MI-BEST Workshop 1 JUNE 3 RD, 2020 8:30AM-12:30PM ZOOM Precious Miller Erica Orians Jenny Schanker Coordinator of MI-BEST Executive Director Director of Research and Institutional Practice

MI-BEST Project Leadership Facilitators Rob Johnstone, National Center for Inquiry and Improvement Priya Chaplot, National Center for Inquiry and Improvement Katie Giardello, Center for Student Success Paige Eagan, Kalamazoo Valley Community College Chris Baldwin, Public Policy Association Nathan Venske, Agenda Welcome and Overview of MI-BEST and MI-BEST BINGO Break Perspectives on Community College Students and Economic Stability Break Virtual Table Conversations Session 1 Transition Virtual Table Conversation Session 2 Team Time Wrap up and Next Steps ENGAGEMENT CHAT TO ASK QUESTIONS RAISE HAND TO SPEAK AND SHARE RESOURCES MI-BEST BINGO Jamboard tutorial Follow the link in the chat to open the MI- BEST BINGO MI-BEST BINGO Follow the link in the chat to open the MI- BEST BINGO

Add your institution’s name on the BINGO card Breakout Sessions We will have breakout sessions at 10am & 11am. Please change your name to indicate the breakout room number you would like to attend. 1. Executive leadership and MI-BEST 2. Summer Activities that can Support Student Experiences in the Fall 3. Listening to Students 4. MiBridges 5. The Role of Faculty in MI-BEST 6. Connecting Your College with Community Resources Most Challenging Non-Academic Barriers to Student Success (n=21 institutions) Statement of Need

5.5 5.29 5.14 4.67

3.48 2.9


Income and Food, Household Transportation Housing and Utilities Childcare Healthcare Legal and Tax Employment Goods, and Clothing 7






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0 Analyzing data Training to faculty Campus culture Focus groups Integrating non- Connecting with Partner with Food pantry or a hub and staff academic supports community MiBridges organizations Technical Assistance Needs Current Practices Current practices and technical assistance needs (n=21 institutions) BINGO! MI-BEST Project Goals

Goal 2: Integrate Goal 1: Understand Goal 3: Share best economic stability the needs of students practices across practices in student and the community Michigan supports • FSSOAA • FSSOAA • Student Success Summit • Focus groups • MiBridges • Convenings • Trellis Financial Wellness • United Ways and • Coaching and mentoring Survey community networks • Reports and publications • ALICE Report

www.michiganbest.org BINGO! MI-BEST Project Partners National Center for Inquiry and Improvement Michigan Association of United Ways Public Policy Associates Trellis Research Michigan Department of Health and Human Services AACC’s Voluntary Framework of Accountability Coleman Evaluation MI-BEST Project Timeline

January 2020 webinars coaching mentoring

convenings workshops training June 2022 Mid Michigan College Bay College Montcalm Community College Monroe County Community College Glen Oaks Community College Gogebic Community College Muskegon Community College MI-BEST Grand Rapids Community College North College Participating Northwestern Michigan College Colleges Jackson College Oakland Community College Kalamazoo Valley Community College Kirtland Community College St. Clair County Community College Washtenaw Community College Lansing Community College Wayne County Community College District West Shore Community College MI-BEST Mentors

Paige Eagan, Kalamazoo Valley Community College Nathan Venske, Jackson College

Contact Precious Miller at [email protected] to learn more about becoming a mentor or arrange for your college team to meet with one of our mentors. BINGO Results/ Process 15 minute Break Perspectives on Community College Students and Economic Stability Priya Chaplot, National Center for Inquiry and Improvement Nicole Hatter, Lake Michigan College Sue Boyd, Macomb County Community College Jeremy Belanger, Bay College 15 minute Break Breakout Session 1: Rename yourself to indicate the breakout session number you would like to attend 1. Executive leadership and MI-BEST 2. Summer Activities that can Support Student Experiences in the Fall 3. Listening to Students 4. MiBridges 5. The Role of Faculty in MI-BEST 6. Connecting Your College with Community Resources Breakout Session 2: Rename yourself to indicate the breakout session number you would like to attend 1. Executive leadership and MI-BEST 2. Summer Activities that can Support Student Experiences in the Fall 3. Listening to Students 4. MiBridges 5. The Role of Faculty in MI-BEST 6. Connecting Your College with Community Resources Team Time: Organizing Year 1 What are 3-4 of the college’s biggest challenges (see FSSOAA Appendix A) Where will you want to focus your attention during the next year? What are 2-3 supporting and mentoring needs as you scale your practices? Next Steps 1. Register for upcoming events 1. MiBest Project Lead Touch Base (July 8) 2. Trauma Informed Advising (July 15) 3. Meet ALICE (July 29) 2. Prepare to administer the Student Financial Wellness survey in October 2020 3. Complete MiBridges Navigation Partner and Referral Partner 4. Contact Precious to be connected with a mentor or to take advantage of coaching sessions with NCII References and Resources www.michiganbest.org MDHHS Community Partnership: https://www.michigan.gov/mdhhs/0,5885,7-339- 71551_82637_82640---,00.html Trellis: https://www.trelliscompany.org/research/trellis-company-student-financial-wellness- survey/ National Center for Inquiry and Improvement: http://ncii-improve.com/ MCCA Coronavirus/COVID19 Resources: mcca.org/https://www.mcca.org/coronavirus Thank you!