Small Break Seen In Budget Freeze By SANDY ROOKAIRD that the college will be permitted to sary to replace these iwople to prevent chancellor's office and the State that at this point we really don't know Department of Finance Daily Investigative Reporter honor them, Guttorinsen said. This is of cancelling a class.- Cmttormsen said. ii iii 'litof Finance. The request what this means. Guttorinsen further explained th A small crack in the freeze on hiring particular significance in the case of -In addition. the college will be ii List Intilldt, a written explanation of "Staffing in almost all areas of our some of the college's operations are n in the state colleges has appeared in a ixirt-time facultya ho have been teach- allowed to bring people back from why. such an appointment should be operation are minimal, at best," he supported by the state's general fund memo from the chancellor's office ing this fall. This interpietation allows lt'ati', he explained. -Anyone who has 'node. continued, "even when we're at full These are not affected by the freeze, explaining policy them to be rehired if it was been on leave and is scheduled to return capacity. Losing any number of people and procedure with agreed The criteria, according to the chan- he said, citing the housing program regard to hiring, according to o hen they were hired for fall, that in spring will lw returned to their posi- in most areas can be construed as an Glen E. they cellor's office is that such an appoint- an example. Guttorinsen, SJS director were to continue teaching in spring. tions. This includes not only faculty, but emergency situation." of business ment ti ii be made if it is to avoid an affairs. Approximately 75 part-time teachers any clerical and maintenance In an interview early in December, -The housing program is a sel emergency situation which "endangers The freeze was imposed could be affected. personnel who are on leave." Academic Vice President Hobert W. supporting fund. Revenue is derive on certain the health and safety of the public" or state expenditures in Contrary to original In these three areas, local approval is Burns predicted a maximum of 100 from the people living there tin th late November in expectations, the 'clearly leads to the stoppage of an an attempt to college can appoint all that is necessary for hiring. faculty vacancies if the hiring freeze dorms)," he said. solve the state's fiscal replacements for essential state service jeopardizing the crisis. faculty members going For all other kinds of appointments, was strictly enforced. This on sabbatical public interest." figure Guttormsen also indicated that wor If firm hiring commitments had been leave, research leave or leave without the college will have to submit a should be substantially reduced by study and student assistant hiring i made prior to Nov. 30, 1970, the ruling is pity -where it can be shown it is neces- request subject to approval by the Guttormsen pointed out, however, these new rulings from the State unaffected by the freeze.

NOW Today Chicano Art Scholar-in-residence Froben A researcher reports that the Lozada and his guest lec- length of the toes may deter- turer, Manuel Hernandez. mine VI hether a person is an will discuss Chicano Art this athlete. Do you have ath- evening at 7 in the Loma lete's toes? See NOW maga- Prieta Room of the College line, appearing with today's Union. Hernandez is an art Daily for the second time instructor at Merritt College this semester, for the artan Dail in Oakland. answer. Serving the San Jose State College Community Since 1934

Vol. 58 SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114, THURSDAY JANUARY 7,1971 No 60 Buck Fired As Housing Head; Langan Rejects Purge Charge By CLIFF MATOI in Tuesday and asked me what I was been A.S. personnel selection officer to change jobs. He couldn't fire me as Daily Political Writer doing and came back at five and said I before recently being made presi- personnel selection officer because he In separate letters A.S. President Bill was fired. dential assistant, was not being fired, would have needed a two thirds vote Langan has informed Mike Buck that -He didn't even know what was going only told that he wouldn't be paid. from the council, but as assistant he he has been fired from his position as on. It's the only viable program he has Langan said the move was part of his could." A.S. Director of Student Housing, noti- going, if he has all these 'plans, what plans for the new allocations for the HARBECK fied Dennis Edmundson that he will no were they January to May period. "We have to Commenting on his memo to longer receive work study funds as AS. Buck said he was only recently able put a priority on funding certain people Harbeck, Langan said, "I told Ron presidential assistant, and asked Ron to get a committee together willing to and moving to get things done. The there was nothing personal. If anyone Harbeck to resign as president of undertake the work involved. He added funds will be going to a number of new came and asked me personally to work Spartan Shops. that he and his committee has been programs, there's no personal hassle." in my administration even though he The question now is whether the working on a booklet to inform tenants Ironically, Edmundson said he had was a political opponent, and wanted to actions are part of a sincere effort to re- of their legal rights, on the possibility come in with the intention of resigning oust me from office, the manly thing to organize the A.S. government or to co-operative housing, and on a cen- anyway because he was "tired of the do would be to resign from office." whether they're part of a political tral listing service as a referral ser- administration and his (Langan) silly purge by Bill Langan. vice between students and available games. Harbeck said, "Bill thinks he and I "Definitely not," replied Langan, "If housing in the area. -Let him play his little game to the have political differences and feels that anybody looks at what we're doing, the Buck said he may still take the end. It was so obvious, I wanted him to since I disagree with him I should have programs being initiated and the people matter before the A.S. judiciary. further prove the fallacy of an 'open resigned from all committee positions. being brought in, they'll realize that we EDMUNDSON administration.' I'd expected it and I feel I work for the students as presi- simply want to end the strife and get Langan said Edmundson, who had knew it was coming when he asked me dent of Spartan Shops and not for Bill." our programs going. If things aren't 100 per cent better then they i Buck, Harbeck, and Edmundson have a right to say that. I'm going to let the results speak for themselves." BUCK Chaos Spurs Disgust; Langan said Buck was fired because, -we want to get someone in the position to show what we can actually do." He added that he and Buck weren't able to work together effectively but he hoped Buck would continue to work in the area Speizer Ends Council of housing. Buck responded by saying "I'll secretary with the approval of council. $5,110 to the A.S. Housing Committee INFORMATION BOOTHWinter Carnival Committee Chairman Larry continue to work with housing and I By RENEE BAYER He said that she wasn't fired and for an all-night party in the College Lundberg, left, and members of the group man the booth at Seventh and San plan on staying in my office until he Daily Political Writer hasn't lost her job, but can reapply in Union Feb. 5, $1,150 for additional work- Carlos streets selling tickets and answering questions about the carnival, set for tLangan ) kicks me out. Amidst howls of laughter and utter the placement office. "Its a new thing study funds, $600 to have Thomas Jan. 24-29. See story, page 3. "I've been keeping housing non- chaos, Chairman Terry Speizer ad- that I'm innovating," he said. Any Molner address the student body in -Daily photo by Bruce Rozenhart political," he continued. "Langan came journed the final A.S. Council meeting interested student may apply for the February and $150 to have Lopez of the semester and walked out in dis- job in the placement office. Fresquet, former finance minister for gust prior to council voting on the A.S. Other allocations approved include Fidel Castro come to campus. Two-part Recall Case personnel appointments yesterday. Council members failed to pass a motion to table the first prospective appointment of Paul Quam to Improve- Bitter Weather ment of Instruction. Councilman Jim Peterson walked out followed by A.S. Judiciary Considers Appeal Councilman Mike Buck's adjournment request. By TERRY FARRELL tioners is the second part of the recall signatures can be invalidated because Buck's motion, which died for lack of Daily Political Writer appeal case heard last month by Judi- they are illegible. According to Chief a second, brought the already chaotic Additional signatures for the Langan ciary. The first section of the case Justice Bob Dollar. "Signatures are council and gallery to a fever pitch. recall petition will be the subject of resulted in a judicial recommendation disorganized at times just like people After a call for order by Speizer, Buck deliberation as the A.S. Judiciary that the Election Board re-evaluate its are, and the numbers on the student asked if Qum had gone through the meets at 2:30 p.m. today in the A.S. decision that invalidated 168 petition body cards provide an alternate normal personnel selection process council chambers of the College Union. signatures. method of checking the authenticity of which had been asked by Councilman The question of whether new Basis for the decision was that the the signers." David Krawitz before the confusion signatures can be added by recall peti- A.S. Constitution doesn't stipulate that Recall petitioners fell 58 signatures began. short in their bid to recall AS. Presi- Speizer asked Dennis Edmundson, dent Bill Langan. The appeal was former personnel selection officer, if he initiated by Andy McDonald, a recall had, to which Edmundson responded he chairman, and David Krawitz, an A.S. was no longer personnel officer at that Trial Council member. meeting was ended at 5:15 Postponements Given time and the Dollar disagreed with the dissenting p.m. opinion of Roy Young, a faculty justice CHILD CENTER who voiced concern with the reasoning Council members approved a reso- To Oct. 29 Demonstrators employed by justices in asking for a re- lution to contribute to the necessary evaluation of the invalidated signa- funding of the proposed SJS Child Care By RAY TESSLER cious mischief and resisting officers, tures. The chief justice stated, "Young ('enter by a vote of 12-1-1. The opera- Daily Political Writer were granted a jury hearing set for Jan. based his opinion on the fact that the tional funding t no set amount ) will be Three men who were arrested for 20. Election Board spent more than the contributed pending submission of a their part in the controversial demon- The fourth man, Gayle Justice, 31, three days allowed by the A.S. consti- detailed budget and operating proposal. stration which climaxed a Presidential was taken into custody for alleged tution in checking the signatures. Judi- Proposed site of the center will be the visit to San Jose were granted trial felony assault on a police officer and ciary based its' view on the point that Unitarian Church at 160 N. 3rd St. John postponements yesterday. A fourth resisting officers in the discharge of the A.S. constitution does not allow Lux, co-director of experimental man received a continuance last week. their duties. His trial date, originally invalidation because signatures are college said he hopes to begin the The demonstration, which became a set for Dec. 30, was changed to Jan. 20. illegible." program by March. 1.wc explained that potent campaign issue last November Hartline requested a change of Young's opinion also expressed the the only other source of funding for the and has since blossomed into a grand venue, hoping to move the trial from his view that the Judiciary is. "the most pilot project could come from the jury investigation, centered around a home town and the scene of the Oct. 29 unrepresentative of representatives in parents who use the facilities, which last-minute canipaign appearance by demonstration. student government." Dollar felt this would not be enough to pay the salaries President Nixon on behalf of Gov. view was wrong, and said. -Justices It's possible that others may be pro- of the director and employes. Reagan and former Sen. George are appointed by elected officials and secuted for their part in the confron- In (liner action, Snetzer asked Murphy. are okayed by A.S. Council. Besides, tation. Further action, however, is con- councilmen to reconsider the appoint- Although a Bay Area mobilization justices are appointed in both the tingent on the contents of a report, to be ment of Scott LeFaver as graduate produced an estimated 1.500 protestors spring and fall semesters and thus, released next week, revealing the representative. His appointment was San Jose Civic Auditorium, only represent both present and past at the results of an investigation made by the turned down by a secret ballot vote of 5- four were arrested. None is an &IS administrations. I feel this makes the district attorney's office. student. court a preventive measure working for SECRETARY FIRED The investigation is an outgrowth of Doyle llartline, 21, the only member the benefit of the studttot body." Controversy arose over the firing of of the group residing in San Jose, had findings early last month by the grand The two-thirds iiiiijoi ity- requirement Paula Thompson, recording secretary, FACING THE FREEZEBundled up to face the seasonal onslaught of moved ahead to Jan. 21 at jury that felonies were committed at for the election of A.S. president case his trial date when Councilman David Long asked bone chilling cold is business administration major June Drage. About disturbing the pre -election Republican fund raiser was also scheduled for today but it will 1:30 p.m. He is accused of *ewer why she had been fired. Speizer this time of year most students take on an appearance amazingly similar and morale booster. be put tiff until next semester since the peace, urging to riot, and resisting resistoded that although it is normal to Nanuk of the North complete with boots, caps, mufflers, gloves and 2 Dollar and Staff Referral Agent Don officers. The district attorney's report will be prattitc that the secretary continue her inch thick coats. that the case is no Randy Prodanovich, 20, and Ronald released to the Grand Jury on Monday, DuShane agree job both senicstes s, something new is -Daily photo 11) Stephanie Hill longer a top priority item. Crosetti, 29, both charged with mali- Jan. 11. needed. Council chairman appoints the 2 SPARTAN DAILY Thursday January 7,1971 Staff Comment

CRAIG TURNER SpairianDaib editor No Escape DAVID BARNWELL advertising manager From 'Them'

"Freedom of the press is editorial board By GARY PARK It was on average school night. No not an end itself, but a CRAIG TURNER reason to suspect I would soon be a FRANK FERTADO victim. No reason to expect one of means to a free society." GARY PIERCE "those" people would come calling on KEN COSTA my apartment as I lazily washed the Frankfurter JOSEPH WU dishes and tapped out a Creedence Justice Felix EARL REASON rhythm. . SANDY ROOKAIRD But as I nonchalantly opened the door, in she rushed. "Hi, I'd like you to vote for me." "Sure," I stammered. "How do I vote for you?" "Oh you doll, you. I'm so excited that I Editorials found a person who will help me." She was jumping around the living room. This girl must really be hard -up for votes. I said to myself. All I did was agree to vote for her (she still hadn't told me what office she was running for) Registration Agony but she acted like I had just given her $1,000. "It's really very simple," she con- Students might as well gird themselves for another grueling registration tinued. "You vote for me by merely sub- ritual. The semi-annual rite, complete with endless lines, rapidly-disappear- scribing to one of these fantastic maga- ing classes and weeping students forced to postpone their graduation, is zines." scheduled for Feb. :3, 4 and 5. hand-carried registration will be used again this "It will only cost $20 and then I will The ancient form of year. beat everyone else and get the $1,000 as the promise of computer registration has been put off until at least fall of grand prize and will fly to Spain for two 1972. weeks and I'll even send you a postcard Anyone who went through the agonies of the first computer registration here what's your address I'll have such a good in the fall of 1969 may wonder why anyone would want to feturn to it, but the For Better Or Worse time how can lever thank you can I have tact is that some students, whom the computer did not cheat, did not have to the money now?'' wait in line. Under the present system, everyone stands, waits, and then, at By Ken Costa For those of us unlucky enough to live ,,roper moment, sprints through the twisting corridors of the SJS library. in this college ghetto, we are attacked weekly by these crafty pests. What ever In an election year marked by upsets Dolwig, R -Son Mateo, is exactly that type caused by the happened to the hobo looking for a free Computer registration had flaws, but many of them were on both state and local levels, the victory of 'public servant." meal? And to the Girl Scouts selling ics ness of the system. It takes time for the personnel in the admissions office of Arlen Gregorio, who begins his first In a letter dated 10 days after the oatmeal cookies? te adjust to an innovation. Just as those employees were getting used to term in the State Senate election, Dolwig told the electorate that next Tuesday, Neither came around this year. Loin pu ter registration, the administration pulled the plug on it. They will have ranks as one of the most stunning sur- he had hoped he had made San Mateo Somehow I get the guys giving "special re learn all over again in 1972. prises. a better community in which to live" deals"the deals that help me much The campaign in the 12th Senatorial and had found great satisfaction in This gives little comfort to the students who are faced with the grind of more than it helps them. They're doing District in California (San Mateo County) being able to procure the legislation and istration this spring. Again, the uncertainty of whether necessary classes me a favor. R-i-g-h.t. appeared from the start to be a classic funds to make life for San Mateo resi- .%be open faces those striving for graduation. Just last night this kid comes by and struggle between the dents a little more enjoyable and haves and the interrupts a really heavy John Lennon 'ompounding the problem this year is Gov. Reagan's budget freeze, which have-nots. comfortable. album to ask if I want to subscribe to the 11.,:s necessitate the cutting of several hundred classes at the last minute. And Although voter registration rolls show The letter was accompanied by a San Jose Mercury. that San Mateo is nominally Democratic, pamphlet which listed Dolwig's achieve- will be no place to go for those students planning on taking those classes. Before I got sick he hit me with the San Francisco s southern bedroom has ments since entering the legislature 24 the schedule special dealonly $1.50 for the next Ti!e budgetary uncertainty has also led to the delay in printing traditionally been a years ago. stronghold of four Sunday papers. 'asses booklet, another inconvenience for students. conservatism. It That letter was the typical pathetic has, therefore, sent a Figure it out...buying it on the long line of old attempt at self-aggrandizement I would Ti;ost who will really be hurt, again, are the juniors, who will need upper -school Republicans to newsstand would cost $1.40, 35 cents a both the Congress expect of Dolwig, says Gregorio. "The in classes. Seniors, however, will get first crack at them. Lower division and the state legis- copy. How do I get these special deals? lature. use of taxpayers money in this manner - ; are saved by the fact that there are several sections of general I signed up. How can you refuse a little Until his death in 1967, J. Arthur weakens the integrity of public .:lion classes, and those classes are usually large. But, of course, regis- kid a trip to Catalinaespecially when Younger had represented San Mateo in officials, he adds. Officially, the cost of ’:a en is hard on everyone. he'll get the added attraction of seeing the House of Representatives the letter was listed as $11,000, but for 28 the oil slicks? years. His fellow Republican, unofficial estimates have ranged as high wish there were a workable alternative, but until the impossible dream Richard J. But you've had this happen to you all Dolwig, represented as $40,000. Even the San Mateo Times, adequately funded college is realized, the scramble will continue. the county in the semester, too. None of us has escaped state assembly from the largest newspaper in the county and 1947 until 1957 "them." when he was elected to his present a staunch supporter of Republican By now, you've undoubtedly been office that of state senator. Following candidates, blasted Dolwig over this "saved" by the Awake messengers. It these men was Carl A. (Ike) Britschgi issue. only costs a dime but you have to listen who was elected to the assembly seat Gregorio used what he saw as a move to a half-hour sermon on how every left vacant when Dolwig moved to the toward McCloskey by the voters and Money No question you have is answered inside if Object? their growing disenchantment with state senate. you will only read the thing. And they'll When Dolwig announced that he Dolwig to hammer at his opponent. be back in two weeks to be sure you would not seek re-election this year, Throughout the campaign he tried to '1 he California State College Trustees, those ever-present guardians of the have. Britschgi was again chosen by the Re- identify Britschgi with Dolwig who had taxpaers' dollar, forever on the lookout for student and faculty abuses of You like candy? You can get a few publicans as Dolwig s most logical suc- been labeled as a member of the "old puliiic property, seem to have utterly ignored the poor taxpayer when it comes ounces of toffee for 39 cents downtown cessor. With the advantages of a much guard a group of establishment down to the trustees' own building. but if you're patient enough, a pimply larger treasury and the voting history senators supposedly overly cozy with kid will come by to sell it for $1.40. Al the November meeting of the board, the trustees voted to move the head- of the county, the Republicans seemed lobbyists. During his campaign, he But the grossest things I have ever qua hers of the chancellor's office from the present Wilshire Boulevard office to feel that the candidacy of a widely. adopted the slogan, "If you liked Dolwig, seen this semester are those damn building in Los Angeles across town to the exclusive Century City area, one of known veteran like Britschgi would vir- you'll love Britschgi.'' earrings. districts in that sprawling city. tually assure a GOP victory. Northern California Democratic the highest rent Have you seen himthe guy with 50 Chairman Joe Holsinger meanwhile The Democrats, meanwhile, had no million of those ugly little things? I've The move will not be made for several months, since the building isn't attempted to destroy Britschgi's natural names to offer the electorate. Nor did had the pleasure of his company twice. inished yet. in fact, the colleges haven't even signed any contract. And, above party identification with McCloskey. He they have a veteran to try to become the He was a nice guy, though; he didn't r, they don't even know how much the move will cost! contended that a vote for Britschgi first registered Democrat from San interrupt my shower for more than three would be a vote against McCloskey. He Of course the move was made Mateo County ever elected to the state minutes. subject to "contractual negotiations," and it reasoned that the conservative element senate. What ever happened to the Avon lady could be reversed. And the chancellor's office insists that there is a price ceil- of the Republican party was "out to get What they did have was a young and the Fuller brush man? At least I can ing built into those negotiations. Spokesmen for the chancellor wouldn't reveal the liberal McCloskey" and that if they lawyer named Arlen Gregorio. use a toilet brush. I can't say the same what that price ceiling was when contacted by the Daily, however. gained control of the legislature they Gregorio's was not a name imme- for the San Jose Mercury. Blindly endorsing the move was hasty, we think. The first question raised diately recognizable by the voters. In would reapportion him out of his Iwn any college wants a new program is "How much will it cost?" Apparent- fact, he was practically unknown outside congressional seat. Gregoriols upset ly outfitting "Glenn and the gang" with a new building is a bargain at almost of Son Bruno-- -a small north county city victory was one of the prime causes of my price. where he served as deputy city attorney. the Republicans' failure to retain control SpatEtampaib Nor was he a veteran public official. To of the state senate. Prior to the election We suggest that before the trustees move into any new building, they find be specific, he had never even been a they held a 21-19 edge which was Second class postage paid at San Jose, California. exactly reversed on Nov. 3. Member of California Newspaper Publishers' out exactly how much it will cost the taxpayers. Also, they might consider candidate for public office prior to the Association the California Intercollegiate Press moving into the least expensive place they can find, considering the budgetary senate race. "Right-wingism reached its peak in Association and the Associated Press. Published daily by state San Jose State College. except Saturday and Sunday, status of the colleges. We need every penny we can get these days. Despite these seemingly insurmount- 1966 with the election of Ronald Reagan during the college year The opinions expressed herein as governor," Gregorio states. "In 1970, are not necessarily MON, of the Associated Studants. the able odds, on Nov. 3 Arlen Gregorio was College Administration. or the Department of by the voters of San Mateo however, the pendulum has begun to JOurnallsrn and Advertising. Subscriptions accepted chosen only on a remainder.of semester basis. Full academic County to represent them in the state swing back and we are seeing a resur- year, 89, each semester, 1.4.50 Off campus price per copy, 10 cents. Ph00e-214.4414. Editorial ext. 2313. legislature. The final vote was 98,689 to gence of liberals and moderates," he Advertising ext 20111. of Suburban Newspapers, 90,767. adds. He supports this belief by pointing Inc of Milpitas, California 'Political of Wilson designated as editorials reflect the Ploy'? to the election Riles (State All articles Gregorio gained one of his largest maicorlty opinion of the editorial board. Ail other opinions advantages in his use of students as Superintendent of Public Instruction), expressed are the views of the indivodual writer or Gm Reagan recently dropped two student advisers from his personal staff. volunteer precinct workers. According John Tunney (U.S. Senator) and Alister cartoonist are insufficient Schultz, manager of his McAlister (assembly, 25th district). Eoifor CRAIG TURNER contending there funds in his budget to keep them. to Charlotte Advertising Manager DAVID BARNWELL The University of California student presidents' council, through Stephen county headquarters, some 500 high -The days of Johnson and Humphrey Assistant Editor FRANK FERTADO (in the Democratic Party) are gone," Neves Editor GARY PIERCE Williamson, U.C. Davis senior economics major and student lobbyist, accused school and college students walked pre- Associate Editor KEN COSTA the governor of a "political ploy" in phasing out two advisers, Gary Hunt and cincts and talked with voters throughout Gregorio points out. The new leader- Day Editor KAREN PETTERSON ship will come from Edmund Muskie, Copy Editor JOE WU Tom Baker, a Republican graduate of Stanford University. the campaign. Wirz Editor EARL REASON with the who offers the country a 'father figure' Sports Editor MIKE DUGGAN The council's statement said that "Reagan hired Baker and Hunt only to add The use of students coincided Feature Editor STEVE SWENSON credibility to his election this past fall." theme of Gregorio's campaign: a new as Eisenhower did in the 50s, and Birch Entertaonment Editor RANDY MILLER Bayh, who is youthful and dynamic." He investigative Reporter . SANDY ROOKAIRD The statement added that the decision not to rehire Hunt and Baker resulted approach. Public Relations Director STEVE LYNAM -Since the election of McCloskey personally prefers Bayh of the two and Executive Assistant MARY DOUGHERTY from "the administration clamping down and not letting Baker and Hunt mail Chief Photographer STEPHANIE HILL (Congressman Paul N. 'Pete.' McClos- would like to see the Indiana senator as Retail Ad Manager JOANNE M NARDUCCI a letter without the approval of Reagan's higher education adviser, Alex Sher- National Ad Manager ALAN SOREM key, R -San Mateo) in 1967, the voters the Democratic candidate for President Production Manager SHIRLEY REISER riffs." having in 1972. Business Manager DENNIS PIZZO Office policy states that all letters written on administration stationery must have realized the advantages of Credit Manager PAT GILLIS new, energetic leadership in public Gregorio does nothing to conceal his Art Directors TOM MARLATT, submitted to a top official, Hunt stated. MITCH WALKER be office," says Gregorio. dislike for the present occupant of the Classified Managers . DAN F INLAY, most frustrating result of their firing is that "every program the SHERRY GUNNUF SON The The new senator -elect feels that Mc- White House. It is a dislike that stems WENDY HELLER, advisers tried to develop which would bring the resources of the governor's from the days when Gregorio was JOHN MERCER, Closkey's election and subsequent BRUCE SKILLINGS office and students together was vetoed by Sherriffs," the student body presi- performance in office gave a tremen- working in the campaign of Helen dents' statement said. to his own campaign. Douglas who ran for the Senate against trEpORTORiAL STAFF dous boost skip Bailey, Renee Bayer, Ellen Bevier, Anna Baker said that their departure "signalled to the presidents that no hope There is no way I could have won if a then -Congressman Richard M. Nixon. Black, Michael Conley. Steve Uroessler, Geoffrey That had to be the dirtiest campaign I Eastman, Ken Enclnas, Terry Farrell, Patricia exist: any longer to develop better communications between Reagan and Younger -type politician were still repre- Flagg, Fronk Haber, Linda Hawkins, Fred Hempy, .itudents." senting this county in Congress,- he have ever witnessed:. Gregorio Victor Jong, Richard Kendall, Reiner Krell, comments. Nixon didn t call Helen a cnristne Leslie, Ann Lewis, Ramon Martinez, Cli0 Reagan may be running out of money, as he has claimed, but he cannot emphasizes, 'because the public would Mato, Judy Matusich, Bruce McCIIlin, John Merl, afford to widen the gap between himself and students, not only university still be used to the self-serving, special Communist, but he came as close as you John Miller, John Murphy, Lynn Parent, Gary Park, can come.. The senator -elect Karen Petterson. Ken Ramsdell, Susan Rapp, Tony students but state and community college students as well. issue -oriented politician." rates Roegiers. Stan Scovell, Jeanne Strang. Pam Strand Gregorio believes that the man he is Nixon somewhat below Gov. Reagan for berg. Raymond Tessler, Jack Tinsley, Bill Woren the governor should reconsider his recent firings before it is too craft Perhaps whom he also expresses no affection. late. replacing, retiring State Sen. Richard J. News Review Thursday January 7, 1971SPAR TAN DATLY 3 Academic Freedom Panel Sonny Liston Dies Compiled From Associated Press Profs' Views Divergent LAS VEGAS, Nev.Former heavyweight boxing cham- By PAM STRANDBERG Dr. John A. Wettergreen, More negatively, he con- pion Charles "Sonny" Liston was found dead by his wife Daily Political Writer instructor in political tinued, such a professor will Tuesday night in their luxurious desert home. The cause was Should academic freedom science, believes the highest gain "the not immediately determined. enmity of those be given to students -but not value to be sought in the who believe that the A pathologist said an autopsy showed no conclusive find- insti- to professors? Does aca- academy is wisdom and tution itself ought to act as ings as to the cause of death, which apparently occured a demic freedom mean the But few persons in the the conscience of its own week or more ago. Toxicological and microscopic studies professor should use his con- academic community pur- community. were ordered. The results, the coroner said, might not be science as a guide in the sue wisdom today, he said. Dr. Frederick available until Friday or Saturday. C. classroom? 1/r. Wettergreen believes Dommeyer, professor of phi- Geraldine Liston found her 38-year-old husband's body Four professors expressed the main functions of uoi- losophy, believes a professor lying across a cushioned bench and their bed in the master opinions as varied as these in versifies and colleges today has an obligation to stay bedroom of their $60,000 home. Sheriff's Lt. Bud Gregg said a panel discussion on aca- are to train students for jobs within the limits of his sub- there was no suspicion of foul play. demic freedom, sponsored and to develop the students' ject matter in the classroom. by a speech activities class, social consciences. "He ought to stay within yesterday in the College Academic freedom is not Pentagon Foreign Aid Union. his field of training or ex- necessary for these pertness or he is showing his WASHINGTONThe Pentagon admitted Wednesday it Dr. Theodore Norton, pro- functions, he said, and the ignorance with the stu- spends billions of dollars each year to arm foreign govern- fessor of political science, trainers of these students dents," Dr. Dommeyer ex- ments, but was unable to tell a moderated the panel and congressional subcommittee should not be given aca- plained. how much each country receives or the total annual cost for outlined existing college demic freedom. -There such assistance. policy on academic freedom. are many pro- Instead, he said, students fessors who are We certainly are not trying to hide any figures," said There are no legal statutes violating should be given academic academic freedom by Po- Armistead I. Selden Jr., deputy assistant secretary of concerning academic free- freedom because they are liticizing the classroom and defense. He said representatives were being sent around the dom, and it does not exist in the ones who ask questions going far beyond his subject world to determine the total cost of the program. the Constitution of the United not the instructors. matter." Sen. William Proxmire, D-Wis., chairman of a joint econo- States, he said. CONSCIENCE DICTATE The professor said he mic subcommittee probing military assistance to other Dr. Norton said that a 1940 Dr. Eldred E. Rutherford, knows some professors Who nations, described the procedure as "unmanagement." statement on academic free- associate professor of psy- admit they are indoctri- Selden accounted for approximately $4.8 billion in foreign dom by the American Asso- chology stated, "the exercise nating students. military assistance during fiscal 1971. He said the total did ciation of University Pro- of academic freedom in Dr. Jack Kurzweil, assis- not include military sales or equipment turned over to South fessors states that professors teaching and scholarship re- tant professor of electrical Vietnam or Thailand, material that could be valued in the should have freedom to do duces to the question of engineering, argued that The billions. research and publish the re- whether the instructor is scholar should be given aca- sults of that research. willing to let his conscience demic freedom provided that DISCUSS SUBJECT Seale Trial Recessed dictate his behavior in the the scholar employ -the In addition, it says, the classroom and in his investi- NEW HAVEN, scientific method in his de- Conn.The kidnap-murder trial of Black professors should have free- gations." Panther Chairman Bobby liberations. Seale and Ericka Huggins re- dom in discussing his sub- If the professor does this, cessed Wednesday He believes "the dis- morning after Seale jumped to his feet, ject in the classroombut Dr. Rutherford said, he will demanded a fair passionate technique of trial and accused the prosecutor of not controversial matter not accomplish more effective ''knocking off scientific investigations is all the black people" on the jury list. related to his subject. Such a and worthwhile scholarship Attorneys in the social purpose the trial exhausted the llth panel of prospec- policy exists at SJS, he said. and teaching. tive jurors Tuesday as the defense repeatedly objected to of scienceto advance hu- rejection of persons opposed to capital punishment. manity." Dr. Kurzweil believes the Winter Carnival concept of allowing complete Jail for Bobby Baker academic freedom has been used to promote racism and WASHINGTONFormer LBJ protege Bobby Baker, who imperialism on campus. staved off serving a sentence for tax evasion, larceny and conspiracy for Tickets nearly four years, is to go to Being Sold prison Jan. 14. Baker, who amassed a multimillion dollar fortune while Winter Carnival tickets include rental rates, daily TOWNE t secretary to the Democratic Senate majority, will surrender are on sale and will be lift ticket reduction, re- 1 THE AUUAIDA AT NESTER ! himself to the warden of the U.S. Penitentiary at Lewisburg, available until Jan. 20 in duced ice skating rates, 297-3060 Pa., federal authorities announced yesterday. LA TORRE, CIRCA 1962This is how the arcade of Tower Hall were later demolished. the Student Affairs Busi- dance admission and eli- .3rd WEEK. Baker was sentenced April 7, 1967, to a one-to-three year home of the La Torre Carillon looked when An arrow indicates one of four carillon speak- ness Office. They may gibility for the prizes to BIG sentence. the Westminster chimes still tolled the hour. ers atop La Torre. also be purchased at the be awarded. Week-nights at 8PM The mission-styled wings and the tiled, gated A bid for a Supreme Court review of his conviction, Winter Carnival Informa- Carnival officials stress Cont. Sun. from 1PM previously upheld by the Court of Appeals for the District of tion booth until Wednes- that participation in Win- Columbia, was turned down by the high court last month. day. ter Carnival activities is DISCOUNT ADM. $1.50 Chief Judge Edward V. Curran of the U.S. District Court Needs Bunzel OK The booth is located at not limited to people who here allowed Baker to remain free on bond until his Seventh and San Carlos choose to stay at the Olym- no one streets today, it will be be- $65 surrender at Lewisburg. pic Village with the who war there He was accused of underpaying his income tax in 1961 and tween Tower Hall and the package. 1962, taking the money across state lines, helping another Science Building Friday, Although the Carnival will ever be the fame. person falsify his federal income tax returns and putting Carillon Drive Gains Support on Monday and Tuesday is sponsored by the As- funds solicited as campaign contributions to his own use. it will be on Seventh street sociated Students, any By BRUCE McCLELLIN placed. ters agree that the replace- near the Engineering Build-. member of the 'college doln- tf4 Daily Staff Writer Music Department Chair- ment cost, $5,830 plus tax ing and on Wednesday, inunity is welcome includ- Riles: Firing and Hiring La Torre i The Tower) man W. Gibson Walters re- and shipping fees, is not that the booth will be near the ing family, friends and wooditodi Carillon's clock wheels con- affirmed his active-support great and could come from a cafeteria. guests. The only require SACRAMENTOState schools chief Wilson Riles tinue to fruitlessly spin, 25 for anyone wishing to restore combination of sourcesthe The $2 ticket enables ment is the purchase of reassigned or removed six top officers in the State Depart- CINEMABURBAtiri’. bell strikers remain inert, the voice of La Torre. Alumni Association, stu- the holder to take advan- the discount ticket. ment of Education Wednesday in a sweeping shakeup aimed MOORPARK AT BASCOM II tubes are cold and dusty and Before Dr. Walters dents, groups and indivi- tage of the many discounts This year's Carnival at a "team approach to solving California's educational 295-7238 aged circuits still defy nor- became chairman, former duals. available. These advantages will be held in Squaw Val- problems." Starts Jan 10 malcy. college President Robert Dr. Walters feels that a ley from Jan. 24-29. In ad- Everett T. Calvert, who was a controversial deputy Nightly at 7:30 However, two SJS admini- Clark authorized the Music carillon fund drive will be dition to the discounts and superintendent under former superintendent Max Rafferty, strators announced Tuesday Department to either repair most effective if the main activities available to tick- Jean Renoir's will keep his title because of a four-year contract granted Ad Class a drive to end the five year or replace the chimes. thrust comes from students. et holders, $1,000 in prizes 11937 Masterpiece him by the State Board of Education, said Riles. But he will silence of Westminster The present system is lo- Also, such a drive could will be awarded. have only "duties as designated." chimes from Tower Hall. corner of Morris best succeed if lead by a To Submit Carnival officials will GRAND Calvert's $29,000 annual salary will be slashed to below cated in a SJS Business Manager Dailey Auditorium's bal- coalition or committee re- announce the name of the $20,000, the superintendent added, and he will not have ILLUSION Glen Guttormsen said if col- cony. It includes a clock and presenting the various seg- Winter Carnival Queen Mon- policy-making power. AND lege President John H. a two octave-range key- ments of the campus com- Campaign day. The five finalists are Riles named Milton Babitz as acting deputy state superin- Alf red Hitchcock's 11.118) Bunzel reacts positively to a board. munitystudents, faculty, advertising agen- Cheryle Brown, Linda tendent. Babitz, 54, was assistant chief of the compensatory Four "THE LADY VANISHES" letter he was drafting, he CHIMES administrators and other of students Catania, Gail Rapanut, education division, which Riles had headed before taking a cies, consisting will spearhead a carillon 25 staff. cam- Janine Stanhope and Deb- leave of absence to successfully campaign against Rafferty. The chimes are actually in an SJS advertising (STUDENT ADM. *S1.75) campaign. ENHANCED present bie Whittimore. "I think what I'm talking about is a team approach to bell-rods of various length. paigns class, will Guttormsen is confident panel of solving California's educational problems rather than a These are rung by strikers "One would expect a their plans to a Dr. Bunzel will react produced melodies advertising divisive approach," Riles told a news conference. and the carillon of real quality in professional favorably to the letter, re- microphones, for the promo- Answering a question from a reporter, Riles said he did not are picked by such a beautiful tower...A executives questing that the basic elec- broadcast as we a black regard some of the outgoing officers as competent in their amplified and beautiful tower such tion of Counterpart, tronic carillon system be re- over the four speakers atop have would be enhanced by and white community in- RECORDS positions. Torre. of a carillon," he volvement group in the East "I don't think that it's any secret that some of the people we La the beauty One wheel of the clock Alto-East Menlo Park are terminating or reassigning thought too much about their stated. Palo activates the chimes every get them ringing 41DISCOUNT PRICES philosophy that they forgot about education," he said. Alumni Offer "Once we area. quarter hour, and another campus, 1 think it will Edwin F. Klotz, who had been serving as Rafferty's No. 2 over the The presentations Popular Jazz causes the system to toll on campus be made today at 12:30 man, has returned to a civil service position he formerly held would help the hour. artistically and musically p.m. in MB 427. The cam- as a consultant in the Bureau of National Defense Education Free Grad 4 .Rock & Roll Westminster chimes take would help establish an paign plan judged to be in the department. and COMPLETE SELECTION OF 45'S their name from the chimes atmosphere of quietude and the best over-all will be Paraphernalia in London's Westminster meditation that we always used by Counterpart in its MEXICAN AMERICAN & LATIN Lockheed Rejects Offer Abbey. Its melody is based associate with bells." first all-out advertising Students who join the SJS upon Frederick Handel's If the college community campaign in the Palo Alto WASHINGTONLockheed Aircraft Corp. rejected today Alumni Association before hymn, "1 Know That My desires it, a new La Torre area. DISCORAMA the government's offer to settle its dispute on the contro- graduating will be provided Redeemer Liveth." Carillon could be expanded The project began last 227 SOUTH 1ST. STREET SAN JOSE 286-5837 transport plane project. The firm said it would with caps and gowns free of "COLLEGE SPIRIT" versial C5 so that full concerts can be September when Kemp OPEN 7 DAYS EVES. THUR. & FRI. seek to recover its losses through litigation. charge. The La Torre Carillon, gift played over the system, he Miller, executive direc- Lockheed board chairman Daniel J. Haughton, described Students can take advan- of several senior classes, said. tor of Counterpart, explain- the Pentagon's proposal for Lockheed to accept a $200- tage of the alumni offer by was added to the list of Additions such as harp ed the basic publicity needs million "fixed loss" as "an excessive and unwarranted making a $25 deposit on a Washington Square tra- bells vary widely in price. of his organization to the penalty." lifetime membership in the ditions in 1946. Its har- Part of the difference is in class. Houghton said at a news conference that his company organization, stated Mike monizing affect upon the the number of bells added, The 32 students have chose to take its case to the courts because "we have a strong Neufield, alumni association campus, until its silence in extending the octave range. been working with a pro- result in a finding sub- NOW ultimately OPEN legal position which should director. 1964, was summed by former But if only a basic system posed $5,000 advertising stantially more favorable than the proposed fixed loss" The full membership cost college President Thomas is installed even this year budget since then. BURGER CHEF FAMILY offered last week by Deputy Secretary of Defense David M. is $100 and may be paid in MacQuarrie: SJS' San Jose centennial Packard. successive increments of "The carillonic chimes year -1,a Torre will be RESTAURANTS Under Packard's proposal, the Pentagon offered to settle $25. kept up the college spirit." capable of ringing into the IT'S TERM the tangled dispute if Lockheed would take the $200 million Interested students should Guttormsen and Dr. Wal- twenty-first century. fixed loss. Packard also offered an alternative planthe contact the Alumni office, route Naughton said Lockheed has chosen to gowhich Building FE, South Fifth and PAPER TIME! would involve drawn-out litigation. San Carlos streets. [PCMTUDIAI

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4,SPARTAN DAILY Thursday January 7, 197) Spartan Hoopsters Long Beach State Open 'New' Season PCAA Cage Pick By MIKE D1GGAN an effort to get the big man Lung Beach State opens he led the nation with a 39.7 TOP Daily Sports Editor in better play ing shape for defense of its PCAA basket- scoring average and a 25.4 Fur the SJS varsity bas- the league. ball crown this weekend and rebound average. In high ketball team, the pre-season SKLNNF:R HOT while favored to repeat, the school at Columbus East in schedule has ended with the Guard Johnnie Skinner 411ers could be surprised by a Ohio, Ratleff led his team to Spartans owning a dismal 2- continues to be one of the couple of league members. a three year mark of 70-1. PRICES 13 record. However, a "new" few bright spots for SJS. Jerry Tarkanian's Trapp, brother of San begins tomorrow season Skinner hit 24 against SF talented cagers posted an 8-4 Diego Rocket John Q. Trapp, night at UC Santa Barbara State to raise his 14 game pre -season mark. Other averaged 16.3 last year in when the Spartans open total to 253 points. The soph league members and records leading the 49ers to the Pacific Coast Athletic Asso- guard's current average is were UC Santa Barbara 8- Western Regional finals be- PAID ciation play against the 18.1. 21, LA State i 6-3i, Fresno 7- fore running into UCLA.: Gauchos. The Spartans will be look- 4i, San Diego 2-51 and SJS For the third Following the Santa ing for their first ever PCAA consecutive 2-13). year, Tarkanian has the Barbara encounter, SJS win this weekend. Last The 49ers are led by sopho- travels to I.os Angeles State season, in the initial year California JC Player of the more sensation Ed Ratleff Year. This year it's 6-6 for- FOR for a Saturday night game of PCAA play, SJS finished and last year's PCAA Player against the Diablos and their ward Chuck Terry. in the cellar with a 0-10 of the Year, George Trapp. star guard, Ylose Adolph. record. Ratleff, a 6-6 guard, has hit The 49ers will appear at Two streaks will be on the The Gauchos are off to the for 25 a game so far this the San Jose Civic during line in tomorrow night's fastest start of any UC Santa year. On last season's frosh, break, Jan. 30 to play SJS. USED game as UC Santa Barbara Barbara cage team in the has currently won six in a school's history. Also ready row while the Spartans 80-75 to begin his "new" season, loss Tuesday to SF State ran Gaucho coach Ralph Barkey the SJS loss streak to 10. said, -We are proud of what Spartababes Entertain Looking toward the league BOOKS we achieved in December, opener, SJS coach Danny but this is the beginning of a Glines said "It will be tough whole new season." Cal Cagers Tomorrow for us to get up after 10 losses 8-2 RECORD his team AT in a row. Just a couple of Santa Barbara currently Like a snowball rolling off will tame UC wins lately could have had sports an 8-2 season with the side of a snow-covered Berkeley for the second cage time. The the players believing in only narrow losses to Utah hill, the SJS frosh Cubs will be out to even things themselves going into con- State, 66-64, and Colorado, record is growing. Backed and this time they'll have the services of ference play." 61-59. by 60 per cent shooting in the ADAMSON OUT Senior center Doug Rex 6- second half of Tuesday's their top scorer, 6'8" for- ward SJS will probably go with- 8) is the leading scorer for game with San Francisco Carl Meier. the Spartababes went out sophomore forward Jan the Gauchos with a 18.4 aver- State, That contest will be to- nab their fifth win in 79- Adamson for the weekend. age. Last year Rex hit for on to morrow at 6 p.m. in the The 6-7 Adamson hurt his 18.7 a game. 68 style. Spartan Gym. It's bound to DeYoung paced the shoulder against Reno Guard Bob Schachter, the Gary be an entertaining evening in scoring brigade with 18 and and didn't suit up for the SF only Gaucho starter not one way or another since Tom Clayton, who State game. averaging in double figures, after the cagers exit a Gym- apparently has that "EOP Ron Eleby, who has is the playmaker of the Santa nastics tournament is matter" out of the way, also slimmed down from his Barbara five. Schachter, a 6- scheduled to get under way. opening season weight of 265, 0 soph guard and son of NFL helped put away SFS with 14 will probably be ready for referee Norm Schachter, has markers. Pete Roberts was The following night in STARTER-Guard Danny Walker will open for play against CC Santa Barbara. Through 15 plenty of action tomorrow accounted for 47 assists on the only other Spartan who Davis the frosh crew will be SJS in the backcourt tomorrow night in Santa games. Walker sports a 7.3 scoring average. joined the double figures turning flips against UC and Saturday. The 6-10 soph the year. Barbara when the Spartans open conference had 10 points and collected Forwards John Tschogl club with 10 points. Davis at 5:30. SJS won an Chances are Frosh Coach earlier encounter this year five rebounds while playing (13.5) and Earl Frazier this year, but has been The injury wasn't enough The Diablos, in addition to Dave Waxman isn't trying to and if it takes acrobatics to about half the game 02.01 and guard Ron Allen plagued with injuries. to stop Adolph from hitting a Adolph, will open with guard figure out how Laney lost to do it again, coach Waxman Tuesday. Glines had de- )11.3) round out the Gaucho Adolph, who hit for 25 a 25-footer with a second to go Mel Scott 6-2), forwards Foothill Tuesday. but how object. moted Eleby from the start- starting five. game in the first four out- last Saturday night and give Morris Thomas 6-3 ) and wouldn't ing lineup from the starting LA State, second in the ings, has been playing on a the Diablos a 77-75 win over Rayburn Walker 16-5, and ['ROSH BASKETBALL STATS lineup during Christmas in PCAA last year, is 6-3 so far very weak knee ever since. nationally ranked Colorado renter -Jesse Arterberry I 6- 8. Player G FGA Pct. REB. Avg. TP Avg. Brad Metheany 6 33.79 418 48 8.0 93 15.5 Pete Roberts 6 39-97 .402 14 2.3 91 15.2 Don Ornclorf I 6 28-77 .364 65 10.8 68 11.3 Gymnasts Take On Tom Clayton 6 20-44 .455 40 6.8 51 8.5 Fullerton Gary DeYoung 6 14-25 .560 17 2.8 39 6.5 Russ Ferrante By JOHN MURPHY all-around honors:. gue:-.. eil all-around. He will be re- 6 7-15 .467 13 2.0 30 5.0 Ron Nrcoletti 6 9-24 .375 12 2.0 25 4.2 Daily Sports Writer Jennett. placing Mike Cooper who has Dave Lucas 6 3.14 .214 10 1.7 8 1.3 The Cal State Fullerton Also strong for the Titans been hampered by a hand in- Henry Martin 5 2.5 .400 4 0.8 5 1.0 Hilitard Parkinson 1 1.3 .333 1 1.0 4 4.0 Titans will invade the Spar- is Leon Mims and John jury. He will compete in all Bob F duce 1 0.0 .000 3 3.0 3 3.0 Ty Hornuth tan gym tomorrow night Bakovic. Mims is a strong 1 0-0 .000 4 4.0 2 2.0 events but side horse. Terry Caughell when they face the SJS gym- floor exercise man while -Fullerton will be very 1 0-0 .000 1 1.0 0 0.0 Dave Ador netto 0-0 .000 1 1.0 0 0.0 nastics squad at 8:30 follow- Bakovic is strong on the strong on the rings. Turpin Team Rebounds 6 67 ing the SJS Frosh-UC rings. and Ed Sparacino will SJS Totals 6 156-383 .407 310 51.7 Opp Totals 44.8 4193 95 695186 8 Berkeley Frosh basketball Spartans Joe Sweeney really have to do the job to 6 156.393.397 269 game. and Jim Turpin are coming beat theni here," stated This will be the opening off strong performances in Jennett. Also competing for dual meet of the season for the recent U(' Berkeley SJS will be Eric Havstad on SJS Swimmers Open Coach Clair Jennett's gym- Clinic. Sweeney was third the side horse and Kim Kludt nasts. -This will be one of in all-around, high bar, on the high bar and long our toughest matches of the vaulting. Turpin captured horse. Season Against Gators year. Fullerton is highly vaulting and was fourth in The SJS swimming team last year. competitive and we'll have floor exercise. begins competition today He figures "Long Beach to put out our best effort to These two will participate 49er's Taylor with the knowledge that it will finish first forever," as beat them." commented in all six events against can only go up. finishing in the 49ers boast seven world Jennett. Fullerton as will sophomore the Pacific Coast Athletic record holders on their team. The Titans defeated SJS Top Rookie Bill Barnwell. This will be Association cellar last year. Jay is building his hopes on last year for the California the first time this year that Providing the competition potential performances from State College Championship. sTATELINE, Nev. i API - Barnwell will compete in the in the Spartans first outing Mike Allbright, Nick Arm- -They appear to be even San Francisco's Bruce Tay- will be San Francisco State 'strong, F'red Belcher, Ken stronger this year," con- lor, who has his own was, of which plays host to SJS at Belli, Tom Clark, Gary tinued the SJS coach. College Bowler returning punts, was named :1:30 p.m. MacDowall, Roger Williams Fullerton is led by all- Wednesday as the National Spartan coach Bill Jay ex- and Ben Van Dyke. around men Leonard Caling, Football League's defensive Here Saturday pressed optimistic hopes "We'll have good depth all Scott Crouse, and Ed rookie of tne year by the when discussing the coming around," the Spartan mentor Gregeda. -Caling is a real Sari .lose State College cc ill Associated Press. campaign. continued, "and we'll be fine gymnast and should be host the Men's and Women's Taylor, who joined the "If everybody swims we real in the sprints one of the top contenders for Intercollegiate Masters 49ers this season from Bos- strong can take second place," Jay and BILL BARNWELL League bowling tournament ton University led the butterfly. Our weakest Saturday morning beginning National Conference by re- said, "which is a good jump event will probably be the at 11 o'clock. turning 43 punts for 516 yards from our last place finish breaststroke. Eight schools will send and a 12-yard average. VARSITY SWIMMING SCHEDULE their five member teams "I watch the ball as soon Date Opponent Place Time as it is kicked and decide into 12 contests. Two schools Jan. 7 San Francisco State San Francisco 3:30 p.m. will pair off and compete in where it's going," Taylor Jan. 15 Cal State Hayward and six games and later in the said from his vacation re- Foothill Aquatic Club San Jose 3:00 p.m. Jan. 18 Santa Clara Swim Club San Jose 4:00 p.m. day they will be matched treat. -Then I watch the Jan. 22 Only. Puget So -cod San Jose 3:30 p.m. with another team for six coverage and try and find a Jan. 29 Humboldt State San Jose 7:00 p.m. Jan. 30 Stanford Relays Stanford 2:00 p.m. more games. hole. After I decide where Feb. 5 Chico State and Leading the SJS entry will I'm going, I concentrate on Univ. Santa Clara San Jose 3:00 p.m. be Fred Worrell and Gary catching the ball. Feb. 6.7 San Jose State AAU San Jose All DAY Feb. 9 UC Berkeley Berkeley 2:00 p.m. Park. Top performers on the Taylor, who plays corner- Feb. 12 Fresno State and coed team are Pat Ravitt back, says that despite the UC Santa Barbara Fresno 4:00 p.m Feb. 19 Stanford Stanford 2:00 p.m. and Willie Leggett. honor he still must improve Feb. 20 UOP and Long Beach State Stockton 1:00 p.m. Five women's teams will to come up to the par with Mar. 4.5.6 PCAA Championships Belmont Plaza 1-8 p.m. Jim Johnson. Mar. 25-26 compete along with eight defensive back .27 NCAA Championships Ames, Iowa 1-8 P.m. men's teams. "He's my model. He's the Other schools participat- best in the league." said ing are U.C. Davis, Stanford, 'Taylor. Santa Clara, Chico State, Taylor, who was credited Fresno State, Berkeley and 10% DISCOUNT with keying San Francisco's upset win over Minnesota Games director Terry during the playoffs, was For Students & Faculty Gregory said, in inviting named after receiving 23 spectators to attend, "Our votes by a special AP panel 1. New cars starting from $1,795.00. 2. Over lanes are notorious for good of sports writers and sports- 100 quality, guaranteed dom- scores. I wouldn't be sur- mertic and foreign used cars. casters. 3. prised if we had a lot of good Complete lease program. (New cars Taylor said that he was under games, especially from our $50.00 monthly) very happy with his rookie 4. Complete bowlers." rental service $6.00 daily, seat 13c a mile, "Free Gas" PARALLEL BARS -Spartan Jake Stelnlaid is shown 5. Complete body and fender -foreign performing on the parallel bars In a recent meet. SJS will and domertic-free estimates. Loan- arc' the pOK caul Cal State Fullerton Titans tomorrow at 8:30 SELF-HYPNOSIS ers available. in the Spartan gym. Fullerton won the California State 10% You Can Learn To: 6. Complete transmission service-stan- College ('hampionship last year and is expected to bring an dard and relax instantly automatic -overhauled for even stronger team to SJS. as little as $99.50. concentrate more effectively OFF 7. Expert tune up service-domestic and or eliminate pain reduce foreign for as little as $5.95 labor. produce altered states of consciousness 8. Lowest (with ASB card) rates on all neneral mechan- Seven Week Course-S30.00 ical repair, all makes and models. ASB card must he 9. Complete storage facilities inside or DRUG CO. You can reyster at one of the lecture out for autos, trailers, inotor cycles MODERNE demonstrations at 7:30 pm Jan. 13, 14, 15. & 23 campers and boats -as low as $10.00 Anthony C. Clung:Iwo, Jr. presented with Come and take the succeptability scale and monthly. "41;rInight Every Day of the Year spe t vimosis is really like 10. Bank financing on all purchases incoming ordei (..,a/a 293./500 of the above for as low as 6%. HYPNOSIS WORKSHOP CAL BOOK PRESCRIPTIONS 101 0 DOYLE ST. SUITE 11, MOTOR IMPORTS MENLO PARK, 322-2992 *TAR 457 E. SAN CARLOS 286 6500 375 So Market St ICI-MANI 0 CENTER Doyle Street is one block west flot Safi, tif Fr 211 OVii BET. 10th & 11th III of El Camino and Santa Cruz Moe AAR** **************************

Thursday January 7, 1971 SPARTAN DAILY5 'Garden of Grass' `Three -For-All' Open Friday Ii May dial Saturday eldi- The lila) tirkes place on a ('right and Greg ing at 8:15 the drama depart- curve in a roadway where Andrade Grass No Big ment will present "Three - the two brothers make their The final play of the even- 'tits Deal ing, For -All," a group of student- livelihood salvaging cars the Chekhov farce, is ust By VICIOR that are directed by i th .1 ANG Id:, cuing bustcd list alot gl'ZISS ('ither; personally, 1 do directed one-act plays. The wrecked there. John Jacobs, Daily Staff Writer it 1st( about Hiss IS not believe them show will be held in the Col- Joseph Hanreddy, also a scenery by Kathleen Moe to and costumes by Some of my best friends liiugtiiiblc i personally, ID fact, l'in be- lege Theatre. Tickets are graduate student, directs the Martha or introduced me to this unpre- And the book describes the ginning to wonder about available at the College play. Scenery was handled West. ire tentious little book a few whole scene in prohibition- those two names.) Theatre Box Office. Robert West and costumes -The Marriage Proposal I 'a - Lennon Album nights ago last week called stoned type humor from the What has seduced ( or cor- Included are Moliere's are by Teri Newman. revolves around that crucial all "A Child's Garden of Grass" actual high, where every- rupted these non -con- -The Jealous Husband", Performing in "The point in a romance, the night ( the official handbook for lxidy has a lot of fun acting sowers into consuming, I "The Curve" by Tankred Curve" are Martin Fererro, of the proposal. marijuana users, so it calls dopey, to the paranoia sur- think, is that while the book thirst and "The Marriage -A hypochondriac suitor Introspective Cuts itself) by Jack S. Margolis rounding the purchasing of is wildly funny, and it un- Proposal" by Anton butts heads with a stubborn, and Richard Clorfene, such a simple item as Zig- a bashadley takes the Chekhov. arguementative fiancee By Clarinet CRAIG TURNER cated song called "Love," selling for 95 cents in paper- Zag cigarette paper. What do position that marijuana The farce by Moliere is and her cigar-chewing, Daily Editor which is hopelessly sopho- back. the Zig-Zag people, the book should be legalized, it takles directed by graduate student pompous father, the result is Deeply introspective but moric. On side one, however, In may opinion this book is a asks, who much be richer a more sensible position on Michael de Ponzi with set de- Concert of course, chaos," said harshly uneven, John -Hold On John" is a perfect valuable addition to modern than Howard Hughes by the merits of the plant than sign by Jeanne Hose and cos- Jacobs. Lennon's new solo album en- example of how a song can literature because it takes now, think their product is that plant's more fanatical tume design by Lisa Paul- Appearing are Jeffra titled "John Lennon -Plastic be simple without being the right attitude on an being used for? advocates claim. son. Kaufman, Douglas Morrison Ono Band" ( on Apple) is a simple-minded. everyday and hitherto overly ENJOYABLE SCEPTICISM The plot revolves around Friday and Hon Hogan. strong, shaking per for - The best cut is a fast- serious subject, namely the Places to hide grass are It puts down the tale that the efforts of a husband to mance. moving tune called "I Found use of marijuana among this evaluated. Morality is de- grass will add to one's pro- cure his wife of stepping out The Music Department awe. I admit I was disappointed Out," in which Lennon lec- nation's youth. bated. Explicit instructions found revelations ( although by locking ti,ir out of the will present a program of sq 1" with the album at first. I was tures on the folly of leaning FITTING HUMOR . are given for the growing, the authors do state cati- house. She retaliates with a music composed for clarinet r-C-1.11111- making the inevitable com- on other things, people or Amid the tons of literature curing, and conswning of gorically that it will improve fake suicide, then locks him tomorrow night in the Music parison with George Harri- ideas. A putdown of religion, I have seen devoted to the marijuana. your love life) and it views out. Also in the script is a Concert Hall at 7:30. Ad- son's sweeping performance sex and drugs, the song ad- pros and cons of grass, this is But the book is enjoyable with scepticism every sea- scholar who attempts to aid mission is free. on his new record, All vises depending only on the first piece of literature for users and non-users tale going about super-grass. the husband but only adds to The concert will include Eat , 1 )rink , and Things Must Pass." But it's one's self, and Lennon which approaches the sub- alike. "Time" magazine and the confusion. eleven solos with piano be Merry really an irrelevant com- underscores each stanza ject with appropriate humor. Every non-user I know 'Rolling Stone" reviewed Cast members include accompaniment. The music Delicious Food parison. Harrison may touch with a chorus of "I, I Found It is really funny. who has read this book has this book before I got to it. Joseph Allen, Cecil 0. includes Mozart's Clarinet Excellent Wine, your emotions, but Lennon Out." Not only is it enjoyable Humor is needed in any found it funny also and has me take from the Pendleton, Kathleen Steffen, Concerto, a Sonata by Paul Free Entertain- bludgeons your brain. One musically, it is believable. complete and well-rounded ended up trying some of the "Time" review to sum- Al Bru, Margaret Payne, Hindemith, and three un- ment isn't necessarily inferior to Close behind in quality is work that deals with this stuff, except, of course, for marize my appraisal of the Pete Sims, John R. Wood and accompanied pieces by Stra- Thurs. - Sun. the other, the albums are "Isolation." A lilting song, it subject, because so much me. writers and this book. Bert Garcia. vinsky. , WINE CELLAR just different. is one of the few works on about grass, and the laws Personally, I have not nor "Their low key approach The German play by All the works to be per- Harrison's statement is a any album where the melody and circumstances sur- will I ever, turn on with and refusal to take grass too Dorst deals with the conflict formed were written es- 50 UNIVERSITY AVE. soft affirmation of God, eter- doesn't just support the between two brothers and OLD TOWN rounding it are so laughable marijuana until the stuff is seriously help support pecially for the clarinet. LOS nal life, the essential lyrics, but reinforces the question of whether kill- GATOS good of them. ( of course, the book notes, legalized. Jack S. Margolis their main contention: Performers are music 354-4808 the world. Lennon's album is "Working Class Hero" is there are certain things not and Richard ('lorfene claim that grass should be no big ing in defense of one's way of majors with the clarinet as a tough rejection of external also very good, reminiscent so laughable about grass, never to have consumi.d life is justified. 'heir major instrument. trappings, including religion of the old-style "protest and politics. It is a paean to songs." inner strength. "I just be- POOR CUTS 15;111' \el . .4 r lieve in me-Yoko and me- On the other end of the ; . _ \ nd that's reality," he sings scale, the poor cuts ( other ' %ler .n one cut, entitled "God." than the aforementioned .14 Alit* 114.1. 4 FREUDIAN "Love,") are "Well, Well, Lennon has been under- Well," which degenerates oing primal therapy in Los into meaningless screaming ,ottwtif kngeles, and many of the after some good opening yrics seem heavily lyrics and "God" which has - .'reudian. There are re- a fine beginning and ending urns of leated references to his but no connecting middle. iarents, especially his It's like two songs were stuck nether, from whom he was together. The most inter- ieparated early in his life. esting thing about "God" is The last cut is musically that it reiterates that the iondescript but it provides Beatles truly are dead, if we nsight into Lennon's inner needed any more such as- tirmoil. It's called "My surances: )Iummy's Dead." ("My "I don't believe in year! .lummy's dead-I can't get it Beatles..." ( full five second lirough my head-...It's hard pause) "The dream is over- o explain-So much pain-I What can I say? -The dream ould never show it.") is over-yesterday-...I was The record's opening cut is the walrus-But now I'm apple mcvvos died "Mother," and the John-And so dear friends- ening lines, following the You just have to carry on- nber tolling of Big Ben, The dream is over." liii rile ml, "Mother, you had me GOOD EFFORT ALL 1111124(1. NIL'S' ',ASS it I never had you-I wanted Lennon does the vocals, u but you didn't want plays guitar and piano. 2..." Repeated several Billy Preston, who played ies at the end is the organ on "Get Back," irus: -Mama don't go- handles the keyboard on ddy come home," ending "God," while Phil Spector, ally in a primeval scream. who produced the record CONTRADICTIONS along with John and Yoko, is ,00king at the album on piano on "Love.") Back- usically, which, after all is ing up Lennon is Ringo Starr iramount, there are flaws who else?) on drums and ; well as very moving Klaus Voormann on bass. oments. As a rule, side one Lennon wrote every song on superior to side two, but the album, of course. .e everything connected While I wouldn't label this ith John and Yoko Lennon, album "a milestone," it is George Harrison John Lennon album is full of contra- certainly a very good effort, tions, even musical and one in which you get a tradictions. view of John Lennon's 'All Things Must "Plastic Ono or example, on side two psyche along with the 11 e is a short, uncompli- songs. Passifpple STCH 639 Band "Appi

3 LP SET S598 Value ance Audition Planned 511 98 Value le Dance Department determine what time their 19 '359 announced auditions for dance will be seen. ces for the Spring dance The dances should be each each i'cert to be held in early already choreographed and ;,y. any special lighting effects MIN rhe auditions for solos and should be arranged with ets will be held in PER 262 John Halley by signing up Save 40%off mfg. Monday, Jan. 11 from 5 on the bulletin board outside .; i. until all candidates the dance studio to deter- ve been seen. Group mine what time their dance list price! inbers will ber reviewed will be seen. ,.n 6:15 p.m. on. A tape recorder and at all Ul choreographers should record player will be pro- Now Available suit the sign up sheet out- vided for any musical the dance studio to accompaniment. Box Record Stores Y. Music We're Having A * AL_ THREE-FOR -ALL ..-, THE GLEN CAMPBELL I- - GOODTIME ALBUM Three one act plays Other Great Student directed and designed Capitol- cme yeato,a ,14,1/.1 Apple Hit 74e eaiwe Albums! 74,e Raiwacte Plzpo/scii Illoodrock Funk Railroad liadlloger Glen Campbell Grand Bloodroek 2" "Live Album" 'No Dice" The Glen Campbell Capitol ST 491 Capitol SWBB 633 Apple SKAO 336/ Goodtime Album" 2.99 2.99 Capitol SW 493 3.59 COLLEGE THEATRE Jan. 8 and 9, 1911 8:15 pm 12 Music Box Stores To Serve You Mall 591 Market Sr Si, f rant o M.101041 Moll Mt V.... 48,11 So Thud Si,, Jose Southland Hayward Students 15, General $1.00 Wid*daeb2/ University Mall Davis Sonvalley Mall, Concord Coddingtown Sante, Santa Rosa Weherstown Center Stockton Westgate Shopping Center San Jose Serarnonte Center Daily C. v Northgate Fashion Mall, San Rafael ..x Office open 1 to 5 pm daily 240 W 171h St, Merced 6-SPARTAN DAILY Thursday January 7 1911 C.U. Stresses Service Gregory Temporary Director Its RICHARD M.:tilt/U.1. Washington University. to leave. students' drivers licenses Daily Stall It riter According to Gregory, the "I had worked in the col- before patrons can use the Ferry Gregory has only job is similar to the games lege union bowling alley at table tennis, pool table, Ill. 11I1 t. \ tilic loin I olletie Games area positions but concen- U.C. Davis for four years so I bowling or 20 other tables Iii Ioh. 111.4 11111 IX) a Da ciliin for less than trates heavily on camping, knew a little of what was games which include chess, It! lilt, I. Ecoltil;$ AtAl011 three weeks. lout lit: still horse back riding and other going on. checkers and cards. ( 1'01111, El`21111.11 Ins, has hasn't seen it in full opera- outdoor a( ti "At the moment I think scheduled anotht clean-up tion Gregory will get back into things are running smoothly Satin day for the creek area -When I took over before graduate school here in the as far as operations go," he PLANNING near Tuers Ihnid and Capitol Iiristmas vacation the area spring in recreation. His edu- said. ON Expressway, scene of their wasn't used very much. Now cation was interupted by Na- He received his B.A. from MARRIAGE previous effort. that it is getting close to tional Guard duty in April. Davis in rhetoric. "It is hard The San Jose City College finals and semester break, it -1 (lave been here since to explain. People in the field ... have a professionally Sept. 1969 even before the e mil, sponsored the first still isn't in full operation have a definition but it done storybook of your Union was opened. 1 helped doesn't mean anything to rleilo-up which drew about yet.’ he explained. wedding for only $95.00 150 solonteers. Sal LaRosa, Ills isosition is temporary take in furniture and other anybody else. It's more than president of the group, called until a full time person is things for the building," he a speech and drama depart- this a "finishing up" project, hired. said. ment. It deals in overall but admitted that some of Barry Bonifas, who served Ile was working as an communication and people Call t'.1;. Director the work done Dec. 5 has ;IS till.t.cton ton over a year assistant to not just speech," he said. Ted 321-5574 Eves, been Utlfitille by polluters. has !hien outings Ron Barrett, -doing odd Gregory plans to continue He said San Jose City dircitor ;it tcrn jobs". when liondas decided the Aein of asking to see Council, at their previous Monday night meeting, had agreed to loan hand tools- shovels, rakes, and litter Spartan Daily Classifieds picks. He said the Santa Clara County Flood Control LOOKING F OR A PLACE to RECORD & TAPE SALE! I have con Project it again provide ANNOUNCEMENTS II) 2 edrm. 1., bath w w opts, drapes, Better , ted spaces ava nections with a wholesaler and can A E K, very clean enclosed parking, able in 15.. (.011,ge supply all the current LP records and residence hails three dump trucks. 5490 598 So 9th 287 2854, 286 050 Applications may be picked CAKE IT FINE WINE Si 00 a gal most tapes at per cent discount. All UP in the People volunteering use of as housing off ice 319 So 15th St no A. ' BREW Scents a cif Beer & Wine SS LP's sell for S3 06, 56 LP's for s362, 283 bdrm, apts. for rent 470 5 1 1th St pick-up trucks are needed as 0001,5 8, Recipes Crocks Malt Hops etc All sales are on a special order PhOne 287 7590 Pool. rec room, HELP SELF BY Grape Concentrates FREE AD basis Place your order by Tues., pick HELPING OTHERS well, he said. The all-day Roommates needed 55 00 S4000 VICE BEGINNERS START HERE) up Fri of the same week Hrs cam MO FOR BLOOD' OR ' PLASMA PRESENT clean-up will start at 8:30 Located in the Arts & Crafts Center 8 p rn Mon Fr. CALL for informs STUDENT HOUSE FOR RENT, LARGE 2 Bdrin. ACTIVITY CARD FOR 197 Ph 248 6680, 11355 The Alameda THE hon. 298 0700 Ron 538 S 8th TIME a.m. IT'S turn GIRLS ONLY 560 head 4 SI 00 BONUS CALIFORNIA W1NEMAKER LEGIT Now taking orders for Christ CALIF. BLOOD BANK, PerSons, 656 S 9th. 286 2837 35 $ Almaden S J PH The group announced the teas 194 6535 (Op posite Greyhound Depot) project for Saturday in hopes Attention Flower Children-We have Duplex for rent. Partly furnished 540 Combat boots, Field of di awirie students before long stem premium roses for S295 a U.S. SURPLUS: S 9th 293 9647 5135 mo SURPLUS and GOODIES, F,eld Camping supplies, Navy Pea dor (we'll put them in a gold florists jackets. Jackets, Pea Coats, Bell Bottom they are submerged in Coats, Bell bottom pants (Denim box even/ catch this terrific deal at Pants, Clothing. Poly foam, Camping Wool Bobby Male roommate needed, to share w 1 . finals. Eleanor's F lowers of Los Gatos. 720 whires3: London supplies, Back Pack gear, Boots are S nisi., Jackets HIP- other Completely turn 2 bdrim Apt. University Ave between Blossom Capes. Leather BARGAIN CITY I Despite the short notice, PIE FASHIONS Furs 8, Leather. 567 50 Call Eric after 3 00 295 4579 or other far out items Hill Rd & Lark Ave I call for direr 260 N 1st St. Hrs. 10 6, Thurs ti l 9 JACK & PAT'S 3rd HAND STORE 375 stop by 351 S 11th No. 8 GARBAGE COLLECTOR-A San Jose State Group sponsored a clean-up of Coyote Creek. Ecology Action Group is lions 356 6314 or 356 4839 We also have Closed Sundae crowd to carnations for SI 00 per do7 . daisies 65 E Hedding St S J Also 7036 Thorn student stuffs another piece of garbage into a The group is planning another clean-up day at hoping for a large cents, bachelor buttons 95 cents. ton Ave.. Newark 10 5 Mon Thur. 10 MALE ROOMMATE NOW to share LUNCH COUNTER. Christanada r, Ecology Action the creek site this Saturday at 8:30 a.m. tackle the considerable Mums Si 95.1 On, etc etc We have 6 Fri & Sat room $50 month Call Mario Charon or gunny sack Dec. 5th when Natural Foods 35 $ 4th. Open 7 days, 5 lust about the selection of cut Neil Murray After 6 p.m or Before 10 -Daily. photo by Stephanie Hill remaining garbage. largest a m to 7 pm 2137 5410. towers in the valley You'll love our 01.0 PICKLE BARRELS 510 each, a m 244 3117. call Larry after 3 at 298 6659 or call place Female Lou at 295 9967 Roommate Needed fOr Sp. CHRISTANADA NATURAL FOODS I Attention -low Budget.' students! Sem Own Bedrm 10 min. from State Ginsegg. vitamins -minerals, Snarl, Presidential Adviser ELEANOR 5 DISCOUNT FASHIONS Guitar, accou. or elec. Any model 592 Royal Lanai, poet, non smoker. bar. organic grains, organic produce Call of 1,005 sethrig name brand Amps & access Brand new whls - 259 7621. Juice bar .Yoga literature, macro I Bobbie Brooks. Catalinas. IS per cent Call Jim at 2060667 biotic food, cook books, stua' I Magnins elr Or approx Girls. Furn. apt. 2 bdrtri. blk 525. books, incense 35 ath St Open 7 Porn: Couch Ai Dining rm. table with 4 Very clean li baths. Freshly deco. days 9 a.rn 7 pm 2075410 chairs S25 each Call 293 3680 or 286 449$ 10th St modern 9.30 am, 2-00 4759 O rn Philosophy Major to tutor college; , Done sophomore in Logic 23 hrs max Never time Call 746 1235 Job ROOMS FOR RENT: 1 single S40 mo. Noah's un. yersity By FRANK FERTADO .1Iso involved in is6 631.: 356 4649 700 Right On Your own Hold Button Noah 1- Av.-'''win Biossorn Rd & 2 dbl 53250 ea mo 426 5 7th Daily Assistant Editor collegehniv planning and in Courtesy Sneaky, Noisy Rommates Cancel It Out Call 191 3378 Fred, for P19501415 i6 James E. Noah is not the the development of solutions 'MO FRIDAY FLICKS: John & Mary, w FREI HERB TEA at the Christanada Dustin Hoffman Morris Daily Aud typical college staff mem- to major policy and oods Oven? days. 9 a m 7 Old books, newspapers, Fr, Jan 8 7 & 10 p rn 50 cents postcards, Disc Under Pessure2 ber. His work is seldom per 35 ate Sr 287 5410 furniture. glassware. of fffff 44? Need) operational problems having coliectabies Help? Get the Daily Habit of all kinds 957 So 1st Female Roommate 21 2S Royal Calling. finished. He's aggressive, on aca- DIAL PEACE a significant impact STANFORD SHOP. Lanai Own Room S75 mo 258 5130 OF MIND 794'a333 f CAR RALLYE, min ) yet not flamboyant. He's demic programs. Therefore, PING CENTER Palo Ado Sal Jan 9 HEAD 320 SK IS brand new 200crn last after 6 pm Peg or Chris serious with a sense of he must be familiar with all ii COWBOY T C Si 00 Anv car and years model bindings never mounted, beg,nners welcome Start anytime 590 or offer Call Will 748 5557 Convenient Living. Large 1 Bedroom TRAPISPC914110N 19, humor. And his responsibi- aspects of the college from from between 6 and 9 pm Apt by Campus 555 mo Call 297396.1 lities are endless. financing to proposed build- 315 E San Fernando No B. Female college spokes- The Spartan Bookstore has a F ROME UHF W ANTI() Al EUROPE ISRAEL . EAST AFRICA Noah is the ing. AND ' RviCE Reasonable Female Roommate needed to share 2 student travel discounts. Confer' inan-SJS' public relations The state budget freeze P, Bdrrn Apt w 3 others 545 mo Call 295 I S.C.A. representative Fred, 415.843 director. and the legislature's ban on 53.00 Per hr., Male 8. Female Need 7642 after 5 30 1857 Hrs. 4 6 2536 Regent St. Berkeles FREE one JUJITSU lesson No Money for food, rent, books, car? If According to Noah's job bootlegging affected Noah . t & r. 30 you are willing to work, we pay 300 hr Roommate Needed to Share Large Alter qualifying require cared, neat House near Campus w 3 Others Avail EUROPE CHARTER FLIGHTS sunimary, he is "responsible directly. Although he is now , Student rate Several schedules roundtrip or one Sr. %mew Fuller Brusa Co 225 5513 able NOW. Call 294 2464 for the direction, manage- forced to work with a Tue 0. eve way From West Coast to London ,,,nation Girls & Amsterdam, Frankfurt Coordinator ment and coordination of a smaller public relations .. THE ACADEMY Students Part-time. Several positions MINT. 1,2 Bedrooms for 3 persons Near moth St & Williams. Call Prof Margaret Peal 247 R oyCrof t Ave and complex 1.511 rA K,nus open if you have your own car and are Long Beach 90803 ,omprehensive staff, his workload has not free to work from 4 to 10 pm week 287 3370 !program including full been decreased. days. and weekends We have an ideal Deluxe Apt. for Rent. 5135.00 2 STUDENT TRAVEL, TRIPS participation in the develop- Noah participates as ZERO POPULATION GROWTH w,i1 opportunity Both men and women CHARTERS. EUROPE, ORIENT considered You must like to meet the Bedrrnd AEK Drps W Pd Adults ment and execution of public affairs adviser in 1167 So 6th St WORLD Write. S.T.O.PP 215C Shot public and nave a neat appearance. tuck Berkeley CA 94704 or se. Policies covering the public major planning, policy Excellent pay, fringe benefits. Testing TRAVEL AGENT. tor these positions will commence at 3 Two Girls Needed to Share Rrn On affairs program." formulation and implemen- pm sharp Mon Nov 9 See Mr. House on I 1 th St 956 Call Ruth rm 214 In effect, Noah is a baby- tation and decision-making Winter 1850 Borel Place Suite 130 San 294 2922 Mateo Calif. No Phone calls sitter to the news media, a actions affecting all Chick needed to share apt., own room To Place furnished, 570. 7 talks from campus host to dignitaries and, most operations of the college. DRIVER. FULL OR PART TIME, Ice Call Kati at 297 1095 significantly. a vital adviser Free adorable kittens to a good home Cream Soft Drink Vending Routes 30 to Noah, he 6 wks old 3 males 2 an black. 1 grey) 50 percent Comm 358 N Montgomery an ad: the college president. According Roommate Needed, Spring Semester. to I female 141,(0) Cali 377 9700 9 it am 2974728 Noah has performed his acts as official spokesman 555 mo Pool Park'ng. Across from Campus 3IS E San Fernando No. 14. for the college with the LIVE IN MOUNTAINS. Drarnahc 000 HELP advisership duties for three NEEDED. Students who wish 775 9448 NEVER-ENDING JOB-James Noah is the college's public communications media, so It nage above CREEK among to earn 01305(0 per month part time Come to: college presidents -Dr. redwoods a large stone and official spokesman for the college. ireplace Call 253 6101 relations director Robert Clark, Acting Presi- the general public, com- and sun deck Low Down payment. FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED to position entails advising college presidents, coor- G I 1 canting 520.600 377 3061 BURT share 1 Bedrm Apt with 1 other girls Classified Adv. Noah's dent Hobert Burns and newly munity organizations, Need coeds to sell Koscot oil of mink dinating press coverage of campus events and hosting represen- PRA TER. Realtor cosmetics and hair fashions. Work at Call 2866807 appointed President John H. governmental your own convenience special guests at SJS. plus numerous other responsibilities. No door to door Bunzel. tatives, and representa- THE NEW TOWER 1,st is in the bre* requirement 40 per cent commission MALE ROOMMATES NEEDED. Office-J206 colleges and or), now More professors same Company training during day time or Snare? Bdrro Apt. with 2 others close Each college president is a tives of other Pr ( to campus 545 EACH. After 600 PM evening Call 226 4322 MON.-FRI. .challenge to Noah's abilities. universities. 297 2514 GIRLS Be Work when it :2- independent, -Every president I have Noah's background is AUIONIOTIVI fits your schedule Earn whatever tits GIRLS! Needed 1 or 3 girlS, own worked for is a little dif- colorful. During a 1964 your material demands and enrich room $58 me,. Share rm 529 fro. Lg. 3 10-2:30 your life by helping others Call 225 Bdr Furn . lii bath Near Campus, ferent." says Noah. -1 must campaign seeking voter 51W REPAIR, New, Rebuilt or Used 286 4138 Parts. Save Son Labor 8. Parts I will 1622 after 2.30 p.m Spartaguide '-tet to know each of these approval of a $380 million broken or wrecked VW buy your down Quiet Place Male Students: neat appearing, inside GRADUATE or SENIOR Send in handy men personally and how they construction bond for Cali- Herbert, 82 Goodyear, 5.1, 292 3768 to Study Men ONLY Rooms wkitch sales, work until Spring finals, part would react to certain fornia higher education, he oriv S40 mo up 7936713. FOR SALE 4 650 13 Snow & Mud time. eves & Sat Salary Interviews order blank T(I1)11 tile Pig." 50 cents situations." served as coordinator of in- Tires Good Cond Call Dan at 297 0273 2101, 15t St Rm 207 10A AP. In emergencies, Noah formation in a four-county 540 for set On. 1. ;II p.m., C.U. admission. SEEK CAMPUS REPS: Student or must be able to think and area in which the bond issue campus organization sought to Li Almaden. General meeting, Jonah's Wail, 8 p.m., Rom- Tune .Ups any car w out air SIP or w FAST ACCURATE, Experienced Enclose cash represent us on campus for leasing night. tollages, react for the college presi- passed by a 2,2 to 1 mar- al $14 parts whIs Call Jim at typist, can Edit. Four miles from plans for spring semester. pc! Boom and purchase of tax free cars for use he is re- 7965001 campus Mrs Aslanian 298-4704. or check. Sigma Delta Chi, 7 p.m., God's Eyes, paper airplanes. dent. In turn, gin. in Europe by students and faculty. JC 208. Election of officers St7NDAY sponsible for releasing More than a dozen articles FOR SALE1 ISOOcc VW engine and Earn Ilet fee big bonus earnings For applications write Dr STUDENT TYPING in my home official college statements to E X T RAS $200 CALL at 293 2757 ask for potential Fast, accurate, minor editing. Mrs and Deadline Dinner report. Spartan Chinese Club by Noah have appeared in Students Faculty Programs, car Pat Baxter. phone: 24 6581 Make check Financial Management ()Hoed. 10 a.m.. Kee room, the news media. Each week scholarly publications, trade Tours in Europe, 555 Fifth Avenue, his office releases hundreds NYC 10017 Association. 7:30 p.m., 148 E. Williams. Snow trip journals and Sunday maga- 1966 Simca 1000 4 dr sedan One AUTO INSURANCE - Annual liability out to Spartan owner 30 miles per gal radio Blunis Restaurant. Town & meeting. of stories and statements to zines. Professionally, he is WANTED married cple to work as (13 I I. PPD I Marr ie0 or Single age 24 heater 5400 or best offer. 286 S013 exch. & over 589 Married Daily Classifieds, Country Village. Election of Lutheran Campus Minis- the local press. associated with the San Jose custodians for Los GAM estate in 21 12 S148 Mr. Toll Noah is not dismal. for rent & utilities of srn guest hOuse. 241 3900. spring officers. Speaker. try and United Ministries, 6 But Advertising Club, Public Re- FDR.I tOnA YHoFf Ca Kr, S :64.1.0rh, &D.M. layr yA. uwd 3548070 bet 61(pet Rather, he enjoys his RENT: Portable or Baha'i Student Forum. 8 p.m., Chapel of Reconcilia- lations Round Table and Fri Jack 7&iopm 50cents STEREO'S FOR position. "I find the job Full or Part Time: Beauty Advisors console free delivery, free service, no p.m.. C.C. Guadalupe Room, tion, 300 S. 10th. Community Sigma Delta Chi, national wanted to demonstrate cosmetics. contract EschePs 251 2598 Celebration. challenging and exciting," 66 VW 0000 CONDITION, just hair fashions Give beauty shows in Flying Aces. 7:30. p.m., Worship journalistic society. tuned he says. was 5990. now 5850 Call John homes, beauty sheds, boutiques. etc TV's FOR RENT: free service, free CH 167. Interested persons Seminar on Meaning. 9:45 795 8709 Earn fr S120 Phone doesn't work the A graduate of Illinois State Work your own hours delivery in San Jose area, no contract eleorne. 11.111., The New Wineskin. Noah 51000 mo Call 298 3571 for al715, esche's 251 2598 University with both a B.S. 66 VW GOOD CONDITION, Sun roof Club, 7:30 p.m., C.U. -What Does Discipleship regular 8 to 5 routine. In- Ski and MS. degree in English, iust tuned was $990, now 5850 Call FRIDAY FLICK: John & Mary. w MOTORCYCLE INSURANCE annual for Patriot- stead, on many occasions he John 195 8709 Umunhum Room. Discus- Mean for Jobs. Noah taught English at his Dustin Hoffman Morris Daily Aud. liability rates 0 125cc S28, 126cc 200Cc must work late into the night Fr, Jan 8 7 & 10 p m 50 cents 536; 201Cc 450cc 5e6; 451cc 600cc 162 sion topic -Winter Carni- ism?" New alma looter. '68 VW SO, BACK Excel, cond Mr Neal 371 1877 or early mornings. His pipe Tires. just tuned 5I600 cash (firm) val." There will also be a ski MONDAY As assistant professor of BUSBOY! DAYS 10am 3prn apply in 294-6414, So- is his constant companion. 179 8022 after 5 30 P person Town & Country Village film. Chicano Journalism journalism at S.IS. Noah Loft E XPERIENCE THESIS TYPING He works when he is needed San Jose Chi Alpha. 7:30 p.m., 499 S. ciety. 11 a.m.. C.U. Pache- taught news writing, 161 CORVAIR GOOD COND. must ELECTRIC Master's Reports 10 Dis- and. usually. that v titus. sell ,rnmediately 5150 30 Call fffff 6 Oisertations Marianne Tarnberg. 1924 ue 14th St. cho Room. Curriculum publicity and magazine Harris Ave. Call 371 0395, San Jose "I don't mind the long 269 7521 1051 AND FOUND TOMORROW cussion. All interested article writing courses. vi Jonah's Wail Coffee Chicano Journalism students hours. liii a night owl." says TYPING, ISM Elm exper, editing Ext. 2465 a LOST iv White Sled Dog w Tan Ears Noah is married and the f(15 SALE Former English P U BLOWYM House, 8 p.m., 300 S. 10th invited. Noah. -Six hours sleep is and Eyes. Male 550 REWARD 774 teacher. & 13 father of three daughters. 1009 deliver Call Mary flryner. 2444444 enliugh for ;inyorie... after Jam night, bring your danc- TUESDAY MARTIN 12 STRING GUITAR D 1200 6 00. AMA I American Market- kke new Ccnd IS mos old Cost new ing shoes and music makers. TYPING thesis, 910 Sell for $150 Call 797 1252 HOUSING 10 term papers. etc SATURDAY ing Association I h p.m. experienced and FAST., Phone 269 8614 OASIS iSpeech Clubj 7:30 happy hour. 6:30 dinner. 7:30 ATTENTION JANUARY & JUNE GRADS FOR SALE .0 E Portable T V Work exchange for light awe reasonable 7245 Lia apt no 50 Very nice room in p.m., Morris Dailey. A meeting. Zorba's, 1350 S. Eperiented Thesis. Typist. Familiar ,,,N) 1 30PM household duties Non smoker female historical documentary film Bascom. AMA's Winter Ban - Nov, Ithlt you have dci sevei,i; lob Intel views you die only ablks to SJS Call 287 3125 after with APA Format Fast and reason 500 able Silva 656 4088 on Vietnam entitled "In the quo Elections of officers. in a position to evaluate a tine opportunity. If you Joann believe in yourself, are goal oriented, enjoy hard work ,rnd want the chance to earn $15,000 your last year. CLASSIFIED RATES No refunds on cancelled ado Print your ad here: ,P lend a Pee seminar conducted by the 30th largest (Count approximately 39 letters and spaces for each line) XEROX poration in America The semInar is conducted Foe days is a man who, while in his senior year in college, 2.40 2.50 COPIES began his career in life insurance and matched his age 3 llees 1.50 200 2.25 in income when he was 30 years old. He 4 lines 2.00 250 2.75 2.90 3 00 Free Collating 7 Colors is the youngest rn the company's history which is vet 1 13 S hnes 2.50 300 3.25 3.40 3.50 Legal, 3 Hole Punched Paper years old NM!. is the 7th largest life insurance COT- a lines 3.00 3.50 3.75 3.90 4.00 NOV with over 1, billion in assets. 3 FREE COPIES WITH THIS AD .50 .50 .50 LANCER COPY SERVICE Find out orhether this type of career interests you. City _ Phone Northwestern Mutual Life, 298.3700, for the CHECK A CLASSIFICATION ehona SEND 481 f San Carlos St next seminar Class is limited to ten so phone now anneuncentealli " Help Wanted (4) CHECK MONEY 11191119, SR CASH TO SWAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS SAN IOSL STATE COILI'L CAUL 95114 287 7550 for a reservation. Automotive (2) 1 Housing 15) Li Sale Ill LI Lost mad found (11) allow 1 wo days I 1 er placing ad for it 10 appear o'r your y $95.00

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65 BLOWYOUR MIND." - Alpha Wave Mind Expansion...Page 8 So4rtan Daily Classifieds SCIENCE Gets Results

EUROPE TOES TELL TALE: $225.00 r.t. from West Coast Fly one way for $150.00 Gasoline Available flights from Regular 194 Octane N.Y. Flights FLEET FEET within Europe, Israel, 1i) 11[41( HAGENBUCH and the Orient For information contact: aborigine tribes, as well as in sees its pursuer, runs away erang. 365-8625 You might expect a certain photos and paintings of again. This process is re- Success of this procedure E.S.E.P. 27.9 degree of detective-type primitive and prehistoric peated for as long as three or is dependent upon the ability 801 Woodside Rd. activity in, say, the Police tribes, the shorter big toe four hours, but with each of the man to track his Redwood City Ethyl (100+ Octane) Science Department, or was -consistently demon- flushing, the animal runs a quarry, maintaining the E.S.E.P. SJSC members maybe even in the Journa- strated." The common slightly shorter distance, same pace as the animal lism and Advertising denominator among these and it grows less afraid of its until a meal is assured. It Department, but to find it in peoples was their survival by pursuer, which during the should be noted that the man 29.9 the halls of the Science hunting to feed themselves. chase, makes no effort to and his meal are not three or PARTS Building is unlikely, at best. A typical day in the life of harm it. four hours from the family Fill-er-up for However, detective work is an aborigine involves rising Eventually, the animal dinner table, since the chase tires IMPORTED CAR your Holiday part of the day's work for early and locating a game sufficiently and be- follows a circuitous route many professors in the animal to stalk. When first comes familiar enough with which never gets out of Trip Home Science Department, and it flushed, the animal runs the hunter s) that perhaps either's local area, although Prices subject to ma" not be too outrageous a quite a distance but then only 30 feet separate the the route covers many miles. Ecavomr pun to state that Dr. Victor change without notice Morejohn, professor of zoo- logy, has done his share of IMPORTS footwork. Puritan A scientist is by nature Imis,rtrsi curious, and Dr. Morejohn Oil Co. became curious about a trait he observed in certain empukoni human feet, namely the 10th & Taylor 287 Tyler Ave. greater length of the second 6th & Keyes toe relative to the big toe. His lat Stevens Creek, curiosity led to an investi- 213-6.100 4th & William gation of variations in human feet, and as a result of his efforts, track coaches ommmimmoseli, may be able to cull the best potential runners from a 11 Charter Flights Europe 1971 field of aspirants by having them line up barefooted. SPRING & SUMMER 0 The basis_ for Dr. More- john's conclusions pertains

fl LONDON s275 today although it is function- RC, 7. 111 ally less critical now than when it aided a man's ability LONDON s135 to track and kill his evening s meal. One factor which has a MANY FLIGHTS TO CHOOSE QUT?C), bearing on hunting ability ese ley,nrs are open To +ridden,' ’’ employe., and Mew awned 'r appears to be a long second toe. This is a simplification of the actual anatomical

Phone (415) 392-8513 I description, but it is the relationship which is most aborigine MAIL. TODAY FOR FREE fLiGHT For AAST iN stops to rest. The adversaries. At this dis- Dr. Morejohn, an avowec 3 easily observed. dogs the tracks of the ani- tance, the animal is easily evolutionist, believes strong O CHARTER FLIGHTS What led Dr. Morejohn to mal, running at a trot him- dispatched by means of a ly in natural selection, o 995 Market St., San Fraocisco, Calif. 94103 dig into the phenome:ion was self, until the animal, when it thrown stick, spear or boom- "survival of the fittest " I ? n411 rno Intimmolion on ingnIs the fact that different ani- ? 1.403e, Phone No _ mals stand on different num- Apt. No ? 000,0H. bers of toes, including Clip, *1.1.4 tiptoe. hooves. His need to explain FOOD CONSPIRACY 1111.11111111.1111.1111.11111.111.111011111111.0 the -why" of this fact to stu- By CONNIE CRETTOI. food orders froin members. conspiracy is happy. dents in his classes on In September Pat Mackay Because the conspiracy is But if grocery stores, the anatomy of world animals 10% Discount with this ad and 12 friends eliminated the currently dealing only with middlemen who raise prices evolved into a study regard- iiiiddleman, the grocer, from inorganic produce and to make profits, begin to lose ing survival value in a wild their food purchases. The poultry wholesalers, indi- too many customers, they environment. result was a conspiracythe vidual orders usually range could demand that the food During the study, Dr. CITY CENTER MOTEL San Jose Food Conspiracy. anywhere from two pounds conspiracy obtain a whole- Morejohn collected "pedi- Instead of dealing with the of oranges to one eggplant. saler's license. grees" of more than 2500 COLOR TELEVISION high prices of Lucky or the The member pays only the people, with each pedigree "The only way that pees- FREE LOCAL TELEPHONE CALLS long lines at Safeway, Pat wholesale price. No profit representing inherent forms sure like that could be COFFEE KITCHEN APTS HEATED POOL and her food conspirators go making is involved. AIR CONDITIONED ROOMS of toe types of parents, child- exerted on us would be if this right to the wholesaler, 14 HOUR WAKE-UP SERVICE ren, brothers, sisters, and Thursday is distribution college area had about 1000 where they're given a 20-40 sr. possibly aunts, uncles, and day at Pat's home, and participants in neighborhood 7 percent food discount. "Our grandparents. members are expected to conspiracies. Right' now only goals," says Pat, "are In addition to these docu- help bag and box the fruit we're not a threat to UC)VN: to save money, eat better MY (VIM mented pedigrees, another and vegetable orders. anybody," Pat says. food, and learn about other 3000 people were sampled at -Right now we're just the food sources." Wednesday nights from 5-8 random on the San Jose right size to have this com- The conspiracy, which is order night for members State College campus. is munity effort," says Pat. patterned after the Berkeley who telephone Pat. Anyone Analysis of these data indi- "We want to grow as a com- ALL CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED Food Conspiracy, now has 75 interested in becoming part 41. cates that about 12 per cent munity and let the organi- members, most of whom are of the San Jose Food Con- of the population 17-15 per zation take the form of the 294-2995 students, dropouts or spiracy may call her during cent actual) exhibit the reople." members of communes. But these hours at 297-4513. MOTEL variation in which the length anyone is welcome to parti- The San Jose Food Con- After all, as Pat says, of the second digit equals or cipate. To participate also spiracy is not a threat to "Safeway conspires against Member at exceeds that of the first lot means helping on food dis- anyone yet, because it is still us; Lucky conspires against 45 E REED ST. Western big toel. Motor Lodge tribution day. s small organization. The us; why can't we conspire .t Dr. Morejohn lne had ob- Once a week Pat takes holesaler is happy; the for the good of pecteLmem served that in Australian NOW. 2 Quatity. Js Out 1134.3 AT MacFarlane's Candies and Ice Cream 6th & Santa Clara CEAT Come see us' or call 2911138 Open 109 Daily

ecame obvious to him that panzees, monkeys and most he man who couldn't track other primates, feature feet as meal would eventually with the big toe opposed to A lie or -be pulled from the the other four, a character- reeding population" with istic which gives them a ,ach succeeding generation. grasping capability. Being XEROX ;ince toe length is a genetic swingers in the literal another. It's a complex of Absence of Natural Selec- Ihenomenon, it seemed sense), they are also poor several bones contributing to tion," in which he presented easonable that the shorter runners. Although the physi- it. results of his investigation to COPIES irst digit had a functional cal structure of the feet of The fact, however, re- that time. ignificance, and "this was man and ape is similar, with mains in a survival situa- Although he has compiled lorne out by the observation many of the same bones and tion ), that if you are to run sufficient data to establish hat the trait predominated muscles common to both, the barebot, the functional the validity of his conclu- n primitive man. interosseous muscles of types which will allow you to sions, he is continuing his The correlation seemed to man's foot are much smaller survive in the untamed investigation on a part-time w Morejohn, and weaker, preventing the II NO MINIMUM valid to Dr. environment are the two in basis and has asked that opposed configuration ob- which the big toe is subequal NOW Magazine assist him. served in the brachiators. COLLATED FREE to or as long as the second He seeks marriages between Additionally, if the op- EA. toe." people in which both posed big toe of the bra- part- Results of Dr. Morejohn's ners have the chiators is forcibly pressed second toe study will be published in longer than SAME DAY OR WHILE YOU WAIT into alignment with the other the first, and a biological journal where who also have more than one toes, making them all facts and data surrounding child. He would like to parallel, the big toe of the record his effort can be recorded for the pedigrees brachiators is considerably of these fami- scientific value. He also lies, shorter than the remaining primarily because the gf;ter- 1 131-G000wRIASr SAN IOSI CALIF 13111 4113 4164 spoke to the American Surgi- condition is sufficiently III SANTA CLARA toes. This points out that rare cal Society in Los Angeles in that his statistical there are other factors distri- 1958. His address was on bution of the combination involved in the skeletal is 11wila n Vahability in the inadequate. structures which determine relative lengths of the toes. To resolve some of the dis- parities, Dr. Morejohn took x-rays of numerous feet. He discovered that the primary Buy Back is Coming! factor regarding lengths of the first and second toes was this: If the first metatarsal, which articulates with the NOW is the time to sell basal phalanx, is shorter than the second metatarsal, then the big toe could be your used books. shorter than the second. Conversely, if the first metatarsal is longer than the second, then it is likely that Photos by TIM TITTLE the big toe will be as long or NOW is the time to get longer than the second. This ho then proceeded to con- effect, which is manifested rot the validity by proving overtly by the lengths of the extra bonus, too. at the obverse was also two toes, is actually the ue. In essence, this meant result of the metatarsal joint vestigating other life styles alignment. which the means of survi- When the big toe is longer, il was not dependent solely the first joints assume a Sell your books back at the Ion hunting ability. linear, or straight-line, Investigation into this alignment across the ball of Spartan pect of the trait revealed the foot. If it is shorter than Bookstore where the at as soon as a leather sole, the second toe, the joint ndal, or other footwear is alignment is curved, like a lines are short and the troduced between the foot- hoof, which is more efficient ound interface, the occur- for a running gait. Some surroundings are warm. nce of the shorter big toe supporting evidence of this is ases to predominate and that runners who run track ! foot assumes the more events barefooted and have Nuently encountered the curved joint alignment refund for ucture in which the big toe tend to be superior runners. 50% all used books to Nual to or longer than the Barefoot runners who do not be used next semester. .ond toe. have the curved alignment laving established that usually complain of joint length is a random problems and often suffer 10% early sale bonus. wration of the genetic from bunions or "hammer. .cess, it is interesting to be more deeply into the As Dr. Morejohn stated, ,sical characteristics of "... it is very difficult to phenomenon and assess the true basis of this, mine the nature of the or to explain all the variation t variants Dr. Morejohn patterns we see, that there :overed. He feels that are many. The x-rays we iern man evolved from have made certainly indi- Vooiedrofte brachiator ( limb- cate that the different condi- ngem branch of pri- tions are not just brought about by certain bones rachiators, such as chim- specifically being one way or ' 0,1,1%Al n FASHIONS AIN'T HE SWEET By BILL ANDERSON men's toiletry industry. The rest for the face and body. Apparently not everyone One of the wildest develop- market is growing rapidly, Their claim is that the new wants to smell like a rose. ments in today's sex - says Business Week, but still line "is a programmed "The teenagers aren't using oriented scent and shave lags behind the $:. billion per system for achieving man's colognes any more than hair world is the growing demand year women's beauty busi- maximum grooming po- dressings," according to by the American male for ness. tential through science." David Peterson, mer- new grooming aids. The suggestive nature of "The renewed emphasis chandiser for a Cleveland Among the more exotic TV commercials may help on men's grooming came as drug store chain. "It's the toiletries available are account for the charisma- part of this era's material- natural look or scent, what- sophisticated men's sprays cum -sales in men's fra- istic self-expression," ever you want to call it." for all occasions. A recent grances. which make up the according to Stuart Powell, The sweet smell for men introduction, called Image, bulk of the market. How can Jr., publisher of Beauty has declined for some manu- is touted as the perfect pri- a man.resist the beauty who Fashion. He said the youth facturers. According to vate deodorant for men says, "My men wear English market is particularly Business Week, Colgate's 007 passion fruit scented and Leather or they wear nothing Photo By TIM TITTLE Photo By TIM TITTLE hazardous because youth are left the scene with the end of at all." Or take the blonde quick to accept something craze. flavored. This spray, like BEFORE AFTER the James Bond Revlon's Braggi, is the male cutie on the Noxema com- but have no product loyalty. Swank's Jade East counterpart of feminine mercial who sexily whispers, selves in an all-out sex- moustaches and eyelashes To pamper and groom apparently jaded its users :iene sprays. -Take it off, take it all off." equalizing effort. now available. Other groom- men, cosmetologist Aida and Hai Karate fans got tired Another spray, bearing the If you were shaving at the The grooming business for ing aids include: bronzing Grey operates a men's salon of smashing boards. Beneath In :Aunt name of Dorian time you would damn well males has expanded to in- gels and sticks, skin mois- in the Beverly Wilshire all the ballyhoo, the products GI'Vy. is manufactured by take your head off. clude such radical repairs as turizers, protein-based hair Hotel. Among her services: seem to require some in- the Noxell Corporation, and A San Francisco psy- hair transplants and silicone creams, hair dyes and hair hair styling $10-$25. eye- herent value or they simply carries with it instructions chiatrist believes that this injections for wrinkles. The sprays for the "dry look." brow shaping and tinting don't sell. It makes you won- on how to -slap it all over 'is a sociological trend to- sale of synthetic hairpieces The Aramis Company $10), facials ($15) and der how long a spray deo- .(iir self." These are but a ward unisex and that women for men last year reached an introduced recently 16 clini- lessons in visual poise $101. dorant with the name of of the newer products in seem to enjoy men who estimated $50 million and cally tested formulas, five Her clients are mostly busi- Fragrant Pits would last on . ii j h in per year spray and slather them- this didn't inr.lude the false for the hair and scalp and the ness and professional men. the market. DIG IT ? WEAR IF! 1k GOLDEN But if you consider -fash- do-your-own-thing style. Goodwill, Salvation Army, I hionable hippies. A ionable" that which many It's a protest against the the Veteran's Thrift Shop, ( mar adietion in terms? That people around you are multi -million dollar clothing and a handful of local sur- dept.ruls on whose eyes wearingthen hippies are industry that has at its plus and second-hand stores )ou're looking through. fashionable. mercy millions of style - are where it's happening. If in consider -fashion- Look around any college conscious people who are Jack & Pat's Third Hand that which is dictated campus. From the vast forced to pay outrageous Store in San Jose is one such thi h omen's Wear array of garb in which many prices for poorly made place which deals in every- 1);(iv oi the year's Ten students and-or hippies are clothes that go out of style as thing from WWII military 1... -I List or through attired, there does emerge a quickly as they come in. gear to full length fur coats

(.. clothing store window look, a style. It's a people -to-people from the 1930's. Most of the ,o town ,then, perhaps, It's an individual trip. It's thing. Neighborhood garage merchandise is second or hippies are not fashionable. a no-fashion fashion. It's a sales, the Flea Market, third hand, obtained by buying and trading with individuals off the street, or from government surplus. 1 Browsing around Jack & Pat's can give you a good idea of what's in "vogue." The English look is in. London hobby capes, English fireman jackets and Sgt. Pepper uniforms are great for warmth and dura- Photo By BRUCE ROZENHART bility. Sargent Pepper and his own lonely heart cut new fashion. Hats are in. For a Euro- pean flair, perhaps a combat, or what have yo0, Whatever your mood, you German helmet (complete boots are great for sloshing can dress the way you feel. If with swastika ). Or, if you're in the mud and marching, it's comfortable, practical, a little too patriotic for that things which all true hippies economical, original, and sort of thing, there's always engage in at one time or you dig itthen it's fashion an American legion helmet, another. able. So wear it! a sailor cap, or just a good old policeman's hat. Spain is in. Frustrated bullfighters might be drawn to an old brightly beaded toreador suit, or a richly em- broidered matador jacket. SPARTAN DAILY I,eather and suede are in. SUPPLEMENT TO Jackets, vests, skirts, hats The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the Associated Stud. ents, the College Administration, or the Department ol Journalism and Adyer and belts which cost a for- fising. All opinions expressed ari. the view, ot the individual Wetter Or tune at a department store cartoonist. can be purchased much Editor Vii more cheaply if you go south ASSOCiated Editors Vo.roa of the border for your shop- ping, or if you purchase the material and make them drw yourself. Furs are M. Coats, jackets, and :,toies iiirdh links and all nre from the 30's, OrM, tIli, tiiiie they're (iot for ).ot ,iiiiply for Kati, Marc Hurkt /41111r= SAN JOSE SAFARI By CRAIG MARTEL Zoos. Animals caged in aspects of the zoo is that all filth, fed everything from of the keepers are girls. They pink popcorn to paper bags. begin work at 7:30 a.m., Harassment from sunrise to washing down cages and sunset. Elephants trapped in walkways and cleaning for a cement jungle. Koalas with the morning feeding. When wooden crates for homes. the zoo opens the girls are Lions losing their coats from there to answer questions lack of nutrition. Miserable and make sure the zoo's few animals on display for gawk- rules are observed. Says one ing humans. Zoos... keeper, "most of the people San Jose has a zoo. It's not who come to the zoo are all a large one, in fact, it's very right, but once in a while we small. There aren't get a fool who tries to hand hundreds of animals, nor do feed the animals or throw Photo by VIC COOK I'm not lyin' .... the San Jose Zoo is a great place to live! " thousands of people visit it burning cigarettes into the for colder days. It is moni- fed. Batten is the dietician daily. San Jose's zoo is cages." tored by closed circuit tele- and assures that the animals unique. It is the animals' zoo, The zoo is planned to bring vision in the zoo offices. get the best possible food in run with love and concern for maximum comfort to the The zoo also has a South the proper quantities. When their happiness and well- animals and enjoyment to American jaguar, Penguins dinner time comes, it's the being. the visitors. The grounds are from the Galapagos Islands, girls who feed the animals, Theresa Guerra is a full immaculate and exhibits are a gibbon ape, a tiger, ant from a bowl, through the time keeper at the zoo. She set close to the walkways. eaters Malaysian otters, cages or even by hand. Each left the University of Cali- Children can see the animals pelicans, llamas, three animal knows when it is fornia at Santa Cruz to work closer than they've seen Malayan sun bears, Ameri- feeding time. Theresa says, there. "Our zoo is unique in them before. can alligators, American The animals know the the way it's run," she says. Among the attractions are and African crocodiles and routine, they can almost tell We have no two-headed ele- three African lions named two cages of exotic birds. when it's feeding time." phants for people to laugh at. Alex, Tammy and Lee. There is a seal tank, with This is a zoo for the animals, Batten bottle fed Alex and sea bears ( seals) from the She fed the pelicans by not the people." To Theresa Tammy and Lee was born Prebiloff Islands. hand, throwing fish after fish She working at the zoo is "doing and raised in the zoo. They Batten takes little credit into their huge mouths. something I really like." eat a combination of beef, for the park he has con- walked into bird cages, pet Peter Batten, who founded horsemeat and chicken structed. He says the girls do the anteaters, talked to the perfect ease. the San Jose Zoo in 1967, is parts. Alex gets 15 pounds everything, that he is only gibbon, all with Head keeper Charlene the curator. He hand raised per day, Tammy nine and the director. If all caged many of the residents. Lee seven. Each cat also animals looked as well Williams believes, "all the Others were purchased by gets two raw eggs and a nourished as his, there would girls are very aware of the the San Jose Zoological multivitamin tablet daily. be fewer complaints against animals' health." Society or by Batten himself. Their cage was especially zoos. Although caging animals It is mainly because of designed to give shade in The reason for the beauti- may be inhumane, San Photo by VIC COOK Batten that the Zoo is unique. warm weather and is ful appearance of the Jose's zoo does it as humane- One of the more unique equipped with radiant heat animals is the diet they are ly as possible. " I'M run with LOVE! "

SJS Psychological Counselling A Way to Fight Your Fears

By WALT YOST depressed, feel lonely, or therapists. calls asking for help in pre- It won't happen. Every- Not all psychotherapists A young man, an SJS suffer some other emotional Whatever your problem, venting suicides. Sometimes thing discussed is confiden- use the same methods. Jones student, opens up his medi- problem think they're alone you can find a therapy group ,they strike close to home. tial. prefers the rational-emotive cine cabinet. He removes a in their difficulty. But there consisting of other students Once they found a student in Dr. Royce Jones is one of approach to therapy. Most fresh, sharp razor blade and are many problem', uni- with similar troubles. An the center's bathroom trying the counselors in the Person- problems, he believes, come rolls up his sleeves. He care- versal to college students. obesity group, led by an to slit his wrists. nel Office. Like the others, from a person holding irra- fully slits his wrists, sits On a campus as large as overweight therapist, meets Dr. Johnsgaard, who is in he sees a steady stream of tional beliefs from their down, and waits to bleed to SJS, it's easy to feel isolated. every week. They bring a his final year as Building K worried students. environment. death. What can you do if problems weight scale to each session. director, is skeptical about Jones, who is also a Take, for example, a stu- Every year, SJS students become overwhelming? Homosexuals also have a the value of drugs. "Drugs psychotherapist, works out dent who worries exces- commit suicide. Exact SJS has two valuable ser- therapy group. don't seem to be doing many of a small, comfortable sively about his grades. Be- figures are hard to come by, vices available for those who Building K, staffed by 14 people much good. In my 15 office that seems out of place cause he can't achieve but the suicide rate among can overcome their self-pity people seven fulltime ) is years in this work I've found in the impersonal Adminis- (academically) he feels college students is very high. and ask for help. cramped for space. Even so, only a few students who have tration Building. worthless. He is equating his Suicide is the last resort One is Building K, the they will see any student who benefitted from mind- Like the perennial, re- worth as a person with for the student who can't live campus counseling center. comes in. expanding drugs. I don't assuring counselor, Jones academic achievement - an with his problems. But we've It's an inconspicuous place According to its director, think drugs help you grow lights up his pipe, leans back irrational belief. all got our emotional and on Ninth Street across from Dr. Keith Johnsgaard, the up. They prevent you from in his chair and asks what The psychotherapist will psychological troubles, our the Industrial Arts Building. center "has gained the trust growing up," he says. you want to talk about. You attempt to give this per:. n fears and worries. Psychologists in Building of nearly every faction on Another group of coun- feel comfortable talking to insight into his misc..m. Problems of identity, K handle 1,000 student visits campus." selors work in the Adminis- him. ception, then aid him n dependence, love, sex, lone- a year. This includes a large "The military draft," says tration Building. The trouble Jones finds that students replacing it with a ratiiml liness, grades, the draft, and varied therapy pro- Johnsgaard, "is the biggest is, a lot of students attach a worry a lot about sexual one. A tremendous am it acne; you name it - students gram. worry for SJS students. It bad connotation to adminis- problems. Fears of homo- of our personal and worry about it. They provide individual causes students to freak out tration buildings. Many feel sexuality, complaints of problems might hi According to a recent sur- counselling, psychotherapy, on drugs, stay in school when it's not the type of place impotence or sexual inade- minated this way. vey taken at Stanford assistance for students in a they aren't interested, and you'd want to discuss your quacy and promiscuity are holi.,!ical University, students there "crisis situation" psychotic feign injuries to avoid deep, dark secrets. Some are common. listed "the inability to com- breakdown, spaced-out on service. Our two draft coun- fearful their accounts of Problems w ith COM- WI, municate with others on a drugs. i racial encounter selors see approximately sexual inadequacies or con- niumeation - !mil make meaningful level" ;.:, their groups, black and Chicano 1000 Audents a year.'' templated suicides might friends easi! ii N. 1 one,: 11. counselors, and training for Personnel at Building K somehow wind up in their afraid to appi..,i, 00111:111!, si he get students who wish to become frequently receive distress college records. are frequent.

NOW 5 MUSIC Realms of Symphonic Ecstasy Pink Floyd Side one is a musical symphony consisting of six move- the selection of Design, decore, and art involve LES SILVER ments. It is virtually impossible to denote where one the furniture. We will help you decorate and select Pink Floyd knows where it's at, and their new album, movement ends and another begins. They are so deli- designs in which you live. Take the time to see us. -Atom Heart Mother" is where it's at. This album is a cately welded together that they form one mass orgasm. We are located in the town of Roseville, in the Sac- freaked-out, orgasmic space-ship ride into the realms of The cut begins with "Father's Shout". The organ pre- ramento Valley. symphonic ecstasy. And that's just side one! pares us for earth-leave-taking. We begin our voyage. A British group at the forefront of experimental music, Mingled with the organ comes the strength of a full Pink Floyd reflect the perfection of the Moody Blues. The orchestration of French horns. As we climb aboard Pink power of their musical movements of madness drives Floyd's star-ship, we relax and float away from planet their philosophy slamming home. Their music caters to us earth and reality. "freaks"it is about us, for us, and with us. Together they The Floyd, masters of sound effects, intricately weave carry us to another level of consciousness. reality with fantasy. In the distance we hear human screams. "Slam"a door shuts in the right ear. "Thunk "a door slams in our left ear - and then a rocking Almaden VW explosion centers in the middle of the brain. A throbbing 911 W. Capitol motorcycle up-picks us and roars from left to right and 265-4400 into the distance. "Breast Milky"a lone guitar mixes with the organ, last then come horns, drums, and cymbals, all blended into a VW soft melody. The organ climbs the scales to the clouds. A For A New Or Used violin lifts us and soothes us in soft floating vapor. Throughout the movement Floyd maintains a paradoxical See Herb Davis expression of order and confusion. The "mystery" builds. Layer upon layer of musical tone rises. With full orchestration, a choir of human voice collects the thoughts, centralizes, and sends us sailing and 'tmzjIP'.' 4 10% DISCOUNT swirling through ethereal galaxies of pure music. ART CLEANERS ! The "liquid" music pours into and pervades our WITH ASH CARD dreams. "Mother Fore" they call it. We transcend with motion and beat the perfect separation of musical uni- verses. Art Cleaners We float past primitive and savage worlds. "Funky Our name is Miller's and we feature what most stores One Day Service Dung," a harmonious syncopation of the organ and a cry- don't. And that can be a lot. Sweaters & Cashmere Coats ing guitar, drops us into the world of gut-tearing blues. Our Specialty Rocking from side to side the organ sights its continual 400 E. SANTA CLARA echo to the choir. The voices catch the tribal mystery - "Work of Art" 293.4900 repeating over and over nonsense incantations of man': mortalitysavage, raw, throbbing, pounding beats. "Mind Your Throats Please" locks in. The choirs sings and laughs. With the finesse found in genius, the Floyd drives the organ on into full orchestration. We return to the beginning bars of the symphony. But hold on tight, for here comes the "mind-bender." Midway between here and there, the unearthly machine breaks down. The music turns nonhuman. Like computers blowing fuses, the instruments become mixed and scram- bled. Try as we might, the perfection of those opening bars will not come. All is disorder, discord, and frighten- ing unknowns are forced into our faces. The organ breaks down and jumbles. Nothing.. then insanity! Floyd forces, and our heads reel. The movement ends with a cannon-like explosion of unadulterated, pure sound. In the "heavy" background the tinkles of an out-of-tune piano pick up the lethargic repetition of the single bars. Again and again, the power of the music is held sus- pended, desperately it cries to be let free - then "they" ujiyama gardeite egistaurant allow it to break out and away. The music blasts free and Japanese Cuisine, Cock tail Lounge carries us off to new worlds. Our machine, which never Sukiyaki & Tempura, Beef Teriyaki & Seafood began, kicks into gear and continues. A violin transports us back to the beginning, and the sad 850 MERIDIAN AVE., SAN JOSE cycle begins again the denouement of the ages. "Remer- 294-1330 gence" into new thought. This, the last movement, rises with powerful guitars and drums. We climb up the swirling vortex back into the clouds with full orchestration and choir. The constant beat If you are looking for a is reaffirmed. We stabilize. The symphony ends with the total cry of a full orchestra and the complete balance of the John Aldiss Choir. The last bars end as they began SKI with the organ and horns. The orgasm is over. But not the album, yet to come - side two. SALE, Side two represents a completely different aspect of and not a Pink Floyd. There is no symphony here. Only the simpli- city of the mellow-minded masters exists on this side. A SNOW letdown perhaps, but gentle and needful after side one. There are four cuts on two. "If" is the first. "If" fea- JOB, tures bassist Roger Waters with a gentle campfire guitar Check the Wildcat Ski Shop for 50% toying with the single world "if" - questioning: savings on all after Ski boots. If I were a swamp, I'd be gone... If I were asleep, Now open 7 days a week, from I could dream, 9-6 except Thurs. 9-9, and If I were afraid, I could hide, Sunday 9-4 P.M. If Igo insane, please don't put 111 E. Main St. Los Gatos your wires in my brain... phone 354-1364. With a soft voice, "child-like", the background echoing the mellow theme is presented: con't. pg. 7 NJOW 6 M huts of a New Direection BOOKS New Morning Tales of Hoffman that his dreams are be- sider. First there is Dylan, By KATHI WARD Bobby Seale, is an outstand- to read it, and she subse- By CRAIG MARTEL ginning to come true. then there are his lyrics and A man is denied the right ing example of the repres- quently withdrew from the "If dogs run free; The old Dylan, the har- voice, his production to have his personal lawyer sion in today's courtrooms. trial. Such an obstruction of Why aren't we monics, the weatherbeaten methods and his purposes. represent him and later is The book, "The Tales of justice seems highly un- Just do your thing, voice, is heard in "If Not For The whole notion of Bob bound and gagged to Hoffman," edited by Mark warranted, to say the least. You'll be king You." Backed by a low Dylan, whether it be as poet, "protect" his constitutional Levine, George C. Mac- A large part of the defense If dogs run free " volume, plucking guitar, musician or performer, is rights. Where did this Namee, and David Green- case rested on proving how, Recognize the verse? It chimes and a distant organ, far too complicated to de- happen? In Hitler's berg, is composed of the in their minds, it benefitted started quite a while ago. It Dylan sings of gratitude. fine. There can be no doubt Germany? Franco's Spain? most important transcripts the U.S. government to became popular in 1961, On seven of the 12 tunes, of his genius or his ability to No. It happened in Hoff- of the Chicago 7 trial. It de- harass them, thus inti- when Bob Dylan recorded Dylan plays piano. His piano communicate. man's Chicago. tails quite clearly (as court midating radicals from his first album. is noteworthy, not for its "New Morning" is The five-month long trial transcripts must) the pro- speaking out. They were told Now Dylan has recorded volume, but for its outstand- possibly his greatest of Rennie Davis, David Del- ceedings of that trial. they were not allowed to pur- his twelfth album. Titled ing dimensions. "Sing on the achievement. Whether it is linger, John Froines, Toni The book depicts how sue their point. New Morning," this latest Window" is a perfect or not doesn't really matter. Hayden, Abbie Hoffman, Judge Julius J. Hoffman It is true that Hoffman s' is work once again presents the example. Combined with a He has always sung to Jerry Rubin, Lee Weiner, constantly harangued both not the only obnoxious world with "a picture of powerful organ and a pure America about America. andfor a short time the defendants and their person in the courtroom. His what goes on around here blues background, Dylan's lawyers. He sustained harassment of the defen- sometimes)." piano talents are clearly almost every objection made dants was met in kind from The lyrics are, again, heard. by the prosecution, while them. Occasionally, too, the simply bewildering. Beauti- Dylan's rock techniques overruling every objection defendants would insult him, ful flashes of comprehension are featured on three of the by the defense. and they once wore mock- strike the listener, but total album's more vociferous Some of his actions judicial robes into the court- understanding is far off. cuts. "Went to See the Manfred von Richthofen bordered on the ridiculous. MOM. Released only a few Gypsy," "Time Passes Continually throughout the However, when justice is months after "Self Slowly," and "One More trial, he referred to defense denied a man, should he sit Portrait," "New Morning" Weekend," are all amplified. By BUCK HAGENBUCH in destroying an enemy air- attorney Leonard Weinglass by and take it? William may be a hint of a new di- Despite the intensity of the In a day when everything craft; cups were engraved as "Fineglass," "Weinrob," Kunstler and Leonard Wein- rection for Dylan. His foot- entire album, one cut, "If tends to be catalogued, cate- with the date of the kill, the ' Wineruss,"anything ex- glass didn't think so. For steps have been followed by Dogs Run Free," stands by gorized and neatly labeled, it type of plane involved and cept his real name. No standing up against Judge much of the popular music itself. With Al Kooper's is refreshing to discover a the number of his personal matter how many times he Hoffman, Kunstler is now world in recent years, and piano and Maeretha Ste- personality who defies all of victory. He was also an in- was corrected, he continued faced with a four-year prison they will undoubtedly be wart's voice backing him, these and exhibits anoma- veterate collector of sou- to insult Mr. Weinglass sentencetwice the maxi- followed again. Dylan has created a lous character traits that venirs, and his room at home throughout the proceedings. inwn sentence of any of his The music of New Morn- magnificent piece of pro- would give a modern analyst was literally stuffed with Another of his famous insults clients. ing" was not expected. It is a gressive jazz. A tinkling a field day. mementos of his victories. was directed at the defen- A more recent develop- new breakthrough for Dylan, piano introduction is Manfred von Richthofen, Pieces of propellers, aircraft dants. Prosecution attorney ment in the case further a combination of blues piano, followed by a new Dylan German air ace of World serial numbers, even an Thomas A. Foran was exemplifies how tilted the organ, country-western gui- voice, one that hides the War I, was such a per- engine made into a lamp, objecting to the defendants scales of justice are in tar, electronics, old Dylan, sound of the hills. The piano sonality, and this incisive were but a few of his being referred to by their America. Judge Hoffman and a wonderful gospel back- is similar to the great blues story of the man versus the hundreds of trophies. first names. "The Court: has now been assigned to up group. of Ray Charles, but the back- legend is an eye-opener. These quirks of his per- 'They should not be referred preside over a hearing to The title song, "New ground is a reminder of pure, There is little which fits the sonality tend to reveal an to in the United States determine whether or not he Morning" offers what might early jazz. It's amazing how image of the stereotype individual who is myopically District Court by their I had pressured the jury he the essence of Dylan's the different components of Prussian militarist, and intent on himself and who nearly said Christian during their deliberations. message. The lyrics relate the song fit together. nearly every page of this considers himself indestruc- names; I don't know whether Also in question is the dreams of a new light on the A comprehensive descrip- book dispels a myth. tible. Again, fact counters that would be accurate or accusation that he did not world. It's obvious that tion of "New Morning" is Snoopy's unseen nemesis myth, for von Richthofen not. This clearly indicates allow the jury to read a copy he is a messenger. -New impossible. There are far too emerges as an introspective, was the product of strict the bias and class snobbery of the transcripts, thus Morning" could be a clue many complexities to con- egocentric, ambitious loner. Prussian upbringing which of the judge, and in the pre- forcing them to deliberate These terms may seem stressed devotion to duty, sence of the jury, this could the five-month case by contradictory, but they are but he never deluded himself be most damaging to a memory. To preside over a Pink Floyd con't.... in keeping with the enig- about the righteousness of defendant. hearing in which you are one "If! were a good man matic character of the Red Germany's cause nor his Many of the judge's antics, of the chief defendants is a I would understand Baron. personal invincibility. He however, were not so ridi- very difficult task indeed. It the spaces between Ambition is exemplified by confided in his mother, the culous. They were deadly would take a strong indi- friends." a consuming desire to attain only woman he loved ( with serious and threatening to vidual to do so without bias. If" is an exploration into man and his essence. It the Blue Max, Germany's the normal Freudian impli- the concept of justice in our "The Tales of Hoffman" doesn't probe deeply, but just enough. highest award for aerial cations). that Germany's courts. When witnesses sub- clearly shows the shocking "Summer '68" is the following cut. Utilizing a strong, combat, a goal he achieved involvement in the war was poenaed by the defense state of our present court sturdy piano technique, Rick Wright creates a simple, and surpassed fourfold in doomed to failure, a view he don't have to take the stand system. People must realize beautiful song. shooting down more than 60 held from the start. And he because of their status, that in spite of everything we "Fat Old Sun" is lead guitarist David Gilmour's contri- aircraft. was equally convinced that something is amiss indeed. are led to believe, people bution. It begins with distant church bells waking soft That such a flamboyant for him, death was only a For example, Lyndon B. like Judge Hoffman do exist Mother Earth and fades into a mellow guitar. The organ individual could be an intro- propeller-turn away. Four Johnson was subpoenaed, and are a growing threat to carries us through a dreamy summer day. The drums and spective loner is difficult to months before the Armis- and the Court said: "It our freedom. guitar gently rock us back and forth and we fade away fathom, but von Richthofen tice, his premonition became wouldn't be nice to take him with the gentle sound of an afternoon jet from the local had few, if any, close friends, fact when he died in a from the comforts of his airport. and literally no females. He flaming crash, the victim of ranch." It wouldn't be nice? "Alan's Psychedelic Breakfast" is not music and yet it died in his 20's without ever shells fired not from another Does justice wait on cour- definitely is. Combining the talents of Waters, Mason, Gil- having established meaning- aircraft, but by Austrian tesy? Apparently Hoffman Spartan Daily mour, Wright, it gives us our meal. The cut opens with ful relationships with ground troops. thought it did, for later in the Classifieds recorded preparations for the breakfast: "coffee, mar- women, although the public While the subject of trial, when another man malade - coffee, marmalade - coffee, marmalade" and esteem in which the hero was Burrows' biography is a complained that he didn't the single subtle beats of the piano skips us into the com- held allowed more than ade- complex individual, the know why he was sub- mon and ordinary. The piano continues with an emphatic quate opportunities for him author has presented his poenaed. Hoffman said the The easy bass, then the organ joins and follows the piano, never to have his pick of German story in a smooth-flowing man would not have to way to- quite catching up. Back to vocal: "breakfast in Los womanhood. Likewise, dialogue that is written from testify. Angeles-macrobiotic stuff." despite his fantastic aerial an airman's point of view. Early in the trial, as the distinguish orange juice transcripts indicate, Hoff- Breakfast continuesWe can combat ability, he genuinely Burrows is a flyer himself, . Sell your car being drunk. Then the cereal box is opened, poured, and detested the public acclaim and this factor adds im- man's prejudices showed . Rent an apt. shut. We can hear the sugar and milk being added and it brought to him, and when measurable authenticity to vividly. There were rumors F Ind your dog then the eater begins with relish. The sound is quiet and the pressures of his role facts which might otherwise that the families of some of reflective. became unbearable, he be construed as figments of the jurors had received Next comes the joyful sizzling, crackling, and popping would go on hunting trips the imagination. threatening letters, and of frying bacon. We can almost smell, taste and see the into the Black Forest by The book is as valuable an Hoffman decided to ask Phone 294-6414 whole scene. With a brilliant co-ordination of music and himself. example of empathetic jurors if they had heard any- sound effects the scene is wraiped up with running water His egocentricity is detective work as it is an thing about this. This was all I xt. 2463 and ends with the drip, drip, dip, of the tap. probably best indicated by illumination of one of the fine, but when a Miss King The record is finished. The experience is over. his habit of ordering silver niost important aerial said she had not. Hoffman cups whenever he succeeded warriors in history. Produced a note, forced her NOW. 7 By REINER ii Daily Staff 11 SJS students are let with mud and the me; construction this year new. Students have with this situation sin, GENOCIDE: ECOLOGY STYLE ning of SJS. It all began in 1857, creatures exist exclusively on certain plants growing in copy of the report and submitted it to private scientists By GARY O'SHANESY ;group of dedicated pi( the heavily defoliated areas. Indochina has been the who informed the press, did a White House statement Both factions of the United States government, hawks tors launched Mirui of the world's rarest and most primitive about the fetus-deforming 2,4,5-t, enter public domain. and doves, have felt that a major concern in Vietnam is historical home Normal School bovines such as the kouprey, banteng and gaur; one sub- Agent White, one type of defoliant used in Vietnam, fer on San the minimization of American casualties. If the death rate 0 Powell Street. can species of these has been reduced to about 300 indivi- contains picloram. Picloram has been compared to DDT of American lives can be kept down, then Washington This institution, with duals." because it exists in herbicidal form for many years. pursue its course of victory in Vietnam with little hind- facilities in the basem Two animals thriving on the Vietnam war are rats and Picloram usage is prohibited in the United States for it rance and dissent back in the States. One of the techniques Francisco high tigers. The urban areas are overrun with rats; And man- causes skin irritation, produces eye swelling and slight scho, employed as a means of avoiding American casualties is V became the eating tigers, who have learned to relate the sound of blindness and in sufficient dosages can cause death. educations all-out technological assault on the environment of California State gunfire to a square meal, consume large numbers of Agent Blue, a widely used spray in the killing of crops in Nor: Southeast Asia. and is today San Jose battle casualties. Vietnam, contains cacodylic acid. Cacodylic acid is 54.29 The military is instructed to defoliate the Vietnamese M ris' school was h detectable. The term 'scorched earth' is used to describe What percent arsenic. The biochemical reaction between the countryside, thus making enemy troops easily nights. Each session la: of technological warfare has created in Vietnam. Crateri- arsenic and the soil can render the arsenic inorganic, The result is that from 20 to 25 per cent of the forests K: one-half hours with zation from bombs and artillery leaves the land denuded making it a deadly poison. Only one ounce of cacodylic a r South Vietnam have been defoliated more than once. ore than 15 of all life and unusable to humanity. Denuded lands, acid can cause death. minutes. More than five million acres of South Vietnam were culum included according to a study of these areas in the United States, Along with herbicides, defoliation, craterization and the readini defoliated between 1962 and July 1969. During these first lion, geography, have higher soil temperatures in the summer, wind dislocations of war, conditions have been created for the alg seven years the United States dumped 50,000 tons of metry, English velocity 13 times greater, a five-fold increase in the spread of deadly disease. The ideal conditions for "Hot gramm, herbicides on South Vietnam. By 1969, 500,000 acres of i* school government rate, and much less rainfall. A higher water Evolution", the production of disease strains immune to cropland was sprayed with crop-killing chemicals. No one evaporation at hs nicos. table also results from lack of cover, causing floods and all vaccines known to man, are being formed in Vietnam ne knows how many crops have been destroyed by careless First enrollment swamps. by the vaccination of American troops against any disease wa, application of defoliants. e The military, having resolved the fact that they weren't they may encounter. There are forms of venereal disease gentleman The result has been devastating to Vietnam. The people, ladies." In quite happy with just defoliating an area, have created in Vietnam for which there is no known cure. Contracted addition t( bound to their villages by personal identity, are being George Washington fire storms to completely denude some sectors. Since by the G.I.'s, these disease strains are brought back to the ft forced into the urban centers. Once this is done, the teaching staff dead forests readily burn, this has been very successful on United States. included .; American Army lays waste the rest of the land. The popu- Thomas Myrick occasions. Also, the Black Death has thrived on the ideal conditions and Ell lation of Saigon has risen from 250,000 to 3,000,000 in one With their Thomas Whiteside wrote of such incidents in his book, offered by the devastated Vietnam. Bubonic plague, not a regular decade. The mass influx of villagers to Saigon has created positions in the "Defoliation:" health problem in Southeast Asia prior to American San Fra congestion and confusion. Most significantly, the new school system, ..During 1965 and 1966, the military made large scale involvement in Vietnam, now thrives in South Vietnam. they s urban dweller of Vietnam, once tied to his soil and village, Normal School efforts in two defoliated areas to create fire storms- that is More than half the cases of plague were reported coining without now wanders the streets of Vietnam's cities uselessly, Apparently no fires so huge that all the oxygen in the areas would be from South Vietnam by 1968. salary without roots. until the academic exhausted. The apparent intention was to render the soil It seems that America is interested in rendering an yet South Vietnam, once the rice bowl of Asia, now must when Minns barren. A fire storm would also have the result of environment uninhabitable just to save it from com- received E. import rice from America. South Vietnam's rubber his assistant burning or suffocating any living beings remaining in the munism. Although there is no sense in repeating how ugly 8225.94. export. 77.560 tons in 1960, has dropped to 42,510 tons in Records show area. Operation Sherwood Forest, conducted in 1965, was the situation is in Southeast Asia, maybe there is some Minns 19(i-,. Accidental defoliation, the ruination of countless afoul of the an attempt to burn a defoliated section of the Boi Loi sense in saying this: That any sin disposed by any arbi- college autl acres of cropland, now threatens to destroy the rubber his early student Woods. In October, 1966, the military began Operation trator of justice to save the world from communism, can't days at culture according to the Rubber Research Institute of He was caught Pink Rose, a similar project. Neither of the projects, in be that good if he goes to the most atrocious, disgusting, explo( Vietnam. powder in a which tons of napalm were thrown down on top of the inhuman means to preserve what he calls justice. In this dormitory ro Dr. E.W. Pfeiffer, a zoologist from the University of tog out the residue of tons of sprayed 2,4,5-t, succeeded in creating sense, he not only becomes worse than his enemy, he windows. Montana, inspected the area of Mirnot. Cambodia, which Toward the the desired effect..." becomes the monster who uses his technocratic skill to end of 1, was defoliated in the spring of 1969. His commission officials viewed The defoliant 2,4,5-t is also causing the deformation of subject those not as strong as he to the horrors of hell. and rej reported that 173,000 acres were damaged by direct idea of fetuses in pregnant mothers. In one village, Tan Hoi Only the most warped of minds could possibly have incorporating th, overhead spraying. Within the sprayed zone were one- School into Hamlet, women were bleeding after two months of preg- created the ugliness of the Vietnam war and still hide the Californi third of Cambodia's rubber plantations. A 35-40 percent sity system. nancy. This was reported in the Saigon newspaper, June behind Christian dogma. Instead, th( decrease in crop yield recorded for May-November. favored a 26, 1969. According to the paper, women of Tan Hot were relocation of t The animal life of Vietnani is also drastically affected due to the flocking to Saigon hospitals, "for having their egg-like Right ON!! "rough" San 1 by the destruction of their habitat. Mangrove trees, environment. It fetuses or monsters taken out..." was c, particularly sensitive to defoliants, need only a single, "unsuited to In 1968, after extensive spraying of 2,4,5-t in the United the prepa standard application to die. They support many species impressionable States, our government finally commissioned the young Is of annuals. Certain frugivorous and insectivorous birds, gentlemen for National Institute of Health to determine the effects of the the prof, alone with invertebrates such as crustaceans and teaching." spray on animal life. After dosages of 2,4,5-t was adminis- inolhAs have been severely damaged by the destruction Continued of !,,, !,,:ingrove trees. tered to mice and rats, Bionetics Laboratory found that I II. Neilands, a University of California No- even the smallest dosage was fetus deforming. The che! , 1. has listed various species of animals as being in report by the Bionetics Laboratory was concealed for die4 extinction: ’The douc langur and the Indo- nearly a year by officials of the F.D.A., Department of ch,, Inbbon, both of which have been on the verge of Agriculture and Department of Defense. extli,, non for marry years, may be wiped out since these Only after Nader Raider Anita Johnson discovered a Brother

practitioner to reach this higher pitched, more oscil- beautiful flashes of insight state while a subject using lating tone becomes audible, while producing alpha Of Files waves." the feedback technique can and, as relaxation continues, do it in 50 hours of training. its pitch and speed oLoscilla- Jessen is currently seeking Realizing the revolu- bon decrease. This is the quarters to start an alpha By JUDY 11 tionary possibilities of mass alpha wavelength. wave meditation center Daily Sta where anyone may come to He walks briskly toward yr alteration of consciousness, Ability to produce strong, tune in on their brainwaves. big smile and the peace sigr a small electronics firm, sustained alpha varies in Money would come from You want to reach out and t By VIC COOK values in a single-minded brains of their subjects pro- Aquarius Electronics, is individuals. Persons with commercially a donations and would be used you cannot, for John William For over 2000 years men drive for material develop- duced greater and stronger marketing high levels of anxiety will battery - to purchase more alpha- Francisco County Jail charg have sought to expand their ment. This spiritual East- amounts of one particular transistorized, have more trouble, but feedback unit phones and to finance equip- federal property. consciousness beyond the material West dichotomy bra inwave frequencythe powered anyone can ultimately alphaphone. ment for expanded projects, On Dec. 24, the Episcopal bi normal level of waking has given rise to the belief alpha frequency. They found called the produce alpha at will. Sub- The alphaphone is similar he says. According to Jessen munity of Agape napalmed th cognition. To effect this they that the two are incom- that this phenomenon was jects who practice steadily in appearance to a stereo these projects might include Selective Service in the Comm have employed various patible. A recent Western one of the characteristics of will eventually be able to headset, except that three the synchronization of brain St. John St., in non-violent pi means, from the traditional technological development, a transcendant state of con- induce alpha without the aid however, may shatter this wires containing electrodes waves. "If we can get two War. spiritual disciplines of Yoga sciousness. of the headset. and Zen to the ingestion of concept. Experimenting further, are attached to the head- people producing alpha "Some men would call it a i plants and synthetic chemi- Scientists, employing the the scientists discovered that band. The unit is placed on David Jessen, an SJS gra- waves in the same frequency this. I have destroyed somett cals believed to produce technology that has pro- by monitoring an indivi- the head with an electrode duate student in art, has and amplitude, telepathic exist. I have stated that napal tra nscendental conscious- duced Western inatenal dual's brainwaves and play- glued to each side of the fore- been conducting informal communication may be tually replaced is an indictmer ness. wealth to the measurement ing them back to him audibly head and one to the scalp at experiments with the alpha- possible," he says. Also a lives which can never be repl Until the widespread use of of Eastern spiritual disci- through a headphone or the back of the head. When phone. Together with a possibility is a communal After more than six months psychedelic chemicals in the plines, have made a dis- visually on an oscilloscope, the headset is turned on, the friend he recently obtained living arrangement in which decided to destroy the files on West. the quest for b ans- covery which may ulti- they could train the indivi- subject hears a constant, six of the units. In a very members would participate cendental consciousness was mately reconcile the two. dual to exercise control over high pitched buzzing sound, short time, he reports, he has in daily alpha meditation almost solely the province of Testing Yogis and Zen his brain waves to the point like a fly in a quiet room. The been able to increase his sessions, encounter groups University: Eastern peoples. It is in the masters with an electro- of ultimately produciag subject then sits in a com- alpha brainwaves greatly. and other psychic develop- R East that man's spiritual encephalograph, a device alpha waves in the same fortable position and lets his Ile speaks enthusiastically: ment techniques. Further potential has been most fully which records minute elec- amount and intensity as a mind relax. As fewer and -I've been going deep into information on alpha wave developed. The Western trical waves produced by the Zen monk in meditation. The fewer thoughts enter his con- alpha every time I use the meditation can be obtained world has, in the views of human brain, they found that only difference is that it sciousness, discernible alphaphones," he says. by calling the San Jose changes occur in the tone. A "Several times I have had ii 'iir mired spiritual in deep meditation, the takes 15 years for a Zen Switchboard at 295-2938. Koes1 NOW 8 By LYNN PARENT Daily Staff Writer One of two Outstanding Pr( awards for 1970 in the Californii college systeni was presented l'eter Koestenbaum Wednesda: Hobert Burns, academic vice (lent, presented the plaque at a tion in Dr. Koestenbaum's honoi Dr Knectnnhnum crrsir n non