ROMULUS and REMUS; Althougk We Will Not Spare Exertion OR, to Win Your Praise To-Dav- the BUILDING of ROME
^oMS^ Disce quaisi semper victurus; vive quasi eras moritnms. VOL. XVI. NOTRE DAME, INDIANA, MARCH 3, 1883. 25- Then listen to the kindly version, Portray it feebly as we may; ROMULUS AND REMUS; AlthougK we will not spare exertion OR, To win your praise to-daV- THE BUILDING OF ROME. ACT FIRST. ScEXE FIRST. An Historical Tragedy; in Five Acts. A Forest in the Alban Territor)'. FliAll.. (ASIDE)—1 am astonished,' he's a genias! (Atom).) I say, sir. {^JBnter INSIDIUS, URSINUS, SMILAX and PRO DB. O'TOOLE.—1 differ with you there, sir. MISCUUS, hearing a sheefJ) FliAll..—I say that any man who vrould put such a book as Rdmalns'aDd Remus into a child's hand would put the^the heathen conchology ! INSIDIUS.—Here, boys, here! This is just ^he DB. O'TOOLE.—SO I would, sir. spot. HeVe we can kill, cook, and feast upon our —THE IBISR TUTOB. p^^y- • - . , •.,.. DRAMATIS PERSONS. URSINUS.—^What think ye? Is there ho' danger from Amulius' men? AM'ULIUS, King de facto of Alba Loriga. NuMiTOR,* His Brother: King de jure. SMILAX.—They never come this way. These; are Numitor's woods. , . •o c,»r-c. I Twin Brothers' Grandsons to"Nuniitor. K-EMl/S ) ... ' INSIDIUS.—They are Numitbr's as much! as"; any FAUSTULUS, Their Foster-father. other property that he calls his own; which is' n6 PLISTINUS', Brother to Faustulus. more than Amulius forbears to ro|b hiin of. DuBius, A Friend of Numitor's. VACILLUS, A Courtier. PROMISCUUS.—There! I ani rid of this burden INSIDIUS ' ^ at last, {^laying' doivn the sheep') It is a well- URSINUS I Herdsmen, Servants earned meal, after all; if we are only allowed to SMILAX r of Numitor.
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