Transport Statement


London Metric PLC

REPORT CONTROL Document: Transport Statement Project: Proposed Change of Use. Client: Metric Job Number: T387 File Origin: T:\Projects\London Metric\T387 – Milford Haven\Reports


Primary Author: James Athersmith

Checked: Chris Smith

Authorised: CS

Issue Date Status Checked for Issue 1 31.05.16 First Draft CS 2 13.06.16 Final CS









Appendices Appendix A – TRICS Data

Drawings Location Plan Distance Isochrones

Txxx – Milford Haven/Reports/Transport Statement 2 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 This Transport Statement (TS) has been prepared by Exigo Project Solutions (EPS) to accompany an application for a change of use from A1 (Non Food) to A1 (unrestricted) at Unit A2, Havens Head Retail Park, Milford Haven. 1.2 The purpose of this report is to provide an indication of the impact the development will have on the local transport network. 1.3 Havens Head Retail Park offers the following retailers at present:  Tesco;  Boots;  Peacocks;  Card Factory;  99p Stores;  Pound Stretcher and;  Home Bargains. 1.4 It is proposed to derestrict the A1 planning consent at unit A2 (908sqm GFA) with an Iceland Food Store. The nearest Iceland food store is located in Haverfordwest circa 9 miles north of the site. Iceland are considered as a deep discount store and as such would complement the existing Tesco Supermarket, which stocks a high proportion of convenience and comparison goods. 1.5 The highway effect of changing Use Class A1 (restricted to non-food) land use to Class A1 (unrestricted) is investigated as a part of the TS. 1.6 This TS has been produced in line with Local and National Guidance. 1.7 The TS provides a background to the existing highway situation in the area and that connected to the existing site use. The proposed development is then discussed and the impact on the network is demonstrated.

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2. EXISTING SITUATION 2.1 Havens Head Retail Park fronts Victoria Road 4-arm roundabout (A4076), located in the centre of Milford Haven. Victoria Road (A4076) is a major route through Milford Haven, linking the site with surrounding areas such as Hubberston, Stynton and Thornton. 2.2 The existing retail park acts a major retail destination in Milford Haven, containing both food and non-food retail stores. The food retail offering allows visitors to the retail park to perform a food shop; however, it is robust to assert that the Tesco Food Store is a destination in its own right. 2.3 The nearest food store to the site is a LIDL store located off Great North Road (A4076) approximately 1.5km east via the A4076. Milford Haven at present is served by single Tesco and LIDL food stores, and therefore presents a limited food retail choice for local residents. The nature of the retail offering from a LIDL store dictates some customers would be required to seek additional comparison goods to facilitate a ‘full’ weekly shop. It is highly likely some customers of the LIDL food store would travel to Havens Head retail park to purchase additional comparison goods or vice versa to complete their weekly grocery shop. Providing a complimentary discount food store within a comfortable walking distance of an existing Tesco Food Store will encourage sustainable trip linkage. 2.4 Additional food retail stores can be found in Haverfordwest, Neyland and Pembroke. The nearest ‘Iceland Stores’ is found in Haverfordwest approximately 9 miles north of the site. 2.5 The retail park benefits from a large well established catchment area; attracting customers from neighbouring Hubberston, Stynton and Thorton as well as Milford Haven. 2.6 The current occupiers of Havens Head Retail Park are detailed below:  Tesco Food Store 3518 sqm GFA;  Boots Store 289 sqm GFA;  Peacocks Store 570 sqm GFA;  Card Factory Store 344 sqm GFA;  99p Store (Proposed Iceland) 741 sqm GFA;  Poundstretcher Store 908 sqm GFA;  Home Bargains Store 1393 sqm GFA

Site Access 2.7 The site fronts Victoria Road roundabout (A4076) which contains levelled footways. Victoria Road roundabout connects St Lawrence Road and Hamilton terrace.

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Accessibility via Non-Car Modes 2.8 The Institute for Highways and Transport provides guidance on ‘acceptable’ walking distances by destination it its publication: ‘Providing for Journeys on Foot’ (2000). Although, there is nothing specifically prescribed for an acceptable walking distance to a ‘grocery shop’; out of the three destinations the trip purpose of ‘shopping’ would be most analogous to that of ‘commuting’. If a person is more predisposed to walking a ‘preferred maximum’ distance of 2km (i.e. to a place of employment), the same distance to a supermarket would not be deemed as an unacceptable distance, if they already access or intend to access a supermarket on foot; the following assertion is robust, as the act of commuting and performing a grocery shop is deemed inelastic.

‘Town Centres’ ‘Commuting’ ‘Elsewhere’ ‘Acceptable’ 400m 1000m 800m ‘Preferred 800m 2000m 1200m Maximum’ Table 2.2 – “Suggested Acceptable Walking Distance” (IHT, 2000)

Modal Split 2.9 Table 2.3 denotes the modal split of Pembrokeshire 012 (Milford Haven) compared to Pembrokeshire Local Authority via travel to work statistics detailed in the 2011 census published by the Office for National Statistics (ONS).

Walk Cycle Car Motorcycle Public Other Transport

Pembrokeshire 11.0% 0.8% 79.1% 0.7% 6.6% 1.9% 012 MSOA Pembrokeshire 13.1% 1.0% 79.8% 0.7% 3.8% 1.5% Local Authority

Table 2.3 – Pembrokeshire 012 MSOA & LA, Travel to Work 2011 Census

2.10 Table 2.3 denotes how 18.4% of people in Milford Haven (Pembrokeshire 012) travel by sustainable modes of transport to work, higher than local authority wide averages (17.9%).

Pedestrians 2.11 The site fronts Victoria Road roundabout (A4076) which provides level footways. Victoria Road roundabout connects St Lawrence Road and Hamilton terrace. 2.12 Pedestrian access is provided by a footway on the site arm of the A4076 and a footways flanking Point Street leading into the site. The latter access point

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off Point Street follows pedestrian desire lines and is facilitated by zebra crossings on Point Street and within the site to safely navigate the car park. 2.13 The footway leading into the site from the A4076 roundabout is approximately 1.8 metres in width and is well lit. A zebra crossing is available across the vehicular access road to allow safe passage towards respective store entrances through the car park. 2.14 Pedestrian islands are also located on the exits of the Victoria Road / St Lawrence Hill (A4076) roundabout, to ensure safe passage for pedestrians accessing, leaving or passing the site. 2.15 Footways flank both sides of the A4076 heading east and westbound of the site, exhibiting minimum widths of approximately 1.8m. The footway flanking the non-site side of St Lawrence Hill (A4076) exhibits a minimum width of 3.5 metres. A pedestrian crossing points are found along St Lawrence Hill (A4076), the nearest being a signal controlled pedestrian crossing point, allowing safe passage to residential areas to the west. Victoria road (A4076) provides access to the High Street and Nelson Quay. 2.16 A 2km ‘preferred maximum’ walking distance would include residential areas to the west and east, and the southern fringe of northern residential areas. 2.17 1km and 2km walk-in catchments are shown at Appendix B. 2.18 Overall, the site is considered to be highly accessible on foot, and the footway network and existing pedestrian crossings are considered to be suitable to serve the development proposals.

Cycling 2.1 There are no on-street cycle facilities which lead into the existing site. However, a reduced speed limit is implemented, meaning on road cycling is safe to do so. 2.2 The nearest cycle infrastructure is found on Point Street, where a local cycle route in Milford Haven originates. A large stretch of the local cycle route utilises a cycle path found running parallel with railway line between Point Street and Cromwell Road. The local cycle route extends from the site to Neyland in the east, passing through the settlements of Thornton and Steynton, connecting to the National Cycle Route 4. The National Cycle Route 4 links the site to Haverfordwest and Pembroke to the north and south respectively. 2.3 A shared footway is present on a large stretch of the non-site side of St Lawrence Hill. Cyclists can access the site via the signalised pedestrian crossing on St Lawrence Hill (A4076), by dismounting and walking their cycle along footpaths into the site, utilising a zebra crossing on Point Street. 2.4 A 5km cycle catchment would include Steynton and Thorton to the north. 2.5 A plan showing the 5km catchment as well as 5km walking catchments is included within Appendix C.

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Public Transport 2.6 Existing bus stops are found within the development site, adjacent to the Tesco Supermarket. Buses enter the site via a ‘Bus Only’ access on Point Street. 2.7 The bus stop is complete with shelter, timetable and flag. Pedestrian access to the bus stop is facilitated by zebra crossings within the site. 2.8 The table below provides information on the bus operation times, frequency and major destination;

Number – Start /Finish Weekday Saturday Sunday Frequency Frequency Frequency Route 300 – 09:00/16:50 Every hour Every Hour N/A Herbrandston - Milford Haven - Skomer Drive - Milford Haven - Herbrandston 302 – 06:15/21:09 Every 30 mins Every 30 mins N/A after 08:00 after 08:00 Withybush Hospital - Milford Haven - Hubbsteron

315 – 07:40/18:48 07:40 07:40 N/A Marloes - - - 10:15 10:15 Milford Haven - - - 14:15 14:15 Haverfordwest - - 18:15 18:15 356 - 08:05/17:25 Every Hour Every Hour N/A Monkton

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- Waterloo - Milford Haven

Table 2.4 – Bus Frequency Table

2.9 Additional bus stops are found on St Lawrence Hill (A4076); the nearest located c400m west of the of site offering eastbound travel, complete with timetable and shelter. 2.10 The provision of bus infrastructure within the vicinity of the site is high. 2.11 The DfT publishes the ‘average minimum travel time’ for key services by mode of travel annually for England. The latest publication (Table JTS0101; 2014) outlines the ‘average minimum travel time’ to a food store via public transport as 9.0 minutes. Applying average urban bus speeds (c33 km/h), an appropriate catchment of 4.9km can be derived. 2.12 A 4.9km catchment would encapsulate Milford Haven; providing a key food retail service comfortably within a ‘minimum average travel time’ of all residents in the town. The aforementioned catchment would also include neighbouring settlements such as: Steynton and Thornton. 2.13 Overall, the development site is considered to be highly accessible by bus, with frequent services to the surrounding areas during the week and at weekends.

Rail 2.14 Milford Haven rail station is located adjacent to the existing retail park. The rail station is accessed via a dedicated arm on the A4076 roundabout to the south of the site. A footway is found extending from the A4076 roundabout to the railway platform site side of the rail station access road; facilitating pedestrian movements from the site. Summary 2.15 The site is very accessible by public transport, with bus and train services amply located within 400m of respective existing store entrances. 2.16 The site is considered to be accessible via all modes of transport. Respective 2km and 5km walk-in and cycling catchments, dictate the site will be accessible for the vast majority of residents using non car modes.

Highway Network 2.17 The development site takes access of the A4076 via a 4-arm roundabout. The site is bounded to the south and west by Point Street and to the east Milford Haven Rail Station. 2.18 Point Street provides a service access to the rear of buildings on Havens Head Retail Park and access to Cedar Court Business Park.

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2.19 The A4076 forms the main through route in Milford Haven, forming part of the High Street and connecting east and west residential areas in the town. Residential streets flank the A4076 for a significant stretch heading westbound. 2.20 The A4076 connects the site with neighbouring settlements: Steynton to the north east and Hubberston to the east, as well as Johnston and Haverfordwest to the north. 2.21 The A4076 is subject to 30mph speed limit on approach to the A4076 4-arm roundabout. 2.22 Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) in the form of double yellow lines flank Victoria Road on approach to the A4076 4-arm roundabout. 2.23 Generally, the network is well trafficked, without significant delay. The development site is considered to be well placed in relation to the local highway network.

Existing Trip Generation 2.24 The potential trip generation of the existing land use has been assessed to determine the impact of the proposed development. The existing and proposed trip generation has been compared in section 3 of this TS. 2.25 The TRICS database has been employed to find similar sites to estimate the potential trip generation of the existing A1 Non-food unit currently occupied by Pound Stretcher. 2.26 The following parameters, which have been previously been agreed on the site, were employed to obtain trip rates in the TRICS database: Retail: Non Food Location: Edge of Town / Suburban Area Greater London sites omitted Size (GFA): 300 – 1500 Date: 2001 onwards; Weekday only 2.27 The trip generation of the existing land use is estimated below. Trip Rate Traffic Flow Arr. Dep. Two Arr. Dep. Two way way Weekday PM Peak 17:00 – 18:00 Existing A1 Non 1.791 2.397 4.188 16 22 38 Food Store (908sqm GFA)

Table 2.5 – Existing Weekday Peak Hour Trip Generation

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Joint Transport Plan for South West 2015 - 2020 3.1 The South West Wales Joint Transport Plan (otherwise known as the City Region Transport Plan) sets out the longer term vision for transport in Carmarthenshire County Council, Neath Port Talbot County Borough Council, Pembrokeshire County Council and the City and County of Swansea. 3.2 The City Region Local Transport Plan (LTP) “is intended to support… One Wales – Connecting the Nation, The Wales Transport Strategy (WTS)…[and]…The National Transport Plan (NTP)” (p.5); implementing regional and national polices at local level. 3.3 The City Region LTP targets addressing the following areas:  Economic growth;  Access to employment;  Tackling poverty;  Sustainable travel and safety; and  Access to service. 3.4 The LTP outlines “Visions and Objectives” to create a “better connected region” (p.10) that have been based on the Regional Transport Plan. The objectives are listed below (p.11 – 12):  To improve the efficiency and reliability of the movement of people and freight within and beyond South West Wales to support economic growth in the City Region;  To improve access for all to a wide range of services and facilities including employment and business, educated and training, health care, and leisure activities;  To improve the sustainability of transport by improving the range and quality of, and awareness about, transport options, including those which improve health and well-being;  To improve integration between policies, service provision and modes of transport in South West Wales;  To implement measures which will protect and enhance the natural and built environment and reduce the adverse impact of transport on the health and climate change;  To improve road safety and personal security in South West Wales. 3.5 Overall the proposed development achieves the aspirations of national and local policy. The development provides a key destination necessary for all in a highly accessible location and also promotes more efficient food retail trips in Milford Haven.

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4. PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT 4.1 It is proposed to entirely replace the existing A1 Non Food unit totalling 908sqm GFA, currently occupied by Pound Stretcher, with an A1 Food Store occupied by Iceland Stores (700 sqm RFA; 908sqm GFA). 4.2 Development proposals outline a change of use from Use Class A1 (Non food) to Use Class A1 unrestricted. The proposed occupiers - Iceland Foods, are categorised as a discount retailer (‘deep discounter’) and would act to complement the existing Tesco supermarket at Havens Head Retail Park. 4.3 The current occupier of the unit - Pound Stretcher, although categorised as ‘A1 Non Food’, does stock a small proportion of ‘food’ items. An A1 non-food retailer can stock up to 30% ‘food’ as ancillary without requiring an A1 unrestricted land use classification unless otherwise restricted.

Access 4.4 The existing access arrangement will be maintained. Servicing 4.5 The proposed food store will utilise the existing servicing arrangement. The proposed change in use will not alter the existing servicing in operation at Havens Head Retail Park. Parking 4.6 At total of 369 spaces is provided at the existing retail park. Development proposals outline no additional parking is provided.

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5. TRIP GENERATION AND EFFECT 5.1 This section investigates the proposed land use, trip generation, mode and trip type connected to the development proposal. This is discussed throughout this section in detail. 5.2 The development is expected to have its largest effect on the network at peak times. On this basis, the impact of the development has been assessed during the typical weekday network peak of 17:00 – 18:00.

Trip Generation 5.3 The TRICS database has been investigated to determine the vehicular trip generation connected to the proposed land use, and then has be compared to the existing trip generation calculated in section 2 of this TS. 5.4 The TRICS output file is provided at Appendix A at the rear of this report. 5.5 Based on the TRICS Good Practice Guide, the following parameters were selected therefore making the sample representative: Retail: Discount Food Store (700 – 1200 sqm GFA); Date Range: 2001 onwards; Weekday surveys only; Location: Suburban area, Neighbourhood Centre; Greater London omitted. 5.6 The proposed development trip generation is shown in Table 6.1. Trip Rate Traffic Flow Arr. Dep. Two Arr. Dep. Two way way Weekday PM Peak 17:00 – 18:00 Proposed Discount 2.643 3.132 5.775 24 28 52 Store (908sqm GFA) Table 5.1 – Proposed Development Trip Generation and Traffic Flows 5.7 The remainder of the section will investigate the propensity for secondary trips at the site.

Trip Type 5.8 Grocery shopping is categorised as an inelastic demand; whereby, there is no substitute. Grocery shopping is usually undertaken at regular intervals (i.e. weekly) by both households and individuals. As such, a new food store doesn’t necessarily involve ‘new’ trips; it does however alter existing trip patterns. 5.9 The TRICS 14/1 report replaces the 95/2 report and denotes how sites should be assessed based upon its individual characteristics, and therefore a site by site approach should be adopted. It doesn’t however suggest that secondary trips do not occur at retail stores, it merely suggests that a ‘one-

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size fits all’ secondary trip discount, is not appropriate; when different sites have been found to exhibit different propensities for secondary trips. Secondary Trip Generation 5.10 A variety of studies have been carried out. TRICS report 14/1 provides information in relation to food store trip types. 5.11 It is found within TRICS report 14/1 that a stores location type can influence both the daily trip rate and the percentage of secondary trips. A correlation between location type and proximity to the nearest commercial area can be seen and has been shown to be statistically significant. As a store’s proximity to a town centre increases, the potential percentage of pass-by trips also increases. 5.12 The site fronts a major route in Milford Haven. A4076 runs through the centre of Milford Haven, providing access to residential and retail areas.

Graph 5.1 – Secondary Trip Percentage in TRICS Report 14/1 5.13 The retail parks location in Milford Haven makes it a convenient destination to visit on en-route home from work. 5.14 Given the above, it is considered the propensity for pass-by and diverted trips is high at the extant retail park. A pass-by and diverted trip discount of 30% and 20% respectively has been applied to the proposed trip generation and is shown in Table 5.2. The following is supported by TRICS report 95/2 and 14/1.

Linked Trips 5.15 These are the trips that are already visiting a local destination and whilst carrying out the existing trip visit the proposed Discount Store or vice versa. The proposed development is located within a well-established retail park in Milford Haven. 5.16 Havens Head Retail Park is host to A1 Food and Non Food Retail, including a Tesco Supermarket. Milford Haven has a limited food retail offering with only two food retailers present. 5.17 Grocery shopping is become more polarised with increased choice; customers are now more likely to shop at a number of retailers to facilitate

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their ‘weekly shop’. The proximity of the development to complimentary land uses, can be used as a measure of the propensity for trip linkage. The nature of linked trips dictate they are efficient, as in most cases they will be made using sustainable modes of transport (i.e. walking). 5.18 Havens Head Retail Park is situated less than 1km west of the Milford Haven Town Centre. The retail park is accessible via the A4076 which forms part of Milford Havens’ High Street. Footways flanking the A4076 are level, lit and of a sufficient width to support walk-in trips to the site. 5.19 It is also noted that the higher number of facilities found at a site may produce a greater percentage of secondary trips. 5.20 The proposed development is located within an existing retail park with a wide selection of A1 Non-Food retailers and an A1 Food Store. The propensity for visitors of the above land uses also visiting the proposed retail development is high. 5.21 The nature of the development dictates the number of ‘primary’ trips will be minimal if any. The proposed Iceland Store will not be a destination in its own right, but rather a compliment to the existing retail offerings at Havens Head Retail Park. As aforementioned, the Tesco Supermarket is considered to be a destination on its own right, with the food store selling a wide range of ‘convenience’ and ‘comparison’ goods. The non-food element of the retail park will primarily sell ‘convenience goods’ with some offering a small amount of ‘convenience’ goods. The occupiers: ‘99p Stores’, ‘Home Bargains’, ‘Pound Stretchers’ and ‘Peacocks’, are all positioned to offer discounted comparison goods in competition to the those offered by the Tesco Supermarket. The latter can be attributed to proposed Iceland Store, whereby, the retailer offers ‘discounted’ convenience goods, in competition with the offering presented by the Tesco Supermarket at the Retail Park. 5.22 Development proposals will therefore give customers, whom are already visiting the retail park at present, a greater level of choice. The proposed development is not expected to generate ‘new’ trips in its own right. A linked trip discount of 40% has been employed and given the above, it is considered robust. The linkage trip discount accounts for trips to the adjacent retail park that also visit the proposed development; it is not expected that customers would solely visit the Iceland Store without visiting another store on the adjacent retail park. The retail offering of the proposed Iceland Store would dictate that the customer would most likely have to visit another store to complete their ‘full’ weekly food shop. 5.23 The secondary trip generation of the proposed development is denoted below.

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Arrival Departure

Proposed Development 24 28 (Weekday Peak) 17:00 – 18:00 Primary 2 3 (10% net total)

Pass-by 7 8 (30% net total)

Diverted 5 6 (20% net total)

Linked 10 11 (40% net total)

Table 5.2 - Weekday Trip Generation Proposed Development

Traffic Impact 5.24 The introduction of an Iceland food store at Havens Head Retail Park is not expected to result in a material number of ‘new’ trips; the unit is occupied by Pound Stretcher at present; the trip generation of the existing occupier been estimated and compared to the proposed trip generation to determine the level of impact of development proposals.

Arrival Departure

Proposed 24 28 (Weekday Peak) 17:00 – 18:00 Existing 16 22 (Weekday Peak) 17:00 – 18:00

Difference +8 +6

Table 5.3 - Weekday Existing vs. Proposed Trip Generation Comparison

5.25 The net impact of the proposed development has been calculated as an additional 14 no. 2-way vehicle during the weekday PM peak; this falls below the 30 2-way vehicles threshold which can be considered material.

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5.26 The propensity for linked trips at the proposed store is extremely high given the proximity to complimentary land uses and Milford Haven town centre.

Trip Generation and Effect Summary 5.27 The impact of the proposed development will be negligible. The proposed development is shown to generate less than 30 2-way primary trips during the weekday PM peak. Subsequently, traffic impact assessments have not been undertaken at junctions within the immediate vicinity of the site. 5.28 The effect on the car park is considered to be immaterial as the length of time spent shopping for food retail is shorter than comparison shopping. The marginally higher trip rate explains this as the space turnover is higher. This only applies to 60% of the visitors as the remaining 40% are very likely to carry out a linked trip with another use on the retail park.

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6. CONCLUSION 6.1 This Transport Statement (TS) has been prepared to support the proposal of an A1 Foodstore entirely replacing an existing A1 Non Food Retail Unit (Unit 2A) at Havens Head Retail Park, Milford Haven. 6.2 The proposed development serves to improve the existing food retail offering Milford Haven and in particular Havens Head Retail Park. 6.3 It has been demonstrated that the development site is in a sustainable location, and is fully accessible by walking, cycling and public transport. The Travel Plan will further increase the accessibility of the site. 6.4 Servicing is to be carried out in a manner agreed for the existing occupier; taking place via a dedicated service access off Point Street. 6.5 There are no highway works proposed as part of this development. 6.6 The proposed development will provide a complimentary retail destination, on a key route, for existing customers at the Havens Head Retail Park. The sites proximity to the town centre and adjacent food and non-food retailers stipulates there will be a very high propensity for trip linkage. 6.7 The impact of the proposed development will be negligible. The proposed retail development is shown to generate an immaterial amount of trips during the weekday PM peak. 6.8 Considering all of the above, it is concluded that the development proposals are acceptable and should be supported from a transport perspective.

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TRICS 7.3.1 280316 B17.33 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Thursday 09/06/16 Page 1 Exigo Project Solutions Ltd Silkwood Park Wakefield Licence No: 250601

Calculation Reference: AUDIT-250601-160609-0656 TRIP RATE CALCULATION SELECTION PARAMETERS:



This section displays the number of survey days per TRICS® sub-region in the selected set

Filtering Stage 2 selection:

This data displays the chosen trip rate parameter and its selected range. Only sites that fall within the parameter range are included in the trip rate calculation.

Parameter: Gross floor area Actual Range: 700 to 1200 (units: sqm) Range Selected by User: 700 to 1200 (units: sqm)

Public Transport Provision: Selection by: Include all surveys

Date Range: 01/01/01 to 19/10/15

This data displays the range of survey dates selected. Only surveys that were conducted within this date range are included in the trip rate calculation.

Selected survey days: Monday 2 days Wednesday 1 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys by day of the week.

Selected survey types: Manual count 3 days Directional ATC Count 0 days

This data displays the number of manual classified surveys and the number of unclassified ATC surveys, the total adding up to the overall number of surveys in the selected set. Manual surveys are undertaken using staff, whilst ATC surveys are undertaking using machines.

Selected Locations: Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) 1 Neighbourhood Centre (PPS6 Local Centre) 2

This data displays the number of surveys per main location category within the selected set. The main location categories consist of Free Standing, Edge of Town, Suburban Area, Neighbourhood Centre, Edge of Town Centre, Town Centre and Not Known.

Selected Location Sub Categories: Residential Zone 2 Retail Zone 1

This data displays the number of surveys per location sub-category within the selected set. The location sub-categories consist of Commercial Zone, Industrial Zone, Development Zone, Residential Zone, Retail Zone, Built-Up Zone, Village, Out of Town, High Street and No Sub Category. TRICS 7.3.1 280316 B17.33 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Thursday 09/06/16 Page 2 Exigo Project Solutions Ltd Silkwood Park Wakefield Licence No: 250601

Filtering Stage 3 selection:

Use Class: A 1 3 days

This data displays the number of surveys per Use Class classification within the selected set. The Use Classes Order 2005 has been used for this purpose, which can be found within the Library module of TRICS®.

Population within 1 mile: 25,001 to 50,000 3 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys within stated 1-mile radii of population.

Population within 5 miles: 500,001 or More 3 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys within stated 5-mile radii of population.

Car ownership within 5 miles: 0.6 to 1.0 3 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys within stated ranges of average cars owned per residential dwelling, within a radius of 5-miles of selected survey sites.

Petrol filling station: Included in the survey count 0 days Excluded from count or no filling station 3 days

This data displays the number of surveys within the selected set that include petrol filling station activity, and the number of surveys that do not.

Travel Plan: No 3 days

This data displays the number of surveys within the selected set that were undertaken at sites with Travel Plans in place, and the number of surveys that were undertaken at sites without Travel Plans. TRICS 7.3.1 280316 B17.33 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Thursday 09/06/16 Page 3 Exigo Project Solutions Ltd Silkwood Park Wakefield Licence No: 250601

LIST OF SITES relevant to selection parameters

1 MS-01-C-02 ALDI MERSEYSIDE SMITHDOWN ROAD WAVERTREE LIVERPOOL Neighbourhood Centre (PPS6 Local Centre) Residential Zone Total Gross floor area: 1 2 0 0 sqm Survey date: MONDAY 18/06/07 Survey Type: MANUAL 2 MS-01-C-03 ALDI MERSEYSIDE LAUREL ROAD ELM PARK LIVERPOOL Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) Residential Zone Total Gross floor area: 1 1 6 5 sqm Survey date: WEDNESDAY 20/06/07 Survey Type: MANUAL 3 WY-01-C-01 FARMFOODS WEST YORKSHIRE WATERLOO TERRACE BRAMLEY LEEDS Neighbourhood Centre (PPS6 Local Centre) Retail Zone Total Gross floor area: 7 0 0 sqm Survey date: MONDAY 19/10/15 Survey Type: MANUAL

This section provides a list of all survey sites and days in the selected set. For each individual survey site, it displays a unique site reference code and site address, the selected trip rate calculation parameter and its value, the day of the week and date of each survey, and whether the survey was a manual classified count or an ATC count. TRICS 7.3.1 280316 B17.33 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Thursday 09/06/16 Page 4 Exigo Project Solutions Ltd Silkwood Park Wakefield Licence No: 250601

TRIP RATE for Land Use 01 - RETAIL/C - DISCOUNT FOOD STORES VEHICLES Calculation factor: 100 sqm BOLD print indicates peak (busiest) period

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time Range Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 02:00 02:00 - 03:00 03:00 - 04:00 04:00 - 05:00 05:00 - 06:00 06:00 - 07:00 07:00 - 08:00 2 950 0.211 2 950 0.105 2 950 0.316 08:00 - 09:00 3 1022 1.011 3 1022 0.457 3 1022 1.468 09:00 - 10:00 3 1022 2.643 3 1022 2.023 3 1022 4.666 10:00 - 11:00 3 1022 3.328 3 1022 3.295 3 1022 6.623 11:00 - 12:00 3 1022 3.328 3 1022 3.295 3 1022 6.623 12:00 - 13:00 3 1022 3.948 3 1022 3.883 3 1022 7.831 13:00 - 14:00 3 1022 4.176 3 1022 3.589 3 1022 7.765 14:00 - 15:00 3 1022 4.078 3 1022 3.948 3 1022 8.026 15:00 - 16:00 3 1022 3.752 3 1022 3.883 3 1022 7.635 16:00 - 17:00 3 1022 3.491 3 1022 3.817 3 1022 7.308 17:00 - 18:00 3 1022 2.643 3 1022 3.132 3 1022 5.775 18:00 - 19:00 3 1022 1.631 3 1022 2.512 3 1022 4.143 19:00 - 20:00 3 1022 0.457 3 1022 0.685 3 1022 1.142 20:00 - 21:00 1 700 0.286 1 700 0.286 1 700 0.572 21:00 - 22:00 1 700 0.143 1 700 0.286 1 700 0.429 22:00 - 23:00 23:00 - 24:00 Total Rates: 3 5.126 3 5.196 7 0.322

This section displays the trip rate results based on the selected set of surveys and the selected count type (shown just above the table). It is split by three main columns, representing arrivals trips, departures trips, and total trips (arrivals plus departures). Within each of these main columns are three sub-columns. These display the number of survey days where count data is included (per time period), the average value of the selected trip rate calculation parameter (per time period), and the trip rate result (per time period). Total trip rates (the sum of the column) are also displayed at the foot of the table.

To obtain a trip rate, the average (mean) trip rate parameter value (TRP) is first calculated for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. The average (mean) number of arrivals, departures or totals (whichever applies) is also calculated (COUNT) for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. Then, the average count is divided by the average trip rate parameter value, and multiplied by the stated calculation factor (shown just above the table and abbreviated here as FACT). So, the method is: COUNT/TRP*FACT. Trip rates are then rounded to 3 decimal places.

Parameter summary

Trip rate parameter range selected: 700 - 1200 (units: sqm) Survey date date range: 01/01/01 - 19/10/15 Number of weekdays (Monday-Friday): 3 Number of Saturdays: 0 Number of Sundays: 0 Surveys manually removed from selection: 0

This section displays a quick summary of some of the data filtering selections made by the TRICS® user. The trip rate calculation parameter range of all selected surveys is displayed first, followed by the range of minimum and maximum survey dates selected by the user. Then, the total number of selected weekdays and weekend days in the selected set of surveys are show. Finally, the number of survey days that have been manually removed from the selected set outside of the standard filtering procedure are displayed. TRICS 7.3.1 280316 B17.33 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Thursday 09/06/16 Page 5 Exigo Project Solutions Ltd Silkwood Park Wakefield Licence No: 250601

TRIP RATE for Land Use 01 - RETAIL/C - DISCOUNT FOOD STORES TAXIS Calculation factor: 100 sqm BOLD print indicates peak (busiest) period

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time Range Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 02:00 02:00 - 03:00 03:00 - 04:00 04:00 - 05:00 05:00 - 06:00 06:00 - 07:00 07:00 - 08:00 2 950 0.000 2 950 0.000 2 950 0.000 08:00 - 09:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 09:00 - 10:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 10:00 - 11:00 3 1022 0.033 3 1022 0.033 3 1022 0.066 11:00 - 12:00 3 1022 0.065 3 1022 0.065 3 1022 0.130 12:00 - 13:00 3 1022 0.065 3 1022 0.033 3 1022 0.098 13:00 - 14:00 3 1022 0.033 3 1022 0.065 3 1022 0.098 14:00 - 15:00 3 1022 0.131 3 1022 0.098 3 1022 0.229 15:00 - 16:00 3 1022 0.033 3 1022 0.033 3 1022 0.066 16:00 - 17:00 3 1022 0.131 3 1022 0.098 3 1022 0.229 17:00 - 18:00 3 1022 0.033 3 1022 0.065 3 1022 0.098 18:00 - 19:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.033 3 1022 0.033 19:00 - 20:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 20:00 - 21:00 1 700 0.000 1 700 0.000 1 700 0.000 21:00 - 22:00 1 700 0.000 1 700 0.000 1 700 0.000 22:00 - 23:00 23:00 - 24:00 Total Rates: 0.524 0.523 1.047

This section displays the trip rate results based on the selected set of surveys and the selected count type (shown just above the table). It is split by three main columns, representing arrivals trips, departures trips, and total trips (arrivals plus departures). Within each of these main columns are three sub-columns. These display the number of survey days where count data is included (per time period), the average value of the selected trip rate calculation parameter (per time period), and the trip rate result (per time period). Total trip rates (the sum of the column) are also displayed at the foot of the table.

To obtain a trip rate, the average (mean) trip rate parameter value (TRP) is first calculated for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. The average (mean) number of arrivals, departures or totals (whichever applies) is also calculated (COUNT) for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. Then, the average count is divided by the average trip rate parameter value, and multiplied by the stated calculation factor (shown just above the table and abbreviated here as FACT). So, the method is: COUNT/TRP*FACT. Trip rates are then rounded to 3 decimal places.

Parameter summary

Trip rate parameter range selected: 700 - 1200 (units: sqm) Survey date date range: 01/01/01 - 19/10/15 Number of weekdays (Monday-Friday): 3 Number of Saturdays: 0 Number of Sundays: 0 Surveys manually removed from selection: 0

This section displays a quick summary of some of the data filtering selections made by the TRICS® user. The trip rate calculation parameter range of all selected surveys is displayed first, followed by the range of minimum and maximum survey dates selected by the user. Then, the total number of selected weekdays and weekend days in the selected set of surveys are show. Finally, the number of survey days that have been manually removed from the selected set outside of the standard filtering procedure are displayed. TRICS 7.3.1 280316 B17.33 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Thursday 09/06/16 Page 6 Exigo Project Solutions Ltd Silkwood Park Wakefield Licence No: 250601

TRIP RATE for Land Use 01 - RETAIL/C - DISCOUNT FOOD STORES OGVS Calculation factor: 100 sqm BOLD print indicates peak (busiest) period

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time Range Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 02:00 02:00 - 03:00 03:00 - 04:00 04:00 - 05:00 05:00 - 06:00 06:00 - 07:00 07:00 - 08:00 2 950 0.053 2 950 0.053 2 950 0.106 08:00 - 09:00 3 1022 0.033 3 1022 0.033 3 1022 0.066 09:00 - 10:00 3 1022 0.033 3 1022 0.033 3 1022 0.066 10:00 - 11:00 3 1022 0.033 3 1022 0.033 3 1022 0.066 11:00 - 12:00 3 1022 0.065 3 1022 0.065 3 1022 0.130 12:00 - 13:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 13:00 - 14:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 14:00 - 15:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 15:00 - 16:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 16:00 - 17:00 3 1022 0.033 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.033 17:00 - 18:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.033 3 1022 0.033 18:00 - 19:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 19:00 - 20:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 20:00 - 21:00 1 700 0.000 1 700 0.000 1 700 0.000 21:00 - 22:00 1 700 0.000 1 700 0.000 1 700 0.000 22:00 - 23:00 23:00 - 24:00 Total Rates: 0.250 0.250 0.500

This section displays the trip rate results based on the selected set of surveys and the selected count type (shown just above the table). It is split by three main columns, representing arrivals trips, departures trips, and total trips (arrivals plus departures). Within each of these main columns are three sub-columns. These display the number of survey days where count data is included (per time period), the average value of the selected trip rate calculation parameter (per time period), and the trip rate result (per time period). Total trip rates (the sum of the column) are also displayed at the foot of the table.

To obtain a trip rate, the average (mean) trip rate parameter value (TRP) is first calculated for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. The average (mean) number of arrivals, departures or totals (whichever applies) is also calculated (COUNT) for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. Then, the average count is divided by the average trip rate parameter value, and multiplied by the stated calculation factor (shown just above the table and abbreviated here as FACT). So, the method is: COUNT/TRP*FACT. Trip rates are then rounded to 3 decimal places.

Parameter summary

Trip rate parameter range selected: 700 - 1200 (units: sqm) Survey date date range: 01/01/01 - 19/10/15 Number of weekdays (Monday-Friday): 3 Number of Saturdays: 0 Number of Sundays: 0 Surveys manually removed from selection: 0

This section displays a quick summary of some of the data filtering selections made by the TRICS® user. The trip rate calculation parameter range of all selected surveys is displayed first, followed by the range of minimum and maximum survey dates selected by the user. Then, the total number of selected weekdays and weekend days in the selected set of surveys are show. Finally, the number of survey days that have been manually removed from the selected set outside of the standard filtering procedure are displayed. TRICS 7.3.1 280316 B17.33 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Thursday 09/06/16 Page 7 Exigo Project Solutions Ltd Silkwood Park Wakefield Licence No: 250601

TRIP RATE for Land Use 01 - RETAIL/C - DISCOUNT FOOD STORES PSVS Calculation factor: 100 sqm BOLD print indicates peak (busiest) period

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time Range Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 02:00 02:00 - 03:00 03:00 - 04:00 04:00 - 05:00 05:00 - 06:00 06:00 - 07:00 07:00 - 08:00 2 950 0.000 2 950 0.000 2 950 0.000 08:00 - 09:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 09:00 - 10:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 10:00 - 11:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 11:00 - 12:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 12:00 - 13:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 13:00 - 14:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 14:00 - 15:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 15:00 - 16:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 16:00 - 17:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 17:00 - 18:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 18:00 - 19:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 19:00 - 20:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 20:00 - 21:00 1 700 0.000 1 700 0.000 1 700 0.000 21:00 - 22:00 1 700 0.000 1 700 0.000 1 700 0.000 22:00 - 23:00 23:00 - 24:00 Total Rates: 0.000 0.000 0.000

This section displays the trip rate results based on the selected set of surveys and the selected count type (shown just above the table). It is split by three main columns, representing arrivals trips, departures trips, and total trips (arrivals plus departures). Within each of these main columns are three sub-columns. These display the number of survey days where count data is included (per time period), the average value of the selected trip rate calculation parameter (per time period), and the trip rate result (per time period). Total trip rates (the sum of the column) are also displayed at the foot of the table.

To obtain a trip rate, the average (mean) trip rate parameter value (TRP) is first calculated for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. The average (mean) number of arrivals, departures or totals (whichever applies) is also calculated (COUNT) for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. Then, the average count is divided by the average trip rate parameter value, and multiplied by the stated calculation factor (shown just above the table and abbreviated here as FACT). So, the method is: COUNT/TRP*FACT. Trip rates are then rounded to 3 decimal places.

Parameter summary

Trip rate parameter range selected: 700 - 1200 (units: sqm) Survey date date range: 01/01/01 - 19/10/15 Number of weekdays (Monday-Friday): 3 Number of Saturdays: 0 Number of Sundays: 0 Surveys manually removed from selection: 0

This section displays a quick summary of some of the data filtering selections made by the TRICS® user. The trip rate calculation parameter range of all selected surveys is displayed first, followed by the range of minimum and maximum survey dates selected by the user. Then, the total number of selected weekdays and weekend days in the selected set of surveys are show. Finally, the number of survey days that have been manually removed from the selected set outside of the standard filtering procedure are displayed. TRICS 7.3.1 280316 B17.33 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Thursday 09/06/16 Page 8 Exigo Project Solutions Ltd Silkwood Park Wakefield Licence No: 250601

TRIP RATE for Land Use 01 - RETAIL/C - DISCOUNT FOOD STORES CYCLISTS Calculation factor: 100 sqm BOLD print indicates peak (busiest) period

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time Range Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 02:00 02:00 - 03:00 03:00 - 04:00 04:00 - 05:00 05:00 - 06:00 06:00 - 07:00 07:00 - 08:00 2 950 0.000 2 950 0.000 2 950 0.000 08:00 - 09:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 09:00 - 10:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 10:00 - 11:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 11:00 - 12:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 12:00 - 13:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 13:00 - 14:00 3 1022 0.033 3 1022 0.033 3 1022 0.066 14:00 - 15:00 3 1022 0.098 3 1022 0.065 3 1022 0.163 15:00 - 16:00 3 1022 0.065 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.065 16:00 - 17:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 17:00 - 18:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.033 3 1022 0.033 18:00 - 19:00 3 1022 0.033 3 1022 0.098 3 1022 0.131 19:00 - 20:00 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 3 1022 0.000 20:00 - 21:00 1 700 0.000 1 700 0.000 1 700 0.000 21:00 - 22:00 1 700 0.000 1 700 0.000 1 700 0.000 22:00 - 23:00 23:00 - 24:00 Total Rates: 0.229 0.229 0.458

This section displays the trip rate results based on the selected set of surveys and the selected count type (shown just above the table). It is split by three main columns, representing arrivals trips, departures trips, and total trips (arrivals plus departures). Within each of these main columns are three sub-columns. These display the number of survey days where count data is included (per time period), the average value of the selected trip rate calculation parameter (per time period), and the trip rate result (per time period). Total trip rates (the sum of the column) are also displayed at the foot of the table.

To obtain a trip rate, the average (mean) trip rate parameter value (TRP) is first calculated for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. The average (mean) number of arrivals, departures or totals (whichever applies) is also calculated (COUNT) for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. Then, the average count is divided by the average trip rate parameter value, and multiplied by the stated calculation factor (shown just above the table and abbreviated here as FACT). So, the method is: COUNT/TRP*FACT. Trip rates are then rounded to 3 decimal places.

Parameter summary

Trip rate parameter range selected: 700 - 1200 (units: sqm) Survey date date range: 01/01/01 - 19/10/15 Number of weekdays (Monday-Friday): 3 Number of Saturdays: 0 Number of Sundays: 0 Surveys manually removed from selection: 0

This section displays a quick summary of some of the data filtering selections made by the TRICS® user. The trip rate calculation parameter range of all selected surveys is displayed first, followed by the range of minimum and maximum survey dates selected by the user. Then, the total number of selected weekdays and weekend days in the selected set of surveys are show. Finally, the number of survey days that have been manually removed from the selected set outside of the standard filtering procedure are displayed. TRICS 7.3.1 280316 B17.33 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Thursday 09/06/16 Page 1 Exigo Project Solutions Ltd Silkwood Park Wakefield Licence No: 250601

Calculation Reference: AUDIT-250601-160609-0651 TRIP RATE CALCULATION SELECTION PARAMETERS:


Selected regions and areas: 02 SOUTH EAST KC KENT 2 days 06 WEST MIDLANDS HE HEREFORDSHIRE 1 days

This section displays the number of survey days per TRICS® sub-region in the selected set

Filtering Stage 2 selection:

This data displays the chosen trip rate parameter and its selected range. Only sites that fall within the parameter range are included in the trip rate calculation.

Parameter: Gross floor area Actual Range: 714 to 1500 (units: sqm) Range Selected by User: 290 to 1500 (units: sqm)

Public Transport Provision: Selection by: Include all surveys

Date Range: 01/01/01 to 22/10/11

This data displays the range of survey dates selected. Only surveys that were conducted within this date range are included in the trip rate calculation.

Selected survey days: Monday 1 days Friday 2 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys by day of the week.

Selected survey types: Manual count 3 days Directional ATC Count 0 days

This data displays the number of manual classified surveys and the number of unclassified ATC surveys, the total adding up to the overall number of surveys in the selected set. Manual surveys are undertaken using staff, whilst ATC surveys are undertaking using machines.

Selected Locations: Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) 2 Edge of Town 1

This data displays the number of surveys per main location category within the selected set. The main location categories consist of Free Standing, Edge of Town, Suburban Area, Neighbourhood Centre, Edge of Town Centre, Town Centre and Not Known.

Selected Location Sub Categories: Commercial Zone 1 No Sub Category 2

This data displays the number of surveys per location sub-category within the selected set. The location sub-categories consist of Commercial Zone, Industrial Zone, Development Zone, Residential Zone, Retail Zone, Built-Up Zone, Village, Out of Town, High Street and No Sub Category. TRICS 7.3.1 280316 B17.33 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Thursday 09/06/16 Page 2 Exigo Project Solutions Ltd Silkwood Park Wakefield Licence No: 250601

Filtering Stage 3 selection:

Use Class: A 1 3 days

This data displays the number of surveys per Use Class classification within the selected set. The Use Classes Order 2005 has been used for this purpose, which can be found within the Library module of TRICS®.

Population within 1 mile: 10,001 to 15,000 1 days 15,001 to 20,000 1 days 20,001 to 25,000 1 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys within stated 1-mile radii of population.

Population within 5 miles: 50,001 to 75,000 3 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys within stated 5-mile radii of population.

Car ownership within 5 miles: 0.6 to 1.0 2 days 1.1 to 1.5 1 days

This data displays the number of selected surveys within stated ranges of average cars owned per residential dwelling, within a radius of 5-miles of selected survey sites.

Petrol filling station: Included in the survey count 0 days Excluded from count or no filling station 3 days

This data displays the number of surveys within the selected set that include petrol filling station activity, and the number of surveys that do not.

Travel Plan: Not Known 2 days No 1 days

This data displays the number of surveys within the selected set that were undertaken at sites with Travel Plans in place, and the number of surveys that were undertaken at sites without Travel Plans. TRICS 7.3.1 280316 B17.33 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Thursday 09/06/16 Page 3 Exigo Project Solutions Ltd Silkwood Park Wakefield Licence No: 250601

LIST OF SITES relevant to selection parameters


HEREFORD Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) No Sub Category Total Gross floor area: 7 1 4 sqm Survey date: MONDAY 17/10/11 Survey Type: MANUAL 2 KC-01-G-01 PREMUS HOMEMAKER KENT SEA STREET

HERNE BAY Suburban Area (PPS6 Out of Centre) No Sub Category Total Gross floor area: 1 2 4 8 sqm Survey date: FRIDAY 21/06/02 Survey Type: MANUAL 3 KC-01-G-02 D&A TOYS KENT BROADOAK ROAD

CANTERBURY Edge of Town Commercial Zone Total Gross floor area: 1 5 0 0 sqm Survey date: FRIDAY 06/12/02 Survey Type: MANUAL

This section provides a list of all survey sites and days in the selected set. For each individual survey site, it displays a unique site reference code and site address, the selected trip rate calculation parameter and its value, the day of the week and date of each survey, and whether the survey was a manual classified count or an ATC count.


Site Ref Reason for Deselection EB-01-G-01 City Centre Location TRICS 7.3.1 280316 B17.33 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Thursday 09/06/16 Page 4 Exigo Project Solutions Ltd Silkwood Park Wakefield Licence No: 250601

TRIP RATE for Land Use 01 - RETAIL/G - OTHER INDIVIDUAL NON-FOOD SUPERSTORE VEHICLES Calculation factor: 100 sqm BOLD print indicates peak (busiest) period

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time Range Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 02:00 02:00 - 03:00 03:00 - 04:00 04:00 - 05:00 05:00 - 06:00 06:00 - 07:00 07:00 - 08:00 1 714 0.140 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.140 08:00 - 09:00 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 09:00 - 10:00 3 1154 2.831 3 1154 1.531 3 1154 4.362 10:00 - 11:00 3 1154 3.784 3 1154 3.380 3 1154 7.164 11:00 - 12:00 3 1154 3.726 3 1154 3.611 3 1154 7.337 12:00 - 13:00 3 1154 3.986 3 1154 3.726 3 1154 7.712 13:00 - 14:00 3 1154 4.333 3 1154 4.853 3 1154 9.186 14:00 - 15:00 3 1154 4.159 3 1154 3.928 3 1154 8.087 15:00 - 16:00 3 1154 3.004 3 1154 3.726 3 1154 6.730 16:00 - 17:00 3 1154 2.831 3 1154 3.380 3 1154 6.211 17:00 - 18:00 3 1154 1.791 3 1154 2.397 3 1154 4.188 18:00 - 19:00 1 714 2.661 1 714 2.381 1 714 5.042 19:00 - 20:00 1 714 0.840 1 714 1.401 1 714 2.241 20:00 - 21:00 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.280 1 714 0.280 21:00 - 22:00 22:00 - 23:00 23:00 - 24:00 Total Rates: 3 4.086 3 4.594 6 8.680

This section displays the trip rate results based on the selected set of surveys and the selected count type (shown just above the table). It is split by three main columns, representing arrivals trips, departures trips, and total trips (arrivals plus departures). Within each of these main columns are three sub-columns. These display the number of survey days where count data is included (per time period), the average value of the selected trip rate calculation parameter (per time period), and the trip rate result (per time period). Total trip rates (the sum of the column) are also displayed at the foot of the table.

To obtain a trip rate, the average (mean) trip rate parameter value (TRP) is first calculated for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. The average (mean) number of arrivals, departures or totals (whichever applies) is also calculated (COUNT) for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. Then, the average count is divided by the average trip rate parameter value, and multiplied by the stated calculation factor (shown just above the table and abbreviated here as FACT). So, the method is: COUNT/TRP*FACT. Trip rates are then rounded to 3 decimal places.

Parameter summary

Trip rate parameter range selected: 714 - 1500 (units: sqm) Survey date date range: 01/01/01 - 22/10/11 Number of weekdays (Monday-Friday): 3 Number of Saturdays: 0 Number of Sundays: 0 Surveys manually removed from selection: 1

This section displays a quick summary of some of the data filtering selections made by the TRICS® user. The trip rate calculation parameter range of all selected surveys is displayed first, followed by the range of minimum and maximum survey dates selected by the user. Then, the total number of selected weekdays and weekend days in the selected set of surveys are show. Finally, the number of survey days that have been manually removed from the selected set outside of the standard filtering procedure are displayed. TRICS 7.3.1 280316 B17.33 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Thursday 09/06/16 Page 5 Exigo Project Solutions Ltd Silkwood Park Wakefield Licence No: 250601

TRIP RATE for Land Use 01 - RETAIL/G - OTHER INDIVIDUAL NON-FOOD SUPERSTORE OGVS Calculation factor: 100 sqm BOLD print indicates peak (busiest) period

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time Range Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 02:00 02:00 - 03:00 03:00 - 04:00 04:00 - 05:00 05:00 - 06:00 06:00 - 07:00 07:00 - 08:00 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 08:00 - 09:00 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 09:00 - 10:00 3 1154 0.029 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.029 10:00 - 11:00 3 1154 0.029 3 1154 0.029 3 1154 0.058 11:00 - 12:00 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 12:00 - 13:00 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 13:00 - 14:00 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 14:00 - 15:00 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 15:00 - 16:00 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 16:00 - 17:00 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.029 3 1154 0.029 17:00 - 18:00 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 18:00 - 19:00 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 19:00 - 20:00 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 20:00 - 21:00 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 21:00 - 22:00 22:00 - 23:00 23:00 - 24:00 Total Rates: 0.058 0.058 0.116

This section displays the trip rate results based on the selected set of surveys and the selected count type (shown just above the table). It is split by three main columns, representing arrivals trips, departures trips, and total trips (arrivals plus departures). Within each of these main columns are three sub-columns. These display the number of survey days where count data is included (per time period), the average value of the selected trip rate calculation parameter (per time period), and the trip rate result (per time period). Total trip rates (the sum of the column) are also displayed at the foot of the table.

To obtain a trip rate, the average (mean) trip rate parameter value (TRP) is first calculated for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. The average (mean) number of arrivals, departures or totals (whichever applies) is also calculated (COUNT) for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. Then, the average count is divided by the average trip rate parameter value, and multiplied by the stated calculation factor (shown just above the table and abbreviated here as FACT). So, the method is: COUNT/TRP*FACT. Trip rates are then rounded to 3 decimal places.

Parameter summary

Trip rate parameter range selected: 714 - 1500 (units: sqm) Survey date date range: 01/01/01 - 22/10/11 Number of weekdays (Monday-Friday): 3 Number of Saturdays: 0 Number of Sundays: 0 Surveys manually removed from selection: 1

This section displays a quick summary of some of the data filtering selections made by the TRICS® user. The trip rate calculation parameter range of all selected surveys is displayed first, followed by the range of minimum and maximum survey dates selected by the user. Then, the total number of selected weekdays and weekend days in the selected set of surveys are show. Finally, the number of survey days that have been manually removed from the selected set outside of the standard filtering procedure are displayed. TRICS 7.3.1 280316 B17.33 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Thursday 09/06/16 Page 6 Exigo Project Solutions Ltd Silkwood Park Wakefield Licence No: 250601

TRIP RATE for Land Use 01 - RETAIL/G - OTHER INDIVIDUAL NON-FOOD SUPERSTORE PSVS Calculation factor: 100 sqm BOLD print indicates peak (busiest) period

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time Range Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 02:00 02:00 - 03:00 03:00 - 04:00 04:00 - 05:00 05:00 - 06:00 06:00 - 07:00 07:00 - 08:00 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 08:00 - 09:00 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 09:00 - 10:00 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 10:00 - 11:00 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 11:00 - 12:00 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 12:00 - 13:00 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 13:00 - 14:00 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 14:00 - 15:00 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 15:00 - 16:00 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 16:00 - 17:00 3 1154 0.029 3 1154 0.029 3 1154 0.058 17:00 - 18:00 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 18:00 - 19:00 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 19:00 - 20:00 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 20:00 - 21:00 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 21:00 - 22:00 22:00 - 23:00 23:00 - 24:00 Total Rates: 0.029 0.029 0.058

This section displays the trip rate results based on the selected set of surveys and the selected count type (shown just above the table). It is split by three main columns, representing arrivals trips, departures trips, and total trips (arrivals plus departures). Within each of these main columns are three sub-columns. These display the number of survey days where count data is included (per time period), the average value of the selected trip rate calculation parameter (per time period), and the trip rate result (per time period). Total trip rates (the sum of the column) are also displayed at the foot of the table.

To obtain a trip rate, the average (mean) trip rate parameter value (TRP) is first calculated for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. The average (mean) number of arrivals, departures or totals (whichever applies) is also calculated (COUNT) for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. Then, the average count is divided by the average trip rate parameter value, and multiplied by the stated calculation factor (shown just above the table and abbreviated here as FACT). So, the method is: COUNT/TRP*FACT. Trip rates are then rounded to 3 decimal places.

Parameter summary

Trip rate parameter range selected: 714 - 1500 (units: sqm) Survey date date range: 01/01/01 - 22/10/11 Number of weekdays (Monday-Friday): 3 Number of Saturdays: 0 Number of Sundays: 0 Surveys manually removed from selection: 1

This section displays a quick summary of some of the data filtering selections made by the TRICS® user. The trip rate calculation parameter range of all selected surveys is displayed first, followed by the range of minimum and maximum survey dates selected by the user. Then, the total number of selected weekdays and weekend days in the selected set of surveys are show. Finally, the number of survey days that have been manually removed from the selected set outside of the standard filtering procedure are displayed. TRICS 7.3.1 280316 B17.33 (C) 2016 TRICS Consortium Ltd Thursday 09/06/16 Page 7 Exigo Project Solutions Ltd Silkwood Park Wakefield Licence No: 250601

TRIP RATE for Land Use 01 - RETAIL/G - OTHER INDIVIDUAL NON-FOOD SUPERSTORE CYCLISTS Calculation factor: 100 sqm BOLD print indicates peak (busiest) period

ARRIVALS DEPARTURES TOTALS No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip No. Ave. Trip Time Range Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate Days GFA Rate 00:00 - 01:00 01:00 - 02:00 02:00 - 03:00 03:00 - 04:00 04:00 - 05:00 05:00 - 06:00 06:00 - 07:00 07:00 - 08:00 1 714 0.140 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.140 08:00 - 09:00 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.140 1 714 0.140 09:00 - 10:00 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 10:00 - 11:00 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 11:00 - 12:00 3 1154 0.029 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.029 12:00 - 13:00 3 1154 0.029 3 1154 0.029 3 1154 0.058 13:00 - 14:00 3 1154 0.029 3 1154 0.029 3 1154 0.058 14:00 - 15:00 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.029 3 1154 0.029 15:00 - 16:00 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 3 1154 0.000 16:00 - 17:00 3 1154 0.029 3 1154 0.029 3 1154 0.058 17:00 - 18:00 3 1154 0.029 3 1154 0.029 3 1154 0.058 18:00 - 19:00 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 19:00 - 20:00 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 20:00 - 21:00 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 1 714 0.000 21:00 - 22:00 22:00 - 23:00 23:00 - 24:00 Total Rates: 0.285 0.285 0.570

This section displays the trip rate results based on the selected set of surveys and the selected count type (shown just above the table). It is split by three main columns, representing arrivals trips, departures trips, and total trips (arrivals plus departures). Within each of these main columns are three sub-columns. These display the number of survey days where count data is included (per time period), the average value of the selected trip rate calculation parameter (per time period), and the trip rate result (per time period). Total trip rates (the sum of the column) are also displayed at the foot of the table.

To obtain a trip rate, the average (mean) trip rate parameter value (TRP) is first calculated for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. The average (mean) number of arrivals, departures or totals (whichever applies) is also calculated (COUNT) for all selected survey days that have count data available for the stated time period. Then, the average count is divided by the average trip rate parameter value, and multiplied by the stated calculation factor (shown just above the table and abbreviated here as FACT). So, the method is: COUNT/TRP*FACT. Trip rates are then rounded to 3 decimal places.

Parameter summary

Trip rate parameter range selected: 714 - 1500 (units: sqm) Survey date date range: 01/01/01 - 22/10/11 Number of weekdays (Monday-Friday): 3 Number of Saturdays: 0 Number of Sundays: 0 Surveys manually removed from selection: 1

This section displays a quick summary of some of the data filtering selections made by the TRICS® user. The trip rate calculation parameter range of all selected surveys is displayed first, followed by the range of minimum and maximum survey dates selected by the user. Then, the total number of selected weekdays and weekend days in the selected set of surveys are show. Finally, the number of survey days that have been manually removed from the selected set outside of the standard filtering procedure are displayed. DRAWINGS Site Location OpenStreetMap

DRAWN BY: JA CHECKED BY: CS REV: n/a SCHEME DRAWING TITLE Milford Haven DRAWING REFERENCE: T387/GIS/01 ON BEHALF OF Location Plan DATE: 13/6/2016 SCALE: 1:5,000 Unit 2c - The Gateway, Silkwood Park, Wakefield, WF5 9TJ London Metric PLC