TUESDAY January 15, 2019 BARTOW COUNTY’S ONLY DAILY NEWSPAPER 75 CENTS $300M Vineyard Park anticipates 2019 groundbreaking BY JAMES SWIFT nection is would be the third Zimmerman is no stranger to ability to maybe take some of the
[email protected] phase.” mixed-use developments of the multifamily and densify our vil- Zimmerman gave an update on sort. Among other projects, he’s lage, put some residential in the vil- While the final build-out may the development at a Cartersville- been involved with The Battery lage,” Zimmerman said. “A little, take a decade, the real estate firm Bartow County Chamber of Com- project at Suntrust Park and the tiny town, if you will.” behind the proposed 155-acre merce event Monday morning. It Cumberland and Town Center Right now, he said at least 300 Vineyard Park mixed-use develop- buffers Red Top Mountain Road community improvement district units are planned for the property. ment in Emerson expects ground- and is positioned in between Inter- (CID) projects in Cobb County. “This is under contract to a com- work on the project to get started state 75 and Waterside Drive . The conceptual site plan for the pany called Wilwat, and we have a before the year is over. “You’ve got a powerful corridor project includes at least two hotels number of other people that are in- “The first phase, that we want to with two interstate interchanges — including one with more than terested as well,” Zimmerman said. begin this year, is the Red Top and a mile of frontage,” Zimmer- 200 rooms — and the possibility of “Millennial housing, garden-style, Mountain Road front door frontage man said.