

(Proceedings other than Questions & Answers)


Wednesday, November 21, 2007 / Kartika 30, 1929 (Saka)



Re : The proposal to set up Special Economic Zone in Nandigram, and consequent large scale violence.

SHRI L. K. ADVANI initiating, said : I am thankful to you for giving me the opportunity to speak on this important issue. This discussion should not merely be used to level allegations and counter allegations on each other, rather, it should be used as to how such a situation could be prevented and such a situation should not arise anywhere any time. It is a matter of concern. The Nandigram incident is not a recent one. This incident has been going on for months together but this time the gravity of the incident has taken a serious turn. I am happy that the recent stalemate in the House has come to an end and it has given me an opportunity to initiate the discussion on this issue. Had the discussion on Nandigram not taken place it would have lowered the Parliament in the esteem of the people of the country? Therefore, it is imperative for the dignity of the

Parliament that wherever such incidents take place, a discussion should be held on these with open mind. Hon’ble High Court calls it unconstitutional, the Governor describes it as totally unlawful and the Head of the CRPF says that he does not get any cooperation there. Is it not a serious situation on which the Parliament should hold discussion?

The Hon’ble Minister of Home Affairs is present here. I would like to urge him to consider that the situation there should be improved. Nandigram is going to be the turning point in the history of the Communist Party of . The Parliament and the

Government should get the authentic information regarding Nandigram. For this purpose, first of all an all party delegation should be sent to Nandigram and thereafter the

Government should consider as to what can be done in this regard. The kith and kins of deceased and the rape victims should be compensated as per the directions of the Hon’ble

High Court. Besides, the Governor should be summoned here and the Union Government should collect the full information and thereafter should take necessary action. I feel that

Article 355 should be invoked first and if they do not comply with the directions, Article

356 should be invoked.



This discussion begins with SEZ and ends with the subsequent violence. On the issue of

SEZ, there have been agitation all over the country. That is why, UPA Chairperson, Smt.

Gandhi had observed in a meeting with the Chief Minster that there is an apprehension that the way this question is being dealt with, the lives of our farmers, agricultural labours and poor may be in peril. Thereafter, the UPA Government said that we cannot straightaway go ahead with the SEZ policy promulgated by NDA and that we have to change it thoroughly. This policy came into operation in February, 2004. Our UPA Government decided that we will give it the statutory effect and make it a law

that will be introduced in this session. Under the proposed legislation, this programme

will be undertaken only after taking measures to rehabilitate farmers and the BPL people,

who were in the occupation of land for three years proposed to be acquired for SEZ.

What happened in Nandigram are not sudden and sporadic incidents of violence. It has its

basis in the concept of forming an SEZ with four thousand acres of land to start with

which was later increased to ten thousand acres. Violence took place in Nandigram on 3rd

January. It was a very peaceful area. It was not a fight between Maoists, Naxalites, etc.

On 2nd and 3rd January, unfortunately a notice was issued in the office of the BDO. That notice provoked the people there because their lands were supposed to be acquired.

Immediately, it went like a fire in the entire land of Nandigram. It was done by the common people, overwhelming bulk of whom supported and stood by the party which was in power, right from Panchayats, Assembly and the Parliament.

The share-coppers are not in the compensation clause or the compensation victim.

That is one reason. After the first firing, two out of six victims’ houses could not be traced because their bodies were not traced. I conveyed everything in writing to the hon.

Chief Minister whole feelings I realized. I did not want the youth in every district of

Bengal to be converted again with youth with gun. I did inform my colleague, Shri

Gurudas Dasgupta, whom I talked. I am not blaming anybody. Things went beyond control. When it went beyond control, the fight started as to do they really want to retain the land as it is. I have been taking the position from day one and cutting across party line, those who were identified by the police to have done it could have been booked and brought to the justice things would have taken a different turn. I am not blaming that it was done by any party leader. But sometimes one tends to blame the party leaders. Smt.

Medha Patkar was prevented; Ms. Mamta Banerjee prevented; the Cop leader was prevented; the Congress delegation was prevented to visit Nandigram, but only Advanji was not prevented. The entire national media, all television channels are a witness to what happened there from 3rd January to 9th January and what happened from 13th March to 14th March 2007. I am from Bengal and naturally if something goes wrong there I would cry before the State Government, then before the Home Minister. Those who have done this should first be brought to justice and then a dialogue should be started with the responsible parties and I must also say here that a very senior leader of the tried to start that process with all sincerity but he could not take it to its logical conclusion because by that time things had taken a different turn. I am only trying to give an objective assessment. I only say that the entire Left Front and its constituents tried to build up an environment of dialogue and peace and not repression and counter-attack. I think that objective introspection is required in the whole matter. The people who are in the refugee camp and people who are outside the village should be brought to their homes in safe custody.

MD. SALIM: The stand of our party is clear as far as the setting up of SEZ is concerned. From the very beginning we have been urging the UPA Government not to implement the policy of the Union Government. Discussions also took place in the

Parliamentary Committee in this regard which concluded that this policy needs so many changes. I would like to know from Hon’ble Minister whether any proposal to setup SEZ in Nandigram was sponsored by the Central Government as out of 400 SEZ proposals only 200-300 proposals were got implemented in the country. Left Front Government believes that whatever scheme is formulated by the Central Government, it is not implemented in the State unless it is approved by the Panchayat and by the people of the

State because the implementation is directly related to the development of the people.

Therefore, their consent is necessary before taking any decision in this regard. Without them we cannot march forward. The matter of setting up SEZ is related to the grassroot level, it is related to the farmers, to the development. We want to have discussion of the matters which are related to new ways and means of development. We believe in democracy, we cannot take any decision without having any parliamentary, democratic, dialogue, debate and discussion. On 19 December, 2006 Standing Committee of West

Bengal Assembly decided that Nandigram could be a better place to develop and hence identified Nandigram. As per Land Acquisition Act District Collector has to notify a particular area and has to issue a notice in this regard. There is a much difference between fact and fiction. I am quoting this because this propaganda is going on for the last one year. It is still going on. There is apprehension amongst farmers that their land and livelihood would be snatched. They think that whosoever comes here, whether he is

Central Government representative, Panchayat representative, MLA or M.P., whether he is police officer or CPI (M) representative, they only come to take their land. Therefore, without discussing the issue of land you cannot discuss Nandigram.

I expect the Union Minister to follow the advice of his Government. The Union

Minister just wondered as to why ‘Mao’ word is used. Mao tse Tung was a young leader and he also respect him. The West Bengal Government had asked for CRPF on 27th

October and violent incidents took place on 5, 6 and 7 November. Our Home Minister had promised in the House to the effect that he would press in necessary help or send paramilitary forces wherever needed to tackle the problem of naxalites. Why was no paramilitary forces sent in this case? Why did we ask for CRPF from the Home Ministry if we did not want peace to be prevailed there? The Hon. Dasmunsi has to answer this question as to what was the reason that the CRPF would not be deployed there?

Therefore, I am of the opinion that a time will come when the truth will ultimately triumphed.

PROF. RAM GOPAL YADAV: It is really unfortunate that a number of people have been killed and evicted from their homes. It is indeed a matter of concern for all of us. It is, therefore, necessary for all of us to rise above petty politics to solve such type of problems. So far the acquisition of land in Nandigram is concerned, it is beyond my comprehension that how this problem has taken such a gigantic shape in spite of repeated announcement by the hon. Chief Minister of West Bengal that there would not be any acquisition of land unless and until owners of land desire to do so. What were the circumstances that prevented the police or anybody to reach Nandigram? We are for sure that these are not the handi work of common people. Even if you talk of naxalism, we are aware that the West Bengal Government itself never allowed such type of agitation in


We know that we had to pay heavy price whenever the extremist, be they belong to our country or of foreign countries got support. Therefore, if any support is being extended to the extremist in view of reaping political mileage, is entirely bad. We will have to face serious consequences for this. We must do our best to devise a way so that nobody or no political party take undue advantage of the situation. Further, I would like to say that the Governors play an important role in parliamentary democracy. But it has

been seen in the recent past that instead of approaching hon. Prime Minister or hon.

Home Minister or the concerned hon. Chief Minister, they start talking directly to the

Press which is indeed a serious matter.

In regard to West Bengal Government, I am of the opinion that it has also made

mistakes. However, the West Bengal Government must deal firmly with those who are at

fault. The effort should also be made to rehabilitate those who have been evicted from

their land. There seems to be a big conspiracy in view of the fact that such incident

occurred there in spite of repeated assurance by the hon. Chief Minister that no land will

be acquired. This should also be enquired into. I would like to express my heart-felt

condolences to the kith and kin of those who have been killed in these incidents. They

should be provided compensation and adequate efforts should be made to construct

houses for them.

SHRI DEVENDRA PRASAD YADAV: The incident occurred in regard to acquisition of land in Nandigram is indeed unfortunate. Whatever the cause, such type of incident is a matter of concern for all of us and we can never solve such problems unless and until we rise above the petty politics. I am of the opinion that the policy pertaining to

SEZ is entirely faulty and the basis on which land is acquired is entirely fallacious. The policy in regard to acquiring land rest with the State Government. It is because of this also, I feel that this policy is faulty as the State Government should not work as a private property dealer. I would like to know whether the GDP will not decrease, if the lands so allotted in the name of SEZs to MNCs who in turn converting the said lands into constructing big malls in the name of commercialization and industrialization?

Today it has been emphasised that we are converting the barren land into the agricultural land. In this regard I would like the Government to apprise us as to what percent of barren land has been converted into arable land?

It is a responsibility of the Central Government to send forces there to protect the common citizens. Article 355 is being remembered when violence broke out in

Nandigram but this Article 355 was not remembered when there was any state sponsored riots. The Constitution should be protected. There should be no harm to the secular fabric of the Constitution. It should remain intact and it is the responsibility of the Central

Government. I, therefore, request the Central Government that it should not only undertake the relief work there but it should also pay compensation to those who have been injured, killed and on whom atrocities have been committed and to those who have left Nandigram.

SHRI ILYAS AZMI : I have to say with deep regret that what has happened in

Nandigram is a new form of state terrorism. We had seen the worst form of state terrorism in Gujarat in 2002. We have seen the spectacle of state terrorism not only in

Gujarat but in large parts of the country thousands time. We had seen it in Delhi in 1984 on large scale. We also saw it in Ranchi, Jamshedpur and Rourkela in 1964. We also saw it from Muradabad to Meerut and Maliyana to Hashimpura from 1980-1987. We also witnessed it in Mumbai in 1992. We have rather seen it all across the country but in the case of West Bengal it is the party cadre not the police who is facing the charge of it. It is, indeed, shameful. I would like to know through this House as to why innocent people are

being killed by the police.

SHRI : I rise to speak on this issue with a heavy heart.

All these days, was calm and peaceful. There have been processions supported by Opposition. There was no element of violence but today – I do not know the reason – when the House is discussing Nandigram, simultaneously, Kolkata is burning. Therefore,

I have a deep-rooted feeling that there is an attempt to destabilize the constitutional elected Government of West Bengal, and the pretext is Nandigram.

Undoubtedly, Nandigram is a great human tragedy. Let us put our hands together to have a healing touch on the deep wound that has been inflicted on Nandigram.

As far as my information goes Nandigram is limping back to normalcy. I express my deep sympathy for the people of Nandigram, for all the victims of violence in

Nandigram. There is a perception, all that happened in Nandigram should not have happened. It is true that public opinion has been hard. I only say with humility that if we have lost anything, we are sure to retrieve it. It is only a passing phase. It is definitely extremely unfortunate.

It is true that there have been firings and there have been casualties. A number of people have died; more people were wounded; and houses have been burnt.

There is also another picture which we should not lose sight of. Nearly thousands of people have been driven out of Nandigram. Nandigram became an isolated place.

Police was not allowed to enter. This was the situation in Nandigram for eleven months. Now, I raise a prime question. I ask my colleagues to answer this question. Why even after the hon. Chief Minister has made a public statement that there is not going to be a chemical hub in Nandigram, why the siege was not lifted, movement was not withdrawn and peace talks did not begin?

I would like to make two points or remarks. One is – the Government officially had withdrawn the proposal of having a Special Economic Zone. Secondly, peace efforts have started at all levels. Despite that, why is it that the so-called movement continued, seige continued and the whole Nandigram became almost a place of liberated area?

Therefore, my appeal to you will be not to take a one-sided view of the situation. Please consider the problem in all its totality.

I also know Nandigram. That is our party constituency for a long time. Farmers do not have AK-47 rifles, farmers do not have land mines and farmers do not have sophisticated material to kill a man. Therefore, they were imported, smuggled and brought in from outside with the help of outside fundamentalist political forces. All the warlike preparations were made in Nandigram during peace time. No foreign power can be blamed for it.

We share the concern of the House. We take the criticism in the proper light. I feel there is a need for deep introspection on all sides. West Bengal needs a fair deal.

There should be no onesided appraisal. Please do not malign the people, the Government and the State of West Bengal. It is time to help the process of peace. Only peace can bring about development. Only development can bring about alleviation of poverty. Only alleviation of poverty can take away the breeding ground of naxalizm and rise of

naxalism in India.

SHRI ANANT GUDHE: It is rather unfortunate that while people are killed and

maimed in one part of the country, we are viewing it from political angle. We should not

be so callous. I was also a member of the NDA delegation which has visited Nandigram

to take stock of the situation prevailing there. I would like to enlighten the House that

even after 25 years of one party Government there is no development there. The situation

in Nandigram went out of hand when on 3rd January, a notification was issued ordering all people to deposit their land documents in the party offices. When the people refused to do so, they were beaten up. The matter hot up when the people found that those very people to whom they had been giving votes for years together, were evicting them from their land.

In Adhikaripada, we were told that the people were subjected to indiscriminate firing even in the presence of police. People had seen how bodies were thrown into the local brick kilns. A number of people are untraced. While visiting when we reached a rural hospital, we found a number of people admitted there. But all of them were scared and unwilling to speak.

But it is unfortunate that even after this anarchy, the State Chief Minister asserts that they are not responsible for all these happenings. Today same situation has developed in Calcutta. People have come on streets. The issue does not concern one party. The country belongs to us and if anything befell in any part of the country, we all are concerned. I deplore whatever happened in Nandigram and conclude. SHRI BRAJA KISHORE TRIPATHY: I had the occasion to visit Nandigram with NDA delegation. I have seen the miseries of the people which cannot be narrated. It is an insult to democracy. But Nandigram’s unending tragedy appears to have been totally ignored by the law enforcing authority, both by the Centre and the State, though they are duty bound under the Constitution of India to protect the lives and property of the people.

The West Bengal High Court has observed that it appears from the recent disturbances in Nandigram that there is no Constitutional Government in West Bengal.

The Court has taken a serious note of the allegations that not a single person has been arrested for violence within these 10 months. Also, the High Court directed the State to reply why the CBI should not be directed to investigate the matter. I would like to know about it from the Government of India.

But it is unfortunate that the State Chief Minister has adjustified his Party’s role in

Nandigram and said that the Opposition and the Bhumi Uchched Protirodh Committee has been paid back in their own coin, and Nandigram has been ‘recaptured’, as if it was under the possession of some foreign aggressors. The Chief Minister has also charged that the State Government requested the Centre to send six battalions of CRPF. He is telling that the things would have been different if CRPF would have reached in right time. He also claimed that a group of Maoist from Jharkhand has set up a training camp in Nandigram. But it is interesting to note that the State Home Secretary has denied that any Maoist has been captured. In a Press Conference, the hon. Governor of West Bengal has said : "The manner in which the ‘recapture’ of Nandigram villages is being attempted is totally unlawful and unconstitutional." He further said: ‘I find it equally unacceptable that while Nandigram had been ingressed with ease by armed people on the one hand, political and non-political persons trying to reach it have been violently obstructed." In fact, nobody was allowed to go there before the NDA delegation reached there.

The partners of the Left Front Government in West Bengal, RSP, Forward Bloc,

CPI, have said that they neither support nor approve the action of the CPI (M) in

Nandigram and condemn the acts and what has happened there.

If the CPI (M) is to be blamed for the criminal misdeeds of its cadre in

Nandigram, then the Congress, which controls the Union Home Ministry, is guilty of facilitating the mass murder, rape and arson which we have been witnessing since 27th

October, 2007.

I urge upon the Union Government to ensure restoration of peace and harmony in


DR. RATTAN SINGH AJNALA : Many hon’ble Members have expressed their outrage at the happenings in Nandigram. In March, 2007, I too had visited Nandigram and was shocked to find the miserable condition of the people of Nandigram. Poverty was rampant everywhere. The Left Front ruling West Bengal is not a champion of the poor people. In fact, it is responsible for the creation of poverty in West Bengal. In the last 25 years, the Left Front Government has ruined West Bengal. In the beginning, the Left Front Government acted against big landlords. However, the same Government is now acting against the interests of the small farmers. If they continue with such anti- people policies, they will be wiped out at the hustings.

The Government intended to acquire the land of the poor farmers for the setting up of a SEZ. However, now, the leaders of the Left Parties are claiming that their Chief

Minister never intended to acquire the land of the poor people of Nandigram. If this is the case, there should have been no crisis. If the Left Front Government did not intend to set up a SEZ at Nandigram, why did it allow the armed cadres of the Left Parties to attack the hapless people of Nandigram? The Nandigram area is not being ruled by the State

Government. It is being ruled by the armed Left Front cadres. As long as armed Left

Front cadres are controlling Nandigram, there can be no peace and no solution to this problem. The Left leaders are complaining that the Hon’ble Home Minister of India did not send the required CRPF personnel there. When you have your workers roaming there and creating terror in the area, what is the need of the CRPF? The poor and hapless people of Nandigram are being butchered. Therefore, we must save the poor people of

Nandigram from the tyranny of the armed cadres. I would like to appeal to the Hon’ble

Home Minister of India to take a special interest in this case. He must provide relief and succour to the affected people of Nandigram.

The High Court of the state had given a ruling that a CBI enquiry should be held regarding the police firing on 14th March, 2007 in which 14 innocent people were killed.

Nine months have passed, but nothing has been done in this mater. So, why is the Left

Front Government shying away from a CBI enquiry into the incident? If they have nothing to hide, why are they afraid of a CBI enquiry? Things have come to such a pass that Government functionaries are asking their party workers to rise against intellectuals and intelligent people who want to mitigate the sufferings of the poor and hapless people of Nandigram. Today, as we discuss Nandigram in this House, Kolkata is burning. These people do not want that any wise person should criticize their misdeeds and talk about the welfare of the people of West Bengal. People are being killed in police firings there.

The Left Front Government does not want to solve the problem in Nandigram. It is in their vested interest to let the issue simmer. If they do not want to set up a SEZ there, why is there violence in Nandigram? Nandigram issue is no longer a State subject. It has become a subject of national importance now. The condition is grim. All of us must provide relief and succour to the affected people of Nandigram. We must save the poor people of Nandigram from the tyranny of the armed cadres.

SHRI PRABHUNATH SINGH : The farmers in Nandigram have opposed the setting up of SEZ and acquisition of land for the same. It is quite strange that CPI(M ) which calls itself the champion of the farmers, workers and poor is now bent upon destroying the poor. I want to know the reasons due to which this turn around is being seen. An hon’ble Member mentioned that the question of SEZ does not arise and there is no acquisition of land taking place. However, I would like to submit that though the power to acquire land rests with the State Government yet the farmers should have been taken into confidence. There the land was being acquired for setting up of a Chemical

Hub. The land was being acquired for the infamous Industrial House of Indonesia, Salim

Group. Both, the people being killed and the aggressors belong to CPI(M). The reasons being when the procedure of acquisition of land was started the party cadres asked for the land papers but a section of CPI(M) cadres opposed the move and said that they will leave the party but will not give away land. This is going on for the last 11 months in

Nandigram. The newspapers have reported that in and around Nandigram 55-60% population is of Muslims. This is the reason why the people killed, burnt, raped and who suffered other atrocities belong to Muslim community in large number. The newspapers have also reported that the atrocities perpetrated are even worse than what the foreign army could have done. His Excellency the Governor as well as the Chairperson of

Human Rights Commission have stated that the incident is worse than the Godhra incident. The High Court, Kolkata has also stated that compensation must be paid to the victims but not a pie has been given as compensation. I would like to submit that the administration cannot be run by dividing society on caste or religious lines. The incidents in Nandigram have brought disgrace to be name itself and Nandigram is now being called as `Nindagram’. I would like to appeal to CPI(M) to create harmonious conditions in

Nandigram and also pay compensation as advised by the High Court besides setting up an

All Party Committee of Lok Sabha to pay on the spot visit. Further, CBI must investigate the matter and guilty must be severely punished.

SHRI KHARABELA SWAIN : The poor people, who were attacked in

Nandigram, were asserting their fundamental rights to hand on to their property and to prevent their farms from being seized. When the Chief Minister said that there is no question of setting up of an SEZ in Nandigram, why was there a clamour in forming a

Bhoomi Uchhed Pratirode Committee against the land acquisition? Why was it not disbanded? It is only the CPI(M) who has attacked the people and it is not the Left Front. I am coming to the next point, why did this thing Happen? Previously, it was called a Lal

Durg. They did not allow anybody to enter into Nandigram. At that time, it was only the

CPI(M) and Left and nobody else. There was absolutely nobody there. They did not allow any body – neither the Trinamul Congress nor anybody. But when some of the people from the same Left Front found that their land is now going to be acquired by the

Government forcibly then, they objected to it. They became CPI(M) rebels. For the first time, I also went there with the delegation. I could not even believe that arable land is going to be acquired forcibly by the Government of West Bengal. They say that they are the messiah of the poor people and they are being supported by the Confederation of

Indian Industry, it is supporting the West Bengal’s Communist Party Government and saying that the land should be forcibly occupied; otherwise, no industry could be set up throughout! They burn the houses and throw them out of the place. But my basic point is that police could not enter inside Nandigram. What does it mean? It means that the

CPI(M) Government has failed; the State is incapable of protecting the people of West

Bengal. My next point is that the people of this country should understand what the CPM

Party is. It is totally a totalitarian Party. It is totally a Stalinist and authoritarian Party.

They do not have any respect for any democratic principals Lastly, I would talk about the role of the Congress Party. The congress Party in West Bengal is behaving like `B’ team of CPM and because of them only, the CPM Party is now in power. Their citadel has already started crumbling. All have condemned the CPM Party severely. I would appeal to the people of West Bengal to throw the CPM Party into the Bay of Bengal so that the country could be saved. SHRI JAI PRAKASH : Today we are discussing the issue of Nandigram in this

House. When NDA Government was in power, the concept of SEZ envisaged. They did not paid his attention that India is an agricultural country and development of our country always depends upon the Agriculture. SEZ is being set up in Gujarat & Haryana. In

Gujarat, BJP is in power and they did not oppose it but in Haryana, Congress Party is in power and BJP opposed it. In Haryana and Punjab entire land is arable and these states cannot make progress until they will be industrialized. Roits took place in Nandigram due to SEZ and we should cooperate to quell the roits. Our Government have formulated a new policy to acquire land in Haryana. Same policy should be formulated for every state and then the farmers will make progress. Members of the BJP are discussing why it has happened in Nandigram. I would like to mention one thing that if such a incident took place we should suggest each other and people who are responsible for such incident should be punished irrespective of there affiliation to any party. I urge upon the

Government that we should cooperate for maintaining peace in Nandigram.

PROF. M. RAMADASS : Our party participates in this discussion with a very heavy heart and we register our deep anguish over what has happened in Nandigram. All the incidents that have taken place have pained us and the entire Parliament should express its sentiments to the people of West Bengal who have lost their lives, property and everything. They are going to bring an Act for rehabilitation and resettlement of those who are likely to be affected by the acquisition of land. What should not have happened, had happened in West Bengal. Let us try to forget the past. At the same time, the Party in power must also understand that there has been lawlessness in the State.

Therefore, hereafter the Government should be alert and try to restore law and order. It is for the Central Government to tackle the issue. I would only say that the Central

Government and the West Bengal Government must work for a healing touch so that there can be peace and there can be order in the State. We should be able to provide adequate compensation. It should not be just monetary compensation. I would feel that a job should be provided, as a bread winner, to one person in every family which has been affected there. The Government should evolve a uniform policy, which should be applicable to all the States. We should have following ingredients in the national policy on SEZ. One is that the Government should not intervene in the acquisition of land.

Whenever the farmer wishes to give, it should be given on the basis of lease for 50 years or 60 years and each farmer who gives land, must be able to get a share in the company so that whenever there is a profit for the company, it will go to them. The Government should take an enlightened view and try to create SEZ without affecting the farmers.

SHRI ASADUDDIN OWAISI : As far as SEZ is concerned, this a concept which has been borrowed from China. The land can be acquired. But in our country the land can be taken only for public purpose. If the UPA Government is going to bring in a legislation, it should very clearly say that any industrialist or any company who wants land, let them go directly and purchase the land. Why should the common man suffer? As far as violence is concerned, especially against the minorities and the weaker sections in the 60 years of our Independence, there are many black marks on the Congress Party, on the BJP and now on the Left Parties, viz, CPI (M). The West Bengal Government wrote a letter on 27th October whereas the firing happened in March. Why did they sleep for six months? They have failed in discharging their constitutional duty to protect the people. It is a fact that there is no more distinction left in West Bengal between the cadre and the


I have listened to the so-called secular parties’ speeches. Because of political convenience, they do not want to criticize what has happened in Nandigram. The rule of law, principles will tell them who has committed wrong. The Muslims in West Bengal are suffering from fear syndrome. It is high time that the Union Government should send a Parliamentary Delegation to Nandigram as it was done in the case of Gujarat also. I would not like to go into details to tell as to what happened in Nandigram over these few months because a lot has been said on this question of Nandigram. There is only one fact that I would like to mention. I think it is high time to find out as to where we have been having problems. I think, very determined efforts should be made to bring back peace in that area. Primarily, the responsibility lies on the Government of West Bengal and also on the hon. Chief Minister. The problem of Nandigram, cannot be allowed to continue. I think that the confidence has to be restored and I look upon the hon. Chief Minister of

West Bengal to ensure that the confidence is restored. I appeal to all parties to cooperate to bring back peace in West Bengal and Nandigram, in particular.

SHRI : I would not like to go into details to tell as to what happened in Nandigram over these few months because a lot has been said on this question of Nandigram. There is only one fact that I would like to mention. I think it is high time to find out as to where we have been having problems. I think, very determined efforts should be made to bring back peace in that area. Primarily, the responsibility lies on the Government of West Bengal and also on the hon. Chief Minister. The problem of Nandigram cannot be allowed to continue. I think that the confidence has to be restored

and I look upon the hon. Chief Minister of West Bengal to ensure that the confidence is

restored. I appeal to all parties to cooperate to bring back peace in West Bengal and

Nandigram, in particular.

SHRI : The recent incident at Nandigram in West

Bengal is most unfortunate and highly atrocious. The prevailing state of affairs of people is very much deplorable there. On behalf of my Party, I appeal to all political parties as also the Government, the incumbent Government and the people to restore peace and normalcy in the affected region in Nandigram.

SHRI SYED SHAHNAWAZ HUSSAIN : A lot of politics is going on the incident of Nandigram. I would not do anything that may further vitiate the atmosphere of Nandigram nor this House. There are certain rights assigned to minority under Article

30 of our Constitution which everybody should honour. I appeal to our Congress brethren that if they fail to take any action against the incumbent Government of West Bengal in regard to Nandigram incident, inspite of fact that they are running the Government with help of Communist Party, the muslims will not make any difference between the communist and Congress Party.

Our Constitution provides for the protection of weaker section, backward, dalit and minorities. Therefore, if atrocities are committed on them we will definitely oppose it. So far they have treated the minorities as vote bank, whereas we have always treated them as a respected citizen of this country. In view of that it becomes our duty as an opposition to oppose if any atrocities is meted out to them irrespective of there religion. I, therefore, request you to kindly use your position and provide succour to the minorities,

dalits and backward class people of Nandigram. I also request you to ask the Central

Government to take care of the situation prevailing there.

SHRI ABU HASEM KHAN CHOUDHURY : In the last 30 years, Left Front felt that distribution of the land among the poor has been an excellent job. It is true; the consecutive election results showed that the land distribution to the poor has an impact on the result of the elections. With that confidence, the Chief Minister of West Bengal, without consulting people have started his Special Economic Zone. When the BDO announced about the land acquisition of Nandigram, there was trouble. Not enough information was given, and the people were scared that their survival, their land, everything they had will go away. Even 11 months down, we see that the people who rose in revolt against the SEZ situation, they have been killed, raped. The eminent Left

Historian compared Nandigram riot with that of Gujarat. The High Court of Kolkata has also expressed its opinion that this has been absolutely unconstitutional. The Chief

Minister of West Bengal has never listened to the advice of the former Chief Minister. He has asked him to call the meeting of all the parties instead of sending the Police. All these have created the problem.

SHRI BASU DEB ACHARIA : The fundamentalist and the extremist forces were ganged up in the State of West Bengal to destabilize a popular Government. Can we allow a State within a State? Can we allow a liberated zone within a State? Neither the

Leader of the Opposition nor the Members, who spoke on this, have ever referred to the point that thousands of the people were uprooted, driven out of their homes. Can any State Government allow this situation? During the last 30 years, there has not been a

single communal riot in the State of West Bengal. There is complete harmony in the State

of West Bengal. Almost all of those affected, except 300 people have gone back. We

should make an appeal to all to go back to their home and to villages. All the political

parties should come forward for restoration of peace and harmony so that the people can

stay in their houses and development work can start and schools which are closed for

eleven months can be reopened and peace and harmony is restored there.

SHRI MADHUSUDAN MISTRY : The entire question pertains to humanity.

This morning we found that some Members were shirking their responsibility and were telling that the Para-military Forces were not deployed on time by the Union Government which resulted in culmination of all these incidents. I would like to ask them whether they have ever criticized their cadre? Whether the cadre is more important than the State?

Can we allow a State within a State? The facts produced by them clearly indicates that the Government of West Bengal failed to restore law and order in Nandigram. My only submission to them is not accuse others and openly admit their failures and kindly restore peace there at the earliest.

THE MINISTER OF HOME AFFAIRS (SHRI SHIVRAJ V. PATIL) replying said : To my mind the entire House unitedly expressed their sorrow against the unfortunate incidents that took place in Nandigram. First and foremost we will have to delve as to what’s gone wrong initially? We are aware that West Bengal Government did not issue any notification in regard acquisition of land nor showed their inclination to do so. They have clearly stated that if the farmers do not want, the SEZ will not be created. It will be taken to some other places like Haldia or may be created in island. After such assurance this agitation should have come to naught at once but it did not happen. We have to think seriously here as to why the agitation did not end after the assurance.

We should not also forget that the people of Nandigram were away from their homes for

10-11 months. Efforts have been made to send them back but in vain. It is indeed a good thing that now they have come back. Nobody can pressurize them to leave their home and hearth. It so happened afterwards that some of them came there and started living whereas some of them again went away. They were those people who were suffering from the fear psychosis. Since they had opposed this agitation initially therefore it will be difficult for them to live there. But fact of the matter is that the West Bengal Government is taking care of them even if they are living away from their home. But situation in

Nandigram has gone bad to worse and even the police and Government employees were not allowed to enter the village. How can democracy survive in such a situation? We have to check such type of situation. The Central Government cannot check of his own because our Constitution don’t permit to do so. Looking at the overall scenario, it becomes important as to what is to be done? To my opinion the entire House is of the opinion that nobody should leave their home be they belong to any cast, religion or language. It is the primary duty of the incumbent Government to provide protection and rehabilitate them properly.

Secondly, their property should also be protected thoroughly. Similarly, adequate compensation should also be provided to them. We should not give any colour to this situation and think above the petty party politics. We will shoulder our responsibility if we are able to do so. Some of the Hon’ble Members have stated that it is handiwork of

Maoists. They ask our opinion in this regard. It is a fact that we have access to a number of important information but that can not be divulged in view of the sensitivity of the matter. As per our information some people tried to reap in the troubled water and incited the local people to indulge in riots. They have also tried to bring arms and ammunitions there. If anything of this nature is happening in our coastal areas then it becomes our bounden responsibility to rise above the petty politics to secure the unity and integrity of our country.

Some of our members also talked about CRPF. I would like to apprise that we had

8 lakh Para-military forces in which 6 lakh forces are deployed to protect our National and International borders. Out of the 2 lakh forces 1.7 lakh forces are deployed at different places only 25 thousand forces are kept in reserved for such untoward incidents.

But the problem is whoever gets the services of this force hardly ever return those forces.

I have also talked to West Bengal Government and had assured them that if they need, I can withdraw from some places so that they can be deployed there.

So far the matter pertains to SEZ is concerned, majority of members have the opinion that only those lands should be acquired which are barren. They should be paid compensation for such land and if in future such land register any profit then the share should equally be distributed among them. It will also be good if they provide employment to them. Our Government have thought over this and have expressed the same opinion. It is because of this land acquisition and rehabilitation policy is being formulated. This policy is before our Government and very soon it will come before all of you when you can give your views which will be taken in high esteem.

The most important factor is that there should not be any fear psychosis. Once this fear psychosis is created in the mind of people then it becomes very difficult to overcome this problem. Therefore the Government have to take necessary steps to minimize such fear. If the state Government themselves takes such steps we will give them all possible help.

Advaniji had questioned whether ‘is it possible to send an All Party Delegation?’

It is naturally before the House; we shall have to consult other parties and others, and then, we can take a decision. But at this point of time, I am not in a position to say ‘yes’ or ‘no’. As far as the flag march by the Army in that area is concerned, it is not necessary for the State Government to consult the Union Government to obtain the assistance of the

Army. If the State Government comes to the conclusion, they can ask for the assistance.

As far as the matter relating to CBI investigation is concerned, we shall have to understand that we are governed by laws in the country. Even if I want to send an investigating agency to any of the States to investigate, I cannot because that is not allowed by the Constitution. That is not allowed by the law. If you want that the CBI should inquire into a particular matter, it is for the State Government to suggest that the

CBI should inquire into it or the Court to suggest that it has to be inquired into it. I think, in this case the matter has been referred to CBI and the CBI has been looking into this.

The discussion was concluded *MATTERS UNDER RULE 377

(i) SHRI N.S.V. CHITTHAN laid a statement regarding need to announce early

special incentive price for paddy in the country.

(ii) SHRI V.K. THUMMAR laid a statement regarding need to expedite widening of

N.H.-33 between Rajkot and Bhavnagar in Amreli Parliamentary Constituency,


(iii) SHRI HARIBHAU JAWALE laid a statement regarding need to give Central

Excise duty exemption to Sugar Mills in Maharashtra.


regarding need to four-lane N.H.-9 and N.H.-13 in Solapur Parliamentary

Constituency, Maharashtra and setting up of Accident Trauma Centres along the


(v) SHRI PUNNU LAL MOHALE laid a statement regarding need to raise the

Minimum support Price for paddy.

(vi) SHRI KASHIRAM RANA laid a statement regarding need to take measures to

facilitate availability of farm credit at the rate of 7 percent.

(vii) SHRI ANANTA NAYAK laid a statement regarding need to introduce an

express train between Bhubaneswar and Tatanagar via Keonjhargarh and extend

Howrah-Barbil Jana Shatabadi Express upto Keonjhargarh.

(viii) SHRIMATI P. SATHEEDEVI laid a statement regarding need to construct a

new bridge at Dharmadam-Muzhappilangad on N.H.-17 in Kannur district,

Kerala. (ix) SHRI HARIKEWAL PRASAD laid a statement regarding need to check

recurring floods in the Eastern parts of Uttar Pradesh caused due to the rivers

emanating from Nepal.

(x) SHRI PRABHUNATH SINGH laid a statement regarding need to expedite

laying of railway line between Maharajganj and Mashrakh in Bihar.

(xi) PROF. M. RAMADASS laid a statement regarding need to take steps to monitor

the progress in implementation of reservation for Other Backward Classes.

(xii) SHRI HEMLAL MURMU laid a statement regarding need to stop outsourcing

of services in Eastern Coalfields Ltd. and implement community development

schemes for the welfare of the workers engaged in Raj Mahal Lalmatia Project in


(xiii) SHRI KINJARAPU YERRANNAIDU laid a statement regarding need to take

steps to ameliorate the plight of paddy growers.

(xiv) SHRI RAMDAS ATHAWALE laid a statement regarding need to provide 20

percent reservation in jobs to the people belonging to General Category on the

basis of their population.

P.D.T. ACHARY, Secretary-General.

* There was no issue of Synopsis on 20-11-2007 © 2007 BY LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NOTE : It is the verbatim Debates of the Lok Sabha and not the Synopsis that should be considered authoritative.