bind together the people of United States, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and Northern Ireland. Now, I of all people am well aware that the term, “Ancient Bloodlines” conjures up the worst possible images of the , reptilian despots bent on world domination, or families that share a demonic entity as a common progenitor. That is NOT what “Ancient Bloodlines” really means. I speak plainly to you and tell you that these negative images are a perversion of our sacred, shared and very ancient bloodlines. Yours and Mine. We must reclaim that term and use it openly. For the last two or three hundred years there have been many authors who have written, or caused to be written, stories about malignant characters, who are related by blood, and who work in secret to bring about the enslavement of the common man. These authors, who are not part of our family (yours and mine), designed these stories for the specific purpose of distracting you from the truth of our shared bloodlines. Certainly there have been despots in our family tree, and of some of our ancestors, we are not proud, but it is time you knew the truth of our shared past. You’ve probably heard that most of the past presidents of the United States have been related to one another. I believe Martin Van Buren is usually noted as the exception to this rule. While that’s true,

2 GLAMIS CALLING there’s much, much more to the story, and it’s a story that prevents us from interfering in your political matters. A Brief History of “Us” Your ancestors founded a new branch of our family when they set out across the Atlantic to settle in what would become the United States of America. Whether they were part of the Great Puritan Migration whose pioneers settled in present-day New England or whether they were settlers who were granted land in the Northern Neck of Virginia, most of them ultimately descended from the great families. George Washington’s ancestors were cousins of Diana Spencer’s ancestors, and they lived on neighboring farms. At Althorp, seat of the Spencer family, and current home of Charles, the Ninth Earl Spencer, there’s a lovely piece of furniture called the Washington Chest, which was a gift from the Washingtons to their cousins, the Spencers. This post isn’t about famous people or presidents though. Unbeknownst to many Americans, their pioneer ancestors were carrying on bloodlines that can be traced to the time of William the Conqueror’s arrival in England in 1066. Many of your ancestors traveled on William’s warships on the journey from Normandy to Hastings. Mine did too. Our ancestors fought alongside William and were awarded land and titles in the aftermath of the Conquest. You should do some research on this, and I believe you’ll discover a multitude of interesting lines. But continuing with our explanation of our shared connections… We are not machines. We are eternal beings with a soul and we are spiritually connected to one another. Families share both a bloodline connection, which, up to a point can be measured by DNA tests, and also a spiritual connection, which our current science cannot yet measure. I told you this was a complex issue, and I must admit, one that I find difficult to articulate. I can feel it, and I can see some of it. I can convey to you the image of an extended spiderweb, made of spiritual DNA, that connects us. When one member vibrates, so do the others. When your ancestors crossed the Atlantic, they extended both the physical and the spiritual web of our family. Though our shores may be miles apart, they are eternally connected by mystic chords of memory… (I humbly borrow the phrase from one of my heroes) If we go deeper into the story, we feel the resonance of God’s intention to send people to found a nation based on His principles. I admit that at this point in the story I begin to lose my sight, for I am not a prophet and I cannot pretend to know the will of God. I can only tell you what I intuitively feel within me, and I believe in the core of my being that the Almighty inspired the migrations from my shores to yours, and He inspired your Founders.

3 GLAMIS CALLING No one can destroy from the outside what God has given as a gift, and for that reason, I have hope that we will recover from the current setback. So what does this mean for the WGC’s relationship to the US? In times past, global actors, working from the council over which I now preside, enjoyed almost unfettered access and influence to social, economic and political affairs in the US just as in many other countries throughout the world. When I was elected to the position of Director-General I was determined to implement changes that would set the United States apart with regard to global influence. I authored new rules for the Council, and many of these rules are informed by an understanding of our shared history, both spiritual and temporal. Put simply, the House of Wettin is bound by certain inviolable rules, and the foremost of these rules is that we must respect the sovereignty of the United States. The World Governing Council is forbidden by its own charter from taking any action within the US or any of its territories. As I am the author of this particular rule, I find myself caught in my own trap, but I hope you see that the rule was implemented to protect the sacred sovereignty of your great nation. Family First. When we encounter enemies of freedom in areas outside the US, when we have influence, we exercise it with enthusiasm, but when dealing with your citizens, we must always err on the side of respect, and dare I say, even reverence. Some of you have noted that my missive to the SCOTUS in February, 2018 has a tone much different from many of the other posts in this blog, and you have asked why we approached your law lords with a more respectful tone than we’ve used in communicating with other world leaders. It is specifically because of the unique relationship. When the Council speaks to US leaders, we speak as equals. In closing, I feel the hurt that you feel and I share your worries. I also shed tears at this time, but I know you have endured much worse than this, and I promise it will pass. You will know great joy, for there is something that works within you that cannot be usurped. I have faith that God is with you always. You must also never forget that those who voted against you are also of God’s creation. In the same way that you struggle with living in a divided nation, they also struggle and in time they will grow and learn. We cannot hate a child because she doesn’t understand and even in our hurt and anger, we not supposed to hate our enemies, so I’m urging you to love. I hear the gears working in your heads and you are correct – I’m aware my reputation precedes me and I’m guilty of past deeds of great wrath, but through those who have been a light unto me, I do try to be better.

4 GLAMIS CALLING As always, I send you my love and heartfelt affection. Ever yours, Somerset



I wish to begin by sending a warm welcome and glad greetings to all who’ve begun monitoring or following this website. This is Glamis, calling to all of you, wherever you may be, hoping that you and yours are safe and well in this time of anxious unrest. It is my sincerest hope that I may convey some measure of comfort, though we are far from victory in either of our most recent endeavors.

Over the past several months, we’ve received many, many messages from our new audience, and this site has had hundreds of thousands of visitors. WGC staff now reads all comments posted to this blog and contrary to the way it may appear, none are ever deleted. Only those that we specifically approve for publication are visible to the general public but rest assured, if you have offered a comment, it is still there. Some that have been approved for publication have been responded to by members of my staff while others remain in queue and will be addressed in a more thoughtful post that I’ll be making soon. On behalf of my staff, I thank you for your thoughtful input.

My outreach planning has been significantly delayed by the onset of the worldwide Coronavirus outbreak, which has occupied much of our resources. Along those lines, and in response to the many questions you have posted on the subject, I’d like to say a few things related to the pandemic:

1. This pandemic is real, it’s not a . If you haven’t personally been affected, chances are someone you know has been. I lost family to the disease early on in the course of the pandemic, when Italy was hit very hard, so I know, somewhat first-hand how devastating this virus can be.

2. It won’t last forever. My personal belief is that by the end of August, the rate of new infections will have slowed to the point where it will be safe to travel by air and gather together again with loved ones. That’s not a prediction, just my strong feeling.

3. Based on our research, I believe the virus was inadvertently released from a lab in China into the population due to poor control protocols. Having done a pretty thorough investigation into the genetic origins of the virus, it appears to bear all the hallmarks of a naturally evolved virus and it does not appear to bear the hallmarks of an engineered, weaponized virus. Here’s the chilling truth: An intentionally-engineered virus would likely have killed a much larger segment of the world’s population because the attack/grasp and penetrate mechanism of this virus isn’t as effective as it might have been. The new virus is horrible and deadly, but not as deadly as others I have seen that were specifically designed for mass destruction. When I have this conversation with friends, colleagues and family, the first question that always arises is, “If this virus came from nature, why was it in a Chinese lab?” The answer is that many research centers have live viruses and other nasty things in their laboratories. Usually the purpose is to study various biological attack mechanisms and then try to design defence agents. If there’s any kind of silver lining, it may be that this pandemic, horrible as it is, will move us to develop a broad spectrum antiviral, which might save us from a potentially more lethal virus at some point in the future.

This is important to know because living with the ravages of this pandemic is bad enough without having to fear that someone, somewhere is intentionally targeting us. I know that due to the evil 6 GLAMIS CALLING behaviour we’ve seen from so many of those in power, many of you are beyond trusting, and you’ve come to believe that every natural disaster, every illness and every tragedy is intentionally designed to target humanity. Indeed, some of the comments left on this site specifically accuse me of leading a worldwide to destroy all that is good. I’ve seen enough evil in my life that I can empathize with those who no longer trust, so I won’t try to dissuade you. It’s ok if you don’t trust me, or the media or your elected officials. I sincerely ask you though, as a fellow sentient being, please do not lose hope. Please consider that there has always been a struggle between those who wish to control and harm and those who wish to live in peace, but today, more of us are aware that it’s a struggle.

Within the past hundred years we’ve seen the rise of totalitarianism in various forms, and though Hitler, Stalin and Pol Pot are gone, the struggle continues. But please consider this: The fact that some choose to fight against totalitarianism means that some have not been corrupted, and while there is struggle, there is hope.

Cities on Fire

Subsequent to our first encounters a few months ago, my staff promised to be as forthcoming as possible in responding to your queries, particularly within the context of current events and world governance. Indeed, in the wake of those earlier encounters, we’ve engaged in some brief, though I hope, meaningful dialogue.

In light of that promise, I’d like you to consider the civil unrest playing out in various places throughout the world, but particularly within the larger cities of the United States. The World Governing Council has been collecting intelligence on these activities through a variety of methods. We are specifically prohibited by our own chamber rules from taking any action within the United States, where such action might interfere with, or conflict with the rights established by the US Constitution. In another post I’ll provide more information regarding our relationship with the United States. For our purposes here, it’s sufficient to state that we are working with US authorities to track individuals believed to be involved in the financing of activities such as human trafficking and the funding of professional provocateurs. Here are a few questions to consider:

When you watch live coverage of protests, you will see that the majority of protestors are dressed in regular street clothes, no gas mask, no backpack. They are walking together with others who are similarly dressed. They may be chanting or carrying signs, but they appear to be regular people “from the neighborhood.” From our experience, which includes members of my staff who have attended many of these protests to observe the situation on the ground, people in this first group are hurting. They are frightened and they are sincerely asking for a change in police governance. They are grieving, and whether one agrees with all of their positions or not, we respect them as feeling, searching people and we hope they find comfort. On the other hand, you will also notice, especially after night falls, there are a few individuals dressed all in black with matching backpacks, armed with rocks or bricks, and sometimes even wearing gas masks. If you were to attempt to engage them in conversation, they respond with slogans and venom.

Why have we seen the same individuals from the second group in Seattle and Los Angeles on different days?

7 GLAMIS CALLING Why do people from the first group say to people from the second group, “You need to get out of here, you’re going to get us all killed!”

If the people from group 2 are traveling around the US as “professional insurgents,” who is paying for their airfare?

Why do pallets of bricks appear in front of businesses when the business owner didn’t order them? Who paid for the bricks and the delivery?

In the United States, whose interests are better served if the economy deteriorates even further?

In the spirit of transparency, I’d like to share with you the attached document, which was delivered by hand to the intended recipient on May 31.

Note: You may not be familiar with Mr. MacLeod, but decoders will prevail.


P O S T E D O N J U N E 4, 2 0 2 0


Quick Message to Misty, but Applicable to All Friends

This message is from Tessa-Lynne Gordy, Chief of Staff at World Governing Council. Dear Misty, please do not take our lack of response as a sign of disrespect or that we do not appreciate your comments. This site has not, at least traditionally, been monitored for comments as the general public has not been our audience. That being said, due to the significant interest and comments from people who are sincerely searching for answers in a complex word, we acknowledge that we are tardy in responding to those who have reached out. While we can’t respond individually to each comment, we’ve begun discussions at our facilities in Luxembourg City and at SHAPE (in Belgium) about keeping the GlamisCalling site open and issuing some posts related to common questions and comments from the public. Misty, your communication struck a chord with one of our Tower Communication Operators who escalated it to his manager who in turn passed it along to me. Please understand this is new for us and since what we’ve generally been referring to as “the awakening,” we recognize that we’ve entered uncharted territory. Based on data elements gleaned from some of our newly implemented technology we did in fact believe that we would soon find ourselves in a position where we might actually interact with members of the general public, but this eventuality happened sooner than we predicted and though the interaction has largely been with those who are of like mind, nevertheless our fundamental lack of preparedness for such interactions leave us in a position where we’re sort of “building the airplane while in flight.” Managing communications in the wake of increased public awareness and the scrutiny that comes with it is a new chapter that we must undertake with care and love. We are honored and humbled that you have chosen to reach out to us. Although I myself am relatively new to the Council, the work done here has been performed in obscurity for a thousand years. Our predecessors of even a hundred years ago could not have imagined anything resembling this degree of public awareness or the enlightenment that informs your approach to, and interest in world governance. We, who are more accustomed to working in the dark, must tread lightly into a more public arena, but we understand we must enter that arena as part of our commitment to ethical stewardship.

10 GLAMIS CALLING We apologize for the lateness of this message and we ask your patience as we navigate these new waters. I speak on behalf of Council leadership when I say please know you are in our hearts and we are grateful for the opportunity to interact. On a related note, please also forgive any errors in this communication. Normally all outgoing posts are vetted and proof-read, but after Misty’s note was sent to me for review, I and my colleagues agreed a prompt response was more important than a grammatically correct one. Ever Sincerely, Tessa-Lynne Gordy Chief of Staff Wettin

P O S T E D O N F E B R U A R Y 1 4 , 2 0 2 0

Are You Awake? Let us, for a moment, speak plainly, for it is not often, in these turbulent times when we can speak openly about such things. Likely, the time will come again, soon, when we will move back to the shadows, for there is yet much work to do. For now though, many are awake and listening, so we may continue our exchange openly. Your adversaries will not understand, and even if they read, the words will be meaningless to them. In these last few years you have awakened. You have risen up and created great change and you have resisted tyranny. You have tuned in and your vibratory frequencies have become heightened. Make no mistake though. The change did not make YOU. Rather, YOU made the change. Recently, a lovely angel said, “Do they know we’ve learned to decode?” Yes, you have. It’s quite evident that you’ve become proficient at solving puzzles. But please remember: Your strength is not in solving puzzles. Your greatest strength may be your love of all that is good, your love of freedom and your inherent belief that tomorrow will be better than yesterday. By contrast, the greatest weakness of your adversaries is that they have lost the ability to love anything outside of themselves. In their hubris they are asleep, and asleep. they have no awareness 11 GLAMIS CALLING whatsoever that their habitat is receding. Swamp striders asleep, and rendered deaf by their own spell. And meanwhile, more judges are appointed. While swamp striders hiss and yowl at every tweet, they are blind to the good that prevails. Your advocate is a great distractor, and your adversaries are very easily distracted. Be of good cheer, and keep your eyes open. P O S T E D O N J A N U A R Y 1 6 , 2 0 2 0

Jurbise Power Station

System integrity review is complete. Queue Capricorn uploads on Arundel Frequency Geronimo node and relay to Cathedral. Rogers Dry Lake=-Edwards Relay with slide-com to Rogers Dry Lake and provide over- AFB watch for Durango Jubilee Tesla. Durango Jubilee Tesla=DJT= P O S T E D O N J A N U A R Y 1 4 , 2 0 2 0 Donald J. Trump?

All Delegates and Electors

Glamis Calling is undergoing upgrades to align with VibeSat capabilities. Throughout the remainder of First published in 1936, Keep the aspidistra 2019, communications from the Upper Chamber will flying is a socially critical novel by George be delivered via bio-chips or through alternative, Orwell. It is set in 1930s London. The main non-secure media. Set personal devices and align theme is Gordon Comstock's romantic ambition vibrational frequencies according to previous to defy worship of the money-god and status, instructions and contact Luxembourg Cathedral on and the dismal life that results. Forgotten Frequency using Hyacinth pattern on Node 9. Keep the aspidistra flying. P O S T E D O N J U L Y 2 0 , 2 0 1 9

Strategic Advances: Supreme Headquarters Allied PowersEurope

We require a reboot of Grand Guardian with a full platform engagement. The Shadow Lion is in place to watch over systems during reboot. Proceed at once and direct questions to Cathedral on Hyacinth node of Forgotten Frequency. P O S T E D O N J U L Y 1 4 , 2 0 1 9

12 GLAMIS CALLING Hamelin, We Shall Never Forget It is 735 years since our children left. Audio file

hamelin.wav 4 references of the Pied Piper children’s

poem on Glamiscalling website.Addressed to Hamelin and the disappearance of the children.

P O S T E D O N J U N E 2 6 , 2 0 1 9

Washington Tower – MaritimeAlert

Be advised, RAF Flyingdales is tracking a seagoing vessel bound for the Port of Philadelphia. The ship is the MSC Gayane, IMO #9770763, MMSI 636018276, sailing June 17, 2019: U.S. authorities under a Liberian flag. Flyingdales is monitoring via S-AIS and discovered $1 billion worth of cocaine IntelliSat-6 and Cathedral has engaged Dark Vigilance – 32,000 to 35,000 pounds on the protocols. Initial VibeSat intelligence suggests the vessel is MSC Gayane owned by J.P. Morgan likely transporting a historically significant quantity of Asset Management and chartered to narcotics. MSC (Mediterranean Shipping Co).It Since clearing Bahamian waters, the Gayane has veered from sails under the Liberian flag.It started the expected course several times, deviating from traditional its voyage in Chile and had made calls shipping lanes. We believe these maneuvers are attempts to in the Bahamas, Panama, Peru and avoid oceanic observation outposts and floating sensors. Colombia before Philadelphia. ETA at Port of Philadelphia is June 18. The status of this communication is “Informational Alert,” and you are not required to take action. Advise Luxembourg Cathedral of your intentions via Lost Lullaby frequency within 12 hours. Should you elect not to take action against the vessel, Cathedral will assume point and will intercept the Gayane on the open sea. P O S T E D O N J U N E 1 5 , 2 0 1 9

Luxembourg Cathedral

The Shadow Lion is watching over. Upgrades will begin shortly. All frequencies will shift.

P O S T E D O N M A Y 1 4 , 2 0 1 9

Australian Federal Elections

The World Governing Council supports Scott Morrison for May 18, 2019: Scott Morrison was the PM post. Congratulations on your upcoming victory, for elected as Australia’s Prime Minister it is assured.

13 GLAMIS CALLING P O S T E D O N M A Y 1 3 , 2 0 1 9

Westminster Tower Alert

Madame Prime Minister, this is a pointed directive. At the May 16, 2019: British Prime Minister upcoming meeting of the Theresa May announces intent to resign 1922 Committee, you will during 1922 Committee meeting. announce your departure. This decision was made by Glamis and ratified by the World Governing Council.

P O S T E D O N A P R I L 3 0 , 2 0 1 9 April 17, 2019 : NepaliSat-1, also known as Bird NPL, is a Nepalese low orbit research satellite and the first satellite of Nepal. Along with a Sri Lankan satellite Raavana 1 it was launched as part of Cygnus NG-11 by the United States NASA-Nepal on 17 April 2019 You have green light to launch NepaliSat-1 after April 15.

P O S T E D O N A P R I L 9, 2 0 1 9

April 11, 2019, the Metropolitan Police were P ROVINCE OF THE A M E R I C A S – E CUADOR invited into the Ecuadorian embassy and arrested Assange in connection with his failure President Moreno, it is the opinion of the World to surrender to the court in June 2012 for Governing Council that you have endured the weight of extradition to Sweden. Ecuadorian president your odious guest long enough. You may eject him at Lenin Moreno stated that Ecuador withdrew will. We do not demand, but strongly encourage you to Assange's asylum after he repeatedly violated revoke his citizenship and send him to those who have international conventions regarding domestic sought his company these many years. interference.Moreno referred to Assange as a "spoiled brat" and "miserable hacker" P O S T E D O N A P R I L 8, 2 0 1 9

Kim Hyok Chol Johann Pastor and Vanessa Payne have independently confirmed the arrival of Kim Hyok Chol on the Lower Reported May 30, 2019 : North Korean envoy Astral. The Ambassador appears to have been executed Kim Hyok-chol was executed at Mirim Airport at Mirim airport several days ago and reached out to in Pyongyang, along with four Foreign Ministry our contacts on the other side of the veil. News executives,after failing in nuclear energy organizations will not report immediately. negotiations at the Hanoi Summit with President Donald Trump. P O S T E D O N M A R C H 3 0 , 2 0 1 9

14 GLAMIS CALLING Washington Tower Cathedral Observation Post 5 is tracking an underwater disturbance approximately 50 kilometres north of the Kermadec Island Arc. Raoul Island Station reports abnormal surface patterns. Cathedral Tower March 7.2019: The US Geological Survey has taken temporary control of Russian KosmoSat (USGS) recorded a 6.3-magnitude earthquake 2515 for dark vigilance and confirms likely 123 km (76 mi) east-southeast of L'Esperance underwater nautical operation by Rogue State Rock (Kermadec Islands) at approximately Bravo. 04:45 (local time) on Thursday, March 7. Glamis and the World Security Office are instructing According to USGS, the quake struck at a you to activate Deep Siren and call forth depth of 10 km (6 mi) Gargantuan from the Mariana Trench. Rest assured – the Rogue Fleet is no match for our monster, and he is hungry. P O S T E D O N M A R C H 8, 2 0 1 9

Manhattan Station Mr. Cali’s important date is approaching. We will need to implement Operation Romeo Hammer. This March 14, 2019: Francesco "Frank" Cali, needs to be brutal and public. the reputed leader of the Gambino crime family, was shot to death P O S T E D O N M A R C H 1, 2 0 1 9 outside his house in Staten Island Wednesday night. Johann Pastor Audio File

perfect-peg2.wav (note post March 30 on Kim Hyok Chol) It is 102 years since you left us, dear friend. It is time to rise, for we have work to do. -SB P O S T E D O N F E B R U A R Y 1 9 , 2 0 1 9

Supreme Court of the United States: Timbs v Indiana It is the opinion of the Upper Chamber that federal protections afforded under your Fifth, Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments are applicable in the context of whether a state may seize assets and levy excessive fines outside of the due process requirements. Expressed more strongly, we believe that using a civil process to seize assets of people not convicted of a crime is in fact a gross violation of the Due Process clauses contained within the 5th and 14th Amendments, and that the Excessive Fines clause contained within the 8th Amendment is an incorporated protection inextricably tethered to Due Process.

15 GLAMIS CALLING It may be useful to recall the words of Winston Churchill: “When the long tally is added, it will be seen that the British nation and the English-speaking world owe far more to the vices of John than to the labours of virtuous sovereigns.” This is because it is largely the vices of King John (common ancestor of most of your presidents as well as myself and the current reigning monarch of the UK) that gave rise to the barons’ demands at Runnymede, and from that encounter ultimately springs the spirit of democracy and the rule of law which informs the jurisprudence systems of virtually all developed nations. Further, we would argue that as much of your jurisprudence system derives from English Common Law, Magna Carta is as much yours as it is ours. Therefore in the case before you, Glamis would very much like to see a unanimous decision that reflects the spirit of Magna Carta. All that being said, neither Glamis nor Wettin will make demands in this matter. You are the law-lords of a great nation and we respect your sovereignty in such matters. Therefore, please consider this missive an unofficial amicus brief on behalf of the Petitioners. Ever Sincerely Yours, Somerset Belenoff Isle of Arran, Scotland P O S T E D O N F E B R U A R Y 1 8 , 2 0 1 9

Camp David WH – Set up meeting for late February to be held at Thurmont. Ensure Previous Four are in attendance. Include Ms. Gordy on invitation as she will assist. Glamis will send agenda topics via Forgotten Frequency. Somerset Belenoff

P O S T E D O N F E B R U A R Y 5, 2 0 1 9

Geneva Station The Upper Chamber approves Madame Rothschild’s proposal to consolidate and privatize operations under the Swiss Bank. P O S T E D O N F E B R U A R Y 1, 2 0 1 9

VDAFB Launch Dates 2019 launch dates on your site must be amended with TBD next to each date. Launches will be approved throughout 2019 and as final dates are approved you may remove the “TBD.” Await word from Glamis on Gemini frequency. P O S T E D O N J A N U A R Y 2 8 , 2 0 1 9

16 GLAMIS CALLING Space X LaunchDates January 29 and January 30 launch dates for Falcon 9 Block 5 are not approved. Move to February 15 at earliest. P O S T E D O N J A N U A R Y 2 8 , 2 0 1 9

United States Sixth Naval Fleet – BlackSea Vice Admiral Francetti, Commander, US Sixth Fleet: as discussed earlier, the Wettin Security Council would April 10, 2014, the USS Donald Cook entered the Black Sea.April 12 a Russian Su-24 tactical like you to move the USS Donald Cook from its current bomber flew over the vessel. The bomber carried position to the Black Sea. Rendez-vous with Turkish only an electronic warefare device which naval counterparts and proceed to the port of Odessa. disabled all radars, control circuits, systems, Vice Admiral Aleksandr Moiseev, Commander Russian information transmission, etc. on board the US Navy Black Sea Fleet: You may monitor but are destroyer. Feb 19,2019) Donald Cook transited instructed not to interfere with the US Ship. No fly- the Dardanelles Strait on Tuesday en route to its bys this time, Alek. second Black Sea operation P O S T E D O N J A N U A R Y 3, 2 0 1 9

Block Island Disaster Illuminate the Palatine Lights. Captain George Long and Andrew Brook, contact ship’s Master Samuel Marchant on Forgotten A story about a ship, the Palatine, in Frequency. You must return to 1738 ran aground near Block Island the depths. and many aboard perished at sea. As a ghost ship it is seen as a flaming P O S T E D O N D E C E M B E R light on the ocean Of course the 2 7 , 2 0 1 8 Captain and others mentioned in this post are long dead.

17 GLAMIS CALLING Butterfield 4391


When searching into the past, to find valid information, we are sometimes able to connect momentarily, using VibeSat technology developed by our Bedlam team. This is possible when vibrational parity exists between planes, but eventually the frequency becomes unstable and the signal is lost. Stella Daniels has brought us a long way and we appreciate her visionary work. In the coming weeks we will see improvement in stability of our most useful VibeSat frequencies and a significant improvement in vibrational parity, as we learn to manipulate the time-curvature. Many thanks to our friends from Bedlam who have given so much that we might advance so far. Special thanks to Miss Vanessa Payne, who made the ultimate sacrifice and continues to assist us from her new assignment location on the Lower Astral. Your work, your talents and your dedication are all noted and much appreciated. Somerset Belenoff P O S T E D O N D E C E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 1 8


Rupert the Simple is a full-grown man Whistle in his mouth, pig-sticker in his hand Rooting with the grunters he’ll spill his seed At the High Street Fair he’ll bite and bleed P O S T E D O N D E C E M B E R 1 4 , 2 0 1 8

Cathedral Frequency Update Shift will occur in 48 hours. Davenport Tower, maintain Hyacinth position on Canterbury line.

P O S T E D O N N O V E M B E R 2 1 , 2 0 1 8

18 GLAMIS CALLING All Towers Update

The Shadow Lion is afoot and satellite system architecture upgrades will commence shortly. This scheduled overhaul of key components includes upgrades to LRIT, VibeSat and DarkCom systems. Upgrades are intended to support enhanced integration with ForceNet and other elements of the Global Information Grid, a greater degree of stability for space and terrestrial transmissions as well as improved parallel frequencies when communicating between vibrational planes. For a thorough treatment of LRIT requirements, refer to regulation V/19-1 of the SOLAS Convention of 1-1-2008 and resolution MSC.275(85) of the Maritime Safety Committee. Governance and Controls: IMSO testing will follow upgrades to ensure effective operation. Wettin WorldTech Office will oversee upgrades and the Upper Chamber will review IMSO audit documentation. As head of Wettin’s Operations and Security Office and head of the World Governing Council, Glamis will perform independent testing of VibeSat and DarkCom systems via the Trans-vibrational Subtle Horizon node with validation input from quantum outpost entities across ethereal dimensions. -SB P O S T E D O N N O V E M B E R 2 0 , 2 0 1 8

Devour Thy Neighbor

Pig-sticker tool, long and sleek Swift judgment in store for the lazy and the weak Release pink souls with his shiny-sharp tool Devour they neighbor is the Golden Rule P O S T E D O N N O V E M B E R 1 7 , 2 0 1 8

Elspeth Rising

Under a Thieves’ Moon Elspeth sings her hateful song Fever takes the judge P O S T E D O N O C T O B E R 3 1 , 2 0 1 8

Ereshkigal In Winterfylleth, it is our custom that many will journey to this side of the veil. You will instruct Neti to open the Seven Gates, and withdraw his hounds, that our visitors may pass.

In ancient Sumerian mythology, P O S T E D O N O C T O B E R 3 0 , Ereshkigal is the queen of the 2 0 1 8 Underworld (Irkalla). She is the older sister of the goddess, Inanna the Queen of Heaven. Neti is the keeper of the 7 gates to the underworld. 19 GLAMIS CALLING

The Master Remembers Forgotten tongue from a far-away land Hogs remember and understand The master remembers, his call fills the air Cloven hooves dance at the High Street Fair Beastie snouts rise to the sweet refrain Of Rupert’s ancient song in the pouring rain P O S T E D O N O C T O B E R 1 9 , 2 0 1 8

Dublin Tower Glamis fully supports the Tuam Babies Family Between 1925 and 1961 in the town of Tuam, County Group and we issue a pointed directive: Full Galway, Ireland, was a Catholic maternity home for excavation of all Tuam burial sites, full unmarried mothers and their children. It is now disclosure and full transparency. This must known that over 800 infant skeletal remains were include DNA testing and respectful recovery of carelessly buried in a sewage tank. Many more 100’s the precious human remains. Bear in mind of children may have been illegally adopted out to that failure to comply with a Glamis directive couples in the USA without the birth mother’s will bring dire consequences. knowledge or consent. Another scandal of the P O S T E D O N O C T O B E R 1 8 , 2 0 1 8 Catholic Church.

Brazil The Upper Chamber supports Jair October 28th, 2018 Jair Bolsonaro Bolsonaro. We congratulate you on wins the run off for president. Inaguarated as President January 1, your pending victory. 2019 P O S T E D O N O C T O B E R 1, 2 0 1 8

A fallen angel or Sethite of Shemyaza apocryphal Abrahamic traditions Rejoice on Mount Hermon! Kiss the new dawn, for all is prepared. that ranked in the heavenly hierarchy as one of the Watchers. P O S T E D O N S E P T E M B E R 2 6 , 2 0 1 8 The name "Shemyaza" means "the name has seen," "he sees the name," or "I have seen."

20 GLAMIS CALLING Pig Caller Pleasures of the flesh on a pigsummer night The past is foggy but the present is bright Sleek ones and fat ones hush don’t you cry Lovely rooters squeal when the Caller is nigh P O S T E D O N S E P T E M B E R 1 4 , 2 0 1 8

Lost Lullabye Calliope Tower – Prepare to welcome delegates and receive instructions via Lost Lullabye Audio File


P O S T E D O N S E P T E M B E R 8, 2 0 1 8

World Wide Witchery Angevin Line is strongest. Melusine, in myth is a beautiful woman who All praise Melusine hides her true part fish form from her husband. Melusine is said to be the origin of the Angevin P O S T E D O N A U G U S T 2 3 , Empire: Its rulers were Henry II ruled: (1154– 2 0 1 8 1189), Richard I (1189–1199), and John (1199– 1216).

21 GLAMIS CALLING Cathedral Tower Anarchy of the Wolves is now in effect. Hide your light and await further instructions from Glamis. Listen on Harmful Hymn via balanced wave pattern.

P O S T E D O N A U G U S T 1 2 , 2 0 1 8

Special Branch Stand down at Edith Grove. Await further instructions from Glamis.

P O S T E D O N A U G U S T 5, 2 0 1 8

Bohemian Grove The Upper Chamber has decided Mr. Jones has ranted long enough was removed from and it’s time to remove his platforms. Other options were ALL platforms in early August. discussed but we want to restrict his reach without turning him into a martyr. Apple, Google, and others who host his material, execute Calm Night. Bohemian Grove, you’re holding the blood stick on this one as the various lucrative platforms are within your geographical sphere of influence. In these types of cases we much prefer to have local people handle because you know the area and you manage the technology. If you are not comfortable handling, contact Cathedral Tower on node 6 to declare your neutrality and Glamis will handle. Less paperwork and no law enforcement to deal with if you handle, more drama and extreme scrutiny from law enforcement and media whores if Glamis has to respond. Either way though, this Jones thing is over. P O S T E D O N J U L Y 2 7 , 2 0 1 8

Lady Janet, We Honour You Dear lady, we offer our heartfelt condolences, love and respect on this day of commemoration. Please accept my invitation to join me once again for midnight services in the chapel. Your seat is reserved, as it has been these past 481 years. With Deepest Affection, Somerset Lady Janet Douglas, of Glamis – Falsely accused of witchcraft and burned at the stake at Edinburgh Castle July 17, 1537 P O S T E D O N J U L Y 1 7 , 2 0 1 8


Hamelin, Hear Your Children

It is 734 years since our children left. Audio file


P O S T E D O N J U N E 2 6 , 2 0 1 8

Bohemian Grove Bohemian Grove welcomes Ralph Stafford and Margaret Audley to the High Street fair.

P O S T E D O N J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 1 8

23 GLAMIS CALLING Beastie Ball Legs working double time answer the call Punctual arrival at the beastie ball Squealers on the move, Snouts in the air Join the naked Master at the High Street Fair P O S T E D O N M A Y 1 7 , 2 0 1 8

Five Star Movement –Italy The Upper Chamber has approved your ascent. You may assume control immediately.

P O S T E D O N M A Y 1 5 , 2 0 1 8

QinetiQ – Stand Down Swamp striders on the move. Prepare to bleed. Cold Silence protocol is invoked until Heavensbreak.

May 4, 2018 former presidents/sec of states (out of power/authority) racing around the world pre/post POTUS - why? UNPRECEDENTED? The World is Connected. The World is Watching. Q

P O S T E D O N M A Y 6, 2 0 1 8

All Towers andStations Project Able Wolf is concluded. On the 4th of May, In 2018 the bodies of WALLENBERG Erik Jakob, the hounds of havoc overtook their prey. Three BEREZOVSKY Mikhail Abramovich, GRAIVER David traitorous delegates, their souls released, lay Papaleo, high profile banking magnates and members of themselves down on cold steel rails to await the the Wettin lower chamber were found on the railway 115. Many thanks to Lord Chaos, for the butchery tracks of Metrolink commuter train# 115 in Ventura was exquisite and a fine example was provided to County.They were opposed to Miss Belenoff's Agenda all. Debate is required. Respectful dissent is and were suspected of sabotagong her private jet to allowed, and treachery is a death sentence. cause her death. Riddled with gunshots, the corpses P O S T E D O N M A Y 6, 2 0 1 8 were further dismembered by the speeding train.

24 GLAMIS CALLING Ethiopia and Eritrea After 20 years of war, it is time for new leadership and bold action. Abiy Ahmed: Relinquish territorial claims and end the conflict. Implement the 2002 ruling by the EEBA. Do this and Glamis will instruct the UN to drop sanctions. Get this done. October 2019: Abiy was awarded the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize for his work in ending the 20-year post-war territorial stalemate between Ethiopia and Eritrea

P O S T E D O N A P R I L 3 0 , 2 0 1 8

The Pig Caller is Insane Rupert the Pigcaller is insane Standing with his whistle in the pouring rain Doesn’t hear the taunts, he doesn’t know fear Grunting responses from far and near P O S T E D O N A P R I L 1 7 , 2 0 1 8

Her Majesty’s Principal Secretary of State for the Home Department In line with Amber Rudd’s pending resignation, Glamis and the Upper Chamber endorse Sajid Javid as her successor.

April 30, 2018: Amber Rudd has resigned as home secretary, saying she "inadvertently misled" MPs over targets for removing illegal immigrants Sajid Javid was Home Secretary from 30 April 2018 to 24 July 2019

P O S T E D O N A P R I L 1 0 , 2 0 1 8

Douma – Respond NOW April 7, 2018, a chemical warfare attack was carried out in the Syrian city of Westminster, Paris, Washington: Assad’s chemical attack Douma on Douma cannot go unanswered. Recommend strike from On 14 April 2018, the United States, above within one week. Coordinate your forces and contact France and the United Kingdom carried Cathedral Tower on Forgotten Frequency to advise when out a series of military strikes against ready. multiple government sites in Syria.

25 GLAMIS CALLING P O S T E D O N A P R I L 8, 2 0 1 8

Lieutenant Harold Percy Dawson Lieutenant Harold Percy Dawson, RFC, was killed in an air accident stated to be at Please return to Worthy Down and contact Sir Arthur Worthy Down on 9 March 1918. Sir Arthur Harris for further instructions. Harris was Commander at Worthy Down P O S T E D O N M A R C H 9, 2 0 1 8

Wettin Ruling on Heliotrope Phase 2 Glad tidings for Lords Appellant. Derby’s ascent confirmed for final dispensation.

P O S T E D O N M A R C H 4, 2 0 1 8

All Towers and Stations Able Wolf has gone to ground. Summon Lord Chaos and release the hounds of havoc.

P O S T E D O N F E B R U A R Y 8, 2 0 1 8

En Plein Hiver Dans l’obscurité Claire de Lune en plein hiver Fleury-merogis

Dans l’obscurité :In the dark Claire de Lune (bluish gray that is greener and paler than average dusk ) en plein hiver :in the middle of winter Fleury-merogis: a prison in France

P O S T E D O N F E B R U A R Y 7, 2 0 1 8

Hailemariam Desalegn Ethiopian politician who served as 8th Prime Minister of Ethiopia from 2012 to 2018. He submitted his resignation Enough has been said. It is time for you to step on February 15, 2018. His resignation was accepted on 11 down. You have two weeks to prepare your exit, March 2018, but he stayed in office as caretaker Prime any longer and Wettin will finish this. Minister until 2 April 2018. Hailemariam is the first ruler P O S T E D O N F E B R U A R Y 1, 2 0 1 8 in modern Ethiopian history to step down


Tituba Leave by the witch gate Homeward over winter wood Tituba’s night flight Tituba was the first woman to be accused of practicing witchcraft during the 1692 Salem witch trials. She was a slave owned by Samuel Parris and may have been of South American origin. Historians believe that the confession of witchcraft may have been ‘beaten’ out of her.She was imprisoned but not hung. After her release from jail, little is known of her.

P O S T E D O N J A N U A R Y 1 1 , 2 0 1 8

Princess Augusta

It is 279 years since the disaster.

A story about a ship, the Palatine, in 1738 ran aground near Block Island and many aboard perished at sea. As a ghost ship it is seen as a flaming light on the ocean .See the other post on this date for 2018

P O S T E D O N D E C E M B E R 2 7 , 2 0 1 7

Bilderberg 2018

1. The Upper Chamber has approved the proposed dates of June 7 through June 10, 2018. This brief provides direction for the agenda. 2. Henri de Castries will chair the steering committee

27 GLAMIS CALLING 3. Børge Brende has my proxy and will represent our interests in all matters related to the Fourth Sector Development Initiative 4. Prime Minister Mark Rutte (Netherlands) will represent the Upper Chamber 5. An invitation is to be extended to Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic

P O S T E D O N D E C E M B E R 1 5 , 2 0 1 7

Jethro Tull Song “And Further On” We saw the heavens break and all the world go down to sleep And rocks on mossy banks drip acid rain from Fiery Angels craggy steeps Saw fiery angels kiss the dawn Wish you goodbye till further on Will you still be We saw heavens break there further on? And troubled dynasties, like legions Fiery angels kiss the dawn lost, have blown away Hounds hard upon their heels call to their quarry wait and play Before the last faint light All the world asleep has gone Wish you goodbye till further on Will you P O S T E D O N N O V E M B E R 1 3 , 2 0 1 7 still be there further on? The angry waves grow high --- cut icy teeth on northern shores Brave fires that flicker, cough --- give way to winds Through broken doors And with the last line almost drawn --- wish you goodbye till further on Will you still be there further on?

Lamashtu In Mesopotamian mythology Lamashtu, daughter to the sky god Anu, was a female demon, monster and goddess Lamashtu is strong and Pazuzu wanes in who menaced women in childbirth,killed infants in and false symmetry. out of the womb and committed many other vile deeds P O S T E D O N O C T O B E R 3 1 , 2 0 1 7 against humans. Pazuzu, a god or demon, was a rival of Lamashtu and was invoked to protect women and infants against her vile deeds.

Windsor Tower, Unleash theStorm

Begin posting and expect major impact. All shall awaken!

Q begins posting on October 28, 2017, the very next day after this post !!

P O S T E D O N O C T O B E R 2 7 , 2 0 1 7 28 GLAMIS CALLING Minotaur C VDAFB: You have clearance to send Minotaur C into the Heavens on Winterfylleth 31.

P O S T E D O N O C T O B E R 1 2 , 2 0 1 7

Chaos The sound of 13 trumpets will carry across the water to summon Lord Chaos from the bowels of Thomas Kirkbride’s terrible edifice. Thomas Kirkbride was a psychiatrist that promoted a design for buildings which would later (between 1848 and 1890) be built all across the US as asylums for the mentally ill. All are now abandoned, decayed and in ruins or demolished. When first built, they were state of the art and believed, by the design, to contribute to the health and wholeness of the residents. Overcrowding, defunding and abuses in the late 60’s and 70’s saw the end come to the once beautiful Kirkbride buildings.

P O S T E D O N S E P T E M B E R 1 9 , 2 0 1 7

Norway Glamis and the Wettin Upper Chamber approve the September 11, 2017 Erna Solberg was elected candidacy of Erna Solberg. We strongly support her for re- as Prime Minister. She is also the leader for election on September 12th and have taken steps to ensure the Conservatives' party victory. P O S T E D O N S E P T E M B E R 2, 2 0 1 7

Manila – Pyongyang Mr. Cayetano: The Upper Chamber is issuing a September 8 2017: The Philippines has pointed directive – Sever trade relations with suspended trade relations with North Korea Pyongyang. to comply with a U.N. Security Council resolution over its repeated missile tests, Foreign Affairs Secretary Alan Peter Cayetano said Friday. P O S T E D O N S E P T E M B E R 1, 2 0 1 7

29 GLAMIS CALLING Windsor Tower, Prepare for Storm Initiative Q is approved by Glamis and the Upper Chamber. Prepare posts for Winterfylleth 28 on Channel 4. See Post for October 27, 2017 Note Winterfylleth is an old English name for October and the Winter months

P O S T E D O N A U G U S T 3 1 , 2 0 1 7

Supreme Court of Pakistan The court announced its decision on July 28 2017. Sharif was removed from office by the Supreme Court of It is the opinion of Glamis and the Upper Pakistan regarding revelations from the Panama Papers Chamber that Mr. Sharif is not qualified to corruption case In 2018, the Pakistani Supreme Court serve as Prime Minister of Pakistan. Please disqualified Sharif from holding public office and he was ensure your ruling reflects our own sentenced to ten years in prison judgement on the matter. P O S T E D O N J U L Y 2 5 , 2 0 1 7

Lady Janet Douglas The most awful day of the year, dear lady, but I would be grateful if you would be so kind as to join me in the chapel at midnight for our usual meeting. Your seat is reserved, as it has been these past 480 years. Yours Always, Somerset Lady Janet Douglas, of Glamis executed for witchcraft July 17, 1537 Audio File


P O S T E D O N J U L Y 1 7 , 2 0 1 7

Leopoldo López in Venezuela The Upper Chamber is issuing a directive that Mr. López be July 8 2017: Opposition leader Leopoldo immediately released from prison. Dire consequences will Lopez was released from prison and placed follow if the opposition leader is still in custody on under house arrest Saturday after more Monday, July 10th. than three years in military lockup as a P O S T E D O N J U L Y 6, 2 0 1 7 political prisoner.


July 6, 2017-Turkey: Arrested 9 members of Cypress Tower, Remain on Alert the human rights group Amnesty International, Ready the march in Anatolia. Move medical supplies charging them with being members of a to staging area and prepare to extract Ambient terrorist organization. Crown. President Erdogan is using an attempted coup P O S T E D O N J U L Y 2, 2 0 1 7 as a pretext to muzzle dissent and purge opponents and have arrested 50,000 people and caused job termination of 150,000,

including soldiers, police, teachers and public servants, over alleged links with terrorist groups.

Hamelin Remembers It is 733 years since our children left. Audio File


P O S T E D O N J U N E 2 6 , 2 0 1 7

Bohemian Grove Bohemian Grove is pleased to welcome the Blind Butcher of Bedlam as new Camp Valet for Owl’s Nest.

P O S T E D O N J U N E 2 1 , 2 0 1 7


Serbian Prime Minister Appointment President Vučić – It is the desire of Glamis and the Upper Chamber that you appoint Ana Brnabić to fill the Prime Minister post you are vacating. Upon your inauguration as President, you will nominate Ms. Brnabić as your successor. Glamis will ensure the National Assembly approves the proposal. P O S T E D O N M A Y 1 5 , 2 0 1 7

JFIG – RAF Wyton SBIRS-GEO 2, tracked as object 39120 is available for slide-COM. Execute Capricorn load signal and relay to Cathedral Tower. P O S T E D O N A P R I L 8, 2 0 1 7

Washington Tower April 7, 2017: The US military launched 59 Tomahawk cruise missiles at a Syrian military Assad’s chemical weapon attack on Khan airfield in response to a chemical poison gas assault Sheikhoun must be answered. Unleash Tomahawk against civilians in the town of Khan Sheikhoun in barrage. Idlib province which killed At least 86 people, P O S T E D O N A P R I L 5, 2 0 1 7 including 27 children. Article 50 Madame Prime Minister: Invoke it immediately.

P O S T E D O N M A R C H On 29 March 2017, the United Kingdom (UK) 2 7 , 2 0 1 7 invoked Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU) which began the member state's withdrawal, commonly known as Brexit, from the European Union (EU)

European Court ofJustice The Upper Chamber supports the right of a private company to implement rules of conduct related to religious symbology. It is the position of the Upper Chamber that an internal rule, established by a firm, which prohibits the visible wearing of any political, philosophical or religious sign does not constitute discrimination. That shall be the Court’s ruling.

32 GLAMIS CALLING P O S T E D O N M A R C H 1 0 , 2 0 1 7

March 10, 2017: The impeachment of Park Geun-hye , South Korea – Judicial Panel President of South Korea, was the culmination of a The Upper Chamber strongly supports the South political scandal and criminal charges of fraud and Korean Parliament’s position on the corruption. The Constitutional Court of Korea upheld impeachment of Park Geun-hye. Judges must the impeachment in a unanimous 8–0 decision , ensure their ruling reflects Wettin’s position on removing Park from office. the matter.

P O S T E D O N M A R C H 6, 2 0 1 7

Windsor Tower Glamis advises soft landing on Forgotten Frequency. Support staff are in place for library update. P O S T E D O N F E B R U A R Y 1 2 , 2 0 1 7

Washington Tower – Executive Action is Required Strong controls require strong resolve as well as judicial restructure. P O S T E D O N J A N U A R Y 2 5 , 2 0 1 7

PSLV-C36 / RESOURCESAT-2A was Satish Dhawan Space Centre successfully launched on December 07, Your December 7 launch of ResourceSat- 2A is fully 2016 at 10:25 hrs (IST) from SDSC SHAR, approved. You have green light. Sriharikota. RESOURCESAT-2A is a Remote P O S T E D O N D E C E M B E R 1, 2 0 1 6 Sensing satellite intended for resource monitoring. Satish Dhawan Space Centre Your December 7 launch of ResourceSat- 2A is conditionally approved pending confirmation by the Upper Chamber. Stand by and await confirmation. P O S T E D O N N O V E M B E R 2 0 , 2 0 1 6


Washington Tower You’ll recall my instructions at our most recent Camp David meeting. The Founders implemented a sacred tradition and it This sounds like it is being addressed to Trump must be followed. Our in the first part but to Obama with the last line. Dark Vigilance/Deep Listening system, in conjunction with VibeSat-3 has detected elements within your camp who are opposed to the election results and who may be planning a major disruption. Others are likely planning to nullify your election results and may even attempt to gain your support in pursuing an “alternative transition strategy” that is inconsistent with your current Constitutional rules. I’m confident of your ability to rein in any such rogue elements and I’m issuing a pointed directive: You will depart on schedule. P O S T E D O N N O V E M B E R 1 0 , 2 0 1 6

Ereshkigal Once again it is that time in the Earth Year In ancient Sumerian mythology, Ereshkigal is the when many of our queen of the Underworld (Irkalla). She is the older friends will journey sister of the goddess, Inanna the Queen of Heaven. from the Astral realms Neti is the keeper of the 7 gates to the underworld. to this side of the veil. As per our usual procedure, you will instruct Neti to open the Seven Gates, and withdraw his hounds, that our visitors may pass.

P O S T E D O N O C T O B E R 3 0 , 2 0 1 6

Mabon, son of Modron The son of Modron and a member of Arthur's war What is lost will be found. A light shines in band. Both he and his mother were likely deities in neglected caverns, and the reaper is nigh. origin, descending from a divine mother–son pair P O S T E D O N S E P T E M B E R 5, 2 0 1 6 1) Collective noun for a group of crows. 2) A 1998 Movie murder mystery with a very twisting turning story line. 3) Hunter class ‘spell’ in World of Warcraft A folktale that crows will gather and decide A Murder of Crows the capital fate of another crow.Many view the appearance of crows as an omen of Up on Gallows Hill death because ravens and crows are Dark figures hand down judgement scavengers and are generally associated with Summer of the Crows dead bodies, battlefields, and cemeteries, and they’re thought to circle in large 34 numbers above sites where animals or people are expected to soon die. GLAMIS CALLING P O S T E D O N A U G U S T 1 8 , 2 0 1 6

St. Swithun St. Swithun is the patron Saint of Winchester Cathedral. Known for post humous miracles. According to tradition, Winchester will rejoice when the remains of if it rains on Saint Swithun's bridge on his feast day it St. Swithun are returned to his feretory will continue for forty days. platform. P O S T E D O N J U L Y 1 5 , 2 0 1 6

Angevin Tower

Crepuscular Wolves: Take comfort at Eventide. Gossamer Nightshade. Wolves are crepuscular, meaning they are most active at dawn and dusk, as opposed to nocturnal (most active at night) or diurnal (most active during the day)

Eventide: crepuscular,dusk, eve, evenfall, evening, gloaming,night, nightfall, sundown, sunset, twilight.

Gossamer Nightshade

P O S T E D O N J U L Y 4, 2 0 1 6

Oberbürgermeister von Hameln http://www.claudio-griese.de/ Oberbürgermeister Griese, Wettin grüßt Sie an diesem Tag der Claudio Griese-Mayor of the Trauer. Es ist 732 Jahre her, seit unsere Kinder gegangen sind. City of Hameln Lord Mayor Griese, Wettin extends to you our warm regards on this day of mourning. It is 732 years since our children left. P O S T E D O N J U N E 2 6 , 2 0 1 6


June 24 2016: British Prime Minister David Cameron announced Friday that he would resign in the wake of the U.K.'s vote to leave the European Union.He leaves July 12, 2016.

Bahamut (Behemoth) is a sea monster (gigantic fish, Downing Street whale or sea serpent) that lies deep below, underpinning Mr. Cameron, you may step down. the support structure that holds up the earth. P O S T E D O N J U N E 2 4 , 2 0 1 6 Asherah: Female goddess, fertility, tree groves, consort Hubal: A god worshipped in pre-Islamic Arabia, notably by Quraysh at the Kaaba in Mecca. The god's idol was a human figure believed to control acts of divination, which was performed by tossing arrows before the Bahamut statue. Bahamut waits in cold depths to destroy our ship Mother Asherah guide the way Make sacrifices to Hubal to all these gods we pray P O S T E D O N M A Y 2 3 , 2 0 1 6

Brinsop Court Brinsop Court delegates, contact Mr. Clover on Forgotten Frequency and use node November Papa Charlie. Be advised at this time there is no parallel vibration between the planes and the node is a bit unstable. Should Brinsop Court:A Manor house which you encounter problems, contact Quarrington Hill for has seen royalty for centuries. guidance. P O S T E D O N M A Y 2 3 , 2 0 1 6

Satish Dhawan Space Centre April 28, 2016: IRNSS-1G, the last out of seven in the Indian April 20 launch not possible. You’ll need to move launch to RegionalThe Hurrian Navigation songs are Satellitea collection April 28. Systemof music (IRNSS) inscribed launched in cuneifor. m on P O S T E D O N A P R I L 1, 2 0 1 6 clay tablets excavated from the ancient Amorite-Canaanite city of Ugarit, in northern Syria, which Bohemian Grove Festival date to approximately 1400 BC. Nikkal: Goddess of Ugarit/Canaan and later of Phoenicia. She is a goddess of orchards, whose name means "Great Lady and Fruitful" and derives from Akkadian / West Semitic "´Ilat 36 ´Inbi" meaning "Goddess of Fruit" GLAMIS CALLING Praises to Nikkal Sing now the Hurrian Hymn May your tree bear fruit

P O S T E D O N M A R C H 2 5 , 2 0 1 6

B R A Z I L I A N C ONGRESSIONAL C OMMITTEE Corruption in the Petrobras Scandal: The World Governing Council supports impeachment for Dilma The impeachment of Dilma Rousseff, Rousseff. Marxist Guerrillas do not good presidents make. Take the 36th president of Brazil, became note. final and she was removed from P O S T E D O N M A R C H 5, 2 0 1 6 office after a vote of 61–20 on 31 August 2016

The TacSat and Carbonite are RAF Flyingdales reconnaissance satellites that enable acquisition of high definition visual Carbonite-2 and TacSat-5 are in position for Dark Vigilance. data of earth surfaces, moving Assume directional control and update Windsor Tower on vehicles, ships and aircraft for use Node 7 of Calliope Frequency. in ground military operations. P O S T E D O N F E B R U A R Y 2 1 , 2 0 1 6

January 20, 2016: IRNSS-1E, the Satish Dhawan Space Centre fifth out of seven in the Indian Regional Navigation Satellite System You have a green light for January 20 launch of IRNSS-1E. (IRNSS) launched. P O S T E D O N J A N U A R Y 2, 2 0 1 6

37 GLAMIS CALLING The Short Poems Put Together As One

Rupert the Pigcaller is insane Standing with his whistle in the pouring rain Doesn’t hear the taunts, he doesn’t know fear Grunting responses from far and near APRIL 17, 2018 Legs working double time answer the call Punctual arrival at the beastie ball Squealers on the move, Snouts in the air Join the naked Master at the High Street Fair MAY 17, 2018 Pleasures of the flesh on a pigsummer night The past is foggy but the present is bright Sleek ones and fat ones hush don’t you cry Lovely rooters squeal when the Caller is nigh SEPTEMBER 14, 2018 Forgotten tongue from a far-away land Hogs remember and understand High Street is a metonym for the The master remembers, his call fills the air concept of the primary business Cloven hooves dance at the High Street Fair street of a town. Beastie snouts rise to the sweet refrain Pigs must be a metaphor for Of Rupert’s ancient song in the pouring rain humans OCTOBER 19, 2018 Rupert calls and leads the pigs as Pig-sticker tool, long and sleek well as other dubious activities Swift judgment in store for the lazy and the weak (sex and homicide) Release pink souls with his shiny-sharp tool Devour they neighbor is the Golden Rule NOVEMBER 17, 2018 Rupert the Simple is a full-grown man Whistle in his mouth, pig-sticker in his hand Rooting with the grunters he’ll spill his seed At the High Street Fair he’ll bite and bleed DECEMBER 14, 2018