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Friday ,norning Volume 73 April 24, 1981 Number 54 Fort Hays State University Hays, Kan . 67601

What's Tuition increase set for ZZ percent News 1,y Vince He.. use of student unions and on faculty increase tuition resulted from the The Budget and Finance Commit· chairman Bernard Franklin Copy £11.llor and staff salaries. Legislature's cutting ol $6 .3 million tee of the Regents met last week dissenting. News A tuition increase of · 22 percent The decision by the Regents from the Regents' proposed system- Thursday for a hearing. during Conard said he, like FHS student was approved fur the upcoming means incidental tuition at Fort Hays wide budget for 1981-1982. The which student leaders fro~ across leaders· quoted in last Friday's academic year by the Kansas Board State will increase from $220 to Legislature suggested a 15-percent the state vuiced their opposition to a Leader. expected the committee of Regents during its monthly $268 a semester. next year. Total tuition increase. and the Regents hi~h tuition increase, . would recommend the 20-percent meeting last Friday in Emporia. fees per semester next year for took up the matter during their The committee met again Friday increase. Committee members, However, a legal challenge has students with 15 or more hours will March meeting. Conard said they morning, proposing - a 22-percent however, t..fter hearing presenta- been filed against the Regents' vote. be $396. up from $350 this year, announced they were considering a across-the-board increase, except for tions by student leaders and and members of the Associated according to the FHS Student tuition increase of between 15 and the L'niversity of Kansas Medical discussing the matter among Students of Kansas are trying to per- Government Association. 25 percent, tentatively announcing Cente r in Kansas City. The Regents themselves. decided on · the suade the state Legislature to spend John Conard, executive officer for adoption of the IS-percent figure, or approved the increase Friday after= 22-percent figure. the additional money on non-studenl the Regents, said the decision to $40 more a semester tor a student. noon on an 8-1 vote, with Regents' The committee may have decided r ~ -·, on the 22-percent figure as a way to .J .. · :-.. ---~~. ' fr~/ avoid increasing tuition for the .... 1982-1983 school year, Conard said. Regents policy is to try to increase tuition only every few years, so students do not face too many increases while in srhnnt The Legislature now takes up the matter. It passed the Regents· system-wide appropriations bill with three major line items: salaries for The annual Sigma Chi faculty and staff; other operating expenses (OOE) such as telephones. Derby Days will end equipment. tra\'el and tomorrow after the games miscellaneous; and general ·fees or competition. tuition. The Legislature must deal with tuition during jts wrap-up ses· sion next week. he said. since it must Freshmen. don't forget, raise the upper limit it set on general fees in the appropriations bill early enrollment is today already passed and sent to the at the :\lemorial L'nion. governor. The Regents by law set tuition. and the · Legislature must approve spending of the tuition The student protest rally re\·enue. yesterday received a The 15-percent portion of the turnout of approximately~ - increase will make up for the S6.3 180 persons. See pagt> I. million cut by the Legislature. The Regents recommended spending the other 7 percent or 52 .6 million on Fine Arts OOE and student wages. This would increase OOE systeffi·\o,ide by 9-1 () percent for the next year. which is During the rest of the what the Regents originally semester. many musical ,,.,. proposed before cuts by the / events will be taking place I governor and the Legislature. ! If the Legislature does not approve on campus. Si!e page :.!. the spending by state universities uf the additional re venue fr om the Rallyaro11Dd morning in front of the Memorial Union. The purpose of the high e r.than -suggested tuition Bob Bingaman, executive director of Associated Students of rally was lo protest tuition hikes and financial aid cuts for increase. money !rum the 7-p ercent Forum Kansas, speaks to a crowd of 180 students at a rally yesterday students. will go into the state treasury. Tht See 'A"-"-on .-eatioru' ,, Ambrosia's previewed for it s concert Thursdav 111 Gross :\lemorial Colise~m. Students protest tuition increase, financial aid cuts Set> /Ja~w .; 1,y David Cloa.ston said. "The picture is really bleak. thing you've ever done. but it is organilati"11 describes the dfer1s 1111 Both Anderson arid Wilson said at Scenior Star( Writer ·There's still time. howe\'er. Take important." small sc ho<1ls . ,.1,s many as JtJII small last night's Student Senate meetin~ Sports Student Bod;: President Jim time to write Pat Roberts. first FHS students will be feelin!Z the private instituti,ms would be fllrced they are pleased ...,·ith the attendance Anderson described it as "arbitrary, District congressman. Explain 1n finanr ial aid nunch ne xt fall. to d !JSl' . T et'l lal.! ers not attending at the rallv. \\'ilson said the rally legally questionable and very slip- detail how tile cuts are goinit to Literature distributed by SCA st;ites schll• >I "·11 uld e nt Pr an aln~adv tight received "~·ery ~uod" press lr <1 m \!en·s and women's shod." Dan Rupp. ass11ciat e pro- affect you personally." that -..·ith a 22-percent increase. job m,irkt·I whir h is not l(eared to KAYS, although he added th., Hays invitati11nal track meet will fessor ol er1Jnumics. Sit id he 1s con- On a table m front of tht.' union with the 22-percent in crease. such ., 1, influx Daily :\ews' estimate of 120 s1udt'nts be this weekend. High cern t.> d lwcause comhint.>d with cuts were information sheets explainin~ studt·nt, will lw payin~ n!lfi a Yesterday\ pro11•st rally w,1s part in attendance should have hPe n school competition begins in the edu,ation budget. ir <:aid he was surprised ,it analysis system for Pe ll Grants. bv ors.ianizt'rs. i, IO "eci ,Katt• thl' Daily :\ews reporter Julie Dc,ll' s time to light it. the number of students attending the formerly known as Basic Education p~blic . ahuut thc ruts i•, 11:d,·ral ard "negative coverage" and hopt-s thilt The alumni fo<1tball rally. "Six months ago. if Mark " It" is the 22-pncent tu111on Opportunity Grants. The chan~e programs. rally l(rassrol1ts opposi- any senators who fet'I her report1111< game will be at I :30 p m inrre,1se recently approved by the Tallman had come up to me and sug- would make students with lamijv tion to thl' cuts ;ind demonstrate ol the rally ro be unjust to write a lt·t· tomorr11w al the practice gested that we have a rally, I would Board ol Reg1•nts The 111crt•,1se and incomes ahove ! 19.000 ineli!!ihk national student solidarity.·· ter to the cd\tor ol the Daily :-.ews field. See pu~t' Ii. have s,1id fine. but y11u. \'.'ilson . Rea~an .idm1111Mrat1•111 hud~t'I cuts 1,;nde r this lll'W proposa l. tillO,IIIJO wt•re lht• ,ubJert ,,f ye,terd;iv·s Anderson ,1nd I will be the onlv ones students would be eliminah•d fr"m thne .. Tallman. as Wl'II as \\'ilson. studt·nt pr11tt'st rally 11!1 lht• step~ 11( the pr .. ~r;im. Ke.1gan offtnal,; .ire helpt-d orQ.anize the rally tht• \lt•mnnal ljnion Ttw l.'i-mmute also !@king at ,1 S 750 sell-ht•lp pro- Press women to tour department Anderson IClld of efforts :11 lower visi1111 Students would be required rnlly ,,,hid, be gan ,11 11 -1:. ,1 m . member 1n thP manilf!t•mrn: '.")1nCt· •;1 t· \ stfl\t~tl~ l" fl I'.\ 111 '. hi~ the tuition increas.e al l,1-1 week's to contribute at ll'<1St this much to \leml>ers of thl' Kansas Press w,u attendt>d hy ,1pprox1marf'ly P1'1 Women ·s Or!!am1<11ion tour ,rt ,Pm111ar f-:.·pJvn xhumacher ,,f rh,· ,ir,•a " ), ,· · ,r !, ,rrnn FH .' ,1ud,·11 h Re1ak on fin anri,11 pl,rnn,ng Thi· , , ,ri\ ,·:i: ,, ,11 "ill 1•nd :--l t11C l.1v As ,peak,·rs for ltw r,1IIY Rupp. H,· rhrn t•xplamf'd how !ht• lfr,11,",m" - Bin11arn.1n t-;e thr most mterestinQ. ,,r exnt1nQ. 111t•rtin"s ,rnd ~··1111n,1rs on r,1mp11s al>0ut ~1:i .OO!J MP 1·st,111 .o1,·d : .. .111d al tht• K,1111 ,id,1 Inn recf'\\f' ~-l(Ht r,1llwr than ,..,1111 Tt1, · High schoolers to show work S< unlt'n: ;. l,it es th,1: .ippr,,,. ·The ron,·r nt11, 11 i< lhf' first ,n -,•\eral y1·.ir, t" ht• 111 H<1vs ... Jeanne Education topic of interviews 1matt'lv .'111(1 .1100 a\ <1,·~•lln•·tl lo b.- Q1vPn parkPls c11n1a111111Q. hsls of :, ,r s.aid · ThP mrrnbrrs of KP\\ H111h scho ol 1ndustr,al art\ ""'1 r.ilf·r~ ,n nuc. , ,i~t·~, , rv ""il l brinll f'd11r,1t1 .. n mal',r' ,in,; on "'hool systrms ~ - Tht- c;u,1t,rnt,•f'd :-tudrnt I,, ,,1 ;1 pr•,. 'tlf' ..., Nl' 1mpr,•ssed ...,·,th • ,ur pro Qr ,1rn students will bf, 111 thf' \p<,tl1!1~,1 ,·oor:ipt' l1' f.,r t.d [ Ian, ,,,..Md f.,t will tw ,ifft·c:rd .,1, .. .'-t , .\ ~''-'•nnrl for c!,strK : ~ ~! ·~·1 ~,.·c;t.- m -. thry f"ntrr th r h,1ll rnom II• '" en•r llram today "'·hrn f.,r: Ha,·s '>tatf' h,..c;.f pr i ,lt' f , ,f '. ;H• ;;.h1 ''°' ,.~t1m<1t r < :hat .. nr milli11n ur fac11it1r< 1, ,Qrttu·r f, rf !• ,t> ,ntf"r\ w•.i. ·.-.ill~ itt Jpnkm< <..11d :,a,. PnOds . ar:, llnd rrafls. mt'l,11 [)!" F! " l! R ,,1.l ,:H :1.'-~! l ~I ,Ht' Th,. .:1r. r,ual f'\ Pnl \pnn., ,rrc1 h\ fr,,rr, ne-tlr '. v ~: , , .:....·~' .. ,I I~ l urrPntlv rep,i\ :, ·, ,. ": :,mr. FH~ has hf'E"n pl.-i(~ on rnta- f1r;1.o-·H~mrrl! t ~~1r:;-1., :-1 ,, 11 .. , l..: .ri ~ :h,. LH•f'r F'l.-inrnn,. ;ind PlacMTI.-r.t qraph1c 11r:s . rlf'ctn, al muh1 -p11p,. ~.1n<....t~ ( ,df•"~r!, 1. i"Hd~:"i"t"'."",A Ant: <' an I>,> drff'Trrr1 unlil ,,x m, ,n~h< :,,,n with thr I nrvrr<><1:, .. n< ,,r. altf'r the studrnt llrAd11alf'\ W,rhit;i :-tatl' ancl K11n~s ~ta:e rontest will cnm~11n11 for :; 7 \ t lJc1f" n t, """!'' .. r, 'h,.. , •. r1 r 1 ,tf"\- ~<.. :,II ;'-,\b ptaamt-nts. ~nkins 1,,11d that prizes .. Thi<:, :he iAr::'.f':n th11t tor r<1rh ! I 1\1) 1nrrr;i,,. ,n rnnvention. will offN seminars will comp,ele with Mhen in thP1r ~,<1 ~ie~ Lui yf'ar tht< }'t'.lf mnrt- than R,)h Jrnkm• c11rPd hMncial pl.annin!! And low cMI ~ory. with lhe winllf"n 11oinR on v1t-,..·mg 1"'111, lr,,m " " m . 11) r m Student< ,..-h,, ..,.1,h :o mterV\f'"' .. It muct he ~JC"rM.dul for thf'm to from attrndin11 ,ollrQf'~ brn<:hures. ~ary Peauon. e-ditor of to determine the ~t drawmiz. ~nc! ~.,m,,rr, ,"' a:"\";";"', .\ctm1\..(1,,r: 1ir. -.,th lhf' «h••·~ ~f'Dff'~nUt"·"• ,,nil cnmf' ~

University Leader FiiieArta April 24, 1981 2 The Plaee• to Be ..-~, Week of mllsical·events in store •>- Kenton K.-ti,.. composed of residents from various In addition to the Singers; a Selections include Overture to S£1dr Jt-..e,.._ northwestern Kansas towns, as well barbershop quartet and three Semiramide by Rossini, Karelia by . Art Shows Music lovers are in for a treat. The as two Hays quartets, the Fun·D-. instrumentalists will perform inter- Sibelius and Haydn's Symphony No. upcoming schedule, featuring a Menials and the Counterparts. Two mittently thoughout the evening. 100 Military. broad range of music, includes Bay• Pabllc Ubrary: The Society of Kansas Painters West collec- internationally competitive quartets, Members of the quartet are Stephen several concerts and recitals and an· Performing at 8 p.m. May 4 will be tion is on display. Through Friday. · the Jax Harmony of Des Moines, Bomgardner, Dodge City freshman; evening of night

Memorlal lJnlonz The Suzuki Violin and Cello Touring Concert. ~n estimated 4,800 art projects seniors wanting to compete for a sponsored by the Hays Arts Courrcil and the music department, will will i be exhibited in the seventh scholarship. Ed Sturr'. chairman of presented at 7 p.m . Monday. annual High School Art Exhibition . the art education department at Thursday in the Memorial Union Kansas State University, will judge Black and Gold Room. Student pro- the displays. Malloy Ball: A senior recital will be presented by Colette Schlegel on jects from 48 high schools in Despite the judging, Nichols said organ at 8 p.m. in Malloy 115. Monday. western Kansas will be on display, the show's major purpose is ·not lo ranging from crafts to paintings. function as a contest. ''The concept "We intentionally don't limit any isn't so much competitive as it is a Gros• Memorial Coll•ellJII: Ambrosia and special guest, Kinesis, kind of art from the exhibition," chance for students just to show will appear in concert at 8 p.m. Thursday: Francis Nichols. associate professor what they do," Nichols said. of art, said. Nichols explained that The exhibit will be on display the art show serves as an 10 a.m.-3 p.m. It is free and open to Sheridan Collaeum: The High Plains Barbershop Chorus will opportunity tor high school students the public. perform at 8 p.m. April 2. to let their work be viewed by the . public. While participation in the exhibi- Sheridan Collaeam: The Hays Symphony will present a concert at tion is open to all grades in high 2 p.m . April 3. · Mandi Mart school. there is a special division for 11th & Elm Concert committee fOld Pizza Hut location> members chosen l •••••••••••••n••••••••••• coors and coors Light • $2.28 6-pack :-- ew members for the :l.lemorial a Cnion Activities Board concert com. • • Featuring mitt t•e were chosen yesterday. Dave Brown \ll',\B program director. •Pop •Beer ·MIik said. •11reac1 •fountain drinks Lu rt'lle Katz. Kinsley freshman; .•SnobaJls •cigarettes Rt' nee \lunsinger, Hays sophomore; ! PUTT-PUTT i • • Magazines Ott,er Jerrv PisLc:zek. Almena sophomore; • • convenient Items. Br i,; ,1 Sc hmidt , Montezuma fresl1111 i1I L Kevin Struckhoff . Oakley GO~f. sE2~~~ES OPEN dally 7·11 suph11111ure ; and Carolyn Webber, I I c >akley fres hman. will replace l.!radua ting seniors on the commit- tee. Brown sai d. • Now apen for another season • Committee members have several •. ·3 - came Tickets only $2 •. '1:[11:G i n1:, 1:,ti±:1 respc, nsibilities. according tu Brown. *Thats &&c Per came* Back when you ··Ttwy make the final cuncerl had to beat It selt•, lions. I present them with the I I IMfo.e)"OII 1Jos,1blt· bo.,kings and they decide, Clllkl eat tt ... - bas<·d ,,n what they have heard from olhn students. which group will be I PRICES GOOD THRU MAY I DDJ most populM ." . Brown said. RNiOSTARR Tt11· rm·mbers always work the • • first day of ti cket sales for a concert. BARBARA BACH Brown said. ThPy also can get as in- ······················~··· \olvt.>d ,1s they wish with the actual pro

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OUR IOUCHEST PARF-TIME JOBS COME WITH A S1500 BONUS. · All of our part·tlme Jobs are challenging. But some offer you a lot of "extra" challenge. So It's only fair they also offer you "extra" Incentive : wltn your high scnool diploma, you could Qualify for either a S1500 enlist· ment bonus or up to 54000 In educational assistance, after completion of Army training. You·11 earn that bonus as a medic or MP. As a combat engineer. tanker or All your cold weather lnfantrV soldier. Or as a key member of an artlllerv or air defense crew. clothing professionally Besides the Donus, you·11 earn over S67 one weekend a month. And over cleaned. S900 per summer your first two summers cvour Initial training>. If you·re 17 or older and In school, the Army Reserve ts a perfect part- Complete aJterations time JoD fer you. The hours don·t conflict with school and the pay Is good available. and What other part-time Job even offers you a bonus? The Army Reserve Complete tuxedo has lots of rewards. And they aren't all money. rental. ARMY RESERVE. Courteous. fast service. BEAi Ll0U CAM BE. Oose to campus call: <913> 625-9227 collect ------• -- • . . ., .,. - .. -.- , -.-~-, ...... ,-- ,.•,4 ...... , ...... ,.,,..,. .... -r-• ...,....,.-_'"'i...-..,.. . ,....,_,_,--., .. , ...... ______,..._ ---·------.--.-·-, ·-.Ji,-~~ ...... i.,.--.-,-,... • .._, ,

University leader 3 April 24, 198/ 25 - Saturday 26-Sunday 27-Monday 2~- Tuesday Early enrullinent, A-Z freshmen. Graduaie Record Examinations, inquire Memorial Union. at Rarick 232. Sigma Alpha Iota initiation and Career Day. 9 a .m .. !\lemurial Union. Transfer students early enrollment, Industrial Arts Fair, 8 a.m.-10 p.m., Kansas Press Women luncheon. noon, banquet. 2 p.m. and 5::10 p.111 .. '.\lemorial Transfer students early enrollment. I p.m .. Memorial Union.· Gross Memorial Coliseum. Memorial Union. Union. . I p.m .. Memorial Union. Tiger tennis match with McPherson FHS invitational track meet for junior Fl-IS Invitational track meet, 10 a.m., · RHA ice cream social. :1::\0 p.m .. College, 2:45 p.m., Campus Courts. Cl college and high school students, :l p.m .. lewis Field. . Agnew Hall front porch. . Lewis Field. RHA movie. A Diffnenr Story. at dark. Car wash sponsored by Panhl!llenic, Society for Collegiate Journalists McMindes back yard. I p.m.-5 p.m., J.C. Penney's automotive banquet. i p.m., Pioneer Lounge of the P1µµin sponsored by Enc

- ' ------,------~-----This scholarship covers full Earth day planned; tuition for um· Sl·mester. -What's Ahead Eligibility requires .1 business or RACK YOUR BALL clean-up involved ecu110111i1:s major. 2.0 cumulative GP A. suphomure standing. and SCEC to meet Tuesday for officer elections Earth Day will be celebrated at student must have potential as a Student Council for Exceptional Children will meet at i p.m. Tuesday Fort Hays State by cleaning up prudent mana!,!er of his personal in Rarick 208. Officer elections and a Homer 8. Reed picnic are on the litter from around the residence finarKial affairs. agenda fur discussion. oLDE.Q hall area. Applications ilft' available in the * Regulation Pool and snooker Tables Earth Day for FHS will begin at business department and are due * Video games and Pinball 6:30 p.m . Wednesday. Wednesday. Tiger Deb practice. tryouts to be next week * Bud and Busch on Tap Each semester. students in the Tlw recipient will 1pn11"u11n•d Rehearsal for Tiger Deb tryouts will be from 3:30 p.m.-5 p.m. !\1onday. * Burqers. snacks and munchies Conservation of Natural Resources Friday. Fur additi"nal 1nf11rmati"n. Wednesday and Thursday in the modern dance studio in Cunnin~ham HaPPV Hour 4-6 weekda s class. taught by Dr. Howard nmtac·t \likt' Rt:t•d . 625-5:lti5 . Hall. Final trvouts will be at 6 p.m. Friday. Anyone with pompon. dance Reynolds. professor of botany. or cheerleading experience or interest is invited to try out. For more donate one hour of their time to an information. contact \'ictor Sisk at 5360. enviornmental cleanup of the ASK seeks director campus residence hall area. Kappa Omn_icron Phi will meet at Davis Hall The first Earth Dav was ubserved for legislative job Kappa Omnicron Phi will meet at 4:3U p.m. !\londay in Pharmacy nationwide on April· 22. I ~70. Davis 208. .-\ le~islatin• directur for the lnstnllation of officers will t,1ke place. The Home Economics Students Associated Studt"tits of Kans,1s is Association will meet at 5::lO p.m. '.\londay for a salad supper in Davis Free Delivery Scholarship to pay needt'd for !ht' .st atewide st udent 208. E.nch per~on should brin~ his favorite salad and the recipe. lobby. semester's tuition Tht> pDsitiCJn i, full time. with a Football cheerleading tryouts to be Tuesday i;?reat deal 11f trawl. Pav is ~~.lJO\I a Cheer leading trvouts for next vear·s ·football cheerleaders will be at 24 Hour Emergency Applications are now available and dutit•s c11ver ·rest"an-h ;-e,H . 3 p.m. Tuesda~· in Cunningham -128. For more information. contact Telephone for the William E. Lusk Schnlnrs(lip. legislatill l!. lubb\· assistanct' and Cindy Huser . ri:!8 -·11151) 625-2529 courdi11 ,1t1"11 11i the grass rrn>t, oq:i.1ni 1.,1t i, ,n . Phi Beta tarnbda to meet at Sirloin Stockade 30 day charge .-\pp licants ,h;,uld be pers"nable. like reseliti,s and p<>ssess Phi Beta Lambda will meet at 6::lO p.m. :\londay at the Sirloin For Women good 1,·r1tin~ skill,;. Stockade. · Complete line of Th,• ~,, ,,-1t11 •n ,tarts July I. Rexall Vitamins Tops · 36-5'2 .-\ddrt"s:; rt•suni.: , 11r questi ,,ns t11 Pants 30-48 ..\SK . 1:-1111 t , >llt:~t:. Topeka. K::- . Ecum~nical Center to have Protestant services Two Locations. Half «iizes 16½·32½ htiti:! I. , •r c,1II :\:i-1-1 394 . Dt"adlirw Protestant worship services will be at 5 p .m . Sunday at the Ecumenical 109 w. 101b 15 W. 10th Ha s for appl1c.it1un,; ;s \lay 2IJ Center. 6th and Elm streets. The Rev. Da~·e Lyon will be featured. &. _ Northridge Plaza # 4 , ,._..,..,.,,O'tz::.CL_~.~,-._,.£~) J-.•1 _ . t,.;, -· ' . ~. - ,,;'I • •'4 Pre-marital serologies available at health office The Student Health Office will offer pre-marital serologies to Fort Hays ---- State students. They are tree /or FHS students and S2 /or fiances who are not FHS students. For more information. contact the office before 4 p.m . on weekdays. Students are encouraged to come in before.finals l \ ., ;~_\ week . ·ti ,''ll ., .: ,.; { Marketing Club meeting will be Sunday at union ·:I:- ..,.. . ~-- ' !/r)j .. -~·,_-1_-:(~·~ !\larl-;eting Club will meet at Ii p.m. Sunday in the north lounge ot the I I . ') . ,. \lemori,11 l'nion. This meeting concerns the trip to Houston. "'1/JI . • · ; '1 \"I' ,,. .: 1;.'-.. ~-.'>~'.' ,._ j',.

f . _... • ' ~-· .'-', •.

WESTERN SHOP ' wnen Name The old reliable Is not so reliable Shady Lady Contest stop In for WINNER: fast, courteous service far any Newell, Hays c:ar needs Winning Name: "Fallna" LARR\ '$ VICKERS - . . 8tn ana Fort congratu latl ons! PRICESPAID 625-9810 FORYOURTE

2717 Plaza Ave. Phone 628-261 S Hays.Kansas we start buying April 27th OPEN 9:00 A.M. TO 6:00 P.M. MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 20% Off -~ . . Hours: 9 a.m~ to 5 p.m. All • KENWOOO KT-313 AM--FM STEREO TUNER 11-750 llCHVll •• lle,;ular •Hg 00 2 • Now C] s439 KD-3100 --- -··~--- C..USmt DlCI u.soo SEMl·AUTOMA TIC TUR NT ABLE SfUDENr BOOK KA-305 AMPLIFIER A~ular 'H5 00 0 o,r.-c;t dri•• Now $204° •tt,11"\.1concr11t,1b•~· ,.p.,., •• ,,,, l'T'IOtor R~ut..a, LS-407 SPUIIIS '205 00 ' EXCHANGE R~u111 •,7!> 00 Eacl'I SAU EHDS Across the Street From Picken Hall MAY 1, 1911 NoJ220~!,., 509 w. 7th 628·8012 • WE SERVICE WHAT WE SELL • Umuersity leader April 24, /981 4 Editorials Opinions Ambrosia produces progressive rock Time is short Progressive rock 'n' roll band Ambrosia and bringing its new repertoire and presentation running , bassist/vocalist Tempus fugit. and special guest, jazz.fusion band Kinesis, drummer . All are on the road. will be in concert at 8 p.m. Thursday in Gross . Californians celebrating their first decade as Plans for Ambrosia's fifth album are being Time flies, and it certainly has during the last few months. Memorial Coliseum. a rock band. formulated. "Our goal is to constantly ignite As noted before in this space, it looked last fall as though the state and Dave Brown, Memorial Union Activities Pack picked up an acoustic guitar for the our listeners." Pack said. "and to constantly federal budgets would be tight this year, considering the results of the Board director, said that ticket sales for the first time at age five. Despite subsequent self. challenge ourselves to create something that 1980 elections and the tax revenue squeeze confronting the state concert have been slow. imposed musical studies - which helped will remain a vital musical force in the government. But, as the saying goes, this is getting ridiculous. Ambrosia's first taste of success came. in when he was selected to appear in Leonard future." 19i5 with Holding on tu Yesterday and Nice. Bernstein's and which marked the Mass The Colorado-based Kinesis is comprised of First came indications from Washington that many education-related i\'ice, Very Nice. a now-celebrated song that beginning of a long running friendship with eight musicians and one sound/lighting funding programs, especially financial aid for students, were going to be was co-written with author Kurt Vonnegut. composer/conductor Bernstein - the guitar engineer. all of whom are experienced per· Jr. Since then. Ambrosia's presence on air- cut. Then came Gov. John Carlin's last-minute support for a severance and vocal styling he brings to Ambrosia are formers. studio musicians. compo~ers and tax on the production of coal, natural gas and oil, which he prescribed waves h~s been almost uninterrupted. as a largely self-taught. arrangers. series of singles has been released from its as an antidote for the state government's financial woes. Then came the various albums. In its concert debut. Kinesis performed to a 1981 Legislature, which cut many state programs. including education. capacity audience at the 1.100-seat Lincoln Ambrosia. the group's debut album. pro· Community Center complex in Fort Collins. Then came the Board of Regents' decision last week to hike tuition 22 duced by Freddie Piro. and Someu:here /'i:e Cone~ Colo. Valerie ~loses. critic for the Fort Collins percent next year, a decision that was made without the benefit of an ,\"e1•er Trat'f!led. its second album. produced Coloradoan. ",rote, "Kinesis - a corporation· impact statement to determine or at least estimate the effects of the in- by . received Grammy nomina- prn,,: backed conglomeration of musicians crease on students. tions. Ambrosia·s latest LP, One Eighty. was from produced by Warner Bros. home and domesticallv abroad - shot hot What can tie done? Well, a rally yesterday drew agood crowd, and Amr,roaa brass and cool licks ·at an audience that might convince some students to write their legislators·and con- \\'ith two hit sin!!les. Biggest Part of .\le and erupted with enthusias[l') at e,·ery offering. You're The 011/\· Woman (r'ou and/) from its by Sherryl Province gressmen. But, time is running short. sound and spirit ... what the band is all about; latest album topping the Top 40 charts. motion, the meaning of Kinesis." The most encouraging aspect of the situation facing education and Ambrosia's identity as a serious hit-maker is being furthered. · Since its dtbut. Kinesis has had extensive students is that a few months from now, the results of the decisions men- Puerta. whu played with Pack in a pro-. concert performances throughout a five-state tioned above will be known. No matter how bad things get, education The band's music revea·ls an electric. gressive country/ rock ensemble before region, encompassing universities. communi- and students will have to tighten their belts - and hope their time will musical entity whose mastery of a stunning forming Ambrosia. grew up with rock·n·roll ty concert halls and major nightclub and con- be short. range of musical styles has placed it in a before moving in other directions to become cert facilities. unique position among cuntemporarv bands. a self--0escribed hybrid musician. In early August 1980. the band recorded The most distressing aspect of the situation is that we won't know the Ambrosia mingles orchestration. jazz and The last member to join Ambrosia, Drum- nJsults until next August, when time will have run out to do anything - rhythm and blues elements into its own pro- and produced its first album of original com- mond, was schooled in percussion by Chuck positions at the Cariboll Ranch recording jt gressive brand of rock. will be too late. Delancy. head percussionist with the Los facility. Groups and artists who have Longtime Ambrosia listeners will note. Angeles Philharmonic. and with jazz drum- recorded at Caribou Ranch include Chicago. however. that the arrangements on Ont> mer Freddie Gruber. Elton John. America. Supertramp. LA Ex- Eight_\· are devoid of strings or orchestral On One Eight_\·, the three principal press and Earth, Wind ancl Fire. arrangement. a marked departure for a members are rejoined by original member gruup noted fvr its strin~ instrumentation. As an associate member of the :\'ational Christopher :-,;orth on organ and keyboards, Entl:'rtainment and Campus Acti,·ities FHS sit·e of weekend activity Son~s like Rock ·11 · Hard Place . .\'o 811~ Dt>al. Da\·id Cutler Lewis on keyboards and syn- Kam1ka=e. Ready and Shapt> I'm In represent Association. Kinesis was selected to thesizers and ex- back-up singer "~lainstage-Showcase" its music at th~ 198U ~rnbrusia·s eflurts tu return to its basic stage , who, besides vocalizing. adds a It may be close to the end ofthe semester; but the semester certa\nly sound - yt't another phase in an ever- Far \\'est and Heart of America re11ional con· myriad uf percussion effects to the live show. ventions. as ,,·ell as the :\ativnal Con\'ention has not died out, as shown by the wide variety of activities on campus chan~ing spectrum. The album was recorded with a dynamic this weekend. of the :',;ECAA in February 1981 in Sa_n An- Ambrosia is composed ul guitarist: vocalist stage presentation in mind and Ambrosia is toniu. Texas. Not only is Fort Hays State hosting a high school and community college track meet on Friday, but it will also be the site of the 22nd In- dustrial Arts Fair. Both the track meet and the Industrial Arts Fair will contililue Saturday. Added to Saturday's events will be the Kansas Press Women's ~E'{ Association ·Spring Convention. Members of KPWA will attend a lun- BABE, cheon in the Memorial Union and later tour the communicatior'i'depart- ON SEGCND rnent facilities .- Not only will the KPW A meet on camp(Is, but it has in- (AN I Bv'I cluded FHS in its scholarship rotation. Tuau&HT \ A touch of Broadway will be brought to Hays Sunday as the Encore 'iou A series presents the hit musical Pippin. 71T!NK \ NEe]) We welcome these grottps to campus and hope that their stay is as BE.ER? beneficial to them as it is to FHS. 0tJE WoRse.

No hooray for Hollywood

Currently on the new book shelf of the the Haight-Ashbury district sn,ws her facade Hays Public Librarv. Reruns bv Sabina and sends her mto a ma niacal pursuit as a Thorne is an interesting. better-tha~-average s,•11-styled ,wenging angel no~·el on .111 increasingly popul.1r suhjed for \\"hilc the reader rann,,t ,1lways likt' fiction ¼'riters - Hollywo11d and the children \largo. through plc,1 de1:el<,pmt•111 one can it produces. rome to an understandlll!,! .,f I lw charartn Thorne. b<,rn to parents in the film Thorne so painfully rcprod1Jccs. The author business herself. offers a pathetic portrait of manages thr same efft•r t with lhc lelevis11 111 the children "·ho are prndlll'ed as cast to the star whom \largo is mtf.'nt <1fl destroying. TinseltowR srript of "familv." Throu11h her although llw reader w,,uld lik,- . \'erv mmh. main character. \largo Tarrish. she wi:,wes a t" hale the character. tilt' !alt· .,f her gri,I\' sad. s"rdid talt• of altt>rnatin'i lo\'e and past reduces the fechn!( to p1t\' ne'ilt·ct - !ht• love overwhelminl! and Th11rne rleverly refrains !rum revealini.? dl'manding. the 1ll'glert nuelly indiffl'rt•nt. the tie twtv,t•en lhf.' 1w11 rhar,1,1ers until lar -{I]- inl" th,• h""k. and tlwn emlwllishrs un lht· r,·lat1, >nsil1p ;ind \far 11, •s ,,IJ,t•s,I\ ,. hate "1111 Reran.a ..,, raps of 11il11rmat1011 ,trPwn thr<,ul(hnut .1r- :1"n nnd di.il1111ue ,\, r11,, tr1w p,, rure m"\ ,,, t, ,ward d,,,·,·lopm1•111 . : lw ,nit-< a:,, 1... ·,nm11, ,f Letters hy Sabina Thorne rt·li1t1,,n~h1J)'- flnd .. ,,11•t,,,11't- h ... t • 1 n1~~ .,,\. .. n '''" prt•li\' \\'hilt· R, ·, '"" · us,· .. : fl,1,1,t, ,11 k .ind ot lwr Rei e1LJ :ed by r,a_w, Coburn t•·1 h111qu1•, popular 111 : fie µ,, rholo111< ,11 Nigerian offers information about homeland ~u'qH-n~P 1.,t,·nrt· •~ P'.\'.1 Pll,·n~ hy h,• f'nd of : ht· ,1i1i1ar\' contrnlll-d the R"H' rnnu•nt 111111 ! IJ.,.,k 1111' r,·,td(•r 1s sl111hll\ ,·, hau.11ok 1s fl<1 t. h,,.,...,.,·,·r. y11ur 11,u,1I ··put- 1 )ctober \ !l7!l. when it adopted a le.iisl.1t1~·p. F1 ,rs\'! h l.1br.1r\' h,1s a i, ,t ,,i ,,,11,·, 11,,n< :ti,,· f, ,Ii, ,w1n11 I 1, ... labyr1111h,an pi, ,t . , ,, ,•n,,heln1t·d \. 1~~r1an ~h1dt·11t~ 1 ,,~ 1~>r 1.,e ,1ppr, 1x1tnr1:M-y dm,·n of one·~ 11phrm11111~ " tvp,·. alltit,tH{h rlemonat1c 1:1111:ernment undn thf' prt>~1- 1 h, 1°41 m,1ny sh, 11 kllll/ rrn·l,111ons -Thi· ,;o p<'r('ent ,,t :t, ,_• ,nt.-rn.tt11,n;il ,tud,•nts ,n TT\c1y ht" lJ~i' flJI ,.\l.~n t1,· '-1i.?•·r1, ,;; .'1,;; d,t'. hrul,1lly honr,t 111 its fat t11m . 11 1s 1wilhPr d!'ncy of ,\lhap Shrhu Sha1lt• ,It !ht• ,p,1p1•1 the Aml'ncan p<,lit1cal syslPm tmu ,,ur thf• cr,unrr, ,t nd ~,··· ·1"•· fl, ·run ... 1.., not 1hr t1• ·i,,: !i, 't• 1fi -.... r,t~en :hi, •·mph,1!1< all~ ~h.1t '-1.:.,ri,1 1<. ,n (pntr;il dialol!U!' hv,•I\· and thr rhar,1, 1,•r< rr•al m alm11~1 all aspe(IS exc~t th,,t ,t 1s ~,r ,c tly v• ·~H . 1f ,.., ho""'·p\·,~r .•n 1n:r;.,:1;,nl( . '4 ~1 - -\rnnira. hf'n< .- !ht>r•· .u,• manv '.\,11,·r1i\n<. ,n t ,,f,(ainst !he la"" fur any pers,,n to c.ury ( Jt •, ,r~•· 1 Jn 1, ,rtl'• . Th.,rnt>·, n·ntral h.uarlf'r \1,1uio. 1< ,,. r ,!t•·n fl, :10111 11n ,1 -i1b1.-, · ::1crt>a\10i;h -\m.,r1la ,n ;.?f' :,.,ra: ,lr>rian dPadly wrapd c h1ldrf'O - ,n a """rd. f,11111~ ,: d•ol'< · ~w ·,·:1dency a, .. ,~ l >! tlN \ludN\l~ M~lJt"d that '-1Q{'Tl,l 1.\ C',("arrrd :--h .. 1< ,p,tPflll. anl!r\' . .. h,,.<«·d and :.,"dr1nt"''-.~ •hf' 1,h~,·~(,1, ,r 9' :· ~· <.PX .uH~ I,• a:,•d ,r. ::w \hddlr [.Ht ~cau~ nf 1t~ wor~ull of : hr c11 f· ~hmd a rr••I. c11ntrollrd ma(t~,_,.; ;~rc. iP~,,:.~ '-D'P'(Uli\ ~1 11nc. 1,f \lrihPrfl' th1~ ci,un:r,· 1~ ly. thf' d<'ath of .in unident,firrl trl'0,HH'r ,r, bl,1mr th~~,. ~1u<1rnt\"" T~•·, ~f'~f~ .._,"'""' -,11. ,..,,. " .- ,!'Pd l~ m~ hr, .. , !'H,l\ ,,n '-•!!NI,! Editor :tm(' i\nCenll\'. 1 .... 0 Iranian ~tud1>nl~ applied for an'!<'f and cl1d hard al For1 H,n·s St.tie and rf~rl~1)n ft,r t hP!ir rf'1r<:11,n 7' ,· ;-:~f' : ~; '- , c. : ,-.. • . ' , ' ,,. T"w-- 1 "'It \.,. .. ,,.,. 1 ir.i,11,r ,~_. . f',4 . ,1 , ...... -. ·~ .- ~. ~ -~r,.\lt,rr-, 11! ·~e- f\r '. t:,~ .z, ,...,·r-rnr.,rn~ until r .. .. . ~"-"'\ ",\.,.. . haw· maantainf'd .i O Rfadt> point av!'ra1:1e~ dn~,ru;.?hf c11~: rim1n.:1t1, ,r, - ':'"•'"""' -, 1. , ·~·""' ,...,:i .. t • ~;i, ,i,...-..cp-trv-~ ( ,,,1:--., ., .... r. iur~:.:t, -1 .,,~ r,: ,· ,.. ;-- • 1 Ioli,.\ _, t,11 ...... ~~.,0,,-, ::1,:.., ,..h.-:-: · .-.,:ln:Pd 1n - \•>« Hd ff,r .~ .1ur 1n.; 1- ,,... ., .• , ... ,.• r!.\\t"~,.,~- -~ .11 ·.- :w-- .. 411. ttf The~ student~ h.1,·r nf'~'f'r c;iu~i-d an\·nn<' ,~,.t)"'rH1f'-nrned adm1~~1on If :hi~ ~ -rr,- thr j-~;,,.,_ r : ,,...,4" ·:--·i',.;< .\ ;.(...~· :t . . f' \ ,,. .4 • ' • ., .... , • A • • 1c 1f', \ 1,l!P \II.·~:~ ;-n,an\ ,.~!'", 1t· ~ .\nd rf"'ti,1nu~ r ... 1... vt, ..... , ..., tJ ...... tw-r ., li.l1 f'\~~;1.-, : ~,h .... "'t'" ·· ·'"' ..... ,~ 10 K-St.\te h-' .\ ,~\ ,...... , • .l . ..\,Jf"• rn111h: d1tfrr.,n1 h11'. ,,.., :~ ... : "'"' '.~.,. ·,,,'. arf' p,.,r, !•·-f'!"\ ,:11'1~:i· .w-t :, 1!, t,.,.~ ~.-,. ,utt.. .. .it11W"" --~· ...... :)rhr!\ conf11t":~ rt-~ui:r-~ I,,,\ 1th1n t:-:r c,·,untrv ..... Th!' rP.a~on' Thf'1r nationality' nh. cnme ,h.,uldn I ~ilPP,-n' .. Alf'« ,1r .. f. t O ri,,,-r hi ll w-m_. PBPEBBBCK BOOKS •• *. * •••••• * •• * * •••••• * ·-·. FREE OUTDOOR CONCl!RT! RN's and LPN's ... *ARNE BRAW* Nursing Means Caring _._ all S

For more information on a OUTDOORS • SELF HELP • career in caring. coll or u.:rit~: LEISURE TIME • OCCULT • Fun ... sun ... Frlsbee \SBL "HY HOW TO • SPORTS • FICTION • Beer and Pop Available H<)SPIT:\L GAMES & HOBBIES • .. ,1 ca:ee[ ,n ca:.'~-9 ~,.1 ....,_ , .·- :--.:-·, f. Ks "'J . .., . . / EfflORIAI . 1g111~J7-~~II Eciu~I Opportun11,; Employer M F UNIVERSITY n1on Bookstore

Hays Area Road Runners

Schedule for 1981 Ha~ Area Roao Runne~ Memberv110 ts av1atac1e to ever;'one HARR encouraoe-; oart1c1oation reQarc,1e-;s of aQe or ac1111rv Tear- IV ClUM are lt\dfvldual $5.00 FamllV $10.00

PT'M .. . Allan ~bb 62&-2"33 Y. Prfl ...... Albfft ('I~ . . . 628-896,C S.CiT1'1!" . . COflnlf 62S-Sl35

r ... -. .::i , ... rl41C.\ ltA1,wr~ '"M•• -.....rtaMa.~-... -r--. "·· .1 ·m •• ... ,~11,,u,,d ,n- ,...,,,i,,.,,,,.,...... , .... ,,,. '4.-..• ..,,.... 41 r-, ~. ~- Ho-~ Ht H .... -r.....-l .. ... wou 01rrl"O'!tl 1•• ....._ (",-('"..,.,_. .,., I'\..,.,..,,,...'"" 6"I,. tlllt ...,_ ,f\..,...,.h ... t'rJM> .,. .. JU.·- - ,..__ \iiln)II t.W.a.~1 ..,. l..-C. ... • ,no. - • l ...... ,. ,.....--··-tt\M~a .,~tf'hrf',1'1\acw.,~,,.,p,,.,... .,.,.&l'y..,...., .. -:-.- ;,._, '"'_.,_,,...... - (IQ fl, - 0.....-.--..-.--- ,..,_\ _,,..,...... ,...... , T... ;...,., C...'-i. .. _,...... , hrtw., ll'WTW ... ,,..,.tllf"l'ttntw--btttl'Wlllt~rti,,lo- ...... ,... n'~tt C'"""'" T'--. J....,,. ; , '•1hs_...... Me-~-J, M ..... ':"-It •ffi11111 r?a::h of ...tll> ,,,_. try'\ """"* ~tair,a'6r ur ,, ....,,. zc 04.IL'r .,~ ,...,,_ ., . .._ ~..., w- Cit. '"Of'> ·- ..,_ lloand - - ...... ,, ,>VJ-OJ "VOOV ""t'Wf,• ...... ,._ ·-· ,_,..i-,w.a._H.llol, --- ...... ,...... ____...... ,...... c...... ,o.,,-,,a.....,.;...... , ___ ..._.' r--- rr-~ H.ys Art Council or at the Door ,._ •-1• ,~r-..1- ...... -C-P""' ,,_. l141 r.... -'--7 u ...... •)ft•• ll111uersit_v Leuder Sii_Orta April 24, l!:181 6 Thinclads claim third in Greeley Extra Points Vandora Wilson and Teresa Morel second with 161 points. finish in the 200-meter dash at 26.42. The mile relay team displayed the set school records in pacing the Wilson's lirst-place toss of 141'3'' Gina Youngb)ood's toss of 120'8'' best joint effort for FHS with a fifth Fast-pitch softball scheduled for Sunday Tigerettes to a third-place finish at in discus competition established a in the javelin awarded her a lirst- place finish in its resnective heat at the University of Northern Colorado record. place finish. 3:20.6. Addilional entries are needed for an open recreational softball tourna- invitational track meet April 17-18 Morel also claimed first place with Completing the list of first-place The men and women will resume . ment scheduled for Sunday. Contact the intramural office for further in Greeley. a school rec'ord-breaking effort of efforts for the Tigerettes was the action· at the FHS Invitational track tournament information. The Air Force Academy Falcons 56.61 in the 400-meter dash. 440-yard thrower's relay with a time meet today and tomorrow. · Netters to compete in league meet today scored 190 points to claim the meet Morel capped her individual meet of 56 seconds. Friday, seven boys' teams and title. Host Northern Colorado placed performances with a second-place Competing on the relay team for three girls' teams will be featured in The men's tennis team will travel to Emporia Stale University today Fort Hays State were Shelley the high school competition to begin and tomorrow to compete in the Central States Intercollegiate Con- Monroe, Susan Skolaut, Deb Venne at 6 p.m. at Lewis Field. ference meet. and Morel. Saturday. the FHS men and BRINC YOUR DATE While the Tigerettes traveled east, women will compete against Kansas Alumni game slated for tomorrow ------the men's team was in Lawrence Wesleyan and Emporia State univer- The alumni football game will be played al I :30 p.m . tomorrow at the Professor to compete in the university of sities and Marymount College. practice field southeast of Lewis Field Stadium. · Kansas Relays. · Also competing Saturday will be Although no team scores were Garden City. Cloud County, Colby Intramural pentathlon to be featured May 7 Pittewurst kept. several Tigers placed well for and Pratt community colleges. FHS. The running event preliminaries A men's and_ women's pentathlon is slated for :\lay 7 at Lewis Field. sandwiches-soup In the distance competition. Randy will begin at IO a.m., while the field The 110-yard low hurdles. long jump. shot put. WO-meter dash and Kinder captured 13th place in the events will begin· at Jojo a.m. at 800:meter run will be the scheduled events. All entries should contact 10,000 meters with a time of Lewis Field. the intramural office. salad-beer 31 :45.4, and J.P. Worchester's time of 9:2 l.9 in the 3,000-meter steeple chase claimed I 5th place. In the field events, Kim Stewart Emporia State edges netten S-4 represented the Tigers with a sixth- . The Emporia State University Donna Keener. 6-0, 6-0, in singles. be for Bissinl! and '.\larshall. ~s thev · 512 E. 12th place tie in the pole vault at 16 feet. women's tennis team combined tour While Kettlemen was busv defeatim: pairl'd up to beat their two sinl.lle·s singles victories with one doubles Keener. Byous was defe~ting She~i upp<>neuts irtdoubles by the.straight· win to down the Tigerettes. 5-4. Searle in a more even match. 6-1. set score of 6-2. 6--t. yesterday at Emporia in a Central 6-3. The Emporia pair then dO\\·ned The Ti!(erettes· other siugles point the Tigerettes· i'io . I doubles States Irtercollegiate Conference came in th 1: :\(,. 5 categury. when match. pair Searle a11d her partner Ramona Cold1,ater Hi~h School product Leading the way for the Lady Miller. 6-4. 6-0. to ice the match fur Robyn Chadwick strug~led past Hornets were No. I and :'.o. :? singles the Hornets. Lesley \lilton. 6-2. 6-3. 2717 Plau An. PIIOIII 628-2615 Hays, bnNI players Carol Kettlemen and Tracy :\liller furthered her seasun mark Byous. both ot whom had spotless by beating Jackie Sanb,irn in a touf!h {'hadwick was the only double OPEN 9:00 A.M. TO 6 P.M. MONDAY THRU SATURDAY ~RCOMPO records on the day. Kettlemen winner on the day for the Tigerettes. 5YSTEM' three-set match. 4-6. 7-5. 6-3. at :\o started off the day shutting out 3. Her season record now stands at as she later combined with team· l i-2 in singles. matt: Keener to beat Emporia·s :1 _. ... ' . Peg O'Conner picked up the tlmd ·sandborn and ~lilton. 6-2. 6--t. for ,1 ,I - •· point on the day for the Hornets. stra1i.1ht-set victory in :\o. 2 doubles. ·----~- downing Jill \larshall at :\(>. 4. in The win was their first in the cun- n ft-ren.:e as a doubles team and· abu HAYS straight sets. 6-1. 6-l. 20% Off The Hornets· fourth puint came their first o,·erall. On All Sansui Products In Stock CAR~ when Carol Shipman defeated The nt'xt match scheduled for the Danyell Bissing in twu sets by a Tigerettes will lw the CSIC league • R0-50 Receiver. 45 watts/ch. TRUCK ALIGNMENT scure of 6-2. 6-0 in :\o ti sinf!les ac- d1amp:, •11ship slated for \l,1v S-9 i11 tion. But the last laugh turned out :, , Hav, · • ~90 Stereo Cassette Deck ""' Complete ll~gnment on • FR-035 Turntable. Automatic return and all trucks & cars. shutoff, direct drive DC Servo turntable. .,. Complete brake & e,haust S) stem service. • S37 Two-way Speaker System. Get Acquainted Special • GX-60 Audio Cabinet Spin balancing on all tJ p~s of wheels I

Now$84QOO 710 E. 8th 628-8912 i ava11a01e only through Howle Safran Call 628-6915

FOR RENT Two bedroom. furnished WANTED OFFICE MANAGER· apartment. summer only. KSMH-TV. a new public 802 Elm. S225 a month. DJ's is now accepting ap- TV station to begin :-.tetra Gardens: Two 625-7225 or 628-2469' or plications for current and broadcasting early 1982. In bedroom furnished apart- 625-i229. summer employees. looking for someone to ments_ for summer and \quire at the club. 109 \\'. assume responsibilities fall. Summer: $150-one TWO BEDROOM FUR- ith between 3-5 p.m. for the office. Bookkeep- Taste person. S 1iS- two per- NISHED apartment. sum- ing. and typing skills re- sons. $235-$250 for fall. mer. fall. spring. 3 blocks Wanted: Female roomate quired. challenge and 625-i225 or 628-2469. from school. Carpeted, no to share two bedroom growth promised. An pets. 2-4 girls. 625-4920. apartment for summer. equal opportunity Across the street from employer. Phone: Smoky For Rent: Two bedroom campus. Rent S87 plus Hills Public TV, 628-3266 furnished and carpeted FOR RE:'-;T Furnished half utilities. Available basement apartment, air apartment. bills paid. after May 20th. Call conditioned. Available Available for summer MISC. 625-2300. ~1ay 16 at 1300 E. 21st. r e n t . 6 2 8 · b ,\ 9 4 o r $220, bills paid. Call fi2R-1 ·HI ;-.;ow Hiring: Room al- STRUNG OUT? Get your 028-2297 after 5 p.m. tendents . maintanence tennis racket restrung for personnel. desk clerks. summer. Call 628-5690 :'-ieeded : Girls to share ask !or Greg. SC~\1ER APART~tENTS nice. furnished house for summer season of Call 625-9·15,. near campus. 625-7521 . moutain resort hotel. Year round also H JU{ (~AL Y ARO SALE. t11ns and tons of misc. Sat. Campus \tohile Home available. Some on premises staff housing. 11nlv a.m. - 2 p.m. ,WI E. Park now leasing for fall. FOR SALE hth Special summer rates All Bonus programs. Best homes furnished. skirted Western Lake Estes FOR SALE \lobil(• hom{'- Motor Inn. Box I 4fi6 PREG:"iANCY TESTS. Get All The Garden Fresh Salad and air conditioned. RlRTH CONTROL. Walking distance to clac;s t ...-.. hedroom. ftn•plac(' . F..stes Park. Coio. 80S 17 You Can Eat For Just $1.89 .-\C.g11od cond t;'._!"\-h4 7 I. (3iJ3) 586-3386 . COL'iSELING REFER· so save on gas. Gill RALS. V.D.TESTS. FREE \l.;end•,,-s -.,~ Sa ~c 3a~ •.-,a:c.~o>< 2, ·,• .c,~· 'a·.or.u ss.sno \c1~d fnun ·, ;; ... \ 5 =:.--i p.:·a~;p ~TP\~ -:;~ ..:. 0 .- .-_, --.,) or· .r 628-3122 or trailer ~7 UTERA TIJRE. all at Plan- West 12th Earn $50/hundred secur- a-.d crellte a <-'l,11::: -,11.,.,-:,,.,c., ·c -,.:,· ·.·,_, 11:;ip.;>::., ned Parenthood. 115 E. Yo"'re weM:"r:.-., ·.:-., ;,,... ~~r• ~or c..P. -- ... . --:~ ·., , ,,;,• J~ ~r,,,, \tercury ing. stuffing envelopes. For Sale I d- Ph. (505) 8ii-7802 . Jeff at ll2.'!-4202 or 1308 Vin• ed Call for appointment. Southwest Teachers 628-4705 Will do typing. call Nancy Hays. KS 67601 12U!}] Agency. Box 4337 Alb. 625-ii84 or 628--1441. Jackson. 628-3620 NM ~i19,;