Wintringham Beck
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The Plain Knapton Grits Earthwork Brow Plantation Keld Beck Foulis Plantation Middle Fish Pond Knapton Grits West Heslerton Brow West Heslerton Wold Chalk Pit Rillington Manor Staple Howe West Heslerton Brow Knapton Gravel Pit Scampston Park The Plain N Keld Beck Knapton Wood Abbey Plantation Knapton Wood L Plantation Knapton Brow Park Plantation Scampston Bridge Spinney Fields Lodge Plantation Sands Wood Knapton Brow Sands Park Plantation Farm High Fish Pond Rectory Farm House Blakey Beck Knapton Wood Firs Plantation Scampston Park W E Earthwork Mill Stream Mill Plantation Eastfield Farm West Heslerton Wold Rillington Beck Knapton Brow West Heslerton Wold Deer Park South Farm Earthwork Scampston Mill Farm East Field Wold Farm West Heslerton Wold Mill Pond Rillington West Farm S North East Farm Farm East Heslerton Wold Church Farm West Field Old Dale The Linton Mill Lutton Lane Plantation Westgate Farm Deep Dale Belt High Fields Wintringham Beck Deep Dale Cottage Pasture Earthwork West Field East Field Outgang Plantation West Heslerton Wold West Field Rillington Beck Lutton Lane Plantation High Fields Cottage Pasture West Heslerton Wold Beech Tree Farm Earthwork Wintringham Beck Deep Dale The Lowlands Deep Dale Plantation Willow Garth Plantation Holly Tree Farm Inlow Hill West Heslerton Wold East Heslerton Wold Old Dale Walnut Tree Farm Thorndale Farm East Heslerton Wold Church Farm Wintringham Rillington Beck Bassett House Thorpe Bassett Village Farm Cliff Closes Ling Hall Farm Park Farm Grange Garth Scally Moor Plantation Cattle Farm Scardale Plantation Wintringham Beck Manor Kirk Dale House Farm Rillington Beck Scar Dale Spanton's Plantation Milbank House Old Dale The Park Thorpe Basset Wold Fish Pond Plantation Noleaf Plantation East Heslerton Wold East Heslerton Wold Cliff Closes Scar Dale Spanton's Plantation The Park Keld Beck Scardale Plantation West Heslerton Wold Whin Moor Willows Plantation New Bield Tumulus Pits Plantation Rillington Beck Earthwork Keld Beck Head Wood Dale Whin Valley Shardale The Park Milburn Fields Milburn Fields Home Farm Whin Valley Plantation Bardales Tumulus Thorpe Basset Wold Spring Farm Place Newton Whin Valley Newton Lady Hills Old Dale Peacock Farm Mill Pond Plantation Bardales Plantation Oak Plantation Linton Wold Newton Beck Earthwork Newton Dale Ladyhills Plantation Linton Wold Green Plantation Becks Plantation Ladyhills Newton Dale Haver Dale Linton Wold Blenkins Newton Dale Scagglethorpe Brow Throstle Nest Plantation Green Plantation Scagglethorpe Brow Haverdale Hill Plantation Earthwork Becks Plantation Blenkins Black Plantation Whin Moor Rillington Reservoir Newton Beck Blenkins Earthwork Rowgate Rookdale Newton Thorns Brock Pits Haver Dale Linton Wold Thorpe Bassett Wold Linton Wold Oak Plane Plantation Thorpe Bassett Brow South Dale Linton Wold Earthwork (course of) Many Thorns Plantation Stack Hills Haverdale Plantation Newton Beck Stack Hills Thorpe Bassett Brow Thorpe Bassett Brow Moor Dale Linton Broom Linton Wold Earthwork Linton Broom Haver Dale Beacon Wold Broom Field South Wold Plantation Wintringham Thorpe Bassett Wold Rowgate Plantations Town Wold Town Wold Ashen Dale Haverdale House Town Wold Town Wold Broom Farm Beacon Wold Thorpe South Wold Plantation Bassett Wold Clews Dale Rowgate Plantations Broom Field Moor Dale Town Wold Settrington Beacon Linton Leys Settrington Beacon Service Reservoir Tumulus Wold House Earthwork Fizgig Hole Plantation South Wold Plantation Linton Wold Moor Dale Linton Wold Thirkleby Broom Thorpe Bassett Wold Linton Wold Earthwork Rayslack House Linton Leys Wintringham South Wold Farm Linton Wold Tumuli Wardale Fizgig Hole Thirkleby Warren Thirkleby Leys Settrington Reservoir (covered) Tumulus Earthwork High Mowthorpe Plantations Linton Whins Crook Dale High Bellmanear The Kelds Tumulus Peak End Clump High Mowthorpe Plantations Linton Wold TG - Wintringham Fizgig Hill Thirkleby Leys High Mowthorpe Plantations Earthworks Linton Wold Earthworks West Lutton Field Thirkleby Broom Crook Dale Polling District BoundaryLinton Wold Linton Wold Tumulus Screed Plantation Tumulus Low Bellmanear This material has been reproduced from Ordnance Survey digital map data with the permission of the Controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. © Crown copyright. 1:30000 on A4 Sewage Works Unauthorised reproduction infringes Crown Copyright and may lead to prosecution or Civil Proceedings. Ryedale District Council Licence No. 0100019406 2011 Nine Spring Dale Thirkleby Rattle Gypsey Race Settrington Wood Manor Farm.