Curriculum Vitae for Benjamin TG Mayes
CURRICULUM VITAE Benjamin T. G. Mayes September 5, 2019 Education Fundamentals of Online Teaching for Theological Educators certificate, University of Wisconsin—Madison, 3 CEUs (2018). Ph. D. (historical theology), Calvin Theological Seminary, Grand Rapids, MI (2009). Dissertation: “Counsel and Conscience: Post-Reformation Lutheran Casuistry According to The Dedekenn-Gerhard Thesaurus Consiliorum et Decisionum and its Cases on Marriage and Divorce.” Dissertation committee: Richard A. Muller (supervisor), Robert Kolb (external reader), Calvin P. Van Reken, James De Jong. Center for Reformation Research, 2008 Paleography Institute (early modern Latin and German handwriting emphasized), St. Louis, MO (July 2008). M. Div. (historical theology concentration), Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN (2003). Exchange student, Lutherische Theologische Hochschule, Oberursel, Germany (2001–2002). B. A. with high distinction (music), Concordia Teacher’s College, Seward, NE (1997). Scholarships and Awards Award of Commendation, Concordia Historical Institute (Department of Archives and History, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod) for “Reconsidering Grabau on Ministry and Sacraments” in Lutheran Quarterly, Summer 2006 (journal article) (Nov. 8, 2007). Institutional Assistantship, Calvin Theological Seminary (2005–2006 school year). Huizinga Doctoral Fellowship, Calvin Theological Seminary (2004–2005 school year). Zondervan Doctoral Fellowship, Calvin Theological Seminary (2003–2004 school year). American Bible Society Scholarly Achievement Award (biblical studies, 1999). Professional Experience Assistant Professor of Historical Theology, Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN (2016– present). Editor for Academic Books, Concordia Publishing House, St. Louis, MO (2006–2016). Adjunct Faculty (online teaching), Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN (2011–2016). Adjunct Faculty (online teaching), Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, MO (2011). Associate Pastor, Our Savior Lutheran Church, Grand Rapids, MI (2003–2006).
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