25650 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 19 October 26, 2009 cases of invasive breast cancer will be We are poorer for the loss, but richer Keith Jones, serves as a major in the diagnosed in our Nation and an esti- for all he gave to our country and the National Guard. This Nation remains mated 40,000 Americans will lose their arts.∑ indebted to your service. fight with breast cancer. At the same f On behalf of the Senate and the time, today there are millions of United States of America, I commend TIRBUTE TO LIEUTENANT women in our country who have been Lieutenant Colonel Jones for his tire- COLONEL MICHEL G. JONES treated for breast cancer. less efforts in the support of our Army, Throughout my tenure as a U.S. Sen- ∑ Mr. INHOFE. Madam President, our military, and our Nation. As Shel ator, I have supported legislation to in- today, I recognize the service LTC and his family prepare to start a new crease awareness, prevention, and fund- Michel ‘‘Shel’’ G. Jones, on the occa- life in the great State of Oklahoma, I ing for breast cancer. Too often we sion of his retirement from active duty congratulate him on completing an ex- hear about a case of breast cancer that in the U.S. Army. Lieutenant Colonel tremely successful military career and is caught at a late stage, leaving the Jones is an exceptional officer who has wish all of them the best in all their fu- patient and families with little hope. served our great Nation for more than ture endeavors.∑ These stories remind us why we must 28 years, including 22 years on active f duty and 6 years in the Iowa Army Na- continue to support and expand Na- TRIBUTE TO KAREN M. ECKERT tional Guard. tional Breast Cancer Awareness Month ∑ efforts. I have personally come to know and Ms. LANDRIEU. Madam President, The I Have Wings foundation is a respect Lieutenant Colonel Jones over today I celebrate the retirement of 1 Karen M. Eckert after 37 years of excel- leader in the fight against breast can- the 2 ⁄2 years he served as an Army con- cer. It strives to educate individuals, gressional liaison for the Army’s weap- lent service to the federal government. Karen, a remarkable public servant provides encouragement for those in ons and tracked combat vehicles pro- under both the legacy Immigration and need, and generously supports research grams, to include the Army’s Future Naturalization Service and U.S. Citi- efforts in Kentucky. And while efforts Combat System. His expertise and zenship and Immigration Services, and by I Have Wings and other breast can- commitment were instrumental in edu- devoted resident of Buffalo, NY, retired cer foundations often go unnoticed in cating Members and staff in the Senate on May 29, 2009. the ongoing battle against this deadly and House on Army combat systems, modernization programs and initia- Karen began her career as an immi- disease, we must remember that they gration inspector at Niagara Falls, NY, play an important role as an activist tives. His tireless efforts working with Members and staff of the Senate and in 1972 and quickly became knowledge- and educator in our communities. able in all areas of immigration. Her Again, I commend the efforts of the I House Armed Services Committees were instrumental in the successful au- work has touched the lives of thou- Have Wings foundation as our Nation sands—giving hope to countless immi- thorization and appropriation of the continues to spread breast cancer grants and new citizens in pursuit of ∑ Abrams tank, Bradley fighting vehicle, awareness. their dreams, as well as uniting adop- small arms and crew-served weapons, f tive parents with children in need of a Stryker, elements of the Future Com- loving home, while striving to protect REMEMBERING DANIEL MELNICK bat System and the Paladin Integrated children and underprivileged birth par- ∑ Mr. DODD. Madam President, I wish Management programs. ents from exploitation. to speak in honor of a good friend and Lieutenant Colonel Jones’ congres- Karen became a leading expert in a friend to American cinema, Daniel sional liaison assignment was only the intercountry adoption and child citi- Melnick, who passed away recently at capstone to what is an outstanding ca- zenship. In this role, she was invalu- the age of 77. reer of service to the Army and our Na- able in establishing the Child Citizen- Those who know Hollywood will re- tion. He served as an armor officer in ship Program in Buffalo, NY, drafting member Daniel as a successful pro- numerous command and staff posi- orphan regulations, and leading USCIS ducer of film and television, and as a tions. His operational assignments to take the steps necessary to imple- studio executive who believed in audac- began in the Mojave Desert at Fort ment the Hague Convention on Protec- ity and creativity—a filmmaker’s stu- Irwin, CA, serving as a platoon leader tion of Children and Cooperation in Re- dio executive, if you will. at the National Training Center where spect of Intercountry Adoption. He was a prodigy, becoming the he trained thousands of soldiers in Her outstanding and distinguished youngest producer at CBS Television desert warfare. He served as com- service has been recognized through at the age of 19, where he worked on mander for Alpha Company, 4th Bat- numerous awards, including an Angel such series as the legendary ‘‘Get talion 37th Armor, Heavy, followed by in Adoption Award from the Congres- Smart,’’ and producing his first feature command of Headquarters and Head- sional Coalition on Adoption Institute film at MGM, the thrilling ‘‘Straw quarters Company, 2nd of the 70th in 2003, the Department of Homeland Dogs,’’ before he turned 40. Over the Armor Battalion with the 1st Armored Security Secretary’s Meritorious Serv- next decade, he played a role in the de- Division at Fort Riley, KS. After ice Award in 2006 and the USCIS Direc- velopment of films ranging from ‘‘Net- transitioning in to the acquisition ca- tor’s Award in 2008 for her direction work’’ to ‘‘Kramer vs. Kramer’’ to reer field, Lieutenant Colonel Jones and participation in the Hague Imple- ‘‘The China Syndrome,’’ while serving was assigned to Fort Knox, KY, as a mentation Working Group. as head of production at both MGM and combat development officer and as a It is impossible to count the number Columbia. project manager for the Army’s Future of individuals who have personally ben- As a film producer, Daniels’s credits Combat System, FCS, in Detroit, MI. efited from Karen’s professionalism, in- include ‘‘All That Jazz,’’ ‘‘Altered The strength of our soldiers comes sights and dedication and she will be States,’’ ‘‘Footloose,’’ ‘‘Roxanne,’’ and from their families. Lieutenant Colonel sincerely missed by her colleagues ‘‘L.A. Story.’’ Fittingly, his work as a Jones’ strength came from his wife worldwide. producer was bold and vibrant—just Dynette, and his two sons Colton and We congratulate Karen M. Eckert on the sort of films he encouraged as a Conner. This Nation is grateful for her outstanding and distinguished ca- studio executive. their commitment and personal sac- reer and for the inspiration she is leav- In all, Daniel’s films were nominated rifices made throughout Shel’s mili- ing behind.∑ for more than 80 , and tary service. We also thank his mother f won more than two dozen Oscars. Joyce, who recently passed, and his fa- I will remember Daniel as a warm, ther William ‘‘Gerry’’ Jones for raising RECOGNIZING WORLD WAR II funny, breathtakingly creative friend such a fine son and patriot. Shel is VETERANS whose beautiful house in Utah was the from a military family. His father is a ∑ Mr. LUGAR. Madam President, today site of many wonderful get-togethers. retired soldier and his brother, Dr. I wish to pay tribute to the American

VerDate Mar 15 2010 08:07 May 09, 2012 Jkt 079102 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR09\S26OC9.000 S26OC9 erowe on DSK2VPTVN1PROD with BOUND RECORD October 26, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 155, Pt. 19 25651 men and women who served their coun- working years. Harvey was and is a leader in Further, I have authorized the Sec- try valiantly during World War II, and Starke County serving on various boards and retary of Health and Human Services to a nonprofit organization known as committees, as well as being active with to exercise the authority under section HonorFlight which flies surviving vet- V.F.W. Post 748 in Knox. Harvey resides on 1135 of the Social Security Act to tem- his farm outside of Knox with Dee, his wife erans, at no expense to themselves, to of 59 years. porarily waive or modify certain re- Washington, DC, to visit the World War Joseph B. Smrt was born on 14 February quirements of the Medicare, Medicaid, II Memorial. I wish to have printed in 1916 in North Judson, Indiana. Joe enlisted in and State Children’s Health Insurance the RECORD a letter from Scott C. The United States Army on 11 December programs and of the Health Insurance Stump, a veteran of the U.S. Marine 1942. Joe served in Patton’s Third Army in Portability and Accountability Act Corps, describing the efforts of the 94th Division Company B 19th Engineers. Privacy Rule as necessary to respond HonorFlight which will enable two Joe proudly served all over Central Europe, to the pandemic throughout the dura- including the epic ‘‘Battle of the Bulge’’ in Hoosier veterans, Harvey H. Belgium. Mr. Smrt was discharged on 27 De- tion of the public health emergency de- Hammerlund and Joseph B. Smrt, to cember 1945 but continued serving in The clared in response to the 2009 H1N1 in- visit the World War II Memorial this U.S. Army Reserves for the next 33 years, re- fluenza pandemic. fall. tiring as a Sergeant First Class. Joe worked BARACK OBAMA. The letter follows: and continues to work as a Surveyor as his THE WHITE HOUSE, October 23, 2009. DEAR SENATOR LUGAR: During World War profession and continues to be a pillar of the f II, 16 million American men and women self- Starke County Community. Joe still lives in Knox with Ursula, his wife of 58 years. lessly, and unflinchingly served our country MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE and defended our way of life for future gen- Thank you, Senator LUGAR, for recognizing erations. Now, more than 64 years since the a great organization and two outstanding in- DURING ADJOURNMENT end of that Great War, only three million of dividuals. These two men have truly played ENROLLED BILL SIGNED our World War II Veterans walk among us. a part in shaping the America that we know and love today. Under the authority of the order of Even more alarming, we are losing these vet- the Senate of January 6, 2009, the Sec- erans at the rate of 1,000 per day, which is Sincerely, causing their ranks to dwindle at an alarm- SCOTT C. STUMP.∑ retary of the Senate, on October 23, ing rate. Now more than ever, we need to f 2009, during the adjournment of the take pause and recognize these veterans and Senate, received a message from the their contributions to making our great MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT House of Representatives announcing country what she is today. Part of that rec- Messages from the President of the that the Speaker has signed the fol- ognition, the National World War II Monu- United States were communicated to lowing enrolled bill: ment in Washington, DC, was completed and the Senate by Mrs. Neiman, one of his S. 1793. A bill to amend title XXVI of the opened to World War II Veterans and the secretaries. Public Health Service Act to revise and ex- public on 29 April 2004. tend the program for providing life-saving Since its opening, the monument has been f care for those with HIV/AIDS. like a shining star, beckoning to our World EXECUTIVE MESSAGES REFERRED Wax II Veterans. In fact, many of those vet- The enrolled bill was subsequently erans have had a dream of visiting this As in executive session the Presiding signed during the session of the Senate monument erected to the remembrance of Officer laid before the Senate messages by the President pro tempore (Mr. ‘‘The Greatest Generation.’’ Unfortunately, from the President of the United BYRD). due to health, monetary, and other con- States submitting sundry nominations straints, many World War II Veterans have which were referred to the appropriate f been unable to visit ‘‘their’’ Memorial. committees. MESSAGES FROM THE HOUSE In 2005 that all began to change when a (The nominations received today are non-profit organization known as At 2:04 p.m., a message from the ‘‘HonorFlight’’ was born. Several dedicated printed at the end of the Senate pro- individuals had a vision to fly any and all of ceedings.) House of Representatives, delivered by our World War II Veterans to Washington, to f Ms. Brandon, one of its reading clerks, see ‘‘their’’ Memorial, at absolutely no cost announced that the House has passed to the veterans. This wonderful, all volun- NATIONAL EMERGENCY WITH RE- the following bill, in which it requests teer force, began flying in 2005 and flew a SPECT TO THE 2009 H1N1 INFLU- the concurrence of the Senate: ENZA PANDEMIC IN THE UNITED total of 137 Veterans to see the Memorial H.R. 3585. An act to guide and provide for that first year. Now, a brief four years later, STATES—PM 36 United States research, development, and there will be a total of over 42,000 veterans The PRESIDING OFFICER laid be- demonstration of solar energy technologies, who have been able to fulfill their dreams and for other purposes. and wishes of being able to visit Washington, fore the Senate the following message DC and, most importantly, the World War II from the President of the United ENROLLED BILL SIGNED Memorial. States, together with an accompanying The message also announced that the I would like to publicly thank HonorFlight report; which was referred to the Com- Speaker has signed the following en- and their network of dedicated volunteers mittee on Banking, Housing, and rolled bill: for all of their efforts in making dreams Urban Affairs: H.R. 2647. An act to authorize appropria- come true. I am truly humbled to be a small To the Congress of the United States: tions for fiscal year 2010 for military activi- part of such a great organization. ties of the Department of Defense, for mili- On this date, I would also like to recognize Pursuant to section 201 of the Na- tary construction, and for defense activities two very special World War II Veterans who tional Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1621), of the Department of Energy, to prescribe are about to embark on a very special jour- I hereby report that I have exercised military personnel strengths for such fiscal ney to Washington, DC. These two Hoosiers, my authority to declare a national year, and for other purposes. both from the fertile farmlands of Starke emergency in order to be prepared in County, answered their call to serve their The enrolled bill was subsequently country long ago, and in so doing served with the event of a rapid increase in illness signed by the President pro tempore honor, dignity, and courage. across the Nation that may overburden (Mr. BYRD). Harvey H. Hammerlund was born on 21 De- health care resources. This declaration cember 1924 in rural Knox, Indiana. Harvey will allow the Secretary of Health and At 5:19 p.m., a message from the was a farm boy who enlisted in The United Human Services, if necessary, to tem- House of Representatives, delivered by States Navy on 4 January 1944. Harvey porarily waive certain standard Fed- Mrs. Cole, one of its reading clerks, an- served on The U.S.S. Urben 631 as an elec- eral requirements in order to enable nounced that the House has passed the trician. Harvey spent the remainder of the U.S. health care facilities to imple- war traversing the hostile enemy-laden following bill, in which it requests the South Pacific. Mr. Hammerlund was dis- ment emergency operations plans to concurrence of the Senate: charged on 23 March 1946 at the rank of 3rd deal with the 2009 H1N1 influenza pan- H.R. 3619. An act to authorize appropria- Class Petty Officer. Harvey returned home demic in the United States. A copy of tions for the Coast Guard for fiscal year 2010, and was a farmer for the remainder of his my proclamation is attached. and for other purposes.

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