www.thepeninsulaqatar.com CAMPUS | 3 COMMUNITY | 6 ENTERTAINMENT | 122 Match Day success for Corporate Cricket Playing Dhoni was WCM-Q’s future League to celebrate a ‘challenge’ for doctors Labour Day Rajput THURSDAY 31 MARCH 2016 Email:
[email protected] thepeninsulaqatar @peninsulaqatar @peninsula_qatar P | 4-5 ART FIGHTS RACISM Nastassja E Swift is showcasing 12 pieces of her work at ‘I Keep Repeating It Over & Over In My Head’ being exhibited as part of Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar (VCUQatar)’s Artists in Residence programme. THURSDAY 31 MARCH 2016 | 03 CAMPUS QU-CENG holds workshop on sustainable urbanism banism from the perspective of social er of Social Ecologies Nance Klehm. sciences, and to highlight the role of They discussed topics related to “Sus- the community in shaping and manag- tainability Paradigms and Future Cit- ing sustainable cities. ies”, “Sustainable City Building: An In- DAUP head Dr Yasser Mahjoub ter-disciplinary Research Agenda In- gave the welcoming remarks followed formed by High Calibre City Data” and by Ambassador of Switzerland Etienne “The Ground Rules: Reconnecting Soil Thevoz, and QNRF director of So- and Soul”. cial Sciences, Arts and Humanities Dr The program focused on 3 topics: Michael Reksulak. “Sustainable Urbanism: New Paradigms”, Also attending were Education Pro- “Sustainable Urbanism & The Social Sci- gramme Specialist at Unesco Doha Of- ences”, and “Urban Data and Urban In- fice Dr Anwar Alsaid, faculty from QU dicators for Sustainability”. It comprised Gulf Studies Program, College of Engi- 3 sessions delivered by experts from neering and Social and Economic Sur- Qatar, Holland, UAE, United Kingdom, vey Research Institute, researchers USA, Finland, Italy and Canada.