Social Media Marketing Summit

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Sarah Benoit

Co-founder & Lead #d2cc2d Instructor JB Media Institute [email protected]

@SarahDBenoit & .com/SarahDBenoit

Founder & President Today’s Agenda

#d2cc2d Session 1 Connect and Engage - Facebook and Instagram Marketing Best Practices

Session 2 Social Media Strategy and The Art of Engagement and Conversion

©2017 JB Media Institute LLC Facebook According to Pew Research Center... Jan. 2018 Pew Research Center

68% of US adults (people over 18) use Facebook and 73% of US adults use YouTube.

Younger Americans (especially those ages 18 to 24) stand out for embracing a variety of platforms and using them frequently: ● 94% of 18- to 24-year-olds use Youtube ● 78% use Snapchat ● 71% use Instagram ● 45% are Twitter users

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC There are 3 main tools on Facebook:

Personal Pages = Friends Business Pages = Likes

Group Pages = Members

Copyright 2018 JB Media Institute LLC The Original Facebook Algorithm

Edgerank is what they called the original Facebook algorithm. The algorithm controls what content shows at the top of your newsfeed.

Content with more “edges” was given higher priority in the newsfeeds. “Edges” could be created with links, photos, videos, shares, comments, likes, and more

Taken from:

Copyright 2018 JB Media Institute LLC 3 Parts of Edgerank Affinity gauges how close of a relationship a brand/company/organization has Affinity with any given fan. Affinity increases when a user has repeat interactions with a business page. Commenting, liking, sharing, clicking, and messaging builds Affinity.

Weight is a value system that shows what actions are more valuable. An Weight example is that commenting takes more effort than liking and therefore has more value. Edges are assigned a value by the Facebook system, you can generally assume actions that take longer to complete have more weight.

Time Time decay refers to the fact that the older a piece of content or an action is the Decay less valuable it is. As content ages it loses value overall. This keeps all newsfeeds fresh, timely, and relevant.

Copyright 2018 JB Media Institute LLC Facebook Best Practices

Build Your Network:

1. Invite friends and colleagues to like the business page. Tell your customers about your presence on Facebook and what they will find there. 2. Like other businesses and organizations as your company/business/organization page. 3. Use in person or virtual events to connect with people and invite them to like your business page. 4. Add the Facebook to the website so visitors can like Facebook without leaving 5. Use the Facebook Call to Action Button on your business page.

If you need fast growth consider Facebook advertising to target markets.

Copyright 2018 JB Media Institute LLC Facebook Best Practices

Engage Your Network:

• Post consistently 3 - 5 times per week minimum, test different times. • React to, Share, Comment on, and Tag other businesses/organizations/partners in your network. Identify the most active “movers and shakers” and make them the focus of your weekly outreach. • Share photos, videos, and links whenever possible. Give Facebook fans a "next step". • Upload video files directly to Facebook so the autoplay feature and performance tracking are on.

Copyright 2018 JB Media Institute LLC Facebook Best Practices

Engage Your Network:

• Think multimedia. Create and share photos, videos, live streams, animated gifs, memes, etc. There are a wide variety of tools available to create media inside Facebook. There are also third party tools like Canva, Mematic, etc. • Ask customers or clients to post, share, and tag photos, videos, and graphics as well. • Post content that creates an emotional reaction. • Post relevant and credible news and information. • Promote events, like classes, with event pages. • Follow up on comments on the business page.

Copyright 2018 JB Media Institute LLC Facebook Shopping

How to use the Shop tab on Facebook

• You can sell directly on facebook with a Paypal or Stripe account. • You can direct people to your online store. • On your Page, click the Shop tab. If you don't see the Shop tab, click your Page Settings, then click Edit Page. Next, click the Add a Tab button and click Add Tab next to the Shop option. You should see the Shop tab on your Page now. • Meet the requirements of Facebook - products must be reviewed and approved: faq_content.

Copyright 2018 JB Media Institute LLC Facebook Scheduling

Use the Facebook Scheduler on your Facebook business page if you want to schedule posts in advance.

Copyright 2018 JB Media Institute LLC Facebook Insights

Facebook Insights is one of the most powerful tracking systems ever created.

Every Facebook Business Page is equipped with tracking tools for free.

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Facebook Insights

Facebook includes its own tracking and reporting through Facebook Insights.

Copyright 2018 JB Media Institute LLC Likes Keeping track of network growth and seeing how many likes you are gaining shows you the impact of your social marketing efforts. Compare data each week or month to identify your growth rate.

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Posts

Facebook Insights allows you to see data related to the performance of all of your Facebook Business Page posts. Specifically you can see which posts were able to generate the highest

Reach and Engagement.

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Facebook Post Performance Individual Post Under Posts you can click on each post and Performance view the data associated with that specific piece of content including the number of reactions,

comments, and shares.

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC People

Facebook allows you to see the demographics of the people connected to your accounts.

Learn more about who your audience members are.

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Instagram Copyright 2018 JB Media Institute LLC Instagram Business Pages Copyright 2018 JB Media Institute LLC Instagram Business Pages Copyright 2018 JB Media Institute LLC Instagram Best Practices

● Post regularly – 3 to 5 times per week minimum. Daily is best. ● Share insider information or behind the scenes perspectives. ● Use apps to enhance your content: Quick to add text to images using your smartphone Boomerang to make looping mini videos to make time lapse videos ● Connect your account to Facebook and Twitter, if applicable.

Copyright 2018 JB Media Institute LLC Instagram Best Practices

● Repurpose great images as often as possible on other social sites and even on your own website. ● Tell your story using video and photos, including Stories. ● Share your personality, passion, character, and values. Connect with followers on an emotional level. ● Engage and tag others in photos whenever possible. ● Follow others, like or favorite their images, comment on their content. ● Research and use relevant hashtags. Use up to 25 of them! Research tools include:,,,,,,, and

Copyright 2018 JB Media Institute LLC Instagram Stories

Copyright 2018 JB Media Institute LLC Instagram Stories

Copyright 2018 JB Media Institute LLC Instagram Scheduling

Hootsuite: our-hootsuite-dashboard


Copyright 2018 JB Media Institute LLC Instagram Insights

Instagram Insights was based on Facebook’s platform.

Every Instagram Business Page is equipped with tracking tools for free.

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Followers

Keep track of network growth and track how many followers you are gain on a regular basis.

This helps you quantify the impact of your social marketing efforts. Compare data each week, month, quarter, or year to identify your growth rate.

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Under Content you can view all of your Instagram posts and see the number of Impressions each post received.

Once you access them click on the post image to see post performance.

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Instagram Post Performance

When you click on a specific post it will open up a new page with post details and a View Insights link. Click View Insights and you can see Hearts, Comments,

Profile Visits, and Reach.

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Audience See age, gender, locations, and more in the data.

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Social Ad Campaigns

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Social Advertising

Get to know your ad managers.

Before you boost a post on Facebook or Instagram learn how the ad manager works. This will help your social advertising more effective.

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Social Advertising Build and save qualified audiences. Target people with specific demographics, behaviors, likes, and dislikes.

For example: if your ads are for a book release event for a local author who wrote about how parents can help their teens eat better and focus on health and wellness. Women within 60 miles who are parents of jr. high and high school Men and women within 60 miles of age kids, that shop at Whole your location that have kids. Foods and do yoga.

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Social Advertising Test Ad Copy, Graphics, and Audiences

Manual: Create different campaigns using different content and audiences to identify what gets more engagement and conversions. Run ads for a minimum of 2 weeks so you gather enough data to make a comparison.

Split Testing: Compare audiences, creative, placement, or delivery selections.

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Pro Tip

Use Facebook’s built in Split Testing to compare ad content performance or audience performance. Follow Facebook’s best practices for split testing. Pro Tip

Use the Facebook Pixel to track people on your website and create a Custom Audience for remarketing. Pro Tip

If you have at least 1500 - 2000 customers emails upload your email list to create a Custom Audience in the Facebook Ad Manager to target people who already love and support your brand. Pro Tip

Create a Custom Audience of people who have already engaged with you on Facebook before. Pro Tip

Use Custom Audiences to create “Lookalike Audiences.” These are audiences of people with similar demographics and behaviors of existing customers or site visitors. Social Ad Budgets

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Tips to Make Your $ Go Farther

● Start with a test budget of between $75 and $150 per month. ● Most small companies can do well with between $150 and $600 a month, which is $5 to $20 a day. ● If you want to really see fast growth and increase engagement, you have great content, and your test budgets are working go to $500 +

Copyright 2018 JB Media Institute LLC ©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Get Updates from the Source

©2018 JB Media Institute LLC Educational Resources

● Social Media Today ● ● ● Sprout Social ● Neil Patel

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JB Media Digital Drop-in free webinar = the first Wednesday of each month 12:10 - 1PM Online Cohort begins May 1 and In Person Cohort begins May 8, 2018 Questions?


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