PROPOSAL FOR ADVANCEMENTS TO THE LLSF IN 2014 AND BEYOND T. Niemueller and G. Lakemeyer∗ A. Ferreiny fniemueller,
[email protected] [email protected] S. Reuter, D. Ewert, and S. Jeschkez D. Penskyx [first.last]
[email protected] U. Karras{
[email protected] ∗Knowledge-based Systems Group, RWTH Aachen University, Germany yElectrical Engineering Department, Aachen University of Applied Sciences, Germany zInstitute Cluster IMA/ZLW & IfU, RWTH Aachen University, Germany xFesto Didactic, Denkendorf, Germany {Organization Committee, Logistics League Sponsored by Festo ABSTRACT physical processes. They include embedded computers and net- works which monitor and control the physical processes and The Logistics League Sponsored by Festo (LLSF) is a RoboCup have a wide range of applications in assisted living, advanced au- league focusing on in-factory logistics applications involving tomotive systems, energy conservation, environmental and crit- task-level planning, scheduling, and automation in an industrial ical infrastructure control, or manufacturing (Lee, 2008). In the production workflow scenario. It is meant to spawn interest in LLSF, this is mapped onto a mobile robot logistics task. Issues industry for current robotics research and to provide a bench- of particular relevance are task-level planning and production marking domain for such applications. In this paper, we first de- scheduling, dealing with incomplete knowledge during produc- scribe the current set of rules used for the competition in 2013, tion, coping with limits to the on-robot computational resources outlining several advancements like variant production and (al- shared among all software and planning components, and han- most) autonomous judging through a referee box.