Neptune City Ported Battling Tribal Warriors Precautionary Measure Backing the Secessionist Move There
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Distribution Vtit, wano and homld today «»lwljht High ^MtW, Low Today Fair tomorrow, high to S«e wertter and tfdw 15,450 BY CARRIER limed Dally, Monday through Friday, entered ai Second Clasi Matter 7c PER COPY VOLUME 82, NO. 271 at th» Po« Olllca at Red Bank, K. J., under the Act o[ March 3, 1879. RED BANK, N. J., TUESDAY, AUGUST 30, 1960 35c PER WEEK PAGE ONE Knee Injury Lumumba Faces NewFire Causes $1 Million Stops Nixon Challenge ELISABETHVILLE, The Con 10 (AP) — Congo Premier Pa- rice Lumumba faced a new Hospitalization Is Called :hallenge, today in Kasai prov- nce, where his soldiers were re- Damage in Neptune City ported battling tribal warriors Precautionary Measure backing the secessionist move there. WASHINGTON (AP) - Vice was a precautionary measure to U.N. forces meanwhile planned prevent any possible permanent to take over control today of Seven Shops Are President Richard M. Nixon is Belgium's big Kamina military hospitalized with a knee infection, njury to the knee. Nixon is to keep off his feet, base in Katanga province. The but plans to keep busy working but is not expected to be cW ast of the Belgian combat troops out campaign schedules and fined to bed. He is in the hospi- U the base were pulling out for Burned Out speeches he will use when he tal's spacious presidential suite, lome or the neighboring trustee- gets out in about two weeks. where President Eisenhower re- ship territory of Ruanda-Urundi, NEPTUNE CITY—Defective wiring in an exterior cuperated from two major Ill- 3ut several hundred Belgian Nixon was admitted to Walter nesses. ,rmy maintenance men were to neon sign was blamed today for a $1 million fire dur- Reed Army Hospital yester- remain until Belgian equipment day for antibiotic treatment of The unexpected change of plans ing the night which swept more than half of the 17 which caught both Republicans s removed. his left knee, injured when he Under an agreement between tores of the Neptune City Shopping Center on Rt. 35. bumped an automobile door on aand Democrats by surprise, forc- ed cancellation of a number of he U.N. forces and the Belgian An estimated 10,000 persons were attracted to campaign trip to Greensboro, government, only U.N. troops N. C, Aug. 17. appearances the vice president the scene by the flames and dense smoke, causing a had arranged for the next two vill be allowed to use Kamina's His press secretary, Herbert G. weeks. 100 million dollars worth of fa- large traffic jam for hours. More than 100 regular Klein, said the hospitalization Nixon had kept a series of ap-cilities, including one of the big- •and reserve police from pointments yesterday and alges- t runways in Africa. The idea' this borough and surround- is to keep Lumumba's troops though he mentioned the injury, ing towns were pressed in- Keansburg he had said it would not inter 'rom using the base as an invas- Avon Fire fere with his campaigning. He ion point against Katanga's se- to service. told newsmen the skin on his knee cessionist premier, Moise Tshom- The blaze spread through To Complete was broken and a lump had be. 11 stores after it was discovered News of the fighting in Kasai Damage Is formed. at 9:30 p. in. More than 300 >vas as confused as most re- Tests Made volunteer firemen from 17 Shore 12 Streets Tests made after fluid was ports out of the chaotic Congo area companies brought morj withdrawn from the knee Satur- in recent weeks. $225,000 than 30 pieces of apparatus to KEANSBURG — At least 12 day disclosed what Klein said the Kasai premier Pascual Ngalula the scene and stayed on the spot streets in the borough's 21-street doctors called "hemolytic staphy told the Belgian news agency thai AVON — Just as the Neplunejfjve hours. Baluba tribesmen had counter- improvement project will be com- lococcus auerus." City Shopping Center $1 million pleted this year, C. Bernard attacked with bows, arrows and Damaged Stores This is an organism that caus- fire was being brought under Blum, borough manager, said pears against several hundred Seven shops were destroyed. es infection destroying red blooi control at 2:40 a. m. today a The A & P Supermarket, W. T. yesterday. cells. Sometimes called the "gol-Congolese Army troops who thrust into Kasai's rebellious blaze of unknown origin broke Grant Co., Miller's Seif-Service Drainage work has been com den bug," it sometimes is diffi out in an electronics plant a! department store, Kinney Shoes pleted on most of the streets, cult to treat with antibiotic drugs, "mining state" Arga three days ago and captured its capital, SPOT OF ORIGIN—Part of the army of firemen called to the Neptune City Shop- 406 Main St. here, causing an Co., Bilow Liquors, Orchid Dry according to Mr. Blum. If it is confined to the skin o! $225,000 damage and Cleaners and Laundromat and the knee, experts said it wouli Bakwanga. ping Center $1 million blaze last night pour water on Kinney Shoe Co. store where estimated Contractor for the project is putting 150 persons out of work. luncheonette. the Manzo Contracting Co., Mat-not be serious. But if it reached But authorities in nearby Ka- •fire is reported to have broken out in exterior neon lighting. the knee joint it could be more tanga said any talk of a counter- Fire Chief Thomas Gagen said Grant's suffered extensive wa- awan. The firm submitted the a dozen persons were routed]ter and smoke damage and Lig- serious. If it invaded the blood- offensive by the tribal warriors low bid of $171,762 early last gett's Drugs, Loft's Candies, and stream it would carry with it po-was propaganda put out by thi from nearby apartments as month. a greeting card store were dam- i, lung, kid- anti-Lumumba leaders seekin, Escape Costs flames fanned through the hugo Included in resurfacing plans aped by smoke. ney or liver damage. recognition of their independenci Leg Amputated Scavicw Electronics Co. are the following streets: Bay- movement. Three firemen and a spectator The estimate of a million-dol- view, Fairview, Grandview, Pine- It was reported that Klein, whc did not announce Nixon's hos- However, a Katanga military Man $500 required treatment at Fitkin lar loss came from Acting Po- view and Seaview Aves., Church station monitored a radio appeal Shark Victim Is In Fair Conditioi Hospital, Neptune. lice Chief Edward Schumacher St., Harding Ave., Leola Ave., pitalization until four hours aft KEANSBURG — A prisoner er it occurred, had some diffi from Bakwanga to Leopoldvillc Chief Gagan said more than and other borough officials. Willis PI., Willis Ave., Moran who escaped barefoot from the NEPTUNE—Shark victim John Miss Filoramo was with him culty in convicing the doctors ti asking for transport to fly ou 12 fire companies, and more than Spared from the fire were the PI., Palmer PI., Wood St., Eu- 10 wounded men. This seemec local jail for a few hours on Brodeur of Jersey City has had to encourage him. agree to publication of their di : 200 men, many diverted from tile two biRpest units of the Iwo-year clid Ave., Beacon Light Ave., Aug. 8, paid handsomely for his his right leg amputated at the The Coast Guard station at agnosis. to support reports of violence ir j^ Jy^ Citrju/firv firoe area, battled old center, Gibbs Furniture Co. Crescent St., Ramsey Ave., See- short-lived freedom yesterday. |Gloucester reported yearterday , Klein was said to have insistei the area. knee. thchh?( which kopt hnsp tnam5 and Two Guys from Harrison. ley Ave., Myrtle Ave., Manning Magistrate Seymour Klein- ; Innlhat aa sllarcharkk or\rr shark enarucs halindn bce hnon n ' ... that everything possible be toll Lumumba's invasion of Kasa He is in fair condition at Fit-! on the iob until after seven a. m. Built with them in a separate PI. and Lincoln Ave. berg fined Hie man—Michael secn in 1 about Nixon's ailment—a stam previously had been virtual!} kin Hospital after yesterday's op-j "PI " Delaware Bay. Seaview and a companion section nf the center were a Anchiaro, 115 Brunswick St., A Streets not completed by thcthat White..House Press Seen bloodless, with no serious fighl eration which his doctor. Dr.!., Coast Guard spokesman said company. Air Marine Corp., oc-jCheckor nrnthers Store, an All end of 1960 will be repaired next ing reported. Jersey City, 5150 for his Charles Samaha, Asbury Park, that it was unusual for a shark cupy the 150x150 foot square State Insurance Co. officeffi , a tary James C. Hagerty took whei trouble. to be found in an area where year. President Eisenhower three time; With the Congolese troops said was necessary "to conserve concrete block building between youth center and paint store. Anchiaro broke through a I the water is basically fresh. f was stricken seriously. Kasai reportedly planning to in Brodeur's life." Garficld and Sylvania Aves. These six places are valued a wire mesh screen on a window (See NIXON Pg. 2) vade Katanga in an effort tc I There was a shark scare at Both companies are owned by more than S1.5 million. in the "bull pen" in the cellar Brodeur's financee. Miss Jean Says Story crush Tshombe's resistance t( ..., ,Bay Head. Theodore F.ilev. They nroduce Flames were first discovered of police headquarters. the rule of Lumumba's centra Filoramo, 22, a Jersey City - - electronic dev'fes for the U.Sin.