THE DEVELOPMENT OF DIGITAL TELEVISION STYLIANOS IN GREECE PAPATHANASSOPOULOS Abstract 108 - The development of digital television in Greece is in Stylianos Papathanassopoulos its infancy. In eff ect, there is no digital cable TV, while the is Professor at the Faculty of public broadcaster, ERT, has only recently started digi- Communication and Media tal transmissions on the terrestrial frequencies. On the Studies at the National and contrary, digital satellite television has presented some Kapodistrian University of development, but this is due to the only pay-TV operator Athens; e-mail: in Greece, Nova – after a wounded digital war with an early
[email protected]. competitor, Alpha Digital. However, total pay-TV penetra- tion, both analogue and digital, is less than nine per cent of TV households, one of the lowest pay-TV penetration rates in Europe. This paper will try to discuss the develop- ment of digital television in Greece. It will trace the players, the economics and the politics associated with this new television medium, and it will argue that the domestic Vol.14 (2007), No. 1, pp. 93 1, pp. (2007), No. Vol.14 market, due to its size and peculiarities, is diffi cult to create the needed economies of scale of the development of digital television. 93 Introduction Political, social and economic conditions, population and cultural traits, physical and geographical characteristics usually infl uence the development of the media in specifi c countries, and give their particular characteristics. An additional factor, which may need to be considered for a bett er understanding of media structures, is that of media consumption and the size of a market.