PRESENT: Cllr Steve Clarke, Cllr Dru Drury, Cllr Fooks, Cllr Parish, Cllr Spicer Short, Cllr J Dragon, Cllr N Dragon, Cllr Haywood, Cllr Marshallsay

There were six members of the public present.

PUBLIC HALF HOUR. Members of the Chamber of Commerce attended to voice their concerns regarding proposals set out for the West Street Car Park in the Parking and Traffic Study which was published with the Agenda. They asked what is happening and what are the plans for the West Street car park? The Council responded that they are looking at parking in the village with a complete blank sheet and have looked at all possible scenarios. The study paper is being presented to the Council for discussion and no proposals have yet been discussed, decided or tested for feasibility. There is a suggestion of, in the long term, closing the West Street car park but this is one possible scenario and is by no means a firm or immediate proposal. The representatives of the Chamber of Commerce accepted this and asserted they would not support any closure of the West Street car park unless there was an equally convenient, or better alternative. Dr Lepper made a written representation setting out how essential the car park is to the surgery in West Street. Sophie Dixon also made a written representation against making any changes to the current parking arrangements in West Street and West Street car park.

On behalf of the Council, Cllr Clarke expressed condolences to the relatives of Cllr Mike Lovell who has passed away. Cllr Lovell was a committed and diligent Cllr who regularly attended meetings as a District and County Councillor and always spoke up for the area.

Cllr Clarke reported that the Government have approved the proposed re arrangement of the Health Service and the A+E at Poole Hospital will be downgraded to an urgent Care Centre which will not be have consultants available nor be able to deal with trauma or serious incidents.

Cllr Clarke expressed the Councils condolences to Cllr Cherry Brooks for the recent loss of her father.

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Cllr M Platts, Cllr D Grinsted

2. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST AND DISPENSATIONS. The Council adopted the Code of Conduct set out on the Communities and Local Government website at the 10th September 2012 Meeting (Page 155, para 3.7). Declarations of Interests have been received from all Councillors. All Councillors are granted a dispensation to set the Precept. Both Cllr Clarke and Cllr J Dragon declared a pecuniary interest in item 7 as they are business owners and any changes to parking may have an impact on their business. Both Councillors had applied for a dispensation to participate and vote on the matter and the Clerk had granted both.

3. TO CONFIRM THE MINUTES OF THE LAST MEETING. The minutes of the meeting on the 9th December 2019 were proposed to be a true record or proceedings by Cllr Dru Drury, this was seconded by Cllr Haywood and all agreed. The minutes were signed.

4. COUNCILLOR’S REPORT. Cllr Brooks apologised to the Council that she had recently had to cancel a walk- about in the village with the director of place, Jonathan Sellgren. The meeting will be rescheduled as soon as possible.



Dorset Council had considered their budget and they propose to increase funding for adult social care and children’s services, this is set to keep in pace with rapidly increasing demand. The Council no longer receive a revenue support grant from central government and next year’s budget does include multimillion-pound savings. The budget was set with a 3.996% increase (2% in line with government recommendation and 2% is what the Council need to keep running). In the future they want to see more invest to save and cost cutting. The Climate emergency panel have met to discuss single use plastics and how to reduce these throughout the Dorset Council operations. The reports arising will go forward to scrutiny on the 30th Jan and will then be presented to cabinet. There is a supplementary planning policy document re. protecting areas of heathland in Dorset. The consultation runs until the 3rd of February. The Council are promoting helping a neighbour with your winter fuel payments. Some people do not feel they need their winter fuel allowance and they can donate it to someone in need through the CAB, or the Dorset Community Foundation. Cllr N Dragon asked was there progress on Norden, Cllr Brooks said she will chase it up. A press release is planned to promote Purbeck Park. Cllr Parish asked Cllr Brooks about a recent planning committee meeting at which Cllrs had voted against a development in Lulworth. Cllr Brooks confirmed this was the case. A developer on another site had gone to appeal regarding the second homes policy and this had been upheld by the Inspector from planning services on the basis there had been challenges to the second homes policy. Following that the Lulworth development had requested an appeal and the Councillors had unanimously voted to object as the development would cause a detrimental effect to the village. They wanted to send a message that they did not want developments which will be detrimental to villages and communities. They do not yet know if this has been upheld. 5. NATIONAL TRUST REPORT. James Gould announced the National Trust is celebrating 125 years. This is being promoted with illuminations on the keep. Tracy Churcher has started as General Manager for Purbeck. She will attend a meeting once she has settled in. The trust have plans to imminently start tree work across Purbeck. Some targeted areas have not previously been worked on and the new works are part of their re-zoning in the countryside project. Jen, the trust engagement officer is working on the Purbeck Beaver Feasibility project; exploring introducing Eurasian Beavers to the Purbeck Landscape. A meeting is being held in Corfe on Monday 24th February and in Stoborough on Monday 27th February. The robing room scaffolding should be coming down soon once the work has been signed off by the building inspector. Cllr N Dragon asked were there works to be done inside the room? No, it is just remedial work inside as far as James is aware. Cllr N Dragon also asked what are the NT’s plans for tree planting in the area? Action: James to report back to the Council regarding the NT’s plans for tree planting? Cllr Fooks thanked James for the gravel in the gate at the top of the halves. She asked if there was any update on the kissing gates in the Halves and making them more accessible? There was no update. Cllr Fooks asked about progress on the tap in the allotment. James reported the process has been delayed trying to ascertain who owns the bank in front of the allotments and without knowing this permission can’t be granted to dig it up. Cllr Fooks reported there had been an incident with horses escaping from the Common. The gate is not latching sufficiently or springing back. She requested can this be actioned as a matter of urgency and can additional signage be installed stating the importance of shutting the gate. Cllr Spicer Short asked could the hedging along Kingston Hill and other roadsides be cut back please? It is thick with bramble and blackthorn and needs to be done in the window where there are no nesting birds. Cllr Clarke requested an update on the car charging point at Castle view. James advised this is still in progress. Action: James to follow up on securing the gates on the common and increasing signage. 6. CLERKS REPORT a) MATTERS ARISING AND UPDATES ON ACTIONS TAKEN



6a1. Action: James to feedback to Mark Singleton about the inadequacy of bollards on the Arne Road.- No update. 6a2. A list of actions needs to be circulated about 6a.6. To clarify who should be doing what. 6a3. Cllr Fooks to liaise with the Clerk to reduce cost of website- The website is up for renewal in May so we will look at this in March- April 6a4. The Clerk enquired if there is any proposal for price increases in the Station Road parking permits and reported back to Council; there is no plan to increase prices. Cllr N Dragon Commented that the PC’s resident parking spaces will now be more expensive. Cllr Brooks advised there is a scheme to harmonise parking charges across Dorset Council owned carparks. 6a5.The Council would like to pursue their own tree replacement policy –The Clerk has found the motion proposed by LMPC at the DAPTC AGM 2019 :Trees Parish Council propose that DAPTC lobby Dorset Council to amend its Planning Policy (in accordance with Revised NPPF Feb 2019 Clause 175) to the effect that in all construction developments, the felling of any mature Native British Species (NBS) tree will only be allowed as a last resort, and then only if it is replaced (at developer expense) with a minimum of three (3) NBS tree saplings, container grown from a credited source, and be no less than 3.5m tall. Should the construction site in question be unable to accommodate such a number, a suitable alternative site will be identified within the Parish where the development is taking place. This was adopted and taken forward by DAPTC. 6a6. The Playground working group are to meet and decide on a provisional plan of what is to be installed. To report back at the January or February meeting. – The group will report back at the Feb meeting 6a7. The Clerk has submitted the Council’s response to the Dorset Plan as resolved, it was also CC’d to the leader of Dorset council and Cllr Alford. 6a8. The Clerk has investigated the transfer of land at Gods Acre and liaised with Gill Sellen- The Clerk has been in touch with Gill and the Land Registry office. The search has come back that the land is not registered so the next step is to formerly transfer the land and register it. The Clerk has a meeting with Gill scheduled for next week to discuss procedures. 6a9. The Clerk has written to Dorset Council to ask that the job of installing signage for Purbeck Park be done properly and that all signs are replaced. A response has been circulated. Cllr Spicer Short advised there is still one small sign up. 6a10. Finger posts: The Clerk has made enquires and costed the replacement parts for the Rempstone Finger post, £560, and the Kingston Finger post £492. One volunteer has also come forward. CPRE are going to advise how much grant funding they will offer towards the repair and maintenance.

6.b FINANCIAL MATTERS and PAYMENTS FOR APPROVAL 6b 1. Gods Acre refuse disposal. The Council have been offered a reduction on the price currently paid for the fortnightly Gods Acre Refuse Collections. 240 ltr bin reduced from £12.25 to £10.50 per lift. 360ltr bin reduced from £14.25 to 12.50 per lift. This will give a reduction of £7 on our average monthly bill and approx £91 over the year. On this basis the Council are happy to proceed with a service agreement for one year from April 2020 with Veolia.


Clerks pay and expenses at £986.8 less pension 1762 ALISON BURNETT 930.92 contribution and NI deductions 1763 HMRC National Insurance Contributions 69.10 dd NEST Pension contribution 37.98 1764 JD FACILITIES Cleaning of toilets 646.01



Ecotricity- Paid to Alison Burnett as She paid for it 1765 Ecotricity --Electricity 1 nov- 2nd dec 27.85 on her Debit Card- late payment 1766 DAPTC Councillors Seminar 140.00 1766 DAPTC Budgets and Precepts- Clerks Course 60.00 dd BRITISH TELECOM phone and broadband 47.76 1767 Ecotricity Electricity 2nd dec - 1st Jan 35.46 Veolia acquired Wareham and Purbeck Skip Hires 1768 VEOLIA Wheelie bin contracts, price the same but paying 95.40 Veolia. 1769 Lowther Forestry LTD Grass cutting Sept-Dec 600.00

Total £2690.48 It was proposed by Cllr Dru Drury to approve all payments, this was seconded by Cllr Fooks and all were in favour.

Paid in; Interest (Interest Account) .59p , Interest (Redwood Account) £41.52 Grass cutting contribution- Corfe Castle Sports Trust £ Bank Balances – 30/12/2019 ( not including payments withdrawn) 0162368 £15,345.62 0289201 £22,940.17 Redwood Bank £35,184.46 Total balance £73,470.25

7. CONSIDERATION OF PARKING AND TRAFFIC STUDY (SEE APPENDIX A). The Traffic and Parking working group had been asked by the Council to prepare a study or parking arrangements in the village. This can be viewed in full on the website. It is a document that explores many potential alternatives for parking and is a basis for discussion; none of the suggestions have been endorsed or approved by the Council, nor the group itself. Cllr Clarke thanked the group for all the work they had done and Cllr Dru Drury presented the paper. Cllr Dru Drury gave an overview of the report. The introduction presents the background national situation with cars and the visitor numbers we experience in Corfe, it then goes on to discuss historic parking and traffic studies. Cllr Dru Drury stressed there is a huge amount of work to do before any of the suggestions could be implemented should the Council wish to take them forward. The next step after this discussion will be to liaise with Dorset Council to discuss feasibility. He stressed none on of the proposals were costed and no funding had been allocated with the exception of Norden. Proposal were as follows; Norden and West Street Parking • We concentrate parking at Norden. This requires: Expansion of the space available at Norden Provision of viable footpaths and cycle way from Norden to the village. Provision of a shuttle bus service Provision of travel by the Railway with a cheap ticket from Norden to Corfe • Action by Dorset Council to push the Norden project forward.



• We explore the use of Station Road for parking, depending on developing a satisfactory way to enter and exit Station Road. • We consider using the coal yard for parking and request Dorset Council to reserve it for this purpose. • Once a suitable alternative is available in Station Road and the coal yard, we consider ceasing to use the West Street car park for public visitor parking, but retaining spaces for surgery, disabled, and resident parking. • The crossing lights outside the Village Store be altered to include access to and from Station Road and the Square. • We investigate providing enhanced enforcement, possibly by employing our own warden. • We alter parking in the Square to allow more space for people to sit. • We request Dorset Council to consider the impact of heavy traffic movement through Corfe before approving any major development south of Corfe until the road issues are resolved. • We provide for disabled parking in the Square. • We support the provision of charging points in all car parks. West Street • The no loading lines at the entrance to West Street be extended for approximately a further 10 metres. • The remainder of yellow lines in West Street remain as they are. • We enlarge the signs directing traffic to the west street car park; this should be done regardless of what is decided on the future of the West Street Park. • We discuss with Dorset Council the way contractors parking permits are issued. • We consider altering the direction of traffic flow into and out of the West Street car park. • We request no loading signage on the sharp corner at the exit from the Drong. East Street • The school crossing warning signs be re-instated and we consider using higher luminance lights on the crossing (subject to discussion with the school and a report on the issue). • The Parish Council obtains its own speed indicating device for use in East Street. • We discuss with Dorset Council taking responsibility for the space used for parking at the entrance to the road. • Any future temporary traffic lights at the junction of the A351 and the Road be 4 way to include the Church Knowle Road. • The Parish Council considers reducing the width of pavement outside the cemetery to provide a discharge point for coaches. • The present white line at the entrance to Collets Close be changed to a yellow line. • Creation of cycling routes across the whole of the isle of Purbeck. Request a plan from Dorset Council. Kingston • All lines throughout the village be repainted • A speed bump be installed just before the junction to South Street. • The double yellows outside the Scott arms to be made all year. • The double yellows beside the church be extended to ease the bottleneck. • Enforcement to stop on the pavement parking be undertaken. • The Encombe Estate be approached to see if there is any possibility of increasing the number of garages. • Signs be put up to indicate that adequate parking is available in the Hounstout car park. The next stage will be to consult stakeholders; the Chamber of Trade, the National Trust and Dorset Council to see what the think of the recommendation and to then see which are feasible. Based on these discussions a refined list of proposals will be taken forward for consultation with the Parish. Action: The Clerk to contact Dorset Council regarding the Coal Yard and establish if the PC can effectively stake a claim on it? Action: To consider enlisting the help of a town planner with the study Action: Clerk to contact stakeholders on behalf of Parking and Traffic group and seek their views on proposals. To consult the village shop re. Station Road to ensure proposals would not effect deliveries etc. 8. PLANNING AND LICENCING MATTERS



8a.1. Application No: 6/2019/0675. Mr Penn & Mrs van den Wall Bake. 10 Halves Cottages Corfe Castle BH20 5EY. Demolish rear conservatory and erect two storey side extension and attached carport -No Objection

8a.2. Application No: 6/2019/0712. Julie Donna Taylor. Cotters Pound, 32 East Street, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5EQ. Removal of condition 4 of planning permission 6/2019/0350 (Sub-divide existing cottage to create 2 self- contained cottages) to allow unrestricted occupation of the dwellings The Council object to the removal of the condition 4.

8.a3. Application No: 6/2019/0678. Mr DC & Mrs SH Lansbury. 116 East Street, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5EQ. Internal alterations. Replace existing window with french doors. Install wood burning stove & works to fireplace. Repair/replace windows. Refurbish lean-to.- No Objection


8b.1. 6/2019/0561 Mr & Mrs Dzwig, Old Dairy Cottage, Woolgarston Road, Corfe Castle, BH20 5JD, Renovation of cottage and barns as a single dwelling with single storey link extensions. – No objection- Not Determined 8b.2. 6/2019/0613 Mrs Joy Bryer, 1 Mead Road Corfe Castle BH20 5EW, Erect a conservatory to rear elevation- No Objection - Not Determined 8b.3. 6/2019/0672 Mr & Mrs J & S Worth, 2 The Lane Kingston BH20 5LJ , Alterations to existing access. - No Objection - Not Determined 8b.4. 6/2019/0624 and 6/2019/0623 Mr & Mrs S Clarke, 41 East Street, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5EE, Reconstruct existing flat roof. Replacement ground floor window. Reduce height of north boundary wall. Internal alterations to include a new staircase. - No Objection - APPROVED 8b.5. 6/2019/0431 , Mr P Williams, The Carthouse, Tabbits Hill Lane, Corfe Castle, BH20 5HZ, Erect single storey extension No Obj - APPROVED 8b.6. 6/2019/0463 Mr & Mrs S Fuller , 1 East Street, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5ED , Erect garage & summer house. Construct new driveway with stone boundary wall awaiting further responses- Not Determined 8b.7. 6/2019/0496 M.E. Rowell & J. Beauchamp , Lynch Farmhouse, Kingston, Wareham, BH20 5LG, Strip and relay stone roof to rear extension, re-render chimney stack, internal alterations, change door and window to french doors- No Obj - APPROVED 8b.8. 6/2019/0571 Mr & Mrs Dzwig, Old Dairy Cottage, Woolgarston Road, Corfe Castle, BH20 5JD. Renovation of cottage and barns as a single dwelling with single storey link extensions No Obj - APPROVED 8b.9. 6/2019/0575 Mr & Mrs P Docx, Roffy House Little Woolgarston Road Woolgarston Corfe Castle BH20 5JE. Replacement windows and doors to annexe - Comments due 8th November – No Obj - Not Determined 8b.10. 6/2019/0560 Mr & Mrs Jenn , Chapel Cottage, Kingston Hill, Kingston, BH20 5LG, Change of use from independent self contained holiday accommodation to private dwelling house within the meaning of Class C3 (dwelling houses) No Obj - APPROVED 8b.11. 6/2019/0537. Ms Sarah Crofts , 41 West Street, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5HA, Replace existing front door & frame. No Obj - APPROVED 8b.12. 6/2019/0547 Mrs Fiona Forsyth , Cromwell Cottage, Sandy Hill Lane, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5JF, Repairs to roof. Insert a rooflight No Obj - APPROVED 8b.13. 6/2019/0583 Roderick Harris 48 East Street Corfe Castle BH20 5EQ . Internal alterations to revert 48 East Street Corfe Castle to a single dwelling house. No Obj -Not Determined 8b.14 6/2019/0584 Mr Roderick Harris, 48 East Street, Corfe Castle, Wareham, BH20 5EQ. Reinstate partition with adjoining property, create aperture for boiler flue, install shower in airing cupboard void and re-instate internal stud wall on first floor No Obj -Not Determined




8C.1 TWA/2019/262 Ms E Walker, 25 Colletts Close, Corfe Castle BH20 5HG. (T1, T2, T3 & T4, T5, T6, T7g) Line of ash trees - prune branches overhanging 24 Colletts Close and 115 East Street back to property boundary - District of Purbeck (Colletts Close, Corfe Castle) TPO 1981 (Ref. TPO 41)- No Objection

8c.2 TWA/2019/270 Mr J Huntley, 89 West Street, Corfe, BH20 5HB. (T1) Chestnut - fell; (T2) Ash - fell; (T3) Ash - fell - Corfe Castle Conservation Area- The Council Object to this application

8c.3 TWA/2019/280 102 West Street , Corfe Castle, BH20 5HE. (T1) Silver Birch- reduce and reshape by up to m- Corfe Castle Conservation Area.- )- No Objection 8D. TREEWORKS APPLICATIONS GRANTED 8d.1. TWA/2019/242, 1 East Street, Corfe Castle, BH20 5ED. (T1) Purple leaf plum - reduce entire crown by 1-2m retaining the natural shape of the tree; (T2) Pear - reduce entire crown by 2-3m retaining the natural shape of the tree; (T3) Ash - fell to ground level; (T4) Ash - fell to ground level; (T5) Ash - fell to ground level; (T6) Cherry - reduce entire crown by 3m retaining the natural shape of the tree; (G1) 6x Elms & 1x Ash - fell to ground level - Corfe Castle Conservation Area . Whilst the Council have no objection to the proposed pruning, they had objected to the felling of the 10 trees. The tree officer had responded commenting that the elms were likely to get Elm disease anyway so it made sense to fell. The Council firmly object to this . Cllr Fooks has sought advice and has been told the tress are within the corridor for the horseshoe bat which are a protected species and that if an elm has not developed Dutch Elm disease it should be protected as it is likely to be immune. Action: Clerk to ask the tree officer what is the process for the decision making on an application? Does the officer visit the site? Action: Clerk to contact the homeowner to say the Council has concerns about the felling of trees and is unsure that necessary consideration has been given to the application.

8d.2. TWA/2019/243 130 East Street, Corfe Castle, BH20 5EH. (T1) Silver birch - fell; (T2) Eucalyptus - fell - Corfe Castle Conservation Area

8d.3 TWA/2019/244 53 West Street, Corfe Castle, BH20 5HA. (T1) Silver birch - crown reduce back to previous pruning points (approximately 2m) - Corfe Castle Conservation Area 9. DISCUSSION PAPER ON DORSET COUNCIL’S RELATIONSHIP WITH PARISH AND TOWN COUNCILS. This item was deferred to the February meeting. 10.CLLR CLARKE PROPOSES THE PC SEEK SUPPORT FROM SOUTH EAST PURBECK PARISHES IN SENDING A LETTER TO THE SECRETARY OF STATE RE. DORSET CCG ACUTE SERVICES REVIEW PLAN- This item was withdrawn following the recent announcement by the Secretary of State to approve the proposals. 11.PROPOSED BY CLLR FOOKS: HAVING LISTENED TO THE VIEWS OF NUMEROUS PARISHIONERS REGARDING THE SCHOOL MERGER, AND SOME WANTING A MEETING WITH THE SATURN TRUST TO DISCUSS CONCERNS RAISED IN THE CONSULTATION DOCUMENT, DO THE PC SUPPORT THE PROPOSAL TO ASK THE SATURN TRUST TO MEET WITH PARISHIONERS AND THE PC? Cllr Fooks said that she has received feedback that some parents feel their concerns are not being addressed by either the school or the Saturn Trust. It was decided that whilst the Council has no influence over the school, having been asked they would support the proposal to convene a meeting and would instruct the Clerk to do so. It is important that parents are able to attend to listen to the discussion so that it is open and transparent. Action: Clerk to contact the Saturn Trust , the school and the Governing body to see if they are willing to hold a meeting for parents. To aim to hold the meeting in early February. 12.PLAYGROUND REPORT; It was reported that there are no concerns in the playground. Action: Clerk to recirculate the External Playground Inspection to Cllr N Dragon. 13.CORRESPONDENCE RECEIVED (see appendix E).



13a. 5/12 2019 Trees for Dorset. The Council have been invited to work with trees for Dorset but would need to subscribe immediately. The Council are not yet ready with a site so will look at other options available to them and will reconsider Tree’s for Dorset’s offer in February should it still be open. Action: To defer to the February meeting. The Clerk has been tasked with researching sites. Cllr Marshallsay has offered her land for planting. 13b. 4/12 Dorset Council – Allowances for Councillors. Under the Local Authorities (Members’ Allowances) () Regulations 2003, parish and town councils may introduce a scheme of allowances for the payment of basic and travel/subsistence allowances to councillors. The Council asked do they need a scheme of allowances? They felt it was important to have one in place so there is an option for Councillors to claim should they wish. They would like it to be there for future Councillors even if those currently in term do not wish to claim. It was noted it may be used for childcare, or to assist someone who is a carer. Action: Clerk to research and draft allowance and expenses scheme. 13c. 10/12 Libby Symon your Watermark 25 Anniversary Application P/761 The Council have been awarded a grant of £900 to install a water dispenser on the wall of the public toilets in West Street. The Council voted unanimously to accept the grant and instructed the Clerk to proceed. It was proposed by Cllr Marshallsay to accept the grant and proceed with the water dispenser, this was seconded by Cllr Spicer Short. Action: Clerk to accept the grant and proceed to install the water dispenser on the wall of the West Street toilets. 13d. 13/12 Cllr Parish – Local Nature Partnership (LNP) meeting. Cllr Parish wished to draw the Council’s attention to a speech by Tom Monroe regarding the Glover report. He urged the LNP to respond to the Glover Report by writing letters to the Secretary of State. He says that National Park seems to be the main concern of anyone who has a fleeting read of the Glover Report in Dorset, but actually that’s only one recommendation. He asks that support is given for all the recommendations of Glover. This will be deferred to the February agenda and can be discussed in detail then. Action: Clerk to contact Tom Monroe and ask for suggestions Action: Clerk to put Glover report on the February agenda and to provide (if possible) a summary of the content re. democratic accountability and membership.

13e. 16/12 Dorset Council -Dorset Council are looking for members of the public to submit ideas on how the Council might be able to help tackle climate and ecology concerns. This will be discussed at the forthcoming environment meeting and the Environment Group can submit ideas on behalf of the Corfe Castle Parish Council Environment Group, they can also submit the adopted action plan. 13.f 20/12 David Walsh- Dorset Council- Invitation to Local Plan Event- The Council elected Cllr Josephine Parish to attend the meeting. Cllr Parish suggested the Council consider forming a group to deal with involvement in the Local Plan and strategic planning. 13g. 23/13 John Kirwin. Permissive Footpath- Woodyhyde to Corfe Castle. The Council were asked about the possibility of arranging for a permissive path to join the Right of Way footpath that emerges West of Woodyhyde Campsite to Corfe Common. Cllr Haywood will make some enquiries with landowners to see if the idea is feasible and warrants further investigation. The Council were all in favour of the proposal. Action: Cllr Haywood to make enquires and report back to the Council re. landowner consent for the proposed path. 13h. 04/01 Sue Bellamy Consultation on the Draft Dorset Heathlands Framework 202-20215 Supplementary Planning Document, Friday 3 January to Monday 3 February 2020 The Clerk was asked to respond stating that as long as there is no change to the existing policy CCPC have no objection to the document.



Action: Clerk to respond stating that as long as there is no change to the existing Heathlands Framework policy CCPC have no objection to the document.


The meeting closed at 9.57pm. The next meeting will be held on February 10th 2020 in the Town Hall.
