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GUARDIAN WEEKEND Things to do for people on a budget, C3 ........................................................................................................................................................................................... ALSO INSIDE Soldier earns AF Achievement Medal, A3 Authorized newspaper of Joint Base Lewis-McChord, Washington • January 8, 2016 REGIONAL HEALTH COMMAND-PACIFIC Medical commands join forces BY SHARON D. AYALA command will be led by the rate dental and public health .................................................................... level of superior support to Ma- Western Regional Medical two-star commanding general of capabilities. The AMEDD reor- If you go digan Army Medical Center at Command Regional Health Command- ganization is designed to posture JBLM, Bassett Army Community After more than a year of Pacific (Hawaii), with a deputy Army Medicine to best support What: WRMC Casing of the Hospital in Alaska, and Cali- planning and coordinating, the commanding general overseeing the Army’s current and future Colors/Welcome Ceremony for fornia Medical Detachment in Western Regional Medical Com- the JBLM staff. operations. new deputy commander California,” he said. “Following mand is scheduled to finalize its This merger is part of the U.S. Colonel Christopher Gruber, the merger, our orientation for merger with the Regional Health Army Medical Department’s WRMC’s acting commander, When: Jan. 29 at 10 a.m. the staff here at JBLM will ex- Command-Pacific Friday. reorganization that began last said the entire WRMC and Where: French Theater on Lewis pand to provide support to the Under the realignment, the year. The plan included trans- RHC-Pacific teams are extreme- Main medical facilities in Korea, Japan WRMC Headquarters will be forming the AMEDD’s five re- ly excited regarding the synergy and Hawaii, as well as, enhance renamed Regional Health Com- gional medical commands to that the combined staffs in Ha- ................................................................... readiness for our war fighting mand-Pacific and will remain at four multidisciplinary regional waii and Joint Base Lewis- “The RHC-Pacific team will Joint Base Lewis-McChord. The health commands that incorpo- McChord bring to the table. continue to provide the same SEE WRMC, 8A MILITARY APPRECIATION NIGHT BASH PROGRAM A NIGHT WITH THE STARS Projects ensure aircraft security BY MASTER SGT. TODD WIVELL 62nd Airlift Wing Public Affairs According to the Federal Avia- tion Administration report on wildlife strikes on civilian air- craft in the United States, more than 258 people have died and more than 245 aircraft have been destroyed since 1988. Jan. 15 will mark the seventh anni- versary of the emergency land- ing of U.S. Air- ways flight 1549 in the Hudson River after Cana- da geese were ingested in both engines of the Airbus 320 air- craft. Lang With this in- cident, media attention and public knowledge of wildlife strikes over the last seven years has increased and demonstrated that these strikes are a serious SCOTT HANSEN Northwest Guardian but manageable aviation safety Tacoma Stars photographer Wilson Tsoi, right, shoots Army players after their match with Navy Jan. 2 at the ShoWare Center in Kent, Wash. issue. To ensure this is properly BY DEAN SIEMON tion Night Sunday at ShoWare managed with the 48 C-17 Northwest Guardian Center in Kent, Wash. Familiar Globemaster III aircraft as- hile there is a jerseys with orange and white signed to the 62nd Airlift Wing, history of soccer stars were replaced with blue Christopher Lang, McChord W in the city of Ta- jerseys with red and white Field Wildlife Biologist with the coma that dates diamonds in the Pacific Divi- U.S. Department of Agriculture back to 1983 and the Major sion match with the San Diego Wildlife Services, manages the Indoor Soccer League, the Sockers. Bird Aircraft Strike Hazard — current adaptation of the Taco- “We all have the utmost BASH — and Wildlife Hazard ma Stars is only in its first year respect for what (the military Working Groups. in the Major Arena Soccer does) for us to be able to play “Wildlife hazards present a League. indoor soccer,” said Darren serious threat to the safety of The Stars wasted no time Sawatzky, head coach and the aircraft and crew,” Lang connecting with local military general manager for the Taco- said. “Bird strikes with aircraft are a concern for their ability to by inviting several service ma Stars. “With JBLM so close members from Joint Base Le- to us, it’s natural for us to have SCOTT HANSEN Northwest Guardian SEE BASH, 8A wis-McChord and other in- a connection. Hopefully (Mil- The 46th Aviation Support Battalion Color Guard present the colors stallations to Military Apprecia- SEE STARS, 8A Saturday for the Tacoma Stars Military Appreciation Night game. IN THE NEWS PET BRIGADE, SOCIAL MEDIA RESPOND Dogs learn lesson: porcupines always win BY CHRISTINA CREA boards, went into their neigh- pine quills, Emily said. “Within Northwest Guardian bors backyard, who also had a an hour of the man finding and It was Dec. 1 when Emily Silva board missing, and escaped. posting that picture, we were was checking her Facebook page “I think they saw that as their contacted and went out to meet and saw updates about people opening, and they go out and do him and get our dogs.” reportedly seeing Siberian husky what huskies do,” Matt said. Two of the dogs were reco- dogs running around the Yelm From that point on, the couple vered, but their male husky, area. Worried that it could be drove around, searching for Niko, was still missing. U.S. Army Photo one of her three huskies, she their dogs. “People kept following the Madigan’s Lt. Col. (Dr.) Cristin went home to check. The next day, someone posted story and sharing it on various Mount, right, earns award. Sure enough, they were gone. on Facebook that two huskies SCOTT HANSEN Northwest Guardian Yelm and JBLM Facebook group Emily’s husband Matt, who is were found sitting at the end of Niko, a 1-year-old siberian husky, pages because they knew we TOP PHYSICIAN in the Army Reserve at Joint a railroad bridge in Yelm with after encountering a porcupine. were still missing one husky,” A Madigan doctor earned the Base Lewis-McChord, said it porcupine quills in their faces. Emily said. Military Health System Junior looked like they knocked over “There were over 800 shares huskies (Kita, 5 years old, and Army Female Physician Lead- one of their outdoor fence of the picture of my two female Onya, 1 year old) with the porcu- SEE DOGS, 8A ership Award.. See story, A6 2A .............................................................................NORTHWEST GUARDIAN FRIDAY JANUARY 8 2016 HIGHER EDUCATION NEWS IN BRIEF Thrift shop donation aids Services plan to integrate JBLM scholarship program women into all military jobs The Defense Department has received plans from each of the services for implementing plans to integrate women into BY ALEXANDRA KOCIK all positions in the military, Pentagon Press Secretary Peter Northwest Guardian Cook said Tuesday. Hours before the Fort Lewis Defense Secretary Ash Carter announced in December his Thrift Shop opens its doors, decision to open all positions in the military to women, with employees are busy working. no exceptions. Army Gen. Joseph L. Votel, the commander of The constant flow of donations U.S. Special Operations Command, requested and was granted must be sorted by what can be a short extension in providing his plan, Cook said. resold or tossed. Only items in That extension was to give the command time to collaborate near perfect condition are dis- thoroughly with the services, because many of the actions played in the two buildings. One critical to successfully integrating women into special oper- contains clothing accessories ations specialties and units fall under service authority, Cook and household goods while the said. other contains clothing and Cook noted that Deputy Defense Secretary Bob Work and furniture. the vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Air Force Gen. All gently used items donated Paul J. Selva, are chairing a group on implementing the deci- to the Thrift Store do more than sion. keep the doors open. By Decem- “The services and Special Operations Command will begin ber, the store raised nearly to execute the implementation of their approved plans as soon $100,000 for Joint Base Lewis- ALEXANDRA KOCIK Northwest Guardian as practicable, but no later than April 1,” Cook said. McChord schools, organizations Tammy Austin, left, asks Michelle Odom, far right, about a baby item — DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE NEWS SERVICE and events. For the past 10 while organizing donations at the Fort Lewis Thrift Shop. years, the Thrift Shop has also been a contributor to the Fort be paid directly to the school for Air Force officials announce Lewis Family Member Scholar- use by the student. ship Fund. This year, they are The store is always looking for civilian reduction in force donating around $20,000 to the donations, but it has strict re- Fund and also creating a new strictions on what actually ends WASHINGTON, D.C. — In a continuing effort to meet De- scholarship for spouses. up on the shelves. fense Department funding targets and rebalance the civilian Linda Walker, thrift shop “The best way people can help workforce, some Air Force installations will implement civilian manager, said the shop is always us to continue donating to the reduction in force authorities effective through April 4. looking for ways to give back to JBLM schools and organizations Following a major command needs assessment in early the community. The thrift shop is to only give us sellable items,” August, more than 1,000 civilian overages were identified is now partnering with the Fort Walker said. “The longer we across 48 Air Force installations going into fiscal 2016. Having Lewis Family Member Scholar- spend throwing away broken or the RIF authorities will assist in the placement of employees ship Fund to help eligible spous- dirty items, the less time we not assigned against funded positions and allow greater flex- es return to school.