Birth of Clinic Perspective in Sociology of Health: Birth of a Clinic.

Interesting Fact.  Mayo Clinic is a nonprofit medical practice and medical research group based in Rochester, Minnesota. It is the first and largest integrated nonprofit medical group practice in the world, employing more than 3,800 physicians and scientists and 50,900 allied health staff. The practice specializes in treating difficult cases through tertiary care. It spends over $500 million a year on research.

Web links

 The Birth of the Clinic: an unknown work of medical geography, by Chris Philo.

 contemporary sociologies - , power and surveillance, by Dr Anthony Pryce.

 The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge (Theory and History of Literature) Lyotard, Jean-Francois. (1993). Minneapolis: Universityof Minnesota Press. (Geoff Bennington and Brian Massumi, trans)

 The Birth of the Clinic, by Lois Shawver

 The Birth of the Clinic and the Medical Gaze An Archaeology of Medical Perception

 Michel Foucault Beyond Good and Evil 1993)


 The Medical Gaze: What Do Foucault and the French Revolution Have to Do with Modern Medicine? , by by Steven Lange and Emily Lu at Albany Medical College


 Foucault M (1975). The Birth of the Clinic : An Archeology of Medical perception. New Delhi : Vantage Books.  Foucault M (1981). – Volume I.Penguin Books.

 Lupton D (1995). The Imperative of Health: Public Health and the Regulated Body. London: Sage.  Lutpon D (1999). Risk.London / NewYork :Routledge.  Sontag Susan (1990). Illness, and its Metaphors. London: Penguin. Pp.1-86.