What was it like to be a knight?


467AD 1066 1090 1310 1645 1453

Medieval period begins First Motte and Bailey is built. Skipton Castle is re-built Lady Anne Clifford Medieval period ends built by the as a stone castle. takes ownership of Normans The Clifford family inherit Skipton castle. the castle. Key Vocabulary Famous figures Motte and From the French words mound and Lady Anne Clifford (1590-1676) Bailey enclosed land. It is a wooden castle Born at Skipton Castle, 30th on a raised piece of earth. January, 1590, the daughter of Portcullis A gate that hangs above the entrance George Clifford, she was the last to a castle and can be lowered to Clifford to own Skipton Castle. She protect those inside from enemies. fought for her rights and for the Battlements A wall around the top of a castle with King's cause in the Civil War, when Skipton Castle withstood a three Skipton castle is a castle in square spaces in it that the people in years siege. North . the castle can shoot through. Drawbridge A bridge that can be raised or

lowered to protect a castle from Facts attack. • A castle is where a lord, lady Turret A small, circular tower that is built on or noble like a prince can top of a wall or other tower. live. Moat Water that surrounds the castle to • They used to use earth and protect it from enemies. wood to build castles, now Knight A man that wore armour and stone is used because it is protected the lord or lady of the stronger. castle. • Castles were usually built on hills so enemies could be seen